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Classification and Adaptation SAT Answers 3-6

1. (a) All vertebrates have a backbone if more than one box is ticked, 1
award no mark
(b) (i) it had fur or hair accept 'it has ears on the outside of its body' 1
do not accept 'it has a coat'
(ii) any one from 1
 they produce milk to feed the young
accept 'they suckle' or 'they feed ' their
young with milk
 they give birth to live young
accept ‘they give birth' or 'they do not lay
 they have mammary glands
accept ‘they have teats'
accept ‘they have fur' or 'they have ears on
the outside of their bodies' if not given as the
answer to part (b) (i)
do not accept ‘they are warm blooded'
(c) (i) amphibians 1
(ii) it has strong or big or long legs 1
(iii) any one from 1
 it has webbed feetaccept ‘it has flippers' or 'it has
big feet'
 it has strong back legs
accept ‘it is smooth skinned' or 'it is
do not accept ‘it has paddles'
(d) any one from 1
 the eggs do not have a shellaccept 'they only have
jelly around them'
 they would dry out on landaccept ‘to keep the jelly
 they are fertilised in water
 tadpoles can live only in water accept 'tadpoles
have gills'
do not accept ‘tadpoles hatch from the eggs'
or 'tadpoles need water' or 'so tadpoles can
do not accept ‘to protect them from

2. (a) (i) any one from 1

 to make food or glucose or sugar or starch

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 photosynthesis accept ‘for growth’
(ii) any one from 1
 there is not enough lightaccept ‘no light’ or ‘no
 there is less lightaccept ‘light cannot reach them’
do not accept ‘because plants need light’
(b) any two from 2
 oxygen
 water
 minerals or nutrientsaccept a named mineral such
as ‘nitrate’
accept for two marks two named minerals
such as ‘nitrates’ and ‘phosphates’
(c) B if more than one box is ticked, award no mark 1

3. (a) minerals or mineral salts accept ‘nitrate’ or ‘phosphate’ 1

or ‘salt’ or nutrient’
do not accept ‘food’
do not accept elements such as ‘nitrogen’
and ‘potassium’
(b) any one from 1
 it covers a wide area
accept ‘they can reach a long way from the
 they can reach deeper
 they have a large surface area
accept ‘they would have more root hairs’
do not accept ‘they anchor the plant
or ‘they suck up water`
(c) any one from 1
 photosynthesis cannot take place
accept ‘no food is being made’
 photosynthesis takes place in the leaves
accept ‘food is made in the leaves’
(d) any two from 2
 it is camouflagedaccept ‘it looks like a twig or a
branch or a
bit of tree’ or ‘it is difficult to see’ or ‘it
blends in’
 it is shaped like a twig
 it is the same colour or pattern as a twig
 the birds or predators do not see it or eat it

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accept ‘it does not get eaten’

4. (a) vertebrates accept ‘animals with backbones’ 1

do not accept ‘warm blooded’
(b) (i) 1

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(ii) 1

(iii) 1

award one mark for each correct label

(c) any one from 1
 paddle shaped accept ‘large surface’
accept ‘it is thick’
do not accept ‘it is big’ or ‘it is strong’
do not accept ‘it can paddle in water’
 fin-like accept ‘it is a big fin’
 wide bones accept ‘big bones’’
 streamlined ‘it is flexible’ is insufficient’
(d) they are light accept ‘they make the bird lighter’ 1

5.(a) (i) Answers must refer to mating or breeding or reproduction.

any one from 1
 fewer males to matedo not accept ‘there are no
males to
mate’ or ‘there are fewer males’
 fewer moths to breeddo not accept ‘fewer moths’
accept ‘there will be fewer eggs’

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(ii) any two from 2
 insecticide might enter food chains
 other useful or harmless insects might be killed
accept ‘other insects or bees might be killed’
do not accept ‘other animals are killed’
 predators of pests might be killed
 people might eat the insecticide accept ‘people
might be poisoned’
accept ‘people might breathe it in’
accept ‘so that the apples are organic’
(b) any one from 1
 some eggs or caterpillars or pupae or moths
accept ‘caterpillars get eaten’ may be eaten
 some might not hatch
 some might dieaccept ‘so that as many as possible
(c) (i) any one from 1
 they cannot be seen by predators or birds
accept ‘they are not eaten’ or ‘to hide’
accept a named predator such as blue-tit
 for shelter accept ‘to keep warm’
 to protect them from the cold
accept ‘to protect them’
(ii) any one from 1
 caterpillars are removed or killed
accept ‘pupae can be removed or killed’
accept ‘there are fewer pupae’
 fewer pupae change into moths
 fewer moths produce caterpillars
 there will be fewer caterpillars to eat the apples

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