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Materi Pembelajaran: Expressions of asking for, giving, and rejecting a help

1. Asking for and Responses

Asking for a help
Accepting a help Rejecting a help
Please close the door! Ok Sorry, I can not/ I can’t
Can you help me? Sure help you
Can you help me, please? Certainly Sorry, I am busy now
Could you do me a favor? Alright I am afraid I have not get
Would you take my English Of Course the time
book, please ? No problem
Yes, what do you want me
to do?

2. Giving a help and Responses

Giving a help
Accepting a help Rejecting a help
Can I help you? Yes, please No, thanks
Do you need a help? That’s very kind of you No, thank you
Can I give you a hand? Please do not brother. I can
Let me help you with that manage
No, I ca do my self

3. Offering, accepting, and refusing something.

Offering something
Accepting Rejecting
Do you want something tea ? Yes, please No, thanks
Would you like to have some That’s very kind of you No, thank you
Can I get you something to
Dialogue 1
Michael : Farida, can you help me?
Farida : Yes, what do you want me to do?
Micahel : After the school, I want to buy some books in TogaMas.
Can you accompany me go to there?
Farida : Ok. With pleasure.

Dialogue 2
Atrina : Excuse me.
Shopkeeper : Yes, can I help you?
Atrina : I want to buy a red T-Shirt with a Hello Kitty picture on it.
Shopkeeper : Yes, of course. Please wait a minute.
Atrina : Thank you.

Dialogue 3
Zuni : Do you mind if I use your motorcycle?
Farah : Where are you going to go?
Zuni : To the post office. I’ll post the letter for my mother.
Farah : I am affraid you do not have the license yet.
Lembar Kerja Siswa

I. Listen your teacher Listen to your teacher and then complete the dialogue!
Situation : Nina and Nico are in Nina’s house. They are doing the homework together.
Nina : Nico[1] do me a favor, please ?
Nico : [2]....................., What can i do for you?
Nina : [3] be so kind as to [4] ............... of my cat [5] ...........going to
Bogor tomorrow to[6] uncle, he is sick. I will be there for about
Nico : I’d be very[8] take care of your cat. I love cats.
Nina : [9]......., thanks
Nico : [10] ..........I bathe it ?
Nina : No, Its not necessary.

II. Answer the questions based on the dialogue above !

1. What is Nina asking Niko to do?
2. Where will Nina go tomorrow?
3. Why is Nina go to her uncle?
4. How does Nina ask to Nico for help ?
5. How long Nina will stay in her uncle’s house?

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