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The STRAN Computer Program 580 @ ‘The disk enclosed in the back cover of the text contains a computer program that can be used to solve structural analysis problems involving a plane truss, space truss, beam, or plane frame. This program, called STRAN 4 (STructural ANalysis, version 4.0) is based on the theory of the stiffness method explained in Chapters 13 through 15. The following is a discription as to how to apply this program. Preliminary Steps. Before using the program it is first necessary to numerically identify the members and joints, called nodes, ofthe structure and establish both global and local coordinate systems in order to specify the struc- ‘ture’s geometry and loading. (On a sketch of the structure, specify each member with a number enclosed within a square, and use a number enclosed within a circle to identify the nodes. Also, the “near” and “far” ends of the member must be identified. This is done using an arrow written along the member, with the head of the arrow directed toward the far end. Member, node, and “direction” identification for a plane truss, beam, and plane frame are shown in Fig. B-1. Here, node Q) is atthe “near end” of member [4 ]of the truss and node @)is at its “far end™ ‘These assignments can all be done arbitrarily. Notice, however, thatthe nodes on the truss are always at the joints, since this is where the loads are applied and the displacements and member forces are to be determined. For beams and frames, the nodes are at the supports, at a corner of joint, or at a point ‘here the linear or rotational displacement is to be determined. Sincegloads and displacements are vector quantities, it is necessary to establish a coordinate system in order to specify their correct sense of direction, Here we must use two types of coordinate systems. A single global or struc. ture coordinate system, using right-handed x, y, z axes, is used to specify the location of each node and the sense of each of the external load and dis- placement components at the nodes. It is convenient to locate the origin of this coordinate system at a node so that all the other nodes have positive coordinates, Fig. BI. A local or member coordinate system is used to specify the location and direction of external loadings acting on beam and frame mem- APPENDIX B THE STRAN COMPUTER PROGRAM 581 bers and for any structure, to provide a means of interperting the computed rats of el Iain acting a he nodes of each member This system | san will be identified using right-handed x’, y’,2’ axes with the origin atthe “neat” node and the x’ axis extending along the member toward the “far” node. An example for truss member 4 and frame member 3 is shown in Fig, B-1 Program Operation. When the program is excuted a menu will appeat Which allows various selections for inputing the data and getting the resus ‘The following explins the tems used for input data, For any problem, be sure to use a consistent set of units for numerical quantities. General Structure Information. This item should be selected first in ‘order to specify the problem tile and identify the type of structure to be analyzed. Node Data. Start by clicking “Add New Node.” Then enter, in turn, each node number and its global coordinates. Member Data. Start by clicking “Add New Member." Then enter in turn, gay } each member number, the near and far node numbers, and the member prop- erties, E (modulus of elasticity), A (cross-sectional area), and/or 1 (moment , of inertia). If the member properties are unknown, for statically determinate i) os structures, or for indeterminate structures with no support setlement and hav- rea ie I: ing members with the same cross-section and made from the same material, these values can be set equal to one. The results will then give the correct If an internal hinge or pin connects two members of a beam or frame, select “Release Moment at Near Node” or “Release Moment at Far Node.” For example, member 3 of the frame in Fig. B=1 has a pin at the far node, 4 - Ina like manner, this pin can also be identified atthe near node of member 4, Support Data. start by clicking “Add New Support.” Then enter, in turn, each node located at a support, and specify the called for global coordinate eee directions in which restraint occurs. For example, since node 5 of the frame in Fig. B-1 is a fixed support, a zero is entered for the x, y, and z (rotational) directions; however if this support settles downward 0.003 m then the value entered for y is ~0.003, Load Data. Start by clicking “Add New Load.” Loads are specified either at nodes, or on members. Enter the algebraic values of nodal loadings rela- tive (0 the global coordinates. For example, for the truss in Fig. B=1 the loading at node 2 is in the y direction and has a value of ~200, For members the loadings and their location are referenced using the local coordinates. Fot example, the distributed loading on member 2 of the frame is specified with an intensity of ~400 located 0.75 m from the near node 2 and —400 located 3 m from this node. 0vm Results. Once all the data is entered, select “Run,” then select “Results.” There one obtains the external reactions on the structure and the displacements and internal loadings at each node. As a partial check of the results a statics check is given at each of the nodes. 582. APPENDIX THE STRAN COMPUTER PROGRAM “sanipe iy a s N @ ‘The reactions and member forces in the structures shown in Fig. B-1 can be determined.using the STRAN program. Application would be as follows. ‘Truss. General Structural Information—Select Plane Truss. Node Data. ‘The node nutfibers and global x, y coordinates are DX0,0), @4.0), O22), O42). ‘Member Data, Here we can use a modulus of elasticity of 1 and cross- sectional area of I forall the members. Also, since no member was fabricated too long or too short the member length fabrication error is O. The member bers, along with their near node and far node numbers are [T]D@), IO® B1OO. HOS. E1O@. Support Data. Here there are supports at nodes (D and @ each having zet0 (0) displacement since these supports do not move (e.g. settle). Node @ iis restrained in the x and y directions (pin) and node @ is restrained in the x direction (roller). Load Data. ‘The load is ating at node @ along the global y axis and is entered as ~200 After running the program, verify that the pin reactions are 400 N in the + direction and 200 N in the +y direction, and using local coordinate +x',y' axes that there isa tension force of 282 N in member [4]. Note that the results will give very large displacements since E and A were entered as 1. Beam. General Structural Information—Select Beam, Node Data, The node numbers and global x coordinates are: D0, @3, @s. Member Data. We can use a modulus of elasticity of 1 and moment of inertia of 1 for both the members. There are no member end releases since the ‘members ate not pinned together at any node. The member numbers along. with their near node and far node numbers are [T]D®, ZO. Support Data, Here there are supports at all the nodes. Node @ is restrained in the y direction and rotational direction (fixed), @) and @) are restrained in the y direction (roller). Each restraint has zero movernent. APPENDIX B THE STRAN COMPUTER PROGRAM 583 Load Data. ‘The load xects on member [1] in the y direction and has a ‘value of ~300, located 1.5 from the near node, (D. Run the program and verify that the vertial feaction at the roller, @), is 153.31 N, and that in member [1] the internal shear is 138.97 N up- wards, and the internal moment is 59.56 N-m, clockwise. Plane Frame. 7 General Structural Information—Select Plane Frame, Node Data, The node numbers and global x, y coordinates are ()(0,0), @O4), O84), O@B.2), OB.0.5). Member Data, Use a modulus of elasticity of 1, cross-sectional area of 1, and moment of inertia of 1 for all the members, Here members [4] are joined by a pin. This can be identified as a “member end. either of the far-node of member ‘member numbers along with their near node and far node numbers are H10e, Support Data, Here there are supports at nodes @ and @). Node D is restrained in the x and y direction (pin), and node () is restrained in the ‘x yand rotational directions (fixed). Each restraint has zero movement. Load Data, The concentrated load acts at node @ and is entered twice as (3/5)500 N = 300N in the x direction and —(4/5)500 N the y direction. In addition there is a distributed load on member is reported as ~400 N at 0.75 m from the near node and —40 from the near node, | Run the program and verify thatthe vertial reaction atthe pin @ is 51681 N acting upwards, and the moment at the fixed support @) is a 403.45 Nem acting counterclockwise !

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