International Marketing: Option 2

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Professional Certificate in Marketing (Level 4)

Stakeholder Marketing
June 2010
CIM Membership NO: 13496641


Index Page

1.0Aim of the assignment 04

1.1Structure of the assignment 04

2.0International marketing 05

2.1Deciding how to enter the international marketing 06

3.0 Summary of audits 07

3.1Current marketing mix 08

4.0justification of choice 09

4.1Country identification 09

4.2Product or brand justification 09

4.3Important of international marketing for Ceylon chocolate limited 09

5.0 Relationship marketing 10

5.1Benefits of relationship marketing 10

6.0 Communication approaches with stakeholders 10

6.1Challenges of international stakeholder communication 11

7.0 Standardization and adaptation 12

8.0Competitive advantage 13

8.1Choosing the right competitive advantage 13

9.0. Extended marketing mix for competitive advantage 14

10.0. Recommendation for creating budget 18

11.0. Measuring the success of marketing mix 20

12.0. Conclusion 22

13.0.Bibilography 22

14.0. Appendix

14.1Organization background 23

14.2Key stakeholder identification 26

14. 3Influence and impact matrix 27


14.4Country background 28

Content of table Page

Table No 1 Country justifications 06

Table No 2 Recommendation for creating Budged 18

Table No3 stakeholder analysis 26

Content of Figure

Figure No 1 Market entry strategies 08

Figure No2 product life cycle 09

Figure No 3 Five international product and promotion strategies 12

Figure No 4 Distribution channel for competitive advantage 16

Figure No 5 Strategies for measuring the marketing mix 21


CCL Ceylon chocolate limited

HACCP Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point

(For food safety assurance)

Word count 3385(core content chapter 2 –chapter 12)


1.0 Aim of the assignment

The aim of this assignment is to introduce International marketing Program, which are
discussed in today’s academic environment. Paper will include the recommendations about
who are the stakeholders and how the each stakeholders will influence and impact on
international market entry , and also include recommendations for maintaining relationship
with stakeholders , budgeting , product standardize, extended marketing mix development for
international market, and measuring the success of the market mix. Core aim of this proposal
is to enhance the decision making of the Ceylon Chocolate limited in the international market

1.1 Structure of The Assignment

Over all content of this assignment is to analyze Ceylon Chocolate Limited’s international
market entry and how the stake holders are going to be play role in this. Assignment will first
describe about importance of the international marketing to CCL’s, second chapter will be
Description of international marketing, next chapter describe summery of audit, next chapter
describe justification of choice, , next describe relationship marketing, next chapter describe
communication approach with stake holders, next chapter about standardization
&adaptation, next chapter about competitive advantage& extended marketing mix, next
chapter Recommendation for creating budget ,last chapter about measuring the marketing
mix success.


2.0 International Marketing

International marketing is the performance of business activities designed to plane, price,

promote, and direct the flow of company’s goods and services to consumers or users in more
than one nation for a profit.

The process of evaluating candidate for a foreign market entry can be divided into four stages

Stage-1 Country identification

In this stage the candidate countries are identified and listed. In principal the company can
start with most of the world’s more than 200 countries, but most often the list include amore
limited set of alternatives .Typically the company decide to enter a particular trade area.

Stage-2 Preliminary Screening

After the candidate countries have been identified in this stage begin. This involves rating the
identified countries on macro level indicators. The idea is to weed out countries from
consideration. In this stage ,anticipated cost of entering market should be broadly assessed, to
match financial and other resource constraints.

Stage-3 In-depth Screening

In this stage is the core of the attractiveness evolution. This stage involves assessing market
potential and actual market size, market growth rate, strength& weaknesses of existing and
potential competition, and height of entry barriers, including tariffs and quotas.

Stage -4 Final selection

In this stage, company objective are brought to bear for a match and forecasted revenues and
cost are compared to find the country market which best leverages the resources available.
The firm’s objectives in contemplating foreign entry can be used to assign importance weight
to the various criteria, such as costs, to get weighted sum across the criteria. The process
leads to ranking of the countries from highest to lowest attractiveness for the firm.


2.1 Deciding How to Enter the International Market

Once a company has decide to sell in a foreign country, it must determine the best mode of
entry. Its choices are exporting, joint venturing, and direct investment.fig-1 shows three
market entry strategies, along with the option each one offer. As the figure shows, each
succeeding strategy involve more commitment and risk, but also more control and potential


Entering the foreign market by selling goods produced in the company’s home country, often
with little modification

Joint venturing

Entering the foreign market by joining with foreign companies to produce or market a
produce or service. There are four type of join ventures; licensing, contract manufacturing,
contracting and joint ownership.

Direct Investment

Entering a foreign market by developing foreign-based assembly or manufacturing facilities

Amount of commitment, risk, control and profit potential


A CCL normally gets into international marketing by simply shipping out is goods. If its
international sales expand, the CCL organizes an export department with a sales manager and
few assistants. as sales increase, the export department can expand to include various
marketing services so that it can actively go after business. If the CCL moves into joint


ventures or direct investment, the export department will no longer be adequate. A company
may export to one country. License to another, have a joint owner ship venture in a third, and
own a subsidiary in a forth. Sooner a later it will create international divisions or subsidiaries
to handle all its international activity.

3.0 Summary of audit

3.1 Suitability of the current Marketing mix

Kandos is the favorite chocolate brands is the brand child of Ceylon chocolate limited.
Established in 1962.Ceylon chocolate limited doing its business with an excellent marketing
mix in Srilanka, marketing mix of the made it as more competitive in the Sri Lanka market.
Entering like as Nepal requiring assessment of market mix suitability because it different
from the current market of the firm

The Sri Lankan chocolate market has been dominated by many local players. But Kandos is
the undisputed market leader, enjoying a 56% market share.

Chocolate is also a popular impulse item, where purchasing is influenced by visibility in

stores and by packaging. Kandos, from its inception, was positioned as a premium chocolate
made from high-quality ingredients. It is a household brand that is synonymous with sharing,
affection, love and caring. Its product range covers all possible demographic and
psychographic segments. Kandos presently boasts 52 product lines, from chocolate bars,
slabs, gift packs and centre fills, to cooking chocolates and cocoa powder. The most popular
are milk, orange-flavored variants, cashew and other nutty chocolates. Kandos Classic, the
latest addition to the Kandos range of slabs, has performed beyond expectations. Its two
variants, Regular – with milk chocolate and rice crispies – and Vanilla – with milk chocolate,
rice crispies and a new vanilla flavor – have now become firm favorites among young adults
who constitute its primary target market.

This has been established through a cohesive, consistent and coherent strategic advertising
and promotional effort. A recent promotion involved the inauguration of a scholarship fund –
the Kandos Reach-Out Educational Fund – to help 1,000 destitute children with their school

Funds for this purpose are generated through a special chocolate called Kandos Reach-Out.
Every Reach-Out product sold contributes a sum ranging from Rs. 2.50 to Rs. 25 to this fund.


It has also been a sponsor of high-quality media programs, especially concentrating on

children and the family: for example, by sponsoring TV, radio programs such as Knight
Rider, Advertisement for children newspaper such as vijay.

CCL can improve the market promotions which are more suitable in the Nepal market, other
than common mass medias CCL’s can do the promotions using social networks (face book,
twitter), search engine advertisements (internet penetration rate is high), using opinion
leaders to attract more customers in an effective way.

Distribution channel of the Kandos in the Sri Lanka market are all retail shop, supermarket
pharmacies so forth

Kandos price range is very wide. Available price are From Rs10 up to Rs250

4.0Justification of choice

4.1 Product justification

Kandos Sri Lanka’s favorite chocolate brands is the brand child of Ceylon chocolate ltd.
Kandos has maintained a clear market leader status in Sri Lanka throughout its 44 years in
existence. Currently its market share is 54%. It has thus become the benchmark for
chocolates in Sri Lanka. 95% of Sri Lanka cocoa beans are used in the manufacturing process
of premium Kandos chocolate.

4.2 Country Justification

India China USA Nepal

Positive justification
Chocolate Market 04 05 09 09
Resource availability 08 08 03 04
Political stability 03 02 08 07
Relationship with 05 06 07 09
positive total 20 21 27 29
Regulations 03 04 09 07


Tax rate 04 07 09 05
competitors) 09 07 07 06
negative total 16 18 25 18
PTP-NTP 04 03 02 09

(Table no.1)
Above the table was prepared by secondary data such as country economy data, easy doing
business index etc.

4.3 Important to International marketing for Ceylon Chocolate Limited

Every brand or the organization try to increase its profit earning capacity by using various
strategies, one of the most practicable and profitable strategy is market development as well
as going international, kandos having 56% market share in Srilankan chocolate industry by
entering the Nepal market they can increase their market share more than this, operating in
more than one country will give some more benefits to the CCL for example if CCL’s face
any problems in one country (like economic nature disasters, political problem ) by operating
in more than one country CCL’s can reduce recession, their risk in business, increase in
customer base will lead to increase the profit. In Srilanka Ceylon Chocolate limited operating
in a highly fragmented industry and firm in a maturity stage in the business to extend the life
cycle this international marketing will be help full.

CCL current market





5.0 Relationship Marketing


Relationship marketing is a process of Creating, Building up long term relationship with

Customer, Distributers and suppliers.
Relation ship marketing has the following drivers
1.Retaining stakeholder is cheaper than recruiting new one
2.stakeholder defection is damaging to the company
3.stakeholder loyalty leads to long term stability and growth
4.Technilogical advances allow firms to keep much more detailed information about
customer, and enable marketers to determine customer needs more effectively
5.stakeholder judged on their lifetime value

5.1.Benefit of Relationship marketing

1.Cost acquisition occurs only at the beginning of the relationship ,so longer the relationship,
lower the amortized cost.
2.Long term stakeholder tend to be less inclined to switch and also tend to be less price/ profit
3.Long term stakeholder may initiate free word of mouth, promotion and referrals
4.The method is an integrated approach to marketing service and quality. therefore it provide a
better basis for achieving competitive advantage

5.Happier stakeholder may lead to happier owner

6.0 Communication Approaches with stakeholders

Having a communication plan in place is an essential component for good marketing.
Communication is often a very effective way to solve problems, deal with risks, and ensure
that tasks are completed on time. Successful communication plans will identify stakeholders,
the information to be communicated, and how this information will be communicated.

Develop our communication plan by asking the suitable question

 Who are the stakeholders involved? Creditors, employees, customers, and shareholder
often show up on stakeholder lists.
 What details must be communicated to each group? Depending on stakeholders’ level
of involvement,

10 | P a g e

 When must a marketing team communicate to each group of stakeholders? Some

stakeholders require daily attention, while others may only need passive
communication every few months
 Where will stakeholders receive their communication? Although it may seem easy to
push information through a single channel, such as e-mail, stakeholders often require
communication in a variety of media. According to business experts, successful
market teams provide many different ways for stakeholders to enjoy updates, from
printed newsletters to urgent text messages.
 How will market team members communicate with stakeholders? a Market
communications coordinator may gain the responsibility of moving key information
across all channels. In other cases, the project manager may retain the oversight of
communication through multiple team members.

Having answered these basic questions, project management professionals can start to build
workflows, schedules, and monitor strategies for an effective stakeholder communication
plan. Without strong information flow, projects can wither and die, especially in large,
competitive organizations.

6.1Challenges of International Stakeholder Communication

1. Arguments for adaptation-More effective marketing, Difference in local audience

2. Arguments for standardization-Economic of sale, consumer mobility, reduced risk

3. Cultural and linguistic differences

 Language barriers
 Cultural difference-religious values, time values, business norms and customs,
negotiating and decision making styles gender role, status differences, team working

4. Infrastructure difference-Technology, Time zone, Media, Transport infrastructure

7.0 Standardization & Adaptations

11 | P a g e

We must decide how much to standardize or adapt kandos for world market. Standardization
helps a kandos to develop a consistent worldwide image .It also lower manufacturing costs
and eliminate duplication of research and development, advertising and product design
efforts. On the other hand consumers around the Nepal differ in their cultures, attitude, and
buying behavior. And markets vary in their economic condition, legal requirement and
physical environments. CCL must usually respond to these differences by adapting their
product offerings.

Standardized marketing mix

An international marketing Strategy for using basically the same product, advertising,
distribution channel, and other element of the marketing mix in all the company’s
international markets.

Adapted marketing mix

An international marketing strategy for adjusting the marketing mixed element to each
international target market, bearing more costs but hoping for a larger market share and


Don’t change Adapt Product Develop new

product adaptation product
r Don’t change 1.Straight 3.Product
o promotion extension adaptation
m 5.Product
o invention
Adapt 2.Communication 4.Dual adaptation
t Communicatio adaptation
i n

Five strategies allow for adapting product and promotion to the Nepal market(see fig-3).In
product level CCL decide to do straight extension, product adaptation, & product invention,
because most of the Indian people have obesity& diabetic problem. Therefore according to

12 | P a g e

product adaptation have to make low calorie chocolate, According to product invention have
to make sugar free chocolate.

CCL can either adopt the same promotion strategy they used in the home market or change it
for each local market. Consider advertising message, some small changes might be required
to adjust for language and miner cultural differences.

8.0 Competitive Advantage

An advantage over competitors gained by offering consumers greater value, either through
lower prices or by providing more benefits that justify higher prices.

To build profitable relationship with target customer, marketers must understand customer
need better than competitors do and deliver more value. To the extent that a company can
position itself as providing superior value, it gains competitive advantage. But solid position
cannot to build on empty promises .If a company position is product as offering the best
quality, it must then deliver the promised quality. Thus positioning begin with actually
differentiating the company’s marketing offer so that it will give consumer superior value.

8.1 Choosing the Right competitive advantages

Suppose CCL is fortunate enough to discover several potential competitive advantages. It

now must choose the ones on which it will build its positioning strategy. It must decide how
many differences to promote and which ones.

How many Differences to promote

The kandos should position on more than one differentiator. This may be necessary if two or
more firms are claiming to be best on the same attribute. Today, in a time when the mass
market is fragmenting into many small segments, kandos are trying to broaden their
positioning strategies to appeal to more segment.

Which Difference to promote

Each difference has the potential to create kandos cost as well as customer benefits. therefore.
the kandos must carefully select the ways in which it will distinguish itself from

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competitors.a difference is worth establishing to the extent that it satisfies the following

 Important:-The difference delivers a highly valued benefit to target buyers.

 Distinctive:-Competitors do not offer the difference or the kandos can offer it in a
more distinctive way.
 Superior:-The difference is superior to other way that customer might obtain the same
 Communicable:-The difference is communicable and visible to buyers
 Preemptive:-Competitor cannot easily copy the difference.
 Affordable:-Buyers can afford to pay for the difference.
 Profitable:-The kandos can introduce the difference profitability

9. Extended Marketing mix for competitive Advantage

Brand Name– Kandos
Product Color-white ,Brown
Product Range

Chocolate bar

Safari-10g, 22g packs,5 different shapes of jungle animal

Milk chocolate Original-20g,30g,50g packs with orange vanilla flavors

Caju Crunch-22g,40g, 60g packs


Chocolate beans-15g sachet and25g pencil shaped tube

Go nuts-23g pouch,40g,150g packs

Cooking chocolate -440g pack,1-9kg bulk pack

Chunky chocolate -240g pack

Gift pack-175g pack

14 | P a g e

Low calorie-110g, 50g pack

Sugar Free-22g,40g, 110g pack

Product Quality -HACCP, certify

Packaging and Labeling- The packaging and labeling of a product should provide the
purchaser/user with sufficient information as to the nature, quality and quantity of the
goods. Delivers consistent and good quality products. Package color is white, red,
blue(Nepal flag color)

The Kandos mainly emphasizes the “high quality” through their pricing strategy. kandos is
more vigilant about the quality of the product because of customers’ associates’ low quality
with low price. Therefore CCL launched “Kandos” is in high price high quality and the
product is given to the same price as the competitors with high quality
Price are mainly depend on cost of the shipment of good, Transportation cost, Handling
expenses( such as pier charges, wharf age fees, loading and unloading charges)Insurance
cost, Import taxes and value added taxes, wholesale and retail markups and discounts
,company’s cross margins Retail price etc.
Methods of payments are
 Cash in advance
 Open account
 Consignment sales
 Sight, time, or date draft
 Letters of credit
Above payment methods are used in Nepal market. Therefore CCL will be adapted in above
payment method.
Any organization needs marketing communication or promotional campaigns to inform,
persuade, and remind customers directly or indirectly about the brands which organization
sells. Kados promotion Objectives are
 To develop brand awareness
 Give company information
 Give details regarding product in use
Elements of promotional mix

15 | P a g e

 Advertising
 Sales promotion
 Events and experience
 Public relations and publicity
 Direct marketing
 Personal selling
Adverting medias are Television , Radio, Company jingle, Poster campaign, Bill board
Public relation ship are sponsorship for the sports, scholarship fund, CSR activities etc
Distribution also plays a major role in the process of influencing buying behavior like other
component. Having designed a product & set the price. Company should decide how to
deliver the product to their customers. In here the company has to make sure whether they
would delegate some of its selling to intermediaries or not, here the company may have some
options to deliver product to their customers.
a) Direct marketing
b) Use intermediaries (level of channel)
c) Give whole authority of distribution to separate party.
As lack of financial resources to carry out direct marketing, sometimes-direct marketing
would not be feasible; therefore the company should make correct decision to make the
product reached to customers






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All people that are directly or indirectly involved in the consumption of a service are an
important part of the Extended Marketing Mix. CCL people must be:

 Prompt,

 Efficient,

 Courteous,

 Personal,

 Relevant.

Because competitor’s people are like that.

Procedure, mechanisms and flow of activities by which services are consumed (customer
management processes) are an essential element of the marketing strategy. Look first at CCL
internal customer service processes. The costs involved are minimal but can have far-
reaching effects. So ensure CCL business:

 is easy to work with,

 communicates effectively with staff and customers,
 delivers consistent and good quality products and services,
 pleases people with its style of customer care.
Physical Evidence
The ability and environment in which the service is delivered. Both tangible goods that help
to communicate and perform the service, and the intangible experience of existing customers
and the ability of the business to relay that customer satisfaction to potential customers.
Image is involved in every aspect of your business, including:

 business cards and stationery,

 CCL front door and reception,
 the way staff dress and behave,
 advertising and marketing materials,
 correspondence and administrative systems.

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10.0 Recommendation for creating budget

A budget is a money plan. With it, you can organize and control your financial resources, set
and realize goals, and decide in advance how your money will work for you. A budget can be
as simple as it is powerful.

The basic idea behind budgeting is to save money up front for both known and unknown

Labor Labor Material Travel Other Total per

Project Task
Hour Cost Cost Cost Cost

1.0 Project Design ** ** ** **

Expressi Expressi Expressi Expressi
0 0
on is on is on is on is
faulty ** faulty ** faulty ** faulty **

Develop Functional ** ** ** **
Specifications Expressi Expressi Expressi Expressi
0 0
on is on is on is on is
faulty ** faulty ** faulty ** faulty **

Develop System ** ** ** **
Architecture Expressi Expressi Expressi Expressi
0 0
on is on is on is on is
faulty ** faulty ** faulty ** faulty **

Develop Preliminary ** ** ** **
Design Specification Expressi Expressi Expressi Expressi
0 0
on is on is on is on is
faulty ** faulty ** faulty ** faulty **

Develop Detailed Design ** ** ** **

Specifications Expressi Expressi Expressi Expressi
0 0
on is on is on is on is
faulty ** faulty ** faulty ** faulty **

Develop Acceptance Test ** ** ** **

Plan Expressi Expressi Expressi Expressi
0 0
on is on is on is on is
faulty ** faulty ** faulty ** faulty **

Advertising ** ** ** **
Expressi Expressi Expressi Expressi
0 0
on is on is on is on is
faulty ** faulty ** faulty ** faulty **

TV advertising 0 ** ** ** ** 0

18 | P a g e

Labor Labor Material Travel Other Total per

Project Task
Hour Cost Cost Cost Cost

Expressi Expressi Expressi Expressi

on is on is on is on is
faulty ** faulty ** faulty ** faulty **

Radio advertising ** ** ** **
Expressi Expressi Expressi Expressi
0 0
on is on is on is on is
faulty ** faulty ** faulty ** faulty **

Newspaper advertising ** ** ** **
Expressi Expressi Expressi Expressi
0 0
on is on is on is on is
faulty ** faulty ** faulty ** faulty **

Poster printing ** ** ** **
Expressi Expressi Expressi Expressi
0 0
on is on is on is on is
faulty ** faulty ** faulty ** faulty **

Fixture& fitting ** ** ** **
Expressi Expressi Expressi Expressi
0 0
on is on is on is on is
faulty ** faulty ** faulty ** faulty **

Website development ** ** ** **
&testing Expressi Expressi Expressi Expressi
0 0
on is on is on is on is
faulty ** faulty ** faulty ** faulty **

Sales promotion ** ** ** **
Expressi Expressi Expressi Expressi
0 0
on is on is on is on is
faulty ** faulty ** faulty ** faulty **

Office &space ** ** ** **
Expressi Expressi Expressi Expressi
0 0
on is on is on is on is
faulty ** faulty ** faulty ** faulty **

Public relation ** ** ** **
Expressi Expressi Expressi Expressi
0 0
on is on is on is on is
faulty ** faulty ** faulty ** faulty **

19 | P a g e

Labor Labor Material Travel Other Total per

Project Task
Hour Cost Cost Cost Cost

Archive Materials ** ** ** **
Expressi Expressi Expressi Expressi
0 0
on is on is on is on is
faulty ** faulty ** faulty ** faulty **

Project Management ** ** ** **
Expressi Expressi Expressi Expressi
0 0
on is on is on is on is
faulty ** faulty ** faulty ** faulty **

Manager ** ** ** **
Expressi Expressi Expressi Expressi
0 0
on is on is on is on is
faulty ** faulty ** faulty ** faulty **

Regional Manager ** ** ** **
Expressi Expressi Expressi Expressi
0 0
on is on is on is on is
faulty ** faulty ** faulty ** faulty **

Marketing manager ** ** ** **
Expressi Expressi Expressi Expressi
0 0
on is on is on is on is
faulty ** faulty ** faulty ** faulty **

Research project manager ** ** ** **

Expressi Expressi Expressi Expressi
0 0
on is on is on is on is
faulty ** faulty ** faulty ** faulty **

District manager ** ** ** **
Expressi Expressi Expressi Expressi
0 0
on is on is on is on is
faulty ** faulty ** faulty ** faulty **

Senior accountant ** ** ** **
Expressi Expressi Expressi Expressi
0 0
on is on is on is on is
faulty ** faulty ** faulty ** faulty **

Other: ** ** ** **
Expressi Expressi Expressi Expressi
0 0
on is on is on is on is
faulty ** faulty ** faulty ** faulty **

0 ** ** ** ** 0
Expressi Expressi Expressi Expressi
on is on is on is on is

20 | P a g e

Labor Labor Material Travel Other Total per

Project Task
Hour Cost Cost Cost Cost

faulty ** faulty ** faulty ** faulty **

Sub-Totals: ** ** ** ** **
Expressi Expressi Expressi Expressi Expressi
on is on is on is on is on is
faulty ** faulty ** faulty ** faulty ** faulty **

Risk (Contingency) ** ** **
Expressi Expressi Expressi
0 $0.00 0
on is on is on is
faulty ** faulty ** faulty **

TOTAL (scheduled) $**

** ** ** ** **
Expressi Expressi Expressi Expressi Expressi
on is
on is on is on is on is on is
faulty **.
faulty ** faulty ** faulty ** faulty ** faulty **


11.0 Measuring the success of marketing mix

Measuring the success of marketing mix is not easy. Because much of what marketers do is
concerned with establishing specific attitude in consumers mind, or with creating an image
for a product, the difficulties inherent in assessing intangibles often result in no accurate
assessment being undertaking.

Factor involved in measurement are as follow

1.Monitoring sales volume

2. Monitoring customers complaints (Fig-4)

3.Monitering supplier performance

4.Monitoring shareholder loyalty

21 | P a g e

5.Tracking studies-This technique used to monitor responses over an extended period time. It
monitor the variables before and after the marketing activity. It is can be done by survey or panel

6.Financial Analysis-Marketing expenditure against budget profitability analysis, cost reduction,

return on investment

7.Tool for gathering stakeholder feedback

We can gather from data survey questionnaires Attitude survey, feed back form ,depth interview

8.Behavioural indicators-Relationship duration, retention rate ,defection rate

9.Stakeholder satisfaction survey

10.Media evolution

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May 29, 2010

Internal Stakeholder

26 | P a g e

External Stakeholder

12.0 Conclusion

International marketing is simply the application of marketing principles to more than one
country. The International Marketing Entry Evaluation Process is a five stage process,
and its purpose is to gauge which international market or markets offer the best opportunities
for our products or services to succeed. One of the fundamental steps that needs to be taken
prior to beginning international marketing is the environmental economical analysis.

Communication with stakeholder is important in international marketing. All businesses

must meet the challenges of competitive markets.



PhilipHottler, Gary Armstrang(2005):Principal of marketing,11th ed. New Delhi, Prentice-

Hall of India.

Cateora,R. Graham,L.(2003):International Marketing,12th ed. TATA McGraw- Hill

William D.Perreult, Jerone McCarthy,Jr.E(2003: Basic Marketing,15th ed. McGraw-Hill

Joseph F.Hair,Robert JR,.Bush. P, David J.Ortinau: Marketing Research, McGraw-Hill


Amazon Corporate Website, visited 25 April 2010,

Royal mail Website, visited 24 April 2010,

Biztecsoftware Website, visited 25 April 2010,http;//

Alphasoftware Website,visited25 April 2010, (Table No3)

Marketing teacher.Website,visited 23 April2010,

Wikipedia Website,visited 23,24,25 April 2010,

Kandos website,visited 04April 2010,

27 | P a g e

Low High

14.1Ceylon chocolate limited

1.Low middle skill 1.High skilled workers

MARKET employ

3.pressure group
Chocolates – like ice cream, toothpaste and milk
powder – have universal appeal across all
demographics and cultures. But unlike toothpaste and
milk powder, chocolate is not considered an absolute
necessity; nor is it endorsed by opinion leaders. In
fact, dentists and nutritionists often ‘de-market’ the
product – especially since it is perceived as being a
product that is generally not suitable for children.

Despite these constraints, the Western influence of chocolate as a

snack, reward or gift has gained universal acceptance. The habit
of chocolate being given as a gift between loved ones, friends
and relatives is widespread – and in this respect, chocolate often
triumphs over flowers as the gift of choice. The best evidence of
this is on Valentine’s Day, seasonal and religious events such as Christmas and New Year,
and birthdays and anniversaries. Chocolate is also a popular impulse item, where purchasing
is influenced by visibility in stores and by packaging

The Sri Lankan chocolate market has been dominated by many local players. But Kandos is
the undisputed market leader, enjoying a 56% market share. Kandos, however, has a strong
base. It was the premier chocolate long before foreign competitors and local imitators arrived
on the scene. The local consumer has been exposed to the unique taste of Kandos for the past
44 years, thereby ensuring brand loyalty. The market is now quite sophisticated, with many
pack designs, display configurations, chocolate flavours and pack sizes on offer. The Kandos
brand has recognised the value of segmentation and it reaches each market segment in unique
ways. All this has combined to make it not just a successful Sri Lankan brand, but a Super

28 | P a g e


Kandos has maintained a clear market-leader status in the chocolate segment in Sri Lanka
throughout its four-plus decades in existence. Presently, Kandos has a mind share of over
90% in the chocolate category in Sri Lanka. It has thus become the benchmark for chocolates
in Sri Lanka. In a highly competitive market scenario, with major global chocolate brands as
keen contenders, Kandos has emerged as the undisputed market leader in the chocolate

The core brand value of Kandos is the perception that it a delectable delight – hence, the
positioning of Kandos as the original chocolate. The brand essence is associated with love,


1.On average, 100 units of Kandos chocolates are

consumed every minute in Sri Lanka.
2.The original cocoa variety Criollo, introduced to the
world by the Mayans, is now available in only three
countries in the world – these being Indonesia, Samoa and
Sri Lanka (Source: Chocolate Cocoa Confectionery Third Edition, by Bernard W. Minife).
3.Some 95% of number one Sri Lankan cocoa beans are used to manufacture Kandos
4.Its consumer promotion, The Kandos Magic Wiz Kids, is probably the longest-running
consumer campaign ever to be held. It has continued since 2000, with the highest number of
winners of awards – over half a million – in Sri Lanka.

14.2Ceylon chocolate limited Stake holder audit

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Stakeholders are persons, groups or institutions with interests in a project or program.

Primary stakeholders are those ultimately affected, either positively (beneficiaries) or
negatively. Secondary stakeholders are the intermediaries in the aid delivery process. This
definition of stakeholders includes both winners and losers, and those involved or excluded
from decision-making processes.

 What are the stakeholder's expectations of the project? Question A

 What benefits are there likely to be for the stakeholders? Question B
 What resources will the stakeholder wish to commit to the project? Question C
 What other interests does the stakeholder have which may conflict with the
project? Question D
 How does the stakeholder regard others in the list? Question E

Stake holder audit table

Internal Stakeholder External Stakeholder

Stake Question A Question B Question C Question D Question E

Manager 1.Target 1.Promotion 1.knowledge
2.Control over 2.salary 2.skills
funds & activities

employee 1.Target 1.promotion 1.Knowledge

2.Salary 2.Skill
Share 1.Deligate decision 1.Share value 1.fianncial 1.Control the
holder power raising power project

customer 1.Marketing 1.satisfaction 1.willingness 1.become a

oriented product 2.bargaining shareholder

30 | P a g e

distributers 1.increase sales profit 1Distribting 1.Maintain

volume channel customer
2.Public image relation ship
2.B2B 2.Compete
customer again
relationship competitor
suppliers 1.Increase volume 1.Reliable 1.Row Supply to
of row material payment material competitors
2.regularly supply power
media 1.Create public 1.Increase revenue 1.message Contact with
image developer customer
Pressure 1.contrl 2.keep the 1.Enhance
group environmentalism, environmentalism /damage
consumerism consumerism public image
competitor 1.Reduce 1.Increase profit develop 1.Regular
purchases promotion payment for
2.B2Bcustomer activity distributer
governmet 1.Jobs, investment, 1.Healthy& safety 1.Controlling
tax revenue power

Creditors 1.Timely 1.interest 1.Limit

repayment, early credit, cut
notification of credit rating
problem withdraw
Regulatory 1.controlling 1.income 1.Controlling

(Table No3)

14.3 Interest &Impact on Stakeholder

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Low High

1.Low middle skill 1.High skilled workers


3.pressure group


14.4Country background

14.4.1 Introduction:

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Nepal is among the poorest and least developed countries in the world with almost one-third
of its population living below the poverty line. Agriculture is the mainstay of the economy,
providing a livelihood for three-fourths of the population and accounting for 38% of GDP.
Industrial activity mainly involves the processing of agricultural products, including pulses,
jute, sugarcane, tobacco, and grain. Bumper crops, better security, improved transportation,
and increased tourism pushed growth past 5% in 2008, after growth had hovered around 2.6%
- barely above the rate of population growth - for the previous three years. The deteriorating
world economy in 2009 will challenge tourism and remittance growth, a key source of
foreign exchange. Nepal has considerable scope for exploiting its potential in hydropower
and tourism, areas of recent foreign investment interest. Prospects for foreign trade or
investment in other sectors will remain poor, however, because of the small size of the
economy, its technological backwardness, its remoteness and landlocked geographic location,
its civil strife and labor unrest, and its susceptibility to natural disaster.
14.4.2 Population
The population of the country is 28,563,377 (July 2009 est.)
A. Total
1. Growth Rate: 1.281% (2009 est.)
2. Birthrates: 29.92 births/1,000 population (2008 est.)
3. Death Rate: 8.97 deaths/1,000 population (2008 est.)
4. Infant Mortality Rate: Total: 47.46 deaths/1,000 live births
Male: 47.4 deaths/1,000 live births
Female:47.52 death/1,000 live births
5.Lfe Expectancy at birth: Total Population:65.46 year
Male: 64.3 years
Female: 66.67 years (2009 est.)
B. Distribution of Population
The population is located mainly in rural areas. The urban population is primarily
concentrated in Kathmandu. Nepalese people are divided into two distinct groups: the Indo-
Aryans and the Mongoloids. Kathmandu Valley is the spiritual and cultural meeting point of
all these groups. Nepal is the only Hindu Kingdom in the world. It is also the birthplace of
Lord Buddha.
1. Age
Age Structure: 0-14 years: 36.6% (male 5,327,484/female 5,127,178)
15-64 Years: 59.2% (male 8,094,494/female 8,812,675)
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