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MENU The End Time.

15mm Post-Apocalyptic
15mm Historical
Few now live who remember what caused it all to come crashing
Sci Fi, Pulp and down, but come crashing down it did. Now scattered survivors
Fantasy Ranges fight amongst the ruins for the scraps. Some fight to keep the
flame of humanity burning, others fight only for themselves and
their depraved passions.

Forsaken by God and Man,
Blog the Mutants of the End
Time shamble in the
shadows, some babbling
insanely, others seeking
refuge from persecution.
Some, the Forsaken, wish
for the most part only to be
left alone as they live out
their lives of quiet despair,
amongst other equally
horrible deformities.
Others, the Predators, are
vicious killers and merciless
abusers of the weak, who
seek out Unmutated
survivors as a mantis does
its prey -- don't let them
catch you near their lairs or
you will be pulled into the
darkness. If this befalls
you, pray for a quick death
but don't count on one.

And then, towering over

the rest, there are the
Mutant Soldiers and
Mutant Supersoldiers.
Purposefully mutated in the
Time Before as fearless,
obedient warriors, when
the End Time came they
were set loose to prey upon
a destroyed world --
fearless, some enormous,
but far from obedient.
Some, especially the man
sized Mutant Soldiers, carry
various large caliber
weapon), many others,
especially the huge Mutant
Supersoldiers, simply
making due with cudgels or
clubs of various types,
often unearthed fixtures
from the civilisation that
was overthrown, to beat
down creatures of lesser
size and strength. Acting as
free agents, sometimes a
handful of these terrors will
command hordes of lesser
mutants, or they may be
bought or cajoled into
cooperating briefly with The
Unmutated. Most often,
however, they will haunt
the wastelands, singly or
more often in small bands,
setting upon the unwary
like the ogres of medieval
myth come horribly to life,
seemingly immune to
bullets and pleas for

Models sculpted by Ben

Siens and painted by
Artmaster Studios.

Code Contents Order/Progress
Mutants of
the End Time
END-200 -- The $3.99
END-201 Mutants of $3.99
the End Time
-- The
Mutants of
the End Time
END-200W Warband (2 x $15.29
END200 and
2 x END201)
Mutants of
the End Time
END-200H Horde (4 x $28.99
END200 and
4 x END201)
Supersoldiers $3.99
(set of three)
MUTANT- Supersoldiers
MUTANT- Soldiers SET
SOLDIERS-1 1 (set of
END-203 Supersoldier $1.49

Government Forces

The Time Before came to an

abrupt end on the surface,
but in secured bunkers
honeycombed in the deep
earth, a remnant of it
endured. Favoured
operatives of the old
government remained
together, unstained by the
contamination of the world
above. Convinced that they
are pure and all others are
contaminated, the
Government Forces wield
sophisticated technology that
makes each of their warriors
worth fifty mutants or road
outlaws, and their proper
military training makes them
more valuable still in combat,
and more contemptuous of
“surface scum.”

Most government forces wear

a power armoured suit that
greatly enhances their
strength and senses, and
makes them all but
impervious to small arms.
However, a select battalion,
the Puritans, wear the
dreaded Puritan suits,
enormous and immensely
powerful battle dress far
greater in strength and
sophistication than the power
armour worn by other units.
Only the few surviving
government troops who are
completely untainted by The
Event are permitted to wear
these valuable suits, and
even then only if they are
absolutely pure of mind and
thinking (that is, fanatics).
Rank-and-file Puritan suits
are rigged so they may
mount an optional
autotargeting rapidcannon on
their shoulders, which
supplements the close-range
weapons built into the arms
of the superheavy armour. A
specialist with an arm-
mounted Toba Gun provides
incredible armour penetrative

The leader of the

government forces, the
President, always wears a
Puritan suit when he takes
the field.

Wearing their heavy power

armour, carrying deadly
energy weapons, they can
destroy all but the largest
surface hordes – but can
their small forces prevail and
retake a madly mutating
planet? And considering their
merciless extermination of
the so-called "impure,"
should they?

Code Contents Order/Progress
Government Forces in
END- Power Armour with
300 Beamers (ten figures in
five poses)
Government Forces in
Power Armour
END- Command/Weapons, Set A
301A (Commander, Mega-Burner
and Super-Beamer, three
Government Forces in
Power Armour
END- Command/Weapons, Set B
301B (Commander, Plasma Gun
and Fusion Gun, three
Government Forces
Puritans in Superheavy
Power Armour (x5, with $5.99
optional shoulder-mounted
Government Forces Puritan
Command and Weapons
(x4, two officers with $4.99
comms array and two
specialists with Toba Gun)
Government Forces
President in Puritan $1.19

Neo-Fauna 4: Radi-ants

Giant army ants heavily irradiated,

the radi-ants have grown to huge
size and voracious appetite. They
are nomads and will take up
residence in an area for only a few
days to raid it until nothing is left
alive. Kill one, kill one hundred, it
is no matter -- there are always
more and more to sweep over the
landscape like a crawling tide.
Their venom, toxic even before
gigantism, is now vastly more
deadly due to increased quantity
and radiation.

As the swarms move, the workers

subdue and carry off prey. The
soldiers protect the workers from
interference with their deadly
work. As this occurs, the queen is
laying eggs in a temporary bivouac
as she is heavily protected by

A note on the radi-ants -- in order

to meet the demands of two-part
moulds, these models are cast with
legs which stick straight out at the
sides. The gamer can pose them
with careful bending at the joints.
It's very important to be careful of
course as too much pressure too
quickly could snap the leg off. We
will not be able to accept returns
due to broken legs, so bend
carefully! If you have trouble with
that sort of careful bending, then
these might not be for you.

The human figure shown in the

image below is for comparison
purposes only and is separately
available in the Heroes and Villains
of the End Times pack. Models
sculpted by Mike Lovejoy and
painted by Steve Dean.

Code Contents Order/Progress
Radi-Ant Soldiers (x4 --
ANT- $4.99
posed by gamer)
Radi-Ant Workers (x4 -
ANT- $3.99
- posed by gamer)
Neo-Fauna 3: Skunkeater

These creatures appear

to be mutated
alligators which have
the posture, bulk and
fur of a grizzly bear --
although the fur is in
fact a type of downy
feather. They wander
the wastes devouring
all life forms they can
fit in their mouths,
taking special care to
track and eat skunks,
whose noxious musk is
stored in the
Skunkeater's own
body, and then emitted
by the Skunkeater to
help evade larger
predators such as the
Mojave Pilgrim. At
times they also use
this unbearable stench
to immobilise prey
such as human
survivors. The powerful
beast is aided in its
hunting by a long
sticky tongue which it
can rapidly extend to
catch small fleet
animals -- such as

The model comes with

two jaws -- one with
tongue extended and
another with tongue
retracted. We've even
included a skunk! This
can be attached to the
Skunkeater's extended
tongue, stuck in the
mouth cavity when
using the jaw with
tongue retracted, or
simply used on its own.
The human figure
shown in the image
below is for
comparison purposes
only and is separately
available in the Heroes
and Villains of the End
Times pack. Models
sculpted by Mike
Lovejoy and painted by
Steve Dean.

Code Contents Order/Progress
SKUNKEATER alligator/bear, $2.99
with choice of jaws
and skunk)

Neo-Fauna 2: The Mojave Pilgrim

One of the apex predators in

the End Times is a giant
lizard, called by those still
rational enough to use
names the Mojave Pilgrim.
Apparently some form of
mutant skink, this creature
does not level off at a full
adult size, it just keeps
growing as it ages,
consuming larger prey as it
grows. Originating in the
Mojave Desert, the Pilgrim
eventually devours all
creatures in its territory and
must then wander East,
leaving the desert to find
new prey, hence its name. It
is not uncommon to find
Pilgrims migrating across the
charred landscape as far as
Zone 15, their great bulk
providing a self-perpetuating
heat source even in much
colder climates.

Pilgrims appear to store the

toxins coursing through the
veins of their prey in glands
in the base of their tails, and
these monsters can spit a
barrage of venom at prey for
a distance as great as 20

This model represents a

medium-sized Mojave
Pilgrim, being approximately
16m (50 feet) long. It is all
resin and in two parts -- the
top of the head and the
body, making for a very
straightforward build. The
model shown here was
painted by Simon Bradley.

Code Contents Order/Progress
END- Mojave Pilgrim (giant
600 lizard)

The Infected -- Transhuman Savages

Was the Infection part of the downfall

of the world? Or was it unleashed from
a secret lab? No one knows, but when
it was uncorked, it infected humans
with a terrible virus which changed
them, physically and emotionally -- it
altered their physical appearance, gave
them great strength and agility, and a
thirst for human flesh. Soon the
Infected formed tribes, and as they
bred their offspring were born with the
infection as well -- hideous creatures
with sunken eyes and sharp teeth,
rampaging across the landscape like
locusts. They are a blight upon a
blighted world, and few are they who
can hunt the Infected without being
hunted themselves and consumed.
Code Contents Order/Progress
The Infected --
Transhuman Savages (six $4.99
figures in six poses)

Neo-Fauna 1: The “Gutter Gophers”

Many strange creatures

evolved in the End Times,
but few were stranger than
the hairless beasts that
lived in tunnels in the
ground, or in city sewers,
breaking out enough
concrete and asphalt so
they could use gutter drains
as access points. In the
cities the scavengers called
them gutter gophers, and
the name stuck, even in the
blasted wildernesses of the

They had evolved from

something, but what? No
one could say for sure.
Were they giant rodents or,
as some said, lions bred
with the giant crickets of
the desert? How was that
even possible?

No matter what their origins

the creatures were a
terrifying menace to all,
especially at night when
they preferred to hunt,
scrabbling up from their
holes, creeping silently,
then setting on the unwary
victim in a pack, snapping
at him. All it took was one
bite and the venom did its
job, immobilising the victim,
slowly dissolving its muscle
Silent on the approach,
when they finally did attack
one pack member would
rear up and loose a deep
bass howl that froze even
the stoutest heart in mortal

Code Contents Order/Progress
END- Gutter Gophers (five
400 different poses)

Heroes and Villains of the End Time

It seems whenever there is trouble,

one of more of them is there, or
nearby. They are the heroes and
villians of the End Time.

There is The Highway Soldier, who

haunts the roads in his supercharged
black police pursuit cruiser, surviving
at whatever cost, a loner unless he
has to turn to others for assistance,
sometimes a relucant ally of those
who resist the more crazed of the

And then there is Malice, who seems

somehow to have been involved in
the disaster from the start, but no
one can say for sure how, not even
Malice herself. A one-woman army,
Malice has a firm sense of justice but
can be pitiless -- with her two Uzis
she stalks the wasteland destroying
every Fecto she can find.

And then, of course, there is King

Redwolf, lord of the Wasteland
Empire. Crazed, deeply evil, with a
cunning penchant for preying on the
terror and unrealistic hopes of the
weak, the King keeps the Road
Outlaws under his thumb with regular
doses of extremely excessive force,
sometimes administered down the
barrel of his precious .44 Magnum, a
treasured relic of the Times Before.
Other times he will simply use his
own awesome phyical strength -- it
has been demonstrated that, using
only his bare hands, he can rip a
human head clean off of the body.

Sculpted by Ben Siens, painted by

Steve Dean.

Code Contents Order/Progress
Heroes and Villains of the
END- End Time (The Highway
CHAR1 Soldier, Malice and King

Road Outlaws

Frenzied ravagers like the

heathen barbarians of old,
the gangs of Road Outlaws
kill for the sake of killing, to
watch their foes suffer, steal
what valuables they can
from their victims, then
proceed to fight over them.
Some are expert
gunfighters, others are
mountains of muscle,
wielding chainsaws to hack
their foes to pieces.

Models sculpted by Ben

Siens and painted by
Artmaster Studios.

Line notes: Please note that

the hair braid on the
chainsaw-wielding maniac in
pack END100 generally
breaks off and will probably
be loose in the pack. It is
easily attachable by using a
pin vise and some
cyanoacrylate glue, perhaps
reinforced with some epoxy,
or the gamer may prefer to
leave it off.

Code Contents Order/Progress
END- Road Outlaws Set 1 (set of
100 five)
END- Road Outlaws Set 2 (set of
101 five)
Road Outlaws Warband
(two sets of END100 and $15.29
two sets of END101)
Road Outlaws Horde (four
sets of END100 and four $28.99
sets of END101)

And More to Come ....

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