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OBJECTIVE 2 Application of Knowledge and Understanding

Case Study

Read this case study:


Despite the fact that it appears on a web page called "Amusing Planet", this story is far from
amusing. This sort of deliberate or thoughtless exploitation lies behind most of the world's
environmental problems.

A. Make a one paragraph, maximum half page, summary of the Case Study.

B. Answer these questions.

1. For what is phosphorous used? Why is it such a valuable export?
2. Nauru is a limestone bedrock - now exposed - which was covered by guano, until the
miners moved in.
i. What sort of rock is limestone? Why should the Pacific Island of Nauru be
made of limestone?
ii. What is guano? How is it formed? Why should it be collected and exported?
3. More than 40% of Nauru's residents now suffer from Type II Diabetes. What is Type II
diabetes and why should so many on Nauru be suffering?
4. What sort of organism is coral?
5. A coral reef is formed mostly by the a-sexual reproduction of the coral polyps, meaning
all the coral organisms are genetically identical. Give some reasons why it is
advantageous for corals to be able to reproduce a-sexually.

C. State your opinions about what has happened on Nauru Island since German
colonisation in the late 19th century. Provide justification for anything you write.

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