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Cigarette containing chopped cloves is Indonesian traditional cigarette made with material tobacco
leaf and clove mixed with sauce and wrapped in corn husk then rolled by hand or with simple
Long time ago, many ancestors who “Nginang” using tobacco leaves that have been dried. This
show that in tobacco and cigarettes contain benefits and properties but we do not realize it. Tobacco
and cigarettes are useful for antibodies,which can kill bacteria in the mouth so as to prevent
toothache due to cavities and dental plaque. Also useful for the health of the stomache is to prevent
ulcer disease, digestive disorders and other stomach ailments. Until now, researchers have only
mentioned a little about the benefits of tobacco and clove cigarettes.
Foreign countries that already know about the benefits of tobacco and the benefits of clove
cigarettes end up in a cigarette trade war by issuing policies that restrict and ban cigarette
advertisements, cigarette export protection bans on health grounds. Because overseas cigarette
producers use synthetic raw materials for its products worried if after consumers know the benefits
of clove cigarettes from Indonesia resulted in bankruptcy of the company. In contrast, foreign
cigarette companies are actively promoting their products with compelling ads, prohibiting
tobacco esport to forcible imports of tobacco from synthetic materials. This is what brought the
young generation of Indonesia which in turn tends to underestimate the clove cigarettes of the poor
and assume that smoking in addition to clove is a lifestyle that is able toshoe social status.
Starting from the opinion of the younger generation who underestimate clove cigarettes so that the
benefits contained in clove cigarettes using quality raw materials can no longer be perceived for
smokers, but the negative impact of cigarettes wit synthetic materials that are felt for active
smokers and passive smokers.
Cigarettes with synthetic raw materials contain chemical subtances such as :
1. Acetone
2. Nicotine
3. Tar
4. Benzene
5. Arsenic
6. Formaldehyde
7. Carbon monoxide
8. Ammonia
9. Cadmium
10. Nitrogen Oxide
11. Chromium
12. Naphthalene
13. Hydrogen Cyanide
14. Lead
Synthetic cigarettes can trigger diseases such as:
1. Various diseases of cancer (lung cancer, bladder cancer, servicks cancer, breast cancer,
ofaaring cancer, etc)
2. Disorders of pregnancy and fetus
3. Stroke
4. High blood pressure
5. Lung disease
6. Cataracts and blindness
7. Impotence
8. Etc
The writer’s message for active smokers is to immediately leave cigarettes with synthetic materials
and switch to clove cigarettes with good quality raw materials to obtain benefits for the body. A
suspicion for non smokers in needing to improve antibodies and wanting to feel the benefits of
tobacco leaves is more advisable tohost than to smoke. And helathy lifestyle such as exercise and
eating fruits and vegetables and limit the consumption of instant foods that contains lots of

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