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OpenStax-CNX module: m15421 1

Trigonometric inequalities ∗

Sunil Kumar Singh

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Creative Commons Attribution License 2.0

Evaluating trigonometric ratios is a direct process in which we make use of known values, trigonometric
identities and transformations or even pre-dened trigonometric tables. The evaluation of trigonometric
inequalities is somewhat inverse of this process. Consider an inequality :

tanx ≥ − 3
Clearly, we need to know x for which this inequality holds. As pointed out earlier, trigonometric
functions are many-one relation. The value of x satisfying given inequality is not an unique interval, but
a series of intervals. Incidentally, however, trigonometric function values repeat after certain period. So
this enables us to dene periodic intervals in generic manner for which trigonometric inequality holds.

∗ Version 1.6: Aug 16, 2008 3:13 am +0000

OpenStax-CNX module: m15421 2

Trigonometric inequality

Figure 1: Intervals satisfying inequality, involving tangent function.

We observe that line y = − 3 intersects tangent graph at multiple points. The sections of plots satisfying
the inequality are easily identied on the graph and are shown as dark red line.

1 Solution of trigonometric inequality

Determination of base or fundamental interval is central to solve trigonometric inequality. The function
values in this interval is repeated with a periodicity of trigonometric function. The base interval depends on
the nature of trigonometric function and inequality in question. The steps to nd solution of trigonometric
inequality are :
1 : Convert given inequality to trigonometric equation by replacing inequality sign by equality sign.
2 : Solve resulting equation in the interval [0,2π ]. There are two solutions. They are the angle values
at which trigonometric function has the value which is being compared in the given inequality.
3: Convert positive angle greater than π to equivalent negative value to account for the fact that basic
interval being repeated may lie on negative side of the origin (cosine, secant and tangent function).
4 : Construct base interval between two values, keeping in mind the given inequality. It is always
advantageous to draw a rough intersection of graphs of each side of given inequality.
5 : If function asymptotes (tangent, cotangent, secant and cosecant) within the interval constructed,
then basic interval is limited by the angle value at which function asymptotes.
6 : Generalize solution by extending base interval with the period of the trigonometric function.
In order to understand the process, let us solve the inequality given by :

tanx ≥ − 3
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This example has been selected here as it involves consideration of each step as enumerated above for
nding solution of inequality. Corresponding trigonometric equation, in this case, is :

tanx = − 3
The acute angle is π /3. Further, tangent function is negative in second and fourth quarter (see sign
diagram). Using value diagram in conjunction with sign diagram, solution of given equation in [0, 2π ] are :

Sign and value diagram

Figure 2: Tangent function is negative in second and fourth quarter .

π 2π
⇒x=π−θ =π− =
3 3
π 5π
⇒ x = 2π − θ = 2π − =
3 3
Here, second angle is greater than π. Hence, equivalent negative angle is :

5π π
⇒y= − 2π = −
3 3
Tangent function, however, is not a continuous function between -π /3 and 2π /3. Tangent values are

greater than - 3 for angle greater than -π /3, but value asymptotes to innity at π /2. This can be veried
from the intersection graph.
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Trigonometric inequality

Figure 3: Intervals satisfying inequality, involving tangent function.

Thus, basic interval satisfying inequality is :

π π
− ≤x<
3 2
It is also clear that the solution in this interval is repeated with a period of π, which is period of tangent
function. Hence, solution of given inequality is :

π π
nπ − ≤ x < nπ + ; n∈Z
3 2

2 Examples
Example 1
Problem : Solve trigonometric inequality given by :

sinx ≥
Solution : The solution of the corresponding equal equation is obtained as :

1 π
sinx = = sin
2 6
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The sine function is positive in rst and second quarter. Hence, second angle between 0 and
2π  is :

π 5π
⇒x=π−θ =π− =
6 6
Both angles are less than  π . Thus, we do not need to convert angle into equivalent negative
angle. Further, sine curve is dened for all values of x. The base interval, therefore, is :
The valid intervals on sine plot are shown in the gure.

Trigonometric inequality

Figure 4: Intervals satisfying inequality

π 5π
6 6
The periodicity of sine function is 2π . Hence, we add 2nπ  on either side of the base interval

π 5π
2nπ + ≤ x ≤ 2nπ + , n∈Z
6 6
Example 2
Problem : Solve trigonometric inequality given by :

sinx > cosx
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Solution : In order to solve this inequality, it is required to convert it in terms of inequality

of a single trigonometric function.

sinx > cosx

⇒ sinx − cosx > 0

π π
⇒ sinxcos − cosxsin > 0
4 4
⇒ sin x − >0
Let y = x − π/4. Then,

siny > 0
Thus, we see that problem nally reduces to solving trigonometric sine inequality. The solution
of the corresponding equality is obtained as :

⇒ siny = 0 = sin0

The second angle between 0 and 2π  is  π . The base interval, therefore, is :

The periodicity of sine function is 2π . Hence, we add 2nπ  on either side of the base interval

2nπ < y < 2nπ + π, n∈Z

Now substituting for y = x − π/4, we have :

2nπ < x − < 2nπ + π, n∈Z
π 5π
⇒ 2nπ + < x < 2nπ + , n∈Z
4 4
Example 3
Problem : If domain of a function, f(x), is [0,1], then nd the domain of the function given by

f (2sinx − 1)
Solution : The domain of the function is given here. We need to nd the domain when
argument (input) to the function is a trigonometric expression. The given domain is :

Changing argument of the function, the domain becomes :

0 ≤ 2sinx − 1 ≤ 1 ⇒ 1 ≤ 2sinx ≤ 2 ⇒ 1/2 ≤ sinx ≤ 1
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However, the range of sinx is [-1,1]. It means that the above interval is equivalent to a trigono-
metric inequality given by :

⇒ sinx ≥
The sine function is positive in rst and second quadrant. Two values of x between 0 and
2π  are :

π π
,π −
6 6
π 5π
⇒ ,
6 6
The value of x satisfying above equation :

2nπ + π/6 < = x < = 2nπ + 5π/6, n∈Z

Hence, required domain is :

π 5π
2nπ + , 2nπ + , n∈Z
6 6

Example 4
Problem : Find the domain of the function given by :

f (x) = loge p
[cosx] − [sinx]
Solution : The function is a logarithmic function, which is valid for all positive values of its
argument. Also, the argument of logarithmic function is in rational form, having denominator as
a square root. We have to nd values of x for which the expression within the square root is a
positive number. It means that :

⇒ [cosx] − [sinx] > 0

⇒ [cosx] > [sinx]

In order to evaluate this inequality, we determine modulus of two trigonometric functions in
four quadrants at all bounding values of angle x and also at intermediate angles. The values are
shown in the gure :
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Modulus of trigonometric functions

Figure 5: The values of modulus of sine and cosine functions in four quadrants are shown.

It is clear that [cosx] > [sinx] is true in the fourth quadrant. Hence, domain of the function is :

π π
Domain =− ≤x≤0= − 0
2 2,

3 Exercise
Exercise 1 (Solution on p. 10.)
Solve the inequality :

tanx < 1

Exercise 2 (Solution on p. 10.)

Find domain of function :

y = loge cosx

Exercise 3 (Solution on p. 10.)

Find domain of function :
OpenStax-CNX module: m15421 9

f (x) = (sinx − 1)

Exercise 4 (Solution on p. 11.)

Find domain of function :

f (x) = p +3√ (sinx)
Exercise 5 (Solution on p. 11.)
A function f(x) is dened in [0,1]. Determine range of function denition f(sinx).

Exercise 6 (Solution on p. 11.)

A function f(x) is dened in [0,1]. Determine range of function denition f(tanx).
OpenStax-CNX module: m15421 10

Solutions to Exercises in this Module

Solution to Exercise (p. 8)
Hints : Here, corresponding trigonometric equation is :

tanx = 1 = tan
The other solution in [0,2π ] is :

π 5π
x=π+ =
4 4
Corresponding negative angle :

5π 3π
y= − 2π = −
4 4
However, tangent function asymptotes at - π /2. Hence, basic interval is :
 π π
− ,
2 4
Further, tangent function has period of π. The general solution is :

π π
nπ − < x < nπ + ; n ∈ Z
2 4
Solution to Exercise (p. 8)
Argument of logarithmic function is positive. Hence,

cosx > 0
The angles of corresponding trigonometric equation sinx = 0 in the interval [0,2π ] are 3π /2 and π /2. In
terms of negative angles are -π /2 and π /2. Cosine function is positive in rst and fourth quadrant,

π π
− <x<
2 2
Since cosine values are repeated after 2π , we can write general inequality as :

π π
2nπ − < x < 2nπ + ; n∈Z
2 2
π π
(4n − 1) < x < (4n + 1) ; n∈Z
2 2
The domain of given function, therefore, is :

π π
(4n − 1) < x < (4n + 1) ; n∈Z
2 2
Solution to Exercise (p. 8)
Expression under square root is non-negative. Hence,

⇒ sinx − 1 ≥ 0

⇒ sinx ≥ 1
But value of sine function can not be greater than 1. Thus, we need to only evaluate equation sinx=1 to
nd the domain. Here,
OpenStax-CNX module: m15421 11

⇒ sinx = 1 = sin
The domain of given function, therefore, is :

x = {x : nπ + (−1) π/2; n ∈ Z}
Solution to Exercise (p. 9)
We treat this function as addition of two individual functions. Expression under square root in the rst
function is non-negative. However, radical appears in denominator. As such,

⇒ sinx > 0
The angles of corresponding trigonometric equation sinx = 0 in the interval [0,2π ] are 0 and π. Since
sine function is positive in rst and second quadrant,

Since sine values are repeated after 2π , we can write general inequality as :

0 + 2nπ < x < 2nπ + π; n∈Z

On the other hand, domain of second function is real number set R. Note that it is not even radical. Now,
domain of addition of two functions is intersection of individual domains. Hence, domain of given function
is :

2nπ < x < (2n + 1) π; n∈Z

Solution to Exercise (p. 9)
The domain of f(x) is [0,1]. Here, argument of function changes from x to sinx. It changes the input
value to function for x, but values in themselves lie within the domain interval of the function. It means
that :

0 ≤ sinx ≤ 1

⇒ sin0 ≤ sinx ≤ sin

⇒ 0 ≤ x ≤ π/2
This is now a problem of solving two inequalities. The rst inequality is : sinx≥0
As solved earlier, the solution is :

2nπ < x < (2n + 1) π; n∈Z

The second inequality is :

sinx ≤ 1
Since value of sinx can not exceed value of 1, we conclude that values of x which satises inequality
sinx≥0 also satises the inequality sinx ≤1. Hence, domain of given function is :

2nπ < x < (2n + 1) π; n∈Z
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Solution to Exercise (p. 9)

The domain of f(x) is [0,1]. Here, argument of function changes from x to tanx. It changes the input
value to function for x, but values in themselves lie within the domain interval of the function. It means
that :

0 ≤ tanx ≤ 1

⇒ tan0 ≤ tanx ≤ tan
0 + nπ ≤ x ≤ nπ +
Since tangent values are repeated after  π , we can write general inequality as :

nπ ≤ x ≤ nπ + n∈Z
The domain of given function, therefore, is :

nπ ≤ x ≤ nπ + n∈Z

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