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HTML5 – NexTGen Web Glossary

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HTML5 – NexTGen Web Glossary

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HTML5 – NexTGen Web Glossary

Term Description
Absolute Path Links that contain the complete address to get to a Web page.
Used to create a hyperlink. A user can specify a text or an
Anchor Element
image as a hyperlink.
An open source OS developed by Google. It is currently used
by smartphones and tablet computers.
A cross-platform mobile application development support. It
allows the users to create Android, iOS, and mobile Web apps.
Are binary operators, as they perform basic arithmetic
Arithmetic operations on two operands. The operator appears in between
Operators the two operands and allows you to perform computations on
numeric and string values.
A collection of values stored in adjacent memory locations.
Array These array values are referenced using a common array name
and must be of the same data type.
Represents a section of content that is independent of a Web
Article Element
page or site content.
Used for representing the content that is related to the main
Aside Element
text of the document.
Assignment Assigns the value of the right side operand to the operand on
Operator the left side by using the equal to operator (=).
Are name/value pairs that describe the element and content
Embeds music on the Web site and allow the user to listen to
AUDIO Element
Autocomplete Provides control on prefilled values displayed in the fields.
Autofocus An attribute used to focus on an input field on page load.

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Term Description
Bitwise Represent operands in bits (zeros and ones) and perform
Operators operations on operands.
A proprietary mobile OS developed by Research in Motion
Blackberry OS (RIM) and is based on Java platform. It is primarily used by
Blackberry smartphone devices.
Defines a long quotation or block quotation, the <blockquote>
tag can be used. When the <blockquote> tag is used, the
quotation is indented in browsers.
Adds content to the Web page specified under the <BODY>
BODY Element
and </BODY> tags.
Are rectangular outlines that surround an element. Borders
Border present around text and an image emphasizes the content
inside the text box.
Used with decision-making such as switch-case and loop
Break Statement
constructs such as for and while loops.

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HTML5 – NexTGen Web Glossary

Term Description
Used to dynamically draw graphics using JavaScript.
Defines a caption for the table. It is a sub-element of the
TABLE element. It must be present immediately after the
<TABLE> tag.
Matches elements, whose class attribute set in an HTML page
Class Selector
and applies styles to the content of all those elements.
Client-side Refers to a script being executed on the client’s machine by the
Scripting browser.
Defined by the number of bits per pixel (bpp) and it is also
Color Depth
called as bit depth.
An attribute that allows the user to span a cell along a
horizontal row.
Composite Data Stores a collection of multiple related values, unlike primitive
Type data types.
Stores the original images in a reduced number of bytes using
Compression an algorithm. This image can be expanded back to the original
size using a decompression algorithm.
Constructor A reusable block that specifies the type of object, its
Function properties, and its methods.
Used to terminate the current execution of the loop and
continue with the next repetition by returning the control to the
beginning of the loop.
Style sheets that specify the formatting of a Web page such as
CSS options include font, color, background, spacing, positioning,
and borders, for both static and dynamic Web pages.
Are user-defined objects, which the developer explicitly creates
Custom Objects
in the script and defines their properties and methods.

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HTML5 – NexTGen Web Glossary

Term Description
Specifies the type of value assigned to the attributes and the type of
Data Type
content that is to be displayed.
Database An organized collection of data.
Provides a text field with a set of predefined list of options that are
displayed in a drop-down list.
Defines and manipulates the date and time values programmatically.
It supports both the Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) and
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) conventions.
Refers to a collection of terms with their corresponding descriptions.
DEL Encloses text, which has been deleted from the document. The text
Element to be deleted is placed in the <del> and </del> tags.
DHTML Uses JavaScript and CSS to make dynamic Web pages.
DIV Tag Defines a division in an HTML Web page.
Informs the browser the HTML version number of your document. It
Doctype is the first declaration in the HTML5 document before any other
HTML code is written.
Document A predefined object in JavaScript which represents the HTML page
Object and allows managing the page dynamically.
An Application Programming Interface (API) that defines the object
structure for accessing and manipulating HTML elements.
Executes until the condition becomes false.
Defines an event-based mechanism using which elements on a Web
Drag and page can be copied, reordered, or deleted. The drag-and-drop
Drop API operation involves the use of a pointing device, such as mouse on a
visual medium.
Generates content ‘on-demand’ when user provides certain inputs. It
accepts the inputs from the user based on which it displays the
Web Page
content in the browser.

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HTML5 – NexTGen Web Glossary

Term Description
Organizes the content in a Web page hierarchically, which forms
Element the basic HTML structure. It consists of tags, attributes, and
A desktop application that allows testing and debugging of the
Emulator mobile application. It offers the environment similar to the real
mobile device on which application will be executed.
Is written exactly as the start tag, but the forward slash (/)
End Tag
precedes the element name.
Entities Are special characters that are reserved in HTML.
A special character that is preceded by a backslash (\). Escape
sequence characters are used to display special non-printing
characters such as a tab space, a single space, or a backspace.
Occurs when a user interacts with the Web page. Some of the
commonly generated events are mouse clicks, key strokes, and
so on. The process of handling these events is known as event
A mechanism that allows you to specify a common event handler
for all child elements. This means that the parent element
handles all the events generated by the child elements.
A scripting code or a function that defines the actions to be
Event Handler
performed when the event is triggered.
Event A process of specifying actions to be performed when an event
Handling occurs. This is done by using an event handler.
Is defined in a separate file and is saved with the .css extension.
External Style
It provides the benefit of reusability by implementing common
style rules for multiple HTML pages.

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HTML5 – NexTGen Web Glossary

Term Description
Is similar to the header and can be present as the footer either
for the document or for the section. There can be multiple footer
elements in an HTML5 document.
Executes the statements within the loop as long as the given
For Loop
condition is true.
An extension of the for-loop. It enables to perform specific
actions on the arrays of objects. The loop reads every element in
For-In Loop
the specified array and executes a block of code only once for
each element in the array.
A piece of code that performs some operations on variables to
Function fulfil a specific task. It takes one or more input values, processes
them, and returns an output value.

Term Description
Is the main engine of Mozilla Firefox and a number of related
Gecko Engine
Determines the current location of the user on devices. The
GeoLocation location of a user is represented as a single point on a map that
comprises of the latitude and longitude.
Used to display the user’s location on a map. The object of a Map
Google Maps
is created in JavaScript before it can be referenced in the HTML
Global Positioning System is a satellite navigation system that
GPS provides information about the location from any part of the

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HTML5 – NexTGen Web Glossary

Term Description
Are formats supported on iPhone and Google Android devices.
There is a simple way to encode H.264 is by using the Handbrake.
An open-source, GPL-license application and is accessible by using
Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux.
HEAD Provides information about the Web page such as keywords and
Element language used, which is not displayed on the Web page.
Header Represents the header of a Web page. It can be used either at the
Element top of the document or at the top of a section.
Define headings for contents such as text and images. They specify
a hierarchical structure of a Web page by grouping the contents
into different headings.
HGROUP Used to group titles and their subtitles. The element is used to
Element group a set of h1–h6 elements.
A part of the window object. It contains a set of URLs visited by a
user in a browser window. The history object is an array that refers
to a particular URL by specifying its index number in the array.
A markup language used primarily to create hypertext Web pages,
which are published on the Web and displayed in any Web browser.
The root element that marks the beginning of an HTML document.
HTML It contains the start and end tag in the form of <HTML> and
Element </HTML> respectively. It is the largest container element as it
contains various other elements.
A cooperative project between the W3C and the Web Hypertext
Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG).
Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a protocol that specifies how a Web
page will be retrieved from the Web Server.
Is referred to as a link. It refers to linking to another Web page or
to a section in the same Web page.
Refers to the content in a Web page, which is linked to another
Web page.

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HTML5 – NexTGen Web Glossary

Term Description
Matches an element whose id attribute is set in an HTML page
ID Selector
and applies styles to the content of that element.
Integrated Development Environment is a tool used for coding
the markup, JavaScript, and CSS.
Executes a block of statements based on a logical Boolean
condition. If this condition is true, the block following the if
If Statement
statement is executed, else, the immediate statement after the
block is executed.
If-Else If Allows a user to check multiple conditions and specify a different
Statement block to be executed for each condition.
Begins with the ‘if’ block, which is followed by the else block.
The else block begins with the else keyword followed by a block
of statements to be executed upon the false condition.
Are images with clickable areas. These areas in image-maps
Image Map
when clicked will link to another page.
An element which allows the user to insert an image in a Web
IMG Element page with the supported graphic formats namely, GIF, JPEG,
Decrement Are unary operators, as they operate only on a single operand.
A process of setting off the text from its normal position, either
to the left or to the right.
A specification also known as Indexed DB. It is an object store
that can be used to store and manipulate data on the client-
Database API
Inline Style
Are placed directly inside an HTML element.
INPUT Element A data field that allows the user to edit the data on the form.
Encloses text, which has been inserted in the document
INS Element
between the <ins> and </ins> tags.
Are placed inside the <head> section of a particular Web page
Internal Style
source code. These styles can be re-used in the same Web page
in which they are placed.
A mobile OS developed by Apple Inc. and was initially referred
iOS as iPhone OS. It is derived from Mac OS X which is based on
UNIX platform.

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HTML5 – NexTGen Web Glossary

Term Description
A scripting language developed by Netscape for creating dynamic
JavaScript Web pages. It is used to develop interactive Web pages by adding
programming to HTML.
A JavaScript library which is supported on multiple browsers. It
simplifies the designing of client-side scripting on HTML pages.
The jQuery library is based on modular approach that allows the
creation of powerful and dynamic Web applications.

Term Description
A string that defines how the browser should extract key from a
Key Path value. The key from a value can be extracted either in the object
store or index.
Are the events that occur when a key or a combination of keys
are pressed or released from a keyboard. These events occur for
all keys of a keyboard.

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HTML5 – NexTGen Web Glossary

Term Description
Local Area Network refers to a computer network in a small
geographical area such as office, home, or school.
Defines the association between a document and an external
LINK Element
resource. It is used to link style sheets.
An open source OS supported by smartphones manufactured by
A collection of items, which might be organized in a sequential or
List non-sequential manner. A list in HTML can contain paragraphs,
line breaks, images, links, and other lists.
Literal A static value that can be assigned to variables.
Enables storing data for longer periods on the user’s computer
Local Storage through the browser. The data is persistent and can be retrieved
when a user revisits a site at a later date.
Location Allows to access complete information of the URL loaded in the
Object browser window.
Logical Are binary operators that perform logical operations on two
Operators operands.
In this algorithm, file size is reduced but preserves a copy of the
original uncompressed image. Lossless compression avoids
accumulating stages of re-compression when editing images.
In this algorithm, a representation of the original uncompressed
image is preserved. The image appears to be a copy of the
original image but in actuality it is not a copy. Lossy compression
achieves smaller file sizes when compared with lossless

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HTML5 – NexTGen Web Glossary

Term Description
MAN Metropolitan Area Network refers to a network that covers a city.
Used for defining marked or highlighted text because of its
Mark Tag
relevance to the context.
Markup A set of notations that specifies how the content should look in
Language the browser.
A pre-defined object that provides static properties and methods
MATH Object
to perform mathematical operations on numeric values.
Used for displaying information about the data. In HTML5, the
META Element content meta tag which was used for specifying the charset or
character encoding has been simplified.
Meter Tag Displays markup or scalar measurement within a defined range.
Micro Video Creates all files that the user requires for HTML5 video element
Controler that works on cross browser.
Also known as a handheld device, is a small portable computing
Mobile Device
device with a small display screen and keyboard.
Is similar to a software platform. It is basically responsible to
interact with the device hardware and run software’s/services on
the mobile device.
Mouse Event Occurs when the user clicks the mouse button.
A combination of various elements such as video, graphics,
sound, and text.

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HTML5 – NexTGen Web Glossary

Term Description
Represents a section of a Web page that contains navigation
links/menus to other Web pages or to other parts within the
Nav Element
Web page. In other words, it allows the user to navigate
through the Web page and site.
Contains information about the browser used by the client.
Navigator Object It allows the user to retrieve information such as name,
version number, and code name of the browser.
Nested If
Comprises of multiple if statements within an ‘if’ statement.

Term Description
Are entities with properties and methods and resemble to real life
Objects objects. Properties specify the characteristics or attributes of an
object, while methods identify the behavior of an object.
An open source, royalty-free, and patent-free format available.
Ogg/Theora This format is supported by browsers such as Opera, Chrome, and
Specifies the type of operation to be performed on the values of
variables and expressions. JavaScript provides different types of
operators to perform simple to complex calculations and
A list of items arranged in a particular order. The order of the items
Ordered List
is important as it indicates a sequential flow.
Displays the results of a calculation on a form. The result values
displayed in the output element are processed from the other form

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HTML5 – NexTGen Web Glossary

Term Description
Padding The amount of space between the content and its outer edge.
A proprietary mobile OS developed by Palm Inc., used for
Palm OS Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs). The Palm OS was later on
extended to support smartphones.
Parameterized JavaScript functions that take parameters. These parameters
Function hold values on which the function needs to perform operations.
Refers to passing objects as arguments to a function. In the pass
by reference method, the called function modifies the value of
Passing By
the parameters passed to it from the calling function. This
change is reflected when the control passes back to the calling
Refers to passing variables as arguments to a function. In the
Passing By
pass by value method, the called function does not change the
values of the parameters passed to it from the calling function.
An HTML5 app that allows the user to create native apps with
PhoneGap Web technologies and is accessible to app stores and APIs.
PhoneGap controls the Web technologies.
Displays a short hint or text inside a form element. This informs
the user about what data needs to be entered in that field.
PositionError Holds information related to the errors occurred while finding the
Object geographic location of the user.
Used to apply preformatted text content to a Web page. The
PRE Tag <pre> tag applies a fixed-font width to the text content. It also
maintains a standard formatting for spaces and line breaks.
The engine used in the Opera browsers. Opera browsers are
Presto Engine considered to be a technically superior browser, but market
share of Opera browsers is still low.
Primitive Data
Contains a single literal value such as a number or a string.
Progress Tag Used with JavaScript to display the progress of a task.
Allows a user to apply different styles to the elements such as
buttons, hyperlinks, and so on.

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HTML5 – NexTGen Web Glossary

Term Description
Regular A pattern that is composed of set of strings which is to be
Expression matched to a particular textual content.
Relational Are binary operators that make a comparison between two
Operators operands.
Are links that are provided when the files of a Web page are in
Relative Path
the same folder as the page displaying the link.
Each operation, such as reading or writing on the database is
Request performed using a request. Requests contain attributes such as
flag, source object, result, and error.
Begins with return keyword followed by the variable or value,
RETURN which needs to be returned to the calling function. The return
Statement statement can also be used to halt the execution of the function
and to return the control to the calling function.
Spans a data cell across two or more rows. It allows the user to
span a data cell along a vertical column.

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HTML5 – NexTGen Web Glossary

Term Description
SCRIPT Specifies the scripting language and encloses the scripting
Element functions to make them interactive.
A series of commands that are interpreted and executed
sequentially and immediately on occurrence of an event.
Represents a section of a Web document. It is used for grouping
related content and is different from other content groups present
on the Web page.
An HTML element for which you want to specify the style or the
formatting instruction.
Server-side Refers to a script being executed on a Web server to generate
Scripting dynamic HTML pages.
Session Keeps track of data specific to one window or tab and discards it
Storage as soon as the user closes the tab (or window).
Standard Generalized Markup Language is the mother language of
HTML and defines the structure of other markup languages.
SPAN Tag Groups inline-elements in a document.
A server-side JavaScript executed by the Web server when an
HTML page is requested by a user.
Are referred to as a logical collection of variables, operators, and
keywords that perform a specific action to fulfil a required task.
Static Web Consists of static content specified by the Web page designers
Page such as, text, images, audios, and videos.
A set of characters that are surrounded by single or double
Emphasizes the text as compared to its surrounding text.
Displays the text as subscript. The text to be displayed as
SUB Element
subscript is enclosed in <sub> and </sub> tags.
Displays the text as superscript. The text to be displayed as
SUP Element
superscript is enclosed in <sup> and </sup> tags.
Allows comparing a variable or expression with multiple values.
An open source mobile OS developed for mobile phones. It
includes user interface framework, libraries, and component tools.

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HTML5 – NexTGen Web Glossary

Term Description
Denote the start and end of an HTML element. Tags are referred to
as the markup in an HTML document.
A small image, or a part of a larger image, clicking the thumbnail
Thumbnail image will link to the larger original image, which can be viewed and
Used for defining either the time, or a date in the Gregorian
calendar. It is used optionally with a time and a time-zone offset.
Time Tag
This element can be used to encode dates and times in a machine-
readable format.
Specifies the title of the Web page under the <TITLE> and
</TITLE> tags. The title is displayed on the Title bar of the Web
browser. The TITLE element is included within the HEAD element.
Provides an easy, standard way to add captions, subtitles, chapters,
and screen reader descriptions to the audio and video elements.
Track elements are also used for other types of timed metadata.
Any addition or retrieval of the data in a database is performed by
Transaction using transaction. In other words, it is a mechanism used for
interacting with the database.
Trident Used by different versions of Internet Explorer (IE). Currently,
Engine HTML5 is not majorly supported by the Trident engine.
Specifies the element name along with the styles to be applied to
that element. This results in applying the specified styles to all the
occurrence of that element in a Web page.

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Term Description
Can be applied to all elements in the document. This means that
it applies the specified styles to the content of all the elements. It
is represented by an asterisk (*) sign.
A list where the items are arranged in random order.
The most commonly used character coding that supports many
alphabets. UTF-8 is also being promoted as the new standard.

Term Description
Refers to a symbolic name that holds a value which keeps
VIDEO Element Embeds the video content on the Web page.

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HTML5 – NexTGen Web Glossary

Term Description
Wide Area Network refers to a network that connects LANs and
MANs across the globe.
A way to access information using the Internet that is referred to
Web as a network of networks. Information is made available across
the globe in the form of Web pages.
A file that contains information and instructions to display the
Web Page
information to the users.
A computer with high processing speed connected to the Internet
Web Server
and is used to host Web pages.
A collection of Web pages which facilitate sharing information on
Web Site
the Internet.
Provides functionality for storage of data on the client-side that is
Web Storage
on user’s machine.
Is supported mainly for the Safari browser used in Apple Macs,
iPhones, iPads, and other Apple products. This engine is based on
the open source KHTML project.
A royalty-free and patent-free format supported by Google. This
WebM format is supported by browsers such as Opera, Chrome, and
Executes a block of code as long as the given condition remains
While Loop true. If this condition returns true, the block of statements within
the while loop are executed.
The top level object in the JavaScript hierarchy. All the objects in
the hierarchy are descendants of the Window object. The Window
object represents a browser window.
The mobile OS that runs on top of the Windows Mobile platform.
Mobile OS
Allows removing the object reference for each JavaScript
statement. This is done by referring to the common object only
once for a set of statements.

Term Description
Extensible HTML is a language that combines HTML with Extensible
XHTML Markup Language (XML). XML allows defining your own data in a
structured format, which can be displayed in any browser.

--- End of Glossary ---

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