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Daily Time Schedule parents are welcome to contact teachers for

updates and information about their child’s

*Supervision of students begins at 8:40. To progress at any time. Student-led
ensure safety, if possible, please keep conferences follow the November and March
children at home until just before then. reporting periods. Mrs. Buchholzer will
arrange meeting times and notify you as to
8:50 - 8:58 Homeroom (O Canada) when you are scheduled.
8:58 - 9:40 Period 1
9:40 - 10:20 Period 2
10:20 - 10:35 Recess (Bell)
10:35 - 11:15 Period 3
11:15 - 11.55 Period 4
11:55 - 12:47 Noon (Bell)
12:45 - 1:25 Period 5
1:25 - 2:05 Period 6
2:05 - 2:20 Recess (Bell)
2:20 - 2:55 Period 7
2:55 - 3:30 Period 8
3:30 Dismissal Bell
Injury or Illness
It is important students arrive on time for Any injury or illness suffered while at school
their school day. The instruction provided must be reported to the homeroom teacher
in the morning is usually the foundation for and the office. In the case of a serious
the day. accident or illness at school, emergency
contacts as noted on the registration forms
Student Fees will be used. Parents will be notified
The SCC approves school fees each year. immediately if possible.
This year, they are:
Kindergarten - $25.00 – Supplies
Should the emergency warrant immediate
Gr. 1, 2 & 3 - $50.00 – Supplies
physician’s attention, school personnel will
Gr. 7 - 8 - $40.00 – Adventure Education
accompany the student to the hospital and
Periodically throughout the year a fee may
make arrangements to meet the
be charged to recover the costs of extra -
parents/guardians there. Students are
curricular activities or field trips.
covered by insurance arranged by the GSSD
for any injury sustained during school hours
Pupil Progress & Interviews
or at a school event.
Report Cards will be sent to parents three
times a year. (November, March & June), but
Entrances children cross our parking lot to get to their
We ask that all students use their assigned homes/parent’s cars, and it is dangerous to
entrances in order to cut down on traffic have vehicles backing up or turning around in
through the front door which is reserved for the small space. We know the street or
parents and guests. As we would in our own church parking lot is a further walk for
homes, all students are expected to remove children but it is a safer alternative.
their outdoor shoes at the entrance.
Guest parking is available at the front of the
Medication school if you are here for a visit. The
Teachers are advised not to administer any driveway is reserved for buses and
medicine to students. The administration emergency vehicles.
may administer medication upon request.
Contact the school for more information. Inclement Weather
For the safety of our children, when the wind
Fire Drills, Emergency Evacuation & Lock- chill factor is – 30 in the morning and at lunch
down Procedures (-35 for afternoon recess) or it is raining,
Fire drills will be held six times a year. students will need to stay indoors. Please
Routes and places of exit will be clearly make sure your child is dressed appropriately
posted. When the fire alarm sounds, all and prepared to go outside at all other times.
people in the building are to leave quickly Fresh air can be very beneficial even for
from the nearest exit. All classes will someone who has a bit of a cold!
assemble in the field by the Heritage Baptist

Other emergency procedures are in place for

severe weather conditions, lockdowns and
unauthorized visitors. These will be
presented and practiced by the students and
staff. In the case of a real emergency,
families will be notified as soon as everyone
is safe.

Parking and Student Pick Up/Drop Off Lates

Please arrange to pick up your child on the Students late for school are asked to report to
street or in the Heritage Baptist church the office. If habitual tardiness becomes a
parking lot. We ask that you NOT use the problem, the parents or guardians will be
staff parking lot or the fire lane. Remember contacted. If tardiness continues, a referral is
that using the staff parking lot for this then sent to our school guidance counselor
purpose may be dangerous. Many small
and/or the administration to address the Canteen Use
behavior. At noon hour the canteen is open for the
purchase of supplementary lunch food.
Attendance Kindergarten to Grade 5 students may
Attendance is an essential component in purchase milk daily from the classroom
student achievement. We monitor monthly teacher first thing in the morning. Ten or
attendance. In the case of a student being twenty-pack coupons for milk may be
absent greater than 25% of the time, an purchased at the office.
Administrator will contact the family. The following schedule indicates who may
Persistent attendance issues will be referred purchase items from the canteen.
to outside agencies for support. KA and Grade 1 Day 1
KB and Grade 2 Day 2
Safe to School Program
Grade 3 Day 3
All students are on the Safe to School
Grade 4 Day 4
program. Parents are asked to phone or
Grade 5 Day 5
notify the school if their children will not be
attending class at any time. After attendance Grades 6/7/8 All Days
is taken each morning and afternoon, our
Safe to School list will be checked. If a The demand for our canteen is high at M.C.
child’s name is marked as absent, and we Knoll. Because of this, we ask that students
have not had prior notification of this only purchase items for themselves. Siblings
absence, you will receive an automated will have a turn on their scheduled day.
phone call. Please contact us letting us
know where your child is. Healthy Food Choices
We try to stock our canteen with healthier
Safety Patrol choices, and we also ask that children bring
Our patrol operates at 3:30 on Darlington healthy food from home. We understand this
Street. Students from Grades 5-8 who show can be challenging at times, but there are lots
responsibility and leadership are selected as of healthy school lunch ideas on the internet.
safety patrollers. Staff members supervise Healthy Bodies = Healthy Minds! Please try
the program. to include lots of veggies and fruits and
minimize treats. We ask that no soda pop be
Student Transportation to School sent to school. Thank you!
For safety purposes, bicycles are to be
walked when they are on the school grounds.
Microwave Use
Skateboards/Scooters are to be picked up In September of 2017 microwaves were
once on the school grounds as well. deemed a fire hazard in schools. Please plan

student lunches around not having access to serve approximately 800 students and 60
microwaves. staff members.
Students are responsible for the material they
Noon Hour borrow and are not allowed to borrow
Noon hour supervision will be provided for materials for or from other students. Books
those students who find it necessary to eat at are loaned for a 14-day period, and most
the school. If students must eat at school, books can be renewed 2 times.
they are to remain on the school grounds for
the entire noon hour. Lost or Damaged Library Materials
All students are responsible for the library
Eating lunch at school is a privilege. The materials they borrow. Please report lost or
school reserves the right to ask students to damaged materials as soon as possible.
go home if there are consistent behavior or
safety concerns.

Students from kindergarten to grade 6, who

are eating lunch at school on a regular basis,
are to remain on the school grounds unless a
note or phone call is received from the parent
or guardian. Our grade 7 and 8 students are
trusted to make a decision to stay or go home
for lunch.

Those students that stay for lunch are School Community Council
expected to remain seated in their room and The School Community Council (SCC)
visit quietly until 12:20. They will be consists of nine elected parents or
dismissed by a supervisor shortly after that. community members, a teacher and the
school administration. The key work of this
School Lockers parent group is supporting the students and
Lockers are provided for all students. If staff of M.C. Knoll and endeavoring to create
deemed necessary, staff members may the best learning environment possible. The
check a student’s locker at any given time. parents have input into the Learning
There is no expectation of privacy. Improvement Plan, special events and
major purchases. They contribute financial
Library support in order to supplement technology,
Our library is a unique and valuable part of a playground equipment, special programs and
M. C. Knoll and St. Michael’s Elementary books. They also volunteer time and energy
Schools. We have over 25,000 books and for events such as fundraising, bake sales,

hot lunches, dental swish program and many students include performing at the Yorkton
more. Please feel free to join us! Election are Music Festival and at local concerts
held annually in November. throughout the year. Students in Grades 6, 7
R.C.M.P. and 8 may travel outside of Yorkton to attend
The R. C. M. P. is part of the support network workshops and festivals.
for M. C. Knoll School. They visit our building
often to make positive connections with Extra-Curricular Opportunities
children. If circumstances warrant it, the M.C. Knoll believes extra-curricular activities
RCMP, along with parents/guardians, will be play an integral role in the development of a
contacted for any incident deemed illegal. child. We encourage our students to take
Please contact the school if you feel a certain part in a wide variety of academic, athletic
issue should be addressed with your child or and arts education opportunities.
the students in general.

A School Guidance Counsellor is available on

a part-time basis. The counsellor’s role is
varied and may include the following:
 Serve as a liaison person between the
school, home, and community agencies
 Provide direct and supportive services to
help students
 Implement and facilitate school-wide,
classroom and group programming. ie.
Band Red Cross CARE program, divorce-
Band is offered to students in Grades 5 – 8, separation group, anger-management
and everyone is welcome to join. Band groups.
classes take place within school hours, and a
report card mark is given during each Students may be taken out of class for help
reporting period. with:
 Gaining a better understanding of self,
Students in Grade 7 and Grade 8 travel to personal attitudes, interests and values
Yorkdale Central School once every six days  Helping to acquire good decision-making
for a division-wide rehearsal. and problem-solving skills
 Anger management, social skills, self-
Grades 6 - 8 students may join one of the esteem
jazz bands that rehearse Tuesday after  Dealing with problems at school, at home
school or Thursday morning at 7:30 a.m. and with peers
Out-of-school performances for band
If at any time you feel like you would like to
seek support or information for your Acceptable Internet Use
son/daughter/family, please contact the M.C. Knoll recognizes that technology
school. enhances learning and teaching. It has
Intramurals opened up a world of exciting new
The intramural program starts early in educational possibilities in the classroom.
September and will conclude early in June. With this, comes responsibility. Everyone in
They are held during both the a.m. recess the M.C. Knoll community is expected to
and p.m. recess. Intramurals are optional, read, sign and return an Internet Acceptable
and students can participate in the activities Use form once during their school career.
of their choice. This form clearly lays out expectations for
using the Internet. If expectations can’t be
Out of Bounds followed, internet privileges may be revoked.
Please note that student who do not have
Students are only allowed in the following parent/guardian permission will not be
areas when supervised by a teacher: allowed a personal device as our building has
staffroom, photocopy & supply room, P.E. free Wi-Fi that students do not have to be on.
equipment room, Gloria Hayden, city areas of
grounds, and St. Michael’s School. Cell Phones and Electronic Devices

Leaving the School Grounds We encourage K-5 students to leave

Students who must leave school grounds personal devices (cell phones, video games,
during the day are asked to report to their watches, etc) at home as their lockers do not
homeroom teacher and/or the office and lock. If they bring them to school, they should
bring a dated note signed by a parent/ remain in their locker during the day at their
guardian, or have a parent phone, text or own risk.
email, explaining the reason for leaving. For students in grades 6-8, personal devices
may be used with the discretion of their
homeroom teacher. If problems arise due to
the use of devices outside of school but
negatively affect our school environment,
students will be requested to leave these
devices at home and/or at the office during
the day. Any infractions within school will
result in the electronic device/phone being
removed for the day. Parents may be
contacted and asked to come and pick the
phone up. If the offense is repeated, the
device will be checked into the office during
the day for a determined amount of days. going to and from school and for outdoor
Continued indiscretion can result in a banning activities. Changing shoes at the door is an
of the item for the rest of the school year. expectation and a courtesy that will keep our
Please note that the school is not responsible school clean and will also provide safety in
for lost/stolen items. the event of a fire drill.

Conduct on Buses Smoking

Students are required to follow posted bus The Government of Saskatchewan has
regulations, Good Spirit School Division mandated the Good Spirit School Division to
administrative procedure 554, and directions ensure all of their buildings and properties
of the bus driver. Students who violate bus are smoke-free. Smoking will not be
rules will have their bus privileges suspended tolerated. Tobacco and tobacco products
for a period of time depending on the severity (including vapes of any kind) are not
of the violation. permitted at school or on the school grounds.
Any such articles will be confiscated, and
Appropriate Dress violators will be asked to leave the property.
The following points are expectations to follow
while at school or on school-sponsored functions: Before & After School Program (BASP)
 No head wear is to be worn in the school. An outside agency, SIGN, provides some
 No gang-related clothing is permitted. childcare spots from 7:30 –8:45 a.m. and
 Jackets and bags (purses, backpacks) 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. on school days.
are to be left in lockers or homerooms.
For inquiries, please contact the SIGN
 Clothing with suggestive language/logos,
building – 306-783-9409, as the school is not
alcohol, tobacco or illegal substance logos are
involved in this program. Spaces are
not allowed.
available on a first-come, first-served basis.
 Clothing will adequately cover
undergarments, torso, and buttocks.
 Clothing will demonstrate respect for the
M.C.Knoll family including peers, self, and
These expectations apply to the school day and
any school function. If you have questions about
appropriate dress, please contact your school

Two sets of shoes are required for all
students - one pair for general indoor wear
and Physical Education, and the other for
contact the Public Health Nurse at her office
(786-0613) or through the school.

School Health Services Our community Dental Health nurse has

helped some of the parents set up our swish
Public Health services are provided at our program for Grade 1 to Grade 8. Volunteers
school. A public health nurse will be in come in once a week to dispense the fluoride
school throughout the year working with rinse to all students with a parental consent
students, teachers and parents to help form.
conserve and promote the optimum health
and well-being of our children. Care of Property

Some of the services they may provide are: Students are expected to assume
 Immunization against Diphtheria, responsibility for the care of both school and
Tetanus and Polio, Measles, Mumps personal property.
and Rubella for any student who
missed them in the regular preschool  All articles of clothing, footwear and other
schedule belongings should be discretely marked
 Immunization against Hepatitis B in with the owner’s name or other identifying
Grade 6 mark.
 Immunization against meningitis and  Students are asked not to bring large
chicken pox amounts of money or valuable items to
 Tetanus-Diphtheria in Grade 8 school. Money, watches, rings, and other
 Hearing and vision screening done personal valuables should always be under
upon request only their care.
 Health education and counseling for  Students are responsible for the safe-
individual students can also be done keeping of their own belongings.
upon request Any loss of or damage to property must be
 Health education in classrooms focus reported to the main office. Efforts will be
on a variety of topics made to locate property through the “lost and
found” area. Valuable belongings may be re-
Consent forms will be sent home with claimed from the main office. Students will
students needing immunization. be required to make restitution for any willful
Immunizations cannot be done until consent damage to property.
forms are signed by the parent or legal
guardian and returned to the school. Please All lost and found items will be displayed in
read the consent form before signing. the Commons Area periodically. Items not
If you have any questions or concerns about claimed after several weeks will be donated
the above services or other health issues, to charity.
student’s baseline are tracked. If a child has
repeated struggles reaching our behavioural
expectations as laid out in the matrix on the
following page, he/she may need a
behavioural plan. These plans are based on
individual student need, intended to ensure
the child’s success at school and parents are
expected to contribute to its creation.


Generally, the only homework sent home will

be math drills, extra reading, studying for
exams, or work that was not finished during
the allotted class time.
We also believe that sending homework
home before or during a special holiday trip
that takes place during the regular school
year is not successful. Because we do so Duties, Responsibilities and Guidelines
much group work, discussion, and student- for Students
led learning, the homework that is sent may
not be exactly what is covered during your A student at M.C. Knoll has a responsibility to
week of holidays. Therefore, we ask that themselves, their fellow students, their
students catch up on missed work after they parents and their school for their conduct.
return from their vacation. The image they project through attitude and
actions reflect on the spirit and reputation of
the school. On the next page is a behavior
Telephone Use
matrix that was co-constructed with the staff
and students of MC Knoll. It outlines
The staff may allow students to use the
expected behavior for all aspects of our
phone on an individual needs basis. We do
ask that “playdates” are arranged from home
before or after students come to/from school.

Discipline Procedures

All schools in the Good Spirit School Division

have discipline procedures. Incidents above a

M.C. Knoll’s Bullying Policy
The act of bullying must meet all three components of 1. Repetition 2. Harm is caused 3. A power
imbalance is present. It usually involves three individuals or groups: the bully, the victim and the
bystander. Bullying can take different forms including: Verbal (taunts, name-calling, threats,
intimidation), Emotional (exclusion, gossip), Physical (assault), Cyber (text and instant messaging,

We have the right to expect that… We have the responsibility to…

 the members of the school will  know the definition of bullying that
respond to bullying incidents our school follows
 that our school will be safe  act in a way that ensures the safety
 that relationships within our school of everyone in our school
and on the playground are friendly,  be kind, courteous and respectful
caring and respectful  Stand up against bullying and report
all incidents.

How M.C.K. “Stands Up” Against Bullying

Teachers and parents of both the bullied and the bullies can play a crucial role in preventing,
identifying, and stopping bullying. Creating safe, stress-free environments at home and at school
can help prevent the tension and anxiety that can lead to bullying. Change comes with student
learning, and all of us need to play a role in making this change.

Rights & Responsibilities of the M.C. Knoll Community

At M.C. Knoll, there is a zero tolerance towards bullying. Bullying needs to be reported. There is no
single solution to bullying or best way to handle a bully. It may take some experimenting with a
variety of different responses to find the strategy that works best for your situation. These strategies
may involve the victim, the bully and the bystander.


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