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Review articles

Drawing lines and borders:

how the dehiscent fruit of
Arabidopsis is patterned
José R. Dinneny and Martin F. Yanofsky*

Summary regulation controlling seed dispersal has helped plants acquire

The advent of fruits marked a key innovation in the a new level of mobility, despite their sedentary lifestyle. The
evolution of flowering plants and helped generate a
mechanisms by which fruits act to disperse seeds has been
diverse array of mechanisms for seed dispersal. In the
model plant, Arabidopsis thaliana, seed dispersal occurs well described.(1,2) Fruit-mediated seed-dispersal mechan-
through a process known as ‘‘pod-shatter’’ in which the isms can be roughly divided into animal-assisted and plant-
fruit structure falls to pieces upon light mechanical assisted strategies. Fleshy or sticky fruits, or those that
pressures. This dispersal mechanism is dependent on develop Velcro-like burrs, use animals to carry seeds away
the careful patterning of tissues in the fruit, which
from the mother plant. Many plants have also developed
perform diverse functions that enable the fruit to open
at maturation. Using the genetic power of Arabidopsis, mechanisms to self-disperse seeds by highly modifying their
many of the molecular components that help specify fruit structure. The fruits of Acer and Fraxinus, for example,
these tissues have been identified. Studies of the develop extended wing-like structures that allow seeds to glide
interactions among these genes have revealed a regula- away. Certain plants have also developed fruits that forcibly
tory network that limits processes such as cell–cell
separation and lignification to discreet regions of the eject seeds using mechanical forces that accumulate during
fruit. Knowledge of these processes in a model fruit maturation. The squirting cucumber, Ecballium elaterium,
creates a foundation on which to build an understanding builds up high amounts of pressure in its fruit, which is filled
of the evolution of fruit form in other species and provides with seeds and a mucilaginous material. When disturbed, the
tools to engineer shatter-resistant seed pods to prevent fruit detaches from the stem and squirts a fast jet of seeds.
crop loss in plants of agronomic importance such as
canola. BioEssays 27:42–49, 2005. Fruits of Impatiens, or touch-me-nots, are so named because
ß 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. of the explosive manner in which they release their seeds
when touched. The model plant, Arabidopsis thaliana, has
Introduction also developed a mechanism to forcibly open its seed pod, or
Fruits can develop into exquisite structures that sense and silique, using mechanical forces that build up as the fruit dries
respond to interactions with animals or the elements, which act out in a process known as dehiscence.(3) While not as
as triggers for the release of seeds. This added level of explosive as dehiscence in Impatiens, this process effectively
discloses the mature seeds, which can then be released and
scattered by rain or wind.
Division of Biological Sciences, University of California San Diego, CA The use of Arabidopsis has facilitated the cloning and
*Correspondence to: Martin F. Yanofsky, Division of Biological
characterization of genes involved in patterning the fruit.
Sciences, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-
0116. E-mail:
Members of the Brassicaceae family, including Arabidopsis,
DOI 10.1002/bies.20165 develop solitary fruits that form from the fusion of two modified
Published online in Wiley InterScience ( leaves, termed carpels.(2,4–7) In Arabidopsis, the carpel pri-
mordia emerge from the central region of a flower primordium
as a congenitally fused cylinder of tissue that forms the
Abbreviations: GFP, Green Fluorescent Protein; NPA, N-1-
gynoecium, the pre-fertilization structure that develops into the
naphthylphthalamic acid; ARF, Auxin Response Factor; ETT, ETTIN ; fruit. Unlike mature fruit, many tissues in the gynoecium are in
SPT, SPATULA; STY1,2, STYLISH 1, STYLISH 2; SHI, SHORT a quasi-undifferentiated state. Tissues required for fertilization
INTERNODES; GA, gibberellic-acid; KAN1,2, KANADI 1, KANADI 2 ; are completely differentiated in a mature flower when anthers
shed their pollen onto the stigma, whereas tissues important
endocarp layer b; ena, endocarp layer a; FUL, FRUITFULL; SHP1,2,
for fruit dehiscence require signals after fertilization to
INDEHISCENT; RPL, REPLUMLESS; GUS, beta-glucuronidase, complete their development.(8)
QTL, Quantitative Trait Locus. This review will discuss recent work in Arabidopsis on
events that pattern the overall architecture of the gynoecium

42 BioEssays 27.1 BioEssays 27:42–49, ß 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Review articles

and the dehiscence zone in the mature fruit. We will also

discuss possible extensions of this work into the evolution of
fruit form in the Brassicaceae and suggest applications for
information garnered from studying fruit dehiscence to
biotechnology-facilitated crop improvement.
Prelude to the fruit: patterning the gynoecium

The apical–basal axis

The distribution of tissues in the fruit is a direct consequence of
patterning events before fertilization that divide the gynoecium
into distinct regions. Along the apical–basal axis, the
gynoecium is divided into apical, medial and basal regions
(Figs. 1A, 2).(9) At the apex of the gynoecium, stigmatic tissue
develops that differentiates papillary cells on which the pollen
adheres and germinates. Connecting the stigma to the ovary is
the style. Inside the style, a specialized tissue termed the
transmitting tract develops. Cells in the transmitting tract
exude sugars, proteins and signals that feed and guide the
rapidly growing pollen tube to the ovules, which will later form
seeds after fertilization.(10) The ovary comprises the medial
region and houses the ovules. At the base of the ovary is a
short stalk, termed the gynophore, that attaches the ovary to
the flower.
The plant hormone, auxin, appears to play an important role
in the regional specification of tissues in the apical–basal axis
of the gynoecium.(11) Nemhauser et al. proposed a model for
auxin-directed tissue specification whereby a gradient of auxin
exists during gynoecium development, with the highest levels
at the apical end and the lowest levels at the basal end
(Fig. 2A). Peak levels of auxin at the apex, the presumed
source of auxin, are proposed to promote stigma and style
development, while moderate levels in the medial region
promote ovary development and the lowest levels in the basal Figure 1. Diagramatic view of the gynoecium and mature fruit
region promote gynophore formation. Although direct visua- of Arabidopsis. A: Exterior structures of a prefertilization-stage
lization of the auxin gradient has not been performed, a GFP gynoecium. B: Transverse cross section of the ovary region of
(Green Florescent Protein)-marker line, which has been used gynoecium. C: Transverse cross section of a mature fruit.
D: Transverse cross-section of the replum/valve region of a
to report peak levels of auxin response, is expressed in the
mature fruit treated with the lignin-specific stain, phloroglucinol,
apical cells of the gynoecium.(12) The transport of auxin by which reveals the lignified layer of the valve margin. E: Staining
efflux carriers seems to be important in establishing and/ with alcian blue and saffranin O reveals the light-blue colored
or maintaining this gradient as flowers treated with the separation layer on the replum side of the valve margin. Notice
polar-auxin-transport inhibitor, N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid that the valve on the left side of the replum has already
separated from the replum at the separation layer. V, valve; R,
(NPA),(13) develop gynoecia with reduced ovary development
and have enlarged gynophores and styles (Fig. 2B).(11,14)
Based on these patterning defects, Nemhauser et al. pro-
posed that the suppression of polar-auxin transport by NPA
causes the pooling of auxin in the apical region and a sub- Nemhauser et al. to propose that ETT may act to mediate a
sequent depletion of auxin in the basal region. This change in moderate response to auxin in the ovary and broaden the size
auxin distribution alters the size of the three domains in the of the medial region in the gynoecium.
gynoecium, with an increase in the apical and basal regions Formation of the apical region of the gynoecium is largely
and a decrease in the size of the medial region. Similar effects dependent on SPATULA, a member of the bHLH (basic-helix–
are seen when the Auxin Response Factor (ARF), ETTIN loop–helix) family of transcription factors that is expressed in
(ETT), is mutated (Table 1).(9) In addition, weak ett alleles are apical tissues including the stigma, style and transmitting tract
enhanced by NPA treatment.(11) Together, these data led and is necessary for their development.(15,16) ETT ’s role in

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Figure 2. Models depicting the proposed distribution of auxin and its role in pattering the gynoecium. A: Nemhauser et al. proposed that
auxin acts as a morphogen, controlling the distribution of tissues in the gynoecium in a concentration-dependent manner. Auxin levels,
depicted in red, are proposed to be highest near the apical region of the gynoecium and promote stigma and style development. Moderate
concentrations of auxin promote ovary development including the formation of the valves and ovules (not diagramed), whereas, low levels
of auxin promote gynophore development. B: NPA treatment inhibits polar auxin transport and is proposed to result in the pooling of auxin in
the apical region of the gynoecium, the presumed source of auxin. NPA treatment would also reduce the breadth of the auxin gradient,
reducing the size of regions of the gynoecium exposed to moderate levels of auxin and increasing the size of regions exposed to low levels of
auxin. This alteration in the auxin gradient would then result in a change in the distribution of tissues in the gynoecium, with an increase in
apical and basal tissues and a reduction in medial tissues.

promoting the formation of the medial region is, to a large mutants.(11) These results led Nemhauser et al. and Heisler
extent, mediated through the repression of SPT expression in et al. to propose that SPT may promote auxin signaling,
the ovary as loss-of-function mutations in SPT suppress the enabling a peak auxin response in the apical region of the
ectopic development of apical tissues observed in ett gynoecium necessary for the formation of style, stigma and
mutants.(16,17) Whereas NPA treatment enhances the ett transmitting tract. Thus, treatment of spt gynoecia with NPA,
mutant phenotype, treatment of the spt gynoecium with NPA which presumably causes the pooling of auxin in apical cells,
can actually rescue some defects in style growth seen in spt would rescue the style defects seen in spt mutants by

Table 1. Summary of genes controlling gynoecium and fruit development in Arabidopsis

Gene name Transcription factor classification Role in gynoecium or fruit development

ETTIN (ETT) Auxin Response Factor (ARF) Promotes ovary formation by inhibiting SPT expression
SPATULA (SPT) basic Helix-Loop-Helix (bHLH) Promotes apical-tissue development including the style, stigma and
STYLISH 1,2 (STY1,2) SHI-type Zinc-finger Promotes style development
KANADI 1,2 (KAN 1,2) GARP-type Represses expansion of internal-medial tissue development into the
lateral regions of the gynoecium
CRABSCLAW (CRC) YABBY-type zinc-finger with HMG motif Works with KAN genes to repress expansion of internal-medial tissue
development into the lateral regions of gynoecium
AINTEGUMENTA (ANT) AP2-type Promotes the growth of medial tissues with LUG
LEUNIG (LUG) Tup1 corepressor Promotes the growth of medial tissues with ANT
FRUITFULL (FUL) MADS-box Represses expression of the valve-margin identity genes in the valves;
Promotes the lignification of the enb layer
SHATTERPROOF 1,2 (SHP 1,2) MADS-box Promotes valve-margin development partly through activation of IND
and ALC expression; Promotes the lignification of the enb layer
ALCATRAZ (ALC) basic Helix-Loop-Helix (bHLH) Controls the development of the valve-margin separation layer;
Promotes the lignification of the enb layer
INDEHISCENT (IND) atypical basic Helix-Loop-Helix (bHLH) Controls the development of the valve-margin separation layer and
lignified layer; Promotes the lignification of the enb layer
REPLUMLESS (RPL) BEL-subfamily homeodomain Represses expression of valve-margin identity genes in the replum

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overriding deficits in auxin signaling resulting from the loss-of- development. This observation suggests that the gynoecium
SPT activity. Alternatively, we would like to propose that may function something like a ‘‘canary in a coalmine’’ whereby
SPT may itself play a role in establishing high auxin levels in the gynoecium may be especially sensitive to minor defects in
apical tissues by inhibiting polar auxin transport. This hypoth- growth and patterning that do not strongly affect other organs.
esis is consistent with SPT ’s role in apical tissue development Members of the KANADI (KAN) and YABBY families of
and fits well with the observation that NPA can rescue spt transcription factors regulate the polar localization of tissues in
defects. In the future, it will be important to develop techniques lateral organs.(23–25) All lateral organs in Arabidopsis, includ-
to visualize the localization and concentration of auxin during ing carpels, develop with an inherent polarity. The interior side
gynoecium development to verify the auxin-gradient model. of the lateral organ that is closest to the shoot meristem is
More recently, another set of factors that promote style termed the adaxial side, while the side opposite the meristem
development have been identified, STYLISH 1 and 2, which is termed the abaxial side. In leaves, these transcription
encode SHI-like zinc-finger transcription factors.(18) Loss of factors regulate the distribution of the various tissue types that
STY1,2 function results in a partial loss of style and stigma distinguish the abaxial and adaxial sides. In the gynoecium,
tissues. These phenotypes are enhanced by the spt mutation. these functions translate into a control of the polarity of the
Conversely, overexpression of STY1 causes the ectopic deve- medial region as well as the distribution of tissues along the
lopment of style-like epidermal cells and the accumulation of mediolateral axis. Loss-of-KAN1 function results in only minor
vascular tissue patches along the valves, a characteristic nor- defects in gynoecium patterning including the occasional
mally found in the style. STY1,2 also have roles in leaf deve- development of ectopic style and ovules in place of the
lopment where loss of STY1,2 function results in serrated leaves replum.(25,26) This phenotype is further enhanced when com-
while plants that overexpress STY1 develop ectopic leaf blade bined with mutations in CRABS CLAW (CRC), the founding
tissue along their petioles (leaf stalk). Whether these functions in member of the YABBY family.(15,27,28) kan1 crc double mutants
regulating leaf growth are related to the growth defects in style develop a dramatic phenotype in which medial tissues of the
development remains to be determined. SHORT INTER- gynoecium lose their polarity resulting in the conversion of the
NODES, the founding member of the SHI family of transcription replum into septum and placental tissues and the formation of
factors, was first identified through its ability to suppress ovules on the outside of the gynoecium. Further loss-of-KAN
response to the plant hormone, gibberellic-acid (GA).(19) While function, in kan1,2 double mutants, results in the complete
GA has been implicated in postfertilization development,(8,20) GA spread of these internal medial tissues throughout the gyno-
regulation is not known to affect gynoecium patterning, thus it will ecium.(25) KAN1 is apparently expressed initially on the
be interesting to see if STY1,2 have similar activities. external side of the replum,(26) whereas CRC is expressed
throughout the external epidermis of the gynoecium. Thus,
The mediolateral axis KAN1,2 and CRC appear to function together to exclude the
By taking a cross section through the gynoecium, one can see development of internal gynoecium tissues from the exterior.
the bilateral symmetry of tissues resulting from the fusion of Other factors with dual roles in organogenesis and
the two carpels (Fig. 1B). This bilateral symmetry becomes gynoecium patterning include AINTEGUMENTA (ANT) and
apparent very early during gynoecium development when LEUNIG (LUG). Both of these genes have roles in lateral-
medial tissues begin to rapidly divide forming ridges at the organ development. ANT is important for promoting the growth
point where the carpels are fused together.(5,7) These medial of lateral organs by maintaining tissues in a meristematic
ridges eventually grow out and fuse together, post-genitally, to state,(29 –32) whereas loss-of-LUG function results in serrated
form the septum (technically, a false-septum in Brassica- leaves, indicating a role for LUG in leaf blade develop-
ceae).(2) Prior to fertilization, tissues in the septum will ment.(33,34) LUG also plays a role in gynoecium development
differentiate transmitting tract tissue to guide pollen tubes and loss-of-function mutations result in a reduction in carpel
from the style to the ovules. Simultaneously during septum fusion near the style and the development of horn-like
fusion, tissues flanking the septum, termed the placenta, structures from the apical region of the valves. Loss-of-ANT
begin to initiate small radial outgrowths that will develop into function also has some minor effects on style fusion. Together,
ovules.(21) The valves form from the lateral carpel walls and however, ANT and LUG play a crucial role in the development
enclose the ovules within the ovary. Valve tissues are of all medial tissues in the gynoecium as ant lug double
separated medially, at the point of fusion, by a structure mutants completely lack replum, style, septum and placental
termed the replum. While not easily identifiable morphologi- tissues.(35) Whether these defects reflect a specific role for
cally, the valve-margin tissues develop between the replum ANT and LUG in medial-tissue development, or whether they
and the valves and can be distinguished from the valves by represent more general symptoms related to defects in lateral-
molecular markers before fertilization.(22) organ growth, these data highlight the important role lateral-
A number of factors important for the formation of lateral organ factors play in the morphogenesis of the gynoecium. It
organs were first identified by their role in gynoecium will be interesting to determine how ANT and LUG help to

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promote the growth of specific regions of the gynoecium and at categories, those that promote valve-margin development and
what point these pathways might converge with those that those that repress it (Fig. 3). The first gene identified to have a
control organ identity.(15,36,37) role in this process was the MADS-box transcription factor,
FRUITFULL (FUL).(38) Loss-of-FUL activity has dramatic
Post-fertilization fruit development
effects on the post-fertilization development of fruits, resulting
Introduction to the Arabidopsis fruit in a severe reduction in fruit size. In contrast to wild-type fruit,
The process of pod-shatter requires a patterning mechanism which have space to accommodate the growth of developing
to draw a line of dehiscence in the ovary. Correct spatial seeds, the seeds of ful mutant fruit are highly compacted due to
regulation of where this line is drawn and when dehiscence the failure of the fruit to elongate, hence the name fruitfull. FUL
occurs is crucial for successful seed dispersal. While all of the is first expressed during early flower development in the
tissue layers present in the mature fruit are already formed in central dome of tissue that will emerge to form the gynoecium.
the gynoecium before fertilization,(3,38,39) tissues of the valve Later, FUL expression resolves and becomes limited to the
and valve margin region require as yet unknown signals valve regions. Two patches of expression are also present
produced by post-fertilization processes to acquire their final near the medial regions of the presumptive style and mark
differentiated state. Certain mutations and hormone treat- tissues that will later develop into a distinct aggregation of
ments can mediate partial fruit maturation in the absence of vascular elements.
fertilization and suggest that these signals may emanate from Loss-of-FUL activity has a strong effect on the distribution
the developing seeds.(39–41) of cell types in the valve regions. In a ful mutant, cells in the
Several changes in histology occur during fruit maturation mesophyll tissue layers become lignified late in fruit develop-
(Fig. 1B,C). The valve consists of approximately six cell ment and are much smaller than in wild type.(38,44) In weaker
layers.(3,38,39) The outermost layer is termed the outer epider- ful alleles, these tissues are less lignified and stain similarly to
mis. Before fertilization, this cell layer contains small cells with the separation layer (A. Roeder unpublished results). A
undifferentiated stomata. After fertilization, the outer-epider- possible mechanism for these tissue defects was proposed
mal cells elongate and the stomata complete their develop-
ment providing pores in the epidermis for gas exchange.
Internal to the outer epidermis are three layers of mesophyll
tissue, comprising photosynthetic cells, that expand after
fertilization and form auxiliary vascular strands. The next-
most-internal layer after the mesophyll is a layer of lignified
tissue termed the endocarp layer b, or enb. During fruit
maturation, cells in this tissue layer form deposits of lignin, a
phenolic polymer that adds rigidity to the cell wall. The
epidermal layer on the inside surface of the ovary, termed
the endocarp layer a, or ena, expands greatly after fertilization
and then degenerates during fruit maturation.
At the valve margins, two tissue layers differentiate into the
dehiscence zone where the valves will separate from the
replum. On the valve-side of the margin, a patch of cells one to
two layers thick become lignified (Fig. 1C,D). This lignified
layer is continuous with the enb and will form the spring-like
tension mechanism that drives the separation of the valves
from the replum during pod-shatter.(3) On the replum side of Figure 3. Genetic pathway controlling fruit development in
the valve margin, a layer of isodiametrically shaped cells Arabidopsis. The distribution of tissues in the fruit is controlled
by two sets of genes that either promote valve margin
develop, termed the separation layer (Fig. 1C,E). Separation-
development (SHP1,2, IND and ALC) or restrict it from
layer cells degenerate the middle lamella between adjacent surrounding regions (FUL, RPL). Valve margin development
cell walls and separate from each other during dehiscence. is controlled by SHP1,2, IND and ALC. Both IND and ALC
This process can be easily visualized using marker lines that appear to act largely downstream of SHP1,2, however, IND and
track the expression of middle-lamella-degrading enzymes ALC also appear to be independently controlled by other
factors. SHP1,2 and IND control separation- and lignified-layer
such as polygalacturonase.(42,43)
development, while ALC is only necessary for separation-layer
formation. These four genes are limited to the valve margin
Regulation of valve-margin development through repression by FUL in the valves(44,46) and by RPL in the
Genes controlling the post-fertilization differentiation of replum.(22) (A. Roeder unpublished results.)
tissues during fruit development can be divided into two

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by Ferrándiz et al. when it was discovered that valve-margin Of all the mutations that affect dehiscence, loss-of-
identity genes are ectopically expressed in ful valves. This INDEHISCENT (IND) function has the strongest effect on
indicated that FUL negatively regulates the expression of valve margin development.(46) IND encodes a member of an
valve-margin identity genes in the valves and suggested that atypical class of bHLH transcription factors in plants. In strong
this ectopic activity may have caused the partial conversion of alleles of ind, both the lignified layer and separation layer are
valve tissues into valve margin. This hypothesis led to the eliminated throughout the fruit. Unlike, SHP1,2 and ALC, IND
prediction that loss-of-function mutations in valve margin is strictly expressed in the valve-margin region just prior to
identity genes should rescue ful valve development. pollination. Further demonstration of the central role IND plays
At the time, the only known factors with mutant phenotypes in valve-margin development came when it was discovered
affecting valve margin development were the redundant that the ind mutation was able to rescue many aspects of the
MADS-box genes, SHATTERPROOF1 and 2 (SHP1,2).(45) ful-mutant phenotype and could suppress the ectopic lignifica-
SHP1,2 are initially expressed broadly in all medial tissues tion of ful valves. Mutations in IND are also able to substantially
including the replum, valve margins, septum and ovules and rescue fruit elongation, expansion of the valve epidermal
later become excluded from the replum as the gynoecium cells and stomata development. Additional loss of other valve-
matures. Together, shp1,2 mutations lead to the loss of valve- margin factors with ind further rescues the fruit elongation
margin lignification and separation layer formation. Fur- defects of ful, with a near complete rescue of fruit elongation in
thermore, ectopic expression of SHP genes leads to the ind alc shp1,2 ful quintuple mutants. Together, these data
development of valve-margin-like characteristics in the valves, demonstrate that FUL’s main role in valve development is to
including ectopic lignification of mesophyll cells and reduction suppress the expansion of valve-margin-identity gene expres-
in valve expansion, similar to weak ful mutants. Surprisingly, sion into the valves.
however, removal of SHP activity in ful mutants does not While the fruits of ind alc shp1,2 ful quintuple mutants are
substantially rescue the defects seen in ful valves, which rescued to a large extent, they also tend to be bumpy.
remain ectopically lignified in ful shp1,2 mutants.(44) Only the Bumpiness is often seen when valve-margin-identity factors
development of stomata in the valve epidermis, which is are misexpressed in valve tissues.(45) Thus, this bumpiness
absent in ful mutants, is rescued. These results suggested that could reflect the activity of yet unknown factors involved in
other factors may be causing the ful defects. Additional valve-margin development. Alternatively, this phenotype may
observations also suggested that other unknown factors be caused by another defect only seen in the quintuple mutant,
control valve margin development. First, shp1,2 mutants can the loss of enb lignification. In addition to being expressed in
still develop valve-margin-like tissues near the apical end of the valves or valve margins, FUL, IND, ALC, SHP1,2 also
the fruit, leading to partial dehiscence. Second, the enhancer- appear to be expressed together in the enb layer.(45,46) Their
trap marker line, YJ80, which is expressed in the valve margin, role in enb development, however, has remained elusive.
is still expressed at the apex of shp,1,2 fruit.(46) Using phloroglucinol to visualize lignin deposition, the enb
Characterization of the basic-helix–loop–helix transcrip- layer is clearly absent when all five genes are mutated.
tion factor, ALCATRAZ (ALC), led to the discovery of a novel Interestingly, no other combination of mutations results in this
gene class controlling dehiscence.(47) Unlike mutations in phenotype indicating that all genes are required for enb
shp1,2 which affect most tissues of the valve margin, alc lignification. How these antagonistic factors function together
affects only a select set of these tissues. alc mutants have a is unclear, but these results suggest that the nature of their
well-developed lignified layer but lack separation-layer tis- interaction may be context dependent.
sues. These defects may not be the sole cause of indehis- The model that has emerged so far is that valve-margin
cence, however, as the cells that replace the separation layer development is controlled by several factors whose expres-
can tear apart in alc mutants. Instead, it has been proposed sion is limited to the valve margin through negative regulation
that a ‘‘lignified bridge’’ that forms between the lignified layer of by FUL in the valves (Fig. 3). Valve-margin development is
the valve margin and the lignified tissues of the replum vas- also restricted from the replum, and raises the question of what
cular bundle may prevent complete separation of the valves factors might repress valve-margin development in these
from the replum. ALC is broadly expressed initially in the valve tissues? Identification of the replumless (rpl) mutation, which
and valve-margin region, and only later becomes restricted to results in a loss of replum development, helped to characterize
the valve margin after fertilization. ALC is also ectopically this part of the pathway.(22) RPL encodes a member of the BEL
expressed in the valves of ful mutants.(46) Removal of ALC subfamily of homeodomain transcription factors and is
activity in ful mutants, however, does not abolish the ectopic expressed very early in the medial region of the gynoecium.
valve lignification even when combined with shp1,2, although Expression can also be detected in the replum and septum
fruit size is moderately rescued in ful alc shp1,2 mutants. tissues in a mature gynoecium using the RPL promoter to drive
Again, these results suggested that other valve-margin factors the expression of a reporter gene. In rpl mutants, Roeder et al.
may also contribute to the ful mutant phenotype. found that the cells that replaced the replum were narrow in

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diameter and stained similarly to separation-layer cells. Using Agricultural applications

marker lines that report the pattern of SHP and IND The fruit of Arabidopsis has proven a useful tool for dissecting
expression, Roeder et al. confirmed that the replum in rpl the genetic networks that control pattern formation in plants.
mutants had been converted into valve margin. Furthermore, it This information can serve a second purpose, as well, by
was determined that ectopic SHP1,2 activity in the replum was leading to innovative approaches for crop improvement.
the cause of these defects, as loss-of-SHP function in a rpl- Canola seeds, which are harvested for oil, can often be lost
mutant background rescued replum development. Together, due to premature pod shatter, particularly under adverse
these data indicated that RPL promotes replum development weather conditions. With our new understanding of the genes
through the negative regulation of SHP genes and that RPL that control dehiscence, it may be possible to modify crops to
itself is not necessary for replum development, per se, but inhibit pod shatter and prevent such seed loss. RNAi methods,
required to prevent the misspecification of replum tissues. This for example, could be used to reduce the expression of SHP,
role is similar to the part FUL plays in valve development. IND or ALC to inhibit valve margin formation.(50) Alternatively,
In summary, work on fruit dehiscence in Arabidopsis has ectopic expression of FUL could be used to inhibit the activity
elucidated a genetic network that draws a line of dehiscence in of the valve-margin-identity genes.(44) These genes could also
the fruit, limiting specialized cellular processes necessary for be used to identify and characterize naturally occurring genetic
pod shatter to a narrow stripe of tissue termed the valve margin. variation in the form of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) affecting
Valve-margin development is controlled by a group of genes dehiscence. Since completely indehiscent fruit present their
(SHP1,2, ALC and IND) with partially overlapping functions that own problems, making seed harvesting more difficult, QTLs of
are limited to the valve margin through negative regulation by moderate effect may represent more useful tools for fine tuning
FUL in the valves and RPL in the replum. In the future, it will be the dehiscence process.
interesting to determine how the expression patterns of these
genes are established and how these processes relate to the Acknowledgments
prefertilization patterning of the gynoecium. We apologize to our colleagues whose work has not been sited
in full due limitations of space. We thank Adrienne Roeder for
permission to communicate unpublished results. We thank
Prospects members of the Yanfosky laboratory for helpful comments and
Variation in fruit shape in Brassicaceae discussion during the preparation of this review and two
While the silique is a characteristic fruit form of the Brassica- anonymous reviewers for useful suggestions. Our work on
ceae, many variations exist in the family, some of which fruit development is supported by the National Science
suggest possible genetic mechanisms based on our current Foundation.
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