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Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica

British Culture

Activity #1: Personal Information and TOEFL Exam

Teacher: Guillermo R. Rossano Pérez

Student: Homero Pesina Almaguer Career: Ing. Mecánico Administrador

School number: 1603342
List number: 6
Day: Monday, Wednesday, Friday Hour: V4 Classroom: 1201

CD. Universitaria, San Nicolás de los Garza, Nuevo León on monday 20𝑡ℎ August 2018
This exam has four essential parts: Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing. Each
part has to be complete in 20 minutes. The maximum of points as total is 200. And
de maximum of points in each part is 50.
My result in the reading part was 29 points, just a little more than the half. I need to start to
read more to increase my comprehension. I guess that was the problem, I started to feel
nervous because de text was very long and l thought that I will not finish at time. So, I will
start to read more to understand more easily the meaning of the texts quickly.

The result was the same like in the reading part. I thought that I will not have too much
problem with this part but I thought bad. To increase my listening level l will start to put more
videos in English to try to understand better the different pronunciations that the persons
have around the world. And obviously to follow what are the persons saying.

The worst result that I had. I have to start to practice my pronunciation because this was my
weak side. I guess the microphone doesn’t help me too much because the computer didn’t
recognize too much the words, so maybe my pronunciation is not no bad but I have to
practice more in my house and talking with my friends and classmates.

My writing skills were not too bad, just a little than the half, but I have to practice more to
increase my level. I will practice more my skills in this kind of activities, where I need to write
without translator and writing in my house to learn how to write in a good manner without

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