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Republic vs. Encelan, G.R. No. 170022, Jan.

9, 2013 FACTS:

FACTS: On October 21, 1986 Nilo and Marivi was Married to each other and produced two
sons. On July 7, 2005 Marivi filed with the RTC of Muntinlupa City a petition for
In its June 5, 2002 decision, the RTC declared Cesars marriage to Lolita void, declaration of nullity of marriage based on psychological incapacity. She averred
finding sufficient basis to declare Lolita psychologically incapacitated to comply with that it had been medically ascertained that Nilo was suffering from "inadequate
the essential marital obligations. The petitioner, through the OSG, appealed to the personality disorder related to masculine strivings associated with unresolved
CA. The OSG argues that Dr. Flores psychological evaluation report did not disclose oedipal complex," while she herself was found to be suffering from a "personality
that Lolita had been suffering from a psychological illness nor did it establish its disorder of the mixed type, histrionic, narcissistic with immaturity. In his answer,
juridical antecedence, gravity and incurability; infidelity and abandonment do not Nilo claimed that he was madly in love with Marivi; that at the start of their
constitute psychological incapacity, but are merely grounds for legal separation relationship, both he and Mari vi would exhibit negative personality traits which
they overlooked; that he believed that both he and Marivi were suffering from
psychological incapacity; and that he was not singularly responsible for the
How should psychologically incapacity under Art. 36 of the Family Code be breakdown of their marriage. He stressed that Marivi also contributed to the
interpreted? deterioration of their union. In October 13, 2008 the RTC denied the petition. The
RTC took a dim view of the expert witnesses' attribution of a double psychological
How should the doubt be resolved in voiding of marriage cases? incapacity to Marivi's nature of being a "father figure woman," and to Nilo's
"oedipal complex."
The court noted that Marivi already disengaged herself from her father as her
1) In interpreting this provision, we have repeatedly stressed that psychological
standard of an ideal husband when she married Nilo, despite the latter's limitations
incapacity contemplates downright incapacity or inability to take cognizance of
and his then being already very focused on his job. Marivi's need for assurance that
and to assume the basic marital obligations; not merely the refusal, neglect or
she is loved, vis-a-vis her looking up to her father as her standard, was not by itself
difficulty, much less ill will, on the part of the errant spouse. The plaintiff bears the
sufficient to declare her psychologically incapacitated.
burden of proving the juridical antecedence (i.e., the existence at the time of the
celebration of marriage), gravity and incurability of the condition of the errant As for Nilo, the RTC found no concrete evidence of "oedipal complex;" the RTC held
spouse. that prioritizing his work over the emotional needs of his family was not reflective
of his psychological incapacity because what he did was still for his family's benefit.
2) The Court stresses that marriage is an inviolable social institution protected by
Neither was Nilo's lack of sexual interest in Marivi a case of psychological
the State. Any doubt should be resolved in favor of its existence its existence and
incapacity, for this was a result of his being turned off by Marivi's unabated
continuation and against its dissolution and nullity. It cannot be dissolved at the
naggings and her revelations to her family of his sexual inadequacies. CA Affirmed.
whim of the parties nor by transgressions made by one party to the other during
the marriage.




No, Article 36 is not applicable in this case. In Marcos v. Marcos, the actual medical examination of the one claimed to have
psychological incapacity is not a condition sine qua non, for what matters is the
When is there a psychological incapacity? - We have laid down guidelines in totality of evidence to sustain a finding of such psychological incapacity. While it
interpreting and applying this provision. In Republic v. De Gracia, we reiterated the behooves this Court to weigh the clinical findings of psychology experts as part of
doctrine in Santos v. Court of Appeals, "that psychological incapacity must be the evidence, the court's hands are nonetheless free to make its own independent
characterized by: (a) gravity (i.e., it must be grave and serious such that the party factual findings. "It bears repeating that the trial courts, as in all the other cases
would be incapable of carrying out the ordinary duties required in a marriage); (b) they try, must always base their judgments not solely on the expert opinions
juridical antecedence (i.e., it must be rooted in the history of the party antedating presented by the parties but on the totality of evidence adduced in the course of
the marriage, although the overt manifestations may emerge only after the the proceedings."
marriage); and (c) incurability (i.e., it must be incurable, or even if it were
otherwise, the cure would be beyond the means of the party involved)."

With specific reference to the case before us, even granting that both parties did
suffer from personality disorders as evaluated by the expert witnesses, we find that
The showing of 'irreconcilable differences' and 'conflicting personalities in no wise the conclusions reached by these expert witnesses do not irresistibly point to the
constitutes psychological incapacity. - The mere showing of 'irreconcilable fact that the personality disorders which plague the spouses antedated the
differences' and 'conflicting personalities' [as in the present case,] in no wise marriage; that these personality disorders are indeed grave or serious; or that these
constitutes psychological incapacity." Nor does failure of the parties to meet their personality disorders are incurable or permanent as to render the parties
responsibilities and duties as married persons" amount to psychological incapacity. psychologically incapacitated to carry out and carry on their marital duties. What
We further elucidated in Yambao v. Republic that the psychological condition can be inferred from the totality of evidence, at most, is a case of incompatibility.
should render the subject totally unaware or incognitive of the basic marital For a personality disorder to be declared clinically or medically incurable or
obligations: permanent is one thing; for a spouse to refuse or to be reluctant to perform his/her
marital duties is another.

Article 36 contemplates incapacity or inability to take cognizance of and to assume

basic marital obligations and not merely difficulty, refusal, or neglect in the Indeed, we are loath to overturn the findings of the RTC and the CA. More than
performance of marital obligations or ill will. This incapacity consists of the that, too, the evidence on record do not square with the existence of psychological
following: (a) a true inability to commit oneself to the essentials of marriage; (b) this incapacity as contemplated by law and jurisprudence. In the case of Nilo, what
inability to commit oneself must refer to the essential obligations of marriage: the brought about the breakdown of his relationship with Marivi was not necessarily
conjugal act, the community of life and love, the rendering of mutual help, the attributable to his so-called "psychological disorder" but can be imputed to his work
procreation and education of offspring; and (c) the inability must be tantamount to and marital stress, and his ordinary human failings.
a psychological abnormality. It is not enough to prove that a spouse failed to meet
his responsibility and duty as a married person; it is essential that he must be
shown to be incapable of doing so due to some psychological illness.
Garlet v. Garlet, August 2, 2017- See the full case

For resolution of the Court is a petition for review on certiorari1 filed by Manuel R.
Bakunawa III (Manuel) challenging the Decision2 dated March 27, 2014 and
Bakunawa III v. Bakunawa, G.R. No. 217993, August 9, 2017. Resolution3 dated April 22, 2015 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV No.
98579, which upheld the validity of his marriage to Nora Reyes Bakunawa (Nora).

FACTS: The parties eldest son was interviewed, together with his father, by the
psychiatrist in this case for declaration of nullity of marriage [on the ground of The Facts
psychological incapacity]. The mother took no part in the psychological assessment.
Based on the said interviews, the psychiatrist testified that the mother suffers from
Passive Aggressive Personality Disorder, while the father suffers from Intermittent
Explosive Disorder. Manuel and Nora met in 1974 at the University of the Philippines where they were
students and became sweethearts. When Nora became pregnant, she and Manuel
got married on July 26, 1975 at St. Ignatius Church, Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City.4

Because Manuel and Nora were both college undergraduates at that time, they
lived with Manuel's parents. While Nora was able to graduate, Manuel had to stop
RULING: The parties eldest son is NOT a reliable witness to establish the his studies to help his father in the family's construction business. Manuel was
psychological incapacity of his parents [under Article 36 of the Family Code], since assigned to provincial projects and came home only during weekends. This setup
the eldest son could not have been there at the time his parents were married. continued even as Nora gave birth to their eldest child, Moncho Manuel (Moncho).
However, whenever Manuel came back from his provincial assignments, he chose
[ The Supreme Court further ruled that while there is NO requirement that the
to spend his limited time with friends and girlfriends instead of his family. Nora
person to be declared psychologically incapacitated should be personally examined
resented this and they started quarreling about Manuel's behavior. Worse, Manuel
by a physician, much less subjected to psychological tests, this rule finds application
depended on his father and on Nora for their family's needs.5
only if the totality of evidence presented is enough to sustain a finding of
psychological incapacity.] In 1976, Manuel and Nora lived separately from Manuel's parents. It was during this
period Manuel first observed Nora's passiveness and laziness; she was moody
and mercurial. Their house was often dirty and disorderly. Thus, Manuel became
G.R. No. 217993 more irritated with Nora and their verbal quarrels escalated to physical violence.6

MANUEL R. BAKUNAWA III,, Petitioner, On May 9, 1977, Nora gave birth to their second child. However, nothing changed in
their relationship. Manuel spent most of his time with friends and engaged in
vs. drinking sprees. In 1979, he had an extramarital affair and seldom came home. He
eventually left Nora and their children in 1980 to cohabit with his girlfriend. They
considered themselves separated.7


In 1985, Manuel, upon Nora's request, bought a house for her and their children. Let a copy of this Decision be furnished upon the Office of Solicitor General, the
After Manuel spent a few nights with them in the new house, Nora became Office of the City Prosecutor of Quezon City, the Office of the Civil Registrars of
pregnant again and thereafter gave birth to their third child.8 Quezon City, and the National Statistics Office, as well as the parties and counsel.


On June 19, 2008, Manuel filed a petition for declaration of nullity of marriage with Nora appealed the RTC decision to the CA, arguing inter alia that the RTC erred in
the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Quezon City,9 on the ground that he and Nora are finding that the testimony of the psychiatrist is sufficient to prove the parties'
psychologica11y incapacitated to comply with the essential obligations of marriage. psychological incapacity.

Ruling of the CA

Manuel presented a psychiatrist, Dr. Cecilia Villegas (Dr. Villegas), who testified that The CA, in its Decision14 dated March 27, 2014, granted Nora's appeal and reversed
Manuel has Intermittent Explosive Disorder, characterized by irritability and the RTC decision. The decretal portion of the decision states:
aggressive behavior that is not proportionate to the cause. Dr. Villegas diagnosed
Nora with Passive Aggressive Personality Disorder, marked by a display of negative
attitude and passive resistance in her relationship with Manuel. Her findings were
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant appeal filed by [Nora] is GRANTED.
based on her interview with Manuel and the parties' eldest son, Moncho, because
The Decision dated March 28, 2011 of the RTC, National Capital Judicial Region in
Nora did not participate in the psychological assessment.10
Civil Case No. Q-08-62822 is REVERSED and SETASIDE.
Manuel alleges in his petition that he continues to live with his common-law wife
and has a son with her, whereas, Nora lives alone in her unit in Cubao, Quezon City.
Their house and lot was already foreclosed following Nora's failure to pay a loan SO ORDERED.15
secured by a mortgage on the said property.11

Ruling of the RTC

The CA denied Manuel's motion for reconsideration16 through a Resolution17
The R TC granted the petition in its Decision12 dated March 28, 2011. The dated April 22, 2015.
dispositive portion thereof reads:
Manuel filed the present petition raising the following grounds:


WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby rendered declaring the OF THE PARTIES DESPITE MORE THAN CLEAR AND CONVINCING EVIDENCE TO
void ab initio under Article 36 of the Family Code. BOTH PARTIES TO PERFORM THEIR MARITAL OBLIGATIONS; and

The Office of the City Civil Registrar of Quezon City is hereby ordered to make II. THE HONORABLE CA ERRED WHEN IT FAILED TO RECONSIDER ITS DECISION
entries into the records of the respective parties pursuant to the judgment of the DATED MARCH 27, 2014 DESPITE MORE THAN COMPELLING REASONS FOR THE
Ruling of the Court subjected to psychological tests, this rule finds application only if the totality of
evidence presented is enough to sustain a finding of psychological incapacity. In this
As the CA correctly ruled, the totality of evidence presented by Manuel comprising case, the supposed personality disorder of Manuel could have been established by
of his testimony and that of Dr. Villegas, as well as the latter's psychological means of psychometric and neurological tests which are objective means designed
evaluation report, is insufficient to prove that he and Nora are psychologically to measure specific aspects of people's intelligence, thinking, or personality.25
incapacitated to perform the essential obligations of marriage.
With regard to the Confirmatory Decree26 of the National Tribunal of Appeals,
Dr. Villegas' conclusion that Manuel is afflicted with Intermittent Explosive Disorder which affirmed the decision of the Metropolitan Tribunal of First Instance for the
and that Nora has Passive Aggressive Personality Disorder which render them Archdiocese of Manila in favor of nullity of the Catholic marriage of Manuel and
psychologically incapacitated under Article 36 of the Family Code,19 is solely based Nora, the Court accords the same with great respect but does not consider the
on her interviews with Manuel and the parties' eldest child, Moncho. Consequently, same as controlling and decisive, in line with prevailing jurisprudence.27
the CA did not err in not according probative value to her psychological evaluation
report and testimony. WHEREFORE, the petition for review is hereby DENIED. The Decision dated March
27, 2014 and Resolution dated April 22, 2015 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV
In Republic of the Philippines v. Galang,20 the Court held that "[i]f the incapacity No. 98579 are AFFIRMED.
can be proven by independent means, no reason exists why such independent
proof cannot be admitted to support a conclusion of psychological incapacity,
independently of a psychologist's examination and report."21 In Toring v. Toring, et
al.,22 the Court stated that: SO ORDERED.

Other than from the spouses, such evidence can come from persons intimately
related to them, such as relatives, close friends or even family doctors or lawyers
who could testify on the allegedly incapacitated spouses' condition at or about the
time of marriage, or to subsequent occurring events that trace their roots to the GR No. L-26462, June 9, 1969
incapacity already present at the time of marriage.23

In this case, the only person interviewed by Dr. Villegas aside from Manuel for the
spouses' psychological evaluation was Moncho, who could not be considered as a FACTS:
reliable witness to establish the psychological incapacity of his parents in relation to
In her petition for appointment as Special Administrator, subsequently as a regular
Article 36 of the Family Code, since he could not have been there at the time his
administrator, of Isidro Yaptinchays estate, Teresita Yaptinchay alleged that she
parents were married.
and deceased Isidro Yaptinchay had lived continuously, openly and publicly as
husband and wife for 19 years (1946-1951). The deceased died without a will and
left an estate consisting of personal and real properties situated in the Philippines,
The Court also notes that Dr. Villegas did not administer any psychological tests on Hong Kong and other places. Petitioner likewise alleged that certain parties took
Manuel despite having had the opportunity to do so. While the Court has declared away from the residences certain personal properties belonging to the deceased
that there is no requirement that the person to be declared psychologically together with others exlusively owned by her. Upon the foregoing allegations, the
incapacitated should be personally examined by a physician,24 much less be court issued an order appointing Teresita as special administrator of the estate.

An opposition was subsequently registered by Josefina Yaptinchay, allegedly the ISSUE: Whether or not grave abuse of discretion attended the respondent judges
legitimate wife, and Ernesto Yaptinchay and other children of the deceased upon order issuing an injunctive writ transferring possession of said property to
the ground that Teresita, not being an heir, had no right to institute the proceeding respondent Virginia Yaptinchay
for the settlement of Isidros estate, much less to procure appointment as
administrator thereof. They likewise prayed for the appointment of Virginia HELD: NO.
Yaptinchay, daughter of the deceased, as special administrator and Josefina as
A rule of long standing echoed and reechoed in jurisprudence is that injunction is
regular administrator.
not to be granted for the purpose of taking property out of possession and/or
The probate court granted the counter-petitioners prayer and named Virginia as control of a party and placing it in that of another whose title thereto has not been
special administrator. clearly established. 3 With this as guidepost, petitioner would have been correct if
she were lawfully in possession of the house in controversy and if respondent
Included among the properties in the preliminary inventory of assets was a special administratrix, to whom the possession thereof was transferred, were
residential house at North Forbes Park, Makati. without right thereto. It is beyond debate that with the institution on July 13, 1965
of Special Proceedings 1944-P, properties belonging not only to the deceased Isidro
Petitioner then filed in another CFI branch an action for replevin and for liquidation Y. Yaptinchay but also to the conjugal partnership of said deceased and his
of the partnership supposedly formed during the period of her cohabitation with legitimate wife, Josefina Y. Yaptinchay, 4 were brought under the jurisdiction of the
Isidro and for damages. Pending hearing on the question of the issuance of the probate court, properly to be placed under administration. 5 One such property is
writs of replevin and preliminary injunction prayed for, respondent judge Guillermo the lot at North Forbes Park. 6
E. Torres issued an order temporarily restraining defendants therein (private
respondents here) and their agents from disposing any of the properties listed in It is quite true that, in support of the allegation that the house in North Forbes Park
the complaint and from interfering with plaintiff's (herein petitioner's) rights to, and was her exclusive property, petitioner presented proof in the form of loans that she
possession over, amongst others, "the house now standing at North Forbes Park, had contracted during the period when said house was under construction. But
Makati, Rizal." evidence is wanting which would correlate such loans to the construction work. On
the contrary, there is much to the documentary proof presented by petitioner
The CFI held that: While the Court is still considering the merits of the application which would tend to indicate that the loans she obtained from the Republic Bank
and counter-application for provisional relief, the Court believes that for the were for purposes other than the construction of the North Forbes Park home.
protection of the properties and considering the Forbes Park property is really
under the responsibility of defendant Virginia Y. Yaptinchay, by virtue of her being It is in the context just recited that the unsupported assertion that the North Forbes
appointed Special Administratrix of the estate of the deceased Isidro Yaptinchay, Park house is petitioner's exclusive property may not be permitted to override the
the Court denies the petition for the issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction of prima facie presumption that house, having been constructed on the lot of Isidro Y.
the plaintiff with respect to the Forbes Park property and the restraining order Yaptinchay (or of the conjugal partnership) at his instance, and during the existence
issued by this Court is lifted. The Court also orders the plaintiff to cease and desist of his marriage with respondent Josefina Y. Yaptinchay, is part of the estate that
from disturbing in any manner whatsoever the defendant Virginia Y. Yaptinchay in should be under the control of the special administratrix.
the possession of said property.
Nor can petitioner's claim of ownership presumably based on the provisions of
Petitioners motion for reconsideration of the said order was denied. Article 144 of the Civil Code be decisive. Said Article 144 says that: "When man and
a woman live together as husband and wife, but they are not married, or their
marriage is void from the beginning, the property acquired by either or both of
them through their work or industry or their wages and salaries shall be governed FACTS:
by the rules on co-ownership."
Petitioner Minoru Fujiki (Fujiki), a Japanese national married respondent Maria Paz
But stock must be taken of the fact that the creation of the civil relationship Galela Marinay (Marinay) in the Philippines on January 23, 2004. Sadly, petitioner
envisaged in Article 144 is circumscribed by conditions, the existence of which must Fujiki could not bring respondent Marinay back to Japan and they eventually lost
first be shown before rights provided thereunder may be deemed to accrue. 13 One contact with one another. In 2008, Marinay met Shinichi Maekara and they married
such condition is that there must be a clear showing that the petitioner had, during without the earlier marriage being dissolved.
cohabitation, really contributed to the acquisition of the property involved. Until
such right to co-ownership is duly established, petitioner's interests in the property Marinay suffered abuse from Maekara and so she left him and was able to
in controversy cannot be considered the "present right" or title that would make reestablish contact with Fujiki and rekindle their relationship. The couple was able
available the protection or aid afforded by a writ of injunction. 14 For, the existence to obtain a judgment in a Japanese court that declared Marinay's marriage to
of a clear positive right especially calling for judicial protection is wanting. Maekara void on the ground of bigamy in 2010. Fujiki then filed a petition in the
Injunction indeed, is not to protect contingent or future rights; 15 nor is it a remedy RTC entitled: Judicial Recognition of Foreign Judgment (or Decree of Absolute
to enforce an abstract right. Nullity of Marriage). In this case, petitioner prayed that:

(1) the Japanese Family Court judgment be recognized; (2) that the bigamous
marriage between Marinay and Maekara be declared void ab initio under Articles
35(4) and 41 of the Family Code of the Philippines; and (3) for the RTC to direct the
Local Civil Registrar of Quezon City to annotate the Japanese Family Court judgment
FUJIKI vs. MARINAY on the Certificate of Marriage between Marinay and Maekara and to endorse such
annotation to the Office of the Administrator and Civil Registrar General in the
National Statistics Office (NSO).
The trial court dismissed the petition on the ground that it did not meet standing
Recognition of foreign judgment declaring nullity of marriage A recognition of a and venue requirements as prescribed on the Rule on Rule on Declaration of
foreign judgment is not an action to nullify a marriage. It is an action for Philippine Absolute Nullity of Void Marriages and Annulment of Voidable Marriages (A.M. No.
courts to recognize the effectivity of a foreign judgment, which presupposes a case 02-11-10-SC), specifically, only the spouses (i.e. Marimay or Maekara) may file an
which was already tried and decided under foreign law. Article 26 of the Family action for declaration of nullity of marriage. Petitioner in a Motion for
Code further confers jurisdiction on Philippine courts to extend the effect of a Reconsideration claimed that the case should not be dismissed as the above rule
foreign divorce decree to a Filipino spouse without undergoing trial to determine applied only to cases of annulment of marriage on the ground of psychological
the validity of the dissolution of the marriage. The second paragraph of Article 26 of incapacity and not in a petition for recognition of a foreign judgment. Notably,
the Family Code provides that [w]here a marriage between a Filipino citizen and a when the Solicitor General was asked for comment, it agreed with the Petitioner
foreigner is validly celebrated and a divorce is thereafter validly obtained abroad by stating that the above rule should not apply to cases of bigamy and that insofar as
the alien spouse capacitating him or her to remarry, the Filipino spouse shall have the Civil Registrar and the NSO are concerned, Rule 108 of the Rules of Court
capacity to remarry under Philippine law. provide the procedure to be followed. Lastly, the Solicitor General argued that
there is no jurisdictional infirmity in assailing a void marriage under Rule 108, citing
De Castro v. De Castro and Nial v. Bayadog which declared that [t]he validity of a A petition to recognize a foreign judgment declaring a marriage void does not
void marriage may be collaterally attacked. require relitigation under a Philippine court of the case as if it were a new petition
for declaration of nullity of marriage. Philippine courts cannot presume to know the
ISSUE: foreign laws under which the foreign judgment was rendered. They cannot
substitute their judgment on the status, condition and legal capacity of the foreign
Whether or not a husband or wife of a prior marriage can file a petition to recognize
citizen who is under the jurisdiction of another state. Thus, Philippine courts can
a foreign judgment nullifying the subsequent marriage between his or her spouse
only recognize the foreign judgment as a fact according to the rules of evidence.
and a foreign citizen on the ground of bigamy.

There is therefore no reason to disallow Fujiki to simply prove as a fact the

Japanese Family Court judgment nullifying the marriage between Marinay and
YES. Firstly, the Rule on Declaration of Absolute Nullity of Void Marriages and Maekara on the ground of bigamy. While the Philippines has no divorce law, the
Annulment of Voidable Marriages (A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC) does not apply in a Japanese Family Court judgment is fully consistent with Philippine public policy, as
petition to recognize a foreign judgment relating to the status of a marriage where bigamous marriages are declared void from the beginning under Article 35(4) of the
one of the parties is a citizen of a foreign country. Moreover, in Juliano-Llave v. Family Code. Bigamy is a crime under Article 349 of the Revised Penal Code. Thus,
Republic, this Court held that the rule in A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC that only the Fujiki can prove the existence of the Japanese Family Court judgment in accordance
husband or wife can file a declaration of nullity or annulment of marriage does not with Rule 132, Sections 24 and 25, in relation to Rule 39, Section 48(b) of the Rules
apply if the reason behind the petition is bigamy. of Court.

The Supreme Court further held that: A recognition of a foreign judgment is not an action to nullify a marriage. It is an
action for Philippine courts to recognize the effectivity of a foreign judgment, which
For Philippine courts to recognize a foreign judgment relating to the status of a presupposes a case which was already tried and decided under foreign law. Article
marriage where one of the parties is a citizen of a foreign country, the petitioner 26 of the Family Code further confers jurisdiction on Philippine courts to extend the
only needs to prove the foreign judgment as a fact under the Rules of Court. To be effect of a foreign divorce decree to a Filipino spouse without undergoing trial to
more specific, a copy of the foreign judgment may be admitted in evidence and determine the validity of the dissolution of the marriage. The second paragraph of
proven as a fact under Rule 132, Sections 24 and 25, in relation to Rule 39, Section Article 26 of the Family Code provides that [w]here a marriage between a Filipino
48(b) of the Rules of Court. Petitioner may prove the Japanese Family Court citizen and a foreigner is validly celebrated and a divorce is thereafter validly
judgment through (1) an official publication or (2) a certification or copy attested by obtained abroad by the alien spouse capacitating him or her to remarry, the Filipino
the officer who has custody of the judgment. If the office which has custody is in a spouse shall have capacity to remarry under Philippine law.
foreign country such as Japan, the certification may be made by the proper
diplomatic or consular officer of the Philippine foreign service in Japan and Petition was granted and the RTC was ordered to reinstate the proceedings.
authenticated by the seal of office.


Whether or not Elise has a cause of action for declaration of nullity of marriage
despite the death of his father, hence cannot be deemed as an interested party.

Yes, Elise has a cause of action. The Court ruled that in a void marriage, no marriage
G.R. No. 189121 has taken place and it cannot be the source of right, such that any interested party
may attach the marriage directly or collaterally without prescription, which may be
July 31, 2013
filed even beyond the lifetime of the parties to the marriage. Having successional
Perez, J. rights that would be prejudiced by her fathers marriage to Amelia, Elise may
without a doubt impugn the existence of such marriage even after the death of her
father. The said marriage may be questioned by filing an action attaching its
validity, or collaterally by raising it as an issue in a proceeding for the settlement of
the estate of the deceased spouse. As a compulsory heir, Elise has a cause of action
Petitioner Elise Quiazon is the daughter of Eliseo Quiazon and Ma. Lourdes Belen, for the declaration of nullity of the void marriage of Eliseo and Amelia.
who are common-law partners. When Eliseo died instestate, Elise through her
Likewise, Elise who stands to be benefited by the distribution of Eliseos estate is
mother filed a Petition for Letters of Administration before the RTC, claiming that
deemed to be an interested part. An interested part is one who would be benefited
she is a natural child of Eliseo having conceived at the time when her parents were
in the estate. Having a vested right in the distribution of Eliseos estate, Elise can
both capacitated to marry each other. Filiation was proven by her Birth Certificate
rightfully be considered as an interested party.
signed by Eliseo. Insisting on the legal capacity of Eliseo and Lourdes, Elise
impugned the validity of Eliseos marriage to Amelia Garcia-Quiazon by claiming it
was bigamous.

G.R. No. 189538; February 10, 2014

Respondent Amelia opposed the issuance of the letters of administration asserting
that the venue of the petition was improperly laid. However, the RTC rendered its FACTS:
decision in favor of Elise. On appeal, the deicison was affirmed. Hence, the petition
Respondent requested from the National Statistics Office (NSO) a Certificate of No
was filed before the SC raising the argument that Elise has not shown any interest in
Marriage (CENOMAR) as one of the requirements for her marriage with her
the petition for letters of administration and that the CA erred in declaring that
boyfriend of five years. Upon receipt thereof, she discovered that she was already
Eliseo and Amelia were no legally married because Elise has no cause of action on it.
married to a certain Ye Son Sune, a Korean National, on June 24, 2002, at the Office
of the Municipal Trial Court in Cities (MTCC), Palace of Justice. She denied having
contracted said marriage and claimed that she did not know the alleged husband;
ISSUE she did not appear before the solemnizing officer; and, that the signature appearing
in the marriage certificate is not hers.4 She, thus, filed a Petition for Cancellation of
Entries in the Marriage Contract, especially the entries in the wife portion thereof.5 Aside from the certificate of marriage, no such evidence was presented to show the
Respondent impleaded the Local Civil Registrar of Cebu City, as well as her alleged existence of marriage. Rather, respondent showed by overwhelming evidence that
husband, as parties to the case. no marriage was entered into and that she was not even aware of such existence.
The testimonial and documentary evidence clearly established that the only
The RTC granted Olaybars petition and directed the Local Civil Registrar to cancel evidence of marriage which is the marriage certificate was a forgery. While we
all the entries in the WIFE portion of the alleged marriage contract. Petitioner, maintain that Rule 108 cannot be availed of to determine the validity of marriage,
however, moved for the reconsideration of the assailed Decision on the grounds we cannot nullify the proceedings before the trial court where all the parties had
that: (1) there was no clerical spelling, typographical and other innocuous errors in been given the opportunity to contest the allegations of respondent; the
the marriage contract for it to fall within the provisions of Rule 108 of the Rules of procedures were followed, and all the evidence of the parties had already been
Court; and (2) granting the cancellation of all the entries in the wife portion of the admitted and examined. Respondent indeed sought, not the nullification of
alleged marriage contract is, in effect, declaring the marriage void ab initio. The marriage as there was no marriage to speak of, but the correction of the record of
motion for reconsideration was denied, hence this Petition for Review on certiorari such marriage to reflect the truth as set forth by the evidence. Otherwise stated, in
under Rule 45. allowing the correction of the subject certificate of marriage by cancelling the wife
portion thereof, the trial court did not, in any way, declare the marriage void as
there was no marriage to speak of.
Whether or not the cancellation of entries in the marriage contract which, in effect,
nullifies the marriage may be undertaken in a Rule 108 proceeding.
KARL HEINZ WIEGEL, respondents.
Karl Heinz Wiegel before the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court of Caloocan City
In filing the petition for correction of entry under Rule 108, respondent made the filed for the declaration of nullity of his marriage with Lilia Oliva Wiegel on the
Local Civil Registrar of Cebu City, as well as her alleged husband Ye Son Sune, as ground of Lilias previously existing marriage to one Eduardo A. Maxion. Lilia, while
partiesrespondents. It is likewise undisputed that the procedural requirements set admitting the existence of the said prior subsisting marriage claimed that the said
forth in Rule 108 were complied with. The Office of the Solicitor General was marriage was null and void as she and first husband Eduardo Maxion was forced to
likewise notified of the petition which in turn authorized the Office of the City enter the said marital union. In the pre-trial that ensued, the issue agreed upon by
Prosecutor to participate in the proceedings. More importantly, trial was conducted both parties was the status of the first marriage (whether the said prior marriage is
where respondent herself, the stenographer of the court where the alleged void or merely voidable). Lilia contested the validity of the pre trial order asking for
marriage was conducted, as well as a document examiner, testified. Several respondent court for an opportunity to present evidence.
documents were also considered as evidence. With the testimonies and other
evidence presented, the trial court found that the signature appearing in the
subject marriage certificate was different from respondents signature appearing in Whether or not there is a need for Lilia Wiegel to prove that her first marriage was
some of her government issued identification cards.23 The court thus made a vitiated by fore.
categorical conclusion that respondents signature in the marriage certificate was
not hers and, therefore, was forged. Clearly, it was established that, as she claimed
in her petition, no such marriage was celebrated.
Ruling: judicial action having been initiated or any judicial declaration obtained as to the
nullity of such prior marriage of respondent with complainant.
There is no need for petitioner to prove that her first marriage was vitiated by force
committed against both parties because assuming this to be so, the marriage will Respondent was charged with abandonment of minor and bigamy by complainant.
not be void but merely voidable. Since no annulment has yet been made, it is clear Dorothy Terre was then married to a certain Merlito Bercenillo her first cousin, with
that when she married respondent she was still validly married to her first husband, this fact, Atty. Jordan Terre succesfully convinced complainant that her marriage
consequently, her marriage to respondent is void. was void ab initio and they are free to contract marriage. In their marriage license,
despite her objection, he wrote single as her status. After getting the complainant
pregnant, Atty. Terre abandoned them and subsequently contracted another
marriage to Helina Malicdem believing again that her previous marriage was also
It was not necessary for Lilia to prove that her first marriage was vitiated with force
void ab initio.
because it will not be void but merely voidable(Art. 85, Civil Code). Such marriage is
valid until annulled. Since no annulment has yet been made, it is clear that when
she married Karl, she is still validly married to her first husband. Consequently, her
marriage to Karl is void. Likewise, there is no need of introducing evidence on Lilia's ISSUE:
prior marriage for then such marriage though void still needs a judicial declaration
before she can remarry. Accordingly, Karl and Lilias marriage are regarded void (1) WON a judicial declaration of nullity is needed to enter into a subsequent
under the law. marriage


TERRE v. TERRE Yes. The Court considers this claim on the part of respondent Jordan Terre as a
spurious defense. In the first place, respondent has not rebutted complainants
July 3, 1992 (A.M. No. 2349) evidence as to the basic fact which underscores that bad faith of respondent Terre.
In the second place, the pretended defense is the same argument by which he
PARTIES: inveigled complainant into believing that her prior marriage or Merlito A. Bercenilla
being incestuous and void ab initio (Dorothy and Merlito being allegedly first
Complainant: DOROTHY B. TERRE
cousins to each other), she was free to contract a second marriage with the
Respondent: ATTY. JORDAN TERRE respondent. Respondent Jordan Terre, being a lawyer, knew or should have known
that such an argument ran counter to the prevailing case law of the supreme Court
FACTS: which holds that for purposes of determining whether a person is legally free to
contract a second marriage , a judicial declaration that the first marriage was null
On December 24, 1981, complainant Dorothy B. Terre charged respondent Jordan
and void ab initio is essential.
Terre, a member of the Philippine Bar with grossly immoral conduct, consisting of
contracting a second marriage and living with another woman other than
complainant, while his prior marriage with complainant remained subsisting No
Morigo v. People, G.R. No. 145226, February 06, 2004
FACTS: Lucio Morigo and Lucia Barrete were boardmates in Bohol for four years. Tenebro informed Ancajas that he had been previously married to a certain Hilda
The lost contacts when the school year ended. When Lucio received a card from Villareyes in 1986.
Lucia Barrete from Singapore, constant communication took place between them.
They later became sweethearts. In 1986, Lucia returned to the Philippines but left 2. Petitioner thereafter left the conjugal dwelling which he shared with Ancajas,
again for Canada to work there. While in Canada, they maintained constant stating that he was going to cohabit with Villareyes. In 1993, petitioner contracted
communication. In 1990, Lucia came back to the Philippines and proposed to yet another marriage with a certain Nilda Villegas. Ancajas thereafter filed a
petition appellant to join her in Canada. Both agreed to get married, thus they were complaint for bigamy against petitioner.
married on August 30, 1990 in Bohol. Lucia reported back to her work in Canada
leaving appellant Lucio behind. On August 19, 1991, Lucia filed with the Ontario
Court a petition for divorce against appellant which was granted on January 17, 3. Villegas countered that his marriage with Villareyes cannot be proven as a fact
1992 and to take effect on February 17, 1992. On October 4, 1992, appellant Lucio there being no record of such. He further argued that his second marriage, with
Morigo married Maria Jececha Lumbago in Bohol. On September 21, 1993, accused Ancajas, has been declared void ab initio due to psychological incapacity. Hence he
filed a complaint for judicial declaration of nullity of the first marriage on the cannot be charged for bigamy.
ground that no marriage ceremony actually took place.

ISSUE: Whether Morigo must have filed declaration for the nullity of his marriage
with Barrete before his second marriage in order to be free from the bigamy case. WON Tenebro is guilty of bigamy

HELD: Morigos marriage with Barrete is void ab initio considering that there was no
actual marriage ceremony performed between them by a solemnizing officer
instead they just merely signed a marriage contract. The petitioner does not need
to file declaration of the nullity of his marriage when he contracted his second The prosecution was able to establish the validity of the first marriage. As a second
marriage with Lumbago. Hence, he did not commit bigamy and is acquitted in the or subsequent marriage contracted during the subsistence of petitioners valid
case filed. marriage to Villareyes, petitioners marriage to Ancajas would be null and void ab
initio completely regardless of petitioners psychological capacity or incapacity.
Since a marriage contracted during the subsistence of a valid marriage is
TENEBRO VS CA automatically void, the nullity of this second marriage is not per se an argument for
the avoidance of criminal liability for bigamy. Pertinently, Article 349 of the Revised
(G.R. No. 93410 May 7, 1991) Penal Code criminalizes any person who shall contract a second or subsequent
marriage before the former marriage has been legally dissolved, or before the
absent spouse has been declared presumptively dead by means of a judgment
FACTS rendered in the proper proceedings. A plain reading of the law, therefore, would
indicate that the provision penalizes the mere act of contracting a second or a
1. Veronico Tenebro contracted marriage with Leticia Ancajas in 1990. The two lived subsequent marriage during the subsistence of a valid marriage of forcible
together continuously and without interruption until the later part of 1991, when
abduction is absorbed in the crime of rape if the main purpose of the accused is to ISSUE: Whether or not a declaration of nullity of the second marriage avoids a
rape the victim. prosecution for bigamy.

HELD: No. The elements of bigamy are:

Capili vs People GR 183805 1. That the offender has been legally married;

700 SCRA 443 Civil Law Family Code Void Marriages A Void 2nd Marriage is
not a Defense in Bigamy
2. That the first marriage has not been legally dissolved or, in case his or her spouse
Criminal Law Bigamy Elements is absent, the absent spouse could not yet be presumed dead according to the Civil

3. That he contracts a second or subsequent marriage;

In September 1999, James Capili married Karla Medina. But then, just three months
later in December 1999, he married another woman named Shirley Tismo. 4. That the second or subsequent marriage has all the essential requisites for

When Capili married Tismo, all the above elements are present. The crime of
In 2004, Karla Medina filed an action for declaration of nullity of the second bigamy was already consummated. It is already immaterial if the second (or first
marriage between Capili and Tismo. In June 2004, Tismo filed a bigamy case against marriage, see Mercado vs Tan) was subsequently declared void. The outcome of the
Capili. civil case filed by Karla Medina had no bearing to the determination of Capilis guilt
or innocence in the bigamy case because all that is required for the charge of
bigamy to prosper is that the first marriage be subsisting at the time the second
Before a decision can be had in the bigamy case, the action filed by Karla Medina marriage is contracted. He who contracts a second marriage before the judicial
was granted and Capilis marriage with Tismo was declared void by reason of the declaration of the first marriage assumes the risk of being prosecuted for bigamy.
subsisting marriage between Medina and Capili. Thereafter, Capili filed a motion to
The Supreme Court also notes that even if a party has reason to believe that his first
dismiss in the bigamy case. He alleged that since the second marriage was already
marriage is void, he cannot simply contract a second marriage without having such
declared void ab initio that marriage never took place and that therefore, there is
first marriage be judicially declared as void. The parties to the marriage should not
no bigamy to speak of.
be permitted to judge for themselves its nullity, for the same must be submitted to
the judgment of competent courts and only when the nullity of the marriage is so
declared can it be held as void, and so long as there is no such declaration the
The trial court agreed with Capili and it dismissed the bigamy case. On appeal, the presumption is that the marriage exists.
Court of Appeals reversed the dismissal and remanded the case to the trial court.

People v. Odtuhan

Sally Go-Bangayan vs Benjamin Bangayan, Jr.

Odtuhan married Jasmin Modina in 1980. Then, he remarried Alagon in 1993. He Civil Law Family Code Marriage Bigamy Non-existent marriage
filed apetition for annulment of his marriage to Modina in 1994. 1999, RTC granted
petition anddeclared marriage void for lack of a marriage license. Evelyn Alagon
private complainant learned of Odtuhans previous marriage to Modina and was
In September 1979, Benjamin Bangayan, Jr. married Azucena Alegre. In 1982, while
charged with bigamy.RTC ruled in favor of Alagon and was indicted in an
Alegre was outside the Philippines, Benjamin developed a romantic relationship
Information for Bigamy. Upon filing anOmnibus Motion praying for presentation of
with Sally Go. Sallys father was against this. In order to appease her father, Sally
evidence to support his motion and his motionto quash be granted, RTC denied the
convinced Benjamin to sign a purported marriage contract in March 1982.
petitions. Respondent went the CA where the petitionwas granted through applying
the Morigo v. People case, and RTC was ordered to give duecourse to receive
evidence on petitioners motion to quash. CA denied motion forreconsideration
before the CA and thus it went to the SC. In 1994, the relationship between Sally and Benjamin soured. Sally filed a bigamy
case against Benjamin. Benjamin on the other hand filed an action to declare his
alleged marriage to Sally as non-existent. To prove the existence of their marriage,
Sally presented a marriage license allegedly issued to Benjamin.
ISSUE: Whether or not Odtuhan committed the crime of bigamy, considering thathis
marriage to Modina was void ab inito for lack of a valid marriage license.

ISSUE: Whether or not the marriage between Sally and Benjamin is bigamous.

To conclude, the issue on the declaration of nullity of the marriage between

petitioner and respondent only after the latter contracted the subsequent marriage
is, therefore, immaterial for the purpose of establishing that the facts alleged in the HELD: No. The elements of bigamy are:
information for Bigamy does not constitute an offense. Following the same
1. That the offender has been legally married.
rationale, neither may such defense be interposed by the respondent in his motion
to quash by way of exception to the established rule that facts contrary to the 2. That the marriage has not been legally dissolved or, in case his or her spouse is
allegations in the information are matters of defense which may be raised only absent, the absent spouse could not yet be presumed dead according to the Civil
during the presentation of evidence.43 Code.

WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby GRANTED. The Court of Appeals Decision dated 3. That he contracts a second or subsequent marriage.
December 17, 2009 and Resolution dated March 4, 2010 in CA-G.R. SP No. 108616
are SET ASIDE. Criminal Case No. 05-235814 is REMANDED to the Regional Trial
Court of Manila, Branch 27 for further proceedings.
4. That the second or subsequent marriage has all the essential requisites for

In this case, the fourth element is not present. The marriage license presented by ISSUES:
Sally was not authentic as in fact, no marriage license was ever issued to both
parties in view of the alleged marriage. The marriage between them was merely in Whether the marriage between Benjamin and Sally are void for not having a
jest and never complied with the essential requisites of marriage. Hence, there is no marriage license
bigamous marriage to speak of.
Whether Art. 148 should govern Benjamin and Sallys property relations

Whether bigamy was committed by the petitioner

TOPIC: Property Regime of Unions Without Marriage (Article 148)
DOCTRINE: Benjamin and Sally cohabitated without the benefit of marriage. Thus,
only the properties acquired by them through their actual joint contribution of
money, property, or industry shall be owned by them in common in proportion to We see no inconsistency in finding the marriage between Benjamin and Sally null
their respective contributions, in accord with Article 148. and void ab initio and, at the same time, non-existent. Under Article 35 of the
Family Code, a marriage solemnized without a license, except those covered by
FACTS: Benjamin and Sally developed a romantic relationship in 1979. Sallys father
Article 34 where no license is necessary, shall be void from the beginning. In this
was against the relationship. Sally brought Benjamin to an office in Santolan, Pasig
case, the marriage between Benjamin and Sally was solemnized without a license. It
City where they signed a purported marriage contract. Sally, knowing Benjamins
was duly established that no marriage license was issued to them and that Marriage
marital status, assured him that the marriage contract would not be registered.
License No. N-07568 did not match the marriage license numbers issued by the
Sally filed criminal actions for bigamy and falsification of public documents against
local civil registrar of Pasig City for the month of February 1982. The case clearly
Benjamin, using their simulated marriage contract as evidence. Benjamin, in turn,
falls under Section 3 of Article 35which made their marriage void ab initio. The
filed a petition for declaration of a non-existent marriage and/or declaration of
marriage between Benjamin and Sally was also non-existent. Applying the general
nullity of marriage before the trial court on the ground that his marriage to Sally
rules on void or inexistent contracts under Article 1409 of the Civil Code, contracts
was bigamous and that it lacked the formal requisites to a valid marriage. Benjamin
which are absolutely simulated or fictitious are inexistent and void from the
also asked the trial court for the partition of the properties he acquired with Sally in
beginning. Thus, the Court of Appeals did not err in sustaining the trial courts
accordance with Article 148 of the Family Code, for his appointment as
ruling that the marriage between Benjamin and Sally was null and void ab initio and
administrator of the properties during the pendency of the case, and for the
declaration of Bernice and Bentley as illegitimate children. A total of 44 registered
properties became the subject of the partition before the trial court. Aside from the YES.
seven properties enumerated by Benjamin in his petition, Sally named 37 properties
in her answer. The property relations of Benjamin and Sally is governed by Article 148 of the
Family Code which states: Art. 148. In cases of cohabitation not falling under the
The trial court ruled that the marriage was not recorded with the local civil registrar preceding Article, only the properties acquired by both of the parties through their
and the National Statistics Office because it could not be registered due to actual joint contribution of money, property, or industry shall be owned by them in
Benjamins subsisting marriage with Azucena. The trial court ruled that the common in proportion to their respective contributions. In the absence of proof to
marriage between Benjamin and Sally was not bigamous. the contrary, their contributions and corresponding shares are presumed to be

equal. The same rule and presumption shall apply to joint deposits of money and On whether or not the parties marriage is bigamous under the concept of Article
evidences of credit. 349 of the Revised Penal Code, the marriage is not bigamous. It is required that the
first or former marriage shall not be null and void. The marriage of the petitioner to
If one of the parties is validly married to another, his or her share in the co- Azucena shall be assumed as the one that is valid, there being no evidence to the
ownership shall accrue to the absolute community of conjugal partnership existing contrary and there is no trace of invalidity or irregularity on the face of their
in such valid marriage. If the party who acted in bad faith is not validly married to marriage contract. However, if the second marriage was void not because of the
another, his or her share shall be forfeited in the manner provided in the last existence of the first marriage but for other causes such as lack of license, the crime
paragraph of the preceding Article. of bigamy was not committed. For bigamy to exist, the second or subsequent
marriage must have all the essential requisites for validity except for the existence
The foregoing rules on forfeiture shall likewise apply even if both parties are in bad
of a prior marriage.In this case, there was really no subsequent marriage. Benjamin
and Sally just signed a purported marriage contract without a marriage license. The
Benjamin and Sally cohabitated without the benefit of marriage. Thus, only the supposed marriage was not recorded with the local civil registrar and the National
properties acquired by them through their actual joint contribution of money, Statistics Office. In short, the marriage between Benjamin and Sally did not exist.
property, or industry shall be owned by them in common in proportion to their They lived together and represented themselves as husband and wife without the
respective contributions. Thus, both the trial court and the Court of Appeals benefit of marriage.
correctly excluded the 37 properties being claimed by Sally which were given by
Benjamins father to his children as advance inheritance. Sallys Answer to the
petition before the trial court even admitted that Benjamins late father himself
conveyed a number of properties to his children and their respective spouses which
included Sally x x x.

As regards the seven remaining properties, we rule that the decision of the CA is Jocson vs. Robles
more in accord with the evidence on record. Only the property covered by TCT No.
61722 was registered in the names of Benjamin and Sally as spouses. The properties Facts:
under TCT Nos. 61720 and 190860 were in the name of Benjamin with the
On February 4, 1963, Gloria G. Jocson commenced in the Juvenile & Domestic
descriptive title married to Sally. The property covered by CCT Nos. 8782 and
Relations Court an action for the annulment of her marriage to Ricardo R. Robles ,
8783 were registered in the name of Sally with the descriptive title married to
on the ground that it was bigamous. It was alleged in the amended complaint that
Benjamin while the properties under TCT Nos. N-193656 and 253681 were
previous to his marriage to plaintiff on May 27, 1958, defendant Robles had
registered in the name of Sally as a single individual. We have ruled that the words
contracted a first marriage with Josefina Fausto, who had instituted a criminal
married to preceding the name of a spouse are merely descriptive of the civil
action for Bigamy against the same defendant in the Court of First Instance of
status of the registered owner. Such words do not prove co-ownership. Without
Manila. The Plaintiff also demanded from the defendant moral and exemplary
proof of actual contribution from either or both spouses, there can be no co-
damages, attorneys' fees, and costs, claiming that during their cohabitation, she
ownership under Article 148 of the Family Code.
was subjected to physical maltreatment by her husband, resulting in the premature
3. NO. birth of their first child, who died three days later.

In his answer, defendant also assailed the validity of the marriage. But he charged as husband and wife as immediately after the marriage celebration, Helen
plaintiffs' parents with having compelled him by force, threat and intimidation, to Villanueva left his house and her whereabouts remained unknown to him until
contract that marriage with her, notwithstanding their knowledge that he is a January, 1962 when he discovered that she is residing in San Francisco, Cebu.
married man; and that said threat and intimidation allegedly persisted until
January, 1963 when he was finally able to get away and live apart from the plaintiff. 2) Said marriage was solemnized by Quezon City Judge Mariano R. Virtucio
on September 28, 1959.
Issue: Whether or not the plaintiffs claim of bigamy is valid against the defendant,
whilst the defendant is a married man, who contracted previous marriage. 3) Despite the fact that she was served with summons and copy of the
complaint, Helen failed to file a responsive pleading, for which reason petitioner
Held: No. A marriage contracted by any person during the subsistence of a previous filed on June 13, 1962 a motion to declare her in default and to set the date for the
marriage shall be null and void, unless before the celebration of the subsequent presentation of his evidence.
marriage, the prior spouse had been absent for four consecutive years and the
spouse present had a well-founded belief that the absent spouse was already dead. 4) In an order dated June 28, 1962, respondent Judge declared private
respondent in default, but, pursuant to the provision of Articles 88 and 101 of the
Civil Code of the Philippines, referred the case to the City Fiscal of Manila for
investigation to determine whether collusion exists between the parties, directing
the City Fiscal to submit his report within sixty (60) days from receipt thereof, and,
in the event of a negative finding, to represent the State at the trial of the case to
Tolentino vs Viilanueva
prevent fabrication of evidence; and likewise directed herein petitioner to furnish
Civil law Marriage Annulment Investigation by fiscal is a prerequisite to the City Fiscal with copies of the complaint and such other documents necessary for
annulment of marriage where defendant has defaulted the City Fiscal's information and guidance.

.The prohibition against annulling a marriage based on the stipulation of facts or 5) On July 3, 1962, thru counsel, petitioner submitted to the City Fiscal only a
by confession of judgment or by non-appearance of the defendant stresses the fact copy of his complaint.
that marriage is more than a mere contract between the parties and for this
6) Assistant City Fiscal Rafael A. Jose, assigned to the case, issued a subpoena
reason, when the defendant fails to appear, the law enjoins the court to direct the
to petitioner's counsel requiring him to bring petitioner with him as well as copies
prosecuting officer to intervene for the State in order to preserve the integrity and
of other documents in connection with the annulment case on August 27, 1962 at
sanctity of the marital bonds.
10:00 A.M.

FACTS: 7) Plaintiff's counsel, in a letter dated August 24, 1962, informed Assistant
City Fiscal Jose that he could not comply with the subpoena for it will unnecessarily
1) On April 26, 1962, petitioner Romulo Tolentino filed a suit for annulment expose his evidence.\
of his marriage to private respondent Helen Villanueva, alleging that his consent
was obtained through fraud because immediately after the marriage celebration, 8) In a motion dated and filed on October 29, 1962, petitioner, thru counsel,
he discovered that private respondent was pregnant despite the fact that he had no prayed the respondent Judge to set the date for the reception of his evidence on
sexual relations with her prior to the marriage ceremony; and that they did not live the ground that the City Fiscal had not submitted a report of his findings despite the

lapse of sixty (60) days from July 10, 1962 when he submitted to the City Fiscal a have vital interest in the maintenance and preservation of these social institutions
copy of the complaint. against desecration by collusion between the parties or by fabricated evidence. The
prohibition against annulling a marriage based on the stipulation of facts or by
9) On November 6, 1962, respondent Judge denied the aforesaid motion of confession of judgment or by non-appearance of the defendant stresses the fact
petitioner unless he submits himself for interrogation by the City Fiscal to enable that marriage is more than a mere contract between the parties; and for this
the latter to report whether or not there is collusion between the parties. reason, when the defendant fails to appear, the law enjoins the court to direct the
prosecuting officer to intervene for the State in order to preserve the integrity and
10) In an order dated July 29, 1963, respondent Judge dismissed the complaint
sanctity of the marital bonds.
in view of the fact that petitioner is not willing to submit himself for interrogation
by the City Fiscal pursuant to the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 101 Hence, the inevitable conclusion is that the petition is without merit. WHEREFORE,
11) Plaintiffs MR was denied, hence this petition.
Tolentino vs Viilanueva
ISSUE: Whether the lower court is correct in dismissing the plaintiffs petition for
annulment of marriage on the ground of fraud because the same was based merely Civil law Marriage Annulment Investigation by fiscal is a prerequisite to
on a stipulation of facts or by confession of judgment annulment of marriage where defendant hasdefaulted
RULING: YES. Where the husband filed a case for annulment on the ground of fraud .The prohibition against annulling a marriage basedon the stipulation of facts or
(concealment of pregnancy), and the wife failed to file a responsive pleading, the by confession of judgment or by non-appearance of the defendant stresses the fact
court referred the case to the fiscal for investigation. However, the husband refused that marriage ismore than a mere contract between the parties and for thisreason,
to show his evidence nor be interrogated by the fiscal, hence, the court correctly when the defendant fails to appear, the law enjoins thecourt to direct the
dismissed the complaint for annulment. The investigation of the fiscal is a prosecuting officer to intervene for the State inorder to preserve the integrity and
prerequisite to the annulment of marriage where defendant has defaulted. sanctity of the marital bonds.

Articles 88 and 101 of the Civil Code of the Philippines expressly prohibit the
rendition of a decision in suits for annulment of marriage and legal separation
based on a stipulation of facts or by confession of judgment and direct that in case FACTS:
of non-appearance of defendant, the court shall order the prosecuting attorney to
inquire whether or not collusion between the parties exists, and if none, said 1) On April 26, 1962, petitioner Romulo Tolentino filed a suit for annulment
prosecuting attorney shall intervene for the State to prevent fabrication of evidence of his marriage to private respondent Helen Villanueva, alleging that his consent
for the plaintiff. Even the 1940 Rules of Court, which preceded the 1950 Civil Code was obtained through fraud because immediately after the marriage celebration,
of the Philippines, direct that actions for the annulment of marriage or divorce shall he discovered that private respondent was pregnant despite the fact that he had no
not be decided unless the material facts alleged in the complaint are proved. sexual relations with her prior to the marriage ceremony; and that they did not live
as husband and wife as immediately after the marriage celebration, Helen
The prohibition expressed in the aforesaid laws and rules is predicated on the fact Villanueva left his house and her whereabouts remained unknown to him until
that the institutions of marriage and of the family are sacred and therefore are as January, 1962 when he discovered that she is residing in San Francisco, Cebu.
much the concern of the State as of the spouses; because the State and the public

2) Said marriage was solemnized by Quezon City Judge Mariano R. Virtucio 9) On November 6, 1962, respondent Judge denied the aforesaid motion of
on September 28, 1959. petitioner unless he submits himself for interrogation by the City Fiscal to enable
the latter to report whether or not there is collusion between the parties.
3) Despite the fact that she was served with summons and copy of the
complaint, Helen failed to file a responsive pleading, for which reason petitioner 10) In an order dated July 29, 1963, respondent Judge dismissed the complaint
filed on June 13, 1962 a motion to declare her in default and to set the date for the in view of the fact that petitioner is not willing to submit himself for interrogation
presentation of his evidence. by the City Fiscal pursuant to the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 101
of the New Civil Code.
4) In an order dated June 28, 1962, respondent Judge declared private
respondent in default, but, pursuant to the provision of Articles 88 and 101 of the 11) Plaintiffs MR was denied, hence this petition.
Civil Code of the Philippines, referred the case to the City Fiscal of Manila for
investigation to determine whether collusion exists between the parties, directing ISSUE: Whether the lower court is correct in dismissing the plaintiffs petition for
the City Fiscal to submit his report within sixty (60) days from receipt thereof, and, annulment of marriage on the ground of fraud because the same was based merely
in the event of a negative finding, to represent the State at the trial of the case to on a stipulation of facts or by confession of judgment
prevent fabrication of evidence; and likewise directed herein petitioner to furnish
RULING: YES. Where the husband filed a case for annulment on the ground of fraud
the City Fiscal with copies of the complaint and such other documents necessary for
(concealment of pregnancy), and the wife failed to file a responsive pleading, the
the City Fiscal's information and guidance.
court referred the case to the fiscal for investigation. However, the husband refused
5) On July 3, 1962, thru counsel, petitioner submitted to the City Fiscal only a to show his evidence nor be interrogated by the fiscal, hence, the court correctly
copy of his complaint. dismissed the complaint for annulment. The investigation of the fiscal is a
prerequisite to the annulment of marriage where defendant has defaulted.
6) Assistant City Fiscal Rafael A. Jose, assigned to the case, issued a subpoena
to petitioner's counsel requiring him to bring petitioner with him as well as copies Articles 88 and 101 of the Civil Code of the Philippines expressly prohibit the
of other documents in connection with the annulment case on August 27, 1962 at rendition of a decision in suits for annulment of marriage and legal separation
10:00 A.M. based on a stipulation of facts or by confession of judgment and direct that in case
of non-appearance of defendant, the court shall order the prosecuting attorney to
inquire whether or not collusion between the parties exists, and if none, said
7) Plaintiff's counsel, in a letter dated August 24, 1962, informed Assistant prosecuting attorney shall intervene for the State to prevent fabrication of evidence
City Fiscal Jose that he could not comply with the subpoena for it will unnecessarily for the plaintiff. Even the 1940 Rules of Court, which preceded the 1950 Civil Code
expose his evidence.\ of the Philippines, direct that actions for the annulment of marriage or divorce shall
not be decided unless the material facts alleged in the complaint are proved.
8) In a motion dated and filed on October 29, 1962, petitioner, thru counsel,
prayed the respondent Judge to set the date for the reception of his evidence on The prohibition expressed in the aforesaid laws and rules is predicated on the fact
the ground that the City Fiscal had not submitted a report of his findings despite the that the institutions of marriage and of the family are sacred and therefore are as
lapse of sixty (60) days from July 10, 1962 when he submitted to the City Fiscal a much the concern of the State as of the spouses; because the State and the public
copy of the complaint. have vital interest in the maintenance and preservation of these social institutions
against desecration by collusion between the parties or by fabricated evidence. The
prohibition against annulling a marriage based on the stipulation of facts or by
confession of judgment or by non-appearance of the defendant stresses the fact 3. The trial court dismissed the complaint. Hence, this appeal.
that marriage is more than a mere contract between the parties; and for this
reason, when the defendant fails to appear, the law enjoins the court to direct the
prosecuting officer to intervene for the State in order to preserve the integrity and
BASICALLY: Godofredo Buccat (Plaintiff) and Luida Mangonon (Defendant) got
sanctity of the marital bonds.
married on November 26, 1938. Luida gave birth after 89 days and on March 20,
Hence, the inevitable conclusion is that the petition is without merit. WHEREFORE, 1939 Godofredo filed for annulment of marriage before the CFI because he was led
THE ORDER DATED JULY 29, 1963 IS HEREBY AFFIRMED AND THE PETITION IS to believe by Luida that she was a virgin. The trial court dismissed the complaint, so

Buccat v Buccat de Mangonon GR No. 47101 April 25, 1941 ISSUE: Whether or not there was fraud in obtaining the consent of Plaintiff to the
GODOFREDO BUCCAT, plaintiff-appellant, vs.
LUIDA MANGONON DE BUCCAT, defendant-respondent.
There is no fraud because:
The Supreme Court states that: We see no reason to overturn the ruling
FACTS: appealed. It is unlikely that the plaintiff, Godofredo, had not suspected that the
defendant, Luida, was pregnant. (As she gave birth less than 3 months after they
1. It was established before the trial court: got married, she must have looked very pregnant even before they were married.)
Since Godofredo must have known that she was not a virgin, the marriage cannot
a. The Plaintiff met the defendant in March 1938
be annulled.
b. After several interviews, both were committed on September 19 of that
The Sacred Marriage is an institution: it is the foundation on which society rests. To
cancel it, reliable evidence is necessary.
c. On November 26 the same year, the plaintiff married the defendant in a
Catholic Cathedral in Baguio
*Consent freely given: ARTICLE 4 and 45 FC.
d. They, then, cohabited for about eighty-nine days

e. Defendant gave birth to a child of nine months on February 23, 1939

Aquino v. Delizo
f. Following this event, Plaintiff and Defendant separated.
G.R. No. L-15853, 27 July 1960
2. On March 20, 1939 the plaintiff filed an action for annulment of marriage
before the CFI of Baguio City. The plaintiff claimed that he consented to the
marriage because the defendant assured him that she was virgin.

The trial court dismissed the complaint for Aquino did not show any birth certificate The concealment by the wife of the fact that at the time of the marriage, she was
to show the child was born within 180 days after the marriage between the parties. pregnant by a man other than her husband constitutes fraud and is a ground for
Later on Aquino presented evidence to show proof of the childs birth but still his annulment of marriage. Delizo was allegedly to be only more than four months
petition was denied. The CA denied Aquinos appeal on the theory that it was not pregnant at the time of her marriage. At this stage, it is hard to say that her
impossible for the parties to have sex during their engagement so that the child pregnancy was readily apparent especially since she was naturally plump or fat. It
could be their own and finding it absurd for Aquino not to notice or suspect that is only on the 6th month of pregnancy that the enlargement of the womans
Delizo was pregnant when he married her. In a motion for reconsideration filed by abdomen reaches a height above the umbilicus, making the roundness of the
Aquino, Delizo and her counsel did not file an answer thus the motion for abdomen more general and apparent.
reconsideration was denied.
In the following circumstances, the court remanded the case for new trial and
ISSUE: decision complained is set aside.

Whether or not the dismissal of Aquinos complaint is correct. Anaya v. Palaroan, 36 SCRA 97

RULING: AURORA A. ANAYA, plaintiff-appellant, vs. FERNANDO O. PALAROAN, defendant-

No. The dismissal is not correct. Under the new Civil Code, concealment by the wife
of the fact that at the time of the marriage, she was pregnant by a man other than
her husband constitutes fraud and is ground for annulment of marriage.
Date: 26 Nov 1970
Concealment of the wife the fact that at the time of the marriage she was pregnant
by a man other than his husband constitutes fraud and is a ground for annulment of Ponente: Reyes, JBL
Topic: Voidable Marriages; Grounds for Annulment; Fraud

Here the defendant wife was alleged to be only more than four months pregnant at
the time of her marriage to plaintiff. At that stage, we are not prepared to say that
her pregnancy was readily apparent, especially since she was naturally plump or Non-disclosure of a husband's pre-marital relationship with another woman is not
fat as alleged by plaintiff. one of the enumerated circumstances that would constitute a ground for
annulment; and it is further excluded by the last paragraph of article 86, providing
According to medical authorities, even on the 5th month of pregnancy, the
that "no other misrepresentation or deceit as to ... chastity" shall give ground for an
enlargement of a womans abdomen is still below the umbilicus, that is to say, the
action to annul a marriage.
enlargement is limited to the lower part of the abdomen so that it is hardly
noticeable and may, if noticed, be attributed only to fat formation on the lower part
of the abdomen. It is only on the 6th month of pregnancy that the enlargement of
the womans abdomen reaches a height above the umbilicus, making the roundness
of the abdomen more general and apparent.
Aurora Anaya and Fernando Palaroan were married on 4 Dec 1953. For fraud as a vice of consent in marriage, which may be a cause for its annulment,
comes under Article 85, No. 4, of the Civil Code, which provides:
On 7 Jan 1954, Fernando filed an action for annulment of the marriage on the
ground that his consent was obtained through force and intimidation, docketed in ART. 85. A marriage may be annulled for any of the following causes,
CFI of Manila, Civil Case #21589. existing at the time of the marriage:

this case was dismissed and Anayas counterclaim for damages was xxx xxx xxx
(4) That the consent of either party was obtained by fraud, unless such
party afterwards, with full knowledge of the facts constituting the fraud,
freely cohabited with the other as her husband or his wife, as the case may
While the amount of the counterclaim was being negotiated, Fernando divulged to be;
Aurora that several months prior to their marriage he had pre-marital relationship
with a close relative of his.

This fraud, as vice of consent, is limited exclusively by law to those kinds or

species of fraud enumerated in Article 86, as follows:
Upon learning of this, Aurora then filed a case for the annulment of their marriage
on the ground of fraud the non-disclosure of such pre-marital relationship.

ART. 86. Any of the following circumstances shall constitute fraud referred
to in number 4 of the preceding article:
(1) Misrepresentation as to the identity of one of the contracting
W/N the non-disclosure to a wife by her husband of his pre-marital relationship parties;
with another woman is a ground for annulment of marriage.
(2) Non-disclosure of the previous conviction of the other party of
a crime involving moral turpitude, and the penalty imposed was
imprisonment for two years or more;
(3) Concealment by the wife of the fact that at the time of the
NO. Non-disclosure of a husband's pre-marital relationship with another woman is
marriage, she was pregnant by a man other than her husband.
not one of the enumerated circumstances that would constitute a ground for
annulment; and it is further excluded by the last paragraph of article 86, providing
that "no other misrepresentation or deceit as to ... chastity" shall give ground for an
action to annul a marriage. No other misrepresentation or deceit as to character, rank, fortune or
chastity shall constitute such fraud as will give grounds for action for the
annulment of marriage.

The intention of Congress to confine the circumstances that can constitute fraud as Nature of the Case: Appeal from a judgment of the CFI of Davao
ground for annulment of marriage to the foregoing three cases may be deduced
from the fact that, of all the causes of nullity enumerated in Article 85, fraud is the Ponente: Reyes, JBL, J.
only one given special treatment in a subsequent article within the chapter on void
and voidable marriages. If its intention were otherwise, Congress would have
stopped at Article 85, for, anyway, fraud in general is already mentioned therein as Facts:
a cause for annulment. But Article 86 was also enacted, expressly and specifically
dealing with "fraud referred to in number 4 of the preceding article," and proceeds 1) Appeal from a decision of CFI Davao declaring the two marriages celebrated one
by enumerating the specific frauds (misrepresentation as to identity, non-disclosure after another on April
of a previous conviction, and concealment of pregnancy), making it clear that
28, 1949 null and void on the ground of plaintiffs consent was obtained through
Congress intended to exclude all other frauds or deceits. To stress further such
force and intimidation
intention, the enumeration of the specific frauds was followed by the interdiction:
"No other misrepresentation or deceit as to character, rank, fortune or chastity shall employed upon her by her father
constitute such fraud as will give grounds for action for the annulment of marriage."
2) Morning of April 28, 1949civil wedding before Judge Delfin Hofilena of MC of
Davao, afternoon

Non-disclosure of a husband's pre-marital relationship with another woman is not remarried in accordance with rites of Republic of China before Chinese Consul S.T.
one of the enumerated circumstances that would constitute a ground for Mih in office in Davao
annulment; and it is further excluded by the last paragraph of the article, providing
that "no other misrepresentation or deceit as to ... chastity" shall give ground for an City
action to annul a marriage. While a woman may detest such non-disclosure of
premarital lewdness or feel having been thereby cheated into giving her consent to 3) Plaintiffs testimony:
the marriage, nevertheless the law does not assuage her grief after her consent was
- Defendant never wooed her
solemnly given, for upon marriage she entered into an institution in which society,
and not herself alone, is interested. The lawmaker's intent being plain, the Court's - Wedding arranged by father
duty is to give effect to the same, whether it agrees with the rule or not.
- Father whipped her often as she opposed marriage

- Resorted to beating her

- She ran away from home but found by father and promised she will not force her
NO 7037- May 7, 1952 again

Plaintiff and Appellee: Juanita Sison - But renewed subject of marriagehanded her a knife telling her to choose
between her life of his
Defendant and Appellant: Te Lay Li
because of fear that her father might kill her she agreed to the marriage

- Testimony corroborated by mother and Epifania del Riorelative of her mother Te Seng: plaintiff ran away, her father asked help from him to take daughter home;
confessed that daughter did not want to marry the defendant
- She lived with her husband in his parents home but considered him a stranger
since she doesnt love DECISION OF SC: The decision appealed from is AFFIRMED with the sole
modification that the amount ordered return to plaintiff should be P1248 according
him to evidence and not P1200.
- She was kept a prisoner in the house; she never occupied the same bed with REASONS:
1) While it is true that it is the policy of the law to maintain the marriage ties, when
- Never had sexual intercourse except on June 1, 1949 forced by husband using a it is amply proved that
knifeshe mustered
the marriage is effected through duress and intimidation and w/o the consent and
courage to escape from her husbands home against the will of one

4) DEFENDANTS CLAIMS: of the parties, there are no ties to be preserved and the marriage should
consequently be annulled
- Marriages were regular and legal
2) There was no voluntary cohabitation on the wifes part
- Entered into marriage freely and voluntarily

- Plaintiff not kept a prisoner

[No. 5986. March 18, 1941]
- Plaintiff would everyday ask her father in law to give her and her husband their
JOSE RUIZ, plaintiff and appellant,
own house and business vs. PELAGIA ATIENZA, defendant and appellee.
- She slapped heronly when she ran away with P1200 and when asked where she ENGZON, J.:
came from she retorted it was none of his business
DOCTRINE: The provision of the Marriage Law (Sec. 30, Act No. 3613) referring to
-CFI: finding the plaintiffs marriage consummated only by intimidation and force "force" or "violence" as ground of annulment of marriage, does not seem to include
and that plaintiff never for a moment acquiesced to the status of a wife to the mere intimidation, at least where it does not in legal effect amount to force or
defendant and declared two marriages between them null and void; defendant violence.
ordered to return the P1200 and whatever personal belongings the plaintiff had left
in their house FACTS:
1. This is an appeal from a decision of the Manila Court of First Instance denying
Witnesses; Judge Delfin Hofilena for defendant but testified in cross examination plaintiff's demand for the annulment of his marriage with defendant
contracted on November 14, 1938, with all the outward legal formalities.
that plaintiff came to him and confided that she was being compelled to marry a
2. Previous to February, 1938, Jose Ruiz and Pelagia Atienza, both single, were
man she did not like sweethearts.

3. Loving perhaps too well, she allowed him, in a moment of weakness, to have 6. In fact, only a one-and-a-half-inch knife was found in his possession by the
his way, with the result that nine months later she became an unmarried policeman whom the companions of Ruiz called upon seeing what they
mother. believed to be the beginning of trouble.
4. After the baby's birth, i. e., on November 14, 1938, Pelagia's father Jose
Atienza, Atty. Villavicencio (her cousin-in-law), and three other persons visited
Jose Ruiz at the boarding house where he lived, in Oregon street.
5. They requested, and after some discussion, convinced him to marry Pelagia.
6. With his cousin Alfredo Asuncion, he went with Jose Atienza and companions
to Tanduay street, where Pelagia was living;
7. from there the party, joined by Pelagia and others, went to the Aglipayan SARAO VS GUEVARRA 40 OG 15 SUPPL 263
church at Maria Clara street, Manila, then proceeded to secure a marriage
license, and later returned to the same Aglipayan church where the marriage FACTS:
was celebrated in the evening. Plaintiff and defendant were married and on the same day, plaintiff tried
8. Four days later, alleging that he had been forced into wedlock, Jose Ruiz to have carnal knowledge of defendant. The later showed reluctance and begged
brought this suit to secure its avoidance. him to wait until evening. Although he found the orifice of her vagina sufficiently
9. His counsel has 'dramatized the visit of Jose Atienza and companions, and the large for his organ, she complained of pains in her private part later that night.
"plans" drawn to force Jose Ruiz into the marriage, Jose's passive and downcast Plaintiff also noticed oozing of some purulent matter offensive to the smell coming
attitude, all in an effort to maintain the proposition that Jose Ruiz went with from defendants vagina.
them that afternoon "convinced" by the following "arguments": Every attempt to have carnal access to his wife proved to be futile because
a. the threats of the father supported by his "balisong"; she always complained of pains in her genital organs.
b. the unveiled intimidation by Atty.Villavicencio that if he would not Upon the advice of the physician, defendants uterus and ovaries were,
marry Pelagia Atienza, he would have difficulty when he would take with consent of the plaintiff removed due to the presence of a tumor. The removal
the bar examinations because, as he said, many have been rejected of said organs rendered defendant incapable of procreation.
admission to the bar on the ground of immorality; and Plaintiff declared that from the time he witnessed the operation, he lost all
c. the promise of Atty. Villavicencio that Ruiz would be physically "safe" desire to have access with his wife and thus filed this complaint for annulment of
if he would go with them. marriage on the ground of impotency.

W/N Jose Ruiz was intimidated into marrying Pelagia Atienza? WON their marriage can be annulled on the ground of physical impotency.


1. As to the first, it appears that in the course of the conversation during the visit, No. Judgment of the Court of First Instance affirmed.
Ruiz made the statement that he could not marry Pelagia because he was
already a married man. RD:
2. This so aroused Jose Atienza that he grabbed Ruiz' necktie, exclaiming: "So you Plaintiff wants to construe the phrase physically incapable of entering into
mean to fool my daughter!" the married state as with the capacity to procreate. Impotency is not the ability to
3. Those present intervened quickly, and the dispute stopped. procreate but the ability to copulate. Defect must be one of copulation and not of
4. The flare of anger is easily understandable. reproduction. Bareness will not invalidate the marriage.
5. But it is not sufficiently established that Jose Atienza displayed any The removal of the organs rendered her sterile but it by no means made
"balisong", or made any threat against the life of Ruiz. her unfit for sexual intercourse. It would appear that it was the memory of this first
unpleasant experience with her that made him gave up the idea of having carnal
knowledge of her.
Whether the wife is really impotent cannot be deemed to have been satisfactorily
Defendant was not impotent at the time she married the plaintiff for the established, because from the commencement of the proceedings until the entry of
existence of tumor did not necessarily render her incapable of copulation. the decree she had abstained from taking part therein. Although her refusal to be
Plaintiff also contends that his consent of the marriage was procured examined or failure to appear in court show indifference on her part, yet from such
through fraud in that the defendant did not reveal to him that she was afflicted attitude the presumption arising out of the suppression of evidence could not arise or
with a disease in her sex organs. According to the Court, this contention in be inferred because women of this country are by nature coy, bashful and shy and
untenable since fraud is not alleged in the complaint and has not been proved at would not submit to a physical examination unless compelled to by competent
authority. This the Court may do without doing violence to and infringing in this
the trial.
case is not self-incrimination. She is not charged with any offense. She is not being
compelled to be a witness against herself. "Impotency being an abnormal condition
should not be presumed. The presumption is in favor of potency." The lone
GR No. L-12790 Aug 31, 1960 testimony of the husband that his wife is physically incapable of sexual intercourse is
Joel Jimenez, plaintiff-appellee vs. Remedios Canizares, defendant and Republic insufficient to tear asunder the ties that have bound them together as husband and
of the Philippines, intervenor-appellant wife.
Facts: Joel filed a complaint praying for a decree of annulment of his marriage to Dispositive Portion: The decree appealed from is set aside and the case remanded to
Remedios upon the ground that the orifice of her vagina was too small for the lower court for further proceedings in accordance with this decision, without
penetration. This condition made Joel leave the conjugal home two nights and one pronouncement as to costs.
day after they had been married. He alleged that it existed at the time of marriage.
Remedios did not file an answer and so the court directed the Zamboanga City Atty.
to inquire whether or not there was collusion and intervene to see that evidence is not
fabricated. Remedios was also ordered to submit to a physical examination, which Jones v. Hortiguela (1937)
failed as she had refused to be examined.

Procedural history: After hearing, Remedios was not present. The trial court entered
a decree declaring the marriage null and void. The city attorney filed an MR
Petition: Appeal from Order of Cebu CFI
contending that the impotency had not been satisfactorily established since there was
no physical examination and that instead of annulling the marriage, the court should
have punished her for contempt and compelled her to undergo physical examination. In re Instate of the deceased Marciana Escao.
He further argued that the decree would open the door to collusion simply by
alleging impotency. Petitioner-appellant-appellee: ANGELITA JONES

Issue: WON the marriage may be annulled on the strength of the lone testimony of Oppositor-appellant-appellee: FELIX HORTIGUELA, as administrator, widower and
the husband who claimed and testified that the wife was and is impotent heir

Held: NO Ponente: J. Concepcion

Rule: Article 45 (5) A marriage may be annulled for any of the following causes,
existing at the time of the marriage that either party was physically incapable of Date: 3 March 1937
consummating the marriage with the other, and such incapacity continues and
appears to be incurable;

Application: In the case at bar, the annulment of the marriage in question was Facts:
decreed upon the sole testimony of the husband who was expected to give testimony
tending or aiming at securing the annulment of his marriage he sought and seeks. December 1914 Marciana marries Arthur Jones

o 10 January 1918 Jones secured passport; never heard from oHolding unwarranted declaring properties as paraphernal [control
again of wife] reserving option for parties to determine which are
October 1919 Proceedings to have Arthur judicially declared as missing paraphernal and which are conjugal
o 25 Oct 1919 Court declared Arthur as an absentee with the o Setting aside order granting Admin. Fees = P10,000
proviso that said judicial declaration of absence would not take o Ordering presentation of another project of partition
effect until six months after its publication in the official Both parties appealed
newspapers [Art. 186, Old Civil Code]
o 23 April 1921 the court issued another order for the taking
effect of the declaration of absence, publication thereof having Pertinent laws/provisions/concepts:
been made in the Official Gazette and in "El Ideal."
6 May 1927 Marciana and Felix marry Art 186 [Old Civil Code] Declaration of Absence [Art. 384 to 386 in the
Marciana Escao had died intestate [w/o will]: judicial declaration of only new Civil Code?]
two heirs (Order issued 9 May 1932):
o Felix Hortiguela (husband) appointed judicial administrator of Art. 384. Two years having elapsed without any news about the absentee
estate or since the receipt of the last news, and five years in case the absentee
Charged P10,000 as administrators fees, approved 10 has left a person in charge of the administration of his property, his
January 1933
absence may be declared.
Project of Partition and Final Account approved, 26 June
o Angelita Jones (daughter, by first marriage) Art. 385. The following may ask for the declaration of absence:
3 March 1934 Angelita filed a motion alleging that she was the only heir (1) The spouse present;
of her mother, Marciana: (2) The heirs instituted in a will, who may present an authentic copy of the
o Never valid marriage between Mariana and Felix (null and void) same;
o Since no valid marriage, Felix not entitled to share in usufruct, 1/3 (3) The relatives who may succeed by the law of intestacy;
of inheritance
(4) Those who may have over the property of the absentee some right
o Angelita was a minor during intestate proceedings never
assisted by counsel (Felixs lawyers) subordinated to the condition of his death. (185)
o Prayed for:
Reopening of proceedings Art. 386. The judicial declaration of absence shall not take effect until six
Her husband be appointed special administrator w/o months after its publication in a newspaper of general circulation. (186a)
Mariana-Felix marriage be declared null and void
Partition of properties made by Felix be declared null and Issues:
void; Angelita be declared only heir
In case Mariana-Felix marriage not null and void, for Felix 1. Was the Marciana-Felix marriage valid?
to not be entitled to usufruct; new partition of 2. Was Felix entitled to inherit in usufruct in testate or intestate succession.
properties; grant only P4/day administrators fees
14 May 1935 Cebu CFI denies:
o Motion to appoint new Admin. Ruling:
o Setting aside original declaration of heirs
1. YES.

The requisite minimum 7 years had elapsed since the spouse from
the previous marriage had been absent.
Note that marriage contract not registered in municipality of Lukban vs. Republic
Malitbog, but this is not a ground for having the marriage G.R. No. L-8492
declared null and void recall that the marriage contract is February 29, 1956
neither an essential nor formal requisite. [See Madridejo vs. De
Leon (1931), and U. S. vs. De Vera (1914)] Bautista-Angelo, J:
2. YES
By virtue of his valid marriage to Marciana. Facts:
Consequently, Court Order approving Project of Partition and Petitioner Lourdes G. Lukban contracted marriage with Francisco Chuidian on
Final Account also valid. December 10, 1933. A few days later, on December 27, Francisco left Lourdes after
Ratio Decidendi: a violent quarrel. She did not hear from him after that day. Her diligent search,
inquiries from his parents and friends, and search in his last known address, proved
(1) In accordance with the foregoing legal provision, the absence of Marciana futile. Believing her husband was already dead since he had been absent for more
Escao's former husband should be counted from January 10, 1918, the than twenty years, petitioner filed a petition in 1956 for a declaration that she is a
date on which the last news concerning Arthur W. Jones was received, and widow of her husband who is presumed to be dead and has no legal impediment to
from said date to May 6, 1927, more than nine years elapsed. Said contract a subsequent marriage.
marriage is, therefore, valid and lawful. Issue:
Angelita had tried to establish that the absence of Marcianas Whether or not the petitioner can be declared widow of her husband who
previous husband should have begun to be counted on 23 April is presumed to be dead.
1921 thus the gap between absence of the previous marriage
But Angelita, seemed to have also presumed the death of the Held:
previous spouse as well, considering how she treated Felix as her No. We believe that the petition at bar comes within the purview of our decision in
true stepfather [even living with Marciana and Felix the case of Nicolai Szartraw, 46 Off. Gaz., 1st Sup., 243, wherein it was held that a
Sec. 334, No. 24, of the Code of Civil Procedure, a person not petition for judicial declaration that Petitioners husband is presumed to be dead
heard from in seven years is presumed to be dead. cannot be entertained because it is not authorized by law, and if such declaration
(2) Inasmuch as Felix Hortiguela was lawfully married to Marciana Escao cannot be made in a special proceeding similar to the present, much less can the
and was divorced from her at the time of her death there is no doubt that court determine the status of Petitioner as a widow since this matter must of
he is entitled to inherit in usufruct, not only in testate but also in intestate necessity depend upon the fact of death of the husband. This the court can declare
succession upon proper evidence, but not to decree that he is merely presumed to be dead.
(Nicolai Szartraw, 46 Off. Gaz., 1st sup. 243).
The philosophy behind the ruling that such judicial pronouncement cannot be made
Opinions: in a proceeding of this nature is well expressed in the case above-cited. Thus, we
there said that A judicial pronouncement to that effect, even if final and executory,
No separate opinions. would still be a prima facie presumption only. It is still disputable. It is for that
Decision: reverses the appealed order of March 14, 1935, in so far as it set aside the reason that it cannot be the subject of a judicial pronouncement or declaration, if it
is the only question or matter involved in a case, or upon which a competent court
order of January 10, 1933, relative to the administrator's fees and the order of June
has to pass .It is, therefore, clear that a judicial declaration that a person is
26, 1933, approving the final account and the project of portion presumptively dead, because he had been unheard from in seven years, being a
presumption juris tantum only, subject to contrary proof, cannot reach the stage of
Principles: Marriage when one spouse is absent.
finality or become final.

Fallo: The decision appealed from is affirmed, without pronouncement as to costs.

ART. 390. After an absence of seven years, it being unknown whether or not the
absentee still lives, he shall be presumed dead for all purposes, except for those
G.R. No. L-14058. March 24, 1960. of succession.

In the matter of the petition for the declaration of William Gue, The absentee shall not be presumed dead for the purpose of opening this
presumptively dead. ANGELINA L. GUE, petitioner and appellant, v. THE succession till after an absence of ten years. If he disappeared after the of
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, oppositor and appellee. seventy-five years, an absence of five years shall be sufficient in order that his
succession may be opened.


SOLICITOR GENERAL: opposed to the petition; cites the decision in the recent
case of Lourdes G. Lukban vs. Republic of the Philippines. In this case: Lourdes
Nature of the case: Appeal from the order of the CFI dismissing the petition of G. Lukban, petitioner herein, contracted marriage with Francisco Chuidian on
Angelina Gue for a declaration of the presumptive death of Willian Gue. December 10, 1933 at the Paco Catholic Church, Manila. On December 27, of the
same year, Francisco left Lourdes after a violent quarrel and since then he has
not been heard from despite diligent search made by her. She also inquired
about him from his parents and friends but no one was able to indicate his
Facts: On Oct 11, 1944 Angelina Gue was married to William Gue and they had whereabouts. She has no knowledge if he is still alive, his last known address
two children together. On January 5, 1946 her husband left Manila and went to being Calle Merced, Paco, Manila. She believes that he is already dead because
Shanghai China but since then had not been heard of, neither had he written to he had been absent for more than twenty years, and because she intends to
her nor in any way communicated with her, and she failed to locate him despite marry again, she desires that her civil status be defined in order that she may be
of her efforts and diligence. They had not acquired any property during the relieved of any liability under the law.
marriage. She then asked the court for a declaration of the presumption of death
of William Gue (Art 390 of the CC)

We believe that the petition at bar comes within the purview of our decision in
the case of Nicolai Szatraw, 46 Off. Gaz. 1st Sup. 243, wherein it was held that a
CFI: after publication and hearing, issued the order of dismissal. It contends that petition for judicial declaration that petitioner's husband is presumed to be
no right had been established by the petitioner upon which a judicial decree dead cannot be entertained because it is not authorized by law, and if such
may be predicated and this action is not for settlement of the estate of the declaration cannot be made in a special proceedings similar to the present,
absentee as it is clear he did not leave any. much less can the court determine the status of petitioner as a widow since this
matter must of necessity depend upon the fact of death of the husband. This the
court can declare upon proper evidence, but not to decree that he is merely
During appeal, appellant invoked the provisions of Art 390 of the New Civil presumed to be dead.

Issue: If a person is unheard from in seven years; is a declaration of
presumptive death necessary?

RULING: No. A judicial declaration that a person unheard from in seven years,
being a presumption juris tantum only, subject to contrary proofs, cannot reach
the state of finality or become final. Proof of actual death of the person
presumed dead because he had been unheard from in seven years, would have
to be made in another proceeding to have such particular fact finally
determined. If a judicial decree declaring a person presumptively dead, because
he had not been heard from in seven years, cannot become final and executory
even after the lapse of the reglementary period within which an appeal may be
taken, for such a presumption is still disputable and remains subject to contrary
proof, then a petition for such a declaration is useless, unnecessary, superfluous
and of not benefit to the petitioner. The Court should not waste its valuable time
and be made to perform a superfluous and meaningless act.

People v. Masinsin, CA, 49 OG 39081

If the widow contracts the marriage in good faith in the belief that her husband was
permanently impotent or sterile, there is no liability. (People v. Masinsin, CA, 49 OG


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