Business of Theatre: Reading #1

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cmAPTER 2 Producers, Artistic Directors and Managing Directors: Executive Staff Strategic Planning vey att pts Bra hit om sol, and pins hs awn atria is pictures Hey Ward Behe THE ARTISTIC VISION AND PRODUCING IN AMERICA'S NON-PROFIT THEATRES a theatre management Me Beyond Broadway Preditng the egonal thease movement yal Anesca re both wonder visionary 2 Invghable-Povcing playa «"dlghllyremunerative pas cep tat woul eit chuckle fom most Beodway producers while noaprofi theatre Scere might be roling in te aisles, Although Broadway has arguably been the may Amrit tve national th isa ethically, cll shally social rend tare spead Broad Sulit important to noe that ite theater and community theatres were apart te American abi og before the American regional tate movement be to fill Beso inthe 1960 hear (1912), Chicago’ Lie Theatre (G12), New Yorks Neighborhood P 15), Masachsen Provincetown Players (1915), Ohi nd Pay 1917), New Yous Washing Squae Phyen (938), Californias Lag howe (1920), and Chic stable aide New York. in Ving Barer Thea (1 Flanagan Davis headed up the Federal Theat Project in 1955 snd employ an 1,000 people in fry states in hundreds of productions. Legendary thea tinued to mice und flourish in New York and ehoughout the counts. The Mrcury Theses (1937); Actors Studio (1947) Dalas' Thea 7 Gounded ty Margo Jone in 1947); Hout Alley Tear (founded by Nina Vance i 19 Watkington, DC's Arena Stage (founded in 1949 by Baad Mangum, Zl ‘chandler, and ‘Thomas C. Fichandler)s Gace inthe Square (950s Ae Warluhop in San Princo (1952), Statord Shakespeare Festival in Ontari Canada (1983), New York Shakespeare Festal (1954); Mibwauhze Repertory Thonse (1958); Willamstown ‘heate Fetal (1955), and the Ameccan Shakespeare Festival in Stratford, Conneticut (195), were just afew f the het Non-profits Nationwide thon of many of Ameria best ae plays onthe "Great White Way" de traci nd eurktgity concer The cot of producing on Broadway was skyrocketing awth by the Lae 1950s and “60s. Many of the aco training pe ersten and astute eds bel shape the deat teste mcging, Tea’ Dallas Theatre Cente (1959) ‘Chidris Theate Company (1965), and the Utah ‘Shaespeaean Pentel (1961) wera ew ofthe carly companiss. Marlands Cent Stare (1963), Comaectouts Goodspeed Opera Hour (1963), Minnesota Guth These (1943), Washington’ Seale Repertory Theatre (1963) and Rhode Ind Tenity Repertory Cmpany (1963) soon flo Te growth of non-profit thentes in America was nothing shore of sai There as presing heed to communicate, coaborte, and share information rong the any thats leader ese thote who ec up shop a from the righ Soha Broad, Forcunately, he Theatre Communications Group (TOG) was founded in 1951, ional forum and connministions network fo Dramatic Developments With the 1p ofthe Federal Thea Projet the Civilian Cone ing World Wat Il), and speened the U.S. Ostdoor Drama rarely numbers nearly Sly productions across Ameria, Designed ual tage of thecountry and to increase oui the histor are base on significant event and performed in amphitheatre ince the commitment ofthe Ford Foundation to pro 0 philamrope support to the ars (1957), the erabiahme Endo ‘ets (1963) heft League of Resident Theaes Foun Development of the American e rope ofthis book to even beg to mention the mas pivot player, and soppores of the non-profit arte moverneat in Americ Frit sunmary is intended to imply indicate the youth ambitions and ned resident theatre roverent that ha lang ben il-defined and oot compar efor Iissings of non-peoft theatre asocations, uni Resident Theses (LORT), Institute Shakespeare Theatre Asotin of America (STA). Aatistc Visioning, the Artistic Director and the Artistic Team * Dine + Choreographer Musial direction (compores/muscians, et Designers scenery, costumes, igh a THE PRODUCTION MANAGER: The production manager of lrgespofsonal dea rots closely with the asic scr, directory, designers and cratypeople anally supervises all production and technical reat of the theate. On hiring/uperision, and financial contol, Aside fromm the expense of ais a work lotly with the mans distor on ance and personnel matters THE COMPANY MANAGER: Con get ace most often inwaled with the coord mp ng von greerent with he ty Asocntion (AEA, he Stage Directors and Choreographers United Scenic Artis (USA) and other out-of-town independent contactors. In many theatres he com ‘moral, and special events forthe company Since the bulk. ofthe work is usual THE DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION The srectorofedcaton ioe alle onto cond tice ofthe theatre. At these time the dietor of eduction i often con The Managing Director The managing decor of m Giana ndeising, ask Geet soften calle on to eke the lead re a planing The Artistic Director Managing Director Partnership lnetor partnership Ax part of ths partner sine di Tew concrning the nani elien, procs, frcatng and budgeting or the Jnation, Ofen, board member otto the CEOs i for prot corporations and cn to soi difieal derision-making end personality comics by appointing one owl report diety to the board Th et may be th nrc lade (nly termed he producing artistic dicctor or the management caler (anally labelled the executive decor In ether ese, the potetial for ics of iaterest andthe abuence of heck snd bance canbe devas Tong term development of he nsinson ‘Corsini here ae bilan producing arte sectors and executive the eds of profenional nein, Thee indviuls bal mitment othe asi product and intivtional mision while pr rating ty management fundraising, atkting, nancial programs a Untortently, for those institutions who s Tea ich thos the appropeate checks and balances the eats canbe and have bee) extrem ‘SAMPLE ORGANIZATIONAL CHART FOR NON-PROFIT THEATRES Bard frases gn He, can Der ptt eh at a iy. Wall Stce scandal i [A Sampling of Hissin and Values Statement from Prestigious International Theatre Companies and Select American Non-profit Theatre Institutions IMMRODUCTON: This sampling of iotematonl deat AMERICAN CONSERVATORY THEATRE GA FANCICO, CALIFORNIA Aeris ARENA STAGE (WASHINGTON, BC Ames ply are ou foundation and inspiaon, he cove puapne of Arca Stage is to produce huge plays of al chat is pasion, bern deep and dangerous inthe Arverian pst Arena has broad shou rusia’ Our finn on theatre of the Americas we produce American elas lac fo uence to agus decte and meet each ther oer the theatrical di Ae canter natal ter prorat ae i concent ils supporting the a Wie lve by 8 r wales which are tested every day. Te Arena Stage i ac carat ci DEL SHAKESPEARE (STONEY, AUSTRALIA) ‘Th Bel! Shakespeare vis theatre tha allows audinoes ofall was of life o ce themslis reflected a teusformed trough the prism of grat wing. Shakerpean’ legacy to sucess generation is is fir uth in uum potential. His wring challenges us to reach beyond our grasp and gives ur thewhersvithal imagine ou itr, Ifwe can ex rnyting fom Shakespeare and the ges writers of ou pst itis that we ld wi arches the power to make choices about who we want eo be, Bell Shakespeare eves thac our greatest resource i ou capacity to inane an o transform to DERKELEY REPERTORY THEATRE (BERKELEY, CLIFORNA: Besley Repeioy Thes sands for arbtous programming, engagement with of work that express rigorous, embracing astete and reflects the higher artic standards and sek tonintin an environmen which going dialogue of ess, 4 iflong ering as a core community val Through productions, outreach, and edacation, Berkeley Rep aspires to se teat asa means to challenge, chil nd galvize what ie best inthe human spit THE CHILDRENS THEATRE (HIMNEAPOUS, MANESOTA: The Childrens Thee pany exists to create exraoeinary theatre experiences that eae, challenge aspire young people. The Childress Theste Company scks to bean international CORQUE DU SOLEL (WORLDWIDE BASED QUEBEC, CANADA): Cinque do Sol incemationl compaay fom Quebec decited to the cretion, production an dseibton of artic works, Ou mission eo invoke the imagination, prveke the senses and evoe the emotions of peopl theaughout the word. Cinque du Solel is ed we intend to Taking such is and inventing with audacity. As we Tusicis according 10 the ry jiadicion oe work in In all our THE CLEVELAND PLAY HOUSE (CLEVELAND, ONO}: The Cleveland Phy House Amercis fine permanently eablshed profesional theatre company. We ae an in inspied theatre tat serves our community by Bringing toe stores ha are ‘many ofthe nations most accomplhedtheatcal professionals The Cleveland Pl community. Cleveland Pay House develops imperant new work forthe American ate eects the eeatve impale ofthe ais, delivers edcational program "THE DONMAR WAREHOUSE (LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM}: ‘The Donnas Warehouse has (Over he ae sateen yur tetheate acre a eputtion acted with aii {ston yeaa tshome in C den presents work atonal ung and diverse adie hed with over 1,0 eonle, many af whom have never been tothe thete before, th fll, in-school workshop, 2x ing project ‘Creating EAST WEST PLATRS (LOS ANGELES, CLF Aste nation premier san Amevican remizaton, Est Wert Players produces outstanding works and educ THE GOODMAN THEATRE (CHCAGO, INOS: The Goodman Aréisie Colles jean and dives group of hx onneys mort ean ecto, act Aatss witha national repaation, who make Chicago their home. Ax THE GUTHRIE THEATRE (AINNEAPOLS,MINKESOTH: The sot alate resource for the people of Minnesota and che region, Ke primary ask he Theatre + devote a repertoire that, stained ws snce our foundation w works fom dere nltures and tations. The Guthrie bet levels of artic rhicrement and to racing the widest pone audience with our work. The Theat sete a ender in American Teste with both national and 1 JOLA PLATHOUSE (A JOLLA, CALFORNA:L Jos Py a artform and as wil sci moral an pital path wnfetered youthful spt and cles nied “e cukivate« Tocl and national following with an issuable appetite for audacious and divere rk. Inthe fue, San Diego La ola Peyhowe wl be considered singly indispenuable co the workdwie theatre landscape, as we Boome a permanent sl haber forthe unsafe and rpg, ‘The dy wl come when i wil be exe ner the La Jolla Pose rer to get glimpee of what is about THE MARKET THEATRE QOHANAESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA): ‘The ison ofthe Mate eae Foundation is ro erste an autcaie South Afican cultural expen innovative and ofthe highest quay. NATIONAL THEKTRE (LONDON, ENGLAND: NT Baucaton Ds National These is central to the ital Tapes he National (OREGON SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL (SHLAMD, OREGON: Ini Excellence: We bli in Learning: We ble in ofeing company met sau uae ingiry over 12 ‘allan back produ Ica influence *+ Company: We believe insustining safe and suppoctive wih trust spect and conpasion, We believe that the cllaborativ proces is intrinsic to theatre and ethe bedrock of our workin ‘eatonships; we are comine to the Festivals Communica Credo, We en support alice between ou ves SEATILE REPERTORY THEATRE (SEAILE, WASHINGTON: Seas Rep reduces plays that excite the imagination and nourish lifelong past SHAKESPEARE & COMPANY (LENOX, MASSAHUSETS: Shkespeae Se ingiy balance nd harmony company tat performs asthe Eka love with poetry, physical prowess andthe mtr ofthe nivene. With core 120 ars, the company performs Shakespeare, gencating oportniis for aboraton berwcen story directors and designes of » ackgrounds. Shakespeare & Company provides 0 asia ining and performance methods. Shakespeare & Company alo develops and duction rex new generation of students an discover the resonance pete’ truths in the ev the SOUTH COAST REPERTORY (COSTA MESA, CALFORN: South Cons Repeston iy that at the hound of theatre anit ponsiltier We undertake Thur of theate nthe service of our community and sim t extend that sevice through educational itescultral and outreach programs tha harmonize with u STEPPENWOLE THEATRE COMPAR, (CHCAGO, LINO): Steppenw Thea isa Chicago based international pefoing ares ineation commited Catlaboraton and artist isk hough its work with is permanent ens wdscae of acing and perfomance by spawning a geertion of Ameria most fied aint Founded in 1976 as an ensemble of nine actor, Steppenwolf has STRATEORD SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL (STRATFORD, CANADA: With Wim Shakespese mits foundation, the Steatford Shakespeare Festal sims to set the standard fo - Embracing our herage of tation and mnoration ical an contempory theatre alive for an Formore than hal armisson has address the ever-chan og Canadian curl landscape. What as eersined cons . to examine ote plays from the asia repestin fewer and support che de tof Canadian teste practi By searching Canada and he finest een and by provi mean training that enable thos aris to achiev thei most cou THE TRICYCLE THEATRE (LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM): ‘The"Tiycle Theatre hs meuniy in partcar ply by Black eh in South Ac sing’ ibunal play sh woke Beaton 7 an integral part of put ofthe Tice. Th in th London borough of Bi het cinema gallery resents an eclectic progeamane which eect Pasion, thugh 2 bad regulator, 2 pve spring fap Wade Emer

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