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Numerical Methods with

Eduardo E. Descalsota, Jr.
Course Website:
• Yang, Won Y., et al; Applied Numerical Methods
Using Matlab
• Recktenwald, Gerald; Numerical Methods with
MATLAB: Implementations and Applications
• Woodword, C. & Phillips C.; Numerical Methods
with Worked Examples: Matlab Edition
Grading System
• Exams - 50%
• Assignments - 50%
Course Outline
• Introduction
• Systems of Linear Equations
• Roots of Equations
• Interpolation and Curve Fitting
• Numerical Integration
• Numerical Differentiation
Numerical Methods
• involves the study of methods of computing numerical
• implies producing a sequence of approximations by
repeating the procedure again and again
• Issues to consider:
– rate of convergence
– accuracy of the answer
– completeness of the response
Characteristics of Numerical Methods
• solution procedure is iterative
• provides only an approximation to the true, but unknown,
• may require an initial estimate
• conceptually simple with the provision of algorithms
• may occasionally diverge from, rather than converge to,
the true solution
Non-computer Problem Solving
• Analytical Methods
+ provide excellent insight into the behavior of some systems
– only for simple linear models or simple geometry and low
• Graphical Solutions
+ able to characterize the behavior of systems
– results are not precise & limited to three or less dimensions
• Calculator Approaches
+ perfectly adequate for solving complex problems manually
– calculations are slow, tedious & consistent results are elusive
Advantages of Numerical Methods
• extremely powerful problem-solving tools
– capable of handling large systems of equation, complicated
geometries etc., that are often impossible to solve analytically.
• efficient vehicle for learning to use computers
– effective way to learn programming by writing the computer
• vehicle to reinforce the understanding of mathematics
– reducing higher mathematics to basic arithmetic operations
Computer and Engineering Problem-Solving
Problem Definition

Mathematical Data
Model - experiment
- material balance
- heat balance - survey
- momentum balance statistics, methods

scheduling, optimization,

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