WV-Sen: Harper Polling (R) For 35th State (August 2018)

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C Harper Polling TO: 35" Inc, FROM Brock McCleary, Prasient Date: August 30, 2018 RE. Key Pall Findings—West ¥irginia United States Senate Sunway US SENATE BALLOT TEST Republican Palick Mariiey ha: received a bump in hit padtion an the baat foliawing a visit to West Viginia by Pretident Donald Trump, ond now trait Senator Manchin by jurl €%% in the race for Senate. The incumbent's support on the ballot test is below SO, Morisey hes room to grow among Republicans (71%). while Monchin is maximizing Democratic support (7%), a8 Seen on Ihe generic balla! below. He nasows Manchin's advantage to I%ameng men, and tokes the lead in the Blvefield-Beckisy and Woshington-Hagerstown macko markets, GENERIC US SENATE BALLOT Aneor-majetity of licely voters in Wert Virginia preter to vote for a Republican for United States Senate Republicans of formore supportive of al generic candidate (84% Republican) man Democrets are [72% Dernocen) A Repubicon leods in each of the four largest medic markets of the state. 121 State Street Hamistung, PA 17101 infoghtarserPoting.com PRESIDENT TRUMP fh the woice of his visit to the stale last week, President Irump posts on impresive £38 job oporewal number omong Ikely West Veginia voters. A mojotty af likely vaters strongly appeove “of the way Conait Trump i handling his jobs as Prasidant™ [52%] This inciugies near-universal approval among Repubicons (74%), two-thirch opproval omong No Party preference voters (66%). and a significant 35% approval mork with Democrats ~” 3 0 President Donald Trump SUMMARY With Labor Day approaching, the race for US Senate in Wes! Virginia remains highly competitive. As voter engagement increases in the weeks ahead, look for the race fo continue to fighten, METHODOLOGY: The sample she for ihe aan ey i 600 Hhaly water in West Responses were gaifered vic kinctine interdems conducted using Interactive Voice Response: Tectnioiogy i luriey went conducted Augusl 23 — 26, 2018 by Harper Paling. The latel percentages of respierias mery no! egy 100% dive fo rounding. rginia and the margin lf error =/-4.0%. WR). Thee af

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