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I Preliminary Details (For Basic Knowledge)

• Nos of Participants:
• Marketing / HR / Finance Audience
• Topic : ___________________________________________________________________
• Senior Management / Middle Management / Junior Management
• Roll- Out Plan: 1 Day / 2 Day / Phase-Wise / Pan India / ___________________________

II First Level Questions (For Background Information)

• Designation / Levels of Participants: ______________________________________________
• Participants Educational Background: _____________________________________________
• Nos. of Yrs in this field: ________________________________________________________
• How is the Product Knowledge / Role Knowledge Delivery: On-the-Job / Training / Induction /
Tech Studies
• Procedures for Selection of Participants (if any): Voluntary / Mandatory / Selection Criteria
• Sales Figure: _________________________________________________________________
• Languages: __________________________________________________________________
• Geographical Placement of Participants: ___________________________________________
• Please Attach Product Portfolio & Company Profile for additional Information.

III Second Level Questions (For Module Development)

• Key Outcomes Required / List the number of Objectives targeted with this training.

• What is the Brand Positioning of the client / What is the USP vis-à-vis other competitors?
• Specifics to keep in mind about the participating audience

• What is the reason this training need was identified? How was it identified?

• Is this training to gear up for a future need / to tackle a current problem / is a general
management program?

• What is the work-profile of the participants (espescially if middle / Junior Mgmt) (JD / KRA)

• What doest an ideal day in the work life of participants look like?

• Who are the people the participants are in constant touch with (vendors, clients, etc)

• What are the job roles & responsibilities the participants undertake?
• What is the reporting structure of the participants / hierarchy of the organization (at least 2
steps above & Below) (Please try to chart out the information)

IV Third Level Questions(For Gap Analysis)

• How has this skill deficiency / ignorance in your employees’ abilities affected your business?

• What steps has the business taken so far to improve performance in this area?

Fourth Level Questions: (For Strategic Training / Long-term / High Value Association)
• How is the current training in the organization structured / carried on?
1. Training Calendar / Random programs / Department selection or recommendations / Compulsory
Programs every yr / ____________
2. In-house / Outsourced
3. Consulting Trainers
4. _____________________

• How is it working for you? Is anything missing?

If yes, what? If no, then reason for new TCF?

• If something is missing what's stopping you from getting what you want from your current
training / Current Human Resource?

• How do you think a new TCF / Trainer / approach would work to fill in the gap that you
are currently facing? (A higher closing ratio; a quicker sales cycle; increased customer
retention; more referrals; increased sales from a unique/new customer base)?

• What is it that you require to know to change your current training techniques?

• What would you need to know or see from us to know that our material would meld with
what you've got in place?

• How would you know we could deliver this and match your criteria?

Final Level (For Cultural Understanding / Sensitizing)

• Are there any sensitive issues we should be aware of and avoid?
• Have the target audience undergone training of similar topics / understandings? If yes,
kindly brief us about the same?
• How much of the alignment is there from management, partners, etc to make training a
successful intervention
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