Prologue: I Am A Killer

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I never thought I would ever meet a boy who would make me learn the meaning of love. I never thought I would ever
know how to love until he came into my life.

Brent Willows was still out there, watching. He was my love and enemy. He betrayed me for some unknown reasons.
I knew he was just waiting for me. Only him could lead me to my father.

My father was captured by some 'evil' werewolves to lure me. They wanted me. They already tried to kill me the first
time but I escaped.

There were lots of innocent people who participated in my captivity. They were all deceived to do that capricious act.
Deceived by this one person who wanted so much to kill me. Who could be this master they were calling?

I hated myself for being so gullible. I trusted those people and yet they tricked me. Thinking about my stupidity only
brought back some bitter memories.

I could remember how I had trusted my professor, Mr. Anthony Bram. He was the best teacher I'd ever known and
the worst enemy I'd had so far. He was part of the scheme. I still hated myself for killing him to protect myself.

I am a killer.

I killed him with the help of my other captors, my boyfriend Brent and my other professor Ms. Castlemont. In spite of
the weight on their backs, they still helped me. It was quite ironic because what they really wanted was for me to be

How could they? What's their reason or purpose?

Well, I'm Irina Edinburgh. I'm an Ulfen. Ulfen is a line of werewolves that could use magick. People sometimes call
us werewolf witches because we have covens with witches instead of packs with werewolves. The reason is simple,
Ulfens have Alpha wolf spirits. Alphas don't join a same pack. So instead of following the rule of dominance, we
choose the oldest and most experienced to be the leader of the coven.

Ulfens are famous for their skills that's why I'm popular. But I'm not popular only because of that, I'm also the first
hybrid werewolf-vampire that ever lived. So the world is expecting big from me.
My father is the 'great' Simon Edinburgh. A vampire. He's now in the hands of my killer because of me. Only I, could
save him. But I have to be a trained Protector first.

Protectors are the law keepers of the Ancient World. The Ancients are the other creatures that live on earth aside
from humans. We are supernatural. We are not humans.

Being a Protector means facing more challenges. But I don't care. I need to set my father free. I need to find and kill
my ghost. I'm not afraid to risk anything. I'm not going to cower. Not anymore.

Chapter 1

Bitterness is Always Out There

"We're damned after all... To fortune and flame we fall and if you could say, then I'll show you the way to return from
the ashes you call..."

I really loved listening to My Chemical Romance. I loved the messages of their songs. It was like they were telling my
story through those lines. Their songs were so beautiful and somehow tragic. Just like my life.

I was in my little studio room with the black Explorer Gibson guitar in my hands. I was playing a riff along with the
track 'Mama' from the album 'The Black Parade' of My Chemical Romance.

My studio room was a small four cornered-room with white walls and polished wooden floor. I had a drum set, a
keyboard in the corner, a beat box beside the door, three amplifiers, a DVD player that sat on a mahogany table by
the wall; and three Fender bass guitars, two Gibson Les Paul guitars and an acoustic guitar that hanged on the wall. I
also had two black high stools and a pair of black leather-covered armchair that completed the atmosphere of the

It was a Sunday. We were having our Halloween break for one week. Pretty cool, huh?

Actually, it was more than a week. So, I would have a lot of days to relax. Well, I could not actually relax because I
was having my training with Mom.

My training was back to the basic meditation. Mom insisted that it would be the best way to start. I knew that she was
just really busy on tracking down my father to spare me time.

I knew something about the case that could be really helpful but I didn't want to tell them. Yet. It's not that I didn't want
to see my father. I just wasn't sure enough if I would really receive a clue from Brent.

He told me that he would keep in touch before he left me at the old house in Hunter Island where they held me as a
captive. I hadn't seen any shadow of him yet. He must be avoiding discovery.
How I wished he would just give me some hint. I wanted to know where my father was. I hadn't heard anything about
him since he left for a business trip until he finally got taken by the werewolves. It's my fault he was taken. My
existence was really a disgrace. It puts my love ones in danger. I missed my father so much. I wondered what
happened to him.

I hope Brent's keeping him safe.

I was pulled out from my reverie when the black wooden door swung open and produced the ever-loving and hottest
boy in school, Chip Densworth. It was a surprise. I hadn't sensed him with my ultra-sensitive wolf senses. I must be
so deep in thoughts.

"Hey," he greeted in his innate lazy tone.

There was a sleepy smile on his face that made him remarkable. His brown locks was, as usual, messily styled and
his sleepy blue eyes were glinting with glee. I bet he got something good to tell.

"Hey yourself," I replied in a dismissing tone as I turned off the DVD player.

I could be crude and rude all day to him but he wouldn't fight back. Chip knew me very well.

"Don't be mean, love." He plopped on an armchair. "I'm here to tell you something." His English accented voice was
so sexy. No wonder he was so hot.

"What is it?" I asked, taking the black guitar strap off my shoulder and put my guitar aside.

I sat on a high black stool and raised my brow.

"Selena finally accepted me for the Protector training!" he announced with a millionaire grin.

That's a good news. Really good news.

"That is so great, Chip!" I exclaimed in my own English accented voice.

I was English in origin. My mom influenced me so much that's why I had the accent though I grew up in Manhattan.

Anyways, I'd promised Chip that I would help him propose to Selena Nightshade (my great-grandmother) to accept
him as a Protector.

Selena Nightshade was the founder of the Protectors' Guild. The Protectors' Guild takes care of the relationship
between humans and Ancients, and Ancients between Ancients. They were like the Ancient Police. Members of the
guild call themselves Protectors.

Selena founded the Guild with her brother, Ares Nightshade, to keep the peace in the Ancient World. I admired her
for doing that.
Selena was the most powerful and most intelligent Ulfen in history. She was famous. Everyone knew about her.
Everyone respected her.

Who knows? I might be the next Selena. I was sure I had the potential.

"Who would be your mentor?" I asked excitedly.

Of course, a would-be Protector should have a mentor. I already had my own. My mentor was my favorite
grandmother Mirana Denori.

Chip cleared his throat. "I think we'll be classmates," he answered.


My mom really wanted me to be with him. Goddess, why insist? Did she really think that we match each other?

"Anyways, any progress?" he asked.

"Nah." I shrugged. He was talking about my father.

His asking about my father, the great Simon, suddenly made me sad. I never had my father to celebrate with us on
my sixteenth birthday last Samhain. It made me feel so bad and incomplete. He didn't get the chance to see me
reach my last maturing age. I would now stay sixteen forever.

Sixteen was the last maturing age for born werewolves. I didn't know why and I didn't have the interest to know why. I
would be forever young and forever devoted to be a Protector.

Chip must have sensed my sudden change of mood because he stood up and walked toward me. He knelt in front of
me and looked up to me with those understanding blue eyes.

He took my hands with his. "Don't be sad. We'll find him," he asserted.

He had always been there for me. He had helped me get through the first wave of attacks given to me by my
mysterious killer. He had warned me about the people around me but I didn't listen to him (and that's really stupid).
He cared about me so much. I knew it. I felt it.

"I just don't know what to hope for." I sighed. "I don't know if I'd still see my father alive." That's quite a wrong term. "I
mean, I want to see him as alive as a vampire. Not dead-dead."

"We'll still see him," he replied, kissing my hand.

That kiss sent a shock through my spine. He adored me. I knew that. I adored him, too, but not the same as I adored
Brent. It was still Brent I wanted. I was still hoping that we would still be together. I couldn't just forget about him even
if he's already my enemy. I still couldn't let go. I still believe.

"I better go get ready," I said, standing up. "Grandma's coming tonight."
"Yeah, me, too." Chip also stood up.

I sighed. "I'm sick of all these things," I muttered. "I wish nothing-"

He had pulled me into a hug. "None of us wanted any of these to happen," he said.

I looked up and smiled. "It's you already."

"Of course, it's me always." He leaned in and kissed me.

I kissed back, of course. Who wouldn't want to kiss a hot guy? Besides, I was attracted to him. I had always been
since from the start. I just didn't know why. It's just really weird why I reacted so fast to him.

"Where are you now?" I asked through my iPhone.

I was in my lovely black and white room with the black furniture, white walls, and dark wooden floor, talking to my
'BFF' Camille Eclaire.

Camille was a dhampir. A half-human and a half-vampire. I met her on my first day at school. She was a Notaka
dhampir which meant she came from the clan of decent vampires who don't kill their preys for food. Notaka vampires
had been allied with the werewolves since the vampire-werewolf war during my grandmother's time.

"It's fun here in London!" Camille answered. The excitement was evident in her voice.

I think I know where she is.

"Lemme guess. You're in Venura Court, right?" I asked.

Venura Court was the kingdom of vampires in London. Like the Notaka vampires, they were also the 'decent' type.
Those two were the only known vampires clans who allied with werewolves for peace. Vampires who weren't under
them were the savage ones. My father didn't know which clan he came from but he was a good vampire.

"You're super-duper-definitely right! There are lots of cute boys here!" she squealed.

"Don't tell me they're cuter than Chip?" I really loved talking with her. She takes away some of the worries in me.

"No, of course. Chip is still the 'boy'. And I don't want any other, you know. I got Tyrone," she explained.

Tyrone was a human friend of mine. He also studied in my school. He was Brent's best friend. He was as
disappointed as I was when he found out the truth about Brent. Well, he just knew about the 'kidnapping' incident. Not
the supernatural things.

I wonder where he is right now.

"How's everything's going on there?" Camille suddenly asked.

Nothing's going fine.

"Fine. No clues yet," I drawled. "But the Protectors are doing their best to find leads."

"Poor. I hope you'll find your father soon." I could hear the sympathy in her voice.

Like Chip, she had also been very supportive. She helped me along the way. She even called my mother when I was
captured. I loved her so much. She was truly the bestest.

"I hope so." I sighed. I do hope that I could still find my father.

Dead-alive. Not dead-dead.

I walked into our garden to have a little refreshing whiff of fresh air. Our garden was like a botanical garden. Thanks
to my lovely mother, Brianna Edinburgh, who had taken care of this place so much. It was obvious from the assorted
colorful flowers and numerous herb plants that it was well-cared. It was like paradise. The Aquarius fountain at the
center made it more beautiful and peaceful.

There sat on a stone table the vase where I had put Brent's bouquet of flowers that he had given me for peace-
making. The flowers were already gone. Also gone like him.

Goddess, help me.

I sat on a mahogany chair by the stone table and listened to the chirping birds. It was very peaceful. The sky was the
clearest blue and the scent of the flowers created a relaxing aroma therapy. I could use the relaxing effect for a

A moment later, my beautiful mom entered the garden in her flowing white dress.

"Hello, Victory," she greeted with a smile.

Victory was the meaning of my name. It was the name Mr. Bram used to call me. Hearing it made me a little sad. It
was just really disappointing how our wonderful friendship ended.

"Hi," I replied.

Brianna sat on the chair opposite to me. She looked so beautiful. Her white blond hair gave her a very angelic look
and her smiling ocean blue eyes were talking as ever.

We were like sisters. It was really great to have a never-aging mother (thanks to the werewolf blood). Though it would
be just really hard to come out as mother and daughter. It would make a great commotion. So, she just poses as my
sister in public.

"You ready for the tougher challenges, love?" she asked in her soft melodious English accented voice.

It was her talking that gave me the English tongue.

"Always." I grinned. "What's happening to the hunt?" I frowned suddenly.

"I'm afraid they can't find any clue." She shook her head in disappointment.

"Don't worry, Mom," I said, touching her hand on the table. "We'll find Dad and I'm gonna make sure his 'kidnappers'
will pay."

She gave a sad smile. "You got the ardor. Very brave."

"I learned it from somewhere." I rolled my eyes. That meant I'd learned it from my captivity.

"How's your coven, anyway?" she asked, changing the gloomy subject.

I sighed. "I don't know. Chip said we'll have a meeting this coming Saturday."

I had a coven with Chip. He was the coven leader. The name of our coven was Phoenix. Ever-living ardor.

"You, be good to your grandma," Brianna reminded.

"Come on." I waved a hand. "You're making it sound like she's already old. She's gonna be mad at you."

My grandma Mirana was indeed old. Old in age, but not in looks.

She laughed softly. "Don't worry. Mirana will never know about this conversation. Besides, she's already really old.
Imagine? The World War 2 had just finished when she was born."

I laughed. My mom could still make funny jokes about the elders in our family line.

"I'll tell her that," I taunted.

"You wouldn't," she replied, also laughing.

It had been long since we had a great bonding like this. She had been too busy about finding Dad and I was so
engrossed in my own training. It's really nice to have a little time together.

"I've been thinking about something," she said, voice suddenly serious.

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

"How do you like Chip to be your promised partner in life?" She sounded like the subject was just casual.

What? What had she been thinking?

"I don't know." I shrugged. Was she really thinking that I really liked Chip to be my partner? "Isn't it 'too' early to talk
about that?"
The topic was so awkward. Über awkward. I wasn't planning to settle down yet.

"No, I was just thinking about it," she answered. "You look nice together and you're getting along pretty well. Maybe

"Stop," I interrupted. I hope I didn't sound rude and disrespectful. "Mom, I don't think it's the right time for that."

"But you would make a good couple, dear," she insisted.

"Mom, me and Chip are just..." I couldn't tell if we were just friends or something. "We're just friends."

"Oh? Really?" she asked as if surprised. "I thought you are together. It really shows."

Really? Was it that obvious with how I flirted with Chip?

Okay. Maybe we are really together, but I don't know our real status.

"I don't know," I replied. "I don't know what we are." I paused. "But let's not think about that now, okay?"

"Okay." She nodded. "But you can talk to me about it anytime you like."

What's with her? It had been like that since me and Chip met each other. It was like Mom really wanted to match us.

Did she think that Chip is the best for me? Is he?

Chapter 2

Hope is Something People Cling On To

I wore a simple spaghetti-strapped black cocktail dress for the dinner in welcoming my grandmother. The setup was
formal so I had to wear a formal dress.

I was sitting in front of my mahogany mirror-top desk, brushing my straight shoulder length ash brown hair, when I
sensed someone coming upstairs. I quickly put on my silver necklace with a pendant of a little wolf head with
sapphire studs for the eyes and my silver bracelet that had moons and stars and a little howling wolf that dangled on
it. These were gifts to me by Chip. The necklace was charmed to keep away dream interferences. I precious these
things very much. I knew they were given to me out of love.

I had sprayed my milky kind of perfume when someone finally knocked on the door.

"Irina, dinner's ready," said Chip on the other side.

Of course, he would be here. We're classmates. A brilliant idea of my mother's mind. Why did she really want Chip for
"In a minute," I replied.

I looked at my reflection on the mirror. I couldn't believe it was me on it. A girl with a pale white skin, ice-blue eyes
and pale pink lips. It was still me. Yet a lot had changed. Tonight will be the start of the new me. The more mature,
the stronger and the tougher Irina.

I must have been too succumbed with my own fiery feeling because I didn't notice that Chip had already gotten in. I
just realized it when his hands rested on my shoulders. Those touches made me feel confident.

"Come on, Grandma's here," he whispered to my ear. His breath close to my neck made me catch mine. He was so
heart-stopping and...gorgeous.

I looked at his face next to mine on the mirror. His brown hair was formally styled for this gathering and his blue eyes
were sleepy as always. I felt so weak under him. It was like he was a magnet when he's around me. I was so
attracted to him. Was it just because I was sad for Brent's loss? Or I just really felt something for Chip?

"Goddess, you smell great," he murmured against my neck.

Oh my claws! I love that.

"If I were a vampire I would've bitten you," he said in a seductive low voice.

Oh, goddess, he's seducing me.

Well, something reminded me when he said vampire. I was supposed to drink the 'red thing' or blood so that I
wouldn't lose my control. Since I was a half-vampire, I needed blood every second week of every month. It was just to
control my blood lust. I didn't need to drink blood to live. It just really takes away the unexplainable irritation.

"Chip," I whispered. I couldn't handle his allure. It was so strong.

"Hmm?" He kissed the back of my ear. Oh my claws, that tickled.

"We must..." I couldn't continue. It was like I was losing my breath. "Go now. They're probably waiting."

"Okay." He straightened and gave me a foxy smile.

"Stop doing that, okay?" I said as I stood up.

I really loved the way he did that but he couldn't just do it when he wanted. Who knows what might happen? I didn't
even want to think about the possibilities.

I didn't notice at first what he was wearing when he entered. He was actually wearing a black long-sleeved button
down, a pair of black slacks and black leather shoes. Really classy.

He opened the door for me and made a curtsy like I was a princess. I walked past him and he closed the door. He
offered his arm but I ignored him.
That's enough for tonight. I didn't want to fall for his charm again.

The glass dining table was already set with delightful food when we came in. My mom was already in her seat beside
Mirana, my lovely grandmother who was sitting at the head part of the table like she was a queen.

My mom wore a beautiful white flowing dress while Mirana was wearing a beautiful blue one. The latter's silky white
blonde hair was tied up into a bun.

Though Ulfens had the same liking for black and white, each still had his or her own preference for color. Well, except
for the rainbow stuff. You couldn't see an Ulfen wearing rainbow-colored clothes. That would be tragic.

Mirana looked so gentle like my mom, but she was very powerful and strong. She had once led the vampire-werewolf
war. It was also because of her that we found out about the existence of the two 'decent' vampire kingdoms which
were the Notaka in Gloucester and the Venura in London, England.

Chip drew a chair for me.

What a gentleman.

I sat on it but I still ignored him. He drew a chair for himself beside me and also sat on it.

"We're complete. We can now start," Mirana announced with a warm smile on her face.

She looked just like my mother. They shared the same white blond hair and ocean blue eyes. They looked like twins.
If I hadn't known better, I would've thought that they were just sisters.

Thank you, Goddess for the never-aging family.

"Blessings, Astrid of Moonrider, Baldur of Waterwind and Sigrid of Phoenix," she greeted politely.

"Blessings to you, too, Shendell of Moonrider," me, Chip and Mom replied in unison.

It was fun to use our witch names. Every witch has his own witch or craft name. It was used for better recognition and
sometimes covering up. Mine was Sigrid and I was from the Phoenix coven. My mother's name was Astrid and she
came from Selena's coven, Moonrider. Chip's name was Baldur and he was still recognized as a member of
Waterwind, my great-great grandmother's coven, even if he's already my coven leader.

Wow. I hadn't heard Chip's name before. It was beautiful. Baldur the beautiful from the Norse mythology.

Mirana's also from Moonrider because she didn't want to establish her own coven. Neither my mother wanted to.

"Tonight we gather here to welcome the two new members of the Protectors' Guild," Mirana began formally. "This is
not the formal ritual, of course. But I'd like to give you a heads up." She smiled. "There are some things you need to
remember before you actually enter the Guild."

This is it.
"Before you make it to the Guild, you must possess first the strength and endurance," she continued. "It's going to be

"Why?" I blurted out in surprise. That's a very stupid question.

Being a Protector is not easy. Of course, it needs tests.

Instead of answering, Mirana just smiled and showed us her wrist. There was a tattoo there. It's like a twisted letter L.
I saw it on Mom, too. It's a mark that all the Protectors bear.

What's the big deal with it?

"This marks your membership to the Guild, Sigrid," she answered my silent question. "But it's not just a mark, dear."

"It has a spell on it," Chip suddenly said.

I looked at him. Okay. He was serious. He sure knew a lot about this more than I. Mom never told me anything about
it. Maybe she wanted it to be a surprise for me.

"Very good, Baldur." Mirana nodded. "This is called the Protector's Mark or the Nangga. To be able to obtain it you
must endure the pain it will give you. It is to test how strong and tough you are. If you cannot make it..."

"The mark will kill you," Chip supplied.

How'd he know all of this?

"That's right," Mirana exhaled. "So, being a Protector is not a joke. Only few can endure and truly become Protectors.
It is a hard test to take, my dears. It's going to need guts and strategy. If you can make it, then I'll be so proud of you.
That's when I can finally and officially welcome you."

I didn't know that it was going to be like that. I never thought. I thought it would be just all about training.

"When will we start our training?" I asked.

"As soon as possible." Mirana smiled.

I looked at my mom's face and she was smiling with assurance. She knew I could do this then I should believe that I
could also do it. Could I?

After dinner, I went to the garden to get some fresh air. It was very cold. The wind was making me shiver. It added
more gloomy feeling to me. The night was starry and the moon was just a sharp crescent. It was waxing to give
positive energy but I didn't think that was enough to help.

I was scared that I wouldn't make it. What if I fail them? What if I couldn't handle the pain of the mark? What would
they say? That the Ulfen hybrid was weak? That I was just a good-for-nothing wimp?
Goddess, help me. I'm scared.

"Don't be scared, princess," Chip said behind me.

I didn't sense him. Gosh. I'd been so slow. I should be more alert. Really.

"I'm not scared," I lied weakly. I'm not scared to die. Just scared to appear weak.

His arms went around my waist from behind and rested his head on my shoulder.

Oh, Goddess, he's there again.

"Don't lie to me. I know it, love," he said softly.

His breath on my neck was so chilling. It makes me weak to my knees. Why does he have to do that?

I leaned my head back on his chest. "What if I don't pass the test?" I asked. "I'm not afraid of dying. I'm afraid of
failing. I'm afraid of appearing weak. I don't want that to happen."

"Don't worry. That's why we'll have to train," he asserted. "We'll train to overcome whatever trial is that. We can make

I pulled his arms off and I turned around so that I was hugging him back. I looked up to his handsome face and
sighed. He was really tall compare to my five feet-nine inches height.

I needed to change the subject. I don't want to talk about it anymore.

"Did you know what my mom was planning?" I asked playfully.

"Yes, I know that." He smiled. "She wants me to be your-"

I put my finger on his lips quickly.

"Do you want to?" I asked, brows furrowed.

He took my hand and kissed my palm, making it shiver.

"Of course, I want to," he replied softly. "As long as you want me to."

Did I want him to be my partner? Am I ready to move on? Should I forget about Brent? I don't know. I'm confused.

I know Brent's still out there. He's waiting for me. He still loves me. I know that.

"I love you, Irina, you know that," Chip said.

I could see it in his eyes. He was telling the truth. I didn't need to read his mind to do it.

Of course, I could read minds. I was a half-vampire. That made it easier. If whole vampires could read mind and so
was I.

His hands cupped my face and he slowly leaned down until his lips reached mine. I flung my arms around his neck
and kissed back. His kiss was driven with passion. It was real. He loves me. But...

I pulled back. "Let me think about it first, Chip."

That made Chip brows furrow.

"You still love that traitor witch, don't you?" he asked accusingly.

I pulled away and turned my back on him. He was still mad at Brent.

"You have no right to tell me that," I answered defensively. "I know he's good, Chip. I know he just have a problem. I
know there's just something forcing him to do it."

I was starting to feel like seething.

"Then, believe what you believe." There was an edge of anger and contempt in his tone. "That Brent is still a traitor."

After that, I heard him walk away, leaving me enraged.

I hate Chip.

He still hated Brent. It had always been like that since before the scheme. I knew how those two loathed each other.
Goddess knew what might happen if those two would meet.

Chapter 3

Love is Like Magic

It was a peaceful morning and I was having a salt bath with vanilla-scented candles surrounding my tub. I had already
forgotten about what happened last night. I didn't want to dwell in those dark feelings anymore.

The bath was so invigorating and lovely. I wanted to relax because I knew I wouldn't have much time to do it once my
training started. Or I might never have the chance to relax anymore.

I wanted to rest for a while. To release all the anxiety in my head. To forget about my problems and pain. I just
wanted to sleep. I just wanted to see the answers.
I closed my eyes and relaxed until I drifted into a deep sleep. The transitional feeling from being awake to dreaming
was awesome. It was like riding a swing. It's windy and cool and light. It was freedom.

After that light feeling, I finally saw myself standing in my school's garden. The place was so familiar to me. From the
black metal gates ornated with gold flowers to the green trees and bushes that extended to the woods. The violets,
lavenders and daffodils with their calming aroma. The cold stone benches. They were all significant to me. This was
the place where I used to hang out with Mr. Bram. Mr. Bram with his strawberry blonde locks and emerald green
eyes. Mr. Bram and his wise talks.

Just thinking about my moments with him makes me want to cry. I remember when we used to sit on a bench and
talk about my issues. I would tell him everything and he would tell me the right thing to do. He had been my friend all
through those times. I would never ever forget about him. I knew he never wanted to kill me. He was just forced to do
it. Just like Brent. I knew they were just forced to capture me.

They were both important to me. It's just there was something bigger that they had to submit on killing me.

I still felt guilty from what I did to Mr. Bram. I wouldn't have killed him. I wouldn't have. He was like a brother to me.
Too bad he wasted it.

I was wearing a white flowing dress and was barefooted. It was like in my other dreams. Before I was captured, I
used to have dreams that I was in the forest and there was an unknown creature calling for me. It had already
stopped. It might come back though.

I sat on a stone bench and let myself feel its coldness. I drank the calming scent of the flowers around me. It was so
light to the heart that I was finally here. It was marvelous.

I was enjoying my moment of serenity when I heard some footsteps approaching that made me switch to alert mode.

"Hello, Sigrid," a familiar voice called me.

I spun my head and saw the boy who I was supposed to be hating and wanting to kill. Brent had just entered the
garden. He was wearing a white button-down, black jeans and black leather boots.

Wow. My heart fluttered at his sight. It felt like I wanted to throw my body to him. He's here. My love.

"Hi, Frey," I greeted back with a smile like nothing bad had happened between us.

Frey was his craft name. I heard it when Mr. Bram used it on him. Frey was the Norse god of faes. It kind of matched
his mischievous appearance. But it would be better if it was Loki, the god of mischief.

"How's everything going?" he asked as he walked towards me.

His red hair was a little longer now and his blue-gray eyes were still the same. Still loving as ever. And those freckles
on his face always made him adorable.

"Fine. Still waiting for you and my

father," I drawled.

He sat beside me but kept a little distance between us. He must be scared that I would strangle him.

I knew Brent had betrayed me but I still love him. I love him so much. I didn't know that he was a witch because I
never tried reading his mind.

One can never know if a witch is a witch if it never casts its senses towards the subject. Senses-casting is a way of
how witches examine their subject. It tells them whether their subject is good or bad or some other kind of creature. It
also gives creepy feeling to the subject. It's the only way to know a witch aside from seeing it actually perform

But it was different for me. I was a half-vampire. Like what I'd said, I could've read their minds but I didn't do it. It was
so stupid of me to think then that I could trust people without going inside their heads to see their real motives. I
could've known that Brent was a witch.


Brent visiting me in my dream only proved that he was the one trying to smother me in my dreams. How could he?

"So, it was you who visits me in my dreams?" I asked, brow raised.

"No." He smiled.

Goddess, I love that dimpled smile. I missed that when he used it to charm me.

Anyways, if he hadn't been the one visiting my dream-

"Then who is it?"

"I can't tell you." He shook his head.

It was the same thing he told me when I tried to ask him why he had to follow his master. It's really irritating.

"Oh, I get it. It's your master and you can't tell me anything about him." What was he hiding?

Well, I really thank him for saving me. If it wasn't for him, I would be already dead. I'm just wondering how he got my
father's ring.

"How'd you get the ring in the first place?" I asked inquisitively.

A smile slowly crept his face and he stared at me.

"I take care of your father, Irina," he said. "I tell him all the things that happen to you. I must admit it, you look like
him." He paused and grinned. Then, he sighed. "He wanted me to give you his ring in case that you survive. He
wanted you to fight for him. And well, you kind of survived."
"Of, course." I sighed. I was still confused why my killer still had to get my father. "Why'd they get my father anyway if
it's me they wanted?"

"I don't know their plan, Irina. I just follow." He shook his head in frustration. He was sounding a little disturbed.
" was like they knew that you weren't going to die the time we captured you. It's like they really wanted to lure
you. To blaze you up." He paused. "Well, from what I heard. I know they wanted to destroy the Guild. And it's you,
Irina. You will be their fire to start the war."

What? What war? Why? Why destroy the Guild?

"Why start a fight?" I asked.

"I don't know." He was sounding more confused.

Okay. He wouldn't tell me anything. Well, somehow I needed to know a little information.

"Why can't you just tell me where my father is?" I demanded in a calm voice.

"I can't tell you yet, Irina." His eyes searched for mine. "It's not just you in this battle. We're all fighting for something."

"What do you mean?" Was he talking about his oppression?

To my surprise, he quickly pulled me and took my lips with his. I quickly melted from his kiss that made me kiss back.
I didn't know if I was still dreaming because it all seemed too real. Too real. I could actually feel the passion, the love,
the hunger. I could feel that he still loves me. He loves me. He pulled back and kissed my forehead.

"I love you, Irina," he whispered. His forehead was against mine and he sounded like he was about to cry. "I'm so
sorry for all these things I'm doing to you. If you only know what's happening, you would understand why I had to do
all of these."

I didn't realize that tears had actually escaped my eyes while I was listening to him. It was really painful. It was like his
pain was also mine.

I was right. He was just forced to do this. There must be something I could do. I wanted to help him. I wanted to end
his agony. I wanted to end his pain. I wanted to be with him.

"What's really happening, Brent?" I asked, sniffling back my tears. "Make me understand. I want to help you."

"You can't help me, Irina." He kissed me again. "I'm sorry."

My heart sank when he pulled away and stood up. I wanted to beg him to stay but it would be ridiculous because we
were just in a dream. I couldn't sleep forever.

"We'll see again soon," he said then walked off.

My heart was breaking from his leaving. I didn't want him to go. I wanted him here with me. Always.
"I love you, Brent," I whispered as he walked away. I didn't know if he heard it. I knew he didn't need to hear it. He
knew that I loved him so much. We both knew it.

My dream ended when I was awakened from the knocks on the door. I cast my senses out and caught Brianna's

"You may want to come down for a while," she said, voice muffled from the other side.

"Why?" I asked, drawing back my senses.

"Someone wants to see you," she answered, excitement in her voice.

Who could be this visitor? Why excited much?

I quickly got off the tub and wrapped a towel around my body. I drained the tub and blew all the candles off. I brushed
my teeth quickly and got to my closet.

My closet was a narrow room with glass-paned cabinets at each side. Down to the farthest side stood my beautiful
altar with candles, a pentacle board, an incense holder (with no incense) and a black mirror. My athame was lost. I
lost it when I was captured. I already missed it. I didn't know where it was. I wondered if Brent had it.

I pulled on a pair of black jeans and a black tee. After brushing my hair in front of my mirror, I quickly ran downstairs
in a second, wearing a pair of black flip-flops. When I reached the last flight of stairs, I saw a woman in a white formal
suit with an extremely golden hair, sitting on our white leather-covered sofa.

Who is that? I got a whiff of the air and I smelled vinegar and vanilla.

Oh my claws. It's a Sidhe.

The Sidhe are the faerie people. They are the enchanted ones. I didn't know how to identify a Sidhe before because
Mom told me they were very tricky. Now I already knew. Thanks to my professor Ms. Castlemont.

I walked toward the visitor and sat on the white leather-covered armchair across her.

She was very beautiful. Goddess-like. I couldn't describe her beauty in words.

She had this beautiful purple eyes, full red lips and ears with pointed ends. Wow. A real fae folk. Did she come out in
the street looking like that?

"Hello, Irina," she greeted in a very eloquent way.

"Uhm... Hi," I replied wryly. "Excuse me, I mean, what's your name?" I hoped I didn't sound rude.

"You don't remember me?" she asked back with a warm smile that exposed a pair of little fangs.

Who is she? I looked at her more closely and saw in her eyes the woman I truly knew.
"Ms. Castlemont?" I asked, unsure and surprised at the same time.

She nodded in response. Wow. She looked very stunning.

Ms. Cassandra Castlemont was my professor in Biology and she had been a part of the scheme of killing me. But I
didn't feel any grudge for her. She was just a victim like me anyway.

"But how?" My brows furrowed in confusion.

"This is the real me, dear. I am Marika," she explained.

I nodded absently. My mom told me about her real name but I never got te chance to ask her myself about the truth.
Now is my chance to know everything.

"Well, I think you got some explaining to do," I demanded. She knew well what I meant. I meant her being part of the

She remained silent for a moment and then, she smiled. I thought she was already going to answer my question but
instead she asked, "Where is your family?"

Okay. Not the thing I was expecting.

"I dunno." I shrugged. "Maybe you know."

"Of course, they left." She grinned. "I just want to make sure we're alone when I tell you the whole story."

Here it is. The moment of truth.

"I'm sure you've heard about the story of the Academia but I want to elaborate more," she began. "It was during the
nineteen hundreds when my parents came here in America. They were both Kislap Sidhe. Both Timawa. I bet you
know that Timawa got the least attention, right?"

I nodded. There were three great kingdoms of Sidhe. The Liwanag, Kislap and Dilim. All those kingdoms run a Caste
system. There were the Maharlikas in the highest place, the Timawas in the middle and the Mababas in the lowest.
Maharlikas were the royalties while the Timawas were the common people and as expected, Mababas were the
workers or the slaves.

Maharlikas were given the most integrated trainings while the Timawas got only the mundane knowledge and
trainings. Mababas, on the other hand got the most physical and fighting trainings. Timawas really got the least
attention because Mababas were trained harder than them. Mababas were the soldiers of the Kingdoms. So they
were somehow more important.

"Well, my parents," Marika continued. "They wanted to make a name for their own. So, they built the Academia de
Los Antiguos."

Academia de Los Antiguos was my school in Pelham.

"You may be wondering why they named it like that and why the structure of the school was like that." She sighed.
"Well, my parents were from Spain but they settled down in France and then transferred to Ireland. They really loved
the Gothic art but they wanted to add their own essence to it so they just named it like that, Academy of the Ancients
in Spanish." She paused. "The real purpose of the school is to get the humans close with the Ancients. My parents
wanted to establish a good relationship with humans and they wanted the Ancients to be more intact. They thought
that maybe through that little thing they did, they could start a new strong bond but...the little progress they were
making all went down to nothing when the human children started disappearing."

"So, your parents really did nothing with the loss?" I asked.

"Nothing." She shook her head. "We didn't know why and how that happened. We just found out that the humans
were already planning to burn my parents. So, they went away. They left me behind to tend the school. I thought they
were still coming back but they never did. I tried asking our Queen but she innocently said that my parents never
made it back to the kingdom." She sighed. "I never knew what happened to them. But still, I continued their mission. I
invited more Ancients from England, the home of witches; Germany, the home of werewolves; Romania, the home of
vampires; and Ireland, the home of the Sidhe. Since then, no more children had been lost."

So, that explains everything. If there were more Ancients in the school, then the 'kidnappers' would be threatened to
attack. Okay. That made sense.

"I was just glad that the humans never brought down the school. Instead, some of them even helped me. Some
humans knew about the existence of the Ancients in the school but they remained silent. They kept the secrets and
lived with the Ancients in the school in peace. Those humans still had their descendants studying in the school
although some of them were just clueless."

Wow. That's great.

"You mean, all the humans there?" I asked.

"Yes." She nodded. "We call them Keepers of the Secret. Only some of them really knew the truth. Most of them
didn't know yet. Maybe their parents haven't told them yet."

Well, that also explains. Keepers of the Secret, huh?

"So, you changed your name and look to keep pace with the time?" I suddenly asked.

Of course, she couldn't just look the same forever.

"That's right," she answered, smiling.

The topic was already fun but then silence followed.

"Are you ready for more?" she asked.

She meant by that was the truth about the scheme.

I inhaled deeply and sighed heavily. "Okay. I'm ready."

Here it is.

"Anthony was a great witch, Irina," she began in her most affectionate voice. "He had been a great teacher. He
helped me in running the school. He was a great man. Very devoted to the welfare of the students." She paused.
"And Brent is a very nice kid."

Okay. Didn't see that coming.

"I'd always admired him since he entered the school. He is very smart and charming. But above all that, he is a very
loving son. I know his parents and they dear him so much."

Just listening to how Marika described Brent made me want to cry.

"Well," she continued. "All changed on the day when you entered the Academia."

I knew it was me. Goddess, why it had to be me?

"Anthony asked me to help him in capturing you. I didn't know why he suddenly changed. His conviction was strong. I
didn't understand him until he told me the real reason. He didn't tell me who was oppressing him but he told me what
might happen to the school if I didn't help him. He said that the school would be attacked by werewolves and would
kill all the students in it. I didn't want that to happen." Her voice was a little shaky. "I love the students and everything.
It is my everything. So, I reluctantly agreed. I never wanted to hurt you, Irina. I'm so sorry." She paused again to wipe
the tears that had rimmed her eyes. "And there was Brent. Poor Brent. He also changed. I didn't know his purpose
but he was as convicted as Anthony in the plan of killing you. I wanted to know what's really happening but they kept
me out of their heads. I knew Brent didn't really want to do that to you. He loves you."

That made me broke in tears. I wanted to burst out and cry loudly but still, I steadied myself.

"They did really love you," she continued. "Anthony and Brent grew really fond of you during those times they'd been
with you. Anthony once told me that he wanted you to be his little sister, you know. He had seen so much potential in
you. And he also told me that you were 'too' nice. You didn't even bother guarding your thoughts around him that's
why he could hear you clearly. You were even nicer in not trying to pry into his head." She smiled, probably
remembering. "But...when the day came when a werewolf came to the school..." She frowned.

I remember that. It had been raining when a gray wolf had been found dead in the school's quadrangle. That was a
really unexpected visit.

"We knew we already had to move. I bet you were wondering who killed it. Well, you have to know that it was Chloe."

Chloe? What? The girl who wanted so much to destroy me for popularity?

"Chloe's a witch, dear. She told me the werewolf wanted to enter the cafeteria to find you. So, she killed it before
anyone else could see," she explained.
Oh, Goddess, I had been too naive in that school.

"After that incident, we hurried to execute the plan." She paused, swallowing. "I'm so sorry for Eddie and Tom. I never
wanted them to be part of it."

Eddie and Tom were part of my coven Phoenix. In wanting to protect me, they decided to glamour themselves up as
Ms. Castlemont-or Marika-to confuse the killer. We thought we were doing well but we're wrong. We're deceived.
Eddie and Tom were killed because of me.

"I never thought Anthony and Brent would be really willing to kill you. They were best friends but Brent's love for you
was stronger. Whatever happened there, I knew he really strongly fought his feelings just to save you. I know you
know that."

Yes. I know that. Brent loved me. He just told me a while ago.

I was all teary-eyed from my unrestrained emotions that I had already forgotten the traditional witch hospitality.

"Look, I'm sorry, Ms. Cas...Er...Marika," I stammered, wiping my tears. "Would you like some tea? I've totally
forgotten. I'm so sorry."

"It's alright." She smiled. "I just really came to clarify your mind."

She stood up and walked toward me touching my shoulder.

"You can do it," she said then left.

I was left there alone with confused mind and wounded heart to tend for. It was all very tragic. A real tragedy worse
than Romeo and Juliet.

Chapter 4

Life is Like A Wheel-It Spins

I had nothing to do after Ms. Castlemont-or Marika-left. I was really bored. I couldn't think of anything to do. I thought I
might find something interesting in our circle room so I went downstairs to our basement. Our circle room was where
our rituals and any magick-raising rite takes place. It's the only room in the house that wasn't black and white.
Instead, it had a cream and coffee motif.

I sat at the coffee-colored desk and opened the black leather-bound book that was sitting there. It's my mother's Book
of Shadows. It's the one that had offensive spells.

A Book of Shadows is where a witch writes his spells and experiences. It was like a journal.
I had used Mom's BOS to find useful spells and train with Chip but I already returned it to its hiding place. Why was it

I flipped through the pages continuously until something caught my eye.

Feb. 4, 1987

Mirana made me watch the flame of the candle all day. She said it could help me in taking the Protector's Mark. Well,
my eyes hurt like hell after that. It was like I was going to be blind. Well, it wasn't like I didn't learn anything from it. I
found out that the longer you look at the flame, the more intense your eyesight would be. That's not really easy. It was
painstakingly giving me fatigue. So, I looked up to Ma's BOS and found a spell to dull the pain and to help me to be
able to actually stare at the flame without getting blind. I will write it down.


Under her entry I saw the spell she was talking about. It was called 'Consumption'. Well, it sounded like consuming
the light. The real use of the spell was to use the most intense pain to actually block all the other pain. It sounded

Well, it's not that hard. It's not that easy either. It had a lot of points to memorize and things to do like actually cutting

Goddess, that's kind of bloody. Well, if it's gonna help, then I'd try it soon. Was it like being a totally wrist-slitting emo
to take the pain away? I dunno for sure.

Later that day, I still had nothing to do. I didn't want to try the 'consumption' thingy yet. So, I went on meditating in my

It was really hard to concentrate especially if I had a lot of things to think about. I wanted to focus on the mission at
hand. I wanted to think of something tremendous. Something different.

I started wondering how would I be able to learn the 'dream walking' thingy. I wanted to learn it. I wanted to actually
walk into other peoples' dreams. Goddess knew who I wanted to visit.

After maybe an hour of unsuccessful attempts to meditate, I got so dead bored that I had nothing else to do but go to
my school. No one's there right now. It was empty from the vacation.

Of course, I didn't have a car to drive there so I just teleported. I got that skill from my being a half-vampire. Vampires
could teleport, of course. It was easier for them to do it but in my case, I would need intense focus so I could perform

I breathed in deeply like totally meditating but I got my mind focused on the image of my school. I imagined myself
standing in the middle of the quadrangle surrounded by the four buildings of the school. The teleportation feeling was
light but nauseous. It was really worth it though.
After my intense travel, I was welcomed by a cold whip of wind on my face. It was so silent. There were no chirping
birds in my hearing range. The place was so lonely and gloomy.

Every step I did vibrated through the halls. It was kind of creepy. It was like walking into a haunted house.

I made a stroll through the whole school. I went from room to room. I didn't know why I even decided to do that but it
felt like I needed to find something. Something that would somehow tip me off.

After maybe an hour, I finally came to the faculty room at the third floor of the Administration Building. The sight of
filing cabinets and stacks of paperworks were even creepier.

Goddess, school is somehow a torture.

After going through the cubicles, I caught sight of this one odd room. It wasn't really odd. I was just really kind of lured
to it. It was like, it was calling to me. I trotted there quickly and opened the mysterious door. To my surprise, there
appeared before me two desk. Well, the desk was not the surprising part. It was the essence of the desks
themselves. Those desks were Ms. Castlemont's and Mr. Bram's. It was obvious from the stacks of books that laid

Mr. Bram's things had not been removed yet. I wondered why. There was his books that he used to bring when
teaching us, his fountain pens, pencils and a black cup pencil holder. The cup caught my attention. There was
something written in gold on its surface. It was really eye-catching. It said:

"To the most wonderful student I ever had. You are truly remarkable. Welcome to the family."


Alleria. It was my great-great-grandmother's witch name. Mr. Bram had been her student and had been actually part
of the Waterwind coven. Alina must have been so sad and disappointed when she found out about his betrayal. Mr.
Bram must have been a really good witch.

I sighed and looked for more of his stuffs until something finally caught my interest. I found a black leather-bound
book in his drawer. It was the book I saw him reading in one of our past meetings when we were still hanging out in
the school's garden.

I picked the book up. Well, it had no title and it felt heavy on my hand even if it looked light.

What could it be? I opened it up and to my surprise, I found the handwritten answer to my question.

"Thou shalt love forever. Forever thou shalt love."

Anthony "Val" Bram

Waterwind-Gloucester, England
It was his Book of Shadows. The phrase he wrote was the Waterwind's motto. How did his BOS end up here? Did he
purposely left it here? Did Ms. Castlemont leave it here for me to read? No. She would've told me about this. If it's not
Castlemont, then who left this here? Was it Brent?

I picked up the BOS and quickly scampered out of the room and was back to the quadrangle in an instant. I was
astonished when I saw an unexpected guest. A very unlikely guest.

"Didn't expect to see you here, hybrid," said Chloe Erfin.

Chloe Erfin was the queen bee in school. Actually, the queen starfish. Nice-looking yet useless. Chloe was an
airhead blonde. The way her coal-black eyes scrutinized me was so irritating. Witch.

"Why are you here?" I asked eloquently. I didn't want to sound like I was affected.

"Oh, well. I kind of just passing by when I suddenly got a hunch." She grinned.

I wanted to scratch that mocking grin off her face.

"Nice," I drawled. "You're not an airhead after all."

She seemed to bite my insult. I thought she was going to strike back but she just remained calm. Nice.

"What's that? You're stealing from the library now?" she asked, eyeing the book in my hand.

Didn't see that coming.

"It's none of your business, okay?" I retorted. "It's mine." Okay, that was way off and defensive.

"I didn't say that it wasn't yours," she said in a matter-of-fact tone. "That isn't yours, is it?"

"This is 'mine'," I insisted. "So, if you don't mind, I'll be going."

She suddenly spread her arms wide and grinned.

"Fight me first," she dared.

"I wouldn't want to waste my time on you," I replied, rolling my eyes. "I know you could take down a helluva werewolf
but please, I'm so not in the mood." I tried to sound like I was really bored.

"So you already knew."

"Of course, I knew."

"You know," she began, folding her arms over her chest. "You are the most naive and stupid 'thing' I've ever seen in
my whole life. You don't even know how to guard your head. You're so dumb."
Okay. She's trying to provoke me and I hated all her insults.

"I was just new, okay?" I admitted. It's better not to start a fight. "I didn't know that you were effin' witches."

She shook her head and laughed softly. "That's the problem, hybrid. You're not aware of what's happening around
you. You should've read everyone's head."

Why would I do that? I'm not a meddler. Why, she got tricked, too. She hadn't had a clue about Mr. Bram's plan.

I sighed. "Look, I don't have time for this. I just wanna go home."

"Try," she hissed.

I quickly conjured the energy around me and focused on my will to bind her. Before Chloe could move, I quickly shot
my palms up and sent the binding energy to her. She couldn't move anymore.

"I told you, I don't have time for this," I repeated.

I focused my energy so that I could teleport before she could break the bind. I was happy when I quickly got the
teleportation after a few breathe in-breathe out. There was the sucking feeling again until I finally saw myself safe in
my room. The book was securely clutched to my chest like I was a cat defending my kitties.

I looked at the book again. I couldn't believe I was actually holding Mr. Bram's memories. The answers could be here.
Whoever left this-or Brent-I knew he wanted me to know the truth. And I will know it now.

I started flipping through the pages when suddenly a piece of paper fell. It was a note.

Okay, what is it?

"Irina, I know I'm already dead when you're now reading it. I don't want you to start asking about how you got this.
You'll find the answer here, Victory. Just read it carefully. Please, keep in mind: Don't let the other witches know that
you have this. Promise me that, Irina.

I'm really sorry for what I have done to you. I'm really sorry. Just remember that I don't blame any of you for my death.
I knew it was already my turn. I knew it was in the plan.

I wouldn't make this message longer. Don't let the others know about this. Hide this. Charm this. Whatever happens
don't let the others know until the right time has come. I believe in you. Make a difference."

-A. Bram

The message was so heart-breaking. I didn't notice that I was already crying. Mr. Bram still had the humor to make
me laugh even if he's already gone. I was right. He didn't want to hurt me. He cared for me. He trusted me. But why
didn't he want the others to know? Did Brent know about this?

Goddess, I should really stop asking and start getting to work. I would read it tomorrow. For now, I will just hide it.
I quickly got to my closet and hid the book inside a small compartment there that only I knew about. I was the only
one who knew about it because I was the one who made it.

I muttered a little concealing spell and left locking my cabinet and closet.

The answers are already in my hands. I just have to study it. I have to make a difference.

Chapter 5

Hardship is Not Always Hard

I found out that Mirana and Brianna had gone to Brent's parents to talk about what they knew about his being part of
the scheme. I was sure his parents didn't know anything. All they knew was their son was the godliest child ever. Or
was he?

Chip got to our place at around seven in the morning. He was very early and excited and eager. I wished I was as
enthusiastic as him.

Mirana gave me and Chip the what-I-think-as-the-hardest task for the day before she and Mom left again to find some
clue to my father's location. The first task was to painstakingly cut a perfect circle using the mind to control the
scissor. Completely no use of hands. No use of magick. Just the head. Who would've thought she would focus on
honing our telekinetic skills? That was way, way off and hard.

Me and Chip sat on the sofa at the living room with lots of scraps and papers on the mahogany coffee table. We both
had our scissors. The shape of circle was already hard to do. What more if I added the 'perfect'? That would take me

I really wasn't used to using my telekinesis. Most witches only used the telepathic talk not the telekinesis. What's the
use of mind if you can use magick to do it?

Holding the scissor in a right position was really a torment. Chip was also growing grumpy because of it. I liked it
when he was pissed off.

"This is not working," he finally said after at least an hour and a half of failed attempts.

I laughed at how the way his brows furrowed. He was so annoyed.

"Stop laughin'!" he growled. "That isn't helpin'."

"Don't be too crabby, Prince Baldur the Beautiful. I'm warning ya, you'll lose your beauty," I teased, grinning.

Wow. I didn't know I could tease like that. So weird of me around him.

"Oh, yeah?" He turned to that animal-like smile. "How 'bout you, Princess Sigrid? Aren't you full as I am?" He leaned
He was using the seductive-Chip play again but that wouldn't work. I was focused more on my job. I was just glad he
was not mad at me anymore about Brent. He couldn't stay mad at me for too long. That's so sweet.

"I'm sorry, Prince." I splayed my hands on his black-shirt-covered chest. "I'm not buying it."

His eyes met mine and that unexplainable thing quickly brought butterflies to my stomach. I turned away and focused
on making the scissor flex its blades without falling. I was surprised because it moved smoothly. Like a real hand was
controlling it.

"Look," I squealed, pointing to the floating scissor in the air.

Chip turned and was surprised as I was. He quickly straightened up and ran a hand through his messy brown hair.

"How'd you do that?" he asked in amazement.

"You made me do it," I answered with a grin.

"No, seriously. How'd you do it?" he asked again, tone downshifting to serious.

"I don't know." I shrugged innocently. "When I felt that I needed to escape your 'wrath'," I answered, humor in my
voice. "I simply focused more on the scissor and then, it just happened."

He nodded as if confirming some kind of theory. "Well," he began in an extremely low seductive tone. "I think we
should do it more often."

"Goddess, Chip." I rolled my eyes. "Stop it. We're on training. Let's focus on the matter at hand."

"But you are my subject," he insisted on that same tone. "I should focus on you."

He grinned and placed his right hand on my face. That touch was so warm and inviting. I noticed the tattoo on his
right wrist of a howling wolf with a hovering raven above it and a phrase 'Ad infinitum' under it. It was me and him.
Goddess, why was he doing this like he actually believed that we would be really together forever?

I frowned and sighed. "Chip," I said weakly.

He drew his hand back and went back to work. I didn't want to keep him expecting but I wasn't sure if everything's
going to work out between us.

Yes. We're like a 'real couple' but I didn't feel like it. I was still hoping for me and Brent. I love Brent. But Chip? I don't
know. I'm not sure.

I already perfected the handling of scissor. The other thing I needed to do was handling the paper and scissor at the
same time. That was quite hard. I could get the paper up but the scissor would be unstable.

Chip was also making progress. He could already make a little ragged cut on the paper. After two hours, I finally
stood up to prepare some tea and make some popcorn to chew on while doing that lame stuff. I was waiting by the
counter until I finally remembered something that I had almost forgotten. I quickly got myself a bag of blood from the
code-locked freezer and drank it. We had our own blood supply because my dad needed it.

Drinking blood was a kind of relief. I guessed I would be like that forever. Forever holding back my vampire side.

When I got back to the living room, Chip was standing by the window, deep in thoughts. I just sat on the sofa and
waited. I wondered what was going on in his mind.

Nah. I didn't want to invade privacy. But, I could give some pretty nice hallucinations.

I focused on entering his head. What I was doing was not a telepathic skill. It was a magick trick called 'Penetration'.
His guards were too low. Chip quickly turned to me when he felt me. Horror was already on his face. I sent scary
images to his head. I made a very pale woman in a white dress stand behind him and whisper to his ear about how
she would never let him go to sleep. I was on the verge of laughing when suddenly a ball of fire struck overhead of
me that made me let go of the image. I was glad it didn't hit me. I quickly stood up and was about to scold Chip for
what he had done but his face was serious. Scary serious.

Oh no.

"Do you know what you're doing, Irina?" he asked, anger in his voice. "This is really not funny as you think it is."

I cringed. "I'm sorry," I choked out. I felt like a kid being scolded by my mother. "I didn't meant to-I mean, I thought
we're on training and it was just fine to do that."

"Well, it's not what we're trying to do, Irina. We're on a different training," he explained, still in scolding tone.

"I'm sorry," I implored. "You did it, too. That's more dangerous."

I knew I didn't have the right to reason out but who knows.

"It was your fault," he retorted. "You provoked me."

"I'm sorry," I said again. "I won't do it again."

I sat back on my seat and grabbed a handful of popcorn and shoved it into my mouth.

Chip was silent after what happened. He didn't speak a single word to me like I wasn't even there. It was aggravating.

After more attempts, I was finally able to cut the paper. I could even cut a perfect triangle. But not a perfect circle.
Whenever I tried doing it, my circle comes out with ragged edges. Circles don't have edges. That was stupid.

The whole day was spent on doing that; but we couldn't perfect it. We were still busily training when Mirana and
Brianna arrived. Mirana was somehow glad with our fast progress but was still unsatisfied because we couldn't do it
well. My mom just gave me an encouraging smile and pat on the shoulder. Maybe she would've helped me train if
she's not busy finding clues with my grandma.
After dinner, Chip immediatey went home while I quickly took a bath and changed into my pajamas. I was excited to
finally start reading Mr. Bram's Book of Shadows.

This one I had was his latest Book of Shadows. I saw from flipping through the pages that he actually skipped a lot of
dates. Maybe he hadn't been that active since he started with this journal.

December 22, 1996

The Yule circle was so invigorating. It was fun. The talk in the circle had only one subject. It was about the high
priestess's great-great-granddaughter. I've heard a lot about this newborn but I never got the exact details. I heard
that this child was an Ulfen. Of course. But there was something that made this child different from all the other
Ancients. It was first time in the history of werewolves and vampires to have a hybrid werewolf-vampire. That is
incredible. And that child is not just an ordinary werewolf. She's an Ulfen. Yes! She's a girl. She would be spreading a
new line of Ancients. Goddess, imagine that. Ulfen-vampires? Werewolf-vampires that can use magick? That's
wicked! Anyways, my friends are calling me. I better get there now.


I've read five or more entries but it was just all about me.


I was still a child at that time but I was already the trending topic.

Wow. And up until now, I'm still their topic. What were they thinking of me? Were they really expecting big from me?

I fell asleep right away after I slumped to my bed.

It was a dark night in the middle of the Hunter Island. I knew I was in it because I could still remember the exact place
where I fought a werewolf to death. That werewolf also wanted to kill me. I was back there. Someone must have been
looking for me. I was sure it wasn't Brent.

"You're looking good, Sigrid," said the familiar haunting voice.

Instead of wearing the usual white dress in my dreams, I was wearing a black nightgown.

I turned around and saw a creature wearing a heavy black cloak. I couldn't see its face under its pulled off hood. It's
my killer. I sterned myself. I wouldn't be intimidated anymore.

"Who are you really?" I drawled, planting my hand to my hip.

"Oh, soon. Very soon," it answered in a very soft voice.

I didn't know if it's a man or a woman. It was very confusing.

"Okay, let me just ask you one thing," I said as if I was just having a casual conversation with my killer.
"What is it?"

"What are you? Gay? Why don't you just show me yourself?" I asked.

Wow. That was so rude of me.

"That's not nice, Sigrid," it answered in a mocking tone.

"Okay." I sighed. "Where is my father?"

That's what I truly wanted to ask.

"Ooh," it cooed. "Your father?"

I didn't answer. It was taunting me.

"What if I say that he's already 'dying' to meet you?"

"What did you to do him, you cunt?" I asked back, rage in my voice. "I swear if you do something...bad to him...I. Will.
Kill. You!"

I wanted to drag and bury the creature in front of me to the ground but I couldn't. It's not that I couldn't move. It's just
very discouraging. I wasn't scared though. There's just something really stopping me. I didn't know what it was.

"Don't worry," it answered in a consoling soft tone. "He's still holding up. I haven't done anything to him. Yet."

I could swear my hand was ready to shot a bolt but I suddenly jerked awake.

I was sweating and my hands were trembling.

My father. What did they do to him? I wish Brent's keeping him safe. That's the best thing I could hope for.

I was having these dreams again. I knew my killer wouldn't kill me in my dream. If he wanted to, he would do it in the
real world. I wasn't wearing Chip's amulet at night anymore. It's more comfortable to dream freely.

I wasn't able to sleep after that so I just meditated. I was glad it worked 'cause I already felt better. The sun was
almost up when I finally fell back to sleep.

It wasn't sleeping that long yet when I heard a loud knock on my door. I sleepily stood up and dragged myself to open
the door. I wasn't surprised to see Chip standing in my doorway when I opened it. He was really starting to irritate

"Why aren't you up yet, princess?" he asked with a lazy smile.

He was too early and...happy. Was he having a mood swing?

"Why so early?" I yawned. "I'm still sleepy."

"Get changed, dear." He ignored my question. "We're going to the Academia."

To the Academia?

"Why?" I asked, raising a brow.

"Time for our second task." He grinned.

Second task?

"We aren't done with the first one yet," I protested. "Why so soon?"

"Just hurry. Time's running."

After ordering me, he quickly turned and left.

Hmp. What's up at the Academia?

Chapter 6

Challenges are Never Ending

After Chip dismissed me, I quickly jumped into shower to wake up my sleepy head. I wore a simple black hoodie and
a pair of black jeans to pair my black high tops. It's always been my style. The lame style.

I was already in the living room in the speed of lightning. I was faster than my wolf.

Chip was having a tea with my mom and grandma. They were having a serious conversation when I came in.

"What's going on?" I asked, sitting beside Chip on the sofa.

Chip gestured to a small black box on the coffee table.

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

"See for yourself," he answered.

I quickly picked up the box and opened it. I was so surprised when I saw a precious thing lying among the foams.

"This is so beautiful," I said as I held the ebony wand in my hand.

I never had a wand before. I never needed it in my craft.

Of course, every witch had his own wand. It's essential in performing spells. The need for it just didn't come for me

Well, I think I'm gonna need it now.

The wand had a smooth finish. It had a garnet point and encrusted ambers around the tip. It was beautiful.

"Am I going to use it now?" I asked excitedly.

"Of course, dear," Mirana answered with a smile. "I thought it's a better replacement for your lost athame."

Oh. Yes. My athame. Athame was as good as wand in the craft. I got used to using it. Wand was so new to me.

"It's great," I replied. "What are we gonna do?"

Am I going to engage in a combat That's fantabulous!

"You'll see," she answered.

I rode with Chip in his black Volvo S60 while my mom drive with grandma in her black Honda Jazz. How I wished I
could just learn to drive. I would buy myself a Porsche Carrera GT.

"So, what's gonna happen?" I asked.

I was so excited about what was going to happen. "Are we gonna fight some monsters?"

I saw Chip rolled his eyes on the rearview mirror.

"What?" I asked.

"Do you know how to use a wand?" he asked back.

"I..." I don't know how to use a wand. I'm alright with an athame. I never thought I'd ever need a wand. Not until now.

"You don't know," he supplied in a drawl.

"Of course, I can use it," I insisted. Mom taught me how to use a wand. She commonly used it in making tinctures. I'd
never seen her use it for fighting though. Anyways, I could swear I know how to use it.

"Really?" Chip taunted.


The Academia's enormous black wooden gates were closed. Of course, magick could do the trick. Mom touched the
door and after a few seconds, we heard a click and the gates opened.
The place was still like it. Still marble walls. Same beautiful chandelier hanging in the center of the lobby. Same logo
on the floor of an abstract rose with ivies and four 'ad infinitum' phrases. Same three hallways. Nothing's odd here. I
didn't know what they were up to.

Mirana led the way to the midddle hallway to the quadrangle. We all followed. The place was really silent just like the
last time I came here. It was gloomy.

Grandma finally came to a halt when we're already in the middle of the quadrangle. She turned and pulled out her

"I talked to Marika," she began. "She let us train here as long as we don't destroy the school."

Whoah. Is it really going to be that bad?

"You see," she continued. "Your school had been here since nineteen hundreds. Aren't you interested to know what
happened to your school through all those years?"

Why, what happened?

"This school had been home for our dear Ancients," she explained. "Some of them actually practiced magick here.
They were allowed as long as humans were not around. That had been a great thing. Lot of them became really
good. But what they didn't know about was that, they made a very wrong mistake. Some of them actually made
mistakes in making magick."

I swallowed. What mistake?

"They had opened a lot of portals in this school," she continued. "Spirits had been roaming in this school for years
every night, my dears. It didn't matter to them being around us though. Spirits actually help. They really help."

I think I know what she wants us to do. Oh no. It's gonna be hard.

"I want you to conjure the spirits of the dead. And not just the spirits of the dead, dearest. The spirits of the dark."

"Why them?" I suddenly asked.

Dark spirits are consulted in performing black magick. Witches from the past years had been practicing that in this
school? Was that the mistake she was talking about?

"You should know," she answered curtly.

"If the dark spirits still remain here, the practice of black magick will still continue," Chip explained.

Yeah. That actually made sense.

"Why do it now? Why not do it in the past?"

"We already did it. We thought there were no more. But they were brought back again by someone we didn't know.
The practitioner was a good one. We couldn't track it. It was a trickster. It could even deceive the spirits. The spirits
couldn't tell us who." She paused. "Anyways, I want you to do the job for us since it's your training."

What? That's impossible.

"Don't you think it's dangerous?" I asked sheepishly.

"See it for yourself, dearest. Me and your mom will just watch."

Mirana started to leave with my mom while me and Chip stayed standing there. A moment later, we heard the gate
lock clicked and they were already gone.

"What now?" I asked. I didn't know how to do the thing she wanted me to do.

I'm so new and naive.

"We'll conjure them," Chip answered as if I knew how to do what he was saying.

That kind of gave way for my emotions.

"But how?" I asked in frustration. "Mom never taught me about these stuffs! I'm not a typical witch like you! They
didn't teach me about all these stuffs because they thought I couldn't handle it! They thought that I would make
damages if I learned things too early! They think I'm evil, Chip! They think I'll use it for evil!"

"Stop moping around," he drawled. "Just follow me."

Okay, maybe I had been over reactive. Maybe they just think that it would be best for me to take things slowly since
we didn't know my capacity yet.

Chip just sat on the cold ground in lotus style.

"I'm sorry if I'm being a liability," I said as I followed his lead.

"Don't be, princess. I know what you're going through. It's just really sometimes smothering if the people around you
thinks you couldn't handle yourself. They just want you to be safe," he replied, closing his eyes.

Maybe he's right.

I closed my eyes, too, and started breathing in and out.

"Let go, princess," Chip said suddenly.

Let go?
Free yourself, he said in my head.

Free myself.

I breathed more slowly and relaxed myself. Let go of myself. Let go. I imagined myself floating. Like I'm totally free.
Every breathe I take, the lighter I feel. Every breathe out was negative energy out. The lesser the weight, the easier
the freeing.

I did it again and again and forgot about my surroundings. It was only me and my spirit. Me and my own body and my
spirit. I'm letting go.

After a few moments, I felt the temperature dropped. It felt cold but there was no wind. It was like everything was
suddenly heavy. Like there was no air to breathe in. The floating feeling I got later suddenly disappeared. What? Did I
do something wrong?

Out of curiosity, I opened my eyes. To my surprise, the place was suddenly dark. There had been a big change in the
settings. It was like the school suddenly turned into a haunted school.

It was very dark. No stars nor moon. It was dreadful and scary and frightful.

My gaze fell to Chip. But it wasn't Chip I saw. Instead, I saw a hovering raven.

Raven. Chip's spirit guide.

Everyone has his own spirit guide. It guides you in your path in the Astral plane. The Astral plane is the part of the
real world where spirits and portals are seen.

Only clairvoyant people could see the spirits even if not actually on the plane.

To our situation, we practically entered the Astral plane in our physical body. Very great. I practiced doing it but never
tried it before until now.

"Where's Chip?" I asked the raven, my voice sounding so far away.

I felt something nudged my side. I turned to see what it was and to my surprise, it was an enormous brown wolf. My
wolf. My own spirit guide.

"What's happening? Where's Chip?" I asked again.

I looked into the yelloe gold eyes of the wolf and touched its furry head. It felt so good to see my wolf self. It felt like
we're just one.

The raven cawed. I spun my head quickly and saw it flying away.

"Wait," I said as I started to follow.

I was surprised when the wolf tugged on my hoodie like it was telling me that I shouldn't follow.

"Chip's out there," I said to it. "What are you doing?"

It whined and shook its body. Oh. Why didn't I realize that?

I carefully sat on the back of the wolf. I wasn't sitting comfortably yet when it suddenly plunged forward.

It was fun. Very fun. It ran through the halls following the raven in the Omega Building. Everything was fast moving.
Like flying. Next thing I knew we were already running in the halls of the fourth floor. We were heading to the last

I saw the raven hovered for a moment by the door before it entered. My wolf slowed down. When we entered the
room, I saw Chip standing by the window, wand in hand. The raven was perched on his shoulder.

"What happened?" I asked, unloading myself from the wolf.

I still felt light-headed from riding the wolf.

"One of the portals is here," he answered in a grim tone.

He gestured to the back part of the room and saw there a kind of black hole. It was totally black and it looked like it
was going to suck whoever gets near it. A void.

"We'll do the conjuration here," he said. "Ready your wand."

I felt for the pocket of my hoodie and pulled it out. It was marvelous. The stones were glowing. I saw the stones on
Chip's wand glow, too. They were adorned with a quartz and obsidians.


Chip swished his wand in the air and all the chairs moved aside. Of course, we needed space. I wished I could do the

"Stay there by the door and don't let the spirit escape. I want you to do a barrier to lock us all up in this room," he

Okay. I didn't know what he was talking about but I'm going to try.

I concentrated and imagined myself doing a protective wall around the room, encasing us in an unbreakable cage.

"Perme barredo y no escapo," I muttered under my breath.

I didn't know what language was that or what that meant or if those things actually made sense. They just utterly went
out of my mouth. They sounded like Latin but I wasn't sure. I guessed not.
I raised my wand and slowly I felt the energy from my body flow through the wand and spread to the whole room
making a transparent barrier around us like a box. I felt it getting stronger as I continued on sending energy. When I
felt that it was already done, I quickly drew my wand back and get readied for the fight. Well, maybe I don't need to
fight. I'll just stand by to strengthen the barrier.

"Done," I said.

"Good," he replied with a smile.

That smile quickly turned into a thin line when he put his wand to his lips and started muttering words that I couldn't
understand. Probably just like the words I said. No real origin. Just a magick thingy.

I readied myself and clutched my wand tighter like it was going to break. After a little moment, the raven cawed three
times and my wolf started growling, the hair on its back was raised.

I felt my heartbeat went faster and so was my breathing. My hands became clammy. I kept a watchful eye on the
black hole while Chip continued with his mutterings.

To my horror, black smoke started coming out from the hole. A dark spirit. It was scary. So unrealistic. I suddenly
couldn't move.

Irina, get a grip. It's not harder than your real torment.

The smoke slowly formed into a creature with a figure of a human. It was completely smoke but it was like it was
wearing a sort of cloak or something.

Chip had stopped chanting and was ready to attack.

The figure turned its what-seemed-to-be-the-head and looked around. It let out a cry when it realized that it was
deceived. Its cry was loud and dreadful. I couldn't describe it. It started for the hole quickly to escape.

"Irina, the portal," Chip called to me.

I quickly shot my wand to the direction of the hole and it started disappearing. It looked like it was closing. I didn't
know how I was able to do that but it was working. The spirit noticed me and started for my direction but Chip pointed
his wand to it and it stopped. He bound it but not strong enough to keep it from struggling.

After the hole completely disappeared, I sent a lot of energy to my wand and pointed it to the spirit. The tip of my
wand produced a blinding white light and struck the ghostly smoke. The spirit cried like it was in pain as the light
consumed it. I could actually see the face of the creature as it raised its head. It was a total skull. No eyeballs or
things. Like grim reaper. It raised its hands and I saw sharp bones like claws. It was struggling to reach for me but I
sent more energy.

"Chip!" I yelled. "What to do?"

"Destroy its essence!" he yelled back.

"How to?" I asked.

The spirit had escaped the binding and was aiming to strike me. I was distracted by its escape that I had let go of the
light. It almost got me but I dodged and my wolf had bitten its bony hand and hurled it away.

Chip bound it again.

I concentrated and collected more energy. Destroy its essence.


"Destroy its essence," I muttered and pointed my wand to the creature.

The moment I did that, a blinding red light struck the spirit and it quickly vanished in the air. The room was back to
normal like nothing sinister had happened.

It was a shock. Really not common for me. I didn't know that I could do such things. I had finally let go of all the
barrier and sank on a chair.

Chip was as astounded as I was. He, too, sank on the seat beside me. My wolf had laid itself by my feet.

"That was amazing," he said absently.

"Yeah," I agreed. "How did that happen?" I was awed by myself.

"You see. You are stronger than you think. You have mad skills," he answered with admiration. "Really."

"I didn't even know how I did all of that," I said. I really had no clue.

"There are lots of surprises in you," he replied.

I knew that spirits wander in the Astral plane but I didn't know how they were still able to do it if the portals could be
just closed. I still had lots of confusions about how things go with the spirits. I think I need some explanations.

"How are those spirits able to enter the world if the Protectors could just close the portals?" I asked. "Why did we
have to conjure the dark spirits if we could just trap them in there?"

"Look, you don't get it," he replied. "We're in the Astral plane now, right?"


"Those portals are from the spirit world. You couldn't just close them. They'll keep on reappearing. Once a portal,
always a portal. That portal was just temporarily closed but that will open again. And the only thing we could do to
keep those dark spirits from entering the astral world or even the real world was to destroy its essence, okay? They
could never come back again. The reason dark spirits are always coming back because someone was conjuring
them. They couldn't past through if not called. They couldn't do it themselves but once they were conjured, they'll
keep on coming back even if not called because you've already given them the ability. That's really dangerous so we
must destroy them."

"That makes sense," I replied. "How come there are no spirits wandering around yet?"

"They prefer the night to come out. Our night was actually kind of a daylight to them."

"That explains. But how do you know if a portal is used by a dark spirit?"

"The portal is dark."

Okay. Things were getting clearer. How come Chip knew a lot about these stuffs? He's really smart.

"How'd we know if this one's already safe? It's not visible." I pointed to the wall where the portal used to appear.

"Ask your dog. It sees it."

Okay. How would I do that?

I looked down to my wolf and it whined like it was bored.

"I guess that means it's already safe. How many left do you think?"

"I dunno. Let's just find out."

Chip stood up and I followed. It's still not over. We still had a lot of portals to clean. This would probably take forever. I
had to admit though. It was really epic. I never thought I'd experience an actual fight like that.

Chapter 7

Evil is Never Good

Me and Chip together with our spirit guides were already down the corridor when three ghostly figures blocked us.
They were just like the one we first encountered but they were larger.

I quickly got my wand raised. I effortlessly made a barrier like the one I used lately to box us all in.

"Where are these things coming from?" I asked. "I thought they tend to go out at night?"

I really didn't get how spirits act.

"I think they sensed us!" Chip answered.

"Dark spirits feed on living souls, if you don't know that yet. The conjurers often die because they're hard to control.
Imagine if they could pass to the real world."
I rolled my eyes. The spirit in the middle aimed for us but my wolf dragged it to the ground and started tearing it. It
wasn't long before my wolf was hurled away.

The other two advanced forward but I raised my wand and the white light from it stopped them, making them cry out
loud. Chip was fighting with the other one. I made the light more intense and then, I suddenly let go and shot the two
with the red light that I used to kill my first enemy. They vanished in an instant.

Chip was a fast learner because he was able to use the red light that took me long to ignite. I let go of the barrier
when we're finally done.

"Goddess, I don't think we need to find them anymore," I said. "They're coming for us."

"They are," Chip seconded.

We kept on encountering dark spirits as we went down. We would fight them and then, we would continue. It was so
awesome and fun. I was starting to like it very much.

We made a round through the whole three buildings: Omega, Alpha and Activity. The portals there were already
cleared. Most of the spirits just came to us. So, it was easier. We're down to our last building which was the

Night must have approached because I could finally see other ghostly figures. They were transparent but not black.
They were white, of course. Some looked sad while some looked as if they're just having a stroll. They eyed us as we
passed by but they didn't do anything bad. They just watched us like they were seeing freaks walk into their group of
normal people.

When we entered the cafeteria, I saw a lot of ghostly faces sitting on the benches. It was like they're actually talking.
Socializing. Wow.

There's nothing wrong in the cafeteria so we straightly proceeded to the accounting office at the second floor. There
was also nothing wrong there.

I started feeling uneasy when we reached the third floor. It was like something intense was going to happen. Like we
were going to face something big and evil. There were no ghostly faces in there but there were more dark spirits.
What I meant by more was really 'more'. There were lots of them ready to close us in. I was glad I could do the white
light thingy. It helped so much on repelling them.

After we got through them and made sure that the portals were clear, we continued to the fourth floor. There, in the
library, everything went stone cold. The air was kind of thick and heavy. It was hard to breathe in there. I could feel
that something evil and big was waiting. Something like a spirit world monster. Something like a fiend.

My heart seemed to stop when I saw something moved behind the last shelf. I gripped my wand tighter and my wolf
growled. Chip seemed to grow tense, too. He knew that it was different from what we'd encountered.

We were more stunned when we saw a shadow loomed over us. The shadow had the head of a man and the body of
a centipede. We turned around and saw that my suspicion had been right. It really had a head of a man but it had
blazing red eyes and long tusks. It was bald and had a pointed horn on the top of its head. It's poison-like green
saliva were dripping from its horrible Venus-flytrap-like mouth. And it's body was a centipede. It's really gruesome. A
monster. Its many legs were looking sharp and fatal. It was like it's going to rip my skin if it touches me. Its skin was
like a strong metal armor. The creature was scary and big.

"What is it?" I whispered to Chip.

"I don't know," he whispered back.

"What shall we do?" I asked.

"Same strategy."

I raised my wand and a barrier had been set. No escape now. No more running. Chip quickly bound it but it was too
strong to hold. Its loud cry was a mixture of a human cry and something unexplainable. It's really irritating and
frightening. I tried to move to fight but I couldn't. I was stuck. I couldn't even speak. It was like I was bound.

What's happening? I screamed in my head.

"Oh no." Chip swore under his breath. "It's channeling the binding to you. I must let go."

What are we gonna do?

"We'll fight."

Chip had drawn back his wand so I could already move. The monster lunged forward to Chip but my wolf got in the
way. It was effortless with how it shoved my wolf away to make its way to Chip. To my panic, I had shot a fire ball to
the creature. And to my surprise, it hit it.

It wasn't just a spirit. It had physical property. We could fight it physically. Anyways, the fire just bounced off its metal-
like skin.

"Chip, we can fight it!" I exclaimed.

"I can see it." He rolled his eyes.

Chip shot it with his own fire ball but the ball just bounced off again.

"Come on, there must be something," I muttered impatiently.

What could I do to kill it?

"Wait. Chip," I said. "Get out of the barrier."

"What?" he asked incredulously, protecting himself from the attack of the giant human-pede.
"I'm making a hole for you," I exclaimed. "Get out of the barrier!"

"Why?" He was giving me the are-you-crazy look.

"Just go and take the guides." It would be just me and the monster alone.

Chip didn't ask any more question. He just followed. I did make a little hole for the three of them to exit. The human-
pede was coming after them but it bumped to the barrier when I quickly closed it.

"Hey, ugly," I taunted it. "It would be just me and you and my barrier."

The monster aimed for me but I quickly dodged it. It was fast, of course, but I was faster. I shot its face with the fire
ball and it seemed to be blinded for a minute. I used that opportunity to bind it. I bound it with all my might and started
sending the pain it was looking for. I started torturing it. I curled my hand into a claw like I was actually squashing it
with invisible force.

It cried and howled in pain. It writhed and wriggled until it was finally curled up into a weak thing on the floor. I didn't
stop yet. I continued on torturing it. I made a little protective shield around me as I approached it just in case it
retaliates. The sight was really gruesome and horrifying. It was still crying but it was weaker. I knelt beside it and
looked into its gruesome face. I stopped myself from puking.

I readied my wand. I would let go of the torture and I would strike it to its death. I breathed in deeply and readied
myself. Then, I let go of the binding and impaled the tip of my wand into its eye deeply to reach its brain-if it had any-
and sent the red light to it. Next thing I knew, the room was already flooded with blinding light. I didn't know what
happened next. I just knew that there had been a loud cry and I had sent so much energy. After the light had
vanished, I pulled my wand back and saw before me a heap of ashes in the form of the human-pede monster.

I let go of the barrier and stood up unsteadily. I was about to fall when Chip's arms took hold of me. He held me there
for a minute and laughed softly.

Was he crazy? Or he really had mood swings?

"That was awesome," he whispered into my ear.

Okay. He was really good at playing coquette. I should admit that. Why here?

"Mirana wil be so proud of you," he said.

"Really?" I asked weakly.


"Humor me."

Chip's hand quickly went around my waist and pulled me closer to him, our body warm and soft against each other.
Really flirty.
"You think we should stay here for a while?" he whispered into my ear again. His breath there was making me
weaker. I thought my knees were going jelly.

I didn't know the answer. Really. I wanted to rest for a while and feel his warmth.

Goddess, why is Chip torturing me always?

It felt like it was just me and him always when we're together. Like I was actually in a world with him only. No more
other stuffs. I was even forgetting about my problems. What's pulling me to him?

Without any word, he leaned in and kissed me. Goddess, I missed that kiss. It's really hard to hold back from him.
Those times when I stopped myself was really a torment. But why?

I kissed him hungrily. My hands went around his neck, pulling him to me so that I could kiss him well. My fingers
played with his brown hair while I kissed him with intensity. The kiss was so delicious. Next thing I knew, Chip's hands
were already crawling their way up. It went inside my hoodie and touched my waist. Actually, it felt nice. It moved to
my back, smoothing it up until it reached the strap of my bra. That made me pull back.

"That," I said, eyes wide. "Was not really in my mind right now." I had dry humor in my tone.


"Sorry," he replied, running his hand through his hair. It was really messy from my play. "I didn't mean to-"

"Forget about it," I cut him off. I was still shocked from what had just happened. And I wasn't really not ready for those
kind of stuffs.

"We should go back now," he suggested. "They're probably waiting."

I rode on the back of my wolf so I could have a little rest. No one talked while we made our way out. When we
reached the quadrangle, I saw Mirana and Brianna, standing there in transparent form like the other ghostly faces. It's
because we're in the Astral plane. We could only see the spirits. Since me and Chip entered the plane in physical
form, we could see each other physically. But the ones in the physical world could only see us as spirits (if they are
clairvoyant) because we're in the Astral plane.

"They're here," said Mirana.

I jumped off my wolf and quickly sat on the ground. I meditated and quickly done it right. That was really fast.

The atmosphere was refreshing when I came back. It's not scary like the one I had before. When I opened my eyes,
the school was back to normal and the night sky was starry. I couldn't believe how time flew fast.

"Congratulations!" exclaimed Mirana. "You made it."

I stood up unsteadily and reached for my mom. She quickly hugged me back like she was really worried. Was she?
"We waited," said Brianna with a smile. "I sensed what had been in there." She pointed to the library. "That was a
spirit world guardian."

"Guardian?" I asked, pulling back. "Then how come it got there?"

"I don't know," Mirana answered. "But whoever summoned it, that one was very powerful. Anyways, a spirit world
guardian looks really gruesome but is completely harmless if not provoked."

What did we do to provoke it? Oh. I trapped it.

"So, what's gonna happen now?" I asked. "Are we going to have the next task?"

I was getting really excited about these tasks. Though I was still worried if these would be enough so I could take the

"I guess you'd have to take a rest first," Mirana suggested. "And besides, you haven't mastered your telekinesis yet."

"Oh." I forgot.

"It's a good job and a good partnership. Very good." She smiled.

"Thanks," I replied looking at Chip's direction.

Chip met my eyes and I felt a little uncomfortable from remembering what happened lately. What could have
happened if I didn't stop myself? Goddess, I didn't even want to know.

Chip had dinner with us but after that he went home right away. It was really awkward between us. I wished we would
be fine again by tomorrow.

After taking a very salty and rosy bath, I quickly went to my closet and jumped into my pajamas. I took Mr. Bram's
BOS and continued reading.

January 23, 1997

Alina asked me why wasn't I settling down yet. I didn't know what to tell her. I just don't know why I don't have the
need to settle down yet. Maybe I just haven't met the woman I needed or who would match me right. I don't know.
Maybe, I'll start finding her. Just maybe. Who doesn't want to meet his soulmate? Who doesn't want to settle down
with his true love? I know it'll come to me soon. I better go, they're havin' a little fun by the river. It would be great to
splash my worries away.


Wow. Mr. Bram was a real perfectionist. He wanted to find his soulmate. Well, I bet that lots of girls had fallen for her.
He was really gorgeous. I actually had gotten a crush on him.
Witches like the other Ancients don't get old because of this potion they drink to stop aging. They call it the 'Elixir of
Life.' So, witches can also retain their beautiful looks after hundreds of years after drinking it. Mr. Bram was the best
example for that. Too bad he wouldn't be able to see his soulmate anymore.

Like yesterday night, I had read about five entries. Nothing big. It was just all about his peeps and the fun they're

Okay. I think that's enough for the night. I better get some sleep.

After maybe an hour, I woke up. I had a very weird dream. I had a dream that I was singing. I sang, "There's a place
in the dark where the animals go, you can take off your skin and the cannibal glows..."

That was kind of pretty accurate. Weird dream. It was like I heard it really playing though it wasn't really. That was just
great. I might be really having 'The Sharpest Lives' of My Chemical Romance.

Goddess, life is really like a stone. It's hard

Chapter 8
Surprises are Inevitable

"Wake up, dear," Brianna said, poking my cheek. "Wake up."

"Why?" I groaned.
My body still ached from the magickal combat and my nerves were still raw from hearing the song in my head again
and again while I slept.
"I've got a surprise for you!" she whisper-shouted.
"What is it?" I managed, eyes still closed.
"Get up and take a bath first, dear. I'll wait downstairs."
"Okay," I mumbled.
After taking a long hot shower, I put on a black tank top and white pedal shorts. It wasn't like I was gonna do
something intense today.
When I reached the living room, I was surprised when I saw a very unexpected person. I ran to that person and
hugged him tightly.
"Uncle Aubrey," I exclaimed. "What a surprise! What brought you here?"
He let go and smiled at me with those deep green eyes. His dark brown hair was styled in spikes. He was really
gorgeous like Mr. Bram.
"Just visiting," he answered, guiding me to the sofa. "And I want to help, dear."
Aubrey was my mother's twin brother. He currently lives in Cobh, Ireland with my grandparents. Like Mr. Bram's
problem, he hadn't found the right girl for him yet.
We sat on the sofa while Mom was sitting on the armchair next to us. Mirana was on the opposite armchair. Teas
were served on the coffee table.
"Help in what? My training?" I asked jubilantly.
"Maybe." Aubrey shrugged. "But I'm really here to help in finding your father."
"Oh." Of, course.
"So far the Protectors are pointing to only one place, dearest," he said in his sweet English accented voice.
"What is it?" I asked eagerly.
"It's still ambiguous but it's in Washington Heights," he answered unsurely.
"That's the place of the New York pack," I exclaimed in surprise.
"I know." He nodded. "We already asked them for help to find your father but they refused. But..." He smirked. "They
agreed to help on hunting the savage werewolves."
"I really hate Kyro," said Mirana suddenly. There was contempt in her voice.
Kyro Ginova was the leader of the New York pack. I just didn't know a lot of things about him and I hadn't seen him
"Why?" I asked. There must be something about their past.
"Never mind." She waved a hand. "You just focus on your training. Leave it to us."
"But I want to help," I insisted. "It's me they want."
"That's why you should stay out of this because it's you they want. Irina, we can't lose you," she explained.
I'm being treated like a baby again.
"Please, understand," Mom consoled.
Aubrey rumpled my hair. "She's still a brat," he commented with a smile.
I sighed, rolling my eyes. I couldn't argue anymore. I knew I would just lose. But that didn't mean I was totally a loser.
I could still do something else to help. And I will.

I was in my room all morning, in front of my laptop. Vacation was almost over. I was going to school again. After
hours of searching for cute models of car on the net, I finally fell asleep.
I expected for some visit and I did. This was a different setting. I was in the Academia's American Literature
classroom. It used to be my room with Mr. Bram and Brent. It brings back so many memories to me.
I was sitting on my chair at the back. I was wearing a white flowing dress and was barefooted. Again. Why was I
always wearing a dress in my dreams?
A few minutes later, Brent arrived in a gray shirt and faded blue jeans with a sad expression on his face. It made my
heart break to see him like that. He pulled a chair and sat beside me.
"How's my father?" I asked. I wondered what they did to him.
"Not good." He shook his head. "They're not letting him feed."
That was really bad. My father might thirst for blood so much and might lose the control that he had taken so many
years to learn. It would be hard for him to be with humans again.
"Are they torturing him?" I asked, worry in my voice.
"No. At least not yet," he answered grimly.
Not yet. I could still save my father.
"Aren't you going to tell me where my father is?" I asked impatiently.
"Actually, I can only give you a hint and it's not about his location." He sighed.
"What is it then?" I demanded. I really needed to know sooner.
"This person can help you," he began. "He is very big. He knows everything. I just don't know if he'll give away free
"Why don't you just make it straight?" I practically shouted.
"I'm sorry. This is what I'm subjected to do. If I don't do this, my—" He stopped.
"Your what?" I prompted. What was it?
"Never mind." He looked away.
"Brent. You can tell me," I implored. I suddenly forgot about my own anger.
"I can't. It's dangerous."
I stood in front of him and pulled him up. He followed willingly like a marionette doll. I hugged him. I was surprised
when he started racking in sobs. I rubbed his back while I hugged tighter to make him feel better.
"Don't worry," I whispered. "I will help you as long as you'll help me, too. We can help each other, Brent. I'm here,
Brent. I'm here." My voice was breaking. My heart was breaking for him. I wanted so much to help him.
"I don't know," he replied dubiously. "I'm scared, Irina. I'm scared."
I pulled back and looked into his rueful blue-gray eyes. "Why? What's wrong?"
He looked down. "I'm scared that I might lose the people I love." He paused. "I'm already losing you."
I started crying, too. He would never lose me. Never. I don't want that to happen.
"You're not going to lose me, Brent." I kissed his forehead. "I'll always be here. No matter what happens, Brent. I will
always be here. I will wait for you. You're the only one I love," I asserted.
That's true. Even though Chip was always there to charm me, Brent will always be the one. He is the only one in my
heart. What I feel for Chip was just superficial. Brent was more than that. More than anything.
"I know. I feel it. But it's not enough, love," he replied, pulling away. "I want to be with you. If only I can do this forever,
I will. But I can't. We're here for a while but later we'll be back to reality. We can't be together, Irina."
Ouch. That hurts.
"I'll find you soon," I whispered, voice shaky. "I will free you from whoever that bastard is. I will get you and my father.
I will. I promise."
"Be careful," he whispered back.
He looked into my eyes and I felt that connection with him again. The love. He pulled me to him and kissed me. I
kissed back with passion and love. I wanted him so much to be with me. He was the only one who could make me
totally happy. Chip couldn't do that. Yes. He could charm me and make me laugh but it's not the same with Brent.
Brent's presence was all enough to make me feel light.
He is my love. My only love.
Brent finally pulled back and kissed my tears away.
"Be careful, Irina," he said. "The road will be rough for you."
"Take care of yourself, love" I replied, hugging him. "Take care of my father. I love you."
"I love you, too. Forever. Forever."
When I woke up, tears had actually crawled down my cheeks. I had been crying while sleeping.
I braced myself and cried harder. I'd never felt much pain in my life. It's really hard to be away from your love. It's
really torturing.
After my crying fit, I got some piece of papers and a scissor from my study table. I brought them with me back to my
bed. I cleared my mind for a minute and started concentrating. I was able to cut an oblong on my first attempt. It got
better and better until I could finally make a circle. The circle wasn't perfect but it was better than nothing. I took a
short break when I finally remembered what Brent told me about who could help me. I only know one big person who
knows everything.
Carl Thomson.
Carl Thomson was a famous witch in Masachussetts for his healing ability. More than that, he is rich and always
throws witch parties on Thanksgiving day. He lives in Carlisle and it's just easy to locate him.
I would have to keep this a secret mission. There's only one person who could help me in this without asking.

"Anna, can you pick me up at W eighty-sixth street later?" I asked through the phone.
Anna Pinewood was a member of my coven Phoenix. She was a Brazilian who transferred to Salem. She was the
friendliest witch ever.
"What time?" she asked excitedly.
Anna was the closest witch I got in the coven. Chip told me lots of Ancients wanted to be friends with me, the first
hybrid ever. That explains how happily Anna reacted.
"As soon as possible," I answered.
It was just two o' clock in the afternoon. If she'll be fast enough, I could expect her by five.
"Right away," she replied.
"And Anna?"
"Don't tell anybody you would meet me, okay?"
"Okay." There was doubt in her voice when she said that.
I pulled out a black cardigan and wore it over my tank top. I pulled out some money from my drawer—just in case I
would need them—and hurriedly tied my hair into a ponytail. I also got my wand hidden under my cardigan. I jumped
into my shoes and raced downstairs carefully and silently.
"Where are you going?" I heard Brianna say from the kitchen. She was really fast.
"Central Park," I answered casually. "Just getting some fresh air. Where's grand and uncle?"
"Out to Washington Heights. Don't get late."
"'Kay. See ya." I sighed. That was easy.
I walked into the streets with human slowness. I really did go to Central Park to kill time there. I sat by the Turtle pond
napping for hours until my phone rang.
"I'm near," said Anna.
"Okay." I ended the call quickly and checked at the clock on my phone. It was already five-thirty.
I went to the meeting place and saw Anna's silver Toyota Altis parked along the street. Anna was standing by her car
and waved her fair hand when she saw me. Her brown eyes were gleaming with glee and her sleek black hair was
tied into a ponytail.
"Where are we going?" she asked as I drew near.
"To Carlisle. Carl Thomson," I answered.
Her eyes went wide. "Why?"
"I'll explain to you on the road. There's time wasting."
We quickly got into her car and were hitting the highway in less than an hour.

"What's happening, really?" she asked, eyeing me on the rearview mirror. "Why do you need to see Carl Thomson?"
"You know my situation is dire, Anna," I answered. "I need to know where my Dad is. Someone told me I could get an
answer from him."
"I hope you know what you're doing, Irina," she said, worry in her voice. "Carlos is foxy. That's why even the
Protectors don't ask help from him."
"Don't worry. Nothing I can't handle," I replied confidently. I think I could handle foxy people.
We drove for almost three hours until Anna came to a stop to a very big house. It was like a mansion. Or was it a real
mansion? Anyways, it's cool.
"Is that where he lives?" I asked, looking at it through the car window.
"That is," Anna answered.
Wow. Carl is really a big time.
Anna turned off the engine and got off. I inhaled deeply for a few seconds and finally went out to follow her.
The mansion had a total grandeur. It was enormous and elegant. I felt so small walking on those stone steps. It was
like I was going to face a king. I became more nervous when we were finally standing in front of the beautifully carved
golden double wooden doors. Anna pushed the what-seemed-to-be-the-doorbell three times.
After a what-seemed-to-be-forever, the door opened and a little boy with a long curly golden hair and blue eyes
welcomed us. He was wearing a formal dark black blazers with a ruff, a pair of black shorts and a pair of black leather
shoes with white knee-high socks. He looked so formal. Did he come from the British royalty?
"Come in, miladies," he said in his formal-toned little voice.
"Nice," Anna muttered under his breath as we came in.
The boy closed the doors and walked along my side.
"Thank you," I said to the boy. "What's your name?"
"I'm John." He smiled.
"What's your relationship with Mr. Thomson?" I asked politely.
"Nothing. My father just left me here." He frowned. "My father's dead and I don't know where my mother is."
"Oh. I'm so sorry."
"It's fine. Anyways, Master Carlos has been waiting for you."
"He's expecting us?" I asked.
"Yes." He nodded his little head. "Since yesterday."
"I told you." Anna jostled me.
The place was really beautiful. Paintings with expensive-looking frames were stuck on the red walls. We made our
way up to the red carpeted stairs until we reached the what-seemed-to-be-the-parlor. There were red velvet-covered
couches and armchairs. There was a counter at the corner. There were bottles of liquor there. It must be the bar.
We sat on one of the couches and John already left us.
"This place is so cool," Anna whispered.
"Yeah. It's like a palace," I whispered back.
After a few minutes, the double-doors at the far side opened and produced a tall man in a dark blue suit, black fitted
slacks and black leather boots. He had a waxed spiky black hair and stunning green eyes. He had a silver pentacle
necklace, a silver earring on his right ear and another one on his lower lip. I also noticed that his fingers on his right
hand were full of rings. There was a smile on his face when he saw us. He was god-like. Now I know why he is
popular. Being ageless is really awesome, huh? I wonder how long he had been a teen.
"Hey, ladies," he greeted as he sat on the couch opposite to us.
"I'm really sorry to disturb you, Mr. Thomson," Anna said. It was evident on her face that she was really stunned.
"Please," he replied. "Call me Carlos. It's too formal. May I offer you some drink?"
I'm glad he got that. That would be nice if I weren't having any trouble right now.
"Carlos, I don't want to waste more time," I said. "I want your help."
"I know," he said with a grin, his white teeth looking cute. "I can help you." He paused. "But, on one condition."
Here it is. The thrilling part.
"You'll bring to me John's brother and we'll discuss the further stuffs after that," he declared.
"What? How the hell will I know his brother?" I asked incredulously.
How am I supposed to do that? How would I know?
"You'll know it for sure." He shook his head and looked thoughtful for a minute. "That boy had already done a lot. He
has to be punished. I couldn't believe he would turn out like that. I gave him a chance." He paused.
Is he talking to himself?
"Anyways, let's forget about that. We can think about that after your own problem. Let's hear your question first."
"Hey, I didn't agree on it yet," I protested. How would I know if he was just deceiving me to do some capricious acts
for him?
"Take it or leave it?" he offered with a gallant smile.
Oh, Goddess. What would I do? Is this my only chance? Shall I take it? It's too risky. But...I might never have the
chance like this anymore. I still wanted to see my father alive.
"I—I'll take it," I answered reluctantly.
"Good. That's a deal." He grinned. "Now, your question?"
"I want to know where my father is, who or what his captor is. I want to know how will I get to him," I recited without
"Very simple, dearest." He raised his brows. "Look into your history."
"What?" I asked unbelievably. "I thought you're going to tell me straightly. I don't have time for puzzle-solving stuffs."
"That's better, dear," he replied. "That's the best thing I could give you. I don't want to be involved in your fights." Just
as much as the Protectors didn't want him to be.
He was really crafty. If only I could take back my words. But I couldn't. It's my honor and I couldn't lose my honor. I
never thought I would just get that kind of answer.
"Just another clue," I implored.
"Just find the answer in your history," he insisted. "In the time when the two warring kinds united."
"You're so poetic," I drawled, rolling my eyes.
"It's my job to be." He smiled.
"Okay." I sighed. "I got what I needed. Thanks."
"Your always welcome, milady Sigrid," he said in a gentlemanly way. "Just don't forget what I said. Find John's
brother. Bring him to me."
Goddess, he even knew my craft name. Did he have connection with my killer? Nah. It was Brent's doing. He was the
one who told Carlos that I would need help.
"Okay." I nodded.
I didn't know how I would find this brother of John. I think that's really complicated. It was so unfair. I shouldn't have
agreed on that. Anyways, I have to find answers to my problems first before I think about that.

"It's really late. I think you should stay with me for the night," suggested Anna.
It was already dark and we're driving in the highway.
"Okay. I'll just call Mom," I replied, pulling out my phone from my pocket. I had turned it off to keep anyone from
calling me.
"Irina? Do you want me to help?" she suddenly asked.
I could see her worried look on the rearview mirror.
"No. No. Thank you so much, Anna," I answered quickly. "You've already done enough. It was so nice of you. Just
please, don't tell anyone where we had gone today. Don't tell anything."
"Promise." She smiled.
"Thank you." I smiled back. "Where are your parents?"
"Oh." She frowned. "Back in Brazil. They'll be back by Saturday."
"Why didn't you come with them?" I asked curiously.
"I wanna stay here. And besides, its vacation," she answered, smiling. "It's more fun here in Salem than in Brazil.
They don't like me there. Salem witches are actually nice."
"That's good."
Oh. I've got to call Mom. I quickly dialed her number and she picked up in an instant.
"Irina. Goddess, where have you been? I'm so worried," she said. The worry was really evident in her voice.
"Sorry, Mom," I replied. "'Twas unexpected. Anna didn't have anyone with her tonight. Her parents were out of the
country. She needed some company."
That wasn't a lie.
"You silly girl. Are you in Salem?" she asked. She knew Anna lived in Salem.
"Yeah. Don't worry, Mom," I asserted. "I'll be fine."
"Okay. Don't do it again or I'll really scry for you," she warned.
My mom scrying for me was the last thing I wanted.
"Try," I teased.
"Oh, I'll try." She laughed softly. "I have to go. Mirana's calling me. Bye."
"Bye. Love you," I said.
"Love you," she replied. Then, the line went dead.
I would have to do a lot of researching. If Carlos were right, then it would be a tough work. Two warring kinds, huh?

Chapter 9
Mysteries are Hard to Unveil

I only knew two wars that had ended up in unity. The first one was the witch war during my great-great-grandmother's
time and the vampire-werewolf war during my grandmother's time. Either of those two could be.
It could be the first one where in the two warring covens could still be holding grudge for each other. The war
occurred because they learned the existence of Alina Ferning, the last Ulfen at that time. They had a war on claiming
her. It only ended when Ares and Selena were born and fathered by Gabriel Nightshade from the other coven. The
two covens united because of that. That ended the feud.
The vampire-werewolf war had always been on the background. It had been there even before Alina's time. It was the
reason the Ulfens died out. Ulfens would have been extinct now if not for Alina.
Anyways, the war was pursued by Selena. That's one of the reasons she established the Guild. She wanted to
destroy all the savage vampires. Then, it was Mirana who stopped it. She had led the war and ended up with an
alliance with the Notaka and Venura vampires. That started the unity. So far I hadn't heard of any bad encounter
between the werewolves and vampires until my father and his friends got ambushed by the savage werewolves. Not
all Ancients could abide with the law and everyone knows that.
Now what? Is it the vampire-werewolf war? Where can I find the answer there?
Anna lent me some of her clothes so I was painstakingly wearing a spaghetti-strapped yellow top and short shorts.
She took me home after breakfast. I told her I'd just teleport but she insisted on driving so I let her. We had a
conversation about her family and her life in Brazil. I really enjoyed her company even though I couldn't call her as my
No one's home when I arrived. They must have all gone to Washington Heights. Again. I had nothing else to do so I
just practiced cutting a perfect circle. It took me hours and it was fun because I was already very close to perfection.
When I got really bored, I thought I'd just try the thing I found from Mom's BOS. The 'Consumption'.
I went down to the circle room and got a white taper candle. I would do the same thing my mom did. I sat at the table
and lit the candles. I started staring at the flame. Yes. It was really boring and blinding. Mom was right about the
fatigue and pain. It felt like my eyes were actually burning, swelling. When I tried to look away, I would see things
clearer and sharper. Mom was also right with that. An hour must have already passed because my eyes felt like really
dry. It felt like they were going to tear when I tried to close them.
This was the scary and agonizing effect. Goddess, it's painful. I snuffed the candle and quickly squeezed my eyes
shut and felt the pain crawl to my head. I stood up, eyes still closed and went upstairs to the kitchen. I kept on
fumbling and relying to my senses so I could make my way right. When I got there, I opened the faucet and splashed
water on my face.
I tried opening them and when I got it, I couldn't help but become teary-eyed. I went upstairs to have a rest. I never
thought that would be 'that' painful. That's crazy. Who's fool enough to do that? What would be the use of that? Do I
really need to cut myself for that?
I pulled out my phone and saw that I had three messages. The two came from Camille, telling me that she would be
coming back by Sunday. The other one was from an unknown number.
Okay. Who is it?

Academia at 10pm. Don't bring anyone with you.

Oh. What is this? Some kind of meetup? A trap? What would be waiting for me there? Who could this be?
I went back to my room and continued on training my telekinesis until I got tired. I was almost there but I dropped the
scissor when the door swung open.
"Why didn't you tell me that you'd leave?" Chip asked, hurt in his voice.
He entered my room and closed the door behind him like it was just a casual thing to do.
"Do you mind knocking?" I asked back, raising a brow.
I was kind of pissed from his interruption. I was almost there but he ruined it.
"You didn't mind telling me where you have been," he countered sarcastically, still standing like a boss.
I huffed and put my things aside to my study table.
"What is your problem, huh?" I asked, voice raised. "Why, is it really big for you to know where I go? Don't you trust
me going on my own?" I looked at him disappointedly.
He stared at me for a second and sighed, running his hand through his hair. A sign of exasperation and anxiety.
"I trust you, Irina," he finally said, sitting on my bed. "I'm just really worried about you. I just wanted to make sure
you're safe."
Did he really care for me that much? Yeah. He had most of the missed calls when I turned on my phone last night.
I didn't look at him. I avoided meeting his eyes. I didn't want to remember what happened to us last training. Which
reminds me. We're in my room. Goddess, it's really not good for him to be here especially now that I'm alone.
"Don't you trust me?" he asked.
That made me think. Did I trust Chip? I don't know. I had trusted him at the worst of my times. Even with my life. He
didn't fail me. But why didn't I tell him about my new mission? My simple and life-threatening mission? Have I had
enough of the treachery to give him my whole? Was I afraid to be hurt again for trusting so much? Or I just really
wanted this mission to be my own?
I shook my head, still not looking at him. "I don't know," I admitted.
"Why?" His hand reached to my chin and made me look at him.
"I don't know," I repeated, trying not to focus on his face. "Maybe, I'm—"
"You're afraid to be betrayed again," he cut me off.
"Maybe." I don't know. I'm not sure if that's the real reason.
"Come here." He opened his arms for me. "Tell me about your problem."
Am I going to tell him, really? Maybe I could fabricate.
I stayed where I was. I didn't think I could handle some playtime. Chip frowned at this but he just sighed.
"I'm sorry," he muttered. "I know I've been acting like a total jerk these past days."
Wow. He did admit it.
"I'm sorry if I'm acting like I really own you," he continued when I didn't respond. "Look, I don't understand us, Irina. I
don't know what's happening between us."
I don't know it, too.
"I'm doing my best to prove you that you can always trust me. I'm doing everything to let you know that I really love
you." He sounded so hopeless. "I don't understand your signals. You kiss me but then you would leave me undone.
That's really unfair. You're confusing me. Sometimes I get to think that you're just using me."
He just told me his side of the story and I turned out as the player. Wow. Am I really that rude? What do I really want?
Do I want Chip in my life or not? Is my mom right that it's better for me to just choose him as my partner? Chip is the
most perfect guy a girl would want for her life. He's smart. He's gorgeous. He's very loving, understanding and
patient. Not to mention that he's also rich and a very good kisser. And most of all, he's a good witch. What more could
I ask for?
Oh, Goddess, I don't know. I'm really, really overwhelmed.
"I'm not using you," I finally said, pulling my knees up to my chest. I hugged them like they were my shield. "I'm just
really confused." I paused. "I know sometimes I make you feel like that but no. Chip, I appreciate all the things you do
for me. Thank you. But I'm not using you." I sighed. "You can't blame me. You know my situation. You can't make me
change my heart in an instant. I'm not playing around. You know how hard it is for me. Chip, I loved and I was
betrayed. You can't remove the doubt from me. It's hard for me to love again."
I hoped I sounded true because it was just half-true. The real reason I wasn't ready was because I still love the
person who betrayed me. That makes it hard for me to love another person. I still love Brent and he still loves me.
That's the truth that I can never falsify.
"I understand," replied Chip. He seemed to believe me. "I'm sorry if I'm getting really hurried. I know it was hard for
you but I couldn't help thinking that I'm just waiting for nothing."
I'm so sorry, Chip but that could be possible if things turned out pretty well between me and Brent after my problem.
"It's alright." I smiled. "I'm sorry, too for making you feel bad." That was the most sincere apology I'd ever given. "I'm
sorry for hurting your ego."
I guessed it was time to forget about the drama. It's really not cool. It would be better to turn up the playful
conversation back. Sadness wouldn't help me.
Chip quickly changed into a total maniac. I could see it on his face. "Yes, I was really hurt and you're gonna need to
pay for it." He grinned.
Oh, no. It's gonna be bad.
"How is that?" I drawled.
"With this."
I was really surprised and shocked when he strongly pulled on my feet, making me lie on my back. I was about to
stand up but he already jumped on top of me. Me under him and his body against mine was totally making me weak
to the bones. It was an awkward position but really, really exciting. Talk about a flirt.
He held my hands to my sides with his. It was easy for me to kick him off me but I couldn't do it. It felt like he had
taken away all my strength. He was my kryptonite. He looked at me with those cunning blue eyes and smiled like a
"How does it feel like to be overpowered, my princess?" he asked in a very low, seductive voice.
"Amazing," I answered. I didn't expect that to come out of my mouth.
"Really?" He raised a brow. "Anyways, let's get my payback."
He didn't let me speak anymore. He quickly took my lips with his and started kissing me. Of course, I kissed back. My
hands really wanted to touch his hair but he kept his hold on them. I really loved kissing him though I knew it was just
driven by this hateful thing they called lust. It wasn't a kiss of love for me. I didn't know for him.
He pulled back. "I love you, princess," he muttered against my lips.
I didn't know what to say. I didn't think I feel the same way. But I wanted to make him feel that I wasn't wasting his
"I—" I began but he went back on kissing me.
"I wasn't expecting you to say it back," he muttered. "I'm not hurrying you. Just enjoy it."
Okay. That was a relief.
He had finally let go of my hands so they quickly aimed for his hair. I really enjoyed messing it up while we kissed. I
bet he enjoyed it, too. I couldn't help but gasp when his hand went to my waist inside my shirt. It felt so nice. It started
tracing the contour of my waist until it went down tracing my hip and thigh.
His kisses became more passionate and hungry. He kissed my chin, the columns of my throat, my neck and even my
collar bones. It was fine for me as long as he wouldn't go overboard.
"I want you so badly, Irina," I heard him say as he kissed the back of my ear.
He wanted me but I couldn't just let him. I couldn't. I had my own limitations.
"I want you to be my wife," he muttered.
Wife? What? I'm too young for that.
"Isn't it too early to think of that?" I managed, eyes closed.
"Why?" He bit my earlobe. "Are you scared?"
"No," I mumbled. "I'm just not ready for that." How the hell did that subject come up?
"Well, tell me if you already do."
He returned on kissing my lips. It was really awesome. Now I know why making out was fun. I was so succumbed
with the blissfulness that it took me long to realize that Chip's hand was already unbuttoning my shorts.
I pushed him off me. "What, in Hecate's name, do you think you're doing?" I asked, securing my shorts' button.
"I—I'm sorry," he stammered. "I wasn't thinking straight. I'm sorry." He looked so appalled from his own act.
The atmosphere became really awkward. I wasn't ready for that kind of thing. I wasn't ready for that stage. I might be
agreeing on making-out but I wasn't a bitch to just give myself away that fast. I had some decency in myself.
"I'm really sorry," Chip said again. "It was really an emotional drive. I'm so sorry."
"Never mind." I sighed. "Any word from what Mirana will give us next?
"Nah." He ran a hand through his hair.
I must admit it. It got really messy and made him sexier.
"How's your telekinesis?" he asked.
"Fine. I was about to finish my 'perfect' circle when you came in." I rolled my eyes.
"I'm sorry." He smiled.
"Yes?" He raised a brow.
"Can I ask you something?" I cocked my head to the side. I needed to take away the awkwardness.
"What do you think could be the other possible reasons why my killer wanted to kill me?" I mused.
I knew I could get answers from Chip. He was really smart.

Chapter 10
Well—Deep Well

"Maybe he wants to make a threat to the Ulfens," Chip answered unsurely. "I mean, look, if he can kill the hybrid then
he could kill all of the Ulfens."
I nodded. "Why would he want to kill the Ulfens?"
I think I'm getting the answer to my question.
"Because he thinks the Ulfens are so self-righteous for controlling the Ancients?" He looked at me with his what-are-
you-trying-to-point-out look.
"You really think that?" I frowned.
"No." He shrugged. "Ulfens are actually nice and cool. They keep everything in order."
"Okay, back to my killer." I clapped. "Why do you think my killer hated the Ulfens for controlling everything?"
"Because he doesn't get the freedom. He's losing the action," he answered.
"That's right," I exclaimed. "So what do you think is my killer? A vampire or a werewolf?"
"A vampire?" He raised a brow.
"No! It's a werewolf!" I exclaimed in conclusion.
"How do you say so?" he asked.
"Because, he got a pack of wolves ambush a group of vampires where in my father was there," I explained. "Are you
getting my point?"
Actually, I'm confused, too.
"Yeah." He nodded. "You think your killer wants to kill you one-by-one to disband the Guild. But how can you say he's
a werewolf if there are witches involved, too? Come on, you said that he has been entering your dreams. So, he's a
I forgot about that thing but I was still sure about my conclusion. I was sure it had to do with the vampire-werewolf
war. There were no witches involved there. Witches don't want to involve themselves in wars especially with other
kinds. I knew this killer was a werewolf because he runs a pack of werewolves and he threatens witches to work with
him. The best example for those were Brent and Mr. Bram. Mr. Bram was threatened by werewolves. My killer wasn't
the one who visits me in my dream. It was just his servants. My killer was an Alpha werewolf. A leader.
"I'm sure," I insisted. "My killer is a werewolf and he just gets some witches to work for him by threatening them."
"I'm not following." Chip shook his head.
"Why?" I frowned.
"You don't have the proof."
"I have!" I exclaimed, remembering my encounter with a werewolf in the Hunter Island during my hiking trip with
Brent. It was so stupid. That should have already tipped me off. Why hadn't I realized it before? "Remember my
hiking trip in Hunter Island? You were there, Chip!"
"I know. I killed the werewolf." He nodded. "But that isn't enough proof."
"It talked to me, Chip," I insisted. "It said its master sent it to kill me. Chip, a werewolf's master is its Alpha!"
"Are you telling me that there's a pack of werewolves that are trying to start a little rebellion?" he asked, raising a
"They had already started when they took my father!" I practically shouted. "And they are still out there, planning their
next moves! I must get to them, Chip. I must stop them before they could do something else. More and more will die if
they won't be stopped."
"Okay, okay. Calm down." He touched my shoulders. "We'll tell the Protectors about this."
"But Chip, if you tell them, there would be a war!" I reasoned. "It's better if I just do it myself. I'm their fire to their hay,
"Irina," he said in a warning tone. "I know what you're thinking. Don't do it. It's dangerous."
"I don't care." I shrugged off his hands. "I'll do anything to keep everything in balance. I need to get my father. I need
to save more lives."
"Are you crazy?" Chip asked me incredulously. "That's very immature of you."
"Instead of chastising me, why don't you just help?" I demanded in voice of authority. "I need to know who this Alpha
"You're really insane," he remarked.
"I'd go insane for the safety of others, Chip especially if I'm the key to stop this." I sighed. "Are you with me?"
He sighed, too. "Okay."
Chip went home after that. I told him to help me do a little research. I knew I could trust him with those stuffs.

Mom, Grandma and Uncle arrived in the evening. They looked exhausted especially Grandma. She looked mad.
"What happened?" I asked.
We were having a dinner and everyone seemed so silent so I decided to break the ice.
"Your Grandma had an argument with her ex-lover," Uncle Aubrey answered with a playful smile.
"Stop it, Aubrey," my mom warned him. "Kyro isn't making any progress. It was like he didn't even care for our case. If
I hadn't known better, I would think that he is covering up for them."
Okay. That's a clue. I could use that.
"We can't be sure," Mirana finally said. "You know how much he hated me. Maybe he's just really aggravating me."
"Why does he hate you?" I asked.
"It's a long story." She waved a hand. "Just mind your own training. We'll have your next task tomorrow."
Why did Kyro hate my grandma? Was there something I needed to know? I think I should know about it but I had to
face my 'admirer' first later at the Academia. I wondered who that was.

After changing into a black tee and faded blue jeans, I quickly got Mr. Bram's BOS to read while I was waiting for
everyone to fall soundly asleep.

Feb. 2, 1997

Our Imbolg celebration was fun. There were lots of drinks and cakes. Really delicious. There were also other witches
from the Moonrider coven. I met the most beautiful girls from them. There was Selena Nightshade, daughter of our
high priestess. She's really beautiful. Do you know what's her craft name? Her name's Iduna! Iduna, the keepers of
the apples of youth in Asgard from the Norse mythology. Only her hair was dark. Anyways, she's really attractive. Too
bad she was already married and had a daughter that was as beautiful as her. Her name's Mirana Denori. A fair-
haired maiden. I couldn't call her a maiden anymore because she was also already married. Too bad. Her daughter
was not with them because she's busy tending for the hybrid. Goddess, I'm so curious about that hybrid. Anyways,
the whole celebration was awesome. I heard that the Densworths are back in town. Where have they been? I also
heard that they already had a son. I'm excited to meet that
little warlock.


Oh. Wow. He really admired my family.

I read more of his entries but they were just about his practice of shamanism. I never thought Mr. Bram would be like
that. Every night I read his BOS, the more I knew him deeply. It was really hard to believe he had been deceived by
my killer.
Whoever you bastard, you will pay!

It was already quarter to ten. I cast my senses out and found that they were already asleep so I turned to my own
mission. I sat on my bed peacefully, concentrating. Of course, I would just teleport to that place. After a few minutes
of calming myself down and concentrating, I finally got the teleportation. I drifted into a what-seemed-to-be-an-
endless-void until I finally set my foot on the ground of the Academia's quadrangle.
It was cold, of course, and dark. I knew the spirits were already walking in the Astral plane but I couldn't see them. I
wasn't clairvoyant.
I waited there, standing, until finally I heard soft footsteps approaching.
"What are you doing here?" said an annoying familiar voice behind me.
"I should ask you that, Chloe," I answered, turning around. "Are you the one conjuring the dark spirits?"
"What?" She raised a brow. "Are you kidding?"
"No." I'm serious.
"Look, I'm here to practice my craft, okay?" she explained. "I don't meddle with the dark spirits."
"Why practice here?" I asked, raising a brow.
"Duh? Academia. A place of power for the witches. I could practice better here," she answered in a matter-of-fact
"What are you practicing?" I asked curiously.
"Dream walking."
Dream walking? I wanted to learn that.
"How'd you know how to do it?" I asked.
"Mr. Bram used to teach us."
Us. That must have been her and Brent. "Oh."
"Why are you here anyway, hybrid?" she asked.
"Stop calling me that. I have a name," I protested. "I'm here to meet someone."
"Really? Who would that be?" She raised a brow.
I was astounded to see three huge wolves coming toward us. Werewolves.
"That..." I pointed behind her. "Would be them."
Chloe spun around. "Are they your friends?" she asked, pulling out her wand.
Wow. Now I know why wands are handy.
"No one I know about," I answered.
I forgot to bring my wand with me. I didn't need it anyway.
The wolf in the middle was black while the other two flanking it were gray. Their yellow gold eyes were intently eyeing
"Should we fight them?" asked Chloe.
Wow. She used 'we'.
"That's the best thing to do," I answered.
The one in the middle lunged forward but I bound it quickly. The two other went for Chloe but she shot them with fire
balls. They dodged effortlessly.
Finish them, I told Chloe.
"Really?" She turned to me.
Just do it.
She nodded and started shooting balls of fire to the wolves but they kept on dodging. I couldn't just watch them play. I
had a work of my own.
I formed my hand into a claw and started closing it to squeeze the black wolf. It cried out in pain but I ignored it.
"Who's your master?" I demanded.
My master? The wolf retorted in my head.
It was a male.
You should know it!
"Who's your master?" I asked again, tightening the bind. It lied weakly on the ground.
I wouldn't tell you even if you kill me. You won't get anything from me, it answered.
"Last chance, wolf," I warned.
It would be my honor. It laughed.
Okay, that's it.
"I'm sorry," I said, shooting a bolt of lightning to it.
It burst in fire. After a few minutes, there was only a heap of ashes and bones left. I turned to Chloe and saw that she
was also finished with her job.
"What are these werewolves doing here?" she asked, panting.
"I don't know." I shook my head. "Whoever sent them, he was taunting me."

Chapter 11
Hunters are Sometimes Hunted

"Could you keep everything what happened as a secret?" I asked Chloe.

"What's your plan?" She raised a brow.
"Just keep it." My voice was stern.
"Okay. You owe me one."
I didn't know if I was using compulsion or I was just really good at convincing people. Everything's going well
according to plan.

I went home exhausted and fell asleep right away when my back touched the softness of my bed. I was waiting for
any dream visit but there was nothing. That was nice.
I woke up next morning feeling so light-headed. I felt so hot like I was totally burning. My body ached. I couldn't bear
to move. I fumbled for my phone. It was already ten in the morning. Why aren't they waking me up? I thought we have
a training today?
I tried to stand up but my head really ached. Was it the effect of the candle? I should really learn that consumption
thingy soon. I dragged myself to the bathroom and got a very, very cold shower. It was so refreshing but my head still
ached. Goddess, what am I supposed to do?
I pulled on a pair of jeans and black tee, of course. I went downstairs but I saw no one. That was odd. I went to the
kitchen and got myself a glass of milk and a sandwich. After that, I went down to the circle room to continue my
consumption training even though my head really ached.
I lit up a candle and started staring at it. It was the same as yesterday. My sight became sharper but my head and
eyes ached.
When I couldn't bear the pain anymore, I fumbled for the sword on the table and sliced deep wounds on my arm.
Yeah. The hell it was painful but I already forgot the pain in my head.
"Take away the pain. Take the pain away," I muttered through my gritted teeth.
I realized that my arm was still bleeding when I looked at it. Goddess, the sword was made of silver! Wounds caused
by silver are hard and slow to heal. I don't know how to heal wounds caused by silver!
I quickly stood up, snuffing the candle, and went upstairs to the kitchen, holding my bleeding arm. It was really
painful. So stupid!
I placed my wound under the running water of the faucet. I looked at it and I couldn't help but feel soggy. They were
three deep and bloody wounds. Goddess, what have I done? My mom is sure going to be mad at me.
I wrapped a cloth around my wound and went upstairs to patch it up. Later, I heard the front door open. I pulled on a
jacket to hide my wounds. I raced downstairs and welcomed my family. I hoped they wouldn't notice my stupidity.
"Hi!" I greeted with a smile.
"Why do I smell fresh blood?" Mirana asked.
Aubrey had grabbed my arm and pulled up the sleeve, exposing the bloody cloth.
"What did you do?" Mirana asked. She didn't look surprised. Instead, she looked amused.
"I know what you're trying to do, dear," Brianna said with a smile. Wow. She didn't look concerned.
"And you didn't do it right." Mirana shook her head.
She reached for my arm and removed the cloth. Without any word, she touched my wounds and they started
disappearing like nothing had happened. She was really awesome.
"Next time, ask," she said when she finally let go of my arm. "There's nothing wrong with asking."
"I'm sorry." I cringed.
"Come on," Aubrey invited us to sit.
We sat right away.
"So, what happened?" I asked excitedly.
"Kyro is being hard." Mirana shook her head. "He said he's already losing his pack from the hunt. They were dying in
"How is that?" I raised a brow.
"They were being killed by unknown witches." Mirana sighed.
Okay. This was getting a little confusing. Who could be those witches? It meant my killer and his people were on the
move. They were already making their move. Oh, Goddess, Brent must have been one of those witches. But why?
"Kyro said he couldn't help anymore. He couldn't lose more of his pack," Brianna explained. "He didn't want to help us
anymore. We're already on our own."
That dog. Why was he being so mean to us?
"Why is he like that?" I asked.
"He hates vampires," Aubrey answered.
Okay. Kyro hates vampires. It only means that he didn't want to help us because we're just searching for a vampire.
It's either he wasn't hunting at all or he was covering up for them. But I needed more proof. I couldn't just jump into
conclusions that fast. It's still wasn't clear for me why his pack was diminishing in number. Maybe he was helping but
thought that it would be useless after all. There's only one thing to confirm if he's the one. I'd try this different aspect.
If he's my killer, then he would be befriending the Protectors to avoid suspicions. The closer the enemy, the blinder
the victim gets.
"Is Kyro close with any other Ancients aside from the werewolves?" I asked.
"No. He's really not friendly. He didn't care about anything," Brianna answered. "Why?"
Okay. Maybe I was wrong. He just didn't care about anything. Just like Carlos. He stays out of everything. Maybe I
had been wrong. Maybe he's just really worried about his pack. I needed to get some proof. I knew I could do
something to know all about these stuffs.
"Nothing." I shrugged.
"Anyways, if you want to learn the consumption, you ask me to teach you, okay?" Brianna reminded.
"Okay." I nodded.
I should really stop hasting everything. Just like the mistake that I'd done with my arm, I shouldn't jump into
conclusions without learning enough information. Stupid of me.

I had a little meditation in my room until I fell asleep. Of course, as expected, I had a visitor. My killer. I was in a
meadow with everything dark. No moon. Just darkness. Just the grass the cold wind and my dress.
"I hear you're already getting a hunch," it said in its soft voice. "Of who I am."
"I'm almost near," I replied. "I'll get to you soon."
"Really?" it teased. "I can't really wait."
I knew this isn't my killer. It was just a witch. My killer is a werewolf. I knew it.
"How's your pack going?" I asked.
"My pack?"
"I heard you're already losing your number. Mind if I count the ones I killed with my own hands?" It was like it was
biting onto it. I was right.
"What are you talking about?"
"Oh, come on. Stop playing me." I rolled my eyes. "I know you're just a stuff of my 'real' killer."
"How can you say so?" Its voice was already alarmed.
I got it. Point for me.
"I just know it. So beware. Warn your Alpha. I'll come for you."
It was evident that I totally caught it off guard. I was about to chastise it more but I was already back in my room. My
suspicions were right. The only thing I had to do next was to confirm the identity of my killer.

It was six in the evening when my coven arrived. We used to have our meetings in Carlisle but since things got a little
intense, they decided to hold the circle in our house. There were only six of us. Me, Chip, Anna, Matt, Alisa and
Maricar. Matt Chase was the younger brother of Eddie and Tom who died during my captivity. He had a dark brown
hair and hazel brown eyes. He was really nice and I really felt so bad for him. It was my fault he's now alone.
Alisa and Maricar Devoun were the twins from Quebec. They both had strawberry blonde hair and pale green eyes.
Alisa had played a kind of big role when she scried for my killer. It was her doing that we found out how strong my
killer was. Thanks to her.
We were gathered in our circle room. The atmosphere was very intense. We might be smiling but we were all feeling
anxious. These people had been with me. They protected me. It's my turn to return the favor. I have to defend them. I
wouldn't let the sacrificed lives go to waste. I needed to avenge them.
I sat in the circle between Chip and Anna. It's our first coven meeting since the incident. We were all healing.
Everyone was.
"We are gathered here tonight to do a healing circle," Chip began in voice of authority. "We will take away all the pain,
the grief and the sorrow that had been dwelling within us. Let's forget about the bad things. Let's all move on. We're
going to face more challenges and we need to be strong."
I heard Matt sob. I wanted to take away his pain. He was still grieving from the death of his brothers. I couldn't blame
him. It's my fault. It's my existence that had caused to this.
"Goddess, Mother of all things, help us," Chip chanted.
"Goddess, help us," we responded in unison.
"God, Father of all things, strengthen us."
"God, strengthen us."
Our circle went on peacefully. The magick-raising ritual was fun but it wasn't enough to cover up for the pain. Yes. It
really helped to take away some sadness but it could never bring back the wholesome happiness in our hearts. I was
condemned to remember all the pain I'd caused to everyone.
After the circle, everyone went home right away except for Chip, of course.
Me and him sat at the stone table in the garden. We're both silent. He must be thinking deeply or just letting me on
my own.
"What's your guess?" I asked, breaking the ice.
"Guess?" He raised a brow.
"Who could be my killer?" I asked again. I already had a suspect. It could be Kyro. I just really needed to confirm it
but I didn't know how to.
"Okay." He sighed. "Let's say your killer is really a werewolf but why don't he just send out his pack to kill the Ulfens
right away? Why still use witches?"
Okay. He had a point.
"Because he knows that he can't defeat the Ulfens without using magick," I answered unsurely. That could be
"Okay. You're right." His tone was defeated.
"I knew I'm right," I said proudly.
"So who's your suspect?" he asked.
"Who has a big influence here?" I asked back.
"Kyro?" His eyes were wide.
I nodded.
"Are you saying that the New York pack has been causing all the attacks?" He sounded like he didn't even believe
"They could be." I nodded. "I just needed some details."
"How can you prove that?" He raised a brow.
"I'll think about it." I held my finger up.
"Do you really think that's gonna work?" he asked.
I looked into his eyes. I think I need to do more convincing.
"Believe me," I answered in my softest voice. "Everything will be just fine."
"Okay. I believe you." He sighed.
Yes. I hope this would work out fine.

I received a new text message from the one who texted me yesterday.

I'm so sorry. I wasn't able to make it. I was stopped by the werewolves. I wish we could see each other soon. You
need to know a lot.

Okay. So last night wasn't a trap after all? Who could be this sender? What did it want? Who was it?

Feb. 27, 1997

We finally met this Densworth boy. He's very adorable and brilliant. He's going to be a new member of Waterwind. I
wonder what this kid holds. He looks very promising. I can feel it.


I'd only read a few entries from Mr. Bram's BOS. Most of them were just about the Densworth family and Chip. Mr.
Bram's world was very colorful. He likes Chip. But why does Chip hate him? There must be something that happened
between them. I would find that out soon.
Chapter 12
Juggle Your Head

Camille was coming home today but she hadn't texted me yet. I was in my room doing nothing. I was staring at the
ceiling pointlessly. School would be back tomorrow and I was still thinking about how I would prove that Kyro was my
killer. I was thinking about my deal with Carlos and my search for John's brother. Who could that be? What was
Carlos talking about when he said that he had already given John's brother a chance? It meant he knew him. But why
was he making me do the hunt? What did I know about these stuffs? Who was this mysterious person? Was he part
of the scheme? Was Carlos making me realize something?
I was pulled out from my reverie when my phone rang. It was Alisa.
"Hello," I greeted.
"Irina," she replied.
That wasn't the reply I was expecting and her tone was not good. It was like there was something behind it. I had
noticed her oddness last coven circle. I wondered what was up.
"Yes?" I exhaled.
"Can I come over?" She sounded nervous.
"Sure." What's happening to her?
"Okay. I'll be there."
She quickly hung up after that. She lives in Salem so it would take her three or four hours to make it here.
I was surprised when someone knocked on my door. I didn't sense her coming.
"Come in," I said.
The door opened and came in Brianna with a smile. What a beautiful mother.
"I was wondering if you want me to help you with the consumption," she offered.
"Of course." I beamed.
She sat on my bed.
"What you did yesterday was really reckless," she remarked, brows furrowing.
I rolled my eyes. I knew that and it was really stupid. "I thought I was doing it right," I reasoned, shrugging.
"Well, you're almost right." She raised her brows.
"What am I supposed to do?" I asked.
I wanted to learn that trick if it was going to help me in taking the Nangga mark.
"I know you hated the candle because it was giving you headache." She sighed.
I nodded. It was so true. I hated it because it was giving me a helluva migraine. I wondered how she handled that.
"Well, you would hate the other ways even more. The candle is already the lightest of the pain torture. Consumption
tortures have pain in them but also have advantages that improve some of your senses. Like with the candle, it hurts
to stare but it makes your eyesight sharp, right?"
I nodded. Yes. It was really cool with the candle. It was like seeing through a very clear glass. So clear and sharp.
"You didn't really need to cut yourself." She frowned. "Goddess knows that's foolish. It was so stupid of me to have
tried that. But there's a much easier way to do it. You just really need a silver needle."
"A needle?" I asked incredulously. "But you didn't put it in your BOS."
Mom was really tricky.
"I kind of forgot to." She shrugged.
"So, what are you gonna do with the needle?" I asked. I was really intrigued by it.
"You just prick your finger." She smiled.
"That wouldn't hurt," I protested.
"Just see. I'll give you the needle later. You're gonna need it," she replied, standing up.
"Another task?"
"Of course."
Okay. I didn't get it. How was that possible? The consumption was supposed to hurt yourself or something so that the
major or the most severe pain could cover up for the minor pains. I would be able to focus on one pain and be able to
use it as advantage to concentrate more if that's the thing. So, how was it going to happen? Would that needle hurt
really much? Would it be enough to save me? Well, I would just really see to it.
Chip came around at noon. He didn't look so well. He looked beaten up. It was like he had a very big load on his
back. Poor Chip. I was giving him more problems.
"What happened? You look...worn out," I commented as we sat on the sofa at the living room
"Just really stressed," he replied. "I was thinking about how we could find out the truth."
Wow. So, he was really going to help me find out the truth. That's fantabulous!
"Really? How?" I asked eagerly.
"We'll go to the den," he answered dryly.
"When? Later night?" I was so excited about this new plan. Goddess, I love adventures.
Chip seemed to grow tense. That's when I sensed it, too. Someone's coming.
"I'll think about it." He sighed.
"Okay." I nodded.
"Ready?" Mirana asked with a smile as she went down the stairs.
She was looking preppy in her white tank top and black pedal shorts. Cool.
I just hoped she didn't hear our conversation.
"Ready," I replied. I am sure ready for this next task. I knew it would be hard but I could take it. I could do it.
"I'm ready." Chip nodded.
I was surprised when she threw long white cloths at us. I knew it.
"Blindfold yourself," she ordered in voice of authority. "This is going to be intense."
Okay. I was somehow intimidated with that. Intense? How intense? Would it be bloody? Would it be painful? This
must have been the torture Mom was talking about. Goddess, I just hoped it wouldn't be that hard.
I frowned and carefully tied the cloth around my head to cover my eyes. I relied on my wolf senses to perceive
everything. It was really scary when you couldn't see. You didn't know what was lying ahead.
I felt Mom approached us. She held my hand and put a needle on it. This must be the needle she was talking about.
It was long and very cold to the touch. I put it inside my pocket right away. I sure hoped it would help me pass this
mysterious task.
"Now, I want you two to go to the garden," Mirana said.
We quickly moved and made our way to the garden. I could feel Chip casting his senses out. It was the only way he
could guide himself. The garden was dead silent when we came out. The wind was really cold even though it was
noon. The wind should have been somehow warm.
"What do you think they will do?" I asked.
I didn't know their plan but whatever it was, it would be a total ownage. I could feel it.
"I don't know," Chip replied.
"Did Mom give you a needle, too?"
"Uh-huh. I wonder what is this for." Yeah. What is this for?
My alarm quickly went on when I heard growls around us. There were four wolves closing in. Not just wolves. They
were werewolves but I could smell from their scent that they weren't my family. They're savage. What is this? How did
they get in here?
"Are they going to attack us?" I asked.
That's stupid of me to ask. Of course, they would.
"Maybe," Chip replied in an extremely low voice like he had no breath when he spoke.
I heard the light footsteps of a huge wolf coming toward me so I readied myself for the attack. I tried to send a binding
force but it didn't seem to work. It kept on moving. It was still approaching.
"What's happening?" I asked, panic in my voice.
"I don't know," Chip answered. It was evident in his voice that he had also tried but didn't work.
"I can't use magick," I said disappointedly.
Why couldn't I use magick? Did they plan this? How did they do it? Did it mean that I had to fight physically? Could I
do that? With no sight?
"Stay with me," Chip whispered.
I heard the wolf run to catch me but I managed a kick that threw it away. I heard another one approached Chip so I
pulled him to my back to defend him and readied my fist. I hit the hard jaw of the wolf that made it back off.
"Okay. What's the use of needle here?" I asked, suddenly remembering. Should I use it now?
"Still have no clue," Chip exhaled.
I gripped his hand tighter when I felt him slipping away.
"Chip!" I cried. I had lost my grip on him.
"Irina!" he called out, voice being dragged away.
"Chip!" I screamed, groping for his hold.
I heard him cry out in pain. Goddess, what's going on? I wanted to see what's happening. I wanted to go after him but
the wolves were already blocking me. I couldn't do anything. I wanted to help him.
A wolf tried to pin me but I kicked it away. I was starting to wonder if this was still a test. It was really getting real to
me. I punched an incoming wolf and hurled the one that followed it. I was shockingly stunned when teeth dug their
way deep into my shoulder. I shoved it away but another came and bit my arm.
Goddess, I must be really bloody. Yes, I could heal fast but that wouldn't stop the blood from spurting out from the
I threw the wolf away but another caught my ankle and dragged me to the ground. I fell on my chest with a loud thud.
It almost knocked the breath out of me. I couldn't hear Chip anymore. Where was he?
The jaws on my ankle never let go. I kicked it again and again but it wouldn't give up. A set of teeth tore through my
arm that made me really cry out. The one at my ankle kept on shaking me like I was a rat that wouldn't die. I put my
finger to my tongue and tasted blood. This was all real. What's really happening?
I tried to pull off the blindfold but a wolf caught my hair and pulled it hard. Goddess, I might get torn in two. Everything
was already painful. It felt like my blindfold was already soaked in blood and tears. It was really tormenting. I didn't
know what happened to Chip and I didn't know how I was going to escape these wolves.
I thought I was already going to pass out when I suddenly remembered the needle. I had put it in my pocket. I tried
pulling it out but to my great astonishment, I got my finger pricked. It was a very big shock. It was very painful. More
than anything else. More than all of these things around me. It felt like being burned alive and being skinned at the
same time. It was very weakening.
I tried to get through the pain. Yes, it was very tormenting but I'd already forgotten the pain all over my body. It was
the pricked finger that was making me move. I had successfully used the consumption. I reached for the mouth above
my head with my hand without the pricked finger and held its jaws. I unclamped them and hurled the wolf away. I
kicked on my feet harder until the wolf had finally let go. I struggled to stand up and readied myself in a fighting
stance. I knew I couldn't just phase into a wolf to fight back because that would be cheating. I couldn't move the hand
with the pricked finger because it was so painful. I was shaking from the pain it caused me.
I sensed the four wolves line up in a picket in front of me. I wondered what they would do. I was so focused on the
wolves that I didn't realize that someone had tapped on my shoulder. My instinct was to punch it but it caught hold my
hand in a vice-like grip. I pulled off my blindfold and saw Aubrey grinning at me. Goddess, that gorgeous face of my
uncle was a pain reliever.
"Very good, Irina," he praised, smiling. "You're thinking."
Of course, I was thinking. I looked around me and saw that there were no real wolves. The garden was quiet and
serene as ever. I looked at my body but I had no any blood stain except for the bleeding pricked finger. How was that
possible? Were all those illusions?
"How did that—" I tried to ask.
"We'll explain later," he cut me off, holding up a finger.
He put his arm around my shoulders and led me inside. Mirana, Brianna and Chip were already having a tea in the
living room when we came in. How did it happen? Why was Chip here?
"Hey!" I pointed to Chip. "Why are you here?"
He cast a mischievous smile at me. "I made it first."
He made it first? This was getting really confusing.
"What?" I asked. I can't understand anything.
"Mine was easier," he drawled.
"I—I don't get it," I said, sinking into the armchair next to him.
"Penetration." He rolled his eyes.
"How?" I asked.
Penetration was a trick to enter one's mind with the use of magick. It was used to give illusions to the victim. But I
should've felt someone entering my head. How did that all happen?
"Humor me," I demanded, arms over my chest.
"Chip was right," Aubrey explained. "His test was easier."
"What was your test?" I asked Chip.
"I was the one who gave you the illusions."
"What?" I asked. Okay. That was really confusing.
"We planned it," Mirana answered. "The illusion started when you made your way to the garden. I bet you felt Chip
casting his senses out. It was the trick."
I nodded. Yes. I did.
"You should've known that that was already his move." She smiled craftily.
I didn't understand. Why didn't I feel him?
"I don't know what happened there," I said. I'm still confused.
"I helped him, love," Aubrey explained.
Oh, Goddess. Now I know why.
"You're very good," I muttered absently. "That's why I couldn't attack because those were just illusions."
"That's right." Chip smiled.
"You tricked me!" I hit him on the arm. "You made me do all those screaming and pricking but you're just there
making fun of me."
"I'm sorry." He grinned. "It's what I was supposed to do."
"Anyways, could anyone please tell me what the needle was for?" I demanded.
"That's charmed," Brianna answered with a smile.
I know. That's pretty obvious.
"We call it Beauty's Needle," she explained. "It's a silver charged with all the pain in the world. Have you ever
watched Sleeping Beauty? That's where we got the name."
Oh. That explains it.
"Anyways, you showed a great performance, dearest," Mirana remarked. "You're showing a very great potential."
"Thank you." I smiled.
Wow. That was all weird. The actual initiation must be really hard. I had already done a lot and I knew it wasn't all
over yet.

"Thanks for letting me come," Alisa said in her French accent as she sat on the grass.
We were in Central Park, sitting by the Turtle Pond. It was my favorite place. It was where me and Brent had our first
date. Anyways, Chip had left early. He said he had to run for something. That's a good chance for me to have a
conversation with Alisa. I wondered what was wrong.
"Of course," I replied.
She frowned.
"What's the problem?" I asked.
"I've been having dreams," she said quietly.
"What dreams?"
"It was like the one when I scried," she explained. "I see myself lost in the dark. I couldn't see anything and...there
was something dark. It was like it was taking over me."
"Have you told anyone yet aside from me?"
"No." She shook her head. "I thought it would be better if I tell it to you first because I know you could understand
"What happens when you wake up?"
"I see myself trying to stand up in the morning but I can't. It was like a nightmare. It was scary." The look on her
angelic face was real. She was scared.
What caused her these stuffs?
"I think we should tell my grandmother. She could help us," I suggested.
"No, no." She shook her head violently. "Don't."
"Just don't," she answered quietly.
"How could I help you if I don't know what's happening to you?"
"Just—Forget it." She sighed. "Promise me you won't tell anyone about it. Even to Maricar. I don't want her to worry."
I stroked her soft hair. "Promise." I smiled. "I'll help you."
"Thank you," she replied, hugging me.
That was unexpected.
"You are really worth protecting," she said as she let go.
I frowned. That brought back memories of my weakness. They had risked their lives for me. Now, I'd have to give
mine to pay for them.

My earlier training that morning was really awesome. I still couldn't believe how powerful my family was. I wished I
could be like them, too. I would be a great Protector. I would save my father and I would take down my enemies.
I had almost lost track of the date. It's already Monday and school was back. I'd get to see my friends again. I'd get to
freshen up the painful memories. I wouldn't see Brent again nor Mr. Bram. Which reminded me of somebody. Why
Camille hadn't called me yet?

I woke up early and got myself prepared for school.

"Why the sad face?" my mom asked as I sank on the chair at the dining room.
She was serving our breakfast. I was glad Mom was strong to be able to hold it all up. I knew it was also hard for her.
We both knew that it would be hard to hope for my father to be found but we must not stop believing. It's the only way
we could get through it all.
"Nothing." I smiled morosely. I couldn't help it. "It's just I haven't heard anything from Camille yet."
"Oh, don't worry," my mom asserted. "She must be just exhausted from the trip. It's not like everyone's having a hard
"You're right." I sighed. "I must be a paranoid."
"You're not, dear." She smiled. "You're just really concerned for your people and there's nothing wrong with that."
I hoped Camille would be at school.

I went to the school, as usual, by teleportation. It wasn't my time yet so I went to the garden and hung out there for a
while. I couldn't believe everything had changed. It's all so hard for me. Of course, not just for me but for everyone. I
had a lot of problems to deal with. First, my dad. Second, my killer. Third, Brent. Fourth, Alisa. Fifth, John's brother.
And last, myself. How would I be able to solve all of my problems? I should really get some help. But from who? I
couldn't tell my family about my secrets. It would make things more complicated. They didn't trust Carlos. They would
hate me for making a pact with him. I promised to Alisa that I wouldn't tell anyone about her problem. Chip was the
only one who could help me right now. I didn't want to involve any other people.
The sound of ringing bell pulled me out from my reverie. My first subject was American Literature. Who replaced Mr.
Bram? How was it going be like? It made want to cry just by thinking about him. I really missed him.
And Brent, I wouldn't see him again. I couldn't sit next to him again. It really hurts.

Chapter 13
Hurting is Really Something

I got inside my room without getting late. The 'new' professor hadn't arrived yet. Just like my first day in that school,
no one really took notice of me. I was just like an invisible being there. Well, at least for Chloe. She still looked at me
with her scornful coal-black eyes. I wondered if that was just for a show or it was real. Maybe it was just for the show.
Maybe she wanted an image of Miss Popularity who hated haters.
I sighed. I didn't care about those things anymore. I needed to focus on my problems.
I sat in my lonely seat at the back of the room. I had always been a loner. Brent was the only one who dared to
befriend me. He was the only one who made me feel welcome. But he was gone now. I didn't know what I would do.
The chatter in the room went dead silent when our new professor in a red blazer and red pencil skirt entered. My
classmates started murmuring to each other like bees. They surely hadn't known about what happened to Mr. Bram
yet. I wondered what excuse they would give.
Our professor was a woman but she's not just an ordinary woman. She's a vampire. She's—
"Good morning class, I'm your new professor in American Literature. My name is Katherine Labelle. You can call me
Ms. Labelle if you want."
Oh, Goddess! She was my home study mentor. What a great coincidence. Anyways, I didn't think it's just
coincidence. Her being here had a purpose.
Ms. Labelle with her sleek black hair, brown eyes and full red lips used to be my mentor. She taught me very well not
just in academic aspect but also in vampirism. She was already three hundred years old from what I knew. My dad
met her many a years ago in a vampire business trip. She taught me to control my skills as a vampire and she helped
my father control his appetite. She used to be just a dhampir but she was turned into a full vampire during her
twenties. She was really strong. I wondered what was her mission here.
"I know you're all wondering why Mr. Anthony Bram's gone," Ms. Labelle began.
The soft chatters stopped and everyone seemed to pay close attention. Ms. Labelle's beautiful face was stern but I
knew underneath that she was as wary as all of us Ancients. It was apparent that every Ancient was involved in this
mess. Of course, vampires and werewolves would probably hate each other if something worse would happen.
"Mr. Bram is already dead," announced Ms. Labelle. "He died just before Halloween due to some kind of freak
accident." She paused to look at the class. "He was struck with lightning and died."
Okay. That was very straightforward of her. Her eyes scanned the room until she met mine. We both knew the real
I was surprised when some of the students started sobbing. Mr. Bram must have been a really good teacher.
Not just to me but to everyone. It made me sad that I was the reason he was dead. It was my fault that he died. I
killed him. I killed Mr. Bram. I'm a killer.
Irina, I heard Ms. Labelle speak in my head. Stop blaming yourself. It's not your fault. You were just protecting
yourself. You didn't mean to kill him. I know how you feel. I know it's hard but you can do it.
I looked up and met her eyes again. A message of encouragement was conveyed in them. I knew Mr. Bram already
reminded me to not blame myself but I couldn't help it. It was still me who did the act. I didn't think I would ever forget
about that dreadful scene.
"I'm sorry for Mr. Bram," said Ms. Labelle. "We all know he's a very great man. He'll never be lost in our memories."
She paused for a while and sighed. "I know this is all unexpected but I am truly hoping that we can establish a good
relationship with each other."
I didn't know what happened throughout the class. I didn't think I'd even listened. I didn't think anyone listened. Ms.
Labelle knew that so she just let us lament for our Mr. Bram.

"So, how's vacation everyone?" Ms. Castlemont asked once she's already sitted in her desk.
She radiated a very positive energy today. I wondered where that was coming from.
She was wearing a red dress and a black blazer today to match her stern professor style. Her black hair was let down
and was tousled in beautiful waves. Of course, she still had her thickly-framed black eyeglasses and red-coated lips.
She really looked gorgeous today.
The answer to her question was a series of moans and mutterings. I bet no one was feeling well after hearing about
Mr. Bram's death.
"Is she crazy?" Tyrone whispered.
Tyrone was a friend of mine and Brent's. Actually, he was Brent's best friend. He's just one of those clueless humans
in this academy. Like the others, he didn't know about us Ancients.
His dyed black hair was styled in its usual spiky way. It really looked good on him. The real color of his hair was
already appearing from the roots. He was blonde. I wondered how he looks like without the dye.
Anyways, like me, he also looked like a rebel because he was very fond of color black. He's the emo, I was the
"I don't know." I shrugged.
I felt someone shot a dagger at me. I looked up and saw that Ms. Castlemont was actually giving me a warning look
with her brown eyes.
Tyrone looked like he wanted to ask me more but he just turned away to dodge the terror's killer glare. I myself
wanted to ask him about Camille but this wasn't really the best time.
Anyways, I didn't know what were Ms. Castlemont's motives. I could feel that there was something going on. I
wondered what was that.
"Let's not dwell in this gloomy feeling everyone," she said. "Time is running and we must not be outrun. We've got to
keep up with it. So..." She sighed. "As much as I wanted to pay a tribute to our beloved Anthony, I can't falsify the fact
that time is wasting, my dears. We need to move on. I know healing is not in just an instant but we must not let our
sorrow eat us. Got me?"
Okay. It was like she really directed the message to me.
I looked around the classroom. My classmates were all solemn and quiet. Ms. Castlemont was right. She's another
person who wanted me to stop blaming myself.
But I really couldn't help it. I was the reason for every bad thing that happened. I was a walking catastrophe.
Oh, Goddess. I really needed your help.

We had a little recap of our lessons in Biology. I was sure I was getting high grades on it. I was a very good student.
Ha. Conceited.
The next stop was recess. Me and Tyrone got the chance to talk as we made our way to the cafeteria. I was glad that
he and Camile were having a really good relationship. I hoped they would last long.
Anyways, we also talked a lot about Mr. Bram and Brent. Of course, it was all bad to the bones but I had to face the
reality. Tyrone was really clueless of what was happening around him. He believed all the rumors about Mr. Bram
dying from the lightning and Brent 'kidnapping' me.
Goddess, if they only knew the truth.
The day passed by lamely. It was only me and Tyrone for the whole day. I asked Tyrone about Camille but he said
that he couldn't contact her. I couldn't contact her either.
Where's Camille? Why wasn't she answering her phone? I was really starting to get worried.

"What's the plan?" I asked while I chewed on my chocolate.

"I'm not sure yet," Chip answered.
We were in my room—as usual—doing a little exercise on telekinesis. I was sitting on my bed while he sat on the
white fur rug. I was starting to wonder why I had always let him enter my room when I was alone. Goddess, I just
realized that it was so not modest. But anyways, it didn't matter as long as we're not doing anything else. And
besides, we're planning something big. It needed to be private.
"We can't just go there," Chip continued. "Look. First, we don't know if we're dealing with the right person. Second,
the New York wolves are everywhere. We wouldn't be able to make it to the actual base without attracting much
attention. And third, it's just the two of us. We can't take them all down. What your planning is suicidal and it might
stain the Ulfen name that your family protected since your great-great-grandmother's time."
Chip was right but I knew I still had to do it. If he didn't want to help me, then I'd do it myself. I could do it.
I nodded as if understanding. If there was just some way to deceive—or convince—Chip, I would do it.
"Okay." I sighed. "I guess you're right."
Chip raised a brow and eyed me intently.
Oh-oh. I was caught.
"Are you sure?" he asked.
"I swear." I raised my palm but my fingers were crossed behind me.
He smirked. "I know what you're thinking, Irina."
Okay. I knew I had no any escape.
"Fine." I pouted like a child. "I'm not following you. I don't care what you think but I will go on my own."
"Who told you you'd go alone?" he asked.
Wow. He was willing to go in my adventure? Awesome.
"Are you kidding?" I asked.
"Do I look like I am?" he asked back.
No. He didn't.
"Oh, Chip, thank you so much," I said, grinning. "You don't know how you made me happy."
"Anything for you, my princess."
He took my hand and brought it to his lips. "Anything."
Chip was a very romantic person—the most wonderful. I never thought he'd actually agree with me. He'd always
been righteous. It was really noble of him to go with me on a mischievous, unplanned and suicidal adventure. He was

March 14, 1997

Ostara is coming. People are already preparing for it. Anyways, I kind of observed something. I've been writing fewer
and fewer. Goddess, I should really focus. Well, at least there's something good happened today. I saw Chip. He's
the child of the Densworths. I can't believe I got myself admiring that child. When I look at him, I can see some
familiarity. I bet we're going to be very close in the future. I'd like to be his mentor.



I sighed as I closed the BOS. Okay. I was getting confused here. What did reading Mr. Bram's diary give me? I didn't
get him. He said I had to read it all but it's just all about his life. How would I get an answer from this? Oh, Goddess,
help me, please.
I walked back to my room and threw myself on the bed. I picked up my phone from the side table. I got a message
from Camille.
Thank Goddess! I thought something already happened to her.

Sorry, I wasn't able to call you or message you. I was busy doing something. I meant really busy. I'll just tell you
about it tomorrow.

P.S. I found out something.

What did she find out?

I was up and about at five in the morning. I didn't know why I got up really early. Maybe I was excited to know our
plan or maybe I was excited to meet Camille. Either thing could be. Or maybe—
The phone pinged. It's a message from my mysterious friend.

Tonight. Midnight. Hunter Island.

Okay. This one should not be something again. Whoever this sender was, I wish he or she could give me some right
information. I would really need them now. I'm desperate here.

"What happened to your vacation?" I asked excitedly.

Camille was grinning but I could see shadows behind her eyes. What was the matter?
We were in my room.
"It was awesome, really," she began. "But, you know, the court is busy. Everyone has something to do. The
monarchs are very alarmed. Here's what I've found out, those vampire captives were Notakas, Irina."
"Goddess, that's horrible," I muttered.
"Yeah, really horrible." Camille sighed. "My father was really busy. Of course, I know he doesn't get old but he was
looking older from all his works. He had to make a contact with this person and that. He's like a machine. Anyways,
I'm sorry again I wasn't able to contact you. I had to stay at home and tend for Mom. She's sick. So I guess I wouldn't
be able to come over until she gets well."
"That's just fine. You take care of your Mom."
"I'm afraid, Irina."
"I'm afraid about my mom. I don't want her to suffer like that. I mean, I want her to live longer or forever if possible. I
don't want her to die. I don't want her to leave me."
"Cam." I looked at her. "Your Mom will be fine. I knew it. If you want, I'll come pay a visit and see if I can help."
"Nah. Don't worry much, Na. Mom is not that sick-sick. I'm just really dramatic. I just hate it 'cause I have to face the
truth that she'll have to leave me one day. It would be just me and dad by then."
"Cam." I felt so bad for her.
"Don't fuss. I'm fine." She smiled morosely. "Now, let's talk about yourself."
I told Cam about everything. About my plans, my secret deal with Thomson, my training and more. I knew I could
trust her with them. After I recited all my stuffs, she just told me that she couldn't believe it that she'd already missed
a lot during her vacations. What a 'nice' and very 'concerned' friend to have.

"Okay," Chip began. "So here's the plan. Saturday night. We go to Kyro's."
We were outside at the garden.
"Why still wait till Saturday?" I whisper-shouted.
"Duh. It's Saturday." He stared at me incredulously.
"What's with Saturday?" I raised a brow.
"Hello? Oh, for goodness' sake, Alphas go to London for Guild meetings every Saturday, right?" His tone was
"I didn't know that." I shook my head.
"I heard it." He sighed. "Irina, your family's in the Guild, why don't you know about these stuffs?"
"Because they don't tell me and my mother don't have her own pack and she's not a pack member herself," I
To be true, Ulfens were born Alphas. Even women in our race can have their own packs. We were really different
from other werewolves.
Chip looked at me with his dumb face. "Okay, let's move on. Here's what we're going to do."
Chip discussed the plan. He said he went for a drive around the New York base. He drew a messy sketch of it on a
piece of paper. He pinpointed some spots where we could have a good enter and escape passage. We didn't know
what's running inside the base but Chip said he would do more paramater checking to improve our strategy.
Goddess, thanks for giving me a wonderful person like Chip.

This midnight should be perfect. I would meet this mysterious sender. This person should be able to give some
concrete answers. Oh, Goddess, Hunter Island was humongous. How would I find him or her there?

I was in a comfortable black tee and black sweatpants. The cold night wind was making me shiver as I made my way
to the woods. It was a dark night because the moon was just waxing. Of course, I just teleported my way there. I cast
my senses out but I couldn't hear nobody else but the wind, the rustling of the brushing branches of the trees, the
heartbeats of the sleeping animals, my own heartbeat, my footsteps and—Wait. Another footsteps.
I turned around and saw a figure wearing jeans and a black hoodie. It looked up and took off its hoodie. Ebony black
hair. Blue eyes. Porcelain features. A tattoo of a small star below her eyes. Jessica.
"Jessica?" I prompted but of course, I knew it was her. "What are you doing—Are you the one who called for me?"
She nodded and sighed. "Yes, it's me. I've been trying to contact you." Her voice had a hint of Spanish. "I've got a lot
to tell."
Jessica was our drummer. I used to be a member of a band. Well, I was just a substitute bass player. Me and Jessica
weren't that close but at least we had a little camarederie between us. She's a member of the New York pack. Maybe
she knew something.
"This may be the last time I'll be seeing you, Irina," she said as we sat down on a fallen log right there at the corner.
"Why?" I asked, looking into her rueful blue eyes.
"Of course, as a pack member I should be following my Alpha but I'm concerned for you. You need to know all of
"You mean—" I began.
"Yes, Kyro has something to do with the ambush." She sighed.
I was right all along. It was Kyro. I knew it.
"Why?" I whispered, my voice sounding far from my ears.
"I don't know." Jessica shook her head. "We don't know what made him do that. I mean, Kyro is a good leader. I
never thought he'd do that. But he already did." She sounded disappointed.
"Where's my father?" I demanded. "Do you know where's my father?"
"I don't know, Irina." She shook her again. "I'm sorry. I can only tell you what I know."
"My father's not in New York?" I guessed.
"I'm afraid he's not," she confirmed.
If my father's not in New York, then where was he? I needed to know where he was.
"Is there a chance we can talk to Kyro? Or beg him to tell us?"
"I don't know." She sounded unsure. "He doesn't want to tell us anything. He even keep it as a secret to your
grandma. He wouldn't tell anything. Maybe if you even kill him."
"But I can read his mind."
Yes, that would do it.
"I don't think you can." She stared at me incredulously.
"Why?" I whispered.
"Kyro would never allow that. He has the strongest mind shield. Even if you match him with the most cunning witch or
vampire, you can never make him let go of his guards. We doubt he ever did."
Oh, Goddess. What would I do now?
"Goddess, is there any way we can ask some help from Kyro?"
"He won't give you anything. Try it." Jessica rolled her eyes.
"Do you happen to know any witch?" I suddenly asked.
I bet Brent's working with Kyro.
"Nah." She shook her head. "But Kyro leaves every Thursday. Maybe you can track him."
"You don't know where he goes?" I raised a brow.
"Nobody knows." She shrugged. "That's an order. Even the Beta doesn't know. That's all I could tell you."
"Thanks." I smiled ruefully. "You don't know how much you helped me."
I knew I could trust her. She wouldn't lie to me. At least, I had some solid proofs now. All I needed to do was to plot a
good plan.
"I just want one favor," Jessica said quietly.
"Could you please not tell anybody that Kyro's behind all of this? We'll lose a leader, Irina. We don't want that to
She cared for Kyro so much. I could feel it. I could tell that Kyro was really a good leader by the way she talked about
him. I now knew that Kyro was just another victim here. Goddess, who's this killer of mine? He had a lot of tricks
under his sleeves. Who's his other victim? Was he really powerful to be able to control such powerful creatures?
"Okay." I nodded. "As if I'd tell anyone."
"Thanks." Jessica smiled as she stood up.
As if I'd really tell anyone. This was my mission alone. I would have to leave Chip out. I must do something to count
him out.
"Be careful."
I knew this could be really the last time I'd be seeing her. She was already warned by her co-pack members when
they stopped her from seeing me but she still insisted on telling me. I just wished Kyro wouldn't find out about what
she'd done.

Chapter 14
Risk is Everything

March 21, 1997

Ostara blessings! Goddess, the circle was awesome! The whole feast was very enchanted. There were lots of guests
from other covens. Drinks and cakes were everywhere and music of, course. Anyways, I came to observe this thing
about myself. I've been writing more and more seldom. I should focus more on magick before I think about going
abroad. I've been considering it. I think I want to see the world. I want to experience new things. But before that, I
need to do a lot of studying first. I still had to try some new spells.


I'd read a few entries from March to April and all of them were mostly about Mr. Bram's training and everything. Little
and little I was starting to figure what kind of a witch was Mr. Bram. He really loved knowledge but he's not very
bookish. He just really wanted to know a lot of things.
He even came into a decision-making about leaving England. All of that for knowledge. I wondered what would
happen next. Well, I'd just find that out soon when I continued reading his BOS. For now, I needed to get back to
My encounter with Jessica last night had been a good eye-opener for me. I was right all along that it was Kyro. But
what should I do next? I needed to move more freely to make solid plans. I couldn't do it if someone would keep on
predicting my moves. I needed to work on my own. I had to remove the hindrances. I had to get Chip off my back.

"I need to tell you something," I said as I pulled Chip to the corner.
It was lunch and I was supposed to be with Tyrone and Camille but instead I was here at the Omega Building with
Chip. I had to talk to him right away.
Pulling Chip casually made some of the girls glare at me. Chip was very popular and gorgeous and I was his 'posing'
girlfriend. Of course, they would be envious.
He was wearing a black button-down and black jeans to go with his messy brown hair. I just realized that his hair had
actually grown an inch. It made him more gorgeous.
"What do you want, princess?" he asked, sleepy blue eyes staring into mine.
He had a lazy kind of swag that made him remarkable. He looked very flawless and cool. No wonder girls were
swooning over him.
"Can we talk somewhere else more private?" I whispered, feeling a little self-conscious from the glares thrown at me.
He charmingly smiled. "Alright."
He turned around and started marching towards the exit of the building. I trailed behind him like a puppy. His tallness
made me feel small though I was tall myself. He finally let go of his lazy swag when we're finally out of the building.
We're already in the garden.
"What is it you want to tell me?" he drawled as he passed the black metal gates.
Okay. I hope this would work.
"I'm cancelling the plan," I said as I sat on one of the cold stone benches. I knew I sounded stupid but it's better that
I looked around. Everything was colored red and orange. It's all beautiful. Fall. My favorite season. Mr. Bram's
favorite season. I wondered if things would be different if he was still alive.
The leaves and grasses were already drying up. Crispy. They were all dying to be born again on spring. Rebirth. A
new life to begin with. New hope. I wished things would be like that for me.
"What?" Chip exclaimed incredulously. He was standing in front of me like he was my father and I was his child and
he was scolding me. He looked very appalled.
"You heard it right," I said innocently. "I'm cancelling it." I tried to sound casual so that it wouldn't be evident that I was
losing my nerves.
"Why?" His eyes were wide and seeking.
"I thought about what you've said." I shrugged. "I don't have the proofs. So why still pursue?"
I hoped I sounded convincing and annoying.
"Look." He squeezed the bridge of his nose and looked at me with unbelieving eyes. "I don't understand you. I
thought you wanted this? We already planned this. I've already laid everything ready for you, Irina. What do you really
want? You can't just go on deciding recklessly, changing your mind from time to time."
His brows were furrowed and his face was obvious with confusion.
Okay. This was it. You asked for clarification, I'd give it to you.
I sighed. "I want this, Chip. I want so much to do this. But I don't want to do this with you."
There. I already told him. I knew it was really, really stupid but it's the best explanation I could think of. It was real
after all. I wanted him out of my problem.
Chip didn't speak. He just closed his eyes and opened them after a few seconds as if he was trying to hold back
something. He ran a hand through his hair that ruined his messy style.
"I could've done a lot of things by now, Chip," I continued, voice weak. "I could have, but was not able. Because
you're there. You've never let me on my own. I never had the control over myself whenever you're there."
"Irina, you know you can't do it yourself," Chip said, sounding a little annoyed.
"I can," I persisted childishly. "But you just won't let me. How can you know what I'm capable of if you won't let me do
things on my own? How will I be able to know if I can handle myself in this kind of situation?"
I hope I could convince him and make sense to him. I really should.
"But..." He closed his eyes again and he pursed his lips.
There was silence that followed. Goddess, I had to be more persuasive.
I stood up and hugged him. "Please, Chip." My tone was pleading. "Just let me. Just this time let me by myself. I can
do it. Please believe in me."
I could do it.
He sighed and his arms went around me automatically then he rested his chin on top of my head.
Driven by triumph and happiness, I looked up and quickly pulled him into a kiss. "Thank you so much, Chip. You don't
know how much you made me happy." I smiled.
"You can have my help anytime you want," he said then kissed me again. He was calm now.
That's better. Now, what I would have to do next was to confirm the information I'd gathered. I might miss some point.
I didn't want that to happen when I make my plan. I had to clarify some things, and the only way to do that was to ask.
"I'll be expecting you by five," I said through the phone.
I had asked Anna to pick me up. I had to go to Carlos to make some things clear. He was the only one who could tell
me. I knew it.
"Okay," Anna replied.
As much as I wanted to just teleport to Carlos' house, I didn't think I have the will and energy to do it. Or I just really
didn't want to. I wasn't in the mood.
"Bye." I ended the call and quickly raced downstairs.
I needed to leave a message first so that no one would scry for me. That could make things worse if that happens.
Mom, Grandma and Uncle were having a serious conversation when I entered the dining room. The atmosphere was
feeling so business-like.
"We must act now. Time is—" Brianna was speaking.
"Good afternoon, Irina," greeted Uncle Aubrey when he saw me. He smiled charmingly at me. Had I been not his
niece, I would've probably swooned.
"Uh, hi," I replied with a genuine smile. "Do you mind if I'll stay out a little later than late? Anna is picking me up."
Please, let me. And don't ask about it.
"Sure." Brianna smiled. "Just don't forget to call."
"'Kay. See ya later." Then, I was out.
I wondered what they were talking about. They looked very solemn.

"Why are we going to Carl again anyway?" Anna asked with an edge of exasperation, her eyes focused on the road.
She sounded like she hated the idea of seeing Carlos. Well, she never liked it but she still went with me.
I was slumped back at the backseat. It was very cold. It was raining heavily and the road was starting to darkened.
"I have to get more information," I answered, looking out through the black-tinted window.
The running water on the window made the ever-fading scenery more blurry.
"Are you sure you don't need any help?" she asked, looking at me on the rearview mirror.
"I don't want you to be involved, Anna," I answered. "I can do it myself."
"Alright." She shrugged.
Silence followed. It was awkward. I shouldn't have called her. I should've just teleported my way to Carlos'. Stupid.
"Do you know anything about John's brother?" Anna suddenly asked.
That's my impossible task with Carlos and I was still clueless about it.
"Nothing." I shrugged. "Really clueless."
She inhaled deeply. "I just came to ask my mom one day." She sighed. "She said Carlos had had a son before John."
"Really? Where is he?" I was surprised by the way I sounded very curious.
"Lost. As in lost." She shrugged. "It's a mystery how that happened."
"So where did this son of him come from? Who's the mother?" I asked.
I'd never thought Carlos would engage into any kind of serious relationship.
"Actually, his son was just another adopted." Anna's tone was matter-of-factly. "Carlos got him when the mother was
already dying. She must have been his patient."
It was obvious. Carlos would never go for commitment.
I nodded. "Where could he be?"
"No one knows." She paused as if concluding something. "Maybe, he meant all along was that you find his another
adopted son and not literally John's brother."
She had a point.
"Maybe," I said.
But why still have me if he already knew? What could be Carlos' reason? Why need me to do the thing for him?

After another hour of driving, we finally arrived at the prestigious mansion. Me and Camille had to run to the porch
because the rain was still pouring heavily. It made me shake in cold. After several bells, the door opened and John
welcomed us with his warm smile. Tonight he was wearing a dark blue suit and dark blue shorts that matched with it.
He still had his ruffled collar. He always looked like he was wearing the clothes of a young prince when he wasn't
really. So cute. Carlos must have been taking good care of him.
"Good evening, miladies," he greeted in his small voice in a gentlemanly way as we entered the double doors.
I felt warmth washed all over me when I passed the double doors. The air was rose-scented tonight. It was relaxing. I
suddenly felt like royalty.
"Good evening to you, too," I replied with a genuine smile.
"Good evening," replied Anna.
"Master Carlos is upstairs," he said politely. "Please, follow me."
I nodded. He was a refined boy. I couldn't help but be awed.
We followed John as we went up to the red-carpeted staircase. The place was really beautiful and grand. It was like
everything was checked and cleaned everyday. I'd never get tired of admiring it.
I felt nervous the last time I went here because I hadn't known yet what kind of person Carlos was. But now I was
composed. I knew my purpose for approaching him and was sure of it. Unlike the first, this time I wasn't desperate for
answers. I just needed some clarifications. Not very big.
Carlos was obviously waiting for us when we arrived at the parlor. He really did expect us. He was sitted on one of
the velvet couches with his one leg crossed over the other. He was like a cat. Dark. Cunning. Beguiling. He was
wearing a red velvet coat and a black fitted jeans but I noticed that he hadn't worn his silver accessories and his hair
was styled different. Like of hot Korean boys. He was just him and he was wholly gorgeous.
"Good evening, miladies," he greeted with a smile, green eyes glinting.
"Good evening," we replied as me and Anna sat on the couch across to him.
"I bet you found the answers." He raised his brows.
"You were talking about the vampire-werewolf war," I said.
"That's right." There was entertainment in his voice. "The answer has been obvious all along."
I knew I was right.
"Kyro had stopped the search because what he's trying to search for is his army alone," I added. "He's the one
behind werewolf threats and he's responsible for the ambush of my father. I wondered what pushed him into this. I
was starting to think that somebody is forcing him to do such acts."
It wasn't like Kyro would just do that. An Alpha would never lead his pack to wrong ways. There must be something
else or someone else.
"Partially, you're right." Carlos smiled. "But you're missing an important point here, missy."
Looking at his wise face makes me feel like an idiot. What did I miss?
"What do you mean?" I arched a brow.
"What you heard, my lady, is not all true," he explained. "Some are just meant to confuse you."
"What?" I was getting more confused here.
"You think Kyro's not willing to do what he's doing right now?" Carlos asked back. "You think your friend is telling you
the all the truth?"
Did he mean Jessica? Did Jessica lie to me? She couldn't do that. No way. She wouldn't risk her life to talk to me if
she'd just told me lies.
"You mean, my friend lied to me?" I asked quietly. "How can you be so sure?And how'd you know all of this?"
Was he part of the plot? No. He couldn't be. If he were guilty, he would've run away and never returned.
"My dear, it is my job to know everything." He raised his chin. "It is my job to be updated with everything that happens
within the Ancient world, but it is not my thing to meddle with your problems. I'm just here to help people especially
you, my dear." He sighed and looked regretful for a while. "Look, to be true, I wouldn't be forced into this kind of mess
I am with you right now if I didn't need your help. You're lucky I did. Anyway, I may know everything but I cannot tell
everything all at once." He looked at his clear-polished nails. "Now, if you don't want to believe me, just forget about
our deal and that you've ever talked to me."
No. I couldn't blow this off. But, was he telling all the truth? Should I believe him? Goddess, he's the only one who
knew everything. He was wise and everyone knew that. He was also foxy though. But anyways, if I still wanted to see
my father alive I had to believe Carlos. He was my only chance right now.
"Carlos," I whispered as if begging. I was begging anyway. "Please, I need your help."
He cunningly smiled as if he had seen something precious that no one should never know about. "Now, let's get to
business. I seldom give chances to people who doubt my wisdom but anyway, let me ask you some things to make
everything clear for you."
I nodded. This was it.
"You really think Kyro is forced?" he asked.
"Yeah." I nodded. "Kyro would never lead his pack to do something evil and it shows with how Jessica begged me not
to tell everything. She told me that he's a very good leader. Maybe he's just really doing it for something big or
someone big."
"The girl is confused," Carlos said in a matter-of-fact tone. "She doesn't know what kind of Alpha they have." He
paused and sighed as if tired of explaining things again and again. "Kyro is doing all of this in his own free will. He's
completely responsible for all his capricious actions."
"Why is he doing it?" My brows were furrowed in confusion.
Did it mean that he's the mastermind all along?
"You think he ever approved of the Guild?" Carlos asked as if I could answer him. "You think he ever approved of the
alliance between the vampires and werewolves? No. He stopped the search because he doesn't care about those
vampires. Vampires are nothing for him. They are just dead bloodsuckers that should remain dead as they should
Kyro was harsh.
"But he stopped it because the pack is already diminishing in number," I said.
"That's true. But do you know why?" Carlos raised his brows.
"Because of witches," I answered unsurely. That's what I heard from my family.
Wait. I was solving a puzzle here. There had been a number of werewolves that attacked me. There's nobody else
who would be sending them inside the bounds of New York. That means Kyro's pack was dying out because of me. I
am the witch who kills the werewolves.
"He sent those werewolves for me," I concluded.
"That's right!" Carlos clapped his hands. "Because Kyro wants you to die. Only he is doing it slowly by getting to your
father to taunt you." He paused. "He is confusing everyone. The Guild thinks that the mastermind wants you, but
they're wrong. Kyro is clearly attacking the Guild. He wants to end the Guild because he wants to destroy the alliance
between the kinds especially between the vampires and werewolves. He thinks that no vampires should be allowed
to live. He thinks that you're a disgrace but you're also the key to his success. When everyone's focused on you,
probably, the Guild would be somehow off guard."
There was a long silence. Goddess, I was really a disgrace.
Later, John came into view with a tray in his hands. The clinking of the cups was the only noise aside from our
breathing. John poured the cups with tea. My attention was turned to him for a while. He looked very beautiful. The
way he did his job was flawless. Like he was trained to do it. He was perfect.
After that, he quickly vanished just the way he appeared.
"Goddess," I muttered. "Is Kyro alone in this?"
"No." Carlos pursed his lips. "I'm afraid not. You're partially right that someone must have been forcing Kyro. But the
truth is, he's not forced. He willed it. That's why the mastermind is able to roll his plot smoothly."
"Do you know who's the mastermind? Why do this?"
"To be real, I don't know him." Carlos smirked. "He's very discreet."
Goddess, why did I have to go through all of this?
"Is there a chance I could get an info from Kyro where I could find my father?" I aske weakly.
"You're gonna have to ask Kyro himself." Carlos picked up his cup and sipped from it.
That's impossible.
"But Jessica said Kyro would never give anything. Even his own life." I sounded very hopeless.
"You really think?" He arched a brow. "Have you ever wondered why Jessica was so convicted to defend her Alpha
even after all what he did?"
"Because Kyro's the Alpha," I said in a matter-of-fact tone.
"Wrong." He grinned. "This thing has been a secret but now I'm going to disclose it to you. Nobody else knows this
except for the New York pack themselves." He paused and looked at me through his lashes. "Kyro has a daughter."
"What am I supposed to do with his daughter?" I asked incredulously. "What are you trying to point out?"
"You have to get his daughter to your side."
"How the hell am I going to do that?" I raised a brow.
"You already know how to."
Wait. Who are we talking about here anyway? Jessica?
"Jessica? You mean, Jessica's his daughter?"
"Absolutely." He grinned. "And the only way to force the answers out from Kyro is to use his daughter on him."
I couldn't do that. It would be impossible. Jessica would never believe me. It should be done with a long talk to make
her and the only way to do that was have her face-to-face with me.
"You want me to wolf-nap Jessica?" I asked incredulously.
"If that's what it would take." He sipped from his cup.
"I can't do that. The Guild will know about it."
And if the Guild will know, I would be dead.
"You can and you have to," Carlos insisted.
"I can't do it," I muttered weakly.
"You can," said Anna. "I'll help you."
I'd almost forgotten that she was there. Goddess, no. Not Anna. I'd already counted Chip out. I couldn't just involve
Anna. It would be too dangerous.
"No, Anna," I said sternly. "You can't."
"You can't stop me," she insisted. "If you don't join me in, I would tell the Guild about this plan of yours."
Goddess, that's not gonna happen.
I sighed. "It's dangerous."
"That's why you're gonna need my help to make it," she added.
I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if something bad would happen to Anna because of me. But I had no choice. I had
to agree or else all my efforts would be wasted.
"You won't regret this." She smiled reassuringly.
I turned to Carlos again who was just listening to our dramatic exchange. I needed to ask few more things.
"Do you mind if I ask you something about my task with you?" I asked politely.
"Absolutely not." He smiled. "Why? What do you want to know?"
"If you knew that this brother of John is out there doing sinister things, why don't you just go get him yourself?"
"I would've done it if I can." He rolled his eyes. "Of course, I need you to get him."
"Why me? Why not just tell me who he is?"
"Because it's not yet the time." He raised a brow. "You have to focus on your problem first. Things would be
complicated if you'll know the things before the moment you are supposed to."
"You sound very cryptic," I drawled.
Goddess, thanks. At least my mind was clearer now even though things got a little tighter and more complicated. Just
bless me so I'd be able to do it.

"Do you think you really have to get Jessica?" Anna asked, eyes focused on the road.
It was still raining and I was freezing as I stared at the nothingness outside.
"I don't know," I answered. "I'll have to study the case first before I could make decisions."
"Don't worry," she said reassuringly. "I'm here."
Goddess, no.

May 27, 1997

I already miss England. I miss the fresh air and everything. Yes, it's awesome here in Manhattan but I couldn't help
but miss my land. I already feel homesickness. At least there are some nice witches around here. I sometimes
participate in their circles and I do have a good job here but there's still something missing. I'm thinking of traveling to
Salem some time around. I want to see the precious and beautiful land of the witches.

P.S. I heard that Mirana's daughter lives here in Manhattan. Maybe I'd meet her one day and also the hybrid.


Wow. That was fab. He referred to me as 'the hybrid'. Did I really have to carry that title forever? Anyways, based
from what I'd read, Mr. Bram was not having a good time during his first month in US. He already missed Europe. Of
course, everyone knew adjustment was hard especially if one got used to a very different way of living. Good luck to

The cold blast of water on my face was relaxing. It somehow took away some stress and tension. Poor Jessica. She
was very clueless. She was blind from her father's doing. But somehow, I believed that Kyro was just really doing this
for the good of his pack. The thing was, maybe it's just for his pack alone. Was it really good to do something sinister
to achieve his so-called right way of living? Why hated vampires much? And who's the effin' mastermind?
Goddess, I was really glad Chip allowed to be detached but it was also my bad because Anna's now with me. I
I didn't want to involve her into this. If the Guild would find out, we would be punished. I didn't want her to suffer
because of me. I sighed again. What would I do?
My sharp wolf senses caught the ringing of my phone. I quickly jumped out of the shower and wrapped a soft towel
around my lean body and quickly trotted to the bedroom.
I picked up the phone and answered it. It was Anna.
"Hello," I greeted. My wet hand was making the screen blurred with moist.
"Good morning," she replied. She sounded very excited.
"What is it?" I asked, chewing on the inside of my cheek.
"I have a plan."
Oh no. I sure wouldn't like this.

Chapter 15
Chasing Game

"What will your parents say?" I asked incredulously.

Me and Anna were parked a block away from the pack base but we're in the position where we could see everything
that would probably happen. The sun was up and shining over the old red building. Its paint was already peeling off
from age and it looked gloomy from the outside. It was apparently an apartment but no mortal knew what was really
going on inside.
I was concerned about Anna. What would her parents think? They would find out about my secret mission if Anna
wouldn't be careful.
"Don't be silly." Anna rolled her eyes. We were both huddled at the backseat. "They're back to Brazil again."
"Again?" I arched a brow.
I was starting to wonder what kind of parents Anna had.
"Yeah." She sighed. "I dunno what's up with them and I don't plan to find out. Maybe they're still running some papers
or whatever. Let's just focus here, okay?"
I nodded. Maybe we're just really lucky. Talk about luck.
I hated doing this. It's bad and reckless and not fun. I skipped school today.
What a very nice thing to do, I thought.
Goddess, what would Ms. Castlemont or Ms. Labelle tell my mom? They would probably report my absence today
and Chip would be probably searching for me. What if Mom asks Chip? That's terrible. I should start fabricating some
"How can we know when Kyro would leave?" I asked. How am I going to talk to Jessica?
"Let's just watch," Anna said exasperatedly.
"Goddess." I slapped my forehead. "Maybe he already left."
"No, I'm sure he's still there," she persisted. "I can feel it."
"How can you say so?"
"Why don't you just use your wolf senses to know?" she countered.
"It's not like my hearing can reach that building and it's not like my sight can penetrate through those walls." I rolled
my eyes.
She sighed. "Look." She pointed a spot on the window. "There's a car waiting there and there—Look."
I could see a black SUV parked outside the apartment and a redhead girl in all black standing by the door.
"That is Sarah Springer," said Anna, still pointing her finger at the window. "She is the Beta of the pack."
"Oh, I see." I nodded.
I was glad she knew about this. I was a werewolf myself but I didn't really know a lot of stuff outside my own world.
"See the way her eyes examine everything around her?" Anna asked.
I nodded again.
"She is scanning the parameter for any suspicious movements," she explained. "It means, Kyro hasn't left yet. That is
his car and his Beta is clearing everything for him."
That actually made sense. I was glad we weren't looking very suspicious from where we'd parked. Anna knew a lot
about these stuffs. I just realized that it was good for me to have her as my company. I could really use her help right
"Where do you think is Jessica?" I asked.
"Dunno." She shrugged.
We waited a little longer until I could finally see the door opening.
"There!" Anna whisper-shouted, pointing her finger at the window. "That's Kyro!"
I saw a teenage boy—of course—emerging from the dark doorway. He was wearing a black suit. His hair was
platinum blonde, almost gray. He was tall and handsome from what I could see. His features were sharp even if we're
far from them. The redhead girl whispered something to Kyro and he nodded. I saw a smile crept on his face. He
looked up and somehow I was astounded when our gaze met. I quickly looked away and blinked a lot of times. Our
gazes actually met, I wasn't imagining it. It was like he saw me through the distance and through the black of our
car's window. I felt my heart raced. No. He didn't see me. He just looked this way but he didn't see anything. He was
just looking around. No need to worry. He couldn't see you.
"Anna," I choked out. I swallowed the lump in my throat. "You think he can see us?"
Anna raised a brow. "No, silly." She smiled confidently.
I looked again to Kyro's direction and found him talking to his Beta. Then, he smiled and waved goodbye as he
loaded himself into the SUV. Wow. He's in a good mood.
"He's leaving," I muttered absently. "Let's go."
Anna quickly jumped into the driver's seat and started the engine.
"Goddess, guide us," I whispered, closing my eyes.
"I just hope this operation would work," Anna said. "I don't want to come to the point that we have to get Jessica to
force Kyro."
"Thank you, Anna," I said sincerely. "You don't know how big everything you are doing for me. We're not even really
close but you've been willing to help me since from the start. Thank you so much."
"I'd be always willing to help you. You're always welcome." She smiled.
She stomped on the gas and made a hard twist that almost made me fall from my seat. She took a different route to
avoid suspicions but she made sure we're still trailing Kyro's SUV.
After maybe half an hour, we're already hitting the way to Masachussetts. I was starting to wonder if we're beginning
to look conspicuously pursuing the SUV. Anna was great at keeping distance. I just really hoped they would not
notice us.
"When are they going to stop?" I asked impatiently after an hour.
"Let's just wait," Anna suggested.
I was glad they did stop for gas because we already had to find another car to switch with. We needed it so that we
could lessen the risk of being noticed. We saw a red Toyota Vios parked not very far from us. That would be good
When Kyro's driver went to have a little break, we took the chance and ran to the Vios right away. I had cast a see-
me-not spell so that no one would notice our act of stealing.
Goddess, please forgive me for doing this.
The door of the car was locked but Anna just muttered a little spell and it was unlocked in an instant. She did a little
manipulation with the wires and got it started before Kyro's car started to run again.
Of course, we trailed behind again. We drove for at least another hour before Kyro's SUV parked itself in front of an
old gray building. This place we're in was pretty tricky because it's pretty isolated. I was glad we're not the only car
that trailed Kyro and Anna was good at this kind of play. It would've been too obvious if not.
We saw Kyro went inside the building as we passed his car. We parked a block away from it. We had to do the rest
on foot.
"You ready?" Anna asked as she unloaded herself.
I nodded with smile. "Of course."
"This is it." She smiled back. "Let's go."
I had cast another see-me-not spell as we made our way to the building. The building looked ordinary outside. We
could get a good chance to get the answers right away if there were no witches there. I really hoped there were no
There were two boys standing by the front door. They were both wearing black suits. Werewolves. I could smell their
mixed human and dog scent. The one had a blonde hair while the other had a dyed blue one. It would be easy to
sneak inside as long as my spell wouldn't wear off yet.
We casually walked to the steps where the boys were standing. I was quite alarmed when the blonde began looking
around. He whispered something to the blue one; the blue one nodded. I wondered what was that about. Though the
blonde was actually looking at us, he couldn't see us because of the spell. We would need some distraction so that
we could enter the door without raising attention.
"I got an idea." Anna grinned.
She ran and hid behind a hedge. I saw her pull something out of her boots. Then, I was amazed when a ball of fire
went flying from her direction to Kyro's SUV. The SUV burst in fire and the two boys were obviously startled. The blue
pulled a two-way radio from his pocket and began muttering as he scanned the paramater. The blonde followed.
That's our chance. Anna jumped over the hedge with a glee smile on her face. She was holding her wand and the
stone on its tip was glowing. That reminded me of something. I pulled my own from my high-cut sneakers.
"Come on." I grinned.
Before we came in, a number of people in black burst out from the door. The door was left open so it hadn't been
hard for us to enter. The hallway was dark but I could clearly see with my wolf eyesight. Anna could also see with her
extra sharp witch sight. The way was long and the smell of dog was iritating my nose. My family were werewolves but
I knew to myself that our house didn't smell like this. It was like this one was a dog pound.
As we reached the end of the hallway, doors had started flanking at each side but I heard nothing from them so we
didn't bother to open them. It would be better if we could just cast our senses out but we couldn't because it would
raise the alarm. They would know that we're here. They would feel it.
There was a staircase at the right side leading to the second floor. We headed to it and another hallway flanked with
doors appeared before us. I tried to focus so that I could hear if somebody was inside them. We were astonished that
we almost whimpered when a door suddenly opened and produced a girl with auburn hair. Another werewolf. It
looked like she could sense us. She stepped outside and we had to keep our distance so that she couldn't touch us.
Then, she raced downstairs to check what's happening.
That was really close, I said to Anna through my mind.
Yeah, really close, she replied with a grin.
We reached the another end of the hallway and there was another staircase. We went for it and found another set of
doors. This time, I could hear faint sounds from the door at the farthest side. That must be Kyro and his accomplices.
They probably knew that there was an attack.
This is it.
Me and Anna were already close to the door when to our astonishment and horror. We felt someone cast his senses
toward us. Witch. Witch could see through a see-me-not spell unless the spell is strong.
Uh-oh. What should we do? Run or fight? I asked Anna.
She shrugged.
I was wondering if we both had the same horrored expression on our faces.
Goddess, no. We'd already come this far. There was no more backing up. This was it. We had to do this.
I gripped my wand tighter when the door knob slowly twisted.
Goddess, help.
I could see my own anxiety in the way Anna eyed the knob. We both knew this could be the end of our adventure.
The door slowly opened like the one in the movies where the climax of the movies were revealed. Slowly. Slowly. My
eyes were focused on the foot of the door. It gave way and appeared a pair of black leather boots. My eyes moved
upward, tracing the legs wrapped with faded black jeans up to the blue sweater, the turtleneck, the face with shocked
blue-gray eyes and the soft fiery red hair.
Goddess, I thought.
The door closed and standing before us was Brent. He was as astounded as I was.
Anna instinctively stood in front of me to defend me.
No, Anna, no, I said to her telepathically.
Anna gave me a confused look.
What are you doing here? I heard Brent asked.
I shook my head incredulously. I don't know.
I was aware that he cast a kind of spell on the door. I didn't know what it was. Then, he shoved Anna aside and
grabbed my hand. He pulled me to the corner. I didn't know Anna's reaction with that.
"Goddess, Irina, what are you doing here?" His voice was shaky and raspy from trying to keep it very low.
I didn't have the chance to answer because he pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head.
"You don't know what you're getting yourself into," he whispered. "It's very dangerous."
I felt like crying. I missed him so much. His scent. His face. His everything. This was better because this was just not
a simple dream. It's reality.
He let go and looked into my eyes. I missed seeing those eyes. That face that I loved. He still looked like him but it
was evident from the dark circles under his eyes that he was going through something.
"I need to know where my father is," I muttered weakly. "Where is he? Is he alright?"
I could feel my eyes well up with tears.
"Irina," Brent began. "You need to go. They will kill you."
"No." I shook my head. "I need to know where my father is. I'm already here. You must tell me!"
"I don't know, Irina," he whispered. "They moved him with the other witches. I don't know where. They won't tell me."
"Brent, help me," I begged. "I need to find my father."
He closed his eyes for a moment.
"Please forgive me," he muttered under his breath.
I looked at him. What?
"I'm sorry, Irina, but this is the only way I can help you," he said, looking at me apologetically.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Call your friend," he said.
I looked over Brent's shoulder and beckoned Anna to approach. She looked irritated but she just followed. She eyed
Brent warily.
"Now, you two will enter the room and attack them," Brent explained. "There are three werewolves inside that room. I
cast a deafening spell so that they wouldn't hear us talking."
I nodded. I looked at Anna's way. She didn't look interested but she just shrugged oh-well.
"You have to fight them on your own because I have to stay innocent like I didn't know that you're there," he
continued. "Remember, I am your spy. Without me, you wouldn't know anything." He paused. "Then, I'm going to
enter and pretend to attack you. Probably there would be other werewolves but I know you can handle them." He
smiled my favorite smile like we're just having a casual conversation.
"You think we can fight them?" Anna asked.
"Of course." Brent nodded. "I'll just pretend to fight you but the truth is, I'll be helping you in a very artistic way. No
one will know. I'm the only witch here. The others are with your father. I don't know why I'm the one they left here.
Anyways, you'll get Kyro and hold him as hostage. In that way, no one can attack you. Even me."
"I hope your plan works," I said.
"Believe it." He smiled. "Now, I'm going downstairs. Good luck."
"Are you serious?" Anna asked.
"I am." He raised his brows.
I sighed. "Okay, let's do it."
Brent started for the stairs and cast one last mischievous smile for disappearing.
"Goddess, a kind of boyfriend you have," Anna commented when he's finally gone.
"You know?" I raised a brow.
Me and Chip had been posing as boyfriend-girlfriend in front of the coven but I didn't know that some didn't believe.
"Of course, I know Chip's not your boyfriend." She waved a hand. "I feel it."
Cool. I grinned. "Come on."
We stood in front of the door, wands in hand. Anna cast a fortifying spell. I held the knob and started twisting it. My
heart pounded with every move of my muscles as I turned the knob. Here we go.
I opened the door and appeared before me Kyro and two other blonde boys in black suit. They were all sitting around
a round table.
Maybe black is their uniform, I thought.
Me and Anna quickly got inside and slammed the door close. The see-me-not spell had probably worn off because all
of them three eyed us warily.
"I guess you got our witch boy charmed," said Kyro with a smile.
"It's not my fault if he's too stupid not to notice us," I replied confidently but inside I was afraid that we'd be busted.
"What are you doing here, hybrid?" he asked.
"So you know." I smiled, hoping I looked intimidating.
"Of course, everyone knows you're a disgrace." He smiled back.
That made me bite my tongue. I tasted the blood and I felt rage crawled over me. Anna was at my back, probably
waiting to attack.
"Look," I began. "We don't need to come into a fight. Just tell me where my father is and we're done. I won't tell the
Guild about your part in the rebellion if you'd just cooperate."
"You are really like Mirana." Kyro grinned. "Always trying to be strong and dominant. You don't know who you're
talking to, pup." There was contempt in the way he said the last sentence.
"I can prove you my dominance, if you like," I dared.
Irina, what are you doing? Anna asked.
Just watch, I replied.
"Ooh, I'm scared." Kyro smiled. "Come on, do it."
Anna, you deal with the two. I'll deal with Kyro, I said.
Got ya, she replied.
Anna raised her wand before the two other boys could move. She bound them. Wow. I'd never seen her fight before.
She was actually cool.
"Now, we're talking about dominance here," said Kyro. "That means no magick involved."
I raised my chin and rolled my eyes. "As if I couldn't fight you without magick. You're on."
I shoved my wand inside my high-cut sneakers and made a fighting stance. Kyro stood up and marched away from
the table.
Anna, put the others to sleep and guard the door, I ordered Anna.
'Kay that, she replied.
"What are you waiting for?" Kyro taunted, spreading his arms wide. "Fight me."
Goddess, I wish I could do this.
I thought for a second and then I came running toward him. I knew a little trick. Kyro must have been expecting me to
punch him straightforwardly but instead I jumped into the air in vampire quickness and kicked his head sideways. He
was really caught unguarded. The impact of my kick made him stumble a little. I really wasn't expecting him to fall that
easily. I knew he was strong. There was a streak of blood on the side of his lips when he faced me again. He smiled
and swung his leg to trip me off but I quickly jumped to miss it. I didn't know that I could do such stuff. Maybe my
training was already paying off.
I glanced at Anna and saw her still fighting with the other two. Maybe these werewolves knew how to fight magick. It
should've been just easy for her but instead she was still trying to force the bind to them. I wanted to help her.
"Hey, face me, I'm your opponent, not them!" Kyro shouted.
That made me turn to him. I was really caught off guard when he backhanded me. It felt like my brain had been
shaken me inside my skull with that hit. It was too strong that I'd fallen to the ground like a boneless puppet.
"Fight!" Kyro shouted with a sinister smile.
I quickly stood up and touched the side of my face where he hit me. I moved my jaw to make sure it hadn't been
broken. I cast a smile back at him. I wasn't scared.
In vampire speed, I quickly went around him until I was finally at his back. My arm automatically went around his neck
while my other hand went for his hair. He wasn't able to react fast so I quickly put all my force on him and kicked the
back of his knees, making him kneel. I pushed him down until his chest was already on the floor. I put all my weight
on him and I strongly slammed his head to the marble floor. I knew that would hurt. I looked up to see Anna already
muttering spells to get the two bound boys on the floor to sleep. Good.
I kept Kyro under me. He sure had a teenage boy lean body but he was really tough.
"After I prove to you my dominance," I whispered to his ear, almost kissing it. "You will tell me where my father is. Is
that clear?"
He let out a short husky laugh. I felt his vibration under me as he laughed.
"Are you kidding me, pup?" he asked, voice raspy and muffled.
"No," I whispered sharply. "I'm serious."
To my exasperation and impatience, I dug my grown canine teeth to his ear and bit it. Kyro let out a loud cry.
"What are you doing?" he asked.
"Tell me where my father is or I'll bite your ear off," I warned.
He laughed again. "I won't tell."
"Oh, really?" I bet I sounded crazy.
"I swear."
"How 'bout I force you?"
"Still won't even if you kill me."
"I'm not finished yet." I smiled devilishly even if he couldn't see it. "How 'bout I force you through Jessica?"
He didn't speak.
"Yes, Mr. Ginova. I know your secret. Now, if you want Jessica alive, tell me where my father is."
I didn't know how I got the guts to blackmail such a big man even if I didn't really have Jessica in my possession.
Well, I could just tell him that some of my accomplices had already kidnapped Jessica.
I could say that Kyro had a heart after all if he would budge on this. I hoped he would and I hoped he believed my
"Now, what do you say, huh?" I taunted. "Jessica's life for my father's life."
Kyro seemed to calm down under me but I still didn't let go of my guards. I thought he might be considering my offer
but it looked like I was wrong because he just laughed again.
"You think I'd fall for that, hybrid?" he asked, voice filled with contempt. "If I know, you'd never be willing to kill
anybody. You think I don't know what you've done to Anthony? The memory still haunted you. You killed your
precious professor!"
Maybe he could use that on me. He could guilt trip me all day long but I wouldn't bite on that. I already forgave myself
and I was sure Mr. Bram already did. So, I didn't think I had any more reasons to feel guilty.
"Give me a break," I drawled.
He was really tough. Well, I knew only one thing to make him budge. Penetration.
I focused. I collected my energy and began crawling my way into his head. I would need to enter his mind to be able
to do it. The shield was strong. Jessica had been right about that. It was hard to get through his mind. It was like
pushing your way in through a wall. I pushed harder. I knew I could do it. I could do it. Little by little, I could feel that I
was finally entering him. I pushed my way in a single blast and voila! I was now inside his head and I could clearly
hear his thoughts about how I would pay if he gets the chance to escape, about how he would destroy the Guild.
Goddess, I'm so full of them, I said in his head.
I started thinking of horrifying images into his head. Those ones that would surely make him pee in his pants. I
thought of this image that even me, myself couldn't believe that I'd actually do. I imagined Jessica kneeling, her
hands bound with silver chains. Her arms had long gashes and blood was seen from the split of her lower lip. I felt
Kyro twitched under me but I continued.
And there was me in the picture. I had in my hand a silver kitchen knife. I ran a line on Jessica's cheek and she let out
a cry of pain. I wasn't contented yet, I did it on the other cheek. I could hear the cry as if it was real. Then, I crouched
before Jessica and I tipped her chin up using the knife.
"Let me go, please," she begged.
I was heartless in the image. Instead of taking pity on her, I gave her a loud slap on the face.
"Only if your father tells me where my father is," I replied.
I grabbed her hair and cut it off with the knife until she was almost bald. She cried, of course and it was heartbreaking
but I ignored them all for the sake of scaring the shit out of Kyro.
"Do you still want to live?" I asked, sounding very evil to my own ears.
"Yes, I do want to live," she cried.
"Then, convince your father to give me what I need," I replied.
Jessica sobbed and nodded. "I'll convince him."
"Are you sure?" I raised a brow.
"Yes." She nodded.
"What will I do if you didn't?"
There was a long silence. "You can kill me so that it would be fair. Your father won't just die for nothing."
"Very good." I smiled.
I wasn't contented yet so I drew a cross on her forehead while she cried. In the image, I was a sadistic person and I
loved her pain.
I heard someone crying and calling my name. I pulled myself out of that image and looked up. Anna was kneeling
before us while Kyro shook in sobs under me. Anna was the one who was calling my name.
"Please, don't," said Kyro, voice muffled. "I'll tell you. Just leave Jessica alone. Please."
He looked so tough. I'd never thought he'd cry like that. Carlos was right. Kyro really loved his daughter. Maybe he
thought that it was all real. Well, I could really make it real if he wouldn't tell me.
"Do you swear?" I asked in voice of authority.
"I swear," he answered quickly. "You can kill me if I lie."
"You think I'll kill you?" I asked. "I'd rather Jessica. She's weak. As clueless as my father when you took him."
"No, please, spare Jessica," Kyro cried. "I'll tell you."
"Swear again," I said. "And this time swear for Jessica's life."
"I swear I'll tell nothing but the truth or else...or else...she will die."
"Very good." I grinned.
I looked at Anna and she returned the grin. I got off of Kyro and got myself settled on one of the highback chairs. Kyro
looked helpless. Broken. Not the same cool lad I'd seen lately. Huh. Now he knew who's the Alpha here.
My sensitive hearing caught the charging of heavy footsteps towards the door. And just as what I'd expected, Brent,
ahead of many werewolves, came rushing in. I almost believed the shocked look on his face if he hadn't wolf-whistled
in my head. The werewolves (in black) made fighting stances while Brent pulled out his own wand. One of the
werewolves was about to pounce towards Anna but Kyro stood up and held his palm up.
They all looked at him with surprise on their faces.
"You may go," said Kyro. "We're just having a little talk." He straightened his crimped suit and raised his chin.
They exchanged glances and nodded. Maybe they were thinking that their Alpha had just lost a fight.
"And take those two," Kyro added.
Two pairs of boys in black carried the two sleeping blondes. After that, the others followed as they went out. Brent
was with them.
"Brent," Kyro called.
Brent quickly turned and closed the door behind him when the others were finally out. His face was a mask of
indifference. He just stood there as if guarding us. Was this Brent's job here?
"What do you really want, hybrid?" Kyro asked, facing me.
Goddess, did I really have to say it again and again. I was getting tired of it.
"My father," I answered, tone demanding.
"They moved him far away from here." Kyro smiled cunningly. "Not the place I've imagined to be a good hiding spot
but real."
"Where is it?" I demanded. I didn't have time for more puzzles. I'd had enough of those from Carlos.
"In the Philippines, dear pup," Kyro answered.
Philippines. Goddess, really didn't expect that coming. That's too far.
"You know what will happen to Jessica if you lie to me," I warned.
I sensed Kyro's internal wincing. He couldn't do anything as long as I had the knowledge of his daughter.
"I'm not lying," Kyro said, voice serious. "Your father together with other prison vampires are in Quezon City."
"Where in Quezon City?" I asked. "You can't just send me there with that very general idea."
"New Manila," he muttered. "New Manila is a small place. You can already find your father there."
New Manila. I would have to do a research about it.
"How would I find them?" I asked, voice raised.
"Go to the Alpha of the Quezon pack," he drawled. "He's in charge there. You can talk to anyone that had been here
lately. They knew about it but I doubt they'd talk."
I wondered if he was really telling me the truth.
"You know what your lying will do," I warned again.
Kyro rolled his eyes. "I am not lying for goodness' sake!"
I swear I saw Brent smile.
"Well then." I stood up. "Thanks. That's all I want from you."
"Say hi to Mirana for me." Kyro smiled.
"Are you still planning to destroy the Guild?" I asked, remembering his real goal.
"Nah." He shook his head. "I don't think it'll still work. You already knew about it. Maybe I'll just pursue it next time. If
there would be still next time."
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Do you think my ally, after risking big to let me in, would just let me go for free? Even if I don't know anything about
the identity of the mastermind or about the current location of your father, they would still hunt me down."
I never thought about that. Goddess, what have I done?
"You mean, the pack from Quezon—" I began.
"You're right, Irina," Kyro interrupted. "They will surely know about it. And because of that, New York pack would be in
grave danger. There would be a war."
What? No. I couldn't let that happen.
"We'd ask help from the Guild," I suggested.
Kyro looked at me with disbelief. "You can't do that. The Guild will know and they will punish us all. Do you want that
to happen?"
"No." I bit my lower lip. "I'll help you."
He raised a brow. "How the hell is that going to happen, hybrid?"
"I will fight with you," I answered sternly. "I can fight for you. But I can't do that without recovering my father."
"Are you that full of yourself that you actually think that you can beat the whole Quezon pack?" His voice held
contempt. "And who knows? They might have back-ups."
"Just trust me," I asserted. "I can make a plan. Just help me find my father first."

Chapter 16
Gotta Bolt

"What is Brent doing here anyway?" I asked, remembering about Brent's presence.
We all looked at Brent's direction. He raised a brow and smirked. I sat down on the chair. I guessed we were going to
have a long talk.
"He's in charge of guarding me," Kyro answered. "He used to do it for the prisoners but now he's left behind."
"I'm not here to guard you," said Brent petulantly. "I do things for my master alone."
"And who is this master you say?" I asked.
"I...don't remember." He sighed.
"See?" Kyro smiled. "He was brainwashed. He remembers nothing. When I arrived here, the prisoners were already
gone and he was the only witch left. The others were also clueless. It's like they somehow knew that you would come.
They cleaned everything up."
"All I could remember is that," Brent began disappointedly. "Something will happen if I disobey my master."
"You really don't remember?" I prompted.
He shook his head.
"Dear, I knew we are tricked," Kyro drawled. "And we can't do anything about it. We're being crushed in between.
We've got the Quezon pack to attack us and the Guild to punish us if they found out about our part."
I knew the Guild. I couldn't talk them out with any reason. I knew it well. They don't exempt anyone. Even me.
"Goddess," I muttered under my breath. "What can I do?"
"You can start by asking Carlos," Kyro suggested with a roll of his gray eyes. "He might know what to do."
"You mean Carlos—" I began.
"Yeah, yeah, we've been working with Carlos," he interrupted. "You know, Carlos. He knows everything. He wanted
us to do something for him and he'll keep our identity secret in return. But..." He sighed. "We kinda failed and now
we're doomed. Thanks to him you found us and now we failed our mission and we're gonna die for it."
"What's this mission?"
"Find his son and kill him. The hell, how we can do that? We don't even know who he's talking about."
"I think he also wanted me to do the same except for the murder thingy."
"Yeah, Carlos is tricky. Nobody knows what his reasons are."
"You said Carlos knows everything," I mused. "Then, he knows the mastermind."
"Believe me. We tried asking him. But he can't tell. He didn't really know."
"What are we gonna do now?" I asked.
I'm in a very dire situation now.
I had to think of a better plan. But first, I have to organize my thoughts.
I stood up and started pacing.
"First problem of all, we're clueless," I began. "Kyro only knows a little about Quezon Pack. Brent was brainwashed
and only these two Quezon Pack accomplices are the only way to know about the exact location."
I knew the three were staring at me intently as I ponder on my thoughts.
"Second, the Guild is trailing behind," I continued. "Third, I don't know how to excuse myself and Anna, of course.
Fourth, Brent here is wanted and the Guild is already starting to grow suspicious of the New York Pack. And fifth, I
don't know how to get to Quezon."
I felt my brows knitted.
Brent walked behind me and touched my shoulders. Goddess, I love this supportive Brent.
"We can think of solutions to them," said Anna. "Don't worry."
Kyro snickered. "You really think you could do it on your own, hybrid?"
Thanks, Kyro. That's so uplifting, I thought.
"Who says that you're out of this?" I asked. "You're helping me or I'll—"
"Okay," Kyro said quickly. "I know, I know. So, what to do?"
I needed to think about all of it. I would need to study the case before I go into a reckless drive.
"I'll think about it," I said. "Tomorrow, we all meet at the New York base in the morning, got it?"
"Right," said Kyro with a hint of sarcasm. "So when Mirana comes, she'll find us planning a stupid mission with their
precious hybrid."
"How 'bout we meet at Carlos'?" Anna suggested.
"Not a bad idea," I said.
Kyro sighed. "Fine."
"Where will Brent stay?" I asked, looking at Brent.
"With me, of course," said Kyro.
"No!" I exclaimed. "Do you want the Guild to catch him?"
"I'll go to Carlos," Brent said.
"Okay." I sighed.
I would need to do a lot of explaining when I got home.

"You weren't in school today," said Brianna. Her tone was firm.
We were in my room. I was on my bed while she was standing in front of me with her arms folded over her chest.
"I know." I sighed.
"Where were you?" she asked inquisitively. "I called Chip. He didn't know where you went. Who were you with?"
"Mom," I began. "I was with Anna." I closed my eyes. "I am so sorry for cutting class and for not telling you about it."
"What did you do with Anna?" she asked.
I didn't like the look on her face. She was so scary.
"Nothing big." I shrugged. "We were just training. She said she found out a new spell. I was curious so I decided to go
with her."
"That's not a good excuse to skip school, Irina, you know that," Brianna retorted.
"I'm sorry," I persisted. "I'm so sorry. I knew it was so stupid."
Brianna sat with me on the bed.
"Honey." She stroke my hair. "You know how much I'm worried about your safety. We all know that your life is in
danger. We can't lose you."
"Mom," I began weakly. "I can handle myself. I'm being careful and vigilant. Please, trust me. I can take care of
Brianna smiled morosely. "You know I love you, right? We all love you and we don't want you to get hurt, love. You
are the only precious one I have right now." Her voice was now shaky. "I can't bear losing you after your father. I don't
even know if we could still find him."
"Mom." I tried to smile. "Trust me. We can find him. I believe we can find him and we'll make those savage Ancients
pay to the Law."
"Oh, love." She hugged me. "You're so strong. Your ardor is undying."
"I'm a member of the Phoenix, Mom," I said. "I'd always be back."
She let go of the hug and looked at me with her loving ocean blue eyes.
"Now don't make me worry for you again, sweetie," she said. "Next time, I'm sure going to scry for you."
"Mom," I groaned.
"Just kidding." She smiled. "But I'm serious. Don't go again without telling me, okay?"
"Trust me, Mom. I can handle myself."

"Where have you been?" Chip asked.

We were in the garden. It was already evening and the cool wind was giving me chills.
"Just a little adventure trip," I answered, not looking at him.
"So, what did you find out?" he asked, wrapping his arms around me from behind.
It's better if I just lie to him. He shouldn't know anything about it.
I heavily sighed. "Nothing."
"Nothing?" He kissed the back of my head.
"Chip." My tone was kind of annoyed. "My business. Alone."
I felt him drew air. "Okay."
He seemed calm. I began to wonder why he wasn't insisting.
I turned around to face him and smiled. "Why aren't you insisting?"
He kissed the top of my nose. "'Cause I know you won't tell me, love. I told you. I'll just wait. I'll come if you need
some help."
"Awww," I purred, hugging him. "Thank you so much, Baldur. You are so understanding."
He snickered. "I think I like it better when you call me in my true name."
"Do you love me?" I suddenly asked.
I didn't even know why I asked that question.
He grinned. "I love you, Irina. I always did."
My heart was breaking for Chip. I was just using him. I couldn't believe myself I was doing this to him.
I'm so fickle.
"Chip, could you a little favor for me?" I asked.
"What is it, my princess?" He looked at me intently.
"I don't know if I can still make up lies," I said. "I'm going to skip school again tomorrow. Could you please cover up
for me?"
"What are you doing this time?" His tone was exasperated.
"I can't tell you," I answered. "But please, Chip, please, cover up for me."
He looked thoughtful for a minute. Then, he smiled.
"Thank you." I hugged him tightly. "You're the best, Chip."
"I'd do anything for you, princess," he replied.
I looked at his face.
Yes. He was so handsome and nice and sweet. But he's not my love.
I'm so sorry, Chip.
I thought he was going to kiss me on the lips but he just kissed my forehead.
"Anything for you," he muttered.

Mr. Bram's entries were getting lesser and lesser. He already skipped a few months. He must have been busy about
his work. All the things I'd read on his entries were all about work, spells, the people he met, the place he had been
and not to mention some women that he had dated.
Poor Mr. Bram.
Since he had skipped a lot of days and months, I was able to read all his entries from 1997 to 1999. They were just
few and short.
I didn't know why he wanted me to read all of this. Maybe he wanted me to know him more deeply. But how would I
be able to find the answer?

On the next day, I quickly prepared myself for school. A big lie. I couldn't help but feel a little self-conscious when I
moved around the house. I didn't want my thoughts to slip. I didn't want them to know my plan.
In my bag, I had put Mr. Bram's BOS, my wand, some money, and some clothes. I didn't know what would happen to
I was able to say goodbye to my mom, uncle and grandma with a straight face. I hoped they wouldn't grow suspicious
of me.
Goddess, please help me.

Chapter 17
Good Planning Needs Good Thinking

I went to the garden and performed the teleportation there. I didn't need to get Anna to drive me. My family would be
just suspicious.
After a few breathe in, breathe out, and concentration, I was already standing in front of Carlos' grand mansion.
When I knocked on the door, John immediately opened it and escorted me upstairs to the parlor.
When I arrived, Carlos, Brent and Kyro were sitted on the couches and were having a good talk. Anna wasn't there
"So, the hybrid is behind all of this," said Carlos when he saw me.
He was wearing a black suit today like Kyro.
"Thank you so much, Carlos for the help," I said as I sat next to Brent.
"Do not mention it." He smiled. "Just make sure I'd get my prize after you solve your problem."
"I promise." I turned to Kyro. "Thank you for coming."
I bet he already found out that I hadn't done anything to Jessica. Well, he still couldn't back out. I already had the
knowledge of his daughter.
"Welcome," Kyro drawled.
I looked at Brent beside me who was wearing a simple gray turtleneck and a pair of sexy black jeans. His red hair
was back to its messy style.
"I'm glad you made it," he said in English accent.
My brows raised in surprised.
"How did you do that?" I asked with a smile.
He shrugged. "Love, I grew up in Leeds. Don't tell me I can't speak my natural tongue."
I laughed at it. The accent was actually good on him. I loved the way he sounded. So sexy.
I bet the two spectators were watching us but I just ignored them. Anna wasn't there yet anyway.
The two started a conversation of their own so I had Brent for mine.
"I really am sorry, Irina," he said sincerely, looking into my eyes.
"It's alright, love," I replied with a sigh. "I know it's not your fault."
He wrapped his arms around my shoulder and pulled me to him until my head was already resting on his shoulder.
"I'll help you with all I can," he said. "At least I can repay you for all the things I did."
My hand twined with his.
"I'm so sorry, Irina," he continued. "I really can't remember anything. They tricked me."
"They tricked us," Kyro chimed in but I ignored him.
"All I remember is that, I'm supposed to obey my master, to guard Kyro." Confusion was evident in Brent's voice. "If I
fail, something bad will happen."
"You already failed," said Kyro. "We failed. They dropped us."
"Which reminds me," I said, sitting up. "I thought Mr. Bram said that they were threatened by werewolves?"
"Yeah, that's us," he answered.
"I don't get it." My brows knitted.
"Well, Mr. Bram wasn't really part of the plan," Brent explained. "I thought I could ask help from him 'cause you're very
close but he didn't agree with me. So, I had Kyro threaten him."
"I get it. Poor" I nodded. "Anyways, where are the two blondes?"
"The dogs from Quezon Pack?" Kyro raised a brow. "They just came to tell me yesterday that I failed so I let them
"Why?" I exclaimed.
"We can't squeeze anything out of them, hybrid. They just follow what task is given to them. They surely don't know
what were the real happenings," Kyro explained.
"Tell me." I arched a brow. "How did it all happen? The scheme? What's the plan?"
"Okay, hybrid." Kyro straightened up. "I'll explain everything to you nice and clear."
John came with a tray of tea pot and cups and settled them on the table. He smiled at me. I smiled back.
"Okay." Kyro breathed in deeply. "So, here it is. When the Guild was established, the vampire-werewolf war was still
at its peak. I was glad Selena did that 'cause I really hated vampires. Anyway, when this woman, Mirana, your very
nice grandmother, was dispatched to a war in Gloucester, she found out that a secret little society of 'good' vampires
exist. And so, they became allies. And I hated that ally so much. You think I ever liked vampires? Never. So when this
witch came to me..." He pointed at Brent. "And offered a very interesting help, I grabbed the opportunity right away.
Brent with some witches offered to protect the New York Pack as long as we get to get your father in Reading and
threaten you. They couldn't get to the London Pack because of their nearness to the Guild. Anyway, yes, they really
targeted your father. And then, I thought it would be a nice thing to do. I could attack the Guild." He paused and took
a cup and sipped. "Then, we got
your father and caged him here in MA. Your grandmother came to ask help. I helped at first but of course, I realized
that it's a nonsense 'cause the person they're looking for was with me all along and my wolves were just dying
because of you. So, I stopped. Then, yesterday, I came here and the prisoner was gone with the other witches.
Those two Quezon dogs came to deliver a message that my work was done. The mission is in their hands already."
I tried to make sense of everything he said.
"But why get my father and threaten me?" I asked.
"I don't know." Kyro shrugged. "Why don't you ask your boyfriend?"
"I told you I can't remember anything!" Brent retorted.
"Okay, stop!" Carlos interrupted, raising his palms. "Arguing will not help. Just go and tell the plan."
We all turned our heads to the direction of the stairs when we sensed someone coming.
"Hi. Am I interrupting something?" Anna asked as she entered the parlor.
"Glad you're finally here," I said with a smile. "Now we can start."
Anna sat beside me and eyed all of us. She was blooming in her yellow jacket, denim jeans, and brown UGG boots.
I just realized. Winter is already coming.
"Okay, here's the plan," I said in a business-like tone. "I don't know if it's gonna work but we must try." I turned to
Carlos. "Carlos, since you already started helping us, why don't you do me one more favor?"
"What is it?" He raised a brow.
"Could you grab us maybe six tickets to Philippines and also book us in a hotel?" I said straightforwardly. "We need to
be there by tonight or if possible by tomorrow."
I thought Carlos would refuse but he just smiled and took a cup.
"Well, my dear Sigrid, don't worry about it," he said. "I'll take care of it."
"Thanks," I replied. "Now, the only info we have is that my father is in New Manila. We need to get there right away." I
turned to Kyro. "Mr. Alpha, you can bring two wolves with you and please, don't tell anyone about this mission."
Kyro raised his brows. The Alpha didn't like taking commands.
I glared at him.
"Alright," he finally said, raising his hands up. "You win."
"Next." I sighed. "We're going to study the place there and if possible just try to sneak in and get my father. Then, if
also possible, we'll try tracking down the main source of all these plots. Got it?"
I looked at their faces. "So what do you think?"
Anna sighed. "I hope it would work."
"Is that all?" Kyro asked.
"That's all." I nodded.
Kyro immediately stood up and pulled his phone out of his pocket. He strode to the other side of the parlor and made
a call. He's probably going to call his back-ups.
"What's gonna happen if we come back?" Brent asked. "The Guild is going to punish us."
"No," I assured. "I promise. We'll get in the root of all of these."
"I hope this Quezon Pack is not deluding us," Anna said. Worry was shown on her face.
I picked up a cup and sipped from it.
"Let's pray to the Goddess that all of these would be just fine," I muttered.
Goddess, I know this is really reckless. I know my family is going to kill me for this but I'm not doing this for nothing.
This is for my father and for the end of this big problem.
Brent held my hand and kissed the back of it.
"I'm here," he said. "Don't worry."
I managed a small smile. I couldn't believe that he's actually here with me now, helping me find my father when he
used to be one of my enemies.
"Wait," I suddenly said. "Carlos, you think the witch that sends me horrible dreams is already in Philippines?"
Carlos shrugged. "Maybe. Who knows?"
I sighed. "You think you can track this person who gives me dreams?"
"Not here in my house, dear," he said. "It's fully warded. But maybe I could try."
Kyro returned to his seat and had a smug smile on his face.
"My Beta and Gamma is coming," he said.
"Wow. You don't look excited," I said with sarcasm.
Carlos was the next one to stand up and leave the parlor. He did book six tickets for us and prepared everything for
our arrival there in Philippines. It's really lucky of me to have a rich friend like Carlos. Wait. Are we friends?
"Your parents already miss you," I said.
Me and Brent were in the garden at the back while Anna was still at the parlor probably having a chat with the two
handsome boys. Carlos really had a mansion. His garden was bigger and more awesome than ours.
"Really?" He looked at me with those lonely blue-gray eyes. "I don't know how I got myself into this kind of mess."
I touched his face. "It's not your fault. I know you're all forced into this. I know you have your own reasons."
"I hope that's true." He held my hand to his face. "It's just...I don't remember anything about the master of all except
for everything that happened."
I pulled him into a hug. "Oh, love, don't blame yourself for this."
His hands copped my face and he stared into my eyes intently.
"I love you so much, Irina," he said.
"I know." I smiled.
He smirked. "Why don't you say you love me, too?"
"I don't need to tell you," I said. "You already know it."
My arms went around his neck and I pulled him to me until our lips met. I was kissing him again and this was real. Not
just a dream.
His arms went around my waist and he pressed me to him like I would run away from him. I really loved him. No one
could make me go crazy like this but him (well, except for Chip's charm). But it's still different. What I feel for Chip
was different. Brent was different. He was my love.
"I love you, Brent," I muttered against his lips.
"I know." He grinned.
We kissed again and this time I could feel that he was smiling.
"Wait." I pulled back. "It just entered my mind. Let's ask Carlos to put a strong charm on us that would prevent people
from locating us through scrying."
"We don't need Carlos to that." He smiled. "I know how to take care of that."
He held my hand and led me inside the mansion. We saw John reading a book by the stairs. He looked up and
smiled when he saw us.
"John, do you have some extra peridot?" Brent asked him.
"Yes, I have, Frey," John said as he stood up and folded his book.
"Could I have one for this very beautiful lady?" Brent asked with a grin, eyes looking at me.
John gave one last look and left.
I folded my arms over my chest and arched a brow.
"So that's how you hid well?" I asked.
"Yes, love. That's how." He kissed my forehead.
I couldn't explain the happiness that I felt. Brent was so sweet. He loves me. I could feel it.
John returned and handed a small greenish stone to Brent.
"Thanks, John, you're the best," Brent said then turned to me. "Let's go."
He dragged me back to the garden and we sat on a stone bench there.
"Now," he began, pushing the stone into my hand. "Hold it and do everything I say to you."
"Alright." I shrugged.
He closed his eyes. I closed mine.
"Gather the energy around you, love," he said. His voice traveled in the wind. It sounded so angelic.
I did what he said and started gathering the energy around me. I felt them enter my system everytime I breathed in. I
could feel it building up and swelling inside me. It's wonderful.
"Now, love, channel that energy to the peridot while saying, 'Thee will not see, my being and me. Hidden from thee,
it'll always be," Brent muttered.
I did what he said and started channeling the energy to the stone.
"Thee will not see, my being and me. Hidden from thee, it'll always be," I recited. "So mote it be."
"Now, I want you to imagine yourself wrapped in green-like light that this peridot is giving you," Brent said.
From the energy of the stone, I drew an image of me wrapped in green light and that nobody could see me as long as
I have the stone with me.
"Enchanted stone, o peridot," I said. "Scrying stones had no power against you. I'm hidden and secret within your
range. One can never find me with your light. So mote it be."
I opened my eyes and saw Brent smiling at me. The energy was still around me, crackling. I felt so beautiful and
"Permanente secreto." He copped my face.
I grinned. "Thank you."
He leaned in and gave me a one short kiss. We both spun our heads when we sensed someone coming.
"The werewolves have arrived. You're already leaving," said John with a curtsy.
"We're coming," said Brent. "And John, thanks again."
"Do not mention it, Frey," he replied with a smile then left.
"How old is John?" I asked.
I was really intrigued with this John. He seemed very wise.
"I don't know." Brent shrugged. "Twelve?"
I sighed then put the peridot inside my pocket. "Come on. We've still got a flight to catch."

Chapter 18
Thrill is Always Exciting

After a few guidelines and tips from Carlos, we were already inside Kyro's black SUV service hitting the road to the
airport. We were all nervous, of course. I didn't know what would be the reaction of my family once they find out what
I was doing. I was afraid for everyone of us especially for Anna who was in this mess because of me. I would kill
myself if something bad happens to her because of this trip.
Goddess, help us.
Me and Brent were jammed at the backseat. We're going on this journey together still clueless of what's waiting
ahead. It could be difficult but we must try.
We were able to get past the security check without sacrificing our weapons. Of course, we wouldn't have made it
without a few glamour from the witches and compelling from me. We got on board just in time and were sailing the
clouds across the sea after an hour.
I watched the clouds as the plane drifted through the air. I just stared there, calming myself. I didn't know what kind of
tragedy happened to my life. It was all too fast. I couldn't even keep pace with it.
I felt Brent's arm went around my waist.
"What were you thinking?" he muttered against my head.
"Nothing," I answered, resting my head on his shoulder.
"We can get over this, love," he said. "Believe me. Just believe."
"I just want to ask you something," I began. "What coven are you from?"
"Coven?" He smiled. "Just a simple coven with my family which is called Toughhearts."
"Ooh," I cooed. "Interesting."
He snickered.
"Why?" I looked up to see him grinning.
"I just remember our silly squabbles," he said.
"Yeah, you were a jerk," I replied, pouting.
"I know," he agreed. "I'm sorry about it. For everything."
I fell asleep through the whole flight. I just woke up for the snack and then fell asleep again next to my loving Brent.
No dreams came to visit me. I was just asleep. Relaxed. It was all because of Brent.

The trip had been long. Very long.

Duh, imagine yourself crossing the world from west to east.
Probably my mother was already looking for me. I could feel it.

When I woke up, the plane was already landing and it was dark. Time zone effect. I still had a jet lag when we got off
the plane. The airport was crowded with people and I had to admit that it was really hot that I had to take off my
jacket. There were lots of people eyeing us. Well, maybe that's really the feeling of being a foreigner in a country.
When we got out of the building, a white service cab was waiting there for us. Kyro talked to the driver and beckoned
us to get in after. We quickly got inside the cab and took another long trip to the hotel Carlos arranged for us. I was
surprised to hear English music on the radio. They're not foreign but they had good lyrics.
"Are you, Ma'am and Sir, new in Philippines?" the driver asked.
The man had a very thick way of pronouncing the words.
"Oh, yes, we are," Anna answered excitedly. "What great places do you have here?"
There goes my lovely Anna. Always enthusiastic and energetic.
"Here in NCR only few." The driver shrugged. "But in other places, many."
"Like what?" Anna asked.
"Boracay, Bohol, Pagsanjan," the driver recited.
Anna turned to me. "I heard Boracay is an awesome place. Lots of celebrities go there for vacation."
I smirked.
"Oh." She smiled wryly. "Sorry."
After maybe half or more than half an hour, we finally arrived at the hotel. Kyro gave a big tip to the driver for his
friendliness and warm welcome.
The hotel was big and grand though not really that super grand. Carlos had booked three rooms for us. So, we were
divided in three. I was with Anna, Kyro and Brent together, and Kyro's Beta and Gamma together.
The room was awesome and beautiful. It had a great air-conditioning. Everything was complete. There was even a
TV. Carlos did know how to choose.
Me and Anna were still not able to sleep that night so we went for a strolling inside the hotel. There were lots of
people in the lobby and coming in an out. Me and Anna sat on a couch there and started reading magazines. Mine
had a cover photo of cute Filipino celebrities. The articles were fine but most of them were about show business.
While I was reading, I felt something prickled the back of my neck. I turned around to see who was staring at me and
then I found it. A woman (probably a Filipina) in a red blouse and skirt was glaring at me. She turned away when she
realized that I was looking at her. Who was that woman?
I continued on reading the article but curiosity ran in my head. I looked again at her direction. She was now smiling
and talking to a guy. She was beautiful. She had a beautiful straight black hair that matched her olive-toned skin.
I cast my senses out to her direction. I felt nothing different in her. She was just her. She looked at my direction and
voila! A witch. She made a simple barrier around her so that I couldn't read her.
I smirked. Maybe she's one of those witches who was now a replacement for Brent.
"Anna." I tapped Anna's shoulder. "We've got company."
Anna looked around and nodded. "I see."
"They already knew we're here," I whispered. "What are we going to do?"
"Let's go tell the others." Anna stood up.
We went upstairs and knocked on tbe doors of our companions. They opened the door with alarm on their faces. It's
like they sensed the danger.
"They knew we're here," I said. "There's a witch downstairs."
Kyro shook his head. "Damn, we've got to move. We can't stay here tonight."
"We gotta start looking for the base," Brent suggested.
"Can you guys still carry on?" Kyro asked.
"Of course," I said.
"Yeah," Anna said.
"Yeah," the Beta and Gamma said in unison.
"Hell, I can," Brent said.
"Then, let's go find this base," Kyro said with a secretive smile. "But first, let's get that witch that you're talking about."
He turned to his wolves. "Springer, Brickman, surround the parameter." Then, he looked at us. "You three are comin'
with me."
Ooh. So this is how an Alpha like Kyro works. I kinda like it.
Kyro's two companion quickly went inside their room to grab some weapons. We did the same. I grabbed my bag and
then we went downstairs. I tried to look casual while my eyes searched for the woman in the crowd.
She's comin' out of the entrance, I heard Anna said in my head.
I spun my head to the entrance and saw the woman in red. I could see in her eyes that she was observing her
surroundings and searching for any threat.
Springer and Brickman's already out, I heard Brent said. They're guarding every possible way.
We followed the woman as she started walking down the street. There were lots of people in the sidewalk. We might
lose her.
Let's split up, said Kyro.
Alright, I said.
We did split up. I trailed behind the woman without removing my sight of her. I kept a good distance so that she
wouldn't notice me but I was sure that she knew that she was being followed. As we go farther, the people were
lessening so I had to be really lesss suspicious. We walked a little more until she changed her direction entering a
darkened alley.
Oh my god, why is she leading me here?
I knew she already knew that I was trailing behind but I just kept on following her deeper into the alley.
Brent? Kyro? Anna?
No one responded.
My heart began to palpitate when I realized that there was also someone following behind me. I could tell from its
scent that it was a werewolf. When we were already deep in the heart of that alley, the woman I was following
stopped and turned around to face me.
"We've been expecting you," said the woman with a smile.
"Do you know where my father is?" I asked.
"I do but I won't tell you."
"Come on, what do you need from me?" I asked exasperatedly.
"Your life, your blood, your family, the destruction of the Guild," she recited as her black eyes looked at me intently.
"Why?" I choked out.
"Simple." She started pacing. "First, we need your blood 'cause you're very powerful. We just recently found that out.
Second, we need your life and your father's because that will surely upset and enrage the Ulfens. Third, we need to
kill your line. Your line's responsible for all these rebellions. If you hadn't established the Guild, none of these will
"For goodness' sake! We're keeping everything in order!" I retorted.
"You're not keeping everything in order! Vampires and werewolves should be in war not in peace! Witches should be
exposed not hidden! Sidhe should be allowed to do whatever they want!" the woman snarled.
"Why do you want that kind of living?" I asked.
"Because this kind of living under the Guild is not giving us freedom. It's really smothering!" she spat.
I shook my head in confusion. I still didn't get it.
"What are you trying to say?" I asked. "That Ancients should take over the world and fight over dominance?"
"You got it right, hybrid." She smiled. "I thought you were a total airhead. Bruce, take this girl to her father."
The werewolf behind me quickly took hold of me within his strong bulgy arms. I tried to concentrate and gather the
energy around me.
"Are you trying to fight me, hybrid?" the woman asked. "You can't. My friend said you're an inexperienced hell of
"Well." I grinned. "If I can't fight the magickal way, then let's do it with force."
With all my strength, I tried to escape this Bruce man. I'd gathered enough energy within me that I was able to send a
binding force to the woman in front of me with just a flick of my finger. Her eyes were wide when the force struck her.
Bruce was distracted by the woman's choking sound. I used that opportunity to force myself out of his hold. When I
did that, I grabbed him by the arm, carried him over my shoulder and slammed him to the woman.
The two quickly recovered after the crash. Bruce quickly transformed into a big black wolf. The woman shot a fire ball
at me that I was able to dodge. I sent my own fire but she was able to dodge it, too. The black wolf jumped over the
air to my direction but I was able to move fast and was able to bind it when it landed on the ground. I was about to
shot another fireball to the woman but I was surprised because I couldn't move. The woman had bound me.
"You're good," said the woman with a short laugh. "But not that good for me."
Because I was bound, the wolf was able to escape my binding. The wolf moved and circled around me. I tried
gathering energy but they just seemed to dissipate. I couldn't build it up.
"Tryin' too hard, hybrid?" The woman grinned. "Magdusa ka!"
All of a sudden, I started screaming in pain that I fell to the ground on my side. Everything felt painful. I couldn't focus.
For the first time, I heard myself scream out in pain. It's nothing like the one Chip had used on me. This one was
different. I felt like dying. I had a chance to look at my arm which was starting to have long deep gashes like
something invisible was slicing on it.
How is this happening?
Later, I heard someone screaming my name. I tried to look but my sight was already faint. I couldn't stand the pain
that I'd just closed my eyes. I just heard two wolves fighting. I could hear their whining and growling. Their heavy feet
were producing loud thuds to my ear. Then, I heard a piercing cry from a wolf and a pained scream from a woman.
Slowly, I felt the pain lessen but still I couldn't move. My breathing was harsh and I could hear my pulse on my
temples. I felt so weak and damaged. The pain was starting to subside though. It's beginning to fade. I felt better now
but I still wasn't able to open my eyes. I felt a hand closed around my wrist and I couldn't help but cry. It's too painful.
"Irina, you're safe now," I heard a sweet English accented voice say. "You're safe now."
Those words gave me assurance. I slowly lifted my lids. First, I could only see darkness. Then, the image started to
form and get clearer until I could finally see my hero's face. He was crouched at my side.
"Can you move?" Brent asked in his softest tone.
I looked at the face of my love. His brows were furrowed and his eyes were evident with worry.
I swallowed the lump in my throat. That act alone made my eyes teary. It was too painful. I wanted to cry. It wasn't
also like the pain in my training. This was like permanent.
It's too painful, I said in Brent's head.
I saw Brent turned his head to the others. That's when I realized that Anna was actually standing behind Brent. There
were also two wolves there. The one was red like fox and the other was dark brown. Kyro was also there, standing
with the woman unconscious in his arms. My eyes scanned the other side of the picture and saw the black wolf there.
It wasn't breathing anymore. I couldn't here its heartbeat. It's already dead.
Brent's hand around my wrist was beginning to warm up. That's when I realized that he was actually healing me.
Wow. I never thought Brent was this skillful as a witch. His parents must have thought him a lot.
Later, I began to feel lighter. The pain that was there was ebbing. I felt much better.
I looked at Brent's face. He was intently focused on his work that sweat had already broken out on his smooth
How adorable. My fiery angel.
After a few more minutes, I could already move my legs without crying. I could endure the lessened pain now.
That's when Brent finally let go. He looked like he was about to faint but I quickly moved and to his side to support
"Are you alright?" I asked, studying his face.
He touched his forehead. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just used too much energy. How 'bout you?"
"I'm fine." I smiled and supported him as he stood up.
"That woman was good," said Anna as she looked at the direction of Kyro. "She almost killed you there."
"What did she do?" I asked, looking at the long bloody gashes on my arms that were slowly healing (because they
were cause by magick).
"That's called Siegfried's Sword," Brent answered. "She's really powerful to be able to do that."
"Siegfried's Sword," I repeated. "The one in Nibelungelied when Siegfried fought invisibly for Gunther?"
"Yes, that's right." Brent nodded.
"I'm glad we were able to stop her," Anna said. "She could've killed you."
"No." I shook my head. "I think not. She said she'd bring me to my father."
"Now, let's start the interrogation," Kyro suggested. "Who's up for a very strong glamour?"

Chapter 19
Direst Situations... No Comment

We were able to get back to the hotel without raising any suspicious attention. The two werewolves were back in their
human form and were wearing cloaks over their naked body brought to them by Anna. They already took care of the
body. The three of us witches cast a very very strong see-me-not spell over all of us so that we wouldn't be seen
passing by as we made our way inside. We all headed inside Kyro and Brent's room. We made a quick check inside
the room and found no CCTV's. That's good.
Kyro was able to find a rope and tied the woman to a chair. Springer and Brickman were outside to alarm us if there
would be any suspicions. They were already dressed, of course.
Brent here was waiting for this woman to wake up so that he could bind her. Me and Anna just stood by.
Later, the woman's lids fluttered and then her eyes were wide when she realized where she was. I could see that
Brent had bound her right away because she wasn't able to move.
"Now, lady, choose. Your life? Or the Quezon pack base?" Kyro asked in his most seductive but scary killer tone.
Kyro looked at Brent. Brent raised his brows. Later, the woman was able to move her mouth and utter words that we
couldn't understand.
"Now, choose," Kyro repeated. "Your life or the Quezon pack base?"
The woman laughed throatily. "I'd rather die."
"Oh, really?" I was the one who retorted. "You don't want your family getting into this, right?"
She glared at me. "What do you mean?"
"Well, you don't know what I can do," I said, smiling smugly. "You will tell me what I needed and I'll spare your family."
"How dare you threaten me, huh?" the woman countered. "You think I'll fall for that? You think—"
"I advise you answer now," I cut her off. "You don't want me getting angry."
She laughed. "I dare you."
I raised my brows and smiled. "You said so."
I stared at her and started crawling my into her mind. Her defense was weak so I was able to get in easily. I read her
thoughts and I searched for the memory that I needed. I explored through all the images that I saw. I couldn't help but
wince when I saw the image of my father.
My father. The great Simon Edinburgh. He looked battered. There were dark circles under his blue eyes. He had a lot
of gashes along his pale white skin. His brown hair seemed greasy and his clothes were filthy. The pain. The grief.
Goddess, what have they done to my father?
I continued on scanning through the images until I found this image of this woman with her husband and little girl. I
could feel the love and happiness in that picture. This woman had a family and it seemed that her family didn't know
about her real nature. How could she do this if she had a human family?
I tried pulling that image out of her head especially the image of her little girl. Then, I started making an image of this
little girl. I had the girl in my arms and she was crying.
"Mama, tulungan mo po ako," said the little girl through her tears.
I didn't know what was the meaning of that but I bet that girl wanted to ask some help from her mother.
I was rude and cruel in the image. I slapped the kid and she cried louder.
"Would you still want to see your kid alive?" I asked with a menacing smile.
The sadistic image faded away when I felt a hand touched my shoulder.
"Irina." It was Brent. "That's enough."
I was back inside the room and the woman was just nothing but a sobbing bag of cries. Her head was bowed down,
not allowing me to see her face.
"Don't involve my girl here," I heard her mumble. "I'll tell you."
"Let me ask you something first," I said nonchalantly. "Why are you into this if you have a human family to protect?"
"They have me under their control," she answered. "They're using my family against me. I couldn't tell the Guild about
it. The others will kill my family." She paused. "Hopefully, you won't do it to me after I help you."
"As long as you'd cooperate." I shrugged.
She nodded. "I'll do what you say."
"Good. Could you come with us to the Quezon pack base?" I raised my brows.
"Will you help me take my family to the Guild for protection?" she asked back.
I looked at my companions. They nodded.
"We will," I answered and smiled. "I guess it's a deal."
Kyro untied the woman and she stood up and flexed her stiffened muscles.
"By the way, I'm Anita Tapang," she introduced herself. "You can call me Nita."
"Wait, I heard about you," Anna said. "You're one of the prominent witches in the Guild."
Nita nodded. "Yes, I am."
"No wonder you're good," said Brent with a smirk. "I guess the mastermind is using all the best witches to fight
against the Guild."
"I guess." She shrugged.
"Wait, do you know the mastermind?" I asked.
She shook her head. "No. I was brainwashed. All of us were brainwashed so that we couldn't remember the face of
this master. The identity was gone but the terror remained."
I sighed. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go."

"Is the place far?" I asked as we made our way down to the lobby.
"It is." Nita raised her brows. "But we could get there easily if—"
"If we're going to make a portal," Brent interrupted.
We all stopped and looked at him.
"Why?" he asked innocently. "We've got no time to lose."
Nita looked thoughtful for a minute. "Alright. Let's go back to the alley."
We did go back to the alley and there we (witches) all joined forces to channel the energy to Anita so that she could
make a portal for us. She pulled a wand from a sheath under her skirt and started muttering words that I didn't
understand. With her wand, she drew a big imaginary circle on the wall while muttering. The amber tip of her black
wand glowed as it traced the big circle. Then, she pointed the tip to the center and muttered louder indistinct words.
Slowly, I could see the imaginary circle line glowing faint white. The inside of the circle was fading like it was
changing into liquid. Then, it became like a mirror but instead of reflecting our image, there was something odd. It
showed a different picture. An old house but a big one. It looked deserted. There were lots of trees around and
plants. I could feel the energy of the elementals just by looking at the scary picture. After a few more seconds, the
image was already clear.
Nita turned and beckoned us to enter. Kyro was the first. Next were his two companions. Then, me and Anna. And
lastly, Brent and Nita. The feeling of entering it was like the one in teleportation but this one was really making my
stomach go in a sommersault. I felt like throwing up. The only thing I could see around me was an ever-fading picture
of places and could only hear indistinct sounds. After a moment, I saw myself standing in front of the grotesque
house. The wind was cold and giving me goosebumps. It was really dark and spooky. The trees that billowed around
us were tricking my eyes and giving me silly imaginations of elementals.
Kyro and his companions were already in vigilant mode. I looked back and saw Brent and Nita just went out of the
portal. Then, quickly the portal faded away until nothing of its essence was left.
"Hey, that was cool." Anna grinned.
"Shhh," Kyro shushed. "They could hear you."
"They probably know that we're here," Nita whispered. "They have witches."
I pulled out my own wand. I saw that they did the same. The energy around us was strong and overwhelming. The
tips of our wands were glowing. The werewolves had their eyes glowing yellow gold and their sharp canines were
exposed. We're ready to attack.
"What to do?" I asked. "How do we enter?"
"Can't we just put on a little glamour or something?" Anna asked.
"I'll go first," Nita said as she stepped forward. "I'll send a message to your Alpha once the way is clear."
We nodded.
She started her way up to the stairs of the old big house. We all hid in the dark shadows of the trees as we watched
her. Anna cast a little see-me-not spell so that the enemies wouldn't see us.
Nita knocked on the door and it opened from the inside. She entered. Then, the door closed.
Suddenly, I felt something breathing on my neck. It was tickling. I also smelled a burning tobacco.
Hey, stop that, Brent, I said.
It's not me, he replied.
I looked at Brent's direction. He was looking at me, too, but his eyes were wide. The others were oblivious of what
was happening.
Oh my god, what is this, Brent? I asked.
Look, he said.
I slowly turned around and to my astonishment, I saw a huge man with a huge tobacco cigarette in his mouth. He was
the one breathing at my back. He had piercing red eyes and it looked like he was about to eat me.
What are you? I asked telepathically.
I'm just the dweller of this tree that you're hiding in, he answered with a snort.
We mean no harm, I said, smiling wryly.
Of course, I know that, hybrid, he replied.
You know me? I raised my brows.
Everyone knows you, darlin', he answered. It's all over the world.
Oh. So what do you want? I asked.
I see you are very desperate for help, he said, munching on his tobacco butt. I can help you since you saved our
dearest Marika.
What help? I prompted.
Just see.
Then, he faded away.
Brent went to my side and looked at me with still shocked eyes.
What was that? He asked.
A friend of Cassandra. I sighed. He's gonna help us.
Brent raised his brows.
Cool, he said with a grin.
Let's go, the way is clear, I heard Kyro in my head.
Upon hearing the signal, we quickly moved and raced to the door. The door opened and Nita was standing there with
some guards lying unconsciously on the marble floor.
"Feel at home," whispered Nita with a smile.
Huh. Cunning witch.
"Don't cast your senses out," she warned.
I nodded. I just sharpened my wolf senses so that I could watch for incoming attacks.
We continued to the long hallway until we arrived at a very big lobby. There's a wide stairway in front of us. I caught a
whiff of incoming werewolves. And there coming from the top of the stairs appeared five werewolves in black suit just
like the one Kyro and his companions were wearing. Their eyes were glowing yellow gold and I could hear their soft
growl inside their throats.
The one at the center quickly ran and jumped into the air and transformed into a big black wolf but before he could
land, I already heard a loud banging sound. Then, it fell dead on the floor. I looked at Kyro's way. He was holding a
"Silver bullets." He smiled lopsidedly.
The four other werewolves also transformed and aimed for our directions but we (witches) were able to bind them all.
They all fell crashing to the ground. Then, Springer and Brickman quickly moved and broke all their necks. The
cracking sound of their necks breaking was giving me goosebumps.
I felt Brent stood behind me. He touched my shoulders as if saying, 'I'm here'.
Another group of werewolves came. This time our own pack drew out their guns and started shooting the attackers.
We all ran upstairs. Kyro and his companions kept on shooting as we made our way. I could hear their grunts, the
growls, the fall of shells, the shots. It was like I was in a warfare.
"Follow me. Quick!" Nita said as she ran to the left side to the left wing.
We followed her quickly. We were shooting fireballs at the attackers as we ran after Nita in a dark hallway. Later, I felt
strong tingles on my skin. We came to a stop.
"Witches," Anna hissed.
We all readied our wands. My grip on mine was hard like it would slip away from me. I started gathering all the energy
around me. I could feel it build up in me. It's getting thicker and heavier that I was almost struggling for breath. Then, I
sensed something big coming. I cast a protective barrier around us like the one I used in the Academia but this time I
was quicker. A big fire ball was deflected by my barrier. My wand was raised like a scepter above me and I could feel
the energy flowing from me to the tip and shaping itself into a big box of protection.
"Nice." Brent grinned.
"Thanks." I grinned back.
Later, black-cloaked people came appearing from the shadows of the darkness. Their hoods were covering up their
faces. I couldn't see their features.
"Tinraydor mo kami, Anita!" I heard one of them say. It was of pure hate.
I bet that woman voice came from the shortest one at the right.
"We're all forced into this, right?" Nita retorted, her voice firm. "Tigilan na natin 'to!"
"No!" A big booming voice said. "This is foolishness, Anita. Our families will die because of this mess!"
Nita shook her head. "Hindi na. I'll end this all up here. I'll be dying for my family now."
While they were arguing, I was busy building up another wave of mass energy.
"I see you brought with you the hybrid," said the man with a low voice.
That made me look up. I didn't know where that came from. There were many of them. Maybe eight? Who knows?
There might be more.
"I've come to retrive my father," I said in voice of authority.
"Your father?" the little woman mocked. "You'd be glad to see him tonight for the last time...because tonight, you'll
both die."
"Damn you, you mewling quim!" I snarled at her.
Brent looked at me with surprised and so was the others but I ignored them.
"You've got a bad mouth," said the man with the low voice. "I didn't think Simon raised you like that nor your mother
"Let's stop this chatter," I snapped with rage. "If you want a war, then let's start the fuckin' war!"
Just when I said that a blinding streak of lightning from the open window struck the man and burned him in an instant
that he wasn't even able to cry out. The others beside him were repelled by the strong force. They all fell to the floor.
Oh Goddess. That was my hate.
They looked at me in astonishment.
"Now, who wants to die next?" I asked with my chin up.
This is gonna be a long night.

Chapter 20
Hit the Pause and Rewind

"You think you can scare us with that?" said the little woman as she stood up.
They all began standing up.
My wand was still raised in the air but my other hand was free. Energy was swelling in me, it's overflowing. I directed
the energy to my two fingers then I pointed the little woman and she started writhing in pain.
I could feel that the others were beginning to hesitate. The others were trying to help the little woman but they couldn't
because she just kept on screaming and kicking like she was having a seizure. Then, I formed my hand like I was
choking her. She began producing choking sounds as she continued writhing on the floor. Then, I began to close my
hand slowly. The woman was already gasping for breath. It was amusing for me to watch their frightened faces as
they stared at the suffering woman.
Then, I closed my hand in an instant. I heard a loud cracking sound and the woman fell dead on the floor. I was
astounded by myself, too. I didn't know that I could do that. Maybe that's the reason Mother didn't teach me offensive
spells right away.
I'm a hell of a monster.
All of us were wide-eyed, unbelieving of what just took place.
"So, are you going to surrender my father or you want to be like her?" I raised my brows and pointed my lips to the
lightning-struck corpse. "Or like that burnt guy?"
They began to look at each other as if telepathically communicating. Well, I thought that's what they're doing after all.
"Did you know what you just did?" the man with the booming voice.
"I just killed some traitors," I answered flippantly.
"No." The man shook his hooded head. "You just destroyed two families."
"W—" I began.
Don't listen to them, Irina, Brent said in my head. They're just doing that to distract you.
"Yes," the man continued. "You just broke two families."
"But you are traitors!" I spat. "Traitors should be punished."
"Punished," he repeated in an amused tone. "Punished not killed."
Brent stepped in front of me. "Enough." His voice was serious and intimidating.
"Oh, it is Frey," the man said. "Another traitor. Do you think we don't know that you've been helpin' the hybrid all this
Brent glared at them. "Stop this. Nita is right. We should stop this."
"Are you outta your mind, boy?" the man asked as if mocking. "Our families are at stake here. Are you forgetting
"Please," I said, now imploring. "What can I do to help you?"
"You can't help us, hybrid," the man answered. "We must destroy you, the Guild."
"Are you sure that after you've done your work, you will all be safe by then? Your family?" I asked.
No one spoke.
"See?" I said, letting go of the barrier. "This is nonsense."
I stepped forward. "Look at me, am I not fighting for someone's life? I'm doing this for my father. The Guild can help
you protect your family if you tell them the truth."
Silence again. Maybe they're considering my offer. If they did, then everything would be easier.
"Well..." the man began.
I thought it was already okay but to my astonishment, a quick ball of fire came flying towards me. I thought it would hit
me but Nita was there in front of me in a second. She was the one who received the fire.
"Nita!" I screamed as she fell in my arms.
Her chest was burnt and some parts of her faces. She was bloody and gravely damaged. Anna and Brent quickly
moved and put on a barrier around us before another attack comes.
"I'll be fine, Irina," she choked out, blood pouring out of her mouth. "Go get them. Kaya mo 'yan!" She smiled.
I smiled back and held her hand. I tried sending calming thoughts and healing energy to her but it had no use. I just
watched her as she lost her last breath and last beat of her heart. Her eyes were still open.
I felt my eyes stung with tears. I knew she didn't want all of this to happen. She was just another victim. Just like
these people. Just like these people that I'd killed.
"Nita," I whispered as I closed her lids.
I stood up and glared at all of them.
"This has to stop!" I exclaimed, raising my wand up.
Everything was flooded with white light. The sudden outburst of power made all the people around me stop. It was
too bright. I looked at them. They were all bound by my magick.
The magick within me was great. I needed to channel it somewhere. I closed my eyes and thought of drowziness. I
would put all these people to sleep. I thought of it for a moment then imagined all of them falling into a deep hypnotic
sleep. I focused on that thought.
"All of thee under my bound, shall be asleep forever bound. Unless I peel the spell away, all of you will be awake," I
chanted. Then, I opened my eyes. "So mote it be."
I felt the surge of energy as it traveled from my body to all the people around me. As the light from my wand faded
away, they all fell unconscious to the ground. They were now asleep. And they wouldn't be waking up until I remove
the spell.
I muttered a little see-me-not spell around them so that every non-witch creature would not notice them and just walk
past them.
I sighed and observed my surroundings. They were so adorable except for Nita and the dead.
Oh, Goddess, Nita.
I saw her wand lying by her side. I quickly picked it up and shoved it inside my high-cut sneakers. Then, I went on
spying the place. I needed to find my father soon. I cast my senses throughout the area as I continued down the
hallway and caught loud thuds of heart not away from where I was. They probably knew that I was already on my way
to them because they began shuffling.
From what I could hear, the location was just at the end part of the left wing. I cast a see-me-not spell on myself. It
would be easy to trick these people as long as they're not witches. As I got closer, my hands were getting more
clammy. The thuds of the heart were getting louder and I could also hear that they're talking.
"The hybrid is coming," said a man. "What shall we do?"
"Where's the Alpha?" said the other man. "He should be here to tell us what to do."
"Wait. I think I'm hearing something," the first man said. "Sshh."
I made my steps lighter so that they wouldn't hear me. I could see a lit room at the end part. The door was opened.
Suddenly, I saw a shadow coming out. Then, came out two men in black suit.
"I smell something different," said the man with a scar on his face.
He was the man that finds his Alpha.
"Yeah, it smells like a vampire," said the other with a dyed brown hair.
"Wait." The scarred man blocked his arm. "Do you hear that?"
"What?" the brownhead hissed.
"Wait, it smells like smoke," the scarred man said.
My eyes widened when suddenly the big man with red eyes—and tobacco—appeared behind them. The tobacco guy
winked at me then he grabbed the two by the shoulder and he dragged them and disappeared into the wall. The two
men weren't even able to scream. The look on their faces when they disappeared was of pure shock.
I couldn't believe just what I'd seen. The man really helped me.
So he was true to his words, huh?
That really helped.
"Thanks!" I whisper-shouted.
You're welcome, I heard the man answered in my head.
I quickly moved and went inside the room. The room was big and still had other rooms inside. My father must be in
here. He should be in here. I cast my senses out and I caught nothing.
No. My father is in here. I could feel it.
I started opening the rooms one-by-one. Every room I opened was making me anticipate more. My heart palpitated
louder as I got closer to the last room at the left side. I opened more doors and nothing welcomed me but blank and
I swallowed the lump inside my throat when I finally opened the last door with its creaking hinges. Then, appeared
before me a man sitting chained to the corner with filthy ripped clothings, bare feet and marked skin. His back was at
me. His hands were cuffed and chained to the wall. Also his feet were cuffed around the ankles. Those cuffed parts
were already full of swollen marks. His healing was too slow because he hadn't been fed.
Oh Goddess.
"Dad?" I called.
Slowly, he turned around to face me. There was a disoriented look on his face. He was staring at nothing. There was
a mark of ragged cross on his forehead probably done by a sanctified silver blade. They'd been playing him. His face
was dull and bony. His hair was greasy and messy. His lips chapped and his blue eyes had no luster.
Goddess, what happened to him?
I ran to his side and clung myself to him. I heard myself cry as I hugged him tightly. I never thought I'd see him again.
"Oh, Dad, I thought we already lost you," I muttered.
I couldn't hold back my tears. They just continued to flow like river. I missed my dad so much. My father, the great
Simon Edinburgh. The most loving of all.
Later, I felt his hands moved around me and he was hugging me back. I really missed it. I really missed him.
Then, I was astonished when I felt sharp fangs dug on my shoulder. I pushed him back and I looked at him. His
mouth was bloody and he, too, looked appalled with his action. I touched my neck.
Goddess, he bit me. Oh no, not again.
He lost his control. The control that he had tried so hard to gain.
"I'm so sorry," he said, voice raspy. "I didn't mean to. I'm so sorry, Irina. I'm sorry."
He put his palms on his face and cried.
"I'm so sorry," he cried. "I'm so weak. I'm so sorry."
I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him again. I felt so bad for him. So bad. I needed to help him.
"Dad," I called.
He looked up and looked at me with those familiar blue eyes. I held out my arm. He looked at my arm then back at
my face again. I nodded.
Then, he grabbed my arm and dug his fangs into it quickly. It was painful, of course, feeling the blood being sucked
from you, but I knew he needed it. They hadn't fed him. He was really weak. He needed blood to gain back his
strength. He needed it to...
Oh Goddess, drugs. Vampire saliva. It feels like drugs. So beautiful. I loved the feeling. I didn't want it to end. It's so
I was barely aware of Dad staring at my face and talking to me. Yes, he was talking to me but I couldn't understand
his words. They didn't mean anything to me. I just felt really beautiful and lovely. So much endorphins in my system.
So addictive.
Dad had me moved so that my back was against the wall. He was still talking to me but I still couldn't hear them.
"Irina, snap out of it!" He slapped me several times. "Come on, we need to escape now."
What? Escape? Why? I could stay like this forever. It's too awesome.
"Irina, come on," Simon groaned. "We need to get hurry before the other comes."
"Who's coming?" I mumbled.
"The werewolves! The witches!" Dad's face showed real alarm.
Why so alarm? Wait. Alarm? Werewolves? Witches?
I stood up quickly, still unstable. We needed to leave. I turned around to see Dad looking at me.
"Are you alright now?" he asked.
Somehow the glow in his pale skin came back, removing all the flaws and his eyes were lustrous again and his lips
were perfect again.
I nodded but still I didn't feel like walking. It's like my knees were going jelly.
Simon gestured to his chains. Though still still suffering from elation, I tugged on his chains until they broke. Then, we
went out of the room with him still supporting me not to collapse from total bliss.

Chapter 21
Can we Make it?
I limped with Simon out of that effin' room. My father was able to hold me up with his recovered vampire strength
(thanks to my blood) while we walked through the hallway of the left wing. I was starting to recover from my addictive
state. I cast my dull senses out. No threats yet.
We just continued until we reached the point where I left my sleeping buddies. Simon's eyes were wide when he saw
"You did that to them?" he asked incredulously.
I shrugged and smiled. "I gotta risk it all to find you. Don't worry. It'll not wear off unless another witch comes to wake
them up."
I got my wand and I started tapping the shoulders of my companions. They started waking up and they were
surprised to see what happened to their surroundings.
"What happened?" Anna asked as she stood up.
Her eyes widened and she pointed behind me. "Is that your father?"
I nodded. "Yes. Come on, I'll explain to you on the way but first we have to get away from this place before new back-
ups come."
Kyro and his companions flexed their muscles as they stood up. When they caught sight of my father, they grew a
little tensed.
"Come on," I groaned, rolling my eyes. "There's no time for vampire-werewolf issue here."
Brent quickly went to my side and looked at me with his eyes that demanded explanation. I could feel Simon's
burning eyes at me when he saw Brent. He also demanded explanation for everything.
We ran down the hallway out of that big old mansion without any encounter with any werewolf or witch. That just went
really smooth. I swear I saw the big man waving goodbye as we walked past the black metal gates of that place. I
waved back at him and then he disappeared.
We walked down the darkened streets. There were trees everywhere. It felt like there were lots of creatures looking at
us. Yes, there were and they were elementals from the tree tops. They're probably surprised to see a bunch of
Ancients walking in the middle of the streets in—I looked at my watch—five in the morning. Yes, I could see that. The
morning sun was already showing its rays, gradually bathing the dark violet sky with its orangy light.
There were only few cars passing by telling that this place was really creepy and spooky and mysterious. Later, as
we continued on walking, we saw a black van stopped and opened its doors. A woman with a very gold hair and
beautiful purple eyes came out and smiled.
"You might want to join our ride," she said in her alluring voice.
"Thanks, Marika," I said. "You're the best!"

The ride had been too long for me. I didn't know how long we were jammed into that van but I swear my neck was
already stiff from the awkward position I was in. The pain I felt a while ago was just starting to crawl its way up to my
head. But it's alright because I knew that safety was waiting for me ahead.
Anna was also asleep beside me. She looked very peaceful. The three werewolves were silently waiting at the back
probably acting all weird because of a vampire's presence. Speaking of vampire, Dad was talking to Brent and
Marika. It was like they were having a very good conversation.
I wondered how Marika knew about this. Maybe the big man told her. Did the Guild already know? I hope not yet.
Well, I shouldn't think of that right now. I should get some sleep. I'd deal with those stuffs later.

When I woke up, I was already lyin' on a soft golden-sheeted bed. I sat up quickly, blood rushing up to my head
making me feel dizzy. Why didn't I know when I was moved here?
I looked out the window. I could see from the hot surroundings that it's almost noon. Well, my body was still aching
and dirty.
I saw folded clothes on the bedside table. They were dresses.
How the hell would I wear this with these cuts on my arms?
Anyways, I saw the door to the bathroom and I went there. Everything was neat and prepared. I looked at the mirror
by the sink.
God, I look like a disaster.
My face was greased all over. There were dark circles under my eyes. My arms were full of long white marks of cuts.
They already healed though because of Brent's healing.
Yeah, I should've expected that they were made of magick.
I sighed and smirked.
"Very good, Irina," I said. "You just saved the day."
It's not easy to be in this kind of situation. Everything was complicated.
There were lots of people dying for you and dying in your own hands. They were so nightmarish but I had to face
them. That's the only way.
I knew it's not over yet. I was starting to think that maybe it's just the start.
Maybe it's just really the start.
I quickly took off my clothes and had a cleansing and purifying shower. I needed to get off these negative vibes all
over my body and not to mention the negative dusts on my skin.
Aahhhhhh. At least the water was cold and calming. I really loved it.
After the shower (with intense rubbing of my skin) and brushing my teeth (and gargling), I quickly dried myself up and
got a purple silky robe around my body. Then, I went back to the bedroom and chose a simple white dress. I was glad
it matched me.
Under those other folded clothes, I noticed two poking stones. I removed the other clothes and I saw two wands.
Mine and Nita's.
Oh, Nita. Poor heart.
Wait. Nita. Her family. I should get 'em.
I quickly raced out of the room and found myself in a big hallway. I listened for any shuffling and went down the west
side where I could hear some indistinct voices. I dared not cast my senses. My nerves were still raw. I marveled at
the paintings strewn along the mocha-painted walls. They were beautiful and had expensive-looking frames.
At the end part, there was a white wooden double-doors. I gripped the golden knob slowly and opened it. I found
myself in the enormous living room. The others were there in the couches talking. They all looked at my direction that
made me feel self-conscious.
"Hi," I said with a smile as I approached them.
I just realized that Kyro and his companions were not there. Anna was also not there. Where were they?
"Hello, Sigrid," said Brent when I sat beside my father in the red velvety couch.
Brent was looking cute as ever. His red hair was styled in a Korean way and his gray shirt and denim jeans really
completed the adorable look. Of course, the beautiful blue-gray eyes, the smile and the freckles also helped.
He was sitted next to Marika while I was sitted next to my father. I could see from the cups on the coffee table that
they were having a tea.
"How is my sweetest darlin'?" Dad asked as she stroke my still wet hair.
"I'm fine." I smiled, looping my arms with his and feeling his very presence.
He looked well now. He was wearing a black long-sleeved button-down to go with his tight-fitting jeans. His hair was
neatly brushed and his eyes were gleaming with joy. His face had no scars on it. He looked so healthy. Maybe he
already had a fill. I was wondering if he gained back his control.
"Where are the others?" I asked.
"Catching some important people," Marika answered with a smile.
I swear she's really beautiful. Her golden hair and purple eyes were just perfect. Though she's looking all elven with
those pointed ears and little canines, she was still gorgeous.
Well, she's a Sidhe.
"How'd you know that we were there?" I asked, remembering her heroic act.
"A friend told me," she answered.
"Oh." I nodded. "The tobacco guy?"
I nodded again. "You're very fast, huh?"
She shrugged. "That's how it's supposed to be."
"Does the Guild know about this already?" I asked.
"I guess." She shrugged.
Which reminds me.
"You think they already scried for me?" I asked.
"No, dear." She smiled. "My house is fully-warded and glamourized."
"Cool." I smiled.
"So, how did everything happen?" I asked, looking at Simon.
"Well..." He took a sip from a cup. "It's all too fast. I was on this vampire trip at Reading. Then, the werewolves got us.
Then, they transported us back to Masachussets and the others were awfully executed while still at Reading. I was
the only left and this guy over here..." He gestured to Brent. "Watched over me and through him I was able to
communicate with you. It's all hard. That Alpha here lately was not really rude, I must admit. He didn't do anything
bad to me. Just the witches, the ones we left back at the mansion. Anyway, they tortured me by not feeding me. This
guy..." He gestured again to Brent. "Helped me again already know that. Then, they transported me here to
Philippines. And lastly, you found me."
"Tragic," I mumbled.
"You don't know how tragic it has been." He rolled his eyes.
"What did you hear about their plans while you were there?" I asked inquisitively.
"All the same. Lure you. Then, kill us. Upset the Ulfens. Kill the Ulfens. Destroy the Guild," he recited.
"I don't know." He shrugged.
"Do you know the head?" I asked again.
"No." He shook his head. "I never saw him."
I turned to Marika. "Anyone knows who this guy is?"
"No one." She shrugged.
"How 'bout the Alpha of the Quezon Pack?" I asked.
"No one could find him. He has hidden himself."
"So, this mastermind is a really tricky witch. He made me think that I was fighting werewolves. Well, I did fight
werewolves," I mused.
Later, Kyro and his companions came marching in with Anna. Anna had a sunshine smile on her face. Then, behind
them I saw a tall Filipino man with a cute little girl in his arms. The girl looked like Nita. Nita's family. A butler came
and guided the family to the other room.
"You got them," I said, standing up.
"We had to hurry before somebody else get to them." Anna shrugged.
Kyro sat on a couch with Anna beside him. Springer and Brickman just stood behind the couch.
"Sit," Kyro said.
Springer and Brickman looked at each other. Then, they sat on the last vacant couch.
"So, what's gonna happen next?" I asked.
"How 'bout we think of an excuse about your absence and how we can escape this mess?" Kyro suggested.
"Yeah, that's not easy." I sighed. "You think the Alpha of the Quezon Pack is dead?"
"No." Kyro pouted. "He's a hell of a scaredy dog. He probably hid away in a very far-off land."
Silence. I sighed.
"I think I'd be staying here in Philippines for a while," I said, sitting back. "You know, to think about everything."
"I think that's a good idea," Anna agreed.
Kyro seemed to think about this. "Well, I think that won't hurt us to have a little rest." He grinned and stood up. "So, if
you'll excuse me. I have to make an IDD call."
Kyro walked to the farthest side of the room as he dialed on his phone. Surprise was evident on Springer and
Brickman's face when they heard what Kyro had said. Maybe they'd been expecting for a very relaxing vacation.
I looked at Dad.
How 'bout you, Dad? Do you like it?
I heard him sigh mentally.
Alright, he said. I think we're all not ready to face the Guild yet.
I smiled. "Thanks."
"Well." Marika also stood up. "I also need to make a call." She smiled. "We're all going to Boracay."

Chapter 22
This is Life

Everyone was happy from the announcement, of course. We're all going to Boracay! How awesome that is!
I thought we really needed some time to relax. The Guild would be probably hard to face. We should think of a good
plan. It wouldn't all be easy. Plus, the culprit was still out there. The fight wasn't over.
"Irina." Brent was behind me.
I didn't hear him coming. Maybe I was too dulled by my thoughts about my problems.
I was in my (temporary) room looking out the window musing about everything and remembering all the tragic things
that happened to me and all the things that were just about to happen.
I turned around to see Brent so close to me, our faces almost touching. He was so cute and adorable. Not only that,
he was the most loving guy I'd ever known. And I did love him.
He made a traitor of himself just to save and help me. I just hoped he was making the right choice. I just hoped that
he's not endangering his family from choosing me. He loved his family so much that he was forced to be a part of the
scheme. I thought helping me was a bad idea. His family was really in danger.
Oh, Goddess, I hope not. I hope not.
"How are you?" he asked, copping my face.
I smiled and sighed. "I'm fine."
He kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms around my waist. I could feel the love emanating from him. I love him
so much.
"I know 'tis all hard for you," he said. "No one of us wanted this. I'm so sorry."
"Hey." I gazed at his eyes. "You're forgiven. You did your best to correct all of your mistakes. Move on."
He leaned his forehead on mine and closed his eyes. "It's just hard."
"I know it's hard." I copped his face. "It hadn't been easy for me, too, when I killed those people just to make it here
right now in this situation."
That somehow brought the memory of Mr. Bram. Well, speaking of Mr. Bram. Where's my bag?
"Have you seen my bag?" I asked suddenly.
"I think Anna has it," he answered. "I think they also went back to the hotel to get the things we left."
"Oh." I'll deal with that later.
"Nothing. There's just something special there."
He smiled. "The BOS."
"Yes." I smile dback. "Are you the one who brought it?"
He shrugged. "Maybe."
I curled my arms around his neck and I pulled him closer to me until we were already nose-to-nose. How I'd like to
cherish this moment.
"I love you," he said.
"I love you," I replied.
He leaned in until our lips met. I loved the way he kissed me. It was overwhelming with this passionate feeling and
love. I could really feel it. It's marvelous.
My hands went on messing his soft red hair while he pressed himself to me until my back was finally leaning on the
glass window.
"I never regret choosing you," he said, catching his breath.
"Me, too," I replied, smiling.
I could feel that he was smiling while we kissed. I knew that the Brent I first knew—the immature one—was just a
show. Just for the purpose of deluding me. It wasn't him. The real him was here with me now. The loving,
understanding, never insisting Brent. This was his true color. He knew boundaries and he knew his limits. I loved him
even more.
I couldn't help but let out moans as we kissed. He was just so delicious and I wanted him so much.
He pulled back and looked into my eyes. I knew he was just holding back. He wanted me, too, but he knew he
couldn't force himself to me.
"I've been wondering if you were my soul mate." He grinned.
"Why?" I bit my lower lip.
"Because you're just too perfect for me," he answered. "I couldn't explain it but I have this feeling that I didn't want to
be away from you. That I need to protect you. That I should take care of you."
"I feel that, too," I said. "No matter how many times I told myself that you fooled me, I couldn't bring myself to hate
you. I just hated myself because I didn't understand why I felt that way."
He cackled softly. "Maybe my inner wolf chose you to be my mate that's why you're restless."
I hit his shoulder lightly. "Inner wolf," I said in a mocking tone. "I don't believe that crap. Why, what's your spirit
"A wolf, love. A wolf." He looked into my eyes. "And don't lie to me. I know Ulfens only mate with those people who
have wolf spirits in them because you're still wolves no matter how you push away the tradition even just in spirits."
I smiled lopsidedly. "Yeah, I kinda remember that. I know even my dad has this wolf inside of him. We all have. I
guess it's still the wolf's way we're following but at least not the Alpha system anymore. We all have Alpha wolf spirits.
Our spirits are independent. That's what makes us unique."
"And I even loved you more for that," he said then kissed me again. "I love you, Sigrid. My hope. My victory."
"I love you, too, Frey," I replied. "My brave fair swordsman."
"Do you want me to try swordsmanship?" He grinned.
I shrugged. "If that's gonna help you, love."

"Why are we here?" asked the little girl when I saw her with her daddy at the living room.
I couldn't think of any excuse. I looked at her dad. He just knitted his brows.
I sat on the couch opposite to them and smiled at the little girl.
"Does she already know?" I asked.
"I don't even know what you're talking about." The man shook his head. "They just took us here. They said they
wouldn't hurt us so we did."
"Why are we here?" he asked.
I took a deep breath. "We're keeping you safe just like what we'd promise to Anita."
"Anita? Why, what happened to Anita?" he asked, eyes wide.
"Look." I sighed. "If you want to know the real story, then you need to keep an open mind."
He stared at me then to his little girl. "Okay."
"You see, Anita was an Ancient," I began.
"What's an Ancient?" he quickly asked.
"Ancients are the creatures that live on Earth aside from humans," I said slowly.
"You mean, Anita is not human?" His eyes were wide.
I nodded.
"Then, what are you? An Ancient, too?" he asked incredulously.
"Yes. I'm an Ancient and I'm a werewolf," I answered.
"Werewolf?" His voice was a whisper.
I nodded. "Anita is a witch."
"Witch," he repeated. "She's just a witch. What made her an Ancient?"
"She's not a witch-witch," I clarified. "She's immortal."
"Immortal?" His brows knitted.
"Anita doesn't get old because of this potion that witches drink," I explained. "She cast strong magick spells. She's not
The man seemed to ponder on this. I just kept on looking at him. The little girl had a confused look on her face.
"Okay," the man finally said. "If that's the truth, then I'd believe it. You mean, our child is a half-witch?"
"It's different with witches," I explained. "Once you're a child of a witch, you're always a witch."
He nodded. "What happened to Anita?"
I sighed again and pursed my lips. "Anita joined the rebellion against the ruler of the Ancient World, the Protectors'
Guild," I began.
He just listened intently.
"She, with other witches and werewolves built up a scheme of destroying the Guild," I continued. "When we
encountered her, we made sense into her head and she joined us. While we were fighting the rebels, she was
accidentally hit by a fireball that killed her instantly. She died in my arms."
The man bowed his head and leaned forward. "She's dead?"
I could see that his eyes were starting to water and that he was holding back his tears.
I nodded. "She's dead."
The man wasn't able to hold back. He quickly hugged his daughter and cried. I could feel the sorrow emanating from
I suddenly remembered Nita's wand.
"Wait here," I said then raced up to my room in speed of lightning.
I quickly got Nita's wand and went back to the living room in an instant. When I got there, the man was wide-eyed, of
course, of seeing me run so fast. I approached them and I knelt before the little girl. I smiled at her and put into her
little hands the wand.
"What is this?" she asked in her little voice.
"It belongs to your mother," I answered. "I'm giving it to you in case you want to use it someday."
The girl examined it with her big black eyes. I could see amusement and curiosity written on her face.
"It's beautiful," she said, smiling.
The man looked at me.
It's your choice if you're going to keep her as human or you want her to live as a witch, I said in his head.
His eyes widened. He must be surprised to hear me talk in his head.
I smiled at him and I stood up then left the living room.
There would be a lot of changes for them now that they knew the truth. There would be a lot of adjustments, of
course and this man would need to make a very big decision for his daughter. To remain as a human or live as a
I hope his daughter would understand.

Chapter 23
Run Devil Run

I went of the house to find myself in a very big yard. It was beautiful. Almost forest-looking. Kyro and his companions
were sitted at a table with Brent, Simon and Anna. They were having a serious conversaion. I sat on a wooden chair
next to Simon.
"What's up?" I asked, totally clueless of what's going on.
"Well, I heard something from the Delta," Kyro began with a smirk. "Mirana is starting a search hunt for all of us. They
thought that we kidnapped you." He pointed at me and Anna. "And they were also thinking that I was the culprit for all
of these stuffs."
"That was horrible," I said.
"Not only that," Kyro continued. "The Guild is sticking its nose very closely to Carlos. We can't contact him. They'll
track us."
"Are they mad?" I asked. "I mean, furious about my loss and Anna's?"
"Well, I heard that Mirana wanted to kill me," Kyro said. "And the twins and some other witches are trying their hard to
scry for us."
"Then we must all have the peridot charm," I suggested.
"Good idea," Anna seconded. "I didn't want to end my vacation right away."
"We could start making them later," Brent chimed in.
"I'm in," I said.
"Me, too," Anna said, smiling with glee.
"What we need to think about now is relaxing amd having fun," I said. "Let the Guild find us. Let the enemy find us,
too. Let's see who's gonna find us first."
"I like that, hybrid," Kyro agreed, smiling.

"Dad, do you miss our home already?" I asked Simon when we were at the mansion's library.
"I do." He sighed. "But I can't show up yet. Everything would not run nice if I try showing up."
"Don't you miss Mom?" I asked, standing beside him.
"I do miss her," he answered. "I really do."
"She misses you, too." I smiled. "You know, when she found out that you were lost, she went to UK right away. She
didn't even tell me about it so that I wouldn't worry about you."
"Yes, I heard that." He smiled sadly. "I also heard that you're already starting your Protector training."
"How'd you know?" I asked.
"You're sixteen," he answered obviously. "I'm so sorry I wasn't able to make it."
"Awww." I hugged him. "That's just fine. At least you're here now. We can be complete again."
He looked at me and tucked strands of ash brown hair behind my ear. "You're so beautiful, dear."
"Yeah, because you're handsome." I grinned.
"I was just wondering..." He sighed again. "You've been through a lot to get me. What do you feel about it?"
I looped my arms with his. "Well, I was shocked, of course. Everything was so overwhelming. A lot of people fooled
me and I learned now not to trust easily. I've also learned how to fight for myself. To fight for my love ones. There
were lots of people that died for me. I realized that I couldn't just waste them. I need to continue. To find this hell of a
"Yeah, I see you've changed." He wrapped his arm around my shoulders.
If humans would see us, they would probably think that we're a couple.
"Even the way you speak changed." He cackled. "It has sharpness and threat to it now. You're not the my little sweet
Irina anymore."
"Oh, Dad." I rolled my eyes. "It's still me. I just gained a lot of experiences. I became stronger, tougher, faster. I can
endure pain now even the most painful one."
"I'm so proud of you, love," he said with pride. "You're becoming a very strong Ulfen."
I looked at him. "Hey, I'm not just an Ulfen. I owe my extra strength and power from you. My vampire side."
"Well, love, we still have to face a lot." He smiled. "I bet you'd still improve. You'll be the strongest of your kind."
"Dad, I'm one of my kind," I clarified.
He cackled and messed my hair. "Brat."
The laughter passed and silence followed.
"Is that Brent your boyfriend?" he suddenly asked.
I smiled wryly. "Yes."
He looked thoughtful for a moment and nodded. "I like him."
"Really?" I squealed. "I mean after what he did to you, you still like him?
"What's wrong?" He raised his brows. "He corrected his mistakes. That's what I want for my daughter. A man of
dignity. Though he just fooled you at the start."
I hugged him tightly. "Thank you so much. At least I already have you to explain everything to Mom. Thank you, thank
He hugged back and kissed the top of my head. "I know what's best for my lovely daughter."
I really missed this kind of moment when I was having fun with my Dad and enjoying the situation. I wish things would
stay like this forever.
Well, I have forever.

"I've already booked our flight and hotel," Marika announced as she entered the living room.
We were all gathered there, having a little afternoon tea party. Anna, Brent and I were already done making peridot
charms for everyone.
"Really?" Anna trilled. "That's so awesome! Are we flying there overnight?"
"Yes, sweetie." Marika smiled.
"Yes!" Anna exclaimed.
"Awesome!" Brent shouted.
Kyro and his companions shared smiles.
"Pack your bags now," Marika said. "The service will arrive later at night."
I hope this is gonna be fun and awesome and relaxing. Goodbye for now problems. Goodbye responsibility. Hello
recklessness! Hello bliss!


"Chase me, wolfy! Chase me!" Anna shouted at Brickman while she ran in the water in her yellow bikini.
The smile on her face was priceless. Brickman whose name I just found out to be Finn was the Gamma of Kyro's
Pack. He was running after Anna in his black trunks. He actually looked cute with his wet dark blonde hair and sea-
green eyes. He had a smile on his face that I'd never seen before. I never saw this side of him before especially the
side of him that adores Anna. I never thought he had an admiration for her. He was always with the redhead Sarah
Springer, the Beta of the pack to flank Kyro. I thought this was a very good start for their blooming friendship.
Let's see. A child of a werewolf and a witch could only be a werewolf unless the child would be taught rearing magick.
But that wouldn't still be enough to establish a good witch within that child. It's still better for us Ulfens. Magick is
Oh, Goddess, what have I been thinking?
The hot kiss of the sun on my skin was enough to tan my skin a little. We were in Boracay and they were right that
this place was awesome. The white sand was stuck between my toes and the cool air was making my hair fly away in
directions. It was upsetting my wide-brimmed hat that I had to hold it. I was lying on a white reclining chair under a
great palm tree.
Dad and Marika were out somewhere probably window-shopping some souvenirs. Kyro and Springer were playing in
the waves.
Where's Brent?
I heard someone wolf-whistled. That made me take off my sunglasses. Looming over me was the face I truly adore.
"Hi, Miss, mind if I sit here?" Brent asked as he sat next to me.
He was wearing a pair of red trunks. His body was perfect. Six-packed.
I rolled my eyes. "You already sat."
"You," he said with a grin.
I raised my brows, sitting up. I was just wearing a pair of black floral bikini with a thin black sarong.
"Come on, I have scars," I groaned.
"They're not visible," he replied, running a hand from my right knee down to my feet.
I reached my hand to touch the side of his face. He held my hand and kissed it. That kiss sent a jolt of electricity up to
my spines, making me nervy.
"Why aren't you in the waters yet?" he asked.
"I was waiting for you." I pouted.
"Why? Do you want me to carry you?" he asked with a grin.
"If you can carry me," I dared.
"You said so." He stood up and his hands slid under the back of my knees and behind my back.
I was surprised because he actually carried me in his arms with our face very close to each other. We looked into
each other's eyes. Then, he kissed me quickly on the nose and started or the waters.
"You've got to be kidding me," I muttered.
"No." He shook his head. "I want to try how to bathe a wolf."
I was surprised when I fell on the water. He had hurled me carelessly. The salty water stung my eyes and entered my
nose. We were just at the shallow part.
I quickly stood up. "That was rude!"
Instead of answering me, he continuously splashed water on my face that I wasn't able to complain. I tried splashing
water at him but it was useless. So, I jumped on him and we both fell into the water with a big splash.
He tried struggling to get up but I kept pushing him under.
Die, witch, I said in his head.
After a few seconds, I thought he was going to reply but he just stopped moving and struggling. His eyes were staring
blankly at me.
Oh God, I drowned him.
I quickly stood up and tried pulling him up. He was so heavy. I jerked him up with one powerful pull and he sat up,
coughing. He was laughing.
I hit him by the shoulder.
"I hate you! You scared me!" I screamed at him.
"Do you really want me to die?" he asked, looking up at me.
"No, you jerk!" I sat beside me. "I don't want that to happen. Ever."
He grinned and touched the side of my face. I really loved the feeling of that.
"Really?" he asked.
"Of course." I smiled.
He stood up and pulled me up with him. He held my hand as we walked to the sandy part and sat there. The sky was
cloudy enough to cover up for the hot sun.
"I don't want to be away from you," he said, looking at the water.
I looked at him and admire his very beautiful face.
"Me, too," I said.
He looked at me and smiled the one that had the dimple. His hand went under my chin. Slowly, he leaned in until our
lips met. He kissed me and it was a total bliss.
I really love Brent.
We turned our heads when we heard someone cleared his throat.
"Dad, hi," I greeted wryly.
Simon was standing there in his floral shirt and khaki shorts. His brows were raised and there was a warning look in
his blue eyes.
"Hello, Mr. Edinburgh," Brent greeted.
Simon nodded and then turned.
What's with him?
"Did Dad ever talk to you about us?" I asked Brent.
"Yeah, he did." Brent grinned. "He said he liked me and he said that he would be glad to be my father-in-law in the
"Are you kidding?" I arched a brow.
"No, love." He took my lips again. "I'm not kidding."
"I love you so much," I muttered.
"I love you, too, Irina," he replied.
Well, this is not yet the end. My enemy is still out there. The Guild is after us. There are still lots of things to deal with,
but now, it's just me and Brent. I'm enjoying this. I might never have this chance again.

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