#Hmongtalk 20050608

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Session Start: Wed Jun 08 00:00:02 2005

Session Ident: #hmongtalk

[00:00] <jellorice> hi Unknown97223
[00:00] <AznGuy> can u even undertahd ,e
[00:00] <jellorice> hi all
[00:00] <jellorice> lol np mai
[00:00] <jellorice> haha
[00:00] * jellorice was kicked by serenitee (14mIRC32/046.0314 lines/overflow 4—14(text f
lood14)4— 14—[4X 14—4 PRO14]—)
[00:00] <+Unknown97223> hahaha
[00:00] <AznGuy> i bet now u mormon
[00:00] <simplymai> poor yeng
[00:00] * +`simplysweet`bz` My friend said, "diarrhea"
[00:00] <AznGuy> not
[00:00] * +`simplysweet`bz` Hahahahs.
[00:00] <AznGuy> get the hell out
[00:00] <AznGuy> hahaha
[00:00] * Joins: goTWOgoTWO (guest@=Esv-16-214-54-548.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[00:00] <AznGuy> ud cannot undertdnand the fawk i sayiong what thje
[00:00] <Tampico> lol
[00:00] * Quits: MN_THUG_612 (Tha_Game_6@=pPTJD-07-29-145-707.mn.res.rr.com) (QU
IT: User exited)
[00:00] <AznGuy> shut the f up now
[00:00] <AznGuy> what lrjflkjf
[00:00] * Quits: Chick651 (all4chat@=iPZBO478TI.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[00:00] <+Unknown97223> tsk tsk tsk
[00:00] * Joins: jellorice (jellorice@=Jexbkn-55-823-924-48.dsl.milwwi.ameritech
[00:00] <+Unknown97223> Alexander needs to get whipped.
[00:00] <AznGuy> its like u mopim hand andi i say whatevr i dwant to
[00:00] <AznGuy> ok ****
[00:00] * Guest62678 is now known as Juan2bone
[00:00] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Juan2bone
[00:00] <AznGuy> kuv hlub bethy
[00:00] <+Unknown97223> Whatever.
[00:00] <AznGuy> and bvethy cheat on kuv\
[00:01] <jellorice> wb again
[00:01] <AznGuy> phem tuag
[00:01] <+Unknown97223> Whatever.
[00:01] <jellorice> hah
[00:01] <+Unknown97223> Shut up.
[00:01] * Joins: Guest64077 (java@=8Jtrgr-31-23-33-79.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net)
[00:01] <AznGuy> kuv chim chim tuag shht
[00:01] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> I tired it. LOL
[00:01] <+Juan2bone> hey disser jock
[00:01] <+Unknown97223> You're on ignore now.
[00:01] <+Unknown97223> kthxbye
[00:01] <+Unknown97223> Hi Tengy.
[00:01] <Tampico> issues...
[00:01] <AznGuy> mob kubv lun siab npaum le caag kuv xaav tuag
[00:01] <-bLuEy-bOi> so tampico.. u gonna let me call or not?
[00:01] * Guest64077 is now known as JEEL
[00:01] <+Unknown97223> Welcome back Yeng.
[00:01] * thIschIck-JoJo yawns
[00:01] <AznGuy> man tsis pais again like u always do siab phe,
[00:01] <AznGuy> phem
[00:01] <+Unknown97223> Yeah Callie.
[00:01] <+Juan2bone> hi bethy
[00:01] <memory76023> i agree thischick
[00:01] <+Unknown97223> You gonna call or what?
[00:01] <+Unknown97223> How'd you know, Teng?
[00:01] <AznGuy> oh yo xaav ntaus kiag xwb
[00:01] <AznGuy> hahaah
[00:01] <+pplayerz> http://www.hmoobclick.com/loverm/loverm/
[00:01] <Tampico> hi bethy
[00:01] <+Juan2bone> i'm good by now
[00:01] <+Unknown97223> Hi Callie.
[00:01] * +`simplysweet`bz` Hahahhs.
[00:01] <AznGuy> hahaha
[00:01] <+Unknown97223> haha Teng.
[00:01] <AznGuy> what the fuik,
[00:01] * Joins: Guest65965 (java@=rqbxj-99-764-114-419.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net)
[00:01] * +`simplysweet`bz` You tried it?
[00:02] <Tampico> lol
[00:02] <AznGuy> stop laughing u fukun hyena
[00:02] <+Juan2bone> yup
[00:02] <AznGuy> hahaha
[00:02] <+Juan2bone> hey disser jock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[00:02] <+Juan2bone> Jock is a disser!!!!!!!!
[00:02] <+Unknown97223> Ok, bye. Back to homework.
[00:02] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Well a sip. Does that count?
[00:02] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> LOL
[00:02] <AznGuy> kuv tsis paub what kuiv say.. cus i had a long azz conversatoin
with 2 mormons today
[00:02] <Tampico> bye bethy
[00:02] <Jock_this_Chick> hi teng
[00:02] <AznGuy> they wrre fuccen funnuy
[00:02] <AznGuy> i think i corrupted tyem
[00:02] <Jock_this_Chick> wtf? how am i a disser?
[00:02] <AznGuy> ahahaha
[00:02] * +`simplysweet`bz` Hahhahas S|nfu|sweet|e!
[00:02] <AznGuy> hahwadh!!!!!!!!!!!!
[00:02] * +Juan2bone slaps Jock_this_Chick around with a large trout!
[00:02] * +`simplysweet`bz` Dork!
[00:02] <AznGuy> stupid mormons
[00:02] * +`simplysweet`bz` Is it nasty?
[00:02] * Joins: Guest63150 (java@=opIAV-86-17-470-228.wi.res.rr.com)
[00:02] * +Juan2bone looks at Jock_this_Chick and laughs.
[00:02] * Quits: Guest65965 (java@=rqbxj-99-764-114-419.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net)
(QUIT: User exited)
[00:02] <Jock_this_Chick> sorry i was in the garage doing my laundry
[00:02] <AznGuy> they thinkg they can conver t
[00:02] <AznGuy> like hell no i conver t them to hmong
[00:02] * +`simplysweet`bz` The thing that I saw, was pills! They're THICK! :O!
[00:02] <Jock_this_Chick> awwww forget u
[00:02] * Quits: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org) (Ping Timeout)
[00:02] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> It's not that bad. Her's had tons of sugar!
[00:02] <AznGuy> nopw they can speak hmong
[00:03] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> LOL.
[00:03] <Jock_this_Chick> imma go back and call up my NON HMONG guy friends
[00:03] <+Juan2bone> JOCK..yeah yeah...w/e
[00:03] <Jock_this_Chick> forget u!
[00:03] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Guest65285
[00:03] <AznGuy> im likeshht u aint nothing but a sexless boy who sucks his mom *
[00:03] <AznGuy> ahhaha
[00:03] <+Juan2bone> go ahead
[00:03] <AznGuy> fuucc
[00:03] <+Juan2bone> i don't care
[00:03] <Jock_this_Chick> guess what teng
[00:03] <AznGuy> man im bored
[00:03] <Jock_this_Chick> im happy today
[00:03] <AznGuy> im fuccen watsed
[00:03] <+Unknown97223> Hi AG.
[00:03] <Jock_this_Chick> *jumps around*
[00:03] * +`simplysweet`bz` I'm not sure, I wanna choke on green tea, pills, S|nf
[00:03] <+Juan2bone> good for u then..JOCK...
[00:03] * +`simplysweet`bz` Lols.
[00:03] <AznGuy> time to get the feuucc out of her
[00:03] <AznGuy> hahaah
[00:03] <AznGuy> \wow
[00:03] <+Juan2bone> what's great huh
[00:03] <AznGuy> mob pim
[00:03] * Guest63150 is now known as Tallicious_bOi
[00:03] <Jock_this_Chick> i got promoted today at work
[00:03] <AznGuy> shut the f up
[00:03] <AznGuy> ahahaha\
[00:03] <Jock_this_Chick> ugh! forget u then
[00:03] <Jock_this_Chick> nite aimme
[00:03] <+Juan2bone> good for u..then.....
[00:03] <Jock_this_Chick> aimee*
[00:03] <AznGuy> ntsej muag ruam
[00:03] <AznGuy> hahaha
[00:03] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> LOL Pills are alittle bit too extreme. My sisters has t
he bag.
[00:03] <+Unknown97223> For someone who's drunk, he sure knows how to censor him
self on here.
[00:03] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> LOL
[00:03] <+Juan2bone> what do u do at work anyways
[00:04] <AznGuy> kuv drunk but kuv tseem ha lug moob
[00:04] <Jock_this_Chick> im out imma go be with my NON HMONG FRIENDS
[00:04] <AznGuy> hahah what the f
[00:04] <Jock_this_Chick> nite all
[00:04] <AznGuy> hahahaha
[00:04] <AznGuy> holy shhht
[00:04] <AznGuy> kuv so out of it
[00:04] * Quits: Jock_this_Chick (java@=6NUDW0TB15.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exit
[00:04] <+Juan2bone> jock be like that
[00:04] * goTWOgoTWO is now known as Pov
[00:04] * Joins: Guest74677 (xIoNg_gUrL@=iT9-8uykg386-45.nas1.milwaukee1.wi.us.d
[00:04] <AznGuy> i need my fuccen sleep now
[00:04] <AznGuy> who wants to fucc
[00:04] <AznGuy> hhaahha
[00:04] <AznGuy> holy shht
[00:04] <AznGuy> shut the ufcc up
[00:04] * Joins: Guest62123 (java@=wAMZH7GK65.ipt.aol.com)
[00:04] <AznGuy> hahahahaa
[00:04] <AznGuy> u guys r fuccen wasted
[00:04] * Joins: uR`nExT`boIfRiEnD (blah@=KiIEF-97-719-489-541.wi.res.rr.com)
[00:04] * Joins: Guest62647 (java@=mTedy-02-925-446-575.dsl.frsn02.pacbell.net)
[00:05] <AznGuy> if i was lfjildghoihgor then i hkjifj you so you djkdshjkfvn hah
[00:05] <AznGuy> whatthe fucc
[00:05] * Joins: Philadelphia (amazing@=rMjmu-579-10.tm.net.my)
[00:05] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@*.my
[00:05] * Philadelphia was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk: s
pam host)
[00:05] * +Juan2bone is really very bored.
[00:05] <AznGuy> **** shut the fucc up
[00:05] * +Juan2bone slaps nobody in particular around with a large trout!
[00:05] <Tampico> DUDE>> STFU!
[00:05] <Tampico> god ****
[00:05] <AznGuy> ur fdumb azz fucc
[00:05] * +`simplysweet`bz` Lols, at first I thought it was tea too, but then I o
pened it, and ahahah.. it was pills..I was like..
[00:05] * Quits: MrFine (iceman20_8@=A8tuw-944-229-163-347.triad.res.rr.com) (QU
IT: User exited)
[00:05] * Quits: cheesy_gurl (Chatz@=C1cqvuf4393-wg-nqt-vnjj9.cpinternet.com) (P
ing Timeout)
[00:05] <+Unknown97223> Jeeez.
[00:05] <AznGuy> gey the f out btch
[00:05] <AznGuy> hahaha
[00:05] <+Unknown97223> AG, ban him!
[00:05] <AznGuy> hahaha
[00:05] * +`simplysweet`bz` "OMY! These are thick!" Haahahs...
[00:05] <Tampico> ruam tiag
[00:05] <AznGuy> AG hlub kuv
[00:05] * Guest62647 is now known as A_CHICK559
[00:05] <Tampico> shiet
[00:05] <AznGuy> she will never ban me
[00:05] <Tampico> lmao
[00:05] <Tampico> w/e..
[00:05] * Guest62123 is now known as me_N_onlyMe
[00:05] <AznGuy> so shut the f up
[00:05] <AznGuy> hahaha
[00:05] * Guest74677 is now known as hMoNg_gUrL
[00:05] <+Juan2bone> hi SIMPLEMAI
[00:05] <AznGuy> uknow ulobe me inb here
[00:05] <AznGuy> imthe life ogf this partu
[00:05] <AznGuy> bhahahah
[00:05] * Joins: cheesy_gurl (HTML@=Hopqwqv8517-io-gbl-dkcy8.cpinternet.com)
[00:05] <AznGuy> mo fooazz
[00:05] <AznGuy> fayym
[00:05] <A_CHICK559> hola ALLY babe...
[00:05] <+Juan2bone> HI Simplymai
[00:05] * Joins: Guest66155 (java@=drJET14JJ7.ipt.aol.com)
[00:05] <AznGuy> what am i ssaying
[00:06] * Quits: memory76023 (java@=Ouv-82-32-77-15.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[00:06] <AznGuy> u knowu lfk mohu
[00:06] <AznGuy> okim tired
[00:06] <cheesy_gurl> hey i'm back...sorry
[00:06] * Joins: Guest75417 (java@=Ouv-82-32-77-15.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[00:06] <AznGuy> .....................
[00:06] * Quits: +`simplysweet`bz` (jskldf@=sHhp29-92-589-639.ok.ok.cox.net) (Pi
ng Timeout)
[00:06] <AznGuy> bye abes
[00:06] <AznGuy> hhaha
[00:06] <AznGuy> sollie
[00:06] <me_N_onlyMe> wow
[00:06] * Guest75417 is now known as hMoNg_gUy
[00:06] <AznGuy> i chig dlaag
[00:06] <Tampico> ruam tsis ruam
[00:06] <AznGuy> hahaha
[00:06] <+Juan2bone> well..'ll be back LATERZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
[00:06] <AznGuy> hahaha
[00:06] <me_N_onlyMe> it seems like you guys are having fun
[00:06] <AznGuy> get the f out juan
[00:06] <AznGuy> don ocme back
[00:06] * Joins: Guest65425 (java@=tov-92-63-914-24.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[00:07] <AznGuy> unless u mob pim
[00:07] * Guest65425 is now known as fade415
[00:07] <+Juan2bone> FUCC U TOO HMONGGER
[00:07] <cheesy_gurl> hey any guys care to chat???
[00:07] <AznGuy> u a ohollar back girl; juan
[00:07] <AznGuy> hahaha
[00:07] <fade415> hi aznguy
[00:07] <AznGuy> fucc me then come here
[00:07] <fade415> hi teng
[00:07] <AznGuy> i am waiting
[00:07] <hMoNg_gUy> to a chessy-gurl?
[00:07] <AznGuy> for u
[00:07] * fade415 fawks azn
[00:07] <AznGuy> haahhaha
[00:07] * hMoNg_gUrL is really very bored.
[00:07] <Pov> Fade..Helloooooooooo diser
[00:07] <+Juan2bone> i ain't gay foolz
[00:07] <fade415> ooah yesa
[00:07] <AznGuy> fade ur all talk n no walk
[00:07] <+Juan2bone> well..fade i'll be back later
[00:07] <AznGuy> get the f out i dont need that
[00:07] <fade415> hi pov u married man
[00:07] <AznGuy> hahaha
[00:07] <+Juan2bone> i gotta take care of some business
[00:07] * hMoNg_gUy is really hungry
[00:07] <fade415> azn, come try me
[00:07] <AznGuy> ntseh muag
[00:07] * Joins: `ShAnEeQuA` (jskldf@=zIud43-25-885-229.ok.ok.cox.net)
[00:07] * hMoNg_gUrL slaps nobody in particular around with a large trout!
[00:07] <Pov> fade .. hehehe.. can't help it
[00:07] * Miss`Pretty waves goodbye
[00:07] * fade415 rapes shanequa
[00:07] * Quits: +Juan2bone (java@=zKvxdd-18-331-86-03.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net) (
QUIT: User exited)
[00:07] * `ShAnEeQuA` Oh my..disc..... how gay
[00:07] * Joins: Guest62509 (java@=WJBJC-66-326-945-53.new.res.rr.com)
[00:07] * Xaway sets mode: +v `ShAnEeQuA`
[00:07] <Pov> bai bai miss pretty
[00:07] * hMoNg_gUrL smiles at everyone in the room :-)
[00:07] * Miss`Pretty says Sorry Guys I gotta go
[00:07] <AznGuy> i tried u a gazillion times n u just lay
[00:07] <fade415> pov <-------is big FAT liar...
[00:08] <AznGuy> no more
[00:08] * hMoNg_gUrL slaps everyone in the room.
[00:08] * +`ShAnEeQuA` *fadIEEEEEEEEEE*
[00:08] <AznGuy> hahhaa
[00:08] <fade415> pov <-------is big FAT liar...
[00:08] <AznGuy> whatthe jfukekr shutu[
[00:08] * hMoNg_gUrL Laughs-Out-Loud!!
[00:08] * Guest62509 is now known as lady-succubus
[00:08] * `ShAnEeQuA` is now known as `simplysweet`bz`
[00:08] * hMoNg_gUy thinks hmong_gurl is a s***
[00:08] * Unknown97223 is now known as Bethy
[00:08] <Tampico> LMAo!
[00:08] <Miss`Pretty> .me SAys Who The Heck is Shaneequa
[00:08] <Pov> fade..what did i lie 'bout???
[00:08] <fade415> pov <-------is a big FAT liar...
[00:08] <AznGuy> fade is fuccen weak
[00:08] <fade415> pov <-------is a big FAT liar...
[00:08] <AznGuy> u knhahahaha
[00:08] <Tampico> fkwen weak sauce
[00:08] <Tampico> lmao
[00:08] <AznGuy> fade is a fat liar
[00:08] <fade415> shallup azn
[00:08] <hMoNg_gUrL> i'm a what?
[00:08] * Guest66155 is now known as Kayla
[00:08] <fade415> hi kayla
[00:08] <Miss`Pretty> is ShanEEqua Black???????
[00:08] <Kayla> hi everyone
[00:08] <+Bethy> Kayla
[00:08] <AznGuy> u shheet hole stop messing ewith me
[00:08] <Kayla> hi fade
[00:08] <Tampico> haha
[00:08] <hMoNg_gUrL> i'm just looking at this stuff
[00:08] <+Bethy> I told you to stop copying me.
[00:08] <Kayla> hi bethy
[00:08] <+Bethy> Hi Kayla.
[00:08] <AznGuy> im tird oimf it u hoe
[00:08] <+Bethy> Jeezz.
[00:08] <Kayla> hi mob pim!!!
[00:08] <AznGuy> hahaha
[00:08] * Joins: reality_gurl (nSeNsItIvE@=Fzp-65-896-16-57.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[00:08] <Kayla> oh sorry bethy
[00:08] * ChanServ sets mode: +o reality_gurl
[00:08] <AznGuy> ntsej muag
[00:08] <+`simplysweet`bz`> ';
[00:08] <+`simplysweet`bz`> ;''k;
[00:08] <+`simplysweet`bz`> '
[00:08] <+`simplysweet`bz`> ;l
[00:08] <+`simplysweet`bz`> ;l
[00:08] * Tommy_Hang sets mode: +b *!*@=zIud43-25-885-229.ok.ok.cox.net
[00:08] * `simplysweet`bz` was kicked by Tommy_Hang (12Exceeded 4 lines within  2 sec
s Flood! (10Sec Ban)( 9,1!83¡4!7¡15!11¡14!6¡8!9¡6!12¡7!11¡3!7¡0 12,15 AzianScript v3.2 Beta
[00:08] * ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@219.95.*
[00:08] <hMoNg_gUy> dayem! chill Tampico! you might make me mad with all your cu
[00:08] <Kayla> ur just adorable
[00:08] <AznGuy> kuv want bethy xwb
[00:08] <AznGuy> ahhaah
[00:09] <+Bethy> Shut up Alex.
[00:09] <AznGuy> but she haw a boyfrien
[00:09] <Tampico> haha
[00:09] <hmoobgurlie> helo juna2bone
[00:09] * Quits: xavtaukoj (java@=b0rriv-53-298-17-46.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net) (QU
IT: User exited)
[00:09] <AznGuy> so its allgood
[00:09] * Quits: Tallicious_bOi (java@=opIAV-86-17-470-228.wi.res.rr.com) (QUIT:
User exited)
[00:09] <hmoobgurlie> helo miss kayla
[00:09] * Quits: mr_kool (jlee@=A8tuw-944-229-163-347.triad.res.rr.com) (Connect
ion reset by peer)
[00:09] <Tampico> my bad
[00:09] <AznGuy> i know girls hearts now
[00:09] <Tampico> alex is just pisisngme off
[00:09] <Tampico> lmao
[00:09] <+Bethy> I agree Callie.
[00:09] <Pov> fade..me no liar..sillie
[00:09] <AznGuy> girls justwant to play games
[00:09] <+Bethy> Man, where's Staci when you want a beat down?
[00:09] <+Bethy> Jeez.
[00:09] <Tampico> haha
[00:09] <Miss`Pretty> SSSSSSSSSSSShhhhhhhhhaaaaaaannnnnnnneeeeeeeeequa!~..
[00:09] <hMoNg_gUy> hmong_gurl dont pc me i know... i won't like you
[00:09] <Tampico> i know huh
[00:09] <AznGuy> itslikw man i aint got time for games jusat fdo it
[00:09] <AznGuy> kuv xaavtuag rua koj
[00:09] <AznGuy> hahaha
[00:09] <Miss`Pretty> CAAAAAAAAAn uuuuuuuuuuuu reeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaadd ttt
[00:09] <+Bethy> He needs to teach her stupid brother a leson.
[00:09] <Miss`Pretty> lols
[00:09] <AznGuy> uy know hwat im saying?
[00:09] <+Bethy> lesson*
[00:09] <AznGuy> jajahaha
[00:09] * Joins: MOTU_MASTERSNAKE (MOTU_MASTE@=Rmi-58-507-526-31.hsd1.ca.comcast
[00:09] <+Bethy> Gawd.
[00:09] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> I'm very very very TIRED.
[00:09] <AznGuy> bethy u player
[00:10] <+Bethy> Alex, you hater.
[00:10] <+pplayerz> http://www.hmoobclick.com/loverm/loverm/ImYourPuppet.html
[00:10] <AznGuy> u hurt my heart
[00:10] <Kayla> alex is player?
[00:10] <+Bethy> You hurt mine first.
[00:10] <AznGuy> :(
[00:10] <hMoNg_gUrL> Well i don't like u either HMONG GUY
[00:10] <AznGuy> ur so mean\
[00:10] <Miss`Pretty> and u lungs Aznguy>/?
[00:10] <+pplayerz> good songs
[00:10] <AznGuy> and m lungs haaha
[00:10] <AznGuy> shutup misspretty
[00:10] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[00:10] * Parts: cheesy_gurl (HTML@=Hopqwqv8517-io-gbl-dkcy8.cpinternet.com)
[00:10] * Guest72477 is now known as Male_N_HEAT
[00:10] <+Bethy> It's not my fault you smoke.
[00:10] <Miss`Pretty> LOLS...........u shut up
[00:10] <+Bethy> Jeez.
[00:10] <AznGuy> dont gfet into this or i phem rua koj
[00:10] <AznGuy> ahahah
[00:10] <Kayla> hahhaah@bethy
[00:10] <Pov> sinful??
[00:10] <tnemaLsni`away> come to bed S|nfu|sweet|e
[00:10] * Quits: Patriciaa (mirek@24.226.251.Ry917=) (QUIT: User exited)
[00:10] * Joins: Guest78937 (java@=AVd-98-129-668-654.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[00:10] <hMoNg_gUy> hmong_gurl ok then stop trying to get my attention
[00:10] <Kayla> good one
[00:10] <Miss`Pretty> i dont give a F*ck
[00:10] <hMoNg_gUy> imma stop giving it now!
[00:10] * Tommy_Hang sets mode: -b *!*@=zIud43-25-885-229.ok.ok.cox.net
[00:10] <Miss`Pretty> Biiiiiattttttttcccccccchhhh
[00:10] <hMoNg_gUrL> watevas
[00:10] <AznGuy> bethy itsn ot my fault ur a 2 timing
[00:10] <hMoNg_gUy> lol
[00:10] <AznGuy> sorry im not handsome
[00:10] * Joins: `ShAnEeQuA` (jskldf@=zIud43-25-885-229.ok.ok.cox.net)
[00:10] <AznGuy> hahaa
[00:10] <hMoNg_gUy> what you're in denial
[00:11] <tnemaLsni`away> my sister's family just moved out, i'm all alone nowwww
wwwwwww :(
[00:11] * Guest78937 is now known as Cyrus
[00:11] * `ShAnEeQuA` MOB PIM LER!
[00:11] * Cyrus is now known as Cyrus19142
[00:11] <AznGuy> man i so wasted
[00:11] * Xaway sets mode: +v `ShAnEeQuA`
[00:11] <AznGuy> what the fucccc
[00:11] <AznGuy> mannnnnnnnn
[00:11] * Miss`Pretty laughs
[00:11] <Pov> sup tnemalsni
[00:11] * Quits: Cyrus19142 (java@=AVd-98-129-668-654.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT
: User exited)
[00:11] <AznGuy> shhhhooooooooooot
[00:11] <+Bethy> I'm sorry you're stupid and get drunk and act stupid.
[00:11] <AznGuy> lol
[00:11] <hMoNg_gUrL> wat tha someone here gots issues
[00:11] * Miss`Pretty waves to Shaneeeeeaaaaauaaaaaa
[00:11] <AznGuy> ok im stopping
[00:11] <Pov> sinfulsweetie???
[00:11] * Joins: Guest79315 (java@=Yui-49-318-915-526.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[00:11] * Miss`Pretty winks winks
[00:11] <NkaujSiabDub> bye nawb mog
[00:11] <gigolow> im falling for allysa!
[00:11] <tnemaLsni`away> bethy's always two timing
[00:11] <NkaujSiabDub> lomz em nej
[00:11] <tnemaLsni`away> hi Miss`Pretty
[00:11] <AznGuy> :(
[00:11] * Guest79315 is now known as Cyrus_Yang
[00:11] * Quits: NkaujSiabDub (java@=haeylkk9.milwaukee.k12.wi.us) (QUIT: User e
[00:11] <hMoNg_gUy> lol hmong-gurl let's take dis outside
[00:11] <AznGuy> i agree tnsmals
[00:11] <Cyrus_Yang> Hi everyone
[00:11] <+Bethy> Vang, it's not my fault you dumped me over WoW.
[00:11] <+aiMee_> Hi Cyrus! Wow.
[00:11] * Miss`Pretty says.....shhhhhhhhh Tnemalsni GGGGGgo away
[00:11] * +`ShAnEeQuA` Who the fcuk are you?
[00:11] <Pov> assasin..hey..i jus bump into ur sis n bro in law
[00:11] <Cyrus_Yang> :D
[00:11] <AznGuy> see bethy
[00:11] <hMoNg_gUy> if you're lucky i'll wrestle witchu
[00:11] <Miss`Pretty> hahah
[00:11] <Miss`Pretty> ur mama
[00:11] <AznGuy> anyway
[00:11] * +`ShAnEeQuA` Sigh, this is laggy
[00:11] * +`ShAnEeQuA` Oh
[00:11] <+Bethy> Alex, shut up.
[00:11] * +`ShAnEeQuA` KOJ XWb
[00:11] <hMoNg_gUrL> boi..i'll kick yo A S S!!
[00:11] <Cyrus_Yang> Hi Aimee
[00:11] * Quits: LadyK (java@=Fud-29-786-74-291.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUIT: User
[00:11] <+Bethy> You're the one who cheated.
[00:11] * +`ShAnEeQuA` SHaLLa
[00:12] * Miss`Pretty laughs
[00:12] <Tampico> lol
[00:12] <+Bethy> You're the one who cheated on me with Leah.
[00:12] <+Bethy> Jeez.
[00:12] * Joins: heartbrokenangel (HTML@=Hopqwqv8517-io-gbl-dkcy8.cpinternet.com
[00:12] <+Bethy> Talk about cheater.
[00:12] <Take_me_2_ur_heart> miss pretty..wats ur name?
[00:12] <Cyrus_Yang> How's everyone doing today?
[00:12] <AznGuy> leah ur *****
[00:12] * Parts: mr_sad (java@=rWj-85-899-17-504.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net)
[00:12] * `ShAnEeQuA` is now known as `simplysweet`bz`
[00:12] <AznGuy> whom u gave mny # too
[00:12] <AznGuy> i see
[00:12] <hMoNg_gUrL> leave me alone ur such a dumbass
[00:12] <me_N_onlyMe> la la la la
[00:12] * Miss`Pretty says dont tell ur mommy to Shaaalll its not nice....i told
u many time
[00:12] * Miss`Pretty says OY
[00:12] * me_N_onlyMe is now known as Jock_this_Chick
[00:12] <heartbrokenangel> any guys care 2 chat???
[00:12] <AznGuy> misspretty ssucka
[00:12] * hMoNg_gUy shares with all.. that he's having such a sappy night
[00:12] * -bLuEy-bOi burps
[00:12] <AznGuy> u aint slick
[00:12] <+Bethy> Whatever Alex.
[00:12] <hMoNg_gUy> :(
[00:12] <+Bethy> You even said you gave it to her/.
[00:12] <AznGuy> :(
[00:12] <Opheliana> Okay, I'm back folks
[00:12] <fade415> cas koj yuav mus zoo nraug ua luaj li
[00:12] <Pov> heartbrokenangel sure..whats up
[00:12] <AznGuy> alright this is BS
[00:12] <Pov> fade .. so what did i lie to u 'bout?
[00:13] * Miss`Pretty says huh? Shalla to Aznguy im alwase Slick
[00:13] <Cyrus_Yang> what's going on Heartbroken?
[00:13] <tnemaLsni`away> pov: u did??? when??
[00:13] <Cyrus_Yang> why so gloomy?
[00:13] <Opheliana> /umode -Mm
[00:13] <Opheliana> oops
[00:13] <AznGuy> everyone: dont complain when someone fuccs u over ok.. its all a
[00:13] <Pov> tnemalsni an hour ago.. at the cub foods
[00:13] <Opheliana> lol
[00:13] <+pplayerz> http://www.hmoobclick.com/loverm/loverm/ImYourPuppet.html
[00:13] <+pplayerz> good songs
[00:13] <AznGuy> so live life and learn
[00:13] * Miss`Pretty waves goodbye.......GGGGGGotta go now peace peace
[00:13] <tnemaLsni`away> pov oh ok cool, yeah they just moved out, so they're st
ocking their fridge
[00:13] <AznGuy> and maybe u shall become a player too
[00:13] <Miss`Pretty> ew player thats so nasty
[00:13] * Joins: Guest68931 (java@=8xyhdluoudg-ecs.ucr.edu)
[00:13] <AznGuy> so we can all play on a level field
[00:13] <AznGuy> *thumbs up*
[00:13] * Joins: `MzLeLe` (mzlele@12.181.228.IQ2=)
[00:13] <AznGuy> hahaha
[00:13] <Pov> assasin ..time to head over there..hehe
[00:13] <AznGuy> you know im right
[00:13] <Cyrus_Yang> wow it's busy lately here :)
[00:13] <+pplayerz> jajaj
[00:14] <MOTU_MASTERSNAKE> any older mature ladies care to chat.....?
[00:14] <+pplayerz> naw huh
[00:14] <Opheliana> Okay, so is this no 4th of July tournament not true or true??
[00:14] <AznGuy> and if im wrong then go fucck
[00:14] <AznGuy> urself
[00:14] <AznGuy> ok
[00:14] <AznGuy> ?
[00:14] <Opheliana> Hi MzLeLe
[00:14] <AznGuy> bhahaha
[00:14] * AznGuy was kicked by serenitee (14mIRC32/046.0314 lines/overflow 4—14(text floo
d14)4— 14—[4X 14—4 PRO14]—)
[00:14] <tnemaLsni`away> damn AznGuy bethy played u too??
[00:14] <+Bethy> Shut up vang
[00:14] <Jock_this_Chick> thanks goodness
[00:14] <tnemaLsni`away> bethy played me like a guitar
[00:14] <`MzLeLe`> hi ophe
[00:14] <+Bethy> That's not funny anymore.
[00:14] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[00:14] <+pplayerz> its not nasty
[00:14] <Jock_this_Chick> finally
[00:14] <Tampico> finally
[00:14] <Tampico> lmao
[00:14] <+pplayerz> its not nasty.....i like the song
[00:14] * tnemaLsni`away shuts up before bethy sends him a bomb
[00:14] <`MzLeLe`> ophe what?
[00:14] <tnemaLsni`away> pov yeah come over, bring some babes
[00:14] <`MzLeLe`> there's no tourney this year?
[00:14] * -bLuEy-bOi is still waitin for tampico's digit
[00:14] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha
[00:14] <-bLuEy-bOi> lol
[00:14] <`MzLeLe`> that'll be a first
[00:15] * Quits: +`simplysweet`bz` (jskldf@=zIud43-25-885-229.ok.ok.cox.net) (Pi
ng Timeout)
[00:15] * Joins: Guest67021 (java@=zxYFY-06-13-806-35.wi.res.rr.com)
[00:15] <Opheliana> That there isn't 4th of July tournament?
[00:15] <Pov> tnemalsni ..hehehe.. got no babe..sowie..
[00:15] <+Bethy> Jeez, what is wrong with you and Pho? You two seem to like piss
ing me off.
[00:15] <`MzLeLe`> i guess people aren't getting laid this year then
[00:15] * hMoNg_gUy goes 'whooooOOoOooa" for no reason (and it's not about Bethy
[00:15] <hMoNg_gUy> :)
[00:15] <MOTU_MASTERSNAKE> hi mzlele....
[00:15] <Cyrus_Yang> Any Ladies wanna PC, just to see how your day is?
[00:15] <Opheliana> lol
[00:15] * Guest67021 is now known as AznGuy
[00:15] <`MzLeLe`> hi?
[00:15] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[00:15] <tnemaLsni`away> pov oh well, just bring over some ugly gurls then
[00:15] <AznGuy> like i said\
[00:15] <Opheliana> I guess not...
[00:15] <+pplayerz> http://www.hmoobclick.com/loverm/loverm/ImYourPuppet.html
[00:15] <Pov> tnmelasni ..i'll bring over Sinfulsweeetie....if she ever stop MAC
[00:15] <A_CHICK559> hola JOCK babe!
[00:15] <AznGuy> lis5en to the master and learn\
[00:15] * Parts: gigolow (hypnotiK@=vXm-77-40-16-62.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[00:15] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha ophe
[00:15] <Pov> tnmelasni ..i'll bring over Sinfulsweeetie....if she ever stop MAC
[00:15] <AznGuy> i will treach u my grasshoppas
[00:15] <AznGuy> ahahah
[00:15] <`MzLeLe`> i wouldn't know
[00:15] * Miss`Pretty says Snaps ....here comes by BF gotta logg.......^^ hehe..
[00:15] * Parts: Miss`Pretty (java@=9Ea-51-516-757-616.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[00:15] <`MzLeLe`> i haven't been there in two years
[00:15] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> POV, LOL 'macking'?
[00:15] <tnemaLsni`away> pov nah, she broke my heart also.... so its ok
[00:15] <AznGuy> u would know if ur aresse wasnt talking so much
[00:15] * Pov is now known as Pov_Away_Eating
[00:15] <AznGuy> girls talk too much
[00:15] <MOTU_MASTERSNAKE> mzlele..where are you from..?
[00:15] <Opheliana> gosh, I've got a major headache!
[00:15] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> tne, Whatever!
[00:15] <AznGuy> except for my bethy she is my lovely
[00:15] * Quits: +aiMee_ (Addicts@=RmFB998B50.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[00:16] <AznGuy> i adore her arese
[00:16] <+Bethy> Alex
[00:16] <+Bethy> omg
[00:16] <`MzLeLe`> ophe me too
[00:16] <Jock_this_Chick> wasup wasup julia
[00:16] <+Bethy> If you don't shut up
[00:16] <thIschIck-JoJo> hi lee big boobs
[00:16] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> YOU Don't pick up your phone and I'm to blame?
[00:16] <thIschIck-JoJo> hi bethy
[00:16] <+Bethy> I'm gonna come beat you down
[00:16] * Quits: heartbrokenangel (HTML@=Hopqwqv8517-io-gbl-dkcy8.cpinternet.com
) (Timed Out)
[00:16] <+Bethy> Jeez
[00:16] <AznGuy> then wjay?
[00:16] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Oyia.
[00:16] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha hi jojo
[00:16] <+Bethy> Hi JoJo.
[00:16] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> =p
[00:16] <AznGuy> then waht?
[00:16] <`MzLeLe`> you wanna touch them jojo?
[00:16] <AznGuy> beat me up then
[00:16] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Pov, how are you?
[00:16] <fade415> hmmms
[00:16] <Opheliana> OMG I took this gym class, Boot Camp...
[00:16] <+Bethy> I will
[00:16] <AznGuy> i ainr scured
[00:16] <AznGuy> hahaha
[00:16] <+Bethy> Give me 4 years.
[00:16] <thIschIck-JoJo> lee yes!
[00:16] <+Bethy> I'll get there.
[00:16] <tnemaLsni`away> S|nfu|sweet|e whetever, u have the wrong number
[00:16] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha
[00:16] <tnemaLsni`away> no one ever calls me :(
[00:16] <hMoNg_gUy> Pov you can't stop SIN from macking.. haven't you noticed it
's in her genes? :) One of her parents macked well
[00:16] <AznGuy> what would u do? have great sex with me what else
[00:16] * hMoNg_gUy was kicked by Xaway (Space your text. / 99 :Kicknum:619:)
[00:16] * Xaway sets mode: +b *!*java@*.hsd1.ca.comcast.net
[00:16] <Opheliana> damn it I'm hurting!!!!!
[00:16] * `MzLeLe` shows jojo my boobs
[00:16] <AznGuy> what would u do? have great sex with me what else
[00:16] * Joins: midnightghost (Chatz@=64dqjty6101-wf-bpg-bkzd0.cpinternet.com)
[00:16] <AznGuy> ok
[00:16] * Joins: Guest79870 (java@=jGllqr-08-71-117-599.rev.o1.com)
[00:16] <AznGuy> whatever
[00:16] * Guest79870 is now known as NIGHT_ROCKER
[00:16] * Joins: `ShAnEeQuA` (jskldf@=N7tz02-01-239-023.ok.ok.cox.net)
[00:16] <tnemaLsni`away> the only ones that call me are mai and bethy, just to l
isten to my voicemai;
[00:17] <AznGuy> im waiting
[00:17] <tnemaLsni`away> the only ones that call me are mai and bethy, just to l
isten to my voicemail
[00:17] * Xaway sets mode: +v `ShAnEeQuA`
[00:17] <+`ShAnEeQuA`> what the fcuk mangs?
[00:17] <AznGuy> see exactly
[00:17] <`MzLeLe`> hi vang
[00:17] * +`ShAnEeQuA` Thi
[00:17] <+Bethy> Whatever Vang
[00:17] * +`ShAnEeQuA` Oh oh
[00:17] * Quits: kali_guy (java@=6quxhp-77-932-4-390.dsl.sktn01.pacbell.net) (QU
IT: User exited)
[00:17] <AznGuy> as i knew from the beginning
[00:17] <+Bethy> I only called once
[00:17] * thIschIck-JoJo titty focks lee
[00:17] * +`ShAnEeQuA` This is pissing me off, nite folks.
[00:17] <midnightghost> hey any guys care to chat???
[00:17] <+Bethy> NO ALEX
[00:17] <tnemaLsni`away> the only ones that call me are mai and bethy, just to l
isten to my napoleon voicemail
[00:17] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha jojo wtf
[00:17] <AznGuy> bethy never called me once
[00:17] <AznGuy> thats how much she loves me
[00:17] <Jock_this_Chick> Julia come to sac
[00:17] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> tne, no acknowledgment. Cool.
[00:17] <thIschIck-JoJo> :p
[00:17] <AznGuy> hahaha
[00:17] <+Bethy> Because you're never home
[00:17] <Opheliana> lol@Vang..
[00:17] <+Bethy> So why?
[00:17] * Quits: +pplayerz (java@=eVtbw-500-410-313-149.carolina.res.rr.com) (QU
IT: User exited)
[00:17] <AznGuy> u wouldnt know though cus u never try
[00:17] <AznGuy> so why?
[00:17] <A_CHICK559> ****.. they kick out folks for any gosh **** reasons in her
[00:17] <AznGuy> exactly
[00:17] * Xaway sets mode: -b *!*java@*.hsd1.ca.comcast.net
[00:17] <AznGuy> i know
[00:17] <+Bethy> Cause you're always getting drunk.
[00:17] <`MzLeLe`> jojo did you quit yet?
[00:17] <tnemaLsni`away> bethy and aznguy, get a room!
[00:17] <AznGuy> u dont even know
[00:17] <+Bethy> You get a room!
[00:17] <tnemaLsni`away> don't talk about your love woes here
[00:17] <+Bethy> Hey, last time I offered to call.
[00:17] <`MzLeLe`> and when are you coming to michigan to visit that white boy
[00:18] <+Bethy> You said no.
[00:18] <AznGuy> bethy lets just get hitched
[00:18] <Cyrus_Yang> Anyone here From Sac?
[00:18] <AznGuy> im tired of waiting
[00:18] <thIschIck-JoJo> lee: yea i quit last month
[00:18] * Joins: Guest70309 (java@=nlepu-62-182-444-61.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net)
[00:18] <Jock_this_Chick> <--SAC
[00:18] <AznGuy> my sperm is dying
[00:18] * Quits: +`ShAnEeQuA` (jskldf@=N7tz02-01-239-023.ok.ok.cox.net) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[00:18] <AznGuy> hahaha
[00:18] <`MzLeLe`> oh haha
[00:18] <A_CHICK559> yea.. i'm coming next Wednesday.. and staying until Saturda
y.. @ Jock..
[00:18] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Im NOT calling anyone anymore.
[00:18] * hMoNg_gUrL is really very bored.
[00:18] * Guest70309 is now known as Methodz
[00:18] <tnemaLsni`away> me neither!
[00:18] <+Bethy> Whatever Alex.
[00:18] <AznGuy> imsoooooooooooo sd
[00:18] <AznGuy> sad
[00:18] <AznGuy> sniff
[00:18] * Mr_Nice_Guy is now known as HereWithOutYouBabe_Dude
[00:18] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Tne, you know POV?
[00:18] <AznGuy> bethy phem
[00:18] <tnemaLsni`away> I hate calling and getting rejected
[00:18] * Joins: Guest67149 (java@=jkp-01-994-837-01.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[00:18] <AznGuy> tsis hlub kuv le
[00:18] <+Bethy> Maybe if you weren't drunk, I would.
[00:18] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> I HATE listening to voicemail.
[00:18] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> =p
[00:18] <+Bethy> But you're an *** right now.
[00:18] <tnemaLsni`away> S|nfu|sweet|e we've been friends longer then i've been
a man
[00:18] * Quits: Cyrus_Yang (java@=Yui-49-318-915-526.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT
: User exited)
[00:18] <Jock_this_Chick> lets go clubbin julia
[00:18] <AznGuy> ihat calling and getting hanged up on bethy
[00:18] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> LOL
[00:19] <AznGuy> hate
[00:19] <tnemaLsni`away> ok forget i said that
[00:19] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Un oh.
[00:19] <+Bethy> Whatever.
[00:19] <+aLLySa> Hi Konnie
[00:19] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Hello Allysa. How are you?
[00:19] <AznGuy> at least i have some courtesy
[00:19] <A_CHICK559> Awesome...
[00:19] * Guest67149 is now known as pVanG
[00:19] <AznGuy> to hlub'
[00:19] <tnemaLsni`away> S|nfu|sweet|e we've been friends longer then i've been
out of highschool
[00:19] <+aLLySa> I'm good.how are you?
[00:19] * Methodz alex stay away from bethy dont let thatcute face and big butt
fool u
[00:19] <+aLLySa> HI Julia
[00:19] <AznGuy> but kj tsis hlub
[00:19] <A_CHICK559> i would love to.. where you guys clubbin at? Rage?
[00:19] <AznGuy> lol meth
[00:19] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> tne, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?
[00:19] <+Bethy> Dennis, this isn't a joke.
[00:19] <Jock_this_Chick> anywhere
[00:19] <tnemaLsni`away> pov <-- my pimp back in the days
[00:19] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Hello Meth.
[00:19] <AznGuy> meth u fuccer
[00:19] * hMoNg_gUrL is really very bored.
[00:19] <tnemaLsni`away> until he got highclassed
[00:19] <+Bethy> Stop using me as your little jokes.
[00:19] <+Bethy> Jeez.
[00:19] <A_CHICK559> awesome.. i'll be there..
[00:19] <AznGuy> she's more than that to me
[00:19] <A_CHICK559> how old are you JOCK..
[00:19] <`MzLeLe`> joooooooooo joooooooooooooo
[00:19] * Methodz lol
[00:19] <AznGuy> she's my wife
[00:19] <AznGuy> man
[00:19] <Jock_this_Chick> k
[00:19] <Jock_this_Chick> call me up or teng up
[00:19] * thIschIck-JoJo what lee!!!!!
[00:19] <Kayla> nite everyone
[00:20] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Later Kayla.
[00:20] <`MzLeLe`> where's douly
[00:20] <Kayla> bye konnie
[00:20] <tnemaLsni`away> bethy you're caught now!
[00:20] * hMoNg_gUrL is really very bored.
[00:20] <A_CHICK559> who's TENG?
[00:20] <Kayla> bye vang
[00:20] <+aLLySa> Night pim pim
[00:20] <AznGuy> ok i apologize for beuing an azz
[00:20] * Joins: gigolow (hypnotiK@=vXm-77-40-16-62.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[00:20] <AznGuy> sosorry
[00:20] <Jock_this_Chick> juan
[00:20] <Kayla> bye ally
[00:20] <tnemaLsni`away> bye kayla
[00:20] <+aLLySa> Hi Douly
[00:20] * thIschIck-JoJo douly lee is looking for u
[00:20] <`MzLeLe`> douly guess what
[00:20] <+aLLySa> Sorry I was away
[00:20] <+Bethy> Yeah right.
[00:20] <AznGuy> i love love u
[00:20] <+Bethy> Watch.
[00:20] * Methodz oh shiet my bad u guys want a room ?
[00:20] <Kayla> bye bethy
[00:20] <A_CHICK559> oh okie.. no CLUE!?!
[00:20] <+Bethy> In just a second.
[00:20] <`MzLeLe`> i pissed tyler off
[00:20] <gigolow> Kayla is one hot sugah mama!
[00:20] <gigolow> Kayla is one hot sugah mama!
[00:20] <`MzLeLe`> haha
[00:20] <Kayla> bye dennis
[00:20] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Ah, lub world is too me me.
[00:20] <AznGuy> this room is ours
[00:20] <+Bethy> You'll craete more drama for me.
[00:20] <+Bethy> Bye Kayla.
[00:20] * Methodz bye kayla
[00:20] <gigolow> LeLe how???!
[00:20] <+Bethy> create*
[00:20] <AznGuy> stop butting in
[00:20] <tnemaLsni`away> hehe bethy
[00:20] <Kayla> bye douly
[00:20] <fade415> hi methodz..
[00:20] <gigolow> details!
[00:20] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha
[00:20] <gigolow> details!
[00:20] <gigolow> lol
[00:20] <Kayla> u said u gonna take shower
[00:20] <AznGuy> we own this room
[00:20] <`MzLeLe`> i called him a ******
[00:20] <gigolow> i am.
[00:20] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha
[00:20] * thIschIck-JoJo sits and watch lee and douly talk about nyler
[00:20] <Pho_King_Awesome> kayla xwb????
[00:20] <AznGuy> okkkkkkkkk
[00:20] <gigolow> ******?!
[00:20] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Ah, this weather is making me sweat.
[00:20] <gigolow> lol
[00:20] <`MzLeLe`> and i told him to tell sara i said hi
[00:20] <gigolow> when was this?!
[00:21] * Joins: LadyNC (forevakia@=dbtri-769-145-739-431.triad.res.rr.com)
[00:21] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> No working out this summer.
[00:21] <`MzLeLe`> i think last weel
[00:21] <fade415> methodz, ur bro who just graduated last week is tom huh?
[00:21] <gigolow> Lee you crack me up!
[00:21] <fade415> methodz, ur bro who just graduated last week is tom huh?
[00:21] * Methodz .. well excuse me mr aznboy
[00:21] <`MzLeLe`> in AA
[00:21] <`MzLeLe`> haha
[00:21] <gigolow> oh!
[00:21] <AznGuy> lol meth
[00:21] <gigolow> dayem!
[00:21] * Methodz yeah fade
[00:21] <`MzLeLe`> i sent him a note in AA
[00:21] <fade415> hi gigolow
[00:21] <fade415> oh
[00:21] * Joins: Guest71343 (java@=Zlczgp-68-899-547-150.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.ne
[00:21] <tnemaLsni`away> hey pho, u wanna join lifetime with us?
[00:21] <gigolow> i bet you he deleted his that GB entry!
[00:21] <gigolow> hi fade!
[00:21] <`MzLeLe`> just to call him a phaggot
[00:21] * Quits: mobsiab (java@=XpAE14L0VQ.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[00:21] <AznGuy> meth when r u gonna treat me for beer
[00:21] <gigolow> lol
[00:21] <gigolow> hahaha
[00:21] <Pho_King_Awesome> no
[00:21] <`MzLeLe`> and then i told him to tell sara i said hi
[00:21] <`MzLeLe`> and he got pissed
[00:21] <tnemaLsni`away> damn u!
[00:21] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha
[00:21] <+Bethy> Better not Dennis.
[00:21] <Pho_King_Awesome> i quit it
[00:21] <`MzLeLe`> i swear tyler's gay
[00:21] <Pho_King_Awesome> no $$
[00:21] <gigolow> hahahahaha
[00:21] <fade415> hi pho
[00:21] * Methodz i'll buy u a whole cow azn
[00:21] <gigolow> Lee lol!
[00:21] <`MzLeLe`> him and his tight tshirts
[00:21] <midnightghost> is there any guys here that can chat without being borin
[00:21] * Parts: Kayla (java@=drJET14JJ7.ipt.aol.com)
[00:21] <tnemaLsni`away> damn!
[00:21] <AznGuy> lol
[00:21] <gigolow> hahahahaha
[00:21] <AznGuy> all i need is my bethy
[00:22] <gigolow> dayemmmmmmmmmmm stop it!
[00:22] <+Bethy> If that's true, then go sleep.
[00:22] <tnemaLsni`away> i need to pump up so hot gurls like Opheliana and S|nfu
|sweet|e and Bethy will date me
[00:22] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha i'm serious douly
[00:22] <AznGuy> the 10 minutes will be heaven
[00:22] <gigolow> Lee how bout his NOT SO MASCULINE VOICE?!
[00:22] <gigolow> lol
[00:22] * Methodz yeah but u need the cow as a offering
[00:22] <fade415> how come i didn't see you there at the graduation,m eth?
[00:22] * tnemaLsni`away does jumping jacks
[00:22] <pVanG> wassup jojo
[00:22] <`MzLeLe`> i haven't heard him talk yet
[00:22] <AznGuy> yall know thats how long i lats
[00:22] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha
[00:22] <AznGuy> hahaha
[00:22] <Pho_King_Awesome> hi fade
[00:22] <fade415> hmms
[00:22] <`MzLeLe`> i'm sure if he looks gay
[00:22] <thIschIck-JoJo> hola pVanG
[00:22] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> I'm hurt. =/
[00:22] <gigolow> Lee! Ugh....gross!
[00:22] <gigolow> lol
[00:22] <`MzLeLe`> he must be gay
[00:22] <+aLLySa> Vang, dont hurt yourself
[00:22] <ScholarLy> how do u make a girl regret for leaving you??
[00:22] <tnemaLsni`away> ally ha ha
[00:22] * Methodz lol fade i didnt go
[00:22] <`MzLeLe`> hell he crosses his legs when he sits
[00:22] <`MzLeLe`> wtf
[00:23] <`MzLeLe`> only gay guys do that
[00:23] <AznGuy> will somebody voice me already
[00:23] * Methodz fade u where there ?
[00:23] <fade415> oh..
[00:23] <AznGuy> u fkke head
[00:23] * Parts: Guest71343 (java@=Zlczgp-68-899-547-150.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.ne
[00:23] <gigolow> Lee you know what he wore to the Kindbeats party! a french Bar
ret hat!!!
[00:23] <gigolow> lol
[00:23] <fade415> yes i was there for my cousins
[00:23] * Quits: TONYTHAO_916 (java@=i5ijp-13-933-344-231.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net
) (QUIT: User exited)
[00:23] <gigolow> Lee does he!!!
[00:23] <hMoNg_gUrL> BUT DAMNS
[00:23] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Scholarly, rarely do a girl regret leaving any man. Pla
in and simple. =p
[00:23] <AznGuy> AG is hella hating on me dude
[00:23] <hMoNg_gUrL> OKAYS
[00:23] * Joins: MetrosexualiciousGuy (none@=gOzich-21-215-826-877.dsl.frsn02.pa
[00:23] <pVanG> hey..does the pm work
[00:23] <`MzLeLe`> douly yeah
[00:23] <AznGuy> just cus she got op dont mean she better
[00:23] <+aLLySa> LoL@DEE
[00:23] <pVanG> like can u pm me back
[00:23] <AznGuy> i know hwo
[00:23] <`MzLeLe`> i saw an old picture of him
[00:23] <AznGuy> allysa ruam
[00:23] <AznGuy> hahaha
[00:23] * Methodz dammit fade how come u didnt tell me
[00:23] <`MzLeLe`> and some people a while back
[00:23] <AznGuy> dont even say something
[00:23] <+aLLySa> Alex ruam tshaj
[00:23] <MetrosexualiciousGuy> hello room
[00:23] <fade415> i thought i did..
[00:23] <`MzLeLe`> and the guy was sitting with his legs crossed
[00:23] <AznGuy> you dont make any sense
[00:23] <+aLLySa> What??
[00:23] <+aLLySa> What did I do?
[00:23] <AznGuy> hahaha
[00:23] <gigolow> SINFILSWEETIE please refrain from speaking to scholarly he mak
es up his own weddings and reverses how his fiancee left him blah blah blah
[00:23] * gigolow was kicked by Xaway (Space your text. / 99 :Kicknum:620:)
[00:23] * Xaway sets mode: +b *!*hypnotiK@*.hsd1.mn.comcast.net
[00:23] * Methodz no u didnt fade
[00:23] * ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@210.5.*
[00:24] <AznGuy> whaaaaaat\
[00:24] <+aLLySa> Shut up Alex!! I still love you
[00:24] <AznGuy> bethy
[00:24] <tnemaLsni`away> ScholarLy u make her pregnant, and u don't take her bac
k..... ok that's a bad method
[00:24] <+Bethy> What?
[00:24] <AznGuy> did you hear that
[00:24] <fade415> i did.
[00:24] * Methodz alex i love your sister
[00:24] * Joins: Guest80135 (java@=tUo-58-320-938-667.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[00:24] <AznGuy> bethy arent u gonna fight her
[00:24] <+Bethy> What?
[00:24] <AznGuy> i guess u dont care
[00:24] <+Bethy> No.
[00:24] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> LOL Douly, I know. As a matter of fact... ~_^
[00:24] <+Bethy> Ally always get every man I want.
[00:24] <AznGuy> she said she love me
[00:24] * hMoNg_gUrL is really very bored.
[00:24] <+Bethy> Cause she's better than I am.
[00:24] <+Bethy> :\
[00:24] <+aLLySa> LoL
[00:24] * hMoNg_gUrL is really very bored.
[00:24] <AznGuy> u should beather aszz
[00:24] <+aLLySa> Hell no!
[00:24] <+aLLySa> You can have Alex
[00:24] <+aLLySa> Its only Alex
[00:24] <fade415> ong's sister is too
[00:24] <+aLLySa> Pfffft!
[00:24] <+Bethy> hah Ally
[00:24] <AznGuy> allysa u bastarrd
[00:24] * Xaway sets mode: -b *!*hypnotiK@*.hsd1.mn.comcast.net
[00:24] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> VANG, how could you?
[00:25] <fade415> sheng
[00:25] <AznGuy> forget u
[00:25] <+aLLySa> LoL
[00:25] <+aLLySa> Muah!
[00:25] <AznGuy> i=all is matter is me and bethy
[00:25] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Mocking is NOT good.
[00:25] <tnemaLsni`away> S|nfu|sweet|e no, i think that really is a good way
[00:25] <+Bethy> Go sleep Alex.
[00:25] <`MzLeLe`> douly tyler is fckin gay gay gay
[00:25] <MetrosexualiciousGuy> i'm giving this girl in pc another second before s
he's OUT
[00:25] <tnemaLsni`away> i'm not mocking anyone
[00:25] <AznGuy> she is hotter than IRC
[00:25] <+Bethy> Go sleep Alex.
[00:25] <MetrosexualiciousGuy> what's going on in the room
[00:25] * Joins: invisible_man (x_x_x@=R5t-97-96-48-31.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[00:25] <AznGuy> nobethy i stil lwanna be with u
[00:25] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Whatever VANG.
[00:25] <AznGuy> u r so mean
[00:25] <pVanG> whose from fresno ..gonna see zeb hab sua at the theater thursda
[00:25] <AznGuy> tryna get rid of me
[00:25] <tnemaLsni`away> i still wanna be with bethy too
[00:25] <AznGuy> like usual
[00:25] <fade415> <--from freshoe
[00:25] * Joins: Guest70580 (java@=620Qwis953.tnt24.atl4.da.uu.net)
[00:25] <+Bethy> QUIET VANG!
[00:25] <+Bethy> omg
[00:26] <+Bethy> Jeez.
[00:26] * Joins: gigolow (hypnotiK@=vXm-77-40-16-62.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[00:26] <fade415> take me as ur date, pvang
[00:26] <+aLLySa> pVanG, I seen it already
[00:26] <AznGuy> maybe one day you'll juyst forgt about je huh bethy
[00:26] <+Bethy> I told you to stop using me when your girls aren't here.
[00:26] <AznGuy> me
[00:26] <AznGuy> omg'
[00:26] <gigolow> later
[00:26] * Methodz wow bethy's the flavor of the month this month eh
[00:26] * Guest70580 is now known as hlublinpausuav
[00:26] <+Bethy> No Alex.
[00:26] <+Bethy> shut up
[00:26] <+Bethy> omg
[00:26] * Quits: gigolow (hypnotiK@=vXm-77-40-16-62.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[00:26] <tnemaLsni`away> omg..... bethy now you're gonna not claim me???????
[00:26] <+Bethy> STOP TALKING ABOUT ME
[00:26] <midnightghost> its so boring...
[00:26] <AznGuy> stop talking about ur ex bf bethy
[00:26] <AznGuy> im getting jealou
[00:26] <invisible_man> will someone take me to the movie too?
[00:26] <fade415> mid, it is boring in here
[00:26] <MetrosexualiciousGuy> i was going through all my old data cd's earlier l
ooking for songs and found old net pictures
[00:26] <+Bethy> Jesus.
[00:26] <AznGuy> so rude.. talk about them in my face
[00:26] <AznGuy> i see
[00:26] <+Bethy> You people need to shut up.
[00:26] * Joins: Guest67940 (java@=Ozj-29-80-875-962.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
[00:26] <invisible_man> i always go by myself, but it don't seem right
[00:26] <tnemaLsni`away> Bethy boo, come to me!
[00:26] <fade415> invisibleman, will u be my date to the movie?
[00:26] <MetrosexualiciousGuy> found some old net pictures and FADE's one of the
[00:26] <fade415> invisibleman, will u be my date to the movie?
[00:27] <AznGuy> iknew it
[00:27] * hMoNg_gUrL is really very bored.
[00:27] * Methodz someone seems mad
[00:27] <+Bethy> Shut up uvang
[00:27] <AznGuy> all talk and no walk
[00:27] <invisible_man> aww fade do you really mean it? lol
[00:27] <AznGuy> phem lers
[00:27] <midnightghost> any guys care to chat...????
[00:27] <fade415> me , metro?
[00:27] <pVanG> who u fade?
[00:27] <+Bethy> Alex, quiet.
[00:27] <+Bethy> Go to sleep.
[00:27] <tnemaLsni`away> ouch, fine bethy, i'm out of your life froever!!!
[00:27] <AznGuy> when i say it i mean it
[00:27] <fade415> yes i meant it
[00:27] * Guest80135 is now known as Ur_Guy
[00:27] <+Bethy> Kind of like that?
[00:27] <AznGuy> like u want me to go
[00:27] <MetrosexualiciousGuy> FADE it's the one where you're arms are resting on
a white thingamajig
[00:27] * Joins: [Wormz] (Evil@=Rab-78-606-990-46.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[00:27] <AznGuy> like that
[00:27] <MetrosexualiciousGuy> so cute
[00:27] <+Bethy> No.
[00:27] * invisible_man almost flattered and replies back to dearest fade415 "un
huh..." :)
[00:27] <tnemaLsni`away> :(
[00:27] <+Bethy> I want you to stop pissing me off.
[00:27] <AznGuy> sorry bethy
[00:27] <fade415> ahhahaha metro.. hey send me that pic
[00:27] <tnemaLsni`away> bethy played me like a yoyo
[00:27] <+Bethy> Shut up Vang
[00:27] <AznGuy> i'll pleasure you now bethy\
[00:27] * tnemaLsni`away cries
[00:28] <MetrosexualiciousGuy> do you even remember that pic? fade
[00:28] <MetrosexualiciousGuy> hehe
[00:28] <Tampico> bye all
[00:28] <midnightghost> guys care to chat???
[00:28] <AznGuy> i want to...
[00:28] <`MzLeLe`> hi cousin wormie
[00:28] <+Bethy> Bye Callie.
[00:28] <tnemaLsni`away> bye Tampico
[00:28] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Later Tam.
[00:28] * Methodz awww vang who made u cry
[00:28] <invisible_man> vang it's ok... yo yo are fun to play with
[00:28] * Parts: Tampico (java@=dkq12.115.55.243.ona.wi.charter.com)
[00:28] <fade415> invisibleman, are u ejecting me?
[00:28] <fade415> metro, i dotn anymore
[00:28] <tnemaLsni`away> Methodz bethy did!
[00:28] <fade415> send it to me
[00:28] <AznGuy> i want to run my hands through your hair bethy\
[00:28] * tnemaLsni`away points to bethy
[00:28] <fade415> oosunfloweroo@hotmail.com
[00:28] * Quits: A_CHICK559 (java@=mTedy-02-925-446-575.dsl.frsn02.pacbell.net)
(QUIT: User exited)
[00:28] <AznGuy> and i want to...
[00:28] * Methodz see i told u stay away from girls ..
[00:28] <+Bethy> I told you Alex, Idon't have hair.
[00:28] * Methodz especially her
[00:28] <invisible_man> ejecting? fade i haven't inserted anything in to eject
[00:28] * Parts: Guest67940 (java@=Ozj-29-80-875-962.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
[00:28] <invisible_man> :D
[00:28] <AznGuy> i want to tell you that you have hair
[00:28] <tnemaLsni`away> i know, i'm sorry dennis
[00:28] <fade415> sure
[00:28] <AznGuy> hahaah
[00:28] * Joins: Guest68117 (java@=Nzmkm-57-594-409-096.dsl.frsn02.pacbell.net)
[00:28] <tnemaLsni`away> i should be more like hoey
[00:28] <fade415> "uh huh=reject"
[00:28] <tnemaLsni`away> i mean joey
[00:28] <fade415> hmmm
[00:28] * Quits: pVanG (java@=jkp-01-994-837-01.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT: User
[00:29] <fade415> send to me metro
[00:29] <-bLuEy-bOi> laterz
[00:29] <MetrosexualiciousGuy> FADE i'll trade this picture that i have of you fr
om a year ago, for a newer one that i don't already have
[00:29] * MetrosexualiciousGuy was kicked by Xaway (Space your text. / 99 :Kicknum
[00:29] * Xaway sets mode: +b *!*none@*.dsl.frsn02.pacbell.net
[00:29] * ChanServ sets mode: -b Al3x!*@*
[00:29] * Methodz now u learn ur lesson
[00:29] <fade415> bye kong
[00:29] <AznGuy> elizabeth is hating on me dude
[00:29] * Quits: Guest68117 (java@=Nzmkm-57-594-409-096.dsl.frsn02.pacbell.net)
(QUIT: User exited)
[00:29] <+Bethy> Vang, you need to stop being a Brandon Thao.
[00:29] <+Bethy> Jeez.
[00:29] * tnemaLsni`away nods
[00:29] <-bLuEy-bOi> bye y taboo lover
[00:29] <fade415> sure metro
[00:29] <+Bethy> Whatever Alex.
[00:29] <-bLuEy-bOi> bye my taboo lover
[00:29] <+Bethy> You're just trying to piss me off.
[00:29] <tnemaLsni`away> ahahaha what's wrong with brandon thao??
[00:29] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> LOL@Bethy.
[00:29] * Guest65285 sets mode: -b *!*none@*.dsl.frsn02.pacbell.net
[00:29] <AznGuy> maybe one daybethy will realize im the one for her
[00:29] * Quits: Janitor (Freezer@69.241.114.oO2=) (QUIT: User exited)
[00:29] <fade415> i just took a new one before i left to stock last week
[00:29] * Joins: Guest70826 (java@=7Cd-97-25-191-020.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[00:29] <+Bethy> YOU KNOW WHAT'S WRONG.
[00:29] <tnemaLsni`away> brandon did u hear that???!
[00:29] <+Bethy> Get over yoyurself.
[00:29] <@Guest65285> damn, that nigga script is too strict
[00:29] <+Bethy> BUILD A BRIDGE VANG
[00:29] <invisible_man> lol
[00:29] * Guest65285 sets mode: -o Xaway
[00:29] <+Bethy> AND GET OVER IT
[00:29] * [H]mong[T]alk sets mode: +v fade415
[00:29] * Quits: @[H]mong[T]alk (tfastness@=kve-58-779-550-442.hsd1.ca.comcast.n
et) (QUIT: User exited)
[00:29] <tnemaLsni`away> hahahahah
[00:29] * Quits: -bLuEy-bOi (TFLM@=kve-58-779-550-442.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT
: User exited)
[00:29] <+fade415> thanks ht?
[00:29] <tnemaLsni`away> that's my line bethy
[00:29] <+Bethy> I know.
[00:29] <AznGuy> i built a bridge for bethy and she burnt it
[00:29] <+Bethy> I had to use it on you.
[00:29] * Methodz lol vang she likesu
[00:29] <+Bethy> Alex
[00:29] * Joins: Guest67884 (java@=80TFI-798-14-87-053.qld.bigpond.net.au)
[00:29] * Guest68931 is now known as unknown_mini
[00:29] <+Bethy> Stop it!
[00:29] <tnemaLsni`away> ha ha
[00:30] <AznGuy> im sooo sad
[00:30] * Guest70826 is now known as stpgrl
[00:30] <AznGuy> sniff
[00:30] * Joins: MetrosexualiciousGuy (none@=gOzich-21-215-826-877.dsl.frsn02.pa
[00:30] <invisible_man> yea i heard.. but it's right though.. bethy has rights t
o play us ugly guys vang.. duh.. she's pretty
[00:30] <tnemaLsni`away> Methodz no, she likes everyone, every other week
[00:30] * Quits: URSDREAMGUY (java@=4155-49-34-29.mpls.qwest.net) (QUIT: User ex
[00:30] <AznGuy> yea she played me cus im the ugliest
[00:30] <invisible_man> so build a bridge
[00:30] <invisible_man> lol
[00:30] <+Bethy> Shut up brandon
[00:30] <invisible_man> :)
[00:30] * Quits: ScholarLy (scholar@=ABsykf-02-274-016-944.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.
net) (QUIT: User exited)
[00:30] * Methodz lol
[00:30] <tnemaLsni`away> ha ha
[00:30] <AznGuy> bethy had it for the ugly guys
[00:30] <+fade415> eww invisible man is brandon xwb?
[00:30] <+fade415> tsov tom
[00:30] * Joins: hmong_chat (Chatz@=LAMZ988IBS.ipt.aol.com)
[00:30] <+fade415> :p
[00:30] <+Bethy> Alex, I'm serious.
[00:30] * Methodz lol alex thats true
[00:30] <AznGuy> now she'rs tryna get the hot guys
[00:30] * Joins: mMy (lala@=Ij2-0jzgm967-04.nas19.minneapolis1.mn.us.da.qwest.ne
[00:30] <invisible_man> has tsi shoo...
[00:30] <@Guest65285> anyone know the song sing by S.E.S which was in "gao sheng &
Ge meng" movie???
[00:30] <+fade415> hi mmy
[00:30] <invisible_man> lol
[00:30] <@Guest65285> anyone know the song sing by S.E.S which was in "gao sheng &
Ge meng" movie???
[00:30] <@Guest65285> anyone know the song sing by S.E.S which was in "gao sheng &
Ge meng" movie???
[00:30] <@Guest65285> anyone know the song sing by S.E.S which was in "gao sheng &
Ge meng" movie???
[00:30] <invisible_man> hi mmy
[00:30] <+Bethy> You guys are ******. I'm out of here. Jeez.
[00:30] <AznGuy> too bad im ugly azz hell
[00:30] * Quits: +Bethy (java@=CEn-29-110-593-332.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
[00:30] <invisible_man> sup dennis
[00:30] <AznGuy> no beth
[00:30] * mMy says Hi invisible man + fade.*
[00:30] * Parts: hmong_chat (Chatz@=LAMZ988IBS.ipt.aol.com)
[00:30] <AznGuy> elizabeth
[00:30] * Methodz sup invisible
[00:31] <tnemaLsni`away> Guest65285 yes.. its called.... chingu
[00:31] <@Guest65285> oh yeah huh
[00:31] <AznGuy> see look wat u guys did
[00:31] <@Guest65285> i remember now
[00:31] <tnemaLsni`away> or chingoo
[00:31] <AznGuy> u made ebthy leave
[00:31] * Joins: hmong_sex_chat (Chatz@=2RUD815ZMY.ipt.aol.com)
[00:31] <AznGuy> u son of a bshes
[00:31] <AznGuy> sucjk er
[00:31] <AznGuy> fuuuuukkkk
[00:31] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> So mean.
[00:31] <AznGuy> hahaha
[00:31] <AznGuy> ntsej muag
[00:31] * Joins: Yangsta_P (yangsta_p@=mFb-62-452-19-9.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[00:31] <AznGuy> tuag
[00:31] <AznGuy> hahaha
[00:31] * Pov_Away_Eating is now known as Pov
[00:31] <AznGuy> u guys r funny
[00:31] <@Guest65285> yes, its call "friends"
[00:31] * Methodz its for the best alex
[00:31] * Guest65285 sets mode: +v tnemaLsni`away
[00:31] <@Guest65285> thanks tnemaLsni`away
[00:31] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Pov, nyab ned?
[00:31] <+tnemaLsni`away> don't gurls like mean guys?
[00:31] <AznGuy> loldeennis
[00:31] <@Guest65285> heres a voice for helping me
[00:31] <+tnemaLsni`away> np Guest65285
[00:31] <@Guest65285> so quickly
[00:31] <AznGuy> dennis its for the best
[00:31] <hmong_sex_chat> come join the fun at hmong sex chat where everyone get
wild and crazy even the innocent girls talk dirty
[00:31] <+tnemaLsni`away> thanks!
[00:31] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> tne, NOPE.
[00:32] <AznGuy> man what the fucc should we do now
[00:32] <Pov> sinfulsweetie .. did her to much..she's tired alredy!
[00:32] <+tnemaLsni`away> S|nfu|sweet|e u sure?
[00:32] <AznGuy> cus i aint macking on no one else
[00:32] <AznGuy> hahaha
[00:32] * hmong_sex_chat was kicked by Guest65285 (advertise again and it'll be
a ban 0,2 1 5 14 15¤0Ûñ adëaߣe_ImÅgË15¤14 1 5 0 )
[00:32] <AznGuy> they ainr as sexy as my bethy
[00:32] * Guest67884 is now known as CYBER_MAN
[00:32] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Pov, shhhh, don't say it soo loud. LOL
[00:32] * Methodz lol pls
[00:32] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Oh?
[00:32] <AznGuy> dennis u bettr hook it u
[00:32] <+tnemaLsni`away> pov: why didn't u ever introduce me to S|nfu|sweet|e?
[00:32] <AznGuy> ntsej muag dennis
[00:32] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> tne, Positive.
[00:32] <+fade415> metro, where are you at?
[00:32] <Pov> sinfulsweetie ..kan't help it.. did her good..now she's satisfy n
asleep..and ur man?
[00:32] * Methodz ur bethy nothing compared to my genie
[00:32] <AznGuy> lol meth
[00:32] * Quits: unknown_mini (java@=8xyhdluoudg-ecs.ucr.edu) (QUIT: User exited
[00:32] * Quits: [Wormz] (Evil@=Rab-78-606-990-46.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
[00:32] <AznGuy> genie is mine too
[00:32] <AznGuy> u fukker
[00:32] <+tnemaLsni`away> pov: there was a point in time where i dreamed of her
every night
[00:32] <AznGuy> man is genie online?
[00:32] * Methodz lol genie is everyones
[00:32] <AznGuy> i hella miss genie
[00:32] <+fade415> damn
[00:32] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Pov, when was the wedding?
[00:33] <AznGuy> GENIEEEEEEEE
[00:33] <Pov> tnemalsni ..cuz..she didnt' wana meet any one of us...
[00:33] <AznGuy> where r
[00:33] <AznGuy> u
[00:33] * Quits: Aint-No-Hollah-Back-GirL (_may@=2as-67-362-248-449.hsd1.ca.comc
ast.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[00:33] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> tne, you dream of Pov's nyab?
[00:33] * Joins: spreadurlegs (Chatz@=jZJC962EXO.ipt.aol.com)
[00:33] <AznGuy> gagaga'
[00:33] <+tnemaLsni`away> pov oh i see... oh well
[00:33] <Pov> sinful.. wedding? we jus did american way..quick n easy
[00:33] <AznGuy> dennis is genie online>
[00:33] <AznGuy> ?
[00:33] <+fade415> POV IS A MARRIED MAN
[00:33] * Guest65285 is now known as tAkumi-
[00:33] <+fade415> POV IS A MARRIED MAN
[00:33] <`MzLeLe`> gennnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeee
[00:33] <+tnemaLsni`away> Pov i knew i was never good enough for her
[00:33] * Methodz alex u punk .. u already got bethy leave me genie at least ..
[00:33] <Pov> tnemalsni ..she to good for us..
[00:33] <AznGuy> dennis is genie on?
[00:33] <+tnemaLsni`away> pov ur getting married??
[00:33] * Joins: BeLindA27 (czel28@=UyD432t.g.pppool.de)
[00:33] <midnightghost> hey any guys care to chat????
[00:33] * Methodz some of us cant pimp like u
[00:33] <AznGuy> u fukker
[00:33] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Pov, oh. You should have called. I would have drop by w
ith a present.
[00:33] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> :)
[00:33] * Methodz lol
[00:33] <invisible_man> FADE IS A MARRIED WOMAN... but i let her cheat
[00:33] * Joins: Mr_KoOl (iceman20_8@=DZwtz-891-328-110-157.triad.res.rr.com)
[00:33] <+tnemaLsni`away> damn, i am truely the last u of m guy not married!
[00:34] <+tnemaLsni`away> damn, i am truely the last u of m guy not married!
[00:34] <AznGuy> meth stop lying u pi mp
[00:34] <Pov> fade .. I KNOW I AM..gosh..and u had first option to be first wife
[00:34] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> tne, sure. Whatever you want to believe.
[00:34] * Methodz alex if she belong to u, you would know
[00:34] <+fade415> WATEVER INVISIBLE
[00:34] * Joins: Guest72234 (java@=SGvydx-16-821-258-533.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.ne
[00:34] * Joins: Guest69157 (java@=Eoc-06-233-511-260.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[00:34] <AznGuy> she belong to no one
[00:34] <+fade415> <---DIVORCEDWOMAN
[00:34] <AznGuy> she just want ur qau
[00:34] <+fade415> HMMS
[00:34] <Pov> tnemalsni .. u should come over to my new crib when i throw a bbq.
[00:34] <Yangsta_P> any hot girls here?
[00:34] <AznGuy> fade is devorce
[00:34] <invisible_man> aww fade... try it again... :)
[00:34] * fade415 is now known as singleMOM
[00:34] <+tnemaLsni`away> damn, i am truely the last u of m guy not married!...
that's it, i'm gonna marry the first midget gurl i see in real life
[00:34] <AznGuy> i juyst wanr fade pussiee
[00:34] <invisible_man> 8winks* @ fade
[00:34] * Parts: Guest72234 (java@=SGvydx-16-821-258-533.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.ne
[00:34] * Methodz she has a label .. property of dennis
[00:34] <AznGuy> but she all talk n no walk
[00:34] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Pov, how's the rest of the crew?
[00:35] <+singleMOM> no need to try again not worth it
[00:35] * Joins: Cheng (hC_Java@=47psde-36-59-78-15.rev.o1.com)
[00:35] * Quits: spreadurlegs (Chatz@=jZJC962EXO.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited
[00:35] <+singleMOM> azn, u want ur own sis's pussie?
[00:35] <+singleMOM> hi cheng
[00:35] <Pov> tnemalsni .. hmm..seng's not maried..shilu not married.. lots of o
ther not married
[00:35] * Quits: mMy (lala@=Ij2-0jzgm967-04.nas19.minneapolis1.mn.us.da.qwest.ne
t) (QUIT: User exited)
[00:35] <invisible_man> singlemom - oh, is that so?
[00:35] <Pov> sinfulsweetie ..what crew?
[00:35] * Joins: Just_that_Guy (Just_that_@=TCczgp-68-802-560-184.lsanca.dsl-w.v
[00:35] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> NVM
[00:35] <+tnemaLsni`away> fade how about you come cook for me, i'll take care of
your kids
[00:35] <+singleMOM> yes it is so. :)
[00:35] <AznGuy> fade is just overused
[00:35] <Pov> Fade <-- divorce from me..
[00:35] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Well, congratualtion Pov.
[00:35] <AznGuy> time to get new
[00:35] <AznGuy> hahahaa
[00:35] * Joins: Guest68189 (java@=t4e-04-167-74-826.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[00:35] * Methodz really ? alex ?
[00:35] <+singleMOM> vang, no thanks.. i dont let stranger to look after my kids
[00:35] <AznGuy> dennis u know
[00:35] <+tnemaLsni`away> pov shilu's not married? i swear he was the biggest pi
[00:35] * Parts: Just_that_Guy (Just_that_@=TCczgp-68-802-560-184.lsanca.dsl-w.v
[00:35] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  fade i'm willing to trade your pic from a year ag
o for a newer pic of you that i don't already have
[00:35] <AznGuy> she said u were her first
[00:35] <+singleMOM> sure ov
[00:36] <AznGuy> haaha
[00:36] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  DEAL? :P
[00:36] <+tnemaLsni`away> omg fade, we've known each other for years!
[00:36] <AznGuy> dennis u pi mpo
[00:36] <+singleMOM> metro, send to me and ill send u the new one
[00:36] <Pov> tnemalsni ..nope...so is roy too.. and i'm not u of m guy..but i'm
still singo
[00:36] <Yangsta_P> where the fine girls at?
[00:36] <invisible_man> singleMOM so you've tried it again?
[00:36] <+singleMOM> vang, u sitll a stranger to me
[00:36] <+tnemaLsni`away> pov what? u just said the wedding thingy
[00:36] * Methodz yeah someone snitched me out tho alex
[00:36] * Quits: BeLindA27 (czel28@=UyD432t.g.pppool.de) (Ping Timeout)
[00:36] <+tnemaLsni`away> fade oh i see how it is
[00:36] <+singleMOM> yes i have, invisibleman
[00:36] <Pov> tnemalsni .. no i didn't
[00:36] <invisible_man> oh nikki xwb...
[00:36] <invisible_man> :)
[00:36] <AznGuy> fade is one dollar
[00:36] <`MzLeLe`> man wtf why do people pc you and ask the dumbest questions
[00:36] <Pov> sinful .. how's marriage life on ur end?
[00:36] <AznGuy> hollar
[00:36] <AznGuy> ahhaha
[00:36] <+singleMOM> vang, pov already married 5 yrs ago
[00:36] <invisible_man> dayem im quick
[00:37] * Joins: Guest71530 (java@=Js39-674-222-058.mpls.qwest.net)
[00:37] <MetrosexualiciousGuy> MSN?
[00:37] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Pov, haven't yet.
[00:37] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> =)
[00:37] <+singleMOM> shallup azn, you're not even worth a penny :p
[00:37] * MetrosexualiciousGuy winks
[00:37] <+singleMOM> i am on msn
[00:37] <+singleMOM> :p
[00:37] <+tnemaLsni`away> damn it, pov never tells me, i dont think he likes me
[00:37] <AznGuy> fade is like a doorknob, everyone gets a turn
[00:37] <AznGuy> hahaha
[00:37] * Joins: Guest72111 (java@=wcftbr-76-780-474-257.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net)
[00:37] * Methodz lol @ mz lele
[00:37] <AznGuy> but i broke it
[00:37] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> DANG, I met him not too long ago. =/
[00:37] * Guest71530 is now known as Unknown_Lady
[00:37] <Pov> sinful when?
[00:37] <AznGuy> like i broke every virgin in here
[00:37] <AznGuy> hahahah
[00:37] * Methodz lol @ mz lele yes i agree
[00:37] <+singleMOM> shallup
[00:37] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  still waiting for his turn
[00:37] * Quits: DDaaaZZZ (blah@=k037-08.dial.connexus.net.au) (QUIT: User exite
[00:37] * Joins: cocopuffs (all4chat@=p2e06.168.18.230.mad.wi.charter.com)
[00:37] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Pov, you s lut. =/
[00:37] <MetrosexualiciousGuy> haha
[00:37] * Quits: SweetiePi3Smilez (Chatz@=Iev-45-328-907-130.hsd1.co.comcast.net
) (QUIT: User exited)
[00:37] * Methodz lol @ mz lele
[00:37] <The_Bravery> wheres all the milfs at
[00:37] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> =p
[00:37] <+singleMOM> send it metro
[00:37] <Pov> tnemalsni .. tell u? hmm.. i do.. everything..
[00:37] <AznGuy> fukkkkk u guys
[00:38] <AznGuy> im out
[00:38] <invisible_man> you know whats funny vang... :) if someone in here like
say fade415 just went all in and bet on me! she just might be holding the best w
inning hands yet :)
[00:38] <Pov> sinful .. yes..i know i'm ur ****
[00:38] <AznGuy> bshes
[00:38] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Pov, no decisions are being press at the moment. We're
all in awkard situations, sort of speak.
[00:38] <AznGuy> u cry babies
[00:38] <Methodz> alex
[00:38] * Methodz a;ex
[00:38] * Quits: AznGuy (java@=zxYFY-06-13-806-35.wi.res.rr.com) (QUIT: User exi
[00:38] <+singleMOM> we dont want to fawk u azn..
[00:38] <Pov> sinful maybe i should just come n get ya
[00:38] <Methodz> fker alex
[00:38] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Pov, kidding xwb na.
[00:38] * Guest68189 is now known as `miSs-bashful
[00:38] <Pov> sinful i'm not
[00:38] <Pov> hiya Bashful
[00:38] <+singleMOM> hi bashie
[00:38] * `miSs-bashful *
[00:38] * Methodz *
[00:38] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Pov, and make me second?
[00:38] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> =/
[00:38] <+tnemaLsni`away> pov u should save her, or else she's gonna end up with
a bad boy, bad life
[00:38] * `miSs-bashful *Ahhh. HOw did I end up in here? Ha Ha
[00:38] <Pov> sinful .. why not..2nd best ain't that bad
[00:38] * Guest69157 is now known as RaVeNAdDiCt
[00:38] * `miSs-bashful *Howdy Pov. Howdy Mai Mee. Howdy Dennis.
[00:38] <Jock_this_Chick> ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
[00:38] <RaVeNAdDiCt> HEHEH HAHAH
[00:38] <Hess_sLaw> WHERE ARE YOU JOUA
[00:38] <Pov> tnemalsni .. tis ok..she's already a Bad Girl
[00:38] * Methodz bao u took a wrong turn at the light
[00:38] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> LOL Pov, I want to be FIRST.
[00:38] <invisible_man> hi bash
[00:39] * Quits: Guest72111 (java@=wcftbr-76-780-474-257.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net)
(QUIT: User exited)
[00:39] * Joins: JustSimplyMe (Chatz@=N6w-77-340-761-875.hsd1.co.comcast.net)
[00:39] <Hess_sLaw> JOUA.. WHERE ARE YOU?
[00:39] * Methodz .. u were suppose to go left .. not right
[00:39] * `miSs-bashful *Howdy invisible man
[00:39] <Hess_sLaw> JOUA WHERE ARE YOU?
[00:39] * Pov is now known as Pov_away_cooking
[00:39] <RaVeNAdDiCt> HI ROOM
[00:39] <Pov_away_cooking> brb
[00:39] <+singleMOM> bashie an addick like u always end up in here where else wo
uld u be? aa? aa aint do much beside browsin thru pple's page
[00:39] <+singleMOM> :D
[00:39] <+singleMOM> haha
[00:39] <Hess_sLaw> JOUA WHERE ARE YOU?
[00:39] * `miSs-bashful *Hey. I'm not an addict.
[00:39] * `miSs-bashful *I'm new.
[00:39] <+singleMOM> yes u are
[00:39] <+singleMOM> :p
[00:39] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> nte, you could have done something, but you didn't pick
up your PHONE.
[00:39] <+tnemaLsni`away> i still have faith that S|nfu|sweet|e can be an awesom
e person, she just needs a nice guy
[00:39] * tAkumi- sets mode: -c
[00:39] <RaVeNAdDiCt> HEY BUT I AM
[00:39] <@tAkumi-> -c
[00:40] <+singleMOM> 4 yeah
[00:40] <+tnemaLsni`away> S|nfu|sweet|e whatever, quit making up excuses
[00:40] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> tne, I'm not perfect. =)
[00:40] <+singleMOM> 4 i can use my color now
[00:40] <The_Bravery> it was an honest mistake
[00:40] <+singleMOM> 4 shiet
[00:40] <Hess_sLaw> JOUA .........................WHERE ARE YOU?
[00:40] * `miSs-bashful 11,12*:D
[00:40] * RaVeNAdDiCt is really very bored.
[00:40] * RaVeNAdDiCt slaps everyone in the room.
[00:40] <Hess_sLaw> JOUA..........................WHERE ARE YOU?
[00:40] * RaVeNAdDiCt slaps Mr_KoOl around with a large trout!
[00:40] * RaVeNAdDiCt looks at Mr_KoOl and laughs.
[00:40] <+singleMOM> 4 hmmms
[00:40] * Joins: Guest72559 (java@=4ez-65-50-89-181.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[00:40] * RaVeNAdDiCt is going to be away from the channel.
[00:40] * RaVeNAdDiCt bounces around the channel.
[00:40] * Guest72559 is now known as chance
[00:40] <Hess_sLaw> WHERE ARE YOU ....................JOUA????
[00:40] * RaVeNAdDiCt Laughs-Out-Loud!!
[00:40] * RaVeNAdDiCt Laughs-Out-Loud!!
[00:40] <+singleMOM> 4 im here hess slaw
[00:40] * Quits: NIGHT_ROCKER (java@=jGllqr-08-71-117-599.rev.o1.com) (QUIT: Use
r exited)
[00:40] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Vang, you wouldn't want someone like me anyways.
[00:40] * Methodz hi pfruit
[00:40] <+singleMOM> 4 <-------youa
[00:40] <Jock_this_Chick> chance huh?
[00:40] <+singleMOM> 4 :D
[00:40] * Quits: Nixon (got_skillz@=q7x49.183.4.181.fdl.wi.charter.com) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[00:41] <Hess_sLaw> NO .............JOUA
[00:41] * Methodz hi jojo
[00:41] <Jock_this_Chick> u remind me of my....
[00:41] * RaVeNAdDiCt smiles at everyone in the room :-)
[00:41] * `miSs-bashful *Hmm. Brb
[00:41] <+singleMOM> 4 <-------youa
[00:41] <+singleMOM> 4 <-------youa
[00:41] <RaVeNAdDiCt> HAHAHAHA
[00:41] <+singleMOM> 4 oh
[00:41] * invisible_man thinksMiss S|nfu|sweet|e isn't perfect, being that no on
e is... but dayem! she sure hollahs back well
[00:41] <@tAkumi-> they needa take off the color codes
[00:41] * Joins: Nixon (got_skillz@=q7x49.183.4.181.fdl.wi.charter.com)
[00:41] <+singleMOM> 4 <---joua
[00:41] <passionfruit> hi dennis
[00:41] <JustSimplyMe> hehe
[00:41] <+singleMOM> 4 <---joua
[00:41] <passionfruit> byee dennis
[00:41] <JustSimplyMe> JOUA
[00:41] <JustSimplyMe> JOUA
[00:41] <+singleMOM> 4 <---joua
[00:41] <JustSimplyMe> WHERE ARE THOU
[00:41] <+singleMOM> 4 <---joua
[00:41] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> LOL@ SingleMOM
[00:41] * The_Bravery is now known as bowlingforsoupisnotpunkrock
[00:41] <invisible_man> hi p
[00:41] <Hess_sLaw> VERY FUNNY
[00:41] <JustSimplyMe> CHRIS
[00:41] <invisible_man> why leaving so soon
[00:41] <passionfruit> hi b
[00:41] <passionfruit> weirdo
[00:41] <JustSimplyMe> YOU NEED TO DO SOMETHING
[00:41] <chance> hello
[00:41] <passionfruit> never says hi
[00:41] * Quits: lady-succubus (java@=WJBJC-66-326-945-53.new.res.rr.com) (QUIT:
User exited)
[00:41] <JustSimplyMe> WITH YOUR TIME
[00:41] <+tnemaLsni`away> S|nfu|sweet|e yeah you're right, i'm just not good wit
h drama
[00:41] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> invisible, it's all in the mind.
[00:41] <Hess_sLaw> OHH IT IS YOU..
[00:41] * chance is now known as chance92401
[00:41] * Pov_away_cooking is now known as Pov
[00:41] <+singleMOM> 4 i am doing soemthing with my time
[00:41] <JustSimplyMe> HEHE
[00:41] * Joins: Guest69700 (java@=DBITL-88-792-482-56.new.res.rr.com)
[00:41] * Methodz hi mai
[00:41] <+singleMOM> 4 :D
[00:41] * Guest69700 is now known as lady-succubus
[00:41] <Jock_this_Chick> la la la la
[00:41] * hMoNg_gUrL is really very bored.
[00:41] <Mr_KoOl> hi single mom
[00:41] * hMoNg_gUrL is really very bored.
[00:41] <Jock_this_Chick> im f*cken bored
[00:41] <JustSimplyMe> YOU NEED TO GET A JOUA
[00:41] <invisible_man> p brushed your teeth?
[00:41] <+singleMOM> 4 hi
[00:41] <invisible_man> lol
[00:41] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> tne, that's a part of me... if you can't accept it, you
[00:41] * Quits: hlubzaum2 (java@=620Qwis953.tnt24.atl4.da.uu.net) (QUIT: User e
[00:41] <JustSimplyMe> SHE IS THE ONE FOR YOU
[00:41] <Mr_KoOl> hi hmong gurl
[00:41] <JustSimplyMe> HEHEHE
[00:41] <Pov> sinful ..anyway.. u say YES..and i'll be on my way rite now
[00:42] <Mr_KoOl> hi single mom
[00:42] * Quits: jellorice (jellorice@=Jexbkn-55-823-924-48.dsl.milwwi.ameritech
.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[00:42] <Pov> assasins...let's jus go pick up sinful for u than....seeesh..make
it easy n simple
[00:42] <+singleMOM> 4 pov has a wife alrady and still goin around **** :D
[00:42] <passionfruit> b- yeah i did..already
[00:42] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> LOL, Oh I know better than to test you. Last time, you
drove all that way-- I feel horribl.
[00:42] <chance92401> any prety lady in here
[00:42] <Pov> assasins ..cuz..if u do..i'll go n bring home fade
[00:42] <passionfruit> i'm abt to turn in
[00:42] <invisible_man> <S|nfu|sweet|e> invisible, it's all in the mind. <-- don
t ya think i figure something being all in the mind, at one point, in time... :D
[00:42] <RaVeNAdDiCt> PEICE OF ****
[00:42] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha fade aren't you pov's wife?
[00:42] <+tnemaLsni`away> S|nfu|sweet|e it's ok, I'm better served as your frien
[00:42] * hMoNg_gUrL is really very bored.
[00:42] <JustSimplyMe> OH CHRIS
[00:42] * Joins: Guest72996 (Chatz@=sph-47-120-786-92.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[00:42] * hMoNg_gUrL is really very bored.
[00:42] <+singleMOM> 4 im nobody's wife
[00:42] <+singleMOM> 4 :p
[00:42] <RaVeNAdDiCt> WAT THE **** WHERE IS THE LOVE?
[00:42] <chance92401> single female
[00:42] * Methodz waves hi to hmong gurl
[00:42] <RaVeNAdDiCt> HAHAHA
[00:42] <`MzLeLe`> lyin ***
[00:42] <`MzLeLe`> haha
[00:42] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Pov, you read the rejection?
[00:42] <Pov> singlemom..HEY..WE R HMONG..we can have as many wives as we want
[00:42] <+singleMOM> 4 i thought u were pov's wife, leekhang
[00:42] <RaVeNAdDiCt> HI HMONG GURL
[00:42] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Invisible, sooner or later we make our own happiness. =
[00:42] <+tnemaLsni`away> pov u drove all that way for S|nfu|sweet|e? wow
[00:42] <`MzLeLe`> nah
[00:42] <`MzLeLe`> i don't date short hmong guys remember
[00:42] <+singleMOM> 4 sure
[00:42] <`MzLeLe`> haha
[00:42] <`MzLeLe`> they have to be at least 5'6 and taller
[00:42] <`MzLeLe`> he's only 4ft tall
[00:42] <+singleMOM> 4 watever lee, yourshort urself
[00:42] <RaVeNAdDiCt> HI HMONG GURL
[00:42] <passionfruit> b
[00:42] <invisible_man> yes p
[00:42] <RaVeNAdDiCt> FINE BUH BYE
[00:42] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> tne, I was kidding. Pov, would't budge even if I said '
[00:43] <Pov> singlemom ..hehe..so mean
[00:43] * Quits: Methodz (java@=nlepu-62-182-444-61.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net) (QUI
T: User exited)
[00:43] <invisible_man> dearest
[00:43] <invisible_man> :)
[00:43] <RaVeNAdDiCt> *******
[00:43] <+singleMOM> 4 me mean<? look wat lee khang said
[00:43] <Pov> tnemalsni .. u no i don't visit no girl
[00:43] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[00:43] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha what did i say?
[00:43] <`MzLeLe`> NOTHING
[00:43] * Joins: jellorice (plastlk@=cQgfzm-84-739-530-15.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.n
[00:43] <midnightghost> hey any guys care to chat
[00:43] <RaVeNAdDiCt> I'M RICK JAMES *****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'
M RICK JAMES *****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[00:43] <Pov> sinful .. so? u n vang?
[00:43] <RaVeNAdDiCt> I'M RICK JAMES *****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'
M RICK JAMES *****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[00:43] <+singleMOM> 4 shallup lee, u said he only 4 feets tall :p
[00:43] <+tnemaLsni`away> pov haha yes i do know u, so i know u did hahaha
[00:43] <RaVeNAdDiCt> I'M RICK JAMES *****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'
M RICK JAMES *****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[00:43] <`MzLeLe`> haha well he i
[00:43] <`MzLeLe`> is
[00:43] <`MzLeLe`> haha
[00:43] * Joins: Guest73391 (java@=dlzae63826695kld.warn1201.mi.comcast.net)
[00:43] <+singleMOM> 4 your rick james wannabe
[00:43] * Quits: Jock_this_Chick (java@=wAMZH7GK65.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exit
[00:43] * Joins: Guest70362 (java@=J6877-625-611-077.dialup.infinetivity.com)
[00:43] <RaVeNAdDiCt> I'M RICK JAMES *****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'
M RICK JAMES *****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[00:44] <+tnemaLsni`away> pov nah, she's happier with her current situations
[00:44] <RaVeNAdDiCt> I'M RICK JAMES *****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'
M RICK JAMES *****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[00:44] <Pov> thanemalsni ..how come i don't remember..
[00:44] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Pov, he doesn't want me. He said "I dont need her"
[00:44] <+singleMOM> 4 :p
[00:44] <RaVeNAdDiCt> I'M RICK JAMES *****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'
M RICK JAMES *****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[00:44] * Guest70362 is now known as hmoobmn
[00:44] <RaVeNAdDiCt> I'M RICK JAMES *****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'
M RICK JAMES *****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[00:44] <passionfruit> b
[00:44] <RaVeNAdDiCt> I'M RICK JAMES *****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'
M RICK JAMES *****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[00:44] * RaVeNAdDiCt was kicked by serenitee (14mIRC32/046.0314 repeating 4—14(text floo
d14)4— 14—[4X 14—4 PRO14]—)
[00:44] <`MzLeLe`> hiiiiiii vangeroos
[00:44] <passionfruit> umode
[00:44] * Quits: Mr_KoOl (iceman20_8@=DZwtz-891-328-110-157.triad.res.rr.com) (Q
UIT: User exited)
[00:44] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[00:44] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> tne, stop putting words in my mouth.
[00:44] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> :)
[00:44] * Quits: MsNkaujHmoobYaj (java@=Jps-70-14-89-76.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QU
IT: User exited)
[00:44] * bowlingforsoupisnotpunkrock is now known as simpleplanisnotpunkrock
[00:44] * Quits: Nraug_TuajLig (a@=DHhwq-26-48-60-14.dc.res.rr.com) (QUIT: User
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[00:44] * ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@*.ma.cable.rcn.com
[00:44] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@219.95.*
[00:44] * StussY was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk: spam ho
[00:44] <invisible_man> ok p
[00:44] <+tnemaLsni`away> S|nfu|sweet|e i can read you like a book
[00:44] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> tne, you have no idea.
[00:44] <+tnemaLsni`away> i'm good at reading people
[00:44] <invisible_man> vang never tell a girl that!
[00:44] <Pov> tne n sinful ..good compbo
[00:44] <invisible_man> lol jk
[00:45] <invisible_man> how would i know i cant read girls well
[00:45] <`MzLeLe`> i can read vang like a book too
[00:45] * Quits: hmoobmn (java@=J6877-625-611-077.dialup.infinetivity.com) (QUIT
: User exited)
[00:45] <`MzLeLe`> i know that he's sitting on his bed write now
[00:45] <`MzLeLe`> chatting away
[00:45] <+tnemaLsni`away> pov so u got any business ideas? i know you're a rich
[00:45] <`MzLeLe`> like how he used to
[00:45] <+tnemaLsni`away> `MzLeLe` am i nakid??
[00:45] <+tnemaLsni`away> `MzLeLe` am i nakid??
[00:45] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Pov, not when there's only one person fighting to save
whatever's there.
[00:45] * Parts: Guest73391 (java@=dlzae63826695kld.warn1201.mi.comcast.net)
[00:45] <Pov> tnemalsni ..I'M BROKE AS hell..dude.. ask my bro..he's the rich on
[00:45] <`MzLeLe`> vang umm you're probably in your boxers
[00:45] <`MzLeLe`> or shorts
[00:45] * Quits: hmoobgurlie (java@=KIJET1549G.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[00:45] <Pov> sinfulsweetie ..n what's three?
[00:45] <+tnemaLsni`away> `MzLeLe` haha ok never, quit reading me
[00:45] <+tnemaLsni`away> hahaha
[00:45] <Pov> sinful ..what's there i mean
[00:46] * Joins: Guest71748 (java@=crXTS-52-65-904-05.wi.res.rr.com)
[00:46] <+tnemaLsni`away> `MzLeLe` haha ok never mind, quit reading me
[00:46] * Joins: Guest74055 (java@=u9ivm58705603gqb.warn1201.mi.comcast.net)
[00:46] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Pov, what has always been.
[00:46] <+tnemaLsni`away> <-- irc's in the nude
[00:46] <`MzLeLe`> haha vang you know it's the same thing everytime i'm over
[00:46] <Pov> sinful .. i dunno
[00:46] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Pov, I'm taking a trip an Island. What do you think?
[00:46] <`MzLeLe`> i'm not there that late at night
[00:46] * Quits: HereWithOutYouBabe_Dude (Top_Gun@=pmvurhca-
Phoenix1.Level3.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[00:46] * Guest74055 is now known as sapphire
[00:46] <Pov> sinful ..which island?
[00:46] * Parts: Guest72996 (Chatz@=sph-47-120-786-92.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[00:46] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Switzerland was beautiful.
[00:46] <+tnemaLsni`away> `MzLeLe` u were over once! liar
[00:46] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> I'm not sure.
[00:47] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Brazil is a sight.
[00:47] * Joins: BeLina19 (nobody@81.181.186.mc44=)
[00:47] * ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@*.cgocable.*
[00:47] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@81.*
[00:47] * BeLina19 was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk)
[00:47] <`MzLeLe`> yeah i was with bizz
[00:47] <`MzLeLe`> haha
[00:47] <Yangsta_P> Germany's awesome.
[00:47] <`MzLeLe`> and douly
[00:47] <`MzLeLe`> hahah
[00:47] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> And all I want to do is settle among the beach.
[00:47] <+tnemaLsni`away> pov so u got any business ideas? i know you're a rich
[00:47] <Pov> sinful go pc..gotta ask u something
[00:47] * Quits: midnightghost (Chatz@=64dqjty6101-wf-bpg-bkzd0.cpinternet.com)
(Ping Timeout)
[00:47] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Go for it.
[00:47] * Guest71748 is now known as Fade415
[00:47] * sapphire is now known as sapphire_angel
[00:47] <Fade415> what is up
[00:47] <+tnemaLsni`away> Any of you gals know how to cook sushi?
[00:47] * Joins: HornyGentleman (xcvgsd@208.2.85.ru8=)
[00:47] <+singleMOM> 4 this fade415 is from wi
[00:48] <+singleMOM> 4 hahaha
[00:48] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Vng, did you get the project done?
[00:48] * Joins: Guest71575 (java@=VaBFL-50-859-76-66.new.res.rr.com)
[00:48] <Fade415> so
[00:48] <+tnemaLsni`away> oops, let me restate that
[00:48] <Fade415> u know u copied me
[00:48] <+tnemaLsni`away> Any of you gals know how to make sushi?
[00:48] <Pov> tnemamlsni .. nope...no rich ideas..if i did..i would b rich alrea
dy :D
[00:48] * hMoNg_gUrL is really very bored.
[00:48] <+singleMOM> 4 wtf?
[00:48] * hMoNg_gUrL is really very bored.
[00:48] <+singleMOM> 4 haha
[00:48] <+singleMOM> 4 do ur thing
[00:48] <`MzLeLe`> awe look
[00:48] <+tnemaLsni`away> pov damn ok, wanna start a sushi/coffee shop?
[00:48] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Vang, how hard can 'making' sushi be?
[00:48] * Guest71575 is now known as miss_moaner
[00:48] <Fade415> haah
[00:48] <+singleMOM> 4 hi missmoaner
[00:48] * miss_moaner looks around
[00:48] <`MzLeLe`> oooo jojo's pcing me
[00:48] * Fade415 is now known as AznGuy
[00:48] <`MzLeLe`> brb
[00:48] * Joins: SecretAsianMan (mrchinster@68.23.96.VE18=)
[00:48] <miss_moaner> hi single mom..??
[00:48] * Joins: midnightghost (Chatz@=xshuitq5644-bz-efu-tzwq7.cpinternet.com)
[00:48] <`MzLeLe`> i'mma have fun now
[00:48] <`MzLeLe`> haha
[00:48] <+singleMOM> 4 hi chin
[00:48] <miss_moaner> who are you??
[00:48] <+singleMOM> 4 fawker
[00:48] <Pov> tnemalsni ..dunno..to many sushi around.. but a coffee shop too?
[00:48] <+tnemaLsni`away> S|nfu|sweet|e i dunno, but some people take years of c
ourses to become sushi chefs
[00:48] <+singleMOM> 4 fade
[00:48] <SecretAsianMan> who are you singleMOM?
[00:49] <+singleMOM> 4 fade
[00:49] <+singleMOM> 4 ;D
[00:49] <AznGuy> u know u copied me
[00:49] <miss_moaner> OoO
[00:49] <miss_moaner> haha hi fade =)
[00:49] <+singleMOM> 4 i did not azngay
[00:49] <+tnemaLsni`away> pov: yes, sushi/coffee/lounge
[00:49] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> I know friends who knows how. They can teach me.
[00:49] <+singleMOM> 4 hi :D
[00:49] <+tnemaLsni`away> S|nfu|sweet|e well, u know my dreams.... u know where
i am
[00:49] <SecretAsianMan> hi fade
[00:49] <+singleMOM> 4 hi
[00:49] * Joins: Guest71893 (java@=B9vufi-38-090-52-48.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net)
[00:49] * Quits: CYBER_MAN (java@=80TFI-798-14-87-053.qld.bigpond.net.au) (QUIT:
User exited)
[00:49] <SecretAsianMan> fade, I missed you
[00:49] * Joins: Tania^ (Leeve_Jung@203.131.94.Ea666=)
[00:49] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> tne, I never visit you before. =/
[00:50] <+tnemaLsni`away> S|nfu|sweet|e time to
[00:50] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> LOL, Address?
[00:50] <miss_moaner> so fade why aint chu sleeping huh?
[00:50] <+tnemaLsni`away> pov: i can see if maishade's brother's will help teach
me too
[00:50] * hMoNg_gUrL is really very bored.
[00:50] * Parts: LadyNC (forevakia@=dbtri-769-145-739-431.triad.res.rr.com)
[00:50] * hMoNg_gUrL is really very bored.
[00:50] * Quits: simpleplanisnotpunkrock (sugar@=qJdzmrtt-
roit1.Level3.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[00:50] <+tnemaLsni`away> they have a successful place in mpls uptown
[00:50] <+tnemaLsni`away> S|nfu|sweet|e well, tell me when u get into town and i
'll tell u
[00:50] <hMoNg_gUrL> <------------wants to knoe if there's any interesting guys
in here who care tha chat?>
[00:51] <midnightghost> there all boring
[00:51] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> I'll build you a shop and fill it with all the grander
things in life. After that you don't need me anymore. =/
[00:51] <+tnemaLsni`away> S|nfu|sweet|e u can come stay here for a few days too,
its just me and mama
[00:51] <+singleMOM> 4 miss moaner, not my time yet
[00:51] <+singleMOM> 4 its only 10 pm here
[00:51] <+singleMOM> 4 chin, i miss you too.
[00:51] <Pov> tnemalsni .. i say ..let's jus go kidnap sinful for ya.. i can fin
d out where she live
[00:51] <+tnemaLsni`away> S|nfu|sweet|e i'm not like that
[00:51] * SecretAsianMan gives fade a rose
[00:51] <miss_moaner> OoOKay
[00:51] <miss_moaner> wells good nite
[00:52] <+singleMOM> 4 vang has too many wifes at home already
[00:52] <miss_moaner> time to go nite nite
[00:52] * Guest71893 is now known as Juan2bone
[00:52] <+tnemaLsni`away> pov nah its ok, if she wants anyone, she'll make an ef
[00:52] <+singleMOM> 4 night missmoaner
[00:52] <+singleMOM> 4 hi teng
[00:52] <Juan2bone> hi
[00:52] * miss_moaner blows fade a kiss * muah*
[00:52] * AznGuy is now known as BethyHatesMe
[00:52] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Juan2bone
[00:52] * +singleMOM blows miss a kiss too muahs D:
[00:52] <+Juan2bone> hi
[00:52] <+tnemaLsni`away> singleMOM they're all stored in my freezer
[00:52] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Pov, you already do know where I live. LOL Portionally.
[00:52] <+singleMOM> 4 hahah vangfawker
[00:52] <+singleMOM> 4 sure
[00:52] <+tnemaLsni`away> ha ha
[00:52] <`MzLeLe`> hi uncle
[00:52] <+Juan2bone> sup niece
[00:52] <Pov> sinfulsweetie ..no i don't. but i'm sure ..mapquest can find out e
[00:52] <+Juan2bone> sup bethy!!!
[00:52] * Quits: CaLi_GuY (XenG@=P7d-98-118-651-668.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[00:52] * Nixon is now known as Malcom
[00:52] <BethyHatesMe> Hi
[00:53] <+singleMOM> 4 hi malcockz
[00:53] <BethyHatesMe> ****
[00:53] <SecretAsianMan> tnemaLsni`away, just warm them up when you need them hu
[00:53] <SecretAsianMan> ?
[00:53] <+singleMOM> 4 hahhaa
[00:53] <Pho_King_Awesome> wtf?
[00:53] <+tnemaLsni`away> pov u can go get her if u want her, she's a perfect pe
rson..... she just needs someone emotionally stable
[00:53] <Pho_King_Awesome> MOANER is on???
[00:53] <Malcom> im guessin ur fade...
[00:53] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> LOL Pov.
[00:53] <+tnemaLsni`away> SecretAsianMan how'd you know?
[00:53] <Malcom> shes the only one that calls me that...
[00:53] * Pho_King_Awesome slaps miss_moaner around a bit with a large trout
[00:53] * Quits: miss_moaner (java@=VaBFL-50-859-76-66.new.res.rr.com) (Connecti
on reset by peer)
[00:53] <+Juan2bone> sup fade
[00:53] <+tnemaLsni`away> pho u killed lisa
[00:53] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Vang, ..
[00:53] * hMoNg_gUrL is really very bored.
[00:53] <SecretAsianMan> tnemaLsni`away, I do the same
[00:53] <Pho_King_Awesome> yeah.. i know
[00:53] <+tnemaLsni`away> i knew it chin!
[00:53] <SecretAsianMan> just pop them in the microwave
[00:53] * Quits: cocopuffs (all4chat@=p2e06.168.18.230.mad.wi.charter.com) (QUIT
: User exited)
[00:54] <+tnemaLsni`away> yes S|nfu|sweet|e?
[00:54] <SecretAsianMan> 2 minutes later
[00:54] <SecretAsianMan> bam
[00:54] <SecretAsianMan> they're ready to go
[00:54] * +Juan2bone is really very bored.
[00:54] * +Juan2bone slaps nobody in particular around with a large trout!
[00:54] <+tnemaLsni`away> i eat the toes first
[00:54] <+tnemaLsni`away> yummy
[00:54] <+Juan2bone> hi HLUB
[00:54] <+Juan2bone> u there....
[00:54] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> I see what you've been talking about. I can see why the
can't stand it. =)
[00:54] <SecretAsianMan> tnemaLsni`away, you use whip cream?
[00:55] <+tnemaLsni`away> lol S|nfu|sweet|e
[00:55] * Malcom is now known as Malcom_BrB
[00:55] <+Juan2bone> justsimpleme...u there.....
[00:55] * Joins: Tampico (java@=dkq12.115.55.243.ona.wi.charter.com)
[00:55] <+tnemaLsni`away> S|nfu|sweet|e why do u think i'm a lonely man?
[00:55] <Tampico> .
[00:55] <hlublinpausuav> hey teng
[00:55] <Tampico> who's teng?
[00:55] <thIschIck-JoJo> chin you behave now..dont listen to tnemaLsni`..he's ba
d influence
[00:55] <+tnemaLsni`away> cuz i chop up all my gfs and eat them
[00:55] <+Juan2bone> justsimpleme...u there.....
[00:55] <SecretAsianMan> hi jojo
[00:55] <SecretAsianMan> how are you?
[00:55] <SecretAsianMan> hi Callie
[00:55] <SecretAsianMan> how are you
[00:55] <Tampico> hi chin
[00:55] <Tampico> im upset.. but who cares =D
[00:55] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Vang, well STOP. Lonely are for the weak.
[00:55] <SecretAsianMan> I care
[00:55] <SecretAsianMan> what's wrong babe?
[00:55] <+tnemaLsni`away> awe tampico
[00:56] <+tnemaLsni`away> S|nfu|sweet|e it's just my front to get more victims
[00:56] <Tampico> sighs...
[00:56] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> So far what number am I?
[00:56] * Joins: [unda] (_Unda@=h8ZFS-56-56-52-0.wi.res.rr.com)
[00:56] <SecretAsianMan> hi unda
[00:56] <Tampico> just when i thought it was all good... life turns around and k
icks me to the curb
[00:56] <+tnemaLsni`away> S|nfu|sweet|e none, i have yet to chop u up and eat yo
[00:56] <Tampico> damit
[00:56] <[unda]> hi secret
[00:56] * Quits: MOTU_MASTERSNAKE (MOTU_MASTE@=Rmi-58-507-526-31.hsd1.ca.comcast
.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[00:56] <SecretAsianMan> unda you following me?
[00:57] <[unda]> yes
[00:57] <[unda]> im ur stalker
[00:57] <[unda]> :)
[00:57] <SecretAsianMan> finally I have a stalker
[00:57] <SecretAsianMan> yes!!!
[00:57] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Vang, impossible if you don't swing by.
[00:57] <`MzLeLe`> hi unda
[00:57] <[unda]> ehehe
[00:57] <+singleMOM> 4 so boring
[00:57] <stpgrl> 4NEED VOLUNTEER TO WASHINGTON D.C. on June 18 (Sat) * June 22 (We
d) to help hold signs and march.This march we hope to help the Hmong back in the
jugle to survive and to fight for Hmong freedom. If you are interested please P
[00:57] <[unda]> hi lele
[00:57] * Joins: Guest70633 (java@=u8vfk-67-708-554-579.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
[00:57] <`MzLeLe`> haha i had to leave the other room
[00:57] <+tnemaLsni`away> S|nfu|sweet|e why dont u swing by?
[00:57] * Joins: no-life (no-life@=ZQn-43-028-887-28.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[00:57] <stpgrl> 3NEED VOLUNTEER TO WASHINGTON D.C. on June 18 (Sat) * June 22 (We
d) to help hold signs and march.This march we hope to help the Hmong back in the
jugle to survive and to fight for Hmong freedom. If you are interested please P
[00:57] <SecretAsianMan> unda, how are you doing?
[00:57] <`MzLeLe`> freakin what's his name is annoying
[00:57] <midnightghost> hey any guys want to chat for the last time???
[00:57] * Guest70633 is now known as tonythao_916
[00:57] <[unda]> y lele?
[00:57] <+singleMOM> 4 hi no life
[00:57] <stpgrl> 2NEED VOLUNTEER TO WASHINGTON D.C. on June 18 (Sat) * June 22 (We
d) to help hold signs and march.This march we hope to help the Hmong back in the
jugle to survive and to fight for Hmong freedom. If you are interested please P
[00:58] <Pho_King_Awesome> *yawn*
[00:58] <[unda]> im good secret, and urself?
[00:58] <`MzLeLe`> homicide was annoying me
[00:58] <stpgrl> 3NEED VOLUNTEER TO WASHINGTON D.C. on June 18 (Sat) * June 22 (We
d) to help hold signs and march.This march we hope to help the Hmong back in the
jugle to survive and to fight for Hmong freedom. If you are interested please P
[00:58] <Pov> fade???
[00:58] <stpgrl> 4NEED VOLUNTEER TO WASHINGTON D.C. on June 18 (Sat) * June 22 (We
d) to help hold signs and march.This march we hope to help the Hmong back in the
jugle to survive and to fight for Hmong freedom. If you are interested please P
[00:58] <`MzLeLe`> hey if poopy comes on
[00:58] <SecretAsianMan> unda, I'm fine now that your here
[00:58] * Joins: ToxicCum (email@=yUusm0238259053jsb.manitowoc.wi.mich.comcast.n
[00:58] <+singleMOM> 4 yes pov?
[00:58] <`MzLeLe`> tell him to call me
[00:58] <+tnemaLsni`away> if i could afford a trip to washington dc, i'd gladly
hold up a sign
[00:58] <ToxicCum> sup everyone
[00:58] <+singleMOM> 4 i mean yes marriedman pov?
[00:58] <Tampico> me too
[00:58] <+singleMOM> 4 :D
[00:58] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Stp, haven't Bush done something about that already? Ju
st wondering. Enlighten me.
[00:58] * Joins: DorkyDork (auser@=BCq-07-3-242-42.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[00:58] <+singleMOM> 4 lol vang
[00:58] <[unda]> homi? hahhahaha
[00:58] * Joins: Guest69608 (java@=jLNHE49895.ipt.aol.com)
[00:58] <[unda]> okies i will
[00:59] * BethyHatesMe is now known as AznBoy
[00:59] <midnightghost> hey any guys care to chat>????
[00:59] <+singleMOM> 4 sin, hahaha i dotn think so...
[00:59] <Tampico> i should be hurt and i should be crying.. but i only dropped t
wo tears and i moved on
[00:59] <`MzLeLe`> no unda
[00:59] <`MzLeLe`> not him
[00:59] <`MzLeLe`> haha
[00:59] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> What about the many hmongs coming here?
[00:59] <Tampico> haha
[00:59] <AznBoy> tampico is a true pim.p
[00:59] <`MzLeLe`> i said tell poopy to call me
[00:59] <AznBoy> tampico is a true pim.p
[00:59] <+tnemaLsni`away> it better not be a march on foot to D.C. cuz i aint wa
lking 2000 miles
[00:59] <[unda]> poopy
[00:59] <[unda]> yes him
[00:59] <Tampico> lol
[00:59] <`MzLeLe`> not homicide
[00:59] <`MzLeLe`> haha
[00:59] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> I have cousins (tons of them) that came here?
[00:59] <Tampico> i wish.D
[00:59] <Tampico> =D
[00:59] * Joins: Guest81665 (java@=Jssjl-kvaw-862.57.103.159.mpowercom.net)
[00:59] <`MzLeLe`> wait nevermind unda
[00:59] * Quits: DorkyDork (auser@=BCq-07-3-242-42.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[00:59] <Tampico> i need a bf
[00:59] <+singleMOM> 4 lol vang
[00:59] <`MzLeLe`> he'll probably call me later anyways at 4 am
[00:59] <+singleMOM> 4 u live in mn u should go join them
[01:00] * Guest81665 is now known as CharmGuy69
[01:00] * Joins: Lindda (gerstnerth@202.128.59.ly793=)
[01:00] <+tnemaLsni`away> singleMOM no, i'm not to into politics
[01:00] * Quits: tubhmoob (Chatz@=J6877-625-611-077.dialup.infinetivity.com) (QU
IT: User exited)
[01:00] <no-life> hiya Bao & ally
[01:00] <+tnemaLsni`away> money is more powerful then politics
[01:00] <+singleMOM> 4 pretend that u are :D
[01:00] <SecretAsianMan> callie, pick me :D
[01:00] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> I want to join.
[01:00] * Joins: Guest66170 (java@=nLh60.113.254.140.ona.wi.charter.com)
[01:00] <Tampico> sighs
[01:00] * `miSs-bashful *my nephew's hamster is going to have babies!
[01:00] * `miSs-bashful *Howdy Dave.
[01:00] * Quits: chance92401 (java@=4ez-65-50-89-181.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[01:00] <+S|nfu|sweet|e> Actually I can't, BUT I'll send someone.
[01:00] <Tampico> im feeling whatever ALEX was feeling some long moments ago
[01:00] <Tampico> lmao
[01:00] <+tnemaLsni`away> Tampico dont be sad, no one wants to date me either
[01:00] <`MzLeLe`> bao that means you'll be a grandma?
[01:00] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha
[01:01] * `miSs-bashful *lols@LeLe Yes. I'm excited!
[01:01] <Tampico> yeah huh vang.. we're just unlucky.. oh wells.. tsis k lawm
[01:01] * `miSs-bashful *LOLs
[01:01] * Joins: Guest62827 (java@=Uvsdkg-51-05-18-430.rev.o1.com)
[01:01] <Tampico> =D
[01:01] <AznBoy> dont make fun of me tampico
[01:01] <+tnemaLsni`away> *sighs* Tampico yeah its ok
[01:01] * Joins: gtujdgj (sugar@=aTiqxszb-
[01:01] * Quits: Guest66170 (java@=nLh60.113.254.140.ona.wi.charter.com) (QUIT:
User exited)
[01:01] <`MzLeLe`> haha bao
[01:01] <Tampico> im not.. im feeling like tat too
[01:01] <AznBoy> u want to taboo
[01:01] * Joins: Guest98485 (java@=hM3-6tnsu947-855.nas2.spartanburg2.sc.us.da.q
[01:01] <Tampico> fwk.. im serious
[01:01] * Joins: Red_lifeSaver (here_n_The@=hv0Lhme30.tnt11.tco2.da.uu.net)
[01:01] <Tampico> haha...
[01:01] <AznBoy> i'll rape ur arse tampico
[01:01] <SecretAsianMan> Callie, I'm always here for ya :)
[01:01] <Tampico> yeah vang.. it's ok...
[01:01] * Joins: Lady_Evolution (qpidzgurlo@=eJhnr-up-399nvxzkgI5827.dialsprint.
[01:01] * Joins: Guest58319 (java@=Cmonjp-60-40-087-42.rev.o1.com)
[01:01] <Tampico> alex.. don't go there
[01:01] * Lady_Evolution slaps [unda] around a bit with a large trout
[01:01] * [unda] slaps Lady_Evolution around a bit with a large trout
[01:01] <Tampico> <-- not in the mood
[01:01] * Quits: gtujdgj (sugar@=aTiqxszb-
) (QUIT: User exited)
[01:01] <AznBoy> hi pachoua
[01:02] <AznBoy> tampico i just did
[01:02] <[unda]>  evo.. why u following me.. stalker
[01:02] * Joins: Mr_Brightside (lala@=ki9-4auig978-62.nas19.minneapolis1.mn.us.d
[01:02] * Red_lifeSaver is now known as TOu_
[01:02] <[unda]> hahahaha
[01:02] <Tampico> jmoua
[01:02] <AznBoy> hi pashoua
[01:02] * Guest69608 is now known as hi
[01:02] <Tampico> thinking = IT hurts to the bone to love someone like that, an
d to find out he was cheating
[01:02] <[unda]> ewwwwwww alex
[01:02] <SecretAsianMan> hi undacovanun
[01:02] * Quits: passionfruit (me@=if62-643.162.popsite.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[01:02] <no-life> have fun Bao, me ish leaving now
[01:02] <Mr_Brightside> Dups Chin?!
[01:02] * Guest58319 is now known as california_baby_girl
[01:02] <AznBoy> i didnt mean to cheat on u tampico
[01:02] * `miSs-bashful *Oh
[01:02] * `miSs-bashful *Bye Dave. :)
[01:02] * Guest98485 is now known as sSPaNk_mAhaHSs
[01:02] <Mr_Brightside> dups baowow
[01:02] <SecretAsianMan> who are you Mr_Brightside?
[01:02] <AznBoy> i had great sex with unda
[01:02] * `miSs-bashful *Kiss your wife good night for me. :)
[01:02] <Tampico> blahs
[01:02] * Quits: no-life (no-life@=ZQn-43-028-887-28.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[01:02] * Guest62827 is now known as Tampico_`sSecret-Lover
[01:02] * `miSs-bashful *Howdy Shaina. :)
[01:02] <AznBoy> i had great sex with unda
[01:02] <midnightghost> any guys who are not boring care to chat?????
[01:02] <Pov> simplymai.. Mai?????
[01:03] * Lady_Evolution slaps alex for cheating on me!
[01:03] <Lady_Evolution> lol
[01:03] <Tampico> stupid secret lover.. u can just suk it up and die
[01:03] <Tampico> lmao
[01:03] <Pov> midnightghost..DEFINE BORING
[01:03] <Tampico> kuv tsis k lawm
[01:03] <Tampico> =D
[01:03] <Lady_Evolution> lol
[01:03] * hi is now known as just_a_guy
[01:03] * just_a_guy is now known as hi10373
[01:03] * Tampico_`sSecret-Lover licks tampico
[01:03] <AznBoy> i anal lady_evoltion
[01:03] <Lady_Evolution> ewwww
[01:03] <midnightghost> someone who cant keep a chat going
[01:03] <Lady_Evolution> gay, dont start talking smack about me!
[01:03] <AznBoy> i gave her hickes
[01:03] <invisible_man> lol dayem it's my punk's! time of the month
[01:03] <AznBoy> yo ladyeolution
[01:03] <SecretAsianMan> Mr_Brightside, who are you?
[01:04] <hMoNg_gUrL> sounds good stpgurl
[01:04] <AznBoy> do u like my herpes?
[01:04] <Mr_Brightside> <--pprkutt
[01:04] * Joins: AhSiM (heyyou@=Tcf09.187.108.16.ona.wi.charter.com)
[01:04] <AhSiM> high people
[01:04] <AznBoy> higirl
[01:04] * +singleMOM yawns*
[01:04] * [unda] slaps AznBoy around a bit with a large trout
[01:04] * hMoNg_gUrL is really very bored.
[01:04] * Tampico_`sSecret-Lover is now known as `miSs-bashful2
[01:04] * Quits: hi10373 (java@=jLNHE49895.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[01:04] <AznBoy> unda and lady evo is my lovers
[01:04] <+singleMOM> 4 brb my babies are crying for milllk
[01:05] <Pov> fade...u dork!!!!
[01:05] <hMoNg_gUrL> any guys care tha chat should MSN me at onglyxiong@hotmail.
[01:05] <[unda]>  evo.. is that malcomz?
[01:05] <Tampico> ongly? haha that's my sister's name too
[01:05] <Tampico> how weird
[01:05] <[unda]>  malcomz from berlin?
[01:05] <`MzLeLe`> hiiiiiiiiiiiiii misha you hottie
[01:05] * `miSs-bashful *Hhahaah
[01:05] <hMoNg_gUrL> seriously
[01:05] <hMoNg_gUrL> ewww.....
[01:05] <hMoNg_gUrL> hehhee
[01:05] <AznBoy> unda that is horny
[01:05] <AhSiM> Hi Mzlele..you can stop lying to people
[01:05] <[unda]> hi misah
[01:05] <AhSiM> haha
[01:05] <midnightghost> i'm so bored
[01:05] * invisible_man tells no one particular that he's thinking of her and wo
uld love to talk to her before she claims, she's going to sleep
[01:05] <AhSiM> Hi unda
[01:05] * `miSs-bashful *Whoa, there's a 2?! Sweeeeeet! :)
[01:05] <Tampico> this is stupid
[01:05] <Tampico> lmao
[01:05] <`MzLeLe`> malcomz as in teng vang?
[01:05] * Quits: SecretAsianMan (mrchinster@68.23.96.VE18=) (QUIT: User exited)
[01:05] * TOu_ is now known as TOu`Xwb
[01:06] <Lady_Evolution> unda, who's melcomz?
[01:06] <`MzLeLe`> i'm not lyin misha
[01:06] <AhSiM> haha
[01:06] * `miSs-bashful *Dang, freaken tenGAY
[01:06] <`MzLeLe`> hahahaha bao
[01:06] <Tampico> invisible_man you're telling noone? then you're gay
[01:06] <AhSiM> <-------- hem nyuj hem twm
[01:06] * `miSs-bashful *So popular in here.
[01:06] * `miSs-bashful *Haha
[01:06] <AznBoy> unda that is horny
[01:06] <Tampico> lmao
[01:06] * Joins: MetaLhEaD (MeTALhEaD@=PNcoqo-17-08-94-24.gdrpwi.dsl-w.verizon.n
[01:06] <`MzLeLe`> bao knows who i'm talking about
[01:06] <Tampico> who's teng?
[01:06] * Quits: +S|nfu|sweet|e (Java@=lYMZ0746FT.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exite
[01:06] * Quits: Unknown_Lady (java@=Js39-674-222-058.mpls.qwest.net) (QUIT: Use
r exited)
[01:06] <[unda]>  evo. remember malcom from berlin.. the guy u went to visit?
[01:06] <Lady_Evolution> why is stupid aznguy just picking on us? hahaha...gay!
[01:06] * `miSs-bashful *Howdy Theng!
[01:06] <`miSs-bashful2> mai bao es...teng gay popular tiag li os
[01:06] <AznBoy> NICE RACK
[01:06] <Tampico> the truth is a slap in the face
[01:06] <AznBoy> NICE RACK
[01:06] <Tampico> lmao
[01:06] <`miSs-bashful2> heheheh
[01:06] <MetaLhEaD> hello bao
[01:06] <Tampico> fwkers.. who's teng?
[01:06] <Lady_Evolution> oh...hlol
[01:06] <Tampico> lmao
[01:06] <`miSs-bashful2> shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mai bao
[01:06] <stpgrl> 4NEED VOLUNTEER TO WASHINGTON D.C. on June 18 (Sat) * June 22 (We
d) to help hold signs and march.This march we hope to help the Hmong back in the
jugle to survive and to fight for Hmong freedom. Free transportation. If you ar
e interested please PC me STPGRL
[01:06] * `miSs-bashful *oOo.. lols
[01:06] * `miSs-bashful *Okay. :)
[01:06] <`MzLeLe`> there's too many fcking tengs
[01:06] <[unda]>  alex.. u gay faweker.. so fawkker urself.. hahhhaha
[01:06] <AznBoy> NICE RACK
[01:06] <Tampico> lol
[01:06] <stpgrl> 2NEED VOLUNTEER TO WASHINGTON D.C. on June 18 (Sat) * June 22 (We
d) to help hold signs and march.This march we hope to help the Hmong back in the
jugle to survive and to fight for Hmong freedom. Free transportation. If you ar
e interested please PC me STPGRL
[01:06] * Joins: Guest68928 (java@=Pzwaha-09-92-122-639.rev.o1.com)
[01:06] * `miSs-bashful *Tamp, Teng is this gay guy.
[01:06] * `miSs-bashful *Ha Ha
[01:06] <stpgrl> 3NEED VOLUNTEER TO WASHINGTON D.C. on June 18 (Sat) * June 22 (We
d) to help hold signs and march.This march we hope to help the Hmong back in the
jugle to survive and to fight for Hmong freedom. Free transportation. If you ar
e interested please PC me STPGRL
[01:06] * Quits: Opheliana (noneofyour@=5ozoawtksuw35-jxmf8-m97.dctrar.tds.net)
(QUIT: User exited)
[01:06] * MetaLhEaD will volunteer
[01:06] * AhSiM is now known as MiShA_from_a_Long_time_ago
[01:06] <Tampico> which ONE?
[01:06] <Tampico> lmao
[01:06] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha bao
[01:06] <AznBoy> i want to tittie fawk unda
[01:06] * invisible_man asks no one particular if he could... *sighs* for, if on
ly she knew
[01:06] <AznBoy> i want to tittie fawk unda
[01:06] <Pho_King_Awesome> nite nite foolios
[01:07] <Tampico> they're all gay
[01:07] <Pho_King_Awesome> *POOF*
[01:07] <MiShA_from_a_Long_time_ago> hRmMm
[01:07] * Quits: Pho_King_Awesome (me@=sYp-39-37-83-19.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUI
T: User exited)
[01:07] <`MzLeLe`> that's mean
[01:07] * `miSs-bashful *that one==>>
[01:07] <MetaLhEaD> get me a plane ticket and a hotel room
[01:07] <MiShA_from_a_Long_time_ago> sOoOO
[01:07] <AznBoy> i want to tittie fawk unda.
[01:07] <MetaLhEaD> and im in
[01:07] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha bao YOU DATED HIM!!!
[01:07] * `miSs-bashful *it has GAY written all over his name.
[01:07] <Tampico> im in a heart break
[01:07] <Lady_Evolution> unda, who are you talking about?
[01:07] * `miSs-bashful *LeLe!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[01:07] <`MzLeLe`> HAHA MISHA YOU DORK
[01:07] <`miSs-bashful2> teng yog kuv tug hlub nas
[01:07] <Tampico> someonelhlep me kill some time
[01:07] <Tampico> lmao
[01:07] * `miSs-bashful *HAHHA :p``@LELE
[01:07] <MiShA_from_a_Long_time_ago> :D
[01:07] <[unda]>  evo.. is it him?
[01:07] <invisible_man> aww just to kill time
[01:07] * Quits: MetrosexualiciousGuy (none@=gOzich-21-215-826-877.dsl.frsn02.pa
cbell.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[01:07] <Tampico> oh well. FWK teng
[01:07] <Tampico> lmao
[01:07] * `miSs-bashful *I dont know what you're talking about. :)
[01:07] <Tampico> =P
[01:07] <`miSs-bashful2> teng yog kuv tug IRC hlub nas!
[01:07] <AznBoy> i want to tittie fawk unda.
[01:07] <thIschIck-JoJo> going now pplz..
[01:07] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha bao he's still your bf?
[01:07] <`MzLeLe`> hahahaha
[01:07] * Quits: Guest68928 (java@=Pzwaha-09-92-122-639.rev.o1.com) (Connection
reset by peer)
[01:07] <thIschIck-JoJo> have fun kids!
[01:07] <Tampico> bye jojo
[01:07] <[unda]>  theres a guy name malcom in here.. his ip is wi...
[01:07] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha
[01:07] * `miSs-bashful *LeLe, He's my slave. :)
[01:07] <thIschIck-JoJo> bye Tampico
[01:07] <Tampico> im out too...
[01:07] <Tampico> bye all =D
[01:08] * Quits: thIschIck-JoJo (rumtumtum@=e0enrdhg-
Level3.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[01:08] * invisible_man is calling
[01:08] <`miSs-bashful2> lele..u go way back with bao and teng?
[01:08] <`miSs-bashful2> lol
[01:08] <AznBoy> get the f out girls
[01:08] * `miSs-bashful *Bye Tamp
[01:08] <MiShA_from_a_Long_time_ago> WHO HERE IS UNDER 24 YEARS OLD?
[01:08] * `miSs-bashful *LOls@mb2 :p````
[01:08] <Tampico> fwken ALEX koj xav tuag los?
[01:08] <stpgrl> 3NEED VOLUNTEER TO WASHINGTON D.C. on June 18 (Sat) * June 22 (We
d) to help hold signs and march.This march we hope to help the Hmong back in the
jugle to survive and to fight for Hmong freedom. Free transportation. If you ar
e interested please PC me STPGRL
[01:08] <Tampico> haha
[01:08] <`miSs-bashful2> dont go callie
[01:08] <Tampico> bye all!
[01:08] <`miSs-bashful2> u can have teng!
[01:08] <Lady_Evolution> lol...unda, maybe that's him
[01:08] <AznBoy> hhaha
[01:08] <Lady_Evolution> i dunno
[01:08] <`MzLeLe`> malcomz that bao knows is in MN
[01:08] <[unda]>  lele.. did u ever meet ong vang in here?
[01:08] <MiShA_from_a_Long_time_ago> WHO HERE IS UNDER 24 YEARS OLD? SAY "ME"
[01:08] <AznBoy> u tampico
[01:08] <`MzLeLe`> hahahaha
[01:08] <`MzLeLe`> nope
[01:08] <Tampico> har har har
[01:08] <stpgrl> 3MEE
[01:08] <`MzLeLe`> haha misha
[01:08] <AznBoy> i fuawk u tampico
[01:08] <`MzLeLe`> we're all old now
[01:08] <`MzLeLe`> haha
[01:08] <invisible_man> hey
[01:08] <Tampico> catch me if u can
[01:08] <Tampico> haha
[01:08] <Tampico> w/e
[01:08] <AznBoy> u in the pussie tampico
[01:08] <Tampico> im taking my headstart
[01:08] <Tampico> haha
[01:08] <AznBoy> it feel so warm
[01:08] <invisible_man> what?
[01:08] <`miSs-bashful2> no he'snot lele
[01:08] <`miSs-bashful2> he's in wis now
[01:08] <`miSs-bashful2> in BERLIN WIS
[01:08] <`miSs-bashful2> so u all go stalk him
[01:08] <`miSs-bashful2> :D
[01:08] <MiShA_from_a_Long_time_ago> I guess stpgrl is the only one under 24 yrs
[01:08] * Tommy_Hang sets mode: +b *!*@=Uvsdkg-51-05-18-430.rev.o1.com
[01:08] * `miSs-bashful2 was kicked by Tommy_Hang (12Exceeded 4 lines within  2 secs
Flood! (10Sec Ban)( 9,1!83¡4!7¡15!11¡14!6¡8!9¡6!12¡7!11¡3!7¡0 12,15 AzianScript v3.2 Beta1
[01:08] <Tampico> stupid
[01:08] <Mr_Brightside> Lee!!!!!!!!!!
[01:08] <Tampico> lmao
[01:08] <AznBoy> and nice
[01:09] <Mr_Brightside> Lele!!
[01:09] <Tampico> die! =D haha.. muaks
[01:09] <Tampico> bye all!
[01:09] <`MzLeLe`> what
[01:09] * Parts: Tampico (java@=dkq12.115.55.243.ona.wi.charter.com)
[01:09] <`MzLeLe`> what
[01:09] <AznBoy> u hoe
[01:09] <[unda]>  alex u gay nutt
[01:09] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha oh yeah forgot
[01:09] * tAkumi- sets mode: -b *!*@=Uvsdkg-51-05-18-430.rev.o1.com
[01:09] <Mr_Brightside> you comin' up here for tournament in july?!
[01:09] <`MzLeLe`> hsi parents live in berlin now
[01:09] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha
[01:09] <AznBoy> i want to boobie fawk unda.
[01:09] * Joins: `miSs-bashful2 (java@=Uvsdkg-51-05-18-430.rev.o1.com)
[01:09] <`MzLeLe`> NOPE
[01:09] * `miSs-bashful *Haha
[01:09] <Mr_Brightside> damn, aight
[01:09] * `miSs-bashful *w/b mb2 :p
[01:09] <`MzLeLe`> who the hell are you
[01:09] <[unda]>  but alex.. u got no boobs.. how u gonna do that?
[01:09] * Quits: Yangsta_P (yangsta_p@=mFb-62-452-19-9.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUI
T: User exited)
[01:09] <Mr_Brightside> i'm yo mama big tittty mama!
[01:09] <Mr_Brightside> oww!
[01:10] <AznBoy> ur boobs dummy\
[01:10] <midnightghost> any guys care to chat???
[01:10] <Lady_Evolution> alex, quit talking so nasty before you get a slap in the
face when we see you again
[01:10] <AznBoy> duh
[01:10] <Lady_Evolution> hahaa
[01:10] <`MzLeLe`> haha bao when he moves back with his mom and dad?
[01:10] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha
[01:10] <`MzLeLe`> umm ok
[01:10] <`miSs-bashful2> :D
[01:10] <AznBoy> i'll molest pachoua even thoug she's older than ,me
[01:10] <Mr_Brightside> <--fawwwwker shai
[01:10] <Mr_Brightside> dork
[01:10] <`MzLeLe`> oh hahaha
[01:10] <`MzLeLe`> bish
[01:10] <[unda]> hahaha
[01:10] <Mr_Brightside> haha
[01:10] <`MzLeLe`> why?
[01:10] * `miSs-bashful *For a while now.
[01:10] <[unda]> imma guy.. i have no boobs
[01:10] * `miSs-bashful *that loser. :)
[01:10] <[unda]> hahaha
[01:10] <`MzLeLe`> you wanna touch my **** this time shai?
[01:10] * `miSs-bashful2 yawns
[01:10] <Mr_Brightside> because i'm performin' on july 3rd. throwin' a partay wi
th maymay and forever-mamie
[01:10] <`MzLeLe`> i won't jump for you this time shai
[01:10] <stpgrl> 3NEED VOLUNTEER TO WASHINGTON D.C. on June 18 (Sat) * June 22 (We
d) to help hold signs and march.This march we hope to help the Hmong back in the
jugle to survive and to fight for Hmong freedom. Free transportation. If you ar
e interested please PC me STPGRL
[01:11] * `miSs-bashful2 4 oyyyy
[01:11] <`MzLeLe`> yeah right shai
[01:11] <Mr_Brightside> hahaha
[01:11] * [unda] slaps stpgrl around a bit with a large trout
[01:11] * Joins: dragin (Slayer@=sKzi22-944-377-7.om.om.cox.net)
[01:11] <Mr_Brightside> i'm serious foo'
[01:11] <`MzLeLe`> last time i partied up there
[01:11] <`MzLeLe`> i passed out at the freakin club
[01:11] <Mr_Brightside> me, maymay and mamie are throwin' the partay
[01:11] <`MzLeLe`> and my niece and her friends had to carry me out
[01:11] <Mr_Brightside> all the performers/dj's are from hmusiq.com
[01:11] * `miSs-bashful2 4 bao es
[01:11] <Lady_Evolution> http://www.factfinding.org/News_Releases/index.html
[01:11] <[unda]> 13 Need money.. please donate!!
[01:11] * Joins: Yangsta_P (yangsta_p@=qGi-04-747-36-4.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[01:11] <[unda]> 13 Need money.. please donate!!
[01:11] * Joins: Guest79655 (java@=ID973-03-387-75.gci.net)
[01:11] <Mr_Brightside> haha that's why you don't friggin drink so much you dork
[01:11] <`MzLeLe`> haha girl i'm not coming up there
[01:11] <`MzLeLe`> unless your bish *** gets married
[01:11] * `miSs-bashful 11,12*Hrmm..
[01:11] <Mr_Brightside> i know you ain't but man, you could just for me!
[01:11] * `miSs-bashful 11,12*Yes?
[01:11] <Mr_Brightside> i'm getting married
[01:11] <Mr_Brightside> so come up
[01:11] <Mr_Brightside> haha
[01:12] <Mr_Brightside> lol
[01:12] <`MzLeLe`> haha ******* shai
[01:12] <stpgrl> 4NEED VOLUNTEER TO WASHINGTON D.C. on June 18 (Sat) * June 22 (We
d) to help hold signs and march.This march we hope to help the Hmong back in the
jugle to survive and to fight for Hmong freedom. Free transportation. If you ar
e interested please PC me STPGRL
[01:12] * Joins: [Wormz] (Evil@=8cc-42-762-839-37.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[01:12] * Guest79655 is now known as mIsS_sTrAwBeRy
[01:12] <mIsS_sTrAwBeRy> hello ya'll
[01:12] <`MzLeLe`> yeah pull a soozie
[01:12] <`MzLeLe`> and i'll come
[01:12] <`MzLeLe`> haha
[01:12] <`MzLeLe`> hahahahahahhaha
[01:12] <Mr_Brightside> aight!
[01:12] <[unda]> 15 i'm a poor person.. will do anything for food!!
[01:12] <`MzLeLe`> bish
[01:12] <Mr_Brightside> i'll do that!
[01:12] <midnightghost> k...i'm bored...
[01:12] <[unda]> 15 i'm a poor person.. will do anything for food!!
[01:12] <Mr_Brightside> hahaha
[01:12] * `miSs-bashful2 12 alalala
[01:12] <Lady_Evolution> stpgrl is getting on my nerves cause she's advertising t
his serious stuff on here, making it sound so fake...also, she's not even pcing
[01:12] * Joins: Guest67163 (java@=25wtz-850-395-142-100.triad.res.rr.com)
[01:12] <`miSs-bashful2> TENG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gay!!!!!!!
[01:12] <midnightghost> goooood night every one.....
[01:12] * `miSs-bashful2 was kicked by serenitee (14mIRC32/046.0314 symbol/punctuat
ion 4—14(text flood14)4— 14—[4X 14—4 PRO14]—)
[01:12] <`MzLeLe`> shai i have to work dork
[01:12] <hMoNg_gUrL> LOL@UNDA
[01:12] <hMoNg_gUrL> hahah
[01:12] <Pov> Nite BAshful
[01:12] * `miSs-bashful 11,12*Urrrrrrrr
[01:12] <[Wormz]> yo yo
[01:12] <Pov> nite assasins
[01:12] * `miSs-bashful 11,12*Night Pov. :)
[01:12] * Quits: Ur_Guy (java@=tUo-58-320-938-667.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
[01:13] <Mr_Brightside> on a july 4th weekend?!
[01:13] <Mr_Brightside> :O
[01:13] <+singleMOM> 4 hi wormzie
[01:13] <Mr_Brightside> liar!!
[01:13] <Pov> nite Fade..and i'm not a LIAR
[01:13] * Joins: `miSs-bashful2 (java@=Uvsdkg-51-05-18-430.rev.o1.com)
[01:13] <`MzLeLe`> yep
[01:13] <[Wormz]> hi
[01:13] <Yangsta_P> any girls taller than 5'2 and weigh under 115?
[01:13] <Mr_Brightside> >=\
[01:13] * Joins: THE_HMONGMAN (sux@=Pmzca-92-927-672-685.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
[01:13] <`MzLeLe`> dummy i work for a fckin hotel
[01:13] <+singleMOM> 4 night pov liar
[01:13] <Mr_Brightside> haha Yangsta P
[01:13] <Mr_Brightside> lol
[01:13] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[01:13] <`MzLeLe`> we open 365 days of the year
[01:13] <Mr_Brightside> really Lee?!
[01:13] * Guest67163 is now known as BuTTeRfLy_vUe
[01:13] <Mr_Brightside> damn
[01:13] <hMoNg_gUrL> lol
[01:13] <Mr_Brightside> hahaha
[01:13] <hMoNg_gUrL> u guys stupid
[01:13] <Pov> singleMOM..am not. ur the one who diss me.and change ur [phone #
[01:13] <Mr_Brightside> that's sad as hell
[01:13] <Mr_Brightside> haha
[01:13] <Mr_Brightside> jk
[01:13] <hMoNg_gUrL> hehehe
[01:13] * TOu`Xwb is now known as TOu_on_Da_Phone{Away}
[01:13] <[unda]>  evo ur gay..
[01:13] <`miSs-bashful2> arghhhhhhhhhhh
[01:13] <MiShA_from_a_Long_time_ago> hRmmmmmmmmMmmMMM
[01:13] <stpgrl> 4NEED VOLUNTEER TO WASHINGTON D.C. on June 18 (Sat) * June 22 (We
d) to help hold signs and march.This march we hope to help the Hmong back in the
jugle to survive and to fight for Hmong freedom. Free transportation. If you ar
e interested please PC me STPGRL
[01:13] <+singleMOM> 4 bye pov disser marriedman
[01:13] <+singleMOM> 4 bye pov disser marriedman
[01:13] <`MzLeLe`> shai i'll come up some day
[01:13] <[Wormz]> http://pp.asianavenue.com/sirmcworm
[01:13] <`MzLeLe`> and i'll show you my boobs
[01:13] <[unda]>  evo... did u deactive ur pc?
[01:13] * Parts: THE_HMONGMAN (sux@=Pmzca-92-927-672-685.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
[01:13] <Pov> singlemom..at least i'm not a SINGLEMOM
[01:13] <`MzLeLe`> and yeah if you see tunes
[01:13] * Quits: midnightghost (Chatz@=xshuitq5644-bz-efu-tzwq7.cpinternet.com)
(QUIT: User exited)
[01:13] <MiShA_from_a_Long_time_ago> N
[01:13] <`MzLeLe`> tell him i want stickers for my **** again
[01:13] <hMoNg_gUrL> HmMMmMM...
[01:14] <MiShA_from_a_Long_time_ago> Niam essssssssssssssssssssss
[01:14] <AznBoy> i'll molest pachoua even thoug she's older than ,me
[01:14] <AznBoy> i want to boobie fawk unda.
[01:14] <`MzLeLe`> oh god
[01:14] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[01:14] <`MzLeLe`> here goes misha and her niam es again
[01:14] <[unda]>  unda is a guy.. ewww ur nasty alex
[01:14] <stpgrl> 2NEED VOLUNTEER TO WASHINGTON D.C. on June 18 (Sat) * June 22 (We
d) to help hold signs and march.This march we hope to help the Hmong back in the
jugle to survive and to fight for Hmong freedom. Free transportation. If you ar
e interested please PC me STPGRL
[01:14] <[unda]> hahahaha
[01:14] <MiShA_from_a_Long_time_ago> hhaha
[01:14] <MiShA_from_a_Long_time_ago> *shrug8
[01:14] <[Wormz]> http://pp.asianavenue.com/sirmcworm
[01:14] <[Wormz]> http://pp.asianavenue.com/sirmcworm
[01:14] <AznBoy> i like u
[01:14] -tAkumi-:#hmongtalk- NEED VOLUNTEER TO WASHINGTON D.C. on June 18 (Sat)
* June 22 (Wed) to help hold signs and march.This march we hope to help the Hmon
g back in the jugle to survive and to fight for Hmong freedom. Free transportati
on. If you are interested please PC me STPGRL
[01:14] <`MzLeLe`> misha you remember my cousin wormz
[01:14] * `miSs-bashful2 is now known as inconsiderate_Pahoua
[01:14] <`MzLeLe`> from hlub ages ago
[01:14] <MiShA_from_a_Long_time_ago> yeah
[01:14] <AznBoy> like a fat kid love cake
[01:14] <Mr_Brightside> hahaha aight lee
[01:14] <MiShA_from_a_Long_time_ago> hRmmmmm
[01:14] <Mr_Brightside> lol
[01:14] <MiShA_from_a_Long_time_ago> I remember that name
[01:14] <[Wormz]> wtf?
[01:15] * `miSs-bashful 11,12*lols@pa kia :)
[01:15] <[Wormz]> misha?
[01:15] <MiShA_from_a_Long_time_ago> is that him?
[01:15] <+singleMOM> 4 j,,s
[01:15] <`MzLeLe`> haha shai you better
[01:15] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> did u know it was me?
[01:15] <MiShA_from_a_Long_time_ago> wormz?
[01:15] <`MzLeLe`> misha yep
[01:15] <`MzLeLe`> that's him
[01:15] * `miSs-bashful 11,12*Yessssssssssssssssss
[01:15] <[Wormz]> what?
[01:15] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> lol
[01:15] * Quits: sSPaNk_mAhaHSs (java@=hM3-6tnsu947-855.nas2.spartanburg2.sc.us.
da.qwest.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[01:15] <[Wormz]> misha, got pix?
[01:15] * `miSs-bashful 11,12*Fadie was already there
[01:15] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> lol
[01:15] * `miSs-bashful 11,12*So I figure it was you. :p
[01:15] <+singleMOM> 4 where?
[01:15] * Quits: mIsS_sTrAwBeRy (java@=ID973-03-387-75.gci.net) (QUIT: User exit
[01:15] <+singleMOM> 4 who?
[01:15] <MiShA_from_a_Long_time_ago> NOPE...I havenn't scanned a pic in foeva
[01:15] * Parts: dragin (Slayer@=sKzi22-944-377-7.om.om.cox.net)
[01:15] * `miSs-bashful 11,12*lols*
[01:15] <[Wormz]> that sux
[01:15] * inconsiderate_Pahoua is now known as peGGy
[01:15] <+singleMOM> 4 im lose
[01:15] <`MzLeLe`> misha gigolow was on earlier
[01:15] <MiShA_from_a_Long_time_ago> yeah, I sux too
[01:15] * `miSs-bashful 11,12*lols
[01:15] <+singleMOM> 4 lost
[01:15] <AznBoy> i scanned misha pix
[01:15] <MiShA_from_a_Long_time_ago> for real?
[01:15] * tAkumi- sets mode: +m
[01:15] <@tAkumi-> +m
[01:15] * peGGy is now known as `peGGy
[01:16] <@tAkumi-> everyone take your time and read this!! if you are proud to b
e hmong, READ IT
[01:16] <@tAkumi-> everyone take your time and read this!! if you are proud to b
e hmong, READ IT
[01:16] * [Wormz] is now known as unmuteTHISmufo
[01:16] <@tAkumi-> 4NEED VOLUNTEER TO WASHINGTON D.C. on June 18 (Sat) * June 22 (
Wed) to help hold signs and march.This march we hope to help the Hmong back in t
he jugle to survive and to fight for Hmong freedom. Free transportation. If you
are interested please PC me STPGRL
[01:16] * unmuteTHISmufo is now known as [Wormz]
[01:16] <@tAkumi-> READ IT!!!!!
[01:16] <+singleMOM> 4 read already
[01:16] * [Wormz] is now known as fawktakumi
[01:16] <@tAkumi-> alright, have fun...be polite
[01:16] <+singleMOM> 4 damn
[01:16] * tAkumi- sets mode: -m
[01:16] <@tAkumi-> -m
[01:16] * fawktakumi is now known as [Wormz]
[01:16] * MiShA_from_a_Long_time_ago unMUTEmeTOO
[01:16] <`MzLeLe`> haha misha you know andy got married
[01:16] <AznBoy> i **** off to misha pix
[01:16] <`MzLeLe`> what was gay
[01:16] * Quits: Tania^ (Leeve_Jung@203.131.94.Ea666=) (QUIT: User exited)
[01:16] <MiShA_from_a_Long_time_ago> hrm
[01:16] <`MzLeLe`> that was so fcken gay
[01:16] <+singleMOM> 4 hmmmms
[01:16] * [unda] thsidfjds
[01:16] <@tAkumi-> [Wormz], dont fawk with me...
[01:16] * [unda] ****..
[01:16] <AznBoy> lady_evolution pachoua thaO 20 uwm
[01:16] <`MzLeLe`> just to mute the room to do that stupid shiet
[01:16] <MiShA_from_a_Long_time_ago> oh...I"m not muted anymore..thanx
[01:17] <MiShA_from_a_Long_time_ago> really?
[01:17] * Joins: Guest67287 (java@=FRx-15-418-418-960.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
[01:17] <[Wormz]> STFU, power trippin mufo
[01:17] <AznBoy> lady_evolution pachoua thaO 20 uwm 414 588-483_
[01:17] * Parts: [Wormz] (Evil@=8cc-42-762-839-37.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[01:17] <@tAkumi-> oo i can do anything i want
[01:17] <[unda]>  alex xiong 20 uw-milwaukee
[01:17] <`MzLeLe`> haha yeah misha
[01:17] <MiShA_from_a_Long_time_ago> looks like I'm the only exaddict that is no
t married yet
[01:17] <Guest67287> Ugh, I missed you Mai.
[01:17] <[unda]> alex
[01:17] <`MzLeLe`> haha misha me too
[01:17] <[unda]> ur gay
[01:17] <`MzLeLe`> and wormz
[01:17] <+singleMOM> 4 I missed mai c and mai lo
[01:17] <`MzLeLe`> haha
[01:17] <MiShA_from_a_Long_time_ago> what's wormz real name?
[01:17] <+singleMOM> 4 :/
[01:17] * Joins: Guest79559 (java@=6sb96.187.106.172.ona.wi.charter.com)
[01:17] <`MzLeLe`> ask him misha
[01:17] <`MzLeLe`> haha
[01:17] * MiShA_from_a_Long_time_ago is now known as MiShA24
[01:17] <`MzLeLe`> he'll tell you
[01:17] <+singleMOM> 4 chou or choua
[01:17] * Joins: muajmoo (muajmoo@=Ktqxexwd-
[01:17] <AznBoy> [unda] pashoua lor 20 matc milwaukee 414 25435 4
[01:17] <MiShA24> Wormz what's ur real name?
[01:17] * Guest79559 is now known as Meng_
[01:17] <+singleMOM> 4 chou or choua young kue
[01:17] <+singleMOM> 4 :D
[01:18] <@tAkumi-> /ban #hmongtalk *!*@=1Oy-95-806-261-14.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)——
[01:18] <@tAkumi-> <tAkumi-> oo i can do anything i want
[01:18] <@tAkumi-> =1Oy-95-806-261-14.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)——
[01:18] <@tAkumi-> <tAkumi-> oo i can do anything i want
[01:18] <`MzLeLe`> it's chong
[01:18] <`MzLeLe`> haha
[01:18] <+singleMOM> 4 damn
[01:18] <[unda]> alex.. dont make me put ur real number on here
[01:18] <AznBoy> lady_evolution pachoua thaO 20 uwm 414 588-483_
[01:18] * Quits: sapphire_angel (java@=u9ivm58705603gqb.warn1201.mi.comcast.net)
(QUIT: User exited)
[01:18] <+singleMOM> 4 oh chong chong
[01:18] * tAkumi- sets mode: +b *!*@=Bui-58-507-407-85.hsd1.ca.comcast.net
[01:18] <@tAkumi-> oppss
[01:18] <AznBoy> [unda] pashoua lor 20 matc milwaukee 414 25435 4
[01:18] <+singleMOM> 4 i hate pple who has net powers
[01:18] <`MzLeLe`> fade you're gay
[01:18] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha
[01:18] <+singleMOM> 4 :/
[01:18] <[unda]> 414 339 7037
[01:18] <`MzLeLe`> hahahha fade you too?
[01:18] <+singleMOM> 4 shiet.
[01:18] <Pov> unda .. 414?
[01:18] <Lady_Evolution> lol...stupid Alex, stop giving out fake info
[01:18] <+singleMOM> 4 yeah
[01:18] <Lady_Evolution> haha
[01:18] * Joins: jy (HTML@=3Hd-64-758-636-65.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[01:18] <`MzLeLe`> unda i have to pc you
[01:18] <+singleMOM> 4 hmmms
[01:18] <[unda]> sure
[01:19] * Parts: jy (HTML@=3Hd-64-758-636-65.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[01:19] * Quits: AznBoy (java@=crXTS-52-65-904-05.wi.res.rr.com) (QUIT: User exi
[01:19] <+singleMOM> 4 alex xiong aka aznguy has fake pics of him
[01:19] <+singleMOM> 4 alex xiong aka aznguy has fake pics of him
[01:19] <MiShA24> Is worm still in the room? I dun see him anymore
[01:19] <`MzLeLe`> i think he got booted
[01:19] <+singleMOM> 4 hahhaa
[01:19] <MiShA24> oh
[01:19] <`MzLeLe`> yeah he did
[01:19] <MiShA24> what's his real name?
[01:19] <`MzLeLe`> wormz is my cousin misha
[01:19] <`MzLeLe`> his name is young
[01:19] <MiShA24> Young?
[01:19] <[unda]> lele.. how old is worm now?
[01:19] * `peGGy is now known as singleMOM`s_Daughter
[01:20] <+singleMOM> 4 wormzie is 25 :D
[01:20] <Guest67287> Baby girl?
[01:20] <+singleMOM> 4 lol pahoua gay
[01:20] <`MzLeLe`> same as me
[01:20] <`MzLeLe`> 26
[01:20] <+singleMOM> 4 lee is 30
[01:20] <+singleMOM> 4 hahahhaa
[01:20] <stpgrl> 3NEED VOLUNTEERS ages 13 and up TO WASHINGTON D.C. on June 18 (S
at) thru June 22 (Wed) to help hold signs and march.This march we hope to help t
he Hmong back in the jugle to survive and to fight for Hmong freedom. Free trans
portation. BRING your whole family. If you are interested please PC me STPGRL
[01:20] * stpgrl was kicked by serenitee (14mIRC32/046.0314 blur/blank 4—14(text flood14)4—
[01:20] * Tommy_Hang sets mode: +b *!*@=7Cd-97-25-191-020.hsd1.mn.comcast.net
[01:20] * Joins: Guest70597 (java@=c7ckge-36-01-231-041.rev.o1.com)
[01:20] * `miSs-bashful is now known as `singleMOM`sMother
[01:20] * Pov is now known as SingleMom`s_Pimp
[01:20] <+singleMOM> 4 hahha u two are gay
[01:20] * Tommy_Hang sets mode: -b *!*@=7Cd-97-25-191-020.hsd1.mn.comcast.net
[01:20] <+singleMOM> 4 marriedman pov is gay too
[01:20] <`MzLeLe`> hahahaha fade
[01:20] * Joins: Guest69814 (java@=V1h-66-13-637-255.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[01:20] * `singleMOM`sMother 11,12*:)
[01:20] * SingleMom`s_Pimp say ..anyone want a piece of singleMom
[01:20] * Guest69814 is now known as stpgrl
[01:20] <BuTTeRfLy_vUe> PEGGY!!!
[01:20] * Guest70597 is now known as theGAME
[01:21] <+singleMOM> 4 fake peggy
[01:21] * `singleMOM`sMother 11,12*Hey! Don't be pimping my daughter
[01:21] <MiShA24> *yawn*
[01:21] * `MzLeLe` is now known as `singleMOM`sMother`sMom
[01:21] <MiShA24> you all should be in bed
[01:21] <+singleMOM> 4 tell him that mommy
[01:21] <`singleMOM`sMother`sMom> hahaha
[01:21] * Cheng wants to fight for freedom in stpgrl's jungle!
[01:21] * Cheng wants to fight for freedom in stpgrl's jungle!
[01:21] <MiShA24> meeh too
[01:21] <+singleMOM> 4 hahahhahaa
[01:21] * theGAME is now known as yourGAME
[01:21] * `singleMOM`sMother 11,12*Hahaha
[01:21] <+singleMOM> 4 lol cheng
[01:21] <+Juan2bone> misha24 your 24yrs old or just a number?
[01:21] <hMoNg_gUrL> u guys are stupid
[01:21] <hMoNg_gUrL> ehehhe
[01:21] <MiShA24> both
[01:21] * SingleMom`s_Pimp say ..anyone wanna do it with singleMOM.. any male wa
nt a MILF
[01:21] * SingleMom`s_Pimp say ..anyone wanna do it with singleMOM.. any male wa
nt a MILF
[01:21] * hMoNg_gUrL bounces around the channel.
[01:21] <`singleMOM`sMother`sMom> oh yeah misha
[01:21] <`singleMOM`sMother`sMom> cheng is ch-cheng
[01:21] * hMoNg_gUrL Laughs-Out-Loud!!
[01:21] <`singleMOM`sMother`sMom> you remember him right?
[01:21] <MiShA24> damn...I remember when I first started ircing...my nickname wa
s MiShA16
[01:21] <stpgrl> 3NEED VOLUNTEERS ages 13 and up TO WASHINGTON D.C. on June 18 (Sa
t) thru June 22 (Wed) to help hold signs and march.This march we hope to help th
e Hmong back in the jugle to survive and to fight for Hmong freedom. Free transp
ortation. BRING your whole family. If you are interested please PC me STPGRL
[01:21] * stpgrl was kicked by serenitee (14mIRC32/046.0314 blur/blank 4—14(text flood14)4—
[01:21] * Tommy_Hang sets mode: +b *!*@=V1h-66-13-637-255.hsd1.mn.comcast.net
[01:21] <+Juan2bone> misha24
[01:22] <+Juan2bone> where u from
[01:22] <MiShA24> haha
[01:22] * Joins: I_LoveWoman_OnTop (kevinny200@=zUdysi-12-41-500-91.rev.o1.com)
[01:22] <`singleMOM`sMother`sMom> haha misha that was ages ago
[01:22] <`singleMOM`sMother`sMom> haha
[01:22] * Cheng is whitesand and drlove
[01:22] * Tommy_Hang sets mode: -b *!*@=V1h-66-13-637-255.hsd1.mn.comcast.net
[01:22] <MiShA24> heck yeah
[01:22] <SingleMom`s_Pimp> singleMom <-- needs a SingleDAD's Tool
[01:22] * `singleMOM`sMother`sMom was just tw33ti3
[01:22] * Joins: }GUPPY (z3r0ck@=LEp34.115.61.17.ona.wi.charter.com)
[01:22] <[unda]>  u guys should just ban stpgrl.. shes annoying
[01:22] * Parts: Meng_ (java@=6sb96.187.106.172.ona.wi.charter.com)
[01:22] * Joins: Guest69702 (java@=7rd-61-08-182-146.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[01:22] <`singleMOM`sMother`sMom> hey look who's here
[01:22] <`singleMOM`sMother`sMom> it's guppy!
[01:22] * Joins: Guest69771 (java@=b0ZDT-16-46-055-49.wi.res.rr.com)
[01:22] <MiShA24> Juan you mexican?? te quiero papi
[01:22] * Guest69702 is now known as stp
[01:22] <}GUPPY> deez nutz!
[01:22] <`singleMOM`sMother`sMom> hahaha misha
[01:22] <}GUPPY> sup nou
[01:23] <MiShA24> GUPPY!
[01:23] <`singleMOM`sMother`sMom> hi guppers
[01:23] <MiShA24> high
[01:23] <+Juan2bone> yeah..dude...she does
[01:23] <}GUPPY> *burp*
[01:23] <+Juan2bone> i'm not mexican
[01:23] * `singleMOM`sMother`sMom is now known as `MzLeLe`
[01:23] * Guest69771 is now known as Staci_Girl
[01:23] <`MzLeLe`> ewe that stank david lee
[01:23] <Staci_Girl> hello people
[01:23] <}GUPPY> MiShA24: grats! :D
[01:23] <@tAkumi-> stp, make sure your text message isn't too big. try lowering
it so you wont get kick out
[01:23] <@tAkumi-> stp, make sure your text message isn't too big. try lowering
it so you wont get kick out
[01:23] <MiShA24> aww darn
[01:23] <MiShA24> oh..tanx
[01:23] <Staci_Girl> hey guppie are u from mn?
[01:23] <MiShA24> ;)
[01:23] <stp> 4GUPPY PC ME
[01:23] * `singleMOM`sMother 11,12*Howdy Staci.
[01:23] <+Juan2bone> why did u say darn huh...misha
[01:23] <}GUPPY> nah i'm from IL
[01:23] <`MzLeLe`> haha guppy
[01:23] <MiShA24> Juan...awwww...darn..I was hoping I could get some mexicano in
[01:23] * stp is now known as stpgrl
[01:23] <singleMOM`s_Daughter> guppy pc me too
[01:23] <MiShA24> j/k
[01:23] <Staci_Girl> who are u single mom?
[01:23] <+Juan2bone> u got big booty or what...mexican like that...
[01:23] * Joins: tonylovly (hot@=rG1-5opml313-363.nas9.minneapolis1.mn.us.da.qwe
[01:24] <Staci_Girl> o i thought i knew u
[01:24] <}GUPPY> i'm MiShA24's bf
[01:24] <Staci_Girl> hehe
[01:24] <Staci_Girl> what's everyone up to?
[01:24] <`MzLeLe`> guppy i thought you're from canada?
[01:24] <MiShA24> yeah..me and guppy are getting married
[01:24] * Joins: JOice_ (prich@=sMgk.jb.35.240.revip.asianet.co.th)
[01:24] <Staci_Girl> awww how sweet
[01:24] <`MzLeLe`> misha i'm the maid of honor right?
[01:24] <+Juan2bone> misha24 where u from anyways
[01:24] * Quits: tonylovly (hot@=rG1-5opml313-363.nas9.minneapolis1.mn.us.da.qwe
st.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[01:24] * Quits: Mr_Brightside (lala@=ki9-4auig978-62.nas19.minneapolis1.mn.us.d
a.qwest.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[01:24] <`MzLeLe`> awe how cool
[01:24] <MiShA24> BUT!! good news for all of you people...We're a swinging coupl
[01:24] <MiShA24> haha
[01:24] <`MzLeLe`> it'll be a big irc reunion
[01:24] <}GUPPY> YEAH!
[01:25] <MiShA24> JUAN I'm from WI
[01:25] <}GUPPY> The Lifestyle lives!!!!
[01:25] <+singleMOM> 4 hi staci
[01:25] <Guest67287> I remember when Gup had that hot girl from MN as his GF.
[01:25] * Joins: Chick651 (all4chat@=j8JC95UG4M.ipt.aol.com)
[01:25] <`MzLeLe`> like how andy's and cici's was
[01:25] <+singleMOM> 4 hi guppy
[01:25] <+Juan2bone> so far
[01:25] <Guest67287> And he loved rubbing lube on her.
[01:25] <Guest67287> Or him.
[01:25] <+Juan2bone> where in Wis?
[01:25] <Staci_Girl> misaa from milwaukee?
[01:25] <MiShA24> Juan you from cali?
[01:25] <+Juan2bone> yes mamacita
[01:25] * Joins: Guest66896 (java@=Uqxidjom-
[01:25] <MiShA24> There is no misha in Wilwaukee
[01:25] <}GUPPY> Guest67287: ty
[01:25] <`MzLeLe`> misha is hot
[01:25] * Guest66896 is now known as imma_girl
[01:25] <MiShA24> I'm the only Hmong misha in da world
[01:25] <invisible_man> <lady-succubus> i see u invisible <--- pls dont ever pc
me again.. durh...
[01:25] * Joins: ^Juliaa` (Hans_@=2tiymwocwnzu740.135-200-24.mc.videotron.ca)
[01:25] <+Juan2bone> your the black..misha..huh
[01:25] <Guest67287> You're very welcome, David Lee.
[01:25] <`MzLeLe`> misha's other nick was sixpense
[01:25] <stpgrl> 4GUPPY U CHEATER
[01:25] * Quits: Chick651 (all4chat@=j8JC95UG4M.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[01:25] <`MzLeLe`> something like that
[01:25] <MiShA24> yes...I'm hot...the weather's been warm all day
[01:25] <`MzLeLe`> i forgot
[01:25] <}GUPPY> i'm older than you?
[01:25] <}GUPPY> O_o
[01:26] <Staci_Girl> <<no pc guys
[01:26] <Staci_Girl> brb
[01:26] <+Juan2bone> your hot..huh misha...24 how hot are u ?
[01:26] <MiShA24> Juan...heck yeah I'm black...you know what they say, once you
go black..you neva go back
[01:26] <SingleMom`s_Pimp> staci girl hehe
[01:26] <MiShA24> hahahah
[01:26] <MiShA24> j/k
[01:26] <`MzLeLe`> misha wasn't it six pense or something?
[01:26] <`MzLeLe`> i forgot
[01:26] <SingleMom`s_Pimp> let's all PC staci girl
[01:26] * singleMOM`s_Daughter is now known as MalcomZ
[01:26] <MiShA24> I'm not black
[01:26] <MiShA24> oh yeah, that was me too
[01:26] <stpgrl> 4DAVID why u ignoring me?
[01:26] <MiShA24> haha
[01:26] <Staci_Girl> are u shan?
[01:26] * Joins: Guest71969 (java@=yCBJC-09-64-112-055.new.res.rr.com)
[01:26] * Quits: muajmoo (muajmoo@=Ktqxexwd-
net) (QUIT: User exited)
[01:26] <@tAkumi-> stpgrl, if you advertise again, just make sure your message i
sn't too big.
[01:26] <`MzLeLe`> teng vang is so fcken gay
[01:26] <Guest67287> hmm.
[01:26] <@tAkumi-> stpgrl, if you advertise again, just make sure your message i
sn't too big.
[01:26] * Guest71969 is now known as SwEet-ivy-tHoR
[01:26] <Staci_Girl> no single bom
[01:26] <`MzLeLe`> bao used to date him
[01:27] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha
[01:27] * Quits: Lindda (gerstnerth@202.128.59.ly793=) (QUIT: User exited)
[01:27] <Guest67287> Why is color on?
[01:27] <Guest67287> ICK
[01:27] <MiShA24> doo dee doo dee dooo
[01:27] * `singleMOM`sMother 11,12*what
[01:27] <SwEet-ivy-tHoR> Hello
[01:27] <`MzLeLe`> hahahahaha
[01:27] * `singleMOM`sMother 11,12*HAhahaah LeLe
[01:27] <Staci_Girl> hehe
[01:27] <@tAkumi-> I will allow those type but just not any other chatroom adver
[01:27] <Staci_Girl> who are u shan?
[01:27] <MiShA24> Juan how old are you?
[01:27] <Staci_Girl> or bethy?
[01:27] <}GUPPY> lookie all those davids
[01:27] <`MzLeLe`> bao did you turn him gay?
[01:27] <SwEet-ivy-tHoR> Hello ally
[01:27] <+Juan2bone> misha24 ..once you go asian..u neva go back to being cancua
[01:27] <MiShA24> haha
[01:27] <MalcomZ> yeah teng is gay
[01:27] <Lady_Evolution> stpgrl, who's in charge of this mission to DC that you'r
e talking about?
[01:27] * `singleMOM`sMother 11,12*LeLe, I'm the reason why guys turned gay.
[01:27] <Guest67287> Huh?
[01:27] <SwEet-ivy-tHoR> hello tommy
[01:27] <MiShA24> eRR..i'm not caucasian
[01:27] * `singleMOM`sMother 11,12*:/
[01:27] <Staci_Girl> hummm
[01:27] <SwEet-ivy-tHoR> Hello everyone else
[01:27] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha bao
[01:27] <+Juan2bone> i know
[01:27] <Guest67287> Whoa..
[01:27] <SwEet-ivy-tHoR> LOLz
[01:27] <Staci_Girl> brb
[01:27] <+Juan2bone> i'm jjst saying it
[01:27] <MiShA24> hehe
[01:27] <`MzLeLe`> oh misha he's my uncle by marriage
[01:27] * `singleMOM`sMother 11,12*Hahaha
[01:28] * `singleMOM`sMother 11,12*Howdy Ivy.
[01:28] <MiShA24> who's ur uncle?
[01:28] <Guest67287> Tommy?
[01:28] <stpgrl> 4GUPPY its me
[01:28] <Guest67287> No.
[01:28] <`MzLeLe`> juan
[01:28] <MiShA24> the monkey's ur uncle?
[01:28] <+Juan2bone> yes i am...i'm her uncle...
[01:28] <Guest67287> Leo?
[01:28] <Guest67287> No...
[01:28] <}GUPPY> damn, Ed beat me in the mile run
[01:28] <MalcomZ> any ladies like HOT guys
[01:28] * Joins: SJG (SanJoseGuy@=p2ldgq-63-865-11-23.dsl.frs2ca.pacbell.net)
[01:28] <}GUPPY> hehe
[01:28] <SwEet-ivy-tHoR> Hello
[01:28] <`MzLeLe`> teng you aren't hot
[01:28] * `singleMOM`sMother 11,12*Howdy DAOrk
[01:28] <Staci_Girl> single is cow girl!
[01:28] <SJG> whoa..baoney is a mom now??
[01:28] <SwEet-ivy-tHoR> Bao dork?
[01:28] <SJG> MILF??
[01:28] <MiShA24> Doesn't matter...we're all related in some way....I just start
calling hmong people hmongtrash...there's some kind of incest in all hmong relat
[01:28] <`MzLeLe`> teng just cause your mom told you that you were cute when you
were young
[01:28] <}GUPPY> who's cowgirl?
[01:28] <SingleMom`s_Pimp> staci girl u got a pix
[01:28] * `singleMOM`sMother 11,12*lols.. :)@Ivy
[01:28] <`MzLeLe`> didn't mean it was thr truth
[01:28] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha
[01:28] <SwEet-ivy-tHoR> hahaha
[01:28] <}GUPPY> MiShA24: who's mom from OH died?
[01:29] <SwEet-ivy-tHoR> Koj xwb
[01:29] <SJG> sup big boobies lele!1
[01:29] <MiShA24> I dunno *shrug*
[01:29] <SwEet-ivy-tHoR> LOLz
[01:29] * Quits: SingleMom`s_Pimp (guest@=Esv-16-214-54-548.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
(QUIT: User exited)
[01:29] * `singleMOM`sMother 11,12*DAORK, i'm not just anyone's mom. I'm Fadie's m
om. :)
[01:29] * MalcomZ licks SJG
[01:29] <SJG> the heck is malcomz?
[01:29] <}GUPPY> you should ask your rents
[01:29] <`MzLeLe`> omg
[01:29] <`MzLeLe`> haha
[01:29] <Staci_Girl> pimp is it u?
[01:29] <`MzLeLe`> quit that
[01:29] <`MzLeLe`> haha
[01:29] * Joins: SOUPER-MAN (yoyo@=qdrty-94-382-27-40.twcny.res.rr.com)
[01:29] <Staci_Girl> at aa
[01:29] <SJG> haha..then ur my momther in law!
[01:29] <stpgrl> 3GUPPY GUPPY PC ME STPGRL
[01:29] <`MzLeLe`> my **** aren't big
[01:29] <SwEet-ivy-tHoR> wow
[01:29] <MiShA24> Guppy..Ishould...but if I go upstairs right now, they'll make
me go to sleep
[01:29] <Staci_Girl> http://members.asianavenue.com/cutie_girl_24
[01:29] <}GUPPY> huh?
[01:29] <MiShA24> :(
[01:29] <MiShA24> hehe
[01:29] <Staci_Girl> who has a pic
[01:29] <Staci_Girl> brb
[01:29] <SwEet-ivy-tHoR> this is pretty interesting
[01:29] * `singleMOM`sMother 11,12*Hahahah DAORK.
[01:29] <}GUPPY> Ludacris style? "Go to sleep."
[01:29] <+Juan2bone> misha24 u got a pix
[01:30] <SJG> haha...well that pix of u posting it last time..look pretty bigg t
o me!
[01:30] * Quits: SwEet-ivy-tHoR (java@=yCBJC-09-64-112-055.new.res.rr.com) (QUIT
: User exited)
[01:30] * Quits: [unda] (_Unda@=h8ZFS-56-56-52-0.wi.res.rr.com) (QUIT: User exit
[01:30] <MiShA24> Juan2bone hRmmmm..does it have to be of myself?
[01:30] <MiShA24> j/k..no, i don't have one
[01:30] <+Juan2bone> darn it
[01:30] * Joins: Guest72141 (java@=fSBJC-09-64-112-055.new.res.rr.com)
[01:30] <MiShA24> this is my first time back to CHATTIN in like a LOOONGG TIME
[01:30] <MiShA24> <--- a recovered addict
[01:30] <+Juan2bone> ic
[01:30] * Guest72141 is now known as SwEet-ivy-tHoR
[01:30] * `singleMOM`sMother 11,12*w/b Ivy :)
[01:30] <+Juan2bone> okay misha24
[01:30] <+Juan2bone> what's your last name misha24
[01:30] <}GUPPY> yeah, she used to be... Misha19
[01:31] * Quits: Hess_sLaw (java@=95jbwj-67-55-744-000.rev.o1.com) (QUIT: User e
[01:31] <Staci_Girl> who are u sjg?
[01:31] <MiShA24> I just felt like I needed a little taste of chattin tonight
[01:31] <SJG> like they said...once ur addicted..ur gonna be readdicted!! LoL
[01:31] <Staci_Girl> me?
[01:31] <SJG> <--and old addict!!
[01:31] <MiShA24> hahah USE TO BE MiShA19?? ****..i used to be MiShA16!
[01:31] <SwEet-ivy-tHoR> hehe
[01:31] * Quits: SOUPER-MAN (yoyo@=qdrty-94-382-27-40.twcny.res.rr.com) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[01:31] <Staci_Girl> hummm...checking emails
[01:31] <MiShA24> SJG hahahaha :P
[01:31] <SwEet-ivy-tHoR> Thanks girl
[01:31] <SJG> SanJoseGuy..i just shorten up to SJG
[01:31] <SJG> LoL!
[01:31] <+Juan2bone> what's your last name misha24?
[01:31] <+singleMOM> 4 hi dao
[01:31] <Staci_Girl> okies
[01:31] * `singleMOM`sMother 11,12*Haha daork
[01:31] <MiShA24> I is a hmong vwj
[01:31] <SJG> LoL...hide fade!
[01:31] <SwEet-ivy-tHoR> tha'ts Dao?
[01:31] <}GUPPY> misha sanchez el salvaro
[01:31] <+singleMOM> 4 :p
[01:31] <SwEet-ivy-tHoR> :LOLZ
[01:31] <Guest67287> ...
[01:31] * `singleMOM`sMother 11,12*I should shorten mine too lols
[01:31] <MiShA24> oh yeah..that too
[01:31] * Guest67287 is now known as Bethy
[01:32] * Bethy kicks Mai vang.
[01:32] <Bethy> oops/
[01:32] <Staci_Girl> hi bethy
[01:32] <SJG> LoL@ MILF
[01:32] * Bethy is now known as Guest25817
[01:32] <SwEet-ivy-tHoR> SanJoseguy=Dao?
[01:32] * `singleMOM`sMother is now known as `mB
[01:32] <Guest25817> Hi Staci.
[01:32] <SJG> yes
[01:32] * `mB 11,12*HAhaha
[01:32] <SJG> that would be!
[01:32] <Staci_Girl> who are u guest?
[01:32] <}GUPPY> i thought i smelled bethy
[01:32] <SJG> i remember a staci from mn..i think
[01:32] <Guest25817> haha
[01:32] <+Juan2bone> i'm juan lopez hernanderz ramiez....
[01:32] <Guest25817> Of course David.
[01:32] <Guest25817> :p
[01:32] <Guest25817> I'm me, Staci.
[01:32] <Staci_Girl> no not me sjg
[01:32] <Guest25817> [22:38] * Bethy is now known as Guest25817
[01:32] <SwEet-ivy-tHoR> gosh
[01:32] <Guest25817> :P
[01:32] <Guest25817> Dork.
[01:32] <Guest25817> Anyways.
[01:32] <SwEet-ivy-tHoR> I'm already bored
[01:32] <SwEet-ivy-tHoR> LOLz
[01:32] <SJG> i said i remember..not u are! LoL
[01:32] <Staci_Girl> haha
[01:32] <`MzLeLe`> sjg go sign my aa again
[01:32] <Staci_Girl> brb
[01:32] <SJG> sure..wat is it?
[01:32] * SwEet-ivy-tHoR yawns
[01:33] <SJG> is that boobie pix in it?
[01:33] <+Juan2bone> mzlele u got a AA page..hook it up niece
[01:33] <MiShA24> MiShA maria tortilla bonita quesadilla fajita tafoya-onate-mon
[01:33] * Quits: Tou (vangforeve@=Ia2-4pcin484-364.nas20.minneapolis1.mn.us.da.q
west.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[01:33] * Quits: JustSimplyMe (Chatz@=N6w-77-340-761-875.hsd1.co.comcast.net) (Q
UIT: User exited)
[01:33] <`MzLeLe`> haha uncle you seen it already you dummy
[01:33] <MiShA24> when I get married and have kids, I want to be a milf
[01:33] * SwEet-ivy-tHoR La la lal La lala..... LA..
[01:33] <`MzLeLe`> omg misha
[01:33] <`MzLeLe`> you do?
[01:33] <`MzLeLe`> ewe
[01:33] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha
[01:33] * SwEet-ivy-tHoR La la lal La lala..... LA..
[01:33] <SJG> haha..lol at misha!
[01:33] <+singleMOM> 4 lee is a milf
[01:33] <MiShA24> yeah
[01:33] <+singleMOM> 4 :D
[01:33] <}GUPPY> milfs FTW
[01:33] <`MzLeLe`> whatever fade
[01:33] * Joins: Kung_Lao (anonymous@=Nxzotd-03-838-29-182.dsl.akrnoh.ameritech.
[01:33] <`MzLeLe`> quit talking about yourself
[01:33] <+Juan2bone> MISHA24 i'm a milf rider...wink...*
[01:33] <`MzLeLe`> haha
[01:33] <SJG> MILF Mom I Love Female
[01:33] * Joins: Kiss-Kuv (hoops@=e7wnvbmu-
[01:34] <MiShA24> I'm going to have my son bring his friends over
[01:34] * SwEet-ivy-tHoR La la lal La lala..... LA..
[01:34] <Guest25817> Hi Lee Xiong.
[01:34] <+singleMOM> 4 hahaha
[01:34] <Guest25817> From Akron.
[01:34] <Guest25817> Ohio.
[01:34] <MiShA24> Juan hahaha
[01:34] * Joins: Guest81408 (java@=9XQS23895S.ipt.aol.com)
[01:34] <`MzLeLe`> i'm not from akron
[01:34] <stpgrl> 4GUPPY who are u?
[01:34] <MiShA24> hey guest from akron..who passed away in ohio?
[01:34] <`MzLeLe`> and i'm not a xiong either
[01:34] <Kung_Lao> Hi Bethy Yang
[01:34] <SwEet-ivy-tHoR> wow
[01:34] <+singleMOM> 4 guppy is my future husband
[01:34] <Kung_Lao> From Portland, OR
[01:34] <`MzLeLe`> who misha?
[01:34] <SwEet-ivy-tHoR> hum.....
[01:34] <Guest25817> lol
[01:34] <}GUPPY> I remember when I was little, Misha had to pinkie swear with me
to be friends only.
[01:34] <}GUPPY> *sighs*
[01:34] <}GUPPY> muahahaha
[01:34] <`MzLeLe`> haha guppy
[01:34] <imma_girl> HUH?
[01:34] <imma_girl> WHO'S FROM PORTLAND?
[01:34] <MiShA24> GUPPY what??? hahah what the heck you talkin bouz?
[01:34] <stpgrl> GUPPY who are u?
[01:34] <Guest25817> Your mom.
[01:34] <+singleMOM> 4 <---from POORLAND
[01:34] <Guest25817> Hi Lady_21.
[01:35] <}GUPPY> that was like back in 4th grade
[01:35] * Guest81408 is now known as nkaujsovsiab
[01:35] <nkaujsovsiab> hi
[01:35] <Guest25817> Whatever fade.
[01:35] <MiShA24> I don't remember
[01:35] <imma_girl> OH REALLY
[01:35] <MiShA24> *shrug*
[01:35] <imma_girl> AHAHA
[01:35] <nkaujsovsiab> puas muaj leej twg kam nrog kuv tham os
[01:35] <+singleMOM> 4 i am from poorland
[01:35] <imma_girl> WHO'S LADY_21?
[01:35] <Guest25817> imma_girl, are you Mee?
[01:35] <imma_girl> AHAHA
[01:35] <SJG> lele!! hey...where that pix i wanted to see??
[01:35] <Guest25817> Or Chee?
[01:35] <SJG> LoL!!
[01:35] <Guest25817> Or something.
[01:35] <imma_girl> NO IM NOT MEE
[01:35] <}GUPPY> Amoua, Joeanne and Houa all made me pinkie swear with you.
[01:35] <}GUPPY> LOL
[01:35] <Guest25817> Ahleeya said you were someone.
[01:35] <Guest25817> But I forgot.
[01:35] <`MzLeLe`> haha i don't have one
[01:35] <MiShA24> Guppy can we now pinkie swear to only be sex pals?
[01:35] <imma_girl> IM AMY
[01:35] <Guest25817> OOh
[01:35] * Quits: hlublinpausuav (java@=620Qwis953.tnt24.atl4.da.uu.net) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[01:35] <Guest25817> Yeah
[01:35] <imma_girl> AHAHA
[01:35] <Guest25817> Amy
[01:35] <MiShA24> hahha
[01:35] <Guest25817> HAHA
[01:35] <Guest25817> Oops.
[01:35] * Guest25817 was kicked by serenitee (14mIRC32/046.0314 lines/overflow 4—14(text
flood14)4— 14—[4X 14—4 PRO14]—)
[01:35] * Tommy_Hang sets mode: +b *!*@=FRx-15-418-418-960.hsd1.or.comcast.net
[01:35] * ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@*.ctinets.com
[01:35] <`MzLeLe`> wow
[01:35] <nkaujsovsiab> hello.................................................
[01:35] * Joins: Julytoy (chatzilla@=S4m-77-40-24-462.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[01:35] <imma_girl> SINGLE MOM ... WHO ARE YOU?
[01:35] <`MzLeLe`> haha you lacross people are whack
[01:35] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha
[01:35] * invisible_man annoyingly *yawns*
[01:35] * Quits: Cheng (hC_Java@=47psde-36-59-78-15.rev.o1.com) (QUIT: User exit
[01:35] <MiShA24> JUAN what's ur name?
[01:35] <`MzLeLe`> you guys sleep with the whole town?
[01:35] * singleMOM is now known as singleMOM_from_POORLAND
[01:36] <imma_girl> AHAHA
[01:36] * Joins: devilish_smil3 (lee_c4@=d8pwmy-25-09-569-365.rev.o1.com)
[01:36] <imma_girl> THAT'S SO BAD SINGLEMOME
[01:36] <+singleMOM_from_POORLAND> 4 hi mai
[01:36] <}GUPPY> yeah we're straight up Bevery Hills 90210
[01:36] * devilish_smil3 hi ally
[01:36] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha gups
[01:36] <SwEet-ivy-tHoR> gosh
[01:36] <+singleMOM_from_POORLAND> 4 not really
[01:36] * devilish_smil3 hi single mom...fade??
[01:36] * tAkumi- sets mode: -b *!*@=FRx-15-418-418-960.hsd1.or.comcast.net
[01:36] <+singleMOM_from_POORLAND> 4 :D
[01:36] <`MzLeLe`> misha didn't you used to skip school to just chat?
[01:36] <Staci_Girl> Gotta go
[01:36] <+singleMOM_from_POORLAND> 4 lee, speak for urself..
[01:36] <Staci_Girl> see u
[01:36] * Joins: Guest82127 (java@=GPt-51-67-09-745.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[01:36] * devilish_smil3 hi roomie...
[01:36] <+singleMOM_from_POORLAND> 4 bye staci
[01:36] <`MzLeLe`> hey bao is that really teng's gay ***?
[01:37] <Staci_Girl> bye
[01:37] <MiShA24> MZLELE DUH..i used to be an addict
[01:37] * Quits: Staci_Girl (java@=b0ZDT-16-46-055-49.wi.res.rr.com) (QUIT: User
[01:37] <SJG> LeLe!! so which position is open??
[01:37] <SJG> LoL!
[01:37] * devilish_smil3 where's bao at???
[01:37] <`MzLeLe`> haha misha i remember them late nights
[01:37] * hMoNg_gUrL is really very bored.
[01:37] * hMoNg_gUrL is really very bored.
[01:37] <+singleMOM_from_POORLAND> 4 dao, downsouth..
[01:37] <`MzLeLe`> hahahaha sjg
[01:37] <MiShA24> yeah
[01:37] <+singleMOM_from_POORLAND> 4 hahha
[01:37] <`MzLeLe`> shullup
[01:37] <MiShA24> i remember
[01:37] * Joins: ThatLaDy (all4chat@=3LQS26TA4Q.ipt.aol.com)
[01:37] <MiShA24> if I never got into chatting, I would have graduated a LONG ti
me ago
[01:37] <+singleMOM_from_POORLAND> 4 lee's downsout is always open 24/7
[01:37] <`MzLeLe`> i miss mykah
[01:37] <MiShA24> what happened to JUAN?
[01:37] <+singleMOM_from_POORLAND> 4 south*
[01:37] * Guest82127 is now known as SweetBoi916
[01:37] * devilish_smil3 .....
[01:37] <SweetBoi916> hi
[01:37] <SweetBoi916> care to chat
[01:37] <MiShA24> I wasn't finished talking to him yet
[01:38] <SweetBoi916> hit me up allrite
[01:38] <`MzLeLe`> he's probably talking to some girl
[01:38] <`MzLeLe`> he'll be back
[01:38] <MiShA24> prolly
[01:38] * Joins: Guest25817 (java@=FRx-15-418-418-960.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
[01:38] * }GUPPY is now known as Lisalove
[01:38] <Guest25817> Jeez Ree. :|
[01:38] <Guest25817> www.google.com
[01:38] * devilish_smil3 is now known as mai-goddess
[01:38] <SJG> haha..south of the border?
[01:38] * MiShA24 is now known as CaNdYShOp
[01:38] <Julytoy> Hi Mai
[01:38] <`MzLeLe`> so misha who all lives in lax still
[01:38] <SJG> is the border open though?? LoL!!
[01:38] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha sjg
[01:38] <SweetBoi916> care to chat hit me up allrite
[01:38] <CaNdYShOp> lots of peepo
[01:39] <CaNdYShOp> guppy u still in lax?
[01:39] <Guest25817> So Amy.
[01:39] * mai-goddess hi july toy....
[01:39] <Guest25817> Amy Amy Amy.
[01:39] <`MzLeLe`> haha i don't know
[01:39] <`MzLeLe`> he tells stories where he lives
[01:39] <`MzLeLe`> haha
[01:39] <Lisalove> Just went running at Logan earlier with Ed.
[01:39] <Julytoy> Mai, how are you
[01:39] <Lisalove> Ed beat me.
[01:39] <CaNdYShOp> oh..coo
[01:39] <Guest25817> Are there any hot guys in Corvallis, Amy?
[01:39] * CaNdYShOp is now known as MiShA69
[01:39] <imma_girl> ahahaa
[01:39] <MalcomZ> did bao leave?
[01:39] <imma_girl> I DON'T KNOW
[01:39] <SJG> Covallis?? whoa..i never heard of that town!
[01:39] * mai-goddess i'm good n u july....
[01:39] <`MzLeLe`> yeah teng
[01:39] <imma_girl> IM NOT ATTRACTED TO THEM
[01:39] <Guest25817> Don't you live there?
[01:39] <Guest25817> HAHAHA
[01:39] <`MzLeLe`> she left cause you're gay
[01:39] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha
[01:39] <imma_girl> CORVALLIS
[01:40] <stpgrl> 4LISALOVE who are u?
[01:40] <`MzLeLe`> so teng who's your next victim
[01:40] <imma_girl> YEAH I LIVE HERE
[01:40] <Lisalove> hi
[01:40] <SJG> LeLe!! that Ginny chick is in my page too! LOl
[01:40] <Lisalove> I'm.... Lisa?
[01:40] <`MzLeLe`> hahahaha
[01:40] <MalcomZ> u lele
[01:40] <Guest25817> Ok.
[01:40] <Julytoy> I'm good Mai. Just missing you
[01:40] <SJG> she an AA w hore!!
[01:40] <Guest25817> Oh well.
[01:40] <Guest25817> haha
[01:40] <Guest25817> Really?
[01:40] * Joins: Isabel (GAMZE@193.95.74.OI484=)
[01:40] <imma_girl> IN PORTLAND .... OH YEAH!
[01:40] <MiShA69> Guppy you hear that edna went off and got married
[01:40] * ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@218.*
[01:40] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@193.95.*
[01:40] * Isabel was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk: spam ho
[01:40] <`MzLeLe`> sj i deleted her so many times
[01:40] <imma_girl> TONS OF CUTIES!
[01:40] <Guest25817> I thought all the Hmong kids go to OSU.
[01:40] <+singleMOM_from_POORLAND> 4 oh dao has an aawhore?
[01:40] <`MzLeLe`> she keeps coming back
[01:40] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha
[01:40] * Quits: tonythao_916 (java@=u8vfk-67-708-554-579.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net
) (QUIT: User exited)
[01:40] * mai-goddess is now known as mai-love
[01:40] * Joins: Guest83145 (java@=RFvwq-650-544-164-675.carolina.res.rr.com)
[01:40] <SJG> hahha..she like ur boobies too much that y!
[01:40] <`MzLeLe`> haha teng i was once your victim
[01:40] * `mB 11,12*Howdy sexxie mai :)
[01:40] <+singleMOM_from_POORLAND> 4 introduce me to ur aa whore, dao
[01:40] <stpgrl> 4if u r Lisa than why u use GUPPY's name for?
[01:40] <mai-love> me hehehehe
[01:40] * mai-love hehehe
[01:40] <`MzLeLe`> i don't wanna be your victim again
[01:41] <`MzLeLe`> scarey thought
[01:41] <Lisalove> i'm known as... dapo.... refer to me as dapo
[01:41] * Quits: Male_N_HEAT (java@=Y5AE1N9237.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[01:41] <Julytoy> of course you Mai.
[01:41] * Guest83145 is now known as assdefer
[01:41] <assdefer> http://www.hmoobclick.com/loverm/loverm/SexyNaughtyBitchyMe.h
[01:41] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha shut up sj
[01:41] <`MzLeLe`> haha
[01:41] <`MzLeLe`> she's whack dude
[01:41] <MiShA69> Guppy you hear that edna went off and got married this past we
[01:41] <Lisalove> did she?
[01:41] <MiShA69> yup
[01:41] <Lisalove> to her bf in EC?
[01:41] <MiShA69> yup
[01:41] <Julytoy> Mai, lets go out this Friday
[01:41] <Lisalove> he's a friggen loser
[01:41] <Lisalove> god
[01:41] <Lisalove> lol
[01:41] <SJG> haha..
[01:41] * Quits: BuTTeRfLy_vUe (java@=25wtz-850-395-142-100.triad.res.rr.com) (Q
UIT: User exited)
[01:41] <MalcomZ> BAO..open ur pc
[01:41] <MiShA69> yup
[01:41] <`MzLeLe`> misha go get married
[01:41] * mai-love whose july toy????????????
[01:41] <SJG> go sign my gbook lele!!
[01:41] <`MzLeLe`> bao don't
[01:41] <`MzLeLe`> haha
[01:41] <imma_girl> G'NIGHT PEOPLES!
[01:41] <imma_girl> LATERS BETHY
[01:41] * `mB 11,12*Oo..
[01:41] <Lisalove> I play ball with that guy all the time.
[01:42] <SJG> i have a surprise for u in there!!
[01:42] <Lisalove> lol
[01:42] <assdefer> http://www.hmoobclick.com/loverm/loverm/SexyNaughtyBitchyMe.h
[01:42] <+singleMOM_from_POORLAND> 4 lee, u too
[01:42] <stpgrl> 4 Lisalove are u the girl Guppy?
[01:42] <`MzLeLe`> bao say no
[01:42] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha
[01:42] <Lisalove> friggen loser foreals
[01:42] * mai-love sure...let's go.... =0)
[01:42] * `mB 11,12*lols
[01:42] <`MzLeLe`> bao say no!!
[01:42] <Julytoy> Mai, I am your lover
[01:42] <MiShA69> I'm still waiting for guppy to undo that pinkie swear with me
[01:42] <`MzLeLe`> teng you're gay
[01:42] <`MzLeLe`> haha
[01:42] <MiShA69> ha ha ha
[01:42] * Quits: imma_girl (java@=Uqxidjom-
t) (QUIT: User exited)
[01:42] <Guest25817> Bye Amy.
[01:42] * mai-love so does mai lover have a name?????
[01:42] <Lisalove> Haven't you ever seen Windstruck?
[01:42] <Guest25817> whoa.
[01:42] * Guest25817 is now known as Bethy
[01:42] <Bethy> Oh well.
[01:42] <Lisalove> The story behind a pinky swear?
[01:42] <MalcomZ> bao...open!
[01:42] <Lisalove> come on now
[01:42] <stpgrl> 4if u r i am sorry to bother u
[01:42] <Julytoy> Mai, would it be okay to rock your world
[01:42] <MiShA69> nope
[01:42] <MiShA69> never seen it
[01:42] <Julytoy> I'm John
[01:42] <assdefer> http://www.hmoobclick.com/loverm/loverm/l
[01:42] <+singleMOM_from_POORLAND> 4 bao dont open,, just spread
[01:42] <Lisalove> I'll burn it for you.
[01:42] <`MzLeLe`> bao i think teng wants you still
[01:42] <stpgrl> 4i am actually looking for GUPPY the guy
[01:42] <MiShA69> k
[01:42] * mai-love you wanna rock mai world????
[01:42] <`MzLeLe`> hahahahaha
[01:43] <Julytoy> I'll try to
[01:43] <assdefer> http://www.hmoobclick.com/loverm/loverm/
[01:43] <Lisalove> I know Meng's a fag for korean melodrama. Mr. I like to watch
100000 series korean dramas.
[01:43] * mai-love cos i dunt need n e one to rock mai world
[01:43] <Lisalove> lol
[01:43] <`MzLeLe`> haha i remember reading this page he wrote about you
[01:43] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha
[01:43] * Joins: KoLoRaDo^GuY^3o3 (thoj-guy@=fhv-09-228-180-323.dnvtco56.covad.n
[01:43] * mai-love its rockin enuff already....
[01:43] <`MzLeLe`> it was hilarious
[01:43] <`MzLeLe`> haha
[01:43] <Julytoy> I know that lots of people tried but failed.
[01:43] * mai-love hahahahz.....
[01:43] * `mB 11,12*what
[01:43] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[01:43] <+singleMOM_from_POORLAND> 4 u guys are boring...
[01:43] <MiShA69> I just moved back home..now all I do is flip between the style
, animal planet, food network, E!, and family channels
[01:43] * mai-love so wut's ur name dearest....
[01:43] <`MzLeLe`> girl teng had wrote something about you ages ago
[01:43] <MiShA69> Oh yeah, and I work
[01:43] * Quits: yourGAME (java@=c7ckge-36-01-231-041.rev.o1.com) (Connection re
set by peer)
[01:43] <Julytoy> I'm John
[01:43] <`MzLeLe`> i forgot how i stumbled onto it
[01:43] * singleMOM_from_POORLAND is now known as Who_Am_I_To_You
[01:43] <`MzLeLe`> it was about you
[01:43] <`MzLeLe`> haha
[01:43] <Lisalove> cool, why you back home?
[01:43] <Julytoy> Mai, I want to eat you
[01:44] <assdefer> http://www.hmoobclick.com/loverm/loverm/SexyNaughtyBitchyMe.h
[01:44] * `mB 11,12*o.O
[01:44] <Lisalove> get into a big fight?
[01:44] <MiShA69> Cuz me and Jose broke up
[01:44] <`MzLeLe`> something about how you meant the world to him
[01:44] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[01:44] <Lisalove> oh i see
[01:44] <`MzLeLe`> and something else
[01:44] <`MzLeLe`> it was long
[01:44] <Lisalove> yeah, guys can be pricks
[01:44] * mai-love i'm VERY bitter
[01:44] <Lisalove> i should know, i'm one
[01:44] <Lisalove> :D
[01:44] <`MzLeLe`> ask teng about it
[01:44] * `mB 11,12*O.o
[01:44] <MiShA69> yeah..some of them need them cut off
[01:44] <Julytoy> It's okay Mai, We'll get you Zest fully clean
[01:44] <MiShA69> yeah, and I lived in my apartment with a dumbass roommate for
about 1/2 a year
[01:44] * Quits: KoLoRaDo^GuY^3o3 (thoj-guy@=fhv-09-228-180-323.dnvtco56.covad.n
et) (QUIT: User exited)
[01:45] * Malcom_BrB is now known as Nixon
[01:45] <MiShA69> it was too expensive for me
[01:45] * mai-love i'm always zest fully clean...and i caress before i dress....
[01:45] * mai-love hahahaaha
[01:45] <MiShA69> I need to save money..I want to go to ireland
[01:45] <Julytoy> lol
[01:45] <Lisalove> roommates sux
[01:45] <Julytoy> That's good Mai, cause you and I are going to be feasting
[01:45] <MalcomZ> lele
[01:45] <MalcomZ> u know what
[01:45] <Lisalove> Ireland? Girl William Wallace was never that great.
[01:45] <Lisalove> lol
[01:45] <MalcomZ> i always wanted to hook up with you
[01:45] <MiShA69> yeah..especially when they're your ex-bf's friend
[01:45] * mai-love lol feastin on what????
[01:45] * mai-love mcdonalds
[01:45] <`MzLeLe`> haha whatever teng
[01:45] <`MzLeLe`> haha
[01:45] <Julytoy> Feasting on you
[01:45] * mai-love carls junior???
[01:45] <`MzLeLe`> you were a chicken shiet when i saw you in GB
[01:45] * Quits: MoonShineGuy (SweetLuvGu@=Nib-28-033-366-338.hsd1.mn.comcast.ne
t) (QUIT: User exited)
[01:45] <Julytoy> No Mai, I aint into McDonalds
[01:45] * mai-love ahahaha me???i'm all skin n bone...
[01:45] <`MzLeLe`> you ran off the other direction
[01:45] <`MzLeLe`> hahahaha
[01:45] * `mB 11,12*HAhahahaahah
[01:45] * `mB 11,12*LOLs
[01:46] <Julytoy> that's good
[01:46] * `mB 11,12*laughs* her head off.. :)
[01:46] <MalcomZ> lele girl..u aint seen nothing yet
[01:46] <california_baby_girl> im n now that your gone just wanna be wiht you n
life as go on just wanna be wiht u
[01:46] * Joins: Guest75438 (java@=bci-74-16-465-999.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
[01:46] <Julytoy> I don't like fat girls
[01:46] <MiShA69> lisalove but have you ever seen the movie Matchmaker?? Some ir
ish guys are hot!
[01:46] <`MzLeLe`> haha whatever teng
[01:46] <Lisalove> Save your money and go to... Amsterdam
[01:46] <Julytoy> too much meat
[01:46] <`MzLeLe`> everytime we talked on the phone
[01:46] <stpgrl> 4NEED VOLUNTEERS ages 13 and up TO WASHINGTON D.C. on June 18 (Sa
t) thru June 22 (Wed) to help hold signs and march.This march we hope to help th
e Hmong back in the jugle to survive and to fight for Hmong freedom. Free transp
ortation. BRING your whole family. If you are interested please PC me STPGRL
[01:46] * stpgrl was kicked by serenitee (14mIRC32/046.0314 blur/blank 4—14(text flood14)4—
[01:46] * Tommy_Hang sets mode: +b *!*@=7rd-61-08-182-146.hsd1.mn.comcast.net
[01:46] * ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@*.netvigator.com
[01:46] <`MzLeLe`> you had to go do soemthing
[01:46] * tAkumi- sets mode: -b *!*@=7rd-61-08-182-146.hsd1.mn.comcast.net
[01:46] <`MzLeLe`> haha
[01:46] * Joins: Guest75600 (java@=l5mw542799.reshsg.uci.edu)
[01:46] <`MzLeLe`> loser
[01:46] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha
[01:46] <MalcomZ> lele
[01:46] <MalcomZ> that was then
[01:46] <`MzLeLe`> what did i used to call you?
[01:46] * Quits: Guest75600 (java@=l5mw542799.reshsg.uci.edu) (QUIT: User exited
[01:46] <MalcomZ> this is now baby
[01:46] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha whatever teng
[01:46] <`MzLeLe`> you don't even know who the fck i am
[01:46] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha
[01:46] <Julytoy> Mai
[01:46] * SwEet-ivy-tHoR yawn
[01:46] * mai-love <===== eats like a fat girl....
[01:46] <Lisalove> MiShA69: There is no such a thing as attractive red headed guys
[01:46] * mai-love wha john?????
[01:47] <`MzLeLe`> guppy die your hair red
[01:47] <MiShA69> Lisalove anyway...why i'm interested in ireland is 'cuz I play
celtic music and I want to go and learn from the homeland of celtic music
[01:47] <california_baby_girl> n can't go on...lalalala....jsut wanna be wiht yo
u and life as go on...jsut wanna be wiht u
[01:47] <MalcomZ> its ok lele
[01:47] <`MzLeLe`> we'll say that
[01:47] <MalcomZ> i dont need to know who u r
[01:47] <Julytoy> It's okay Mai. You can eat all you want. I have something for
you to nibble on
[01:47] <MalcomZ> i just need to know HOW u r
[01:47] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha see bao
[01:47] * Joins: guesses (happyfaker@=DIsekm-89-53-9-887.mdsnwi.dsl-w.verizon.ne
[01:47] <MiShA69> lisalove, yeah, my guitarist is a cutie red headed guy
[01:47] * ChanServ sets mode: +v guesses
[01:47] * mai-love on wha??
[01:47] <`MzLeLe`> hahahahaa omg
[01:47] * `mB 11,12*lols
[01:47] <`MzLeLe`> teng that's the gayest line ever
[01:47] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha
[01:47] <Julytoy> my thang of course
[01:47] * Parts: Guest75438 (java@=bci-74-16-465-999.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
[01:47] <Lisalove> lies!
[01:47] * `mB 11,12*laughs* her head off.. :)
[01:47] <`MzLeLe`> hahahahahahahahaa
[01:47] <SweetBoi916> hi lisalove how u doing?
[01:47] <Julytoy> I'll pump it up so it looks bigger.
[01:47] <Lisalove> ok, celtic music for the win.
[01:47] * mai-love wha thang.....
[01:47] <Lisalove> Oh yeah, I went to visit Mrs. Bashaw
[01:47] <Lisalove> LOL
[01:47] <MiShA69> LISALOVE!! REMEMBER SVEN?!!?!? I just saw him at houghton's pu
b a few weeks ago
[01:47] * tAkumi- sets mode: -b *!*@=zSe-04-174-347-65.hsd1.ca.comcast.net
[01:47] * Joins: Cracko (Hero_In_Ti@=rPuzmm-nk64-igg27.cvip.net)
[01:48] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha bao he still has that gay charm like always
[01:48] <`MzLeLe`> haha
[01:48] <MiShA69> lisalove hahaha
[01:48] <Julytoy> Mai show me your pic again
[01:48] <Lisalove> Yeah, I've seen him around a few times.
[01:48] <Lisalove> Does he remember you?
[01:48] <`MzLeLe`> hey teng go wear that red and blue striped shirt again
[01:48] <Nixon> and ur still annoying
[01:48] * Joins: Guest76825 (java@=SWrhs-364-17.wou.edu)
[01:48] * Quits: Cracko (Hero_In_Ti@=rPuzmm-nk64-igg27.cvip.net) (QUIT: User exi
[01:48] <`MzLeLe`> maybe your gay charm might work on some crackhead
[01:48] <Julytoy> I like to masturbate some more
[01:48] <MiShA69> lisalove I hope not..thanks for embarassing me in highschool
[01:48] * MalcomZ licks Nixon
[01:48] <MiShA69> :P
[01:48] * Quits: +guesses (happyfaker@=DIsekm-89-53-9-887.mdsnwi.dsl-w.verizon.n
et) (QUIT: User exited)
[01:48] * Joins: Tall-HmG-Dude (Hero_In_Ti@=RPjxdn-ee33-bem86.cvip.net)
[01:48] <Lisalove> Nah he probably woudn't
[01:48] <Lisalove> That guy didn't even remember me!
[01:48] * Guest76825 is now known as ms_day
[01:48] <MiShA69> probably wouldn't
[01:48] * Tall-HmG-Dude says hello room
[01:48] * MalcomZ licks david...mmmmm salty
[01:48] <Julytoy> Mai
[01:49] <MalcomZ> lele
[01:49] <Lisalove> And I played with him for.... 6 friggen years.
[01:49] <Lisalove> Moron man.
[01:49] * `mB 11,12*howdy Mai Pa
[01:49] <MalcomZ> girl when are we gonna hook up?
[01:49] <MiShA69> he he
[01:49] <invisible_man> awww my only msn friend left :(
[01:49] <Tall-HmG-Dude> eww... pahoua still up!
[01:49] * mai-love i wanna go see mr n mrs smith...
[01:49] <Julytoy> Don't don't leave me
[01:49] * Quits: mai-love (lee_c4@=d8pwmy-25-09-569-365.rev.o1.com) (Connection
reset by peer)
[01:49] * Joins: Guest74126 (java@=MVMO9F50F8.ipt.aol.com)
[01:49] * Joins: devilish_smil3 (lee_c4@=d8pwmy-25-09-569-365.rev.o1.com)
[01:49] <Julytoy> Okay Mai
[01:49] <MalcomZ> i've been chasing your arse for the longest time
[01:49] <`MzLeLe`> aight back to paperwork
[01:49] <Bethy> MAI VANG
[01:49] * devilish_smil3 grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
[01:49] <MalcomZ> lele
[01:49] * Guest74126 is now known as _jackLo_
[01:49] <Julytoy> I want to see you naked
[01:49] <Lisalove> He works at that automotive shop with the exotic cars.
[01:49] <`MzLeLe`> hi jack
[01:49] <MalcomZ> u gonna leave me hanging like that girl?
[01:49] <Nixon> go already...
[01:49] <+Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hi jacklo
[01:49] <MiShA69> Sven was cuter in high school, he's not so cute anymore
[01:49] <`MzLeLe`> nixon teng gay
[01:49] * devilish_smil3 =0)
[01:49] * Quits: DaVoID (Gizm0@=BQc-06-232-559-169.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[01:49] <`MzLeLe`> whatever dummy
[01:49] <_jackLo_> Hi mzlele do you have ahomepage?
[01:49] <MalcomZ> lele girl...when we gonna hook up
[01:49] * Quits: HornyGentleman (xcvgsd@208.2.85.ru8=) (QUIT: User exited)
[01:49] <MiShA69> LisaLove is it that one at the end of west ave???/
[01:49] <_jackLo_> who am i to you hello there.
[01:50] <Julytoy> Mai, you gonna show me your AA
[01:50] <MiShA69> JACKLO?
[01:50] <Lisalove> Yeah he went to school in MN at Carlton.
[01:50] <MiShA69> I know you
[01:50] * devilish_smil3 is now known as mai-goddess
[01:50] <MiShA69> Lisa ahh..I heard about that
[01:50] <Lisalove> majored in math
[01:50] <_jackLo_> Hello there misha you should be married or something.
[01:50] * Tall-HmG-Dude is bored
[01:50] * Joins: Guest76827 (java@=sellqr-05-43-170-500.rev.o1.com)
[01:50] * Tall-HmG-Dude yawns
[01:50] * mai-goddess http://members.asianavenue.com/devilish_smil3
[01:50] <MiShA69> Jacklo, yeah, married and divorced 3 times...with 4 kids
[01:50] <ms_day> is anyone in here from oregon or washington state?
[01:50] <MiShA69> j/k
[01:50] * SwEet-ivy-tHoR bored heev.....
[01:50] * mai-goddess dont get skurr
[01:50] * Joins: cRaZyGirL28 (ihjcl@=CVj-73-625-0-80.hsd1.il.comcast.net)
[01:50] <Julytoy> Thank you Mai. I'll go jack off to your pictures now
[01:50] <+Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 <---from poorland oregon
[01:50] <Julytoy> bye babe
[01:50] <_jackLo_> I bet yu're married, so are you married?
[01:51] <invisible_man> kuv paub tias yog vim kuv rog nej cov girls thiaj tsis h
ollah at kuv li
[01:51] * mai-goddess ewwwww
[01:51] <ms_day> who are u whoamitoyou?
[01:51] <MiShA69> Jack heck no, I'm not
[01:51] * Parts: JOice_ (prich@=sMgk.jb.35.240.revip.asianet.co.th)
[01:51] * mai-goddess buh bye///
[01:51] * Kiss-Kuv is now known as mttgurl
[01:51] <MiShA69> I've been waiting for you
[01:51] * Quits: Julytoy (chatzilla@=S4m-77-40-24-462.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUIT
: User exited)
[01:51] <MalcomZ> lele
[01:51] <invisible_man> tiamsi tsis ua licas.. muaj ib hnub kuv yeej yuav yuag x
[01:51] <+Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 im just a nobody on here
[01:51] * Quits: california_baby_girl (java@=Cmonjp-60-40-087-42.rev.o1.com) (QU
IT: User exited)
[01:51] <MalcomZ> where'd lele go?
[01:51] * Guest76827 is now known as yourGAME
[01:51] * Parts: FeMaLe22 (comefindou@=ujJET05I11.ipt.aol.com)
[01:51] <MiShA69> Jacklo from NC? right?
[01:51] <ms_day> lolz
[01:51] <+Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 lee went to dig pim
[01:51] * SwEet-ivy-tHoR waves hello to tall_hmg
[01:51] <_jackLo_> Misha well keep waiting becuase I'm only into short midget hm
ong girls.
[01:51] * mai-goddess tiger bite tnemal....
[01:51] <MiShA69> hahhaha
[01:51] * Joins: Guest86117 (java@=IFbpx-82-3-170-90.qld.westnet.com.au)
[01:51] * Joins: LadyBabyK (LadyBabyK@=mbSPM2X0R3.ipt.aol.com)
[01:52] * Joins: Guest77479 (java@=MQa-04-09-971-898.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[01:52] <`MzLeLe`> hahah fade you wish
[01:52] <`MzLeLe`> haha
[01:52] <MiShA69> Damn, I better cut off my legs
[01:52] <@tAkumi-> aight, lates ya...take care
[01:52] <_jackLo_> Yes I'm from MN why?
[01:52] <SwEet-ivy-tHoR> gosh I'm bord
[01:52] <+Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 but u are lee
[01:52] <SwEet-ivy-tHoR> LOlz
[01:52] <SwEet-ivy-tHoR> wow
[01:52] * Quits: @tAkumi- (Unfadeable@=Xjsn-qpw-scga8-928-62-476-323.cpinternet.
com) (QUIT: User exited)
[01:52] <SwEet-ivy-tHoR> interesting
[01:52] <`MzLeLe`> haha misha that's the one and only jacklo
[01:52] * Guest86117 is now known as kaka
[01:52] * Joins: hlithoj (comefindou@=ujJET05I11.ipt.aol.com)
[01:52] * Guest77479 is now known as STPGRL
[01:52] <SJG> oh...mai is from fresno?? Me too! LoL
[01:52] <_jackLo_> Mai-goddess don't you have a tatoo?
[01:52] <MiShA69> I thought u waz frum NC
[01:52] * Joins: Guest75331 (java@=J9ycgj-64-723-4-185.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
[01:52] <STPGRL> NEED VOLUNTEERS ages 13 and up TO WASHINGTON D.C. on June 18 (S
at) thru June 22 (Wed) to help hold signs and march.This march we hope to help t
he Hmong back in the jugle to survive and to fight for Hmong freedom. Free trans
portation. BRING your whole family. If you are interested please PC me STPGRL
[01:52] * STPGRL was kicked by serenitee (14mIRC32/046.0314 blur/blank 4—14(text flood14)4—
[01:52] <`MzLeLe`> haha misha he is from NC
[01:52] * mai-goddess maybe why jack...
[01:52] <MiShA69> i still got those stupid pictures that jack sent me
[01:52] * Joins: Guest77596 (java@=Zjv-58-51-211-511.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[01:52] * TOu_on_Da_Phone{Away} is now known as TOu_
[01:52] * Guest75331 is now known as skoolgurl
[01:52] <_jackLo_> Misha yes I am.
[01:53] <MiShA69> with his pants pulled up high and a stupid hat on waving hi
[01:53] * Guest77596 is now known as stpgrl
[01:53] <`MzLeLe`> which ones misha?
[01:53] <SwEet-ivy-tHoR> BRB
[01:53] * Quits: Tall-HmG-Dude (Hero_In_Ti@=RPjxdn-ee33-bem86.cvip.net) (Ping Ti
[01:53] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha
[01:53] <`MzLeLe`> he still sends those out
[01:53] <_jackLo_> Mai goddess you have a butterfly tatoo right?
[01:53] <MiShA69> hahaha
[01:53] <MiShA69> idiota
[01:53] <MalcomZ> lele!
[01:53] * kaka is now known as kaka91333
[01:53] <assdefer> http://www.hmoobclick.com/loverm/loverm/
[01:53] <MalcomZ> when are we gonna hook you
[01:53] <SJG> I'll volunteer to go to washington dc!! but someone gotta come and
pick me up!! LoL
[01:53] <MalcomZ> up
[01:53] * mai-goddess lol butterfly???too fobbish....
[01:53] * hlithoj slaps Who_Am_I_To_You around a bit with a large trout
[01:53] <SwEet-ivy-tHoR> wow....
[01:53] * hlithoj asl?
[01:53] <MiShA69> damn, i gotta start taking pictures like that too
[01:53] <SwEet-ivy-tHoR> aight good nite you all........ this is hella boring
[01:54] * SwEet-ivy-tHoR waves good nite to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[01:54] <_jackLo_> Yeah so far those pictures hasn't scored me any girls.
[01:54] <assdefer> http://www.hmoobclick.com/loverm/loverm/
[01:54] * Quits: JEEL (java@=8Jtrgr-31-23-33-79.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net) (Ping
[01:54] <MiShA69> jacklo what are you talking about, I am deeply in love with yo
[01:54] <MiShA69> all I ever think about is you
[01:54] * hlithoj slaps Who_Am_I_To_You around a bit with a large trout
[01:54] <_jackLo_> Yeah I'm in love with myself too, are you going to the 4th o
f july?
[01:54] * Quits: SwEet-ivy-tHoR (java@=fSBJC-09-64-112-055.new.res.rr.com) (QUIT
: User exited)
[01:54] <MiShA69> without you, I can't sleep, i can't eat
[01:54] * hlithoj portland person.. who r u?
[01:54] * mai-goddess jacklo...i forgot to tell you....ur my babies daddy
[01:54] * mai-goddess hahahah
[01:54] * Joins: Tamada_Guy (Hero_In_Ti@=bvejsq-vk56-biy28.cvip.net)
[01:54] <MalcomZ> LELE!
[01:54] * hlithoj ---portland person.. who r u?
[01:54] <_jackLo_> Yes I got your pregnant mai-goddess.
[01:55] <_jackLo_> Misha well you better just die then. :)
[01:55] * mai-goddess lolz...
[01:55] <_jackLo_> If you can't eat or sleep then you'll die.
[01:55] * Joins: Jun_Junaida_ (fransisca@218.111.98.p0378=)
[01:55] * ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@*.maxonline.com.sg
[01:55] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@218.*
[01:55] * Jun_Junaida_ was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk: s
pam host)
[01:55] <stpgrl> care to chat
[01:55] * Joins: autkast (Nix@=Fvf-63-751-519-073.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[01:55] <MiShA69> jack...noj mov, tsis qab, tsaug zog los tsis tsaug...kuv lub s
iab mas...nrov toog toog twj yuav jump out
[01:55] * Tamada_Guy says hello
[01:55] * Joins: Guest80926 (java@=9khedb-38-81-03-91.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net)
[01:55] <MiShA69> hahahha
[01:55] * Parts: autkast (Nix@=Fvf-63-751-519-073.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[01:56] <Bethy> Huh?
[01:56] * Tamada_Guy is bored and yawns
[01:56] * MalcomZ is now known as MalcomZ`GF
[01:56] <_jackLo_> Ok english please, i can't read hmong.
[01:56] * +Juan2bone is really very bored.
[01:56] <MiShA69> hahahaha
[01:56] * +Juan2bone slaps everyone in the room.
[01:56] <Bethy> ...
[01:56] * hlithoj is now known as gyrlie503
[01:56] * MalcomZ`GF licks MalcomZ
[01:56] * Guest80926 is now known as JEEL
[01:56] <MiShA69> god that was corny
[01:56] <MiShA69> ha ha ha
[01:56] <Tamada_Guy> damn it!!! who stole my name!!! i'm suppose to be ae_Guy
[01:56] <Tamada_Guy> hahaha
[01:56] <Tamada_Guy> :P
[01:56] * Joins: mMy (IRCop@=KuJER68J5G.ipt.aol.com)
[01:56] <MiShA69> american eagle?
[01:56] <MiShA69> sux
[01:56] * `mB 11,12*Howdy mMy
[01:56] * gyrlie503 slaps Who_Am_I_To_You around a bit with a large trout
[01:57] <Tamada_Guy> no...
[01:57] * mMy says Hi Bao.*
[01:57] <_jackLo_> Tampico so do you want me to come over tonight then? I'm stuc
k in Lax for the summer.
[01:57] * Joins: justAchicknamedNikkie (Nix@=Fvf-63-751-519-073.hsd1.mn.comcast.
[01:57] <MiShA69> I like tamada guy better..haha..that's funny
[01:57] * `mB 11,12*:)
[01:57] * gyrlie503 MAI no more +V?
[01:57] <Tamada_Guy> hahaha
[01:57] <Nixon> hmmmmm....
[01:57] <Tamada_Guy> thanks msisha
[01:57] * Parts: gyrlie503 (comefindou@=ujJET05I11.ipt.aol.com)
[01:57] * Joins: Guest02871 (java@=34QS2C5608.ipt.aol.com)
[01:57] <MiShA69> anyone heard anything about TIGERBITe? is he married yet?
[01:57] * Joins: FeMaLe22 (comefindou@=ujJET05I11.ipt.aol.com)
[01:58] <_jackLo_> Yes he's married.
[01:58] <Tamada_Guy> dang, i'm lagging
[01:58] <MiShA69> oh
[01:58] <`MzLeLe`> i don't know misha
[01:58] * `mB 11,12*Howdy Sherie. :)
[01:58] <invisible_man> .. :)
[01:58] * Guest02871 is now known as LadyThao
[01:58] <`MzLeLe`> all i know was that a few years ago
[01:58] <Bethy> www.trimet.org
[01:58] * FeMaLe22 HI MB... BAO?
[01:58] <`MzLeLe`> he was dating my cousin
[01:58] <_jackLo_> I'm married myself.
[01:58] <MiShA69> hRmmmmMmm...what about chad yang? I can't remember hisnick
[01:58] * `mB 11,12*:D
[01:58] <MalcomZ`GF> FCKEN TENG VANG!
[01:58] * mai-goddess stop talkin bout my hubby tiger bite....
[01:58] <LadyThao> hi ADDICTS!!!!!!!!!1
[01:58] * mai-goddess stop talkin bout my hubby tiger bite....
[01:58] <MalcomZ`GF> u b itch a ss!
[01:58] * FeMaLe22 seee...I told u JacK!!!!!
[01:58] <_jackLo_> Got married to an internet girl, I'm not ashamed of it.
[01:58] <MalcomZ`GF> u got caught!
[01:58] * Joins: Guest81015 (java@=O3mp-caw-diub6-328-34-491-997.cpinternet.com)
[01:58] <MalcomZ`GF> its OVER do u hear me!!!!!???!!!
[01:58] * Tamada_Guy is now known as aMeLiKa
[01:58] * FeMaLe22 Jack u cheater
[01:58] <MalcomZ`GF> its OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[01:58] <_jackLo_> Female22 thats why I don't come on much anymore.
[01:58] <+Juan2bone> any ladies from SAC wanna chat...or Cali ladies
[01:58] <_jackLo_> I can only chat when I'm at work or when she's at work.
[01:58] <_jackLo_> Right now she's at work.
[01:58] <invisible_man> *sighs* :)
[01:59] * aMeLiKa is bored
[01:59] * Guest81015 is now known as NraugHmoob
[01:59] * Quits: ms_day (java@=SWrhs-364-17.wou.edu) (QUIT: User exited)
[01:59] * FeMaLe22 hahaha ur rite.. i used to see u on 24/7 not i only see u 23
hours n 30 min per week
[01:59] <MiShA69> There used to be a nick the the word ninja in it...what was it
[01:59] <Nixon> someones got MAJORRRRRRRRRR issues
[01:59] <MalcomZ`GF> TENG! i gave u all my heart
[01:59] <invisible_man> wow! some of you strangers.. seems to be having fun
[01:59] <`MzLeLe`> misha you remember drems right?
[01:59] <MalcomZ`GF> how can u do this to me?
[01:59] <NraugHmoob> nyob everyone
[01:59] <MiShA69> yeah
[01:59] <NraugHmoob> nyob zoo
[01:59] <MiShA69> i do
[01:59] * Quits: ToxicCum (email@=yUusm0238259053jsb.manitowoc.wi.mich.comcast.n
et) (Connection reset by peer)
[01:59] <MalcomZ`GF> how can u just throw away what we had for...for...THIS..for
[01:59] <`MzLeLe`> she's in cali now
[01:59] * Quits: mai-goddess (lee_c4@=d8pwmy-25-09-569-365.rev.o1.com) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
[01:59] <MalcomZ`GF> r u outta ur freaken mind?
[01:59] <MiShA69> i see
[01:59] <_jackLo_> I'm serious I'm married but if any of you single girls still
want to sleep with me I don't mind.
[01:59] <MalcomZ`GF> i gave u all my heart!
[02:00] <_jackLo_> I know, I'm a trophy.
[02:00] <MiShA69> HE LISALOVe what was the nick with 'ninja' in it?
[02:00] <MalcomZ`GF> how can u teng!
[02:00] * Joins: romeothug (java@69.105.150.O8190=)
[02:00] <MalcomZ`GF> u told me u love me..
[02:00] * ChanServ sets mode: +o romeothug
[02:00] <`MzLeLe`> oh yeah misha haha andy married cici
[02:00] <MalcomZ`GF> u told me irc was nothing to u
[02:00] * Quits: Lady_Evolution (qpidzgurlo@=eJhnr-up-399nvxzkgI5827.dialsprint.
net) (QUIT: User exited)
[02:00] * Lisalove is now known as Ninja-R
[02:00] <MiShA69> really?
[02:00] <_jackLo_> She don't know who they are.
[02:00] <MalcomZ`GF> and u'd give it up for me
[02:00] <MiShA69> ohhhh
[02:00] * Quits: lady-succubus (java@=DBITL-88-792-482-56.new.res.rr.com) (QUIT:
User exited)
[02:00] <MalcomZ`GF> u dam fcker
[02:00] <`MzLeLe`> yep
[02:00] * aMeLiKa is bored!!!
[02:00] <MalcomZ`GF> ur just like the rest of them
[02:00] <MiShA69> ninja..that was chad right? tallboy's friend?
[02:00] <`MzLeLe`> yeah ninja r
[02:00] * Joins: Imma_Bachelor (Imma_Bache@=Ksv-82-7-253-77.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[02:00] <assdefer> this song is for all the sexy naughty *******
[02:00] <MalcomZ`GF> and quit fcken hiding NIXON teng!
[02:00] <MiShA69> is tallboy married yet?
[02:00] <Ninja-R> errrr no
[02:00] <assdefer> http://www.hmoobclick.com/loverm/loverm/SexyNaughtyBitchyMe.h
[02:00] * aMeLiKa is now known as Super_Human
[02:01] * FeMaLe22 needs a massage
[02:01] <assdefer> hahahaa
[02:01] <Ninja-R> ninja is john
[02:01] <`MzLeLe`> wan't ninja r johnny platick?
[02:01] <Ninja-R> lol
[02:01] <`MzLeLe`> oops
[02:01] <MiShA69> oh...
[02:01] <MalcomZ`GF> lele
[02:01] <_jackLo_> Ye's I'm married.
[02:01] <`MzLeLe`> johnny plastick
[02:01] <assdefer> this song is for all the sexy naughty ******* girl
[02:01] <MalcomZ`GF> if u want teng
[02:01] <MalcomZ`GF> u can have teng
[02:01] <MalcomZ`GF> he is ALL urs!
[02:01] <MiShA69> ninja do you know chat?
[02:01] <`MzLeLe`> huh?
[02:01] <MiShA69> woops
[02:01] <MiShA69> chad
[02:01] * Joins: Guest80617 (java@=ybllqr-05-43-161-547.rev.o1.com)
[02:01] * Quits: SJG (SanJoseGuy@=p2ldgq-63-865-11-23.dsl.frs2ca.pacbell.net) (Q
UIT: User exited)
[02:01] <Ninja-R> yes
[02:01] <MiShA69> what was his nick?
[02:01] <Ninja-R> dun remember
[02:01] <`MzLeLe`> teng and his dramas
[02:01] <MiShA69> arggh..is he married yet?
[02:01] * Guest80617 is now known as night_rider
[02:01] * Ninja-R is now known as Michael-Damian
[02:01] * +Juan2bone is really very bored.
[02:01] * +Juan2bone slaps Who_Am_I_To_You around with a large trout!
[02:02] * +Juan2bone slaps everyone in the room.
[02:02] <simplymai> Ouch
[02:02] <MiShA69> IS CHAD MARRIED YET?
[02:02] <Michael-Damian> no clue
[02:02] <MiShA69> oh
[02:02] <simplymai> Whatever floats your boat man.
[02:02] <MiShA69> okee
[02:02] <+Juan2bone> any ladies from SAC wanna chat...or Cali ladies
[02:02] <Bethy> Mai.
[02:02] * simplymai kicks Juan2bone
[02:02] <Bethy> DOrk.
[02:02] * `mB 11,12*Howdy simplymai :)
[02:02] <Bethy> Jeez.
[02:02] <simplymai> Bethy.
[02:02] <+Juan2bone> sup mai?
[02:02] <Bethy> About time.
[02:02] <_jackLo_> Simplymai so how's your night?
[02:02] <simplymai> Hi Bao?
[02:02] <simplymai> haha
[02:02] <MiShA69> does he still live in those apartments by the soccer tourny gr
[02:02] <Bethy> Lee wants you.
[02:02] <simplymai> What?
[02:02] <simplymai> Lee who?
[02:02] * `mB 11,12*:D
[02:02] * TOu_ is now known as Floatin_oN_Cloud9
[02:02] <Bethy> Lee Xyooj mas.
[02:02] <Michael-Damian> doubt it
[02:02] <Kung_Lao> no i don't
[02:02] <Bethy> Yes you did.
[02:02] <invisible_man> it's sad being a fat person :( we have to deal with bein
g last pick in sports (unless it's being a center in football) ... people laff a
t us cause our body jiggles as we walk...
[02:02] <simplymai> Who's Lee Xyooj?
[02:02] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha oh yeah misha bizzy got married
[02:02] <Kung_Lao> i was just wondering where she's been lately
[02:02] <justAchicknamedNikkie> hey Bao..
[02:02] <Kung_Lao> hahaha
[02:02] * Joins: Guest80887 (java@=4ea528-19-kfq-thatxy-4.ucdavis.edu)
[02:02] <Bethy> Anonymous.
[02:03] <Bethy> Dork.
[02:03] <MalcomZ`GF> fk teng
[02:03] <Bethy> Yog Lee.
[02:03] <Kung_Lao> she forgots about me already
[02:03] <MalcomZ`GF> i HATE u!
[02:03] * Joins: MaymayYajs (IRCop@=T2UDUW570A.ipt.aol.com)
[02:03] * Quits: JEEL (java@=9khedb-38-81-03-91.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[02:03] <Bethy> haha
[02:03] * `mB 11,12*Nikkie??
[02:03] <Bethy> Sure Lee.
[02:03] <MalcomZ`GF> i dont ever want to see u again
[02:03] * Quits: mMy (IRCop@=KuJER68J5G.ipt.aol.com) (Kill by NickServ (GHOST co
mmand used by MaymayYajs))
[02:03] <invisible_man> Hi simplymai
[02:03] <simplymai> Anonymous?
[02:03] * MaymayYajs is now known as mMy
[02:03] <simplymai> :/
[02:03] <Bethy> That's not what it osunded like.
[02:03] <simplymai> Hi invisible_man
[02:03] <MalcomZ`GF> u fcken b itch!
[02:03] <Bethy> sounded
[02:03] <MalcomZ`GF> i hate u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[02:03] <Kung_Lao> she, she don't even remember me
[02:03] <MiShA69> I need to sleep soon
[02:03] <simplymai> Yeah seriously, I don't
[02:03] <MiShA69> i work at 9 in the morning
[02:03] * Joins: Bachelor510 (Imma_Bache@=Ksv-82-7-253-77.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[02:03] <simplymai> :/
[02:03] <Bethy> hahaha
[02:03] <assdefer> this song is for all the sexy naughty ******* girls like bet
hy and simplymai
[02:03] <assdefer> http://www.hmoobclick.com/loverm/loverm/SexyNaughtyBitchyMe.h
[02:03] <SweetBoi916> sweet lady ya
[02:03] <Nixon> pahouas parents neglected her when she was a baby...
[02:03] <`MzLeLe`> misha alot of the irc people are still around
[02:03] <assdefer> hahahaaha
[02:03] <assdefer> hahahaaha
[02:03] * Guest80887 is now known as uc
[02:03] <Bethy> Whatever.
[02:03] * uc is now known as uc34662
[02:03] <Nixon> is this the reason to all the issues??
[02:03] <simplymai> Bethy look at that, I didn't even do anything and I have tha
t name.
[02:03] <simplymai> :/
[02:03] <Kung_Lao> see told you betyhy
[02:03] <_jackLo_> Misha wanna see my wife?
[02:03] <Super_Human> lol
[02:04] <simplymai> Seriously, Lee Xiong
[02:04] <simplymai> haha
[02:04] <MiShA69> lele a lot of them need to get married
[02:04] <simplymai> Hmmm
[02:04] <Bethy> I don't even know that person, Mai.
[02:04] <Bethy> So pfft.
[02:04] <Bethy> :P
[02:04] <MiShA69> jacklo, I don't need to see a picture of myself
[02:04] <Bethy> Don't blame me for anything.
[02:04] <simplymai> Hmmm
[02:04] <assdefer> hahahaaha
[02:04] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha misha like who?
[02:04] <`MzLeLe`> us?
[02:04] <`MzLeLe`> haha
[02:04] * invisible_man thinks bethy would be a cute azz wifey.. but she may che
at :) cause she'll probably never stop chatting
[02:04] * simplymai blames bethy for EVERYTHING!
[02:04] <simplymai> Bethy that's what happens when you play that role
[02:04] <Bethy> Shut up Brandon.
[02:04] <simplymai> haha
[02:04] <MiShA69> hahhaha...no, just you...j/k
[02:04] <Bethy> That's not funny.
[02:04] * Quits: kaka91333 (java@=IFbpx-82-3-170-90.qld.westnet.com.au) (Connect
ion reset by peer)
[02:04] <Bethy> :|
[02:04] <_jackLo_> Misha tell me what you think http://p8.xanga.com/8a/c0/8ac052
[02:04] <`MzLeLe`> hahaha hell no
[02:04] <`MzLeLe`> i'm ok
[02:04] <Bethy> Seriously, you and Vang.
[02:04] <simplymai> Anonymous =/
[02:04] <Bethy> Needs to get your mouth stapled.
[02:04] <simplymai> I can't remember at all, now Im bothered about my I can't re
[02:04] <justAchicknamedNikkie> hey BAO!!
[02:04] <justAchicknamedNikkie> do u go on hi5?
[02:05] <MiShA69> Jack, no thanks
[02:05] * Kung_Lao is now known as Limus
[02:05] * `mB 11,12*No. I dont
[02:05] <_jackLo_> Simplymai I think you and nkuayi look like twins.
[02:05] <Bethy> Oops
[02:05] <Bethy> I mean.
[02:05] * Quits: Imma_Bachelor (Imma_Bache@=Ksv-82-7-253-77.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
(Ping Timeout)
[02:05] <Bethy> Limus
[02:05] * Quits: night_rider (java@=ybllqr-05-43-161-547.rev.o1.com) (QUIT: User
[02:05] <Bethy> LOL
[02:05] <simplymai> Limus
[02:05] <Limus> there we go
[02:05] <simplymai> Hmm
[02:05] <`MzLeLe`> misha i remember when i met didi and all of them girls
[02:05] <Limus> much better now
[02:05] <MalcomZ`GF> lele
[02:05] <MalcomZ`GF> how do u know teng
[02:05] <simplymai> hahaha
[02:05] <_jackLo_> Hey lee are all those girls married?
[02:05] <simplymai> Lee I never knew your last name
[02:05] <_jackLo_> I bet they got std's from internet guys.
[02:05] <MiShA69> yeah, they're prolly all married now
[02:05] <Limus> hahaha
[02:05] <simplymai> You know why it didn't register Lee?!?!!?
[02:05] <`MzLeLe`> i think karen's married
[02:05] <`MzLeLe`> i'm not sure about the rest
[02:05] <`MzLeLe`> ask guppy
[02:05] <_jackLo_> What about her sister?
[02:06] <`MzLeLe`> who didi?
[02:06] <simplymai> I knew the name Anonymous and I even knew Limus, but I could
n't put it together because...
[02:06] <Limus> it's okies Mai
[02:06] <Bethy> tsk tsk tsk, MaI.
[02:06] <_jackLo_> Oh guppy gave them std's huh?
[02:06] <simplymai> I clicked on /whois
[02:06] <justAchicknamedNikkie> ok.. i was gonna sak u about sumthing..
[02:06] <simplymai> and
[02:06] <simplymai> I
[02:06] <simplymai> got
[02:06] <MiShA69> *yawn*
[02:06] <Bethy> HAHAHA
[02:06] <`MzLeLe`> i know stephenie did
[02:06] <simplymai> a ucdavis.edu
[02:06] <Bethy> HAHAHAH MAI
[02:06] <simplymai> which is obviously the wrong person
[02:06] <simplymai> puahahaa
[02:06] <Bethy> HAHAH MAI
[02:06] <Bethy> HAHAHHAHAHAHA
[02:06] <_jackLo_> Steph got std's?
[02:06] <simplymai> so I'm like Lee Xyooj? from DAvis?
[02:06] <simplymai> uh =/
[02:06] * Joins: stupid_uglee_kid (_JACKASS@=iDSJT-97-85-70-751.kc.res.rr.com)
[02:06] <Bethy> omg, someone here goes to UCD?
[02:06] <MalcomZ`GF> who wants teng?
[02:06] <MalcomZ`GF> he's FREE now
[02:06] * Quits: nkaujsovsiab (java@=9XQS23895S.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[02:06] <simplymai> no he doens't
[02:06] <MalcomZ`GF> u all can have him
[02:06] <Bethy> He's from Akron, OH.
[02:06] <Bethy> Silly Mai.
[02:06] <simplymai> It was someone elses whois
[02:06] <simplymai> hahaha
[02:06] <simplymai> :/
[02:06] <Limus> hahaha
[02:06] <Bethy> Who goes to UCD?!
[02:06] <Bethy> Oohz.
[02:06] <stupid_uglee_kid> wassup
[02:06] <Limus> Mai's so sillie
[02:06] <MalcomZ`GF> he's nothing but a DOG!!!!!!!!
[02:06] <assdefer> http://www.hmoobclick.com/loverm/loverm/
[02:06] <stupid_uglee_kid> hello
[02:07] <_jackLo_> I think they all have std's.
[02:07] <invisible_man> theres this perfect xiong girl i want... but when i try
to break it down to her just like that! she goes* "whatever..." *sighs*
[02:07] * Joins: Guest87827 (java@=2YUHH3V993.ipt.aol.com)
[02:07] <_jackLo_> Lee just admit it, you have std's too.
[02:07] <invisible_man> stpgrl soprry no pc.. cant you tell i'm sad?
[02:07] <_jackLo_> Misha how about you? Do you have any std's?
[02:07] * Joins: CaLypso^19 (BUGYMEN@=dsxt35.delta116.maxonline.com.sg)
[02:07] <Super_Human> i'm freggin bored!!!
[02:07] <assdefer> bethy,,,send me a pic
[02:07] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@*.maxonline.com.sg
[02:07] * CaLypso^19 was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk: Clo
ne or Drone host)
[02:07] <simplymai> uc does Bethany
[02:07] <simplymai> ahha
[02:07] <MiShA69> I have std's....Jack gave them to me
[02:07] <invisible_man> have some respects! sheesh
[02:07] <+tnemaLsni`away> whatever brandon
[02:07] * Joins: Guest87996 (java@=bbDN70850R.ipt.aol.com)
[02:07] * invisible_man is sad
[02:07] <Bethy> Oh.
[02:07] <assdefer> bethy,,,send me a pic babe
[02:07] <simplymai> uc34662
[02:07] * Quits: uc34662 (java@=4ea528-19-kfq-thatxy-4.ucdavis.edu) (QUIT: User
[02:07] <Bethy> Shut up.
[02:07] <Bethy> You're annoying.
[02:07] <Limus> hahaha
[02:07] <Bethy> Jeez.
[02:07] <_jackLo_> What about you simplymai, have you checked into the universit
y clinic to get yourself tested?
[02:07] * +tnemaLsni`away licks Bethy
[02:07] * mMy dances around the room.*
[02:07] <Bethy> Stop it Vang!
[02:08] <Limus> Bethy's a cutie pie
[02:08] <Bethy> You always get me in trouble.
[02:08] <assdefer> bethy,,,send me a pic babe
[02:08] <simplymai> I don't know Jack, I Don't need to, I'm not a whore.
[02:08] <simplymai> Go f yourself.
[02:08] <invisible_man> hi mmy
[02:08] <Bethy> Shut up hmoobclick.
[02:08] <_jackLo_> ***, tahts how you spread std's man.
[02:08] <Bethy> You're gay.
[02:08] * Guest87996 is now known as nkaujsovsiab
[02:08] <nkaujsovsiab> hi
[02:08] * Joins: Guest82151 (java@=Klq928-60-yzu-exxtru-9.ucdavis.edu)
[02:08] <nkaujsovsiab> hello
[02:08] <assdefer> bethy,,,send me a pic babe
[02:08] * mMy says Hi invisible_man. Where's 98 degrees? Haha. Jk. =P*
[02:08] <assdefer> hahahaha
[02:08] <_jackLo_> Simplymai you might std's if you screw yourself so maybe you
shouldn't be doing that.
[02:08] <MiShA69> when I met jack, he showed me his wee wee and it was infested
with herpies
[02:08] <invisible_man> lol
[02:08] * Joins: [Wormz] (Evil@=bNj-68-865-074-00.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
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[02:08] * MalcomZ`GF is now known as Nixon`s_GF
[02:08] <Bethy> LOL
[02:08] <_jackLo_> Misha we never met before.
[02:08] <MiShA69> and I said, I don't care, I'll do you anyway
[02:08] <simplymai> Jack is a harmless moron.
[02:08] <simplymai> The village idiot
[02:09] <MiShA69> Cuz I felt real sorry for him
[02:09] * [Wormz] is now known as mr_blah
[02:09] <simplymai> He'll get over messing what ya.
[02:09] <_jackLo_> Simplymai why so much anger?
[02:09] * Nixon`s_GF is now known as Nixon`s-EX-GF
[02:09] <invisible_man> no picture.. no chat.. sorry ladies... :) *if i had a sc
anner* i'd share mines too
[02:09] * mMy hugs invisible_man. See you later. =D*
[02:09] * Quits: hMoNg_gUrL (xIoNg_gUrL@=iT9-8uykg386-45.nas1.milwaukee1.wi.us.d
a.qwest.net) (Ping Timeout)
[02:09] * Quits: Guest82151 (java@=Klq928-60-yzu-exxtru-9.ucdavis.edu) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
[02:09] <Bethy> HAHA Mai
[02:09] * Parts: mMy (IRCop@=T2UDUW570A.ipt.aol.com)
[02:09] <_jackLo_> If you have std's just ..just go to a clinic.
[02:09] <assdefer> bethy is so hot being mean
[02:09] <assdefer> errrrrrrrrr
[02:09] <_jackLo_> Misha so what are you up to now?
[02:09] <MiShA69> wormz what's ur name again?
[02:09] * stupid_uglee_kid ish very bored.
[02:09] <assdefer> if u was here.......u gonna get it bethy
[02:09] <mr_blah> <===== wormz
[02:09] <MiShA69> just working..I graduated to work at a hippy grocery store
[02:09] <mr_blah> pc
[02:09] * Joins: Guest83301 (java@=8Ln689-02-oxh-grilwb-2.ucdavis.edu)
[02:09] <assdefer> haahaha
[02:10] <_jackLo_> Ok ladies don't break your hearts over me, I'm sorrie to say
I wont be coming to the MN 4th of july.
[02:10] <assdefer> haahaha
[02:10] * Quits: Guest87827 (java@=2YUHH3V993.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[02:10] * Quits: Guest83301 (java@=8Ln689-02-oxh-grilwb-2.ucdavis.edu) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
[02:10] * Joins: Guest79678 (java@=Me0-7oitz997-8.nas1.milwaukee1.wi.us.da.qwest
[02:10] * Joins: I_need_a_girl (guest@=hNvvpa-30-508-92-861.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.n
[02:10] <+tnemaLsni`away> bethy quit playing with all the men, u wont get caught
[02:10] <Bethy> Shut up Vang.
[02:10] <Bethy> Stop being an ***.
[02:10] <Bethy> Jeez.
[02:10] <_jackLo_> Bethy are you going to the 4th of July?
[02:10] <Bethy> No.
[02:10] <Bethy> Stpo asking me, I already told ybou.
[02:10] <+tnemaLsni`away> haha bethy omg
[02:11] <_jackLo_> Bethy why not?
[02:11] <MiShA69> So i can see his herpy infested wee wee again
[02:11] <assdefer> bethy trying to be a ***** but its now wrking
[02:11] <_jackLo_> I'm in lax right now misha, why dont we meet up tonight.
[02:11] <+tnemaLsni`away> bethy its not my fault what happened between you and y
our guys, sheesh quit blaming m
[02:11] <+tnemaLsni`away> bethy its not my fault what happened between you and y
our guys, sheesh quit blaming me
[02:11] <MiShA69> JACK OKAY!
[02:11] <invisible_man> all of the girls online ain't got much games at all... (
mainly fade and bethy) :) the rest of the games comes from the fat girls who sit
s on da couch all day watching drams and grubbing down the fridge
[02:11] <MiShA69> how about my house
[02:11] <_jackLo_> Ok where do you want to meet up?
[02:11] <MiShA69> omigod
[02:11] <mr_blah> misha = lax vue girl??
[02:11] <Bethy> Vang, if you learned to shut your ***, maybe there wouldn't be a
ny problem.
[02:11] <_jackLo_> Sure you live on 1234 street right?
[02:11] <MiShA69> is that you knocking at my door already?
[02:11] <assdefer> seeee
[02:11] <MiShA69> jack CLOSE but no cigar
[02:11] * Quits: AE_Guy (java@=ZO97.104.59.98.ptr.us.xo.net) (Ping Timeout)
[02:11] <MiShA69> yup I am mrblah
[02:11] <+tnemaLsni`away> bethy whatever, u and him were already going at it
[02:11] * Joins: tonylver (Tony@=qV1-6xbye540-909.nas9.minneapolis1.mn.us.da.qwe
[02:12] <+tnemaLsni`away> pshhhhhhhh
[02:12] <Bethy> You didn't have to add yourself in it.
[02:12] <Bethy> Jeez.
[02:12] <mr_blah> misha = yoshi's crew??
[02:12] <_jackLo_> Well I remember it was 1234 something.
[02:12] <_jackLo_> something like that.
[02:12] <Nixon`s-EX-GF> ouhhhhhhhh i want to bi tch too
[02:12] <MiShA69> mrblah yup
[02:12] <Nixon`s-EX-GF> i need to b itch at teng
[02:12] * Guest79678 is now known as gUrL
[02:12] <Nixon`s-EX-GF> that fcker
[02:12] * gUrL is now known as gUrL96981
[02:12] <_jackLo_> Yoshi smokes.
[02:12] * Super_Human is now known as ae_Guy
[02:12] <mr_blah> who is misha?
[02:12] <+tnemaLsni`away> but fine bethy, ur always right..... have a good life
[02:12] <+tnemaLsni`away> :D
[02:12] <Nixon`s-EX-GF> he went and broke my heart
[02:12] <Bethy> I will.
[02:12] <MiShA69> yes yoshi smokes
[02:12] <Nixon`s-EX-GF> i fell for his charms like LELE
[02:12] * Joins: Nraug_NcoKoj1Leeg_6NruabSiab (Chatz@=5d9bcwwihxft325.famvid.com
[02:12] <ae_Guy> yes!!! finally got my nick back
[02:12] * FeMaLe22 sweet dreams everyone
[02:12] <ae_Guy> lol
[02:12] <assdefer> bethy trying to be a ***** dang
[02:12] <_jackLo_> All girls who smokes are weird.
[02:12] <_jackLo_> Misha do you smoke?
[02:12] * Quits: tonylver (Tony@=qV1-6xbye540-909.nas9.minneapolis1.mn.us.da.qwe
st.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[02:12] <Nixon`s-EX-GF> and now...my hearts broken into so many pieces...
[02:12] <_jackLo_> I never smoked in my whole life.
[02:12] <Nixon`s-EX-GF> and he's ignoring me
[02:12] <MiShA69> wormz hRmmm..I think I have apicture of you
[02:12] <_jackLo_> My lungs must be worth like 40k a peice.
[02:12] <Nixon`s-EX-GF> and he told me he loves me..more then life itself
[02:12] <MiShA69> are you from MIL?
[02:12] <simplymai> Bye Sheri
[02:13] <_jackLo_> Bye sherie why are you leaving?
[02:13] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[02:13] <Michael-Damian> worm's a sheik
[02:13] <MiShA69> Jack yeah I smoke..I smoke you
[02:13] <mr_blah> mich
[02:13] <assdefer> http://www.hmoobclick.com/loverm/loverm/
[02:13] <_jackLo_> Nope I don't smoke.
[02:13] <Michael-Damian> arabian prince
[02:13] <+tnemaLsni`away> i hate getting blamed for people's insecurities
[02:13] <invisible_man> no decent hmong girl smokes
[02:13] <_jackLo_> Its bad.
[02:13] <MiShA69> MRblah..oh..hRmMmM...what's ur name??
[02:13] <MiShA69> COMO TE LLAMAS??
[02:13] <Nraug_NcoKoj1Leeg_6NruabSiab> nyob zoo
[02:13] <Nixon`s-EX-GF> me too vang
[02:13] <Nixon`s-EX-GF> i hate teng blaming me too
[02:13] <Nixon`s-EX-GF> that *******
[02:13] <_jackLo_> Female I thought you were married too?
[02:13] <+tnemaLsni`away> lol Nixon`s-EX-GF
[02:13] * Joins: Guest86918 (java@=hJMZH9F823.ipt.aol.com)
[02:13] <Nixon`s-EX-GF> its not my fault he couldn't leave irc
[02:13] <mr_blah> http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y102/sirmcworm/Young/2.jpg
[02:13] <Nixon`s-EX-GF> he told me he was giong to give up irc for ME!!!!!!1
[02:13] <_jackLo_> Hey folks female22 has big boobs I've seen then in real life.
[02:13] <Nixon`s-EX-GF> and that fcken ******* LIED!
[02:14] * Guest86918 is now known as lil_sunshine21
[02:14] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[02:14] <_jackLo_> Female22 are you ever coming over here agian?
[02:14] <assdefer> http://www.hmoobclick.com/loverm/loverm/
[02:14] * FeMaLe22 jack i was just there last summer.. my parents jsut got back
[02:14] * FeMaLe22 lastnight
[02:14] <MiShA69> WORMZ i don't remember that face
[02:14] <MiShA69> tell me your name!!
[02:14] * Parts: stupid_uglee_kid (_JACKASS@=iDSJT-97-85-70-751.kc.res.rr.com)
[02:14] <MiShA69> sheesh
[02:14] <mr_blah> young kue
[02:14] <MiShA69> !!
[02:14] <mr_blah> cuz i'm bald now foo!
[02:14] * Joins: Guest94297 (java@=vWl-43-06-149-22.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[02:14] <MiShA69> OH YEAHHHHHH
[02:14] <_jackLo_> Well how come you didn't tell me you were here? We could've w
ent and done something.
[02:14] * gUrL96981 is really very bored.
[02:14] <mr_blah> sirmcworm aka worm
[02:14] <_jackLo_> But, but no more meeting at churches.
[02:14] <MiShA69> related to al kue?
[02:14] * Joins: `JACKASS (_JACKASS@=iDSJT-97-85-70-751.kc.res.rr.com)
[02:14] <mr_blah> sumthin like that
[02:14] <assdefer> http://www.hmoobclick.com/loverm/loverm/
[02:14] <_jackLo_> Your cousin is pretty though whatever happend to her?
[02:14] * Joins: Guest87461 (java@=h1t068-78-pwl-eccoss-3.ucdavis.edu)
[02:14] <Michael-Damian> Al
[02:14] <Michael-Damian> hehehe
[02:15] <_jackLo_> Saying your boobs are big isn't making fun of them.
[02:15] * Guest94297 is now known as nice_guy
[02:15] * FeMaLe22 she's leaving for korea this summer
[02:15] * Guest87461 is now known as School
[02:15] <`JACKASS> wassup bros and hoes
[02:15] * School is now known as School52246
[02:15] <MiShA69> MRBLAH okay, I remember you
[02:15] <Bethy> Hi Chewie.
[02:15] <_jackLo_> Wow ..is she married? Taken?
[02:15] <mr_blah> what's ur name misha?
[02:15] <_jackLo_> Or she doing that church thing?
[02:15] <MiShA69> MRBLAH but I don't remember any chats with you
[02:15] * Bethy is now known as Guest82358
[02:15] * Joins: mary_dammit (kIsSMyAsS@=e4rtez-44-741-7-072.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.
[02:15] <`JACKASS> hi beth
[02:15] <Michael-Damian> I went to school with Al, guy never showed up though.
[02:15] * ChanServ sets mode: +v mary_dammit
[02:15] * MiShA69 is misha
[02:15] <`JACKASS> hello my sexy mary
[02:15] <Nixon`s-EX-GF> dam u TENG!!!!!!!!!!
[02:15] <MiShA69> oR...nou vu
[02:15] <Nixon`s-EX-GF> i HATE U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[02:15] <mr_blah> i dunno?
[02:15] <Nixon`s-EX-GF> do u know that?
[02:15] <mr_blah> nou vue?
[02:15] <Nixon`s-EX-GF> i hate u with a passioN!!!!!!!!!!!1
[02:15] <+mary_dammit> hello there my sexy handsome chewie
[02:15] <MiShA69> no..vu..no E
[02:15] * FeMaLe22 she's single
[02:15] <_jackLo_> I can remember her singing to the kids...and i was thinking "
cheeze whiz! why she trying so hard?!"
[02:15] <MiShA69> just VU
[02:16] <Nixon> issues i tell u
[02:16] <Nixon> issues
[02:16] <mr_blah> Nou Vu, dont remember.. i needa pix
[02:16] * nice_guy is now known as nice_guy32361
[02:16] * FeMaLe22 eh?....
[02:16] <MiShA69> sorry, dun have one anymore
[02:16] <_jackLo_> Oh wow is she still vowing not to marry till she's done with
her missionary work?
[02:16] <mr_blah> its coo
[02:16] * FeMaLe22 trying so hard? jack.. it's church... we sing...
[02:16] <_jackLo_> yeah her singing made a lasting impression on me.
[02:16] <`JACKASS> dam its fucckin hot as fucck
[02:16] * ae_Guy is bored!!!
[02:16] <mr_blah> http://www.geocities.com/sirmcworm
[02:16] <MiShA69> ladies....jacklo has a huge wee..
[02:16] <_jackLo_> No no, she was singing to the kids after church.
[02:16] <Nixon`s-EX-GF> lol
[02:16] <MiShA69> ladies....jacklo has a huge wee wee....but infested with herpi
[02:16] <+mary_dammit> hi david
[02:16] <`JACKASS> 7 more days worm ... are you excited
[02:16] <_jackLo_> And I was like "Gee whiz she's so professional/mature"
[02:16] <`JACKASS> hahah
[02:16] <mr_blah> http://pp.asianavenue.com/sirmcworm
[02:16] <Nixon`s-EX-GF> fck it
[02:16] <Nixon`s-EX-GF> this is not fun no more
[02:16] <Nixon`s-EX-GF> fcken TENG!
[02:16] <mr_blah> yup yups eh
[02:16] * Nixon`s-EX-GF is now known as inconsiderate_Pahoua
[02:17] * Guest82358 is now known as War-of-the-Worlds
[02:17] <_jackLo_> You know she was singing with her head voice.
[02:17] <mr_blah> just gotta find a place to park my car
[02:17] * FeMaLe22 it wasn't after church.. it was during church.. we were babys
[02:17] <_jackLo_> Femae and how does she feel?
[02:17] <War-of-the-Worlds> Hi Mailah.
[02:17] <mttgurl> hey Jackass
[02:17] * Joins: Nrhiav_TueHlub (kevinny200@=zUdysi-12-41-500-91.rev.o1.com)
[02:17] <_jackLo_> Yeah when she was babysitting.
[02:17] <`JACKASS> when you going back to fresno from mich
[02:17] <+mary_dammit> wow.sonmeone really hates teng
[02:17] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> fcken teng!
[02:17] <mr_blah> july 8th
[02:17] <+mary_dammit> woowee @ teng
[02:17] * Quits: I_LoveWoman_OnTop (kevinny200@=zUdysi-12-41-500-91.rev.o1.com)
(Ping Timeout)
[02:17] <`JACKASS> oh ok
[02:17] <_jackLo_> I still remember it, it was like she was singing to god or so
[02:17] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> stop playing ur gay game and entertain me!
[02:17] <mr_blah> http://www.geocities.com/sirmcworm
[02:17] <`JACKASS> wassup mttgurl
[02:17] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> lol
[02:17] <mr_blah> http://pp.asianavenue.com/sirmcworm
[02:17] <+mary_dammit> hi bethy my sexy lady
[02:17] <Michael-Damian> I met Amoua at a Phalen Clinic.
[02:17] <+mary_dammit> hi pahoua
[02:17] <mr_blah> http://www.geocities.com/sirmcworm
[02:17] * Quits: Guest78218 (java@=JYjpqe-96-922-1-60.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net) (P
ing Timeout)
[02:17] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> yeah i hate him mary!
[02:17] <mr_blah> http://pp.asianavenue.com/sirmcworm
[02:17] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> ahahah
[02:17] <Nixon> finally
[02:17] * Joins: Guest82287 (java@=Ujdppo-97-19-099-285.rev.o1.com)
[02:17] <_jackLo_> You should've been there.
[02:17] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> fcker!
[02:17] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> lol
[02:17] <_jackLo_> YOU would've been like "Gee whiz!"
[02:17] * inconsiderate_Pahoua kicks TENG GAY
[02:18] <MiShA69> HAHAHAHA..WORMZ..how corny is that with you in that turban
[02:18] * FeMaLe22 umm thats' what singing n praising God is all about.. duher
[02:18] <MiShA69> but it's all good
[02:18] <MiShA69> lol
[02:18] <mr_blah> its hella tigh eh
[02:18] <MiShA69> funny
[02:18] <_jackLo_> Well she was singing to the kids.
[02:18] <_jackLo_> It was like little kid god songs or something.
[02:18] * Guest82287 is now known as TipToes
[02:18] <_jackLo_> So what is she waiting for? what kinda feelings?
[02:18] <_jackLo_> I bet she'll only marry a church guy huh?
[02:18] <invisible_man> wow~! i thought FeMaLe22 said her farewell long ago
[02:18] * FeMaLe22 it's hard to sing kids song that kids can sing in the same pi
[02:18] <TipToes> Is anyone here from Strawberry Valley
[02:18] <FeMaLe22> haha
[02:18] <_jackLo_> Like a 1000000% church guy right/
[02:18] <lil_sunshine21> any boi in here care to chat??
[02:19] * FeMaLe22 is an addict.. addicts takes atleast 30 mins to say byes
[02:19] <Yangsta_P> hello lil sunshine.
[02:19] <_jackLo_> You're not leaving, we're having a conversation.
[02:19] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> TENG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[02:19] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> u little fart
[02:19] <lil_sunshine21> hi there
[02:19] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> entertain me!!!!!!!!!!!!
[02:19] <invisible_man> lol ty for clearing that up FeMaLe22
[02:19] <+mary_dammit> man!!
[02:19] <_jackLo_> So what is she feels she needs in a man?
[02:19] <+mary_dammit> SUP WITH THE NAME TENG???
[02:19] <invisible_man> see that was whay i was unsure of
[02:19] <invisible_man> hi sexy mary
[02:19] <invisible_man> touch me!
[02:19] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> LIGHTBULB!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[02:19] <simplymai> Good night loves.
[02:19] * Quits: simplymai (sdfjasdlfj@=I8me-tannbvhryh-qwvayf.csumb.edu) (QUIT:
User exited)
[02:19] <+mary_dammit> WHY IS EVERYONE CALLING FOR TENG??
[02:19] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> u fart head!
[02:19] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> lol
[02:19] <invisible_man> :)
[02:20] * FeMaLe22 ok.... bye 4reals now
[02:20] <TipToes> does anyone in here know NC_Lonely_Guy from NC?
[02:20] <ae_Guy> hi everyone
[02:20] <_jackLo_> OH if you see her agian tell her I need god in my life and sh
e should be the one to bring him into my life.
[02:20] <+mary_dammit> HI invisible_man...*TOUCH invisible_man
[02:20] <ae_Guy> hi marry
[02:20] <lil_sunshine21> where you from yangstea
[02:20] <+mary_dammit> hi david,..ur late
[02:20] <_jackLo_> TipToes yes that is me.
[02:20] <+mary_dammit> ahahah
[02:20] <TipToes> really?
[02:20] <+Juan2bone> sup mary dammit
[02:20] <TipToes> aren't you a girl?
[02:20] <_jackLo_> So sherie when are you coming back?
[02:20] <+mary_dammit> sup teng
[02:20] <ae_Guy> yeah, i know
[02:20] <_jackLo_> TipTopes yes I'm a girl so what?
[02:20] <mr_blah> yo
[02:20] * Joins: Guest88321 (java@=XEsr-qib-kjsm4-033-79-234-96.cpinternet.com)
[02:20] <ae_Guy> hi pahoua!
[02:20] <+Juan2bone> i'm going to the RAGE thurs nite
[02:20] * FeMaLe22 she wants a tall guy who is into the missionary field.... so
jack.. unless ur grow a few more inches.. n go into missionary n dedicate ur who
le life to God... ur out of the running.. sorry
[02:20] <_jackLo_> Hey mary_dammit does my nick sound like a girl? Just wonderin
[02:20] * ae_Guy farts in pahoua's ears
[02:20] <ae_Guy> ^-^
[02:20] * Quits: NraugHmoob (java@=O3mp-caw-diub6-328-34-491-997.cpinternet.com)
(Ping Timeout)
[02:21] * Guest88321 is now known as NraughmoobMN
[02:21] * FeMaLe22 Jack...... not for awhile
[02:21] <_jackLo_> Female I did grow a couple of inches.
[02:21] <_jackLo_> Im like 5.5 now.
[02:21] * FeMaLe22 sweet dreams jack have fun.. but not too much
[02:21] * mr_blah is now known as sirMcWorm
[02:21] <+mary_dammit> _jackLo_...no
[02:21] * Parts: FeMaLe22 (comefindou@=ujJET05I11.ipt.aol.com)
[02:21] <sirMcWorm> hahahaha
[02:21] <+mary_dammit> not really
[02:21] <_jackLo_> when we met I was like 5.3
[02:21] <`JACKASS> you're fuccking gay worm
[02:21] <+mary_dammit> why?
[02:21] <`JACKASS> hahahaha
[02:21] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> david..we can't flirt tonight
[02:21] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> my HT bf is here
[02:21] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> lol
[02:21] <_jackLo_> mary just checking.
[02:21] <sirMcWorm> dang..... its been ages since i used this nick
[02:21] <+mary_dammit> ok
[02:21] <ae_Guy> lol
[02:21] * Joins: NyceGuyy (23@=sAyilz-27-731-303-037.ny325.east.verizon.net)
[02:21] <`JACKASS> cool page though
[02:21] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> LOL
[02:21] <ae_Guy> hahaha
[02:21] <_jackLo_> TipToes so what do you want to say to me?
[02:21] <MiShA69> doo dee doo dee doo
[02:21] <sirMcWorm> hel yea thos
[02:21] <_jackLo_> Just say you love me.
[02:21] <ae_Guy> who says i was flirting with you
[02:21] <_jackLo_> I know you do.
[02:21] <`JACKASS> i didnt remember kari being that tall though
[02:21] <MiShA69> JACK you love me
[02:21] * Quits: nice_guy32361 (java@=vWl-43-06-149-22.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (Pin
g Timeout)
[02:21] <`JACKASS> hahah
[02:21] <sirMcWorm> ewww!
[02:21] <ae_Guy> i come here to annoy!
[02:21] <sirMcWorm> i needa take that pix out
[02:21] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> forget u TENG!
[02:21] <TipToes> i'm confused, you're a girl
[02:21] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> shoot
[02:21] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> david's here
[02:21] <_jackLo_> Misha sure what do you want to? You wanna meet up?
[02:21] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> he'll entertain me
[02:22] <TipToes> your names jack lo?
[02:22] * Parts: uR`nExT`boIfRiEnD (blah@=KiIEF-97-719-489-541.wi.res.rr.com)
[02:22] <TipToes> wasn't your name something different yesterday
[02:22] <invisible_man> mary do you still wanna talk about it in that way? call
[02:22] <`JACKASS> dam i swear today was the day i sweat the most in my whole entir
e life
[02:22] * Quits: cRaZyGirL28 (ihjcl@=CVj-73-625-0-80.hsd1.il.comcast.net) (Ping
[02:22] <+mary_dammit> where is a good place to go on july 4th?????
[02:22] <ae_Guy> lol
[02:22] <`JACKASS> shittz
[02:22] <+mary_dammit> where is a good place to go on july 4th?????
[02:22] <MiShA69> Jack, yeah yeah yeah...I'll meet you at the radison
[02:22] <+Juan2bone> mary u guys going on thurs nite?
[02:22] <`JACKASS> hot as fuccck at work
[02:22] <_jackLo_> Tiptopes of course not dummie, what is yours? I'm Tou
[02:22] <MiShA69> we can have hot sex all night
[02:22] <TipToes> just what i thought
[02:22] <ae_Guy> home mary!
[02:22] <ae_Guy> hahaha
[02:22] <ae_Guy> thats a good place
[02:22] <_jackLo_> Misha wow really? Umm, I don't know if I can handle that.
[02:22] <TipToes> there's too mnay of the same people
[02:22] * Joins: DorkyDork (auser@=Ksv-82-7-253-77.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[02:22] <`JACKASS> i think i lost 3 pounds today
[02:22] <+mary_dammit> haha
[02:22] <TipToes> i'm ly
[02:22] <+mary_dammit> yeah.that sounds good
[02:22] <TipToes> what's your last name
[02:22] <ae_Guy> and light up some freggin fireworks on top of your roof
[02:23] <ae_Guy> ^-^
[02:23] <_jackLo_> Ly?
[02:23] <MiShA69> jack okay, we can just have cold sex
[02:23] <DorkyDork> genie in here?
[02:23] * Joins: ^LoweNNA16 (twegy@=Ir921.Red-80-36-29.pooles.rima-tde.net)
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[02:23] * ^LoweNNA16 was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk: spa
m host)
[02:23] <TipToes> yeah
[02:23] <_jackLo_> cold sex, that would be cool.
[02:23] <MiShA69> yes, it would be cool
[02:23] <_jackLo_> TipToes I forgot your homepage what was it agian?
[02:23] <`JACKASS> dam misquito bites
[02:23] <`JACKASS> shizt
[02:23] <+Juan2bone> there's a lot of people in here tonight
[02:23] <_jackLo_> I would like to try it in a swimming pool.
[02:23] <`JACKASS> brb
[02:23] * Quits: LadyBabyK (LadyBabyK@=mbSPM2X0R3.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exite
[02:23] <_jackLo_> Or in the showers but last girl I asked she said no and thoug
ht I was weird.
[02:23] * Quits: Limus (anonymous@=Nxzotd-03-838-29-182.dsl.akrnoh.ameritech.net
) (QUIT: User exited)
[02:23] * ae_Guy yawns
[02:24] <TipToes> oh gosh, liar, never mind. you're not the guy from yesterday,
if you were you'd known that i didn't give it to you yet and i was going to give
it to you now, but since you're not him never mind
[02:24] <invisible_man> mary you know how you said i was way too picky?
[02:24] <MiShA69> sorry people I used to know. I tried looking to see I have any
old pictures of myself in my email, but I don't
[02:24] <_jackLo_> TipToes gee whiz dont tell me you're looking for a real rela
tionship here?
[02:24] <+mary_dammit> invisible_man..umM...who r u?
[02:24] <invisible_man> i think someone likes me... but im cool.. :) cause she w
ould be my second ugliest gf
[02:24] <ae_Guy> what brings you on here pahoua?
[02:24] <TipToes> bye, i'm going to go watch AZN.
[02:24] <ae_Guy> shouldn't you be drinking tonight?
[02:24] * Quits: TipToes (java@=Ujdppo-97-19-099-285.rev.o1.com) (QUIT: User exi
[02:24] <_jackLo_> TipToes fine you do that, you don't know what you're missing
in here.
[02:25] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> i'm bored david
[02:25] <_jackLo_> I bet that girl's got std's.
[02:25] <+mary_dammit> oOOoo
[02:25] <+mary_dammit> brandon dork!
[02:25] <NyceGuyy> Pahoua you're frequently bored.
[02:25] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> besides i missed ur annoying self
[02:25] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> ahaha
[02:25] <invisible_man> mary_dammit do you think imma end up with a cute wife
[02:25] <_jackLo_> Usually girls with std's get irrated by guys easily.
[02:25] <+mary_dammit> im ur first?
[02:25] <+mary_dammit> hahah
[02:25] <invisible_man> i have pretty good luck huh
[02:25] <invisible_man> lol
[02:25] <assdefer> http://www.hmoobclick.com/loverm/loverm/
[02:25] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> yeah well KAO do u care to entertain me and UNbor
e me?
[02:25] <ae_Guy> aww, how thoughtful of you
[02:25] <+mary_dammit> donno brandon...pikkie guys end up with ugly chick
[02:25] <ae_Guy> kill it... kill it!
[02:25] <invisible_man> mary i shall not
[02:25] <invisible_man> i will kill her
[02:25] <invisible_man> :)
[02:25] <NyceGuyy> Pahoua i'm not a professional entertainer!
[02:25] * Quits: +tnemaLsni`away (Chatz@=R5v-94-02-20-279.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (
QUIT: User exited)
[02:25] <invisible_man> if she dont get a makeover
[02:25] * Joins: a_916_guy (Chatz@=ubd-86-05-76-758.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[02:25] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> dont matter kao
[02:26] <ae_Guy> lol
[02:26] <War-of-the-Worlds> UGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
[02:26] <War-of-the-Worlds> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[02:26] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> as long as it entertainment
[02:26] <ae_Guy> i gotta poem for yals!!! its soo damn true with every relationsh
[02:26] <War-of-the-Worlds> Chris Kreski
[02:26] <ae_Guy> opps..
[02:26] <ae_Guy> i mean relationship
[02:26] <MiShA69> OH WELL
[02:26] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> ur gay david
[02:26] <MiShA69> If you guys really want to know how I look like...look up zeng
[02:26] <MiShA69> hahahaaah
[02:26] <MiShA69> j/k
[02:26] <invisible_man> do recite your poem brother ae_Guy
[02:27] <invisible_man> we have no choice but to watch it anyways
[02:27] * Floatin_oN_Cloud9 is now known as TOu_
[02:27] <ae_Guy> i lusted for you when i saw you... i liked your when i'm got wi
th you... i loved you when i married you...
[02:27] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> DAVID..jsut cause ur relationship was STUPID dont
mean u gotta be bitter
[02:27] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> ahaha
[02:27] <ae_Guy> corny but true
[02:27] <ae_Guy> ^-^
[02:27] <_jackLo_> O I have a true poem too.
[02:27] <DorkyDork> sup tou boi
[02:27] <TOu_> sup Beeboi
[02:27] <_jackLo_> I wanted to screw her, so I dated her, then I screwed her, an
d it was funnier, then I was screwing her sister.
[02:28] <MiShA69> Jack, have I ever told you that I love you?
[02:28] <ae_Guy> lol
[02:28] <DorkyDork> is trish asleep?
[02:28] <_jackLo_> Misha nope, but how can you love somebody you never met?
[02:28] <TOu_> yeah
[02:28] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> i want to be floating on cloud 9 shoot
[02:28] <DorkyDork> ****..
[02:28] <DorkyDork> ok kewl
[02:28] <TOu_> dead and snorin away
[02:28] <TOu_> hahahaha
[02:28] <DorkyDork> haha
[02:28] <DorkyDork> she snores?
[02:28] <ae_Guy> damn, i see some fobby hmong folks are on aa
[02:28] <ae_Guy> hahaha
[02:28] <TOu_> she works at 8 later today
[02:28] <ae_Guy> ^-^
[02:28] <DorkyDork> oh yeah.. blackmail time
[02:28] <_jackLo_> Pahaou why dont you masterbate.
[02:28] <TOu_> nah.. but im jsut sayin
[02:28] <DorkyDork> yeah she told me
[02:28] <DorkyDork> haha
[02:28] <MiShA69> HEY EVERYONE...I would just like to announce to you all that I
LOVE JACKLO..even if his wee wee is infested with herpies
[02:28] <TOu_> hahahaha
[02:28] <DorkyDork> :S
[02:29] <DorkyDork> oooo.. k?
[02:29] <ae_Guy> hahha
[02:29] <_jackLo_> Its herpes, not herpies.
[02:29] <MiShA69> whatever
[02:29] <MiShA69> hahahah
[02:29] <DorkyDork> so tou u down for a irc addict meet?
[02:29] <DorkyDork> hahah
[02:29] <MiShA69> I never learned how to spell in college
[02:29] <NyceGuyy> misha69 "wee wee" geez. is that the term nowadays? Why not so
mething more adult-sounding?
[02:29] <_jackLo_> what a waste of money.
[02:29] <ae_Guy> lol
[02:29] <MiShA69> I know
[02:29] <ae_Guy> pahoua... what college you going to?
[02:29] <DorkyDork> im gonna come up and try to get trish, you, perhaps ally!!!
together and go have some fun
[02:29] <TOu_> lol
[02:29] <TOu_> sure
[02:30] <DorkyDork> youa.. and jenny ofcourse too
[02:30] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> kuv mus fresno state os
[02:30] <TOu_> if there's any good lookin girls willin to show up
[02:30] <TOu_> hahaha
[02:30] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> koj neh?
[02:30] <TOu_> im down 4 it
[02:30] <MiShA69> myceguyy because the word wee wee describes exactly how it loo
[02:30] * Joins: ^MArveLLe^ (xdehx@=pAcdsh8.thess.sch.gr)
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[02:30] <MiShA69> ha ha
[02:30] <ae_Guy> lol
[02:30] <DorkyDork> haha.. u can try ally then :D
[02:30] <TOu_> o yeah.. if it's free to get in
[02:30] <ae_Guy> i'll see you in the spring semester
[02:30] <_jackLo_> I think every hmong guy's is just a wee wee.
[02:30] <NyceGuyy> misha "and the little pig said wee wee wee all the way home"
[02:30] * Joins: Emily^^ (kaledibeni@
[02:30] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@61.94.*
[02:30] * Emily^^ was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk: spam h
[02:30] * Quits: School52246 (java@=h1t068-78-pwl-eccoss-3.ucdavis.edu) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[02:30] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> i'll be there fall semester
[02:30] <MiShA69> nyceguy yeah, that's right
[02:30] * TOu_ is now known as NCb0|z
[02:30] <MiShA69> Dorkydork you m?
[02:30] <DorkyDork> yup.. male
[02:30] <`JACKASS> hmm...
[02:31] * Parts: I_need_a_girl (guest@=hNvvpa-30-508-92-861.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.n
[02:31] <ae_Guy> imma need to finish up some classes before i head to state
[02:31] <MiShA69> dorky dork are you tall?
[02:31] * `JACKASS is now known as C-MURDER
[02:31] <@reality_gurl> gooodnight everyone
[02:31] * Quits: @reality_gurl (nSeNsItIvE@=Fzp-65-896-16-57.hsd1.ca.comcast.net
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m host)
[02:31] <DorkyDork> oh yeah
[02:31] <DorkyDork> im tall
[02:31] <DorkyDork> long too.. hahaha :D
[02:31] <MiShA69> dorkydork, are you skinny?
[02:31] * ae_Guy is not that tall at all
[02:31] <DorkyDork> no not skinny
[02:31] <MiShA69> awww darn!
[02:31] <_jackLo_> Misha are you still waiting on the perfect guy to pop your ch
[02:31] <DorkyDork> just perfect
[02:31] <MiShA69> I like tall skinny dorky guys
[02:31] <ae_Guy> i'm fatty skinny
[02:32] <ae_Guy> hahaha
[02:32] <DorkyDork> hahaha
[02:32] <NCb0|z> lol
[02:32] <DorkyDork> u don't want skinny
[02:32] * NCb0|z is now known as TOu_
[02:32] <DorkyDork> they won't be able to carry you
[02:32] <DorkyDork> ahha
[02:32] <MiShA69> cherry? psHhhHh...that dissappeared a Long time ago! pSh!
[02:32] * Quits: yourGAME (java@=sellqr-05-43-170-500.rev.o1.com) (QUIT: User ex
[02:32] <C-MURDER> guess whos back in the mutha funkin house with some fat nuts in
yo mutha funkin mouf
[02:32] * C-MURDER *
[02:32] * `mB *
[02:32] * `mB 11,12*Howdy chewie!
[02:33] <MiShA69> Dorkydork..well, I like to be the dominatrix
[02:40] * Disconnected
[02:40] * Rejoined channel #hmongtalk
[02:40] * Topic is '0,2 Welcome to #Hmongtalk- Visit us at = www.Pebhmong.com  to enabl
e (private message or pc) type "/umode -Mm" if there's anything wrong please e-ma
il Pebhmong@Pebhmong.zzn.com '
[02:40] * Set by Al3x on Sat Apr 30 16:11:19
[02:40] <MiShA24> I'm psycho...eRR..I meant psychic
[02:40] * Hi is now known as SacBoi
[02:40] * Quits: War-of-the-Worlds (java@=DDk-81-128-171-265.hsd1.or.comcast.net
) (QUIT: User exited)
[02:40] <_jackLo_> Skoolgurl hello there darling.
[02:40] * Guest3811 is now known as Who_Am_I_To_You
[02:40] * Quits: SweetBOix916 (java@=4tv-92-63-08-579.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT
: User exited)
[02:40] <aLLySa> Hi bee
[02:40] <MiShA24> okay
[02:40] * Joins: ae_Guy (Hero_In_Ti@=Vntbmy-ha24-kqc46.cvip.net)
[02:40] <MiShA24> night night all
[02:40] <C-MURDER> your just another adoring c-murder fan
[02:40] <TiMkUv> ally
[02:40] <aLLySa> wb my girlee
[02:40] * Joins: sa1nt (hmong@=ggv-82-32-77-15.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[02:40] * Joins: mary_dammit (kIsSMyAsS@=myswms-09-496-9-255.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.
[02:40] <aLLySa> yes?
[02:40] * Joins: ro11in (ro11in@=Qnjpqe-96-922-1-60.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
[02:40] * ChanServ sets mode: +v mary_dammit
[02:40] <TiMkUv> so who is he eh? hehe
[02:40] * ae_Guy soo bored
[02:40] <+mary_dammit> fawk!
[02:40] <MiShA24> cmurder..how'd u know?
[02:40] * Parts: ClaudeLv250 (Claude@=6sthp1673267318klj.whtmrs01.md.comcast.net
[02:40] * `mB 11,12*Howdy ro11in gay :)
[02:40] <MiShA24> :P
[02:40] <skoolgurl> hi
[02:40] <i_P> me too david
[02:40] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hi cmurder
[02:40] <C-MURDER> i just know
[02:40] * `mB 11,12*Howdy mary. :)
[02:40] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hi mary
[02:40] * Joins: War-of-the-Worlds (java@=nwb-73-524-291-006.hsd1.or.comcast.net
[02:40] <MiShA24> okay..miss me now!!
[02:40] <C-MURDER> hi who
[02:41] <ro11in> hi `mB
[02:41] <+mary_dammit> hi Who_Am_I_To_You
[02:41] <ro11in> wassup mary
[02:41] <ae_Guy> who's i_p?
[02:41] <ae_Guy> hrms...
[02:41] * Joins: Malcom (got_skillz@=i3x49.183.4.181.fdl.wi.charter.com)
[02:41] <C-MURDER> 4,1colors
[02:41] <+mary_dammit> supperZ ro11in
[02:41] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hi rollin
[02:41] <TiMkUv> sooo???
[02:41] <C-MURDER> 4,1woo hooo i got my colors back
[02:41] * Joins: romeothug (java@69.105.150.ez358=)
[02:41] <ae_Guy> must be pahoua
[02:41] * ChanServ sets mode: +o romeothug
[02:41] <ro11in> hi fadewho
[02:41] <War-of-the-Worlds> Hi Chao.
[02:41] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 punk
[02:41] * Joins: Gaugee17 (carlos@=cOnep337870.netvigator.com)
[02:41] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@*.netvigator.com
[02:41] * Gaugee17 was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk: spam
[02:41] <ro11in> hi Bethy
[02:41] <MiShA24> NIGHT ALL!!! I might just be MiShA42 the next time I log onto I
[02:41] * `mB 11,12*o.O
[02:41] <MiShA24> j/k
[02:41] <TiMkUv> lol
[02:41] <MiShA24> won't be that long I hope
[02:41] * Joins: Guest29728 (java@=GvZBN55837.ipt.aol.com)
[02:41] <MiShA24> okay
[02:41] <+mary_dammit> haha
[02:41] <TiMkUv> so ally?
[02:41] * Joins: kLiqueY (kLiQ@=Baa-18-746-716-4.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[02:41] <C-MURDER> 4,1or you must might be mishit next time you long in too
[02:41] <_jackLo_> Bye misha!
[02:41] <C-MURDER> 4,1hahaha
[02:41] <ro11in> later nincompoops
[02:42] * Quits: SacBoi (java@=khjcvs-45-09-276-632.rev.o1.com) (QUIT: User exit
[02:42] * Parts: ro11in (ro11in@=Qnjpqe-96-922-1-60.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
[02:42] * +Juan2bone is really very bored.
[02:42] <ae_Guy> so, whats yals doing now?
[02:42] <MiShA24> hahaahha
[02:42] * +Juan2bone slaps everyone in the room.
[02:42] <MiShA24> bye jack..I love you
[02:42] * Guest29728 is now known as CaliLaDy
[02:42] <MiShA24> night dorkydork, I like chubby guys too
[02:42] <_jackLo_> Calilady do you have ahomepage?
[02:42] <ae_Guy> http://www.bestplaces.net/fybp/fybpstart.asp
[02:42] <C-MURDER> 4,1bye misha ... i like chicken farmers too
[02:42] <MiShA24> night wormz
[02:42] <sirMcWorm> night yo
[02:42] <LadyThao> anyone wanna play literati? come to yahoo room : blabber tabl
e: 77
[02:42] <MiShA24> I don't farm chickens
[02:42] <War-of-the-Worlds> HI CHOUA
[02:43] * Joins: Guest29115 (java@=Eqvysd-17-59-656-117.rev.o1.com)
[02:43] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[02:43] <C-MURDER> 4,1but you know how to kill them
[02:43] * Guest29115 is now known as NkaujHmoob_Muas
[02:43] <MiShA24> no i don't
[02:43] <C-MURDER> 4,1so its like almost the same thing
[02:43] <_jackLo_> Ladythoa you want me to whoop your *** in literati?
[02:43] <LadyThao> hi war?
[02:43] * +Juan2bone is really very bored.
[02:43] <sa1nt> hi stpgrl sure we can chat here :) but no pc.. cause i dont wann
[02:43] <LadyThao> jack, let's play
[02:43] <C-MURDER> 4,1think of me when you gut one
[02:43] <LadyThao> i'm bored
[02:43] * +Juan2bone Laughs-Out-Loud!!
[02:43] <MiShA24> I just hold the wings, my kills them
[02:43] <War-of-the-Worlds> Hi Choua.
[02:43] <War-of-the-Worlds> :p
[02:43] <_jackLo_> LadyThao no forget it I dont hae a yahoo thing on this comput
[02:43] <MiShA24> wooops
[02:43] <MiShA24> I meant my mom kills them
[02:43] <LadyThao> jack, you gaybutt
[02:43] <C-MURDER> 4,1and you eat them
[02:43] <MiShA24> OKAY!!!!!
[02:43] <LadyThao> war, who are you?
[02:43] <MiShA24> I GO NOW
[02:43] <+Juan2bone> misha..u look at the chicken..the chicken is dead.....
[02:43] <ae_Guy> http://www.bestplaces.net/fybp/fybpstart.asp find where you be
[02:43] <C-MURDER> 4,1get outta here
[02:43] <_jackLo_> by misha.
[02:43] <MiShA24> STOP TALKING TO ME
[02:44] <C-MURDER> 4,1quit talking to me
[02:44] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[02:44] <MiShA24> JUAN yeah, I just have that medusa look
[02:44] <MiShA24> k
[02:44] <MiShA24> night
[02:44] <+Juan2bone> yeah
[02:44] <MiShA24> !
[02:44] <C-MURDER> 4,1bye sir
[02:44] <+Juan2bone> i bet
[02:44] <MiShA24> miss me
[02:44] <+Juan2bone> well..hav ea good nite misha24
[02:44] <MiShA24> I'm a WOMAN! not a SIR!!!
[02:44] * Joins: kengi (plastlk@
[02:44] * ChanServ sets mode: +o kengi
[02:44] <MiShA24> okay
[02:44] <C-MURDER> 4,1ok sir maam
[02:44] <MiShA24> night
[02:44] <sirMcWorm> u headin out c?
[02:44] <C-MURDER> 4,1in a bit
[02:44] <C-MURDER> 4,1but not yet
[02:44] <C-MURDER> 4,1i was just saying by to my guy pal misha
[02:44] <MiShA24> here's one look for ya'll b4 I go.... ( * ) ( * )
[02:44] <MiShA24> oh
[02:45] <MiShA24> okee
[02:45] <MiShA24> night
[02:45] <C-MURDER> 4,1that was flat
[02:45] <+Juan2bone> c-murder u ever talk to your cuz..ben her from fresno...dud
[02:45] <lil_sunshine21> yangsta ill be right back
[02:45] <MiShA24> not until u touch em
[02:45] <stpgrl> its not a yes tho
[02:45] <C-MURDER> 4,1yea i talk to him
[02:45] <War-of-the-Worlds> www/google
[02:45] <C-MURDER> 4,1do you still talk to him
[02:45] <War-of-the-Worlds> www.google.com
[02:45] * War-of-the-Worlds is now known as Bethy
[02:45] <+Juan2bone> i haven't seen that dude for years dude
[02:45] * Bethy is now known as Bethy|SleepingFckers
[02:45] <+Juan2bone> hes not marry right?
[02:45] <_jackLo_> Any girls with small titties care to chat? Just pc me.
[02:45] <C-MURDER> 4,1he's coming here in a couple weeks
[02:45] <C-MURDER> 4,1hey beth
[02:45] * Quits: MiShA24 (heyyou@=Sjo90.187.108.16.ona.wi.charter.com) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
[02:45] <+Juan2bone> that's cool
[02:45] <skoolgurl> jack....omg
[02:45] <Bethy|SleepingFckers> Hi Chewie.
[02:46] <sa1nt> anyways... night folks enjoy your stay... or sleep if you happen
[02:46] * Quits: sa1nt (hmong@=ggv-82-32-77-15.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT: User
[02:46] <C-MURDER> 4,1hey beth...i gave you your 200th hug in your hug log thing
[02:46] <_jackLo_> Skoolgurl hello there aren't you that girl from PA who's now
[02:46] <Bethy|SleepingFckers> lol
[02:46] <C-MURDER> 4,1i feel kinda special
[02:46] <Bethy|SleepingFckers> Thanks.
[02:46] <Nraug_NcoKoj1Leeg_6NruabSiab> hmm
[02:46] * Joins: MOTU_MASTERSNAKE (MOTU_MASTE@=h5h-37-273-899-20.hsd1.ca.comcast
[02:46] <C-MURDER> 4,1haha
[02:46] <Bethy|SleepingFckers> haha
[02:46] <skoolgurl> lol....
[02:46] <+Juan2bone> chewie u didn't come down to fresno last year huh?
[02:46] <skoolgurl> noe
[02:46] <C-MURDER> 4,1naw last year i didnt
[02:46] <C-MURDER> 4,1maybe this year i will
[02:46] <_jackLo_> Skoolgurl so who are you and where are you from?
[02:46] <+Juan2bone> cool dude
[02:46] <skoolgurl> how many skool gurls can there be?
[02:46] <+Juan2bone> what' have u been up to man?
[02:46] <C-MURDER> 4,1not much ...
[02:46] <skoolgurl> i am meeh, and i am from far away
[02:46] <C-MURDER> 4,1just working
[02:46] * Joins: ItsBeenLonely (blah@24.209.155.Vc628=)
[02:46] <+Juan2bone> u got ben number dude...
[02:47] <_jackLo_> Well I had a friend who's name was similar to yours.
[02:47] <C-MURDER> 4,1i got it but its in my cell ... my sisters using it
[02:47] <C-MURDER> 4,1i'll give to you another time
[02:47] <skoolgurl> she was callled "meeh" too/
[02:47] <_jackLo_> But she got married and I thought you may be her and youre ba
ck becuase you got a divorce.
[02:47] <+Juan2bone> no prob bro..
[02:47] <_jackLo_> No she was not.
[02:47] <skoolgurl> ouchies
[02:47] <_jackLo_> I forgot her name.
[02:47] <C-MURDER> 4,1juan ... its me ... that `JACKASS foolio
[02:47] <skoolgurl> so that's what you're here for?
[02:47] <+Juan2bone> i never though it's u dude
[02:47] * `mB 11,12*Good night chatters
[02:47] <skoolgurl> divorced women?
[02:47] <C-MURDER> 4,1haha
[02:47] * Quits: `mB (java@=t4e-04-167-74-826.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT: User e
[02:47] <_jackLo_> Skoolgurl nope I am not.
[02:47] <+Juan2bone> i thought u guys are two different person
[02:47] <_jackLo_> I'm not here for anyone.
[02:47] <skoolgurl> lol
[02:48] <_jackLo_> Divorced or single.
[02:48] <skoolgurl> good
[02:48] <C-MURDER> 4,1naw its just me
[02:48] <_jackLo_> So do you have a homepage skoolgurl?
[02:48] <+Juan2bone> cool
[02:48] <skoolgurl> of course
[02:48] <C-MURDER> 4,1i'll give you his number tomorrow
[02:48] <_jackLo_> Did you watch that cbs show "Fire Me!" last night?
[02:48] <+Juan2bone> your from kansas right or kentucy
[02:48] <NkaujHmoob_Muas> Juan2bone, how old are you????
[02:48] <C-MURDER> 4,1kc
[02:48] <_jackLo_> Oh may I see your homepage?
[02:48] <+Juan2bone> sure dude
[02:48] <+Juan2bone> cool
[02:48] <skoolgurl> not a chance
[02:48] <Malcom> hmmmm...
[02:48] <C-MURDER> 4,1hey worm
[02:48] <skoolgurl> i think i saw yours before though
[02:48] <_jackLo_> Why not?
[02:48] <skoolgurl> it had a great pica
[02:48] <_jackLo_> Really and thats the reason why I can't see yours?
[02:49] <+Juan2bone> nkaujhmoob muas i hate to see this..but i'm also a moua too
[02:49] <skoolgurl> :D
[02:49] <NkaujHmoob_Muas> Juan2bone, how old are you?????
[02:49] * Joins: `MzLeLe` (mzlele@12.181.228.zN4=)
[02:49] <_jackLo_> That makes no logical sense.
[02:49] <skoolgurl> noe, i'm just a private person like taht
[02:49] <+Juan2bone> say not see
[02:49] <`MzLeLe`> hi chewie
[02:49] <+Juan2bone> i'm twenty8 if u wanna know
[02:49] <_jackLo_> Well then you can private chat me your homepage then.
[02:49] <NkaujHmoob_Muas> i'd just like to know how old u are? doesn;t matter if
u're a moua...just would like to know your age...please
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[02:49] <C-MURDER> 4,1hello Lee
[02:49] <+Juan2bone> i'm twenty8 if u wanna know
[02:49] <NkaujHmoob_Muas> okay...thank you.
[02:49] <+Juan2bone> what about u miss moua?
[02:49] <aLLySa> Hi LeLe mob pim! :)
[02:49] <NkaujHmoob_Muas> i am 22
[02:50] <_jackLo_> Skoolgurl well?
[02:50] <+Juan2bone> where u from anyways
[02:50] <+Juan2bone> just curious
[02:50] <C-MURDER> 4,1im curious if she has a picture
[02:50] <NkaujHmoob_Muas> i'm from stockton
[02:50] * Joins: Guest38114 (java@=Qnjpqe-96-922-1-60.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
[02:50] <`MzLeLe`> kliquey is still up?
[02:50] <+Juan2bone> your so close to where i'm at
[02:50] * C-MURDER slaps Bethy|SleepingFckers around a bit with a large trout
[02:50] <skoolgurl> i can't....i just wouldn't measure up
[02:50] <`MzLeLe`> hi ally kov pim
[02:50] <Bethy|SleepingFckers> ?
[02:50] <C-MURDER> 4,1just testing to see if you really sleeping or not
[02:50] <_jackLo_> Skoolgurl oh so what are you trying to say?
[02:51] <skoolgurl> you are soo much sexier than me...
[02:51] <Bethy|SleepingFckers> Not yet.
[02:51] * kengi sets mode: +v `MzLeLe`
[02:51] * kengi sets mode: +v aLLySa
[02:51] * kengi sets mode: +v C-MURDER
[02:51] * kengi sets mode: +v kLiqueY
[02:51] * kengi sets mode: +v LadyThao
[02:51] <Bethy|SleepingFckers> But I should.
[02:51] <Bethy|SleepingFckers> I have to wake up soon.
[02:51] * Quits: CaliLaDy (java@=GvZBN55837.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[02:51] <_jackLo_> Skoolgurl Oh no I'm not anyways show me your homepage.
[02:51] <+aLLySa> Ua tsaug Kengi tus hlub
[02:51] <+aLLySa> :)
[02:51] <+C-MURDER> 4,1me too
[02:51] * Quits: Guest32418 (HTML@=xlq-77-75-6-879.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (Timed O
[02:51] <+Juan2bone> chewie..u still balad o ru grew some hair dude...??
[02:51] <+C-MURDER> 4,1if i go to sleep now ... i would only have 8 hours to sleep
[02:51] <+C-MURDER> 4,1dam that sucks
[02:51] <Bethy|SleepingFckers> You'd have more than me.
[02:51] <Bethy|SleepingFckers> :\
[02:51] * Quits: TiMkUv (auser@=kqd-86-4-020-97.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT: User
[02:51] <skoolgurl> i saw....the evidence was all there
[02:52] * Quits: sirMcWorm (Evil@=dIp-01-914-847-39.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[02:52] <+aLLySa> Where's Vang????
[02:52] <+C-MURDER> 4,1im a 12 hr or more guy
[02:52] * Joins: PeeOnMee (23@=Lftimi-22-096-939-914.ny325.east.verizon.net)
[02:52] <+C-MURDER> 4,1cant wait til thurs ... i get paid !!!
[02:52] <+C-MURDER> 4,1woo hooo
[02:52] * +aLLySa waves Hi to Kao *
[02:52] * Guest38114 is now known as webmaster
[02:52] * Joins: simplymai (sdfjasdlfj@=VYnx-wdiexooajc-hctofc.csumb.edu)
[02:52] <PeeOnMee> hi there dear Allysa Y/V
[02:52] <+C-MURDER> 4,1imma go buy me some fun stuff
[02:52] <+mary_dammit> dolls
[02:52] <+aLLySa> Hi mai Mai you addict :)
[02:52] <Bethy|SleepingFckers> When did you leave, mai?
[02:52] <_jackLo_> Skoolgurl ok so whatever, so how old are you? You're kinda im
[02:52] <simplymai> Hi Ally, you bigger addict.
[02:53] * Joins: urs_truly (haiek@=QkQL65874F.ipt.aol.com)
[02:53] <+C-MURDER> 4,1dolls ?
[02:53] <+Juan2bone> oh, MAI she's back.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[02:53] <simplymai> Not sure Bethy.
[02:53] <simplymai> :/
[02:53] <simplymai> Hi Teng.
[02:53] <+Juan2bone> hi
[02:53] <+mary_dammit> yes
[02:53] * Quits: +`MzLeLe` (mzlele@12.181.228.zN4=) (Ping Timeout)
[02:53] <+Juan2bone> can't sleep or what mai
[02:53] <_jackLo_> Simplymai so why are you back?
[02:53] <+mary_dammit> hi mai
[02:53] <Bethy|SleepingFckers> :P
[02:53] <simplymai> Hi Mary.
[02:53] <Bethy|SleepingFckers> Night all.
[02:53] * webmaster is now known as webmaster8668
[02:53] * Joins: DDaaaZZZ (blah@=Ya84-29.dial.connexus.net.au)
[02:53] <simplymai> Teng- Nah, I didn't go to sleep yet.
[02:53] <+C-MURDER> 4,1bye my miss beth
[02:53] <+Juan2bone> i guess we missed u mai
[02:53] <simplymai> Night Bethany.
[02:53] <simplymai> Sweet dreams.
[02:53] <+C-MURDER> 4,1see you in your nightmares
[02:53] <simplymai> Hope you feel better tomorrow.
[02:53] <_jackLo_> Skoolgurl well?
[02:54] <simplymai> Teng- sure.
[02:54] * +aLLySa licks Vic *
[02:54] <Bethy|SleepingFckers> LOL
[02:54] <DDaaaZZZ> sup ally
[02:54] <Bethy|SleepingFckers> Me?
[02:54] <simplymai> You were grouchy!
[02:54] <simplymai> =/
[02:54] <Bethy|SleepingFckers> Mai?
[02:54] <_jackLo_> I hate to say it but immature girls turns me off.
[02:54] <skoolgurl> sorrre...whhhaa?
[02:54] <DDaaaZZZ> u still on? u addict
[02:54] <simplymai> Scared me soI left
[02:54] <+aLLySa> What..? I just got on
[02:54] <simplymai> and didn't bother to look at the time.
[02:54] <Bethy|SleepingFckers> ME?
[02:54] <_jackLo_> Skoolgurl you aren't even over 21 huh?
[02:54] <+Juan2bone> mai..u ever gonna go back to SAC for the summer?
[02:54] <simplymai> =(
[02:54] <Bethy|SleepingFckers> wtf
[02:54] <skoolgurl> i was trying to turn you on???
[02:54] <simplymai> Teng- Probably not.
[02:54] <skoolgurl> i guess soo?
[02:54] <DDaaaZZZ> u were on be4 when i came on.. and then before that as well h
[02:54] <+Juan2bone> don['t u missed sac
[02:54] <skoolgurl> nope...21 in july
[02:54] <+Juan2bone> your family
[02:54] <_jackLo_> I'm justy saying, girls like you are a turn off.
[02:54] <skoolgurl> :D
[02:54] <skoolgurl> it's okaie
[02:54] <+C-MURDER> 4,14,1pc me someone
[02:54] <+aLLySa> haha Vic...I'm only here to wait for you my love
[02:54] <+C-MURDER> 4,1im desperate
[02:54] <skoolgurl> i don't mean to turn anyone on
[02:54] <_jackLo_> And we're not even talking about relationship-wise.
[02:54] <skoolgurl> it's okaie
[02:55] <_jackLo_> Like as in conversation-wise.
[02:55] <DDaaaZZZ> ally hahaha pls i know u use that line on all the guys ;)
[02:55] <_jackLo_> Its not that.
[02:55] <+aLLySa> Only you Vic
[02:55] <skoolgurl> i know my capabilities
[02:55] <DDaaaZZZ> hahah sure sure... i have eyes everywhere
[02:55] <+aLLySa> *wink*
[02:55] <_jackLo_> Well I'm just saying you have an immature personality.
[02:55] <simplymai> Teng- Not really. I miss my family but I don't necessarily m
iss Sac.
[02:55] <+Juan2bone> love skoolgurl....when they wear their outfit.....
[02:55] <+Juan2bone> yeah ic
[02:55] <+aLLySa> Good Vic, then you should see the truth
[02:55] <+Juan2bone> it's all good
[02:55] * Joins: MetaLhEaD (MeTALhEaD@=8Cdlrn-84-34-92-36.gdrpwi.dsl-w.verizon.n
[02:55] <simplymai> Yeah.
[02:55] <+aLLySa> Hi Theng
[02:55] <ItsBeenLonely> ....
[02:55] * Joins: Boronia^ (Hercai@203.168.9.pN10=)
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[02:55] <MetaLhEaD> hello allysa
[02:55] <skoolgurl> their outfit?
[02:55] <+Juan2bone> ally it's teng not theng
[02:55] <DDaaaZZZ> ally haha.. anyways.. i wonder who ur msn nick was 4?
[02:56] <+Juan2bone> skoolgurl outfit
[02:56] <_jackLo_> Why can't hmong girls be more grown up and mature?
[02:56] <+aLLySa> Oy Teng, I know, there's a THENG too
[02:56] <simplymai> Cause Hmong guys act like you.
[02:56] <+Juan2bone> tnere is
[02:56] <_jackLo_> Even when they're not in their teen years anymore they all st
ill act like little kids.
[02:56] <+aLLySa> What Vic?? you're on my MSN?
[02:56] <skoolgurl> sorrie jack...that's why we date outside they race...
[02:56] <+Juan2bone> my olderest bro is name THeng...
[02:56] * Joins: Guest48404 (java@=eY05-272.151.popsite.net)
[02:56] <DDaaaZZZ> ally nope im not.. wells i was but not anymore haha
[02:56] <skoolgurl> we are just not enough for hmong guys....
[02:56] <_jackLo_> Skoolgurl don't talk to me, you're too immature.
[02:56] * Joins: Guest40758 (java@=bhhzxgbgrdy-glc.ucr.edu)
[02:56] <skoolgurl> hehehheeh
[02:56] <+aLLySa> OoOOoo.....Vic has me on Block??
[02:56] <+aLLySa> I knew it!!!
[02:56] <skoolgurl> ;D
[02:57] <+aLLySa> No wonder I dont ever see you online
[02:57] <_jackLo_> Any girls with a head on their shoulder care to chat?
[02:57] <_jackLo_> Skoolgur that's not even funnie or cute.
[02:57] <DDaaaZZZ> ally hahah no way ur the only person whos not blocked on my l
ist ;)
[02:57] <simplymai> Cheap line.
[02:57] <_jackLo_> You're degrading and putting yourself down when you act like
[02:57] <+aLLySa> Whatever Vic...I knew it!
[02:57] * Guest48404 is now known as Man_On_Line
[02:57] <skoolgurl> awww, but i am cute
[02:57] <_jackLo_> But I guess you don't even know it.
[02:57] <_jackLo_> No, I don't think so.
[02:57] <+aLLySa> I'm sad now Vic....
[02:57] <skoolgurl> okaie...i'll stop bothering you
[02:57] <+aLLySa> :(
[02:57] <simplymai> LOL I like skoolgurl, she managed to annoy Jack.
[02:57] <DDaaaZZZ> ally ahaha noway... u want me to log into msn just to prove i
[02:57] <simplymai> ha ha ha
[02:57] <+Juan2bone> skoolgurl....u got a pic?
[02:57] <+aLLySa> Yeah vic, you can unblock me now
[02:57] <+aLLySa> How mean!!!
[02:58] <_jackLo_> It might be cute at first but after a while if you don't lose
it, it's just annoying.
[02:58] <simplymai> LOL @ Ally
[02:58] <DDaaaZZZ> now y would i block u 4 ally?..
[02:58] <_jackLo_> You could be pretty as heck but your personality just kills i
t for you.
[02:58] <+aLLySa> See...Vic unblocked me
[02:58] <+aLLySa> Now he's online
[02:58] <+Juan2bone> skoolgurl....u got a pic?
[02:58] <+aLLySa> So mean!!
[02:58] * Quits: Guest40758 (java@=bhhzxgbgrdy-glc.ucr.edu) (QUIT: User exited)
[02:58] <DDaaaZZZ> hahah damn which ever way i go i loose
[02:59] <skoolgurl> yeah, did you want it/
[02:59] <DDaaaZZZ> best just to keep quiet haha
[02:59] <+Juan2bone> yeah
[02:59] <+Juan2bone> show it skoolgurl
[02:59] <simplymai> I open my eyes I try to see but I'm blinded by the white lig
[02:59] <skoolgurl> i'll pc it to you
[02:59] * ae_Guy is bored
[02:59] <simplymai> I can't remember when, I can't remember why I'm lying here t
[02:59] <+aLLySa> Its okay Vic..I understand
[02:59] <+Juan2bone> Mai that song rocks..i love simple plan
[02:59] * Joins: `Roose_26 (sosyette@203.177.235.d9366=)
[02:59] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@203.177.*
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[02:59] * Joins: Guest23506 (MzaNzz@=6hmkkt-77-852-678-057.snloca.dsl-w.verizon.
[02:59] <simplymai> And I can't stand the pain, and I can't make it go away
[02:59] <+aLLySa> No need to make up excuses
[02:59] <simplymai> =]
[02:59] * Quits: MetaLhEaD (MeTALhEaD@=8Cdlrn-84-34-92-36.gdrpwi.dsl-w.verizon.n
et) (QUIT: User exited)
[02:59] <simplymai> No, I can't stand the pain
[02:59] <DDaaaZZZ> understand? wats there to understand
[02:59] <simplymai> How could this happen to me, I've made my mistakes, got nowh
ere to run
[02:59] <simplymai> The night goes on as I'm fading away
[03:00] <simplymai> I'm sick of this life, I just wanna scream, how could this h
appen to meeeeeee
[03:00] * Parts: Guest23506 (MzaNzz@=6hmkkt-77-852-678-057.snloca.dsl-w.verizon.
[03:00] <+aLLySa> Guys!!!
[03:00] <ae_Guy> ally!!!
[03:00] <+aLLySa> Cant they just tell the truth for ONCE?
[03:00] <_jackLo_> Simplymai you like that song? You knjow what its about right?
[03:00] <+Juan2bone> mai..my niece that's 3yrs old..she likes that song..she sin
gs it..when i played it...
[03:00] * DDaaaZZZ always tells the truth
[03:00] * +aLLySa put a BIG X sign on Vic's forehead *
[03:00] <simplymai> That's cute =]
[03:01] <+Juan2bone> mai..we sing it together..
[03:01] <+Juan2bone> haha
[03:01] <simplymai> haha
[03:01] <DDaaaZZZ> damn ive been blacklisted by ally ;(
[03:01] <ae_Guy> screw that song
[03:01] <+aLLySa> Vic, you're back on my ****list :)
[03:01] <ae_Guy> its all bout hrms...
[03:01] <_jackLo_> Its a song about this guy.
[03:01] <simplymai> Oh go f yourself
[03:01] <ae_Guy> lemme think
[03:01] <simplymai> No one's asking you to like it
[03:01] <_jackLo_> who got drunk and he went driving.
[03:01] <_jackLo_> And then he ended up in a hospital.
[03:01] <simplymai> Jack stop basing it off a music video
[03:01] <simplymai> Get a brain
[03:01] <simplymai> Think for yourself, jez.
[03:02] <_jackLo_> I'm serious.
[03:02] <simplymai> So am I.
[03:02] * Quits: PeeOnMee (23@=Lftimi-22-096-939-914.ny325.east.verizon.net) (Pi
ng Timeout)
[03:02] <_jackLo_> I heard them say it on an interview.
[03:02] <DDaaaZZZ> hahaha
[03:02] <DDaaaZZZ> when did i come off that list?
[03:02] <_jackLo_> I dont even mtv.
[03:02] * Quits: ItsBeenLonely (blah@24.209.155.Vc628=) (QUIT: User exited)
[03:02] <_jackLo_> Just cbs and pbs.
[03:02] * Joins: I_LoveWoman_OnTop (kevinny200@=Tosdkg-54-33-995-81.rev.o1.com)
[03:02] * Joins: MissVue (vue@=PBh-37-266-93-254.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[03:02] <+aLLySa> You were off for a bit
[03:02] <+aLLySa> But now you're back to where you belong
[03:02] <simplymai> Er, it was dedicated for that purpose but that's the beauty
of music, people can take it which ever way they want to shape themselves in the
ir own lives and situations.
[03:03] <ae_Guy> ain't no holla back... that song is stupid
[03:03] <simplymai> Yeah I agree.
[03:03] <simplymai> I think Gwen is strange.
[03:03] <_jackLo_> Aint no holla back is a nice song.
[03:03] <+Juan2bone> she's Gwen is awesome..she got nice legs
[03:04] <simplymai> Okay we're not talking about her looks here.
[03:04] <_jackLo_> I like her asian dancers, they're hot.
[03:04] <_jackLo_> I think tye could be hmong.
[03:04] <simplymai> Er, they're Jap.
[03:04] <simplymai> I think she's psychotic.
[03:04] <_jackLo_> Well then we must be japs too.
[03:04] <+Juan2bone> Gwen is so into Jap
[03:04] <ae_Guy> lol
[03:04] <ae_Guy> she's anorexic
[03:04] <simplymai> Yeah except she doesn't even attempt to say words right.
[03:04] * Joins: Julliaa (bueffelche@24.226.251.xh084=)
[03:04] <_jackLo_> But she's so oldlooking.
[03:04] <simplymai> I don't buy it for a second.
[03:04] <ae_Guy> who watches naturo
[03:05] <_jackLo_> she's like 30 or something.
[03:05] <skoolgurl> oohhh NATURO
[03:05] <+Juan2bone> i think Gwen still look good for her age
[03:05] <skoolgurl> i luw it
[03:05] <simplymai> lol @ skoolgurl
[03:05] <_jackLo_> I saw her on dave letterman and she looks so old.
[03:05] <skoolgurl> ;D
[03:05] <+Juan2bone> yeah babe
[03:05] <+Juan2bone> haha
[03:05] <simplymai> Gwen looks good, but she's still psychotic to me.
[03:05] <+Juan2bone> wink...* skoolgurl
[03:05] <skoolgurl> he's sooo cute
[03:05] <ae_Guy> what happened to saski anways?
[03:05] <_jackLo_> Well I tell you who got fake boobs, mariah carey.
[03:05] <+Juan2bone> simplymai that's her style
[03:05] <skoolgurl> i'm on esp 100
[03:05] <simplymai> No, she's psychotic
[03:05] <+Juan2bone> she wanna be different simplymai
[03:06] <+Juan2bone> Gwen rocks
[03:06] <simplymai> She's rich.
[03:06] <skoolgurl> saske...iono which part you on?
[03:06] <simplymai> She's already different.
[03:06] <simplymai> :)
[03:06] <_jackLo_> Maybe she's hmong?
[03:06] <ae_Guy> i dunno
[03:06] <simplymai> I use to be a big fan.
[03:06] <simplymai> I got over it.
[03:06] <ae_Guy> 130 something
[03:06] <+C-MURDER> 4,1hmm...
[03:06] <ae_Guy> where saske turns into something
[03:06] <skoolgurl> juan....very hot
[03:06] <skoolgurl> :P
[03:06] <skoolgurl> eh?
[03:06] <_jackLo_> Hmong girls dont like guys who are into basketball.
[03:06] * Joins: MetrosexualiciousGuy (none@=esdoup-00-323-129-562.dsl.frsn02.pa
[03:06] <DDaaaZZZ> laters addicts
[03:06] <skoolgurl> when's that/
[03:06] * Quits: DDaaaZZZ (blah@=Ya84-29.dial.connexus.net.au) (QUIT: User exite
[03:06] <simplymai> Okay eyes are giving up on me.
[03:07] <+Juan2bone> She got some Hmong in her..i'm the one that gave that to he
[03:07] <skoolgurl> lies jack...i LOVE basketball
[03:07] <_jackLo_> Simplymai why go to sleep?
[03:07] <skoolgurl> lol
[03:07] <simplymai> Er, Hmong in who? Gwen?
[03:07] <+C-MURDER> 4,1i think its time to go
[03:07] <simplymai> That's insulting.
[03:07] <_jackLo_> I haven't met a girl who digged me.
[03:07] <ae_Guy> which one are you on???
[03:07] <MetrosexualiciousGuy> hello my fellow addicts
[03:07] * Joins: Lacey__ (Guard@61.5.20.hU756=)
[03:07] <+C-MURDER> 4,1see you hoes another night
[03:07] <+Juan2bone> yeah
[03:07] <_jackLo_> I think its becuase I'm into basketball.
[03:07] <_jackLo_> I never see hmong girls play basketball.
[03:07] <+Juan2bone> MAi..u can't go to sleep
[03:07] <+C-MURDER> 4,1later juan
[03:07] <+aLLySa> Night all
[03:07] * Quits: +aLLySa (TFastness@=0hyg80-864-8-008.nc.hr.cox.net) (QUIT: User
[03:07] <_jackLo_> All they do is hang on their bf's legs at the parks.
[03:07] <+Juan2bone> later chewie
[03:07] <ae_Guy> hmong people think i should play basketball
[03:07] <simplymai> Why not?
[03:07] <ae_Guy> hahaha
[03:07] <_jackLo_> And get dragged around.
[03:07] <simplymai> I'm tired.
[03:07] <skoolgurl> hrms...with the fifth hokeage
[03:07] <ae_Guy> now thats funny...
[03:07] * +C-MURDER slaps Bethy|SleepingFckers around a bit with a large trout
[03:07] <ae_Guy> i'm only 5'10-6'3
[03:08] <simplymai> Good night Teng.
[03:08] <_jackLo_> simplymai you should stay.
[03:08] <+Juan2bone> U LEAVING mai
[03:08] <+Juan2bone> nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[03:08] <_jackLo_> You're the last chance I have at webcamming a girl.
[03:08] <+C-MURDER> 4,1bye monkeys
[03:08] <skoolgurl> HA...i'm only 4'11...i can still play
[03:08] <simplymai> Yeah I'm leaving.
[03:08] <skoolgurl> hehehe
[03:08] * Quits: +C-MURDER (_JACKASS@65.27.29.wZ173=) (QUIT: User exited)
[03:08] <MetrosexualiciousGuy> still waiting for cmurder's sis to get divorced
[03:08] <simplymai> Jack, go eat poop.
[03:08] <MetrosexualiciousGuy> haha jk bro
[03:08] <simplymai> Peace folks.
[03:08] <+Juan2bone> it's alright mail...
[03:08] * Quits: simplymai (sdfjasdlfj@=VYnx-wdiexooajc-hctofc.csumb.edu) (QUIT:
User exited)
[03:08] <_jackLo_> So simplymai why do you want to marry me?
[03:08] <+Juan2bone> sup kelly
[03:09] <skoolgurl> ae guy...whose your fave?
[03:09] <_jackLo_> But yeah all hmong girls are midgets so I guess thats why the
y rather not play bball and opt for playing vball on 6 feet net.
[03:09] <+Juan2bone> miss vue..u still up girl--friend
[03:09] * MetrosexualiciousGuy is now known as Dork4U
[03:09] <skoolgurl> character?
[03:09] <_jackLo_> I went to the tournament and I saw the girls net and it was l
ike only 6 feet.
[03:09] <Dork4U> where at jacklo
[03:09] <_jackLo_> Only six feet! And still they couldnt even spike over it, the
y were bunting it over it.
[03:09] <_jackLo_> In nc.
[03:09] <+Juan2bone> miss vue..u still up girl--friend
[03:09] <+Juan2bone> sup kelly??????????????? u there?
[03:09] <MissVue> hi teng
[03:09] <MissVue> yeah
[03:09] <_jackLo_> And they had some tall white girls too and the tall white gir
ls didnt even spike over it.
[03:09] <+Juan2bone> finally
[03:09] <MissVue> i'm going to bed soon though
[03:10] <_jackLo_> I was like gee whiz!
[03:10] <+Juan2bone> aren't u tired
[03:10] <+Juan2bone> i know
[03:10] <_jackLo_> MissVue so show me your homepage.
[03:10] <+Juan2bone> what are u doing up so late anyways?
[03:10] * Dork4U  i thought you waz from sac jacklo
[03:10] <MissVue> i am tired
[03:10] * Dork4U  like integra
[03:10] <+Juan2bone> kelly i'm comming up there...but i guess i won't get to see
[03:10] * Dork4U  hi kelly
[03:10] <_jackLo_> Yeah I'm from sac.
[03:10] * Dork4U  kelly's too good teng
[03:10] <MissVue> that's while i'll be sleeping soon
[03:10] <MissVue> http://members.asianavenue.com/mercy_vue
[03:10] <+Juan2bone> she's not dude
[03:10] <_jackLo_> Missvue whats your homepage?
[03:10] <+Juan2bone> haha
[03:10] <_jackLo_> Mercy xwb?
[03:10] <MissVue> who is dork4u?
[03:11] <MissVue> hahaha
[03:11] <+Juan2bone> dork4u u back in sac or u still in so. cali?
[03:11] <MissVue> i show u my page all the time
[03:11] <_jackLo_> Mercy you never played vball before huh?
[03:11] <MissVue> i did play
[03:11] <_jackLo_> I know why hmong girls dont like basketball.
[03:11] <MissVue> just had a tournament in sac at the end of may
[03:11] <_jackLo_> They dont like their boobs bouncing up and down jumping.
[03:11] * Quits: Lacey__ (Guard@61.5.20.hU756=) (Ping Timeout)
[03:11] <+Juan2bone> missvue did u guys win?
[03:11] <_jackLo_> I notice in volleyball that girls boobs dont shake that much.
[03:11] <MissVue> hahahah....i don't have that problem...mine r just right
[03:11] * Dork4U  miss vue you really resemble this girl i once knew from stockto
[03:11] <stpgrl> 4hey dork who u?
[03:12] <MissVue> no we lost teng
[03:12] <_jackLo_> Missvue you did? but I bet you didnt spike huh?
[03:12] * Dork4U  hi stpgrl, this is my old nick
[03:12] <+Juan2bone> ic
[03:12] * Dork4U is now known as ExpressGuy
[03:12] * ExpressGuy  new nick with the times
[03:12] * Parts: i_P (java@=Uvsdkg-51-05-18-430.rev.o1.com)
[03:12] <skoolgurl> sweet dreams yall...byes
[03:12] <_jackLo_> Thats what's keeping hmong girl volleball from being so acti
on packed, their boobs get in the way.
[03:12] * ExpressGuy is now known as Dork4U
[03:12] <skoolgurl> see ya juan...
[03:12] <MissVue> hahhaha......i did get one spike in
[03:12] * Dork4U  old nick with the times gone by
[03:12] * Quits: skoolgurl (java@=tRvvpa-30-508-5-276.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net) (Q
UIT: User exited)
[03:12] <_jackLo_> Thats why they can't spike well.
[03:12] <+Juan2bone> later skool
[03:12] * Dork4U is now known as ExpressGuy
[03:12] <MissVue> who do i resemble?
[03:12] <lil_sunshine21> hi
[03:12] <stpgrl> 4DORK ur 411 plz
[03:12] <_jackLo_> But if you see the very flat chested girls, now they can spik
[03:12] * ExpressGuy  my 411
[03:13] <MissVue> hahahhahaa
[03:13] <MissVue> i am flat chested
[03:13] <+Juan2bone> missvue...too bad i wont' get to see u...
[03:13] * ExpressGuy  where should i start
[03:13] <MissVue> and proud of it
[03:13] <_jackLo_> No you are not, You have some boobs on you.
[03:13] <MissVue> why not teng?
[03:13] <_jackLo_> So tha t means you can't spike.
[03:13] * Joins: sirMcWorm (Evil@=6Ii-58-507-407-85.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[03:13] <stpgrl> 4information..DORK PC me
[03:13] <MissVue> hahahha...mine r little
[03:13] <+Juan2bone> missvue i might get to see u after all
[03:13] * ExpressGuy  i've been a chatting addict 6,7 years plus now
[03:13] <+Juan2bone> i might be there until Sat
[03:13] <MissVue> r u coming here?
[03:13] <MissVue> i see
[03:13] <+Juan2bone> yeah..thurs
[03:13] <MissVue> just call me up
[03:13] <+Juan2bone> yeah...
[03:13] <_jackLo_> Missvue how about you take a picture of them and send it to m
e, I know you have a camera phone.
[03:13] * ExpressGuy  wow, call kelly up? such privileages
[03:13] * Quits: sirMcWorm (Evil@=6Ii-58-507-407-85.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[03:14] <ae_Guy> miss vue, i have a question??? who is "god"?
[03:14] <MissVue> hahahahaha
[03:14] <+mary_dammit> god is me
[03:14] <+Juan2bone> i wanna go see..MRS AND MR. SMITH..angelina jolie..is too h
ot..gotta go see her
[03:14] <MissVue> my boobs r just fine...let's leave it at that
[03:14] <_jackLo_> Well lets have a look at them.
[03:14] <MissVue> u taking me too teng?
[03:14] <+Juan2bone> yeah u
[03:14] <_jackLo_> Are you ashamed of them?
[03:14] <MissVue> expressguy....let me call you
[03:14] <MissVue> hahahaah
[03:14] * Quits: Malcom (got_skillz@=i3x49.183.4.181.fdl.wi.charter.com) (QUIT:
User exited)
[03:14] <MissVue> God is the creator
[03:14] * Quits: Yangsta_P (yangsta_p@=L1s-38-843-08-9.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUI
T: User exited)
[03:15] <MissVue> hahahah....jacklo.....
[03:15] <+Juan2bone> miss vue..i'll call u up..maybe we can catch up or somethin
[03:15] <MissVue> yeah we can
[03:15] <_jackLo_> Well I guess I should've talked to this one girl.
[03:15] <_jackLo_> She had super huge boobs.
[03:15] <+Juan2bone> your cool just u and me
[03:15] <_jackLo_> And she was hmong too.
[03:15] <+Juan2bone> or u wanna call other folks too
[03:15] <_jackLo_> It was like she was carrying two babies around they were so b
[03:15] <MissVue> hahaha....i like making new friends
[03:16] <MissVue> i'm proud of my little boobs
[03:16] <MissVue> they suit me just fine
[03:16] * ae_Guy is bored
[03:16] <+Juan2bone> miss vue..u got big boobs
[03:16] <ae_Guy> pahoua, entertain me
[03:16] <+Juan2bone> their not little
[03:16] <_jackLo_> yeah whatever, your boobs are big.
[03:16] <+Juan2bone> haha
[03:16] <MissVue> no i do not
[03:16] <MissVue> they're little
[03:16] <_jackLo_> Well if they aren't big show them dummie.
[03:16] <MissVue> u guys never saw them before
[03:16] <MissVue> hahahahaha
[03:16] <ae_Guy> you got average boobs
[03:16] <+Juan2bone> well..i guess i'll find out for myself then..miss vue
[03:16] <MissVue> ahahhahaa....yes the are average
[03:17] * Quits: Charming69 (java@=NSqyn-kqar- (QUI
T: User exited)
[03:17] <+Juan2bone> i'm comming for u miss vue
[03:17] <ae_Guy> quit complaining... if your "a" sized, then thats small boobs
[03:17] * Joins: siabdub (java@=pQv96.241.226.217.mad.wi.charter.com)
[03:17] <MissVue> come and get me...har har
[03:17] <_jackLo_> Yeah your boobs are like normal hmong girl size.
[03:17] <+Juan2bone> i will
[03:17] <MissVue> they are a's
[03:17] <ae_Guy> actually... if you have a skinny man's boobs... thats when you
got small boobs
[03:17] <ae_Guy> ^-^
[03:17] <+Juan2bone> missvue watch out babe..i'll be comming soon..
[03:17] <MissVue> teng....u can show jacklo
[03:17] <+Juan2bone> show what
[03:17] <MissVue> aeguy..let me see urs
[03:18] <MissVue> the picture i sent u
[03:18] <MissVue> i don't think i have it anymore
[03:18] <+Juan2bone> it's up to u
[03:18] <ae_Guy> let the rain fall down, i'm cumming... that doesn't sound right
[03:18] <_jackLo_> I need to turn my boobs to chests.
[03:18] <+Juan2bone> i think i still have it
[03:18] <ae_Guy> who you talking to?
[03:18] <+Juan2bone> jack...i'll send u miss vue...boobs..pic..if u wanna see it
[03:18] <_jackLo_> Sure.
[03:18] <MissVue> hhahaha...send it to him
[03:18] <+Juan2bone> give me yo email
[03:18] <_jackLo_> I have some internet girls boob pictures too.
[03:18] <_jackLo_> No its ok.
[03:18] <_jackLo_> If you can't link me.
[03:18] <ae_Guy> lol
[03:18] <+Juan2bone> i can't
[03:19] <MissVue> aeguy....let's see ur boobs
[03:19] <+Juan2bone> it's an email
[03:19] <MissVue> hahahah
[03:19] <_jackLo_> Oh wells its cool then.
[03:19] <+Juan2bone> alright
[03:19] <MOTU_MASTERSNAKE> miss vue...got a picture..?
[03:19] <ae_Guy> msvue, your a christian... you can't be provocuative like that
[03:19] <ae_Guy> hahaha
[03:19] * ExpressGuy  i have boob pictures of AIMEE and FADE
[03:19] <ae_Guy> how ever you spell it
[03:19] <ae_Guy> i have nice boobs for a guy
[03:19] * ExpressGuy  they're on sale in Ebay right now as we speak
[03:19] <ae_Guy> it doesn't sag nor is it small
[03:19] <ae_Guy> ^-^
[03:19] <MissVue> hahahha...ur right aeguy
[03:19] <MissVue> so what is God to you then?
[03:19] <+Juan2bone> miss vue we are talking about BOOBSSSSSSS
[03:20] <MissVue> yes i guess we are
[03:20] <+Juan2bone> boobs boobs
[03:20] <_jackLo_> well my weiner's only about 5 iinchs when its hard.
[03:20] <ae_Guy> i have no "god"...i'm an athiest
[03:20] <+Juan2bone> i see boobs
[03:20] <_jackLo_> thats if I measure from the under side.
[03:20] <_jackLo_> From the top side its only like 3 inches.
[03:20] <_jackLo_> and when its soft..its less than an inch.
[03:20] <MissVue> u don't believe in anything?
[03:20] * Quits: lil_sunshine21 (java@=RLUHH3V993.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exite
[03:20] * Joins: Guest62243 (java@=xeccms-94-466-516-81.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net)
[03:20] <MissVue> you don't see no boobs silly
[03:20] * Joins: Guest60650 (java@=CyQLQ5A4FG.ipt.aol.com)
[03:20] <ae_Guy> reason why: all humans are destroyers, sinners, haters, the wor
ld won't be a better place to live if mankind isn't kind
[03:20] <_jackLo_> I dont see any boobs at all.
[03:21] * Guest62243 is now known as HmOnGBoY
[03:21] <ae_Guy> we're all savages... we kill to survive
[03:21] <MissVue> so what do u believe in then?
[03:21] <MissVue> okay...go on
[03:21] <ae_Guy> i belive in myself
[03:21] <NkaujHmoob_Muas> ae_guy, mind telling me who you are???? please....
[03:21] <MissVue> teng...did u send it to jack?
[03:21] <ae_Guy> if i was to die tommorow, i'll be in my own heaven, wherever th
at is
[03:22] <ae_Guy> oh yeah! my parents are christians...
[03:22] <ae_Guy> christian folks are corrupt!
[03:22] <MissVue> see...ur not atheist then
[03:22] <MissVue> b/c u do believe in something
[03:22] <ae_Guy> i believe in myself... i am God
[03:22] <ae_Guy> hahahaa
[03:22] <MissVue> don't make such bold statements like that
[03:22] <ae_Guy> feel my wrath!
[03:22] <+Juan2bone> he doesn't want it
[03:22] <MissVue> hahahhhaa.....see then u are not atheist
[03:22] * Guest60650 is now known as bnbvmbn
[03:22] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[03:22] <MissVue> jack....u nerd
[03:23] <MissVue> that's the only picture i have
[03:23] <ae_Guy> maybe i'm not
[03:23] <ae_Guy> maybe i am
[03:23] <ae_Guy> i don't really care for religion
[03:23] <_jackLo_> Missvue show me your boobs.
[03:23] <_jackLo_> Thats all you have to do.
[03:23] <ae_Guy> i live my life
[03:23] <+LadyThao> who wants to chat? pc me!
[03:23] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[03:24] <MissVue> no ur not aeguy
[03:24] <Nraug_NcoKoj1Leeg_6NruabSiab> Good Night Everyone.....and Have Fun
[03:24] <ae_Guy> is there any liberal folks???
[03:24] <MissVue> jack....teng has a picture
[03:24] <MissVue> he'll send it to you
[03:24] <_jackLo_> I thnk its a fake one.
[03:24] <_jackLo_> Why dont you just snap one with your picture phone and send i
t gee whiz.
[03:25] <MissVue> it was taken with my camera phone
[03:25] <_jackLo_> And hold up a little "MissVue" sign so it'll authenticate it.
[03:25] <MissVue> same shirt as the one on my page
[03:25] <ae_Guy> wonders who wants to see my picture???
[03:25] <ae_Guy> lol
[03:25] <_jackLo_> I need one with your name.
[03:25] <MissVue> hahahaha....i don't think so nerd
[03:25] <ae_Guy> i'm bored right now
[03:25] <_jackLo_> See I guess you were just lying then.
[03:25] <ae_Guy> i'll even take bodyshots
[03:25] <ae_Guy> lol
[03:25] <ae_Guy> :P
[03:25] * Quits: Nraug_NcoKoj1Leeg_6NruabSiab (Chatz@=AW2oyovhukzy304.famvid.com
) (QUIT: User exited)
[03:25] <MissVue> hahhaha.....i don't have to hide my boobs
[03:25] <MissVue> i'm very proud of them...har har
[03:25] <MissVue> aeguy.....let's see it then
[03:25] <+Juan2bone> miss vue..i like your boobs
[03:26] <ae_Guy> i'm proud of my pimples too
[03:26] <ae_Guy> lol
[03:26] <ae_Guy> :P
[03:26] <_jackLo_> Missvue well send them dummie.
[03:26] <bnbvmbn> missvue show me your boobs
[03:26] <MissVue> hahahha...thanks teng
[03:26] <+Juan2bone> no problem
[03:26] <MissVue> hahahha...ok aeguy
[03:26] <+Juan2bone> i'll get to see this Friday
[03:26] <+Juan2bone> wink..*
[03:26] <MissVue> hahhaha....very funny
[03:26] <+mary_dammit> 99!
[03:26] <MissVue> see mine?
[03:26] * Parts: +mary_dammit (kIsSMyAsS@=myswms-09-496-9-255.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell
[03:26] <+Juan2bone> yes yours mss vue
[03:26] <bnbvmbn> missvue are you fuccable
[03:27] <MissVue> hahahhahaa.....i'm okay
[03:27] <_jackLo_> Yeah mssvue's very screwable, she's they kind who's boobs wil
l move back and forth when she's getting screwed.
[03:27] <MissVue> not mine.....ur not going to see anything silly
[03:27] * Joins: DanielDanny (sgpf@
[03:27] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@60.48*
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one host)
[03:27] <+Juan2bone> yes i will
[03:27] <+Juan2bone> haha
[03:27] <MissVue> hahahah...whatever jacklo
[03:27] * Quits: stpgrl (java@=fRh-44-45-897-173.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUIT: Use
r exited)
[03:27] <MissVue> teng...u think ur that lucky?
[03:27] <ae_Guy> you got msn missvue?
[03:27] <+Juan2bone> hahaha
[03:28] <_jackLo_> MissVue hurry and take a picture and show and send it to me.
[03:28] <+Juan2bone> i'm not saying i'll be lucky
[03:28] * Joins: JonSaysNoToFatChicks (liljon@=8Zt-30-812-35-85.hsd1.ca.comcast.
[03:28] * Quits: JonSaysNoToFatChicks (liljon@=8Zt-30-812-35-85.hsd1.ca.comcast.
net) (QUIT: User exited)
[03:28] <MissVue> i already took one
[03:28] <bnbvmbn> missvue are you good in bed
[03:28] <MissVue> teng will send it to you
[03:28] <MissVue> no....i'm a virgin
[03:28] <_jackLo_> Missvue with out a bra or shirt"?
[03:28] <ae_Guy> missvue, you got msn?
[03:28] <MissVue> with a shirt
[03:28] <_jackLo_> yeah but i need one with your name in it.
[03:28] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hi
[03:28] <MissVue> yeah u can add me
[03:28] <ae_Guy> i need a new boredome buddy
[03:28] <_jackLo_> Well I'm not looking at that then.
[03:29] <MissVue> mercy_vue@hotmail.com
[03:29] <+Juan2bone> well..miss vue..i'm gonna jet now...
[03:29] * Quits: MOTU_MASTERSNAKE (MOTU_MASTE@=h5h-37-273-899-20.hsd1.ca.comcast
.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[03:29] <bnbvmbn> missvue can i see how fukkable you are
[03:29] <MissVue> ok
[03:29] <+Juan2bone> have a good nite
[03:29] <MissVue> hahahah
[03:29] <MissVue> http://members.asianavenue.com/mercy_vue
[03:29] <+Juan2bone> dont' stay up too late
[03:29] <+Juan2bone> i'll call u up
[03:29] <+Juan2bone> im out of hereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[03:29] <MissVue> i'm off to bed though
[03:29] <MissVue> too tired now
[03:29] <+Juan2bone> peace out
[03:29] <webmaster8668> yo mercry
[03:29] * Quits: +Juan2bone (java@=B9vufi-38-090-52-48.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net) (
QUIT: User exited)
[03:29] <webmaster8668> u know a Yer Lee?
[03:30] <MissVue> from?
[03:30] <webmaster8668> sac
[03:30] <_jackLo_> Missvue I knew it you're to chicken to show your boobs.
[03:30] <bnbvmbn> missvue not bad, i have a feeling you are really tight
[03:30] <MissVue> no i don't
[03:30] <MissVue> sorry
[03:30] <MissVue> hahahahah....i'm ok
[03:30] * Parts: NkaujHmoob_Muas (java@=Eqvysd-17-59-656-117.rev.o1.com)
[03:30] <MissVue> i'm not a chicken
[03:30] <MissVue> they're just boobs
[03:30] <_jackLo_> She's a chicken
[03:30] <MissVue> every girl has them
[03:31] <_jackLo_> Well hurry and send a toless picture to me dummie.
[03:31] <ae_Guy> damn, missvue, your sinning again! you shouldn't pimp... part of
the 10 conmendments, thou shalt not pimp
[03:31] <ae_Guy> lol
[03:31] <ae_Guy> :P
[03:31] <bnbvmbn> missvue do you like doggy style, or on the sofa
[03:31] <+LadyThao> night people
[03:31] * Quits: +LadyThao (java@=34QS2C5608.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[03:31] <MissVue> hahahhaa....that's ur ten commandments
[03:31] <MissVue> not mine
[03:31] <MissVue> i'm a virgin silly
[03:31] * ExpressGuy  wonders where that ladythao was from
[03:31] <MissVue> no doggie style for me
[03:31] <ae_Guy> no, i forgot...
[03:31] <ae_Guy> she's a virgin on the net, but not in person
[03:31] <ae_Guy> lol
[03:31] * Quits: Julliaa (bueffelche@24.226.251.xh084=) (QUIT: User exited)
[03:31] <_jackLo_> She had sex with a donkey, I've seen it.
[03:32] <Man_On_Line> a
[03:32] <MissVue> hahhahaha.....u guys are sick
[03:32] <ae_Guy> but who's to judge
[03:32] * ExpressGuy  haha
[03:32] <Man_On_Line> Hey guys..she's virgin in person too
[03:32] <Man_On_Line> why? cuz we grew up together
[03:32] <ae_Guy> i don't know her, so i shouldn't be be saying anything, just li
ke yals
[03:32] <MissVue> we did?
[03:32] <Man_On_Line> went school together
[03:32] * Joins: Guest66568 (java@=XKonjp-60-40-929-654.rev.o1.com)
[03:32] * ExpressGuy  hmm
[03:32] * Guest66568 is now known as Sweet_Cali_Girl
[03:33] <MissVue> of course u don't know me silly!!!!!!!!
[03:33] <Man_On_Line> As a matter of fact, we went to church together
[03:33] <ae_Guy> sorry...
[03:33] * ExpressGuy  Sweet you're up late
[03:33] * ExpressGuy  can't sleep
[03:33] <MissVue> hhahahah
[03:33] <MissVue> i know who u are
[03:33] * Joins: mttgurl (hoops@=kefwpxyg-
[03:33] <MissVue> hahahhaha
[03:33] <Sweet_Cali_Girl> hey...Dee
[03:33] <Sweet_Cali_Girl> how are you?
[03:33] <ae_Guy> bored
[03:33] * ExpressGuy  i'm Good
[03:33] <Sweet_Cali_Girl> i got back from my uncle's place about an hour ago
[03:34] * ExpressGuy  ya know wuh, Sweet, i was going through my old cd's and fou
nd all the pictures i got from you last year
[03:34] <_jackLo_> Missvue gosh darn it show me your boobs.
[03:34] <Sweet_Cali_Girl> oh really...
[03:34] <MissVue> give me ur email address then
[03:34] * ExpressGuy  which one was the yang girl though
[03:34] <MissVue> goshers
[03:34] <Sweet_Cali_Girl> in the bottom...
[03:34] <ae_Guy> huh???
[03:34] * ExpressGuy  i figured
[03:35] * ExpressGuy  hehe
[03:35] <webmaster8668> whoa mercy. ur only 6 days older than u
[03:35] <Man_On_Line> Missvue...don't be too trashy...or I'll tell our pastor...
[03:35] * Joins: TeenHoT28 (unutmadim@=JX751.red-82-198-53.user.auna.net)
[03:35] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@*.auna.net
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[03:35] <webmaster8668> u pooped out too soon
[03:35] <_jackLo_> Sweet cali girl and what were you doing with your uncle?
[03:35] * ExpressGuy  kelly goes to church?
[03:35] <webmaster8668> me*
[03:35] * ExpressGuy  whoaness
[03:35] <Man_On_Line> :)
[03:35] <MissVue> webmaster u make no sense
[03:35] <MissVue> yes i do
[03:35] <webmaster8668> typos xwb mas
[03:35] <webmaster8668> dang
[03:35] <Sweet_Cali_Girl> oh whatever...jacko
[03:35] * ExpressGuy  how're you doing Sweet
[03:35] <_jackLo_> Sweet Cali Girl so you were screwing your uncle huh? Yeah I h
eard cali girls were into incests.
[03:35] * Joins: Guest63584 (java@=Yha-04-09-971-898.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[03:35] <Sweet_Cali_Girl> i'm doing pretty good
[03:35] * Quits: Guest63584 (java@=Yha-04-09-971-898.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[03:35] <MissVue> what do u mean then
[03:35] <Sweet_Cali_Girl> hi there HmongBoy
[03:36] * ExpressGuy  haven't seen you online Sweet, so you actually found a life
[03:36] <_jackLo_> Sweet cali girl you're sick, why did you do it with your uncl
e huh?
[03:36] * ExpressGuy  share with me, hun
[03:36] <_jackLo_> Missvue hurry up and take that picture.
[03:36] <Sweet_Cali_Girl> heheh..
[03:36] * ExpressGuy  jacklo's into incest Sweet don't mind
[03:36] <MissVue> jack...what's ur email address
[03:36] <Sweet_Cali_Girl> i've been watching movies
[03:37] <_jackLo_> jack_lo_@hotmail.com duh.
[03:37] <Man_On_Line> Missvue u gonna do it?
[03:37] <_jackLo_> Sweet Cali girl of girls doing their uncles? You're gross.
[03:37] * ExpressGuy  which movies Sweet
[03:37] <MissVue> hahahahah
[03:37] <MissVue> a picture is just a picture
[03:37] <Sweet_Cali_Girl> just some movies that i rented over the weekend
[03:37] <_jackLo_> Wow that was quick.
[03:37] <_jackLo_> I got the picture.
[03:37] <_jackLo_> I'm about to open it.
[03:37] <Man_On_Line> a pic of that boot thing...isn't good
[03:37] * ExpressGuy  so yall finally got that MVP i was talking about Sweet?
[03:38] <MissVue> go ahead
[03:38] <MissVue> it's not a bare picture
[03:38] <Sweet_Cali_Girl> no...
[03:38] <MissVue> i'm covered
[03:38] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 http://www.leiliyang.com
[03:38] <_jackLo_> Missvue I'm dissappointed!
[03:38] <Man_On_Line> ummm....
[03:38] <MissVue> hahahahaha
[03:38] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 http://www.leiliyang.com
[03:38] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 http://www.leiliyang.com
[03:38] <Man_On_Line> u sure?
[03:38] <MissVue> i never said it was going to be bare
[03:38] * ExpressGuy  we've been gettin movies too, hehe
[03:38] <_jackLo_> Thats why Im dissappointed!
[03:38] * ExpressGuy  somehow my bro got coupons that last FOREVER
[03:38] <Man_On_Line> better be true or I'll tell our pastor tomorrow
[03:38] <Sweet_Cali_Girl> yeah....i don't see you that much online anymore..
[03:39] * ExpressGuy  really
[03:39] <MissVue> hahhaha
[03:39] <MissVue> it's not bare
[03:39] <MissVue> trust me
[03:39] * ExpressGuy  i live here
[03:39] <MissVue> jack...it's ok...all u need is a tease
[03:39] <_jackLo_> Show me some nipples at least.
[03:39] <Man_On_Line> I think I'm gonna tell the pastor ..UNLESS u send it to me
[03:39] <Man_On_Line> :)
[03:39] <ae_Guy> lol
[03:39] <MissVue> hahaha...very funny
[03:39] <_jackLo_> Hmm..just go take a picture of your nipple..a big one.
[03:39] <MissVue> no nipples
[03:39] * ExpressGuy  kell's a tease? i should've known
[03:39] <_jackLo_> Thats not showing all of your breast.
[03:39] <MissVue> hahaha
[03:39] <MissVue> sure sure
[03:39] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 jack, did u see a nippple pic hmongoutkast posted?
[03:39] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hahhaa
[03:39] * ExpressGuy  do share
[03:40] <Man_On_Line> no bared ..but nipples...Umm..non-sense here
[03:40] <ae_Guy> God Damn, its not like yals seen boobies before
[03:40] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 i got boobies
[03:40] <_jackLo_> Who am I, no i didnt why?
[03:40] * ExpressGuy  hehe good one ae
[03:40] <_jackLo_> Fade what are you doing in July? I'll come see you.
[03:40] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 nothing
[03:40] <bnbvmbn> i want to see nice boobs
[03:40] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 just home work
[03:40] <ae_Guy> yals wanna see my boobies also???
[03:40] <_jackLo_> Missvue go take a picture of your boobs right now..naked.
[03:40] <ae_Guy> lol
[03:40] * ExpressGuy  Fade keeps being busy for some reason
[03:40] <_jackLo_> Work xwb? ok I'll come see you.
[03:40] <ae_Guy> i'll take it if yals wanna see it
[03:40] <_jackLo_> Since I wont be going to mn.
[03:41] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 watever exp.. u were the one thats why i came in here
[03:41] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 :p
[03:41] <MissVue> oh it doesn't matter
[03:41] <MissVue> hahhahaah
[03:41] <MissVue> no i will not silly
[03:41] <MissVue> aeguy
[03:41] * ExpressGuy  nuh uhs
[03:41] <MissVue> let's see it
[03:41] <_jackLo_> Missvue besides that blouse you were wearing wasn't even tigh
[03:41] <bnbvmbn> i want to see nice boobs
[03:41] <_jackLo_> I still can't see the outline of your boobs.
[03:41] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 uh huh
[03:41] <MissVue> hahahaha....it's a tease silly
[03:41] <bnbvmbn> missvue do you spit or swallow
[03:41] <_jackLo_> It just look like a dress over.
[03:41] <MissVue> neither
[03:42] <bnbvmbn> missvue no foreplay
[03:42] <MissVue> i'm a virgin
[03:42] <_jackLo_> Missvue where are you from agian? do you live near sf?
[03:42] <MissVue> i live in sac
[03:42] * Joins: _Rebecca (ksteyer@202.155.107.v1948=)
[03:42] <_jackLo_> Is sac near s.f.?
[03:43] <ae_Guy> its like 2 hrs away wit the traffic
[03:43] <MissVue> yes
[03:43] <bnbvmbn> a virgin, are you sure, hmmm i heard church girls are virgins
but not in the azz, they let the guys do anal so they wont sin
[03:43] <MissVue> hahhaha....that's not me
[03:43] <_jackLo_> Oh cool I'll come see you when I go see fade.
[03:43] <ae_Guy> geeze, some perverts on tonight...
[03:44] <ae_Guy> respect a lady will ya, or you won't be getting any
[03:44] <ae_Guy> ^-^
[03:44] <_jackLo_> MissVue wells?
[03:44] <MissVue> ok
[03:44] <MissVue> come see me
[03:44] <MissVue> no one is getting none
[03:44] <MissVue> hahhahaa
[03:44] <_jackLo_> MissVue I mean show me your boobs unclothed duh.
[03:44] <MissVue> no i will not
[03:44] <MissVue> crazy
[03:44] <_jackLo_> MissVue why not?
[03:45] <MissVue> don't want to
[03:45] <_jackLo_> If you dont want to show your boobs go cut them off.
[03:45] <MissVue> they're precious to me
[03:45] <_jackLo_> Whatever.
[03:45] <MissVue> hahhaha
[03:45] <MissVue> they are
[03:45] <_jackLo_> They're just boobs dummie.
[03:45] <bnbvmbn> ae guy why
[03:45] <_jackLo_> Its just a round peice of meat.
[03:45] <ae_Guy> damn pervs. no wonder yals ain't getting any
[03:45] * HmOnGBoY slaps everyone in the room.
[03:45] * HmOnGBoY smiles at everyone in the room :-)
[03:45] * HmOnGBoY is really very bored.
[03:45] <ae_Guy> too hungry for the cookie... not enough time waiting for it to
[03:46] <_jackLo_> Missvue hurry it up with that picture.
[03:46] <MissVue> hhahahaha
[03:46] <Sweet_Cali_Girl> Hello there HmongBoy...
[03:46] <MissVue> i sent it to u already
[03:46] <bnbvmbn> missvue i wanna do you, so give me your digit, we can make a d
[03:46] * ae_Guy respects the ladies...
[03:46] <ae_Guy> is that why i didn't get laid yet???
[03:46] <ae_Guy> hahaha
[03:46] <ae_Guy> opps...
[03:46] <_jackLo_> Missvue did not.
[03:46] <ae_Guy> too much info
[03:47] <MissVue> hahhaah.....respect is always a good thing
[03:47] <_jackLo_> You just sent one of you in a blouse.
[03:47] <MissVue> i did send it
[03:47] <_jackLo_> In an old lady top.
[03:47] <MissVue> that's all i'm showing
[03:47] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hmm
[03:47] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 whats new in here?
[03:47] <MissVue> give me ur digits
[03:47] <ae_Guy> thats good enough
[03:47] <ae_Guy> she is a christian you know...
[03:47] <_jackLo_> So fade when are we meeting up?
[03:47] <ae_Guy> but that means nothing
[03:47] <MissVue> hahaha
[03:47] <MissVue> i know
[03:47] <bnbvmbn> ae guy sounds like a gay dude
[03:47] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 where is thomas urban?
[03:47] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 when u get down :D
[03:47] <_jackLo_> Missvue's just another girl who's going to get screwed by a h
mong guy with a small weiner.
[03:47] <ae_Guy> you can always baptize yourself and be forgiven
[03:47] * Joins: SW-Guest7917502 (hC_Java@=zpclan-13-45-17-82.rev.o1.com)
[03:47] <ae_Guy> lol
[03:48] <MissVue> hahhahahahaa......and u wish that was u huh jack?
[03:48] <MissVue> hahahaha
[03:48] <_jackLo_> MissVue I wouldnt mind.
[03:48] * Quits: SW-Guest7917502 (hC_Java@=zpclan-13-45-17-82.rev.o1.com) (QUIT:
User exited)
[03:48] <_jackLo_> I'd love to pop a virgin.
[03:48] <bnbvmbn> christian girls love sex
[03:48] <_jackLo_> So missvue you're how tall?
[03:48] <MissVue> hahahhaa
[03:48] <MissVue> i'm sure u would
[03:49] <MissVue> i'm only 5'2
[03:49] <_jackLo_> 5.2 is just perfect
[03:49] <_jackLo_> Not to big, not to small.
[03:49] <_jackLo_> Just right.
[03:49] <MissVue> oh well
[03:49] <bnbvmbn> christian girls read the bible all day, and think about sex al
l the time, when they see ***, they think its white, its god!!!
[03:49] <MissVue> have a good night boys
[03:49] <_jackLo_> Any girls under 5.2 just doesnt have enough meat.
[03:49] <MissVue> i'm out of here
[03:49] * ae_Guy wonders if missvue is the pastor's daughter?
[03:49] <_jackLo_> any girls over 5.2 has too much meat.
[03:49] <MissVue> got to work early
[03:49] <MissVue> i'm not a pastor's daughter
[03:49] <_jackLo_> Missvue well send me a picture first.
[03:49] <ae_Guy> okay
[03:49] <MissVue> bye everyone
[03:49] <ae_Guy> hahaha
[03:49] <MissVue> no more pictures
[03:49] <MissVue> and no #'s
[03:49] <_jackLo_> Go do it heesh.
[03:50] * Quits: MissVue (vue@=PBh-37-266-93-254.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT: Use
r exited)
[03:50] <_jackLo_> Just go do it dummie.
[03:50] <bnbvmbn> missvue want me to do you in ur parents bed,
[03:50] * ae_Guy heard that pastor's daughters are the most kinkiest
[03:50] * Quits: bnbvmbn (java@=CyQLQ5A4FG.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[03:50] * Quits: HmOnGBoY (java@=xeccms-94-466-516-81.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net) (Q
UIT: User exited)
[03:50] <ae_Guy> damn, everyone's gone now
[03:50] <ae_Guy> hahaha
[03:51] <_jackLo_> Yeah just a bunch of ugly girls on now.
[03:52] <_jackLo_> Fade so whats happening in the forums?
[03:52] * Joins: Guest73625 (java@=7mgdleudfcg-seq.ucr.edu)
[03:52] <ae_Guy> lol
[03:52] <ae_Guy> who's fade anyways?
[03:52] <_jackLo_> My wife.
[03:53] <ae_Guy> oh....
[03:53] * Joins: Guest74146 (java@=VaUWM7P229.ipt.aol.com)
[03:54] <ae_Guy> who's a usual in here?
[03:54] * Joins: mrterrible (hihi@=Ivo-09-26-063-893.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[03:54] * Guest74146 is now known as lil_sunshine21
[03:54] <mrterrible> hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[03:54] <_jackLo_> Hey fade..
[03:55] * Parts: mrterrible (hihi@=Ivo-09-26-063-893.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[03:55] <_jackLo_> Hey fade... I think you're hotter than stephaniethoj.
[03:56] <_jackLo_> And LHX.
[03:56] * ExpressGuy  who's steph thoj
[03:56] <Sweet_Cali_Girl> Dee....Have you gone to any graduation this year to ch
eck out girls???
[03:56] * ExpressGuy  no Sweet, haha
[03:56] <Sweet_Cali_Girl> hehe
[03:56] * ExpressGuy  i'm not like how i was last year
[03:56] * Quits: lil_sunshine21 (java@=VaUWM7P229.ipt.aol.com) (Ping Timeout)
[03:56] <Sweet_Cali_Girl> how come??
[03:57] <Sweet_Cali_Girl> oh...
[03:57] <Sweet_Cali_Girl> i see
[03:57] * Joins: SW-Guest7917502 (hC_Java@=LBdysi-19-13-89-822.rev.o1.com)
[03:57] * ExpressGuy  instead of a lot of girls, i'm jus interested in knowing on
e girl at a time
[03:57] <Sweet_Cali_Girl> that's good
[03:57] * ExpressGuy  but ht makes it hard
[03:57] <ExpressGuy> haha
[03:57] <Sweet_Cali_Girl> heheh...
[03:57] * Guest73625 is now known as ms_pad_thai
[03:58] <Sweet_Cali_Girl> Dee, maybe you came to the wrong place
[03:58] * ExpressGuy  nuh uhs
[03:58] * ExpressGuy  ht's done me good in the past for helping me find my ex lov
e of my life here in Fresno
[03:59] * ExpressGuy  i still have faith in ht to help me find a wifey
[03:59] <Sweet_Cali_Girl> meet anyone interesting in here Dee???
[03:59] <Sweet_Cali_Girl> oh wow...
[03:59] * ExpressGuy  interesting?............ ha ha
[03:59] <Sweet_Cali_Girl> a wife in here??
[03:59] * ExpressGuy  yeaup
[03:59] * Joins: Guest75624 (java@=Ovotcckd-
[04:00] * ExpressGuy  if not, i can alwys checkout graduations
[04:00] * ExpressGuy winks
[04:00] <ms_pad_thai> guys are so retarded..
[04:00] * Joins: marianaa (man43man20@
[04:00] <Sweet_Cali_Girl> hehhe
[04:00] * Guest75624 is now known as orange
[04:00] * orange is now known as orange68708
[04:00] <ms_pad_thai> i will smack all of them
[04:00] <ae_Guy> lol
[04:00] * ExpressGuy  your graduation Sweet, next year , wink wink
[04:00] <ms_pad_thai> body slam them too
[04:00] <ae_Guy> express, how old are you?
[04:00] * Quits: orange68708 (java@=Ovotcckd-
et) (QUIT: User exited)
[04:00] * ExpressGuy  i'm ancient
[04:00] <ae_Guy> thats nice...
[04:00] * Joins: Guest76063 (java@=iakidzlx-
[04:00] <Sweet_Cali_Girl> okay...next year
[04:00] <Man_On_Line> nite all
[04:00] <ae_Guy> can you body slam a 226pound guy
[04:00] <_jackLo_> ms pad thai hi there do you have ahomepage?
[04:01] <ae_Guy> how acient?
[04:01] <Man_On_Line> bye sweetcaligirl
[04:01] * ExpressGuy  yes i can
[04:01] * Guest76063 is now known as bigwow
[04:01] <Sweet_Cali_Girl> you have to come to my graduation next year
[04:01] <Man_On_Line> luv you...*muah*
[04:01] * ExpressGuy  all you need is a little muscle and technique
[04:01] <Sweet_Cali_Girl> bye Man_On_Line
[04:01] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hi
[04:01] <ms_pad_thai> mai mee es
[04:01] * Joins: Lindda (gerstnerth@202.128.59.qJ946=)
[04:01] <ms_pad_thai> lol
[04:02] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hi mai pa
[04:02] <jellorice> hi all
[04:02] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 :D
[04:02] * Parts: jellorice (plastlk@=uDnofq-93-965-414-02.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.n
[04:02] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hi jell
[04:02] <ms_pad_thai> lol..
[04:02] * Quits: Man_On_Line (java@=eY05-272.151.popsite.net) (QUIT: User exited
[04:02] <ms_pad_thai> why did u change yoru nick
[04:02] <ms_pad_thai> :(
[04:02] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 i dont know
[04:02] * ExpressGuy  welps see ya next time Sweet
[04:02] * Quits: bigwow (java@=iakidzlx- (
QUIT: User exited)
[04:02] * Joins: Guest75003 (java@=Kaipda-78-27-171-74.rev.o1.com)
[04:02] * Joins: sirMcWorm (Evil@=ucr-95-676-464-19.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[04:02] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hi worzie
[04:02] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 mai pa is here
[04:02] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 :D
[04:02] * ExpressGuy  sup wormz
[04:02] <Sweet_Cali_Girl> ok.
[04:02] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[04:02] <sirMcWorm> yo
[04:02] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 mai pa, wormzs here
[04:03] <ms_pad_thai> freakn mai mee LOL
[04:03] * ExpressGuy  who's mai pa
[04:03] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 :D
[04:03] <ms_pad_thai> he's a disser
[04:03] * Guest75003 is now known as TipToes
[04:03] <sirMcWorm> mai pa is busy wit rollin
[04:03] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 now u know
[04:03] * ExpressGuy  that tampon pad
[04:03] <ms_pad_thai> i am NOT
[04:03] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hahah worzmie know about rollin too?
[04:03] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hahaha
[04:03] <_jackLo_> Fade did yu read what i said?
[04:03] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 fawk
[04:03] <sirMcWorm> *ignore mai pa*
[04:03] * ExpressGuy  YEAUP same ip address
[04:03] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 no i didn't jack
[04:03] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 repeat again
[04:03] <Sweet_Cali_Girl> are you leaving Dee??
[04:03] * ExpressGuy  yes i am
[04:03] <ms_pad_thai> yes
[04:03] <ms_pad_thai> i told him about ro11in
[04:03] <sirMcWorm> anyhow...
[04:03] <Sweet_Cali_Girl> ok
[04:03] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[04:03] <sirMcWorm> i'm bored
[04:03] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 Oh
[04:03] <_jackLo_> Fade I said I thik you're hotter than stephaniethoj and lhx,
[04:04] <ms_pad_thai> cuz i'm honest LOL
[04:04] <Sweet_Cali_Girl> u have a wonderful night
[04:04] <sirMcWorm> i would make a DVD, but i'm too lazy to make chapters
[04:04] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 wat jack?
[04:04] * ExpressGuy  needa do stuff tomorrow with my status at my unit
[04:04] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 haha
[04:04] <ms_pad_thai> freakn young..whatever
[04:04] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 nope
[04:04] * ExpressGuy  bye Sweet
[04:04] <Sweet_Cali_Girl> bye Dee
[04:04] * ExpressGuy  bye WhoAreU
[04:04] <Sweet_Cali_Girl> sweet dreams to you
[04:04] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 both step n lhx are hotter..seen them in person :D
[04:04] * ExpressGuy  bye rooms
[04:04] * Quits: ExpressGuy (none@=esdoup-00-323-129-562.dsl.frsn02.pacbell.net)
(QUIT: User exited)
[04:04] <sirMcWorm> anyone wanna trade pix?
[04:04] <sirMcWorm> i'm bored
[04:04] <sirMcWorm> and gosh, i miss this nick
[04:04] <sirMcWorm> LOLz
[04:04] <TipToes> did anyone watch Roof Top Room Cat today?
[04:05] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 i rmember worzm
[04:05] <sirMcWorm> hehehe..
[04:05] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 u uuse that nick to get girl pics
[04:05] * Joins: man_n_916 (Chatz@=Div-59-08-78-168.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[04:05] <ms_pad_thai> lol
[04:05] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 old days
[04:05] <sirMcWorm> yup yups!
[04:05] <sirMcWorm> the good ol' days
[04:05] * Joins: Guest79569 (java@=Gzj-11-99-274-422.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[04:05] <ms_pad_thai> freakn wormz is gay
[04:05] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 yeah..
[04:05] * Quits: siabdub (java@=pQv96.241.226.217.mad.wi.charter.com) (QUIT: Use
r exited)
[04:05] <ms_pad_thai> he was an addict?
[04:05] <ms_pad_thai> lol..
[04:05] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 duh mai pa
[04:05] <sirMcWorm> i used to post all the girls' pix on my HP
[04:05] <ms_pad_thai> really? LOL
[04:05] <sirMcWorm> but i took it all down
[04:05] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hahhaa
[04:05] <sirMcWorm> i have 100's!!
[04:05] <ms_pad_thai> damn wormz
[04:05] <TipToes> do all you girls and guys know each other
[04:06] <sirMcWorm> i had 100's and 100's!
[04:06] <ms_pad_thai> you think u got me but u don't
[04:06] <ms_pad_thai> lol
[04:06] * Guest79569 is now known as stpgrl
[04:06] <sirMcWorm> ms pt, i don't care
[04:06] <sirMcWorm> you're being an ***
[04:06] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 i remember he has a page of girls pics along with the
ir names
[04:06] * Quits: SW-Guest7917502 (hC_Java@=LBdysi-19-13-89-822.rev.o1.com) (QUIT
: User exited)
[04:06] <sirMcWorm> so i'm being an *** back
[04:06] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hahaha he had me as shanell xiong :D
[04:06] <sirMcWorm> fade, LOLz!
[04:06] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 lol
[04:06] <sirMcWorm> i know!!!
[04:06] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 funny
[04:06] <ms_pad_thai> whatever..
[04:06] <sirMcWorm> ppls loved my HP
[04:06] <sirMcWorm> it was tigh...
[04:07] <sirMcWorm> i'm a pro web designer
[04:07] <_jackLo_> bye!
[04:07] * Quits: ae_Guy (Hero_In_Ti@=Vntbmy-ha24-kqc46.cvip.net) (QUIT: User exi
[04:07] * Quits: _jackLo_ (java@=AaYH1Y47S2.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[04:07] * sirMcWorm is a mad scientist *
[04:07] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 oh why dont u go work for network or soemthing
[04:07] <sirMcWorm> i don't wanna wear a suit everyday
[04:07] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 tons of jobs in the bay
[04:07] <sirMcWorm> to be closer to you? kekeke..
[04:07] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 seekin for networker
[04:07] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 yes wormzie
[04:08] <sirMcWorm> roses of red
[04:08] <sirMcWorm> fall in my head
[04:08] * Quits: TipToes (java@=Kaipda-78-27-171-74.rev.o1.com) (QUIT: User exit
[04:08] <sirMcWorm> he smiled and took away
[04:08] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 <--fell for worzmie bald head long ago :D
[04:08] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 :D
[04:08] <sirMcWorm> they bloom when he pass me by
[04:08] <sirMcWorm> hahahaha..
[04:08] <sirMcWorm> i bloom when fade pass me by
[04:09] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 haha
[04:09] <sirMcWorm> if you want paradise, then look in my eyes
[04:09] <sirMcWorm> if you want paradise, then look at me twice
[04:09] <sirMcWorm> cuz she... makes me crazy
[04:09] <ms_pad_thai> *slaps* young
[04:09] <sirMcWorm> and she... makes me fly
[04:09] <ms_pad_thai> nobody wants to
[04:09] <ms_pad_thai> lool
[04:09] <ms_pad_thai> lol*
[04:09] * Quits: _Rebecca (ksteyer@202.155.107.v1948=) (QUIT: User exited)
[04:09] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 mai pa makes wormz fly?
[04:09] <sirMcWorm> ms pt, go to sleep
[04:09] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 haha
[04:09] * Quits: man_n_916 (Chatz@=Div-59-08-78-168.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[04:09] <sirMcWorm> you're annoying right now
[04:09] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 damn
[04:09] <ms_pad_thai> lol no, he's being an @ Ss ...
[04:09] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hahaha
[04:10] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 u two found ur match
[04:10] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hahaha
[04:10] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 annoying ***
[04:10] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 :D
[04:10] <ms_pad_thai> ewwww he's more annoying
[04:10] * Joins: Guest76199 (java@=4F550-32-554-49.gci.net)
[04:10] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 LOL
[04:10] <sirMcWorm> yes!
[04:11] <sirMcWorm> i found the easy way to make chapters for my DVD's!
[04:11] * Parts: Sweet_Cali_Girl (java@=XKonjp-60-40-929-654.rev.o1.com)
[04:11] <sirMcWorm> good lord, it takes forever though
[04:12] <sirMcWorm> my baby don't mess around cuz i know she loves me fo sho..
[04:12] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 wormzie sounds gay tonight
[04:12] <sirMcWorm> i'm lonely...
[04:12] <ms_pad_thai> oh shut up, young
[04:12] <ms_pad_thai> you're GAY
[04:12] <sirMcWorm> mr. lonely
[04:12] <ms_pad_thai> lol..
[04:12] <sirMcWorm> nobody loves me
[04:12] <ms_pad_thai> nobody wants your annoying @ ss
[04:12] <sirMcWorm> ms pt, screw you then!
[04:12] <sirMcWorm> sh*t...
[04:12] <ms_pad_thai> screw YOU
[04:13] <ms_pad_thai> *slaps*
[04:13] <sirMcWorm> bla bla bla...
[04:13] * Guest76199 is now known as mIsS_sTrAwBeRy
[04:13] <ms_pad_thai> blah blah back
[04:13] <sirMcWorm> kiss mah fawkin' ***
[04:13] <mIsS_sTrAwBeRy> hello ya'll
[04:13] <ms_pad_thai> lol..
[04:13] <ms_pad_thai> whatever, i got someone..so *rolls eyes*
[04:13] <sirMcWorm> good
[04:13] <sirMcWorm> at least now you don't need your fawkin' vibrator
[04:13] <ms_pad_thai> lol....
[04:13] <ms_pad_thai> as if i have one
[04:13] <sirMcWorm> sure you don't
[04:13] <ms_pad_thai> u turned out to be an @ ss..
[04:13] <sirMcWorm> quit fawkin' typin' to me
[04:13] <sirMcWorm> dumbass
[04:13] <ms_pad_thai> not cool...at all
[04:14] <ms_pad_thai> takes one to know one
[04:14] <ms_pad_thai> am i right?
[04:14] <sirMcWorm> *pooooooof*
[04:14] <sirMcWorm> be gone!
[04:14] <sirMcWorm> you are excused now
[04:14] <ms_pad_thai> lol..i was already gone
[04:14] <sirMcWorm> YOU'RE FIRED!
[04:14] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hmmms
[04:14] <ms_pad_thai> and you're KICKED to the curb
[04:14] * sirMcWorm does the Donald *
[04:14] <ms_pad_thai> *kicks*
[04:14] * Quits: mIsS_sTrAwBeRy (java@=4F550-32-554-49.gci.net) (QUIT: User exit
[04:14] <sirMcWorm> YOU'RE FIRED!
[04:14] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 Oh tus kuv hlub koj tsis paub mob kuv lus siab npuav
li cas
[04:15] <ms_pad_thai> does the beyonce bootay shake *uh oh uh oh i wanna uh oh uh
oh* take THAt!
[04:15] <sirMcWorm> darn it.. only 38% done
[04:15] * sirMcWorm busts out the Brad Pitt to ms pad thai aka Jennifer Anniston
[04:15] <sirMcWorm> DISSED!
[04:15] * Joins: Guest78043 (java@63.110.156.zU12=)
[04:15] <ms_pad_thai> lol..
[04:16] <sirMcWorm> fooooooooo!
[04:16] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 kuv xav kuv xav puas koj duam
[04:16] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 Oh tus kuv hlub koj tsis paub mob kuv lus siab npuav
li cas
[04:16] * Guest78043 is now known as CA_Man
[04:16] <ms_pad_thai> young, pay attention to mai mee!
[04:16] <ms_pad_thai> geez LOL
[04:16] <ms_pad_thai> i dont want YOU no more..
[04:16] <sirMcWorm> fade, can you please stop with the Hmong... i can't read it
[04:16] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 wat?
[04:16] <ms_pad_thai> lol, shut up, young
[04:16] <CA_Man> any ladies wanna chat??? press 111
[04:17] * sirMcWorm is gonna die now cuz ms pad thai doesn't want him *
[04:17] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 im listenin to destiny LOL
[04:17] * sirMcWorm croaks *
[04:17] <sirMcWorm> mah fawkin' ***
[04:17] <sirMcWorm> as if i gives a sh*t
[04:17] <ms_pad_thai> lol
[04:17] <ms_pad_thai> i dont either..
[04:17] <sirMcWorm> good
[04:17] <ms_pad_thai> so, whatever....*rolls eyes*
[04:17] <sirMcWorm> now STFU!
[04:17] <ms_pad_thai> u stfu
[04:17] * Joins: Guest78665 (java@=tcnuf06.merr.com)
[04:17] <sirMcWorm> PSTFU!
[04:17] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 koj yog lus paj kuv xav smell every day
[04:17] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 haha
[04:18] <ms_pad_thai> stfu before i come over there and slam u
[04:18] * Guest78665 is now known as Licker
[04:18] <sirMcWorm> you only wanna come over to cuddle foo! i know your tricks
[04:18] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hi licker
[04:18] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 im a sucker
[04:18] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 :D
[04:18] <sirMcWorm> ha ha ha...
[04:18] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 lol wormzie
[04:18] <ms_pad_thai> u only wanted me cuz u thought u were gonna get bootay
[04:18] <ms_pad_thai> lol..
[04:18] <ms_pad_thai> and i'm not stupid..
[04:18] <ms_pad_thai> retard
[04:18] <sirMcWorm> bootay don't mean sh*t to me
[04:18] <ms_pad_thai> whatever
[04:18] <sirMcWorm> as if i can't get any
[04:18] <ms_pad_thai> i know how guys are..
[04:18] <ms_pad_thai> u can't..
[04:18] <ms_pad_thai> not this one...
[04:18] <sirMcWorm> hahaha..
[04:18] <CA_Man> any ladies wanna chat??? press 111
[04:19] <ms_pad_thai> u act as if i was born yesterday
[04:19] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hi ca man
[04:19] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 111
[04:19] <ms_pad_thai> hello..wake up..smell the coffee
[04:19] <sirMcWorm> shut up moron
[04:19] <sirMcWorm> you bore me
[04:19] <CA_Man> hi
[04:19] <sirMcWorm> go find another internet bf
[04:19] <sirMcWorm> fagat
[04:19] <ms_pad_thai> ha, as if i need one
[04:19] <ms_pad_thai> i got myself..
[04:19] <sirMcWorm> good
[04:19] <sirMcWorm> go fawk yourself then
[04:19] <ms_pad_thai> you're NOTHING to me..anyways
[04:19] <sirMcWorm> and quit comin' on chat
[04:19] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 do the 69 that will solve the problem, wormzie n mai
[04:19] * Joins: Guest78500 (java@=Snb-90-105-381-203.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[04:19] <sirMcWorm> hate seein' your ugly *** on all the damn time
[04:19] <ms_pad_thai> lol
[04:20] <ms_pad_thai> ugly @ ss..look at yourself
[04:20] <sirMcWorm> yeah
[04:20] <sirMcWorm> i ain't the one who pc'ed other ppls saying i was cute
[04:20] <sirMcWorm> mufo!
[04:20] <ms_pad_thai> u act as if i can't get a man..LOL
[04:20] * Guest78500 is now known as A_GUY
[04:20] <ms_pad_thai> did i pc'ed other people doing that?
[04:20] * Who_Am_I_To_You thinks mai pa and wormzie are desperate for each other
... both need to get laid :o
[04:20] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 :D
[04:20] <sirMcWorm> all you have to do is spread your legs, foo!
[04:20] <sirMcWorm> how hard is that
[04:20] <ms_pad_thai> where's your proof....besta get your stories straight
[04:20] <sirMcWorm> hahahaha...
[04:20] <A_GUY> hello addicts
[04:20] <CA_Man> any ladies wanna chat??? press 111
[04:20] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hi a guy
[04:20] <ms_pad_thai> wormz, you're nothing to me
[04:20] <ms_pad_thai> i can careless about u
[04:20] <sirMcWorm> if i had a stanky ****, i'd get guys too
[04:20] <ms_pad_thai> you're just another dog
[04:21] <sirMcWorm> hahahha..
[04:21] <ms_pad_thai> you're NOTHING
[04:21] <ms_pad_thai> be a man and grow the F up..
[04:21] <sirMcWorm> ms pad thai should be ms tuna fish instead
[04:21] <sirMcWorm> hahahahaha..
[04:21] <sirMcWorm> ms fish sauce
[04:21] <sirMcWorm> hahahahaha
[04:21] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 mai pa thats notwat u said the other night..
[04:21] <sirMcWorm> act as if yo sh*t don't stank... WTF!
[04:21] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 oh wormz is a hottie..
[04:21] <ms_pad_thai> mai mee, i changed my mind..after realizing something
[04:21] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 :D
[04:21] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 lol
[04:21] <ms_pad_thai> seriously
[04:21] * Joins: aSoHotGuyNOT (fkdjkj@=twao642-47.dialip.mich.net)
[04:21] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 why a guy?
[04:21] <ms_pad_thai> but i know i can get him...now, i dont want him
[04:21] <ms_pad_thai> lol
[04:22] <sirMcWorm> what the heck?
[04:22] <aSoHotGuyNOT> anyone know a website with random hmong pictures??
[04:22] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 lol
[04:22] <sirMcWorm> where do i go from here?
[04:22] * Quits: CA_Man (java@63.110.156.zU12=) (QUIT: User exited)
[04:22] <ms_pad_thai> i told ya, i can get him
[04:22] <ms_pad_thai> i'm goOood
[04:22] <ms_pad_thai> *snaps my finger*
[04:22] <ms_pad_thai> LOL
[04:22] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 get him by spead ur legs? :D
[04:22] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hahahha
[04:22] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 jk
[04:22] <ms_pad_thai> lol..i didnt need to do that
[04:22] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 omg
[04:22] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hahahahaha
[04:22] <aSoHotGuyNOT> anyone know a website with random hmong pictures??
[04:22] <sirMcWorm> FAWK!!!
[04:22] <mttgurl> hello worm
[04:22] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 bye a guy
[04:22] <sirMcWorm> i'm lost again...
[04:22] <ms_pad_thai> i'm tooOo good..i dont use sex to get what i want
[04:22] <ms_pad_thai> :D
[04:22] <sirMcWorm> hello homey's sister
[04:22] * Quits: A_GUY (java@=Snb-90-105-381-203.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUIT: Use
r exited)
[04:22] <mttgurl> how are you doin
[04:22] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 wat do u use?
[04:22] <sirMcWorm> bored as heck, you?
[04:23] <ms_pad_thai> my skills
[04:23] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 Ooh
[04:23] <ms_pad_thai> mttgurl, young is a dumb @ ss
[04:23] <ms_pad_thai> lol
[04:23] <mttgurl> i think I am dying here
[04:23] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 wat kind of skills?
[04:23] <sirMcWorm> ugh...
[04:23] <mttgurl> is he?
[04:23] <sirMcWorm> hahaha
[04:23] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 lol
[04:23] <ms_pad_thai> girl, take notes
[04:23] <ms_pad_thai> :D
[04:23] <aSoHotGuyNOT> anyone know a website with random hmong pictures??
[04:23] <ms_pad_thai> LOL jk
[04:23] <sirMcWorm> too badd mttgurl is the homey's sister
[04:23] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 i am
[04:23] <mttgurl> heheheh
[04:23] <sirMcWorm> she don't side with skanks like you
[04:23] <ms_pad_thai> whatever..young is a horny Bastard
[04:23] <ms_pad_thai> thought he was gonna get boo-tea
[04:23] <mttgurl> LOL
[04:23] <ms_pad_thai> LOL...
[04:23] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hahhaa
[04:23] <sirMcWorm> mttgurl knows wormz got game
[04:23] <sirMcWorm> LOLz
[04:23] <mttgurl> das rite!!!
[04:24] <ms_pad_thai> mttgirl, he thought he was gonna get some of this BOO-TEA
[04:24] <ms_pad_thai> LOL
[04:24] <ms_pad_thai> i laugh at that
[04:24] <ms_pad_thai> hahahaha..
[04:24] <mttgurl> I hurted my hand today and broke my phone too
[04:24] <mttgurl> hehehe
[04:24] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 wormzie got game, mai pa got game.. u two need to hoo
k up offline
[04:24] <sirMcWorm> wt heck?
[04:24] <ms_pad_thai> lol
[04:24] <@romeothug> ...
[04:24] <ms_pad_thai> mai mee, i know i got game...LOL
[04:24] * romeothug sets mode: +v Bethy|SleepingFckers
[04:24] <mttgurl> I went physco tonite...
[04:24] <sirMcWorm> dude...
[04:24] <sirMcWorm> easy tigress, easy...
[04:24] <ms_pad_thai> jk
[04:24] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hahaha
[04:24] <ms_pad_thai> lol..
[04:25] <ms_pad_thai> mai mee, choose my next victim
[04:25] <ms_pad_thai> hahahaha
[04:25] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hahahhaa
[04:25] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hmmmm
[04:25] <ms_pad_thai> mission accomplished
[04:25] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 :D
[04:25] <ms_pad_thai> sorry WORMZ, u were a TEST...hahaha..
[04:25] <sirMcWorm> sorry ms pt, you was a BET
[04:25] <sirMcWorm> you're F*CKING bet..
[04:25] <ms_pad_thai> lol..that's what i meant
[04:25] <ms_pad_thai> hahaha....
[04:25] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 haha
[04:25] <sirMcWorm> hehehe...
[04:25] <sirMcWorm> i just saw that movie today too
[04:25] <mttgurl> Never Never thought I could get that physco.. worms.......
[04:25] <ms_pad_thai> lol
[04:26] <ms_pad_thai> "how to lose a guy in 30 days"
[04:26] <mttgurl> now my fingres are like killing me....
[04:26] <aSoHotGuyNOT> anyone know a website with random hmong pictures??
[04:26] <sirMcWorm> mttgurl, you needa calm down... take 3 deep breathes... drin
k a 40 and call me in the morning
[04:26] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 yeah mai pa.. do that to wormzie..
[04:26] <mttgurl> I hope they arent broken....
[04:26] <ms_pad_thai> lol..
[04:26] <ms_pad_thai> girl, i dont get along with him
[04:26] <sirMcWorm> mtt, you better ice that yo
[04:26] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 u two might end up having a family :D
[04:26] <ms_pad_thai> he's weird..
[04:26] <ms_pad_thai> i dont want him no more
[04:26] <ms_pad_thai> *yawns* i'm tired
[04:26] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 sure
[04:26] <mttgurl> i will later.......
[04:27] <sirMcWorm> coolios
[04:27] * Quits: marianaa (man43man20@ (QUIT: User exited)
[04:27] <ms_pad_thai> he doesnt know how to treat a LADY
[04:27] <sirMcWorm> so who was you talkin' to?
[04:27] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hahaha
[04:27] <ms_pad_thai> he needs to mature..and grow the f up..
[04:27] <ms_pad_thai> lol
[04:27] <sirMcWorm> that got you all mad?
[04:27] <mttgurl> and now I need a new phone.........................
[04:27] <mttgurl> mike...
[04:27] <sirMcWorm> you're still talkin' to him all this time??
[04:27] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 teach him
[04:27] <sirMcWorm> whoa........
[04:27] <mttgurl> yupp yupp
[04:27] <ms_pad_thai> not worth my time..
[04:27] <ms_pad_thai> lol
[04:27] <ms_pad_thai> anyways, next..
[04:27] * Quits: @romeothug (java@69.105.150.ez358=) (QUIT: User exited)
[04:28] <sirMcWorm> i uno what to say eh
[04:28] <ms_pad_thai> get a job!!!!!
[04:28] <ms_pad_thai> lol that's what
[04:28] <mttgurl> I am so mad I cant even sleep
[04:28] <sirMcWorm> hasn't momi chia hooked you up wit a man yet?
[04:28] <mttgurl> i am goin to be up the whole nite
[04:28] <sirMcWorm> ouchers
[04:28] <mttgurl> hey are you still in fresno
[04:28] * Quits: Lindda (gerstnerth@202.128.59.qJ946=) (QUIT: User exited)
[04:28] <sirMcWorm> yes ma'am!
[04:28] <sirMcWorm> but i'm leavin' next week
[04:29] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hmmmms
[04:29] <sirMcWorm> maybe for the summer
[04:29] <mttgurl> are you coming back
[04:29] <sirMcWorm> b4 school, yeah
[04:29] <aSoHotGuyNOT> \anyone got aa to trade?
[04:29] <sirMcWorm> ooooooooo, guess what?
[04:29] <mttgurl> wats up ?
[04:29] * Who_Am_I_To_You wants wormz to come visit me first b4 he leaves to do
his US tours
[04:29] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 :D
[04:29] <sirMcWorm> i went to lunch with shimel last week
[04:29] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hi asohotguynot, ill trade
[04:29] <aSoHotGuyNOT> what's yours
[04:29] <mttgurl> thats nice
[04:29] <sirMcWorm> fade, you're much nicer than ms pt, maybe i'll come
[04:30] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 sunflower2120
[04:30] <mttgurl> she dont even call us anymore
[04:30] <ms_pad_thai> *slaps* young
[04:30] <sirMcWorm> ya should hang out sometime, its been a long time
[04:30] <aSoHotGuyNOT> hmongboy23
[04:30] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 <--always been nice ;p
[04:30] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 http://members.asianavenue.com/hmongboy23
[04:30] <mttgurl> yea i Know but she seems like shes too busy for us
[04:30] * Quits: Licker (java@=tcnuf06.merr.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[04:30] <sirMcWorm> ms pt, fade's always been a sweetheart to me, after 3 years
of chatting, and you? not even a week, you're miss devil to me already
[04:30] * Joins: _Katrine17 (__@=JJ257.76.223.82.arsystel.com)
[04:30] <sirMcWorm> mtt, nah... just give her a buzz
[04:30] <ms_pad_thai> young, i dont care..
[04:30] <sirMcWorm> she misses ya's
[04:31] <ms_pad_thai> you're an @ ss to me..i dont put up wit that
[04:31] <ms_pad_thai> haha
[04:31] <mttgurl> she misses everyone..
[04:31] <ms_pad_thai> i dont like dissers..
[04:31] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 where is ur pic, ?
[04:31] <ms_pad_thai> nor do i like being put 2nd
[04:31] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 LOL
[04:31] <sirMcWorm> okay, whatever
[04:31] <mttgurl> I kind of feel wried............
[04:31] <sirMcWorm> no hard feelings over here
[04:31] <ms_pad_thai> yeah, it's whatever..haha
[04:31] <ms_pad_thai> same here
[04:31] <ms_pad_thai> *hand shakes*
[04:31] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 asohotguynot, where is ur pic?
[04:31] <sirMcWorm> mtt, just do it... old homies still homies
[04:31] <mttgurl> oh no no not at all
[04:31] <mttgurl> =)(
[04:31] <mttgurl> =)
[04:32] <sirMcWorm> i saw the angel's HP the other day, it cracked me up
[04:32] <sirMcWorm> good ol times...
[04:32] <mttgurl> hahhaha
[04:32] <sirMcWorm> i sure miss those days...
[04:32] <aSoHotGuyNOT> we said trade AA...i didn't say trade picturs
[04:32] <aSoHotGuyNOT> sorry
[04:32] <mttgurl> oh yea...
[04:32] <ms_pad_thai> mai mee, found any hottie while i was gone?
[04:32] <ms_pad_thai> haha
[04:32] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 lol
[04:32] * Joins: FriendlyNiceAndSweetGuy (friendlyni@=gQ42-342-26-941.dhcp.hckr.
[04:32] <aSoHotGuyNOT> i forgot that i took it off
[04:32] <mttgurl> heres my AA
[04:32] <aSoHotGuyNOT> a long time ago
[04:32] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 mai pa, nope
[04:32] <mttgurl> wheres yours at
[04:32] <aSoHotGuyNOT> mtt show yours?
[04:33] <ms_pad_thai> aww u suck
[04:33] * Quits: FriendlyNiceAndSweetGuy (friendlyni@=gQ42-342-26-941.dhcp.hckr.
nc.charter.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[04:33] <sirMcWorm> http://pp.asianavenue.com/sirmcworm
[04:33] <ms_pad_thai> ewwwwww
[04:33] <sirMcWorm> whoa!
[04:33] <ms_pad_thai> plz dont show that
[04:33] <sirMcWorm> i have 1,200 hits!!
[04:33] <ms_pad_thai> lol..
[04:33] <mttgurl> its McWrmandmtthomies@AA
[04:33] <ms_pad_thai> whew..scared the living devil out of me
[04:33] <mttgurl> McWrmandmtthomies@AA
[04:33] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 http://members.asianavenue.com/sunflower2120 :D
[04:34] <ms_pad_thai> aawww mai mee, you're so beautiful...
[04:34] <ms_pad_thai> young, are you blind? mai mee's hot..
[04:34] <sirMcWorm> fade is a MILF!
[04:34] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 thats not me haha
[04:34] <ms_pad_thai> what's wrong with you..
[04:34] <ms_pad_thai> lol..
[04:34] <ms_pad_thai> you must be really stupid..cuz she normally doesn't give gu
ys chances
[04:34] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 my twin sis from boston
[04:34] <ms_pad_thai> lol@mai mee
[04:34] <sirMcWorm> fade, i have a twin also
[04:34] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 haha
[04:35] * sirMcWorm always wanted to date a twin *
[04:35] * Joins: Jesica_ (Funster@212.95.163.XM251=)
[04:35] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 i know u do :D,, hook me up with ur twin bro :D
[04:35] * ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@*.my
[04:35] * ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@*.fr
[04:35] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@212.*
[04:35] * Jesica_ was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk: clone
[04:35] <ms_pad_thai> lol
[04:35] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hah
[04:35] <sirMcWorm> go to mich with me
[04:35] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 im broke
[04:35] <ms_pad_thai> maybe he's not an @ ss like young
[04:35] <ms_pad_thai> lol..
[04:35] <sirMcWorm> i'll pack you in my suitcase
[04:35] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 :D hahha mai pa
[04:35] <mttgurl> okies.. me goin to go watch porn... anyone wanna come along?
[04:35] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hahhaha
[04:35] <sirMcWorm> hahaha
[04:35] <sirMcWorm> gross!
[04:35] <ms_pad_thai> mttgurl, young wants to tap that bootay
[04:35] <ms_pad_thai> LOL he told me so
[04:36] <ms_pad_thai> jk
[04:36] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 haha
[04:36] <mttgurl> i have a stash of it
[04:36] <ms_pad_thai> LOL..
[04:36] <mttgurl> ewewis
[04:36] <mttgurl> no can do that \
[04:36] <ms_pad_thai> i was jk
[04:36] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 watched porn with an ex once omg.. i can't stand it..
[04:36] <sirMcWorm> mtt, do u have any candy for me???
[04:36] <mttgurl> i am the homies sister
[04:36] <ms_pad_thai> lol
[04:36] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 it didn't feel right
[04:36] <mttgurl> i have Ice cream
[04:36] <sirMcWorm> no, the other "candy"
[04:36] <ms_pad_thai> dang, i'm so depress..freakn finals
[04:36] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 so i covered my face
[04:36] <mttgurl> yes yes
[04:36] <sirMcWorm> i want some
[04:36] <mttgurl> yes yes yes yes yes
[04:36] <ms_pad_thai> ewwwww YOUNG
[04:36] <ms_pad_thai> u dirty dog
[04:37] <mttgurl> when can you pick it up
[04:37] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 lol mai pa
[04:37] <sirMcWorm> i uno
[04:37] <sirMcWorm> i'll call u when i go to phia's house
[04:37] <sirMcWorm> its close by
[04:37] <sirMcWorm> we ball at phia's
[04:37] <ms_pad_thai> lol
[04:37] <mttgurl> they already took a bit of it tho....
[04:37] <sirMcWorm> sall good
[04:37] <ms_pad_thai> i dont want his annoying @ ss..
[04:37] <mttgurl> ummm..............
[04:38] <ms_pad_thai> "weed"...aka "candy"
[04:38] <sirMcWorm> huh?
[04:38] <ms_pad_thai> what a pot head..
[04:38] <sirMcWorm> ms pt, mind your own chats plese
[04:38] <sirMcWorm> please
[04:38] <aSoHotGuyNOT> sir..you shoudl shave..it would make you look clean..just
a though..
[04:38] <mttgurl> i am trying to get someother candy too...
[04:38] <ms_pad_thai> LOL
[04:38] <ms_pad_thai> another guy checking out another guy?
[04:38] <ms_pad_thai> whoa...
[04:38] <sirMcWorm> hook it up!
[04:38] <ms_pad_thai> kinda.....gay...
[04:38] <ms_pad_thai> LOL
[04:38] <sirMcWorm> aso, thanks, i'll think about that
[04:39] <mttgurl> this candy you can share it with the other guys too
[04:39] <sirMcWorm> i'm coo wit that kind
[04:39] <mttgurl> young you need a roomate
[04:39] <sirMcWorm> mtt, i moved out already
[04:39] <ms_pad_thai> eewwwww freakn POTHEAD
[04:39] <sirMcWorm> sheng lives with me!
[04:39] <mttgurl> where to
[04:39] <sirMcWorm> by fsu
[04:39] <mttgurl> stalker?
[04:39] <sirMcWorm> stalker??
[04:40] <sirMcWorm> i miss my wife...
[04:40] * Quits: aSoHotGuyNOT (fkdjkj@=twao642-47.dialip.mich.net) (QUIT: User e
[04:40] <sirMcWorm> i love you...
[04:40] * Quits: webmaster8668 (java@=Qnjpqe-96-922-1-60.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
(QUIT: User exited)
[04:40] <sirMcWorm> you...
[04:40] <sirMcWorm> complete me......
[04:40] <ms_pad_thai> ewww he's been married?
[04:40] <sirMcWorm> you had me at hello...
[04:40] <sirMcWorm> you had me at hello...........
[04:40] <ms_pad_thai> he never told me...what a blahs
[04:40] <mttgurl> sheng .. the one that gave you guys valentines that stay at jo
hnny place??
[04:40] <sirMcWorm> yups
[04:41] <mttgurl> thankx for the candy tho.. thry were good even tho it wasnt fo
r us
[04:41] <sirMcWorm> ms pt, FYI, that was secret garden, jerry mcguire
[04:41] <sirMcWorm> hahahaha.. sall good
[04:41] <ms_pad_thai> forget young....night
[04:41] <ms_pad_thai> lol..typical dog
[04:41] * Quits: ms_pad_thai (java@=7mgdleudfcg-seq.ucr.edu) (QUIT: User exited)
[04:41] <sirMcWorm> hahahah...
[04:41] <mttgurl> but can you guys use another roommate
[04:41] <sirMcWorm> she's mad
[04:42] <mttgurl> who??
[04:42] <mttgurl> sheng
[04:42] <sirMcWorm> why, wat's up?
[04:42] <mttgurl> its a gurl ....
[04:42] <mttgurl> she wants to move out thats why
[04:42] <sirMcWorm> who?
[04:42] <mttgurl> my fren...
[04:42] <sirMcWorm> i uno, sheng's sis might move in too
[04:42] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[04:42] <sirMcWorm> and right now, her cuzin is livin wit us
[04:42] <mttgurl> oh ok...
[04:43] <sirMcWorm> so it might get a lilo tigh around here
[04:43] <mttgurl> 2 bed room
[04:43] <sirMcWorm> is she hott??
[04:43] <sirMcWorm> yups
[04:43] <mttgurl> for get it then
[04:43] <mttgurl> fuckable
[04:43] <mttgurl> you can say
[04:43] <sirMcWorm> 411?
[04:43] <mttgurl> 4 9
[04:43] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[04:43] <mttgurl> 115
[04:44] <mttgurl> devorce...
[04:44] <mttgurl> 1 kid
[04:44] <sirMcWorm> name?
[04:44] <mttgurl> 24
[04:44] <mttgurl> blia vang
[04:44] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 where is mai pa?
[04:44] <sirMcWorm> 4'9??
[04:44] <mttgurl> yea
[04:44] <sirMcWorm> mai pa left
[04:44] <mttgurl> 4 9
[04:44] <sirMcWorm> no way.......
[04:44] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 oh
[04:44] <sirMcWorm> i'll talk to ben
[04:44] <mttgurl> hahahhaha
[04:44] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 4'9 same height as lee
[04:44] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 :D
[04:44] <mttgurl> she use to go to fresno stay too
[04:44] <sirMcWorm> who's lee?
[04:44] <mttgurl> whos lee?
[04:45] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 lee khang
[04:45] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 haha
[04:45] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 :D
[04:45] <sirMcWorm> oh
[04:45] <mttgurl> whys sheng mad?
[04:45] <sirMcWorm> she's not
[04:45] <mttgurl> who cooks around there
[04:45] <sirMcWorm> me, if i'm not lazy
[04:46] <sirMcWorm> and sheng sometimes
[04:46] <sirMcWorm> but her cooking is too salty
[04:46] <mttgurl> I mite just come over for lucnh one of these days...
[04:46] <mttgurl> how as mines?
[04:46] <sirMcWorm> yours is just fine
[04:46] * sirMcWorm is leaving next Wed *
[04:47] <mttgurl> where are you goin next week
[04:47] <sirMcWorm> kansas, then minn., then mich
[04:47] <mttgurl> driving
[04:47] <sirMcWorm> fly
[04:47] <sirMcWorm> then drive to minn
[04:47] <sirMcWorm> and mich
[04:47] <mttgurl> whos in Ks?
[04:47] <sirMcWorm> c murder
[04:48] <mttgurl> Oh him
[04:48] * Quits: _Katrine17 (__@=JJ257.76.223.82.arsystel.com) (Connection reset
by peer)
[04:48] <sirMcWorm> and my future wife
[04:48] <sirMcWorm> i hope
[04:48] <mttgurl> then you two are driving to Mn
[04:48] <sirMcWorm> yups
[04:48] <mttgurl> you goin to married him ....????
[04:48] <sirMcWorm> but ben's gonna come to ks in the 28th
[04:48] <sirMcWorm> then we all go
[04:48] <sirMcWorm> hahaha, no!
[04:48] <mttgurl> thats kool
[04:48] <mttgurl> whos your future wife?
[04:49] <sirMcWorm> a girl in kc
[04:49] <sirMcWorm> dont know who yet tho
[04:49] <mttgurl> online??
[04:49] <mttgurl> girl
[04:49] <sirMcWorm> nope
[04:49] <sirMcWorm> no more online girls for me
[04:49] <mttgurl> umm
[04:49] <sirMcWorm> they're kr ay zee
[04:49] <mttgurl> how did you meet this one
[04:49] <mttgurl> no i am not
[04:49] <sirMcWorm> i know you
[04:49] <sirMcWorm> so that's okay
[04:50] <sirMcWorm> i haven't met my wifey yet
[04:50] <sirMcWorm> just going to snag one home
[04:50] <sirMcWorm> heheheheh
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[04:50] <mttgurl> hahahhaha
[04:50] <sirMcWorm> tell chia not to cry
[04:50] <sirMcWorm> its something i must do
[04:50] <mttgurl> can you put c muder in your luggage and bring him one for me?
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[04:51] <sirMcWorm> hahaha..
[04:51] <mttgurl> I will let her knoe
[04:51] <mttgurl> plz...
[04:51] <sirMcWorm> he was here a while back
[04:51] <mttgurl> I wont hurt him...
[04:51] <sirMcWorm> for peewee's bro's funeral
[04:51] <mttgurl> really
[04:51] <sirMcWorm> yea, he stayed at my place
[04:51] <mttgurl> I think i called him like last week
[04:51] <mttgurl> and you didnt tell me
[04:52] <sirMcWorm> he was busy wit the funeral and all
[04:52] <mttgurl> its kool
[04:52] <sirMcWorm> welps
[04:52] <sirMcWorm> i'm head out
[04:52] <sirMcWorm> its 2am
[04:52] <sirMcWorm> i'll call ya's when i come by
[04:52] <mttgurl> okies nite nite to you
[04:52] <sirMcWorm> t/k, bye bye
[04:52] <mttgurl> okies
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[05:04] <siKWitIt> heLLo peeeopplle
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[05:21] <LuvlyLisa> okie i'm outta here
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[05:22] <EAStSiDeboYz> angelica wassup playa u wanna chat
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[05:30] <frezzzz> hi peoplessss
[05:31] <frezzzz> soooooooooooooooooo stuck up! hmmmm!
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[05:33] * frezzzz slaps Tommy_Hang3186
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[06:06] * Tommy_Hang 12Back:4  I am Away 2[12I was Away for:1 012hrs 1 012mins1 1812secs2]
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[06:06] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 off 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
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[06:12] <TipToes> so quiet
[06:12] <}GUPPY> *yawn*
[06:12] <TipToes> how long have you ben on?
[06:12] <TipToes> been
[06:12] <}GUPPY> mmm let's see
[06:13] <}GUPPY> i've no clue
[06:13] <}GUPPY> been doing other things
[06:13] <TipToes> oh, well, i'm sleepy. i hope you have fun though
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: spam host)
[06:13] <}GUPPY> oh?
[06:13] <}GUPPY> should go to sleep
[06:14] <}GUPPY> this isn't worth staying up for :)
[06:14] <TipToes> then why are you still here, are you waiting for a friend?
[06:14] <}GUPPY> hehe
[06:14] <}GUPPY> i wait for nobody here
[06:14] <TipToes> my friend's suppose to be here
[06:14] <}GUPPY> oh?
[06:14] <}GUPPY> how long have you been waiting?
[06:15] <TipToes> i just got on, my sistr was talking on the phone so i couldn't
come earlier, i think she left
[06:16] <}GUPPY> you from the west coast?
[06:16] <TipToes> yeah
[06:16] <}GUPPY> ic
[06:16] <}GUPPY> yeah it's 3:23 there
[06:16] <TipToes> and you east?
[06:16] <}GUPPY> midwest
[06:16] <}GUPPY> 5:23 here
[06:16] <TipToes> oh
[06:17] <TipToes> are you a girl or boy? girl right?
[06:17] <}GUPPY> hehe nah, i'm a guy
[06:17] <TipToes> really, sorry
[06:17] <}GUPPY> np man
[06:17] <TipToes> you're kinda nice, so i thought you were a girl
[06:18] <}GUPPY> hehe not all guys here are mean
[06:18] <TipToes> i know, but a nice guy is hard to come by
[06:18] <}GUPPY> then again i'm 25, gotta act my age
[06:18] <TipToes> really, not all older men are nicer neither
[06:19] <TipToes> but you seem nice
[06:19] <TipToes> are you a tha?
[06:19] <TipToes> thao
[06:19] <}GUPPY> nope
[06:19] <}GUPPY> name's David
[06:19] <}GUPPY> David Lee
[06:19] <}GUPPY> from WI
[06:19] <TipToes> oh good...cause i'm a thao
[06:19] <}GUPPY> ic
[06:19] <TipToes> hli from california
[06:20] <}GUPPY> where abouts in CA?
[06:20] <TipToes> yuba county
[06:20] <TipToes> and you?
[06:20] <}GUPPY> from La Crosse
[06:20] <}GUPPY> originally from Memphis though
[06:20] <TipToes> really
[06:20] <TipToes> cool, i didn't know hmongs lived there
[06:21] <}GUPPY> there are a few, not many, but yes there are
[06:21] <}GUPPY> i've been to yuba county
[06:21] <}GUPPY> was a long time ago though
[06:21] <TipToes> really? it's really small huh, yep.
[06:21] <TipToes> how long ago?
[06:21] <}GUPPY> yeah, we stopped by there to.. kill a pig i believe
[06:21] * Quits: callisto^ (karlos@=7gUetnaal-IQE-upr6565007.sympatico.ca) (Ping
[06:21] <}GUPPY> all i remember was that, there were rice fields
[06:21] <}GUPPY> hehe
[06:22] <TipToes> oh...hehe
[06:22] <TipToes> yeah, but they're building a lot of houses there now,
[06:22] <}GUPPY> i bet
[06:22] <}GUPPY> last i was there was..
[06:22] <}GUPPY> 93
[06:22] <}GUPPY> hehe
[06:22] <}GUPPY> i've been to CA many times.... but only to Yuba once
[06:23] <TipToes> why did you come to cali, relives? grilfriend?
[06:23] <TipToes> relatives
[06:23] <}GUPPY> used to date a girl from fresno
[06:23] <}GUPPY> was many years ago
[06:23] <TipToes> oh
[06:23] <}GUPPY> 6 years ago actually
[06:23] <TipToes> are you married?
[06:23] <TipToes> wow
[06:23] <}GUPPY> hehe nope, not married
[06:23] <}GUPPY> don't think i'll ever be
[06:23] <TipToes> just making sure
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ngtalk: spam host)
[06:23] <TipToes> don't mean to pry
[06:24] <}GUPPY> oh no problem at all
[06:24] <}GUPPY> :)
[06:24] <TipToes> why not?
[06:24] <}GUPPY> well, i'm one of those... socially inept
[06:24] <}GUPPY> lol well not really
[06:24] <}GUPPY> i dunno, just odn't see myself being with anyone
[06:24] <TipToes> hehehe...that's impossible
[06:25] <}GUPPY> well sure it is
[06:25] <TipToes> but i understand, i don't really see myself there too, even th
ough it'd be nice
[06:25] <}GUPPY> there are those who go on with life, without ever falling in lo
[06:25] <TipToes> my mom hates it that i don't feel the same as her about marria
[06:25] <TipToes> but i can't help it
[06:25] <}GUPPY> yes, we have different values from them
[06:25] <TipToes> yes there are, are you one of them?
[06:26] <}GUPPY> then again, we have so many more other opportunities than they
did too
[06:26] <TipToes> yep
[06:26] <}GUPPY> i surely hope not
[06:26] <}GUPPY> i can fall in love with kids
[06:26] <}GUPPY> :)
[06:26] <}GUPPY> adopt
[06:26] <}GUPPY> etc
[06:26] <TipToes> of course, most people do fall in love with kids
[06:27] <TipToes> it's not hard unlike adults..hehehe
[06:27] <}GUPPY> maybe my mindset will change in the future
[06:27] <}GUPPY> maybe someone will come along and hit me upside the head and tu
rn me upside down
[06:27] <TipToes> you still have a long time, so don't force it. ...hehehe....b
ang up upside the head huh?
[06:28] <TipToes> but it does happen when you fall in L
[06:28] <}GUPPY> sure does
[06:28] <}GUPPY> you become weird
[06:28] <TipToes> yep
[06:28] <TipToes> and really corny
[06:29] <}GUPPY> hehe
[06:29] <}GUPPY> how about you?
[06:29] <}GUPPY> married?
[06:30] <TipToes> no way, every guy i know either hates me or use to love me and
now hates me, i'm not a man hater...surely i'm not. but i don't see marriage an
ywhere in the near future...maybe when i'm 30-35, but i don't want to set myself
up for anything too
[06:30] <TipToes> if it happens it'll happen, i don't want to force somethings t
hat's not meant to be
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[06:32] <}GUPPY> hmmm
[06:32] <}GUPPY> one sec
[06:32] <TipToes> take your time
[06:35] <TipToes> wait
[06:35] <}GUPPY> i'm here
[06:37] <}GUPPY> weather's terrible
[06:38] <}GUPPY> had to check up on the weather
[06:38] <TipToes> i'm back now
[06:38] <TipToes> the weathers bad there?
[06:38] <}GUPPY> sometimes... you just have to let it come to you
[06:38] <}GUPPY> yeah, sever weather etc..
[06:38] <}GUPPY> 40 mph winds
[06:39] <}GUPPY> large hail, thunderstorms, tornado warning
[06:39] <}GUPPY> http://weather.yahoo.com/img/n_central_sat_440x297.html
[06:39] <}GUPPY> take a look at it
[06:39] <}GUPPY> hehe
[06:39] <}GUPPY> that's the radar
[06:39] <TipToes> oh, yesterday it was nice here, it was sunny, but there was a
rainfall, but it was still really bright outside
[06:39] <TipToes> oh
[06:40] <TipToes> humm..:) you check it a lot huh
[06:40] <}GUPPY> now and then
[06:40] <}GUPPY> i fish a lot
[06:40] <}GUPPY> gotta know the weather
[06:40] <}GUPPY> :)
[06:40] <}GUPPY> looks like it's gonna be no fishing this weekend
[06:41] <TipToes> it looks horrible
[06:41] <TipToes> now?
[06:41] <}GUPPY> hehe yeah
[06:41] <}GUPPY> my window feels as if it's gonna be pulled out
[06:41] <TipToes> you fish, cool, it's fun..but i haven't gone in forever
[06:41] <TipToes> really?
[06:41] <TipToes> that bad
[06:42] <}GUPPY> yes
[06:42] <TipToes> scared?
[06:42] <}GUPPY> hehe nah
[06:42] <}GUPPY> i've been in worse
[06:42] <}GUPPY> :)
[06:42] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
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[06:42] <TipToes> sure?...hehehe..you're probably use to it eh?
[06:43] <}GUPPY> yup
[06:43] <}GUPPY> get tornado warnings all the time
[06:43] <}GUPPY> it's actually exciting
[06:43] <}GUPPY> hehe
[06:43] <TipToes> what? really?
[06:43] <}GUPPY> yeah, watching the wind blow and rain fall
[06:43] <TipToes> what?!?!..ahhhh...you're crazy
[06:43] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[06:43] <TipToes> i'd be scared out of my wits
[06:43] <}GUPPY> i dunno, what can i say, i like destruction
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[06:44] <TipToes> oh....i like playing in the rain, but if it's bad i usually ru
n for cover
[06:44] <TipToes> destruction?
[06:44] <TipToes> in everything?
[06:44] <}GUPPY> yeah, as long as it's not mine
[06:44] <}GUPPY> :D
[06:44] <}GUPPY> hehe
[06:44] <TipToes> i don't i like clearness
[06:45] <TipToes> hehehe.
[06:45] <TipToes> true,
[06:45] <TipToes> do you have any friends here?
[06:46] <}GUPPY> mmm
[06:46] <}GUPPY> hehe let's just say i've been here longer than most
[06:47] <TipToes> because you're older?
[06:47] <TipToes> and so you do have friends here
[06:47] <}GUPPY> been doing this for almost 13 years
[06:47] <}GUPPY> :)
[06:47] <TipToes> wow, pretty amazing
[06:47] <TipToes> you must have met a lot of people huh?
[06:47] <}GUPPY> none of this even existed
[06:47] <}GUPPY> oh i've met thousands
[06:48] <}GUPPY> they come and go
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[06:48] <@XPLoSion> Morning.
[06:48] <TipToes> oh, is it ever any different
[06:48] <}GUPPY> back then it was all ms-dos based
[06:49] <TipToes> what's that?
[06:49] <}GUPPY> was a bit more complicated back then
[06:49] <TipToes> oh
[06:49] <}GUPPY> you didn't have these websites that you could portal through
[06:49] <TipToes> okay
[06:50] <}GUPPY> do you come on often?
[06:50] <TipToes> have you ever been a jerk to any girls here?
[06:50] <TipToes> no
[06:50] <TipToes> long story short...
[06:51] <TipToes> this is my 5 time in a couple of years
[06:51] <}GUPPY> oic
[06:51] <}GUPPY> i believe i've seen your nick before
[06:51] <TipToes> yeah
[06:51] <TipToes> y was here yesterday and the day befoe too
[06:52] <}GUPPY> :)
[06:52] <}GUPPY> how about in the past?
[06:52] <}GUPPY> same nick too?
[06:52] <TipToes> no
[06:52] <TipToes> in the past my name was "DoNotDisturbMe"
[06:52] <TipToes> that was when i only chatted with my BF
[06:53] <}GUPPY> i see
[06:53] <TipToes> silly, but true
[06:53] <}GUPPY> where was he from?
[06:53] <TipToes> sacramento
[06:53] <}GUPPY> did you meet him online?
[06:53] <TipToes> we met here...so weird huh? kinda embarrassing
[06:54] <}GUPPY> don't be
[06:54] <TipToes> i never thought i'd go out with someone online, but i did
[06:54] <}GUPPY> it's actually very common these days
[06:54] <TipToes> not right away though, we were friends for a year and a half b
efore he asked me out
[06:54] <TipToes> it is common huh?
[06:54] <}GUPPY> yes it is :)
[06:54] <TipToes> have you?
[06:55] <TipToes> since we're on the topic
[06:55] <}GUPPY> i once
[06:55] <TipToes> really?
[06:55] <}GUPPY> was a long time ago
[06:55] <}GUPPY> 6 years ago :)
[06:55] <}GUPPY> hehe
[06:55] <TipToes> wow
[06:55] <TipToes> ist love?
[06:55] <TipToes> 1st
[06:55] <}GUPPY> mmm wasn't
[06:55] <TipToes> oh
[06:55] <}GUPPY> but then it made me fall the hardest
[06:55] <TipToes> really....i can relate
[06:56] <}GUPPY> 3 1/2 years
[06:56] <}GUPPY> can you believe it?
[06:56] <}GUPPY> :)
[06:56] <TipToes> whoa
[06:56] <TipToes> i can't believe it
[06:56] <TipToes> mine was only 10 months
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[06:56] <}GUPPY> i was of another kind
[06:56] <}GUPPY> hehe
[06:56] <TipToes> why did you both let go?
[06:56] <@XPLoSion> Hey azca
[06:57] <TipToes> hehe
[06:57] <@azca> heya
[06:57] * Joins: Bellindaa^19 (haraldjuhn@202.61.36.TK32=)
[06:57] <}GUPPY> Well, I was a moron. :)
[06:57] <@XPLoSion> how r u
[06:57] <}GUPPY> Probably the biggest mistake I ever made.
[06:57] <TipToes> humm...just like him too huh?...but now you're not
[06:57] <}GUPPY> I've no clue how yours was, so I'm not gonna agree.
[06:57] <}GUPPY> hehe
[06:57] * Parts: @azca (azca@=bKuie9-oguh3-3-5-ryai272.asfd.broadband.ntl.com)
[06:58] <}GUPPY> It was mutual.
[06:58] <TipToes> but i know you'll find someone though, you're the nicest guy i
've met by far here
[06:58] <}GUPPY> hehe like i said
[06:58] <}GUPPY> sometimes, it's best for it to come to you instead of going out
and looking for it
[06:58] <TipToes> of course, it's always better that way
[06:59] <TipToes> i didn't mean literally go find someone..just that you'll be h
appy...not saying that you aren't now, but you know
[06:59] * TipToes was kicked by XPLoSion (Space your text. / 99 :Kicknum:608:)
[06:59] * XPLoSion sets mode: +b *!*java@*.rev.o1.com
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[07:00] * XPLoSion sets mode: -b *!*java@*.rev.o1.com
[07:00] <}GUPPY> doh there goes my conversation
[07:00] * Joins: Guest93402 (HTML@=i9ckge-39-39-278-004.rev.o1.com)
[07:00] <}GUPPY> welcome back
[07:00] * Guest93402 is now known as TipToe
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[07:01] <TipToe> nks, why did i get kick out?
[07:01] <}GUPPY> do you go on MSN?
[07:01] <@XPLoSion> sorry TipToe
[07:01] * Parts: Guest96534 (java@=5Ln-43-028-709-31.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[07:02] <}GUPPY> TipToe: still there?
[07:02] * Joins: Guest93462 (java@=i9ckge-39-39-278-004.rev.o1.com)
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[07:02] <}GUPPY> welcome back
[07:02] <Guest93462> this is confusing
[07:03] <}GUPPY> hehe
[07:03] <}GUPPY> do you go on MSN?
[07:03] <Guest93462> why did i get kicked out
[07:03] <Guest93462> what did i do
[07:03] <}GUPPY> You did nothing wrong.
[07:03] <Guest93462> that's what i thought
[07:03] <}GUPPY> Sometimes an operator has his script variables set too sensativ
[07:03] <Guest93462> but no, i don't have msn
[07:04] <Guest93462> oh
[07:04] <}GUPPY> You then get kicked automatically.
[07:04] <}GUPPY> Wasn't a manual kick.
[07:04] <Guest93462> okay
[07:04] <}GUPPY> he said sorry.
[07:04] * Quits: Bellindaa^19 (haraldjuhn@202.61.36.TK32=) (Ping Timeout)
[07:04] <}GUPPY> hehe
[07:04] <Guest93462> it's like 7 over ther right now?
[07:04] <}GUPPY> 6:11
[07:04] <}GUPPY> gonna get dressed later and go running
[07:05] <Guest93462> oh
[07:05] <Guest93462> really
[07:05] <}GUPPY> my legs are still burning from last night
[07:05] <Guest93462> just don't get catch up from the storm and get lost okay
[07:05] <Guest93462> hehe..j/k
[07:05] <}GUPPY> well, actually running in the rain is the best
[07:05] <}GUPPY> hehe
[07:05] <Guest93462> darn
[07:06] <Guest93462> it is? won't you get sick
[07:06] <}GUPPY> nope
[07:06] <}GUPPY> just dress properly
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[07:06] <Guest93462> it's so cold
[07:07] <}GUPPY> even better when you're running
[07:07] <Guest93462> doesn't matter how much clothes you have on
[07:07] <}GUPPY> it all balances out
[07:07] <Guest93462> i guess so, plus you'll warm up eventually
[07:07] <Guest93462> what time are you leaving?
[07:07] <}GUPPY> not for awhile
[07:08] <}GUPPY> i'm a bumb right now
[07:08] <Guest93462> is this your latest time staying up?
[07:08] <Guest93462> why?
[07:08] <}GUPPY> finished college a month ago
[07:08] <}GUPPY> still looking for a job
[07:08] <Guest93462> me too, it's summer now, so i don't have much to do
[07:09] <Guest93462> plus i'm moving out so i need to save money
[07:09] <Guest93462> cool
[07:09] <Guest93462> well, congrats
[07:09] <}GUPPY> hehe i see
[07:09] <}GUPPY> ty
[07:09] * Quits: marianaa (man43man20@203.131.94.oM294=) (QUIT: User exited)
[07:09] <Guest93462> well, you'll get a job, it'll probably be easier for you th
an me
[07:09] <}GUPPY> well i had set a deadline to find a job for my old job
[07:10] <Guest93462> but i guess it just all depends
[07:10] <}GUPPY> so the deadline for my old job came around
[07:10] <}GUPPY> haven't found one yet
[07:10] <}GUPPY> so now i'm jobless
[07:10] <}GUPPY> lol actually it's pretty hard
[07:10] <}GUPPY> there's so much competition out there
[07:11] <Guest93462> but don't stress about it, it'll only give you wrinkles and
gray hairs....hehehe..i know it's hard smarty pants or not....just trying to li
ghten you up
[07:11] <Guest93462> you're so tense it seems
[07:12] <}GUPPY> it gets stressful
[07:12] <}GUPPY> we all get the impression that you'll have a job waiting for yo
u once youre out college
[07:12] <}GUPPY> but the truth is, the average college graduate doesn't find a j
ob until 5 months
[07:12] <}GUPPY> and that's if you actually look and succeed without going bald
[07:13] <Guest93462> but you know you'll find one eventually...gosh...you know y
ou won't go bald. ..hehe..stop beating yourself up
[07:13] <Guest93462> at least you're trying
[07:14] <}GUPPY> i'll be ok
[07:14] <}GUPPY> just hate uncertainty
[07:14] <Guest93462> i know you will
[07:14] * XPLoSion sets mode: +vv Guest93462 }GUPPY
[07:14] <+Guest93462> are you the oldest?
[07:14] <+}GUPPY> i'm actually the middle
[07:14] <+}GUPPY> out of 9 kids
[07:15] <+Guest93462> cool
[07:15] <+Guest93462> i'm the 3rd of 12
[07:15] <+}GUPPY> i see
[07:15] <+}GUPPY> how old are you?
[07:15] <+Guest93462> so you mean middle 4-5?
[07:15] <+}GUPPY> never asked
[07:15] <+}GUPPY> i'm # 5 :)
[07:15] <+Guest93462> oh, 19
[07:15] <+}GUPPY> i see :)
[07:15] <+Guest93462> 20 this dec
[07:16] <+Guest93462> yep
[07:16] <+}GUPPY> i just turned 25
[07:16] <+Guest93462> cool, in june or may?
[07:16] * Joins: MArGuerite-27 (Restrict.@=Ekecqxclexzs507.231-37-24.mc.videotro
[07:16] <+}GUPPY> may
[07:16] <+Guest93462> when
[07:16] <+}GUPPY> 27
[07:16] <+Guest93462> oh
[07:16] <+}GUPPY> hate birthdays
[07:16] <+}GUPPY> lol
[07:17] <+Guest93462> hehehe..me too! wow. i thought i was the only one
[07:17] <+Guest93462> i probably don't hate it like you
[07:17] <+Guest93462> but funny
[07:17] <+}GUPPY> oh i hate it with a passio
[07:17] <+}GUPPY> passion
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[07:17] <+}GUPPY> i take "happy birthdays" as an insult
[07:17] <+Guest93462> hehehe
[07:17] <+Guest93462> why?
[07:18] <+}GUPPY> "yay! you're getting older, and deteorating!"
[07:18] <+}GUPPY> doesn't sound too bright.
[07:18] <+}GUPPY> haha
[07:18] <+}GUPPY> it's just life's reminder that you need to get movin
[07:19] <+Guest93462> well, i only dislike it because my mom always insists on h
aving a party when i just want to sleep
[07:19] <+Guest93462> and my cousins always gives me bruises
[07:20] * Quits: _milena_ (GAMZE@196.203.8.hh040=) (Ping Timeout)
[07:20] <+Guest93462> now i'll be geting 20 from each of them
[07:20] <+Guest93462> gosh, it sucks
[07:20] <+Guest93462> we're grown now, but they still act like little kids
[07:20] <+}GUPPY> i see
[07:20] <+Guest93462> do you think you're old?
[07:21] <+}GUPPY> nah
[07:21] <+}GUPPY> i'm only a quarter of a century old
[07:21] <+}GUPPY> hehe
[07:21] <+Guest93462> well, if you put it that way...hahaha..it sounds funky
[07:22] <+Guest93462> though it is true...well, at least you can laugh at yourse
[07:22] <+Guest93462> hehe
[07:22] <+}GUPPY> yes it sucks
[07:22] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
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[07:22] <+}GUPPY> do you have a website?
[07:22] * Joins: Guest86763 (java@=z7VKA-98-98-156-41.wi.res.rr.com)
[07:23] <+Guest93462> no it doesn't, you should embrace age. i can't wait to tur
n 30
[07:23] <+Guest93462> no
[07:23] <+Guest93462> only aa, but it's plain
[07:23] <+Guest93462> do you
[07:23] <+}GUPPY> oh?
[07:23] <+}GUPPY> me? nah
[07:23] <+}GUPPY> i don't bother
[07:23] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[07:23] <+Guest93462> too busy looking for a job
[07:23] <+Guest93462> yes
[07:23] <+}GUPPY> hehe not really
[07:24] <+Guest93462> then what?ohh...too busy fishing and jogging
[07:24] <+}GUPPY> don't really like posting my info on the net
[07:24] <+}GUPPY> :)
[07:24] <+Guest93462> hehe...j/k
[07:24] * Guest86763 is now known as AznBoy
[07:24] <+Guest93462> true, but it's not personal info
[07:24] <+Guest93462> not even pictures
[07:24] <AznBoy> morning addicts
[07:24] <+}GUPPY> but then what's teh purpose of it then? :)
[07:24] <+Guest93462> but i see
[07:25] <+}GUPPY> would you say it's a way of expression, or to polish one's own
[07:25] <AznBoy> what?
[07:25] <+}GUPPY> creating a website falls into 3 categories
[07:25] <+Guest93462> nothing exept that you're bored and need somthing to occup
y your time
[07:25] <+}GUPPY> business, art, ego
[07:25] <AznBoy> or porn
[07:25] <AznBoy> u missed that one
[07:25] <AznBoy> ^_^
[07:25] <+}GUPPY> porn would be considered business
[07:26] <+Guest93462> i never thought of it that way...though i would say many p
eople do it to polish their ego
[07:26] <+Guest93462> hahaha
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[07:26] <+Guest93462> hard to admit, but yeah
[07:26] <AznBoy> what if someone created a website for you?
[07:26] <AznBoy> like a shrine of worship
[07:26] <AznBoy> i have many
[07:26] <AznBoy> hahaha
[07:26] <AznBoy> kidding
[07:27] <+Guest93462> why's your name guppy?
[07:27] * Quits: Guest88637 (java@=4mVLF-489-45-15-263.qld.bigpond.net.au) (QUIT
: User exited)
[07:27] <+Guest93462> it reminds me of my old puppy
[07:27] <+Guest93462> hehe...sorry, no offense
[07:27] <AznBoy> why would u name your puppy after a fish?
[07:28] * Joins: Guest94783 (java@=yDpwmy-22-71-562-78.rev.o1.com)
[07:29] <+Guest93462> oh, so guppy's a fish? i didn't name my puppy guppy (soun
ds funny huh)...but guppy kinda sounds like puppy
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[07:32] <+Guest93462> have fun jogging, don't break a leg, hopefully the storm h
as pass so it'll be much safer. it was nice chatting with you, have fun and may
be i'll see you whenever.
[07:33] <+Guest93462> goog night
[07:33] <+Guest93462> actually good morning, whatever. bye
[07:34] * Parts: +Guest93462 (java@=i9ckge-39-39-278-004.rev.o1.com)
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[07:39] <da_w0ne> heyllo
[07:39] <da_w0ne> all
[07:40] * Quits: `ANELIA` (mersin@=tJnahhl5-527.dialup.optusnet.com.au) (Ping Ti
[07:41] <@XPLoSion> hello da_w0ne
[07:41] <da_w0ne> wats happening XPLoSion
[07:43] * Quits: @acara (acara@=bKuie9-oguh3-3-5-ryai272.asfd.broadband.ntl.com)
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[07:43] <@XPLoSion> nothing
[07:43] <@XPLoSion> u
[07:44] <da_w0ne> not mush happening here
[07:45] * Quits: Guest89644 (java@=cuSR2LG0E7.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[07:46] <@XPLoSion> yea
[07:46] <@XPLoSion> its so quite
[07:46] <da_w0ne> always like dis¿
[07:47] <@XPLoSion> !:
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[07:49] -AznBoy:#hmongtalk- i'm here
[07:50] <@XPLoSion> lol
[07:51] <AznBoy> xplosion who are you may i ask?
[07:53] <@XPLoSion> no
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[08:02] <AznBoy> take me to your leader
[08:02] <AznBoy> i come in peace
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[08:04] <AznBoy> hi mandy
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ser exited)
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[08:16] <lonelygurl20> hello
[08:16] <lonelygurl20> where is everyone
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[08:26] * `ShAnEeQuA` is now known as `simplysweet`bz`
[08:27] * Joins: MysteryMan (ac@207.138.201.ZU08=)
[08:28] <MysteryMan> crazygirl why r u crazy
[08:28] * @XPLoSion slaps `simplysweet`bz` around a bit with a large trout
[08:31] <+`simplysweet`bz`> ?uhmmm...
[08:31] <+`simplysweet`bz`> ?hellos there
[08:31] * +`simplysweet`bz`  MysteryMan, why are you Mysterious?
[08:31] * +`simplysweet`bz` Or, why are you a Mystery?
[08:31] * +`simplysweet`bz` *liCks xP<3* ;)
[08:31] <MysteryMan> if u r a chick i will tell u simplysweet...
[08:31] * +`simplysweet`bz` Nah, Im a man, just happened to be on a girl nick?
[08:31] <MysteryMan> that what happened to micheal jackson
[08:31] <MysteryMan> who thinks micheal jackson is guilty
[08:31] <MysteryMan> why is everyone still sleeping...
[08:32] <MysteryMan> where u from simplysweet
[08:34] * Quits: MysteryMan (ac@207.138.201.ZU08=) (QUIT: User exited)
[08:34] <@XPLoSion> Blanco city in what state ?
[08:34] <BethyLover> will someone note me when bethy wakes up
[08:34] <BethyLover> thank u
[08:35] * +`simplysweet`bz` Bethy's finally awake?
[08:35] * +`simplysweet`bz` Oh, nvm.
[08:35] * +`simplysweet`bz` Lols.
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[08:53] <+t0ny> sup yas
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[08:55] <uR`nExT`BoIfRiEnD> or iz everyone still dead asleep
[08:56] <@XPLoSion> ...
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am host)
[08:56] <@sassy-girl> 55555555+
[08:56] <@XPLoSion> 25555
[08:56] <uR`nExT`BoIfRiEnD> 66666666+
[08:56] <@XPLoSion> 55555555
[08:56] <uR`nExT`BoIfRiEnD> :p
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[08:57] <@sassy-girl> hey do u know 5555 ? XPLoSion ?
[08:57] <@XPLoSion> yes
[08:57] <@XPLoSion> like a simle or something like this
[08:57] * t0ny is now known as ynot
[08:59] <@sassy-girl> 555555
[09:00] * Parts: +}GUPPY (z3r0ck@=4fb84.115.61.17.ona.wi.charter.com)
[09:00] <@sassy-girl> 555555 is hahahahahah
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[09:00] * +`simplysweet`bz` yawns
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[09:02] <@XPLoSion> 555555555
[09:02] <@XPLoSion> hehe
[09:02] * LordVenom yawns ..
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[09:03] * XPLoSion sets mode: +v EcStAcYgUrL
[09:03] <@XPLoSion> bbl
[09:03] <+EcStAcYgUrL> hi x
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[09:04] <+EcStAcYgUrL> hi joice
[09:04] <@jOyz> hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii nikkiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[09:04] <+EcStAcYgUrL> come to pal talk
[09:04] * Guest13492 is now known as mIsS_sTrAwBeRy
[09:04] <+EcStAcYgUrL> i'm about to sing
[09:04] <mIsS_sTrAwBeRy> hello everywun
[09:04] <uR`nExT`BoIfRiEnD> eh ecstacy....who's u on paltalk?
[09:05] <@XPLoSion> hi nikki
[09:05] <@XPLoSion> cya
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[09:06] <@jOyz> 555555
[09:06] <@jOyz> ok
[09:06] <@jOyz> wb XPL
[09:06] <@jOyz> <--- lag in paltalk
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[09:08] <@jOyz> dddddddddd
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[09:08] * Guest22421 is now known as PUASTAUMUAJTUG
[09:09] <mIsS_sTrAwBeRy> how ish everywun?
[09:09] <PUASTAUMUAJTUG> HEllo nej puas nyob tsev os
[09:09] * Quits: @jOyz (joyz@58.10.149.AO761=) (Connection reset by peer)
[09:09] * mIsS_sTrAwBeRy is really very bored.
[09:10] <PUASTAUMUAJTUG> hi strawbery
[09:10] <mIsS_sTrAwBeRy> hi
[09:10] <PUASTAUMUAJTUG> can you speak hmonb
[09:10] <mIsS_sTrAwBeRy> yup
[09:10] <PUASTAUMUAJTUG> i mean Hmong
[09:10] <mIsS_sTrAwBeRy> im hmong
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[09:10] * Guest13479 is now known as MNLady21
[09:10] <mIsS_sTrAwBeRy> if i cant speak en write it then its hella shameful
[09:10] <mIsS_sTrAwBeRy> hahahha
[09:10] <PUASTAUMUAJTUG> so please chat in hmong
[09:10] * MNLady21 smiles
[09:11] <mIsS_sTrAwBeRy> hi MNLady21
[09:11] <PUASTAUMUAJTUG> hi MNlady
[09:11] <mIsS_sTrAwBeRy> its reallie boring in hurr
[09:11] <MNLady21> Hi Miss Strawbery
[09:11] <MNLady21> HI everybodies
[09:11] <MNLady21> hi
[09:11] <PUASTAUMUAJTUG> i'm here
[09:11] * mIsS_sTrAwBeRy is really very bored.
[09:12] <PUASTAUMUAJTUG> i know
[09:13] <MNLady21> Puastaumuajtug i can speak n write hmong
[09:13] <MNLady21> it's just that it takes times
[09:14] <PUASTAUMUAJTUG> hello
[09:14] <mIsS_sTrAwBeRy> too boring
[09:14] <mIsS_sTrAwBeRy> whew
[09:14] <mIsS_sTrAwBeRy> laters ya'll
[09:14] <mIsS_sTrAwBeRy> night night
[09:14] <PUASTAUMUAJTUG> every one still on the bed I think
[09:14] <mIsS_sTrAwBeRy> peace out
[09:14] * Quits: mIsS_sTrAwBeRy (java@=lb440-02-409-96.gci.net) (QUIT: User exit
[09:15] <MNLady21> I'm not
[09:15] <MNLady21> what?
[09:16] <PUASTAUMUAJTUG> why nog
[09:16] <PUASTAUMUAJTUG> MN lady xeem dab tsi os
[09:17] <MNLady21> Xyoob os
[09:17] <PUASTAUMUAJTUG> i c
[09:17] <PUASTAUMUAJTUG> koj yog kuv muam os
[09:17] <MNLady21> yeah
[09:17] <MNLady21> hey thats nice
[09:18] <PUASTAUMUAJTUG> kuv yog xyooj dais thiab ma
[09:18] <PUASTAUMUAJTUG> nice to meet you mog
[09:19] <PUASTAUMUAJTUG> kuv tuaj nrhiav koj tus tis nyab na
[09:19] <PUASTAUMUAJTUG> tab sis mas muaj cov tis dlaab xwb na hiv hiv
[09:19] <PUASTAUMUAJTUG> bye sister os
[09:21] <MNLady21> bye brother
[09:21] <MNLady21> good luck
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[09:28] <PUASTAUMUAJTUG> hello hello I love you
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[09:33] <+EcStAcYgUrL> hi
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[09:34] <MNLady21> power's out?
[09:34] <MNLady21> hehehe
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[09:38] * Topic is '0,2 Welcome to #Hmongtalk- Visit us at = www.Pebhmong.com  to enabl
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il Pebhmong@Pebhmong.zzn.com '
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m host)
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[09:42] <MNLady21> Good morning everybodies
[09:42] * Guest88847 is now known as touchthis
[09:43] <touchthis> good morning mnlady
[09:44] <MNLady21> good morning touchthis
[09:44] <MNLady21> Touchthis--nice nickname
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n.ca) (Connection reset by peer)
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[09:45] <touchthis> thanks...
[09:45] * MNLady21 says n/p n smile
[09:45] * Guest99252 is now known as AznBoy
[09:45] <AznBoy> hello
[09:45] <AznBoy> morning
[09:45] <AznBoy> *blinks*
[09:45] <touchthis> where in mn are you from, mnlady21?
[09:46] <touchthis> let me guess, saint paul?
[09:46] <MNLady21> BP/BC
[09:46] * Quits: super_girl (Lungert@200.106.120.QY186=) (Ping Timeout)
[09:46] <MNLady21> nope
[09:46] <MNLady21> close
[09:46] <touchthis> oh..
[09:46] <MNLady21> so where u frm too?
[09:46] <touchthis> sounds good
[09:46] <touchthis> saint paul
[09:46] <MNLady21> soungs good?
[09:46] <MNLady21> haha
[09:46] * Joins: Guest91680 (java@65.126.88.Wd485=)
[09:46] <touchthis> yes... sounds good where you came from...
[09:46] <MNLady21> Morning AznBoy
[09:46] * Guest22612 is now known as tAkumi-
[09:46] <touchthis> or where u live..
[09:47] <MNLady21> y it sounds good?
[09:47] * Quits: Guest91680 (java@65.126.88.Wd485=) (QUIT: User exited)
[09:47] <MNLady21> hehehe
[09:47] <AznBoy> anyone wanna sell me their ek9?
[09:47] <touchthis> just because bp/bc is a nice place to live...
[09:47] <touchthis> haha
[09:47] <@tAkumi-> I got a ek9
[09:47] <MNLady21> yeah?
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[09:47] <MNLady21> jajaj
[09:47] * ChanServ sets mode: +o acara
[09:47] <@tAkumi-> type R
[09:47] <MNLady21> hahah
[09:47] <MNLady21> so where u frm?
[09:47] <@tAkumi-> 86 too
[09:47] <touchthis> yes
[09:47] <AznBoy> takumi sell it to me
[09:48] <touchthis> me?
[09:48] <MNLady21> yeah the one n only person goes by the nick "touchthis" rite?
[09:48] <touchthis> haha.. yes..
[09:48] * Joins: cRaZyGirL28 (ihjcl@=qHm-99-777-2-29.hsd1.il.comcast.net)
[09:48] <MNLady21> c
[09:48] <touchthis> saint paul...
[09:48] <MNLady21> oh that's nice
[09:48] <MNLady21> too
[09:49] <touchthis> yeah..
[09:49] <MNLady21> r u male/female?
[09:49] * Joins: uR`nExT`BoIfRiEnD (blah@=S3LEG-40-479-298-213.wi.res.rr.com)
[09:49] <touchthis> what brings you on?
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[09:49] <MNLady21> meh?
[09:49] <touchthis> well earlier this morning went i used the bathroom..i am a m
[09:50] <MNLady21> male?
[09:50] <touchthis> yes.. the one and only.. who goes by mnlady
[09:50] * Quits: Guest2051 (java@=k3qqwg-68-665-020-47.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net) (
QUIT: User exited)
[09:50] <touchthis> yes.. male!
[09:50] <MNLady21> okay
[09:50] <touchthis> uh huh
[09:50] <MNLady21> oh to kill time
[09:50] <MNLady21> and u?
[09:51] <touchthis> bored... waiting to go to work
[09:51] * Quits: cRaZyGirL28 (ihjcl@=qHm-99-777-2-29.hsd1.il.comcast.net) (Ping
[09:51] <touchthis> so u come here often?
[09:52] <MNLady21> oh once in a long time n u
[09:52] <MNLady21> so when u work?
[09:52] <touchthis> same
[09:52] <touchthis> i work at 10
[09:52] <MNLady21> oh...
[09:52] <touchthis> are you at work?
[09:53] <touchthis> yes..
[09:53] <MNLady21> skool
[09:53] <MNLady21> oh how o r u?
[09:53] * Joins: Kate1 (kazim@=aFV2wpa.g.pppool.de)
[09:53] <touchthis> i see...
[09:53] <touchthis> im 22
[09:53] <MNLady21> oh reallie
[09:53] <MNLady21> wow...
[09:53] <touchthis> yes
[09:54] <MNLady21> oh i didn't get ur name n last?
[09:54] <touchthis> last name is lee
[09:54] <touchthis> yours?
[09:54] <MNLady21> Xiong
[09:54] <touchthis> cool
[09:54] <touchthis> first name?
[09:54] * Joins: Guest3112 (java@=q1gsstw0.milwaukee.k12.wi.us)
[09:55] <MNLady21> May
[09:55] <MNLady21> and u?
[09:55] <touchthis> tou
[09:56] <touchthis> nice meetting you, may
[09:56] * Guest3112 is now known as yangsta_chick
[09:56] <yangsta_chick> hello everybody
[09:56] <MNLady21> yeah same here
[09:56] <AznBoy> hi mnlady21
[09:56] <touchthis> hey yangsta_chick
[09:56] <AznBoy> im a xiong too
[09:57] <yangsta_chick> hey
[09:57] <AznBoy> cool beans
[09:57] <yangsta_chick> wow so many xiongs
[09:57] * Quits: uR`nExT`BoIfRiEnD (blah@=S3LEG-40-479-298-213.wi.res.rr.com) (Q
UIT: User exited)
[09:57] <AznBoy> yangsta chick isa xong too
[09:57] <yangsta_chick> nope
[09:57] <yangsta_chick> imma yang duh
[09:57] <AznBoy> lol
[09:57] <yangsta_chick> ha
[09:58] <yangsta_chick> ey wats ur name aznboy
[09:58] <AznBoy> alexander
[09:58] <AznBoy> n u?
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[09:59] <yangsta_chick> panou
[09:59] * Joins: Guest4404 (java@=3vYFH-42-618-608-89.new.res.rr.com)
[09:59] <yangsta_chick> so alexander xiong huh
[09:59] * Guest4404 is now known as fiesty-lady
[09:59] <MNLady21> Hi AznBoy
[09:59] <AznBoy> uh huh
[09:59] <MNLady21> I'm a Xiong too
[09:59] <AznBoy> cool
[09:59] <touchthis> im a lee... cool huh?
[09:59] <yangsta_chick> yea
[09:59] <MNLady21> LOL
[09:59] <yangsta_chick> cool
[09:59] * Guest3949 is now known as Joey_Vang
[09:59] <touchthis> haha
[09:59] * Joins: Take_me_2_ur_heart (milwaukee_@=TEJZQ-33-53-717-4.wi.res.rr.com
[09:59] * MNLady21 smiles @ TOU LEE
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[09:59] <yangsta_chick> hi joey
[10:00] <AznBoy> yea all very cool
[10:00] <Joey_Vang> hi yangsta
[10:00] <touchthis> ok.. may xiong..
[10:00] <MNLady21> Hi Joey
[10:00] <fiesty-lady> Ong?
[10:00] <Joey_Vang> hi lady21
[10:00] <MNLady21> Hi Takeme2urheart
[10:00] <Take_me_2_ur_heart> yes
[10:00] <MNLady21> --nice nick
[10:00] * Joins: uR`nExT`BoIfRiEnD (blah@=gqIEF-97-719-489-541.wi.res.rr.com)
[10:00] <+ynot> sup joey!
[10:00] <yangsta_chick> ey fiesty lady
[10:00] <Joey_Vang> sup ynot
[10:00] <yangsta_chick> u noe ong too
[10:00] * Guest96528 is now known as apple_
[10:00] <fiesty-lady> whadda u want?
[10:00] <Joey_Vang> hi apple
[10:01] <touchthis> hi everybody...
[10:01] <yangsta_chick> wow getting interesting
[10:01] <apple_> hi joey
[10:01] <Take_me_2_ur_heart> fiesty lady...wats ur name?
[10:01] <fiesty-lady> yeah from way back
[10:01] * apple_ hi tomnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
[10:01] <fiesty-lady> we was mutuals
[10:01] <yangsta_chick> oh
[10:01] <yangsta_chick> ok
[10:01] <fiesty-lady> right
[10:01] <Take_me_2_ur_heart> hahha
[10:01] <yangsta_chick> j/w
[10:01] <fiesty-lady> lol
[10:01] <Take_me_2_ur_heart> fiesty lady...wats ur name?
[10:01] <fiesty-lady> that's ok
[10:01] <fiesty-lady> gota jet
[10:01] * Quits: fiesty-lady (java@=3vYFH-42-618-608-89.new.res.rr.com) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[10:01] <apple_> tony gay
[10:01] <touchthis> may... what school you go to? just carious..
[10:02] <Take_me_2_ur_heart> anyone in here know whose fiesty lady
[10:02] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[10:02] <MNLady21> oh NHCC
[10:02] <touchthis> whats that? im not good with abbreveation school?
[10:02] <MNLady21> North Hennpin
[10:03] <touchthis> oh.. ok.. got you!
[10:03] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[10:03] <MNLady21> yeah
[10:03] <touchthis> soudns good
[10:03] * Quits: uR`nExT`BoIfRiEnD (blah@=gqIEF-97-719-489-541.wi.res.rr.com) (Q
UIT: User exited)
[10:04] <touchthis> got any plans for today??
[10:04] * Joins: AdrRiaNa (wawxax@64.18.189.xJ672=)
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[10:04] <MNLady21> who u talking to?
[10:04] * Quits: Take_me_2_ur_heart (milwaukee_@=TEJZQ-33-53-717-4.wi.res.rr.com
) (QUIT: User exited)
[10:04] <touchthis> you...
[10:05] * Guest6204 is now known as luvly_lady
[10:05] <Joey_Vang> hahaha
[10:05] <Joey_Vang> ladies nowadays...dont pay attention anymore
[10:05] <yangsta_chick> ey joey
[10:05] <yangsta_chick> hah
[10:05] <Joey_Vang> sup yangsta
[10:05] <Joey_Vang> :)
[10:05] <yangsta_chick> guys dont pay attention
[10:05] <Joey_Vang> we do
[10:05] <+EcStAcYgUrL> hi joey my hoey
[10:05] <yangsta_chick> na ah
[10:05] <Joey_Vang> sometime we play dumb
[10:05] <Joey_Vang> :D
[10:05] <+ynot> shiet i dont..
[10:05] <MNLady21> Well I don't even get a "hi' from U Joey
[10:05] <Joey_Vang> haha
[10:05] <+EcStAcYgUrL> joey is hella good at playign dumb
[10:05] <Joey_Vang> hi nikki
[10:05] <+EcStAcYgUrL> hahah
[10:06] <yangsta_chick> really
[10:06] <MNLady21> so sad....
[10:06] <yangsta_chick> wow
[10:06] <Joey_Vang> see there you go again MNlady21
[10:06] <Joey_Vang> i did
[10:06] <Joey_Vang> i said hi
[10:06] <Joey_Vang> scroll
[10:06] <Joey_Vang> up
[10:06] <MNLady21> whatever
[10:06] <Joey_Vang> :D
[10:06] <MNLady21> disser
[10:06] <Joey_Vang> i did
[10:06] <Joey_Vang> haha
[10:06] <yangsta_chick> wow
[10:06] <Joey_Vang> ^__^
[10:06] <Joey_Vang> stop with the wow
[10:06] <MNLady21> tus siab lawm os
[10:06] <Joey_Vang> :D
[10:06] <Joey_Vang> school out yet yangsta
[10:06] <yangsta_chick> wow
[10:06] <Joey_Vang> haha
[10:06] <MNLady21> wow....Joey said "hi" to me wow..
[10:06] <yangsta_chick> nope
[10:06] <MNLady21> wow...
[10:07] <MNLady21> wow...
[10:07] * Joins: Limus (anonymous@=9Aadug-62-389-03-964.dsl.akrnoh.ameritech.net
[10:07] <Joey_Vang> haha
[10:07] * Joins: MekAchiCkA (MekAchiCkA@=sAe-93-442-151-82.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[10:07] <yangsta_chick> lol
[10:07] * ChanServ sets mode: +o MekAchiCkA
[10:07] <Joey_Vang> nerd
[10:07] <Joey_Vang> :D
[10:07] <Joey_Vang> *MuahZ*
[10:07] <Joey_Vang> ^_~
[10:07] <Joey_Vang> hi mao
[10:07] <@MekAchiCkA> hi
[10:07] <yangsta_chick> to who
[10:07] <Joey_Vang> to humm...you
[10:07] <Joey_Vang> i think
[10:07] <Joey_Vang> :D
[10:07] <yangsta_chick> haha
[10:07] <yangsta_chick> really
[10:07] <Joey_Vang> lolz
[10:07] <Joey_Vang> uh huh
[10:07] <@MekAchiCkA> HAHAHAHA
[10:07] <Joey_Vang> ^__^
[10:07] <@MekAchiCkA> Hightia ur funny
[10:07] <@MekAchiCkA> LOlz
[10:08] <Joey_Vang> :P~
[10:08] <yangsta_chick> waty a flirter
[10:08] <Joey_Vang> haha
[10:08] <@MekAchiCkA> aight anyways.. be back LATERS...
[10:08] <@MekAchiCkA> ciAOS
[10:08] <Joey_Vang> aight mao
[10:08] * MekAchiCkA sets mode: +v Joey_Vang
[10:08] <+Joey_Vang> behave
[10:08] <+Joey_Vang> :D
[10:08] <@MekAchiCkA> u beHAVE
[10:08] <@MekAchiCkA> hahaha
[10:08] * @MekAchiCkA gone*
[10:08] <+Joey_Vang> i alwase do
[10:08] <yangsta_chick> yea behave joey
[10:08] <+Joey_Vang> yangsta i am
[10:08] <yangsta_chick> really
[10:08] <yangsta_chick> u sure
[10:08] <+Joey_Vang> otayz...sometime
[10:08] <+Joey_Vang> :D
[10:08] <yangsta_chick> c
[10:08] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> muaks @ Joe*
[10:09] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> hi Mao
[10:09] <+Joey_Vang> hi amee
[10:09] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> =P
[10:09] <+Joey_Vang> *MuahZ*
[10:09] <+Joey_Vang> amee dont i alwase behave
[10:09] <yangsta_chick> wow so many people u know joey
[10:09] <+Joey_Vang> i'm a nice guy
[10:09] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> How are u this morning my darling?
[10:09] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> yes Joe
[10:09] <yangsta_chick> hmmm really
[10:09] <+Joey_Vang> yeap
[10:09] <yangsta_chick> dats good
[10:09] <+Joey_Vang> amee i'm fine and yourself sweetie
[10:09] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> I'm okay
[10:09] <+Joey_Vang> yeap it is yangsta
[10:10] <+Joey_Vang> how are you too yangsta
[10:10] * Joins: Guest99954 (java@=q1gsstw0.milwaukee.k12.wi.us)
[10:10] <+Joey_Vang> that's good right amee..
[10:10] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> haha
[10:10] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> Somwhat
[10:10] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> haha
[10:10] <+Joey_Vang> ok
[10:10] <yangsta_chick> im good
[10:10] <+Joey_Vang> =)
[10:10] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> it could have been better
[10:10] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> lol
[10:10] * Guest99954 is now known as miltown-gurl
[10:10] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> =P
[10:10] <+Joey_Vang> that's good yangsta
[10:11] <yangsta_chick> ey joey gotta picha
[10:11] <+Joey_Vang> when i take you out to dinner i'll make it better for you a
[10:11] <+Joey_Vang> yeah i do
[10:11] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> LOL
[10:11] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> k Joe
[10:11] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> I think that would be NEVER
[10:11] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> lol
[10:11] <+Joey_Vang> http://members.asianavenue.com/powers_vang
[10:11] * apple_ slaps joey
[10:11] <+Joey_Vang> harder apple
[10:11] <yangsta_chick> aww
[10:11] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[10:11] <yangsta_chick> can't see it
[10:11] <yangsta_chick> my school blocked it
[10:11] <yangsta_chick> got a different one
[10:11] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> Muaks @ apple
[10:11] <+Joey_Vang> hahaha
[10:12] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> Hi
[10:12] <+Joey_Vang> sorry yangsta
[10:12] <+Joey_Vang> i can email you
[10:12] <+Joey_Vang> :D
[10:12] <yangsta_chick> dont really
[10:12] <yangsta_chick> check my email though
[10:12] <apple_> hi ugliest_hmong
[10:12] <+Joey_Vang> humm...i can drive over and show you my album
[10:12] <+Joey_Vang> :D
[10:13] * Quits: luvly_lady (java@=NHhngshh-i33-390.applwi.tds.net) (QUIT: User
[10:13] <+Joey_Vang> yangsta i guess that wont do it either huh
[10:13] <+Joey_Vang> lol
[10:13] <+Joey_Vang> where did amee and apple go
[10:13] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> me here
[10:13] * Joins: flyywoman^ (beatrisa2@=3556-237-522-06.user.ono.com)
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[10:14] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@*.ono.com
[10:14] * flyywoman^ was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk: clo
ne host)
[10:14] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> =)
[10:14] * Ugliest_Hmong_Lady is now known as licks
[10:14] <+Joey_Vang> what you doing
[10:14] <apple_> later hater
[10:14] <+Joey_Vang> bye lover
[10:14] <+Joey_Vang> ^_~
[10:14] <licks> Bye joe
[10:14] <yangsta_chick> aw
[10:14] <licks> oh
[10:14] <+Joey_Vang> i'm not going
[10:14] <licks> I meant apple
[10:14] <licks> lol
[10:14] <+Joey_Vang> it's apple
[10:14] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[10:14] <yangsta_chick> so many lovers so lilo time
[10:14] * Joins: _{^_^}_ (TsisQia@=woHNU-71-65-252-085.wi.res.rr.com)
[10:14] * licks is now known as Ugliest_Hmong_Lady
[10:14] <apple_> lol
[10:14] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> Morning Mary..if that's u
[10:14] <yangsta_chick> so many names girl
[10:14] * apple_ slaps everyone in the room.
[10:14] <+Joey_Vang> yangsta...i'm waiting for you to turn 18
[10:14] * Parts: apple_ (Chatz@=GUWWTH4F3H.ipt.aol.com)
[10:14] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[10:15] <yangsta_chick> really
[10:15] <yangsta_chick> wow
[10:15] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> lol @ joe
[10:15] <+Joey_Vang> yeap
[10:15] <yangsta_chick> hehe
[10:15] <+Joey_Vang> :D
[10:15] * yangsta_chick is really very bored.
[10:15] <yangsta_chick> so everyone having fun
[10:15] <+Joey_Vang> amee you 18 yet
[10:15] <+Joey_Vang> hurry up ladies
[10:15] <+Joey_Vang> :D
[10:15] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> hahaha
[10:15] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> Past that
[10:15] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> lol
[10:15] * Joins: Guest1179 (java@=woHNU-71-65-252-085.wi.res.rr.com)
[10:15] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> nerd
[10:15] * Quits: Kate1 (kazim@=aFV2wpa.g.pppool.de) (Ping Timeout)
[10:16] <+Joey_Vang> :D
[10:16] <+Joey_Vang> you sure
[10:16] * Guest1179 is now known as seekin4U
[10:16] <+Joey_Vang> humm
[10:16] <yangsta_chick> bored
[10:16] <yangsta_chick> so bored
[10:16] * Joins: ^21f_desy^ (eileen@=Jtpzl-404-49.tm.net.my)
[10:16] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@*.my
[10:16] * ^21f_desy^ was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk: spa
m host)
[10:16] <+Joey_Vang> yangsta you should pay attention in class
[10:17] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> Joe...I wish I can be a Kid again
[10:17] <+Joey_Vang> what are they teaching you gals nowadays
[10:17] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> No worries
[10:17] <+Joey_Vang> amee..i can give you a kid
[10:17] <+Joey_Vang> or two
[10:17] <+Joey_Vang> ohh you wanna be a kid
[10:17] * Quits: Limus (anonymous@=9Aadug-62-389-03-964.dsl.akrnoh.ameritech.net
) (QUIT: User exited)
[10:17] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> hahah
[10:17] <+Joey_Vang> not having a kid
[10:17] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> Joe mas
[10:17] <+Joey_Vang> sorry
[10:17] <+Joey_Vang> :D
[10:17] <MNLady21> LOL @ Joey
[10:17] <MNLady21> hehehe
[10:17] <+Joey_Vang> ^__^
[10:17] <yangsta_chick> i dont have to pay attention joey
[10:17] * Ugliest_Hmong_Lady licks Joe*
[10:18] <+Joey_Vang> really yangsta
[10:18] <+Joey_Vang> oohhh
[10:18] <yangsta_chick> really
[10:18] <+Joey_Vang> amee..there's kid in here
[10:18] <+Joey_Vang> minor
[10:18] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> I know
[10:18] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> haha
[10:18] * Joins: Guest2138 (java@199.197.124.Rv900=)
[10:18] <+Joey_Vang> do it again in my room
[10:18] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> that's u Joe
[10:18] <+Joey_Vang> :D
[10:18] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> haha
[10:18] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[10:18] <+Joey_Vang> no..i'm a big boy
[10:18] * Joins: Guest507 (java@=Ekzqmg-22-682-76-72.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net)
[10:18] * Guest2138 is now known as nkaujiab
[10:18] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> haha
[10:18] <+Joey_Vang> ^__^
[10:18] * Quits: MNLady21 (java@=ia571-142-20-780.nh.cc.mn.us) (QUIT: User exite
[10:18] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> Ur a Big Grown as* kid @ Joe
[10:18] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> hahha
[10:19] <yangsta_chick> am i da kid
[10:19] <yangsta_chick> j/w
[10:19] * Joins: MonKeYKnUTtS (meISme@=9Ao-21-70-629-57.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
[10:19] * Quits: nkaujiab (java@199.197.124.Rv900=) (QUIT: User exited)
[10:20] <+Joey_Vang> i am amee
[10:20] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> =)
[10:20] <+Joey_Vang> and milk does help me bone
[10:20] <+Joey_Vang> ^_~
[10:20] * Joins: Rose_Lee (hi@=idkaczbc33-qnog205-246.dsl.tds.net)
[10:20] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Rose_Lee
[10:20] <+Joey_Vang> hi Rose
[10:20] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> hahah
[10:20] <+Joey_Vang> amee like
[10:20] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[10:20] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> hahaha
[10:20] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> yes
[10:20] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> me like
[10:20] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> hahaha
[10:20] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[10:21] <+Joey_Vang> amee behave
[10:21] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[10:21] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> =P
[10:21] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> u started
[10:21] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> lol
[10:21] <+Joey_Vang> but i didnt stray
[10:21] * Joins: Guest449 (java@=WZwr-43-125-620-345.idcnet.com)
[10:21] <+Joey_Vang> you strayed
[10:22] <+Joey_Vang> :D
[10:22] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> hahahaha
[10:22] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> w/e Joe
[10:22] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[10:22] <+Joey_Vang> amee when we gonna cheat on your bf
[10:22] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[10:22] <yangsta_chick> bye everybody
[10:22] * ynot is now known as t0ny
[10:22] <yangsta_chick> have lots of FUN
[10:22] <+t0ny> bye yangsta
[10:22] <+Joey_Vang> aight you too yangsta
[10:22] * yangsta_chick is going to be away from the channel.
[10:22] * Quits: yangsta_chick (java@=q1gsstw0.milwaukee.k12.wi.us) (QUIT: User
[10:23] * Joins: Guest2446 (java@=QZ48-127-13-3.mpls.qwest.net)
[10:23] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> Hi t0ny
[10:23] * +t0ny licks nikki
[10:23] <+t0ny> hi there ugliest hmong lady
[10:23] <+Joey_Vang> i guess never huh amee
[10:23] <+t0ny> hehe funny name
[10:23] * Guest2446 is now known as mn_mean_gurl
[10:23] <AznBoy> http://www.cardomain.com/ride/210184
[10:23] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> Cheat.......Joe...I think that won't happen for a LON
[10:23] <+Joey_Vang> hi pahoua
[10:23] <AznBoy> http://www.cardomain.com/ride/210184 IF YA BORED
[10:23] <mn_mean_gurl> hi joey
[10:23] <mn_mean_gurl> hi amee
[10:23] <+Joey_Vang> you a good lady amee...
[10:23] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> hi pa houa
[10:23] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> muaks*
[10:23] <+Joey_Vang> no matter what pahoua said about you
[10:23] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[10:23] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> what?
[10:23] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> hahahahahah
[10:23] <mn_mean_gurl> what did i said joey
[10:23] * Guest449 is now known as MissMeena
[10:23] <mn_mean_gurl> i dont recall
[10:24] * Ugliest_Hmong_Lady licks Joe cheeks..then slaps him for saying somethi
ng stupid
[10:24] <+Joey_Vang> you said that amee was a
[10:24] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> LOL
[10:24] <MissMeena> takumi!!!
[10:24] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[10:24] <mn_mean_gurl> look what drinking can do
[10:24] <MissMeena> you're early in here.
[10:24] <MissMeena> lol
[10:24] <MissMeena> hi seeking4u.
[10:24] <+Joey_Vang> jk amee
[10:24] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> i know hon
[10:24] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> brb
[10:24] <mn_mean_gurl> amee im sorry
[10:24] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[10:24] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[10:24] <mn_mean_gurl> i was just drunk
[10:24] <MissMeena> what brings you so early in here?
[10:25] <+Joey_Vang> pahoua you cant take back what's been done and said
[10:25] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[10:25] <mn_mean_gurl> its was all joey's fault
[10:25] <mn_mean_gurl> he forced me to drink even though i was underage
[10:25] <+Joey_Vang> it was not
[10:25] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[10:25] <MissMeena> seeking, how about out here?
[10:25] <MissMeena> we've nothing to hide...
[10:25] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> LOL
[10:25] <+Joey_Vang> you stole my drink when i wasnt looking
[10:25] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> u 2 are silly
[10:25] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> haha
[10:25] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[10:25] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[10:25] <mn_mean_gurl> its true amee
[10:25] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> Kuv tseem hlub meb ob leeg os
[10:25] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> hahah
[10:25] <MissMeena> why not, hon?
[10:26] <+Joey_Vang> stop with the hmoob amee
[10:26] <mn_mean_gurl> awww
[10:26] <mn_mean_gurl> me luv you too amee
[10:26] <MissMeena> ahahah. the hmong is cute.
[10:26] <+Joey_Vang> amee ruam
[10:26] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[10:26] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[10:26] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> hahahah
[10:26] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> koj ruam nab Joe
[10:26] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> hahah
[10:26] <mn_mean_gurl> stop the hmong but you just wrote in hmong
[10:26] <+Joey_Vang> amee kuv hlub koj tshaj kuv hlub pahoua
[10:26] * Quits: touchthis (java@=6vl-01-625-771-181.chcgilgm.dynamic.covad.net)
(QUIT: User exited)
[10:26] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[10:26] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> hahaha
[10:26] <AznBoy> http://www.cardomain.com/ride/210184 IF YA BORED
[10:27] <mn_mean_gurl> tsis ua li cas os joey
[10:27] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> w/e joe
[10:27] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> hahaha
[10:27] <+Joey_Vang> hahaha
[10:27] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> ur being too silly
[10:27] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> hahah
[10:27] <mn_mean_gurl> i love you two the same
[10:27] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> But..it was nice talking to u Joe
[10:27] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[10:27] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> I got to get back to work
[10:27] <+Joey_Vang> ok amee
[10:27] <mn_mean_gurl> alrite amee
[10:27] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> See u laters Pahoua...Joe...MUAKS*
[10:27] <mn_mean_gurl> im gonna miss you amee
[10:27] <+Joey_Vang> aight amee
[10:27] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> Me luv u long time k
[10:27] <+Joey_Vang> i miss you more amee
[10:27] * +`simplysweet`bz` I'm so tired you guys. -Yawns
[10:27] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> =P
[10:27] <+Joey_Vang> ^_~
[10:27] * +`simplysweet`bz` Cooking time.
[10:27] * `simplysweet`bz` is now known as `simplysweet`cookin`
[10:27] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[10:27] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> haha
[10:27] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> alright joe
[10:27] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> haha
[10:28] <+Joey_Vang> :D
[10:28] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> K...laters sweeties...
[10:28] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> muaks*
[10:28] * +`simplysweet`cookin` Gahhh..I dont wanna cook..so mad.. fcuker shet...
[10:28] * Quits: Ugliest_Hmong_Lady (java@69.2.242.De724=) (QUIT: User exited)
[10:28] <mn_mean_gurl> hmmm
[10:28] * Quits: miltown-gurl (java@=q1gsstw0.milwaukee.k12.wi.us) (QUIT: User e
[10:28] <MissMeena> lol@simplysweet. come to think of it, i need to go cooking
[10:28] <mn_mean_gurl> i miss amee already
[10:28] <MissMeena> hi monkeyknuts.
[10:28] * Quits: Guest507 (java@=Ekzqmg-22-682-76-72.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net) (QUI
T: User exited)
[10:28] <+Joey_Vang> you still got me pahoua
[10:29] <+Joey_Vang> ^__^
[10:29] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[10:29] <mn_mean_gurl> do i joey?
[10:29] * Joins: Guest819 (java@=UTlnuz-143-608.madison.k12.wi.us)
[10:29] <+Joey_Vang> hummm
[10:29] <+Joey_Vang> i think you do
[10:29] <MissMeena> mn mean gurl isn't sure, joey.
[10:29] <MissMeena> lol!
[10:29] <mn_mean_gurl> miss meena i think they are still sleeping
[10:29] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[10:29] * Guest819 is now known as nkaujiab
[10:29] <MissMeena> they won't come out here.
[10:29] <mn_mean_gurl> you just think
[10:29] <MissMeena> they're saying hi, but they won't budge from the pc rooms.
[10:29] <+Joey_Vang> eh! think is a lot
[10:29] <mn_mean_gurl> haha@missmeena
[10:29] * MissMeena doesn't like pc rooms.
[10:29] * Quits: nkaujiab (java@=UTlnuz-143-608.madison.k12.wi.us) (QUIT: User e
[10:29] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[10:30] <mn_mean_gurl> well joey when yu know it tell me
[10:30] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[10:30] <+Joey_Vang> ok
[10:30] <+Joey_Vang> what was it again that i suppose to let you know
[10:30] <MissMeena> dang, this is early.
[10:30] <+Joey_Vang> hahaha
[10:30] <mn_mean_gurl> i know miss meena
[10:30] <MissMeena> what are you two doing in here so early
[10:30] <mn_mean_gurl> iono joey its for you to figure out
[10:31] <+Joey_Vang> <---waiting for missmeena
[10:31] <+Joey_Vang> she in yet
[10:31] <mn_mean_gurl> well miss meena im done cooking and eating
[10:31] <MissMeena> ahahah @ joey.
[10:31] <+Joey_Vang> really pahoua
[10:31] * Quits: AdrRiaNa (wawxax@64.18.189.xJ672=) (QUIT: User exited)
[10:31] <mn_mean_gurl> just bored
[10:31] * Quits: MonKeYKnUTtS (meISme@=9Ao-21-70-629-57.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (QU
IT: User exited)
[10:31] <MissMeena> funny dlaus.
[10:31] <mn_mean_gurl> yes really joey
[10:31] <MissMeena> you are? that's wonderful. there's nothing to eat at my pl
[10:31] <+Joey_Vang> aight pahoua
[10:31] <mn_mean_gurl> hey miss meena i think you scared that monkey nuts
[10:31] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[10:31] <MissMeena> hahah.
[10:31] <+Joey_Vang> i have lots of food
[10:31] <MissMeena> i am starting to feel bad now.
[10:31] <+Joey_Vang> but no more beers
[10:32] <MissMeena> but oh wells.
[10:32] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[10:32] <MissMeena> ah.. joey.. can i come over?
[10:32] <mn_mean_gurl> joey you dont need beer
[10:32] <+Joey_Vang> no beers tho
[10:32] <mn_mean_gurl> that beer belly of yours is big already
[10:32] <MissMeena> i got the beer, joey
[10:32] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[10:32] <+Joey_Vang> kewl
[10:32] <MissMeena> wanna trade?
[10:32] <+Joey_Vang> ok
[10:32] <mn_mean_gurl> jk
[10:32] <+Joey_Vang> :D
[10:32] <MissMeena> ahahah. joey, do u have a beer belly?
[10:32] <+Joey_Vang> pahoua you find my beer belly sexy
[10:32] <+Joey_Vang> ^__^
[10:32] <+Joey_Vang> yeap i do
[10:32] <MissMeena> lol!
[10:32] <mn_mean_gurl> no joey
[10:32] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[10:32] <mn_mean_gurl> i dont like ppl who drink
[10:32] * Joins: Nuv (ChatNow_Us@
[10:33] <MissMeena> lol!
[10:33] <MissMeena> mn mean gurl, how old are you, hons
[10:33] <+Joey_Vang> pahoua i only drink cause you said you like my beer belly
[10:33] <+Joey_Vang> :P~
[10:33] <mn_mean_gurl> 20
[10:33] <mn_mean_gurl> well joey i dont no more
[10:33] <MissMeena> i like a guy who can drink on occasions... but don't want hi
m to drink all the time.
[10:33] <mn_mean_gurl> so you shouldnt drink no more
[10:33] <MissMeena> oh.. thanks meangurl
[10:33] <+Joey_Vang> i only drink ocassionally
[10:33] <+Joey_Vang> :D
[10:34] <+Joey_Vang> and not all the time
[10:34] <+Joey_Vang> hahaha
[10:34] <mn_mean_gurl> missmeena i prefer one who doesnt drink unless he has too
[10:34] <MissMeena> what was the occasion for all the leftover beer, joey?
[10:34] <MissMeena> lol!
[10:34] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[10:34] <+Joey_Vang> BBQ and when my baby meena comes over
[10:34] <MissMeena> i like a guy who knows how to drink mixed drinks. mixed dri
nks are sexy!
[10:34] <AznBoy> i drink PMS
[10:34] <MissMeena> lol! funny.
[10:34] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[10:34] <AznBoy> is thatsexy?
[10:34] <MissMeena> where are you from, joey?
[10:34] * Joins: Guest5028 (java@=PZsv765-52.dialip.mich.net)
[10:34] * t0ny is now known as ynot
[10:35] <MissMeena> yes, aznboy
[10:35] * Guest5028 is now known as tsov
[10:35] <AznBoy> GRRR
[10:35] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[10:35] <AznBoy> u sexy thang
[10:35] <+Joey_Vang> MN
[10:35] <mn_mean_gurl> too funny guys
[10:35] <mn_mean_gurl> hey where is dennis this morning
[10:36] <MissMeena> argh!
[10:36] <mn_mean_gurl> you two just gonna pc and leave me alone
[10:36] <MissMeena> mn is still far from me.
[10:36] <MissMeena> lol @ mn mean gurl
[10:36] <MissMeena> are you working, mn mean gurl?
[10:36] <mn_mean_gurl> no
[10:36] * Joins: Meta4 (dgfg@=Mm14-987-69-00.mpls.qwest.net)
[10:36] <MissMeena> hons, it's not crowded for now. we all can chat and kill ti
me together.
[10:37] <mn_mean_gurl> i got into a car accident over the weekend so my chiropra
ctor told me to slack off from work for the week
[10:37] <+Joey_Vang> brb
[10:37] <Meta4> whaddup meangurl
[10:37] <MissMeena> oh yeah?
[10:37] <mn_mean_gurl> hey meta4
[10:37] <mn_mean_gurl> yea
[10:38] <mn_mean_gurl> sukks staying home
[10:38] <AznBoy> your doctors diagnosis for your car accident: IRC
[10:38] <AznBoy> hahaha
[10:38] <MissMeena> you poor thing.
[10:38] <mn_mean_gurl> yea azn boy
[10:38] <mn_mean_gurl> didnt know you were reading too
[10:38] <MissMeena> funny, aznboy
[10:38] <AznBoy> it's all good baby so you can chat with me
[10:38] * Nuv is now known as Hluasnraug_Hollywood
[10:38] <MissMeena> lol!
[10:38] <mn_mean_gurl> wow ppl do pay attention to the screen
[10:38] <AznBoy> of course i pay attention
[10:38] <Meta4> hit me up on pc mean gurl
[10:38] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[10:38] <MissMeena> yes, meangurl
[10:38] <AznBoy> or i wouldn't be in here
[10:38] <MissMeena> they do.
[10:38] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[10:38] <MissMeena> except those in the pc rooms.
[10:38] <AznBoy> i just can't keep my attention off of you
[10:38] <MissMeena> lol!
[10:39] <MissMeena> hi tsov.
[10:39] <AznBoy> you sexyness
[10:39] <MissMeena> come out and chat w/ us.
[10:39] <mn_mean_gurl> miss meena you try and get them out
[10:39] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[10:39] <MissMeena> lol.
[10:39] <MissMeena> tsov, please come out and play?
[10:39] <MissMeena> lol.
[10:39] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[10:39] <MissMeena> aznboy came out..
[10:39] <MissMeena> now 26 to go.
[10:39] <MissMeena> lol.
[10:39] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[10:40] <MissMeena> ahahah
[10:40] <mn_mean_gurl> hey now that azn boy is gone
[10:40] <MissMeena> me too? tsov, come out here and play with me and mean gurl.
.. and aznboy
[10:40] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[10:40] <MissMeena> aw, aznboy, waas it something I said?
[10:40] <AznBoy> huh
[10:40] <mn_mean_gurl> maybe he needs a lilo slapping
[10:40] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[10:40] <MissMeena> ahahah.
[10:40] <AznBoy> sorry i was doing something
[10:40] <MissMeena> aznboy fell back asleep.
[10:40] <AznBoy> i wanna be sandwich between the two of you
[10:41] <MissMeena> tsov, please come out.
[10:41] <AznBoy> in the nude
[10:41] <MissMeena> ahahaha @ aznboy.
[10:41] <AznBoy> *lick*
[10:41] <MissMeena> we gonna eat u up, aznboy.
[10:41] <AznBoy> gRRR
[10:41] <AznBoy> eat what?
[10:42] <MissMeena> sorry, my joke.
[10:42] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[10:42] <MissMeena> inside joke.
[10:42] * Quits: CORINA` (aak76@=1UVHF-Phpgrc-irl963144.sympatico.ca) (Ping Time
[10:42] <AznBoy> so kinky
[10:42] <AznBoy> i might let you
[10:42] <AznBoy> did you want me to wash it first
[10:42] <MissMeena> tsov, es koj twb tsis tawm los ne.
[10:42] <AznBoy> hehe
[10:42] <+EcStAcYgUrL> hmmm
[10:42] <+EcStAcYgUrL> who's kiny?/
[10:42] <+EcStAcYgUrL> can i watch?
[10:43] <MissMeena> aznboy, it's a bit too early for kinky stuff.
[10:43] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[10:43] <AznBoy> you can participate ecstacy
[10:43] <MissMeena> lol@ ecstacygurl.
[10:43] <+EcStAcYgUrL> never too early for kinkiness
[10:43] <+EcStAcYgUrL> hahaha
[10:43] * Joins: Aint-No-Hollah-Back-GirL (_may@=uaq-41-781-389-156.hsd1.ca.comc
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[10:43] <AznBoy> it's never too early when they name viagra after your middle na
[10:43] <AznBoy> haha
[10:43] <MissMeena> es tsov, koj kuj tawm los nos. it's lom zem heev.
[10:43] <+EcStAcYgUrL> <--duhhh
[10:43] * Joins: Guest6104 (Chatz@=1Tv-94-02-20-279.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[10:43] <MissMeena> hluasnraug hollywood, won't u please come out here too.
[10:44] <MissMeena> aznboy, did u wake up horny again, hons?
[10:45] <Hluasnraug_Hollywood> i want too..don't you mind
[10:45] * Joins: Guest2280 (java@=Ijv-82-32-66-699.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[10:45] * Joins: Guest6784 (java@=Zsv-58-51-211-511.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[10:45] <AznBoy> every morning
[10:45] <AznBoy> i have a hard on when i wake up\
[10:45] <+EcStAcYgUrL> i need a boy toy
[10:45] <AznBoy> if u were here you can rub it for me
[10:45] <+EcStAcYgUrL> lol
[10:46] <+EcStAcYgUrL> i'll let my dog rub it for you
[10:46] <+EcStAcYgUrL> hahaha
[10:46] <+EcStAcYgUrL> withit's fur
[10:46] <+EcStAcYgUrL> ahaha
[10:46] * Guest4436 is now known as OnE-pArTy-GurLo
[10:46] * Quits: Guest2280 (java@=Ijv-82-32-66-699.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[10:46] <MissMeena> i'm superstitious about the name tsov. It's kinda creepy
[10:46] <mn_mean_gurl> whys it so quiet now
[10:46] <AznBoy> u nickname ur hands 'dog'?
[10:46] <AznBoy> how cute
[10:47] <AznBoy> i hope you shave ur hands b4 though
[10:47] * Guest6784 is now known as stpgrl
[10:47] <AznBoy> it might tickle me
[10:47] <AznBoy> lol
[10:47] <MissMeena> brb
[10:47] <+EcStAcYgUrL> nope not my hands my dog
[10:47] <+EcStAcYgUrL> hahha
[10:47] * Joins: CORINA` (aak76@=SLVVH-Sxsdls-hhc536360.sympatico.ca)
[10:47] <AznBoy> ew u sicko
[10:47] <MissMeena> alrighty.
[10:47] <MissMeena> yes, tsov.
[10:47] <AznBoy> forget this
[10:48] <MissMeena> hollywood hluasnraug...
[10:48] * Quits: MarriedLadee (NyobZoo@=qdvrgc-14-53-642-105.west.biz.rr.com) (Q
UIT: User exited)
[10:48] <AznBoy> i just wanna make love to you
[10:48] <MissMeena> i'm apologize
[10:48] <MissMeena> i apologize*
[10:48] <MissMeena> hluasnraug, where are u from?
[10:49] <MissMeena> tsov, ib tsam koj yog ib tug tsov tag tag ne?
[10:49] <MissMeena> aznboy,
[10:49] <MissMeena> why u stop talking?
[10:50] <Bethy|SleepingFckers> AHH
[10:50] <OnE-pArTy-GurLo> hello! everyone
[10:50] * Quits: Hluasnraug_Hollywood (ChatNow_Us@ (QUIT: User
[10:50] <Bethy|SleepingFckers> jh;n;
[10:51] * Bethy|SleepingFckers is now known as Bethy|Showering
[10:51] <OnE-pArTy-GurLo> wow therenot alot peeps in here anymore
[10:51] <MissMeena> tsov, this is too early for u to hunt.
[10:51] <MissMeena> lol.
[10:51] * Quits: CORINA` (aak76@=SLVVH-Sxsdls-hhc536360.sympatico.ca) (Ping Time
[10:52] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[10:52] * Joins: LuvlyLisa (lonesomeli@222.217.122.qh46=)
[10:52] <mn_mean_gurl> missmeena you're still messing with tsov
[10:52] <MissMeena> heck yeah, mean gurl.
[10:52] <mn_mean_gurl> hes not even responding is he
[10:52] * Joins: Guest8325 (java@
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[10:53] * Joins: Guest4390 (java@=v8h-37-273-730-66.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[10:53] <MissMeena> he is. in pc. but he's reading the window out here.
[10:53] <MissMeena> right tsov?
[10:53] <mn_mean_gurl> oh
[10:53] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[10:53] <MissMeena> he's reading our conversations now.
[10:53] <mn_mean_gurl> hes pcing you
[10:53] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[10:53] * Joins: Guest8045 (java@=4riqpx-14-616-98-672.dsl.sktn01.pacbell.net)
[10:53] <MissMeena> yeah.
[10:53] <mn_mean_gurl> well we better not be talking bout him
[10:53] * Guest8045 is now known as Methodz
[10:53] <mn_mean_gurl> you never know what a tsov can do
[10:53] <mn_mean_gurl> hi dennis
[10:53] <MissMeena> ahahah. we're not talking behind his back.
[10:54] <MissMeena> tsov, where are u from?
[10:54] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[10:54] <Methodz> hi pahoua
[10:54] <mn_mean_gurl> dennis took you forever to say hi
[10:54] <MissMeena> tsov, koj mam ua dab tsis?
[10:54] <Methodz> sorrie i was still in shock pahoua
[10:54] <mn_mean_gurl> shock from what dennis
[10:54] <Methodz> shock from seeing you in this early ...
[10:54] <MissMeena> alright, tsov. that would be nice.
[10:54] <MissMeena> lol@methodz.
[10:55] <mn_mean_gurl> yea dennis
[10:55] <MissMeena> i fear u are the one who's going to bite
[10:55] <tsov> Hey, Miss Meena
[10:55] <MissMeena> the only one.
[10:55] <MissMeena> lol.
[10:55] <mn_mean_gurl> i cooked for my dad already and ate and nothing left to d
[10:55] <Methodz> whats so funny ms meena
[10:55] <MissMeena> hi tsov. meangurl, he's out!
[10:55] <tsov> How are you to day.
[10:55] <MissMeena> lol.
[10:55] <Methodz> oh pahoua thats cool
[10:55] <mn_mean_gurl> haha@missmeena
[10:55] <Methodz> did u go see ur chiro today pahoua
[10:55] <MissMeena> tsov, i am fine. got a lot to do.
[10:55] <mn_mean_gurl> now you have about 26 more to go
[10:55] <tsov> Meena, Where are you from Meena
[10:55] <mn_mean_gurl> not til 5 dennis
[10:55] <MissMeena> more like 30.
[10:55] <Methodz> who's ur friend pahoua
[10:56] * Guest4390 is now known as bAdDbOiz
[10:56] <MissMeena> tsov, i am from wisconsin.
[10:56] <tsov> cool
[10:56] <LuvlyLisa> hiya bb
[10:56] <mn_mean_gurl> miss meena we just started chatting this morning
[10:56] <MissMeena> and yourself?
[10:56] <AznBoy> she is from milwaukee
[10:56] <Methodz> oh
[10:56] <mn_mean_gurl> miss meena this is dennis..methodz
[10:56] <MissMeena> yes, that's right methods.
[10:56] <tsov> puas lomzem thiab nyob rau xeev WI nas
[10:56] <Methodz> sup ms meena
[10:56] <mn_mean_gurl> miss meena whats your name by the way
[10:56] <bAdDbOiz> hows everyone doin today
[10:56] <MissMeena> hi dennis. nice to meet u. *takes out her hand to dennis.
[10:57] * Methodz kisses her hand always a pleasure
[10:57] <MissMeena> wisconsin lom zem heev os, tsov.
[10:57] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[10:57] <mn_mean_gurl> dennis
[10:57] <Methodz> yeah pahoua
[10:57] <tsov> Los zoo mas
[10:57] * MissMeena takes a small curtsy.
[10:57] <tsov> hey,
[10:57] * Joins: Mr_wonderfool (hotman@=sjMAX-48-58-038-040.mn.res.rr.com)
[10:57] * MissMeena why thank u.
[10:57] <mn_mean_gurl> nothing
[10:57] <Methodz> lol
[10:57] <MissMeena> where are u from, tsov.
[10:57] <Methodz> okay pahoua
[10:57] <tsov> lawv tus hlub koj... muaj txiv lawm pob los
[10:57] * Quits: @acara (acara@=uszze2-ukcf7-5-0-pytb949.asfd.broadband.ntl.com)
(Connection reset by peer)
[10:57] <Methodz> wont worry hun, ms meena prob gotta man already
[10:58] <MissMeena> tsov, i am not married.
[10:58] <tsov> cool
[10:58] <MissMeena> and I have many friends.
[10:58] <tsov> Tsov from Detirot,Michigan xwb
[10:58] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[10:58] <MissMeena> i do not have a significant other either.
[10:58] <Methodz> really ms meena, but u have many options u said ..
[10:58] <tsov> How old are you... Miss Meena
[10:58] <MissMeena> oh... not bad... we're only like 10 hours apart?
[10:59] <mn_mean_gurl> only
[10:59] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[10:59] <MissMeena> i am 22, tsov.
[10:59] <MissMeena> hahahah
[10:59] <Methodz> so how are u this morning pahoua
[10:59] <tsov> zoo
[10:59] <bAdDbOiz> c u ppl later
[10:59] <mn_mean_gurl> very down dennis
[10:59] <MissMeena> i hope to have many options to choose from, dennis.
[10:59] <bAdDbOiz> be back in a bit
[10:59] <MissMeena> bye badboiz.
[10:59] <Methodz> awww why are you down pahoua
[10:59] <MissMeena> be good now.
[11:00] * Parts: bAdDbOiz (java@=v8h-37-273-730-66.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[11:00] <MissMeena> tsov, have u been to wisconsin?
[11:00] <tsov> Miss Meena tell me your name and last name please
[11:00] <mn_mean_gurl> well first i miss you much
[11:00] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:00] <Methodz> yeah ms meena, but with all ur options, u can only have one ..
.. have u set ur heart on one of ur options yet ms meena
[11:00] <tsov> Yeah!
[11:00] <MissMeena> my name is Meena Yang.
[11:00] <Methodz> awww pahoua u silly butt
[11:00] <tsov> Tsov tuaj ua ua si rau WI thiab mas
[11:00] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:00] <MissMeena> hahahah. no, methodz. i do not set my heart on ht friends.
simply can't trust them.
[11:00] <Methodz> yeah i miss ya too
[11:00] <mn_mean_gurl> no dennis just sad
[11:00] <mn_mean_gurl> yea
[11:01] <@tAkumi-> hi meena
[11:01] <mn_mean_gurl> they said my car cant be fix no more
[11:01] <Methodz> ms meena, trust is something u build ..
[11:01] <MissMeena> why is ur nick tsov and not wolf or fox?
[11:01] <MissMeena> hi takumi!
[11:01] <mn_mean_gurl> haha@meena
[11:01] * tAkumi- sets mode: +v MissMeena
[11:01] <tsov> Miss... Yaj koj tuaj lub city hu li cas nyob rau xeev Wi
[11:01] <@tAkumi-> how you doing meena???
[11:01] * Joins: Rokket (X@64.122.143.bL124=)
[11:01] <Methodz> u automatically throw out the trust for ur ht options ..
[11:01] <+MissMeena> u were the first person i talked to when i came in. but u
fell back asleep.
[11:01] <+Joey_Vang> sup dennis
[11:01] <Methodz> sup joey
[11:01] <+MissMeena> aw... thanks takumi.
[11:02] <+MissMeena> i am well, takumi.
[11:02] <mn_mean_gurl> wow joey you're stilll here
[11:02] * @tAkumi- is listening to [ Ying Yang Twinz - Shake it like a salt Shak
er ]
[11:02] <mn_mean_gurl> i thought you left already
[11:02] <tsov> Tsov nyiam hu ua Tsov xwb
[11:02] <@tAkumi-> oo, thats koo..!!
[11:02] <Methodz> whats crakin joey
[11:02] <+MissMeena> lol@ dennis.
[11:02] <+Joey_Vang> nothing much
[11:02] <Methodz> why u so quiet today j
[11:02] <+Joey_Vang> and your
[11:02] <+Joey_Vang> opps
[11:02] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[11:02] <+MissMeena> rokket, it is too early for wild stuff hons.
[11:02] <+Joey_Vang> conference call
[11:02] <+Joey_Vang> :D
[11:02] <+MissMeena> why is that, tsov?
[11:02] <Methodz> lol ... joey calm down its only me .. dont start mistyping yet
[11:02] <@tAkumi-> meena, its never too early ;)
[11:02] <mn_mean_gurl> haha@meena
[11:02] <+Joey_Vang> i know
[11:02] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[11:02] <Methodz> lol
[11:03] <@tAkumi-> damn, im soo tired...
[11:03] <+MissMeena> ahaha.
[11:03] <+Joey_Vang> must be the java
[11:03] <mn_mean_gurl> wow dennis even joey gets nervous around you
[11:03] <Methodz> its been hella dead lately in here
[11:03] <LuvlyLisa> i'm tired as well
[11:03] <+MissMeena> rokket, please come join us hons.
[11:03] <Methodz> lol @ pahoua
[11:03] <+Joey_Vang> pahoua..dennis is a pretty boy
[11:03] <@tAkumi-> haha
[11:03] <+Joey_Vang> :D
[11:03] <LuvlyLisa> bout to jump into bed here soon
[11:03] <@tAkumi-> the storm kept me up all night
[11:03] <+MissMeena> lol@ takumi. u were up early to moderate this place.
[11:03] <tsov> Hey, nick name xwb peb , koj kuv yuav hu li cas los yeej tau sav
puas yog?
[11:03] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:03] <@tAkumi-> yes i know meena
[11:03] * Methodz = Hollywood Star
[11:03] <+MissMeena> dennis, it hasn't been dead lately. shoo...
[11:03] <@tAkumi-> no one was on...well only one
[11:03] <+Joey_Vang> fo sho
[11:03] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[11:03] * Methodz so i kinda give that effect to them
[11:03] <mn_mean_gurl> dennis send me your autograph will you
[11:03] <Methodz> lol
[11:03] <+MissMeena> rokket, yes. come join us.
[11:04] <mn_mean_gurl> heres my addy
[11:04] <tsov> thaum twg koj nug tag tag lawm mam qhi twb tau
[11:04] <+Joey_Vang> pahoua it'll cost you
[11:04] <Rokket> ahhaaha
[11:04] <Methodz> lol
[11:04] <mn_mean_gurl> just mail it over
[11:04] <Rokket> i love orgies
[11:04] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[11:04] <mn_mean_gurl> how much joey
[11:04] <Rokket> hahaha
[11:04] <Methodz> talk to my manager pahoua, joey
[11:04] <mn_mean_gurl> ill pay anything for dennis
[11:04] <+Joey_Vang> dennis aint cheap
[11:04] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[11:04] <Methodz> he'll give u all the information
[11:04] <+MissMeena> there was a story up there, takumi? we were supposed to ha
ve one down here but i was disappointed we didn't..
[11:04] <mn_mean_gurl> okay
[11:04] <@tAkumi-> *yawn*
[11:04] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[11:04] <Methodz> im just the trophy,
[11:04] <Methodz> lol
[11:04] <mn_mean_gurl> so joey how much will it cost me
[11:04] <+MissMeena> rokket, thannk u for joining us.
[11:04] <Methodz> joey watches over the trophy
[11:04] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[11:04] <+Joey_Vang> fo sho
[11:04] <+MissMeena> meangurl, rokket is out too.
[11:04] <Methodz> lol
[11:04] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:04] <+MissMeena> please talk to him too.
[11:04] <Methodz> woohoo
[11:04] <@tAkumi-> have one where, ???down thur?
[11:05] <Rokket> out of what?
[11:05] <+MissMeena> rokket, where are u from?
[11:05] <mn_mean_gurl> 29 left meena
[11:05] <Methodz> yes thats 2 down eh ms meena
[11:05] <+MissMeena> yes, down here takumi.
[11:05] <+MissMeena> lol!
[11:05] <mn_mean_gurl> so joey?
[11:05] <Rokket> mn
[11:05] <+Joey_Vang> sup
[11:05] <@tAkumi-> ...down thur (on you)?
[11:05] <mn_mean_gurl> how much is it gonna cost me
[11:05] * Joins: Guest13020 (java@148.8.12.xP65=)
[11:05] <mn_mean_gurl> do you take visa
[11:05] <LuvlyLisa> lol
[11:05] <Rokket> age and loc meena?
[11:05] <+MissMeena> rokket, we've been trying to get friends from ht to come ou
t to the main window to chat.
[11:05] <+MissMeena> down here as in where i live.
[11:05] <@tAkumi-> oo0o
[11:05] <@tAkumi-> jk
[11:06] <+Joey_Vang> $2000 internet dollar
[11:06] <+MissMeena> 22 and Wis, rokket.
[11:06] <@tAkumi-> i was only messing with you
[11:06] <LuvlyLisa> sillie
[11:06] <+Joey_Vang> nah we dont
[11:06] <+MissMeena> tsov, why u so quiet now?
[11:06] <mn_mean_gurl> wow
[11:06] <mn_mean_gurl> cant i get a bargin
[11:06] <mn_mean_gurl> thats too much
[11:06] <+Joey_Vang> we only take iou
[11:06] <+MissMeena> lol@ takumi. stop thinking like that!
[11:06] <Rokket> what's your sexiest feature meena?
[11:06] <mn_mean_gurl> okay
[11:06] * Quits: _{^_^}_ (TsisQia@=woHNU-71-65-252-085.wi.res.rr.com) (QUIT: Use
r exited)
[11:06] <@tAkumi-> what??
[11:06] * Quits: seekin4U (java@=woHNU-71-65-252-085.wi.res.rr.com) (QUIT: User
[11:06] <mn_mean_gurl> so iou joey
[11:06] <@tAkumi-> thinking like what?
[11:06] <+MissMeena> rokket, i like my lips.
[11:06] <+MissMeena> i love to kiss, hons.
[11:06] <mn_mean_gurl> so can i have my autograph now
[11:06] <+MissMeena> nasty.
[11:06] <mn_mean_gurl> dennis
[11:06] <@tAkumi-> i was only kidding as in, trying to get annoying
[11:06] <tsov> Hmmm. Iam still waitting for you Miss Yang
[11:06] <+MissMeena> nasty, takumi.
[11:06] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[11:06] * Joins: Guest10344 (java@=L1izk-30-789-727-02.dialup.frsnca.pacbell.net
[11:06] * Quits: @Rose_Lee (hi@=idkaczbc33-qnog205-246.dsl.tds.net) (Ping Timeou
[11:06] <@tAkumi-> I do too meena, can i try?
[11:07] * Guest10344 is now known as OneHotHmongBoi
[11:07] <+MissMeena> tsov, i am sorry i missed ur question.
[11:07] <+Joey_Vang> we pay is received..we will ship it out
[11:07] <AznBoy> my sexiest feature is my stinky feet
[11:07] <+Joey_Vang> ^__^
[11:07] <tsov> rau qhov tseem ntshia nej sib tham lomzem heev xwb
[11:07] <+MissMeena> takumi, knock it off. u can't kiss me.
[11:07] * mn_mean_gurl sends dennis's manager joey an iou
[11:07] * Guest13020 is now known as Mr_LoNeLy
[11:07] <+MissMeena> oh yeah, tsov?
[11:07] <+MissMeena> lol.
[11:07] <tsov> Tsis ua cas ho
[11:07] <mn_mean_gurl> got it joey?
[11:07] <tsov> Tsov yuav tsis xav li cas
[11:07] * Quits: Mr_wonderfool (hotman@=sjMAX-48-58-038-040.mn.res.rr.com) (QUIT
: User exited)
[11:07] <+MissMeena> rokket, i like french.. . but i also like lip to lip...
[11:07] <mn_mean_gurl> dennis
[11:07] <+Joey_Vang> nope..transaction...still processing
[11:07] * Joins: Guest14999 (java@=Dmzpjgbz.msbcollege.com)
[11:07] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[11:07] <Methodz> yes
[11:08] <Rokket> nice very nice
[11:08] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:08] * Guest14999 is now known as sexygurl69
[11:08] <mn_mean_gurl> dang joey your machine is too old
[11:08] <+MissMeena> tsov, u like sexy kisses too?
[11:08] <mn_mean_gurl> you need one of those new ones that only takes seconds
[11:08] <+MissMeena> Dennis, u like sexy kisses?
[11:08] * Joins: Punky_Boi (shoot@=yIs94.187.116.79.ona.wi.charter.com)
[11:08] <+Joey_Vang> haha..
[11:08] * Mr_LoNeLy is now known as Mr_LoNeLy81070
[11:08] <AznBoy> meena can i kiss your vertical lips?
[11:08] <tsov> Nice to meet you, ho Miss Meena
[11:08] <+MissMeena> joey, how about some sexy kisses?
[11:08] <mn_mean_gurl> dennis how come you're not talking
[11:08] <AznBoy> meena can i kiss your vertical lips?
[11:08] <sexygurl69> any hottie wanna holla.... PRESS 696969696969
[11:08] <Rokket> how strong is your sex drive meena?
[11:08] <+Joey_Vang> sexy kiss!!
[11:08] <+Joey_Vang> what's that
[11:08] * Quits: Aint-No-Hollah-Back-GirL (_may@=uaq-41-781-389-156.hsd1.ca.comc
ast.net) (Ping Timeout)
[11:08] <+MissMeena> hahah. tsov. u going somwhere?
[11:09] <+Joey_Vang> :D
[11:09] * Quits: Punky_Boi (shoot@=yIs94.187.116.79.ona.wi.charter.com) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[11:09] <tsov> No not yeah
[11:09] <mn_mean_gurl> meena how many have you got so far
[11:09] <@tAkumi-> 696969696969
[11:09] <+MissMeena> rokket, i can manage my sex drive, hons.
[11:09] <@tAkumi-> sexygurl69, top or bottom ??
[11:09] <+Joey_Vang> no sexy kiss
[11:09] <tsov> Iam still here
[11:09] <sexygurl69> YO SUP TAKUMI....
[11:09] <+MissMeena> can't keep count anymore, mean gurl
[11:09] <sexygurl69> TOP
[11:09] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:09] <mn_mean_gurl> dennis
[11:09] <sexygurl69> YUE TAKE DA BOTTOM
[11:09] <@tAkumi-> meena cant manage her sex hormones, she gets tooo horny and w
ill do anyone.. (anything!!!!)
[11:09] <@tAkumi-> fine with me sexygurl69
[11:09] <@tAkumi-> u from MSB college?
[11:09] <sexygurl69> aight... koo.
[11:09] <mn_mean_gurl> hey its too early for hormone talk
[11:10] <sexygurl69> umm.. wat..?
[11:10] <mn_mean_gurl> dang my virgin eyes
[11:10] <+MissMeena> takumi, now u're annoyingness is starting to show. lol!
[11:10] <AznBoy> Meena will do anything that walks
[11:10] <AznBoy> haha
[11:10] <+MissMeena> yes i know, mean gurl!
[11:10] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:10] <+MissMeena> ahahaha. dang, aznboy, u came out of no where.
[11:10] <@tAkumi-> nothing..
[11:10] <@tAkumi-> whats your name sexygurl69?
[11:10] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:10] <AznBoy> kidding
[11:10] <@tAkumi-> oh yeah meena?
[11:10] <AznBoy> u know i love u meena
[11:10] <+MissMeena> lol! if u talk about sex, aznboy answers. lol.
[11:10] <AznBoy> xoxo
[11:10] <mn_mean_gurl> joey?
[11:10] <mn_mean_gurl> dennis?
[11:10] <+Joey_Vang> sup
[11:10] <mn_mean_gurl> where did you guys go
[11:11] <+MissMeena> rokket, is that 3somes?
[11:11] <AznBoy> meena can i kiss your vertical lips?
[11:11] * Joins: Guest16830 (java@216.222.167.Yv560=)
[11:11] <Rokket> yes
[11:11] <mn_mean_gurl> why are you two so quiet
[11:11] <+MissMeena> aznboy, of course hons.
[11:11] <sexygurl69> i gotta go. i'll be back.
[11:11] <@tAkumi-> ..
[11:11] <AznBoy> bye sexygurl
[11:11] <+Joey_Vang> <---still on conference call
[11:11] <+Joey_Vang> ^__^
[11:11] <tsov> hey, Meena cas nej tsis tham lwm yam ho tsuas talk about sex xwb
[11:11] <+Joey_Vang> shhhhhhh
[11:11] * Quits: sexygurl69 (java@=Dmzpjgbz.msbcollege.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[11:11] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[11:11] <AznBoy> meena when are you going to show me your pics?
[11:11] <+MissMeena> rokket, i don't like to kiss another lady. how about u fin
d me another guy.
[11:11] <mn_mean_gurl> but i thought you were multitaker
[11:11] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:11] <@tAkumi-> AznBoy, your mouth might be toooo small for her "veritcal" li
[11:11] <@tAkumi-> AznBoy, your mouth might be toooo small for her "veritcal" li
[11:11] * mn_mean_gurl bugs joey
[11:12] <+Joey_Vang> i am just that....
[11:12] <+MissMeena> tsov, nej cov nag txiv neej na.
[11:12] * mn_mean_gurl kicks joey
[11:12] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[11:12] <AznBoy> you are right takumi
[11:12] * mn_mean_gurl talks to joey
[11:12] <AznBoy> meena when are you going to show me your pics?
[11:12] * Quits: Meta4 (dgfg@=Mm14-987-69-00.mpls.qwest.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[11:12] <tsov> tej yam ntawm hnub twg yuav tau ua yus tug lawm mam sex tom qab y
eej tsis lig li ho
[11:12] <@tAkumi-> you gotta use the *ahems*
[11:12] <@tAkumi-> hahaha
[11:12] <mn_mean_gurl> hmm
[11:12] <+MissMeena> aznboy, u never asked.
[11:12] <mn_mean_gurl> tsov can you translate
[11:12] <mn_mean_gurl> i cant really read hmong that good
[11:12] <@tAkumi-> yea meena, whreres the pic you owe me??
[11:12] <@tAkumi-> yea meena, whreres the pic you owe me??
[11:12] <+MissMeena> rokket, no i don't have any pics today
[11:13] * Guest16830 is now known as HOT_STUFF
[11:13] <tsov> yeah tau mas ...MN mean Girl
[11:13] <+MissMeena> takumi, i showed u my pics last week
[11:13] <stpgrl> 4TAKUMI u are so mean
[11:13] <@tAkumi-> hrms no..
[11:13] <AznBoy> meena i am asking now
[11:13] <AznBoy> so you can show me
[11:13] <+MissMeena> aznboy, i don't have any right now.
[11:13] <HOT_STUFF> HI
[11:13] <LuvlyLisa> hrrmm...
[11:13] <+MissMeena> rokket, i am interested in two boy threesome.
[11:13] <+MissMeena> u?
[11:13] * Joins: Guest17003 (java@=Slxdj-wihbfe.csumb.edu)
[11:13] <AznBoy> meena i am interested in 1 on 1 love making
[11:13] <Rokket> great
[11:13] <+MissMeena> rokket, i don't have any pics on me right now bc i not at h
[11:14] * Guest17003 is now known as simplymai
[11:14] <tsov> Hey, Meena koj puab lod peb tuaj ua si xwb tsis yog peb yuav tuaj
hais txog tej yam sex.... ntawm nyob rau ntawm no
[11:14] <stpgrl> 4TAKUMI U GONNA come see me and IGNORE me now..u are mess up
[11:14] * Bethy|Showering is now known as Guest70473
[11:14] <+MissMeena> aznboy, i am interested too
[11:14] * @tAkumi- is listening to [ Dj Dizzy - Love ]
[11:14] <+Joey_Vang> hi mai
[11:14] <AznBoy> no condoms ok
[11:14] <Rokket> let's get it on meena
[11:14] <simplymai> Hi Joey
[11:14] <AznBoy> just natural sex
[11:14] <Guest70473> Hi Mai Vang.
[11:14] <Guest70473> You're always on now.
[11:14] <simplymai> Hi Bethany Yang.
[11:14] <Guest70473> Jeez.
[11:14] <simplymai> Cause I work 8-5
[11:14] <+MissMeena> lol @ rokket.
[11:14] <+Joey_Vang> hi bethy
[11:14] <+MissMeena> protection, guys.
[11:14] <+Joey_Vang> *MuahZ*
[11:14] <Guest70473> Hi Hoey.
[11:14] * HOT_STUFF looks at stpgrl and laughs.
[11:14] <AznBoy> rokket you can have her
[11:14] * Joins: uR`nExT`BoIfRiEnD (blah@=61DYR-61-905-003-134.wi.res.rr.com)
[11:14] <Guest70473> hah
[11:14] <Guest70473> Me too Mai!
[11:14] <Guest70473> Except, I work 11-4
[11:15] * Joins: PajNcaimToj (Nhguest199@=2wsqyjtkeu.preferredmedia.com)
[11:15] <+MissMeena> i want u all to be safe
[11:15] <Rokket> she better not be fat
[11:15] <simplymai> I work 8-5 and now I'm home alone cause my roommate went bac
k to Fresno for a week.
[11:15] <+MissMeena> aznboy, u giving up already?
[11:15] <simplymai> I have no one to hang out and goof off with.
[11:15] <simplymai> I miss her, haha.a
[11:15] <Rokket> height and weight meena?
[11:15] <simplymai> =/
[11:15] <+MissMeena> rokket, u better not be fat.
[11:15] <Guest70473> I'll come visit.
[11:15] <Guest70473> Just give me your address.
[11:15] <AznBoy> lol meena
[11:15] <simplymai> haha
[11:15] <AznBoy> im fat meena
[11:15] * Parts: PajNcaimToj (Nhguest199@=2wsqyjtkeu.preferredmedia.com)
[11:15] <+MissMeena> 5 and 118, rokket.
[11:15] <Methodz> sorrie
[11:15] <+Joey_Vang> 6969 lovers lane...thats my Bethy
[11:15] <Methodz> had to do a photo shoot
[11:16] <+MissMeena> aznboy.. u gonna work out?
[11:16] <Rokket> not too bad
[11:16] <+Joey_Vang> visit me
[11:16] <Guest70473> LOL, whatever Hoey.
[11:16] <Methodz> wassup ?
[11:16] <+Joey_Vang> :D
[11:16] <AznBoy> no im not
[11:16] <Guest70473> That was my Sims' address.
[11:16] <+MissMeena> dennis, what's ur weight?
[11:16] <Guest70473> What a liar.
[11:16] <Methodz> 220
[11:16] <AznBoy> my wieght is 300lbs
[11:16] <+MissMeena> joey, what's ur heigh and weight?
[11:16] <+Joey_Vang> call me then...1-800-SEX-JOEY
[11:16] <Methodz> 5'7
[11:16] <AznBoy> 4'11
[11:16] <+Joey_Vang> <--5'10
[11:16] <simplymai> LOL @ AznBoy
[11:16] <simplymai> haha
[11:16] <+Joey_Vang> 155lbs
[11:16] <+MissMeena> hahah. aznboy, u're small.
[11:16] <AznBoy> :)
[11:16] <simplymai> Yeah but Joe you're a Vang
[11:16] <AznBoy> thanks
[11:16] <simplymai> so you're useles
[11:16] <simplymai> Go away haha
[11:16] <+Joey_Vang> haha@mai
[11:16] <+MissMeena> takumi?
[11:16] <AznBoy> dont hate
[11:16] <AznBoy> hahaha
[11:17] <+Joey_Vang> i can your bodyguard
[11:17] <Methodz> lol @ joey 5'10 ? but yet u still look up to me when u talk to
me joey how odd
[11:17] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[11:17] <+MissMeena> guys, how about some mama jokes?
[11:17] <+EcStAcYgUrL> who wanna party with me today?/
[11:17] <+Joey_Vang> haha@dennis
[11:17] <Guest70473> The only thing Hoey wants to guard is your punani.
[11:17] <Methodz> lol
[11:17] <Guest70473> HAH
[11:17] <simplymai> Hi Nikki
[11:17] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[11:17] <Methodz> hi mai
[11:17] <+MissMeena> rokket, i am interested, but u may be kidding me.
[11:17] <+EcStAcYgUrL> hi mai
[11:17] <simplymai> Bethy you're so gross haha
[11:17] <simplymai> Hi Dennis
[11:17] <+MissMeena> don't like to get all my hopes up.
[11:17] <@tAkumi-> meena, we dont need mama jokes cause you are a "mama" with 10
[11:17] <simplymai> Okay I should work today.
[11:17] <Guest70473> You know it's true though!
[11:17] <simplymai> =/
[11:17] <simplymai> brb
[11:17] <Guest70473> Hoey's no good at guarding anything else.
[11:17] <+MissMeena> takumi, i did give u my pick.
[11:17] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[11:17] <+Joey_Vang> i am too
[11:17] <@tAkumi-> no, you didnt meena
[11:17] <tsov> Meena , koj tsis kamchat nrog Tsov lawm ces Tsov yuav tau ncaim k
oj lawm
[11:17] <@tAkumi-> well, give it to me again
[11:17] <+Joey_Vang> i'm good at what i do best
[11:17] <+Joey_Vang> LOL
[11:18] <+MissMeena> takumi, i heard a mama's joke last night and i'm still laug
hing today.
[11:18] <Methodz> yeah joey HARD WORKER
[11:18] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[11:18] * @tAkumi- 2Is using 0,2 15 14 1 5¤0Ûñ adëaߣe_ImÅgË v4.0, Socket Version15¤14 1 5 0
[11:18] <+MissMeena> takumi, u keep forgetting what i look like.
[11:18] <Guest70473> Hard at chating.
[11:18] <tsov> Vim koj tsis hnov qab txog Tsov lawm ....
[11:18] <@tAkumi-> meenA, GIVE ME YOUR PICTURES!!
[11:18] <Guest70473> chatting*
[11:18] <@tAkumi-> meenA, GIVE ME YOUR PICTURES!!
[11:18] <@tAkumi-> meenA, GIVE ME YOUR PICTURES!!
[11:18] <@tAkumi-> meenA, GIVE ME YOUR PICTURES!!
[11:18] <Guest70473> HAHAHA
[11:18] <+MissMeena> aw tsov,
[11:18] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[11:18] <@tAkumi-> hehe
[11:18] <+MissMeena> lol. chill takumi.
[11:18] <@tAkumi-> :p
[11:18] <+MissMeena> so much energy for the morning.
[11:18] <Methodz> somepeople are judges... some are rocket scientist , joey's a
[11:18] <@tAkumi-> hrms, yeah
[11:18] <Guest70473> That's ok.
[11:18] <mn_mean_gurl> okay im back
[11:18] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[11:18] <+MissMeena> rokket, i want .... aznboy
[11:18] <Methodz> isnt america just great
[11:18] <Guest70473> Everyone loves Hoey anyway.
[11:18] <+Joey_Vang> dont hate
[11:18] <mn_mean_gurl> haha@dennis
[11:18] <@tAkumi-> im a sexologist
[11:19] <@tAkumi-> im a sexologist
[11:19] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[11:19] <Methodz> lol
[11:19] <@tAkumi-> im a sexologist
[11:19] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[11:19] <Methodz> oh never hate
[11:19] <mn_mean_gurl> so which one are you dennis
[11:19] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[11:19] <+MissMeena> lol @ methodz.
[11:19] <@tAkumi-> PH
[11:19] <@tAkumi-> PH'd
[11:19] <+MissMeena> takumi ma.
[11:19] <Guest70473> Dennis is a mackist.
[11:19] <tsov> Mam sib ntsib dua nawb MIss Meena Yang
[11:19] <tsov> bye
[11:19] <@tAkumi-> hahahaha
[11:19] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:19] <Methodz> mackologist
[11:19] <+MissMeena> yes, rokket.
[11:19] <Guest70473> LOL
[11:19] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[11:19] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:19] <+MissMeena> ok tsov.
[11:19] <mn_mean_gurl> i can see that dennis
[11:19] <+MissMeena> we'll meet again.
[11:19] <@tAkumi-> hurry meena, I have to go
[11:19] <@tAkumi-> hurry meena, I have to go
[11:19] * Joins: LaFawnduh (Addicts@=8bRF19U3R7.ipt.aol.com)
[11:19] * LuvlyLisa is calling it a night...need to get to bed now
[11:19] * ChanServ sets mode: +v LaFawnduh
[11:19] <LuvlyLisa> later addicts!!!
[11:19] * Joins: Guest18682 (java@=v4095-63-98-42.quickclick.ctc.net)
[11:19] <mn_mean_gurl> you are just born a natural mackologist
[11:19] <+Joey_Vang> http://members.asianavenue.com/xox_jules_xox
[11:19] <Methodz> yes pahoua
[11:19] <+MissMeena> Dennis, are u quite sexual?
[11:19] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:19] * Joins: KAreL^25 (fyz@=18Aznfazu-WRX-sim8014140.sympatico.ca)
[11:19] <+MissMeena> takumi,
[11:19] <+MissMeena> hold on.
[11:19] <Methodz> oh meena im not one to brag
[11:20] <+Joey_Vang> dennis is a horny toad
[11:20] <Guest70473> Another pahoua?
[11:20] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[11:20] <Guest70473> Is that your name, mn_mean_gurl?
[11:20] * Guest6104 is now known as KipDynomite
[11:20] <Guest70473> I never knew.
[11:20] <KipDynomite> LaFawnduh!!!
[11:20] <mn_mean_gurl> yea guest
[11:20] <+LaFawnduh> OMG, Kip!
[11:20] <KipDynomite> LaFawnduh!!!!
[11:20] <Guest70473> Ok, well, I'm gonna call you Paj.
[11:20] <Methodz> but u know flattery is the best form of imatation ...
[11:20] <Guest70473> Houa.
[11:20] <+LaFawnduh> Kip, stop cheating on me with a hmong girl.
[11:20] * Quits: LuvlyLisa (lonesomeli@222.217.122.qh46=) (QUIT: User exited)
[11:20] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:20] <Methodz> or the other way around ..
[11:20] <+Joey_Vang> fo sho dennis
[11:20] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[11:20] <+MissMeena> hahahah.
[11:20] <mn_mean_gurl> who are you guest
[11:20] <Methodz> .. i forgot how that saying goes
[11:20] <Guest70473> Oh.
[11:20] <Guest70473> I'm a guest.
[11:20] <+MissMeena> Dennis, are u?
[11:20] <KipDynomite> i'm sorry my black mona lisa
[11:20] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:20] <+LaFawnduh> Haha
[11:20] <+MissMeena> rokket, can we just stay here?
[11:21] <mn_mean_gurl> okay so do i just call you guest
[11:21] <Methodz> meena i havent had a complaint yet
[11:21] <Guest70473> No.
[11:21] <+MissMeena> i also want joey
[11:21] <Guest70473> I mean.
[11:21] <Guest70473> My name is Guest70473.
[11:21] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:21] <+LaFawnduh> I got you some more bling bling :D
[11:21] <+MissMeena> Dennis, then i want u
[11:21] <+Joey_Vang> you dont want me
[11:21] <mn_mean_gurl> okay guest70473
[11:21] <Guest18682> hello there everyone
[11:21] <+Joey_Vang> trust me
[11:21] <Guest70473> I don't want to get confused with the other guest.
[11:21] <+Joey_Vang> i'm too much of a man
[11:21] <Guest70473> Or guests.
[11:21] <Methodz> lol
[11:21] <mn_mean_gurl> thats too much typing though
[11:21] <+Joey_Vang> LOL
[11:21] <KipDynomite> thank you LaFawnduh, i wrote you more songs
[11:21] <Methodz> too much of a what ?
[11:21] <Guest70473> I told you, you dork!!!
[11:21] <Guest70473> Type their name then tab.
[11:21] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[11:21] <+MissMeena> rokket asked me who i want to have orgies with and i'm nami
ng all my options.
[11:21] <Methodz> did u say man or ma'am ?
[11:21] <+LaFawnduh> Aww, cant wait to hear them.
[11:21] <+Joey_Vang> MAN...dennis
[11:21] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[11:21] <mn_mean_gurl> bethy?
[11:21] <Methodz> lol
[11:21] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:21] <Guest70473> Or part of their name and tab.
[11:21] <Guest70473> Jeez.
[11:21] <Guest70473> haha
[11:21] <Guest70473> No!
[11:21] <Methodz> okay i thought u said ma'am
[11:21] <+MissMeena> sure, takumi. anything for u.
[11:21] <Rokket> heeeha
[11:21] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[11:22] <+Joey_Vang> besides...i'm a Lesbian
[11:22] <+Joey_Vang> ^__^
[11:22] * Joins: Guest18331 (chat@=EYv-54-260-807-906.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[11:22] <Rokket> hahhaha\
[11:22] <mn_mean_gurl> thats what bethy told me yesterday
[11:22] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:22] * Guest18682 is now known as thanks
[11:22] * thanks is now known as thanks28944
[11:22] <Methodz> meena .. u know those bad people ur mama told u about when u w
ere small, told u to stay away from them ?
[11:22] <@tAkumi-> anything eh??
[11:22] <mn_mean_gurl> joey we know you're lesbian already
[11:22] <+MissMeena> Rokket, i want joey, aznboy, and dennis and you.
[11:22] <Rokket> great
[11:22] <+MissMeena> yes, method... and?
[11:22] <+Joey_Vang> just making sureh pahoua
[11:22] * thanks28944 is now known as Guest17584
[11:22] <Methodz> yeah im one of those people ...
[11:22] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[11:22] * Guest18331 is now known as wifey
[11:22] <+MissMeena> mean gurl, would u join the orgie as well?
[11:22] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:22] <KipDynomite> your mom goes to college
[11:22] <Methodz> u might wanna stay away .. .. just a warning
[11:22] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[11:23] <mn_mean_gurl> no meena
[11:23] <Rokket> ever had a double penetration meena?
[11:23] <+Joey_Vang> http://members.asianavenue.com/bleep_is_hot
[11:23] <mn_mean_gurl> you guys have fun
[11:23] <Guest70473> Man
[11:23] <+LaFawnduh> Hi Annia, I have something to tell you.
[11:23] <mn_mean_gurl> ill just be over here looking
[11:23] <Guest70473> But you still dont listen though Pajhoua.
[11:23] <+MissMeena> no, rokket and i don't plan on doing it.
[11:23] * Guest70473 is now known as Bethy
[11:23] <Bethy> hah
[11:23] <Rokket> hahahaha
[11:23] <wifey> Hi aims. oK.
[11:23] <@tAkumi-> sht
[11:23] <+MissMeena> lol@methodz.
[11:23] <Methodz> oh u leavin pahoua ?
[11:23] <Rokket> come on
[11:23] <KipDynomite> your mom goes to college!!
[11:23] <@tAkumi-> wheres my damn key
[11:23] <+Joey_Vang> hi wifey
[11:23] <mn_mean_gurl> i do too bethy
[11:23] <mn_mean_gurl> just forgot
[11:23] <wifey> Hi Joey.
[11:23] <Bethy> Sure sure sure.
[11:23] * Quits: tsov (java@=PZsv765-52.dialip.mich.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[11:23] <+MissMeena> i'll be careful, Dennis.
[11:23] <KipDynomite> hi wifey
[11:23] <Rokket> but meena will you swallow all of us?
[11:23] <Methodz> yeah but u know meena , ur mom only told u to stay away cus sh
e wanted them all for herself ..
[11:23] <wifey> Hi Kip.
[11:23] * Quits: @tAkumi- (Unfadeable@=tEui-swh-pmhu0-873-28-539-060.cpinternet.
com) (QUIT: User exited)
[11:23] <mn_mean_gurl> not yet dennis i still wanna stay with you
[11:23] * Joins: tonylver (Tony@=La0-9tqft743-881.nas7.minneapolis1.mn.us.da.qwe
[11:23] <Bethy> I try to teach you something new for your addictive habbits and
you forget. :(
[11:24] <Methodz> so dont look at it as such a bad thing meena
[11:24] <+MissMeena> lol!!!
[11:24] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:24] <mn_mean_gurl> im just a slow learner bethy
[11:24] <Bethy> hAh
[11:24] <+Joey_Vang> Bethy suc at teaching
[11:24] <Methodz> you know everyone hates competition
[11:24] <mn_mean_gurl> but you're a good teacher
[11:24] <+MissMeena> my mom only wants my daddy.
[11:24] <+Joey_Vang> come to me
[11:24] <KipDynomite> that's what i'm talking about!
[11:24] <Bethy> Hoey sucks at sucking.
[11:24] <+Joey_Vang> i'm better
[11:24] <Bethy> :p
[11:24] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[11:24] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:24] <+Joey_Vang> eh!
[11:24] <Methodz> of course .. but before ur daddy . ... u know
[11:24] <mn_mean_gurl> what can you teach joey
[11:24] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[11:24] <Rokket> meena ....swallow????
[11:24] <Methodz> there was those guys
[11:24] <+MissMeena> Dennis, what is ur point hons?
[11:24] <+Joey_Vang> i can teach you the art of hummmmm....
[11:24] <mn_mean_gurl> i dont want and sex eduaction though joey
[11:24] <Bethy> haha
[11:24] <+MissMeena> rokket, no.
[11:24] <+MissMeena> i don't swallow.
[11:24] <KipDynomite> don't be jealous that i've been chatting online with babes
all day
[11:24] * Quits: Rokket (X@64.122.143.bL124=) (QUIT: User exited)
[11:24] <Bethy> That's all he's good for Pajhoua.
[11:24] <Bethy> HAH
[11:24] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[11:25] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:25] <mn_mean_gurl> ill pass then joey
[11:25] <+Joey_Vang> pahoua you actually failed
[11:25] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[11:25] <Bethy> Hoey ruam, lol
[11:25] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[11:25] <+MissMeena> rokket, where are u from?
[11:25] <+MissMeena> i didn't get ur name
[11:25] <+Joey_Vang> only bethy pass
[11:25] <+MissMeena> and last name.
[11:25] <+Joey_Vang> ^__^
[11:25] * KipDynomite is now known as Napoleon`
[11:25] <mn_mean_gurl> yea thats because i dont attend class
[11:25] <Methodz> hold on
[11:25] <+MissMeena> u just may be a yang.
[11:25] <Bethy> man
[11:25] <Bethy> I'm lazy
[11:25] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:25] <Bethy> I don't wanna go get dressed now.
[11:25] <+Joey_Vang> Vote for PEDRO
[11:25] <+MissMeena> meangurl, what is dennis' last name?
[11:26] <mn_mean_gurl> we all are bethy
[11:26] <+Joey_Vang> hahaha
[11:26] * Joins: Guest13995 (java@=Twzqs6.cimalabs.com)
[11:26] <Bethy> I knew I should've dressed before I got online.
[11:26] <Napoleon`> simplymai it took me like 3 hours to do the shading on your
upper lip
[11:26] * Guest13995 is now known as urman
[11:26] <mn_mean_gurl> what did he say he was meena
[11:26] <+MissMeena> he didn't tell me.
[11:26] <+MissMeena> i didn't ask him yet.
[11:26] <+MissMeena> he's busy
[11:26] <Bethy> His last name is Vang.
[11:26] <Bethy> !
[11:26] <Bethy> I mean, Xiong!
[11:26] <mn_mean_gurl> oh hes a xiong
[11:26] * Joins: PA_bi_phone_boi (Chatz@=Zryhn-84-356-992-602.zoominternet.net)
[11:26] * ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@82.*
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[11:26] * PA_bi_phone_boi was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk
[11:26] <+Joey_Vang> <---xiong too
[11:26] <+MissMeena> thank you, bethy.
[11:26] * Quits: Mr_LoNeLy81070 (java@148.8.12.xP65=) (QUIT: User exited)
[11:26] <Bethy> Yup.
[11:26] <+Joey_Vang> :)
[11:26] <mn_mean_gurl> evneryones a xiong in here
[11:26] <Bethy> Anything to help a girl from a player.
[11:26] <mn_mean_gurl> i think
[11:26] <+MissMeena> are they?
[11:26] <Bethy> <-- is a Xiong too.
[11:27] * Quits: urman (java@=Twzqs6.cimalabs.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[11:27] <mn_mean_gurl> haha@bethy
[11:27] <Napoleon`> are you guys having a killer time?
[11:27] <+MissMeena> are u a xiong, meangurl?
[11:27] <mn_mean_gurl> yea
[11:27] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:27] <mn_mean_gurl> just kidding im a vang
[11:27] <AznBoy> lol stfu u aint napoleon
[11:27] <+Joey_Vang> <--pahoua's twice removed cousin
[11:27] <+MissMeena> Bethy, i see u are a regular as well.
[11:27] <Bethy> No I'm not.
[11:27] <Bethy> pfft
[11:27] <+MissMeena> bc seems like everyone here knows u.
[11:27] <mn_mean_gurl> oh sup cuzz
[11:27] <Bethy> Don't confuse me with the 2 cent wh o r e Bethy.
[11:27] <+Joey_Vang> bethy gets around
[11:27] <Bethy> I'm not her.
[11:27] <Guest17584> good morning Joey
[11:27] <+Joey_Vang> LOL
[11:27] <+MissMeena> please do not be offended.
[11:27] <+Joey_Vang> hi sheng
[11:28] <+MissMeena> i too am a regular.
[11:28] <Bethy> LOL
[11:28] <Bethy> I know.
[11:28] <mn_mean_gurl> meena imma addict here
[11:28] <Bethy> I see you around a lot too.
[11:28] * simplymai hugs her 2 cent who r e Bethany Yang.
[11:28] <Bethy> Like Hoey.
[11:28] <+MissMeena> lol@ mean gurl.
[11:28] <Bethy> LOL
[11:28] * Bethy licks Mai's butt cheek.
[11:28] <Bethy> Yup.
[11:28] <simplymai> ;)
[11:28] <Bethy> I only come on here so Mai can hug me/
[11:28] <Bethy> .
[11:28] <simplymai> haha
[11:28] <simplymai> Back to work. =P
[11:28] <+MissMeena> Joey, i thought u were a m this whole time.
[11:28] <Methodz> ..okay anyways meena my point is .. bad boys are more fun
[11:28] <Bethy> And do other stuff.
[11:28] <Bethy> hahaha
[11:28] <Guest17584> j moua Joey
[11:28] <mn_mean_gurl> sure bethy
[11:28] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:28] <+MissMeena> rokket, why u stop?
[11:28] <Guest17584> dont call out mas
[11:28] <Guest17584> lolz
[11:28] <@MekAchiCkA> aiya
[11:28] <@MekAchiCkA> hrms....
[11:28] <Napoleon`> are you guys having a killer time?
[11:28] <Bethy> Hi Mao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[11:28] <@MekAchiCkA> i needa a man..
[11:29] <@MekAchiCkA> *sighs*
[11:29] <+Joey_Vang> ohh sollie Sheng
[11:29] <@MekAchiCkA> hi bethy
[11:29] <@MekAchiCkA> ;D
[11:29] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[11:29] <Methodz> joey's a lesbian ..
[11:29] * Quits: @serenitee (lovinpeace@ (QUIT: User exited)
[11:29] <Bethy> YOu have me already.
[11:29] <Bethy> :(
[11:29] <+Joey_Vang> i am
[11:29] <Bethy> How can you say that Mao?
[11:29] <mn_mean_gurl> dennis where did you go
[11:29] <Napoleon`> simplymai it took me like 3 hours to finish the shading on y
our upper lip
[11:29] <@MekAchiCkA> hAHAHa
[11:29] <+MissMeena> Dennis, took u long enough to answer my question. i almost
forgot i asked that question.
[11:29] <Methodz> working
[11:29] <@MekAchiCkA> i needa waterboy for the july 4th tourny
[11:29] <Methodz> sorry
[11:29] <@MekAchiCkA> hahaha
[11:29] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:29] <Methodz> had to work first
[11:29] <Bethy> Oh.
[11:29] <Bethy> That's what Hoey does best too.
[11:29] <Bethy> Waterboying.
[11:29] <Bethy> haha
[11:29] <Methodz> mao let me get a application
[11:29] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[11:29] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:29] <@MekAchiCkA> LOlz
[11:29] <Methodz> ... i wanna be ur waterboy
[11:29] <+Joey_Vang> spike water
[11:29] <+Joey_Vang> :D
[11:29] <@MekAchiCkA> Bethy did you wanna b my watergirl?
[11:29] <@MekAchiCkA> LOlz
[11:29] <+MissMeena> work first.
[11:29] <Bethy> With his pee!!
[11:29] <@MekAchiCkA> LOlz @ DenniS
[11:29] <Bethy> Yes I do MAO!
[11:29] <+Joey_Vang> LOLZ
[11:30] <@MekAchiCkA> R u coming to MN?
[11:30] <+MissMeena> man, today's my day off of work... and i got nothing done .
[11:30] <Bethy> Who Mao?
[11:30] <+Joey_Vang> mt. dew! anyone
[11:30] <+MissMeena> bc i'm in here.
[11:30] <@MekAchiCkA> if you are.. then i'll send u an application
[11:30] <Bethy> haha Meena.
[11:30] <@MekAchiCkA> LOlz
[11:30] <+Joey_Vang> :D
[11:30] <mn_mean_gurl> haha@meena
[11:30] <Bethy> HAHAHAH
[11:30] * Quits: Guest17584 (java@=v4095-63-98-42.quickclick.ctc.net) (QUIT: Use
r exited)
[11:30] <Methodz> yes ! im coming to see staci
[11:30] * Joins: Rokket (X@64.122.143.Mv106=)
[11:30] * Quits: tonylver (Tony@=La0-9tqft743-881.nas7.minneapolis1.mn.us.da.qwe
st.net) (Excess flood)
[11:30] <Bethy> I know how you feel MissMeena.
[11:30] <Methodz> so i'll be thur
[11:30] * Joins: tonylver (Tony@=La0-9tqft743-881.nas7.minneapolis1.mn.us.da.qwe
[11:30] <mn_mean_gurl> i just need some money for the tournament
[11:30] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:30] * Quits: tonylver (Tony@=La0-9tqft743-881.nas7.minneapolis1.mn.us.da.qwe
st.net) (Excess flood)
[11:30] <Bethy> cause I'm here on my days off too
[11:30] * Quits: AznBoy (java@=e2WAG-88-64-107-87.wi.res.rr.com) (QUIT: User exi
[11:30] <@MekAchiCkA> hrms?
[11:30] <Bethy> It's pathetic.
[11:30] <Bethy> :(
[11:30] <+MissMeena> i got up early to clean my place up... and now i'm in here.
all my junk is lying around.
[11:30] <@MekAchiCkA> who's staci?
[11:30] * Joins: Tommy_Hang (AzNScRipt@=zkbwa0078897240msq.pwayne01.pa.comcast.n
[11:30] * Joins: tonylver (Tony@=La0-9tqft743-881.nas7.minneapolis1.mn.us.da.qwe
[11:30] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:30] * MekAchiCkA sets mode: -vvv `simplysweet`cookin` EcStAcYgUrL Joey_Vang
[11:30] <+MissMeena> hahahah. bethy, this place tsis nrog nrig!
[11:30] <Joey_Vang> <---staci's cousin
[11:30] <+MissMeena> lol.
[11:30] <Methodz> meena ur place as in ur who house or ur room
[11:30] * MekAchiCkA sets mode: -vvv LaFawnduh MissMeena ynot
[11:31] <Bethy> hahaha
[11:31] <Methodz> staci is my cousin
[11:31] <MissMeena> kills my time.
[11:31] <mn_mean_gurl> wow i didnt know everyone was related
[11:31] <Joey_Vang> oh even better dennis
[11:31] <MissMeena> i've my own place, Dennis.
[11:31] <@MekAchiCkA> oh shNAPS
[11:31] <Joey_Vang> lolz
[11:31] <@MekAchiCkA> im the only OP?
[11:31] <@MekAchiCkA> the heck?
[11:31] <@MekAchiCkA> is going on
[11:31] * Quits: stpgrl (java@=Zsv-58-51-211-511.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUIT: Use
r exited)
[11:31] <Bethy> OP ME MAO
[11:31] <Methodz> ohh meena
[11:31] <Bethy> And I'll help you!
[11:31] <mn_mean_gurl> so how am i related to you all
[11:31] <Methodz> isnt that nice
[11:31] <@MekAchiCkA> i cant
[11:31] <Joey_Vang> not dont mao
[11:31] <@MekAchiCkA> hahaha
[11:31] <Joey_Vang> ops
[11:31] <Bethy> hahaha
[11:31] <Joey_Vang> haha
[11:31] * MekAchiCkA sets mode: +v Bethy
[11:31] <Joey_Vang> OP me mao
[11:31] * Tommy_Hang is now known as Tommy_Hang86884
[11:31] * Joins: Guest20224 (java@=Xd47-71-741-004.mpls.qwest.net)
[11:31] <MissMeena> it is nice, Dennis.
[11:31] <Methodz> is it just u ?
[11:31] <+Bethy> Tommy's back.
[11:31] <Joey_Vang> shoot i kick everyone out
[11:31] <+Bethy> But he's not IDed.
[11:31] <Joey_Vang> LOL
[11:31] <@MekAchiCkA> Tommy y dont u op urself?
[11:31] <MissMeena> me and my sister.
[11:31] * Quits: tonylver (Tony@=La0-9tqft743-881.nas7.minneapolis1.mn.us.da.qwe
st.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[11:31] <MissMeena> for now.
[11:31] * Joins: tonylver (Tony@=La0-9tqft743-881.nas7.minneapolis1.mn.us.da.qwe
[11:31] <Methodz> ohh ..
[11:32] <+Bethy> I don't think he identified for his nick, Mao.
[11:32] <mn_mean_gurl> joey shouldnt be op
[11:32] <Joey_Vang> if i was op...dennis be the first one i kick ban
[11:32] <+Bethy> That's what happen when you leave your computer on and you're n
ot there.
[11:32] * Guest20224 is now known as Average_Jane
[11:32] <+Bethy> haha
[11:32] <Methodz> for now .. lol i see
[11:32] <Joey_Vang> lolz
[11:32] <Methodz> yeah i know joey
[11:32] <MissMeena> 4 college life is awesome.
[11:32] * Average_Jane waves hello to all ^_~
[11:32] <Methodz> u would huh
[11:32] <+Bethy> If I was Op, I'd ban Hoey for life.
[11:32] <+Bethy> BWHAHAHA
[11:32] <mn_mean_gurl> dont joey
[11:32] <Joey_Vang> hahaha
[11:32] <Methodz> make sure u get all the girls to urself
[11:32] <Methodz> lol
[11:32] <mn_mean_gurl> i love dennis
[11:32] * Quits: OnE-pArTy-GurLo (java@=dqp-88-165-95-079.chcgilgm.dynamic.covad
.net) (Connection reset by peer)
[11:32] <Joey_Vang> fo sho dennis
[11:32] * ChanServ sets mode: +v LaFawnduh
[11:32] * Quits: tonylver (Tony@=La0-9tqft743-881.nas7.minneapolis1.mn.us.da.qwe
st.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[11:32] <Joey_Vang> lolz
[11:32] <Methodz> joey be like .. no more dennis
[11:32] <Methodz> lol all mines
[11:32] <Joey_Vang> haha
[11:32] <Methodz> hahahah
[11:32] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:32] * Joins: Guest19495 (java@=0s29-34-411-16.mpls.qwest.net)
[11:32] <Joey_Vang> then Darshe
[11:33] <Joey_Vang> LOL
[11:33] <MissMeena> 4 4mmm... who to bother next..
[11:33] <Joey_Vang> brando next
[11:33] <+Bethy> Bother Hoey.
[11:33] <Methodz> then brando
[11:33] <mn_mean_gurl> but joey guess what
[11:33] <Joey_Vang> lolz
[11:33] <+Bethy> He needs to settle down.
[11:33] <Methodz> yeah joey
[11:33] <+Bethy> He keeps taking all the girls.
[11:33] <Napoleon`> hi Average_Jane
[11:33] * MissMeena yawns. alrighty, make up time.
[11:33] <Joey_Vang> haha
[11:33] <Methodz> taking out the competition eh
[11:33] <+Bethy> Them boys need a chance too.
[11:33] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:33] <Joey_Vang> Bethy i got you only now
[11:33] <Joey_Vang> ^__^
[11:33] <+Bethy> Whatever Hoey.
[11:33] <MissMeena> 4 rokket, i thought u left.
[11:33] * @MekAchiCkA farts*
[11:33] <+Bethy> That's what you JUST said to Meene.
[11:33] <Joey_Vang> :D
[11:33] <+Bethy> AND Pajhoua.
[11:33] <+Bethy> HAHAHHA
[11:33] * MekAchiCkA sets mode: +v Methodz
[11:33] * MekAchiCkA sets mode: +v Joey_Vang
[11:33] <mn_mean_gurl> meena you're still talking to them
[11:33] <+Joey_Vang> oh but ...but you
[11:33] <@MekAchiCkA> aight..
[11:33] * Napoleon` slaps Average_Jane around a bit with a large trout
[11:33] <@MekAchiCkA> lates yO
[11:34] <+Joey_Vang> i love you more
[11:34] <mn_mean_gurl> joey doesnt have me bethy
[11:34] <@MekAchiCkA> ;p
[11:34] <+Joey_Vang> yeah
[11:34] * +Methodz  note : please do not give joey vang op status
[11:34] <+Bethy> No ifs ands or buts.
[11:34] <mn_mean_gurl> you can have joey bethy
[11:34] <+Joey_Vang> hahaha
[11:34] <+Bethy> hahaha
[11:34] * @MekAchiCkA GONE*
[11:34] <+Bethy> I don't want Hoey no more.
[11:34] <mn_mean_gurl> hes all yours
[11:34] <+Bethy> He's a hater.
[11:34] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[11:34] <mn_mean_gurl> but dennis...hes mine
[11:34] <+Bethy> He only talks to me when he's horny.
[11:34] <+Methodz> lol @ pahoua
[11:34] <MissMeena> 12 12is joey a male or female?
[11:34] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[11:34] <+Bethy> Otherwise, he never talks to me.
[11:34] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:34] * Joins: katti` (ask@=lvcrfhln-32-306.cytanet.com.cy)
[11:34] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@*.cy
[11:34] * katti` was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk: spam ho
[11:34] <+Methodz> hahaha
[11:34] <+Bethy> Hoey is a male hoe.
[11:34] <mn_mean_gurl> joeys a lesbo
[11:34] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[11:34] <MissMeena> 12 rokket, u didn't asnwer my question
[11:34] <+Methodz> yeah bethy joey's a hater
[11:34] <+Joey_Vang> hahaha
[11:34] * Guest19495 is now known as MNnaughtyGUY
[11:34] <MissMeena> 12 where are u from and how old?
[11:34] <MNnaughtyGUY> sup peeps
[11:34] <MNnaughtyGUY> SO BORIN' IN HERE
[11:34] <mn_mean_gurl> joey why cant you be like dennis
[11:34] * Average_Jane ducks Mr Napolean's slap and throws the trout right back
at him!
[11:34] <+Methodz> lol
[11:35] <+Joey_Vang> cause i dont like been gay
[11:35] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:35] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[11:35] * Joins: Guest20095 (java@=RMy99.183.22.127.fdl.wi.charter.com)
[11:35] <+Methodz> pahoua dont say that
[11:35] <+Bethy> LOL
[11:35] <MissMeena> 12 oh...
[11:35] <+Bethy> HAHHA
[11:35] <+Bethy> Ooh
[11:35] <MissMeena> 12 last name?
[11:35] <+Joey_Vang> lesbian have more fun
[11:35] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:35] <+Methodz> he gets mad
[11:35] <+Joey_Vang> LOL
[11:35] <+Bethy> Got dissed Dennis!!
[11:35] <+Methodz> lol
[11:35] <EcStAcYgUrL> hi bethy
[11:35] <+Bethy> Hi nikki.
[11:35] <+Bethy> Or Pam.
[11:35] <MissMeena> 12 don't like to kiss girls.
[11:35] <mn_mean_gurl> dennis not gay
[11:35] <+Bethy> Or whatever name you like to use.
[11:35] <+Bethy> haha
[11:35] <MNnaughtyGUY> does chickens have long talons??
[11:35] <Napoleon`> Average_Jane i miss you
[11:35] <+Methodz> shiet gay or not its cool .. i still get the girls
[11:35] <+Bethy> Yes MNnaughtyGUY.
[11:35] <wifey> Its Joey Vang 8-5 .. after 5pm is Josephine!!!
[11:35] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:35] * +Methodz waves hi to ave jane
[11:35] <+Bethy> As long as Hoey's ....
[11:35] <simplymai> Crap it's hot
[11:35] <mn_mean_gurl> haha@wifey
[11:35] <+Joey_Vang> haha@Annie
[11:35] <simplymai> =/
[11:35] <+Joey_Vang> hahaha
[11:35] * Quits: OneHotHmongBoi (java@=L1izk-30-789-727-02.dialup.frsnca.pacbell
.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[11:35] <MissMeena> 12 Dennis, i guess so.
[11:36] <simplymai> Bethy blow me =/
[11:36] <mn_mean_gurl> oh joey so thats your secret you've been hiding huh
[11:36] * Napoleon` is now known as tnemaLsni`
[11:36] * +Bethy blows Mai.
[11:36] * simplymai fans herself
[11:36] * Average_Jane waves hi back at Mr Methodz
[11:36] <+Bethy> How sexy.
[11:36] * Guest20095 is now known as Sexy-X-Husband
[11:36] <+Bethy> oops.
[11:36] <+Joey_Vang> yes
[11:36] <+Methodz> ohh ms meena im not gay eh,
[11:36] <simplymai> LOL
[11:36] <+Bethy> I thought you meant the other blow.
[11:36] <+Bethy> :o
[11:36] * +Methodz long time no see ms ave jane
[11:36] * Joins: Guest19196 (java@=ww93-424-38-53.dhcp.crsn.ca.charter.com)
[11:36] <wifey> Hi Vang.
[11:36] <MissMeena> 12 Dennis, it's ok if u are.
[11:36] <+Joey_Vang> but i'm out of the closet
[11:36] <mn_mean_gurl> no wonder you keep saying you're lesbian
[11:36] <+Joey_Vang> :D
[11:36] * +Methodz lol
[11:36] <MissMeena> 12 i like to see guys in action
[11:36] <tnemaLsni`> mai! i'm getting a new phone, new number
[11:36] <MissMeena> 12 someday.
[11:36] * Sexy-X-Husband any single mom here !
[11:36] <tnemaLsni`> hi annie
[11:36] <mn_mean_gurl> now i get it joey
[11:36] * Guest19196 is now known as konggy
[11:36] <+Joey_Vang> yeappp!
[11:36] <simplymai> Okay Vang, lemme know what it is when you get it.
[11:36] <+Methodz> thats disgusting meena,
[11:36] <MissMeena> 12 lol@sexyXhusband.
[11:36] <tnemaLsni`> okie mai
[11:36] <+Joey_Vang> why i'm such a great kisser right
[11:37] <+Methodz> i prefer girl on girl
[11:37] <+Joey_Vang> ^__^
[11:37] <mn_mean_gurl> haha@dennis
[11:37] <MissMeena> 12 how many kids u have, sexyhusband?
[11:37] <simplymai> Dang Vang I shuld change my number too, I haven't changed it
in almost 5 years.
[11:37] <simplymai> Almost as long as I've had my purse.
[11:37] <MissMeena> 12 no method.
[11:37] <simplymai> =/
[11:37] * Joins: Guest18167 (java@=QAa-04-09-971-898.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[11:37] <MNnaughtyGUY> BORING
[11:37] <MissMeena> 12 please let me see soemday u bring home a date ok?
[11:37] <tnemaLsni`> yeah mai me too
[11:37] <+Joey_Vang> <------have 10 kids
[11:37] <+Bethy> Before you change it Mai, let me give it to hot guys.
[11:37] <tnemaLsni`> that's why i'm changing it
[11:37] <+Bethy> Like... my brothers.
[11:37] <+Bethy> Ok?
[11:37] <+Joey_Vang> with 11 different women
[11:37] <+Joey_Vang> impossible you said
[11:37] <mn_mean_gurl> wow joey
[11:37] <+Joey_Vang> i did it
[11:37] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[11:37] <tnemaLsni`> no one even calls me but oh well
[11:37] <simplymai> Okay Bethany just make sure to give it to the cutest one.
[11:37] <mn_mean_gurl> how young were you when you have your fist one
[11:37] <simplymai> Elee doesn't count, he already has my number.
[11:37] <MissMeena> 12 mean gurl, don't u want to see guys making out?
[11:37] <+Bethy> Ok.
[11:38] <+Bethy> Oh
[11:38] <+Bethy> :(
[11:38] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:38] <+Methodz> yeah joey thats why on ur paycheck u 2 dollars every 2 week
[11:38] <+Bethy> I was just gonna give it to Elee.
[11:38] <simplymai> That's cause you don't pick up Vang haha
[11:38] <mn_mean_gurl> meena i do
[11:38] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:38] <+Bethy> Cause you said the cutest one.
[11:38] <MissMeena> 12 bethy? aren't u girls even interested?
[11:38] * Quits: konggy (java@=ww93-424-38-53.dhcp.crsn.ca.charter.com) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[11:38] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[11:38] <simplymai> LOL
[11:38] * Joins: Guest18181 (java@66.81.80.T82=)
[11:38] <+Methodz> lol
[11:38] * Joins: Guest18299 (java@=Wjcazxz0.milwaukee.k12.wi.us)
[11:38] <+Joey_Vang> what's a paycheck
[11:38] <mn_mean_gurl> it just seem sooo gay meena
[11:38] <+Bethy> Interested in what?
[11:38] <+Joey_Vang> hahaha
[11:38] <+Methodz> hahaha
[11:38] <+Bethy> I have Mai now.
[11:38] <+Bethy> hahaha
[11:38] * Guest18167 is now known as stpgrl
[11:38] <simplymai> Aw, I'm gonna tell Elee you said he's the cutest brother.
[11:38] <+Methodz> u work for free
[11:38] <simplymai> =]
[11:38] <+Bethy> She has all my attention.
[11:38] <+Bethy> NO MAI
[11:38] <+Bethy> NO
[11:38] <simplymai> LOL
[11:38] <simplymai> Why not?
[11:38] * Sexy-X-Husband i'm lookin for divorce lady, single mom, nuns, nurse, run
away wifey if ur one of these whizper 2 me, lets party !
[11:38] <+Bethy> Cause
[11:38] <MissMeena> 12 lol!
[11:38] <+Joey_Vang> haha...you get PAY!!
[11:38] <simplymai> Cause?
[11:38] <+Bethy> That's just wrong.
[11:38] <+Bethy> HAHHA
[11:38] <+Joey_Vang> dammit
[11:38] <+Methodz> who's gay pahoua ?
[11:38] <simplymai> hahaha
[11:38] <stpgrl> care to chat
[11:38] <simplymai> No it isn't.
[11:38] <+Methodz> lol joey
[11:38] <+Bethy> Fine.
[11:39] <+Bethy> I'll tell him you said he was hot.
[11:39] <MissMeena> 12 Rokket, come out and party w/ us here.
[11:39] * Sexy-X-Husband i'm lookin for divorce lady, single mom, nuns, nurse, run
away wifey if ur one of these whizper 2 me, lets party ! <---------------------
[11:39] <simplymai> You can talk to my brother Lee.
[11:39] <simplymai> He's the cutest one.
[11:39] <+Bethy> Aww.
[11:39] <simplymai> You can tell him that haha
[11:39] * Guest18299 is now known as nkauJMoOb_GreeN
[11:39] <+Bethy> He's not the one with the long hair, is he
[11:39] <MissMeena> 12 sexyhusband, how many kids u got?
[11:39] <+Bethy> ?
[11:39] <simplymai> Seriously, I'm so sad no Hmong girl has snatched him.
[11:39] <+Bethy> LOL
[11:39] * Guest18181 is now known as hi
[11:39] <simplymai> Nah, he's bald, but totally matches it.
[11:39] <+Bethy> Does he even talk to them?
[11:39] <simplymai> =P
[11:39] <+Joey_Vang> me too mai..i'm still single too
[11:39] <+Bethy> Cool.
[11:39] <+Joey_Vang> LOL
[11:39] <simplymai> He's had one Hmong gf
[11:39] <+Bethy> Cause I'm bald too.
[11:39] * Sexy-X-Husband i'm lookin for divorce lady, single mom, nuns, nurse, run
away wifey if ur one of these whizper 2 me, lets party ! HURRY HURRY
[11:39] * Quits: nkauJMoOb_GreeN (java@=Wjcazxz0.milwaukee.k12.wi.us) (QUIT: Use
r exited)
[11:39] * tnemaLsni` slaps Average_Jane around a bit with a large trout
[11:39] <+Joey_Vang> what's wrong with me
[11:39] <hi> sweet_guy
[11:39] <MissMeena> 12 rokket, there are many girls to choose from from here..
[11:39] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[11:39] <simplymai> Well, he shaved his, thre's a difference.
[11:39] <simplymai> haha
[11:40] <+Bethy> You're a hoe,hoey
[11:40] <+Bethy> hahaha
[11:40] <MissMeena> 12 i'll let u have ur pick for our orgie someday.
[11:40] <+Bethy> haha Mai
[11:40] <+Joey_Vang> what's wrong with that
[11:40] <+Bethy> well, I'll shave mine too!!
[11:40] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[11:40] <simplymai> Bethany you know how most Hmong guys are losers these days?
[11:40] <+Bethy> Just so I can't say it all fell out.
[11:40] <Sexy-X-Husband> <---- horny
[11:40] <+Bethy> No.
[11:40] <+Bethy> Yes.
[11:40] <simplymai> My brother isn't one of them, haha.
[11:40] <+Bethy> Well, depends.
[11:40] <+Bethy> Losers to me = wannabe gang bangers.
[11:40] * hi is now known as hi82780
[11:40] <simplymai> Yaeh definitely not.
[11:40] <mn_mean_gurl> okay im back
[11:40] <MissMeena> 12 sexy, Rokket would like u to join us for our orgie.
[11:40] <+Bethy> And losers also = Hoey.
[11:40] <mn_mean_gurl> haha@meena
[11:40] <+Bethy> haha
[11:40] <simplymai> He's gonna be a engineer Bethy, snatch him!
[11:40] <+Bethy> But, ok
[11:40] <Rokket> where?
[11:40] * Quits: hi82780 (java@66.81.80.T82=) (QUIT: User exited)
[11:40] <Rokket> hahhah
[11:40] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:40] <+Bethy> Ok Mai
[11:40] <MissMeena> 12 bethy, same here.
[11:40] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[11:40] <Sexy-X-Husband> wtf
[11:40] <+Bethy> I still wanna be your isster in law
[11:41] <+Bethy> so Ok1
[11:41] <simplymai> haha
[11:41] <mn_mean_gurl> its alrite joey
[11:41] * Joins: Guest18087 (java@=vopdxu-91-762-14-20.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net)
[11:41] <+Joey_Vang> hoey have more fun anywase..who care
[11:41] * MissMeena don't like bums as well.
[11:41] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[11:41] <simplymai> nvm I don't wanna put my brother through that
[11:41] <simplymai> haha
[11:41] <Sexy-X-Husband> brb my dick got hards gtg peeps
[11:41] <mn_mean_gurl> you're still my number one hero at macking joey
[11:41] <Sexy-X-Husband> pees
[11:41] <+Bethy> HAH Mai
[11:41] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[11:41] <MissMeena> 12 Rokket, u may have ur pick
[11:41] <+Bethy> Mine got hard too.
[11:41] <MissMeena> 12 for our future orgie.
[11:41] * Guest18087 is now known as Juan2bone
[11:41] <simplymai> My friend and I were talkinga bout how pointless it is to me
et guys at new year.
[11:41] <Rokket> hahhhaha
[11:41] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Juan2bone
[11:41] <MissMeena> 12 sexyhusband is so open.
[11:41] * Bethy is now known as Bethy|PuttingClothesOn
[11:41] <+Bethy|PuttingClothesOn> Mai
[11:41] <+Bethy|PuttingClothesOn> fck that
[11:41] <Rokket> aren'tyou?
[11:41] <simplymai> Cause guys like my brothers and his friends who are really c
[11:41] <+Bethy|PuttingClothesOn> I only go for the food
[11:41] <+Juan2bone> GOOD MORNING to Everyone
[11:41] <+Bethy|PuttingClothesOn> LOL
[11:41] <mn_mean_gurl> haha@meena
[11:41] <simplymai> Just go to the food court and leave
[11:41] <simplymai> LOL
[11:41] <+Joey_Vang> thank you mai
[11:41] <mn_mean_gurl> so joey
[11:42] <Sexy-X-Husband> women pussy got hards too !
[11:42] <+Joey_Vang> we are
[11:42] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[11:42] * Joins: Guest18000 (java@=dF560.173.113.122.ptr.us.xo.net)
[11:42] <+Joey_Vang> sup pahoua
[11:42] <mn_mean_gurl> where did dennis go
[11:42] <MissMeena> 12 well, i choose the other guy, and u may pick the other gir
[11:42] <+Juan2bone> hello simplymai
[11:42] <+Joey_Vang> dennis..poo
[11:42] <+Methodz> brb
[11:42] <simplymai> Hi Teng
[11:42] <+Juan2bone> hello Average Jane
[11:42] <+Methodz> working
[11:42] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:42] <MissMeena> 12 if our first orgie goes well, we'll make it two girls and
[11:42] <mn_mean_gurl> dennis why do you say sup
[11:42] <MissMeena> 12 lol.
[11:42] <+Juan2bone> mai your up early
[11:42] <mn_mean_gurl> thats so like rude
[11:42] <+Joey_Vang> working=poo
[11:42] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[11:42] * Average_Jane waves to mr Teng!
[11:42] <fLy_gUy_mN> meena.. mind if i join too.?
[11:42] <+Juan2bone> long time no chat...Average Jane
[11:42] <simplymai> Are you talking to a different Mai Joey?
[11:42] <simplymai> haha
[11:42] <MissMeena> 12 rokket, i fear u'll never want to share me, hon.
[11:42] * Guest18000 is now known as NAIVNIAMNYOBTWG
[11:42] <MissMeena> 12 flyguy, sure...
[11:42] <mn_mean_gurl> wow meena you're gettin just bout everyone
[11:42] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[11:42] <Rokket> yeah right
[11:43] <+Juan2bone> how are you doing Ms Jane?
[11:43] * Average_Jane nods...yeah i know...long time no chat with anyone actaul
[11:43] <simplymai> Cause this ain't early, this is late.
[11:43] <MissMeena> 12 so many mn people this morning.
[11:43] <simplymai> haha
[11:43] <fLy_gUy_mN> where's it being held at?
[11:43] <+Joey_Vang> there's a dime a dozen mai
[11:43] <+Joey_Vang> :D
[11:43] <fLy_gUy_mN> ur place?
[11:43] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:43] <+Joey_Vang> of course
[11:43] * simplymai shrugs
[11:43] * Joins: Guest11672 (java@158.123.20.LP03=)
[11:43] <MissMeena> 12 lol. all it takes is some nasty sex talk, mean gurl
[11:43] <MissMeena> 12 lol!
[11:43] <simplymai> Then I'll stop answering to Mai.
[11:43] <Rokket> i didn't mean to lead you on by fuc cing you
[11:43] <+Juan2bone> Mai..i woke up at 5:30am..went to work out....
[11:43] <simplymai> haha
[11:43] <MissMeena> 12 guys ma...
[11:43] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[11:43] <fLy_gUy_mN> damn.. that's far..
[11:43] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:43] <+Joey_Vang> you think your name is sooo unique or what
[11:43] <fLy_gUy_mN> when u get to MN ring me up..
[11:43] <+Joey_Vang> LOL
[11:43] <fLy_gUy_mN> lol
[11:43] <Rokket> it's no strings attached meena
[11:43] <+Juan2bone> how are you doing Ms Jane?
[11:43] <MissMeena> 12 Rokket, u may never want to let me go
[11:44] <MissMeena> 12 rokket, can u handle it?
[11:44] <Rokket> definitely
[11:44] * Guest11672 is now known as Lub_PajNra
[11:44] <mn_mean_gurl> okay my virgin eyes
[11:44] <mn_mean_gurl> hmmm
[11:44] <Sexy-X-Husband> <----
[11:44] <MissMeena> 12 I walked away from worster situations before.
[11:44] * Sexy-X-Husband i'm lookin for divorce lady, single mom, nuns, nurse, run
away wifey if ur one of these whizper 2 me, lets party !
[11:44] <MissMeena> 12 can u?
[11:44] <Rokket> like what?
[11:44] <mn_mean_gurl> nuns
[11:44] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:44] <+Joey_Vang> you walked away
[11:44] <MissMeena> 12 sexyhusband, stop advertising, just talk!
[11:44] <Lub_PajNra> Hi my Joey, I miss you
[11:44] <+Joey_Vang> wow...i crawled away
[11:44] * Average_Jane im still breathing Mr Teng...thanks for asking
[11:44] <mn_mean_gurl> joey who are you talking too
[11:44] <+Juan2bone> that's great
[11:44] <+Joey_Vang> hi pajnra
[11:44] <Lub_PajNra> ((((((((((muah)))))))))))
[11:44] <MissMeena> 12 3 year relationship.
[11:44] <Sexy-X-Husband> dont hates cuz ur fat and ugly
[11:44] <mn_mean_gurl> you're going insane joey
[11:44] <Rokket> so?
[11:44] * Quits: wifey (chat@=EYv-54-260-807-906.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUIT: Use
r exited)
[11:44] <+Joey_Vang> pahoua i'm talking to her
[11:44] <Rokket> waht about it?
[11:44] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[11:44] <+Juan2bone> how's life>? and everything? u know?
[11:45] <mn_mean_gurl> oh
[11:45] * Quits: uR`nExT`BoIfRiEnD (blah@=61DYR-61-905-003-134.wi.res.rr.com) (Q
UIT: User exited)
[11:45] <Lub_PajNra> (^_~)
[11:45] <+Joey_Vang> *MuahZ*@pajnra
[11:45] <Rokket> it's just about lust!!!!!
[11:45] <MissMeena> 12 i walked away from it. no strings attached.
[11:45] <MissMeena> 12 and many more situation.
[11:45] <fLy_gUy_mN> right here too..
[11:45] <MissMeena> 12 so u, i could handle.
[11:45] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:45] <fLy_gUy_mN> lol.. love no strings relationship..
[11:45] <Lub_PajNra> thanks Joey
[11:45] <Rokket> love is over rated
[11:45] <mn_mean_gurl> meena yu tell them
[11:45] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:45] <Average_Jane> okie dokie...im outta here til laters......
[11:45] <+Joey_Vang> uh huh
[11:45] * +Methodz my ears are burning red
[11:45] <+Juan2bone> u leaving
[11:45] <MissMeena> 12 lol@flyguy
[11:45] * Average_Jane waves bye to all ^_~
[11:45] * +Methodz .. someone talkin shiet about me ..
[11:45] <+Juan2bone> awww
[11:45] <mn_mean_gurl> hey cant we talk pg13 here
[11:45] <MissMeena> 12 yes mean gurl.
[11:45] <+Juan2bone> take care ms jane
[11:46] <mn_mean_gurl> dennis it was joey
[11:46] * +Bethy|PuttingClothesOn sings to Mai, "I pray for my heart to be unbro
ken, but without you all I'm going to be is incomplete."
[11:46] <MissMeena> 12 Dennis, i'm talking sheit about u.
[11:46] * Quits: Average_Jane (java@=Xd47-71-741-004.mpls.qwest.net) (QUIT: User
[11:46] <mn_mean_gurl> he was saying you went poo
[11:46] <MissMeena> 12 lol.
[11:46] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[11:46] <fLy_gUy_mN> meena.. u have hot pic to share?
[11:46] <+Methodz> i betcha it was h uh pahoua
[11:46] <mn_mean_gurl> watever that means
[11:46] <simplymai> Quit being "happy" Bethy haha
[11:46] <Lub_PajNra> Nyob zoo os naivmiamnyobtwg...
[11:46] <mn_mean_gurl> why would i talk bout you dear
[11:46] <+Bethy|PuttingClothesOn> I'm not happy
[11:46] <MissMeena> 12 fly guy, i do... but not w/ me today.
[11:46] * +Bethy|PuttingClothesOn cires.
[11:46] <mn_mean_gurl> you know i love you dennis
[11:46] <+Bethy|PuttingClothesOn> oops
[11:46] * Bethy|PuttingClothesOn is now known as B
[11:46] * B is now known as B50237
[11:46] <fLy_gUy_mN> meena.. send it over when u can babes..
[11:46] * B50237 is now known as Bethy
[11:46] <Rokket> meena....the grinch...can you heart really grow 3 inches?
[11:46] * Sexy-X-Husband i'm lookin for divorce lady, single mom, nuns, nurse, run
away wifey if ur one of these whizper 2 me, lets party !
[11:46] <mn_mean_gurl> bethy
[11:46] <+Juan2bone> Bethy take it off...put your clothes on later
[11:46] <+Bethy> Yeah?
[11:46] <+Bethy> haha, no Teng
[11:46] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:46] <+Methodz> no pahoua what i said was i bet u it was joey huh pahoua
[11:46] * Joins: Guest7016 (Chatz@=03v-61-770-717-42.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[11:47] <mn_mean_gurl> it was dennis
[11:47] * Joins: Pho_King_Awesome (me@=DMq-77-75-06-47.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[11:47] <mn_mean_gurl> just scroll up
[11:47] <MissMeena> 12 Rokket, why u ask that?
[11:47] <+Methodz> hmmm i see
[11:47] <simplymai> Hi JackOPho
[11:47] <mn_mean_gurl> he was talking mad bout you
[11:47] <Lub_PajNra> nyob li qub noj li tshiab xwb os hmoob aws!
[11:47] <Pho_King_Awesome> hmmm....
[11:47] * Joins: jellorice (plastlk@=Jwbjlw-86-445-921-16.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.n
[11:47] <simplymai> Hi Yeng
[11:47] <EcStAcYgUrL> hi ricey
[11:47] <+Bethy> Hi Yreng.
[11:47] <EcStAcYgUrL> hi jack
[11:47] <+Bethy> Ynng
[11:47] <+Bethy> Yeng
[11:47] <MissMeena> 12 i've built a good wall around my heart bc of u selfish men
[11:47] <Rokket> just because there's no strings attached.....
[11:47] * Joins: Guest5681 (java@=j3ivm56394494gqb.warn1201.mi.comcast.net)
[11:47] <mn_mean_gurl> haha
[11:47] <Sexy-X-Husband> stupid niki is here !
[11:47] <fLy_gUy_mN> meena.. lol.. same here too..
[11:47] * Parts: ynot (happyfaker@=Uwvakc-06-97-9-514.mdsnwi.dsl-w.verizon.net)
[11:47] <jellorice> hi mai
[11:47] <Sexy-X-Husband> i thought she died
[11:47] <jellorice> hi bethy
[11:47] <Lub_PajNra> koj nev lov, ua dab tsi lawm xwb, naivniam aws
[11:47] * Joins: ynot (happyfaker@=Uwvakc-06-97-9-514.mdsnwi.dsl-w.verizon.net)
[11:47] * ChanServ sets mode: +v ynot
[11:47] <simplymai> How'd you sleep Yeng?
[11:47] <MissMeena> 12 fly guy, bc of selfish men too?
[11:47] <+Juan2bone> Anyone from Cali beside simplymai??
[11:48] <Rokket> meena is your heart filled with poison?
[11:48] <simplymai> hahaha I feel so loved Teng
[11:48] <+Methodz> i see
[11:48] <simplymai> LOL
[11:48] <fLy_gUy_mN> meena.. cuz of shady girls.. that love to hurt guys
[11:48] * Joins: Guest10290 (java@=RK91-029-65-18.dhcp.crsn.ca.charter.com)
[11:48] <+Juan2bone> haha
[11:48] <mn_mean_gurl> hey juan i think dennis is from cali too
[11:48] <Pho_King_Awesome> hihi
[11:48] * Guest10290 is now known as konggy
[11:48] <fLy_gUy_mN> meena.. FUNNI..
[11:48] * Parts: Guest7016 (Chatz@=03v-61-770-717-42.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[11:48] <MissMeena> 12 Rokket, i am not filled with a poison heart. i'm just cau
tious, hons.
[11:48] <+Juan2bone> Mai..is it..rainy over there...???
[11:48] <Rokket> hahaaaaahaaha
[11:48] * +Methodz its raining in stockton
[11:48] <+Juan2bone> it's rainy in the Valley
[11:48] * Guest5681 is now known as unknown_biatch
[11:49] <MissMeena> 12 the thing is I'm still kind after all those incidents with
selfish men.
[11:49] <simplymai> Teng- nope, just a few wipsy thing clouds, the sun is out.
[11:49] <simplymai> Nice and cool.
[11:49] * Joins: Guest4794 (java@=vIonjp-67-12-913-714.rev.o1.com)
[11:49] <+ynot> hey dennis i heard you gota thing with genie?
[11:49] <+Bethy> lalalalalalalaalllllll
[11:49] <+Juan2bone> suck..
[11:49] <MissMeena> 12 rokket, my hottest sex?
[11:49] <simplymai> But i think I see ran clouds over the ocean.
[11:49] <unknown_biatch> any guys care to chat
[11:49] <simplymai> Why, is it raining there?
[11:49] <Sexy-X-Husband> mn mean gurl, simplymai just pc me and she said she wan
a 3some !
[11:49] <MissMeena> 12 behind the wheels.
[11:49] <+Juan2bone> yeah...
[11:49] * Joins: Guest5539 (java@=zkbwa0078897240msq.pwayne01.pa.comcast.net)
[11:49] <simplymai> I don't pc losers.
[11:49] <simplymai> Nice try though.
[11:49] <simplymai> =]
[11:49] <Pho_King_Awesome> laters
[11:49] * Guest5539 is now known as minmin
[11:49] <+Juan2bone> more like sprinkling..for now...
[11:49] <simplymai> Adios JackOPho
[11:49] <simplymai> I see.
[11:49] <Pho_King_Awesome> damni.. no wonder mai doesn't answer my PCs
[11:49] <+Joey_Vang> hahahaha
[11:49] <Rokket> more specific details
[11:49] * Joins: Guest9699 (java@=XQurrwrxx-lvmnthud.csufresno.edu)
[11:49] <fLy_gUy_mN> mai, u funi.. did u win the poker pot at the BBQ?
[11:49] <simplymai> hahaha
[11:50] <+Juan2bone> it's very gloomy
[11:50] <Pho_King_Awesome> anyway... laters.. work calleth
[11:50] <Pho_King_Awesome> *POOF*
[11:50] <+ynot> hi mai
[11:50] <unknown_biatch> any guys care to chat
[11:50] <Pho_King_Awesome> bye mai
[11:50] <MissMeena> 12 flyguy, it's hard to find such decent & wild girls these d
ays to understand you huh?
[11:50] * Quits: Pho_King_Awesome (me@=DMq-77-75-06-47.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUI
T: User exited)
[11:50] <+ynot> can we talk in pc?
[11:50] <simplymai> Okay I'm so confused cause I didn't go to a BBQ, is there an
other Mai here?
[11:50] <simplymai> :/
[11:50] * Guest4794 is now known as Cute_Sexy_Handsome_PompusGuy
[11:50] <MissMeena> 12 it's too early to talk about wild & hot sex.
[11:50] * +Methodz say what ?
[11:50] <Cute_Sexy_Handsome_PompusGuy> sup people
[11:50] * +Methodz genie ?
[11:50] <fLy_gUy_mN> meena.. excately.. u know it babes.. some are not open mind
ed, some are boring, some arent into experiements..
[11:50] <Rokket> you didn't say that earlier meena
[11:50] <fLy_gUy_mN> u know the rest
[11:50] <simplymai> okay work calls.
[11:50] <jellorice> hi nikki
[11:50] <+Juan2bone> Mai u did...remember i was there....
[11:50] * ynot is now known as t0ny
[11:50] <jellorice> hi all
[11:50] <+Juan2bone> wink...*
[11:50] <MissMeena> 12 yes i did, rokket.
[11:50] <+Juan2bone> hahaha
[11:50] <+t0ny> sup yengo!!
[11:50] <+t0ny> hehe
[11:51] <+t0ny> yeah dennis :P
[11:51] <MissMeena> 12 yes fly guy.
[11:51] <+Methodz> sup tony
[11:51] <Cute_Sexy_Handsome_PompusGuy> ewww....boring
[11:51] <+Methodz> why u say tony
[11:51] <fLy_gUy_mN> mai.. i guess wrong mai then.. my bad..
[11:51] <Sexy-X-Husband> simplymai, when last time u suck real dick !
[11:51] <+Juan2bone> mai..u were so faded..u wanna fly
[11:51] <MissMeena> 12 Rokket, please share w/ me ur experiences. i'll let u tla
k about sex to my ears this morning.
[11:51] <+Methodz> she just a homie
[11:51] <+t0ny> oh because she was scared.. this dude knows a lot 'bout her n sh
e was telling me so
[11:51] <+t0ny> n this dude knows you too haha
[11:51] * Joins: uR`nExT`BoIfRiEnD (blah@=ETDYR-61-905-003-134.wi.res.rr.com)
[11:52] <+Juan2bone> Methodz..u still hit up the RAGE dude???
[11:52] <fLy_gUy_mN> meena.. yep.. true.. gotta be conservative wit these girls
first and slowly intro them into more fetish stuff..
[11:52] <fLy_gUy_mN> lol
[11:52] * Quits: minmin (java@=zkbwa0078897240msq.pwayne01.pa.comcast.net) (Conn
ection reset by peer)
[11:52] <MissMeena> 12 Rokket, u hve nothing to hide, do u?
[11:52] * Joins: AdrRiaNa (wawxax@64.18.189.xJ672=)
[11:52] * Quits: Cute_Sexy_Handsome_PompusGuy (java@=vIonjp-67-12-913-714.rev.o1
.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[11:52] <MissMeena> 12 fly... lol. how old are u, hons?
[11:52] * Quits: Guest9699 (java@=XQurrwrxx-lvmnthud.csufresno.edu) (Ping Timeou
[11:52] * Quits: jellorice (plastlk@=Jwbjlw-86-445-921-16.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.n
et) (QUIT: User exited)
[11:52] * Joins: Guest5500 (java@=X0waha-09-92-127-781.rev.o1.com)
[11:52] <MissMeena> 12 i've nothing to hide from the world.
[11:52] * Quits: uR`nExT`BoIfRiEnD (blah@=ETDYR-61-905-003-134.wi.res.rr.com) (Q
UIT: User exited)
[11:52] * +Methodz yeah i know tony
[11:52] <MissMeena> 12 u have my attention.
[11:53] <fLy_gUy_mN> meena.. PM u..
[11:53] * +Methodz but that dude aint me ...
[11:53] <MissMeena> 12 flyguy, i am 22.
[11:53] * +Methodz i just dont know how that dude knew all the info
[11:53] <fLy_gUy_mN> meena.. lol.. u at ur prime time..
[11:53] <Guest5500> hahahhaha
[11:53] * Quits: unknown_biatch (java@=j3ivm56394494gqb.warn1201.mi.comcast.net)
(QUIT: User exited)
[11:53] <MissMeena> 12 Dennis, how old are u?
[11:53] <+Joey_Vang> http://www.asianavenue.com/Members/Me/personalpage.html?MEM
[11:53] * +Methodz she thinks im w/the dude
[11:53] * Joins: Guest7801 (java@=Wgcazxz0.milwaukee.k12.wi.us)
[11:53] * +Methodz 26
[11:53] <MissMeena> 12 Rokket, share w/ me ur experiences.
[11:54] * Guest7801 is now known as m1ss_dawB
[11:54] * Sexy-X-Husband i'm lookin for divorce lady, single mom, nuns, nurse, run
away wifey if ur one of these whizper 2 me, lets party !
[11:54] <m1ss_dawB> ....
[11:54] <+Bethy> Whoa.
[11:54] * +Methodz whitegirl !!
[11:54] <m1ss_dawB> hurrrmmm..
[11:54] * Joins: cleopatra_25 (cccc@=iXpmeqqnuttf126.231-37-24.mc.videotron.ca)
[11:54] <MissMeena> 12 Rokket, u still turned on? it's 11am.
[11:54] <fLy_gUy_mN> meena.. what kind of exp u have?
[11:54] * +Methodz wassup whitegirl
[11:54] * t0ny is now known as ynot
[11:54] <fLy_gUy_mN> share some..
[11:54] <m1ss_dawB> ewww...methodz!
[11:54] <m1ss_dawB> hahahaa
[11:54] <m1ss_dawB> hiya methodz
[11:54] <+ynot> dennis have you seen gina?
[11:54] <m1ss_dawB> hahahaaha
[11:54] * +Methodz shuddup whitegurl
[11:54] <Guest5500> ewww
[11:54] <m1ss_dawB> hahaha
[11:54] <+LaFawnduh> Nice pictures Hightia.
[11:54] <MissMeena> 12 fly... i've experienced it all.
[11:54] * +Methodz ... er she's in here
[11:54] <+Joey_Vang> huh
[11:54] <MissMeena> 12 i know what i like and don't like in bed hons.
[11:54] <+Joey_Vang> :P~
[11:54] * +Methodz she's just not talking
[11:54] <m1ss_dawB> errr....
[11:54] <+Joey_Vang> hahaha
[11:54] <+ynot> where's her nick?
[11:55] <+Joey_Vang> Annie
[11:55] <MissMeena> 12 Rokket, that i don't like.
[11:55] <fLy_gUy_mN> meena.. tell all if u dont mind.. in private if u mind..
[11:55] <+LaFawnduh> I like your import model one too.
[11:55] <+Methodz> i feel bad yo
[11:55] <+Joey_Vang> LOL
[11:55] <+Methodz> cus she thinks im involved
[11:55] <Guest5500> if i was there..i would had ****** all those gurls
[11:55] <Guest5500> in that pic
[11:55] <+ynot> involved?
[11:55] <MissMeena> 12 hons, what happens in bed stays in bed.
[11:55] <m1ss_dawB> i'm so0o0o hungry
[11:55] <m1ss_dawB> ewwwwwww
[11:55] <Guest5500> they look so horny
[11:55] <MissMeena> 12 i know guys love blowjobs...
[11:55] <+Methodz> she prob thinks i gave her info to the guy
[11:55] <+ynot> 2involved like how?
[11:55] <MissMeena> 12 but i don't.
[11:55] <Guest5500> yeap guys do
[11:55] <fLy_gUy_mN> meena.. ofcourse..
[11:55] * m1ss_dawB yawns*
[11:55] <MissMeena> 12 don't like giving it.
[11:55] <+ynot> 2yeah she does think that...
[11:55] <+ynot> 2haha.
[11:55] <fLy_gUy_mN> its the icing on the cake..
[11:55] <Sexy-X-Husband> miss dawb, your nick is mtt
[11:55] <+Methodz> yeah i know
[11:55] <MissMeena> 12 because what's down there stays down there.
[11:55] * Joins: FresnoHornyBastard (jake699@63.207.254.VQ202=)
[11:55] <fLy_gUy_mN> meena? why not?
[11:55] <+Methodz> that sucks y o
[11:55] <Guest5500> cause u like being fuc duh
[11:55] <MissMeena> 12 right, Dennis?
[11:56] <+ynot> 2i mean c'mon she's sucha good person..
[11:56] <m1ss_dawB> i know it is...
[11:56] <+ynot> 2hehe.
[11:56] <m1ss_dawB> its my name..
[11:56] <fLy_gUy_mN> simple.. suck like a lilipop
[11:56] <m1ss_dawB> duh!
[11:56] <FresnoHornyBastard> Sups to all the j moua days!!!
[11:56] * Quits: EcStAcYgUrL (Lala@=R6e82.196.46.107.shb.wi.charter.com) (Ping T
[11:56] <FresnoHornyBastard> Long time no fawk
[11:56] <+Methodz> iright meena
[11:56] <Guest5500> yea..suck...it taste good too
[11:56] <MissMeena> 12 guys, that is u guys' selfishness.
[11:56] <m1ss_dawB> eww fresnohornybastard...
[11:56] <+Methodz> tony if u see her
[11:56] <MissMeena> 12 please tell me Rokket.
[11:56] <+Methodz> tell her i wouldnt do such a thing
[11:56] <+Methodz> meena
[11:56] <FresnoHornyBastard> lols@miss_dawb
[11:56] <m1ss_dawB> hahahaa
[11:56] * Joins: Guest5704 (java@=Vdxtegpwcs-hdzf2.clients.athenet.net)
[11:56] * Quits: Guest5500 (java@=X0waha-09-92-127-781.rev.o1.com) (QUIT: User e
[11:56] <FresnoHornyBastard> Miss_dawb, u still dawb down there?
[11:56] <FresnoHornyBastard> winks
[11:56] <m1ss_dawB> so0o0o long no talke eh..
[11:56] * +Bethy yawns.
[11:56] * Sexy-X-Husband i'm lookin for divorce lady, single mom, nuns, nurse, run
away wifey if ur one of these whizper 2 me, lets party !
[11:57] <MissMeena> 12 yes dennis?
[11:57] <+Bethy> Man.
[11:57] <+Bethy> Hi Mao.
[11:57] <m1ss_dawB> still down where?
[11:57] <+Methodz> ... what did u ask me ?
[11:57] <FresnoHornyBastard> mexico
[11:57] <FresnoHornyBastard> haha
[11:57] <+Bethy> Whoa.
[11:57] <m1ss_dawB> no...
[11:57] <+Bethy> Is that John?
[11:57] <FresnoHornyBastard> j moua bethy!!
[11:57] <+Bethy> omg
[11:57] * Joins: MN_JACK (Chatz@=g9744-858-40-519.mctc.mnscu.edu)
[11:57] <MNnaughtyGUY> BORING
[11:57] <MissMeena> 12 no, fly guy. that i haven't had.
[11:57] <m1ss_dawB> i'm back..
[11:57] <MNnaughtyGUY> REALLY BORING
[11:57] * Joins: Guest3868 (java@=wZdysi-19-13-569-227.rev.o1.com)
[11:57] * Sexy-X-Husband i'm lookin for divorce lady, single mom, nuns, nurse, run
away wifey if ur one of these whizper 2 me, lets party !
[11:57] * Sexy-X-Husband i'm lookin for divorce lady, single mom, nuns, nurse, run
away wifey if ur one of these whizper 2 me, lets party !
[11:57] <FresnoHornyBastard> bethy, it's me!!
[11:57] <FresnoHornyBastard> missed me?
[11:57] * Joins: Guest8061 (java@=hmbd344-78.dialip.mich.net)
[11:57] <m1ss_dawB> i'mma be in cali pretty so0o0n...
[11:57] * Sexy-X-Husband i'm lookin for divorce lady, single mom, nuns, nurse, run
away wifey if ur one of these whizper 2 me,
[11:57] <+Bethy> Sure did.
[11:57] <fLy_gUy_mN> meena.. no.. like to try it sometime...
[11:57] <+Bethy> Wow.
[11:57] <m1ss_dawB> i miss CALI...sniff sniff
[11:57] * Guest5704 is now known as sOmE_lADY
[11:57] <+Bethy> Where did you go John?
[11:57] <+Joey_Vang> Bethy is striping on cam
[11:57] <FresnoHornyBastard> Laos
[11:57] <+Methodz> tony if u see her tell her that i dont know how the dude got
her info but it wasnt from me
[11:57] <+Joey_Vang> she's busy
[11:57] <FresnoHornyBastard> china
[11:57] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[11:57] <+Bethy> haha
[11:57] <FresnoHornyBastard> thailand
[11:57] <FresnoHornyBastard> u name it
[11:57] <+Bethy> Did you really?
[11:57] <+ynot> 2yeah alrighty then dennis.. i'll tell her when i see her..
[11:57] * Guest8061 is now known as ^Hot_Gut_69^
[11:57] <+Bethy> Fcker.
[11:57] <+Bethy> What a liar.
[11:57] <FresnoHornyBastard> haha
[11:57] <MNnaughtyGUY> really BORING
[11:57] <MissMeena> 12 methodz, i will refresh it laters.
[11:57] <+Joey_Vang> lol
[11:58] <FresnoHornyBastard> for reals
[11:58] <+Bethy> Whatever.
[11:58] <FresnoHornyBastard> I couldn't get any melons over here
[11:58] <+Bethy> I bet your wife finally caught you online.
[11:58] <MissMeena> 12 Flyguy, perhaps someday.
[11:58] <+Methodz> she aint talkin to me no more cus she thinks im givin her inf
o to him
[11:58] <FresnoHornyBastard> so i went over there
[11:58] <+Bethy> And she took your internet away.
[11:58] <+Bethy> HAHAHA
[11:58] <FresnoHornyBastard> gosh
[11:58] * ^Hot_Gut_69^ is now known as Hot_Guy_69
[11:58] <m1ss_dawB> wtf?
[11:58] <MissMeena> 12 ROkket, why, u got a gang?
[11:58] <FresnoHornyBastard> they were so juicy
[11:58] <MissMeena> 12 lols.
[11:58] <FresnoHornyBastard> winks
[11:58] <fLy_gUy_mN> meena.. i thought all girls love it?
[11:58] <+Bethy> Stupid John.
[11:58] <+Bethy> Always horny.
[11:58] <+Bethy> Jeez.
[11:58] <FresnoHornyBastard> lols
[11:58] <+ynot> 2wait, who's him?
[11:58] <+Bethy> I guess those countries didn't help you!
[11:58] <MissMeena> 12 flyguy, i haven't had it.
[11:58] * Guest3868 is now known as SacramentoHorniestSexiestHunk
[11:58] <FresnoHornyBastard> Bethy, u still feel good?
[11:58] <FresnoHornyBastard> haha
[11:58] <+Bethy> Feel good about wife?
[11:58] <MissMeena> 12 bethy... guys they can go day and night.
[11:58] <SacramentoHorniestSexiestHunk> hi people
[11:58] <m1ss_dawB> blah..
[11:58] <fLy_gUy_mN> meena.. really.. i thought u experience it all?
[11:58] * Sexy-X-Husband i'm lookin for divorce lady, single mom, nuns, nurse, run
away wifey if ur one of these whizper 2 me, lets party !
[11:59] <MissMeena> 12 dang more !
[11:59] <MissMeena> 12 lol.
[11:59] * m1ss_dawB digs her nose
[11:59] <m1ss_dawB> lol
[11:59] <SacramentoHorniestSexiestHunk> hahahahha
[11:59] <FresnoHornyBastard> darn, a lot of horny hunks today
[11:59] <FresnoHornyBastard> winks
[11:59] <MissMeena> 12 i don't like being pushed to do things i don't like.
[11:59] <SacramentoHorniestSexiestHunk> yeap
[11:59] * Bethy is now known as SingingHeartOut
[11:59] <SacramentoHorniestSexiestHunk> cause we too horny
[11:59] * Joins: Guest3782 (java@=IQ314-749-21-124.nh.cc.mn.us)
[11:59] <MissMeena> 12 that i haven't.
[11:59] <SacramentoHorniestSexiestHunk> havent have sex for days
[11:59] * SingingHeartOut is now known as BethySingingHearHeartOut
[11:59] <MissMeena> 12 hotguy69, i am Meena Yang.
[11:59] <SacramentoHorniestSexiestHunk> need some puzzy
[11:59] <FresnoHornyBastard> Dudes, if u're too horny then go hit a tree
[11:59] <FresnoHornyBastard> haha
[11:59] <+BethySingingHearHeartOut> Man.
[11:59] <Sexy-X-Husband> <---- king of qau tawv
[11:59] <+BethySingingHearHeartOut> Another Yang?
[11:59] <+BethySingingHearHeartOut> Too many Yang people here!!!
[11:59] <MissMeena> 12 GUYS OUT OF CONTROL.
[11:59] * Quits: Lub_PajNra (java@158.123.20.LP03=) (QUIT: User exited)
[11:59] <m1ss_dawB> ewwwww..
[11:59] <+Joey_Vang> <---yang
[12:00] <SacramentoHorniestSexiestHunk> ewww...fresnohornybastard..u do that?
[12:00] <m1ss_dawB> ummm...
[12:00] * Joins: `Sephiroth (sephiroth@=0MMZF4IH39.ipt.aol.com)
[12:00] <+Joey_Vang> wat's wrong with us yangs
[12:00] <+BethySingingHearHeartOut> hah
[12:00] <+BethySingingHearHeartOut> Shut up Hoey.
[12:00] <+BethySingingHearHeartOut> You are not.
[12:00] <+Joey_Vang> shoot dont hate
[12:00] <+BethySingingHearHeartOut> Stop making fun of us Yangs.
[12:00] <Sexy-X-Husband> <------ any lady like guys with qau loj cum2 me
[12:00] <+BethySingingHearHeartOut> Jeez.
[12:00] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[12:00] <MissMeena> 12 Rokket, what is ur last name?
[12:00] <+BethySingingHearHeartOut> fck
[12:00] * BethySingingHearHeartOut is now known as Bethy|MakeUp
[12:00] <+Bethy|MakeUp> Bye!
[12:00] <MissMeena> 12 flyguy, what is ur last name?
[12:00] <SacramentoHorniestSexiestHunk> hahahha@sexyxhusband
[12:00] * Joins: uR`nExT`BoIfRiEnD (blah@=PlHNU-30-660-313-746.wi.res.rr.com)
[12:00] * Quits: SacramentoHorniestSexiestHunk (java@=wZdysi-19-13-569-227.rev.o
1.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[12:01] <fLy_gUy_mN> meena.. are u at work..
[12:01] <m1ss_dawB> sexy-x-husband..you're sick
[12:01] <m1ss_dawB> ewwww
[12:01] * Joins: Guest3191 (java@=sDpwmy-22-71-527-466.rev.o1.com)
[12:01] <Sexy-X-Husband> i lie man my dick only measured 3 inch in lenghth
[12:01] <+Joey_Vang> http://members.asianavenue.com/powers_vang sign my gb...97
more i break 200
[12:01] <MissMeena> 12 ok flyguy.
[12:01] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[12:01] <m1ss_dawB> ewwww
[12:01] * Quits: MN_JACK (Chatz@=g9744-858-40-519.mctc.mnscu.edu) (QUIT: User ex
[12:01] <FresnoHornyBastard> Sachunk, of course i do that!
[12:01] <FresnoHornyBastard> winks
[12:01] <MissMeena> 12 flyguy, i am not at work. my day off today.
[12:01] <Sexy-X-Husband> <--- got shortedt dick
[12:01] * Guest3191 is now known as AttractiveCuteGuy
[12:01] <FresnoHornyBastard> SAfest way foo
[12:01] * +Methodz pahoua ?
[12:01] <AttractiveCuteGuy> hi people
[12:01] <MissMeena> 12 i lost my voice this morning.
[12:01] <MissMeena> 12 Chang? whoa...
[12:01] <FresnoHornyBastard> lols
[12:01] * m1ss_dawB goes to sleep
[12:01] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[12:01] <+Joey_Vang> pahoua went away dennis
[12:01] * +Methodz ... pahoua ?
[12:01] <fLy_gUy_mN> meena.. lucky u.. i'm at work all day..
[12:01] * m1ss_dawB ZzZzZzZ...
[12:01] <fLy_gUy_mN> bored here...
[12:01] <fLy_gUy_mN> mena.. plans for today?
[12:02] * Guest3782 is now known as MNLady21
[12:02] <MissMeena> 12 Rokket, i bet u're not that sexually active in person.
[12:02] <+Joey_Vang> she said something about kicking yo azz
[12:02] * +Methodz licking my azz ?
[12:02] <FresnoHornyBastard> MIssmeena, u're still a virgin?
[12:02] <FresnoHornyBastard> omg
[12:02] <+Joey_Vang> probably
[12:02] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[12:02] <Sexy-X-Husband> FACT: hmong women prefer small dick
[12:02] <+Joey_Vang> hahaha
[12:02] <MissMeena> 12 flyguy, when i work, i don't work infront of the computer
all day.
[12:02] * Joins: MaiShade (maishade@=ZGn-75-12-48-197.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[12:02] <MissMeena> 12 Are u hot, rokket?
[12:02] * ChanServ sets mode: +o MaiShade
[12:02] <`Sephiroth> 4The Shining Polars
[12:02] * +Methodz ms meena u know people who talk alotta about sex ... are the
inexperienced ones
[12:02] <+Joey_Vang> hi mai
[12:02] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[12:02] <fLy_gUy_mN> meena.. i am.. and i use it to the fullest..
[12:02] * Joins: Guest49507X (chat@=cyt-56-307-379-068.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[12:02] <m1ss_dawB> sephiroth???
[12:02] <@MaiShade> highLOW Joey_Vang!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
[12:02] <MissMeena> 12 sexyhusband... correction* some hmong women.
[12:02] * Guest49507X is now known as wifey
[12:02] * Joins: Guest7319 (Mila@=mcustiokc-jrcbvqgv.csufresno.edu)
[12:02] * Joins: Guest7234 (java@65.126.88.Xy283=)
[12:02] * +Methodz .. those who know how to rock the boat ... dont talk about it
as much
[12:03] <m1ss_dawB> isn't that a character from a GAME?
[12:03] <+LaFawnduh> wb Annia
[12:03] * MissMeena has had many men.
[12:03] <+Joey_Vang> that's why i dont talk about it DENNIS
[12:03] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[12:03] <wifey> Thanks aims.
[12:03] <+Methodz> right joey
[12:03] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[12:03] * Joins: GinSinG (x@=JV90-70-85-232-zycy.telepacific.net)
[12:03] <+Methodz> thats why i dont either
[12:03] * m1ss_dawB thinks very hard..
[12:03] * Joins: nice_and_rough (Chatz@=3dd-53-6-985-77.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[12:03] <m1ss_dawB> lol
[12:03] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[12:03] <+Joey_Vang> true
[12:03] <+Joey_Vang> :D
[12:03] * MissMeena but doesn't like to talk about men much.
[12:03] <+Methodz> .. i just capsized the boat when its time
[12:03] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[12:03] <MissMeena> 12 rokket, i from wis.
[12:03] * Quits: +ynot (happyfaker@=Uwvakc-06-97-9-514.mdsnwi.dsl-w.verizon.net)
(QUIT: User exited)
[12:03] <Sexy-X-Husband> brb im goin shites
[12:03] * Quits: Guest7234 (java@65.126.88.Xy283=) (QUIT: User exited)
[12:03] <+Methodz> why not meena
[12:03] <+Methodz> boy's done break ur heart before meena ?
[12:03] <m1ss_dawB> yay! another WIS chick!
[12:03] <m1ss_dawB> hahahaha
[12:03] <MissMeena> 12 rokket, quite sexy
[12:04] <MissMeena> 12 method?
[12:04] <+Joey_Vang> <--dont break heart
[12:04] <+Methodz> yes ms meena ?
[12:04] <+LaFawnduh> Annia, did you see his pics yet?
[12:04] <fLy_gUy_mN> meena.. where in wi are u from?
[12:04] * Quits: nice_and_rough (Chatz@=3dd-53-6-985-77.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QU
IT: User exited)
[12:04] <MissMeena> 12 no...
[12:04] <`Sephiroth> 12im bored as hell
[12:04] <wifey> oH noO. It wasn't there yet .. but Imma go check it now.
[12:04] <MissMeena> 12 madison
[12:04] <m1ss_dawB> hiya SEPHIROTH
[12:04] <mn_mean_gurl> okay im back
[12:04] <+LaFawnduh> Oh okay
[12:04] <mn_mean_gurl> hmm
[12:04] <+Methodz> 4 pahoua
[12:04] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[12:04] <mn_mean_gurl> yea dennis
[12:04] <mn_mean_gurl> whys everyone writing in color
[12:04] <+Methodz> 4 tell everyone i said bye okay
[12:04] <MissMeena> 12 brb guys
[12:05] <`Sephiroth> 4hi miss dawb
[12:05] <mn_mean_gurl> or am i just color blind
[12:05] <m1ss_dawB> HAHAHAHA
[12:05] <`Sephiroth> haha
[12:05] <+Methodz> 4 .. i dont wanna be in here no more ..
[12:05] <`Sephiroth> tite??
[12:05] <Sexy-X-Husband> miss dawb, did ur mom bang white guy !
[12:05] <m1ss_dawB> YOU'RE A GUY RIGHT?
[12:05] <mn_mean_gurl> why dennis
[12:05] <`Sephiroth> 11,1sure why not
[12:05] <+Methodz> 4 cus i feel bad for someone
[12:05] <m1ss_dawB> BLAH..LOL
[12:05] <mn_mean_gurl> awww
[12:05] <+Juan2bone> sup wifey
[12:05] <+Methodz> 4 .. over some bullshiet
[12:05] <+Joey_Vang> for me pahoua
[12:05] <mn_mean_gurl> im gonna be gone if you leave too
[12:05] <MissMeena> 12 rokket
[12:05] <+Joey_Vang> he think that i'm a heart breaker
[12:05] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[12:05] <mn_mean_gurl> i have nobody to talk to dennis
[12:05] <MissMeena> 12 no.
[12:05] * Quits: Guest7319 (Mila@=mcustiokc-jrcbvqgv.csufresno.edu) (Ping Timeou
[12:05] <+Methodz> 4 yeah well im goin. ...
[12:05] * m1ss_dawB THINKS
[12:05] * +Methodz im sorry pahoua
[12:05] <mn_mean_gurl> is it forever dennis
[12:05] <+Joey_Vang> ahem!! pahoua
[12:06] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[12:06] <mn_mean_gurl> yea joey
[12:06] * +Methodz ... plus it'll be better for joey
[12:06] <MNnaughtyGUY> BORING HEEV HEEV
[12:06] <`Sephiroth> 11,1nope.........ps1, if u wanna know check my ip
[12:06] <+Joey_Vang> yeah!
[12:06] <+Joey_Vang> for me
[12:06] <+Joey_Vang> hahaha
[12:06] <mn_mean_gurl> you gonna be back dennis
[12:06] <m1ss_dawB> OO0O0O PS1
[12:06] * +Methodz .. nah
[12:06] <sOmE_lADY> hi denni
[12:06] <m1ss_dawB> AHH I SEE..
[12:06] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[12:06] <mn_mean_gurl> forever?
[12:06] * +Methodz ... yeah ...
[12:06] <Sexy-X-Husband> mn mean gur, did u got raped by your dad !
[12:06] <mn_mean_gurl> why
[12:06] * +Methodz .. cus
[12:06] <m1ss_dawB> BLAH
[12:06] * Quits: fLy_gUy_mN (cAlviNz@ (QUIT: User exited)
[12:06] <MissMeena> 12 i have to go now
[12:06] <mn_mean_gurl> sexy cus my dad was horny like all you guys i guess
[12:06] <`Sephiroth> 11,1miss dawb where in wis are u from?
[12:06] <+Joey_Vang> i got raped by this one girl
[12:06] <@MaiShade> MNnaughtyGUY <= naughty.. "find" a miSCHief to eNTeRTaiN you
Rself? ;)
[12:06] <MissMeena> 12 bye guys.
[12:06] <mn_mean_gurl> dennis
[12:06] <m1ss_dawB> MILWAUKEE
[12:06] <m1ss_dawB> YOU?
[12:06] * +Methodz yeah
[12:06] <MissMeena> 12 rokket
[12:06] <+Joey_Vang> i was sooo ashamed..i didnt even call the cop
[12:06] <mn_mean_gurl> if you never coming bck then im nt coming back too
[12:06] <mn_mean_gurl> awww
[12:07] <MissMeena> 12 i'll be back laters.
[12:07] <MissMeena> 12 flyguy
[12:07] * +Methodz sorry pahoua,
[12:07] <MissMeena> 12 too
[12:07] <MissMeena> 12 bye dennis
[12:07] * Sexy-X-Husband i'm lookin for divorce lady, single mom, nuns, nurse, run
away wifey if ur one of these whizper 2 me, lets party !
[12:07] * Sexy-X-Husband i'm lookin for divorce lady, single mom, nuns, nurse, run
away wifey if ur one of these whizper 2 me, lets party !
[12:07] * Sexy-X-Husband i'm lookin for divorce lady, single mom, nuns, nurse, run
away wifey if ur one of these whizper 2 me, lets party !
[12:07] * Sexy-X-Husband i'm lookin for divorce lady, single mom, nuns, nurse, run
away wifey if ur one of these whizper 2 me, lets party !
[12:07] * Sexy-X-Husband i'm lookin for divorce lady, single mom, nuns, nurse, run
away wifey if ur one of these whizper 2 me, lets party !
[12:07] * Sexy-X-Husband i'm lookin for divorce lady, single mom, nuns, nurse, run
away wifey if ur one of these whizper 2 me, lets party !
[12:07] * Sexy-X-Husband i'm lookin for divorce lady, single mom, nuns, nurse, run
away wifey if ur one of these whizper 2 me, lets party !
[12:07] * Sexy-X-Husband i'm lookin for divorce lady, single mom, nuns, nurse, run
away wifey if ur one of these whizper 2 me, lets party !
[12:07] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[12:07] * Sexy-X-Husband i'm lookin for divorce lady, single mom, nuns, nurse, run
away wifey if ur one of these whizper 2 me, lets party !
[12:07] <mn_mean_gurl> im serious dennis
[12:07] * Sexy-X-Husband i'm lookin for divorce lady, single mom, nuns, nurse, run
away wifey if ur one of these whizper 2 me, lets party !
[12:07] * Sexy-X-Husband i'm lookin for divorce lady, single mom, nuns, nurse, run
away wifey if ur one of these whizper 2 me, lets party !
[12:07] * Sexy-X-Husband i'm lookin for divorce lady, single mom, nuns, nurse, run
away wifey if ur one of these whizper 2 me, lets party !
[12:07] * Sexy-X-Husband i'm lookin for divorce lady, single mom, nuns, nurse, run
away wifey if ur one of these whizper 2 me, lets party !
[12:07] * Sexy-X-Husband i'm lookin for divorce lady, single mom, nuns, nurse, run
away wifey if ur one of these whizper 2 me, lets party !
[12:07] * Sexy-X-Husband i'm lookin for divorce lady, single mom, nuns, nurse, run
away wifey if ur one of these whizper 2 me, lets party !
[12:07] * Sexy-X-Husband i'm lookin for divorce lady, single mom, nuns, nurse, run
away wifey if ur one of these whizper 2 me, lets party !
[12:07] * Sexy-X-Husband i'm lookin for divorce lady, single mom, nuns, nurse, run
away wifey if ur one of these whizper 2 me, lets party !
[12:07] * Joins: JonSaysNoToFatChicks (liljon@=y7f-38-434-57-79.hsd1.ca.comcast.
[12:07] <MissMeena> 12 bye mean gurl
[12:07] * Sexy-X-Husband i'm lookin for divorce lady, single mom, nuns, nurse, run
away wifey if ur one of these whizper 2 me, lets party !
[12:07] * Sexy-X-Husband i'm lookin for divorce lady, single mom, nuns, nurse, run
away wifey if ur one of these whizper 2 me, lets party !
[12:07] * Sexy-X-Husband i'm lookin for divorce lady, single mom, nuns, nurse, run
away wifey if ur one of these whizper 2 me, lets party !
[12:07] * Sexy-X-Husband i'm lookin for divorce lady, single mom, nuns, nurse, run
away wifey if ur one of these whizper 2 me, lets party !
[12:07] * Sexy-X-Husband i'm lookin for divorce lady, single mom, nuns, nurse, run
away wifey if ur one of these whizper 2 me, lets party !
[12:07] * Sexy-X-Husband i'm lookin for divorce lady, single mom, nuns, nurse, run
away wifey if ur one of these whizper 2 me, lets party !
[12:07] * Quits: Sexy-X-Husband (java@=RMy99.183.22.127.fdl.wi.charter.com) (Exc
ess flood)
[12:07] <MissMeena> 12 bye bethy
[12:07] <mn_mean_gurl> errrr
[12:07] * Quits: MissMeena (java@=WZwr-43-125-620-345.idcnet.com) (QUIT: User ex
[12:07] <wifey> Joey .. its ok, I know you enjoyed it :D
[12:07] <`Sephiroth> 11,1miss dawb where in wis are u from?
[12:07] <+Joey_Vang> :D
[12:07] <mn_mean_gurl> dennis do me a favor
[12:07] * +Joey_Vang cries to annie
[12:07] <m1ss_dawB> I'M FROM MILWAUKEE
[12:07] * +Methodz .. i dont want to be accused of something i didnt do .. and
put to blame and put in the midddle
[12:07] <m1ss_dawB> YOU?
[12:07] * wifey hugs Joey *
[12:07] * +Joey_Vang *sniff* it was awful
[12:07] * Joins: Miss_Diamond (lka_ke@=Lpw79.168.26.35.mad.wi.charter.com)
[12:07] * +Methodz what pahoua
[12:07] <wifey> iTs gonna be ok.
[12:07] <mn_mean_gurl> just chat here today alrite
[12:07] <Rokket> mnlady pc me
[12:07] * +Methodz .. no im sorrie .. i cant ..
[12:08] <mn_mean_gurl> awww
[12:08] <`Sephiroth> lets all pc her
[12:08] <+Joey_Vang> lol
[12:08] * Joins: EcStAcYgUrL (Lala@=Qgu12.196.46.107.shb.wi.charter.com)
[12:08] <`Sephiroth> she seems cute
[12:08] <FresnoHornyBastard> Miss_dawb, how was Asian Moon Fest this year?
[12:08] * Quits: `Sephiroth (sephiroth@=0MMZF4IH39.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exit
[12:08] <m1ss_dawB> UMMM ITS NEXT WEEKEND
[12:08] <mn_mean_gurl> why dennis
[12:08] <m1ss_dawB> I'M PERFORMING
[12:08] <FresnoHornyBastard> oh is it?
[12:08] <m1ss_dawB> HAHAHA
[12:08] <sOmE_lADY> hmmmmm...............
[12:08] <m1ss_dawB> SO I GET IN FREE
[12:08] <m1ss_dawB> YEAH..
[12:08] <FresnoHornyBastard> wow, love to see u naked up there
[12:08] <FresnoHornyBastard> winks
[12:08] * +Methodz talk to joey's he's the imatated dennis
[12:08] <mn_mean_gurl> joey is dennis serious?
[12:08] <m1ss_dawB> HAHAHAHA FO SHO
[12:08] <m1ss_dawB> HAHAHA
[12:08] <FresnoHornyBastard> anyways, have fun k
[12:08] * +Methodz yes pahoua bye
[12:08] * Quits: NAIVNIAMNYOBTWG (java@=dF560.173.113.122.ptr.us.xo.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[12:08] <m1ss_dawB> SO YEAH..
[12:08] <+Joey_Vang> hummm..yeah
[12:08] * +Methodz nice meeting you
[12:08] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[12:08] <mn_mean_gurl> okay dennis
[12:08] <FresnoHornyBastard> wow
[12:08] * +Methodz yes im serious
[12:08] <FresnoHornyBastard> love to see that
[12:08] <mn_mean_gurl> i wont be back no more too
[12:08] <m1ss_dawB> I'M NOT GONNA BE THE BEST..BUT I'LL TRY
[12:08] <+Joey_Vang> he is for today
[12:08] <mn_mean_gurl> hmmm
[12:09] <FresnoHornyBastard> i missed asian moon fest
[12:09] * +Methodz bye
[12:09] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[12:09] * Quits: +Methodz (java@=4riqpx-14-616-98-672.dsl.sktn01.pacbell.net) (Q
UIT: User exited)
[12:09] <+Joey_Vang> later dennis
[12:09] <m1ss_dawB> HAHAHA COME BACK
[12:09] <mn_mean_gurl> awww
[12:09] <+Joey_Vang> may god be with you
[12:09] <m1ss_dawB> IT'LL BE FUN
[12:09] <+Joey_Vang> shoot
[12:09] <m1ss_dawB> HEHEHEHE
[12:09] <mn_mean_gurl> whats up with him
[12:09] <FresnoHornyBastard> love to but no gf
[12:09] <mn_mean_gurl> joey you're so mean
[12:09] <m1ss_dawB> WELP I THINK I'MMA GO NOW
[12:09] <+Joey_Vang> i took his gf
[12:09] * Joins: Guest98905 (HTML@=vxumf.nrj.wamu.net)
[12:09] <FresnoHornyBastard> used to date a chic there
[12:09] <m1ss_dawB> SO I'LL CATCH YOU ALL LATER
[12:09] <+Joey_Vang> :D
[12:09] * Parts: Rokket (X@64.122.143.Mv106=)
[12:09] <m1ss_dawB> BYE PEOPLES..
[12:09] <mn_mean_gurl> awww
[12:09] * Quits: m1ss_dawB (java@=Wgcazxz0.milwaukee.k12.wi.us) (QUIT: User exit
[12:09] <FresnoHornyBastard> muahs@miss dawb
[12:09] <mn_mean_gurl> why joey
[12:09] <+Joey_Vang> cause
[12:09] <+Joey_Vang> i wanted to see if i could
[12:09] * mn_mean_gurl is now known as mn_sad_gurl
[12:09] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[12:09] <+Joey_Vang> jk
[12:09] * Bethy|MakeUp is now known as Bethy
[12:09] * Guest98905 is now known as Pretty_Chick
[12:10] <mn_sad_gurl> hmmm
[12:10] <Pretty_Chick> good morning everyones
[12:10] <mn_sad_gurl> i miss dennis already
[12:10] * Joins: bunnYson^ (Java@=AaYH26P7TE.ipt.aol.com)
[12:10] <+Joey_Vang> he just messing with you
[12:10] <+Joey_Vang> he'll be back
[12:10] <mn_sad_gurl> no hes not joey
[12:10] <mn_sad_gurl> i know hes serious
[12:10] <+Joey_Vang> cause he knows...he'll miss me
[12:10] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[12:10] <mn_sad_gurl> joey you're not helping
[12:10] <+Joey_Vang> i'm his best online buddy
[12:10] <@MaiShade> what haPPeNed?
[12:11] <mn_sad_gurl> but i think i know some things bout him too joey
[12:11] * Joins: Guest3456 (java@=cn02-94-83-791.atlaga.adelphia.net)
[12:11] <mn_sad_gurl> mai shade dennis left
[12:11] <Miss_Diamond> ***********hi**********
[12:11] <+Joey_Vang> oh yea
[12:11] <@MaiShade> oh......... ;(
[12:11] <mn_sad_gurl> he wont be coming back
[12:11] * Guest3456 is now known as hmOng-laYdEe
[12:11] <hmOng-laYdEe> hello
[12:11] <+Joey_Vang> mai i told him that you are mine and i dont share you
[12:11] <mn_sad_gurl> yea joey unlike you dennis has a heart
[12:11] <+Joey_Vang> he got mad
[12:11] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[12:11] <+Joey_Vang> i have a heart too
[12:11] <@MaiShade> Joey_Vang: sure. ;P hahaha.. ;)
[12:11] <+Joey_Vang> it maybe a little black
[12:11] <+Joey_Vang> but still
[12:11] <+Joey_Vang> LOL
[12:11] <Pretty_Chick> morning peepos are boring
[12:12] <mn_sad_gurl> hmmm
[12:12] <+Bethy> Good
[12:12] <+Bethy> Mai is here.
[12:12] <@MaiShade> Joey_Vang <= not A heart.. but MANY heart! ;)
[12:12] <FresnoHornyBastard> Bethy, which Mai?
[12:12] <+Bethy> No more leaving with your skirt flipping up Mai.
[12:12] <@MaiShade> Bethy: hahaha.. Y is it gOOd that Mai is here? ;)
[12:12] <+Joey_Vang> only one
[12:12] <+Joey_Vang> :D
[12:12] <+Bethy> Mai Shade Maim, dummy.
[12:12] <+Bethy> Duh!
[12:12] <FresnoHornyBastard> The Mai in "Cheaters"?
[12:12] <+Joey_Vang> for now
[12:12] <mn_sad_gurl> sure joey
[12:12] <FresnoHornyBastard> lols
[12:12] <+Bethy> What other mai?
[12:12] * Joins: This_OLD_BASTARD (lka_ke@=Lpw79.168.26.35.mad.wi.charter.com)
[12:12] <+Bethy> hahaha
[12:12] <FresnoHornyBastard> omg!
[12:12] * MNLady21 is away
[12:12] <@MaiShade> Bethy: er.. hahaha. ;) oKi?!?!?
[12:12] <+Bethy> Mai, it's good you're here cause Mao's not being aliv.
[12:12] <mn_sad_gurl> hmmm
[12:12] <+Bethy> alive*
[12:12] <+Bethy> hahaha
[12:12] <FresnoHornyBastard> Maidshade, change ur nic to "Mainiam"
[12:12] <FresnoHornyBastard> lols
[12:13] <+Bethy> That is, unless you don't have flood kicking.
[12:13] * MaiShade is now known as MaiNiam
[12:13] <@MaiNiam> hahha. ;)
[12:13] <mn_sad_gurl> haha
[12:13] * Quits: Hot_Guy_69 (java@=hmbd344-78.dialip.mich.net) (QUIT: User exite
[12:13] <+Bethy> Stupid John,.
[12:13] <+Bethy> LOL
[12:13] <FresnoHornyBastard> omg
[12:13] * mary [kendal@=Oxd2004-tgylbutOK8.C.csloxinfo.net] is on IRC (sexygirls
[12:13] <FresnoHornyBastard> i love all the mainias
[12:13] * mary has left IRC
[12:13] <FresnoHornyBastard> haha
[12:13] <+Joey_Vang> pahoua
[12:13] * Joins: XPLoSion (VIP@=Lkuzwg-16-900-053-37.adsl2.iam.net.ma)
[12:13] * ChanServ sets mode: +o XPLoSion
[12:13] <+Joey_Vang> i'm gonna leave too
[12:13] <+Bethy> haha
[12:13] <mn_sad_gurl> yea joey
[12:13] <@XPLoSion> ji
[12:13] * Quits: Pretty_Chick (HTML@=vxumf.nrj.wamu.net) (Timed Out)
[12:13] <+Bethy> XP is here too!!
[12:13] <+Bethy> Bye Hoey.
[12:13] <@XPLoSion> Hi
[12:13] <mn_sad_gurl> oh you
[12:13] <+Joey_Vang> and never never coming back
[12:13] <+Bethy> hahahaha
[12:13] <@MaiNiam> er.. /whois XP?
[12:13] <mn_sad_gurl> i guess you can
[12:13] <+Bethy> Ok Hoey.
[12:13] <+Bethy> As long as you call me.
[12:13] <+Bethy> XP is my black frine.d
[12:13] <mn_sad_gurl> i dont really know you joey so
[12:13] <+Joey_Vang> yeap until tomorrow
[12:13] <+Bethy> gfriend
[12:13] <FresnoHornyBastard> I wonder where Simplymai's at?
[12:13] * Joins: Guest97215 (java@=6nq-77-550-51-44.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[12:13] * Parts: bunnYson^ (Java@=AaYH26P7TE.ipt.aol.com)
[12:13] <+Joey_Vang> ok
[12:13] <+Bethy> friend, who iesn't black
[12:13] <+Bethy> isn't
[12:13] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[12:13] <@XPLoSion> lol
[12:13] <hmOng-laYdEe> man its so dead today
[12:13] <+Bethy> Man, I can't spell todat
[12:13] <+Bethy> today
[12:14] <mn_sad_gurl> you wont see me tommorrow joey
[12:14] * Quits: wifey (chat@=cyt-56-307-379-068.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUIT: Use
r exited)
[12:14] <mn_sad_gurl> since dennis left im leaving too
[12:14] * Joins: `mn_mean_gurl (Java@=AaYH26P7TE.ipt.aol.com)
[12:14] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[12:14] <+Joey_Vang> ok
[12:14] * MaiNiam is now known as MaiShade
[12:14] <@XPLoSion> what's up
[12:14] <`mn_mean_gurl> ERRrrrRR
[12:14] <mn_sad_gurl> hey who took my nick
[12:14] * Quits: Guest97215 (java@=6nq-77-550-51-44.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[12:14] <+Bethy> Something went up my.
[12:14] <+Joey_Vang> i bid you farewell
[12:14] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[12:14] * Joins: llccd (java@=CEmjxa-85-970-099-60.prov.east.verizon.net)
[12:14] <+Bethy> THat's whats up.
[12:14] * mn_sad_gurl is now known as mn_mean_grul
[12:14] <mn_mean_grul> whys that joey
[12:14] <mn_mean_grul> you're gonna be back
[12:14] <`mn_mean_gurl> no way
[12:15] <+Joey_Vang> hhummmm
[12:15] <+Joey_Vang> i forgot
[12:15] <`mn_mean_gurl> stop copying my name
[12:15] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[12:15] <@XPLoSion> lol
[12:15] * Joins: summer^^rose2 (ILKER-45@
[12:15] * ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@194.*
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[12:15] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@82.*
[12:15] * summer^^rose2 was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk:
spam host)
[12:15] <`mn_mean_gurl> grul?
[12:15] <mn_mean_grul> im not even copying
[12:15] * Joins: fLy_gUy_mN (cAlviNz@12.40.180.My46=)
[12:15] <+Bethy> hahah
[12:15] * XPLoSion sets mode: +v `simplysweet`cookin`
[12:15] <+Bethy> LOL
[12:15] <mn_mean_grul> hi xplosion kid
[12:15] <+Bethy> Pajhoua.
[12:15] <mn_mean_grul> yea bethy
[12:15] <@XPLoSion> Hiya mn_mean_grul
[12:15] * Joins: Rokket (X@64.122.143.ld399=)
[12:15] <+Bethy> Pajhoua Yaj!
[12:15] * `mn_mean_gurl is now known as cooking`lady
[12:15] <+Bethy> omg
[12:15] <FresnoHornyBastard> Gosh, where's all the horny ladiest at?
[12:15] <mn_mean_grul> haha
[12:15] <+Bethy> That was mny little sisters name.
[12:15] <mn_mean_grul> oh not me
[12:15] <hmOng-laYdEe> wow
[12:15] <+Bethy> And she died.
[12:16] <+Bethy> Wow.,
[12:16] * cooking`lady is now known as mary`cano
[12:16] <mn_mean_grul> oh really bethy
[12:16] <hmOng-laYdEe> so many mn ppls in hea
[12:16] <+Bethy> Yeah.
[12:16] <mn_mean_grul> wow tats sad
[12:16] <+Bethy> HI MAILAH
[12:16] <+Bethy> Yeah.
[12:16] <+Bethy> www.asianavenue.com
[12:16] <mary`cano> i hate mn ppl
[12:16] <mn_mean_grul> haha@mary
[12:16] * @MaiShade turnS aRouNd "in" a FLaSH & flipS "up" her LiL SkirtTail at
everyONE! ;) *BlushingRedLobster*
[12:16] * Quits: @MaiShade (maishade@=ZGn-75-12-48-197.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUI
T: User exited)
[12:16] <+Joey_Vang> haha..me too Ez
[12:16] <+Bethy> I hate people in general Mailah.
[12:16] <mn_mean_grul> no you dont mary
[12:16] <Rokket> mnlady21 wanna chat?
[12:16] <mn_mean_grul> hmmm
[12:16] <mary`cano> hahha
[12:16] <mary`cano> i do too
[12:16] <mn_mean_grul> mary dennis said bye
[12:16] * Joins: dilara_f (swant16@=xikp602-584-78-81.singnet.com.sg)
[12:16] <+Joey_Vang> mn think they sooooo humm...
[12:16] <mary`cano> oh where did he go
[12:17] <+Joey_Vang> i forgot
[12:17] <mn_mean_grul> ahem@joey look whos talking
[12:17] <+Joey_Vang> huh
[12:17] <+Joey_Vang> where
[12:17] <mn_mean_grul> mary iono
[12:17] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[12:17] <+Juan2bone> sup mary
[12:17] <mn_mean_grul> dennis feelings down so he wont be online no more
[12:17] <mn_mean_grul> but you'll still see him lucky you mary
[12:17] <+Joey_Vang> mn people are just plain ole dofuss
[12:17] * XPLoSion sets mode: +v mn_mean_grul
[12:17] * Joins: Guest94845 (java@=dEe-32-60-5-301.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[12:17] <+mn_mean_grul> we are and we just cant help it joey
[12:18] <mary`cano> muah!!
[12:18] <mary`cano> he is eye candy to me
[12:18] * Quits: tnemaLsni` (Chatz@=1Tv-94-02-20-279.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[12:18] <+LaFawnduh> Hightia, just like you and Darshe huh :D
[12:18] <+mn_mean_grul> hmmm
[12:18] <+mn_mean_grul> hey what happen to lee
[12:18] <+Joey_Vang> Mee no!! just like jamie
[12:18] <+Joey_Vang> i'm a new yorker
[12:19] <Rokket> dilara wanna chat?
[12:19] * +Bethy sings, "I'm awake, but my world is half asleep. I pray for this
heart to be unbroken. But without you all I'm going to be is incomplete."
[12:19] <+LaFawnduh> Uh huh sure
[12:19] <+Joey_Vang> LOL
[12:19] * Quits: Guest94845 (java@=dEe-32-60-5-301.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[12:19] * Joins: Larissa__ (TaLiHSiZ@81.181.186.bk39=)
[12:19] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@81.*
[12:19] * Larissa__ was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk)
[12:19] * Quits: AdrRiaNa (wawxax@64.18.189.xJ672=) (QUIT: User exited)
[12:19] <+mn_mean_grul> hmmm
[12:19] * +Bethy sings, "I don't want to drag it on, but I can't seem to let you
go. I don't want you to face this world alone. I want to let you go!"
[12:19] * +Bethy cries.
[12:19] <+mn_mean_grul> joey when are you gonna grow up
[12:19] <+Bethy> Pajhoua
[12:19] <+Bethy> that's like asking
[12:19] <+Bethy> a serial killer
[12:19] <+Joey_Vang> when?
[12:19] <+Juan2bone> BETHY let gooooooooooo
[12:19] <+Bethy> when you gonna stop killing?
[12:19] <+mn_mean_grul> haha
[12:19] <+mn_mean_grul> hmm
[12:19] <+Joey_Vang> i dont know..being a kid is soooo much fun
[12:19] <+mn_mean_grul> well joey grow up
[12:19] <+Bethy> hahaha
[12:19] <+mn_mean_grul> there
[12:20] <+Joey_Vang> why
[12:20] * GinSinG is now known as LaiB
[12:20] * Joins: Guest93496 (java@204.128.233.ZF23=)
[12:20] <+Bethy> http://vnboards.ign.com
[12:20] <+Bethy> Hi David.
[12:20] <+mn_mean_grul> becuz you are getting old
[12:20] <+Joey_Vang> i think we grow up too fast
[12:20] <LaiB> sup Bethy
[12:20] <+Bethy> Whaddup dawg?
[12:20] <+Joey_Vang> life is young tho
[12:20] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[12:20] * Guest93496 is now known as miss_sundra
[12:20] <+mn_mean_grul> hmm
[12:20] <LaiB> sup with u posting random sites o.O
[12:20] <miss_sundra> hello
[12:21] <+mn_mean_grul> who are you to lecture bout life when you're not even gr
[12:21] <miss_sundra> how's everyone?
[12:21] <+Bethy> Oh
[12:21] <simplymai> Hi David
[12:21] <+Bethy> cause I'm lazy and I don't want to open IE
[12:21] <+Joey_Vang> http://members.asianavenue.com/Bethy-n-Joey
[12:21] <+Bethy> so I do it through irc
[12:21] <+Bethy> har har har
[12:21] <FresnoHornyBastard> J moua simplymai!!
[12:21] <+Joey_Vang> LOL
[12:21] <FresnoHornyBastard> U feeling good still?
[12:21] <FresnoHornyBastard> y u no answer me?
[12:21] <+Joey_Vang> did you take our site down Bethy
[12:21] <+mn_mean_grul> haha@bethy
[12:21] <simplymai> LOL
[12:21] <+Joey_Vang> dammer you
[12:21] <simplymai> I'm fine JohnBastard
[12:21] <+mn_mean_grul> im leaning bethy
[12:21] <simplymai> How are you?
[12:21] <+Bethy> No, you never made it
[12:21] <FresnoHornyBastard> haha
[12:21] <EcStAcYgUrL> lol
[12:21] <EcStAcYgUrL> hi mai
[12:21] * simplymai kicks LaiB
[12:21] <FresnoHornyBastard> glad to hear, i'm fine as always
[12:21] <+Bethy> leaving, Pajhoua?
[12:22] * uR`nExT`BoIfRiEnD is now known as `muGGa`fuGGa`
[12:22] <simplymai> SAy hi, jez
[12:22] * MNLady21 is back...
[12:22] <+mn_mean_grul> no behty
[12:22] <MNLady21> hi people
[12:22] <+Bethy> you're leaning bethy?
[12:22] * simplymai kicks LaiB again
[12:22] <`muGGa`fuGGa`> my brothers gone now so uhh if u know him he's gone im n
ot him
[12:22] <+mn_mean_grul> learning your skills nas
[12:22] <+Bethy> wtf
[12:22] <LaiB> uh hi mai
[12:22] <`muGGa`fuGGa`> my brothers gone now so uhh if u know him he's gone im n
ot him
[12:22] <+Bethy> hahahaha
[12:22] <simplymai> hahaha
[12:22] <+Bethy> What skills?
[12:22] <+Bethy> hahaha
[12:22] * Joins: FriendlyNiceAndSweetGuy (friendlyni@=Ba71-713-90-415.dhcp.hckr.
[12:22] <+mn_mean_grul> opening a page through irc
[12:22] <+mn_mean_grul> haha
[12:22] <LaiB> sup gUrL
[12:22] * Quits: fatal_error (darkkodiak@=F3xn350685.reshsg.uci.edu) (QUIT: User
[12:22] * +Juan2bone is really very bored.
[12:22] <`muGGa`fuGGa`> sundra sounds like TUNDRA
[12:22] * +Juan2bone slaps everyone in the room.
[12:22] <EcStAcYgUrL> hi laib
[12:22] <`muGGa`fuGGa`> :P
[12:22] * +Juan2bone Laughs-Out-Loud!!
[12:22] <simplymai> Teng are you okay?
[12:22] <simplymai> :/
[12:22] * MNLady21 slap Juan2bone back...hjeheheh...
[12:22] <mary`cano> hi nikki
[12:22] <+Joey_Vang> tundra is a nice truck
[12:22] <+mn_mean_grul> haha
[12:22] <+Bethy> hahaha
[12:22] <EcStAcYgUrL> hi mary
[12:22] <+Bethy> yeah
[12:23] <`muGGa`fuGGa`> ya
[12:23] <+Bethy> I'm lazy.
[12:23] <+Joey_Vang> kinda big
[12:23] <+Bethy> Oh well.
[12:23] <+mn_mean_grul> no its not joey
[12:23] <+Bethy> www.usbank.com
[12:23] <`muGGa`fuGGa`> good hunting/fishing truck
[12:23] <+mn_mean_grul> every hmong ppl have those
[12:23] * simplymai hugs Bethany Yang
[12:23] <`muGGa`fuGGa`> boat haulin
[12:23] <+Joey_Vang> fo sho
[12:23] <`muGGa`fuGGa`> etc...
[12:23] <+Bethy> Thanks mai
[12:23] <simplymai> Ugh, I needed that.
[12:23] <mary`cano> o la nikki
[12:23] <+Bethy> Mai
[12:23] <+Bethy> UGH
[12:23] <mary`cano> o la nikki
[12:23] <simplymai> =]
[12:23] <+Bethy> Man
[12:23] <simplymai> I love you Bethy!
[12:23] * LaiB hugs Bethy
[12:23] <+Bethy> I hate guys.
[12:23] <+Joey_Vang> pahoua it is too
[12:23] <+Bethy> I love you too Mai!
[12:23] <simplymai> So do I.
[12:23] <@XPLoSion> ...
[12:23] <`muGGa`fuGGa`> good for deer huntin
[12:23] * Joins: Guest65819 (andreas.le@=h3gmb9-65-956.mystarhub.com.sg)
[12:23] <simplymai> Let's become Lesbians
[12:23] <+Juan2bone> I love u too Bethy
[12:23] <+Bethy> Ok.
[12:23] <`muGGa`fuGGa`> chai vang used to drive one
[12:23] <mary`cano> nikki pc me rite now i need to talk to u
[12:23] <+Bethy> With each other.
[12:23] <simplymai> Elee wouldn't kill us right?
[12:23] <+Bethy> LOL
[12:23] <+Joey_Vang> LOLZ
[12:23] * Joins: Guest92908 (Chatz@=onMZ0D34B7.ipt.aol.com)
[12:23] <mary`cano> nikki pc me rite now i need to talk to u
[12:23] <LaiB> where's my hug Bethy?
[12:23] <+Bethy> Don't let him know.
[12:23] <+Bethy> LaiB.
[12:23] <simplymai> I remember I told Elee I wanted you more than I want him.
[12:23] <+mn_mean_grul> huh
[12:23] * +Bethy hugs David ruam.
[12:23] * Guest92908 is now known as apple_
[12:23] <+mn_mean_grul> im lost
[12:23] <+Bethy> You alwasy reject me.
[12:23] <LaiB> hahah
[12:23] <+Bethy> :(
[12:23] * Joins: Guest93403 (java@=8Jzqs6.cimalabs.com)
[12:23] <simplymai> And he said for me not to talk like that =(
[12:24] * Guest93403 is now known as urman
[12:24] <+Juan2bone> Bethy, Mai, let's have a threesome..i love bethy also..wink
[12:24] <simplymai> And I said, but your sister is HOT!
[12:24] <+Joey_Vang> again pahoua
[12:24] <+Bethy> HAHAH MAI
[12:24] <+Bethy> HAHAHHAHAHAHA
[12:24] <+mn_mean_grul> what joey
[12:24] <simplymai> And he was like, NO! She's not a lesbian!
[12:24] <+Joey_Vang> nothing
[12:24] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[12:24] <simplymai> And I said, yes she is, with me!
[12:24] <+mn_mean_grul> all i see is pahoua
[12:24] <MNLady21> Hi Joey
[12:24] <`muGGa`fuGGa`> welps
[12:24] <`muGGa`fuGGa`> im outta here
[12:24] * simplymai licks Bethany Yang
[12:24] <+Joey_Vang> hi MNLady21
[12:24] * LaiB kicks Bethy
[12:24] <LaiB> oops
[12:24] <+mn_mean_grul> hmmm
[12:24] <+Bethy> Are you serious?
[12:24] <+Bethy> HAHAH
[12:24] <simplymai> yeah haha
[12:24] * Quits: `muGGa`fuGGa` (blah@=PlHNU-30-660-313-746.wi.res.rr.com) (QUIT:
User exited)
[12:24] * +Bethy blocks David and he kicks himself.
[12:24] <+Bethy> HAHA mai
[12:24] <simplymai> So we know how understanding he'll be if you become a lesbo
[12:24] <simplymai> =(
[12:24] <MNLady21> where's all the MN guys @? j/w...
[12:24] <simplymai> Who cares, we have each other.
[12:25] <+Bethy> BWHAHAHA
[12:25] <simplymai> haha
[12:25] <+Bethy> You still talk to him,Mai?
[12:25] <simplymai> Nah
[12:25] <+Juan2bone> I LOVE LESBO..the Rock
[12:25] <+Joey_Vang> MN guys...hummm they went fishing
[12:25] * Quits: miss_sundra (java@204.128.233.ZF23=) (QUIT: User exited)
[12:25] <+Bethy> Alright.
[12:25] <+Bethy> haha
[12:25] <+Joey_Vang> cept for me
[12:25] <MNLady21> oh yeah...
[12:25] <+Bethy> HAH
[12:25] <+mn_mean_grul> hmmm
[12:25] <MNLady21> ok hehhe
[12:25] <simplymai> I scroll through my phone book now and again and see him nam
[12:25] <simplymai> but I'm like
[12:25] <+Joey_Vang> yeap
[12:25] <+Bethy> www.meierandfrank.com
[12:25] <simplymai> er, no don't wanna stir that
[12:25] <+Bethy> hahahah
[12:25] * This_OLD_BASTARD is now known as Ex_CONVICT
[12:25] <LaiB> damn, mai keeps a lil black book eh?
[12:25] <LaiB> didn't know u were like that mai
[12:25] <simplymai> Now you know.
[12:25] <+Joey_Vang> mai is a scandalous name
[12:25] <LaiB> whoring guys... u PIMPStress
[12:25] <simplymai> I didn't know you were like that either, but I'm amused ever
yday =]
[12:26] <simplymai> hahaha
[12:26] <LaiB> hahah
[12:26] * Joins: MerLe^27 (spirit@=mZxwf32-wfos-470.ath.forthnet.gr)
[12:26] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@*.gr
[12:26] * MerLe^27 was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk)
[12:26] <+Joey_Vang> all the mai i know anywase
[12:26] <simplymai> I'm laughing at both your comments.
[12:26] <simplymai> haha
[12:26] <simplymai> WHAT!
[12:26] <simplymai> You're saying I'm scandalous?
[12:26] * Quits: mary`cano (Java@=AaYH26P7TE.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[12:26] <simplymai> What the H E Doulble Hocky Sticks MAN!
[12:26] <+Joey_Vang> i'm just saying girls name mai
[12:26] <+Bethy> fck
[12:26] <+Joey_Vang> :D
[12:26] * Quits: +LaFawnduh (Addicts@=8bRF19U3R7.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited
[12:26] <+Bethy> I have over 200$ on my crecid.
[12:26] <simplymai> well I'm innocent.
[12:26] <+Bethy> credit
[12:26] <+Bethy> Man, I don't wanna pay that off.
[12:26] <simplymai> I don't even have a credit card.
[12:26] <simplymai> I don't trust myself yet.
[12:26] <simplymai> hahaha
[12:26] <+Joey_Vang> innocent are guys name joey
[12:26] <LaiB> innocent til proven guilty mai =)
[12:26] * Quits: AttractiveCuteGuy (java@=sDpwmy-22-71-527-466.rev.o1.com) (QUIT
: User exited)
[12:26] <+Bethy> I have to formy work place.
[12:26] <+Joey_Vang> ^__^
[12:27] <+mn_mean_grul> wow bethy thats nothing
[12:27] <+Bethy> Or no discounts. :(
[12:27] <apple_> hi david
[12:27] <+Joey_Vang> ahaha
[12:27] <simplymai> That's right David, but that's changing.
[12:27] <+Bethy> mn, I only have 400 inthe bank!
[12:27] <+Bethy> hahaha
[12:27] <+Bethy> I don't have money to pay fort hat.
[12:27] <+Bethy> and I'm getting a phone soon too
[12:27] <+mn_mean_grul> wow bethy thats alot
[12:27] <+Bethy> No it's not.
[12:27] <+Bethy> pfft
[12:27] <simplymai> Tis why I don't have a credit card.
[12:27] <+Bethy> It's all studen loan.
[12:27] <simplymai> Bethy I have 15 bucks.
[12:27] <simplymai> be happpy
[12:27] <simplymai> LOL
[12:27] * Joins: Guest96910 (java@=yjcazxz0.milwaukee.k12.wi.us)
[12:27] <+Bethy> I need to get a credit card though. :(
[12:27] <+Bethy> Cause I can't open up a savings.
[12:27] * Guest96910 is now known as hlubkojxwb
[12:27] <+mn_mean_grul> bethy you dont want credit cards
[12:28] <+Bethy> PTCU told me I need a credit card in order to open a savings ac
[12:28] <simplymai> Okay work again.
[12:28] <+mn_mean_grul> haha
[12:28] <+mn_mean_grul> oh
[12:28] <+Bethy> And if I don't open a savings
[12:28] <+Bethy> My money is gonna disappear
[12:28] <+Bethy> Unless I get with a rich boyfriend
[12:28] <+Bethy> ;)
[12:28] * Joins: Guest92195 (java@=Heve171-51.dialip.mich.net)
[12:28] <+mn_mean_grul> haha
[12:28] * Guest92195 is now known as Ur_Fantasy_Man
[12:28] <+mn_mean_grul> bethy i though your joey was rich already
[12:28] <+Bethy> Hoey?
[12:28] <+Bethy> Nah.
[12:29] <+Bethy> He's only there for my pleasure.
[12:29] <Rokket> dilara wanna chat?
[12:29] <+Bethy> But he's not rich.
[12:29] <+Bethy> hahaha
[12:29] <+mn_mean_grul> haha
[12:29] <+mn_mean_grul> oh joey you're just for her pleasure
[12:29] <+mn_mean_grul> wow
[12:29] <+Joey_Vang> <---broke because of bethy
[12:29] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[12:29] * Joins: Guest92448 (java@=Aj82-399.151.popsite.net)
[12:29] <+mn_mean_grul> wow
[12:29] <+Joey_Vang> pahoua i'm being use
[12:29] <+Bethy> I guess I'll make a payment later.
[12:29] <+Bethy> :\
[12:29] <+Bethy> Fck.
[12:29] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[12:29] <+mn_mean_grul> oh
[12:29] <+Bethy> Man.
[12:29] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[12:29] <+Bethy> That means 300 in the bank.
[12:29] <+Bethy> BLAH
[12:29] <+Joey_Vang> for my body
[12:29] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[12:30] <+Bethy> Hoey, send me money.
[12:30] <+mn_mean_grul> well joey i dont want to know bout it
[12:30] <+mn_mean_grul> its your money do whatever
[12:30] <+Juan2bone> HEY CUZ..Valerie..!
[12:30] <+Joey_Vang> bethy wire transfer again
[12:30] <+Bethy> haha
[12:30] <+Bethy> fck
[12:30] <+Bethy> I wanna go eat carrot cake now.
[12:30] <+Bethy> man, it tastes somuch better cold
[12:30] * Quits: Guest65819 (andreas.le@=h3gmb9-65-956.mystarhub.com.sg) (Ping T
[12:30] <+Bethy> than fresh
[12:30] <+Bethy> hahaha
[12:30] <+mn_mean_grul> bethy you still eating carrot cake
[12:30] <+Joey_Vang> what's with you and carrot cake lately
[12:30] <+Bethy> But carrot cake makes me have diarreah
[12:30] <+mn_mean_grul> haha
[12:30] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[12:30] <+Juan2bone> HEY CUZ..Valerie..!
[12:30] <+Bethy> maan
[12:30] * Guest92448 is now known as Online_Love_Is_So_Romantic
[12:30] <+Bethy> Is it worth it?
[12:31] <+Bethy> hahaha
[12:31] <+Bethy> I wanna eat some before I go to work.
[12:31] <Online_Love_Is_So_Romantic> hi there
[12:31] <@XPLoSion> (Bethy): what work you do?
[12:31] <+mn_mean_grul> tsis yog koj muaj joey tus menyuam is that why you crave
for carrot cake
[12:31] <+Bethy> I work in retail!
[12:31] <+mn_mean_grul> haha
[12:31] <+Joey_Vang> she's a street threapist
[12:31] <+Bethy> The worst shiiitest work ever.
[12:31] <+Bethy> haha
[12:31] <+Bethy> Oops, that reminds me, I wanna look for an office job.
[12:32] <@XPLoSion> street threapist
[12:32] <@XPLoSion> will be fine
[12:32] * Joins: Guest95994 (java@=RuFB043EK0.ipt.aol.com)
[12:32] <+Bethy> haha
[12:32] <+Joey_Vang> uh huh
[12:32] <@XPLoSion> If ur so sexy
[12:32] <+mn_mean_grul> what is a street threapist
[12:32] * Guest95994 is now known as lil_sunshine21
[12:32] <+Joey_Vang> hahaha
[12:32] <+Bethy> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
[12:32] <+Bethy> Hmm..
[12:32] <+Joey_Vang> pahoua you want to be one too
[12:32] <+Bethy> My 6 months are almost over.
[12:32] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[12:32] <+Bethy> NEW JOB TIMEEEEEE
[12:32] <@XPLoSion> lol
[12:32] <+mn_mean_grul> haha
[12:32] <+mn_mean_grul> no thanks joey
[12:32] <+Joey_Vang> ok
[12:32] * Bethy is now known as BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake
[12:32] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> brb
[12:32] <+Joey_Vang> no need to pay tax
[12:32] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> Gonna go get myself a cake.
[12:33] * Quits: Ex_CONVICT (lka_ke@=Lpw79.168.26.35.mad.wi.charter.com) (QUIT:
User exited)
[12:33] <+mn_mean_grul> mines not all that but i love it
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[12:33] <+Juan2bone> miss diamond..VALerie?
[12:33] <+Joey_Vang> hahaha
[12:33] <FresnoHornyBastard> Bethy, why are ur fingers so horny?
[12:33] * Quits: MNLady21 (java@=IQ314-749-21-124.nh.cc.mn.us) (QUIT: User exite
[12:33] <+mn_mean_grul> haha
[12:33] <+mn_mean_grul> hmmm
[12:33] <+mn_mean_grul> its so quiet now
[12:33] <Miss_Diamond> ***********hi**********
[12:33] <+Joey_Vang> Bethy is alwase horny..even her toes
[12:33] <+mn_mean_grul> hi miss diamond
[12:33] <FresnoHornyBastard> omg
[12:33] <+Joey_Vang> yeap
[12:33] <+Juan2bone> are u busy..miss diamond?
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[12:33] <FresnoHornyBastard> she told me she's a virgin though
[12:33] <+Joey_Vang> impossible you say...i saw it
[12:33] <FresnoHornyBastard> haha
[12:34] <+mn_mean_grul> why do you guys always talk bout being horny
[12:34] <+Joey_Vang> virgin azz maybe
[12:34] <+mn_mean_grul> hmmm
[12:34] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[12:34] <FresnoHornyBastard> mmmmmm
[12:34] <FresnoHornyBastard> lols
[12:34] <FresnoHornyBastard> mean gurl, coz this is the horny room
[12:34] <FresnoHornyBastard> winks
[12:34] <+Joey_Vang> horny and guys goes hand and hand
[12:34] <+mn_mean_grul> no its not
[12:34] * Joins: Guest95980 (java@=tg13-323-060-369.ded.ameritech.net)
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ne host)
[12:34] <+mn_mean_grul> well go pc each other bout it
[12:34] <FresnoHornyBastard> I guess u're a rookie then
[12:34] <FresnoHornyBastard> haha
[12:34] <+`simplysweet`cookin`> wdsdffvZASD]
[12:34] <+`simplysweet`cookin`> \ z
[12:34] <+`simplysweet`cookin`> *
[12:34] <+Joey_Vang> why you think the term maisee and mailo come from
[12:34] <+`simplysweet`cookin`> \
[12:34] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[12:35] <+mn_mean_grul> hmmm
[12:35] <+Joey_Vang> i used to date this one gurl called maisee
[12:35] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[12:35] <+mn_mean_grul> we dont want to hear joey
[12:35] <+Joey_Vang> then oneday i met mailo
[12:35] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[12:35] * Joins: invasian_boy (invasian_b@=NlTEG-41-69-37-38.mn.res.rr.com)
[12:35] <+mn_mean_grul> you and your mais
[12:35] * Joins: Guest90839 (java@=HO7Mrgh2726.an4.chi30.da.uu.net)
[12:35] <+mn_mean_grul> hmmm
[12:35] <+Joey_Vang> yeap
[12:36] <+Joey_Vang> sacandalous huh
[12:36] <+Joey_Vang> hahaha
[12:36] <+mn_mean_grul> i wouldnt know joey
[12:36] <+mn_mean_grul> im not a mai
[12:36] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> MMMMMMMMMMMMMM
[12:36] <+Joey_Vang> mai pahoua
[12:36] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[12:36] <apple_> im mai joey
[12:36] <+mn_mean_grul> haha
[12:36] <+mn_mean_grul> no just pahoua
[12:36] <+mn_mean_grul> not mai pahoua
[12:36] <+Joey_Vang> i know you are mai
[12:36] <+Joey_Vang> mai apple pie
[12:36] <+mn_mean_grul> bethy was it that good
[12:37] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[12:37] <apple_> haha
[12:37] <+mn_mean_grul> i miss mai dennis
[12:37] <apple_> hahahaha
[12:37] * Quits: llccd (java@=CEmjxa-85-970-099-60.prov.east.verizon.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[12:37] <+Joey_Vang> dennis is tou dennis
[12:37] * Quits: Guest91924 (HTML@207.166.0.Vf64=) (Timed Out)
[12:37] <+Joey_Vang> :D
[12:37] <+mn_mean_grul> haha
[12:37] <+mn_mean_grul> okay mai joey got that
[12:37] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> I'm eating it now
[12:37] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> MMMMM
[12:37] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> I love it
[12:37] <+mn_mean_grul> haha@bethy
[12:37] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> Next time I make another cake
[12:37] * Guest90839 is now known as pAAjFuAB_DiMpLeS_414
[12:37] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> no more forsting
[12:37] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> ick
[12:37] <+Joey_Vang> <--tou phaj eh joey
[12:37] * Joins: Guest94996 (java@=htwaha-02-20-138-672.rev.o1.com)
[12:37] * Joins: `ShAnEeQuA` (jskldf@=oyud43-25-885-229.ok.ok.cox.net)
[12:37] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[12:38] <apple_> ntuj aws...joey
[12:38] * XPLoSion sets mode: +v `ShAnEeQuA`
[12:38] <+Joey_Vang> hahaha
[12:38] * apple_ licks shan
[12:38] * Quits: +`simplysweet`cookin` (jskldf@=oyud43-25-885-229.ok.ok.cox.net)
(Ping Timeout)
[12:38] <+mn_mean_grul> you mean tub laib joey
[12:38] * Joins: Guest95029 (hmong_babe@=eWizwt.ninestar.com)
[12:38] <pAAjFuAB_DiMpLeS_414> *hELLO*
[12:38] * Guest91211 is now known as hey
[12:38] * hey is now known as hey50609
[12:38] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[12:38] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> Mmmmm
[12:38] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> SO YUMMAY!!!
[12:38] <+`ShAnEeQuA`> sfwsWS.,52....................Q63*56-*/
[12:38] <+`ShAnEeQuA`> ]3
[12:38] <+`ShAnEeQuA`> 8x*/-SSSSS1wsdxa6c33w
[12:38] <+mn_mean_grul> bethy you make me want some too
[12:38] * Quits: Guest95029 (hmong_babe@=eWizwt.ninestar.com) (QUIT: User exited
[12:38] <+mn_mean_grul> haha
[12:38] <Miss_Diamond> ***********hi**********
[12:38] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> :D
[12:38] <+Joey_Vang> <---tub laib's uncle
[12:38] <+`ShAnEeQuA`> ''''''''''''''3`c-3333333333ftrrrrrrrrrr'5=
[12:38] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> Pahoua, it's just me who's eating it.
[12:38] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> There are 8 huge pieces.
[12:38] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> Thre eof us
[12:38] <+mn_mean_grul> you mean tub laib leader joey?
[12:39] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> But only I eat it
[12:39] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> hhahaha
[12:39] <+Joey_Vang> i'm just a follower
[12:39] <+mn_mean_grul> haha@bethy
[12:39] <+Joey_Vang> so if you get lost dont blame me
[12:39] <+mn_mean_grul> im lost
[12:39] <+mn_mean_grul> its all joey's fault
[12:39] * +BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake follows Hoey's butt to hell.
[12:39] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[12:39] <+Joey_Vang> hell is nice
[12:39] <+Joey_Vang> hahaha
[12:39] <+Joey_Vang> it's hot tho
[12:39] * Quits: Miss_Diamond (lka_ke@=Lpw79.168.26.35.mad.wi.charter.com) (QUIT
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[12:39] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> Especially when it's you and me.
[12:39] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> HAHAHAH
[12:39] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> jk
[12:40] <+mn_mean_grul> haha
[12:40] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[12:40] <pAAjFuAB_DiMpLeS_414> 
[12:40] <+mn_mean_grul> okay you two
[12:40] <+mn_mean_grul> hi paajfuab
[12:40] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> Hi sexy.
[12:40] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> r u howny?
[12:40] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> cuz i m
[12:41] <pAAjFuAB_DiMpLeS_414> HeLLO????
[12:41] <+Joey_Vang> she meant to say horny
[12:41] <+mn_mean_grul> haha@bethy
[12:41] <+mn_mean_grul> im guessing joey didnt satisfy you huh bethy
[12:41] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[12:41] <pAAjFuAB_DiMpLeS_414> WhO's U ?? Mn GrUL???
[12:41] <+mn_mean_grul> another paajfuab
[12:41] * Quits: hey50609 (HTML@207.166.0.Vf64=) (Timed Out)
[12:41] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[12:41] <+mn_mean_grul> who are you dimples
[12:41] <pAAjFuAB_DiMpLeS_414> hahha
[12:41] <+Joey_Vang> pahoua you should know me by now..i only tease
[12:41] * Guest94996 is now known as AttractiveCuteGuy
[12:41] <+Joey_Vang> i dont please
[12:41] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> hahaha
[12:41] <+mn_mean_grul> lee??
[12:41] <+Joey_Vang> :P~
[12:42] <+mn_mean_grul> i know joey
[12:42] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> I
[12:42] <pAAjFuAB_DiMpLeS_414> <--------pAAjFuAB haha
[12:42] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> wanna
[12:42] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> quit my job!!
[12:42] <+mn_mean_grul> thats why i gave up on you a long time ago
[12:42] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> So I can be youth preisdent
[12:42] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> WOOOO
[12:42] * Parts: apple_ (Chatz@=onMZ0D34B7.ipt.aol.com)
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[12:42] <+mn_mean_grul> okay paajfuab with dimples
[12:42] <pAAjFuAB_DiMpLeS_414> *MiLtOwNe DJ pArTy @ RiCe PaLaCe 6-11-05 *
[12:42] * Parts: Guest75310 (Chatz@=onMZ0D34B7.ipt.aol.com)
[12:42] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[12:43] <+mn_mean_grul> hmmm
[12:43] * Joins: Guest88058 (java@66.242.1.Ee39=)
[12:43] <+mn_mean_grul> hey paajfuab where are you from?
[12:43] <pAAjFuAB_DiMpLeS_414> <--- mILwaukee WI
[12:43] <+mn_mean_grul> haha
[12:43] <pAAjFuAB_DiMpLeS_414> hey! where in mn are u from???
[12:43] <+mn_mean_grul> st paul
[12:43] <MNnaughtyGUY> REALLY BORIN'
[12:44] <pAAjFuAB_DiMpLeS_414> o yeah! do u know Xang Lee???
[12:44] <AttractiveCuteGuy> boring
[12:44] <+Joey_Vang> i know xang lee
[12:44] <+Joey_Vang> he's short
[12:44] <pAAjFuAB_DiMpLeS_414> really!!! he's like 24 rite???
[12:44] <+mn_mean_grul> i dont but joey says he does
[12:44] <+mn_mean_grul> joey knows everyone
[12:44] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> WITHOUT YOU
[12:44] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> MY BABY
[12:44] <+mn_mean_grul> he said he even saw me
[12:44] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> I CAN'T CARRY ON
[12:44] <+Joey_Vang> nah xang lee i know is only 19
[12:44] <pAAjFuAB_DiMpLeS_414> oh...hahaha...okay...
[12:45] <pAAjFuAB_DiMpLeS_414> do u know Phia or Jedi Vang??
[12:45] * beautiful [jei@=67qzs-] is on IRC
[12:45] <AttractiveCuteGuy> so boring..imgoing to chinese chat...bye people
[12:45] <+Joey_Vang> they my cuz
[12:45] <+Joey_Vang> i think
[12:45] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[12:45] <+mn_mean_grul> wow how do you get to chinese chat
[12:45] <+Joey_Vang> nah i dont
[12:45] * Quits: AttractiveCuteGuy (java@=htwaha-02-20-138-672.rev.o1.com) (QUIT
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[12:45] <+mn_mean_grul> i wanna chinese chat too
[12:45] * Quits: Ur_Fantasy_Man (java@=Heve171-51.dialip.mich.net) (QUIT: User e
[12:45] <+Joey_Vang> meanie you lost with english you be really lost in chinese
[12:46] <+Joey_Vang> :D
[12:46] <+mn_mean_grul> tsis paub lus mekas
[12:46] <+Joey_Vang> kapao beef
[12:46] * beautiful has left IRC
[12:46] <+mn_mean_grul> hmm
[12:46] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[12:46] <+Joey_Vang> tsing tao
[12:46] <+mn_mean_grul> hmm tsis paub lus dab thiab
[12:46] <+mn_mean_grul> only lus hmoob alone
[12:46] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[12:46] * Joins: Guest89541 (java@=LMlqxv-91-741-329-74.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
[12:46] <+Joey_Vang> raum os
[12:46] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[12:47] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> www.paltalk.com
[12:47] <+mn_mean_grul> ruam dhau to understand koj os joey
[12:47] * Joins: `JACKASS (_JACKASS@=hyHXI-84-40-88-223.kc.res.rr.com)
[12:47] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[12:47] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> Hi Chewie.
[12:47] * Quits: FresnoHornyBastard (jake699@63.207.254.VQ202=) (QUIT: User exit
[12:47] <+mn_mean_grul> hi jackass
[12:47] <+Joey_Vang> i think i should go and eat
[12:47] <+mn_mean_grul> eat some for me too joey
[12:47] <+Joey_Vang> ok
[12:47] <+Joey_Vang> pho
[12:48] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> WITHOUT YOU
[12:48] <+mn_mean_grul> aww
[12:48] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> MY BABY
[12:48] <+Joey_Vang> and spring roll
[12:48] <+BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake> oops
[12:48] * BethyPiggingOutOnCarrotCake is now known as Bethy
[12:48] <+mn_mean_grul> now you make me want some too
[12:48] <+Bethy> I finished eating long ago.
[12:48] <`JACKASS> wassup hoes
[12:48] <`JACKASS> hello there ms beth
[12:48] <`JACKASS> hi mean girl
[12:48] <+Bethy> I want so Pahoua roollls.
[12:48] <+Bethy> Mmmm
[12:48] * Quits: stpgrl (java@=QAa-04-09-971-898.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUIT: Use
r exited)
[12:48] <+Bethy> I'm a hoes?
[12:48] <+mn_mean_grul> haha
[12:48] <+mn_mean_grul> i want some pho
[12:48] <+Joey_Vang> i would take you but i dont want your dad chasing me again
with that huge hmoob knive
[12:48] <+Bethy> Me too.
[12:48] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[12:48] <+mn_mean_grul> haha
[12:48] <+Bethy> LOL Hoey
[12:48] <+Bethy> HAHAHHA
[12:48] <+Bethy> I haven't seen those knives in so long.
[12:48] <+mn_mean_grul> my dads not home joey
[12:48] <MNnaughtyGUY> any MN girls wonna get their PUSS lick???
[12:48] <+Bethy> Someone show me!!
[12:48] <+Bethy> ME ME ME
[12:48] <+Bethy> !!!
[12:48] <+Bethy> PICK ME!!!
[12:48] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[12:49] * Joins: Guest87263 (java@158.123.20.ZE51=)
[12:49] <+Joey_Vang> what about when i drop you off
[12:49] <+mn_mean_grul> haha@bethy
[12:49] <+Joey_Vang> can i just drop you off at the corner
[12:49] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[12:49] <+mn_mean_grul> we dont even have those hmong knife
[12:49] <Online_Love_Is_So_Romantic> hi there
[12:49] <+mn_mean_grul> no joey im not a hooker
[12:49] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
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[12:49] * Quits: MNnaughtyGUY (java@=0s29-34-411-16.mpls.qwest.net) (QUIT: User
[12:49] <+Joey_Vang> i didnt say you are
[12:49] <+Joey_Vang> are you
[12:49] * Joins: tW33k3r (Unix@=Tp1Qkns16.tnt24.atl4.da.uu.net)
[12:49] <+Joey_Vang> LOL
[12:49] * Quits: `JACKASS (_JACKASS@=hyHXI-84-40-88-223.kc.res.rr.com) (Ping Tim
[12:49] <+Bethy> Hi Tweezer.
[12:49] <+mn_mean_grul> thats what you do to hookers though joey
[12:49] * Guest87263 is now known as Civuag
[12:49] <+Joey_Vang> nah huh
[12:50] * Joins: `JACKASS (_JACKASS@=2mBMR-23-77-42-292.kc.res.rr.com)
[12:50] <tW33k3r> whasSUP bethy
[12:50] * Guest86810 is now known as asian_lady
[12:50] <+Joey_Vang> that's wat we do to heoz
[12:50] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[12:50] <+Bethy> Welcome back Chewie.,
[12:50] <`JACKASS> dammit
[12:50] <asian_lady> hi joey
[12:50] <+mn_mean_grul> oh
[12:50] <`JACKASS> thanks baby
[12:50] <+Joey_Vang> hi asian lady
[12:50] <+Bethy> Stop talking about what you're gonna do to yourself, Hoey.
[12:50] <+mn_mean_grul> well thats good joey
[12:50] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[12:50] <+mn_mean_grul> i dont need to be your hoe
[12:50] <+Joey_Vang> sharing is caring
[12:50] <+Bethy> hahhaha
[12:50] <+mn_mean_grul> i can drive my way there
[12:50] <asian_lady> joey where r u from ?
[12:50] <+Joey_Vang> MN
[12:50] * Joins: red_bull (Chatz@=adp-43-1-930-24.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[12:51] <+Joey_Vang> and u
[12:51] <asian_lady> joey nice how old r u ?
[12:51] <`JACKASS> who wants to be my hoe
[12:51] <asian_lady> oh im from cali
[12:51] <hmOng-laYdEe> y u want a hoe
[12:51] <+Joey_Vang> <--40
[12:51] <+Joey_Vang> and u
[12:51] <`JACKASS> cuz i wanna be cool
[12:51] <asian_lady> oh im 16
[12:51] <hmOng-laYdEe> for realz
[12:52] <`JACKASS> yep
[12:52] <+Joey_Vang> oh you like my kid
[12:52] <tW33k3r> fuk them hoez..!
[12:52] <sOmE_lADY> hi hi apple abe
[12:52] <sOmE_lADY> babe
[12:52] <hmOng-laYdEe> i guess its nice for a guy to always have a gurl kiss his
[12:52] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[12:52] <+mn_mean_grul> wow
[12:52] * Parts: @XPLoSion (VIP@=Lkuzwg-16-900-053-37.adsl2.iam.net.ma)
[12:52] <asian_lady> haha mate
[12:52] <`JACKASS> yea that would be nice
[12:52] * Joins: NoisyGirl (romawe@61.94.120.AG037=)
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[12:52] * NoisyGirl was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk: spam
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[12:52] <+mn_mean_grul> joey i thought you said age dont matter
[12:52] <hmOng-laYdEe> ffor tha guy
[12:52] <@Xaway> brb
[12:52] * Guest89541 is now known as Ca-Hmoob-Lis-Guy
[12:52] <@Xaway> brb
[12:52] <@Xaway> brb
[12:52] <@Xaway> brb
[12:52] <@Xaway> brb
[12:52] <@Xaway> huh!!
[12:52] <+Joey_Vang> it doesnt
[12:52] <+Joey_Vang> :D
[12:52] <asian_lady> mate whats cooking ??
[12:52] * Joins: Vinner (fasdgsg@
[12:52] <`JACKASS> i rather have them kiss my *** than my feet though
[12:52] * Joins: Guest86293 (java@=RPinPXFO-499.216-254-227.iw.net)
[12:52] * Ca-Hmoob-Lis-Guy who are you hlubkojxwb?
[12:53] * Guest86293 is now known as my_insperation
[12:53] <asian_lady> hey bethy
[12:53] * Quits: invasian_boy (invasian_b@=NlTEG-41-69-37-38.mn.res.rr.com) (QUI
T: User exited)
[12:53] <+Bethy> Hi.
[12:53] <+Joey_Vang> asian lady you thomas foo
[12:53] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[12:53] <`JACKASS> so where you from ... hmong laydee
[12:53] <+Joey_Vang> hi insperation
[12:53] * Quits: red_bull (Chatz@=adp-43-1-930-24.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
[12:53] * Ca-Hmoob-Lis-Guy any cali ladies in here care to chat pc me
[12:53] * Joins: red_bull (Chatz@=gps-88-4-585-60.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[12:54] <my_insperation> hey joey
[12:54] <my_insperation> :D
[12:54] <asian_lady> haha
[12:54] <asian_lady> joey im in sf
[12:54] <asian_lady> beth is the guitar warmed up ?
[12:54] <+Joey_Vang> yeah
[12:54] <+Joey_Vang> wat's with the nick
[12:54] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[12:54] <asian_lady> joe u know fade is a big time disser
[12:54] <asian_lady> im hiding
[12:54] <+Joey_Vang> oh
[12:55] <+Joey_Vang> she is
[12:55] <hmOng-laYdEe> hmong-laudee it FROM THE EAST COAST
[12:55] <asian_lady> all wk i been asking her to hang out
[12:55] <hmOng-laYdEe> REPPIN NORTH CAROLINA
[12:55] * Joins: Guest87084 (java@156.98.182.K674=)
[12:55] <`JACKASS> i feel a poop coming
[12:55] <+Joey_Vang> and she keep giving you the run around
[12:55] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[12:55] * my_insperation is now known as my_insperation[brb]
[12:55] <+Bethy> lol
[12:55] <asian_lady> thats right
[12:55] <tW33k3r> Há Há Há Há Há Há ....!!
[12:55] <+Bethy> I haven't touched my guitar since
[12:55] <+Bethy> last week
[12:55] <+Joey_Vang> typical cali girl
[12:55] <asian_lady> its my last day here anyways
[12:55] <+Bethy> when final was over
[12:55] * Guest87084 is now known as tseem-tos
[12:55] <tW33k3r> how tha fuk is that
[12:55] <tW33k3r> Há Há Há Há Há Há ....!!
[12:55] <`JACKASS> dam its hot as fucck here
[12:55] <+Joey_Vang> hahaha
[12:55] <tW33k3r> you play gutair bethy
[12:55] <tW33k3r> Há Há Há Há Há Há ....!!
[12:55] <tW33k3r> funny lus..!
[12:55] * Ca-Hmoob-Lis-Guy is now known as THLC
[12:55] <+Bethy> I wish I play guitar
[12:55] <+Bethy> har har har
[12:56] <+Joey_Vang> bethy only play me
[12:56] <Rokket> some lady wanna chat?
[12:56] <tW33k3r> oh..you only wish
[12:56] <tW33k3r> Há Há Há Há Há Há ....!!
[12:56] <+Joey_Vang> ^_~
[12:56] <`JACKASS> bethy used to play me like a guitar
[12:56] <+Bethy> I'm still waiting for thomas to help me.
[12:56] <+Bethy> LOL
[12:56] <+Joey_Vang> lol
[12:56] <`JACKASS> now she plays me like a drum
[12:56] <+Joey_Vang> she think my string are too tight
[12:56] <+Joey_Vang> lol
[12:56] <+Bethy> I drove my brother insane when he tought me to play.
[12:56] <+Bethy> I think Thomas might die.
[12:56] <asian_lady> haha
[12:57] <+mn_mean_grul> bethy you should try the piano
[12:57] <asian_lady> beth its ok u r with a pro here
[12:57] <+Bethy> I did Pahoua
[12:57] <+Bethy> I know the keys
[12:57] <+Bethy> and some chords
[12:57] <+Bethy> But.. hahaha
[12:57] <+mn_mean_grul> its easier and sounds much better
[12:57] <+Bethy> I'm not that good at coordinating
[12:57] <+Bethy> I would've trianed for piano
[12:57] <`JACKASS> hey mean gurl ... whats your last name
[12:57] <tW33k3r> ill help you at coordination then
[12:57] <+Joey_Vang> pahoua i play the recorder
[12:57] * Vinner see someone and releases the DOGS
[12:57] <+Bethy> But it won't fit the house
[12:57] <+Bethy> and I don't have money for one
[12:57] <tW33k3r> itz so simple
[12:57] <+Bethy> So I went with guitar
[12:57] * THLC FUC.K this is boring really FUC.KING BORING
[12:57] * THLC FUC.K this is boring really FUC.KING BORING
[12:57] * THLC FUC.K this is boring really FUC.KING BORING
[12:57] * THLC FUC.K this is boring really FUC.KING BORING
[12:57] * THLC FUC.K this is boring really FUC.KING BORING
[12:57] * THLC FUC.K this is boring really FUC.KING BORING
[12:57] * Quits: THLC (java@=LMlqxv-91-741-329-74.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[12:57] <+Bethy> I love guitar and piano sounds.
[12:57] <tW33k3r> itz jux lyke eatin candy
[12:57] <+mn_mean_grul> im a yang jackass
[12:57] <hmOng-laYdEe> who is bored
[12:57] <+Bethy> omg
[12:58] <tW33k3r> koj niam!
[12:58] <tW33k3r> Há Há Há Há Há Há ....!!
[12:58] <`JACKASS> ok
[12:58] <+Bethy> Pahoua's a Yang too?
[12:58] <hmOng-laYdEe> dont be bored
[12:58] * Joins: Guest81169 (java@=ESela-60-300-109-091.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
[12:58] <+Bethy> NEE YAI
[12:58] <`JACKASS> whats your last name ... beth
[12:58] * Joins: PhiLberta^^ (SsS@=iXpmeqqnuttf126.231-37-24.mc.videotron.ca)
[12:58] <+Bethy> Same.
[12:58] <+Bethy> aahah
[12:58] <Civuag> Hi
[12:58] <`JACKASS> ok
[12:58] <lil_sunshine21> hi everyone
[12:58] <+Joey_Vang> <---yang too
[12:58] * Guest81169 is now known as sacguy
[12:58] <+Bethy> OH MR SUNSHINE
[12:58] <+Bethy> lalal Sunshin
[12:58] <+Joey_Vang> ignore the v
[12:58] <+Bethy> You make me happy!!
[12:58] <+Bethy> when skys are grey
[12:58] <+Joey_Vang> i cant spell
[12:58] * Joins: Guest83792 (java@=INls-kjj-nres0-578-16-366-393.cpinternet.com)
[12:58] <+Bethy> You never know hoey
[12:58] <+mn_mean_grul> haha
[12:58] <+Bethy> How much I love you
[12:58] * Joins: Guest81203 (java@=8idnpz.sukut.com)
[12:58] <+Bethy> please dont' take my sunshine away!
[12:58] <lil_sunshine21> heheh
[12:58] * Parts: Rokket (X@64.122.143.ld399=)
[12:58] <+Bethy> hahah
[12:58] <+Joey_Vang> uh huh
[12:59] <+Joey_Vang> :P~
[12:59] <+Bethy> HAHAH
[12:59] * Joins: MrStamina (X@64.122.143.ld399=)
[12:59] <+Bethy> Joey.
[12:59] <+Bethy> Seriously.
[12:59] <+Bethy> I think I love you.
[12:59] <asian_lady> joe can u email me your number ??
[12:59] <+Joey_Vang> yeah kewl bethy
[12:59] * Guest88058 is now known as hluas
[12:59] <+Bethy> No, I'm serious.
[12:59] <tseem-tos> hi joey
[12:59] * Quits: PhiLberta^^ (SsS@=iXpmeqqnuttf126.231-37-24.mc.videotron.ca) (C
onnection reset by peer)
[12:59] * Guest83792 is now known as fatdude
[12:59] <+Joey_Vang> you a minor asian lady
[12:59] * Bethy is now known as MrsJoeyVang
[12:59] <`JACKASS> email me your number too joey
[12:59] <+Joey_Vang> jail bait
[12:59] <+MrsJoeyVang> hahahahhaa
[12:59] * Quits: cleopatra_25 (cccc@=iXpmeqqnuttf126.231-37-24.mc.videotron.ca)
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[12:59] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[12:59] <tW33k3r> bait jail..
[12:59] <+MrsJoeyVang> Me too Joey!
[12:59] <asian_lady> haha
[12:59] <+Joey_Vang> 1-800-SEX-JOEY
[12:59] <+Joey_Vang> free call
[13:00] <asian_lady> joe u want that blow job or not ??\\
[13:00] <+Joey_Vang> hahaha
[13:00] <+mn_mean_grul> hey joey i;ve tried that before
[13:00] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[13:00] <+MrsJoeyVang> Mine is 1.800.SEXY.HOE
[13:00] <+mn_mean_grul> its disconnected
[13:00] * +MrsJoeyVang laughs.
[13:00] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[13:00] * hluas is now known as hluasnkaujhmoob
[13:00] <Vinner> im callin that number for sure
[13:00] <+MrsJoeyVang> Hi Vinny.
[13:00] <`JACKASS> mines is 100-GAY-1on1
[13:00] <+MrsJoeyVang> LOL
[13:00] <Vinner> and put it on speed dial
[13:00] <+Joey_Vang> hahaha
[13:00] <Vinner> hi mrs
[13:00] <+MrsJoeyVang> You guys crack me up.
[13:00] <+MrsJoeyVang> hahaha
[13:00] <+mn_mean_grul> wow everyone has a toll free except me
[13:01] <hluasnkaujhmoob> hi
[13:01] <+Joey_Vang> pahoua cause you cheap
[13:01] <+MrsJoeyVang> Yours is 1.800.Free.Sex
[13:01] <+MrsJoeyVang> LOL
[13:01] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[13:01] * Guest81203 is now known as ALofCourse
[13:01] * Joins: Guest80092 (java@=i350-789-484-038.stkn.dialup.elite.net)
[13:01] <+MrsJoeyVang> Joey
[13:01] <asian_lady> haha joey i promise not to bite your weeny
[13:01] <+MrsJoeyVang> Stop thinking like me
[13:01] <+MrsJoeyVang> Jeez.
[13:01] <+mn_mean_grul> i am joey
[13:01] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[13:01] <+mn_mean_grul> wanna give me some money joey
[13:01] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[13:01] <+MrsJoeyVang> hahahahahhahahahhahahahahaa
[13:01] <+mn_mean_grul> just a couple dollars will help me out much
[13:01] * Guest80092 is now known as hmoob-ca
[13:01] <+MrsJoeyVang> Thank you for cheering me up.
[13:01] * Joins: MissXiong (xxMiSsxIoN@=rQz25.95.102.166.ip.alltel.net)
[13:01] <+MrsJoeyVang> HAHAHAHA
[13:01] <+mn_mean_grul> im not asking for thousands
[13:02] <+Joey_Vang> uh huh
[13:02] <+Joey_Vang> fo sho
[13:02] * Joins: Guest83750 (java@64.160.115.jc112=)
[13:02] <Vinner> mn_mean_gurl has creme pie
[13:02] * Joins: Guest59358 (java@148.8.100.S634=)
[13:02] <+Joey_Vang> meanie's cream pie is all dried up
[13:02] <+Joey_Vang> crusty azz
[13:02] <asian_lady> ok gurls talk to u later
[13:02] <asian_lady> bye mate
[13:02] <+Joey_Vang> hahaha
[13:02] <ALofCourse> hi KAREL25
[13:02] * MissXiong is now known as atlanta_guy
[13:02] <+Joey_Vang> later thomas
[13:02] <+mn_mean_grul> it is
[13:02] * Guest59358 is now known as milw-guy
[13:02] * Quits: asian_lady (java@=Imagal-69-038-143-09.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net)
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[13:02] * MrsJoeyVang is now known as Bethy
[13:02] <+mn_mean_grul> how do you undry it joey
[13:02] * Joins: ScholarLy (scholar@=b9bxdp-44-802-455-710.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.
[13:02] <+mn_mean_grul> you're the expert here
[13:02] * Quits: Civuag (java@158.123.20.ZE51=) (QUIT: User exited)
[13:02] * Guest83750 is now known as Kayla
[13:02] <+Bethy> omg
[13:02] <+Bethy> That fawker is back.
[13:02] <+Bethy> Hi Kayla.
[13:03] <+Bethy> I missed you.
[13:03] <+mn_mean_grul> hi kayla
[13:03] <+Joey_Vang> i need to come over and unplug it pahoua
[13:03] <Kayla> hi BETHY
[13:03] <+Joey_Vang> hahaha
[13:03] <+Joey_Vang> hi kayla
[13:03] <Kayla> MISS U TOO BETHY
[13:03] <+Bethy> Kayla, I'm so pissed. :(
[13:03] <Kayla> HI PAHOUA
[13:03] <+mn_mean_grul> how much will it cost me though joey
[13:03] <Kayla> why bethy?
[13:03] <+mn_mean_grul> im cheap remember
[13:03] <Kayla> hi joey
[13:03] <milw-guy> 2 2hi
[13:03] <+Joey_Vang> free for you
[13:03] <+Joey_Vang> ^_~
[13:03] <+Bethy> Cause Alexander Xiong is a ******.
[13:03] <tW33k3r> Há Há Há Há Há Há ....!!
[13:03] <Kayla> hi chewie
[13:03] <Kayla> hi gary
[13:03] <+Bethy> fuhcker
[13:03] <`JACKASS> HI KAY
[13:03] <milw-guy> 2 any milw ladies wanna chat?
[13:03] <Kayla> what did alex do now
[13:03] <tW33k3r> hey kayla
[13:03] <milw-guy> 2 or nearby?
[13:03] <Kayla> he didnt do phne sex?
[13:03] <+Bethy> LOL
[13:03] <EcStAcYgUrL> tony is htat you?
[13:03] <Kayla> hehehe ^_^
[13:03] <+Bethy> No, not that.
[13:03] <+Bethy> Dork.
[13:03] <Kayla> hi pam
[13:03] <milw-guy> 2 yeah
[13:03] <+Bethy> Why are you always so horny?
[13:04] <milw-guy> 2 i haven't been online for awhile now
[13:04] <Kayla> when it comes ot u behty
[13:04] <EcStAcYgUrL> pc me tony
[13:04] <Kayla> im horny
[13:04] <Vinner> i see the same ole girls everyday in here
[13:04] <hluasnkaujhmoob> Nyob zoo os
[13:04] <+Bethy> lol
[13:04] <Kayla> hi vinny
[13:04] <+Joey_Vang> pc me too
[13:04] <Kayla> bf
[13:04] <+Joey_Vang> shooot
[13:04] <EcStAcYgUrL> corny kayla??
[13:04] <hluasnkaujhmoob> Puas muaj neeg kam tham ua si
[13:04] <Vinner> hi kayla GF
[13:04] <Kayla> corny?
[13:04] * Bethy is now known as NewGirlEveryday
[13:04] <+NewGirlEveryday> Ok
[13:04] <Kayla> me not corny pam
[13:04] <+NewGirlEveryday> I'm a new girl everyday for you Vinny.
[13:04] <Vinner> kayla u got corn?
[13:04] <+NewGirlEveryday> Bye Chewie.
[13:04] <Kayla> yes i do vinny
[13:04] <Kayla> u want some
[13:04] <+Joey_Vang> kayla have corn pie
[13:05] <Vinner> kayla yeah gimme
[13:05] <Kayla> bye chewie
[13:05] <+Joey_Vang> taste funny tho
[13:05] <Vinner> :D
[13:05] <Kayla> w/e jeoy
[13:05] <Kayla> lolz
[13:05] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[13:05] <hluasnkaujhmoob> Hmoob Ca, nrog kuv tham tau mas.
[13:05] <Kayla> jeoy u didnt chew it long enough
[13:05] <ScholarLy> hello
[13:05] * Joins: Miss_Diamond (lka_ke@=Wnj06.168.26.35.mad.wi.charter.com)
[13:05] <ScholarLy> any ladies care to chat
[13:05] * Joins: Guest78091 (java@=yjcazxz0.milwaukee.k12.wi.us)
[13:05] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[13:05] <+NewGirlEveryday> I wanna
[13:05] * Quits: `JACKASS (_JACKASS@=2mBMR-23-77-42-292.kc.res.rr.com) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
[13:05] <ScholarLy> hluasnkaujhmoob koj twb tsis kam tham es
[13:05] <+NewGirlEveryday> lick lick lick lick you from yo head to your toes
[13:05] <+NewGirlEveryday> and I wanna
[13:05] <+Joey_Vang> i try but it kinda have a weird smell
[13:05] * Guest78091 is now known as Miltown-Babygurl
[13:05] <hluasnkaujhmoob> Kam kawg mas
[13:05] <Kayla> who u talking to bethy
[13:05] * Joins: Guest81524 (java@=Suonjp-60-40-924-605.rev.o1.com)
[13:05] <+Joey_Vang> hahaha
[13:05] <Miltown-Babygurl> waddup
[13:05] <+NewGirlEveryday> moo moo moove down down down to the flooe
[13:05] <+NewGirlEveryday> and I wanna
[13:05] <hluasnkaujhmoob> Kuv tsis paub nej xwb os nawb
[13:06] <+NewGirlEveryday> UGH UGH UGH you make it so good I dun wanna leave
[13:06] <+mn_mean_grul> hhmmmm
[13:06] <+NewGirlEveryday> you kayla
[13:06] <Kayla> dam...this chatting is getting tiring.........
[13:06] <Vinner> kayla u have yellow or white corn?
[13:06] <Kayla> my fingers hurt already
[13:06] <ScholarLy> ua li wb pc
[13:06] <hluasnkaujhmoob> HmoobCa, kuv nyob qaum teb tuaj os.
[13:06] <Vinner> :D
[13:06] <+NewGirlEveryday> and I wanna EF EF EF EF EF EF your fan fantasy!!
[13:06] <+NewGirlEveryday> lol Kayla
[13:06] <+Joey_Vang> kayla have pink corn
[13:06] <Kayla> i have white corn vinny ...the BEST
[13:06] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[13:06] <+mn_mean_grul> bethy those cake are giving you energy
[13:06] <hluasnkaujhmoob> HmoobCa, koj yog xeem dabtsi mas los?
[13:06] <Kayla> oh JOEY...DONT TELL MAN
[13:06] <+NewGirlEveryday> the cake is making me wanna go shiet
[13:06] <ALofCourse> hello hluasnkauj
[13:06] * Kayla blushing now
[13:06] <+NewGirlEveryday> I feel the diarreah coming on
[13:06] * Joins: gtujdgj (sugar@=CCgluenz-
[13:07] <hluasnkaujhmoob> HmoobCa, I'm old enough to be your lover.
[13:07] <+Joey_Vang> pinkish yellow
[13:07] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[13:07] <hluasnkaujhmoob> Los
[13:07] <hluasnkaujhmoob> Kuv yog xeem Yaj os
[13:07] <sOmE_lADY> hi kayla
[13:07] * Quits: Guest92497 (java@=YWiqpx-14-616-98-672.dsl.sktn01.pacbell.net)
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[13:07] * Debbie` was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk: spam h
[13:07] <Kayla> hi some lday
[13:07] <Kayla> muaks
[13:07] <+mn_mean_grul> hmmm
[13:07] <pAAjFuAB_DiMpLeS_414> hMmMmM...sO HoTT!!
[13:07] <hluasnkaujhmoob> Nyob zoo os Hlubkojxwb
[13:07] <+NewGirlEveryday> Kayla
[13:07] <+NewGirlEveryday> is PT down?
[13:07] <+NewGirlEveryday> :(
[13:07] <Kayla> no its now bethy
[13:07] <+NewGirlEveryday> ok
[13:07] <Kayla> i went there yeste4rday
[13:07] <+NewGirlEveryday> www.paltalk.com
[13:07] <+mn_mean_grul> hey someone translate
[13:07] <Kayla> and laugh my head off agian
[13:07] <+mn_mean_grul> i cant read hmong
[13:08] <+Joey_Vang> what you need pahoua
[13:08] <Miltown-Babygurl> who wanna chat wit meeh
[13:08] <+Joey_Vang> i will translate for you
[13:08] <Kayla> dont ask joey
[13:08] <+mn_mean_grul> i need you joey
[13:08] <Kayla> he cant read hmong
[13:08] <+mn_mean_grul> can you translate yourself joey?
[13:08] <Miltown-Babygurl> wat????
[13:08] <+Joey_Vang> i can too
[13:08] <hluasnkaujhmoob> Sau ntawv tuaj mas nej na
[13:08] * +NewGirlEveryday sneeze.
[13:08] * +NewGirlEveryday sneeze.
[13:08] <Kayla> BETHY
[13:08] <+Joey_Vang> yes of course
[13:08] <+mn_mean_grul> okay that rite there
[13:08] * +NewGirlEveryday sneezes again.
[13:08] <+NewGirlEveryday> Abtsi nas?
[13:08] <+NewGirlEveryday> oops
[13:08] <Kayla> BETHY
[13:08] <+NewGirlEveryday> I mean
[13:08] <+NewGirlEveryday> Bethy?> Where?!
[13:08] <hluasnkaujhmoob> hehehehehehe
[13:08] * Quits: Guest81524 (java@=Suonjp-60-40-924-605.rev.o1.com) (Ping Timeou
[13:08] <+mn_mean_grul> translate that
[13:08] <pAAjFuAB_DiMpLeS_414> Hey WHo's U MILtown Gurl???
[13:08] <hluasnkaujhmoob> sure Hmoob Ca,
[13:09] <+Joey_Vang> translate what
[13:09] <+mn_mean_grul> pc me too
[13:09] <hluasnkaujhmoob> Thanks for your time
[13:09] <+mn_mean_grul> maybe my pc is not working
[13:09] <Kayla> CLICK ON MY NAME BETHY
[13:09] <+Joey_Vang> the heck you talking about
[13:09] <Kayla> TO SEE IF ITS UMODE OR NOT
[13:09] <Kayla> O OK..
[13:09] <Kayla> I SEE THANKS GIRL
[13:09] <Kayla> HAHAHA
[13:09] <+mn_mean_grul> joey i was saying translate what those hmong words mean
[13:09] <hluasnkaujhmoob> wat evar hmoob Ca.
[13:09] <Kayla> OK...BETHY GO POOP THAN
[13:09] <Kayla> LOLZ
[13:09] <+NewGirlEveryday> hahaha
[13:09] <Kayla> HAHAHHA
[13:09] <Kayla> DAMMIT
[13:09] <+NewGirlEveryday> HAHAHA
[13:09] <+Joey_Vang> where
[13:09] <+mn_mean_grul> haha@kayla
[13:10] <hluasnkaujhmoob> Puas muaj neeg xav sau lus sib dho?
[13:10] <Kayla> quit talking about poop in there
[13:10] <Kayla> bethy
[13:10] <+mn_mean_grul> is your pc working kayla
[13:10] <Kayla> hahahahah
[13:10] <Kayla> yeah its working...
[13:10] <+mn_mean_grul> nv joey
[13:10] * +NewGirlEveryday farts
[13:10] <hluasnkaujhmoob> Puas muaj neeg xav sau lus sib dho?
[13:10] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[13:10] <+NewGirlEveryday> I just farted
[13:10] <+NewGirlEveryday> and it smells like chip
[13:10] <+NewGirlEveryday> hahahahha
[13:10] <+mn_mean_grul> you're too busy pcing anyways joey
[13:10] <+NewGirlEveryday> wow
[13:10] <Kayla> ewwwwwwww
[13:10] <+NewGirlEveryday> it's strong too
[13:10] <+NewGirlEveryday> jeez
[13:10] <ALofCourse> nasty
[13:10] * Joins: VinCintt (buff_daddi@=m5ls-kjj-nres0-578-16-355-303.cpinternet.
[13:10] <+NewGirlEveryday> I hate it when I fart
[13:10] <+NewGirlEveryday> it smells so strong
[13:10] <+mn_mean_grul> okay bethy
[13:10] <+mn_mean_grul> haha
[13:10] * Quits: fatdude (java@=INls-kjj-nres0-578-16-366-393.cpinternet.com) (Q
UIT: User exited)
[13:11] * Quits: sacguy (java@=ESela-60-300-109-091.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net) (QUI
T: User exited)
[13:11] * Vinner yawns
[13:11] <hluasnkaujhmoob> well
[13:11] * Quits: sOmE_lADY (java@=Vdxtegpwcs-hdzf2.clients.athenet.net) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[13:11] <hluasnkaujhmoob> I guess not
[13:11] <+Joey_Vang> well
[13:11] <+Joey_Vang> guess so
[13:11] <ScholarLy> kuv kam mas hluasnkaujhmoob
[13:11] <ScholarLy> siab coob
[13:11] * Joins: jellorice (plastlk@=youbxz-49-816-538-24.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.n
[13:11] <+NewGirlEveryday> Hi Yeng Vue.
[13:11] * Quits: hluasnkaujhmoob (java@66.242.1.Ee39=) (QUIT: User exited)
[13:11] <ScholarLy> siab phem siab ntais ntuj, siab txia ntshav
[13:11] * Joins: Guest50309 (____@64.122.218.bx413=)
[13:11] <tW33k3r> siab phem..
[13:11] <tW33k3r> Há Há Há Há Há Há ....!!
[13:11] <jellorice> hi NewGirlEveryday
[13:11] <tW33k3r> yeah rite..!
[13:11] <jellorice> hi all
[13:11] <+mn_mean_grul> hmmm
[13:11] <+NewGirlEveryday> Oh
[13:11] <+mn_mean_grul> its so quiet now
[13:11] <+NewGirlEveryday> Hi Yengie baby.
[13:12] <+Joey_Vang> cause bethy farted
[13:12] <+NewGirlEveryday> haha
[13:12] <+NewGirlEveryday> HSH
[13:12] <+NewGirlEveryday> SHHHH
[13:12] <hmoob-ca> hluasnkaujhmoob....you want to?
[13:12] <+mn_mean_grul> newgirl you fit rite in so perfectly
[13:12] <+Joey_Vang> we airing the room
[13:12] <+NewGirlEveryday> Hi Yeng who just signed on MSN.
[13:12] <+Joey_Vang> hahaha
[13:12] * Guest50309 is now known as wifey
[13:12] <hmoob-ca> you want to start?
[13:12] <+NewGirlEveryday> Thanks Pahoua.
[13:12] <+NewGirlEveryday> hahaha
[13:12] <+Joey_Vang> hi annie
[13:12] <+mn_mean_grul> haha
[13:12] <+NewGirlEveryday> Bye Yneg who signed off MSN
[13:12] <+NewGirlEveryday> Yeng*
[13:12] <Vinner> who got pix?
[13:12] * Quits: hlubkojxwb (java@=yjcazxz0.milwaukee.k12.wi.us) (QUIT: User exi
[13:12] * Joins: GuyNextDoor (_____@=kdwida-0orab5h.cable.mindspring.com)
[13:13] <wifey> Hi Joey.
[13:13] <Vinner> i meant
[13:13] <jellorice> no just updating it
[13:13] <+NewGirlEveryday> Hi Yeng again who signedon MSN
[13:13] <+NewGirlEveryday> hahaha
[13:13] * Quits: urman (java@=8Jzqs6.cimalabs.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[13:13] <+Joey_Vang> annie you on time delay
[13:13] <Kayla> hi anniee
[13:13] <+NewGirlEveryday> Im stalking you Yeng.
[13:13] <jellorice> hah'
[13:13] <Vinner> anyone wants to msn?
[13:13] <+NewGirlEveryday> Hi Kayla Lee.
[13:13] * Joins: Guest77560 (java@=FpED967MO1.ipt.aol.com)
[13:13] <+Joey_Vang> guess so
[13:13] <+NewGirlEveryday> Ann.
[13:13] * Guest77560 is now known as jkehvo
[13:13] <+NewGirlEveryday> Kayla.
[13:13] <jkehvo> jhejj
[13:13] <Vinner> anyone wants to msn? PC me
[13:13] <+mn_mean_grul> isnt this kind of like msn already?
[13:13] <Vinner> no
[13:13] * my_insperation[brb] is now known as my_insperation
[13:13] <+NewGirlEveryday> No Pahoua.
[13:13] <Vinner> this is not msn
[13:13] <+mn_mean_grul> haha
[13:13] <+NewGirlEveryday> No face cybering.
[13:13] <+mn_mean_grul> i know its not
[13:14] <+NewGirlEveryday> On MSN, you can make face cybering.
[13:14] <+NewGirlEveryday> Like i do to Hoey.
[13:14] <+NewGirlEveryday> hahaha
[13:14] <Vinner> i cant make any smiley faces in here
[13:14] <+mn_mean_grul> i know
[13:14] <jkehvo> n/nhlub koj
[13:14] <+mn_mean_grul> yes you can
[13:14] * Quits: hmOng-laYdEe (java@=cn02-94-83-791.atlaga.adelphia.net) (QUIT:
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[13:14] <Vinner> ;)
[13:14] <+mn_mean_grul> see
[13:14] <ScholarLy> **** this is so boring
[13:14] <+mn_mean_grul> thats a smiling face
[13:14] <Vinner> thats not even a face
[13:14] <Vinner> and yellow
[13:14] <+mn_mean_grul> haha
[13:14] * Quits: FriendlyNiceAndSweetGuy (friendlyni@=Ba71-713-90-415.dhcp.hckr.
nc.charter.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[13:15] <ScholarLy> ur girlfriend left u for another guy and now she's back woul
d u take her back or not...she's been gone for a year
[13:15] * Quits: jkehvo (java@=FpED967MO1.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[13:15] <+mn_mean_grul> wow scholarly
[13:15] <+Joey_Vang> DONT TAKE HER BACK
[13:15] <+mn_mean_grul> haha
[13:15] <+Joey_Vang> LOCK THE DOOR
[13:15] <+mn_mean_grul> that was a quick answer joey
[13:15] <+NewGirlEveryday> hey
[13:15] <+NewGirlEveryday> Kayla
[13:15] <+NewGirlEveryday> KAYLA
[13:15] <my_insperation> i agree with joey!
[13:15] <+Joey_Vang> Bootay call is OK
[13:15] <+NewGirlEveryday> KAYLA ANN
[13:15] <+Joey_Vang> hahaha
[13:15] <ScholarLy> but u still have feelings for her
[13:15] <+Joey_Vang> friends with benefit
[13:16] <Vinner> ok i got an issues too
[13:16] <my_insperation> lols@ joey
[13:16] <+mn_mean_grul> everything is always bootay for joey
[13:16] <my_insperation> what's that vinner?
[13:16] <+Joey_Vang> she done it once..she'll do it again
[13:16] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[13:16] <+Joey_Vang> not my insperation
[13:16] <ScholarLy> ever since she left you, all that you have been doing for th
is whole year is think of her and have nto move on yet
[13:16] <+Joey_Vang> she's a keeper
[13:16] <+mn_mean_grul> wow joey niam txawj xav npaum ntawv
[13:16] <Vinner> lets say ur GF was sleepin wit ur neighbor
[13:16] <+mn_mean_grul> haha
[13:16] <+mn_mean_grul> wow vinner
[13:16] <Vinner> while u was at work
[13:16] <+mn_mean_grul> never take her back
[13:16] <my_insperation> aww...thanx joey
[13:16] <+NewGirlEveryday> KAYLA!!!!!!!!!!
[13:16] <+Joey_Vang> uh huh
[13:16] <ScholarLy> but dont u feel sorry for her
[13:16] * Quits: red_bull (Chatz@=gps-88-4-585-60.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
[13:16] <Kayla> yes
[13:16] <+Joey_Vang> : )
[13:16] <Kayla> BETHYYYYYY
[13:16] <+NewGirlEveryday> fawk
[13:17] <+NewGirlEveryday> It didn't work.
[13:17] <Kayla> U POOPING
[13:17] <+NewGirlEveryday> :\
[13:17] <ScholarLy> i mean after all we all are human being, capable of making m
[13:17] <Kayla> WAT
[13:17] <Vinner> lol
[13:17] * Quits: +mn_mean_grul (java@=QZ48-127-13-3.mpls.qwest.net) (QUIT: User
[13:17] <Vinner> ok so i cant make any story
[13:17] <+Joey_Vang> we are but do we not have feelings as well
[13:17] <ScholarLy> and it's those mistakes and wrong choice we make and needs f
orgiveness in order for us to improve ourselves
[13:17] <pAAjFuAB_DiMpLeS_414> REBOUND.....HAHAH
[13:17] <Vinner> blah
[13:17] <+NewGirlEveryday> hmmm
[13:17] * Quits: +NewGirlEveryday (java@=J3u-92-172-411-357.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
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[13:17] <+Joey_Vang> mistakes are choice they made
[13:17] <NewGirlEveryday> man
[13:17] <my_insperation> true
[13:17] * NewGirlEveryday is now known as Bethy
[13:18] * Guest76225 is now known as `benji
[13:18] <+Joey_Vang> so i say...forget her and let love live in the past for her
[13:18] * Quits: Miltown-Babygurl (java@=yjcazxz0.milwaukee.k12.wi.us) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
[13:18] * Joins: Guest75394 (java@=3eipbe-75q1p2u.cable.mindspring.com)
[13:18] <ScholarLy> joey
[13:18] <Vinner> so does kayla
[13:18] <Kayla> ^_^
[13:18] <+Joey_Vang> sup bro
[13:18] <+Joey_Vang> i do kayla
[13:18] <Kayla> NOPE VINNY
[13:18] <+Joey_Vang> can pick you kayla
[13:18] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[13:18] <Vinner> i just want a girl who wants only one man
[13:18] <Kayla> SURE JOEY........I WAS LAST ON UR LIST
[13:18] * Guest75394 is now known as The_APPrentice
[13:18] <ScholarLy> how can love live in the past
[13:18] * Faith [Wang@82.201.232.YQ037=] is on IRC
[13:18] * Faith has left IRC
[13:18] * Joins: llccd (java@=rBavuv-66-989-518-08.prov.east.verizon.net)
[13:18] <Vinner> so hard to find these days
[13:19] <ScholarLy> vinner, but she's not your wife yet, and u're not her husban
d yet
[13:19] <ScholarLy> she has the freewill to explore, so do you
[13:19] <+Joey_Vang> love live in memories
[13:19] <Bethy> http://vnboards.ign.com/boards.asp?brd=5258
[13:19] <+Joey_Vang> time have changed
[13:19] <Kayla> can we not talk about love
[13:19] <ScholarLy> and like they say in hmong, "cia nws mus pom dej dag, kom si
ab nqig tso.."
[13:19] <Kayla> LOVE BRINGS TEARS
[13:19] <Kayla> HEARTACHES
[13:19] <The_APPrentice> hi Kaykla
[13:19] <+Joey_Vang> sup yee
[13:19] <Vinner> todays topic is abut love... not sex
[13:19] * Joins: Cindy21 (KUR_20sm@=cs84-555-510-80.dclient.hispeed.ch)
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[13:19] * Cindy21 was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk: spam h
[13:19] <Vinner> lol
[13:20] <ScholarLy> yog siab tsis nqig mas yeej tsis tas
[13:20] <The_APPrentice> sup Joey
[13:20] <Vinner> but love leads to sex
[13:20] <Vinner> that will come later tonite
[13:20] <+Joey_Vang> sorry bro i cant read hmoob
[13:20] <Vinner> please stay tuned
[13:20] <+Joey_Vang> <----kinda raum
[13:20] <+Joey_Vang> :D
[13:20] * Joins: iCANdoTHAT (blah@=3nQPK-54-172-493-645.wi.res.rr.com)
[13:20] <my_insperation> lol@ joey
[13:20] <+Joey_Vang> all i know is that kuv hlub my insperation xwb
[13:20] <+Joey_Vang> :D
[13:20] * Quits: iCANdoTHAT (blah@=3nQPK-54-172-493-645.wi.res.rr.com) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
[13:20] * angel [_dZire@] is on IRC (aol)
[13:20] * angel has left IRC
[13:21] <wifey> Hi Apprentice!
[13:21] <my_insperation> lols
[13:21] <my_insperation> haha
[13:21] <my_insperation> muaks!
[13:21] <+Joey_Vang> vim she is the sould that sing and dance within me
[13:21] <+Joey_Vang> :D
[13:21] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[13:21] * Quits: llccd (java@=rBavuv-66-989-518-08.prov.east.verizon.net) (QUIT:
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[13:21] <+Joey_Vang> she echos of time long ago and opens my eyes to see the fut
[13:22] <my_insperation> wow joey...so poetic
[13:22] <Kayla> hi yee
[13:22] <+Joey_Vang> she is my insperation for living..for loving
[13:22] <my_insperation> :P
[13:22] <+Joey_Vang> :P~
[13:22] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[13:22] * Joins: Guest73630 (java@=jZgtna-43-969-344-37.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
[13:22] <my_insperation> hehe
[13:22] <Vinner> any girls that likes only one guy at a time wanna chat?
[13:22] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[13:22] <Kayla> love, brings nothing but tears and heartaches
[13:22] <tW33k3r> love is funny
[13:22] * Joins: maya (maya@205.215.222.hX832=)
[13:22] <my_insperation> lol @ vinner
[13:22] <+Joey_Vang> love brings forth new insperation
[13:22] <tW33k3r> Há Há Há Há Há Há ....!!
[13:22] <ScholarLy> love is the source of all energy, yet i can also be the sour
ce of all failure
[13:22] <my_insperation> lols
[13:22] <Kayla> only if u found the rite love joey
[13:23] <EcStAcYgUrL> kou pc me
[13:23] * Quits: lil_sunshine21 (java@=RuFB043EK0.ipt.aol.com) (Ping Timeout)
[13:23] <Kayla> can it bring new inspiration
[13:23] * maya smiles at everyone in the room :-)
[13:23] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[13:23] <Vinner> mh_insperation.. why u laff? its not gonna happen huh?
[13:23] <+Joey_Vang> love is love
[13:23] <ScholarLy> Pam i will only be on very quick
[13:23] <+Joey_Vang> no right or wrong
[13:23] * maya is now known as maya53447
[13:23] <Kayla> but when i found joey........he brought me tears and heataches
[13:23] * Quits: maya53447 (maya@205.215.222.hX832=) (QUIT: User exited)
[13:23] <my_insperation> hey!! have faith dude!!
[13:23] <ScholarLy> on my lunch break only
[13:23] <+Joey_Vang> if it's not right it wouldnt be love
[13:23] <Vinner> lol
[13:23] <Kayla> ^_^
[13:23] <my_insperation> i believe that their is someone out there for all of us
[13:23] <Kayla> yes there is
[13:24] <Kayla> its call soulmate
[13:24] * Joins: Guest75041 (java@=Ozjcvs-45-09-272-78.rev.o1.com)
[13:24] <+Joey_Vang> you found joey wondering aimlessly among the clouds of hell
[13:24] <+Joey_Vang> hahaha
[13:24] <Vinner> and i believe there is a here in all of us
[13:24] <my_insperation> yups
[13:24] <ScholarLy> how do you know if you found the right onw or not
[13:24] <Vinner> and i believe there is a hero in all of us
[13:24] * Guest75041 is now known as NIGHT_ROCKER
[13:24] * Joins: Jaacinda (hrnyalex28@=EICkkprwn-PPI-qrj8573927.sympatico.ca)
[13:24] <NIGHT_ROCKER> 2
[13:24] <ScholarLy> because i thought i did and she left me after a two year rel
[13:24] <Vinner> wait thats from spiderman
[13:24] <+Joey_Vang> that's why tear and heartache came to you
[13:24] <Bethy> http://www.shopinprivate.com/vibconxtremr.html FOR YOU KAYLA
[13:24] <Bethy> cause I love you
[13:24] <ScholarLy> to be with a guy she just met for 2 weeks and have never see
n him
[13:24] <Vinner> doh!!!
[13:24] * Joins: SABRlNA (smith_820@=xdLVzxecx-562-1-80-898.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.
[13:24] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@*.fr
[13:24] * SABRlNA was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk: spam h
[13:24] <Vinner> lol
[13:24] * Kayla yeah....so i shot joey's wings so he will fall back on earth
[13:24] * Let [Sak_Oa_keg@] is on IRC (~let)
[13:24] * Let [Sak_Oa_keg@] has left IRC
[13:25] <+Joey_Vang> you shot his heart
[13:25] <+Joey_Vang> :P~
[13:25] <Kayla> :P
[13:25] <Kayla> with my arrow of love
[13:25] <Bethy> KAYLA
[13:25] <wifey> Joey, did aims leave?
[13:25] <Kayla> yes..
[13:25] <+Joey_Vang> no wonder he drift without a care
[13:25] <Bethy> DID YOU CLICK ONIT?
[13:25] <Bethy> http://www.shopinprivate.com/vibconxtremr.html
[13:25] <Bethy> http://www.shopinprivate.com/vibconxtremr.html
[13:25] * Joins: Guest71785 (java@=Tgzfrf-57-362-76-066.dsl.sktn01.pacbell.net)
[13:25] <Bethy> FOR YOU KAYLA
[13:25] <Kayla> wat is that
[13:25] <Kayla> i cant bethy im at work dorko
[13:25] <+Joey_Vang> Annie...aim is busy with me
[13:25] <Bethy> :(
[13:25] * Guest71785 is now known as nothingness
[13:25] <+Joey_Vang> hahaha
[13:25] <Bethy> Fine Kayla.
[13:25] * Guest73630 is now known as PHAT-COCK
[13:25] <Bethy> http://www.shopinprivate.com/vibconxtremr.html FOR YOU HOEY
[13:25] * Quits: NIGHT_ROCKER (java@=Ozjcvs-45-09-272-78.rev.o1.com) (QUIT: User
[13:25] <+Joey_Vang> ok bethy
[13:25] <tW33k3r> yeha..fuk them hoez..!!!
[13:25] <wifey> hahaha .. Joey, quit your nonsense!
[13:25] <ALofCourse> fishing is better
[13:25] <PHAT-COCK> where's all the slu_ts at
[13:25] <nothingness> joey u seen my baby in yet
[13:26] <+Joey_Vang> nah i havent nothingness
[13:26] <Kayla> joey?
[13:26] <+Joey_Vang> Annie you think i'm kidding you
[13:26] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[13:26] <+Joey_Vang> sup kayla
[13:26] <nothingness> she didnt come in yet joey
[13:26] <Kayla> have u seen my JOEY yet?
[13:26] <+Joey_Vang> no she didnt
[13:26] <wifey> Joey, when do you NOT kidd around.
[13:26] <PHAT-COCK> where's all the bit_ches that want to fu_ck i know your ther
e don't hide in shame
[13:26] <nothingness> u know who she is right joey
[13:26] <+Joey_Vang> kayla i did..he's somewhere around here
[13:26] <+Joey_Vang> yeap i know who she is nothingness
[13:27] <+Joey_Vang> Annie i'm sooo serious and yet
[13:27] <nothingness> nancy right
[13:27] <+Joey_Vang> uh huh
[13:27] <nothingness> okay
[13:27] <+Joey_Vang> yeap
[13:27] <nothingness> dammit her
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[13:27] * angel [java@85.100.254.UB674=] is on IRC (aol)
[13:27] * ChanServ sets mode: +o acara
[13:27] * angel has left IRC
[13:27] <+Joey_Vang> i think the library is closed
[13:27] <wifey> Joey, I'll pretend I believe you .. so you'll be happy just for
the moment :D
[13:27] <nothingness> lol
[13:27] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[13:27] <nothingness> funny
[13:27] <nothingness> okay late
[13:27] <+Joey_Vang> Annie one moment is enough to last me a lifetime
[13:27] <+Joey_Vang> aight d
[13:27] <ALofCourse> hello WIFEY
[13:27] <wifey> GreaT then Joey.
[13:28] * Quits: nothingness (java@=Tgzfrf-57-362-76-066.dsl.sktn01.pacbell.net)
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[13:28] <+Joey_Vang> of course
[13:28] <wifey> Tell aims to get out of your shoebox then.
[13:28] <wifey> Hello ALofCourse.
[13:28] <+Joey_Vang> she too fat to fit in my shoebox
[13:28] <+Joey_Vang> ahaha
[13:28] <wifey> lol
[13:28] * Joins: aLLySa (TFastness@=NNzb76-189-4-629.nc.hr.cox.net)
[13:28] <+Joey_Vang> dont tell her that
[13:28] * wifey gasps *
[13:28] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[13:28] <wifey> Imma sooo tell her !
[13:28] <aLLySa> Hi Freakin Annie!!
[13:28] <+Joey_Vang> shiieeet
[13:28] <wifey> Hi Freakin Ally!!
[13:28] <+Joey_Vang> she's gonna kill me
[13:28] <+Joey_Vang> hahaha
[13:28] <wifey> She is soo gonna kill you!
[13:28] <+Joey_Vang> hi ally
[13:28] <wifey> And then she's soo not gonna chat with you
[13:28] <aLLySa> Hi Hoey my dream lover
[13:28] <Bethy> Hi Ally.
[13:29] <Bethy> I have a present for you.
[13:29] <+Joey_Vang> maybe i wont go to the july tourney
[13:29] <Bethy> http://www.shopinprivate.com/vibconxtremr.html <--
[13:29] <tW33k3r> whasSUP ally..!!!
[13:29] <aLLySa> Hi Beth
[13:29] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[13:29] <tW33k3r> bak in town..?
[13:29] <my_insperation> BYE JOEY...TALK TO YOU LATER!!!
[13:29] <aLLySa> Hi Gary
[13:29] <aLLySa> Nope....on friday
[13:29] <+Joey_Vang> bye insperation
[13:29] <tW33k3r> koOL deAL
[13:29] * Joins: sirc_user (sirc@=75snh-864.118.120.81.revip.asianet.co.th)
[13:29] <PHAT-COCK> hey allysa i heard you like to screw
[13:29] <+Joey_Vang> behave for me
[13:29] * Quits: my_insperation (java@=RPinPXFO-499.216-254-227.iw.net) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[13:29] <PHAT-COCK> hey bethy you from OR?
[13:29] <Bethy> No.
[13:29] <Bethy> I'm from MN.
[13:29] <Bethy> Duh!
[13:29] * Quits: Vinner (fasdgsg@ (Ping Timeout)
[13:29] <tW33k3r> duh..!!!!!!!!!
[13:29] <tW33k3r> Há Há Há Há Há Há ....!!
[13:29] <PHAT-COCK> bethy your a fat liar
[13:29] <Kayla> aight bye peeps
[13:29] * Joins: Guest72701 (java@=6p38-220-72-5.mpls.qwest.net)
[13:29] <Kayla> bye bethy see ya later
[13:30] <Kayla> bye joey
[13:30] <Bethy> I am fat.
[13:30] <Bethy> So what?
[13:30] <Kayla> bye gary
[13:30] <+Joey_Vang> bye kayla
[13:30] <Bethy> Bye Kayla!
[13:30] <tW33k3r> bye kayla..then a sexy gurl..!
[13:30] <PHAT-COCK> if your bethy from OR guess what guys i heard she got herpes
[13:30] <+Joey_Vang> bethy is fat like aimee
[13:30] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[13:30] <PHAT-COCK> and warts all over her punany
[13:30] <Bethy> Ooh
[13:30] <+Joey_Vang> dammit i think i'm really gonna get it
[13:30] <Bethy> I want herpes too!!
[13:30] <+Joey_Vang> i got HIV
[13:30] <wifey> lol.
[13:30] * Quits: Guest72701 (java@=6p38-220-72-5.mpls.qwest.net) (QUIT: User exi
[13:30] <+Joey_Vang> want some
[13:30] * wifey slaps Joey *
[13:30] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[13:30] <+Joey_Vang> wifey harder
[13:30] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[13:30] <PHAT-COCK> bethy is from or she gotta lie to chat hahaha what a loser
[13:31] * Quits: PHAT-COCK (java@=jZgtna-43-969-344-37.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net) (
QUIT: User exited)
[13:31] * wifey slaps Joey again *
[13:31] <Bethy> ahhahaha
[13:31] <+Joey_Vang> dammit...i said HARDER
[13:31] <+Joey_Vang> give it to me
[13:31] <+Joey_Vang> hahaha
[13:31] * Parts: Kayla (java@64.160.115.jc112=)
[13:31] <wifey> OMG!
[13:31] <+Joey_Vang> hahaha
[13:31] * Quits: ScholarLy (scholar@=b9bxdp-44-802-455-710.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.
net) (QUIT: User exited)
[13:31] <+Joey_Vang> scared
[13:31] * wifey slaps some sense into Joey *
[13:31] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[13:31] <+Joey_Vang> annie ruam
[13:32] * Quits: ALofCourse (java@=8idnpz.sukut.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[13:32] * Joins: Guest69357 (java@=alJPI76UX6.ipt.aol.com)
[13:32] <wifey> Joey ruam!
[13:32] * Quits: `benji (java@66.136.159.jv781=) (Connection reset by peer)
[13:32] * Joins: NASTY_LOVER (Chatz@=l1k-44-0-867-15.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[13:32] <+Joey_Vang> mob
[13:32] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[13:32] <+Joey_Vang> ok
[13:32] <wifey> What
[13:32] <+Joey_Vang> sense working on me
[13:32] * Joins: Guest72660 (java@65.126.88.ng283=)
[13:32] * Joins: Guest69243 (java@=yQvaeq-07-973-739-173.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
[13:32] <+Joey_Vang> :D
[13:32] <wifey> GOOD!
[13:32] <+Joey_Vang> yog zoo os me nkauj annie
[13:32] * Guest72660 is now known as MN_Yang_Lady_26
[13:33] <MN_Yang_Lady_26> joey, staci said hi
[13:33] <+Joey_Vang> :D
[13:33] <+Joey_Vang> hi staci
[13:33] <wifey> oK Joey. Your hmong totally sucks!
[13:33] * aLLySa agrees with Annie *
[13:33] <+Joey_Vang> better than ally
[13:33] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[13:33] <wifey> hahaha
[13:33] <aLLySa> Joey dont make me bust out my hmong on you
[13:33] * Guest69243 is now known as PeterVang
[13:33] <+Joey_Vang> like you got some
[13:33] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[13:33] * Quits: GuyNextDoor (_____@=kdwida-0orab5h.cable.mindspring.com) (Ping
[13:33] <Bethy> Bye!
[13:33] * Quits: Bethy (java@=J3u-92-172-411-357.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (QUIT: Use
r exited)
[13:33] <Guest69357> hi tseem tos
[13:34] <MN_Yang_Lady_26> joey, she said bye
[13:34] <PeterVang> hi people
[13:34] <aLLySa> Joey I wouldnt want to make you look bad infront of all these g
irls, would I?
[13:34] <+Joey_Vang> bye staci
[13:34] <wifey> Do it Ally.
[13:34] <aLLySa> Hi Peter
[13:34] <wifey> Do it Ally.
[13:34] <aLLySa> lol
[13:34] <PeterVang> hi ally
[13:34] * Quits: Guest69357 (java@=alJPI76UX6.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[13:34] <+Joey_Vang> ally you do it best
[13:34] <+Joey_Vang> hahaha
[13:34] <wifey> hahaha
[13:34] <aLLySa> Joey dont make me pass out your number
[13:34] <aLLySa> :)
[13:34] <+Joey_Vang> ok
[13:34] <MN_Yang_Lady_26> im not staci------but i was just passing her messages
along to u
[13:34] <+Joey_Vang> i'll shut up
[13:34] <aLLySa> lol
[13:34] * Joins: HotFob (hotman@=vsDJK-81-13-058-259.mn.res.rr.com)
[13:35] <wifey> Ally, pass it this way
[13:35] <wifey> hahaha
[13:35] <+Joey_Vang> thank you MN Yang lady
[13:35] <HotFob> hey wifey!!!!!!!!!
[13:35] <MN_Yang_Lady_26> ur welcome
[13:35] <aLLySa> Annie you might fall in love with Joey's voice
[13:35] <HotFob> hi joey!
[13:35] * Quits: MN_Yang_Lady_26 (java@65.126.88.ng283=) (QUIT: User exited)
[13:35] <+Joey_Vang> annie 1-800-SEX-JOEY
[13:35] <wifey> Hey HotFob!!
[13:35] <+Joey_Vang> sup hotfob
[13:35] <HotFob> hi allysa!
[13:35] <wifey> Ally, Trust me I won't.
[13:35] <+Joey_Vang> hahaha
[13:35] <aLLySa> Hi HotFob
[13:35] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[13:35] <HotFob> ho y'll doing?
[13:35] <HotFob> you guys find my a wife yet?
[13:35] <pAAjFuAB_DiMpLeS_414> 
[13:35] <wifey> Joey, its your sexy secretary
[13:36] * Joins: Guest72187 (java@=MG08-403-70-9.mpls.qwest.net)
[13:36] <+Joey_Vang> wat annie
[13:36] <PeterVang> everybody is os far away... i wonder if anybody is near me
[13:36] * Quits: +`ShAnEeQuA` (jskldf@=oyud43-25-885-229.ok.ok.cox.net) (Ping Ti
[13:36] <PeterVang> so
[13:36] * Joins: TOu_ (here_n_The@=TO6Kwxu502.tnt24.atl4.da.uu.net)
[13:36] <+Joey_Vang> ok
[13:36] * Quits: Guest72187 (java@=MG08-403-70-9.mpls.qwest.net) (QUIT: User exi
[13:36] * aLLySa licky lick TOu *
[13:36] <+Joey_Vang> i should work
[13:37] <wifey> Good idea Joey.
[13:37] <+Joey_Vang> but i dont want to cause annie and ally is here
[13:37] <wifey> Come work for me.
[13:37] * TOu_ Double Licky lick Ally :P~~!!!!!
[13:37] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[13:37] <aLLySa> haha
[13:37] <wifey> lol
[13:37] <+Joey_Vang> work for you
[13:37] <+Joey_Vang> humm
[13:37] * Joins: So_what_if_I_am_not_handsome (Broken@=7Eh-24-831-273-32.hsd1.mn
[13:37] <EcStAcYgUrL> ally who you give my number too?/
[13:37] <+Joey_Vang> any good benefit
[13:37] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[13:37] <aLLySa> Stupid guys!!!!!!!!
[13:37] <EcStAcYgUrL> he said he ur cousin??
[13:37] <wifey> Definetly Joey.
[13:37] <aLLySa> Pam, its Thomas
[13:37] <+Joey_Vang> yeah
[13:37] <pAAjFuAB_DiMpLeS_414> *MiSsEs JoSh YaNg*
[13:37] <aLLySa> Thomas from Assuie
[13:37] <aLLySa> aussie*
[13:38] <EcStAcYgUrL> thomas?
[13:38] <PeterVang> ally been showing tou some boo tay throug msn eh?
[13:38] <PeterVang> lol
[13:38] <EcStAcYgUrL> no wonder he was gfobby
[13:38] <EcStAcYgUrL> hahaha
[13:38] <aLLySa> LoL@Peter
[13:38] <+Joey_Vang> i dont know annie
[13:38] <aLLySa> LoL@Pam
[13:38] <aLLySa> He said he's gonna come visit you
[13:38] <aLLySa> Or something
[13:38] <wifey> Oh c'mon Joey.
[13:38] <EcStAcYgUrL> for wut?/
[13:38] <aLLySa> He ask for Joey's number too
[13:38] <aLLySa> But I didnt have my phone with me
[13:38] * Joins: Guest64820 (java@=1eKNG-15-04-378-81.wi.res.rr.com)
[13:38] <+Joey_Vang> i need better offer than just that
[13:38] <EcStAcYgUrL> you mean thomas from in here?
[13:38] <aLLySa> so I didnt give it to him
[13:38] <HotFob> anyone know who TAMPICO IS?
[13:38] <EcStAcYgUrL> thomasthe tank?
[13:38] <aLLySa> Yeah Thomas_Urban
[13:38] * Joins: Vinner (fasdgsg@64.212.141.xP649=)
[13:38] <EcStAcYgUrL> oh why didn't he jsut saytaht
[13:38] <aLLySa> Hi Vinny!!
[13:38] <+Joey_Vang> thomas is gay
[13:38] <Vinner> hi
[13:38] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[13:38] <aLLySa> I dont know Pam
[13:38] * Quits: Guest64820 (java@=1eKNG-15-04-378-81.wi.res.rr.com) (QUIT: User
[13:38] <EcStAcYgUrL> i thought he was some psych
[13:38] * Joins: Guest64120 (java@=BWwwpz-49-302-44-736.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
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T: User exited)
[13:38] <EcStAcYgUrL> i thought he was some psycho
[13:39] <Vinner> im not new here but i wold like to chat
[13:39] <aLLySa> No wonder Thomas wanted Joey's number
[13:39] <aLLySa> lol
[13:39] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[13:39] <PeterVang> Dayme! ally... stop showing them your boo tay sis
[13:39] <PeterVang> lol
[13:39] <aLLySa> lol
[13:39] <Vinner> ally show me ur booty
[13:39] <+Joey_Vang> ally dont have boobies
[13:39] <aLLySa> Only you get to see it Peter
[13:39] <Vinner> turn around
[13:39] <PeterVang> lol
[13:39] <+Joey_Vang> size b bra
[13:39] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[13:39] <aLLySa> We said BOOTAY not Boobies...JOey
[13:39] <+Joey_Vang> oh
[13:39] <EcStAcYgUrL> <--dd
[13:39] <Vinner> ally is flat
[13:39] <+Joey_Vang> sorry
[13:39] <EcStAcYgUrL> hahahha
[13:39] * Guest64120 is now known as sacguy
[13:39] <+Joey_Vang> my mind was else where
[13:39] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[13:39] <+Joey_Vang> Annie got boobies tho
[13:39] <aLLySa> Yeah Vinny should know
[13:39] <+Joey_Vang> shooot
[13:40] <Vinner> just want the booty
[13:40] <Vinner> hahaha
[13:40] <+Joey_Vang> she can fee like ten hungry babies
[13:40] <+Joey_Vang> hahaha
[13:40] <wifey> Joey, shuddup!
[13:40] * wifey slaps Jpey *
[13:40] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[13:40] <PeterVang> lol
[13:40] <+Joey_Vang> she can feed me too
[13:40] * +Joey_Vang thinks
[13:40] <+Joey_Vang> :D
[13:40] <PeterVang> joey bro u wanna see it too?
[13:40] <wifey> omg! What did you guys feed Joey today.
[13:40] <+Joey_Vang> see what
[13:41] <+Joey_Vang> annie i only had milk *wink*
[13:41] <PeterVang> wifey feed me too
[13:41] <Vinner> breast milk
[13:41] <PeterVang> lol
[13:41] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[13:41] * Quits: sacguy (java@=BWwwpz-49-302-44-736.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net) (QUI
T: User exited)
[13:41] <HotFob> see u addicts later! **** hard!
[13:41] <wifey> hahaha
[13:41] <HotFob> no cyber sex pls!
[13:41] <+Joey_Vang> ok i gotta bounce too
[13:41] <+Joey_Vang> awwee why not
[13:41] <Vinner> breast milk makes guys wanna mack
[13:41] * Quits: HotFob (hotman@=vsDJK-81-13-058-259.mn.res.rr.com) (QUIT: User
[13:41] <tW33k3r> shut tha fuk up hotFOB..!!
[13:41] <Vinner> and flirt
[13:41] <+Joey_Vang> cybering is safe
[13:41] <+Joey_Vang> hahaha
[13:41] <wifey> hahaha .. Joey knows!
[13:42] <tW33k3r> want dee'z fresh nutz in yo mouth biatch..!!!
[13:42] <wifey> He's been there done that.
[13:42] <tW33k3r> Há Há Há Há Há Há ....!!
[13:42] <+Joey_Vang> we know annie
[13:42] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[13:42] <Vinner> thank goodness i dint get any breast milk today
[13:42] * Joins: Guest59912 (java@158.123.20.ea86=)
[13:42] <wifey> Joey, only you!
[13:42] <PeterVang> bye ya... gotta bounce
[13:42] <+Joey_Vang> only us
[13:42] * Quits: PeterVang (java@=yQvaeq-07-973-739-173.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
(QUIT: User exited)
[13:42] <+Joey_Vang> ^_~
[13:42] <+Joey_Vang> i hear you
[13:42] <wifey> hahaha
[13:42] <wifey> shuddup!
[13:42] * Joins: Guest66869 (java@65.112.121.sJ26=)
[13:42] <+Joey_Vang> awwe annie being bashful
[13:43] * wifey slaps Joey *
[13:43] * Guest59912 is now known as PajNra_XiOnG
[13:43] <+Joey_Vang> ok i'll keep our cybering on the DL
[13:43] <wifey> Hahahaha
[13:43] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[13:43] * Guest66869 is now known as cheaptricks
[13:43] <+Joey_Vang> wb pajnra
[13:43] * Joins: BaD_B0Yz (fdd@=Txrmjb-94-964-84-601.west.biz.rr.com)
[13:43] <PajNra_XiOnG> thanks Joey
[13:43] <wifey> Joey, did you find a wife yet ?!
[13:43] <PajNra_XiOnG> (^_~)@Joey
[13:44] <+Joey_Vang> i was hoping you or pajnra would take me up on my offer
[13:44] <+Joey_Vang> so how about it
[13:44] <wifey> nOo!
[13:44] <PajNra_XiOnG> hahahhaha
[13:44] <Vinner> ohhh dammm
[13:44] <PajNra_XiOnG> LOL@Joey xwb os
[13:44] * +Joey_Vang crosses Annie's name out
[13:44] <+Joey_Vang> welp pajnra
[13:44] <wifey> Yay!
[13:44] <+Joey_Vang> what you say
[13:44] <wifey> Good thing I didn't fall into Joey's trap.
[13:45] <+Joey_Vang> haha...trap of love
[13:45] <+Joey_Vang> yeah
[13:45] <PajNra_XiOnG> Joey if I say yes, what do yo think Joey???
[13:45] <PajNra_XiOnG> hahahahha
[13:45] <PajNra_XiOnG> Hi MrStamina
[13:45] <+Joey_Vang> i think u going to make me the happpiest man alive
[13:45] <+Joey_Vang> yeah
[13:45] <wifey> Trap of love .. omg .. how lame, almost as lame as MN Tornado!
[13:45] <wifey> hahaha!
[13:45] <cheaptricks> haha
[13:45] <BaD_B0Yz> hm..
[13:46] <cheaptricks> MN Tornado?
[13:46] <+Joey_Vang> eh! MN Tornado was an original
[13:46] * Quits: NASTY_LOVER (Chatz@=l1k-44-0-867-15.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[13:46] <+Joey_Vang> hahaha
[13:46] <wifey> hahaha
[13:46] <wifey> One of Joey's original.
[13:46] <PajNra_XiOnG> Joey tell MrStamina how old I'm..... hehehehe
[13:46] <+Joey_Vang> pajnra is sexy at 21
[13:46] <cheaptricks> uhmmm...36
[13:46] <tW33k3r> your 33
[13:46] <tW33k3r> Há Há Há Há Há Há ....!!
[13:46] <PajNra_XiOnG> Joey for real Joey....
[13:46] <+Joey_Vang> annie is ok at 35
[13:46] <PajNra_XiOnG> thanks Joey
[13:46] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[13:47] <+Joey_Vang> okay..Annie is sexy at 38
[13:47] <cheaptricks> nothing wrong with being in the 30's
[13:47] <+Joey_Vang> she looks like 22 tho
[13:47] <PajNra_XiOnG> hahahhaha
[13:47] * Joins: Marjeta` (iiii@=F4ktktdefkxa212.231-37-24.mc.videotron.ca)
[13:47] <aLLySa> Hi sis Pajnra
[13:47] <wifey> LOL
[13:47] <tW33k3r> she'z 3eight so shez a MILF..??
[13:47] <tW33k3r> rite
[13:47] <tW33k3r> Há Há Há Há Há Há ....!!
[13:47] * wifey kicks Joey *
[13:47] <+Joey_Vang> Ally is 12
[13:47] <aLLySa> Joey's 2
[13:47] <wifey> Joey, you didn't wish me a happy bday.
[13:47] <PajNra_XiOnG> Hi sis ally zoo nkauj aws
[13:48] <+Joey_Vang> 2 and a half
[13:48] <+Joey_Vang> :P~
[13:48] * mary [ToyComP_@=Dmnkd-] is on IRC (se
[13:48] <+Joey_Vang> awwee...happy be-lated birthday baby
[13:48] * Quits: atlanta_guy (xxMiSsxIoN@=rQz25.95.102.166.ip.alltel.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[13:48] <PajNra_XiOnG> haahahahaha
[13:48] <pAAjFuAB_DiMpLeS_414> plz dont call me...mil guy
[13:48] <pAAjFuAB_DiMpLeS_414> haahahaha
[13:48] <wifey> Thanks Joey !!
[13:48] <Vinner> omg.. ally come here let me molest u
[13:48] <wifey> I just turned 38.
[13:48] * Joins: aSoHotGuyNOT (fkdjkj@=aLxo423-95.dialip.mich.net)
[13:48] <wifey> hahaha!
[13:48] <aLLySa> LoL@Vinny
[13:48] <PajNra_XiOnG> Joey are very funny to talk to dear
[13:48] <aLLySa> You had your chance!
[13:48] <+Joey_Vang> i got you give here too
[13:48] <Vinner> lol
[13:48] * Joins: Guest65861 (java@=pMsdkg-54-33-028-144.rev.o1.com)
[13:48] <Vinner> i still have it
[13:48] <aSoHotGuyNOT> hello..ladies over 18 pc me!!
[13:48] <aSoHotGuyNOT> hello..ladies over 18 pc me!!
[13:48] <+Joey_Vang> thank you pajnra but i'm even more fun to play with
[13:49] * mary [ToyComP_@=Dmnkd-] has left IRC
[13:49] <+Joey_Vang> :D
[13:49] <PajNra_XiOnG> hahahahaa
[13:49] <aLLySa> Joey what is it about you that is fun to play with?
[13:49] <PajNra_XiOnG> see joey
[13:49] <aLLySa> I dont see it at all
[13:49] <+Joey_Vang> you can tickle my elmo
[13:49] <+Joey_Vang> LOLZ
[13:49] <Vinner> i wanna chat with a girl who is atleast 18 or acts 18
[13:49] <+Joey_Vang> hahaha
[13:49] <PajNra_XiOnG> yes, rite? Joey
[13:49] <aLLySa> Little Ernie?
[13:49] <Vinner> :D
[13:49] <PajNra_XiOnG> LOL
[13:49] <aLLySa> Little Elmo?
[13:49] * Guest65861 is now known as AttractiveCuteGuy
[13:49] <AttractiveCuteGuy> hi hi hi
[13:49] <BaD_B0Yz> lol @ vinner
[13:49] <cheaptricks> haha
[13:49] <+Joey_Vang> ernie have grow
[13:49] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[13:49] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[13:49] <BaD_B0Yz> and half alright lookin too u
[13:50] <cheaptricks> is your Elmo something red and vibrating as well?
[13:50] <cheaptricks> 0_o
[13:50] * Joins: `ShAnEeQuA` (jskldf@=6biz26-59-678-559.ok.ok.cox.net)
[13:50] <Vinner> i also want a rich milf too
[13:50] <aLLySa> wb babeZ!!!!
[13:50] * Parts: `ShAnEeQuA` (jskldf@=6biz26-59-678-559.ok.ok.cox.net)
[13:50] <BaD_B0Yz> no thats the toy under her bed
[13:50] <+Joey_Vang> still is
[13:50] <+Joey_Vang> haha
[13:50] * Joins: `ShAnEeQuA` (jskldf@=6biz26-59-678-559.ok.ok.cox.net)
[13:50] <tW33k3r> i love MILFZ....
[13:50] <Vinner> coz i wanna play gigalo
[13:50] <aLLySa> wb babeZ!!!!
[13:50] * Xaway sets mode: +v `ShAnEeQuA`
[13:50] <Vinner> lol
[13:50] <+`ShAnEeQuA`> i'm really
[13:50] <+`ShAnEeQuA`> gonna kick
[13:50] <PajNra_XiOnG> Vinner I'm 40, do you want to chat with me....???
[13:50] <+Joey_Vang> aight i really gotta bounce out of here
[13:50] <+`ShAnEeQuA`> my nieces+nephews ***
[13:50] <+`ShAnEeQuA`> oh my god they're pissing me off
[13:50] <PajNra_XiOnG> hhaahaha
[13:50] <Vinner> pajnra..... sure
[13:50] * Quits: So_what_if_I_am_not_handsome (Broken@=7Eh-24-831-273-32.hsd1.mn
.comcast.net) (Ping Timeout)
[13:50] <+Joey_Vang> Annie you behave
[13:51] <Vinner> pajnra..... are u loaded?
[13:51] * Joins: Guest66149 (java@64.122.39.rw92=)
[13:51] <wifey> aWW, Joey don't leave .. we still wanna play with your elmo.
[13:51] <PajNra_XiOnG> hahahahaha
[13:51] <wifey> hahaha!
[13:51] <+Joey_Vang> pajnra stop teasing all these young hunks
[13:51] * `ShAnEeQuA` is now known as `simplysweet`afk`
[13:51] * Quits: Jaacinda (hrnyalex28@=EICkkprwn-PPI-qrj8573927.sympatico.ca) (Q
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[13:51] <+Joey_Vang> lolz
[13:51] <BaD_B0Yz> lol
[13:51] * TOu_ is now known as Willy_wonka
[13:51] <PajNra_XiOnG> oh yes,
[13:51] <+Joey_Vang> Annie...i'll bring elmo over later
[13:51] <Vinner> pajnra..... oh great
[13:51] <PajNra_XiOnG> for read Joey
[13:51] <Vinner> pajnra..... take me shoppin and eaat
[13:51] <wifey> Even better, Joey!!
[13:51] * Guest66149 is now known as URSWEETGUY
[13:51] <PajNra_XiOnG> sure, we go to the mall ok
[13:51] <Vinner> pajnra... i also need the keys to ur car
[13:51] <+Joey_Vang> ok
[13:52] <PajNra_XiOnG> hahahaa
[13:52] <+Joey_Vang> ally you behave as well
[13:52] <Vinner> ally doesnt behave
[13:52] <PajNra_XiOnG> sure anything you want
[13:52] <+Joey_Vang> PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[13:52] <AttractiveCuteGuy> so boring
[13:52] <aSoHotGuyNOT> anyone know a website of random hmong pictures!!
[13:52] * Quits: +Joey_Vang (java@=EZanycvvu.sgi.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[13:52] <AttractiveCuteGuy> bye people
[13:52] <aSoHotGuyNOT> anyone know a website of random hmong pictures!!
[13:52] <Vinner> pajnra... so u got a booty call number i can get?
[13:52] <PajNra_XiOnG> hahahaa
[13:52] * Quits: AttractiveCuteGuy (java@=pMsdkg-54-33-028-144.rev.o1.com) (QUIT
: User exited)
[13:53] <PajNra_XiOnG> yes, Vinner
[13:53] <aLLySa> LoL
[13:53] <aLLySa> I do too Vinny!
[13:53] * Joins: nerd_lover (Chatz@=TXdqjty6464-wf-bpg-bkzd0.cpinternet.com)
[13:53] <PajNra_XiOnG> I get so hahahhaa
[13:53] <Vinner> pajnra... wow lets get it then
[13:53] <Vinner> :D
[13:53] <PajNra_XiOnG> hahahahaha
[13:53] <nerd_lover> hey any guys care to chat???
[13:54] * Joins: DorkyDork (auser@=Kfv-82-7-253-77.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[13:54] <PajNra_XiOnG> do like that...., it's easy uh.... Ninner
[13:54] <PajNra_XiOnG> oh I mean vinner
[13:54] <Vinner> pajnra... i belive that u are 40 by the way u type
[13:54] <Vinner> lol
[13:54] <nerd_lover> hey any guys care to chat???
[13:54] <PajNra_XiOnG> yes, truth
[13:54] * Quits: pAAjFuAB_DiMpLeS_414 (java@=HO7Mrgh2726.an4.chi30.da.uu.net) (Q
UIT: User exited)
[13:55] <PajNra_XiOnG> LOL
[13:55] * Quits: DorkyDork (auser@=Kfv-82-7-253-77.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[13:55] * Joins: BiTeMeH--gRL (kayang87@=VIy-37-099-556-862.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[13:55] * Quits: Online_Love_Is_So_Romantic (java@=Aj82-399.151.popsite.net) (QU
IT: User exited)
[13:55] <Vinner> pajnra... u can be my sugar mama
[13:55] <aLLySa> Pajnra is mine already
[13:55] <aLLySa> Back off Vinny
[13:55] <Vinner> no way
[13:55] * Parts: aSoHotGuyNOT (fkdjkj@=aLxo423-95.dialip.mich.net)
[13:55] <Vinner> she is givin me gifts
[13:55] * Joins: Guest56926 (java@=naa-86-420-36-116.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[13:55] <aLLySa> Yes way!
[13:55] <PajNra_XiOnG> yes, my babby sis ally
[13:55] <aLLySa> Nah huh
[13:56] <Vinner> yups
[13:56] <aLLySa> See!!
[13:56] <PajNra_XiOnG> hahahhaha
[13:56] <aLLySa> She claims me
[13:56] <aLLySa> and not you!
[13:56] <aLLySa> HA!
[13:56] <aLLySa> :)
[13:56] <Vinner> pajnra... claim me
[13:56] <aLLySa> Dont Mama...dont!!
[13:56] <PajNra_XiOnG> lol
[13:56] <aLLySa> Vinny is a bad boy
[13:56] <Vinner> i need spankin
[13:57] * Willy_wonka is now known as TOu`Xwb
[13:57] * Quits: Guest56926 (java@=naa-86-420-36-116.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[13:57] * Angel [sssss@58.11.39.hd747=] is on IRC (aol)
[13:57] * Angel has left IRC
[13:57] <PajNra_XiOnG> yes, i claim you as my babby brother too vinner
[13:57] <Vinner> no
[13:57] * gtujdgj is now known as FALLOUTBOYSINNOTPUNKROCK
[13:57] <Vinner> claim me as ur gigalo
[13:57] <PajNra_XiOnG> why?
[13:57] <Vinner> hahah
[13:57] <aLLySa> LoL
[13:57] <PajNra_XiOnG> hahahahaha
[13:57] <Vinner> coz i wanna get paid
[13:58] <BaD_B0Yz> hnm....
[13:58] <PajNra_XiOnG> ally koj ua dab tsi lawm xwb os sis??
[13:58] <BaD_B0Yz> hey anyone wants to buy my car
[13:58] <BaD_B0Yz> i'll sell it cheap
[13:58] <BaD_B0Yz> hehe
[13:58] <PajNra_XiOnG> hahahahha
[13:58] <Vinner> and get laid too
[13:58] <Vinner> coz i wanna get paid and laid
[13:58] <Vinner> yeah thats it
[13:58] <BaD_B0Yz> vinner...want that job??
[13:58] <PajNra_XiOnG> I don't know now....
[13:58] <Vinner> hahaha
[13:58] * Joins: Guest56050 (java@=AsCshe-8-IQF-7-ofxamtm-735.bytehead.com)
[13:58] <BaD_B0Yz> www.hmongadultstore.com
[13:58] <BaD_B0Yz> email me
[13:58] <BaD_B0Yz> hehe
[13:58] <BaD_B0Yz> anways
[13:58] <BaD_B0Yz> anyone wants to buy my car
[13:59] <BaD_B0Yz> would it be better.if .i said..anyone wants a free car??
[13:59] <BaD_B0Yz> lol
[13:59] <PajNra_XiOnG> ally koj mus lawm lov?
[13:59] <tW33k3r> bad boyz..suk a dick and die baitch..!
[13:59] * Quits: PajNra_XiOnG (java@158.123.20.ea86=) (QUIT: User exited)
[13:59] <tW33k3r> bye ally..!
[13:59] * Quits: tW33k3r (Unix@=Tp1Qkns16.tnt24.atl4.da.uu.net) (QUIT: User exit
[14:00] * Guest56050 is now known as Join_The_Navy
[14:00] * Quits: BaD_B0Yz (fdd@=Txrmjb-94-964-84-601.west.biz.rr.com) (QUIT: Use
r exited)
[14:00] <Join_The_Navy> hmmm
[14:00] <Vinner> im checkin out the adult store
[14:00] <Join_The_Navy> dam..wat is wrong with dis room
[14:00] <Vinner> imma buy pajnra a toy
[14:00] * Quits: cheaptricks (java@65.112.121.sJ26=) (QUIT: User exited)
[14:00] <aLLySa> Hav?? I'm here
[14:00] <Join_The_Navy> those kind of toy huh?
[14:00] * Angel [sssss@58.11.39.Fp573=] is on IRC (aol)
[14:00] * Joins: Alanaa (hjaddi@=9Ixx466u776z.speed.planet.nl)
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[14:00] <Vinner> lol
[14:00] <Join_The_Navy> hmmm....*yawn
[14:00] <Join_The_Navy> *sigH
[14:01] <Join_The_Navy> ohhh..yea..i like it out here...
[14:01] <Join_The_Navy> so quiet
[14:01] <Join_The_Navy> and so peaceful
[14:01] <Join_The_Navy> *watching the stars
[14:01] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[14:01] <Join_The_Navy> boring lawn
[14:01] <BiTeMeH--gRL> huh....*sigh*..
[14:01] <Vinner> they have straws for the d.ick so girls can suck *** .. LOL
[14:01] * Quits: VinCintt (buff_daddi@=m5ls-kjj-nres0-578-16-355-303.cpinternet.
com) (QUIT: User exited)
[14:01] <aLLySa> tsk tsk tsk Vinny
[14:01] <Join_The_Navy> hmmmm
[14:02] <Vinner> ohhh vibrating vag.ina's
[14:02] <Join_The_Navy> i guess this generation of hmong pplz are doing like ani
[14:02] <Join_The_Navy> gosh
[14:02] <wifey> Yes, Join .. you're soo missing out!
[14:02] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[14:02] <Join_The_Navy> raging hormones huh?
[14:02] <Join_The_Navy> no thnks
[14:02] <Join_The_Navy> count me out
[14:02] <Join_The_Navy> but again
[14:02] <Join_The_Navy> count me in
[14:02] <nerd_lover> hahaha
[14:02] <Join_The_Navy> hahaha..
[14:03] <Join_The_Navy> *sigH
[14:03] * Joins: Guest55479 (java@=l6AE26LXWO.ipt.aol.com)
[14:03] <wifey> Oh c'mon, you know you've been sexually deprived Join!
[14:03] <wifey> hahaha :D
[14:03] * Joins: Guest53428 (java@=Tjzvgo369.dn168.umontana.edu)
[14:03] <Join_The_Navy> haahha
[14:03] * Joins: llccd (java@=A8mjxa-85-970-099-60.prov.east.verizon.net)
[14:03] <Join_The_Navy> not tat horny yet
[14:03] * Joins: BeautiWithin (nearandfar@=dYjyecvz-
[14:03] <nerd_lover> i thought that navy guys are gay
[14:03] <wifey> Not yet, but soon.
[14:03] <Join_The_Navy> no they are not
[14:03] * Joins: cascadia19 (raaxeeye@=F4ktktdefkxa212.231-37-24.mc.videotron.ca
[14:03] <aLLySa> Annie has been
[14:03] <Join_The_Navy> i only had myself in my crew
[14:03] * Guest53428 is now known as home_boi
[14:03] <wifey> LOL
[14:03] <wifey> Shhh ally!
[14:03] * Joins: Guest54769 (java@=8tq-19-85-55-906.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[14:04] <home_boi> ANY GIRL CARE 2 CHAT
[14:04] <Join_The_Navy> hmm..u knoe
[14:04] <Join_The_Navy> there are navy gurls to
[14:04] * Joins: Guest54936 (java@=1K26-009-76-5.mpls.qwest.net)
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User exited)
[14:04] <Vinner> Ally u want some tshuaj muaj zog??
[14:04] <aLLySa> Join....go get lucky then
[14:04] <Join_The_Navy> hhahaha
[14:04] <aLLySa> Vinny I dont, but I know you need some
[14:04] * Quits: Guest54936 (java@=1K26-009-76-5.mpls.qwest.net) (QUIT: User exi
[14:04] <Vinner> lol
[14:04] * Guest55479 is now known as lil_sunshine21
[14:04] * Guest54769 is now known as JAL-
[14:04] <Join_The_Navy> well...see u all later..im going sailing with all this c
hicks with mustache
[14:04] <Join_The_Navy> see ya all later
[14:04] <aLLySa> Hi Dancing King
[14:04] * Joins: Guest52335 (java@=qKihsz-46-876-615-461.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
[14:04] * Parts: JAL- (java@=8tq-19-85-55-906.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[14:04] <nerd_lover> yeah and their lezbian
[14:04] * Joins: Guest54898 (java@=8kxprg.sukut.com)
[14:04] <wifey> Later Join!
[14:04] <aLLySa> haha Join
[14:04] <aLLySa> Have fun.
[14:05] <aLLySa> I mean...dont have TOO much fun
[14:05] <Join_The_Navy> i'll remember to bring the shaving thing
[14:05] <Join_The_Navy> later
[14:05] * Quits: Join_The_Navy (java@=AsCshe-8-IQF-7-ofxamtm-735.bytehead.com) (
QUIT: User exited)
[14:05] * Guest54898 is now known as Dex
[14:05] <home_boi> ANYONE CARE TO CHAT
[14:05] * Guest52335 is now known as PeterVang
[14:06] * Dex is now known as VOICEMALE
[14:06] <aLLySa> wb Peter
[14:06] <PeterVang> hey EcstacyGurl you got IM
[14:06] <PeterVang> hi ally
[14:06] * Joins: Rose_Lee (hi@=CHpngjml90-ipdp015-727.dsl.tds.net)
[14:06] <nerd_lover> bored
[14:06] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Rose_Lee
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[14:07] <Vinner> ok so im offended by ppl using hmong in a adult store website
[14:07] <Vinner> why cant they use allysa's adult store or somthing
[14:07] <aLLySa> LoL
[14:07] <Vinner> geeze
[14:07] <aLLySa> Then they wouldnt get any business
[14:07] <Vinner> yes they would
[14:07] <Vinner> haha
[14:07] * Quits: milw-guy (java@148.8.100.S634=) (Connection reset by peer)
[14:08] <Vinner> ok imma logg off the site
[14:08] <home_boi> HMMM....
[14:08] <aLLySa> it should be Vinny's little Secret Adult Store
[14:08] <Vinner> yups
[14:08] * Joins: Guest53363 (java@=2f26-009-76-5.mpls.qwest.net)
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ser exited)
[14:08] <Vinner> ;)
[14:08] <aLLySa> haha
[14:08] <nerd_lover> guys are really boring these days...
[14:08] * Quits: Guest53363 (java@=2f26-009-76-5.mpls.qwest.net) (QUIT: User exi
[14:09] <aLLySa> I hear you nerd_lover
[14:09] <Vinner> we are?
[14:09] <nerd_lover> yeah
[14:09] <Vinner> allysa is just bored of me talkin about sex
[14:09] <aLLySa> LoL
[14:09] <Vinner> hehe
[14:09] <aLLySa> Vinny, thats all what you talk about anyways
[14:09] <nerd_lover> hahaha...sex ios boring
[14:09] * Parts: MrStamina (X@64.122.143.ld399=)
[14:09] <home_boi> WAT SUP WIT EVERYBODY IN HEA
[14:09] <aLLySa> Its not, unless its Vinny who's talking abou tit
[14:09] <aLLySa> about it *
[14:10] <nerd_lover> hahaha
[14:10] <Vinner> from this day forth no more sex talk
[14:10] * Joins: Guest49693 (java@=tqzhwi-39-34-48-977.rev.o1.com)
[14:10] <Vinner> i will talk about GOD
[14:10] <nerd_lover> hahaha
[14:10] <aLLySa> Promise me that vinny
[14:10] * Joins: _chat_lady_ (lover@=Wj758.Red-83-35-141.pooles.rima-tde.net)
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am host)
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[14:10] <nerd_lover> there goes another thing that is boring about guys
[14:10] <Vinner> lol
[14:11] <aLLySa> Vinny is all talk online
[14:11] * Joins: hmong_babe (java@=Ipadse.ninestar.com)
[14:11] <lil_sunshine21> any guys care to chat 21/f/wis
[14:11] * Guest49693 is now known as inconsiderate_Pahoua
[14:11] <Vinner> well this is online
[14:11] <aLLySa> Hi Pahoua!!
[14:11] <hmong_babe> hello everyone
[14:11] <Vinner> and we can talk like this
[14:11] <Vinner> lol
[14:11] <aLLySa> LoL@Vinny
[14:11] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> hi alley!!!!!!!!
[14:12] * Quits: BiTeMeH--gRL (kayang87@=VIy-37-099-556-862.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
(QUIT: User exited)
[14:12] <aLLySa> Pahoua, I'm guessing school is out?
[14:12] * Quits: The_APPrentice (java@=3eipbe-75q1p2u.cable.mindspring.com) (QUI
T: User exited)
[14:12] * Quits: JonSaysNoToFatChicks (liljon@=y7f-38-434-57-79.hsd1.ca.comcast.
net) (QUIT: User exited)
[14:12] <Vinner> im still in kindergarden
[14:12] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> yes alley
[14:12] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> since the 26th
[14:12] <aLLySa> Vinny still do them Half days
[14:12] <aLLySa> No wonder Pahoua is such an addict nowadays
[14:12] <nerd_lover> hahaha
[14:13] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> lol
[14:13] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> oh hell no alley!
[14:13] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> ok fine ur right
[14:13] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> i dont have anything to keep me busy except for w
ork or going out now
[14:13] <aLLySa> LoL
[14:13] <aLLySa> partying and drinking
[14:13] <aLLySa> tsk tsk tsk
[14:14] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> yeah there's that
[14:14] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> but thats considered GOING OUT
[14:14] * Quits: PeterVang (java@=qKihsz-46-876-615-461.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
(QUIT: User exited)
[14:14] <aLLySa> haha
[14:14] <aLLySa> Where do you work at dork?
[14:14] * Joins: Guest50718 (java@137.28.184.QM139=)
[14:14] * +Juan2bone is really very bored.
[14:14] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> the mall
[14:14] * +Juan2bone slaps everyone in the room.
[14:14] * Guest50718 is now known as babilicious_asian_girl
[14:15] <+Juan2bone> Pahoua which department store??
[14:15] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> lol
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[14:15] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> i dont work in a clothing shop
[14:15] <+Juan2bone> darn it
[14:15] <aLLySa> Teng wanted discount
[14:15] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> lol
[14:15] <+Juan2bone> yeah
[14:15] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> even if i did
[14:15] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> i'd be like..teng who?
[14:15] * Joins: Guest48439 (java@=ttMlqy-1-XLM-6-iayggcc-187.bytehead.com)
[14:15] <aLLySa> LoL
[14:15] <aLLySa> Hater
[14:15] <aLLySa> wb Join
[14:15] <+Juan2bone> hell yeah...
[14:15] <+Juan2bone> hater pahoua
[14:16] * Quits: Vinner (fasdgsg@64.212.141.xP649=) (Ping Timeout)
[14:16] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> hater?
[14:16] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> no
[14:16] * Joins: Guest47378 (java@=9Qavzpw53-01-994-787.vcr.centurytel.net)
[14:16] <+Juan2bone> i'll tell your aunt.....Yer on u
[14:16] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> just being real
[14:16] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> go head
[14:16] * Guest47378 is now known as mystery_man
[14:16] <babilicious_asian_girl> how's everyone doing today???
[14:16] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> she's probably tell me...GOOD JOB PAHOUA!
[14:16] <+Juan2bone> haahha
[14:16] * Quits: hmong_babe (java@=Ipadse.ninestar.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[14:16] <+Juan2bone> hi bablicious asian girl..where u from?
[14:16] <babilicious_asian_girl> wisconsin
[14:16] <babilicious_asian_girl> and u
[14:16] <+Juan2bone> ca
[14:17] <babilicious_asian_girl> dang
[14:17] <+Juan2bone> soooooo far away
[14:17] <babilicious_asian_girl> yep
[14:17] * Joins: Guest49818 (java@
[14:17] <babilicious_asian_girl> how old are u
[14:17] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> teng do u like yer
[14:17] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> ???
[14:17] * Quits: Guest49818 (java@ (QUIT: User exited)
[14:18] * Quits: STORYOFTHEYEARISNOTPUNKROCK (sugar@=CCgluenz-
.Detroit1.Level3.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[14:18] <+Juan2bone> she's funny
[14:18] <+Juan2bone> i haven't met her personally
[14:18] * Joins: smiggen (java@=tsfjks-85-159-649-44.prov.east.verizon.net)
[14:18] <+Juan2bone> evertyime i talked to her..we always laugh
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[14:18] * Quits: +`simplysweet`afk` (jskldf@=6biz26-59-678-559.ok.ok.cox.net) (P
ing Timeout)
[14:18] <+Juan2bone> wel..bablicious asian girl..i'm twenty8..old huh
[14:18] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> ok
[14:18] <ae_Guy> sups yals
[14:18] * ae_Guy is bored
[14:18] * Quits: TOu`Xwb (here_n_The@=TO6Kwxu502.tnt24.atl4.da.uu.net) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
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[14:18] * Joins: LuckyCharm--gIRl (kayang87@=Edk-10-896-905-258.hsd1.mn.comcast.
[14:18] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> ewwwwwwwwwww david
[14:18] * inconsiderate_Pahoua hides
[14:19] <Guest46404> hello
[14:19] <ae_Guy> thanks pahoua for noticing me
[14:19] <ae_Guy> i didn't know i was that popular in here
[14:19] <ae_Guy> ^-^
[14:19] <babilicious_asian_girl> oh yeah
[14:19] <LuckyCharm--gIRl> hiya peps..
[14:19] <babilicious_asian_girl> cool
[14:19] <+Juan2bone> u?
[14:19] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> dont flatter urself david
[14:19] <babilicious_asian_girl> everyone's gonna get there
[14:19] <babilicious_asian_girl> haha
[14:19] <babilicious_asian_girl> i'm 18
[14:19] * Quits: smiggen (java@=tsfjks-85-159-649-44.prov.east.verizon.net) (QUI
T: User exited)
[14:19] <+Juan2bone> yeah i know..i'm just there faster that's all
[14:19] <+Juan2bone> haha
[14:19] <ae_Guy> too late
[14:19] <+Juan2bone> cool....
[14:20] <babilicious_asian_girl> sweet 18 just turnd 18 like couple days ago
[14:20] <babilicious_asian_girl> yep
[14:20] * Joins: Kat` (itsjustme@=exvtci-53-90-69-124.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net)
[14:20] <Kat`> OMG!!
[14:20] <+Juan2bone> happy belated b-day then...big 18 now...
[14:20] <Kat`> u guys!!
[14:20] * LuckyCharm--gIRl is now known as CupiDSuccKs--Laydee
[14:20] <+Juan2bone> u can go hit the clubs now...
[14:20] <aLLySa> Hi my nkauj hmoob zoo nkauj
[14:20] <+Juan2bone> sup kitty kat!!!!!!!!!11
[14:20] <aLLySa> What Kat?
[14:20] <Kat`> LOOK! http://www.asianavenue.com
[14:20] <Kat`> look who's MOTW!
[14:20] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> kat congrats on MOTW!
[14:20] <Kat`> hi my shooting star
[14:20] <Kat`> :D
[14:20] * ae_Guy is bored!!!
[14:20] * ae_Guy yawns...
[14:20] <Kat`> hi teng
[14:20] <Kat`> thanks pahoua
[14:20] <aLLySa> About time huh Kat?
[14:20] <Kat`> i just found out!
[14:20] <aLLySa> Congrats!!
[14:20] * Joins: DahLiA15 (toty@194.146.154.OL477=)
[14:20] * ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@*.my
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[14:20] * DahLiA15 was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk: spam
[14:20] <Kat`> lol
[14:20] <Kat`> thanks
[14:21] * Joins: `ShAnEeQuA` (jskldf@=1lng37-53-722-988.ok.ok.cox.net)
[14:21] <ae_Guy> damn, i'm lagging
[14:21] * Xaway sets mode: +v `ShAnEeQuA`
[14:21] <babilicious_asian_girl> yeah i know
[14:21] <aLLySa> wb baBeZ!!!!!
[14:21] <Guest46404> any girl wanna chat
[14:21] <+Juan2bone> oh shoot..it's KAT on AA ...
[14:21] <Kat`> lol
[14:21] <Kat`> hold on.. got too many notes :/
[14:21] <+Juan2bone> Wpw
[14:21] * Guest80653 is now known as Al3dx
[14:21] * Al3dx is now known as Al3x
[14:21] <+Juan2bone> wow
[14:21] <Guest46404> any mn lady wanna chat
[14:21] * Parts: Miss_Diamond (lka_ke@=Wnj06.168.26.35.mad.wi.charter.com)
[14:22] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Al3x
[14:22] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> does anyone have that song LISTEN TO YOUR HEART b
y DHT?
[14:22] * Al3x sets mode: -b *!*@
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er exited)
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[14:22] * Guest45355 is now known as Vangguy303
[14:22] <+Juan2bone> did u do anything for your 18th b-day asian girl?
[14:22] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> DAVID!!!!!!!!!!
[14:22] <aLLySa> Hi Alex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[14:22] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> do u DL songs?
[14:22] <ae_Guy> yeah???
[14:22] <Vangguy303> Any MN girl want to chat
[14:23] <ae_Guy> huh?
[14:23] * Quits: nerd_lover (Chatz@=TXdqjty6464-wf-bpg-bkzd0.cpinternet.com) (Pi
ng Timeout)
[14:23] <babilicious_asian_girl> had a small party
[14:23] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> can u dl me and song and send through msn?
[14:23] <babilicious_asian_girl> but it suked b/c stupid people ruined my day
[14:23] <babilicious_asian_girl> so nothing special
[14:23] <babilicious_asian_girl> was the worst bday i had
[14:23] <@MekAchiCkA> hAHAHA
[14:23] <@MekAchiCkA> omG..
[14:23] <@MekAchiCkA> like wHOA...
[14:23] <@MekAchiCkA> Why does Vangguy303 look for a MN girl to chat wid?
[14:24] <wifey> Mao!! Gary says Hello .. and he misses you!
[14:24] <ae_Guy> lol
[14:24] <ae_Guy> good one pahoua
[14:24] <ae_Guy> hahaha
[14:24] <@MekAchiCkA> Gary?
[14:24] <@MekAchiCkA> Oh.. why?
[14:24] <wifey> Yes ma'am!
[14:24] <ae_Guy> thats a good one right there
[14:24] <babilicious_asian_girl> i'm freakin boring
[14:24] <@MekAchiCkA> I was watching movies..
[14:24] * Kat` is now known as Kat`busyOnAA
[14:24] <Vangguy303> yea i look for MN girl
[14:24] <+Juan2bone> that suck asian girl...u should kicked their...a......u kno
[14:24] <ae_Guy> ^-^
[14:24] <babilicious_asian_girl> i know
[14:24] <@MekAchiCkA> Vangguy303 what's ur reason for looking for a MN girl?
[14:24] <babilicious_asian_girl> i gotta h3lla pissed off
[14:25] <babilicious_asian_girl> so i just got drunk all by myself-- wan't fun b
ut at least, i had something to do
[14:25] <Vangguy303> I'm going ovethere in ttwo week
[14:25] <@MekAchiCkA> Teng.. stop encouraging them....
[14:25] <@MekAchiCkA> Vangguy303 for what?
[14:25] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> no seriously david
[14:25] <+Juan2bone> whatever
[14:25] <ae_Guy> lol
[14:25] <ae_Guy> good one
[14:25] <babilicious_asian_girl> hey home_boi
[14:25] * ae_Guy hint hint
[14:25] <babilicious_asian_girl> where u from?
[14:25] <ae_Guy> hahaha
[14:25] <ae_Guy> if you don't understand it...
[14:25] <Vangguy303> for july 4th
[14:25] <ae_Guy> its a NO!
[14:25] <ae_Guy> hahaha
[14:25] <babilicious_asian_girl> haa
[14:25] <babilicious_asian_girl> hey vang guy
[14:25] <@MekAchiCkA> That's in 2 weeks already?
[14:25] <Vangguy303> r u fr there
[14:25] <ae_Guy> my computer is slow enough
[14:25] <babilicious_asian_girl> where u from?
[14:25] <@MekAchiCkA> hAHAHa
[14:25] <Vangguy303> i go early
[14:25] <@MekAchiCkA> yea im from MN
[14:25] <ae_Guy> if you want it tommorow then you can ask me
[14:26] <@MekAchiCkA> SH*T
[14:26] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> fine
[14:26] <@MekAchiCkA> hold up.. bRB...!!!
[14:26] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> dont fcken ask me to entertain ur arse no more
[14:26] <+Juan2bone> Mao is from y backyard
[14:26] * Guest48439 is now known as Join_The_Navy
[14:26] <@MekAchiCkA> hahaha
[14:26] <Join_The_Navy> hmmmm
[14:26] <@MekAchiCkA> Teng.. whatever dork...
[14:26] <@MekAchiCkA> ;p
[14:26] <ae_Guy> okay
[14:26] <Vangguy303> wat ur name
[14:26] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> i'll get someone else to do it
[14:26] <Vangguy303> age
[14:26] <ae_Guy> hahaha
[14:26] <Vangguy303> fr
[14:26] <@MekAchiCkA> Teng u lucky we might b related...
[14:26] <+Juan2bone> come here..mao
[14:26] * inconsiderate_Pahoua ignores DAIVD
[14:26] <@MekAchiCkA> WHat's ur name Vangguy?
[14:26] <+Juan2bone> why...huh
[14:26] <home_boi> U GUYS R SUCH DORKS
[14:26] <ae_Guy> hrms...
[14:26] <ae_Guy> i need entertainment
[14:26] <ae_Guy> lets see...
[14:26] <Vangguy303> tommy
[14:26] <@MekAchiCkA> i was gonna kick ur BUTT
[14:26] <@MekAchiCkA> hahaha
[14:26] <babilicious_asian_girl> hey home_boi where u from??
[14:26] <+Juan2bone> mao i hope not.....
[14:26] <@MekAchiCkA> Tommy Vang?
[14:26] <@MekAchiCkA> iS that ur real name
[14:26] * Quits: Join_The_Navy (java@=ttMlqy-1-XLM-6-iayggcc-187.bytehead.com) (
QUIT: User exited)
[14:27] <@MekAchiCkA> Teng.. u like my cousin..
[14:27] <@MekAchiCkA> LOlz
[14:27] <@MekAchiCkA> and my aunty
[14:27] <home_boi> IM FROM MT
[14:27] <Vangguy303> wat ur name mekachicka
[14:27] <+Juan2bone> whose your cousin
[14:27] <@MekAchiCkA> dayem.. r u tring to keep it in my family
[14:27] <@MekAchiCkA> hahaha
[14:27] <@MekAchiCkA> Shelly
[14:27] <babilicious_asian_girl> mt?
[14:27] <@MekAchiCkA> duhr
[14:27] <babilicious_asian_girl> what's that
[14:27] <+Juan2bone> Shelly is sexy
[14:27] <home_boi> MONTANA
[14:27] <Vangguy303> last name
[14:27] <ae_Guy> who can entertain me???
[14:27] <@MekAchiCkA> Vangguy303 My name is Mao
[14:27] <Vangguy303> wat ur age
[14:27] <ae_Guy> oh wait... i can
[14:27] <+Juan2bone> i might see her tomorrow night...i hope so..at the club..i
saw her two weeks ago
[14:27] <ae_Guy> hahaha
[14:27] <@MekAchiCkA> What's ur age...
[14:27] * Joins: Guest46290 (java@69.233.209.wx839=)
[14:27] <babilicious_asian_girl> hahaha
[14:27] <home_boi> Y??...
[14:27] <@MekAchiCkA> Teng.. okay.. Good luck..!
[14:27] <babilicious_asian_girl> lolz
[14:27] <babilicious_asian_girl> just wondering
[14:27] <Vangguy303> old enough to be with u
[14:27] <ae_Guy> sups david
[14:27] <@MekAchiCkA> hAHAHA
[14:27] * Quits: HOT_STUFF (java@216.222.167.Yv560=) (QUIT: User exited)
[14:27] <ae_Guy> sup david
[14:27] <@MekAchiCkA> R u sure?
[14:27] <+Juan2bone> she got a BF darn it
[14:27] <ae_Guy> whatcha doing on here???
[14:27] <@MekAchiCkA> im Pretty OLD...
[14:28] <babilicious_asian_girl> nothign
[14:28] <babilicious_asian_girl> bored
[14:28] <ae_Guy> i'm just freggin bored
[14:28] <babilicious_asian_girl> so decided to come online
[14:28] * Quits: Guest46290 (java@69.233.209.wx839=) (QUIT: User exited)
[14:28] <ae_Guy> and you?
[14:28] <ae_Guy> yeah, samehere
[14:28] <babilicious_asian_girl> but it seems like it's boring here too
[14:28] <@MekAchiCkA> TenG.. gawsh dude.. just be patient.. ur girl will come ur
[14:28] <@MekAchiCkA> ;p
[14:28] <babilicious_asian_girl> what bout u?
[14:28] * Joins: Guest48850 (java@=Oo35-106-17-8.mpls.qwest.net)
[14:28] <+Juan2bone> yeah i know
[14:28] <ae_Guy> ain't nothing to do now a days....
[14:28] <ae_Guy> yeah, true true
[14:28] <@MekAchiCkA> TenG... u know i might b related to Bethy
[14:28] <+Juan2bone> i'm patient....
[14:28] <@MekAchiCkA> ?!
[14:28] * Quits: +`ShAnEeQuA` (jskldf@=1lng37-53-722-988.ok.ok.cox.net) (Ping Ti
[14:28] <@MekAchiCkA> LOlz
[14:28] <ae_Guy> any plans for the summer?
[14:28] <ae_Guy> nope, what bout you?
[14:28] <+Juan2bone> ic..u might
[14:28] * Quits: Guest48850 (java@=Oo35-106-17-8.mpls.qwest.net) (QUIT: User exi
[14:28] <ae_Guy> hrms... my friends might go to six flags next week
[14:28] <+Juan2bone> your mom knows her mom too
[14:28] <ae_Guy> really
[14:28] <@MekAchiCkA> She told me that Nick used to hang out wid her brother a l
[14:29] <@MekAchiCkA> ;p
[14:29] <ae_Guy> kool, i was thinking bout going also
[14:29] <home_boi> IT IS KINDA BORING IN HEA TOO
[14:29] <ae_Guy> but decided not to
[14:29] <+Juan2bone> yeah i know that
[14:29] <+Juan2bone> that's how i met them all
[14:29] <ae_Guy> go with my friends
[14:29] <@MekAchiCkA> Hrms.. Strange..
[14:29] <babilicious_asian_girl> so how old are u?
[14:29] <@MekAchiCkA> hahaha
[14:29] * inconsiderate_Pahoua kicks david in the head...bastard...told ya i'll
get someone to dl it for me
[14:29] <+Juan2bone> are u related to Bethy
[14:29] <@MekAchiCkA> Vangguy303 im 22 yrs young....
[14:29] <@MekAchiCkA> IOno...
[14:29] <home_boi> IM 20
[14:29] <@MekAchiCkA> TenG... not so sure..
[14:29] * Quits: Vangguy303 (java@=dmz-52-2-12-48.hsd1.co.comcast.net) (Ping Tim
[14:29] <home_boi> N SINGO
[14:29] * Joins: aNa_BaNaNa (java@=JxAE19K6W6.ipt.aol.com)
[14:29] <babilicious_asian_girl> haha
[14:29] <babilicious_asian_girl> that's nice to know
[14:30] * Joins: lonely_lilo_gurl (Chatz@=alzmctx9859-hz-roy-snze8.cpinternet.co
[14:30] * Quits: wifey (____@64.122.218.bx413=) (QUIT: User exited)
[14:30] <+Juan2bone> Mao how are u related to Shelly them again
[14:30] <@MekAchiCkA> TenG.. where she from...
[14:30] <babilicious_asian_girl> what's ur name?
[14:30] * Joins: Guest44585 (java@
[14:30] <home_boi> TY YANG
[14:30] <@MekAchiCkA> TenG... her dad and my sister-in-law are brothers and sist
[14:30] <@MekAchiCkA> oh sh*t
[14:30] <+Juan2bone> if i see Shelly tomorrow nite..i'll mention about u
[14:30] <@MekAchiCkA> that makes me her Aunt...
[14:30] <+Juan2bone> damn
[14:30] * ae_Guy is bored!!!!
[14:30] * Joins: ForlornLady (sux@=sVvqju-92-162-2-668.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
[14:30] <+Juan2bone> cool
[14:30] * Guest44585 is now known as Jimmyhlub
[14:30] * Joins: Guest47735 (java@=e4ul-mtz-nlvd6-827-99-179-708.cpinternet.com)
[14:30] <home_boi> N U??
[14:30] * Joins: Guest48089 (java@65.126.88.Ri737=)
[14:30] <@MekAchiCkA> Yea.. i dono if she'll remember me.. i only hung out wid t
hem for like one day
[14:30] <@MekAchiCkA> hahahaha
[14:30] <+Juan2bone> Mao..your aunt got some nice booty
[14:30] <+Juan2bone> haha
[14:30] <babilicious_asian_girl> imma lee
[14:30] <@MekAchiCkA> then i went to do my own thing
[14:31] <babilicious_asian_girl> names ka
[14:31] * Quits: Guest48089 (java@65.126.88.Ri737=) (QUIT: User exited)
[14:31] <@MekAchiCkA> my Aunt? who Cindy?
[14:31] * Joins: Guest24087 (____@64.122.218.O7449=)
[14:31] <@MekAchiCkA> hUH?
[14:31] <lonely_lilo_gurl> hey any guys care to chat???
[14:31] <+Juan2bone> shelly is your cuz or your aunto
[14:31] <home_boi> KEWL....N HOW OLD R U KA??
[14:31] * Joins: Guest43595 (java@=bMfakt-67-058-42-851.dsl.sktn01.pacbell.net)
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[14:31] <babilicious_asian_girl> im 18
[14:31] <@MekAchiCkA> She's my NEICE..
[14:31] <@MekAchiCkA> muAHAHA
[14:31] <+Juan2bone> my bad
[14:31] <+Juan2bone> cool
[14:31] <@MekAchiCkA> ;p
[14:31] * Guest47735 is now known as pewee
[14:31] <home_boi> CARE TO PC ME KA
[14:31] <babilicious_asian_girl> sure
[14:31] <+Juan2bone> your niece..looking hot..shelly
[14:31] <@MekAchiCkA> huh?
[14:32] <@MekAchiCkA> home_boi who u talkin to?
[14:32] <@MekAchiCkA> LOlz..
[14:32] <+Juan2bone> sup FORLORNLADY..Mulan???
[14:32] <@MekAchiCkA> okay.. i think all my nieces and nephews look good...
[14:32] <@MekAchiCkA> hahahah
[14:32] * inconsiderate_Pahoua ignores DAVID
[14:32] <babilicious_asian_girl> he's talking to me
[14:32] <babilicious_asian_girl> who is jimmyhlub talking to???
[14:32] <@MekAchiCkA> my nephew looks good.. and he's 20
[14:32] <@MekAchiCkA> hahaha
[14:32] <home_boi> Y U WANNA KNOW MEKACHICKA
[14:32] <@MekAchiCkA> my sister's oldest daughter
[14:32] <Guest43434> hi PAHOUA!
[14:33] <+Juan2bone> i'm gonna get her tipsy tomorrow at the club
[14:33] <@MekAchiCkA> cuz... u said ME KA
[14:33] <@MekAchiCkA> ;p
[14:33] <@MekAchiCkA> FOOL
[14:33] <@MekAchiCkA> dumbies needa know how to type
[14:33] <@MekAchiCkA> sh*t
[14:33] <@MekAchiCkA> anyHOW
[14:33] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> hi guest..who ru
[14:33] <Guest43434> hi pahoua its me lindi
[14:33] <home_boi> HEHE,,,,REAL FUNNY MEKA
[14:33] <@MekAchiCkA> Teng well if you do see her tonight.. see if she remembers
Kia and Mao
[14:33] <+Juan2bone> Mao..chill..he's a home boi..u get it
[14:33] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> oh hey!
[14:34] <+Juan2bone> alright
[14:34] * Parts: Jimmyhlub (java@
[14:34] * Quits: Guest50913 (java@=sIapyg-75-328-542-41.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
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[14:34] * aLLySa is now known as aLLySa`away
[14:34] <@MekAchiCkA> Her.. Aunt from MN sis-in laws
[14:34] <@MekAchiCkA> ;p
[14:34] <+Juan2bone> she's the same age as u though
[14:34] <Guest43434> what happen to your page?
[14:34] <+Juan2bone> k
[14:34] <@MekAchiCkA> yea..
[14:34] * Joins: shy_gurL (Touxiong84@=K560-72-10-193.mpls.qwest.net)
[14:34] <@MekAchiCkA> she's older than me
[14:34] <babilicious_asian_girl> haha
[14:34] <@MekAchiCkA> i think she' 23
[14:34] <babilicious_asian_girl> what' the h3ck are ya;ll talking bout??
[14:34] <@MekAchiCkA> rihgt?
[14:34] * Quits: ae_Guy (Hero_In_Ti@=fluzmm-nk62-igg10.cvip.net) (QUIT: User exi
[14:34] <+Juan2bone> she might be
[14:34] <@MekAchiCkA> i remember she was older than me
[14:34] <@MekAchiCkA> ;p
[14:34] <@MekAchiCkA> well anyways.. time to get to my movies
[14:34] <@MekAchiCkA> ;p
[14:34] <+Juan2bone> i'll tell her to drink for u tonight...
[14:34] <@MekAchiCkA> check u stupid people out laters
[14:34] <@MekAchiCkA> hahaha
[14:34] <+Juan2bone> tomorrow night i meant
[14:34] <@MekAchiCkA> no dont do that
[14:34] * Joins: Guest43845 (java@=usyhqrk-g-145-025.dhcp.CSUChico.EDU)
[14:34] <@MekAchiCkA> ;p
[14:34] <+Juan2bone> i will
[14:35] <+Juan2bone> hahah
[14:35] <@MekAchiCkA> she'll drink on her own will
[14:35] * Quits: shy_gurL (Touxiong84@=K560-72-10-193.mpls.qwest.net) (QUIT: Use
r exited)
[14:35] <+Juan2bone> yeah i know
[14:35] * Guest43845 is now known as Mr_Sexy
[14:35] <+Juan2bone> the last time i saw her i bought her a shot of LC
[14:35] <@MekAchiCkA> ;p
[14:36] <@MekAchiCkA> ur gay
[14:36] <@MekAchiCkA> ;p
[14:36] <@MekAchiCkA> anyhow..
[14:36] * Joins: Linda^ (undernet@=ngVvnsrwk-RLD-ulf3042184.sympatico.ca)
[14:36] <@MekAchiCkA> laters..
[14:36] <@MekAchiCkA> im oUT..
[14:36] <@MekAchiCkA> leave a messege
[14:36] * @MekAchiCkA GONE* Leave a MESSEGE after the BEEP...!! *BEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
[14:36] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> u got some LIQUID COCAINE TENG?
[14:36] * Guest43434 is now known as miss_ugly
[14:36] * Joins: Guest43832 (java@=Uv93-710-159-602.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com)
[14:36] * Guest43595 is now known as mary_dammit
[14:36] * ChanServ sets mode: +v mary_dammit
[14:37] <+mary_dammit> wudduperZ all!!
[14:37] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> hi mary
[14:37] <aNa_BaNaNa> hi mary_dammit
[14:37] * Guest43832 is now known as NC_Paul
[14:37] <+mary_dammit> hi pahoua
[14:37] <+mary_dammit> hi ana
[14:37] <NC_Paul> hi
[14:37] <+mary_dammit> hi NC paul
[14:37] * inconsiderate_Pahoua sighs
[14:37] * Joins: Guest47686 (java@=Ri90-367-69-801.nh.cc.mn.us)
[14:37] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[14:37] <NC_Paul> any girl wanna chat pc me
[14:37] <+mary_dammit> u pc us
[14:37] <+mary_dammit> haha
[14:37] <+Juan2bone> yessssssssssss PAHOUA
[14:37] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> lol@mary
[14:37] <+mary_dammit> hi teng
[14:37] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> u tell him mary!
[14:38] <+mary_dammit> hahahah
[14:38] <+Juan2bone> U LIKE LC pahoua
[14:38] <+Juan2bone> sup mary dammit
[14:38] <+mary_dammit> wheres everyone else at???
[14:38] <+mary_dammit> cyber sex?
[14:38] <+mary_dammit> or dead?
[14:38] * Guest47686 is now known as May
[14:38] <ForlornLady> sup mary!
[14:38] <+mary_dammit> i knwo its either one of them
[14:38] * Joins: incOmplete_with_oUt (cutie_boi@=afp-86-539-72-16.hsd1.ca.comcas
[14:38] <+mary_dammit> mulan!
[14:38] <+mary_dammit> dammit u!
[14:38] <ForlornLady> yup
[14:38] <ForlornLady> what?
[14:38] <+mary_dammit> coem to stocktont his weekend and chill here
[14:39] <incOmplete_with_oUt> hello ladies
[14:39] <+mary_dammit> come*
[14:39] <babilicious_asian_girl> what's the talk here?
[14:39] <+Juan2bone> sup FORLORNLADY..Mulan???
[14:39] <ForlornLady> sup juan
[14:39] <+mary_dammit> o wait u working huh
[14:39] * May is now known as May21
[14:39] * Joins: Guest41378 (java@=8lt12-09-65.ej2338.umn.edu)
[14:39] <ForlornLady> I don't work on sun
[14:39] * Joins: Guest42561 (java@69.233.209.cp503=)
[14:39] <ForlornLady> but brown is taking th car on sun
[14:39] <May21> Hi everybody
[14:39] <+Juan2bone> what's cracking girl--friend....?? mulan
[14:39] <+mary_dammit> ok
[14:39] <+mary_dammit> for what
[14:39] <+mary_dammit> to fresno?
[14:39] <ForlornLady> nothing here juan..urself?
[14:39] <ForlornLady> yeah fresno
[14:39] * Guest42561 is now known as Jimmyhlub
[14:39] <+Juan2bone> just chillin
[14:39] <+mary_dammit> i c
[14:39] <ForlornLady> do u think she can make it?
[14:39] * Joins: Guest42406 (java@=5lutfv-62-054-86-313.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net)
[14:40] <+mary_dammit> yeah
[14:40] <+Juan2bone> are u back in Stockton or u still up in SJ? mulan
[14:40] <+mary_dammit> u mean the way she drives?
[14:40] * Guest42406 is now known as glamorous209
[14:40] <ForlornLady> I'm kinda scared, but I'm letting her go
[14:40] <ForlornLady> yeah
[14:40] <+mary_dammit> by herself?????
[14:40] <ForlornLady> I'm in sac juan
[14:40] <May21> i'm 21
[14:40] <ForlornLady> yes herself
[14:40] <+mary_dammit> dam!
[14:40] <+Juan2bone> yeah that's right
[14:40] <+Juan2bone> forgot
[14:40] * Guest41378 is now known as Ms_IL_MARE
[14:40] <+mary_dammit> i donno dude
[14:40] <+mary_dammit> she falls asleep fast
[14:40] <ForlornLady> I know
[14:40] <ForlornLady> haha..I said that too
[14:40] <+mary_dammit> Umm
[14:40] <May21> Tseemtos--nice nickname
[14:41] <babilicious_asian_girl> it's boring huh people
[14:41] <+mary_dammit> thats kinda scary man!
[14:41] <babilicious_asian_girl> whatchu guys talking bout?
[14:41] <+mary_dammit> i donno if i would let her go
[14:41] <ForlornLady> I told her that she better come home fast becoz she might
fall asleep
[14:41] <+mary_dammit> haha
[14:41] * Guest49679 is now known as Who_Am_I_To_You
[14:41] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[14:41] <+mary_dammit> just on sunday
[14:41] <ForlornLady> I don't wanna go w/ her though mary
[14:41] * Joins: YnotMe2 (Ying@=proizv-64-171-61-09.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net)
[14:41] <ForlornLady> yeah just on sunday
[14:41] <+mary_dammit> dam
[14:41] <YnotMe2> hello..any women21+cares2?
[14:41] <+Juan2bone> mulan and mary u gals should hit the RAge tomorrow nite?
[14:41] <ForlornLady> if I go...I got sh*t to do
[14:41] <Ms_IL_MARE> Afternoon people!
[14:41] <+mary_dammit> i ahve a feeling she gonna coem home late
[14:41] <+mary_dammit> have
[14:41] <ForlornLady> I know
[14:41] <+mary_dammit> dude im scared for her
[14:41] <ForlornLady> hell yeah
[14:41] <Ms_IL_MARE> how's it going?
[14:41] <ForlornLady> not I juan
[14:41] * Joins: Guest45730 (java@
[14:42] <+mary_dammit> no teng..im poor
[14:42] <Jimmyhlub> mai21 kare to chat
[14:42] <ForlornLady> I ain't never ever going to the rage in my life again
[14:42] <+mary_dammit> haha
[14:42] <Ms_IL_MARE> 2 more hrs n I'll be done with work
[14:42] <May21> oh
[14:42] <ForlornLady> :) haha
[14:42] <+Juan2bone> okay ladies..it's cool then...
[14:42] <May21> where u frm?
[14:42] <+mary_dammit> uMm
[14:42] <ForlornLady> mary..I'm poor too
[14:42] <+mary_dammit> tell her to come pick me up
[14:42] <+mary_dammit> im too scared for her
[14:42] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[14:42] <ForlornLady> U want to go?
[14:42] <+mary_dammit> i'll go with her
[14:42] <ForlornLady> I'll tell her
[14:42] <+mary_dammit> yeah
[14:42] <+mary_dammit> tel;l her
[14:42] <ForlornLady> who u gonna hang out with?
[14:42] <+mary_dammit> i aint doiong sh|t this weekend
[14:42] <+Juan2bone> TAKE mary dammite
[14:42] <May21> Jimmyhlub--where are u frm?
[14:42] <Jimmyhlub> mai21 kare to chat
[14:42] <+mary_dammit> i think
[14:42] <ForlornLady> haha
[14:42] <+mary_dammit> yeah
[14:42] <ForlornLady> I don't know what I'mma do either
[14:42] <+mary_dammit> hhaa
[14:43] <+mary_dammit> i'll call kong when i get there
[14:43] <ForlornLady> stay home do sh*t
[14:43] <Jimmyhlub> mai21 got msn we can chat
[14:43] <+mary_dammit> haha
[14:43] <+mary_dammit> he can chill with me
[14:43] <+mary_dammit> hahah
[14:43] <ForlornLady> yeah double date...cool
[14:43] <May21> solli enope msn
[14:43] * Guest45730 is now known as Civuag
[14:43] <+mary_dammit> fawk no!
[14:43] <+mary_dammit> haha
[14:43] * Quits: Civuag (java@ (QUIT: User exited)
[14:43] <+mary_dammit> im just gonna go see him
[14:43] <Jimmyhlub> mai21 got to your site we can chat
[14:43] * Joins: Guest44868 (java@158.123.20.SJ03=)
[14:43] <+mary_dammit> if not then imma go watch movies
[14:43] <+mary_dammit> haha
[14:43] <+mary_dammit> alone
[14:43] <ForlornLady> haha
[14:43] <Jimmyhlub> mai21 got to your site we can chat
[14:43] <+mary_dammit> he
[14:43] <+mary_dammit> ops
[14:43] <ForlornLady> fresno sounds boring to me
[14:44] <+mary_dammit> heck yeah
[14:44] * Guest44868 is now known as Nkaujhmoob_Bannor
[14:44] <May21> i block my pc
[14:44] <ForlornLady> so I rather stay in sac
[14:44] <ForlornLady> and be bored here
[14:44] <+mary_dammit> ok...i'll go get last like4 last tim
[14:44] <Who_Am_I_To_You> hey mr sexy.. im who am i to you.. who r u?
[14:44] <+mary_dammit> lost*
[14:44] <ForlornLady> haha
[14:44] <Jimmyhlub> mai21 go there we caht
[14:44] * Joins: Guest40457 (java@=UVb-59-98-310-2.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[14:44] <+mary_dammit> sh|t..my computer is laggin
[14:44] <Jimmyhlub> mai21 go there we chat
[14:44] * Parts: @Al3x (..@=qe48-865-42-494.static.shb.wi.charter.com)
[14:44] <+mary_dammit> ErR
[14:45] * Joins: Al3x (..@=qe48-865-42-494.static.shb.wi.charter.com)
[14:45] <ForlornLady> mary...if U get on the guest list..U can go in for free at
the rage
[14:45] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Al3x
[14:45] <+mary_dammit> man!
[14:45] <+mary_dammit> like i got gas
[14:45] <ForlornLady> but fcuk the rage!
[14:45] <+mary_dammit> i know!
[14:45] <ForlornLady> haha
[14:45] <+mary_dammit> since u got fawked up there
[14:45] * Quits: Jaacinda (hrnyalex28@=7TDsisxrs-WMI-wwv8691404.sympatico.ca) (Q
UIT: User exited)
[14:45] <+mary_dammit> hahahhahahhahhahhaha
[14:45] <ForlornLady> haha
[14:45] <Jimmyhlub> mai21 go there we chat
[14:45] <ForlornLady> shut up
[14:45] <+mary_dammit> man!
[14:45] <+mary_dammit> thats funnie
[14:45] <ForlornLady> oh mary guess what
[14:45] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> i had sooooooooooooooo much fun at the rage
[14:45] <inconsiderate_Pahoua> :D
[14:45] <+mary_dammit> u n nou look funniw dude
[14:45] <+Juan2bone> Mary got gassssssssss
[14:45] <+mary_dammit> funnie*
[14:45] * May21 is away~~~
[14:45] <ForlornLady> I met tith the bish
[14:45] <Jimmyhlub> mai21 go there we chat
[14:45] <+mary_dammit> i got no gas
[14:46] <ForlornLady> hey go to hmongchat mary
[14:46] <+Juan2bone> u do
[14:46] <incOmplete_with_oUt> who is ForlornLady?
[14:46] <+mary_dammit> welp..i got gas in my body if thats what u mean
[14:46] <+mary_dammit> ahha
[14:46] <+Juan2bone> gas price went down mary..that helps abit
[14:46] <+mary_dammit> ok mulan
[14:46] <+mary_dammit> yeah
[14:46] <Jimmyhlub> mai21 you there
[14:46] <ForlornLady> U got plenty of that mary
[14:46] <Nkaujhmoob_Bannor> hahaha
[14:46] * angel [nicholas@=Tltj.ja.33.136.revip.asianet.co.th] is on IRC (aol)
[14:46] * Guest40457 is now known as kaliguy4u
[14:46] <+Juan2bone> mary farts a lot
[14:46] * angel has left IRC
[14:46] <+Juan2bone> haha
[14:46] * Quits: incOmplete_with_oUt (cutie_boi@=afp-86-539-72-16.hsd1.ca.comcas
t.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[14:46] <Jimmyhlub> mai21 you there
[14:46] * Joins: reality_gurl (sEnSaTiOnS@129.8.135.tW991=)
[14:46] * ChanServ sets mode: +o reality_gurl
[14:46] <Jimmyhlub> mai21 you there
[14:46] <ForlornLady> Juan..it's a natural thing
[14:46] <Jimmyhlub> mai21 you there
[14:46] <+Juan2bone> yeah i know
[14:47] <+Juan2bone> but mary she over does it
[14:47] <+Juan2bone> hahahahha
[14:47] <Jimmyhlub> mai 21 you there
[14:47] <+mary_dammit> what
[14:47] * Joins: `ShAnEeQuA` (jskldf@=t0hg76-04-802-625.ok.ok.cox.net)
[14:47] <+Juan2bone> mary natural gas
[14:47] * Xaway sets mode: +v `ShAnEeQuA`
[14:47] <+`ShAnEeQuA`> omy
[14:47] * Quits: Jimmyhlub (java@69.233.209.cp503=) (QUIT: User exited)
[14:47] <+mary_dammit> hahaha
[14:47] <Kat`busyOnAA> damn...
[14:48] <+mary_dammit> shuddup teng
[14:48] <+`ShAnEeQuA`> my nieces and nephews are really pissing me off
[14:48] <+mary_dammit> hi shan babe
[14:48] <Kat`busyOnAA> gonna take me all day :/
[14:48] <+`ShAnEeQuA`> im abotu to smack the fcuk out of them
[14:48] <+`ShAnEeQuA`> oh my goodness
[14:48] <+`ShAnEeQuA`> i'm so pissed
[14:48] <Kat`busyOnAA> :/
[14:48] <+`ShAnEeQuA`> but hello mamacita mary
[14:48] <+`ShAnEeQuA`> i'm getting real tired of my spoiled fcuken nieces n neph
[14:48] <+`ShAnEeQuA`> pissing me off
[14:48] <+mary_dammit> haha
[14:49] <+mary_dammit> ur fault for spoiling them
[14:49] <+`ShAnEeQuA`> i dont fcuken spoil them
[14:49] <+`ShAnEeQuA`> ugh
[14:49] * @Al3x points at `ShAnEeQuA` and laughs
[14:49] <+mary_dammit> haha
[14:49] <+`ShAnEeQuA`> lols Al3x. wha?!
[14:49] <+Juan2bone> Shanne...give them the hand...
[14:49] <+mary_dammit> shan es..shuddup..ur gonna spoil your kids
[14:49] <+`ShAnEeQuA`> i give them the knuckle, juan.
[14:49] * Joins: Lil_yngrl (itsjustme@=Tjsoqn-63-126-858-358.dsl.klmzmi.ameritec
[14:49] <+mary_dammit> get used to them sweetie
[14:50] <+mary_dammit> haha
[14:50] <+Juan2bone> k
[14:50] * +`ShAnEeQuA` i dont even wana have kids omy!
[14:50] <@Al3x> atleast you don't neglect them like atleast 80% of this room doe
[14:50] * +`ShAnEeQuA` I already...
[14:50] * Quits: Kat`busyOnAA (itsjustme@=exvtci-53-90-69-124.dsl.klmzmi.amerite
ch.net) (Ping Timeout)
[14:50] * +`ShAnEeQuA` have like...
[14:50] * +`ShAnEeQuA` 10kids I swear, [my nieces and nephew]
[14:50] <Lil_yngrl> LaiB!!!!!!
[14:50] * +`ShAnEeQuA` I seriously take care of all them, like they're mines! *FC
UK! :!D
[14:50] * Joins: MonKeYKnUTtS (meISme@=FEo-45-81-317-79.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
[14:50] * +`ShAnEeQuA` Me feel so... exhausted..
[14:51] <+mary_dammit> KAT!!!..UR aa member of teh week!!!
[14:51] <Lil_yngrl> lol.. i know!
[14:51] * +`ShAnEeQuA` The most kids im going to have... I think is goin gto be l
[14:51] <+mary_dammit> whOop whOop!.*claps*
[14:51] * +`ShAnEeQuA` 4..
[14:51] <Lil_yngrl> i just got home from class...
[14:51] <+mary_dammit> hi LaiB
[14:51] * +`ShAnEeQuA` Maximum - 4 kids.
[14:51] <Lil_yngrl> my sister told me and i ran to the comp
[14:51] <Mr_Idle> shannequeenie .. just give them some sugar and let them tire t
hemselve off ...
[14:51] * +`ShAnEeQuA` I'm not sure I want to clean the house, Mr_Idle.
[14:52] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 testing
[14:52] * +`ShAnEeQuA` I"m very very tired already.
[14:52] * Lil_yngrl is now known as Kat`busyOnAA
[14:52] <May21> u're so mean mr_IDLE
[14:52] * Mr_Idle give Mary lots of SugAr ...
[14:52] * Parts: glamorous209 (java@=5lutfv-62-054-86-313.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net
[14:52] * Joins: HiImSexy (georgebush@=Gx0-5klsm6-690.nas23.stockton1.ca.us.da.q
[14:52] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 kuv hlub koj hlub koj xwb
[14:52] <Mr_Idle> ekek
[14:52] * Joins: Vinner (fasdgsg@
[14:52] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hi vinnie
[14:52] <Vinner> hi who
[14:52] * Joins: glamorous209 (java@=5lutfv-62-054-86-313.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net
[14:52] <May21> kids gonna have cavities if u're babie sitting them kekekek
[14:52] <Vinner> we got colors now?
[14:52] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 yep since last night
[14:52] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 :D
[14:53] <Vinner> lol
[14:53] <Vinner> kool
[14:53] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 make this chatroom colorful will ya
[14:53] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 :D
[14:53] * Mr_Idle is now known as LordVenom
[14:53] <Vinner> 12 blue
[14:53] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 :D
[14:53] <May21> 7 sure ya
[14:53] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 use yellow
[14:53] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 oh christmas colors
[14:53] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 :D
[14:53] * LordVenom yawns ..
[14:53] * Joins: toutie (if@=Vgo69.115.4.164.stp.wi.charter.com)
[14:53] <Vinner> 12 blue is gonna be my color
[14:53] <May21> 7 yellow is mine
[14:53] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 gangster
[14:53] <May21> hehhe
[14:53] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 :D
[14:53] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 im blood
[14:53] <May21> J/k...
[14:53] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 what are you? :D
[14:53] * HiImSexy is now known as AnaIsMyCumDumpster
[14:53] <Vinner> 12 and im still blue
[14:54] * +`ShAnEeQuA` I'm so tired.
[14:54] <Vinner> 12 blue gang
[14:54] * Who_Am_I_To_You rapes shanequa
[14:54] * +`ShAnEeQuA` I dont think I ever want kids.
[14:54] * May21 slap Vinner --the gangsta
[14:54] <aNa_BaNaNa> nash u dork
[14:54] * +`ShAnEeQuA` Yawns. Your such a boring sexer, Who_Am_I_To_You.
[14:54] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hi ana
[14:54] <AnaIsMyCumDumpster> haven't been around here in ages
[14:54] <Vinner> 12 blue is water
[14:54] * +`ShAnEeQuA` Hellos vin.
[14:54] <aNa_BaNaNa> hi Who_Am_I_To_You
[14:54] <AnaIsMyCumDumpster> u kids still rottin ur brains here
[14:54] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 blue is blue balls
[14:54] <Vinner> 12 hi shanee
[14:55] <Vinner> 12 shanee i hope u like me better in blue
[14:55] * +`ShAnEeQuA` FCUK MAN
[14:55] * +`ShAnEeQuA` I"M SO PISSSED
[14:55] * +`ShAnEeQuA` Lols.
[14:55] * Quits: Nkaujhmoob_Bannor (java@158.123.20.SJ03=) (QUIT: User exited)
[14:55] <May21> LOL @ Vinner
[14:55] * +`ShAnEeQuA`  ;].
[14:55] * May21 says who is Toutie?
[14:55] <Vinner> 12 May21... thats not todays date
[14:56] <toutie> hm?
[14:56] <Vinner> 12 May21... today is June 8
[14:56] <Vinner> :D
[14:56] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 lol vinnie
[14:56] <May21> i'm 21 yrs old
[14:56] <May21> not 8
[14:56] <May21> i know my # Vinner
[14:56] <toutie> wow..
[14:56] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 her name is may and her age is 21
[14:56] <+`ShAnEeQuA`> BRb folKs
[14:56] * Quits: +`ShAnEeQuA` (jskldf@=t0hg76-04-802-625.ok.ok.cox.net) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[14:56] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 may21
[14:56] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hmm
[14:56] <toutie> i'll be 21 in 4 days..
[14:56] <toutie> haha.
[14:56] <Vinner> :D
[14:56] <Vinner> haha
[14:56] <May21> see she got it rite
[14:56] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 ill be 18 in two days
[14:56] <May21> wow happie earlie b-day
[14:56] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 :D
[14:56] <May21> happie b-day to ya
[14:56] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 thanks
[14:56] <toutie> wow wow..
[14:57] <toutie> hahahahaha..
[14:57] <Vinner> 12 May21 wows.. she smart
[14:57] <May21> i turn 21 in may
[14:57] <May21> hahah
[14:57] <babilicious_asian_girl> u can go drink ur a$$ up
[14:57] <toutie> that's cool..
[14:57] * MonKeYKnUTtS slaps babilicious_asian_girl around a bit with a large tr
[14:57] <May21> Vinner---i know my #s
[14:57] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 anyone over 21 wanna go buy me drink?
[14:57] <Vinner> 12 May21 i lost my number can i get urs?
[14:57] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 fakw ph
[14:57] * Joins: Guest35918 (java@=3jfdey-20-036-584-20.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
[14:58] <May21> 7 sollie i don't teach people # in here
[14:58] * Quits: pewee (java@=e4ul-mtz-nlvd6-827-99-179-708.cpinternet.com) (QUI
T: User exited)
[14:58] * Joins: tubntuj (hmong@=soc-05-50-72-40.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[14:58] <Vinner> but teacher....
[14:58] * Quits: babilicious_asian_girl (java@137.28.184.QM139=) (QUIT: User exi
[14:58] <Vinner> i need to learn
[14:58] <Vinner> :D
[14:58] <May21> LOL
[14:58] <May21> very funnie
[14:58] <Vinner> teach me 69
[14:58] <tubntuj> hi strangers
[14:58] * Guest35918 is now known as THLC
[14:58] * Joins: Guest33768 (HTML@=MOnon.nrj.wamu.net)
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[14:58] * Guest35265 was kicked by Al3x (4Clones Detected 0,1×X× 4 ê åM Fâñ ã §ÿ 0×X×)
[14:58] * Al3x sets mode: +R
[14:58] * Guest33768 was kicked by Al3x (4Don't Bring Clones 1 Guest33768  0,1×X× 4 êåM Fâñ
[14:58] * Al3x sets mode: +b *!*@=MOnon.nrj.wamu.net
[14:59] <May21> 4 Vinner, I'm not a teacher FYI
[14:59] * Joins: mad_scientist (java@69.106.189.PZ792=)
[14:59] * THLC any cali girls in here care to chat preferred over 18 pc me
[14:59] * Al3x sets mode: -R
[14:59] <Vinner> any girls wants to me ask them alot of questions? PC ME
[14:59] <May21> 18?
[14:59] <tubntuj> sup thlc
[14:59] <Vinner> hahaha
[14:59] <May21> LOL @ Vinner
[15:00] <tubntuj> lol vin
[15:00] * THLC sup tubntuj
[15:00] <tubntuj> wat kinda questions?
[15:00] <Vinner> 12 do it may
[15:00] * Joins: aiMee_ (Addicts@=xRUD8T0C4Y.ipt.aol.com)
[15:00] * ChanServ sets mode: +v aiMee_
[15:00] <Vinner> 12 i ask like.. where from ? got pix?
[15:00] <May21> 3 Y should I
[15:00] * THLC dam this is boring now too ain't shi.t to do online no more
[15:00] <Vinner> blah blah
[15:00] <Vinner> boring stuff
[15:00] <tubntuj> hi aiMee_
[15:00] <+aiMee_> Hi Brandon
[15:01] * Quits: lonely_lilo_gurl (Chatz@=alzmctx9859-hz-roy-snze8.cpinternet.co
m) (QUIT: User exited)
[15:01] * miss_ugly is now known as mystery_gurl
[15:01] <Vinner> 12 May coz i wanna ask u questions
[15:01] * Joins: Guest31743 (java@=tiGJN-49-33-295-32.wi.res.rr.com)
[15:01] <May21> what kind of questions?
[15:01] <Vinner> 12 May ok so i wanna ask for ur pix
[15:01] * Quits: aNa_BaNaNa (java@=JxAE19K6W6.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[15:01] * Joins: Guest36283 (java@=0ci-89-629-85-983.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[15:01] <May21> I don't have any pix...
[15:01] <Vinner> 12 May ... in privates
[15:01] * Quits: AnaIsMyCumDumpster (georgebush@=Gx0-5klsm6-690.nas23.stockton1.
ca.us.da.qwest.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[15:01] <Guest24087> Hi aims .. shh!
[15:01] * Joins: Guest36681 (java@
[15:01] <+aiMee_> uMm, HI guest
[15:01] * Guest36283 is now known as miss_macy
[15:02] * Joins: Angeela (micky.fide@=9hny80-677-309-145.lv.lv.cox.net)
[15:02] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@*.lv.lv.cox.net
[15:02] * Angeela was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk: clone
[15:02] * Joins: Guest36518 (java@69.233.209.qk617=)
[15:02] <miss_macy> hey n e guys here care to chat?
[15:02] <May21> Vinner--y?
[15:02] * Quits: Guest31743 (java@=tiGJN-49-33-295-32.wi.res.rr.com) (QUIT: User
[15:02] <Vinner> how come we get clone hosts?
[15:02] * Parts: @Xaway (VIP@=Lkuzwg-16-900-053-37.adsl2.iam.net.ma)
[15:02] * Joins: XPLoSion (VIP@=Lkuzwg-16-900-053-37.adsl2.iam.net.ma)
[15:02] * ChanServ sets mode: +o XPLoSion
[15:02] <May21> u're afraid u're gonna get caught if we chat on main screen?
[15:02] * Guest36518 is now known as Jimmyhlub
[15:02] <May21> J/K...
[15:02] <Vinner> yeh thats exactly iy
[15:02] <Vinner> lol
[15:02] <May21> oh okay
[15:02] <May21> poor u
[15:02] <Vinner> jk
[15:02] <May21> i feel sorry for ur g/f...
[15:02] * THLC is now known as BoredasFUC-KhereATwork
[15:03] * Guest36681 is now known as PajNra
[15:03] <Jimmyhlub> mai 21 kare to chat
[15:03] <May21> yeah?
[15:03] <tubntuj> vinny the only question i ask now is "got pix?" :) cause you k
now that's the one that matters most.. since for years i've been having night ma
res of fat ugly girls i see from online
[15:03] <Jimmyhlub> mai 21 were you from
[15:03] <sum`guy727> tubntuj: dont ask for pics then
[15:03] <Vinner> may21 that was an openin line for other guys to mack on u
[15:03] <Vinner> :(
[15:03] <May21> tubntuj i know that Vinner yuav nug that question las mas
[15:03] <tubntuj> sum it's a waste of my charm chatting then
[15:03] <Jimmyhlub> mai 21 were you from
[15:03] <May21> Vinner...
[15:03] * Joins: Guest36624 (java@=8Uo-72-233-02-039.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[15:03] <Jimmyhlub> mai 21 were you from
[15:03] * Joins: Guest33813 (java@64.160.115.Se950=)
[15:03] * Joins: Guest36505 (java@=Sgsme-53-631-18-312.dsl.frs2ca.pacbell.net)
[15:03] * BoredasFUC-KhereATwork hi MARY
[15:04] <Jimmyhlub> mai 21 were you from
[15:04] <May21> MN
[15:04] * BoredasFUC-KhereATwork is now known as THLC
[15:04] <May21> Vinner--who's ur gal?
[15:04] <tubntuj> may well do you have a picture?
[15:04] * Joins: `ShAnEeQuA` (jskldf@=yohb56-36-872-735.ok.ok.cox.net)
[15:04] * Guest36624 is now known as LadyKissEs
[15:04] * `ShAnEeQuA` Sigh
[15:04] * XPLoSion sets mode: +v `ShAnEeQuA`
[15:04] <Vinner> none
[15:04] * THLC is now known as Guest70833
[15:04] * Quits: Jimmyhlub (java@69.233.209.qk617=) (QUIT: User exited)
[15:04] <May21> tubntuj kuv tsis muaj duab os--cux like u said that ? matters th
e most
[15:04] <miss_macy> n e guys in here care to chat?
[15:04] <May21> Vinne--chim chim siab lawm os
[15:04] * Quits: CupiDSuccKs--Laydee (kayang87@=Edk-10-896-905-258.hsd1.mn.comca
st.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[15:04] <Vinner> my gf is may21
[15:04] * Parts: Guest33813 (java@64.160.115.Se950=)
[15:04] * `ShAnEeQuA` is now known as `simplysweet`afk`
[15:04] <May21> nice joke Vinner
[15:05] * `simplysweet`afk` is now known as `simplysweet`bz`
[15:05] <Vinner> she is hott like fire
[15:05] <May21> ur gurl's gonna get mad
[15:05] <May21> Whaver
[15:05] <PajNra> hahahaha
[15:05] <Vinner> may21 gonna get mad?
[15:05] <May21> Vinner don't lie
[15:05] * +`simplysweet`bz` Yes, i'm going to get mad.
[15:05] <May21> i said ur gal's gonna get mad
[15:05] * +`simplysweet`bz` Stop flirting, you d1ck!
[15:05] <Vinner> may21 no ur not
[15:05] <May21> oh there she goest
[15:05] <May21> goes
[15:05] <May21> LOL
[15:05] <tubntuj> may tsis yog i didnt mean it.. it doesnt matter the most tiams
i yus yeej xav pom yog ib tug neeg tej zaum yus yuav nyiaj taus thiab.. thiaj li
tsis nkes sij hawm
[15:05] * +`simplysweet`bz` Lols.
[15:05] <Vinner> lol
[15:06] <May21> uh...
[15:06] <May21> yeej yog las mas
[15:06] <tubntuj> i know im right
[15:06] <May21> but I guess guys in here--picture is what they really wanna see
[15:06] <tubntuj> i usually am... though many denies it
[15:06] <Vinner> got that rite
[15:06] <May21> I don't know....
[15:06] <May21> guys are just so weird...
[15:06] <miss_macy> where all da guys at?
[15:06] <Kat`busyOnAA> brb
[15:06] * Quits: Kat`busyOnAA (itsjustme@=Tjsoqn-63-126-858-358.dsl.klmzmi.ameri
tech.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[15:06] <Vinner> im not wierd
[15:06] <May21> Vinner--go conjole ur gal
[15:07] <May21> she's mad ohhhhhhh
[15:07] <Vinner> lol
[15:07] <miss_macy> some guys are jerks no (offense)
[15:07] <tubntuj> no it isnt that picture is all we wanna see.. it's the we've s
een too many disappointing ones before.. and we're just more concerned now
[15:07] * Quits: home_boi (java@=Tjzvgo369.dn168.umontana.edu) (QUIT: User exite
[15:07] * Vinner smacks simplysweet
[15:07] <tubntuj> miss_macy do you have a picture.... ?
[15:07] <May21> i don't know
[15:07] <miss_macy> no not for u
[15:07] <May21> about that
[15:07] <kaliguy4u> may21, where u from
[15:07] <+aiMee_> OMG Brandon, sorry to disappoint you with my picture.
[15:07] <May21> MN
[15:07] <+aiMee_> Didnt have to say it like that.
[15:08] <toutie> some guys aren't jerks.. all guys are pretty much jerks..
[15:08] <Vinner> lol at tubtuj
[15:08] <kaliguy4u> oh okay
[15:08] <+Juan2bone> miss macy...hello there? how are u doing?
[15:08] <May21> LOL
[15:08] <miss_macy> yeah...
[15:08] * tubntuj goes* sit by simplymai a pretty girl :) *smiles*
[15:08] <miss_macy> u got that right touie
[15:08] * Joins: MetaLhEaD (MeTALhEaD@=d7nwgi-96-87-21-66.gdrpwi.dsl-w.verizon.n
[15:08] <tubntuj> aiMee_ oyy wasnt talking about you
[15:08] <Vinner> i dont mind seeing dissappointing pix
[15:08] <Guest24087> aims .. me too !
[15:08] <May21> oh yeah...
[15:08] * Quits: hmoob-ca (java@=i350-789-484-038.stkn.dialup.elite.net) (Ping T
[15:08] * Quits: PajNra (java@ (QUIT: User exited)
[15:08] <+aiMee_> I know huh Guest.
[15:08] <May21> well sollie i haven't update my HP
[15:08] <May21> and no pix either
[15:08] <tubntuj> toutie you're such a male bustah
[15:08] <tubntuj> lol
[15:08] * Al3x sets mode: -b *!*@=qIfky.nrj.wamu.net
[15:08] <Guest24087> He's talking about us .. but denies it!
[15:08] <+aiMee_> LOL
[15:09] <miss_macy> no he's got it right tubntuj
[15:09] <tubntuj> sup cuzz toutie long time man...
[15:09] <May21> tubntuj--so u got pix i can see 2?
[15:09] <tubntuj> miss_macy well show me your picture.. i might not be a ****
[15:09] <tubntuj> who knows
[15:09] <tubntuj> :)
[15:09] <tubntuj> no because i got no scanner
[15:09] <May21> but i'm not fat
[15:09] <tubntuj> thats good may
[15:09] <May21> poor u
[15:09] <tubntuj> lol :)
[15:09] <miss_macy> u can never judge a person by the picture
[15:09] <+aiMee_> I got a pic but I wont show becuase Brandon says my pic is dis
[15:09] <tubntuj> very good already.. are you sure you're not fat?
[15:09] <May21> i wanna go gain some weight but couldn't
[15:09] <Guest24087> LOL@aims
[15:10] <May21> true miss macy
[15:10] <Vinner> if ur not fat than u must be ugly.... jk
[15:10] <miss_macy> yes indeed
[15:10] <tubntuj> like gosh! i dont know what to do with a fat girl.. bounce her
[15:10] <tubntuj> ?
[15:10] <May21> 2 Vinner u're talking about meh?
[15:10] <+aiMee_> like gosh Brandon! Thats so mean.
[15:10] <Vinner> nooo never
[15:10] <Guest70833> asdfasdf
[15:10] <tubntuj> lol hi annie
[15:10] <Guest70833> sdf
[15:10] <Guest70833> sdf
[15:10] <miss_macy> what u trying to say bout fat girls huh? tubntuj
[15:10] <Guest70833> h
[15:10] <Guest70833> y
[15:10] <Guest70833> i
[15:10] <Guest70833> t
[15:10] * acara sets mode: +b *!*@=3jfdey-20-036-584-20.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net
[15:10] * Guest70833 was kicked by acara (Text flood detected)
[15:10] <May21> better b --j/k...
[15:10] <Guest24087> Dam .. Im not here!
[15:10] * +`simplysweet`bz` I'm pretty but i'm fat.
[15:10] * +`simplysweet`bz` I'm fat, but i'm not pretty.
[15:10] <miss_macy> y u sound so conceited bout ur self?
[15:10] * +`simplysweet`bz` Sigh what are the odds?
[15:10] * +`simplysweet`bz` Ugly right?
[15:10] * Joins: AdorableEyes_ (Chatz@=Z9u-88-985-58-56.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[15:11] <Vinner> simplysweet is a toothpick
[15:11] * +`simplysweet`bz` I'm fat but i'm pretty, but since i'm fat, i'm ugly?
[15:11] * +`simplysweet`bz` Ahahahaha?
[15:11] <tubntuj> miss_macy i know you're fat now.. pls don't chat to me.. unles
s you're welling to be nicer :(
[15:11] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[15:11] <+aiMee_> I only have a pretty face. I dont know about the rest of my bo
[15:11] <AdorableEyes_> Hi guys
[15:11] <miss_macy> oh tubntuj
[15:11] <AdorableEyes_> how are u nerds doing
[15:11] <May21> 12 Everybody is pretty & cute in their little own special ways--i
s everybody happy & kool now
[15:11] * LadyKissEs is now known as Guest14813
[15:11] * +`simplysweet`bz` Oh, i'm with you on that aiMee_.
[15:11] <miss_macy> u got it sooooo wrong
[15:11] <Guest24087> aims, you're one hot sexy mama!
[15:11] <May21> 12 Everybody is pretty & cute in their little own special ways--i
s everybody happy & kool now
[15:11] * +`simplysweet`bz` But my face is ugly too?
[15:11] * Joins: STORYOFTHEYEARISNOTPUNKROCK (sugar@=rjdhdcdq-
[15:11] <Vinner> i only got pretty hands for chatting
[15:11] * +`simplysweet`bz` Well, I dont know. I got a double chin, does that con
sider ugly for the face?
[15:11] * Joins: Kat`busyOnAA (itsjustme@=fDkglq-47-490-279-937.dsl.klmzmi.ameri
[15:11] <miss_macy> wat bout u huh?
[15:11] <tubntuj> anyhoe i'm annoyed
[15:11] <miss_macy> show urself
[15:12] <+aiMee_> No Shanee, its just extra insulation for the winter, haha.
[15:12] <Vinner> simplysweet face is ugly coz i slapped it
[15:12] <+aiMee_> Guest, never os.
[15:12] <AdorableEyes_> who cares if your big? if you have time to worry about h
ow u look like... loser
[15:12] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[15:12] <AdorableEyes_> ahaha
[15:12] * +`simplysweet`bz` Lols, dorkness, aimee.
[15:12] <miss_macy> nah, i dun wanna chat with u n e ways
[15:12] * Guest24087 is now known as wifey
[15:12] * Parts: tseem-tos (java@156.98.182.K674=)
[15:12] <tubntuj> hmm... i got no scanner what part of that doesn't make sense t
o you * miss_macy *!?
[15:12] * +`simplysweet`bz` Quit cumming all over it gosh Vin.
[15:12] * +`simplysweet`bz` Ntsej muag mob qau!
[15:12] <tubntuj> you don't read well?
[15:12] <+aiMee_> Brandon doesnt have a scanner but he has a cam.
[15:12] * +`simplysweet`bz` ****** sLaps Vin!*
[15:12] <+aiMee_> Cam takes pics too.
[15:12] <AdorableEyes_> dam.. ahah
[15:12] <miss_macy> tell that to tubntuj adorableeyes
[15:12] <AdorableEyes_> all this profanity
[15:12] * +`simplysweet`bz` I agree, aim.
[15:12] <tubntuj> lol na uh.. not anymore aiMee_
[15:13] * May21 says Vinner quit being so mean
[15:13] <Vinner> it feels good when my qau cums
[15:13] <miss_macy> like what ?mr sexy
[15:13] <Vinner> im mean?
[15:13] * +`simplysweet`bz` I'm not sure it knows how to ***, Vin.
[15:13] <tubntuj> anyways... i gotta go get something to eat
[15:13] <tubntuj> good bye
[15:13] <Vinner> no one ever told me i was mean b4
[15:13] * tubntuj is now known as tubntuj|away
[15:13] <May21> Bye tubntuj
[15:13] <+aiMee_> Vinner you're mean. Haha.
[15:13] * Quits: AdorableEyes_ (Chatz@=Z9u-88-985-58-56.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QU
IT: User exited)
[15:13] <May21> Well I did now
[15:13] <May21> what are u gonna do?
[15:13] <May21> LOL
[15:13] * Joins: callingacab (z3r0ck@=6Ub38.115.61.17.ona.wi.charter.com)
[15:14] <Vinner> imma continue
[15:14] <May21> continue?
[15:14] * Quits: @Rose_Lee (hi@=CHpngjml90-ipdp015-727.dsl.tds.net) (Ping Timeou
[15:14] <Vinner> yeah
[15:14] <May21> continue to do what?
[15:14] <May21> being mean?
[15:14] <Vinner> lol
[15:14] <May21> did i get it rite?
[15:14] * +`simplysweet`bz` Ewww..
[15:14] * +`simplysweet`bz` Vin's licking his own boogers.
[15:14] <Vinner> we have a winner
[15:14] * +`simplysweet`bz` Pukes.
[15:15] * Vinner give may21 A PRIZE
[15:15] * +`simplysweet`bz` It's all slimy... dripping down Vin's nose.
[15:15] * May21 slap Vinner & say loser
[15:15] <Vinner> whats wrong with my boogers? i wipe it on u all the time
[15:15] * acara sets mode: -b *!*@=airxnk-45-892-420-30.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net
[15:15] * Joins: ||aDorableEyeS|| (Chatz@=XHl-01-894-34-66.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[15:15] <||aDorableEyeS||> Hi people
[15:16] <miss_macy> hi adorable eyes
[15:16] <Vinner> i like that slap on the azz
[15:16] * May21 says I don't wnat ur booger --- wipe it back onto Vinner's face
[15:16] <Vinner> wink
[15:16] <May21> eeewwwwwwwww
[15:16] <May21> Hi Adorableeyes
[15:16] <||aDorableEyeS||> guys.. my mom has been on the phone since 11 this mor
[15:16] <||aDorableEyeS||> damm
[15:16] <+Juan2bone> miss macy where you from ?
[15:16] * Joins: annlee (canihelpyo@=rC43-22-5-884.mpls.qwest.net)
[15:16] <miss_macy> what the heckssss
[15:16] * Vinner slaps and slaps
[15:17] <annlee> hi all
[15:17] <miss_macy> that is long as heck
[15:17] <+aiMee_> Hi Ann
[15:17] <||aDorableEyeS||> whos vinner?
[15:17] <Kat`busyOnAA> ****.. this is a hard job
[15:17] <annlee> hi aiMee_
[15:17] <||aDorableEyeS||> heck yeh
[15:17] <annlee> hi kat
[15:17] <Kat`busyOnAA> hi ann
[15:17] <annlee> hi vinny
[15:17] <Vinner> talk to vinner... he is a winner
[15:17] <||aDorableEyeS||> dont worry... shes talking to my aunt about her broke
n up relationship..
[15:17] * Guest14813 is now known as LadyKissEs
[15:17] <Vinner> hi annlee
[15:17] <||aDorableEyeS||> this is gonna be long haha
[15:17] * annlee is sooooooooooooooooooooo tired from my driving!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[15:17] <+Juan2bone> hi ANNLEE...your back home huh
[15:17] <annlee> yeah i am teng
[15:17] * May21 says Vinner--I though u said I was the winner....
[15:17] <annlee> i just got home like 30 min earlier
[15:17] <+Juan2bone> well..too bad i didn't get to see u
[15:17] <annlee> its okay teng
[15:17] <||aDorableEyeS||> Where are you guys from/
[15:18] <annlee> i extended my stay
[15:18] <Vinner> may21... i said u are dinner
[15:18] <+Juan2bone> yeah..
[15:18] <May21> Who's teng?
[15:18] <annlee> in fresno
[15:18] * tubntuj|away annoyingly *yawns*
[15:18] * ||aDorableEyeS|| is now known as aDorableEyeS
[15:18] <+Juan2bone> cool
[15:18] <tubntuj|away> hi ann
[15:18] <annlee> because my grandma pass away
[15:18] <annlee> hi brandon
[15:18] <aDorableEyeS> awww
[15:18] <aDorableEyeS> whos coming to mn
[15:18] <+Juan2bone> sorry to hear that
[15:18] * May21 slap Vinner very hard & say liar
[15:18] <annlee> i stayed til after we buried her then i came back
[15:18] <tubntuj|away> sorry to hear ann... so this happened while you were down
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[15:18] <annlee> yeah brandon
[15:18] <May21> tubntuj--i though u said u gotta dip?
[15:18] <+Juan2bone> annlee u living in NC right
[15:18] <tubntuj|away> May21 don't worry bout my schedule
[15:18] <Vinner> may21... do u wanna get with a winner?
[15:19] <tubntuj|away> :\
[15:19] <tubntuj|away> hmm...
[15:19] * Guest29326 is now known as nautidude
[15:19] <annlee> i was on my way to see her already... three more hrs til i get
to see her
[15:19] <nautidude> 6 6
[15:19] <aDorableEyeS> tub ntuj.. haha.. probably never going to go
[15:19] <May21> Tubntuj--i was just saying...
[15:19] <annlee> and then i got a called from my cousin
[15:19] <annlee> b1tchin at me
[15:19] <May21> y would i worry abut u--i don't even know u
[15:19] <annlee> then i return back
[15:19] <tubntuj|away> i am... aDorableEyeS i dropped some water on the oven
[15:19] <Vinner> annlee how was the trip?
[15:19] <tubntuj|away> for my noodles
[15:19] <tubntuj|away> :)
[15:19] <annlee> its okay vinny
[15:19] <Kat`busyOnAA> sheeesh.. it's never ending!
[15:19] <annlee> good and sad at the same tiem
[15:19] <aDorableEyeS> tub ntuj... tough life haha
[15:20] * aDorableEyeS is now known as aDorableEyes
[15:20] <tubntuj|away> yea come cook for me... i needa aslave
[15:20] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 sad is that she have to leave her lover behind
[15:20] <May21> Vinner--no koj siab phem es
[15:20] <tubntuj|away> hi sexy katbear
[15:20] <glamorous209> f
[15:20] <Kat`busyOnAA> hi beebear
[15:20] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 :D
[15:20] <Vinner> may21... kuv siab zoo xwb
[15:20] <+Juan2bone> brb
[15:20] * Quits: +Juan2bone (java@=vopdxu-91-762-14-20.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net) (
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[15:20] <May21> Vinner siab phem
[15:20] <Vinner> may21... kuv JK xwb mas
[15:20] <May21> yeah i know
[15:20] <annlee> brb
[15:20] <annlee> Who_Am_I_To_You?
[15:20] <May21> so that's y i went with the flow
[15:20] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 what happpened to ph?
[15:20] <Kat`busyOnAA> hrmmm
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[15:21] <aDorableEyes> addicts..... haha
[15:21] * angel [sexy_a@=Mh51-708-8-051.client.insightBB.com] is on IRC (aol)
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[15:21] * Joins: BerNiA27 (etkili@86.125.130.Tj497=)
[15:22] <May21> Vinner--koj tu siab lawm lov?
[15:22] <May21> poor thing
[15:22] <May21> kekekke
[15:22] <Vinner> may21... yeah
[15:22] <Vinner> may21... :p
[15:22] <nautidude> 6 HEY WHERE U FRM MAY21
[15:22] <May21> oh sollie...
[15:22] <May21> i was just tripping
[15:22] <May21> MN
[15:22] <May21> y?
[15:22] * Guest28369 is now known as fit-forQueen
[15:22] <May21> u?
[15:22] <nautidude> 6 j/w
[15:22] <May21> ok
[15:22] <Vinner> may21... im ur neighbor
[15:22] * Joins: slhioelk (slhioelk@=lWzca-80-039-677-695.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net
[15:22] <May21> ok
[15:22] <Vinner> may21... i know alot of may's
[15:22] <jewel_lee> wow not much going in here today
[15:22] <Vinner> haha
[15:22] * Quits: kaliguy4u (java@=UVb-59-98-310-2.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
[15:23] <May21> good for u Vinner
[15:23] <Vinner> a few aprils
[15:23] <May21> LOL
[15:23] <Vinner> some junes
[15:23] * Joins: HmongGuy (sky@=Ikv-25-273-35-05.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
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[15:23] <tubntuj|away> she has to be that someone, that stands out... even in th
e crowds of millions, i'll just look.. and be like that's my girl...
[15:23] * Guest32415 is now known as konggy
[15:23] <aDorableEyes> julys too. dont forget
[15:23] <Vinner> heheh
[15:23] * Joins: Guest30032 (java@=8rsjm-614-95.wou.edu)
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[15:24] <May21> What a nice phrase there tubntuj--how sweet...
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[15:24] * Guest30026 is now known as MN_dude
[15:24] * Joins: Guest32193 (java@=lzojEKSV-87.216-16-56.iw.net)
[15:24] <tubntuj|away> i stole it from my mind
[15:24] <tubntuj|away> :)
[15:24] <aDorableEyes> tub ntuj.. lets hope someones think the same of you
[15:24] <aDorableEyes> :)
[15:24] * Guest32193 is now known as my_insperation
[15:24] * May21 LOL
[15:25] <May21> yeah adorableeyes & I hope that someone thinks like that toward
u hehhhe
[15:25] <my_insperation> HEY EVERYONE!
[15:25] * Guest26943 is now known as MN_Yang_Lady_26
[15:25] <MN_Yang_Lady_26> n e guys over 26, pc me
[15:25] <May21> Hi my insperation
[15:25] <annlee> hi kongT
[15:25] * Joins: Guest28823 (java@=nq72-051-139-60.stkn.dialup.elite.net)
[15:25] <konggy> sup ann
[15:26] <aDorableEyes> lets hope.. thats how everyone is thought of haha
[15:26] * Quits: caliguy (cwest@=bwrqhe-99-95-942-368.rev.o1.com) (QUIT: User ex
[15:26] <Vinner> i want a girl that ppls say ewww she is ugly
[15:26] <Vinner> thats the girl i want
[15:26] * my_insperation is now known as my_insperation[away]
[15:26] <wifey> Hahaha .. Vinner, thats harsh!
[15:26] <aDorableEyes> haha
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[15:26] <aDorableEyes> Vinner.. haha i dont think shes gonna be with u too long.
[15:26] <May21> oh reallie Vinner--
[15:26] * Guest28823 is now known as hmoob-ca
[15:26] <HmongGuy> the only times that matters to me is when im with you...
[15:26] * Joins: MrStamina (X@64.122.143.RP663=)
[15:26] <May21> everybody is pretty n cute in their own ways
[15:27] <Vinner> yeah really
[15:27] * Guest31714 is now known as tonythao_916
[15:27] <May21> how sweet hmongguy heheheh
[15:27] <slhioelk> There are so many fat girls in here
[15:27] <May21> uh huh
[15:27] <slhioelk> I just met two fat girls
[15:27] <May21> u're so mean slhioelk
[15:27] <slhioelk> I'm just honest
[15:27] * Joins: Guest28050 (java@=Uffgsvkdc.mpl.org)
[15:27] <Vinner> if u dont like fat girls u came to the wrong my place
[15:27] <MrStamina> may21 wanna cat?
[15:27] <May21> keep that to urself
[15:27] <MrStamina> chat
[15:27] <aDorableEyes> ahaha
[15:27] <jewel_lee> lol
[15:27] <May21> hi MrStamina
[15:28] <slhioelk> fat girls are alright if they have money
[15:28] <aDorableEyes> everyone is pretty.. u just have to find someone who love
s you.
[15:28] * Joins: Guest27850 (java@=vri-49-300-048-678.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[15:28] <May21> Vinner--I though u told me u don't like fat girls
[15:28] <May21> ?
[15:28] * Quits: MetaLhEaD (MeTALhEaD@=d7nwgi-96-87-21-66.gdrpwi.dsl-w.verizon.n
et) (QUIT: User exited)
[15:28] <Vinner> fat girls shold be nice and rich
[15:28] * Guest27850 is now known as leejnus
[15:28] <May21> oh so slhioelk--u go for money?
[15:28] * Guest28050 is now known as boymilhearted
[15:28] <May21> DAMN,,,,
[15:28] <leejnus> Hello all you wonderful people out there
[15:28] <slhioelk> May21 i don't want to work
[15:28] <May21> hi Leejnus
[15:28] <MrStamina> any hot and wild babes in here wanna flirt?
[15:28] * Quits: dilara_f (swant16@=xikp602-584-78-81.singnet.com.sg) (Connectio
n reset by peer)
[15:28] <leejnus> hi may
[15:28] <aDorableEyes> dont hate fat girls.... skinny girls cant do much either
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[15:29] <slhioelk> aDorableEyes yeah i bet they can't cook that's why they're so
[15:29] <leejnus> How are we today
[15:29] <leejnus> fill me in on todays topic
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[15:29] <May21> hey they can cook the ways that they like their food to be
[15:29] <aDorableEyes> I rather be with a big guy whos tender and soft.. than a
boney skinny guy
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[15:29] <wifey> Leejnus, fat girls is the topic!
[15:29] <May21> I'm doing good and u
[15:29] <aDorableEyes> hahah its not about look.. its about the feelings :P haha
[15:29] <fit-forQueen> 2 hello
[15:29] * @XPLoSion playing Good Charlotte - I Just Wanna Live
[15:29] <leejnus> cool
[15:29] * Guest30032 is now known as HMONG_LADY
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T: User exited)
[15:29] <leejnus> nothing wrong with being fat
[15:29] <+aiMee_> haha Annia
[15:30] <+aiMee_> He said COOL
[15:30] <May21> yeah adorable that's rite
[15:30] * Joins: jen`sO`thiCk (youKNOWme@=vZh-37-273-93-108.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[15:30] * Joins: SEX_BOI (Chatz@=XUk-44-0-867-15.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[15:30] <wifey> leejnus, they're criticizing fat girls today!
[15:30] <wifey> Which is so obsurd.
[15:30] <slhioelk> one time this skinny girl took me to a thai restaurant where
one tiny plate was ten bucks!
[15:30] <wifey> lol@aims
[15:30] <aDorableEyes> im not ... im envying big girls..
[15:30] * my_insperation[away] is now known as my_insperation
[15:30] <tubntuj|away> igjfhdfkcfkvkvmbv vbxvcvcdggfhfxsaqweyupkhgddaaaxxcvhjjnj
[15:30] * tubntuj|away was kicked by acara (Please space out your text.)
[15:30] <slhioelk> this fat girl, she was sooooo cool, she took me to a buffet
[15:30] <jewel_lee> lol
[15:30] <aDorableEyes> some guys are just self centered and mean
[15:30] <aDorableEyes> haha. dam
[15:30] <+aiMee_> I Love buffets.
[15:30] <Vinner> one time i took a fat girl to a Chinese buffet and she cleaned t
hem out
[15:30] <Ms_IL_MARE> oh...the HUMANity.....kekekekekeke
[15:30] <jewel_lee> lol
[15:31] <miss_macy> yeah..guys
[15:31] <jewel_lee> you guys are mean
[15:31] <slhioelk> aiMee_ you must be living large then
[15:31] <+aiMee_> I am
[15:31] <slhioelk> aiMee_ you got money?
[15:31] * Quits: URSWEETGUY (java@64.122.39.rw92=) (Ping Timeout)
[15:31] <+aiMee_> I do
[15:31] <wifey> hahaha!
[15:31] <aDorableEyes> haha.
[15:31] <May21> Vinner--u ok?
[15:31] <Vinner> aimee is rich
[15:31] <slhioelk> we need to hook up aiMee_
[15:31] <miss_macy> you guys are sooooooooooomean....you should feel luky that u
s ladies is treating you guys
[15:31] <Vinner> yeah im okay
[15:31] <May21> yeah go miss macy
[15:31] <aDorableEyes> i know huh
[15:31] <+aiMee_> I'm so rich Vinner works for me.
[15:31] <wifey> aimee is rich, but then again she doesn't tolerate anything from
[15:31] <May21> go aimee
[15:31] <aDorableEyes> i dont know so many guys who pay for anything anymore.
[15:31] <May21> hehhehe
[15:31] * Quits: Guest25162 (HTML@=bMfakt-67-058-42-851.dsl.sktn01.pacbell.net)
(Timed Out)
[15:31] <jen`sO`thiCk> hi Laib HONEY!!
[15:31] <+aiMee_> haha Annia, thats right.
[15:31] <jen`sO`thiCk> if youre around
[15:31] <aDorableEyes> all guys are free loaders.
[15:31] <leejnus> Where are you from may
[15:31] <aDorableEyes> psh haha
[15:32] <Vinner> MAY21 ... u make me sad... u have to buy me lunch
[15:32] <slhioelk> I want to work, but only as a man whore
[15:32] * Joins: Guest29504 (java@=Saind-19-970-417-027.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net)
[15:32] <May21> MN
[15:32] * Quits: STORYOFTHEYEARISNOTPUNKROCK (sugar@=rjdhdcdq-
.Detroit1.Level3.net) (Ping Timeout)
[15:32] <Vinner> MAY21 ... so i can be happy
[15:32] <May21> VInner what did i do
[15:32] <leejnus> wow
[15:32] * Joins: ErLiNa_ (dodil30@85.187.202.gs92=)
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[15:32] <May21> yeah and u ?
[15:32] <leejnus> I will be there in a couple of weeks
[15:32] <aDorableEyes> thats funny
[15:32] <May21> where ufrm?
[15:32] <wifey> leejnus, interesting topic .. don't you think ?!
[15:32] <May21> Vinner what did i do?
[15:32] * Joins: Guest26595 (java@=MMvdw-608-670-460-011.carolina.res.rr.com)
[15:32] <leejnus> CA
[15:32] <+aiMee_> Vinner, stop chatting and get back to work.
[15:32] <miss_macy> ALL GUYS ARE FREE LOADERS....DID YOU GUYS HEAR THAT?????????
[15:32] * miss_macy was kicked by Al3x (4Excessive Caps (60 Second Ban) 0,1×X× 4 êåM Fâñ ã§
[15:32] * Al3x sets mode: +b *!*@=0ci-89-629-85-983.hsd1.mn.comcast.net
[15:32] <aDorableEyes> girls try everything to make a guy happy... a guys trys e
verything to make a girl unhappy...
[15:32] <+aiMee_> Im going to cut your paycheck in half.
[15:32] * Joins: Guest23548 (java@=E9ewer-62-292-42-843.dsl.sktn01.pacbell.net)
[15:32] <May21> wow..what city?
[15:32] <aDorableEyes> sad sad :)
[15:32] * Guest29504 is now known as Jimmyhlub
[15:32] * +`simplysweet`bz` Lalalaladeeedaaa
[15:32] <leejnus> Sac
[15:32] * +`simplysweet`bz` liCks Al3x.
[15:32] <wifey> aims, cut it !! cut it!!
[15:32] * Guest26595 is now known as assdefrt
[15:32] <May21> u play soccer huh?
[15:32] <+aiMee_> Haha Annia
[15:33] <annlee> hi shanee
[15:33] <May21> Vinner--what did i do?
[15:33] * Al3x sets mode: -b *!*@=EDo-72-233-70-968.hsd1.mn.comcast.net
[15:33] * +`simplysweet`bz` omy... ann!
[15:33] * Joins: Guest28799 (java@158.123.20.qA24=)
[15:33] * +`simplysweet`bz` I miss you!
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[15:33] <annlee> how are you shanee?
[15:33] <slhioelk> girls hurry up and talk to me before my gf wakes up and kills
[15:33] <HMONG_LADY> i agee with you adorable
[15:33] <jen`sO`thiCk> hi ShaneeQua!!!
[15:33] * my_insperation was kicked by Al3x (4Excessive Caps (60 Second Ban) 0,1×X× 4 ê åM F
[15:33] * Al3x sets mode: +b *!*@=lzojEKSV-87.216-16-56.iw.net
[15:33] <jen`sO`thiCk> hi ann!!!!
[15:33] <May21> i hope u get caught
[15:33] <+aiMee_> Okay, I have to be unlazy now and go shop.
[15:33] * Joins: Guest28803 (java@=4Qa-62-796-31-872.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[15:33] <annlee> hi sexy azz jen!!!!!!!!!!!
[15:33] <slhioelk> i have limited time here
[15:33] <+aiMee_> See ya follks.
[15:33] * +`simplysweet`bz` hellOooooOOss jen!
[15:33] <aDorableEyes> haha
[15:33] * +`simplysweet`bz` I hate making layouts for AA. Gahhhh... I get so lazi
[15:33] <wifey> hahaha
[15:33] <slhioelk> May21 you're mean
[15:33] * +`simplysweet`bz` I'm okai, ann.
[15:33] * +`simplysweet`bz` How are you my dear?
[15:33] <Jimmyhlub> may kare to chat
[15:33] <wifey> Bye aims! Buy me something.
[15:33] * jen`sO`thiCk hugs and fcks ann and shaneequa
[15:33] <annlee> i'm aight shanee
[15:33] <May21> hey u're mean first
[15:33] * Al3x sets mode: -b *!*@=DnkiUMKM-96.216-16-56.iw.net
[15:33] * +`simplysweet`bz` fcukssss jen !
[15:33] <slhioelk> May21 if you were chat cheating on your bf i wouldn't hope th
e same for you
[15:33] <annlee> jen.. i just got home from kali
[15:34] <May21> i was just tripping bo
[15:34] <assdefrt> http://www.hmoobclick.com for new music video codes for your
[15:34] * +`simplysweet`bz` Ann?
[15:34] <Vinner> me get caught?
[15:34] * Guest28799 is now known as Yajntshis4U
[15:34] <annlee> yes shanee?
[15:34] <aDorableEyes> haha
[15:34] <leejnus> So may
[15:34] <HMONG_LADY> simply why bother if your lazy
[15:34] <May21> hahah I don't have a b/f so no need to worry
[15:34] * +`simplysweet`bz` are u and ..? still together, NO right?
[15:34] <May21> hahaha
[15:34] * Guest28803 is now known as MISS_MACY
[15:34] * Joins: tubntuj|away (hmong@=soc-05-50-72-40.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[15:34] <leejnus> Are you going to be my host
[15:34] <annlee> hrmm
[15:34] <annlee> y?
[15:34] <Jimmyhlub> may kare to chat
[15:34] * +`simplysweet`bz` Because, I do it anyways, it looks nice, after I fini
sh it, HMONG_LADY?
[15:34] <May21> Yeah?
[15:34] <aDorableEyes> if your lazy... tough luck haha
[15:34] * +`simplysweet`bz` Yea no? Ann?
[15:34] <May21> am I
[15:34] <jen`sO`thiCk> Oohh..you got back already
[15:34] <slhioelk> well i need a gf cause you know.. she got money
[15:34] <leejnus> Will you
[15:34] <slhioelk> so i don't have to work
[15:34] <Kat`busyOnAA> hiya Jen
[15:34] <leejnus> can you
[15:34] <annlee> *shruggs*
[15:34] <May21> sure if i'm not so busy with skool
[15:34] <jen`sO`thiCk> how'd you like it here?
[15:34] <annlee> y?
[15:34] <Yajntshis4U> Hi leejnus
[15:34] <jen`sO`thiCk> hi kat!
[15:34] <assdefrt> http://www.hmoobclick.com for new music video codes for your
aa and new love music page
[15:34] <HMONG_LADY> then you shouldn't complain
[15:34] <leejnus> School will be out already
[15:34] <HMONG_LADY> :D
[15:34] <Jimmyhlub> may 21 can i call you
[15:34] * +`simplysweet`bz` I want to complain.
[15:34] <Yajntshis4U> nyob zoo os...
[15:34] * +`simplysweet`bz` What the fcuk is wrong with complaining.
[15:34] <wifey> Hi Brandon!!!!!
[15:34] * +`simplysweet`bz` Anyways, Ann.
[15:35] <aDorableEyes> hahaha
[15:35] <slhioelk> girls I'm giving you all the chance to send me your pictures
[15:35] <annlee> yes shanee?
[15:35] <tubntuj|away> hi annie :)
[15:35] * Quits: callingacab (z3r0ck@=6Ub38.115.61.17.ona.wi.charter.com) (QUIT:
User exited)
[15:35] * +`simplysweet`bz` pc?
[15:35] <aDorableEyes> complaining wont help.. but it relieves some pain
[15:35] <jen`sO`thiCk> NO COMPLAINING!
[15:35] * Quits: MISS_MACY (java@=4Qa-62-796-31-872.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[15:35] <aDorableEyes> :D
[15:35] <jen`sO`thiCk> :D
[15:35] <May21> Taking summer college courses
[15:35] <jen`sO`thiCk> OOh..
[15:35] * Quits: +aiMee_ (Addicts@=xRUD8T0C4Y.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[15:35] <annlee> ok
[15:35] <annlee> pc
[15:35] * +`simplysweet`bz` Yessum, I agree with aDorableEyes.
[15:35] <jen`sO`thiCk> aDorableEyes and i are cool!
[15:35] <Vinner> ok this is gettin funny and outta hands now
[15:35] <jen`sO`thiCk> <aDorableEyes> :D
[15:35] <jen`sO`thiCk> <jen`sO`thiCk> :D
[15:35] <HMONG_LADY> there is nothing wrong but there is no need to complain whe
n yo are doing it
[15:35] <tubntuj|away> watchu up to annie :)
[15:35] <leejnus> I guess I will have to find another host
[15:35] <aDorableEyes> hahah... i complain like h3ll...
[15:35] * Joins: Guest27967 (java@=m9e-48-235-57-467.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[15:35] <assdefrt> http://www.hmoobclick.com for new music video codes for your
aa and new love music page
[15:35] <wifey> Umm .. nothing Brandon!
[15:35] <aDorableEyes> but hey i still get the job done.
[15:35] <aDorableEyes> :)
[15:35] <slhioelk> girls I'm giving you all the chance to send me your pictures -
meet me at my pc windows for an interview
[15:35] <wifey> Im sad, cause I disappointed you with my picture :)
[15:36] <Jimmyhlub> may can i call you
[15:36] <wifey> Hahaha!
[15:36] <May21> LOL @ slhiokelk
[15:36] <aDorableEyes> hahah
[15:36] <HMONG_LADY> its only human nature to complain and then do it
[15:36] <aDorableEyes> its true
[15:36] <May21> Jimmy sollie I don't give out # in here
[15:36] <aDorableEyes> i hate girls who tell me their not lazy.. hhahah
[15:36] <May21> but u can email meh
[15:36] <aDorableEyes> what a lie.
[15:36] <aDorableEyes> :)
[15:36] * Joins: STORYOFTHEYEARISNOTPUNKROCK (sugar@=JAxsypai-
[15:36] <wifey> What are you up to, Brandon!?
[15:36] * Quits: Jimmyhlub (java@=Saind-19-970-417-027.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net) (
QUIT: User exited)
[15:36] <slhioelk> <May21> slhioelk you sound sooooooo cute I'm going to send yo
u my picture right now!
[15:36] <HMONG_LADY> adorable everyone is lazy reguardless how life is like
[15:36] <wifey> Hahaha.
[15:36] <May21> thankz cutie
[15:37] <May21> LOL
[15:37] * Guest27967 is now known as ur_dream_boi
[15:37] <slhioelk> thanks for the compliment May21
[15:37] <May21> n/p
[15:37] <tubntuj|away> broiling some meat.. playing poker and watching beautiful
strangers lie to each other on mainscreen in this one chatroom
[15:37] <May21> that's what frands r 4?
[15:37] <wifey> oHh!
[15:37] * Vinner goes back and sit under aimee's desk and gets to work
[15:37] <aDorableEyes> of course ahaha
[15:38] <wifey> What do these beautiful strangers have to lie about, Brandon?!
[15:38] * Quits: Ms_IL_MARE (java@=8lt12-09-65.ej2338.umn.edu) (QUIT: User exite
[15:38] <jen`sO`thiCk> hi VInny!!
[15:38] <Vinner> hi jen
[15:38] * angel [angel16@=nN88-277-315-97.cpe.cableone.net] is on IRC (aol)
[15:38] * angel has left IRC
[15:38] * Quits: jewel_lee (java@=Zlfczf-06-05-57-426.west.biz.rr.com) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
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T: User exited)
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[15:39] * Joins: Guest27477 (java@=cjwhlj-19-967-10-545.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
[15:39] <MrStamina> are there any hot and kinky babes in here wanna chat?
[15:39] * Guest27477 is now known as Morningstar
[15:39] * Joins: Guest25471 (java@=x0fczf-06-05-57-426.west.biz.rr.com)
[15:39] <May21> tonythao--where u frm?
[15:39] * Joins: bunnYson^ (Java@=vdQLOO6Z22.ipt.aol.com)
[15:39] * Joins: nC_aNjO (Unix@=NC0Hbpk680.tnt24.atl4.da.uu.net)
[15:39] <Morningstar> hello...may
[15:39] * toutie is now known as tou-
[15:39] <May21> Hi Monringstar
[15:39] <May21> Tou where u frm?
[15:39] <Morningstar> how are u
[15:39] <May21> o
[15:39] <tou-> hm?
[15:39] <May21> i'm good n u
[15:39] <nC_aNjO> hi you pepo
[15:39] <tou-> wi.
[15:39] <boymilhearted> may21 where you from?
[15:39] <May21> oh
[15:39] <May21> MN
[15:39] <Morningstar> where u from may
[15:40] <May21> MN
[15:40] <Morningstar> kool
[15:40] <boymilhearted> kwl u got pic?
[15:40] <Morningstar> how's life
[15:40] <tubntuj|away> iono annie.. but oh wells :)
[15:40] <May21> okay
[15:40] * Joins: alithia^ (Bebek@=9v01-298-029-80.user.ono.com)
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[15:40] * alithia^ was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk: clone
[15:40] <May21> sollie nope pix cuties
[15:40] <Morningstar> how's ur love life
[15:40] <May21> love life?
[15:40] * Guest25471 is now known as michael_lee
[15:40] <slhioelk> May21 you liar you just sent me your picture
[15:40] <May21> dont have u
[15:40] <May21> and u
[15:40] <boymilhearted> yes
[15:40] <May21> i don't have pix
[15:40] <Morningstar> same here
[15:40] <boymilhearted> u wanna chat in private.,...
[15:40] <boymilhearted> pcc me
[15:40] <bunnYson^> may21.........whats ur number
[15:40] <Morningstar> don't worry u are not alone
[15:40] <May21> sollie i don't pass my # in here
[15:41] <NC_Paul> any nc girl wanna chat pc me
[15:41] * Joins: callingacab (z3r0ck@=0tt46.115.61.17.ona.wi.charter.com)
[15:41] <bunnYson^> stupid
[15:41] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[15:41] <bunnYson^> how about u give me a call then
[15:41] <Vinner> 1-800-hi-may21
[15:41] <Morningstar> wat make u here may
[15:41] <bunnYson^> 651-456-7890
[15:41] <NC_Paul> who
[15:41] <bunnYson^> call me rite now
[15:41] <NC_Paul> are talk to me
[15:41] <jen`sO`thiCk> hi bunny!
[15:41] * Joins: Guest26476 (java@=x0fczf-06-05-57-426.west.biz.rr.com)
[15:41] <jen`sO`thiCk> you fcken DISSER!
[15:41] <jen`sO`thiCk> die!! you die!!!!
[15:42] <tou-> wow.. people give out #'s here..
[15:42] * Guest26476 is now known as jewel_lee
[15:42] <aDorableEyes> dam.
[15:42] <tou-> how cool...
[15:42] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[15:42] <May21> Vinner whatever
[15:42] <nC_aNjO> nc pau lwhat part of nc?
[15:42] <NC_Paul> hickory
[15:42] * callingacab is now known as }GUPPY
[15:42] <May21> maybe not meh
[15:42] <bunnYson^> how did i disser?
[15:42] <nC_aNjO> how old are u?
[15:42] * Joins: Guest26499 (java@64.122.39.y701=)
[15:42] <slhioelk> i thought i got issues but jen`sO`thiCk beats me
[15:42] <NC_Paul> wanna chat with me nc angel
[15:42] <aDorableEyes> if i wasnt mistaken you people.. i would have to say you
guys look like slu-ts lol
[15:42] <NC_Paul> 18
[15:42] <May21> MOrningstar--wher eu frm?
[15:42] <nC_aNjO> koolz..
[15:42] * Quits: MonKeYKnUTtS (meISme@=FEo-45-81-317-79.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (QU
IT: User exited)
[15:42] * jen`sO`thiCk kills bunny
[15:42] <NC_Paul> pc me
[15:42] * Joins: Guest23832 (java@69.51.77.Cw617=)
[15:42] <jen`sO`thiCk> slhioelk im the coolest here
[15:42] <jen`sO`thiCk> oiy
[15:43] * Guest23832 is now known as NICEANGEL
[15:43] <nC_aNjO> k
[15:43] <Vinner> sluts?
[15:43] * Vinner was kicked by Al3x (4Bad Language Detected Word: sluts? 4(60 Second Ban) 0
[15:43] * Al3x sets mode: +b *!*@
[15:43] * Joins: Guest26498 (java@=sTaig-58-057-45-316.dsl.frs2ca.pacbell.net)
[15:43] <slhioelk> jen`sO`thiCk is your wallet as thick as you are?
[15:43] <bunnYson^> the heck did i do to u jen so TRICK
[15:43] <jewel_lee> anybody know any good songs to listen too??
[15:43] * Guest26499 is now known as URSWEETGUY
[15:43] <jen`sO`thiCk> i wish
[15:43] <bunnYson^> the heck did i do to u jen so TRICK
[15:43] <slhioelk> awww dammit you're poor
[15:43] <NICEANGEL> hello
[15:43] <jen`sO`thiCk> but..my purse is as big as my belly
[15:43] * Al3x sets mode: -b *!*@
[15:43] <NICEANGEL> how everyone doing
[15:43] <May21> good nice angle
[15:43] <slhioelk> how big is your belly?
[15:43] <May21> u
[15:43] <NICEANGEL> how everyone's day
[15:43] <jen`sO`thiCk> huge
[15:44] <NICEANGEL> hi to everyone here
[15:44] <bunnYson^> **** u jen`sO`triCk
[15:44] <tou-> 3playing: "Bonnie Mckee - Somebody" .:128kbps|Stereo|4:03:.
[15:44] <slhioelk> damn! jen`sO`thiCk lets go out to lunch of course you treat
[15:44] * Joins: Vinner (fasdgsg@
[15:44] <jewel_lee> oh i wanna listen!!
[15:44] * Joins: tW33k3r (kronicboo@=5Kudcjrwh-xwt-03-776-119-600.directus.net)
[15:44] <tou-> listen to what?
[15:44] <wifey> wb Gary!!
[15:44] <bunnYson^> 4what is there to do today
[15:44] <wifey> I knew you missed me. haha!
[15:44] * Quits: SEX_BOI (Chatz@=XUk-44-0-867-15.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT: Use
r exited)
[15:45] <NICEANGEL> look everyone is busy
[15:45] <Vinner> im back from sayin naughty words
[15:45] * Guest23548 is now known as {_|_}
[15:45] <tW33k3r> hello wifey
[15:45] * tW33k3r is now known as tW33k3r10731
[15:45] <bunnYson^> boring..............
[15:45] * Joins: Guest21605 (java@=popzde-71-995-165-87.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
[15:45] <bunnYson^> im outta here
[15:45] <tW33k3r10731> im at boobearz krib
[15:45] <Vinner> damm look at that azz
[15:45] * Quits: bunnYson^ (Java@=vdQLOO6Z22.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[15:45] <NICEANGEL> any guy 28-30 care to chat
[15:45] * tW33k3r10731 is now known as tW33k3r
[15:45] <wifey> oHh .. !!
[15:45] <tou-> 28? to 30? wow..
[15:45] * Quits: Yajntshis4U (java@158.123.20.qA24=) (QUIT: User exited)
[15:45] * Quits: }GUPPY (z3r0ck@=0tt46.115.61.17.ona.wi.charter.com) (QUIT: User
[15:45] <tou-> that's pretttty old..
[15:46] * Joins: Guest26403 (java@67.182.113.LK53=)
[15:46] <slhioelk> girls are getting smarter these days, they don't let me use t
hem for money as much as back in the good old days
[15:46] * Quits: @acara (acara@=3Zjlz9-glun0-8-8-hbgm311.asfd.broadband.ntl.com)
(Connection reset by peer)
[15:46] <NICEANGEL> it's boring
[15:46] <May21> Vinner---what is wrong with ur ***
[15:46] * Quits: VOICEMALE (java@=8kxprg.sukut.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[15:46] <May21> LOL
[15:46] * Guest26403 is now known as truenoSOUP559
[15:46] <truenoSOUP559> hello ppl
[15:46] <aDorableEyes> slhioelk... are you sure your the player.. sounds like yo
ur being played
[15:46] <wifey> slhioelk, now a days girls be using your money!!!!
[15:46] <May21> Hi
[15:47] * Quits: jewel_lee (java@=x0fczf-06-05-57-426.west.biz.rr.com) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
[15:47] * Quits: fit-forQueen (java@=y8QOW-07-107-931-63.new.res.rr.com) (QUIT:
User exited)
[15:47] <slhioelk> aDorableEyes i'm not a player just a lover
[15:47] <tou-> 3playing: "NBK - 4-Ever" .:128kbps|Stereo|4:17:.
[15:47] <slhioelk> i love to love lots of girls all at the same time
[15:47] <NICEANGEL> everyone had been seen nraugzoo or nraugsiabzoo comes on h
ere lately. tell me to knowing it
[15:47] <tW33k3r> what tha fuk is up..!!
[15:47] <aDorableEyes> haha thats sad
[15:47] <truenoSOUP559> so where is everyone from?
[15:47] <Vinner> my what?
[15:48] <May21> ur ***?
[15:48] <tW33k3r> your fuked up..
[15:48] <tW33k3r> hah
[15:48] * Vinner looks behind
[15:48] <tW33k3r> rite?
[15:48] * Joins: Guest21595 (java@=x0fczf-06-05-57-426.west.biz.rr.com)
[15:48] <Vinner> its still sexy
[15:48] * Guest21595 is now known as jewel_lee
[15:48] <slhioelk> aDorableEyes that's not sad
[15:48] <NICEANGEL> everyon had been seen person nraugzoo or nraugsiabzoo comes
on here lately . tell me it
[15:48] <slhioelk> i have a big heart
[15:48] * Joins: bored_boy (Chatz@=44vp53.epsilon27.maxonline.com.sg)
[15:48] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@*.maxonline.com.sg
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e or Drone host)
[15:48] * Joins: Guest21823 (java@=fwedbf-01-020-9-60.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
[15:48] <slhioelk> big enough to love every girl in here
[15:48] <wifey> You don't have a big heart, you have multiple hearts.
[15:48] <aDorableEyes> it is... you cant make a decision for the good of yoursel
f.. it is sad
[15:48] * Joins: Guest21731 (java@=rQPNR-33-91-516-630.wi.res.rr.com)
[15:49] <aDorableEyes> but than again.. why would i care? hahah
[15:49] <Guest21605> LISTENING to your mom "SCREAM MY NAME" 4mins 23secs
[15:49] <Guest21605> LISTENING to your mom "SCREAM MY NAME" 4mins 23secs
[15:49] <Guest21605> LISTENING to your mom "SCREAM MY NAME" 4mins 23secs
[15:49] <Guest21605> LISTENING to your mom "SCREAM MY NAME" 4mins 23secs
[15:49] <Guest21605> LISTENING to your mom "SCREAM MY NAME" 4mins 23secs
[15:49] * Guest21605 was kicked by Al3x (4Text Lines Over Flooded (60 Second Ban) 0,1×X× 4
[15:49] * Al3x sets mode: +b *!*@=popzde-71-995-165-87.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net
[15:49] * Joins: mttgurl (hoops@=Ezbsegqq-
[15:49] <jen`sO`thiCk> wtf?
[15:49] <jen`sO`thiCk> what a weirdo
[15:49] <NICEANGEL> i'm bore
[15:49] * Joins: Guest23963 (ertg@=SD10-799-763-173.stkn.mdsg-pacwest.com)
[15:49] <truenoSOUP559> yup
[15:49] * Joins: Guest19221 (java@204.128.235.bT36=)
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[15:49] * ChanServ sets mode: +o ViChai
[15:49] <May21> H iTruenosoup
[15:49] * mArY [Four@84.36.7.Qe17=] is on IRC (sexygirlsis)
[15:49] <slhioelk> aDorableEyes what color are your eyes?
[15:50] * Al3x sets mode: -b *!*@=popzde-71-995-165-87.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net
[15:50] <NICEANGEL> i'm very bore
[15:50] <truenoSOUP559> anyone from cali
[15:50] <truenoSOUP559> hi may
[15:50] * Joins: ViChai2 (java@=u218-144-982-58.mpls.qwest.net)
[15:50] * ViChai is now known as Guest39076
[15:50] <Guest23963> truenoSOUP559
[15:50] * ChanServ sets mode: +o ViChai2
[15:50] <Guest23963> you hachi roku
[15:50] <aDorableEyes> brown but does it matter..
[15:50] * Quits: @ViChai2 (java@=u218-144-982-58.mpls.qwest.net) (QUIT: User exi
[15:50] <Guest23963> you turbo
[15:50] <Guest23963> ?
[15:50] * Joins: hLub (java@=u218-144-982-58.mpls.qwest.net)
[15:50] <truenoSOUP559> no all motor
[15:50] * ChanServ sets mode: +o hLub
[15:50] * mArY has left IRC
[15:50] <Guest23963> you suck
[15:50] * Quits: SIMPLEPLANISNOTPUNKROCK (sugar@=JAxsypai-
troit1.Level3.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[15:50] <truenoSOUP559> naw.....efficiency
[15:50] <Guest23963> you do
[15:50] <NICEANGEL> any guy 28-30 care to chat
[15:50] <Guest23963> you suck air
[15:50] <Guest23963> idiot
[15:50] <slhioelk> of course it matters, my old man told me look at a girls eyes
before you make her your wife
[15:50] <Guest23963> shut up
[15:51] * Joins: Guest21605 (java@=popzde-71-995-165-87.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
[15:51] <truenoSOUP559> ...
[15:51] <tou-> man......... it's boring in hereeeee....
[15:51] <truenoSOUP559> yeah
[15:51] <Guest23963> my turbo spools air
[15:51] <Guest23963> you just suck
[15:51] <truenoSOUP559> ok....
[15:51] * Joins: Guest73396 (java@=ShMZ0981C6.ipt.aol.com)
[15:51] <aDorableEyes> slhioelk.. i wouldnt need to look at your eyes to determi
ne what kind of guy you are
[15:51] <slhioelk> i'm a good guy
[15:51] <Guest23963> hey trueno
[15:51] <truenoSOUP559> but my other project is turbo
[15:51] <Guest23963> where you stay at
[15:51] <truenoSOUP559> sup
[15:52] <truenoSOUP559> in fresno
[15:52] <Guest23963> want to race trueno?
[15:52] <Guest23963> fc3st2
[15:52] <slhioelk> so good I almost go to church
[15:52] <NICEANGEL> anyone won't want to care to chat
[15:52] <truenoSOUP559> naw....car is in the shop
[15:52] * angel [zackaroo@=VRosy-] is on IRC (ao
[15:52] * angel has left IRC
[15:52] <Guest23963> yeah dont lie
[15:52] <Miltown_Guy> anygirls from milwaukee wanna chat???
[15:52] * Joins: Guest19771 (java@=iFhkkmzkb.mcdowell.main.nc.us)
[15:52] <truenoSOUP559> why do i need to lie
[15:52] * Guest21605 is now known as K20A-type-R
[15:52] <aDorableEyes> u should go look up the definition of what good is... rec
onsider yourself to be that
[15:52] <aDorableEyes> :)
[15:53] <truenoSOUP559> what is in you fc
[15:53] * Guest19771 is now known as HmongTebNtxhais
[15:53] * Quits: Morningstar (java@=cjwhlj-19-967-10-545.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
(QUIT: User exited)
[15:53] <slhioelk> good = slhioelk
[15:53] <NICEANGEL> i'm very bored
[15:53] <slhioelk> Webster said so
[15:53] <HmongTebNtxhais> hi PEBHMONG
[15:53] * K20A-type-R truenosoup559 what you running
[15:53] <HmongTebNtxhais> hey NC ANJO
[15:53] <HmongTebNtxhais> WHO u be
[15:53] <nC_aNjO> Hìì..!!!
[15:53] * Joins: Guest22009 (java@=ePZBN01C2J.ipt.aol.com)
[15:53] <Guest23963> k20 sucks
[15:53] * Joins: Angelaaa (hrnyalex28@=8ydqnclt603c.ucr.edu)
[15:53] <nC_aNjO> aN nC girL
[15:53] <HmongTebNtxhais> may i KNOE ur NAME PLZ?
[15:53] <nC_aNjO> AnJo
[15:53] <HmongTebNtxhais> JUST CURIOUS
[15:53] * Quits: Miltown_Guy (java@=rQPNR-33-91-516-630.wi.res.rr.com) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
[15:54] * Joins: Guest17495 (Chatz@=XBAE25602P.ipt.aol.com)
[15:54] <aDorableEyes> nerd.
[15:54] * K20A-type-R guest23963 do you know what a k20 is
[15:54] * K20A-type-R guest23963 do you know what a k20 is
[15:54] <truenoSOUP559> just stock block, toda 81.5 mm pistons, hks cams, and 2
weber side draft carbs
[15:54] <HmongTebNtxhais> ANJO WHAT?
[15:54] * MN_Yang_Lady_26 is now known as single_lady
[15:54] <Kat`busyOnAA> AA is so slow.. or is it this comp :/
[15:54] * Guest22009 is now known as lonely-gurl
[15:54] <HmongTebNtxhais> hey NC_PAUL
[15:54] <truenoSOUP559> and 0.7 mm hks head gasket
[15:54] <nC_aNjO> LøøRR...
[15:54] * Quits: inconsiderate_Pahoua (java@=tqzhwi-39-34-48-977.rev.o1.com) (QU
IT: User exited)
[15:54] <tW33k3r> haha
[15:54] <tW33k3r> fuk..~
[15:54] <HmongTebNtxhais> IS UR NAME PAUL
[15:54] <Guest23963> wow trueno
[15:54] * Joins: Guest17312 (java@=M3n-29-76-596-3.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[15:54] <NICEANGEL> look everyone are busy
[15:54] <Guest23963> still in the shop?
[15:54] <HmongTebNtxhais> OH LOR
[15:54] <Guest23963> lets run
[15:54] <NICEANGEL> anyone won't want to chat
[15:54] * Joins: AdrRiaNa (wawxax@64.18.189.xJ672=)
[15:54] * K20A-type-R guest bring your slow as twin turbo JGTE motor and run it
with my K20
[15:55] <HmongTebNtxhais> welps, its nice to see some NC peeps in hea I"M TOO fro
[15:55] <Guest23963> i dont have
[15:55] * Joins: Guest21315 (java@=9wwugy-33-021-94-914.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
[15:55] * Guest21315 is now known as Morningstar
[15:55] <nC_aNjO> koolz
[15:55] <Guest23963> i have fc3s cosmo
[15:55] <nC_aNjO> what part of nc u from??
[15:55] <Guest23963> you dont want cosmo
[15:55] <HmongTebNtxhais> i'm from MORGANTON?
[15:55] <HmongTebNtxhais> U
[15:55] <truenoSOUP559> 3 rotor?
[15:55] <Guest23963> 3 rotors kill your stupid 4 pistons
[15:55] * K20A-type-R guest23963 make sure to take off your training wheels when
you can race
[15:55] * Quits: leejnus (java@=vri-49-300-048-678.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[15:55] * Guest17312 is now known as TuB_rOg
[15:56] <truenoSOUP559> not a fan of rotary
[15:56] <HmongTebNtxhais> nyob zoo os TUB_ROG ?
[15:56] * K20A-type-R don't talk walk guest show yourself
[15:56] <nC_aNjO> morganton
[15:56] * Parts: NICEANGEL (java@69.51.77.Cw617=)
[15:56] <Guest23963> cause you cant work and maintain them truenoSOUP559
[15:56] <nC_aNjO> um...do i know u??
[15:56] <truenoSOUP559> but power to weight
[15:56] <Guest23963> you stink
[15:56] <HmongTebNtxhais> YEAH?
[15:56] <TuB_rOg> nyob zoo
[15:56] * Quits: nautidude (java@205.213.113.wg31=) (QUIT: User exited)
[15:56] <HmongTebNtxhais> DO U?
[15:56] * Quits: K20A-type-R (java@=popzde-71-995-165-87.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
(QUIT: User exited)
[15:56] <Guest23963> infagra K20A-type-R
[15:56] <truenoSOUP559> i would win
[15:56] * Quits: tou- (if@=Vgo69.115.4.164.stp.wi.charter.com) (QUIT: User exite
[15:56] * Joins: miss_lovely (mai@=qvu-27-113-22-72.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[15:56] <Guest23963> truenoSOUP559 thats ok
[15:56] <HmongTebNtxhais> muaj dabtsi es tub rog tias li tuaj huas no nas?
[15:56] <nC_aNjO> i dont know??
[15:56] <Guest23963> drift against me
[15:56] <nC_aNjO> um...i dont know much her girls around herer?
[15:56] * Joins: Guest18602 (java@=AOi-49-300-048-678.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[15:56] <HmongTebNtxhais> welp tell me ur name NC AJO maybe i might know u?
[15:57] <truenoSOUP559> wait till my lsd is done this weekend
[15:57] <Guest23963> thats great
[15:57] <Guest23963> mine is stock
[15:57] <Guest23963> haha
[15:57] <HmongTebNtxhais> sure there's many hmoob ca?
[15:57] <lonely-gurl> wow
[15:57] <Guest23963> comes stock
[15:57] <HmongTebNtxhais> PASHA LOR?
[15:57] <Guest23963> you had to go buy yours
[15:57] <lonely-gurl> theres alot of peoples
[15:57] <mttgurl> hello hmoob ca
[15:57] * mystery_gurl is now known as meany
[15:57] <nC_aNjO> yuP
[15:57] * Joins: Guest18424 (java@=pXutfv-62-054-86-313.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net)
[15:57] <Guest23963> pist-on
[15:57] <truenoSOUP559> mine did too but i would rather go with a 2 way rather t
han your 1.5 stocker
[15:57] <HmongTebNtxhais> oh NO I DON"T KNOW MUCH LOR PEEPS EITHER?
[15:58] * Guest18424 is now known as glamorous209
[15:58] * Joins: Guest76767 (java@205.213.113.f201=)
[15:58] <nC_aNjO> oh ok
[15:58] * Guest76767 is now known as nautidude
[15:58] <nautidude> 6 6
[15:58] <Guest23963> thats ok you had to go buy yours
[15:58] <HmongTebNtxhais> so ANJO how old are you anyways?
[15:58] * Quits: TuB_rOg (java@=M3n-29-76-596-3.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT: User
[15:58] <truenoSOUP559> i had a stock lsd on mine
[15:58] * Guest18602 is now known as leejnus
[15:58] <May21> My mom is a LOR
[15:58] <May21> ahhaha
[15:58] <HmongTebNtxhais> nyob zoo os leejnus hmoob?
[15:58] <Guest23963> i dont care
[15:58] <truenoSOUP559> but i opted for a harder lock
[15:58] <Guest23963> you had to fix it
[15:58] <Guest23963> cause it broke
[15:58] <truenoSOUP559> no....
[15:58] <nautidude> 6 OH
[15:58] <nautidude> 6 ARE U A LOR THEN MAY
[15:58] <Guest23963> dont lie
[15:58] <nC_aNjO> 17
[15:59] <Guest23963> and your rings busted
[15:59] <Guest23963> and your rods cracked
[15:59] <May21> NOpe
[15:59] <HmongTebNtxhais> oh wow nice not bad hehehe?
[15:59] <leejnus> Nyob zoo HmongtebNtxais
[15:59] <May21> I'm a Xiong
[15:59] <Guest23963> and you cried
[15:59] <nautidude> 6 DARN
[15:59] <May21> y>?
[15:59] <May21> u?
[15:59] <Guest23963> and your manifold busted
[15:59] * Quits: tonythao_916 (java@=0pkhm-26-766-689-41.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
(QUIT: User exited)
[15:59] * Parts: Guest17495 (Chatz@=XBAE25602P.ipt.aol.com)
[15:59] <nautidude> 6 ME TOO
[15:59] <Guest23963> and your 4-2-1 dented cause your shocks stink
[15:59] <HmongTebNtxhais> nyob zoo ua cas hnub no tuaj dadtsi huas no nas yuam? L
[15:59] * Quits: mttgurl (hoops@=Ezbsegqq-
t) (QUIT: User exited)
[15:59] <Guest23963> and your cut-springs dont work
[15:59] <truenoSOUP559> and your apex seals blew
[15:59] <HmongTebNtxhais> BORED tiag los cas nas yuam?
[15:59] <Guest19221> LOL , Nautidude, still NO luck?
[15:59] * Quits: Vinner (fasdgsg@ (Ping Timeout)
[15:59] <truenoSOUP559> and you had no boost
[15:59] <May21> Where's tubntuj?
[15:59] <Guest23963> no my apex seals are perfect
[15:59] <Guest23963> haha
[15:59] <leejnus> Looking for a little romance
[15:59] * Joins: Guest19495 (java@=UXela-60-300-109-69.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
[15:59] <truenoSOUP559> and your intercooler rusted
[15:59] <Guest23963> and my boost is at 2000rpm
[16:00] <HmongTebNtxhais> oh welp did u find it yer?
[16:00] * Guest19495 is now known as tonythao_916
[16:00] <leejnus> nope
[16:00] <Guest23963> and my intercooler is ice
[16:00] <truenoSOUP559> and your 4 lug wheels fell off cuz you only have abase m
[16:00] <HmongTebNtxhais> ehhehe...do you think in here can have a little ROMANCE
[16:00] * Quits: konggy (java@=3z67-979-76-78.dhcp.crsn.ca.charter.com) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[16:00] <leejnus> worth a try
[16:00] <Guest23963> and my t2 with my cosmo swap is superb
[16:00] <truenoSOUP559> you boost at 2k?
[16:00] <Guest23963> and your pist-on is slow
[16:00] <truenoSOUP559> your an amatour
[16:00] <Guest23963> ametuer?
[16:00] * Kat`busyOnAA is now known as Lil_yngrl
[16:00] <Guest23963> haha
[16:00] <Guest23963> stupid
[16:00] <leejnus> what do you think
[16:00] * Joins: Vinner-da-Winner (fasdgsg@207.218.44.Ew68=)
[16:00] <HmongTebNtxhais> hhehe true you never know theses PEEPS might be married
already hehehee?
[16:00] <Guest23963> yeah man i boost 500 pounds
[16:00] <truenoSOUP559> wow
[16:01] * meany is now known as uhurtmyheartmylung
[16:01] <truenoSOUP559> thats hardcore
[16:01] <Guest23963> my engines a jet engine man
[16:01] <jewel_lee> married?
[16:01] <truenoSOUP559> loser
[16:01] <Guest23963> im tight like that
[16:01] <jewel_lee> who
[16:01] <Guest23963> pist-on
[16:01] <leejnus> romance on line
[16:01] <HmongTebNtxhais> i don't know i think it depends on who you chose......t
o put the ROMANCE on you know?
[16:01] * Quits: boymilhearted (java@=Uffgsvkdc.mpl.org) (QUIT: User exited)
[16:01] <leejnus> the way of the future
[16:01] <jewel_lee> more like flings online
[16:01] <truenoSOUP559> rotar-ded
[16:01] * Quits: uhurtmyheartmylung (java@=JVn-29-3-078-95.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
(QUIT: User exited)
[16:01] <Guest23963> jet engine
[16:01] <Guest23963> pist-on
[16:01] * Quits: aDorableEyes (Chatz@=XHl-01-894-34-66.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUI
T: User exited)
[16:01] <truenoSOUP559> ok
[16:01] <truenoSOUP559> you win dude
[16:01] * Quits: mad_scientist (java@69.106.189.PZ792=) (QUIT: User exited)
[16:01] <Guest19221> Hmong, they're all MARRIED.
[16:01] <truenoSOUP559> your kool
[16:01] <HmongTebNtxhais> maybe so it 2005 anything can change..hehehe PLUS its t
he future like you said ODD things can happem?
[16:02] <Guest23963> i know
[16:02] <Guest23963> all the tiem
[16:02] <Guest23963> time
[16:02] <leejnus> what about you HTN
[16:02] <May21> Hi Vinner
[16:02] * Parts: Guest23963 (ertg@=SD10-799-763-173.stkn.mdsg-pacwest.com)
[16:02] <May21> so bored
[16:02] <Lil_yngrl> 6<-- member of the week on AA.. YEA!
[16:02] <Lil_yngrl> hehe
[16:02] * Quits: glamorous209 (java@=pXutfv-62-054-86-313.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net
) (QUIT: User exited)
[16:02] <LaiB> grats Kat
[16:02] <Lil_yngrl> thanks bf
[16:02] <HmongTebNtxhais> yog li no leegnus hmoob koj xav hais tias nyob huas net
xwb es puas yuam muaj ib tus neeg ua yuas ua siab dawb no mas?
[16:03] <HmongTebNtxhais> es tsis dag no nas?
[16:03] <truenoSOUP559> any ladies in here from fresno?
[16:03] * mary [timyra@203.172.77.mD567=] is on IRC (sexygirlsis)
[16:03] <HmongTebNtxhais> hum?
[16:03] <leejnus> nobody knows
[16:03] <HmongTebNtxhais> no but i'm from NC hehehhe
[16:03] * HmongTebNtxhais Laughs-Out-Loud!!
[16:03] <leejnus> Im from CA
[16:03] <Guest19221> Leej, cov ntxhias naim no ma yom? Ask for too much!
[16:03] <leejnus> I heard many things about NC
[16:03] <assdefrt> http://www.hmoobclick.com for new music video codes for your
aa and new love music page
[16:03] <truenoSOUP559> im from CA too, but yeah
[16:04] <May21> Giest19221--that's not true
[16:04] * Quits: URSWEETGUY (java@64.122.39.y701=) (QUIT: User exited)
[16:04] <jen`sO`thiCk> byes addicts!
[16:04] <jen`sO`thiCk> see you addicts at 3
[16:04] <jen`sO`thiCk> muaks
[16:04] * mary has left IRC
[16:04] <Guest19221> May, state your standard?
[16:04] <HmongTebNtxhais> yog ib yam li cov hluas nraug tias los mas...txhawj hai
s tias hluas nkauj, hluas nraug los peb yeej xav ib yam tias los mas?
[16:04] * Quits: jen`sO`thiCk (youKNOWme@=vZh-37-273-93-108.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
(QUIT: User exited)
[16:04] <May21> huh?
[16:04] <May21> I said it's not true...
[16:04] * Parts: ForlornLady (sux@=sVvqju-92-162-2-668.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
[16:04] <leejnus> very true
[16:04] <truenoSOUP559> soo any ladies from CA?
[16:04] <leejnus> I second that
[16:04] <May21> I don't expect too much out of anybody
[16:04] <HmongTebNtxhais> yeah really it depend where you live?
[16:04] <May21> well guy
[16:05] <leejnus> are you leaving may
[16:05] <May21> it happens both ways--both person gotta help each other
[16:05] <May21> in a bit i guess
[16:05] <May21> y?
[16:05] <HmongTebNtxhais> welp got to blash later yall?
[16:05] * Quits: truenoSOUP559 (java@67.182.113.LK53=) (QUIT: User exited)
[16:05] <HmongTebNtxhais> hehehhe
[16:05] * Parts: HmongTebNtxhais (java@=iFhkkmzkb.mcdowell.main.nc.us)
[16:05] <leejnus> where to HTN
[16:05] <Guest19221> May, in REALITY we all know that in a relationship it's nev
er equal.
[16:05] <May21> true...but
[16:06] <leejnus> Anyone want to have dinner in Sac tonight
[16:06] * Joins: KnightOfHeaven (sadgf@
[16:06] * Vinner-da-Winner wants dinner
[16:06] * Quits: tW33k3r (kronicboo@=5Kudcjrwh-xwt-03-776-119-600.directus.net)
(QUIT: User exited)
[16:06] <May21> both person gotta do whatever it takes to help with things out n
get it done
[16:06] * KnightOfHeaven says: hello addicts and people of the net world
[16:06] * Quits: jewel_lee (java@=x0fczf-06-05-57-426.west.biz.rr.com) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
[16:06] <Vinner-da-Winner> whois that azz crack... i wanna click on the crack
[16:06] <leejnus> There is no compromise in love
[16:06] * Joins: Guest18109 (java@=3Jjad-84-699-099-033.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net)
[16:07] * Joins: Kayla (java@64.160.115.jc112=)
[16:07] <wifey> Hi Kayla!!
[16:07] <Guest19221> May, unfortunately someone's going to complain (usually the
woman) and there you go! Everything down the drain.
[16:07] * Quits: michael_lee (java@=x0fczf-06-05-57-426.west.biz.rr.com) (QUIT:
User exited)
[16:07] * Quits: Guest18109 (java@=3Jjad-84-699-099-033.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net)
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[16:07] * Joins: Guest14497 (java@=Ggsvzkxql.sgi.com)
[16:07] <May21> Whatever cutie...
[16:07] * Joins: Guest16677 (java@=pqwmak-67-45-40-890.west.biz.rr.com)
[16:07] * Guest16677 is now known as jewel_lewe
[16:07] <leejnus> Who knows about love more than I do
[16:07] * jewel_lewe is now known as jewel_lee
[16:07] <Kayla> hi annieeee
[16:07] * Joins: Guest17953 (java@=x5o-72-233-069-66.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[16:07] <Guest19221> 'You didn't do that, you didn't do this, you mustache is to
o long, cut your toe nail, "
[16:07] <Guest19221> LOL
[16:07] <slhioelk> how come there isn't any girls pcing me?
[16:07] * Joins: Guest14444 (java@168.236.254.QC4=)
[16:08] <slhioelk> what's wrong with all you girls?
[16:08] * Guest14497 is now known as Joey_Vang
[16:08] * Guest17953 is now known as bUgGin[girl]
[16:08] * Quits: jewel_lee (java@=pqwmak-67-45-40-890.west.biz.rr.com) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
[16:08] <Guest19221> Leej, if you knew about 'love' you wouldn't be here. LOL
[16:08] * Joins: Guest17538 (java@=pqwmak-67-45-40-890.west.biz.rr.com)
[16:08] * Quits: LadyKissEs (java@=8Uo-72-233-02-039.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[16:08] <Joey_Vang> i'm here to find love
[16:08] * Guest14444 is now known as metub
[16:08] * Guest17538 is now known as michael_lee
[16:08] <Vinner-da-Winner> hmmmmm kayla :D
[16:08] <Joey_Vang> yeap!!
[16:08] <wifey> wb Joey!!
[16:08] <May21> Hi Joey
[16:08] <Joey_Vang> thank you wifey my love
[16:08] <leejnus> To teach love to people who needs it. Not to point fingers
[16:08] <metub> nyob zoo os cov mi leej muam zoo nkauj
[16:08] <Joey_Vang> hi may21
[16:08] <wifey> you're welcome Joey.
[16:09] * Joins: Guest16044 (java@=pqwmak-67-45-40-890.west.biz.rr.com)
[16:09] <Joey_Vang> uh huh
[16:09] * bUgGin[girl] is now known as bUgGin[missCA]
[16:09] <Joey_Vang> fo sho
[16:09] <metub> cov hluas nkauj kuv paub nej puas tuaj mas
[16:09] <Joey_Vang> wifey wat you cooking tonite for dinner
[16:09] * bUgGin[missCA] is now known as bUgGin[misses_CA]
[16:09] * Guest16044 is now known as jewel_lee
[16:09] <Guest19221> The one who yearns to 'teach' are the one in-need the most.
[16:09] <Guest19221> =)
[16:09] <bUgGin[misses_CA]> eLlO peeps!
[16:09] <bUgGin[misses_CA]> *HMmz*
[16:09] <Joey_Vang> i wanna teach SEX
[16:09] <wifey> Umm .. What do you want ?!
[16:09] <Joey_Vang> yeap!!
[16:09] <bUgGin[misses_CA]> *lOoKS around*
[16:09] * Quits: AdrRiaNa (wawxax@64.18.189.xJ672=) (Ping Timeout)
[16:09] <Joey_Vang> humm...anything as long as you make it
[16:09] * Quits: {_|_} (java@=E9ewer-62-292-42-843.dsl.sktn01.pacbell.net) (Ping
[16:09] <metub> hehehehe you people
[16:09] <wifey> oK.
[16:09] <leejnus> The one resist is the one in need is what I see
[16:09] <assdefrt> http://www.hmoobclick.com for new music video codes for your
aa and new love music page
[16:10] <aLLySa`away> Freakin Addicts!!! *ahem* Joey and Annie
[16:10] <wifey> LOL
[16:10] <Joey_Vang> no tricking me this...bought it and then throw on the frying
[16:10] <leejnus> been there done that
[16:10] <Joey_Vang> shulla ally
[16:10] <Joey_Vang> ally wanna come over dinner
[16:10] <tubntuj|away> lol yea joey and annie... ally's the only non-addict in h
[16:10] <aLLySa`away> Tsis muaj life li
[16:10] <May21> Joey are u still at work?
[16:10] <aLLySa`away> Joey no thanks
[16:10] <Joey_Vang> ok ally..
[16:10] <metub> me need a girl
[16:10] <metub> are there any girl
[16:10] <Joey_Vang> yes i'm still at work
[16:10] <Joey_Vang> i think
[16:10] <metub> empty heart
[16:10] <tubntuj|away> any south dakota girls wanna chat?
[16:10] <May21> having fun so far?
[16:10] <aLLySa`away> Bran ruam! Kuv tsis tau hais koj nas
[16:10] * Joins: Guest16791 (java@=N4utfv-62-055-45-80.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net)
[16:10] <tubntuj|away> lol
[16:10] <May21> what do u mean u think?
[16:11] <bUgGin[misses_CA]> ann?? u there?
[16:11] <Joey_Vang> kinda half azz working
[16:11] <May21> tubntuj--did u save me some noodle?
[16:11] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[16:11] <Joey_Vang> does that qualify
[16:11] <annlee> bUgGin[misses_CA]?
[16:11] <metub> koj lub suab qab zib kawg
[16:11] * Joins: Guest16527 (java@=nMmxzfxxnr-ecrt7.clients.athenet.net)
[16:11] <bUgGin[misses_CA]> it's me Pahoau..
[16:11] <Joey_Vang> lol
[16:11] <bUgGin[misses_CA]> Pahoua..
[16:11] <leejnus> Anyway, words of wisdom is for those who deserve it only,
[16:11] * Parts: leejnus (java@=AOi-49-300-048-678.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[16:11] <bUgGin[misses_CA]> bao's cuzzy.
[16:11] <tubntuj|away> may21 no... i aint got time to feed you.. what about my 3
[16:11] <bUgGin[misses_CA]> :D
[16:11] <tubntuj|away> :D
[16:11] <annlee> ohh hi bao
[16:11] <bUgGin[misses_CA]> u still in fresnO?
[16:11] <annlee> are u still in kali?
[16:11] <annlee> wait..mn?
[16:11] * Guest16527 is now known as sOmE_lAdY
[16:11] <May21> qia dub ua luaj
[16:11] <annlee> hi pee pee
[16:11] * Guest16791 is now known as Juan2bone
[16:11] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Juan2bone
[16:11] * Joins: DorkyDork (auser@=Xij-78-0-660-70.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[16:11] <tubntuj|away> ann do you still smoke that stuff
[16:11] <annlee> i just got home
[16:11] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[16:12] <aLLySa`away> Hi Pee Pee!!!!
[16:12] * bUgGin[misses_CA] is still in mn..are u still in fresno?
[16:12] <annlee> like an hour again
[16:12] <metub> thov hlub mas lawv
[16:12] <Joey_Vang> sup brando
[16:12] <DorkyDork> ann??
[16:12] * Joins: Guest15270 (Unfadeable@=wfsn-qpw-scga8-928-62-465-392.cpinterne
[16:12] <tubntuj|away> sup big j
[16:12] <annlee> i drove back
[16:12] <DorkyDork> is that u?
[16:12] <metub> twb tsis yog thov nyiaj nes
[16:12] <annlee> hi DorkyDork?
[16:12] <metub> cas nej tsis hlub kuv mas
[16:12] * Joins: Guest15822 (java@=Ahmvshori.mcdowell.main.nc.us)
[16:12] <assdefrt> http://www.hmoobclick.com for new music video codes for your
aa and new love music page
[16:12] <bUgGin[misses_CA]> so ru not in kali no more ann??
[16:12] <metub> Thov nyiaj mas nej thiaj li tsis kam pob
[16:12] * Quits: Guest15822 (java@=Ahmvshori.mcdowell.main.nc.us) (QUIT: User ex
[16:12] <annlee> no
[16:12] * +Juan2bone is really very bored.
[16:12] <DorkyDork> i didn't get any call from you.. wondered if u made it home
[16:12] <annlee> i'm in stp now
[16:12] * +Juan2bone slaps nobody in particular around with a large trout!
[16:12] <annlee> i'm home
[16:12] * Quits: slhioelk (slhioelk@=lWzca-80-039-677-695.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net
) (QUIT: User exited)
[16:12] <May21> Hi Juan2bone...
[16:12] <bUgGin[misses_CA]> wut ever!
[16:12] <annlee> who are you DorkyDork?
[16:12] <sOmE_lAdY> hi ally babe
[16:12] <May21> yeah so bored in hea
[16:12] <metub> thov nej kev hlub nas lawv
[16:12] <Guest19221> metub, Time is precious!
[16:12] * Quits: lonely-gurl (java@=ePZBN01C2J.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[16:12] <+Juan2bone> hi May21
[16:12] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Guest15270
[16:12] <annlee> bee?
[16:12] <DorkyDork> yog kuv xwb na ann
[16:12] * Joins: Punky_Boi (shoot@=e5f32.187.116.79.ona.wi.charter.com)
[16:12] <bUgGin[misses_CA]> omg!!! i'm in brooklyn park right now bored to death
[16:12] <Joey_Vang> time is endless in here
[16:12] <DorkyDork> yog
[16:13] <annlee> oh los!
[16:13] <DorkyDork> hehe..
[16:13] <annlee> really pahoua?
[16:13] <bUgGin[misses_CA]> *hahaHAH*
[16:13] <Joey_Vang> wooohooooooooo
[16:13] <tubntuj|away> some day... some of these irc girls who used to diss me,
is gonna really envy my wife.... :) cause she's gonna be loved.. like i'm an ang
el form above
[16:13] <annlee> whats the addy there?
[16:13] <Mr_Sexy> single lady care to chat
[16:13] <metub> guest mind talk hmong with me
[16:13] <Punky_Boi> Hi!
[16:13] <Guest19221> Who wants to wait forever for someone to grasp the freaking
[16:13] <annlee> bee, i stayed for the funeral
[16:13] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 ann, i saw ur pics
[16:13] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 haha
[16:13] <bUgGin[misses_CA]> Umz...danget....id unno..*hahahah*
[16:13] <wifey> Hi doink!!!
[16:13] <annlee> so what Who_Am_I_To_You?
[16:13] <Joey_Vang> brando...yeap!! i agreed
[16:13] <DorkyDork> u did?
[16:13] <Punky_Boi> hi Wifey!
[16:13] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 :D
[16:13] <annlee> not like i care
[16:13] <Joey_Vang> hahaha
[16:13] <DorkyDork> i thought u left that night
[16:13] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 omg..
[16:13] * Lil_yngrl kicks Joey_Vang
[16:13] <Guest19221> metub, vwm.
[16:13] <annlee> yeah i did
[16:13] <DorkyDork> or morning
[16:13] <annlee> i was suppose to
[16:13] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 just tellin u that i saw u n kong's pics :/
[16:13] <annlee> but i decided to stay
[16:13] <Joey_Vang> Harder Kat
[16:13] <bUgGin[misses_CA]> i know im in brooklyn tho..i'll be back in stp tho..
tomarrow..cos the gurls wanan go clubbin..
[16:13] <+Juan2bone> so may21!
[16:13] <metub> kuv thov hlub xwb nas
[16:13] * Lil_yngrl kicks Joey_Vang harder
[16:13] <annlee> okay sure Who_Am_I_To_You
[16:13] <Joey_Vang> give me all you got
[16:13] <annlee> bee..send me those pic
[16:13] <Joey_Vang> lolz
[16:13] <metub> tsis hlub kuv li
[16:14] <Joey_Vang> hahaha
[16:14] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 argh fine..
[16:14] <Punky_Boi> my phone's about to break!!!
[16:14] <Lil_yngrl> lol
[16:14] <annlee> who are you Who_Am_I_To_You?
[16:14] <Lil_yngrl> :P
[16:14] <metub> thov nyiaj nej thiaj tsis kam pob
[16:14] <DorkyDork> i thought i sent it already
[16:14] * Lil_yngrl humps Joey_Vang
[16:14] <annlee> no
[16:14] <Lil_yngrl> there
[16:14] * Quits: miss_lovely (mai@=qvu-27-113-22-72.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (Connec
tion reset by peer)
[16:14] <annlee> you never did
[16:14] <Joey_Vang> hahaha
[16:14] * Joins: Guest44616 (java@=Axvljoajq.mpl.org)
[16:14] <Joey_Vang> gross
[16:14] <annlee> save me on ur msn!
[16:14] <DorkyDork> reallY??
[16:14] <DorkyDork> okay
[16:14] <aLLySa`away> Hi Phengyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
[16:14] <Joey_Vang> now i gotta go wash my leg
[16:14] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hi my ladee
[16:14] <Punky_Boi> hi ALLY!!!!!!!!!!!
[16:14] <Joey_Vang> dammit
[16:14] <metub> guest thov me me nyiaj os
[16:14] <Joey_Vang> hahaha
[16:14] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 :D
[16:14] <bUgGin[misses_CA]> ann..the number u called me on....was that ur number
[16:14] <aLLySa`away> Hi my girlee!!!!
[16:14] <metub> thov hlub nej tsis kam ces thov me me nyiaj
[16:14] <Punky_Boi> ........................
[16:14] <annlee> thats my brother pahoua
[16:14] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hey u seen thomas?
[16:14] <tubntuj|away> im glad i dont like chatting anymore
[16:14] * aLLySa`away is now known as aLLySa
[16:14] <metub> kuv mam coj mus yuav kev hlub
[16:14] * tubntuj|away walks away
[16:15] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 i think he left town :/
[16:15] <aLLySa> Nope I havent
[16:15] * +Juan2bone Laughs-Out-Loud!!
[16:15] <annlee> bee... save me.. julieannlee@hotmail.com
[16:15] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 darn it
[16:15] * +Juan2bone bounces around the channel.
[16:15] <aLLySa> Last night he said he was still in San Fran
[16:15] <Vinner-da-Winner> im bored
[16:15] <Guest19221> LOL Tub, are you sure?
[16:15] <metub> thov nyiaj mus yuav kev hlub nas
[16:15] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 i missed my chance
[16:15] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 oh
[16:15] <metub> tiag mas
[16:15] * Guest44616 is now known as Tauj
[16:15] <Punky_Boi> stupid cell phones
[16:15] * +Juan2bone is really very bored.
[16:15] <Joey_Vang> thomas said that SF sUC k azz
[16:15] * +Juan2bone slaps everyone in the room.
[16:15] <aLLySa> But he said you're a disser
[16:15] <bUgGin[misses_CA]> OOOO.....umz...gimme urs so when i get to stp.....we
can go do something..*hahahh* cos i'm dying here...
[16:15] <Joey_Vang> uh huh
[16:15] * +Juan2bone slaps nobody in particular around with a large trout!
[16:15] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 it is
[16:15] <metub> nej tsis kam lod
[16:15] * DorkyDork is now known as TiMkUv
[16:15] <Vinner-da-Winner> SF got some hott chinese girls
[16:15] <metub> thov nyiaj nas cov mi muam
[16:15] <Joey_Vang> and that phatty fade dissed him too
[16:15] <tubntuj|away> Guest19221 i'm always sure... i'm good like that!
[16:16] <@reality_gurl> oh goodness
[16:16] <Punky_Boi> fdjska;lfjdska;l
[16:16] <@reality_gurl> someone kill me
[16:16] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 vinner haha com down for our great america thing
[16:16] <Kayla> hi brandon
[16:16] <@reality_gurl> i am bored
[16:16] <Kayla> hi PHENG
[16:16] <Joey_Vang> hi ree
[16:16] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 wateer josy
[16:16] <Kayla> HI JOEY
[16:16] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 i did not ;p
[16:16] <Punky_Boi> hi Kayla
[16:16] <tubntuj|away> hi kayla
[16:16] <Punky_Boi> disser!
[16:16] * +Juan2bone slaps reality_gurl around with a large trout!
[16:16] <metub> nyiaj los nej tsis kam
[16:16] <Joey_Vang> hi kayla
[16:16] * +Juan2bone looks at reality_gurl and laughs.
[16:16] * Quits: Morningstar (java@=9wwugy-33-021-94-914.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
(QUIT: User exited)
[16:16] <Guest19221> Tub, more like CONFUSED.
[16:16] <tubntuj|away> hi ree... having fun or what?
[16:16] <Vinner-da-Winner> SF chinese girls look better than Great moon buffet gi
rls. hehehe
[16:16] * @reality_gurl kicks juan2bone in the balls
[16:16] <metub> hlub los nej tsis kam es nej yuav kom kuv ua li cas mas
[16:16] <@reality_gurl> fool.
[16:16] <Kayla> hi vinny bf
[16:16] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 lol vinner
[16:16] <Vinner-da-Winner> hi kayla
[16:16] <Guest19221> Vinner, NO, viet girls are best.
[16:16] <+Juan2bone> i got balls of steel babe..
[16:16] * @Guest15270 kill ree
[16:16] <@Guest15270> there, DIE!!
[16:16] <metub> Guest thov nyiaj coj mus yuav kev hlub os
[16:16] <Joey_Vang> he said...fade gave him the one two step and he was left goi
ng around and around in circle
[16:16] * +Juan2bone Laughs-Out-Loud!!
[16:16] * bUgGin[misses_CA] *
[16:16] <tubntuj|away> Guest19221 very well, then i'm confused :)
[16:16] <Kayla> hi teng
[16:16] * @reality_gurl says errr not dead yet
[16:17] <+Juan2bone> hikayla
[16:17] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hahahha joey sure...
[16:17] <May21> it's bored n hea...
[16:17] <Vinner-da-Winner> but i dont like to speak like dun dong doy doy
[16:17] * tubntuj|away walks away forreals :)
[16:17] <+Juan2bone> haha......noooooooooooooo
[16:17] <Joey_Vang> i told him that fade would do that to him.....
[16:17] * +Juan2bone slaps reality_gurl around with a large trout!
[16:17] <May21> Vinner--quit being mean boi
[16:17] <Joey_Vang> but he listen to me!!!
[16:17] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 :p
[16:17] <@reality_gurl> who has an aa page
[16:17] <Joey_Vang> NOoooooooooo
[16:17] <Vinner-da-Winner> lol
[16:17] <Joey_Vang> good for him
[16:17] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 i wouldn't do that to thomas
[16:17] <Guest19221> Vinner, it's not different from 'ching chong ching ching'
[16:17] <Joey_Vang> take that
[16:17] <Joey_Vang> and this
[16:17] <+Juan2bone> kayal y'all going to the club on thurs nite??
[16:17] <Vinner-da-Winner> lol
[16:17] * Joey_Vang karate choop
[16:17] * Joins: Guest14712 (java@=vcapz.westhillscollege.com)
[16:17] <Kayla> no teng
[16:17] <Vinner-da-Winner> ok i wanna goto great america
[16:17] <Kayla> too tired
[16:17] * Punky_Boi is now known as Doink
[16:18] * Joins: TearDropHero (sadgf@
[16:18] <+Juan2bone> i'll be up there
[16:18] <Kayla> o ok
[16:18] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 vinnie, im still waiting.. how long do i have to wait
for u to come down?
[16:18] <Joey_Vang> the heckkk
[16:18] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 it has been 2 yrs now
[16:18] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 :(
[16:18] <Vinner-da-Winner> but u gotta promise to go on a ride with me
[16:18] <Vinner-da-Winner> lol
[16:18] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 and u still no show
[16:18] <Joey_Vang> Kitty how you get through
[16:18] <Joey_Vang> lolz
[16:18] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 i did promised u long ago
[16:18] <+Juan2bone> yeah
[16:18] <Vinner-da-Winner> ok
[16:18] <May21> Vinner--go visit that girl
[16:18] <May21> poor her
[16:18] * Quits: tonythao_916 (java@=UXela-60-300-109-69.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
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[16:18] <Vinner-da-Winner> so im comin
[16:18] <Lil_yngrl> lol
[16:18] <Lil_yngrl> what?
[16:18] <Vinner-da-Winner> hahaha may21
[16:18] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 haha
[16:18] * Quits: KnightOfHeaven (sadgf@ (Ping Timeout)
[16:18] <Vinner-da-Winner> may21 are u jealous?
[16:19] <May21> hey i'm helping her
[16:19] * Joins: Guest16241 (java@=Jajcas-70-258-486-39.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net
[16:19] <May21> y should i
[16:19] <Joey_Vang> i said how you get through
[16:19] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 thanks may
[16:19] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 :D
[16:19] <Joey_Vang> hummmm
[16:19] * Tauj is really very bored.
[16:19] <May21> n/p sis
[16:19] <Joey_Vang> hahaha
[16:19] <Vinner-da-Winner> may21 dont worry i'll take u to vallyfair
[16:19] * Tauj is really very bored.
[16:19] <Joey_Vang> ^__^
[16:19] * Tauj is really very bored.
[16:19] <+Juan2bone> i'm out of here...later...be back !!!!!!!!!!111
[16:19] <Vinner-da-Winner> :D
[16:19] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 bye tengie
[16:19] <May21> hey don't have to take me
[16:19] <+Juan2bone> bye
[16:19] <wifey> LOL. Valleyfair. How romantic!
[16:19] * Quits: Guest16241 (java@=Jajcas-70-258-486-39.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net
) (QUIT: User exited)
[16:19] <Tauj> anyladeee care to chat??
[16:19] <May21> i'll take u to 6 flag
[16:19] <Vinner-da-Winner> lol
[16:19] <May21> it's even better
[16:19] <May21> LOL
[16:19] <Joey_Vang> dammm
[16:19] <May21> just tripping
[16:19] * Quits: +Juan2bone (java@=N4utfv-62-055-45-80.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net) (
QUIT: User exited)
[16:19] <Doink> wifey your taking me to valleyfair!
[16:19] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 valleyfair at vinnie' backyard
[16:19] <Joey_Vang> hahaha
[16:19] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 valleyfair at vinnie' backyard
[16:19] * Guest14712 is now known as SuperHmongDude
[16:19] * Joins: Guest12581 (sexy_coco@=xffg-19-82-901-139.dyn.sprint-hsd.net)
[16:19] * ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@81.*
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[16:19] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@*.dyn.sprint-hsd.net
[16:19] * Guest12581 was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk: clo
ne host)
[16:19] <Joey_Vang> you know me...kitty
[16:19] <Joey_Vang> ^_~
[16:19] <Vinner-da-Winner> ride my rollercoaser in the backyard
[16:19] <Tauj> may ...where u from????????
[16:20] <Vinner-da-Winner> :D
[16:20] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hahaha
[16:20] <Kayla> joey is high for some reason today
[16:20] <Joey_Vang> anywase...Kitty
[16:20] <Doink> isn't she from mn?
[16:20] <Tauj> hello....may...where u from??????
[16:20] <Joey_Vang> i know
[16:20] <May21> MN
[16:20] * wifey agrees with Kayla *
[16:20] <May21> u?
[16:20] * Joins: bunnYson^ (Java@=HCNH8C7GYP.ipt.aol.com)
[16:20] <Joey_Vang> LIFE
[16:20] <Joey_Vang> hahaha
[16:20] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hi bunnyson
[16:20] <Vinner-da-Winner> valleyfair is romantic.... IF U ARE 12 tr old
[16:20] <Joey_Vang> jk
[16:20] <Tauj> wat city may?????
[16:20] <wifey> LOL
[16:20] <Vinner-da-Winner> valleyfair is romantic.... IF U ARE 12 yr old
[16:20] * Joins: Guest12689 (java@=0dkqdo-73-194-01-694.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
[16:20] <bunnYson^> 12sup dude
[16:20] <Joey_Vang> estacy
[16:20] <May21> Champlin
[16:20] <Joey_Vang> :D
[16:20] <May21> y?
[16:20] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 molester
[16:20] * Quits: Angelaaa (hrnyalex28@=8ydqnclt603c.ucr.edu) (QUIT: User exited)
[16:20] <Kayla> jeoy....u need me to whack ur head agian?
[16:20] <wifey> Oh c'mon Vinny, you can do better than 12 yr olds.
[16:20] <wifey> hahaha
[16:20] <Doink> this is dumb
[16:20] <May21> Tauj how about u?
[16:20] <Vinner-da-Winner> lolz
[16:20] <Tauj> is ur last name a LEE may???????
[16:20] <Joey_Vang> aweee Kitty
[16:20] * Joins: Guest13606 (java@69.2.242.PO417=)
[16:20] <May21> nope
[16:21] <May21> Xiong
[16:21] * Guest12689 is now known as sacguy
[16:21] <Tauj> okies..may
[16:21] <Vinner-da-Winner> anyways.... im goin to great america
[16:21] <Tauj> imma yaj
[16:21] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 aww may is a xoing too?
[16:21] <bunnYson^> annlee...................
[16:21] <Tauj> im from wis
[16:21] <May21> name?
[16:21] <bunnYson^> 11,1annlee...................
[16:21] <bunnYson^> 11,1annlee...................
[16:21] <bunnYson^> 11,1annlee...................
[16:21] * bunnYson^ was kicked by Al3x (4Text Lines Over Flooded (60 Second Ban) 0,1×X× 4 ê
[16:21] * Al3x sets mode: +b *!*@=HCNH8C7GYP.ipt.aol.com
[16:21] <May21> yeah
[16:21] <May21> age?
[16:21] * Guest13606 is now known as Ugliest_Hmong_Lady
[16:21] <May21> Xiong Rulezzzzz
[16:21] <May21> hehehhe
[16:21] <Tauj> im in my late 20's may...
[16:21] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 :D
[16:21] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> Hi David...Hi aLLy
[16:21] <Tauj> sorry ..m too old 4 u
[16:21] <May21> can i get a #?
[16:21] * Guest15270 sets mode: -b *!*@=HCNH8C7GYP.ipt.aol.com
[16:21] <May21> like 25?
[16:21] <May21> 26?
[16:21] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 may, he's 29
[16:21] * Quits: bUgGin[misses_CA] (java@=x5o-72-233-069-66.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
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[16:21] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 :D
[16:22] <tubntuj|away> xiong girls dont rule.. but they are more decnt then yang
[16:22] <May21> oh reallie..
[16:22] <Vinner-da-Winner> may21 u can get my number
[16:22] <tubntuj|away> no offense
[16:22] <Guest19221> Tauj, if 'late 20' is consider 'old' then I wonder what ear
ly thirty is?
[16:22] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hi brandon
[16:22] <tubntuj|away> +)
[16:22] <May21> Vinnie---u girl's gonna get mad
[16:22] <tubntuj|away> hi fade
[16:22] <May21> hahhaha
[16:22] * Joins: Guest13157 (java@65.124.139.ll766=)
[16:22] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 haha
[16:22] * Joins: bunnYson^ (Java@=HCNH8C7GYP.ipt.aol.com)
[16:22] <Vinner-da-Winner> 1-800-winner
[16:22] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> w.b David
[16:22] <May21> I dont' want it
[16:22] * angel [hone@] is on IRC (aol)
[16:22] * angel has left IRC
[16:22] <Vinner-da-Winner> too late
[16:22] <SuperHmongDude> HELLO THERE
[16:22] <May21> Tauj--it's okay --tsis xav qhia los tsis ua cas os
[16:22] <May21> Vinner--I didn't see it
[16:23] <Vinner-da-Winner> 1-800-winner
[16:23] * Joins: Guest15031 (java@=Hcmwag.sukut.com)
[16:23] <May21> Vinner--I didn't see it
[16:23] * Joins: nice_and_rough (Chatz@=gYc-05-0-026-62.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[16:23] <May21> that's b/c i don't want to c it
[16:23] <May21> dork
[16:23] * Quits: sacguy (java@=0dkqdo-73-194-01-694.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net) (Con
nection reset by peer)
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[16:23] * Quits: hmoob-ca (java@=nq72-051-139-60.stkn.dialup.elite.net) (Ping Ti
[16:23] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 Ger is online :D
[16:23] <Tauj> may......
[16:23] <May21> uh huh?|
[16:23] <TiMkUv> hi mai
[16:24] * Quits: SuperHmongDude (java@=vcapz.westhillscollege.com) (QUIT: User e
[16:24] <May21> don't wanna tell?
[16:24] <Tauj> i already have a b
[16:24] <May21> it's ok age is just a number
[16:24] <Vinner-da-Winner> i havent won the PRized trophy... KAYLA
[16:24] <Vinner-da-Winner> kayla is the PRized trophy
[16:24] * Joins: Guest12513 (java@=hNs-70-14-89-76.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[16:24] <May21> lOL @ Vinner
[16:24] <Kayla> hahah......w/e vinny
[16:24] <bunnYson^> 11,1when u become a hoe, u stay a hoe
[16:25] * Joins: mttgurl (hoops@=JNwspmld-
[16:25] <Guest19221> May, that's a LIE.
[16:25] <EcStAcYgUrL> bunny whyyou always somean??
[16:25] <bunnYson^> u hoes know who u are
[16:25] <tubntuj|away> if your mom is a hoe.. you are destined to be one
[16:25] <Joey_Vang> <-------HOEY for LIFE
[16:25] * Joins: CGUY (java@=REx624.194.140.67.ip.alltel.net)
[16:25] <bunnYson^> 1,,1u hoes know who u are
[16:25] <May21> it is true..
[16:25] <Joey_Vang> WOooooooohoooooo
[16:25] <bunnYson^> 11,1u hoes know who u are
[16:25] <aLLySa> Hi Ger
[16:25] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> OMG
[16:25] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> Hi Gen
[16:25] <EcStAcYgUrL> ally gay
[16:25] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> Hi joe
[16:25] <aLLySa> Pam gay
[16:25] <CGUY> hi aLLySa
[16:25] <aLLySa> Hi Amee love!
[16:25] <Joey_Vang> hi amee
[16:25] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> muaks @ Joe*
[16:25] <bunnYson^> i dont know u
[16:25] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> Hi aLLY my love
[16:25] <Joey_Vang> aweeee
[16:25] <Guest19221> If a guy 46 was going for a girl that's 15..They would char
ge him for statutory rape!!!
[16:25] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> muaks @ aLLy*
[16:25] <bunnYson^> so dont try to talk to me
[16:25] <Joey_Vang> thanks *MuahZ*
[16:25] * Quits: nice_and_rough (Chatz@=gYc-05-0-026-62.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QU
IT: User exited)
[16:25] <Joey_Vang> agiht...behave kids
[16:25] <bunnYson^> stupid cheese head
[16:25] <Tauj> may ...i already have a 3 year old boy.....
[16:25] <Joey_Vang> PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[16:25] <wifey> Amee .. hi love *muahs*
[16:25] * Quits: Joey_Vang (java@=Ggsvzkxql.sgi.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[16:25] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hi GER
[16:26] <Guest19221> AGE is more than just a number!!
[16:26] <bunnYson^> 11,1when u become a hoe, u stay a hoe
[16:26] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> Hi wifey!!!..muaks*
[16:26] <May21> oh lov...
[16:26] <bunnYson^> 11,1u hoes know who u are
[16:26] <Tauj> yes
[16:26] <May21> congratulation os Tauj
[16:26] <CGUY> hi Who_Am_I_To_You ??
[16:26] <tubntuj|away> Guest19221 wow.. you're so smart... you must be an asiang
[16:26] <wifey> Hi Ger!!
[16:26] * @MekAchiCkA burps*
[16:26] <May21> Asian goddess?
[16:26] <CGUY> hi wifey??
[16:26] <tubntuj|away> hi mao
[16:26] <May21> u mean asian god?
[16:26] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 i'm ur girl, ger
[16:26] <bunnYson^> mekachinker
[16:26] <bunnYson^> guess what dude
[16:26] <Tauj> im looking 4 a mmmy 4 my boy may???
[16:26] <aLLySa> Ger had a brain damage, excuse him
[16:26] <CGUY> cool..
[16:26] <wifey> Im your Boss Ger!
[16:26] <@MekAchiCkA> what dude?
[16:26] <tubntuj|away> may21 yes
[16:26] * Joins: TeenHoT- (soundx@=YGz72-002-811-145.cm-upc.chello.se)
[16:26] * ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@*.gr
[16:26] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@*.se
[16:26] * TeenHoT- was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk: spam
[16:26] <CGUY> cool...
[16:26] <@XPLoSion> MO: what state?
[16:26] <@MekAchiCkA> hi tubntuj
[16:26] * Guest12513 is now known as TheFemaleGraduate
[16:26] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> Ger where have u been all my life
[16:26] <bunnYson^> what are u gonna do tonite mekachinker
[16:27] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> lol
[16:27] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> muahahahhahahaha
[16:27] <TheFemaleGraduate> Hey ALL
[16:27] <@MekAchiCkA> tonight? i gotta go play vball.. why whatsup?
[16:27] <wifey> Amee, he's been in my shoebox.
[16:27] * Guest13157 is now known as TheOtherGuy
[16:27] <Doink> hi MAOY!!!!
[16:27] <bunnYson^> can i go too
[16:27] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> lol @ wifey
[16:27] <wifey> Mao, where you playing at?!
[16:27] <Guest19221> Tub, I'm everything you ever want and more!
[16:27] <@MekAchiCkA> hi PhenGY...!!!
[16:27] <bunnYson^> i like to play v-ball
[16:27] <@MekAchiCkA> David.. if you want... do you have a ride?
[16:27] <TheFemaleGraduate> Ladies...in September there will be a Hmong Women's
Conference in MN!
[16:27] <bunnYson^> yup
[16:27] <May21> Guest19221 u're female rite?
[16:27] <bunnYson^> need me to come pick u up
[16:27] <TheOtherGuy> check out my page http://members.asianavenue.com/mylife09
[16:27] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> HMONG WOMEN CONFERENCE FOR WHAT..what abouit?
[16:28] <@MekAchiCkA> okay.. we'll probably go to Merriem Park.. or else we're g
onna play outside if it doesnt rain tonight
[16:28] <TheFemaleGraduate> I highly reccommend for all Hmong women interested!
[16:28] <tubntuj|away> Guest19221 i highly doubt it... you are NOT! the californ
ia lottery jackpot
[16:28] <@MekAchiCkA> nah.. my team mate is pickin me up
[16:28] <Guest19221> May, NO!!
[16:28] <TheFemaleGraduate> A conference about how Hmong women have change in th
e U.S.
[16:28] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> oh
[16:28] <bunnYson^> 11,1is it all just gurl?
[16:28] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> I see
[16:28] <@MekAchiCkA> Hrms... lemme see... we'll probably go play at hazel....
[16:28] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> Not for me
[16:28] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> lol
[16:28] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> I haven't change....
[16:28] <@MekAchiCkA> Yea.. cuz we're practicin for July 4th
[16:28] <Guest19221> Tub, I don't want to be the jackpot. I'm better looking th
an you!
[16:28] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> <<====still OLD tradition
[16:28] <bunnYson^> hell yea!!!
[16:28] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> LOL
[16:28] <TheFemaleGraduate> Keynote speakers are: Senator Mee Moua, Dr. Dia Cha
[16:28] <@MekAchiCkA> it was a last minute thing..
[16:28] <bunnYson^> imma be like a pimp tonite
[16:28] <TheOtherGuy> check out my page http://members.asianavenue.com/mylife09
tell me what you think
[16:28] <@MekAchiCkA> ?
[16:29] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> Mee Moua is my In-law
[16:29] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> haha
[16:29] <bunnYson^> 11,1hazel park?
[16:29] <TheFemaleGraduate> Very Empowering Ladies!
[16:29] <@MekAchiCkA> okay... i hope u know they dont like annoying guys either.
[16:29] <@MekAchiCkA> hahaha
[16:29] <May21> TheOtherGuy--what a freaky hp
[16:29] <TheOtherGuy> I met Mee Moua
[16:29] <@MekAchiCkA> yea.. Middle school
[16:29] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> More power to her and my Cousin Yee
[16:29] <bunnYson^> oh hell no.,,,,,,,
[16:29] <bunnYson^> i bet they love me
[16:29] <TheOtherGuy> Are you talking about Mee Moua from Minnesota ?
[16:29] <@MekAchiCkA> or else... Hazel Park.. on Case and white bear
[16:29] <@MekAchiCkA> LOlz..
[16:29] <TheFemaleGraduate> well..u are blessed with her presence!
[16:29] * TearDropHero says: more power to me
[16:29] <@MekAchiCkA> Good luck
[16:29] <aLLySa> Nice page TheFemaleGraduate.
[16:29] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> Yes Mister
[16:29] <bunnYson^> no
[16:29] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> Mee moua from MN
[16:29] <bunnYson^> u good luck
[16:29] <Tauj> the femalegraduate.....one more guess speaker....fron kal..is Npa
v Ntsuab 4right??????
[16:29] * Joins: kengi (plastlk@=QsPEI-80-50-839-705.wi.res.rr.com)
[16:29] * ChanServ sets mode: +o kengi
[16:29] <@MekAchiCkA> good luck to me for what?
[16:29] <Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> Hi kengi
[16:29] <@MekAchiCkA> Hi KenGi...
[16:29] <@MekAchiCkA> ;D
[16:29] * TearDropHero is now known as KnightOfHeaven
[16:29] * Joins: Guest13028 (java@=yL35-119-710-18.mpls.qwest.net)
[16:29] <bunnYson^> im guessing all ur gurls are the same as u
[16:29] <bunnYson^> hahaha
[16:29] <bunnYson^> ill pass
[16:30] <May21> Tauj--where's ur wife?
[16:30] <bunnYson^> ill be there
[16:30] * Guest13028 is now known as asian_boi
[16:30] <TheFemaleGraduate> I do't think so
[16:30] * kengi sets mode: +v aLLySa
[16:30] * kengi sets mode: +v annlee
[16:30] * kengi sets mode: +v kLiqueY
[16:30] <bunnYson^> 6 o clock
[16:30] <tubntuj|away> Guest19221 enjoy your stay.. and ums.. errr... :) of cour
se you're better looking.. but let's not be too happy.. one day your face might
get burnt.. and i wouldn't laugh then :)
[16:30] * Quits: bunnYson^ (Java@=HCNH8C7GYP.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[16:30] <@kengi> hi hmong lady
[16:30] <Kayla> ally
[16:30] <@kengi> hi mao
[16:30] <TheOtherGuy> Your Mee Moua's in law ?
[16:30] * Joins: Guest10853 (java@=Bjduw-69-528-590-16.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net)
[16:30] <+aLLySa> Hi Kengi
[16:30] <Kayla> hi kengi!
[16:30] <+aLLySa> Kayla
[16:30] * kengi sets mode: +v Kayla
[16:30] * kengi sets mode: +v Ugliest_Hmong_Lady
[16:30] <Tauj> she cheated ...i send her away
[16:30] <@MekAchiCkA> yea sure.. up to u
[16:30] <+Kayla> ty kengi muaks
[16:30] <May21> Tubntuj--u're so mean
[16:30] <@kengi> hi kayla
[16:30] <+Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> <<===Mee Moua's husbends Cousin
[16:30] <May21> how sad
[16:30] <@MekAchiCkA> dayem.. KenGi u come in here an VOICE everyone..
[16:30] <+aLLySa> ty Kengi
[16:30] <@MekAchiCkA> LOlz
[16:30] <+aLLySa> What Kayla???
[16:30] <+Kayla> ally, can u put up that photo of u and ag aign
[16:30] <@kengi> np np np
[16:30] <+aLLySa> WHy Kayla??
[16:30] <@MekAchiCkA> KenGi.. hey.. im playing ball at the tourny again.. u gonn
a come watch again?
[16:30] <@MekAchiCkA> LOlz
[16:30] <Tauj> its not sad
[16:30] <+Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> woo hooo
[16:30] <+Kayla> cuz this comoputer i can see
[16:30] <@kengi> haha
[16:30] <@kengi> yea
[16:30] <Guest19221> LOL Tub, Keep wishing!
[16:30] <@MekAchiCkA> YAY
[16:31] <+Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> Hi kayla
[16:31] * asian_boi is now known as asian_boi66734
[16:31] <+Kayla> my hmoen one icant
[16:31] <@MekAchiCkA> u can be my cheerleader again
[16:31] <+Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> muaks*
[16:31] <@MekAchiCkA> hahaha
[16:31] <@MekAchiCkA> ;p
[16:31] <@kengi> ill come watch some bootie bonce
[16:31] <May21> Guest19221 can i c ur pix?
[16:31] <@kengi> haha
[16:31] <+aLLySa> I took it off my comp already
[16:31] <@MekAchiCkA> ;p
[16:31] <@MekAchiCkA> shuShy
[16:31] <Guest19221> May, What for???
[16:31] <TheFemaleGraduate> Other speakers are: Xia Y. Vang from Texas
[16:31] <+Kayla> aiyaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[16:31] <@kengi> i wanna see some **** boncez too
[16:31] <@kengi> haha
[16:31] <+aLLySa> Ask Kao next time you see him
[16:31] <+Kayla> ally koj mas
[16:31] <TheOtherGuy> Thats nice ugliest hmong lady.........do you want to pc ?
[16:31] <@MekAchiCkA> remember to bring POM POMS this time
[16:31] * Joins: sirMcWorm (Evil@=TIi-58-507-407-85.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[16:31] <@kengi> haha
[16:31] <TheFemaleGraduate> Chee Xiong, RN from CO
[16:31] <@MekAchiCkA> ;p
[16:31] <Vinner-da-Winner> <-- mee mouas dads brothers cousins uncles nephew
[16:31] <May21> oh if u refues that's fine...just asking
[16:31] <+aLLySa> What???
[16:31] <+Kayla> u mean kaoyang
[16:31] <@kengi> u got a girl for me yet mao?
[16:31] <Lil_yngrl> ok time to go to class
[16:31] <Lil_yngrl> bye bye
[16:31] <@MekAchiCkA> hAhAHA
[16:31] * Quits: Lil_yngrl (itsjustme@=fDkglq-47-490-279-937.dsl.klmzmi.ameritec
h.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[16:31] <@MekAchiCkA> u got ur girl..
[16:31] <@MekAchiCkA> dork
[16:31] <+aLLySa> Kao Xiong
[16:31] <sirMcWorm> whoea...
[16:31] <May21> LOL @ Vinner
[16:31] <@kengi> hah
[16:31] <@kengi> i want another one
[16:31] <@kengi> lol
[16:31] <+Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> lol @ Vin
[16:31] <TheFemaleGraduate> Makre your calenders for Sept 16-17
[16:31] <@MekAchiCkA> man.. koj mas...
[16:31] <+Kayla> what is his nick?
[16:31] <+Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> Ruam os
[16:31] <@MekAchiCkA> NO
[16:31] <@MekAchiCkA> ;p
[16:31] <@kengi> hook me up mao
[16:31] * tubntuj|away says whotf is mee moua?
[16:31] <@MekAchiCkA> i dont like u like that KenGi
[16:31] <@MekAchiCkA> ;p
[16:32] <Vinner-da-Winner> its true
[16:32] <Tauj> the graduate..one more spaeker form kal..Npav Ntsuab naj???????
[16:32] <@kengi> me and this girl gonna break up soon
[16:32] <@MekAchiCkA> Brandon.. She's the STATE SENATOR
[16:32] <tubntuj|away> oh...
[16:32] <@MekAchiCkA> in MN
[16:32] <tubntuj|away> lol of mn
[16:32] <@MekAchiCkA> yea
[16:32] <@MekAchiCkA> gay huh?
[16:32] <@MekAchiCkA> lOlz
[16:32] <May21> Tubntuj is Brandon?
[16:32] <TheFemaleGraduate> Conference title is : Building on Hmong Women's Asse
ts: Past, Present, and Future
[16:32] <sirMcWorm> she is NOT a senator!!!!!!!!!! she's in the House, fooolios!
[16:32] <sirMcWorm> she is NOT a senator!!!!!!!!!! she's in the House, fooolios!
[16:32] <May21> kekkeke
[16:32] <@MekAchiCkA> Really KenG?
[16:32] <@MekAchiCkA> iono
[16:32] <TheFemaleGraduate> No sorrie...no npav ntsuab
[16:32] <tubntuj|away> yet she don't help make the hmong girls there more decent
[16:32] <@MekAchiCkA> yea HOUSE..
[16:32] <Vinner-da-Winner> i like hmong womens assetts... they look nice
[16:32] <@MekAchiCkA> whatever
[16:32] <tubntuj|away> tsk tsk...
[16:32] <@MekAchiCkA> SAME SH*T
[16:32] <sirMcWorm> stupid hmong ppls...
[16:32] <@MekAchiCkA> ;p
[16:32] <Tauj> hehe
[16:32] <TiMkUv> anybody seen genie?
[16:32] * +`simplysweet`bz` Lols...
[16:32] <Tauj> i hear ...from someone
[16:32] <CGUY> haha @ sirMcWorm.. i was about to say.. i don't remember seeing a
ny hmong senator..
[16:32] <Guest19221> Stupid retarded girls!
[16:32] <+Kayla> genie is marry
[16:32] * +`simplysweet`bz` AHhahas TiMkUv.
[16:32] * +`simplysweet`bz` She quit ;].
[16:33] <Vinner-da-Winner> and round
[16:33] <TheOtherGuy> Mee Moua is the first hmong lady to become State Senate fo
r Minnesota
[16:33] <@MekAchiCkA> WORM.... aww.. since u so smart why dont u get out b4 i ki
ck u out
[16:33] <+Kayla> genie is marry
[16:33] * +`simplysweet`bz` She is Kayla?
[16:33] <TiMkUv> she quit?
[16:33] <KnightOfHeaven> uumm...
[16:33] <sirMcWorm> hahaha
[16:33] <KnightOfHeaven> i'm bored...any lady like to chat?
[16:33] <+Kayla> yup
[16:33] * +`simplysweet`bz` Who'd you hear that from Kayla?
[16:33] <sirMcWorm> meka, okay, power trippin moron
[16:33] <+Kayla> hahahah
[16:33] * +`simplysweet`bz` YHeha she quit TiMkUv.
[16:33] <TiMkUv> what do u mean she quit?
[16:33] * Quits: @Guest15270 (Unfadeable@=wfsn-qpw-scga8-928-62-465-392.cpintern
et.com) (Connection reset by peer)
[16:33] <+Kayla> she quit cause she marry
[16:33] <May21> i'm bored~
[16:33] * +`simplysweet`bz` What' your gay, Kayla?!
[16:33] <KnightOfHeaven> uumm...
[16:33] * +`simplysweet`bz` LOLS
[16:33] <Tauj> may pc me??
[16:33] <TiMkUv> she's not married..
[16:33] <Tauj> plz??
[16:33] <TheFemaleGraduate> conference cost $100 for professionals and general p
[16:33] <tubntuj|away> fk! im related to mouas too.. my cousin married a moua
[16:33] * +`simplysweet`bz` She quit, duh ;]. TiMkUv.
[16:33] <+Kayla> lolz
[16:33] <sirMcWorm> whoooooooooopie, fresno has a hmong mayor!
[16:33] <sirMcWorm> whoooooooooopie, fresno has a hmong mayor!
[16:33] * kengi sets mode: +v EcStAcYgUrL
[16:33] <TheFemaleGraduate> $50 for students
[16:33] <+Kayla> she quit cuz her hubby come home
[16:33] <May21> Tauj---koj twb tsis xav chat nrog kuv es it's alrite...
[16:34] <+Kayla> she quit cuz her hubby come home
[16:34] <tubntuj|away> no way! worm serious?
[16:34] <+Kayla> hehehehehe
[16:34] <TiMkUv> um... sure.. :P
[16:34] <TheFemaleGraduate> $25 for high school seniors
[16:34] <sirMcWorm> just kidding
[16:34] <sirMcWorm> hahahaha
[16:34] <Vinner-da-Winner> bye Gayla
[16:34] * +`simplysweet`bz` Lols, hahas Kayla
[16:34] * +`simplysweet`bz` Your gay
[16:34] <+Kayla> bye vinny
[16:34] <tubntuj|away> lol i thought so
[16:34] <TheOtherGuy> Thats good but vang people are all related to general Vang
[16:34] <TiMkUv> i need her to translate some japanese.. hhehe
[16:34] <Tauj> may i do..jus dunt want it here on the big screeen..
[16:34] * Quits: Vinner-da-Winner (fasdgsg@207.218.44.Ew68=) (QUIT: User exited)
[16:34] <tubntuj|away> sheesh i'm so gullible
[16:34] <tubntuj|away> :\
[16:34] <Tauj> may pc me plz????
[16:34] <sirMcWorm> but some jap lady tried to run
[16:34] <May21> it's kool
[16:34] <Guest19221> Any girls wanna chat?
[16:34] <TheFemaleGraduate> it will be at the U of M campus...East Bank
[16:34] <May21> hi Guest19221
[16:34] <May21> hi everybodies
[16:34] <May21> jajaj
[16:34] <sirMcWorm> Bubba from THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT is Fresno's mayor
[16:34] <sirMcWorm> Bubba from THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT is Fresno's mayor
[16:34] <May21> hahahah
[16:34] <Guest19221> Hello May!
[16:34] <TheFemaleGraduate> Reservations by August 15, 2005
[16:35] <Guest19221> TheFemale, can guys register?
[16:35] <Doink> cows cows cows cows cows cows damn COWS!!!!!!!!!!
[16:35] <TheFemaleGraduate> open to anyone
[16:35] * +`simplysweet`bz` hellO dR.LOVe
[16:35] * Quits: single_lady (java@65.126.88.d1045=) (QUIT: User exited)
[16:35] <TheFemaleGraduate> social service workers
[16:35] * Quits: KnightOfHeaven (sadgf@ (Ping Timeout)
[16:35] <Tauj> the femalegraduate...bi abd les.......can attend it too rite?????
[16:35] * Quits: Guest10853 (java@=Bjduw-69-528-590-16.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net) (
QUIT: User exited)
[16:35] * May21 is very bored....
[16:35] <TheFemaleGraduate> sure as long as u pay the fee
[16:35] <May21> tauj--is that in french?
[16:35] <Tauj> may pc me???
[16:35] <Tauj> plz?
[16:35] <Guest19221> I want to be a guest speaker and try to CHANGE the not so d
ecent gals back to GOOD.
[16:36] * Joins: Thoma_s (Thoma_s@199.17.175.Q5902=)
[16:36] <May21> Guest19221--what if they're already good
[16:36] <TheOtherGuy> thefemalegraduate whens the event at the U ?
[16:36] <+Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> Hi Thoma_s
[16:36] <+Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> hahahha
[16:36] * Quits: TiMkUv (auser@=Xij-78-0-660-70.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT: User
[16:36] <Guest19221> May, then LISTEN anyways it might help!
[16:36] <May21> okay
[16:36] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hmmms
[16:36] * Joins: hmong (mirc@=wFn-62-740-95-08.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[16:36] <May21> i'm listening...
[16:36] <+aLLySa> Hi leo
[16:36] <TheFemaleGraduate> Make a change in ur community!
[16:36] <tubntuj|away> sup leo
[16:36] * Doink is now known as E_Aw_Bay
[16:36] <metub> Guest koj puas nyob zoo mas kuv tus hluas nkauj
[16:36] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hi leo
[16:36] <hmong> hi ally
[16:36] <Thoma_s> Greetings to you too.
[16:37] <Tauj> i want to be a guess speaker to demostrate how to use the rubber
correctly so that many hmong girls would not go on wet luck too much.....
[16:37] <TheFemaleGraduate> Let the Hmong Women's Voices be heard!
[16:37] <hmong> sup brandon
[16:37] <hmong> sup who
[16:37] <+aLLySa> Hi Thomas.
[16:37] * ChanServ sets mode: +o hmong
[16:37] <TheOtherGuy> what is the event called ?
[16:37] <+Kayla> HI LEOOOO
[16:37] * +`simplysweet`bz` hellO babEz.
[16:37] * Joins: KnightOfHeaven (sadgf@
[16:37] * +`simplysweet`bz` hellO leO.
[16:37] <@hmong> hi kayla
[16:37] <+aLLySa> Hi BabEz!!!!
[16:37] <+aLLySa> wb lee
[16:37] * +`simplysweet`bz` yawns.
[16:37] * +`simplysweet`bz` yawns.
[16:37] <LordVenom> hila Amee
[16:37] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hi knightofhell
[16:37] * +`simplysweet`bz` venoM!
[16:37] * +`simplysweet`bz` iLows.
[16:37] <+Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> Hi Vang
[16:37] <+aLLySa> Hi Maggot
[16:37] <metub> Guest19221 cas koj tsis teb kuv nas
[16:37] <+Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> muaks*
[16:37] * Joins: ae_gurl (..@137.28.182.JO285=)
[16:37] * KnightOfHeaven YaWnS..
[16:37] <LordVenom> hola Melon
[16:37] * Quits: Mr_Sexy (java@=usyhqrk-g-145-025.dhcp.CSUChico.EDU) (QUIT: User
[16:37] <LordVenom> hiya Youa
[16:37] * KnightOfHeaven says: HELLO B1TCHES IN THE NET WORLD!
[16:37] <ae_gurl> :)
[16:38] <tubntuj|away> fade yog tias koj laj nyob.. wb kuj mus cej chico mall?
[16:38] <May21> mehlub--Guest19221--is not gay
[16:38] <ae_gurl> hi vang!
[16:38] <Guest19221> Dumb guys should join the conference too-- they might learn
a thing or two from their upper management!
[16:38] * Quits: BerNiA27 (etkili@86.125.130.Tj497=) (Connection reset by peer)
[16:38] <tubntuj|away> hi youa =)
[16:38] <ae_gurl> :)
[16:38] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 brandon, tsis muaj money lawm es :(
[16:38] <ae_gurl> hi brandon!
[16:38] <@hmong> hi youa
[16:38] <tubntuj|away> fade we can steal
[16:38] <tubntuj|away> lol
[16:38] <ae_gurl> hi leo!
[16:38] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 haha
[16:38] <tubntuj|away> if we get caught i'll blame you
[16:38] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 tsis puab steal os
[16:38] <tubntuj|away> :p
[16:38] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 haha hey now...
[16:39] * Tauj is really very bored.
[16:39] <Guest19221> Get a LIFE.
[16:39] * Tauj is really very bored.
[16:39] * Tauj is really very bored.
[16:39] * Tauj was kicked by hmong (01× 14(TAUJ(*01!14*01@14*01.14mpl01.14org)14REPEAT14)1s
[16:39] * hmong sets mode: +b *!*@=Axvljoajq.mpl.org
[16:39] * ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@*.ded.ameritech.net
[16:39] <May21> 3 mah....bored...
[16:39] <tubntuj|away> i'll say she wanted it bad. i didnt know what to do.. so
im sorry i had to get it for her
[16:39] <E_Aw_Bay> damn hmongZ
[16:39] <E_Aw_Bay> always trying to find a way around things
[16:39] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 brandon, cas koj yuav mus zoo nraug ua luaj.. koj ua
rau kuv lus siab qua dee rau koj xwb.. :D
[16:39] * AngeL [lagenda@60.49.86.pL853=] is on IRC (aol)
[16:39] * AngeL has left IRC
[16:39] <ae_gurl> brandon: how are you doing?
[16:40] <May21> WhoAMITOU--u're funnie...
[16:40] <ae_gurl> brandon: are you still talking to my auntie?!
[16:40] * hmong sets mode: -b *!*@=xSkhwgyps.mpl.org
[16:40] <+aLLySa> Hi Youa!!! Long time no see.
[16:40] <tubntuj|away> fade txhob mack on kuv obbish style it's such a turn off
[16:40] <tubntuj|away> :p
[16:40] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hahaha
[16:40] <ae_gurl> hi ally!!
[16:40] <ae_gurl> :)
[16:40] <ae_gurl> yeah i know!
[16:40] <tubntuj|away> youa... no.. i'm ok :) koj nev
[16:40] <May21> Vinner left huH?
[16:40] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 zoo nraug rau kuv lus siab nyiam
[16:40] <ae_gurl> how have you've been ally?
[16:40] <May21> that dork...
[16:40] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hmmm
[16:40] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[16:40] <tubntuj|away> fade yog kuv tsis zoo nraug koj nyiam tsis taus li puas y
[16:40] <+aLLySa> I've been good and yourself??
[16:41] <May21> poor tubntuj LOL
[16:41] <tubntuj|away> i know huh May21
[16:41] -Who_Am_I_To_You:#hmongtalk- away-
[16:41] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 lol brandon
[16:41] <May21> yeah...
[16:41] * Quits: KnightOfHeaven (sadgf@ (Ping Timeout)
[16:41] * Quits: sirMcWorm (Evil@=TIi-58-507-407-85.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[16:41] * Joins: Guest9371 (java@=1nkhwgyps.mpl.org)
[16:41] <ae_gurl> ally: i've been busy.. ahaha.
[16:41] <May21> so sad when people just go for looks...
[16:41] <+aLLySa> wb Tauj
[16:41] <simplymai> Brandon and his funkafied, cheap lines lol
[16:41] <+aLLySa> Youa...doing what??
[16:41] <May21> relationships like that never last
[16:41] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 may hahahaha
[16:41] <+aLLySa> Macking offline?
[16:41] <+aLLySa> hahaha
[16:41] <May21> What?
[16:41] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[16:41] <tubntuj|away> lol mai
[16:41] <May21> kekkekeke
[16:41] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 nothing
[16:42] <tubntuj|away> i agree... thats why i dont mack anymore
[16:42] <simplymai> Yog kawg ;)
[16:42] <+annlee> omg!!!!!!! ro11in was at my grandma's funeral too!
[16:42] <May21> life is cruel
[16:42] <simplymai> Okay time to take lunch, finallyyyyyyyyyy
[16:42] <ae_gurl> ally: helping my parents out in the garden.. and getting ready
to leave the US.
[16:42] <+aLLySa> Hi Mai Mai !!!!!
[16:42] <ae_gurl> :D
[16:42] <ae_gurl> ahaha.
[16:42] <tubntuj|away> cause you told me my lines were cheap mai.. i have to wri
te new ones from others
[16:42] <simplymai> Hi Ally =P
[16:42] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 brandon dont mack anymore on the main but mack in pC
[16:42] * Joins: Guest10656 (java@=TMela-60-300-109-69.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
[16:42] * Guest9371 is now known as DumbBell
[16:42] <Guest19221> LOL
[16:42] * Quits: LaiB (x@=JV90-70-85-232-zycy.telepacific.net) (QUIT: User exite
[16:42] <simplymai> Brandon- good luck! haha
[16:42] <+aLLySa> where do you think yu're going, Youa?
[16:42] <May21> yeah so nobody can pick on ur Brandon
[16:42] <tubntuj|away> i never mack in pc fade dont umode :(
[16:42] <Guest19221> Dump mackers!
[16:42] <ae_gurl> aahahaha.
[16:42] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 sure brandon
[16:42] <May21> Guest19221--quit being mean\
[16:42] <ae_gurl> brandon: you don't mack on here anymore!?!? sure... liar!
[16:43] <simplymai> Okay peace folks!
[16:43] * Quits: mttgurl (hoops@=JNwspmld-
(QUIT: User exited)
[16:43] <tubntuj|away> i mack on aa now
[16:43] <May21> bye simplymai
[16:43] <tubntuj|away> lol
[16:43] * Quits: simplymai (java@=Slxdj-wihbfe.csumb.edu) (QUIT: User exited)
[16:43] <ae_gurl> ally: i'd be going to thailand.
[16:43] * Guest10656 is now known as superdaddy_916
[16:43] <+aLLySa> To get marry lov?
[16:43] <+aLLySa> Woooooo!
[16:43] <Guest19221> The girls are Horrible at macking!
[16:43] <tubntuj|away> no
[16:43] <tubntuj|away> youa promise to be my niam yau
[16:43] <May21> Guest19221--I admit it that's y i dont' mack in hea
[16:43] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hahha brandon is mackin
[16:43] <May21> LOL
[16:43] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 :p
[16:43] <ae_gurl> ahahahaha
[16:44] <ae_gurl> lol.
[16:44] <tubntuj|away> haha
[16:44] <Guest19221> LOL, May you're such a LIAR.
[16:44] * tubntuj|away rolls* eyes at self
[16:44] <May21> I'm not
[16:44] <tubntuj|away> @_@
[16:44] <DumbBell> Hello....all guessessssssssssssssss.......any of u is a fema
le and care to chat me?????
[16:44] <May21> I'm just telling the truth
[16:44] <ae_gurl> no..brandon doesn't mack!
[16:44] <May21> Maybe tau mus ua Brandon tus niam peb
[16:44] <May21> LOL
[16:44] * Joins: Guest8354 (java@=yLb-68-78-07-87.hsd1.ma.comcast.net)
[16:44] <May21> just tripping kekkeke
[16:44] * Quits: Linda^ (undernet@=ngVvnsrwk-RLD-ulf3042184.sympatico.ca) (Conne
ction reset by peer)
[16:44] <tubntuj|away> may21 i dont need a niam peb.. i'm gonna get a cute white
[16:45] <tubntuj|away> ;)
[16:45] <tubntuj|away> in skimpy outfits
[16:45] <May21> LOL sure
[16:45] <May21> i was just tripping
[16:45] <May21> oh HI dumbbell
[16:45] <May21> did i already say hi?
[16:45] * Quits: michael_lee (java@=pqwmak-67-45-40-890.west.biz.rr.com) (QUIT:
User exited)
[16:45] * Quits: superdaddy_916 (java@=TMela-60-300-109-69.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.ne
t) (QUIT: User exited)
[16:45] * Joins: Guest9908 (java@130.86.26.vT27=)
[16:45] * Guest8354 is now known as sweet_angel
[16:45] <DumbBell> hola may
[16:45] <May21> kekkeke
[16:45] <tubntuj|away> tiamsi fade yuav yog niam hlob... txhua yam yuav tsum yog
nws pom zoo
[16:45] * Guest9908 is now known as StoryOfMyLife
[16:45] <DumbBell> sweet angel...hey care to pc me???
[16:46] <tubntuj|away> yog fade nws tsis kam.. kuv tsis ua ib zaug
[16:46] * Quits: jewel_lee (java@=pqwmak-67-45-40-890.west.biz.rr.com) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
[16:46] * Quits: sOmE_lAdY (java@=nMmxzfxxnr-ecrt7.clients.athenet.net) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[16:46] * StoryOfMyLife ...
[16:46] * May21 is bored....
[16:46] <May21> so dead n hea....
[16:46] * StoryOfMyLife ...May what di you expect ????
[16:46] <DumbBell> pc me then ill tel u sweet angel...???
[16:46] <sweet_angel> sure...DumbBell
[16:47] <May21> my peeps all left moi in the dark...
[16:47] <May21> pooor meeeeeeeeehhhhhhh
[16:47] * StoryOfMyLife ...let me give you light agiain girl
[16:47] <May21> LOL
[16:47] * StoryOfMyLife ...its okay you dont have to be a role model
[16:47] <Guest19221> Why is ticket to go to Cal so freaking HIGH. Dammit!
[16:47] <May21> is it Guest?
[16:47] <May21> how much?
[16:48] * Joins: stp_male_with_sexual_benifits (Chatz@=lUs-70-14-81-174.hsd1.mn.
[16:48] <Guest19221> 568.00 roundtrip
[16:48] * StoryOfMyLife ...HI wifey
[16:48] <May21> reallie..
[16:48] <May21> wow...
[16:48] <May21> i was thinking about going too but
[16:48] <May21> wow...
[16:48] * Joins: Luci^25 (ihjcl@=M8r-48-077-6-21.hsd1.il.comcast.net)
[16:48] <Guest19221> My girlfriends aint worth it!
[16:48] <ae_gurl> laters folks!
[16:48] <ae_gurl> laters ally!
[16:48] * StoryOfMyLife ...HeartHeart
[16:48] <May21> Guest don't say that
[16:48] <ae_gurl> laters brandon!
[16:48] <ae_gurl> :D
[16:48] <ae_gurl> take care!!!
[16:48] <ae_gurl> miss me!
[16:48] <ae_gurl> :D
[16:48] * ae_gurl was kicked by hmong (01× 14(AE_GURL(*01!14*01@1413701.142801.1418201.14*)
[16:48] * hmong sets mode: +b *!*@137.28.182.JO285=
[16:48] <+aLLySa> bye youa
[16:49] <May21> if she's ur gal--u should go visit her
[16:49] <May21> how sweet...
[16:49] * E_Aw_Bay *
[16:49] * StoryOfMyLife ...AAA Luci tell me what happen last night???
[16:49] * hmong sets mode: -b *!*@137.28.182.JO285=
[16:49] <Guest19221> Please! That trick won't even sleep with me.
[16:49] <Guest19221> Dammit!
[16:49] * StoryOfMyLife ..CaliforniaHeartHeart
[16:49] <DumbBell> is JULIE FROM NC in here???????
[16:50] * Quits: stp_male_with_sexual_benifits (Chatz@=lUs-70-14-81-174.hsd1.mn.
comcast.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[16:50] <May21> U're so mean....
[16:50] * Joins: stp_male_with_sexual_benifits (Chatz@=Jdl-43-06-19-810.hsd1.mn.
[16:50] <May21> i'll leave u alone...
[16:50] <Guest19221> May, if you sleep with me, I'll come see you?
[16:50] * StoryOfMyLife ...may dont to it
[16:50] <May21> hella nah...
[16:50] <Guest19221> **** you too!
[16:50] <May21> i never did say i wanna see u
[16:50] <tubntuj|away> nhhfsfrtdghgguyuyyui
[16:50] * StoryOfMyLife ...hes not worth the pain
[16:51] <May21> he can go dream...
[16:51] * StoryOfMyLife ,..hes just trying to bone over the phone
[16:51] <May21> he's just being a dork inhea
[16:51] * Quits: Guest19221 (java@204.128.235.bT36=) (QUIT: User exited)
[16:51] * Joins: Guest6052 (java@=HEa-98-459-141-963.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[16:51] * E_Aw_Bay is now known as pheej
[16:51] <DumbBell> may leema email u ??
[16:52] <May21> huh?
[16:52] <tubntuj|away> fade?
[16:52] <DumbBell> ur email addy plz??
[16:52] <May21> y?
[16:52] <DumbBell> cuzz i want to email u
[16:52] * Joins: I_WANNA_LICK_U (Chatz@=Doq-07-4-210-02.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[16:52] <DumbBell> tats all may
[16:52] <DumbBell> c mom
[16:52] * Guest6052 is now known as HUGE_gurl
[16:52] <DumbBell> plz/?
[16:52] <May21> i'll pc u n i'll give it to u k
[16:52] <HUGE_gurl> ll
[16:52] <HUGE_gurl> hey
[16:52] <HUGE_gurl> .........
[16:52] <DumbBell> hurry then plz??
[16:52] * Quits: sweet_angel (java@=yLb-68-78-07-87.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[16:52] <pheej> damn hmongZ
[16:52] <+aLLySa> Hi Chia
[16:52] <DumbBell> im in the library and imma bounce soon
[16:52] <HUGE_gurl> mmm
[16:52] <DumbBell> hurry may
[16:53] * Joins: Guest6276 (java@=06bpc-98-605-201-93.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net)
[16:53] <pheej> hi gau chia dork
[16:53] <DumbBell> im still waiting may????
[16:53] <CGUY> hi mary
[16:53] <+Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> hi Gau Chia Yang!!!!!
[16:53] * HUGE_gurl is now known as HUGE_gurl24079
[16:53] <+Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> are u and ut bf still 2gether?
[16:53] <+Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> Ger.....Where have u been?
[16:53] <May21> Got it DumbBell?
[16:53] <CGUY> who are you? Ugliest_Hmong_Lady
[16:53] <HUGE_gurl24079> yes
[16:53] * Joins: Guest90558 (MzaNzz@=q5endo-22-043-833-472.snloca.dsl-w.verizon.
[16:54] <pheej> ding ding ding
[16:54] * Quits: nC_aNjO (Unix@=NC0Hbpk680.tnt24.atl4.da.uu.net) (QUIT: User exi
[16:54] <+Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> sweet @ Gau Chia
[16:54] * Quits: KAreL^25 (fyz@=18Aznfazu-WRX-sim8014140.sympatico.ca) (Connecti
on reset by peer)
[16:54] <May21> Hi Pheej
[16:54] * Quits: Guest6276 (java@=06bpc-98-605-201-93.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net) (Q
UIT: User exited)
[16:54] <pheej> hi may21
[16:54] * Parts: Guest90558 (MzaNzz@=q5endo-22-043-833-472.snloca.dsl-w.verizon.
[16:54] <pheej> anyone wanna go fishing?
[16:54] <pheej> ping ping ping
[16:54] <+Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> ME Pheej
[16:54] <+Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> Mee
[16:54] <May21> Got it DumbBell?
[16:54] <pheej> damn
[16:54] * Joins: Guest5296 (HTML@=Ko25-955-610-00.stkn.dialup.elite.net)
[16:54] <pheej> how do you people know my name!
[16:54] * Guest5296 is now known as hmoob-ca
[16:54] <NC_Paul> any girl 21 and up wanna get real relationship pc me
[16:55] <pheej> well if anyone wants to go..
[16:55] <DumbBell> yes..may
[16:55] <May21> OK
[16:55] <+Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> Pheej Vwj from Wis right?
[16:55] <DumbBell> and i jus email u
[16:55] * Quits: asian_boi66734 (java@=yL35-119-710-18.mpls.qwest.net) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
[16:55] <May21> oh brb k
[16:55] * Quits: HUGE_gurl24079 (java@=HEa-98-459-141-963.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (
QUIT: User exited)
[16:55] <pheej> i'll meet you by the mississippi river
[16:55] <pheej> yes from wis
[16:55] <DumbBell> k
[16:55] <DumbBell> hurry
[16:55] <pheej> im 12
[16:55] <+Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> From La Cross?
[16:55] * Quits: NC_Paul (java@=Uv93-710-159-602.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com) (QUIT
: User exited)
[16:55] <pheej> wow
[16:55] <pheej> who are you
[16:55] <MrStamina> luci pc me
[16:56] <May21> DumbBell--i don't have any pix!
[16:56] <pheej> dammit
[16:56] * Joins: Guest5558 (java@=Ko25-955-610-00.stkn.dialup.elite.net)
[16:56] <DumbBell> shiet....
[16:56] * Quits: nautidude (java@205.213.113.f201=) (QUIT: User exited)
[16:56] <DumbBell> u lie
[16:56] <DumbBell> i noe u lie
[16:56] <May21> for real
[16:56] <DumbBell> its ok
[16:56] <May21> how o r u?
[16:56] <pheej> dammit
[16:56] * Quits: CGUY (java@=REx624.194.140.67.ip.alltel.net) (QUIT: User exited
[16:56] <DumbBell> i dunt deserve to see ur pix i guesss
[16:56] <May21> nope i'm for real don't have any pix yet
[16:56] * Guest5558 is now known as hmoob-ca1
[16:56] <May21> eh it's not that
[16:56] * Parts: +Kayla (java@64.160.115.jc112=)
[16:56] <May21> u've been nice to meh k
[16:56] <pheej> HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!
[16:57] <May21> it's just that i dont' have ani yet
[16:57] <pheej> ugliest hmong lady...who the heck are you?
[16:57] * Joins: Guest4838 (java@69.212.204.uS255=)
[16:57] <+Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> I'm ames
[16:57] <wifey> Amee nas.
[16:57] <May21> but thanks though for being such as sweetie
[16:57] * Quits: hmoob-ca (HTML@=Ko25-955-610-00.stkn.dialup.elite.net) (Timed O
[16:57] * StoryOfMyLife ...they want to know whos my role model
[16:57] <+Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> How is ur Daughter Pheej?
[16:57] <pheej> ohh..haha..
[16:57] <pheej> what's up dorkKk
[16:57] <DumbBell> its ok....may...koj siab yeej phem li ko rau hmoob yaj nas...
[16:57] <+Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> lol @ Pheej
[16:57] <pheej> she's doing great
[16:57] <+Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> haha
[16:57] <pheej> imma go pick her up at 5
[16:57] <+Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> That's good
[16:57] * Joins: Guest4564 (java@=Lx48-127-13-3.mpls.qwest.net)
[16:57] <May21> DumbBell--koj hais deb tsi li kom mas
[16:57] <+Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> Oh
[16:57] <+Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> Sweet
[16:57] <+Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> what ya going to do?
[16:58] <pheej> i unno
[16:58] <pheej> i was gonna go fishing
[16:58] <pheej> but she doesn't want to go
[16:58] <May21> kuv tsis muaj es yuav muab qhov twg rau koj saib mas lov
[16:58] <DumbBell> may i think i know u
[16:58] <May21> u do?
[16:58] <+Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> awww
[16:58] <May21> who am i then?
[16:58] <DumbBell> but u have changed so much
[16:58] <May21> what?
[16:58] <+Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> how cute
[16:58] <DumbBell> u been lying
[16:58] <pheej> fjdslkafjldksajflk;sa
[16:58] <DumbBell> u been /???
[16:58] <May21> lying?
[16:58] <pheej> im freaken bored
[16:58] <pheej> dammmit
[16:58] <DumbBell> and ????>>>
[16:58] <May21> what do u mean?
[16:58] <May21> u dont' know me
[16:58] * annlee is now known as ann{goneShower}
[16:58] <+Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> me too Pheej
[16:58] <DumbBell> its ok may....
[16:59] <+Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> When's the last time u been to the Cities here @ Phe
[16:59] <pheej> may what's ur last name
[16:59] <DumbBell> thanx for been so passive
[16:59] <May21> if u know me u wouldn't have said that to meh
[16:59] <pheej> umm...probably in april amee
[16:59] <+Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> oh
[16:59] <+Ugliest_Hmong_Lady> sweet
[16:59] * StoryOfMyLife ...throw me a Sign if youre from the west coast>>>>>>>
[16:59] <May21> Justin---so do u really know me?
[16:59] * Joins: Pho_King_Awesome (me@=j5e-32-60-98-79.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[16:59] <pheej> MAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!...what's ur last name?
[16:59] <DumbBell> i would ......cuzz ur face had changed and ur heart still not
[16:59] <May21> Xiong
[16:59] <Pho_King_Awesome> lalalalalalalaa
[16:59] <+ann{goneShower}> hi jack
[16:59] <pheej> oh
[16:59] <pheej> hehe...
[16:59] <Pho_King_Awesome> harro
[16:59] <May21> Justin--koj dag ual uaj
[16:59] <May21> luaj
[16:59] <+ann{goneShower}> jack
[16:59] <Pho_King_Awesome> you IRCing from the shower, ann?
[16:59] <pheej> how tall are you may?
[17:00] <May21> 5
[17:00] <+ann{goneShower}> i brought fade back with me for u
[17:00] <+ann{goneShower}> she's sitting on the tiolet
[17:00] * Quits: Guest4564 (java@=Lx48-127-13-3.mpls.qwest.net) (QUIT: User exit
[17:00] <Pho_King_Awesome> meh
[17:00] <Pho_King_Awesome> i do'nt want her
[17:00] <DumbBell> of course..u gew up the last 21 earth years ..right???
[17:00] <pheej> ok
[17:00] <Pho_King_Awesome> but anyway.. i'll be back later.. :D
[17:00] <pheej> KEWL!
[17:00] <May21> Justin---so then what's my name?
[17:00] <+ann{goneShower}> brb
[17:00] <Pho_King_Awesome> gotta go to MIDAS
[17:00] <Pho_King_Awesome> *POOF*
[17:00] * Quits: Pho_King_Awesome (me@=j5e-32-60-98-79.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUI
T: User exited)
[17:00] * StoryOfMyLife ...im looking for my 5'5 with brown eyes hmong chick????
[17:00] <DumbBell> or u still thing u r a baby..????
[17:00] * Joins: maria_19 (vec@213.186.186.NP130=)
[17:00] * Quits: stp_male_with_sexual_benifits (Chatz@=Jdl-43-06-19-810.hsd1.mn.
comcast.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[17:00] <May21> what?
[17:00] <pheej> im hungry dammit
[17:00] * StoryOfMyLife ...im looking for my 5'5 with brown eyes hmong chick????
[17:00] <pheej> someone make me some food
[17:00] * Quits: maria_19 (vec@213.186.186.NP130=) (QUIT: User exited)
[17:01] * Joins: maria_19 (vec@213.186.186.NP130=)
[17:01] <DumbBell> nvm may...
[17:01] * Quits: TheOtherGuy (java@65.124.139.ll766=) (QUIT: User exited)
[17:01] <May21> Justin---- r u ok?
[17:01] <pheej> hmong people are always on drugs!
[17:01] <DumbBell> koj yeej ua li ko ces..kuv kac liam lawm os
[17:01] <DumbBell> tsis thob koj ntxiv li lawm os
[17:01] <May21> Justin--I'm sorry
[17:01] * StoryOfMyLife ...im looking for my 5'5 with brown eyes hmong chick????
[17:01] <May21> maybe u're talking to the wrong "May"
[17:01] <May21> cux I don't have a clue on what u just said
[17:01] * Quits: +aLLySa (TFastness@=NNzb76-189-4-629.nc.hr.cox.net) (QUIT: User
[17:01] <May21> but i'm glad to know u though cutie
[17:02] <May21> u can be my boo hhehhehe
[17:02] <pheej> wow
[17:02] <May21> what Pheej?
[17:02] <pheej> you can just start liking someone just like that huh
[17:02] <pheej> hi may
[17:02] <May21> hey everything in here is just a joke Pheej
[17:02] <DumbBell> bye may
[17:02] <pheej> but my name is pheej though
[17:02] <May21> i dont' take things in here seriously
[17:02] <DumbBell> take care
[17:02] <May21> Bye Justin
[17:02] <DumbBell> email me wen u can
[17:02] <May21> u too
[17:02] <May21> okay
[17:02] <May21> i will
[17:02] <DumbBell> and dunt 4get ur pix MAY???
[17:03] <pheej> someone come pick me up
[17:03] <May21> Justin...
[17:03] <pheej> and take me fishing
[17:03] <May21> uh...
[17:03] <May21> kuv tsis muaj duab lawm na
[17:03] <pheej> i only live in wi
[17:03] * Guest4838 is now known as manty_gurl
[17:03] <manty_gurl> HELLO!
[17:03] * Quits: DumbBell (java@=1nkhwgyps.mpl.org) (QUIT: User exited)
[17:03] <manty_gurl> pheej...
[17:03] <manty_gurl> no u dont..
[17:03] <pheej> HELLO
[17:03] <manty_gurl> ur not the onlie one who live in wi..
[17:03] <pheej> yes i do manty
[17:04] <manty_gurl> no ur not..
[17:04] <pheej> well i didn't say i was the only one
[17:04] <manty_gurl> ur not the onlie one..
[17:04] <pheej> i said i only live in wi
[17:04] <pheej> manty nerd!
[17:04] <pheej> :P
[17:04] <manty_gurl> yeah...i knows..
[17:04] <manty_gurl> :D
[17:04] * Quits: Guest26498 (java@=sTaig-58-057-45-316.dsl.frs2ca.pacbell.net) (
QUIT: User exited)
[17:04] <pheej> hi may
[17:04] <pheej> HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[17:04] <manty_gurl> now is wis treating you?
[17:05] <pheej> huh?
[17:05] <manty_gurl> ..
[17:05] <pheej> yesturday was humid as HECK!
[17:05] <manty_gurl> haha
[17:05] <manty_gurl> not im my house!
[17:05] <manty_gurl> ^_^
[17:05] <manty_gurl> we got the ac up...
[17:05] <manty_gurl> in the living room
[17:05] <pheej> well i meant outside manty
[17:05] <manty_gurl> and in my room! hehe
[17:05] <manty_gurl> haha i knows
[17:05] <manty_gurl> ^_^
[17:05] <pheej> well i was using my can of dust remover for the computer as my fa
[17:05] <manty_gurl> haha lols
[17:06] <manty_gurl> dork
[17:06] <pheej> yup...whenever it got hot...just press on the can
[17:06] <pheej> hehe
[17:06] <pheej> save money you know
[17:06] <manty_gurl> lol
[17:06] <manty_gurl> kk
[17:06] <manty_gurl> where can 30 bucks get you?
[17:06] * paige [java@=Klmssnhj-] is o
[17:06] * StoryOfMyLife ...i am the one you denied....im down for a one night st
[17:06] <pheej> as in what manty?
[17:06] <pheej> for gas?
[17:06] <pheej> food?
[17:06] <pheej> life?
[17:07] <manty_gurl> as in..
[17:07] <manty_gurl> travel..
[17:07] <manty_gurl> dork..
[17:07] <pheej> internet?
[17:07] <pheej> are you driving?
[17:07] <manty_gurl> whos u storyofmylife?
[17:07] <manty_gurl> no im not driving..
[17:07] * StoryOfMyLife ...30 big ones can get you far if you know what to do wi
th it
[17:07] <pheej> what kind of transportation are you taking
[17:07] <manty_gurl> ...
[17:07] <manty_gurl> innos
[17:07] * Joins: Gen[X] (Fastness@=Wnubxz-48-855-568-8.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net)
[17:07] <manty_gurl> bus?
[17:07] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Gen[X]
[17:07] <manty_gurl> plane..
[17:07] * Joins: KnightOfHeaven (sadgf@
[17:07] <manty_gurl> im askin ya know?
[17:07] <manty_gurl> OIY!
[17:07] * kengi sets mode: +b *!*@69.212.204.uS255=
[17:07] * manty_gurl was kicked by kengi (Numerous texts lines! (40secs) 15u14u2Un£ea§h tHê
[17:07] <manty_gurl> haha
[17:07] * ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@200.37.*
[17:07] * ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@61.94.*
[17:07] <pheej> umm..plane??
[17:08] * KnightOfHeaven says: hello again addicts and freaks of the net world
[17:08] <pheej> i dont' htink you can get n e where with 30 bucks
[17:08] <May21> Hi KnightofHeaven
[17:08] <pheej> 30bucks....hmmmm...
[17:08] <pheej> it can take u to the mall...
[17:08] <May21> Pheej where fish @?
[17:08] * Joins: Guest998 (java@=7Fcnldnp-
[17:08] <KnightOfHeaven> http://members.asianavenue.com/Kn1ghtOfHeaven
[17:08] <KnightOfHeaven> sign my guest book bored ladies
[17:08] <KnightOfHeaven> http://members.asianavenue.com/Kn1ghtOfHeaven
[17:08] * kengi sets mode: -b *!*@69.212.204.OA255=
[17:08] <pheej> may..im not sure yet... somewhere on the mississippi river?
[17:08] * StoryOfMyLife ...30 bucks can buy you a fresh pair of panties
[17:09] <pheej> manty....well you can get like.....a pair of shoes maybe
[17:09] * Joins: MN_MAN (THEDOCK@=3ag-68-802-381-122.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[17:09] * Joins: Michelle_ (sevmiyoru@=oMjovz-587.otenet.gr)
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[17:09] * Michelle_ was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk)
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[17:09] * Guest998 is now known as iloveu
[17:09] <May21> oh reallie
[17:09] <pheej> umm..hello!?!??!?!?!
[17:09] <pheej> yeah
[17:09] * StoryOfMyLife ...30 bucks can buy you a fresh pair of panties
[17:09] <iloveu> kuvhlubkoj
[17:09] * StoryOfMyLife ...im looking for my 5'5 with brown eyes hmong chick????
[17:10] <KnightOfHeaven> 30 bucks barely buy me a 2 inch thick college book
[17:10] <pheej> 30 bucks.....how about some beer?
[17:10] * Quits: +Ugliest_Hmong_Lady (java@69.2.242.PO417=) (QUIT: User exited)
[17:10] <VOICEMALE> 30 bucks can get some some nice fishing supplies
[17:10] <KnightOfHeaven> 2 case
[17:10] * iloveu is now known as iloveu3637
[17:10] * StoryOfMyLife ...anyone needs some mmoney???
[17:10] <KnightOfHeaven> not enough!
[17:10] <pheej> carton of smokes?
[17:10] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[17:11] * StoryOfMyLife ...go get a job so youll have more then 30 bucks
[17:11] <pheej> hmmmm
[17:11] <+EcStAcYgUrL> I need $$$ !
[17:11] * +`simplysweet`bz` I gotta pee..
[17:11] <May21> Pheej --i didn't know u smoke
[17:11] * +`simplysweet`bz` AGAIN!
[17:11] * +`simplysweet`bz` I need $ too. nikkI.
[17:11] <+EcStAcYgUrL> who has $$$ to spare ?
[17:11] <+EcStAcYgUrL> LoL
[17:11] <May21> meh
[17:11] <+EcStAcYgUrL> I'm not Nikki !
[17:11] <pheej> may you know who i am?
[17:11] <+EcStAcYgUrL> Sorry !
[17:11] <+EcStAcYgUrL> :D
[17:11] * +`simplysweet`bz` Who are you?
[17:11] <pheej> who said i smoke?
[17:11] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[17:11] <pheej> i always see prices for smokes at gas stations
[17:11] * StoryOfMyLife ...nikkis gone til november
[17:11] <May21> oh
[17:12] * StoryOfMyLife ...nikkis gone til november
[17:12] * +`simplysweet`bz` What the fcuka shet?
[17:12] <+EcStAcYgUrL> A friend of Nikki !
[17:12] * +`simplysweet`bz` Oh?
[17:12] * +`simplysweet`bz` I suppose.
[17:12] <pheej> may you know me?
[17:12] <May21> I'm not sure
[17:12] <May21> y?
[17:12] * Quits: metub (java@168.236.254.QC4=) (QUIT: User exited)
[17:12] <MN_MAN> any females waan chat
[17:12] * Guest712 is now known as manty_gurl
[17:12] <pheej> i was just wondering
[17:12] <manty_gurl> now that wasnt nice!
[17:12] <pheej> and you said awhile ago you didn't have a picture right?
[17:12] <May21> yeah i don't
[17:12] * Joins: Guest99420 (java@=tdh98.115.55.243.ona.wi.charter.com)
[17:12] <May21> y?
[17:12] <pheej> manty go buy me some ice cream with your 30 bucks
[17:12] <May21> u wanna see my pix
[17:12] <pheej> just wondering..
[17:12] <May21> hahah
[17:12] * Joins: Guest1629 (java@=k8avb61.merr.com)
[17:12] <May21> no pix
[17:12] * Guest99420 is now known as Tampico
[17:12] <pheej> sure if you had one....but u said u didn't
[17:12] * StoryOfMyLife ...money aint no thang.....just ask and you might get so
me in the mail
[17:13] * Joins: Guest99895 (HTML@=Lojcsl-10-943-44-088.dsl.sktn01.pacbell.net)
[17:13] <pheej> HI TAMP TAMP!
[17:13] <May21> yeah i didn't
[17:13] <iloveu3637> any ladies care to kill sometime heere
[17:13] <MN_MAN> may21 hello
[17:13] * Quits: assdefrt (java@=MMvdw-608-670-460-011.carolina.res.rr.com) (QUI
T: User exited)
[17:13] <May21> hi
[17:13] <KnightOfHeaven> uumm...
[17:13] <pheej> may..you didn't...so now you do?
[17:13] * Joins: Guest99133 (java@=eJgfb-87-085-118-02.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net)
[17:13] <May21> i have to ut
[17:13] <KnightOfHeaven> there's so boring azz peeps in here today
[17:13] <Tampico> hi pheej?
[17:13] <MN_MAN> may21 u got pic
[17:13] <May21> put my pix online i guess
[17:13] * StoryOfMyLife ...hi iloveu
[17:13] <May21> I don't
[17:13] <pheej> DAMN TAMPICO!
[17:13] <May21> i never said I do have pix
[17:13] <manty_gurl> I GOT SUMTHIN FOR YOU PHEEJ!
[17:13] * Guest1629 is now known as Licker
[17:13] <Tampico> OH.. PHENG RUAM!
[17:13] <May21> I did say I don't have pix
[17:13] <Tampico> haha
[17:13] <manty_gurl> Talk to the Hand cuzz the face dont like you!
[17:13] * Quits: Guest99133 (java@=eJgfb-87-085-118-02.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net) (
QUIT: User exited)
[17:13] <pheej> may...oh....i thought you said.....i DIDN'T have one..
[17:13] <MN_MAN> may i see
[17:13] <May21> Pheng--u're confused
[17:13] <manty_gurl> talk to the left cuzz you aint right!
[17:13] <pheej> like maybe you had one now
[17:13] <pheej> hehe
[17:13] <manty_gurl> talk to the thub cuzz u soo DUMB!
[17:13] <Tampico> stupid
[17:13] <Tampico> lmao
[17:13] <May21> I have pix it's just no scanner boi
[17:14] <pheej> manty who are you talking to?
[17:14] <pheej> everyone is typing!
[17:14] <manty_gurl> talk to the pinky cuzz you soo STINKY!
[17:14] <pheej> may21 how about a digi cam
[17:14] <May21> nah...
[17:14] <pheej> webcam
[17:14] <iloveu3637> any married lady want to share some love here
[17:14] * Licker is now known as Licker80384
[17:14] <Tampico> where's kat?
[17:14] * Quits: Guest99895 (HTML@=Lojcsl-10-943-44-088.dsl.sktn01.pacbell.net)
(Timed Out)
[17:14] <pheej> e aw bay!!!!!
[17:15] * Joins: Guest99603 (java@=sEJCP771X9.ipt.aol.com)
[17:15] <Tampico> ib ob peb
[17:15] <Tampico> pheng ruam.. spell it right
[17:15] <Tampico> lmao
[17:15] <pheej> hey im not hmong ok
[17:15] * Quits: iloveu3637 (java@=7Fcnldnp-
net) (QUIT: User exited)
[17:15] <Tampico> sure
[17:15] <pheej> sorry
[17:15] <Tampico> gay
[17:15] * Joins: Guest98711 (java@=G1hxfc-76-871-70-588.dsl.sktn01.pacbell.net)
[17:15] <May21> Bye Pheng
[17:15] <pheej> dont' judge a book by it's cover tamp tamp
[17:15] <May21> Late peeps
[17:15] <May21> love ya
[17:15] <Tampico> haha
[17:15] <May21> *Muah******
[17:15] <Tampico> i nOe pheng
[17:15] <Tampico> bye may21
[17:15] <pheej> laterz may
[17:15] <May21> yeah thankz peeps late
[17:15] * tubntuj|away <-- is "gay" too.. according to callie
[17:15] <pheej> muAKerZ
[17:15] * Quits: May21 (java@=Ri90-367-69-801.nh.cc.mn.us) (QUIT: User exited)
[17:15] <tubntuj|away> :(
[17:15] * Guest98711 is now known as mary_dammit
[17:15] * Quits: MN_MAN (THEDOCK@=3ag-68-802-381-122.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
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[17:15] * Guest98882 was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk)
[17:15] <Tampico> hmm
[17:16] <Tampico> i guess... =S
[17:16] <+mary_dammit> dam!!..stop fawkin kicking me out!!!
[17:16] <tubntuj|away> sup punk
[17:16] <Tampico> dammit mary
[17:16] <pheej> damn mary mekA!
[17:16] <Tampico> lmao
[17:16] <Tampico> hi punkazz
[17:16] <+mary_dammit> haha
[17:16] <+mary_dammit> fawkin *****!
[17:16] <Tampico> haha
[17:16] * Quits: wifey (____@64.122.218.O7449=) (QUIT: User exited)
[17:16] <Tampico> muaks
[17:16] <Tampico> =D
[17:16] <+mary_dammit> dont they know how bored i am here!
[17:16] * @hmong is (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 1:54 pm
[17:16] <KnightOfHeaven> uumm...
[17:16] <pheej> hey i brokin my phone
[17:16] <StoryOfMyLife> aaa
[17:16] <manty_gurl> MARY! >>> talk to the THUMB cuzz you soo DUMB!!!
[17:16] <KnightOfHeaven> any lady in here like to chat?
[17:16] <tubntuj|away> hi Tampico, dearest lol
[17:16] <Tampico> manty you
[17:16] * Guest99603 is now known as noudles
[17:16] <Tampico> haha
[17:16] <Tampico> kidish fool
[17:16] * Joins: Guest97990 (Chatz@=adKV5R9A4D.ipt.aol.com)
[17:16] <manty_gurl> KNIGHT! talk to the PINKY cuzz you soo STINKY!
[17:17] <pheej> damn hmong priders!
[17:17] <+mary_dammit> manty gurl not az dumb as u r
[17:17] <Tampico> hi brandon
[17:17] <+mary_dammit> hahah
[17:17] <+mary_dammit> anyways
[17:17] <+mary_dammit> aupperZ
[17:17] <manty_gurl> TAMPICO! talk to the LEFT cuzz you aint RIGHT!
[17:17] <tubntuj|away> noudles?
[17:17] <+mary_dammit> ops!
[17:17] <Tampico> i guess
[17:17] <+mary_dammit> see!!
[17:17] <KnightOfHeaven> manty- talk to my d1ck, cuz you're a dumb azz trick
[17:17] <KnightOfHeaven> *wInK*
[17:17] <Tampico> lmao
[17:17] <manty_gurl> haha
[17:17] <tubntuj|away> ok off again... to call callie
[17:17] <noudles> lolz brandon
[17:17] <pheej> hahahah
[17:17] <manty_gurl> gay tiag tiag!]
[17:17] <Tampico> w/e bran
[17:17] * Quits: Thoma_s (Thoma_s@199.17.175.Q5902=) (QUIT: User exited)
[17:17] <noudles> 
[17:17] <pheej> stupid HMONGZ!
[17:17] <KnightOfHeaven> got your attention!
[17:17] <+mary_dammit> hiya!
[17:17] <manty_gurl> YAY!!!
[17:17] <Tampico> pheng ruam
[17:17] <manty_gurl> im soo happy!
[17:17] <pheej> always dissin eachother and sh|etS
[17:17] <+mary_dammit> DONT KICK ME AGAIN!!!!
[17:17] <+mary_dammit> I REPEAT!
[17:17] * Joins: Guest99892 (java@=Pnrseati-
[17:17] <manty_gurl> but i wonder..what i should do this summer!
[17:18] <+mary_dammit> DONT KICK ME AGAIN!!!!!!!!...!..dammit
[17:18] * Quits: Licker80384 (java@=k8avb61.merr.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[17:18] * manty_gurl kicks Mary!!!
[17:18] * Joins: Guest98305 (java@=Olxmtc45-773.dsl.tds.net)
[17:18] * StoryOfMyLife ..get a life
[17:18] * Joins: Guest97764 (java@=mIsnf.westhillscollege.com)
[17:18] * Quits: Tommy_Hang86884 (AzNScRipt@=zkbwa0078897240msq.pwayne01.pa.comc
ast.net) (Ping Timeout)
[17:18] * manty_gurl OOPS! my leg slipped! then runs away!!!
[17:18] <pheej> this is getting too hmong pridish
[17:18] <pheej> im oUTz
[17:18] <+mary_dammit> manty gurll i knwo what u can do....
[17:18] <I_WANNA_LICK_U> where all my horny girls at??????
[17:18] <+mary_dammit> stay home
[17:18] <pheej> laterz TAMP TAMP
[17:18] <tubntuj|away> KnightOfHeaven if you would fk manty... i can only admire
you... as the man who sleep with a moose
[17:18] <pheej> laterz mary you MEKA!
[17:18] <manty_gurl> hah
[17:18] <tubntuj|away> :)
[17:18] <manty_gurl> no way!
[17:18] <+mary_dammit> bye pheng
[17:18] <Tampico> bye pheng
[17:18] <manty_gurl> FORGET THAT!
[17:18] <pheej> laterz Manty DorkK!
[17:18] <pheej> haha
[17:18] <manty_gurl> IMMA GO PLAY!
[17:18] <manty_gurl> BYES PHEEJ!
[17:18] <pheej> muaKerZzz
[17:18] * KnightOfHeaven is going scubba diving..and sky diving this summer
[17:18] <manty_gurl> PHEEJ GAY!
[17:18] <pheej> blahHhHhhHZz
[17:18] <pheej> kick me kick me kick me!
[17:18] <Tampico> blahs
[17:18] <pheej> kick me kick me kick me!
[17:18] * tubntuj|away holds callie's hands
[17:18] <+mary_dammit> manty gurl...you gonna go play with your friends?..or urs
[17:18] <pheej> kick me kick me kick me!
[17:18] * pheej was kicked by hmong (01× 14(PHEEJ(*01!14*01@14*01.1418701.1411601.147901.14
AT14)1st01.14) 01×)
[17:18] * hmong sets mode: +b *!*@=e5f32.187.116.79.ona.wi.charter.com
[17:18] <Tampico> quit it
[17:18] * Joins: Guest98162 (java@131.128.222.kl73=)
[17:18] * tubntuj|away goes "oops.. my bads"
[17:19] <manty_gurl> mary...with my freinds.
[17:19] <manty_gurl> haha
[17:19] * Joins: ThisGuy (sid@=WCrafevtwz.yosemite.cc.ca.us)
[17:19] <+mary_dammit> oo so leo was kicking me?
[17:19] <+mary_dammit> now i know..
[17:19] <+mary_dammit> *kicks leo*
[17:19] * Guest98305 is now known as single_female21
[17:19] * Guest98162 is now known as nkaujkevdeb_hlubtiag
[17:19] <manty_gurl> mary..get yoru head outt the gutter!
[17:19] * manty_gurl kicks Leo!!! DIE!!!!
[17:19] <Tampico> <-- listening to NOthing Left but Me
[17:19] * Guest97764 is now known as SuperHmongDude
[17:19] <Tampico> lmao
[17:19] * manty_gurl kicks Leo!!! "DIE!!!!"
[17:19] <+mary_dammit> nah
[17:19] * Quits: nkaujkevdeb_hlubtiag (java@131.128.222.kl73=) (QUIT: User exite
[17:19] <+mary_dammit> i cant kill leo..he's my sweetie
[17:19] <tubntuj|away> awwwww
[17:19] <manty_gurl> haha]
[17:19] <SuperHmongDude> hello there ladies
[17:19] * hmong sets mode: -b *!*@=EWq89.187.116.79.ona.wi.charter.com
[17:19] * tubntuj|away want's only what's left.. even if it means just her
[17:20] <manty_gurl> but i can kill LEO! becuase...he is worth nothing to me!!!
[17:20] * Guest99892 is now known as AznGuy
[17:20] <Tampico> <--hiding now
[17:20] * Tampico is now known as _ngel
[17:20] <manty_gurl> Hello...?
[17:20] <+mary_dammit> manty gurl....so when do summer school start for you?
[17:20] * Joins: Guest96977 (java@=agp-43-68-10-79.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[17:20] * KnightOfHeaven yells: earth, fire, wind, water, heart... with your pow
ers combine.. i am...CAPTIN PLANET!
[17:20] * manty_gurl goes and sits in her apple tree...
[17:20] * Joins: Guest96560 (java@
[17:20] * KnightOfHeaven yells: ggooooooo planet!
[17:20] <manty_gurl> MARY...i dont got summere school!
[17:20] * Joins: monique_e (Ralfman1@=DZh50-789-541-16.cust.tele2.it)
[17:20] * ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@*.ch
[17:20] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@*.it
[17:20] * monique_e was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk: spam
[17:20] * Parts: Guest97990 (Chatz@=adKV5R9A4D.ipt.aol.com)
[17:20] <+mary_dammit> u should
[17:20] <+mary_dammit> its for free
[17:20] <+mary_dammit> =D
[17:20] * Guest96560 is now known as juicylonelygurl_hlubkoj
[17:20] * Joins: Spigger (adsf1@=3Bqqmf-144-510-16-09.balt.east.verizon.net)
[17:20] <manty_gurl> haha
[17:20] <manty_gurl> NO WAY!
[17:20] <juicylonelygurl_hlubkoj> hi everyone
[17:20] <Spigger> HAHAHA!!! NO WAY!!
[17:20] <SuperHmongDude> hello ladies from California
[17:20] <manty_gurl> i got better things to do than go to summer school!
[17:20] * Guest96977 is now known as CuteBOilovingU
[17:20] <+mary_dammit> HAHAHAH NO WAY!!!
[17:20] <CuteBOilovingU> hi
[17:20] <manty_gurl> besides..theres no point inme goin!
[17:20] <CuteBOilovingU> care to chat
[17:20] <CuteBOilovingU> pc me
[17:21] * Joins: male28 (edrive_805@=LG99-123-72-308.lsan.mdsg-pacwest.com)
[17:21] <manty_gurl> how old r u?
[17:21] <+mary_dammit> here?
[17:21] <+mary_dammit> ahhaha!!
[17:21] <Spigger> 7
[17:21] * noudles is really very bored.
[17:21] <CuteBOilovingU> hi manty girl
[17:21] <+mary_dammit> brb
[17:21] <manty_gurl> hummm...
[17:21] <manty_gurl> hello..
[17:21] <CuteBOilovingU> hi
[17:21] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 1:54 pm...
[17:21] <manty_gurl> how are you doin?
[17:21] <CuteBOilovingU> what is ur name?
[17:21] <CuteBOilovingU> me fine
[17:21] * Quits: TheFemaleGraduate (java@=hNs-70-14-89-76.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (
QUIT: User exited)
[17:21] <manty_gurl> humm Mole..
[17:21] <manty_gurl> and yours?
[17:21] <CuteBOilovingU> symun
[17:21] <MrStamina> any hot and kinky babes in here?
[17:21] <manty_gurl> u liar
[17:21] <CuteBOilovingU> im not
[17:21] <manty_gurl> as in Simon?
[17:21] <StoryOfMyLife> /me... i got the whole NYC shaggin
[17:21] <CuteBOilovingU> how do u know..
[17:22] * Joins: Guest97025 (java@=7v46-01-12-20.mpls.qwest.net)
[17:22] <manty_gurl> innos....
[17:22] <CuteBOilovingU> it sound the same
[17:22] <manty_gurl> i guess...
[17:22] <CuteBOilovingU> but spell different
[17:22] <manty_gurl> oh okie..
[17:22] <manty_gurl> wheres you from?
[17:22] <manty_gurl> Mole...not my real name..
[17:22] <CuteBOilovingU> oh really
[17:22] <KnightOfHeaven> uumm....
[17:22] <CuteBOilovingU> what is ur name
[17:22] <manty_gurl> uh huhs
[17:22] <StoryOfMyLife> far
[17:22] <manty_gurl> its Linda...
[17:22] <manty_gurl> wheres you from?
[17:22] <StoryOfMyLife> 2ssss
[17:22] <CuteBOilovingU> linda wat..
[17:22] <StoryOfMyLife> 3sssss
[17:22] * KnightOfHeaven wonders- what is life without the passion of a lady's s
mile...even tho she lies more than she claimed to had cried
[17:22] <CuteBOilovingU> me kali,sacto
[17:22] * Guest97025 is now known as URSWEETGUY
[17:22] * Quits: MN_dude (java@=vwm-77-40-2-833.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUIT: User
[17:22] <manty_gurl> linda.........just Linda...
[17:22] <manty_gurl> and ours?
[17:22] <manty_gurl> *yours*
[17:23] <_ngel> i agree lee
[17:23] <_ngel> lmao
[17:23] <StoryOfMyLife> 2if you dont know where im from ....
[17:23] * Quits: Spigger (adsf1@=3Bqqmf-144-510-16-09.balt.east.verizon.net) (Co
nnection reset by peer)
[17:23] <manty_gurl> hows it there in sac cali?
[17:23] <KnightOfHeaven> ngel- and who are you?
[17:23] <CuteBOilovingU> its okay
[17:23] <manty_gurl> kniGHT! thats TAMPICO!
[17:23] <manty_gurl> kk
[17:23] <_ngel> no comment.. you'll just call me a hole
[17:23] <CuteBOilovingU> so where u from?
[17:23] <_ngel> lmao
[17:23] <manty_gurl> wis
[17:23] <manty_gurl> far away
[17:23] <_ngel> fwken manty
[17:23] <CuteBOilovingU> oh good..
[17:23] <_ngel> lmao
[17:23] <_ngel> w/e
[17:23] <KnightOfHeaven> tampico?
[17:23] <CuteBOilovingU> ur age?
[17:23] <KnightOfHeaven> hahahhahaa
[17:23] <_ngel> brb
[17:23] <manty_gurl> haha
[17:23] <KnightOfHeaven> hahahahahhaahhaha
[17:23] <manty_gurl> im young..
[17:23] <manty_gurl> n u?
[17:23] <KnightOfHeaven> hahahahahahahaha
[17:23] <StoryOfMyLife> 2if you dont know where im from ....
[17:23] <CuteBOilovingU> me
[17:23] <KnightOfHeaven> thanks manty sister
[17:23] <CuteBOilovingU> 20
[17:23] <KnightOfHeaven> good looking out!
[17:24] * manty_gurl slaps Knight...
[17:24] <manty_gurl> im 15...
[17:24] <CuteBOilovingU> cool
[17:24] * KnightOfHeaven drop kick manty- do not hit your older brother!
[17:24] <manty_gurl> knight..i dun care if you hit my older brother...he hate me.
..then he gunna get his gang after your azz!
[17:24] * Joins: SecretAsianMan (mrchinster@68.23.96.c306=)
[17:24] <noudles> hi chin
[17:24] <manty_gurl> uh huh
[17:24] <StoryOfMyLife> 2baby immaa always on time and i gave you my all
[17:24] <KnightOfHeaven> hahaha
[17:24] * noudles is now known as dragongurl
[17:24] <KnightOfHeaven> his gangs?
[17:24] <SecretAsianMan> hi nou
[17:24] <KnightOfHeaven> omg
[17:24] * manty_gurl slaps Chinn... HEY YOU!
[17:24] <KnightOfHeaven> like i'm so afraid???
[17:24] <+mary_dammit> AIGHT!
[17:24] <SecretAsianMan> hi manty
[17:25] <+mary_dammit> hic hin
[17:25] <manty_gurl> haha
[17:25] <+mary_dammit> chin
[17:25] <SecretAsianMan> manty, I'm sorry but I forgot your name
[17:25] <KnightOfHeaven> gangstga<=== too druggie to fight me
[17:25] <manty_gurl> Knight....trust me...he gotta lotta boiz...
[17:25] <SecretAsianMan> hi mary
[17:25] <+mary_dammit> chin..i heard that u and bunny got together?
[17:25] <manty_gurl> CHIN...its aight! i always forget yours!
[17:25] <manty_gurl> humm
[17:25] <KnightOfHeaven> trust me...he can't beat me!
[17:25] <SecretAsianMan> yeah I did
[17:25] <+mary_dammit> what you think of him?
[17:25] <manty_gurl> SYMON U THERE?
[17:25] <KnightOfHeaven> gangs<== can't fight for sh1t
[17:25] <SecretAsianMan> manty what's your name?
[17:25] * Quits: jellorice (plastlk@=youbxz-49-816-538-24.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.n
et) (QUIT: User exited)
[17:25] <manty_gurl> KNIGHT...okie..w.e...
[17:25] <SecretAsianMan> mary, he's aight
[17:25] <KnightOfHeaven> that's why they have weapons..and they still looose!
[17:25] <KnightOfHeaven> hahahahahahaha
[17:25] <manty_gurl> CHIN! you can call me Mole!
[17:25] <+mary_dammit> he told me that your short
[17:25] <KnightOfHeaven> the last time i fought with some gangs was in fresno
[17:25] <manty_gurl> u know!
[17:25] <+mary_dammit> is that true?
[17:25] <KnightOfHeaven> dam.. they can't fight for sh1t
[17:26] <CuteBOilovingU> oh yeah
[17:26] <SecretAsianMan> mary, he's short too
[17:26] <CuteBOilovingU> im here girl
[17:26] <SecretAsianMan> shoot
[17:26] <+mary_dammit> yeah
[17:26] <+mary_dammit> haha
[17:26] <CuteBOilovingU> so got pic?
[17:26] <manty_gurl> that lil animal that crawls around in the dirt n all...
[17:26] <KnightOfHeaven> like a bunch of chicken...running around clueless
[17:26] <KnightOfHeaven> hahahahahaha
[17:26] <manty_gurl> oh okie...
[17:26] <SecretAsianMan> mary, I never said I was tall
[17:26] <manty_gurl> u gotaa pic?
[17:26] <CuteBOilovingU> me
[17:26] <+mary_dammit> lol@knight!!..hahahhahhha
[17:26] <CuteBOilovingU> yeah i do..
[17:26] <CuteBOilovingU> u?
[17:26] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 1:54 pm...
[17:26] <manty_gurl> yeah..
[17:26] <+mary_dammit> ok chin...bunny thinks ur cute
[17:26] <manty_gurl> can i see urs?
[17:26] <+mary_dammit> =D
[17:26] <SecretAsianMan> mary, shut up
[17:26] * SecretAsianMan pokes mary
[17:26] <CuteBOilovingU> sure
[17:26] <+mary_dammit> im forreals
[17:26] <KnightOfHeaven> hmong gangs: pathetic and wannabez...low life... doing
drugs to look cool...
[17:26] <CuteBOilovingU> alleyeonme
[17:26] <CuteBOilovingU> ur?
[17:26] <+mary_dammit> not just hmong
[17:26] <manty_gurl> CHIN! my brother thinks your HOT N SEXY!
[17:26] <+mary_dammit> its everyone
[17:26] <KnightOfHeaven> hmong gangs: they act hardcore.. but after they beat th
e hell out of them... they bow down like a bunch of b1tches
[17:27] <manty_gurl> http://members.asianavenue.com/alleyeonme
[17:27] <KnightOfHeaven> after you beat!
[17:27] <+mary_dammit> manty .shuddup..im telling him something
[17:27] <manty_gurl> im ugly!
[17:27] <CuteBOilovingU> its okay hehe
[17:27] <+mary_dammit> yes we know
[17:27] <+mary_dammit> hahha
[17:27] <manty_gurl> http://members.asianavenue.com/manty_gurl09 <<<all though i
m not all that! dont hate okie? (BE KIND...PLEASE SIGN!!!)
[17:28] * Parts: ThisGuy (sid@=WCrafevtwz.yosemite.cc.ca.us)
[17:28] <+mary_dammit> u been wrong!!!........u been wrongggGgGG...
[17:28] <manty_gurl> NICE AA PAGE
[17:28] <CuteBOilovingU> thanks
[17:28] * paige [java@=Klmssnhj-] has
left IRC
[17:29] * Quits: AznGuy (java@=Pnrseati-
(QUIT: User exited)
[17:29] <manty_gurl> uh huhs
[17:29] <+mary_dammit> manty since your home doing nothing...go clean the house.
[17:29] * tubntuj|away is now known as NeverBluff
[17:29] <+mary_dammit> so u wont be so much of an addict liek me
[17:29] <manty_gurl> MARY...my house is always clean!
[17:29] <NeverBluff> mary does this nick sounds ruthless?
[17:29] <+mary_dammit> not the corners
[17:29] <NeverBluff> lol
[17:29] <CuteBOilovingU> nice page
[17:29] <manty_gurl> haha
[17:29] <+mary_dammit> i knwo theres trashes there
[17:29] <manty_gurl> CORNERS?
[17:29] <+mary_dammit> know*
[17:29] <manty_gurl> MARY!: there are NO CORNERS in my house!
[17:29] <+mary_dammit> dam!
[17:29] <manty_gurl> my hous eis ROUND!
[17:29] <+mary_dammit> ur house is round?
[17:29] <manty_gurl> like me! hehehe
[17:30] <manty_gurl> yeah
[17:30] * NeverBluff throws a banana @ mary
[17:30] <manty_gurl> is ROUND!
[17:30] <KnightOfHeaven> uumm....
[17:30] <manty_gurl> like me!
[17:30] <manty_gurl> haha
[17:30] <KnightOfHeaven> where's all the non yang ladies at this afternoon?
[17:30] <manty_gurl> KNIGHT!
[17:30] * Quits: Guest73396 (java@=ShMZ0981C6.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[17:30] <manty_gurl> STOP TABOOING BOI!
[17:30] <KnightOfHeaven> manty: stop trying to taboo with me
[17:30] * manty_gurl slaps night!
[17:30] <KnightOfHeaven> u'r dam young
[17:30] <manty_gurl> IM NOT!
[17:30] <KnightOfHeaven> and you're a dam yang
[17:30] <manty_gurl> ECH!
[17:30] <KnightOfHeaven> and you're not qualify!
[17:30] <manty_gurl> haha
[17:30] <dragongurl> manty_gurl....ur only 15?????????
[17:30] <KnightOfHeaven> and you're too stupid
[17:30] <manty_gurl> ur dumb!
[17:30] <manty_gurl> oh yeah
[17:30] <manty_gurl> im stupid now huh
[17:30] * Quits: StoryOfMyLife (java@130.86.26.vT27=) (QUIT: User exited)
[17:30] <KnightOfHeaven> take your lilo azz to hmongpride... where all of them l
ilo kids are at!
[17:30] <+mary_dammit> no wonder manty...stop feeding your house too!!
[17:30] <+mary_dammit> dammit
[17:30] * manty_gurl is now known as manty_gurl`stupid
[17:31] <manty_gurl`stupid> happy now?
[17:31] <dragongurl> dam guys...dont make her feel bad
[17:31] * Joins: Guest96807 (java@=QForogp9.milwaukee.k12.wi.us)
[17:31] <KnightOfHeaven> take your butt to hmong pride!
[17:31] <KnightOfHeaven> hahahahaha
[17:31] <KnightOfHeaven> u'r a jail bait in here!
[17:31] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 1:54 pm...
[17:31] * Guest96807 is now known as MatureWI_lady
[17:31] * NeverBluff holds _ngel's hands *says* "can i just look at you for a mo
ment" :) *walks* on into his miserable life :\
[17:31] <manty_gurl`stupid> hahaha
[17:31] <manty_gurl`stupid> loser
[17:31] <+mary_dammit> hmong pride is down
[17:31] <KnightOfHeaven> no wonder manty is in here
[17:31] <+mary_dammit> manty's no longer an op there no more
[17:31] <KnightOfHeaven> them lilo kids!
[17:31] <+mary_dammit> OO wait theres never been an op
[17:31] <+mary_dammit> hahha
[17:31] <manty_gurl`stupid> eh?
[17:31] <KnightOfHeaven> being an addict at the age of 15
[17:31] <manty_gurl`stupid> lilo?
[17:31] <KnightOfHeaven> dam...feel so sorry for them
[17:31] <manty_gurl`stupid> BOI! dont be callin me lilo
[17:31] <+mary_dammit> dam
[17:31] * Joins: Guest95429 (java@=SYvji-77-485-16-66.dsl.frs2ca.pacbell.net)
[17:31] * +`simplysweet`bz` Gusy answer me
[17:31] <KnightOfHeaven> U ARE LILO!
[17:32] <+mary_dammit> manty gurl...only 15 ...addict already..
[17:32] <+mary_dammit> saD..
[17:32] * Guest95429 is now known as AsianFemale
[17:32] * +`simplysweet`bz` ANSWERRR...
[17:32] <NeverBluff> so if you think i'm bluffing.. better not turn your phone of
f... LOL
[17:32] * Quits: I_WANNA_LICK_U (Chatz@=Doq-07-4-210-02.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QU
IT: User exited)
[17:32] <NeverBluff> so if you think i'm bluffing.. better not turn your phone of
f... LOL
[17:32] * +`simplysweet`bz` What do you guys ChooSE......
[17:32] <manty_gurl`stupid> im aint lilo!
[17:32] * +`simplysweet`bz` STAY or GO ?
[17:32] <+mary_dammit> thank god imma addict at the age of 20
[17:32] <manty_gurl`stupid> 4 is LILO!
[17:32] * +`simplysweet`bz` STAY or GO ?
[17:32] * KnightOfHeaven smacks manty with my holy bible... 15 and already an ad
[17:32] <+mary_dammit> never bluff..who r u?
[17:32] <KnightOfHeaven> may god help you
[17:32] * +`simplysweet`bz` What do you guys ChooSE......
[17:32] * +`simplysweet`bz` FOCKERS answer me please!
[17:32] * Joins: Guest95097 (java@=E1rpg-800-510-515-581.carolina.res.rr.com)
[17:32] <NeverBluff> i will use my mom's phonecard.. i got her pin code written d
[17:32] * +`simplysweet`bz` What do you guys ChooSE......
[17:32] <MatureWI_lady> hi
[17:32] * +`simplysweet`bz` STAY or GO ?
[17:32] <NeverBluff> i'm not bluffin
[17:32] * +`simplysweet`bz` Omgah.... Your so gay NeverBluff.
[17:32] * manty_gurl`stupid smacks Knight with the books of sin!! MAY GOD NOT BE
[17:33] * +`simplysweet`bz` Phone card is so old school.
[17:33] <NeverBluff> i mean it....
[17:33] <dragongurl> u guys are so mean!!!!!
[17:33] <NeverBluff> so what i got bad cell phone credit
[17:33] <manty_gurl`stupid> never bluff...never try this at home!
[17:33] <NeverBluff> does it look like a have a choice?
[17:33] <+EcStAcYgUrL> hi all
[17:33] <KnightOfHeaven> who is dragongurl?
[17:33] <manty_gurl`stupid> shes my momma!
[17:33] <NeverBluff> no! manty_gurl`stupid try your mama at home
[17:33] <KnightOfHeaven> must be another jail bait?
[17:33] <NeverBluff> lol
[17:33] * Quits: AsianFemale (java@=SYvji-77-485-16-66.dsl.frs2ca.pacbell.net) (
QUIT: User exited)
[17:33] <SecretAsianMan> dragongurl is my wife
[17:33] <+mary_dammit> lol@never bluff
[17:33] <+mary_dammit> hahahahha
[17:33] <manty_gurl`stupid> NeverBluff...no she not!
[17:33] * Joins: HmoobGreenGuY (plastlk@=Tsh-27-834-89-61.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[17:34] <manty_gurl`stupid> NeverBluff...STOP BLUFFING BOI!
[17:34] <NeverBluff> i'm too legit to quit.. but someone will tie my down huh ma
[17:34] * Guest95097 is now known as assdefer
[17:34] <NeverBluff> it's gonna happen.. by the hands of fate
[17:34] <manty_gurl`stupid> NeverBluff...HOW TALL ARE YOU?...
[17:34] <dragongurl> lolz@chin
[17:34] <NeverBluff> i'm 7'1
[17:34] <dragongurl> whatever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[17:34] <NeverBluff> i'm not lying too
[17:34] <manty_gurl`stupid> LIAR!!!!!
[17:34] <manty_gurl`stupid> haha
[17:34] <manty_gurl`stupid> what a FAKE LIAR!!!
[17:34] <NeverBluff> lol
[17:34] <dragongurl> who's knight of heaven?????
[17:34] <+mary_dammit> im hot
[17:34] <NeverBluff> boo!
[17:34] * Joins: Guest95178 (java@=VY30-787-215-995.sjvls.org)
[17:34] <manty_gurl`stupid> KNIGHT...U LOSER! how TALL are YOU!?
[17:34] <NeverBluff> :\
[17:35] <dragongurl> i bet chu..hes 4'11
[17:35] <SecretAsianMan> dragongurl, kuv hlub koj
[17:35] <NeverBluff> anyways manty_gurl`stupid what you cant be that tall either
[17:35] * Parts: SuperHmongDude (java@=mIsnf.westhillscollege.com)
[17:35] <+mary_dammit> a fake liar????...umM....that something new
[17:35] <+mary_dammit> imma use that
[17:35] <+mary_dammit> U FAKE LIAR!
[17:35] <KnightOfHeaven> who's manty gurl?
[17:35] <KnightOfHeaven> but a lilo girl
[17:35] <KnightOfHeaven> hahahahaha
[17:35] <KnightOfHeaven> a lilo jail bait
[17:35] <NeverBluff> you look 5'1 max.. @ 185-195 lbs
[17:35] * manty_gurl`stupid smacks NeverBluff with the book of sin! MAY THE DEVI
[17:35] <KnightOfHeaven> who's dragon girl? must be another jail bait?
[17:35] <manty_gurl`stupid> hahah!
[17:35] <NeverBluff> lol dayem manty....
[17:35] <manty_gurl`stupid> I AINT 5'1 BOI!
[17:35] <manty_gurl`stupid> IM 5'3!
[17:35] <assdefer> http://www.hmoobclick.com/ for new aa music codes and love m
usic...over 10,000 hmong songs and over 40,000 other songs
[17:35] * Joins: MarriedLadee (NyobZoo@=Cozpmb-26-42-435-921.west.biz.rr.com)
[17:36] <manty_gurl`stupid> how tall are you eh"??
[17:36] <dragongurl> lolz
[17:36] <NeverBluff> lord i ask of thee.. please forgive thou for thou knows no
better, as you might say
[17:36] <KnightOfHeaven> any non yang lady in here like to chat?
[17:36] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 1:54 pm...
[17:36] <dragongurl> cant u tell.............proud to be a jailbait
[17:36] * KnightOfHeaven looking for a non yang lady... 18-22?
[17:36] <KnightOfHeaven> ok dragongurl-
[17:36] * KnightOfHeaven takes out my sword...slays dragongurl "AND DOWN GOES TH
[17:36] * manty_gurl`stupid chucks a brick at Knight's head!! MAY YOU HURRY UP A
[17:36] <assdefer> http://www.hmoobclick.com/ for new aa music codes and love m
usic...over 10,000 hmong songs and over 40,000 other songs
[17:37] <dragongurl> awwwwwww..............chin
[17:37] <dragongurl> kuv hlub koj thiab
[17:37] <dragongurl> lolz
[17:37] * KnightOfHeaven ducks and throws my bible at manty gurl..right between
her crossed eyes!
[17:37] <KnightOfHeaven> take that..dummy!
[17:37] * manty_gurl`stupid drowns NeverBluff..MAY GOD NEVER SAVE YOU!
[17:37] * manty_gurl`stupid ducks!
[17:37] * manty_gurl`stupid YOU MISSED!
[17:37] * Joins: BenFrank (largeones@=Dd26-012-496-224.mpls.qwest.net)
[17:37] * Parts: Guest95178 (java@=VY30-787-215-995.sjvls.org)
[17:37] <_ngel> laters
[17:37] * manty_gurl`stupid BURNS THE BIBLE!!!
[17:38] * Quits: _ngel (java@=tdh98.115.55.243.ona.wi.charter.com) (QUIT: User e
[17:38] <KnightOfHeaven> i duck...and u thought i meant a duck!
[17:38] <KnightOfHeaven> so u didn't duck.. u tasted my bible!
[17:38] <KnightOfHeaven> may god blesser you!
[17:38] * LaDyBuG [dostweb@=xMytu3669068154ezi.brlngt01.nj.comcast.net] is on IR
C (immature)
[17:38] <manty_gurl`stupid> BURN THE BIBLE!
[17:38] <dragongurl> omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[17:38] <manty_gurl`stupid> BURN THE BIBLE!
[17:38] <dragongurl> lee.........ur a fwkn punk
[17:38] <KnightOfHeaven> it's too holy to be burn!
[17:38] <KnightOfHeaven> hahahahahaha
[17:38] <KnightOfHeaven> dragongurl- dam tampico!
[17:38] <KnightOfHeaven> shut up!
[17:38] * manty_gurl`stupid chants BURN THE BIBLE!!! BRUN THE BIBLE!!!
[17:38] <@MekAchiCkA> http://www.tmobilepictures.com/photo/photo08/c7/55/0e79a7dc
[17:38] * manty_gurl`stupid "BURN THE BIBLE!!! BRUN THE BIBLE!!!"
[17:39] <@MekAchiCkA> http://www.tmobilepictures.com/photo/photo08/c7/55/0e79a7d
[17:39] <@MekAchiCkA> ??
[17:39] * manty_gurl`stupid "BURN THE BIBLE!!! BRUN THE BIBLE!!!"
[17:39] * manty_gurl`stupid "BURN THE BIBLE!!! BRUN THE BIBLE!!!"
[17:39] * KnightOfHeaven pees on manty gurl- now u are baptised in my holy piss
[17:39] <KnightOfHeaven> hahahaha
[17:39] <@MekAchiCkA> Burn the bible?
[17:39] <@MekAchiCkA> WHY?????
[17:39] <@MekAchiCkA> i go to church
[17:39] <@MekAchiCkA> i like the bible
[17:39] * LaDyBuG has left IRC
[17:39] * manty_gurl`stupid chants BURN DOWN KNIGHT!!! BRUN DOWN KNIGHT!!!
[17:39] <@MekAchiCkA> hahaha
[17:39] * manty_gurl`stupid BURN DOWN KNIGHT!!! BRUN DOWN KNIGHT!!!
[17:39] <assdefer> http://www.hmoobclick.com/ for new aa music codes and love m
usic page...over 10,000 hmong songs and over 40,000 other songs
[17:39] <NeverBluff> in the bible it says "god created women to suck mankind's *
[17:39] * manty_gurl`stupid takes a knife and stabs knight in the left leg!!!! "
[17:40] <dragongurl> errrrrrrrrr
[17:40] * Joins: Guest93016 (java@=w882-775-42-26.mpls.qwest.net)
[17:40] <NeverBluff> i don't understand that
[17:40] <dragongurl> dam lee...quit punking her seesh...........grow up!!!!!!!!!!
[17:40] <NeverBluff> i think i'm reading the wrong bible
[17:40] * Guest93016 is now known as ibsimntuj-hlub
[17:40] * Joins: Guest93293 (java@=OScaxm-19-361-866-91.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
[17:40] <KnightOfHeaven> sure tampico
[17:40] <KnightOfHeaven> i'll grow up...
[17:40] * KnightOfHeaven runs tampico over with my trycicle
[17:40] * manty_gurl`stupid laughs!! hahaha "DIE DIE DIE!!!"
[17:40] * Guest93293 is now known as mike_v_yaj
[17:40] * KnightOfHeaven sings: i don't wanna grow up..cuz imma toys r us kid...
mommy wow, imma big kid now!
[17:41] <@MekAchiCkA> LOlz
[17:41] <@MekAchiCkA> funky sh*t
[17:41] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 1:54 pm...
[17:41] <KnightOfHeaven> mao likes that uh
[17:41] <KnightOfHeaven> hahahahaha
[17:41] * manty_gurl`stupid throws knight a pull up diper!!!
[17:41] * KnightOfHeaven throws manty a pull up tampon! USE IT WISELY!
[17:41] <KnightOfHeaven> wait.. u don't have periods yet!
[17:41] * manty_gurl`stupid goes and sits in her apple tree...
[17:41] <@MekAchiCkA> like what?
[17:41] <@MekAchiCkA> no
[17:41] * KnightOfHeaven shuves my foot up manty's ho3... okie, it'll help u to
have a period!
[17:41] <@MekAchiCkA> i was talking bout my MSN
[17:41] <@MekAchiCkA> hahaha
[17:41] <@MekAchiCkA> ;p
[17:41] <mike_v_yaj> 6any ladies care to chat with me pls pc me
[17:41] <single_female21> any guy were respectful , honestful, don't claimed, an
d care alot want chat
[17:42] * manty_gurl`stupid cuts off knights MANHOOD!
[17:42] <@MekAchiCkA> i just like deleting people... who are not special..
[17:42] * Joins: Guest93114 (java@
[17:42] <@MekAchiCkA> LOlz
[17:42] * Quits: MatureWI_lady (java@=QForogp9.milwaukee.k12.wi.us) (QUIT: User
[17:42] * Joins: Guest93161 (java@=GOd-05-67-71-45.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
[17:42] <KnightOfHeaven> single: if u aint divorced, got kids, not a druggie, no
t a wannabe, but has a good life... then i'll chat with u
[17:42] * manty_gurl`stupid BURNS IT along with the BIBLE!!!
[17:42] * Guest93114 is now known as ure-future-bf
[17:42] <KnightOfHeaven> other than that, ask urself see if u'r good enough for
[17:42] <@MekAchiCkA> aight people...
[17:42] <@MekAchiCkA> ciao..
[17:42] * Joins: LiLLian^ (ceza@=I4831.79.223.82.arsystel.com)
[17:42] <manty_gurl`stupid> BYES MAO!
[17:42] <ure-future-bf> 
[17:42] <@MekAchiCkA> ManTy.. dont burn the bible...
[17:42] <manty_gurl`stupid> TOO BAD!
[17:42] <@MekAchiCkA> bcuz.. ima be very mad at u
[17:42] * Joins: Guest93872 (java@=th74-443-76-5.mpls.qwest.net)
[17:42] <manty_gurl`stupid> I ALREADY RIPPED ONE APART!
[17:43] <@MekAchiCkA> man...
[17:43] <@MekAchiCkA> well i hope u know im not on ur side
[17:43] <@MekAchiCkA> ;p
[17:43] <manty_gurl`stupid> cuzz i got pissed off!
[17:43] * ure-future-bf is now known as hi-low
[17:43] <@MekAchiCkA> ciao.. yO.. time to go play vball
[17:43] <manty_gurl`stupid> then i ripped it!
[17:43] <MrStamina> luci pc me
[17:43] <@MekAchiCkA> and people.. GET A LIFE...!!
[17:43] <manty_gurl`stupid> BYES MAO!
[17:43] <@MekAchiCkA> thankx
[17:43] <@MekAchiCkA> bye
[17:43] <dragongurl> im not tampico
[17:43] * Quits: @MekAchiCkA (MekAchiCkA@=sAe-93-442-151-82.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
(QUIT: User exited)
[17:43] * Guest93161 is now known as swEeTy_aNgeL
[17:43] * Guest93872 is now known as guy_with_a_brain
[17:43] <dragongurl> dam lee get ur gurls straing
[17:43] <KnightOfHeaven> yes u are!
[17:43] <dragongurl> straight
[17:43] <manty_gurl`stupid> <<<<<<<< ALREADY GOTA A LIFE!!!
[17:43] <KnightOfHeaven> dam ghetto ho3
[17:43] <dragongurl> no im not
[17:43] <KnightOfHeaven> YES U ARE!
[17:43] <hi-low> hi all
[17:43] * Joins: Tommy_Hang (AzNScRipt@=uZelu9789961185ljo.pwayne01.pa.comcast.n
[17:43] <swEeTy_aNgeL> hi yall
[17:43] <KnightOfHeaven> dam ghetto ho3
[17:44] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Tommy_Hang
[17:44] <guy_with_a_brain> hi you all
[17:44] <+EcStAcYgUrL> hi tomy
[17:44] * Tommy_Hang is now known as Tommy{away}
[17:44] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 17:52:39 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[17:44] <+EcStAcYgUrL> tommy
[17:44] <dragongurl> hi cindy
[17:44] * hi-low is now known as OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe
[17:44] <swEeTy_aNgeL> hi Nou
[17:44] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> 
[17:44] <+EcStAcYgUrL> hi hubby
[17:44] <manty_gurl`stupid> HI CINDY!
[17:44] <swEeTy_aNgeL> how ya doing
[17:44] <dragongurl> errrrrr
[17:44] <swEeTy_aNgeL> hi manty gurl
[17:44] <manty_gurl`stupid> BORED!
[17:44] * Joins: Guest91888 (java@=xVbeq-982n.apl.org)
[17:44] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> hi wifey
[17:44] <swEeTy_aNgeL> oh yeah
[17:44] * Joins: Guest47851 (java@=fLubxz-49-811-592-46.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net
[17:44] <manty_gurl`stupid> IMMA DIP in a lil bit hurr!
[17:44] <swEeTy_aNgeL> lol
[17:44] * Guest47851 is now known as tsim
[17:44] * Guest91888 is now known as LOneLy_g
[17:44] <swEeTy_aNgeL> yall having fun huh....`O_O`
[17:44] * manty_gurl`stupid says COMON YALL!! DIP DOWN LOW!!!
[17:45] * Joins: ScholarLy (scholar@=6wjrln-37-658-306-355.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.
[17:45] <manty_gurl`stupid> helll no! this is boring!
[17:45] <swEeTy_aNgeL> brb
[17:45] <+mary_dammit> ......
[17:45] <KnightOfHeaven> girls trying to be ghetto...now that's dumb!
[17:45] * Quits: tsim (java@=fLubxz-49-811-592-46.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net) (QUI
T: User exited)
[17:45] <manty_gurl`stupid> ...
[17:45] <+EcStAcYgUrL> hi mary
[17:45] * Quits: juicylonelygurl_hlubkoj (java@ (Ping Timeout)
[17:45] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> 
[17:45] <ScholarLy> pam
[17:45] * Joins: Guest91373 (java@=tZzfxb-60-777-992-60.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net
[17:45] <KnightOfHeaven> wasup twin
[17:45] <+mary_dammit> manty...wanna dip down low for me to see??
[17:45] * manty_gurl`stupid slaps Knight..STIO BEING COCKY BOI!
[17:45] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> sup twin
[17:45] <SecretAsianMan> you mary
[17:45] <+mary_dammit> i wanna see ur pu55y
[17:45] <+mary_dammit> winks*
[17:45] <SecretAsianMan> yo*
[17:45] * Joins: Guest91360 (java@=Jqdcd-07-765-77-450.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
[17:45] <+mary_dammit> hi nikki
[17:45] <ScholarLy> are u guys coming down tonight to miwaukee
[17:45] * Quits: Guest91373 (java@=tZzfxb-60-777-992-60.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net
) (QUIT: User exited)
[17:45] <+mary_dammit> me what chin?
[17:46] * Joins: Guest92257 (java@=v818-173-774-509.sjvls.org)
[17:46] * Guest91360 is now known as sacguy
[17:46] * Joins: Guest91256 (java@=zHgjka-35-151-259-82.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net
[17:46] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 17:52:39 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[17:46] <manty_gurl`stupid> MARY...naw it okie!!!...thats not your job!
[17:46] * Guest91256 is now known as tsim
[17:46] <SecretAsianMan> mary, got any pics?
[17:46] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 1:54 pm...
[17:46] <manty_gurl`stupid> MARY!! thats my mans JOB!!!
[17:46] <manty_gurl`stupid> hehehe
[17:46] <swEeTy_aNgeL> hi chin
[17:46] <+mary_dammit> not my job??...not my job for what??
[17:46] <swEeTy_aNgeL> hi kou
[17:46] <+mary_dammit> its not gonna be my job
[17:46] * Guest92257 is now known as romeoinlove
[17:46] <+mary_dammit> i just wanna see you dammit
[17:46] <manty_gurl`stupid> no im sory mary!
[17:46] <manty_gurl`stupid> i cant!
[17:46] <ScholarLy> hi sweety angel
[17:46] <ScholarLy> i'm so bored
[17:46] <manty_gurl`stupid> I LIVE WITH MY MAN NO!
[17:46] <ScholarLy> so lonely
[17:46] <manty_gurl`stupid> *NOW*
[17:46] <ScholarLy> my heart is tearing apart
[17:47] * Joins: Pownda (dynjety@=j3l68.10.121.250.stp.wi.charter.com)
[17:47] <swEeTy_aNgeL> hi romeoinlove
[17:47] <manty_gurl`stupid> well
[17:47] <SecretAsianMan> mary, you have any pics I can see?
[17:47] * Parts: Pownda (dynjety@=j3l68.10.121.250.stp.wi.charter.com)
[17:47] <manty_gurl`stupid> AFTER tomorr I will BE!
[17:47] <SecretAsianMan> hi cindy
[17:47] <+mary_dammit> ur man?
[17:47] <+mary_dammit> or ur mommy?
[17:47] <manty_gurl`stupid> MY MAN!
[17:47] <+mary_dammit> no chin
[17:47] <+mary_dammit> oOoOoo
[17:47] <romeoinlove> pc
[17:47] <SecretAsianMan> awwww
[17:47] <SecretAsianMan> :(
[17:47] <swEeTy_aNgeL> k
[17:47] * manty_gurl`stupid is now known as manty_gurl
[17:47] <+mary_dammit> i thought it says ur mama
[17:47] <SecretAsianMan> nou
[17:47] <+mary_dammit> ok
[17:47] <manty_gurl> NO!
[17:47] <+mary_dammit> brb
[17:47] <manty_gurl> MY MAN!
[17:47] <dragongurl> yes...chin
[17:47] <manty_gurl> MY BF!
[17:47] <SecretAsianMan> you have a pic?
[17:47] <manty_gurl> MY HUBBYY!!! ^_^
[17:47] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> oh yea answer them
[17:47] <dragongurl> me/
[17:47] <dragongurl> i showed u already
[17:48] * Quits: LiLLian^ (ceza@=I4831.79.223.82.arsystel.com) (Connection reset
by peer)
[17:48] <SecretAsianMan> um
[17:48] <ScholarLy> how do u ease a broken heart???
[17:48] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
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[17:48] <SecretAsianMan> can I see again?
[17:48] * Joins: Guest91427 (java@=xYialuyd-
[17:48] <dragongurl> http://members.asianavenue.com/hmongnoodles
[17:48] <dragongurl> and i know im jail bait so i dont want any comments
[17:48] * Guest91427 is now known as sup
[17:48] * Quits: fLy_gUy_mN (cAlviNz@12.40.180.My46=) (QUIT: User exited)
[17:48] <sup> sup yah
[17:48] <manty_gurl> HIGH
[17:49] * Quits: sacguy (java@=Jqdcd-07-765-77-450.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net) (QUIT
: User exited)
[17:49] * OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe is now known as not-here
[17:49] * not-here is now known as OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe
[17:49] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> hey twin
[17:49] * Quits: Luci^25 (ihjcl@=M8r-48-077-6-21.hsd1.il.comcast.net) (Ping Time
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T: User exited)
[17:50] * Joins: ThisGuy (sid@198.189.14.rD5=)
[17:50] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
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[17:50] * Joins: Guest90032 (java@=aWzvqw-08-069-330-94.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net
[17:50] * Guest90032 is now known as maiv
[17:50] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> wow
[17:50] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> dead
[17:50] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[17:50] <KnightOfHeaven> yea it's dead
[17:50] * LordVenom yawns ..
[17:50] * Joins: Guest90758 (java@=Uddppo-97-19-008-58.rev.o1.com)
[17:50] <KnightOfHeaven> and it's a hell of a hot day!
[17:50] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> yup it is
[17:51] <MrStamina> where's all the wild babes?
[17:51] <Guest90758> hello
[17:51] <guy_with_a_brain> dragon gurl
[17:51] <guy_with_a_brain> you just a kid
[17:51] <KnightOfHeaven> still, most of them ladies are acting the same role as
[17:51] <KnightOfHeaven> stuck ups and conceited
[17:51] <dragongurl> lolz
[17:51] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 1:54 pm...
[17:51] <KnightOfHeaven> yet... not good enough
[17:51] <SecretAsianMan> thanks Nou :D
[17:51] <dragongurl> thats what i said!!!!!!!
[17:51] <dragongurl> np chin
[17:51] <KnightOfHeaven> still acting like they just got done fu*cking a druuggi
e wannabe
[17:51] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[17:51] <manty_gurl> OIY!
[17:51] <manty_gurl> this is soo tiering
[17:51] <manty_gurl> WELL!
[17:51] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> <<===--- agree with u twin
[17:51] <manty_gurl> C YALLS PPLE!
[17:51] * Quits: Guest90758 (java@=Uddppo-97-19-008-58.rev.o1.com) (QUIT: User e
[17:51] * KnightOfHeaven grabs a fake cigarette... maybe if i try to act cool..
i'll get a desperate girl.. like them ghetto guys always be getting
[17:52] <manty_gurl> IMMA DIP NOWS!!!!! PEACE! MOLE OUT!!! TATA!
[17:52] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
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[17:52] * Joins: Guest90024 (java@=AYwaha-09-92-135-91.rev.o1.com)
[17:52] <manty_gurl> DIP
[17:52] <manty_gurl> DIP
[17:52] <manty_gurl> DIP
[17:52] <manty_gurl> DIP
[17:52] * manty_gurl was kicked by hmong (01× 14(MANTY_GURL(*01!14*01@146901.1421201.142040
[17:52] <manty_gurl> DIP
[17:52] <manty_gurl> DIP
[17:52] * Guest39076 sets mode: +b *!*@
[17:52] <manty_gurl> DIP
[17:52] * ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@*.fr
[17:52] <romeoinlove> hi
[17:52] * Guest90024 is now known as goodiexiong18
[17:52] * Joins: Guest88798 (java@=Hvzeesy.co.multnomah.or.us)
[17:52] <guy_with_a_brain> i am a warrior now let me rest in peace with all my b
it ches
[17:52] <goodiexiong18> hollar
[17:52] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> hmmm
[17:52] <SecretAsianMan> Nou, your a cutie
[17:52] * Joins: mysterywoman (mysterywom@=vnMZ0Z6J86.ipt.aol.com)
[17:52] * BenFrank slaps KnightOfHeaven around a bit with a large trout
[17:52] * kengi sets mode: -b *!*@
[17:52] <ScholarLy> goodiexiong u m or f
[17:53] <dragongurl> um......
[17:53] * Quits: Guest88798 (java@=Hvzeesy.co.multnomah.or.us) (QUIT: User exite
[17:53] <goodiexiong18> 2 2yea
[17:53] * Quits: @kengi (plastlk@=QsPEI-80-50-839-705.wi.res.rr.com) (QUIT: User
[17:53] * KnightOfHeaven slaps benfrank with my dollar bills!
[17:53] * Joins: Guest88887 (java@=Hvzeesy.co.multnomah.or.us)
[17:53] <dragongurl> sure sure........dont flatter me chin...remember its bad
[17:53] <goodiexiong18> 2 i'm a female
[17:53] * Quits: Guest88887 (java@=Hvzeesy.co.multnomah.or.us) (QUIT: User exite
[17:53] * KnightOfHeaven each my washington b1tch
[17:53] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> goodiexiong18 u a female
[17:53] <swEeTy_aNgeL> hi sup
[17:53] <SecretAsianMan> Nou, I'm just saying
[17:53] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> wow kool nick
[17:53] <SecretAsianMan> sheesh
[17:53] <swEeTy_aNgeL> who u be?
[17:53] * BenFrank slaps KnightOfHeaven with my large dick!
[17:53] <goodiexiong18> 2 yep
[17:53] <goodiexiong18> 2 thanks
[17:53] <guy_with_a_brain> goodie is a male
[17:53] <guy_with_a_brain> he a gay mofo
[17:53] <goodiexiong18> 2 sorry this is a female
[17:53] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> haha
[17:53] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> sorrie not in da mood to hate
[17:54] <goodiexiong18> 2 so true
[17:54] <KnightOfHeaven> goodie- never heard any xiong girl being good?
[17:54] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 17:52:39 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[17:54] * Quits: +mary_dammit (java@=G1hxfc-76-871-70-588.dsl.sktn01.pacbell.net
) (Ping Timeout)
[17:54] <KnightOfHeaven> must be a turn around life changes stage!
[17:54] <goodiexiong18> 2 ahahaha
[17:54] * Joins: Guest89785 (java@=5Qusooio-
[17:54] <goodiexiong18> 2 thats cuz u never knew me
[17:54] <SecretAsianMan> goodiexiong18, how are you doing?
[17:54] <KnightOfHeaven> naw.. i think u had a life changes
[17:54] <ScholarLy> goodie pm
[17:54] <ScholarLy> i mean pc
[17:54] <KnightOfHeaven> after being a ghetto girl.. u probably gave up the low
life..and thought about having a good life
[17:54] <goodiexiong18> 2 i'm 18
[17:54] <swEeTy_aNgeL> hi lovingu
[17:54] <+EcStAcYgUrL> *Sighs*
[17:54] <goodiexiong18> 2 hahaha
[17:54] <goodiexiong18> 2 naw
[17:54] <swEeTy_aNgeL> who r u be?
[17:54] * Joins: Vinner-da-Winner (fasdgsg@207.218.44.oq424=)
[17:54] <SecretAsianMan> goodiexiong18, HOW ARE YOU DOING?
[17:54] <goodiexiong18> 2 alway a goodie gurl
[17:54] <KnightOfHeaven> it's nice to know..there still a xiong girl..who's tryi
ng to have a godo life...instead of a low life
[17:54] <+EcStAcYgUrL> So hot today !
[17:54] <ThisGuy> any lady in here from the 530, 209, 916 area? pc me
[17:54] <ThisGuy> any lady in here from the 530, 209, 916 area? pc me
[17:55] <goodiexiong18> 2 i'm okay
[17:55] <guy_with_a_brain> "sticks a stick up gay mofo goodiexiongs butt crack"
take this you gay freak
[17:55] <SecretAsianMan> that's good
[17:55] <ScholarLy> yes it is huh pam
[17:55] * Joins: Guest88810 (java@68.41.242.An887=)
[17:55] <assdefer> http://www.hmoobclick.com/ for new aa music codes and love m
usic page...over 10,000 hmong songs and over 40,000 other songs
[17:55] <SecretAsianMan> goodiexiong18, where are you from?
[17:55] <ScholarLy> pam so u and ur gals are coming down to miltown
[17:55] <goodiexiong18> 2 i guess
[17:55] <ScholarLy> goodie so you wont pc
[17:55] <goodiexiong18> 2 i'm from kali
[17:55] <CuteBOilovingU> hi sweety anggel
[17:55] <swEeTy_aNgeL> who r u?
[17:55] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> hmm
[17:55] <swEeTy_aNgeL> where ur frum?
[17:56] * Guest88810 is now known as mi_girl_08
[17:56] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 17:52:39 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[17:56] <CuteBOilovingU> me
[17:56] <CuteBOilovingU> simon
[17:56] <CuteBOilovingU> from kali
[17:56] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 1:54 pm...
[17:56] <CuteBOilovingU> u?
[17:56] * ann{goneShower} is now known as ann{missing}
[17:56] * Quits: male28 (edrive_805@=LG99-123-72-308.lsan.mdsg-pacwest.com) (QUI
T: User exited)
[17:56] <+ann{missing}> i brb!
[17:56] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> hi ann
[17:56] <+ann{missing}> hi lee
[17:56] <+ann{missing}> i brb
[17:56] * Quits: sup (java@=xYialuyd- (Q
UIT: User exited)
[17:56] <swEeTy_aNgeL> <---------frum oregon
[17:56] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> already
[17:56] <CuteBOilovingU> oh cool..
[17:56] <CuteBOilovingU> so what is ur name?
[17:56] * Joins: simplymai (sdfjasdlfj@=3prf-xwr8-wdfvxk.csumb.edu)
[17:56] <guy_with_a_brain> "finger myself" good middle finger... work that azz!
[17:57] <mysterywoman> :)
[17:57] <Vinner-da-Winner> <-- from oregon too
[17:57] <KnightOfHeaven> i guess that's one pathetic gay azz mofo
[17:57] * goodiexiong18 smiles at everyone in the room :-)
[17:57] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> *yawn*
[17:57] * goodiexiong18 is really very bored.
[17:57] * KnightOfHeaven looks at goodiexiong- what a beautiful smile
[17:57] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> sup twin?
[17:57] <BenFrank> holla back
[17:57] <CuteBOilovingU> any one here from kali....
[17:57] * KnightOfHeaven wonders- what's goodixiong's real name?
[17:57] <BenFrank> hell naw
[17:57] * Quits: mi_girl_08 (java@68.41.242.An887=) (QUIT: User exited)
[17:57] * Quits: simplymai (sdfjasdlfj@=3prf-xwr8-wdfvxk.csumb.edu) (QUIT: User
[17:57] <swEeTy_aNgeL> im cindy
[17:57] <KnightOfHeaven> the hot sun is up
[17:57] <goodiexiong18> 2 ummm
[17:57] * Guest89785 is now known as hello
[17:57] * hello is now known as hello50443
[17:57] <goodiexiong18> 2 should i tell
[17:57] <swEeTy_aNgeL> what is ur last name simon?
[17:57] <goodiexiong18> 2 ????
[17:57] <BenFrank> mandy
[17:57] <CuteBOilovingU> me
[17:57] <KnightOfHeaven> yea u...so what's ur real name?
[17:57] <CuteBOilovingU> im a vue
[17:57] * Joins: Guest88779 (java@68.41.242.JJ887=)
[17:57] <CuteBOilovingU> u?
[17:57] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> *yawn*
[17:57] <CuteBOilovingU> age?
[17:57] <goodiexiong18> 2 annie
[17:57] <KnightOfHeaven> yes u should tell me.. i deserve to know!
[17:57] <BenFrank> give me some candy
[17:58] <KnightOfHeaven> REAL NAME! NOT FAKE!
[17:58] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 17:52:39 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[17:58] * Quits: ibsimntuj-hlub (java@=w882-775-42-26.mpls.qwest.net) (QUIT: Use
r exited)
[17:58] <guy_with_a_brain> her name is mai gao pa ka she!
[17:58] <goodiexiong18> 2 yea
[17:58] <goodiexiong18> 2 its
[17:58] <swEeTy_aNgeL> im old
[17:58] <goodiexiong18> 2 annie
[17:58] * Guest88779 is now known as gay_man
[17:58] <swEeTy_aNgeL> u?
[17:58] <KnightOfHeaven> fine... fine.. it's ur real name
[17:58] <CuteBOilovingU> me
[17:58] <CuteBOilovingU> 21
[17:58] <KnightOfHeaven> so annie xiong- what city are you from?
[17:58] <guy_with_a_brain> she is the bad guy
[17:58] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> i bet fresno
[17:58] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> twin wanna make a bet
[17:58] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> haha
[17:58] <KnightOfHeaven> naw...
[17:58] <KnightOfHeaven> i might loose
[17:58] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> ****
[17:58] <KnightOfHeaven> unless..she lied that she's from a different city
[17:58] <KnightOfHeaven> then i win
[17:59] * dragongurl is now known as hnubdles
[17:59] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> haha
[17:59] <KnightOfHeaven> but i'll win...a lie!
[17:59] <hnubdles> *sighs*
[17:59] <goodiexiong18> 2 i'm from oroville
[17:59] <KnightOfHeaven> oOOooo..SHE'S FROM OROVILLE
[17:59] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> oh an oroville girl
[17:59] <KnightOfHeaven> dam...too far for my blood
[17:59] <goodiexiong18> 2 ahahaha
[17:59] <KnightOfHeaven> besides... i heard oroville girls are... uumm...
[17:59] <CuteBOilovingU> so sweet angle u there
[17:59] <KnightOfHeaven> welps... i guess u can't really fine decent girls in ca
li anymore
[17:59] <swEeTy_aNgeL> im hea
[17:59] <KnightOfHeaven> u gotta look for decent girls in africa!
[17:59] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> haha@twin
[17:59] <KnightOfHeaven> them blackanese hmong peeps
[17:59] <CuteBOilovingU> so u got pic of u ..?
[17:59] <Vinner-da-Winner> hi noodles
[18:00] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 17:52:39 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[18:00] <goodiexiong18> 2 thats cuz u meet the bad ones
[18:00] <swEeTy_aNgeL> yeah
[18:00] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> <<-===--- goodie tissue
[18:00] <guy_with_a_brain> i is the bad guy.... blahhhhhh!
[18:00] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> =P
[18:00] <CuteBOilovingU> can i see it
[18:00] <KnightOfHeaven> annie xiong- u smoke? drink? drugs?
[18:00] <swEeTy_aNgeL> ugly tho
[18:00] <swEeTy_aNgeL> n u?
[18:00] <CuteBOilovingU> me
[18:00] <CuteBOilovingU> yeah i do..
[18:00] <hnubdles> hi vinny
[18:00] <BenFrank> all yall ugly
[18:00] * Joins: Guest88230 (java@=EFyrvr-7-137-802.clt.bellsouth.net)
[18:00] <goodiexiong18> 2 nope don't do anything bad
[18:00] <NeverBluff> goodiexiong18 hmm wat do u look like, got a pix?
[18:00] * Joins: Guest89193 (java@=PPMZI67598.ipt.aol.com)
[18:00] <BenFrank> i'm tha one good looking one
[18:00] <goodiexiong18> 2 me a goodie gurl
[18:00] <KnightOfHeaven> here's the ultimate question
[18:00] <BenFrank> **** u
[18:00] <BenFrank> hhahah
[18:00] <guy_with_a_brain> i kill you big fat the mama go ahhhhh!
[18:00] * Guest89193 is now known as HmoobDawb_Gurl
[18:00] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> lolz@twin
[18:00] <goodiexiong18> 2 sorry no picha
[18:01] <goodiexiong18> 2 yea
[18:01] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> i was thinkin bout that question
[18:01] <goodiexiong18> 2 yea
[18:01] <BenFrank> loser
[18:01] <NeverBluff> first of all, a good girl never has to point it out.. others
can tell by looking
[18:01] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 1:54 pm...
[18:01] <KnightOfHeaven> so are u?
[18:01] <NeverBluff> secondly, wtf you ain't got a pix?
[18:01] <KnightOfHeaven> R U EVEN A DAM VIRGIN ANYMORE?
[18:01] <ThisGuy> any lady in here from the 530, 209, 916 area? pc me
[18:01] <goodiexiong18> 2 yep
[18:01] * Quits: Guest21823 (java@=fwedbf-01-020-9-60.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net) (Q
UIT: User exited)
[18:01] <KnightOfHeaven> and i mean...not having sex for 6 months..don't count a
s a virgin!
[18:01] <KnightOfHeaven> i mean....IN UR DAM LIFE TIME...
[18:01] <NeverBluff>  goodiexiong18 well why not? wassup you needa take one
[18:01] <goodiexiong18> 2 hahaha
[18:01] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hi guy with a brain
[18:01] <KnightOfHeaven> R U EVEN A VIRGIN?
[18:01] <guy_with_a_brain> goodie is not the virgin
[18:01] <NeverBluff> i know yallz got digital camera?
[18:01] <goodiexiong18> 2 i'm still fresh
[18:01] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> haha@twin
[18:02] <KnightOfHeaven> just because u take showers...don't mean you're fresh
[18:02] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 17:52:39 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[18:02] * Joins: Guest88221 (java@=Ohdzos-30-954-58-25.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net)
[18:02] <guy_with_a_brain> goodie lost puss y to the her dad
[18:02] <NeverBluff> yea dats what my ex said.. "im still fresh"
[18:02] <KnightOfHeaven> the questions is....ARE YOU EVEN A DAM PURE VIRGIN?
[18:02] * Quits: BeautiWithin (nearandfar@=dYjyecvz-
Level3.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[18:02] <HmoobDawb_Gurl> any guys over 24 and mature in here wanna chat
[18:02] <CuteBOilovingU> sweet angel u there
[18:02] <NeverBluff> first time we fkd.. all she kept asking "baby let me ride yo
[18:02] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 i think i m the only fresh virgin on here
[18:02] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 i think i m the only fresh virgin on here
[18:02] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 i think i m the only fresh virgin on here
[18:02] * Who_Am_I_To_You was kicked by hmong (01× 14(WHO_AM_I_TO_YOU(*01!14*01@14*01.14hsd
t01.14net)14REPEAT14)1st01.14) 01×)
[18:02] * Guest88221 is now known as Juan2bone
[18:02] * hmong sets mode: +b *!*@=BZt-97-96-358-89.hsd1.ca.comcast.net
[18:02] * ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@*.speed.planet.nl
[18:02] <NeverBluff> i was thinking "wtf!? she aint fresh"
[18:02] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Juan2bone
[18:02] <KnightOfHeaven> i guess u'r not answering me
[18:02] * OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe is now known as HeAvEnLy-DeViL_bOi
[18:02] <goodiexiong18> 2 hahahaha
[18:02] <guy_with_a_brain> you the eat over due chicken butt
[18:02] <HeAvEnLy-DeViL_bOi> sup teng
[18:02] <goodiexiong18> 2 plz
[18:02] <KnightOfHeaven> which means... u'r not a dam pure virgin!
[18:02] <+Juan2bone> hello Hmoobdawb_gurl...where u from?
[18:02] <KnightOfHeaven> and i almost thought u were good
[18:02] <KnightOfHeaven> dam...
[18:02] * Joins: Guest89123 (java@=ggxmoe-02-574-062-584.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
[18:02] <KnightOfHeaven> my judgement was wrong
[18:03] <NeverBluff> goodiexiong18 so wassup hollah at me.. im from chico
[18:03] <guy_with_a_brain> you not the fresh one... i the good boy eat good food
[18:03] <KnightOfHeaven> another one of them left over xiong girl...
[18:03] <gay_man> p4AS \
[18:03] <+Juan2bone> hello Hmoobdawb_gurl...where u from?
[18:03] <goodiexiong18> 2 no need to hate
[18:03] <+Juan2bone> hello Hmoobdawb_gurl...where u from?
[18:03] <goodiexiong18> 2 cuz i'm still fresh
[18:03] <NeverBluff> my name is kute thao
[18:03] * Joins: Guest87824 (java@=UAaiwtsfhj-houq2.clients.athenet.net)
[18:03] <NeverBluff> lol
[18:03] <KnightOfHeaven> just because u take showers...don't mean you're fresh
[18:03] <NeverBluff> i'm ugly though
[18:03] * hmong sets mode: -b *!*@=BZt-97-96-358-89.hsd1.ca.comcast.net
[18:03] <gay_man> FJLKIGK,KG\.
[18:03] <HeAvEnLy-DeViL_bOi> ****
[18:03] <KnightOfHeaven> u'r still a left over...if u fu*ck more than one guy
[18:03] * HeAvEnLy-DeViL_bOi is now known as ugliest_dude_alive
[18:03] * Joins: Guest87732 (java@=Sojcsl-10-943-44-088.dsl.sktn01.pacbell.net)
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(QUIT: User exited)
[18:03] <goodiexiong18> 2 hahaha
[18:03] <goodiexiong18> 2 plz
[18:03] <+Juan2bone> hello there..mysterywoman!!!!!!!!
[18:03] <KnightOfHeaven> or if u have been fu*ck more than 1
[18:03] * Quits: gay_man (java@68.41.242.JJ887=) (QUIT: User exited)
[18:03] <guy_with_a_brain> i put the spoon in the goodie but
[18:03] * Joins: So_what_if_I_am_not_handsome (Broken@=QDz-50-239-547-77.hsd1.mn
[18:03] * hnubdles is now known as finest-chick
[18:03] <guy_with_a_brain> lol
[18:03] <mysterywoman> hi there JUan.. how r u today??
[18:03] <KnightOfHeaven> u'r consider...a left over in my book of decent goodies
[18:03] <goodiexiong18> 2 never been there
[18:03] * Joins: Guest87819 (java@
[18:04] <+Juan2bone> i'm great and yourself
[18:04] * Guest87824 is now known as sOmE_lAdY
[18:04] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 17:52:39 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[18:04] * Parts: ThisGuy (sid@198.189.14.rD5=)
[18:04] <goodiexiong18> 2 okay
[18:04] <goodiexiong18> 2 peeps in here are hella crazy
[18:04] <+Juan2bone> care to gopc..mysterwoman
[18:04] <KnightOfHeaven> but since it's the net
[18:04] <guy_with_a_brain> i the good look guy in here
[18:04] <KnightOfHeaven> i'll let you off
[18:04] <mysterywoman> beside the dentist today its good
[18:04] * Guest89123 is now known as Me_From_Cali
[18:04] <KnightOfHeaven> fine.. u can be fresh and virgin all u want
[18:04] <ugliest_dude_alive> <<===--- wish can be a **** like teng
[18:04] <ugliest_dude_alive> <<===--- wish can be a **** like teng
[18:04] * Quits: So_what_if_I_am_not_handsome (Broken@=QDz-50-239-547-77.hsd1.mn
.comcast.net) (Connection reset by peer)
[18:04] <+Juan2bone> alright
[18:04] <guy_with_a_brain> you not look best like me
[18:04] <NeverBluff> lol goodiexiong18 i agree.. so wassup get off and lets drop
lines on da phone
[18:04] <goodiexiong18> 2 ahahah
[18:04] <goodiexiong18> 2 naw
[18:04] <goodiexiong18> 2 thats okay
[18:04] <NeverBluff> maybe you might like me.. who knows...
[18:04] * Guest88230 is now known as male-31vang
[18:04] <KnightOfHeaven> goodie thinks she's too good for bluff now
[18:04] * Guest87819 is now known as Jimmyhlub
[18:04] <KnightOfHeaven> but she's never too good for me
[18:05] <KnightOfHeaven> hahahahhaaha
[18:05] <Me_From_Cali> hi people
[18:05] <goodiexiong18> 2 ahahah
[18:05] <NeverBluff> its a chance you gotta just take.. unless you're afraid of
liking me
[18:05] <goodiexiong18> 2 i'm way too good for a loser like u
[18:05] <CuteBOilovingU> where all the kali girl at huH? holla me
[18:05] <KnightOfHeaven> yea..she's too good for u bluff
[18:05] <KnightOfHeaven> u'r a looser
[18:05] <finest-chick> cali all the way
[18:05] <finest-chick> lolz
[18:05] <goodiexiong18> 2 hello
[18:05] <ugliest_dude_alive> http://members.asianavenue.com/OnEbOrEdKaLiDuD
[18:05] <KnightOfHeaven> but how sad...she's not good enough for me
[18:05] <NeverBluff> lol
[18:05] <guy_with_a_brain> i got the big one dic k
[18:05] <ugliest_dude_alive> http://members.asianavenue.com/OnEbOrEdKaLiDuD
[18:05] <KnightOfHeaven> cuz she's a dam left over!
[18:05] <CuteBOilovingU> hi there finest chick
[18:05] <NeverBluff> forreals? dayem
[18:05] <NeverBluff> how she know that
[18:05] <Vinner-da-Winner> fade
[18:05] <NeverBluff> i might be prince charming himself
[18:05] <NeverBluff> :(
[18:05] * KnightOfHeaven cross annie xiong from oroville off of my net book
[18:05] <goodiexiong18> 2 no need to hate
[18:05] <guy_with_a_brain> i is the goodest one in here
[18:05] <Me_From_Cali> any cali girls in here?
[18:05] <goodiexiong18> 2 cuz u ugly
[18:05] <NeverBluff> lol its not my fault im ugly
[18:06] <guy_with_a_brain> i do all best sex to you baby
[18:06] <KnightOfHeaven> oOOoo BLUFF...she call u ugly?
[18:06] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 17:52:39 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[18:06] <KnightOfHeaven> lolz
[18:06] <KnightOfHeaven> hahhahahahaa
[18:06] <goodiexiong18> 2 ahaha
[18:06] <KnightOfHeaven> dam..she must be that dam fine to call someone ugly
[18:06] <ScholarLy> what's the geographical region where the majority of you peo
ple are from?
[18:06] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 1:54 pm...
[18:06] <KnightOfHeaven> i guess...all of those white powder on her face..gave h
er that much confidence
[18:06] * KnightOfHeaven looks at annie xiong- "TRICK OR TREAT"
[18:06] <Jimmyhlub> sup sweety angel
[18:06] <KnightOfHeaven> i guess that offened her..since she's not giving me any
[18:06] <Jimmyhlub> sup sweety angel
[18:06] <KnightOfHeaven> oh welps....
[18:06] <guy_with_a_brain> i need the good lady like you to eat my big one
[18:06] <swEeTy_aNgeL> hi jimmyhlub
[18:06] <CuteBOilovingU> so what is ur name...fines chick
[18:06] <swEeTy_aNgeL> how ya been?
[18:06] <KnightOfHeaven> must be an oroville thinggy uh!
[18:07] <Jimmyhlub> sup sweety angel
[18:07] <ugliest_dude_alive> *yawn*
[18:07] <guy_with_a_brain> i want your mouth
[18:07] * Joins: Kayla (java@64.160.115.jc112=)
[18:07] <goodiexiong18> 2 got that rite
[18:07] <CuteBOilovingU> so what is ur name
[18:07] <NeverBluff> i'm too good for irc.. but i chat anyways
[18:07] <CuteBOilovingU> where u from?
[18:07] <guy_with_a_brain> to lick my the balls
[18:07] <KnightOfHeaven> annie- more like...GOT RICE!
[18:07] <Me_From_Cali> any cali girls in here?
[18:07] <ScholarLy> is there any other places in irc for one to chat rather than
here in hmong talk?
[18:07] <swEeTy_aNgeL> hi kayla
[18:07] * Joins: Hmonguy (sid@198.189.14.rD5=)
[18:07] * Quits: CuteBOilovingU (java@=agp-43-68-10-79.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUI
T: User exited)
[18:07] <goodiexiong18> 2 hahah
[18:07] <finest-chick> me from cali: whats ur name???????
[18:07] <swEeTy_aNgeL> muakssss@kayla
[18:07] <Kayla> hi sweety gurl
[18:07] <goodiexiong18> 2 goto hp
[18:07] <Kayla> muakssss
[18:07] <Vinner-da-Winner> hey dont kiss my GF
[18:08] <Kayla> how r u sweety
[18:08] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 17:52:39 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[18:08] <KnightOfHeaven> http://members.asianavenue.com/Kn1ghtOfHeaven
[18:08] <ScholarLy> what is hp?
[18:08] <Kayla> hi vinny bf
[18:08] <KnightOfHeaven> sign my guest book ladies
[18:08] <KnightOfHeaven> http://members.asianavenue.com/Kn1ghtOfHeaven
[18:08] * reality_gurl is now known as lovingpeace
[18:08] * lovingpeace sets mode: -o lovingpeace
[18:08] <lovingpeace> -o
[18:08] * ChanServ sets mode: +v lovingpeace
[18:08] <goodiexiong18> 2 nvm
[18:08] <Me_From_Cali> hi kayla
[18:08] <Vinner-da-Winner> hi kayla :d
[18:08] <Kayla> hi me from kali
[18:08] <SecretAsianMan> hi KAYLA
[18:08] <guy_with_a_brain> http://members.asianavenue.com/hothmonguy <--- look
at me
[18:08] <NeverBluff> awww i miss the pokerstar.com tournament
[18:08] * Joins: openwide (mellow@=HNp-59-545-596-368.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[18:08] <+Juan2bone> kayla we now your from Cali
[18:08] <ScholarLy> ladies what kind of guys do you like?
[18:08] <Kayla> hi chin
[18:08] <ScholarLy> one who talks alot about sex
[18:08] <Kayla> how r u
[18:08] <ScholarLy> dirty talking
[18:08] <SecretAsianMan> I'm fine
[18:08] <SecretAsianMan> and you?
[18:08] <Kayla> hahah@teng
[18:08] * Joins: uglee_kid (_JACKASS@=AJRCJ-21-75-13-262.kc.res.rr.com)
[18:08] <ScholarLy> or one who talks maturely
[18:09] <Kayla> me fine too chin
[18:09] <Vinner-da-Winner> ladies likes the idiots
[18:09] <uglee_kid> wassup
[18:09] <ugliest_dude_alive> jmoua kayla
[18:09] <uglee_kid> hello
[18:09] <KnightOfHeaven> wasup meanie kayla
[18:09] <SecretAsianMan> kayla, I know your fione ;)
[18:09] <Kayla> yes jmoua lee
[18:09] <Me_From_Cali> dayme! kayla's so pop!
[18:09] <NeverBluff> i'm fine too, ya'llz
[18:09] <ugliest_dude_alive> which Lee?
[18:09] <Kayla> hi lee the twin
[18:09] <Kayla> oh forgot two lee
[18:09] <KnightOfHeaven> which twin?
[18:09] <KnightOfHeaven> stupid mofo!
[18:09] <ugliest_dude_alive> which twin?
[18:09] <goodiexiong18> 2boring
[18:09] * Kayla lee to the lee tuagggggggg
[18:09] * KnightOfHeaven smacks kayla...dam b1tchy net girl!
[18:09] <ugliest_dude_alive> haha
[18:09] <ugliest_dude_alive> oh thats me then
[18:09] <goodiexiong18> 2,2k
[18:09] <ugliest_dude_alive> *kick kayla*
[18:09] <Kayla> yes ur lee tuagggggg
[18:09] <Kayla> hehehe
[18:09] <goodiexiong18> 2,2l
[18:09] <KnightOfHeaven> hey annie xiong- R U SINGLE?
[18:09] <ScholarLy> i'm a lee too
[18:09] * Kayla jump jab kick lee tuaggg
[18:09] * Quits: Jimmyhlub (java@ (QUIT: User exited)
[18:09] <ugliest_dude_alive> n kayla is jmoua dej
[18:09] <male-31vang> any ladies care to chat
[18:10] <ScholarLy> annie xiong is mine...
[18:10] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 17:52:39 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[18:10] <Kayla> hahaha
[18:10] <male-31vang> im me
[18:10] <SecretAsianMan> Kayla, kuv nco koj
[18:10] <swEeTy_aNgeL> <--------like guys with good heart n faithful n honest...
[18:10] <Kayla> u cant even spell
[18:10] <KnightOfHeaven> kayla is ...J MUA...MAUM DEV!
[18:10] <Me_From_Cali> kayla how did you ever get to be so pop?
[18:10] <Kayla> miss u too chin
[18:10] <Kayla> lee meanie is jmua npua
[18:10] <Kayla> lee meanie is jmua npua
[18:10] <Kayla> lee meanie is jmua npua
[18:10] * Kayla was kicked by hmong (01× 14(KAYLA(*01!14*01@146401.1416001.1411501.14*)14RE
[18:10] * hmong sets mode: +b *!*@64.160.115.jc112=
[18:10] * ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@*.rima-tde.net
[18:10] <ugliest_dude_alive> haha
[18:10] <NeverBluff> goodiexiong18 so wassup.. you worth my entertainment? pc me
if you're interested in a hmong m\31\south dakota
[18:10] <sum`guy727> swEeTy_aNgeL: how about tall, strong and good looking, who
can cook?
[18:10] <ugliest_dude_alive> there goes kayla
[18:10] <SecretAsianMan> hahaha
[18:10] <KnightOfHeaven> chin is more popular than u twin!
[18:10] <KnightOfHeaven> and i thought u were popular
[18:10] <SecretAsianMan> who?
[18:10] <ScholarLy> sweety, but the problem with woman is that when they have th
at caring, loving man already they always look for more
[18:10] * Joins: Who_Am_I_To_You (java@=BZt-97-96-358-89.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[18:10] <+Juan2bone> Lee u kick..her..a....dude....
[18:10] <swEeTy_aNgeL> doesnt matter
[18:10] * Tommy{away} is now known as Tommy_Hang
[18:10] * @Tommy_Hang 12Back:4  I am Away 2[12I was Away for:1 012hrs 1 2612mins1 4612secs2
2 17:52:39 )--( 08/06/2005 2)
[18:10] <SecretAsianMan> who is twin?
[18:10] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hi thommy
[18:10] <ugliest_dude_alive> haha i know twin
[18:10] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hi tommmy
[18:10] <ugliest_dude_alive> not much of an addict anymore
[18:10] <KnightOfHeaven> i guess u'r not that popular...
[18:11] <ugliest_dude_alive> sorrie teng
[18:11] <swEeTy_aNgeL> as long love me til the end of time
[18:11] <ugliest_dude_alive> did u need to talk to kayla?
[18:11] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 1:54 pm...
[18:11] * hmong sets mode: -b *!*@64.160.115.B6666=
[18:11] <guy_with_a_brain> why is my dic k getting hard! oh porns looks so good!
[18:11] * Joins: Guest87401 (java@
[18:11] <guy_with_a_brain> i the best
[18:11] <ScholarLy> but he does love you
[18:11] <KnightOfHeaven> and i used to be so popular...but i realize...i'm only
popular..cuz them net ho3s hates me
[18:11] <KnightOfHeaven> hahahahahaha
[18:11] <+Juan2bone> i'm talking to u
[18:11] <ugliest_dude_alive> lolz@twin
[18:11] * Guest87401 is now known as Kayla
[18:11] <Kayla> dammitttttt
[18:11] <ugliest_dude_alive> wat chu doing dis weekend teng?
[18:11] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hi kayla
[18:11] <ugliest_dude_alive> haha!kayla
[18:11] * KnightOfHeaven drop kick kayla- WB B1TCH
[18:11] <MrStamina> kayla pc me
[18:11] <Kayla> hi who am i
[18:11] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 u wish knightofhell
[18:11] <ugliest_dude_alive> how was the kick
[18:11] * Quits: Vinner-da-Winner (fasdgsg@207.218.44.oq424=) (Connection reset
by peer)
[18:11] <Kayla> shullup lee tuag
[18:11] <KnightOfHeaven> yes fade my wannabe lover
[18:11] * ann{missing} is now known as annlee
[18:11] <KnightOfHeaven> i'll never love u!
[18:11] <ugliest_dude_alive> hi ann
[18:11] <+Juan2bone> i might come up there...
[18:11] <ugliest_dude_alive> u back
[18:11] <+Juan2bone> i'm not too sure
[18:11] * Quits: LOneLy_g (java@=xVbeq-982n.apl.org) (Connection reset by peer)
[18:12] <ScholarLy> what i have learn is that woman say one thing and do another
[18:12] <+annlee> hi lee
[18:12] <SecretAsianMan> wb Kayla
[18:12] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 i will never want to be your lover
[18:12] <Kayla> hi annlee
[18:12] <SecretAsianMan> wb Ann
[18:12] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 i rather be ur hoe
[18:12] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 :)
[18:12] <Kayla> tanks chin
[18:12] * Quits: male-31vang (java@=EFyrvr-7-137-802.clt.bellsouth.net) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[18:12] * Quits: VOICEMALE (java@=Hcmwag.sukut.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[18:12] <KnightOfHeaven> what i learn is that...all net ho3s are the same
[18:12] <+annlee> thanx
[18:12] <+Juan2bone> i'm planning to come up to SAC to the RAGE tomorrow nite
[18:12] <Me_From_Cali> wow! such a big words you got there kayla
[18:12] <KnightOfHeaven> b1tchy, attitude, left over, and all wannabez
[18:12] <ugliest_dude_alive> oh
[18:12] <Kayla> mr. stima
[18:12] <ugliest_dude_alive> kool
[18:12] <Kayla> me dont know u
[18:12] * KnightOfHeaven has never met any acceptable net girl..so far in my 30
mins of net life
[18:12] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 muahs*
[18:12] <Kayla> what words?
[18:12] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 u met me
[18:12] <KnightOfHeaven> fade- u are to me??? MY NET LEFT OVER HO3
[18:12] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 long ago
[18:12] <ugliest_dude_alive> **** i need to take a piss
[18:12] <Me_From_Cali> Tuag
[18:12] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 yep
[18:13] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 im ur left over HOe
[18:13] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 :)
[18:13] <Kayla> lee u need a bottle
[18:13] <SecretAsianMan> hi fade
[18:13] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 loving it.
[18:13] <SecretAsianMan> hiding from me huh?
[18:13] <ugliest_dude_alive> no kayla
[18:13] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hi chin
[18:13] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 thanks for the pic :)
[18:13] <Kayla> oh cuz LEE TUAGG IS HIS NAME
[18:13] * NeverBluff sits besides fade
[18:13] <SecretAsianMan> fade, you like?
[18:13] <ugliest_dude_alive> open wide n let me give u some mountain dew
[18:13] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 yes i like it very much
[18:13] <Me_From_Cali> lol@ kayla
[18:13] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hi neverbluff?
[18:13] <Kayla> ewwwwww
[18:13] * NeverBluff fondles with fade's thighs
[18:13] <NeverBluff> lol
[18:13] * Kayla slap lee GOOD
[18:13] * Joins: Guest86182 (java@=KzKTQ-78-30-718-408.kc.res.rr.com)
[18:14] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 who is nverbluff?
[18:14] <ugliest_dude_alive> *punch kayla*
[18:14] * Guest86182 is now known as CrusheR
[18:14] * Joins: Guest88139 (java@167.83.101.yM59=)
[18:14] <Me_From_Cali> who am i to you is fady?
[18:14] <Me_From_Cali> lol
[18:14] * Kayla duck!! hahahah
[18:14] * NeverBluff is full of surprises *winks*
[18:14] * KnightOfHeaven combines with twin's punches...TIGER BITE PUNCHES!
[18:14] * uglee_kid ish very bored.
[18:14] <ugliest_dude_alive> haha@twin
[18:14] <Kayla> hahahahhhaah@ double kick lee and lee tuaggggg
[18:14] <ugliest_dude_alive> *kick kayla*
[18:14] <Kayla> sorry two lees down
[18:14] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hmmm neverbluff is from ca and an comcast user
[18:14] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 a*
[18:15] <ugliest_dude_alive> <<===----- been kayla free for a month.. yea!!!
[18:15] <Kayla> hahahahhahahah
[18:15] <KnightOfHeaven> dam..did u see that? the mai tais kicks was so powerful
[18:15] <Kayla> mai tais kick!!
[18:15] <Kayla> hahahahah
[18:15] <assdefer> http://www.hmoobclick.com/ for new aa music codes and love m
usic page...over 10,000 hmong songs and over 40,000 other songs
[18:15] <KnightOfHeaven> kayla got beautiful from it!
[18:15] <Kayla> LEE TUAG...HEARD U GOT small bellly now
[18:15] <KnightOfHeaven> wow..we should call it...THE BEAITUFUL MAI TAIS KICKS!
[18:15] * Joins: Guest88300 (java@=VYQSE23XP4.ipt.aol.com)
[18:15] <Me_From_Cali> lol... kids playing
[18:15] <ugliest_dude_alive> small belly
[18:15] <KnightOfHeaven> kayla- now u're pretty enough to get a bf
[18:15] * @Tommy_Hang Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>1stLady - Never be Replaced (º°MªÐë ߥ Tømm¥
[18:15] <Kayla> yeah lee....thats ur signature now
[18:15] <ugliest_dude_alive> no working on it to get it back to big
[18:15] <finest-chick> kayla........theres no way hes gonna get a small belly
[18:15] * Guest88300 is now known as mouagurl20
[18:15] <SecretAsianMan> Kayla
[18:15] * Joins: Guest88107 (java@=rHgbz-262z.apl.org)
[18:15] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hmmms
[18:15] <SecretAsianMan> talk to me on msn
[18:15] <Kayla> how boutur butt lee?
[18:16] <Kayla> is that still BIGGGGGGGGG
[18:16] * Guest88107 is now known as LoNeLY_LiLy
[18:16] <ugliest_dude_alive> my butt
[18:16] <finest-chick> lolz
[18:16] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 1:54 pm...
[18:16] * Joins: Guest88239 (java@=nNAE2M8589.ipt.aol.com)
[18:16] <Kayla> YES CHIN
[18:16] <ugliest_dude_alive> my butt still the same
[18:16] <ugliest_dude_alive> haha
[18:16] <Kayla> LOL
[18:16] * @Tommy_Hang Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>50 Cent - I Smell ***** (Ja Rule, I
rv, Chuck B, Ashanti Diss (º°MªÐë ߥ Tømm¥_Håñg°º)
[18:16] <finest-chick> hes working to get it bigger
[18:16] * Joins: sirMcWorm (Evil@=Zln-43-028-749-49.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[18:16] <guy_with_a_brain> suga suga
[18:16] <Me_From_Cali> fady how about you and me?
[18:16] * @Tommy_Hang Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>702 - You'll Just Never Know (º°MªÐë ߥ Tømm
[18:16] <ugliest_dude_alive> haha@finest-chick
[18:16] * Kayla kick lee tuaggggggg butt......bounces off....yup
[18:16] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hi wormzie..
[18:16] * Joins: MoonShineGuy (SweetLuvGu@=whb-35-177-330-205.hsd1.mn.comcast.ne
[18:16] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 me from cali? who are u?
[18:16] <finest-chick> u know im right
[18:16] <ugliest_dude_alive> no im not its all natural... n kayla likes it
[18:16] <sirMcWorm> hi
[18:16] * @Tommy_Hang Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>Angelina - Kisses In The Night (º°MªÐë ߥ Tø
[18:16] <finest-chick> lolz
[18:16] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 wormzie, who u taken by?
[18:16] <Kayla> hahahahha
[18:16] * Guest88239 is now known as mobsiab_vimkoj
[18:16] * Joins: Guest85934 (java@=RwUHH5XX6Y.ipt.aol.com)
[18:16] * Tommy_Hang is now known as Tommy{away}
[18:16] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[18:16] <Kayla> i like to kick it
[18:16] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 liszzy is mai pa?
[18:16] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hahaha
[18:16] <finest-chick> is that y u do all kinds of butt excerises?
[18:16] <finest-chick> lolz
[18:16] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 liszzy or mai pa?
[18:16] <ugliest_dude_alive> yes i do
[18:17] * LordVenom kick Kayla ...
[18:17] <ugliest_dude_alive> work on it every nite
[18:17] <Me_From_Cali> I'm the only one that calls you fady
[18:17] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 sixty?
[18:17] <Me_From_Cali> so guess
[18:17] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 :D
[18:17] <Kayla> ouch!! vang
[18:17] <finest-chick> moonshineguy: im not from mn
[18:17] <ugliest_dude_alive> wanna join?
[18:17] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Kayla
[18:17] -ChanServ:#hmongtalk- Tommy{away} voiced Kayla
[18:17] <finest-chick> no thanks
[18:17] <+Kayla> ty tommy muaks
[18:17] <finest-chick> i like my butt the way it is
[18:17] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hmmms
[18:17] <ugliest_dude_alive> alrite dont say i never offer
[18:17] <ugliest_dude_alive> haha
[18:17] <finest-chick> no need for improvement
[18:17] <+Kayla> lee
[18:17] <ugliest_dude_alive> oh okay then
[18:17] * Joins: love_you (java@=cra-66-0-922-813.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[18:17] <ugliest_dude_alive> yes kayla?
[18:17] <+Kayla> ur only form of excersise is
[18:17] * Guest85934 is now known as gOrgEoUs_916
[18:17] <LordVenom> Kayla .. I thought you say you like to Kick it
[18:17] <+Kayla> switcing the channel
[18:17] <+Kayla> on ur remote
[18:17] <+Kayla> hahahahah
[18:17] <gOrgEoUs_916> 3HeLLo RoOm!
[18:17] <ugliest_dude_alive> haha@kayla
[18:18] <ugliest_dude_alive> true
[18:18] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hahah jmoua thlc
[18:18] * +Kayla kick lord........take that
[18:18] <ugliest_dude_alive> n my fore arm
[18:18] <ugliest_dude_alive> haha
[18:18] <+Kayla> lee got nice fingers?
[18:18] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 liszzy or mai pa?
[18:18] <+Kayla> lolz
[18:18] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 liszzy or mai pa?
[18:18] <LordVenom> kayla .. come over and be my remote ..
[18:18] * Guest88139 is now known as MFEO
[18:18] <ugliest_dude_alive> haha@kayla
[18:18] <+Kayla> hahaha
[18:18] <ugliest_dude_alive> kayla i dink u like everything
[18:18] <ugliest_dude_alive> haha
[18:18] <guy_with_a_brain> i am horny...
[18:18] * Quits: sirMcWorm (Evil@=Zln-43-028-749-49.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[18:18] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 me too, guy
[18:18] <gOrgEoUs_916> 3ehe..
[18:18] <+Kayla> yeah.....lee got the package!!
[18:18] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 :o
[18:18] <+Kayla> girlssssssssss.......go for leeeeeee
[18:18] <Me_From_Cali> lol
[18:18] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[18:18] <ugliest_dude_alive> okay kayla
[18:18] <ugliest_dude_alive> shull up
[18:18] <gOrgEoUs_916> 3lolx
[18:18] <finest-chick> kayla honey...........are u kidding me????????
[18:18] <Me_From_Cali> keep on guessing fady
[18:18] <+Kayla> lee hottieeee
[18:18] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 what now, me from cali?
[18:18] <finest-chick> lee doesnt have anything
[18:18] <finest-chick> lolz
[18:18] <+Kayla> go for leeeee
[18:19] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 birdy?
[18:19] <ugliest_dude_alive> kayla whois finest-chick?
[18:19] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 :D
[18:19] <+Kayla> no me not kidding
[18:19] <gOrgEoUs_916> 3wat r u guys talking about? who is lee?
[18:19] <Me_From_Cali> nope!
[18:19] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 who?
[18:19] <love_you> hi
[18:19] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 dammit
[18:19] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 i give up
[18:19] * Quits: KnightOfHeaven (sadgf@ (Ping Timeout)
[18:19] <+Kayla> ------->lee is hot BUTT
[18:19] <CrusheR> Nyob zoo mobsiab_vimkoj
[18:19] <Me_From_Cali> hahaha
[18:19] * Quits: sOmE_lAdY (java@=UAaiwtsfhj-houq2.clients.athenet.net) (Connect
ion reset by peer)
[18:19] <guy_with_a_brain> im having blue balls
[18:19] <Me_From_Cali> look at fady getting mad
[18:19] <gOrgEoUs_916> 3i wanna c lee too!
[18:19] <Me_From_Cali> lol
[18:19] * @Tommy{away} Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>Angelina - Lifetime With You (º°MªÐë ߥ Tøm
[18:19] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 im not mad :p
[18:19] <finest-chick> lolz
[18:19] <finest-chick> wanna see him????
[18:19] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 no name no care :p
[18:19] <gOrgEoUs_916> 3kalya who is lee?
[18:19] <ugliest_dude_alive> wtf
[18:19] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 :D
[18:19] <+Kayla> SEE WHO
[18:19] <finest-chick> lee do u mind if i pass ur pic out????????????????????
[18:19] <ugliest_dude_alive> whois finest-chick?
[18:20] <Me_From_Cali> hahaha
[18:20] <+Kayla> I DONT KNOW LEE
[18:20] <ugliest_dude_alive> heck no u pass out ill hate on u
[18:20] <finest-chick> lolz
[18:20] <finest-chick> y not?
[18:20] <love_you> nej ua dab tsi
[18:20] <finest-chick> i wanna share dont u??
[18:20] <finest-chick> sharing is caring
[18:20] <ugliest_dude_alive> cuz its not kool like that
[18:20] <guy_with_a_brain> im having blue balls
[18:20] <+Kayla> hmmmmmmmm
[18:20] <+Kayla> she from aol
[18:20] <gOrgEoUs_916> 3the guy withthe package!
[18:20] <Me_From_Cali> not even kayla knows me
[18:20] <guy_with_a_brain> i want to see puss y
[18:20] <+Kayla> so must be at home
[18:20] <Me_From_Cali> lol
[18:20] <ugliest_dude_alive> n who da hell u?
[18:20] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hmmms
[18:20] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[18:20] <guy_with_a_brain> pink and wet!
[18:20] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 guy i got puss for u
[18:20] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[18:20] <+Kayla> tou
[18:20] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 http://www.leiliyang.com
[18:20] <+Kayla> i know u dorko
[18:21] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6lalala.
[18:21] <guy_with_a_brain> gimme so #s then?
[18:21] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 1:54 pm...
[18:21] <+Kayla> i know tou dorko
[18:21] <ugliest_dude_alive> http://members.asianavenue.com/OnEbOrEdKaLiDuD
[18:21] <ugliest_dude_alive> http://members.asianavenue.com/OnEbOrEdKaLiDuD
[18:21] <love_you> kuv yog ib tug ua poj niam tsis muaj tus hlub xav tau ib tug
[18:21] * goodiexiong18 looks at MoonShineGuy and laughs.
[18:21] * Joins: Guest86082 (java@=dgymipvakm-nwht3.clients.athenet.net)
[18:21] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[18:21] * Parts: MrStamina (X@64.122.143.RP663=)
[18:21] <guy_with_a_brain> gimme some #s then?
[18:21] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 sure
[18:21] * Joins: Guest84728 (java@131.128.222.X957=)
[18:21] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6lolz...numbers....?
[18:21] * Quits: CrusheR (java@=KzKTQ-78-30-718-408.kc.res.rr.com) (QUIT: User e
[18:21] <assdefer> http://www.hmoobclick.com/ for new aa music codes and love m
usic page...over 10,000 hmong songs and over 40,000 other songs
[18:21] <ugliest_dude_alive> shoo i need to go pee
[18:22] * Guest86082 is now known as sOmE_lAdY
[18:22] <finest-chick> i want someone to call me
[18:22] * +Kayla hold ur noov lee
[18:22] <ugliest_dude_alive> brb
[18:22] * Joins: Guest84909 (java@=kgwvoa-4-498-176.clt.bellsouth.net)
[18:22] <+Kayla> hi somelady
[18:22] * goodiexiong18 is really very bored.
[18:22] <ugliest_dude_alive> shull up kayla
[18:22] <ugliest_dude_alive> brb
[18:22] * goodiexiong18 smiles at everyone in the room :-)
[18:22] <sOmE_lAdY> hi kayla babe
[18:22] <finest-chick> u better go
[18:22] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6I'm bored too goodiexiong18
[18:22] * Joins: Guest85033 (java@=KrJET00I5H.ipt.aol.com)
[18:22] * Guest84728 is now known as hlubpuastau_gurl
[18:22] * Joins: Tyra__ (dolc@=Cnwv1-20.f1783.ts.globetrotter.net)
[18:22] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6good. u?
[18:22] * Guest84909 is now known as nothingbutsexman
[18:22] <love_you> nej tsis ua dab tsi li los cas nej yuav nyob rau hauv no xwb
[18:22] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 415-5873526
[18:22] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[18:22] * Guest85033 is now known as CA_gurL21
[18:22] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 415-587-3526
[18:22] <finest-chick> gorgeous 916...do u have a pic?
[18:22] <guy_with_a_brain> who is that?
[18:23] * NeverBluff is really bored too.. by thw way
[18:23] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 415-587-3526 ask for mai
[18:23] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6*chrissy laughs at love_you
[18:23] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 ;D
[18:23] <CA_gurL21> hey everyone how's it goin
[18:23] * @Tommy{away} Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>Angelina - You're All that I Need
(º°MªÐë ߥ Tømm¥_Håñg°º)
[18:23] * Joins: Guest84120 (java@=3oitotwr-
[18:23] <gOrgEoUs_916> http://members.asianavenue.com/jealous1z-NV
[18:23] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 mai gong
[18:23] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 ;D
[18:23] * Joins: KnightOfHeaven (sadgf@139.182.33.Ch34=)
[18:23] * NeverBluff gives fade415 the most beautiful rose you can find on earth
[18:23] * goodiexiong18 Laughs-Out-Loud!!
[18:23] * KnightOfHeaven farts!
[18:23] <NeverBluff> Who_Am_I_To_You***
[18:23] * Quits: BenFrank (largeones@=Dd26-012-496-224.mpls.qwest.net) (Connecti
on reset by peer)
[18:23] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 aww thanks neverbluff..
[18:23] * goodiexiong18 smiles at everyone in the room :-)
[18:23] <+Kayla> w/b LEE MEANIE
[18:23] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 who are u dude?
[18:23] * Parts: love_you (java@=cra-66-0-922-813.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[18:23] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 415-587-3526 ask for mai gong
[18:23] <NeverBluff> i'm just prince charming
[18:24] <NeverBluff> why do you know me?
[18:24] <NeverBluff> lol
[18:24] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 jjmoua brandon thoj from chico
[18:24] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 jjmoua brandon thoj from chico
[18:24] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6dang does everyone know eachother in here?
[18:24] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 jjmoua brandon thoj from chico
[18:24] <KnightOfHeaven> uumm...
[18:24] * KnightOfHeaven don't know anyone in here
[18:24] <+Kayla> lee cant talk
[18:24] <NeverBluff> lol ok you know me now shhh
[18:24] <goodiexiong18> 2 2,3,3hello
[18:24] <NeverBluff> :p
[18:24] * KnightOfHeaven is new to the net world
[18:24] <finest-chick> dam brandon
[18:24] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 :p
[18:24] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 haha
[18:24] <+Kayla> does lee need sign language?
[18:24] <finest-chick> what did u do?
[18:24] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[18:24] <NeverBluff> do?
[18:24] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 and me form cali is thlc
[18:24] <ugliest_dude_alive> im back
[18:24] <NeverBluff> i never do anything.. i know it couldnt of bene me
[18:24] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6lalala
[18:24] <NeverBluff> lol
[18:25] <CA_gurL21> how far is modesto from sac
[18:25] <NeverBluff> been*
[18:25] <NeverBluff> sup cua
[18:25] * goodiexiong18 is really very bored.
[18:25] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6isn't it about 2 hrs drive
[18:25] <ugliest_dude_alive> wtf did u say kayla
[18:25] <+Kayla> that was long pee lee
[18:25] <KnightOfHeaven> gorgeous- what's ur name?
[18:25] <ugliest_dude_alive> shull up
[18:25] <gOrgEoUs_916> 5chrissy
[18:25] <+Kayla> i did not talk to u
[18:25] <ugliest_dude_alive> punk assss
[18:25] * Joins: Guest83919 (java@69.238.196.yA507=)
[18:25] <+Kayla> did i say lee tuaggggggg
[18:25] <Me_From_Cali> nice try
[18:25] <+Kayla> nope
[18:25] <ugliest_dude_alive> never mind
[18:25] <+Kayla> i did not
[18:25] * Guest84120 is now known as hye
[18:25] * hye is now known as hye57586
[18:25] <assdefer> http://www.hmoobclick.com/ for new aa music codes and love m
usic page...over 10,000 hmong songs and over 40,000 other songs
[18:25] <ugliest_dude_alive> i dont wanna talk to a jmoua
[18:25] <ugliest_dude_alive> haha
[18:25] <Me_From_Cali> I'm not either of them
[18:25] <KnightOfHeaven> last name chrissy?
[18:25] <+Kayla> ur dorko lee tuagggg
[18:25] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6Xiong
[18:25] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6yOURs>
[18:26] * Guest83919 is now known as Mr_Affectionate
[18:26] <ugliest_dude_alive> u're stupido kayla
[18:26] * Quits: romeoinlove (java@=v818-173-774-509.sjvls.org) (QUIT: User exit
[18:26] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 1:54 pm...
[18:26] <ugliest_dude_alive> stupido mental retardo
[18:26] * goodiexiong18 bounces around the channel.
[18:26] * uglee_kid is very bored.
[18:26] <swEeTy_aNgeL> thanx mike_vaj
[18:26] * KnightOfHeaven is known as knight of heaven yang
[18:26] <ugliest_dude_alive> can i hurt u're feelings again?
[18:26] <+Kayla> come on lee
[18:26] <swEeTy_aNgeL> who r u?
[18:26] <KnightOfHeaven> chrissy- age?
[18:26] <swEeTy_aNgeL> lolz
[18:26] <Me_From_Cali> kayla, fady neb mas bad at guessing
[18:26] <gOrgEoUs_916> 18
[18:26] <swEeTy_aNgeL> be ya angle
[18:26] <+Kayla> ur expressguy
[18:26] <gOrgEoUs_916> 618
[18:26] * Quits: HmoobDawb_Gurl (java@=PPMZI67598.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exite
[18:26] <ugliest_dude_alive> hu?
[18:26] <+Kayla> EXPRESSGUY
[18:26] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[18:26] <KnightOfHeaven> i'm 22
[18:26] <NeverBluff> chrissy you're online chatting.. you may look cute.. but ca
n't be that smart/or too interesting *not hatin* do not mistake
[18:26] <swEeTy_aNgeL> how funnie
[18:26] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6who r u kinghtofheaven?
[18:26] <KnightOfHeaven> chrissy- what's ur height and weight?
[18:26] <ugliest_dude_alive> who u talkin too jmoua
[18:26] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6lolz
[18:27] * Joins: Guest83585 (java@=kL39-342-402-115.sjvls.org)
[18:27] <+Kayla> not u lee
[18:27] <KnightOfHeaven> height and weight?
[18:27] <gOrgEoUs_916> just go to http://members.asianavenue.com/jealous1z-NV
[18:27] <ugliest_dude_alive> oh okay just checkin
[18:27] * Quits: hye57586 (java@=3oitotwr-
) (QUIT: User exited)
[18:27] * Guest83585 is now known as romeoinlove
[18:27] <+Kayla> hahahah dorko lee
[18:27] * @Tommy{away} Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>Angelina- Over And Over (º°MªÐë ߥ Tømm¥_Hå
[18:27] <KnightOfHeaven> alright..let me check see if u'r good enough
[18:27] * Quits: CA_gurL21 (java@=KrJET00I5H.ipt.aol.com) (Connection reset by p
[18:27] * Quits: maiv (java@=aWzvqw-08-069-330-94.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net) (QUI
T: User exited)
[18:27] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6dang it's like that? sheesh!
[18:27] <KnightOfHeaven> u look alright
[18:27] <ugliest_dude_alive> haha@twin
[18:27] <ugliest_dude_alive> twin she not good enough for u
[18:28] <ugliest_dude_alive> she's a fake
[18:28] <swEeTy_aNgeL> where r u going mike
[18:28] * KnightOfHeaven gives chrissy props for looking good..or trying to look
[18:28] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6i guees u gotta look good to qualify to talk to guys in he
[18:28] <NeverBluff> lol
[18:28] <KnightOfHeaven> naw...she looks good
[18:28] <uglee_kid> nice page
[18:28] <KnightOfHeaven> hey...be nice now
[18:28] <KnightOfHeaven> she looks good okie!
[18:28] <NeverBluff> gOrgEoUs_916 you qualify for me.. hollah...
[18:28] <finest-chick> aww...gorgeous 916 dont worry
[18:28] * Quits: Tyra__ (dolc@=Cnwv1-20.f1783.ts.globetrotter.net) (Ping Timeout
[18:28] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6lagush
[18:28] <ugliest_dude_alive> haha@twin
[18:28] * Quits: romeoinlove (java@=kL39-342-402-115.sjvls.org) (QUIT: User exit
[18:28] <ugliest_dude_alive> i was jp
[18:28] <NeverBluff> Ryou'd be making the best decison in your life too
[18:28] * KnightOfHeaven hands gorgeous a flower.. it's okay.. they're just bein
g mean
[18:28] <finest-chick> he just thinks he looks good
[18:28] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[18:28] * Joins: irresistable_anjo (irresistab@=w1o678834.dynamic.cmich.edu)
[18:28] * KnightOfHeaven says it from the heart: chrissy is always good in my ey
es... cuz imma blind man
[18:28] <ugliest_dude_alive> who finest-chick?
[18:28] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6sheesh..laughs with finest chick
[18:28] <KnightOfHeaven> so looks don't matter to me
[18:28] <Me_From_Cali> kaya, I'll never trust koj li lawm os
[18:28] <ScholarLy> gorgeous pc
[18:29] <KnightOfHeaven> so chrissy- gotta bf?
[18:29] * Quits: MFEO (java@167.83.101.yM59=) (QUIT: User exited)
[18:29] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6NoPe.
[18:29] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6don't need boifrewn right now...right gurls?!
[18:29] * Joins: HotFob (hotman@=IhWAO-37-31-827-102.mn.res.rr.com)
[18:29] <KnightOfHeaven> so let me ask u an honest question
[18:29] <KnightOfHeaven> were ur exS ghetto or wannabes?
[18:29] <finest-chick> lolz
[18:29] <ugliest_dude_alive> haha
[18:29] * Quits: HotFob (hotman@=IhWAO-37-31-827-102.mn.res.rr.com) (QUIT: User
[18:29] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6don't even.
[18:29] <finest-chick> boys are TROUBLE
[18:29] * Joins: HotFob (hotman@=IhWAO-37-31-827-102.mn.res.rr.com)
[18:29] <ugliest_dude_alive> i think ghetto
[18:29] <KnightOfHeaven> yea u don't need a bf.. u just need a fu*ck buddies
[18:29] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6i don't date ghetto or wannabe ghettos...lolz
[18:29] <KnightOfHeaven> u'r the same as all of them sac girls
[18:29] <KnightOfHeaven> dam!!!!
[18:29] <mike_v_yaj> hi
[18:30] <ugliest_dude_alive> haha@twin
[18:30] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6dang! who r u to tell me that i need a **** buddy
[18:30] <KnightOfHeaven> ok...be honest now
[18:30] <HotFob> Hey gOrgEoUs_916..
[18:30] * Quits: sOmE_lAdY (java@=dgymipvakm-nwht3.clients.athenet.net) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[18:30] <KnightOfHeaven> how many guys have you fu*ck in ur life time?
[18:30] <KnightOfHeaven> be honest now
[18:30] <SecretAsianMan> gOrgEoUs_916, who are you?
[18:30] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6dang
[18:30] * Quits: Me_From_Cali (java@=ggxmoe-02-574-062-584.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.ne
t) (QUIT: User exited)
[18:30] <NeverBluff> ghetto? what's wrong it ghetto guys? we need luvin too! :\
[18:30] * Joins: Guest81800 (java@=qdeqsm-59-676-00-559.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net)
[18:30] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6finest chick who r these guys?
[18:30] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[18:30] <KnightOfHeaven> i guess girls hates me..cuz i'm too honest
[18:30] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6lolz
[18:30] <KnightOfHeaven> cuz i like to know the truth
[18:30] <ugliest_dude_alive> im with u twin
[18:30] <KnightOfHeaven> and they hate me
[18:30] <ScholarLy> gorgeous im a new guy to this cyberspace realm
[18:30] * Joins: Guest84004 (java@=fwagal-49-164-55-829.dsl.sktn01.pacbell.net)
[18:30] <KnightOfHeaven> but when i kiss azz..and sweet talk to them..they love
[18:30] <finest-chick> aww
[18:30] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 1:54 pm...
[18:31] * KnightOfHeaven is confused!
[18:31] <finest-chick> honey i dont know many of them either.
[18:31] <guy_with_a_brain> im so tired
[18:31] <HotFob> I WANT TO Kiss up to gOrgEoUs_916
[18:31] <KnightOfHeaven> girls these days...they rather read the lies..than see
the truth
[18:31] <finest-chick> lolz
[18:31] <guy_with_a_brain> my dic k is geeting mushy
[18:31] * Guest84004 is now known as jen`sO`thiCk
[18:31] <finest-chick> sweetie..now im worried for u
[18:31] <finest-chick> lolz
[18:31] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6Well one thing is that i know i don't ask guys to **** me
outta the blues OK...i ain't like that...
[18:31] <guy_with_a_brain> my dic k is geting mushy
[18:31] <HotFob> finest chick? prove it
[18:31] <ugliest_dude_alive> <<====--- wow gorgeous_916 getting all the attention
[18:31] <ugliest_dude_alive> <<====--- wow gorgeous_916 getting all the attention
[18:31] <ScholarLy> so true brother knight of heaven
[18:31] <ugliest_dude_alive> hi Jen
[18:31] <KnightOfHeaven> chrissy- just being honest....
[18:31] <KnightOfHeaven> i'm just asking an honest question
[18:31] <finest-chick> prove what hotfob????????
[18:31] <KnightOfHeaven> how many guys have you ever fu*ck in ur life time?
[18:31] <KnightOfHeaven> simple #
[18:31] <jen`sO`thiCk> hi bk
[18:31] <ScholarLy> they rather listen to deception than honesty
[18:31] <NeverBluff> gOrgEoUs_916 all i can say is hollah my way.. if you bounce
back.. before getting to me.. your lost *not being conceited*
[18:31] * Joins: Guest80701 (java@=BSizmr.sukut.com)
[18:31] <NeverBluff> :)
[18:31] <KnightOfHeaven> well????
[18:31] <HotFob> that you are the finest chick finest-chick
[18:32] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6i've only been with one GUY my ex.
[18:32] * @Tommy{away} Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>Aqua - Barbie Girl (º°MªÐë ߥ Tømm¥_Håñg°º)
[18:32] <finest-chick> lolz
[18:32] <KnightOfHeaven> and how long did u dated him?
[18:32] <ScholarLy> gorgeous can we pc
[18:32] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6for 2yrs.
[18:32] <KnightOfHeaven> how old were u and him?
[18:32] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6but anywho...
[18:32] <guy_with_a_brain> im so tired
[18:32] <NeverBluff> let me be your second bf gOrgEoUs_916 you'll forget his nam
e in years
[18:32] <finest-chick> prove ur a hotfob first
[18:32] <guy_with_a_brain> my dic k is geting mushy
[18:32] <KnightOfHeaven> just wondering if u'r those type of girl who dated OGs
[18:32] <ugliest_dude_alive> anywho?? isnt that a ghetto word
[18:32] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6lalala
[18:32] <KnightOfHeaven> OR GUYS...10 YRS OVER UR AGE
[18:32] <ugliest_dude_alive> **** u must be from soutside sac
[18:32] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[18:32] <HotFob> how come all the GIRLS are either FINEST OR GORGEOUS????
[18:32] * Quits: swEeTy_aNgeL (java@=GOd-05-67-71-45.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (Ping
[18:32] <HotFob> hahaah i am hot
[18:32] <ScholarLy> gorgeous how odl are u?
[18:32] <HotFob> the hottest fob....
[18:32] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6haha
[18:32] <ScholarLy> if u dont mind me asking
[18:32] * Joins: Guest81377 (java@=GOd-05-67-71-45.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
[18:32] * finest-chick is now known as one-fly-cali-gurl
[18:32] <KnightOfHeaven> chrissy- well?
[18:32] <gOrgEoUs_916> 618scholarly
[18:33] * Joins: Suicide- (asdhkasjd@=Whhmto-656-192-117.clt.bellsouth.net)
[18:33] <KnightOfHeaven> how old were u when u lost your virginity?
[18:33] <one-fly-cali-gurl> happy now hot fob
[18:33] * ugliest_dude_alive is now known as OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe
[18:33] <ScholarLy> and i guess the 916 is for sacramento right?
[18:33] * KnightOfHeaven was kicked by Al3x (4Excessive Caps (60 Second Ban) 0,1×X× 4 ê åM F
[18:33] * Al3x sets mode: +b *!*@139.182.33.Ch34=
[18:33] * ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@194.*
[18:33] * ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@*.ma.cable.rcn.com
[18:33] <ScholarLy> knight those question are inappropriate
[18:33] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6YeS
[18:33] * Parts: Suicide- (asdhkasjd@=Whhmto-656-192-117.clt.bellsouth.net)
[18:33] * Guest81377 is now known as swEeTy_aNgeL
[18:33] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> well there goes twin
[18:33] <one-fly-cali-gurl> wb cindy
[18:33] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6thanks scholarly
[18:33] <Mr_Affectionate> http://members.asianavenue.com/uniquemisssusan
[18:33] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> w/b sweety
[18:33] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6tell him.
[18:33] * goodiexiong18 slaps everyone in the room.
[18:33] <HotFob> wow...now you are one fly cali?
[18:33] <one-fly-cali-gurl> lolz
[18:33] * Al3x sets mode: -b *!*@139.182.33.Ch34=
[18:33] <HotFob> damn...i like yo style babe
[18:34] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6who is HotFob?
[18:34] <ScholarLy> we mature adult must talk matury
[18:34] * Joins: JimVinny (fasdgsg@207.218.44.W4362=)
[18:34] * Joins: KnightOfHeaven (sadgf@139.182.33.Ch34=)
[18:34] <HotFob> how do you know that i'll like such nick?
[18:34] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> *yawn*
[18:34] <JimVinny> hi... jims here
[18:34] <NeverBluff> everyone's looking for that special someone, admits to it o
r not... for all we know they could be in this chatroom.. ums.. good luck :)
[18:34] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> **** no one for me to pick on
[18:34] <KnightOfHeaven> imma hack ur dam script alex
[18:34] <ScholarLy> whether she is not a virgin, or is...thats not what lay the
foundation of success in life
[18:34] <one-fly-cali-gurl> hi vinny!!!!!!!!!
[18:34] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> hey jmoua kayla
[18:34] * KnightOfHeaven GONNA HACK ur dam scrip alex
[18:34] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6thank u thank u...don't need to get all personal here...do
n't know eachother sheesh.
[18:34] <KnightOfHeaven> urg!
[18:34] <one-fly-cali-gurl> MUAHZ
[18:34] <swEeTy_aNgeL> hi Vinny
[18:34] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[18:34] * KnightOfHeaven just want to get to know chrissy for the real her...
[18:34] <JimVinny> hi fly-cali
[18:34] <+Kayla> WAT LEE TUAGGG
[18:34] <KnightOfHeaven> but i guess..she's being a conceited mofo
[18:34] * Joins: Guest82967 (java@=dEwnlpugro-slwr5.clients.athenet.net)
[18:34] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> jmoua wat u doing
[18:34] <JimVinny> im pretty fly for a hmong guy
[18:34] <KnightOfHeaven> couldn't even answer a decent honest answer
[18:34] <KnightOfHeaven> gesh!
[18:34] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> keep me entertain
[18:34] <HotFob> kayla? ohhh shiat that's my girl!
[18:35] <jen`sO`thiCk> hi kS!!!!!!!!!11
[18:35] <gOrgEoUs_916> yes neverbluff?
[18:35] <one-fly-cali-gurl> hey
[18:35] <KnightOfHeaven> net ho3s these days...can't even be honest for once
[18:35] <one-fly-cali-gurl> u ryhme...lolz
[18:35] <HotFob> where is TAMPICO?
[18:35] <jen`sO`thiCk> hi vinny
[18:35] * Guest82967 is now known as sOmE_lAdY
[18:35] <JimVinny> thanks
[18:35] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> dis fawken room dead without stupid addicts
[18:35] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6excuse ME?
[18:35] <JimVinny> hi jen
[18:35] <KnightOfHeaven> http://members.asianavenue.com/Kn1ghtOfHeaven
[18:35] <ScholarLy> georgeous such beauty like you, should only not be physicall
y but mentally and emotionally as well
[18:35] <sOmE_lAdY> hi lee
[18:35] * @Tommy{away} Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>Ashanti Ft Big - Foolish Remix (º°MªÐë ߥ T
[18:35] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6net hoes?
[18:35] <KnightOfHeaven> sign my guest book *******
[18:35] <+Kayla> LEE
[18:35] <KnightOfHeaven> http://members.asianavenue.com/Kn1ghtOfHeaven'
[18:35] <HotFob> jen so thick? ohhh dang.....
[18:35] <+Kayla> IM WORKING UNLIKE U LEE
[18:35] <KnightOfHeaven> http://members.asianavenue.com/Kn1ghtOfHeaven
[18:35] <+Kayla> HI JENSSS
[18:35] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6never bluff r u talking to me?
[18:35] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> hi some lady
[18:35] <JimVinny> hi sweetangel
[18:35] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> **** i keep foigetin u're name
[18:35] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> lolz
[18:35] * Joins: Guest83190 (java@=2v58-933-366-631.sjvls.org)
[18:35] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> i know it start with the p
[18:35] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 1:54 pm...
[18:35] * Guest83190 is now known as romeoinlove
[18:36] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6dang guy who just wanna know everything and assume everyth
ing is soooo freaken--------blah...
[18:36] <ScholarLy> beauty is easily determine by the looks, but true beauty lie
s beyond the naked eyes
[18:36] <KnightOfHeaven> chrissy- uumm....
[18:36] <KnightOfHeaven> what's wrong girl?
[18:36] <assdefer> http://www.hmoobclick.com/ for new aa music codes and love m
usic page...over 10,000 hmong songs and over 40,000 other songs
[18:36] * Guest81800 is now known as utensils
[18:36] <KnightOfHeaven> honesty getting to ur nerve?
[18:36] <sum`guy727> forget hidden bueaty give me looks with brains
[18:36] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> jmoua kayla
[18:36] <NeverBluff> yes i was... lol gOrgEoUs_916
[18:36] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> where da fawk u go
[18:36] <ScholarLy> i just hope you're truthful inner and outer thats all
[18:36] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[18:36] <Mr_Affectionate> whatsup with all these ladie. wake up and open your ey
es to the guys who are waiting for u only
[18:36] <guy_with_a_brain> my dic k is geting mushy
[18:36] <KnightOfHeaven> what do girls look for on the net? A FINE AZZ GUY
[18:36] <+Kayla> WAT LEEEEEEEEEEE
[18:36] <ScholarLy> if by any of my phrases offended you, i'm sorry
[18:36] <KnightOfHeaven> what do i look for on the net..A DAM HONEST CHICK
[18:36] <JimVinny> any girls likes to get slapped around.. PC me
[18:36] <KnightOfHeaven> CAN'T FIND ME!
[18:36] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> hey jmoua hows work
[18:36] <ScholarLy> it's not my intention
[18:36] <KnightOfHeaven> dam...
[18:36] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6only cuz u don't even know me and trying to say things we
ll for all the gurls...ur saying that we're net hoes just cuz we can't answer ur
[18:37] <JimVinny> :D
[18:37] <goodiexiong18> 2 gurls looks for a nice juicy ****
[18:37] <+Kayla> WORK IS GOOD
[18:37] <+Kayla> BUT BORING
[18:37] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> haha
[18:37] <sum`guy727> honnest and decent? good loock
[18:37] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> i c ic
[18:37] <KnightOfHeaven> chrissy- it's a dam question..answer it truthfully..and
it's all cool
[18:37] <sum`guy727> i got a juicey d*ck
[18:37] * Joins: Guest83171 (java@=evrqhe-92-23-954-354.rev.o1.com)
[18:37] <KnightOfHeaven> simple as that!
[18:37] <KnightOfHeaven> who cares if u've dated ogS
[18:37] <+Kayla> FOR THE PIX
[18:37] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> oh
[18:37] <KnightOfHeaven> kayla- sorry i don't call wannabes
[18:37] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> we went fishing yesterday
[18:37] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6well i don't need to tell u anything...i don't even know u
[18:37] <+Kayla> STUPIDO
[18:37] <KnightOfHeaven> hush puppy!
[18:37] <goodiexiong18> 2 u sure bout that
[18:37] <swEeTy_aNgeL> 6/me wonder.....where is my sexy kelly @
[18:37] <+Kayla> U AND WHO?
[18:37] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> ill give it to u when i see u so u can resize it
[18:37] <KnightOfHeaven> well..that's why we're getting to know each other
[18:37] <KnightOfHeaven> gesh...
[18:37] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> me Lo n TOu
[18:37] <KnightOfHeaven> aren't we all here to socialize?
[18:37] <+Kayla> DIDNT EVEN TAKE ME GOSH
[18:37] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6ahahahahaha
[18:37] <KnightOfHeaven> dam conceited blah!
[18:37] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> we went fishin by 1-80
[18:37] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> haha
[18:38] <JimVinny> R kelly is my idol
[18:38] * Guest83171 is now known as DopplerEffect
[18:38] <KnightOfHeaven> what a waste of my good words
[18:38] <goodiexiong18> 2 hahaha
[18:38] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> kayla we took my car stupid
[18:38] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6who u calling conceited now?
[18:38] <+Kayla> MAINE
[18:38] <swEeTy_aNgeL> 4boringgggg....O_O
[18:38] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> wont fit u anywasie
[18:38] <KnightOfHeaven> anywys...fu*ck off then *****...
[18:38] <+Kayla> MEANIE
[18:38] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> shull up
[18:38] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6lalala ok.
[18:38] * KnightOfHeaven drops chrissy's name down as another net mofo *****
[18:38] <+Kayla> I CAN SIT IN THE BACK
[18:38] <NeverBluff> how old are you gOrgEoUs_916
[18:38] <KnightOfHeaven> next!!!!!
[18:38] <guy_with_a_brain> im horny
[18:38] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> haha
[18:38] <one-fly-cali-gurl> vinny u dork
[18:38] * uglee_kid bored.
[18:38] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> watever
[18:38] <ScholarLy> gorgeous i guess open minded is not one ur specialty
[18:38] * @Tommy{away} Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>Ashlee Simpson - Peaces Of Me (º°MªÐë ߥ Tø
[18:38] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[18:38] <DopplerEffect> EHH WHO AM I TO YOU?
[18:38] <JimVinny> any young girls wanna chat?
[18:38] <JimVinny> lol
[18:38] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6PC never bluff
[18:38] <+Kayla> LEE
[18:38] <KnightOfHeaven> what kayla *****
[18:38] <DopplerEffect> IM A LEE
[18:38] <+Kayla> did u tell the worm to hook itself this time?
[18:38] <KnightOfHeaven> stop calling my name!
[18:38] <KnightOfHeaven> gesh!
[18:39] <sum`guy727> KnightOfHeaven: some are here to hook up
[18:39] * Disconnected
[18:41] * Attempting to rejoin channel #hmongtalk
[18:41] * Rejoined channel #hmongtalk
[18:41] * Topic is '0,2 Welcome to #Hmongtalk- Visit us at = www.Pebhmong.com  to enabl
e (private message or pc) type "/umode -Mm" if there's anything wrong please e-ma
il Pebhmong@Pebhmong.zzn.com '
[18:41] * Set by Al3x on Sat Apr 30 16:11:19
[18:41] <guy_with_a_brain> gorgeous.. they are some mean guys... come over here.
.. i'll show you biggie
[18:41] <+Kayla> lee ur a hmong too
[18:41] <KnightOfHeaven> i have eyes in here...like my twin!
[18:41] <swEeTy_aNgeL> wb sumugy
[18:41] <one-fly-cali-gurl> i want a net bf too
[18:41] <one-fly-cali-gurl> lolz
[18:41] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6i won't if u won't laugs *winks
[18:41] * FlowerLady is now known as annlee
[18:41] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> kayla shut da fawk up
[18:41] <KnightOfHeaven> hey twin...if chrissy triest to cheat on me... kill her
[18:41] <KnightOfHeaven> hahhaahhaaha
[18:41] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> im not talkin to u now
[18:41] <JimVinny> one-fly-cali-gurl u can have me
[18:41] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6hahaha
[18:41] <OnE_GUrL> HELLO LEE....!!!
[18:41] <DopplerEffect> WHAT CITY .. ONFFLY CALI GIRL
[18:41] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> alrite twin
[18:41] * Joins: Guest82429 (java@=VYQSE23XP4.ipt.aol.com)
[18:41] <swEeTy_aNgeL> what r u doing romeoinlove?
[18:41] <KnightOfHeaven> TWIN...IF CHRISSY TRIES TO CHEAT...kill her!
[18:41] <one-fly-cali-gurl> 209
[18:41] * Quits: Guest80831 (java@205.213.113.FM97=) (QUIT: User exited)
[18:41] <HotFob> my oh my....ONE-FLY-CALI-GURL is a cutie.....
[18:41] * Quits: mouagurl20 (java@=VYQSE23XP4.ipt.aol.com) (Ping Timeout)
[18:41] <KnightOfHeaven> if i can't have her...NO ONE CAN!
[18:41] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> alrite twin
[18:41] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6lolz
[18:41] <one-fly-cali-gurl> lolz
[18:41] <KnightOfHeaven> *wInK*
[18:41] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> ill do it with pleasure
[18:41] <KnightOfHeaven> i'll just have to love her in hell
[18:41] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6haha
[18:41] * Joins: JAL- (chatzilla@
[18:41] <KnightOfHeaven> hahahahahahaha
[18:41] * Guest82429 is now known as mouagurl20
[18:41] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> ahha
[18:41] <JimVinny> one-fly-cali-gurl i'll be the net bf u lookin for
[18:41] <OnE_GUrL> fine!! no HI ..shOot forget u
[18:41] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6u r to funnnnie
[18:42] <+Kayla> hi DARHSEEEE
[18:42] <KnightOfHeaven> later chrissy...sorry if i got your feelings hurt
[18:42] <one-fly-cali-gurl> stockton
[18:42] * OnE_GUrL is now known as niaa-yaa
[18:42] <JAL-> Hi Kayla.
[18:42] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 1:54 pm...
[18:42] * KnightOfHeaven glad to make u smile chrissy
[18:42] <NeverBluff> Sup Darshe
[18:42] <JimVinny> :D
[18:42] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6no.
[18:42] * Quits: sOmE_lAdY (java@=dEwnlpugro-slwr5.clients.athenet.net) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[18:42] <DopplerEffect> DO YOU HAVE A PIC...... ONE FLY CALI GIRL
[18:42] <JAL-> Sup Never.
[18:42] * KnightOfHeaven rather see chrissy smiles..than see her sad
[18:42] * Quits: Hey-Do-I-Know-You (java@=cHSRT30N84.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User ex
[18:42] <one-fly-cali-gurl> lolz
[18:42] * Joins: DaVoId (Gizm0@=tlo-42-211-729-896.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[18:42] <KnightOfHeaven> *wInKs*
[18:42] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6yeah u can be one punk...but cool...
[18:42] * swEeTy_aNgeL is bored
[18:42] * @Tommy{away} Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>Asia 4 - You're Everything I Need
(º°MªÐë ߥ Tømm¥_Håñg°º)
[18:42] <one-fly-cali-gurl> doppler...im scare u back to ur homeland when u see m
y pic
[18:42] <KnightOfHeaven> chrissy- what's ur last name?
[18:42] * swEeTy_aNgeL is away
[18:42] * swEeTy_aNgeL is going to be away from the channel.
[18:42] * Quits: niaa-yaa (java@=P1zfxb-60-777-935-23.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net)
(QUIT: User exited)
[18:42] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6Xiong
[18:42] * Parts: Mr_Affectionate (java@69.238.196.yA507=)
[18:42] <ScholarLy> when ur fiancee took off and got marry what's the first thin
g on ur mind???
[18:42] <KnightOfHeaven> dam..another xiong girl?
[18:42] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[18:42] <KnightOfHeaven> oh.. i meant...WOW...ANOTHER XIONG GIRL
[18:42] <hmoob-ca1> one fly cali gurl...how old are you?
[18:42] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6why?
[18:42] <KnightOfHeaven> how sweety!
[18:42] <JAL-> Bbl
[18:42] <KnightOfHeaven> hahhaahhahaa...
[18:42] <one-fly-cali-gurl> 16
[18:42] * Quits: JAL- (chatzilla@ (QUIT: User exited)
[18:43] <DopplerEffect> WHY ARE YOU SCARED OF ME....?
[18:43] <goodiexiong18> 2 xiong gurl rules
[18:43] <KnightOfHeaven> what's ur age again chrissy?
[18:43] <HotFob> gOrgEoUs_916.............girl you GOT COMPETITION WITH one-fly-
[18:43] * Quits: LoNeLY_LiLy (java@=rHgbz-262z.apl.org) (Connection reset by pee
[18:43] <JimVinny> one-fly-cali-gurl u can be my gf and dont have to show me ur p
[18:43] * Joins: MOTU_MASTERSNAKE (MOTU_MASTE@=wHp-58-618-514-34.hsd1.ca.comcast
[18:43] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6lolz
[18:43] <one-fly-cali-gurl> lolz
[18:43] <gOrgEoUs_916> i do?
[18:43] <guy_with_a_brain> i love to have sex with a bigg booty female and hump
her up and down while fingering myself!
[18:43] <DopplerEffect> I GUESS
[18:43] <JimVinny> :D
[18:43] <one-fly-cali-gurl> i do?
[18:43] <KnightOfHeaven> what's ur age again chrissy?
[18:43] <KnightOfHeaven> gesh...ignoring me already?
[18:43] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6Xiong gurls rule...well yeah...ehe...
[18:43] <DopplerEffect> GORGEOUS .. HOW BIG ARE YOU BOOBS
[18:43] <gOrgEoUs_916> 5i'm 18
[18:43] <one-fly-cali-gurl> lolz
[18:43] <romeoinlove> bye sweetyangel
[18:43] * annlee runs up to MOTU_MASTERSNAKE and hugs
[18:43] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6not big.
[18:43] <goodiexiong18> 2 use xiong are the best
[18:43] <KnightOfHeaven> xiong gurls rulez- but they always end up with us yangs
[18:43] <KnightOfHeaven> i wonder why
[18:43] <KnightOfHeaven> hahahahahahhaa
[18:43] <goodiexiong18> 2 us xiong are the best
[18:43] <HotFob> Yes!!! hahahaha
[18:43] <@XPLoSion> reboot.
[18:43] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6lolz i agree
[18:43] <KnightOfHeaven> YANG= YOUNG ASIAN NOT GANGSTA
[18:43] <JimVinny> lets have a wet t-shirt contest... girls with boobs can only e
[18:43] <DopplerEffect> TENIS BALLS.. OR BASKIET BALLS
[18:43] <goodiexiong18> 2 watever
[18:43] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> im out this
[18:43] * Joins: Guest78720 (java@205.213.113.ly31=)
[18:44] <KnightOfHeaven> it's true...
[18:44] <JimVinny> :D
[18:44] * Quits: @XPLoSion (VIP@=Lkuzwg-16-900-053-37.adsl2.iam.net.ma) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[18:44] <one-fly-cali-gurl> i would disagree witht that but my momy is a xiong
[18:44] <one-fly-cali-gurl> lolz
[18:44] <KnightOfHeaven> xiong girls are so stuck ups
[18:44] <KnightOfHeaven> but they end up with yang guys
[18:44] <goodiexiong18> 2 hella yea
[18:44] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> later fawken people
[18:44] * Joins: Guest81890 (java@=oVulgjcdkb-wddm7.clients.athenet.net)
[18:44] <KnightOfHeaven> i guess...stuck ups couples do end up together
[18:44] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6stuck up?
[18:44] <KnightOfHeaven> hahahahahahhaa
[18:44] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> sure sure ill cal
[18:44] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> yea bye all
[18:44] <goodiexiong18> 2 i'm a xiong
[18:44] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> oh kayla
[18:44] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6funnie
[18:44] * Guest78720 is now known as tub_hluas_hmoob
[18:44] <goodiexiong18> 2 and i'm hella stuck up
[18:44] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> one last thing
[18:44] <KnightOfHeaven> hey chrissy my net gf
[18:44] <swEeTy_aNgeL> bye lee
[18:44] <ScholarLy> so gorgeous ur name is chrissy??
[18:44] <KnightOfHeaven> u better stay faithful now
[18:44] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> bye sweety
[18:44] <KnightOfHeaven> you leaving too twin?
[18:44] <DopplerEffect> WHO AM I TO YOU.....................
[18:44] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6yes
[18:44] <one-fly-cali-gurl> bye lee
[18:44] <NeverBluff> xiongs are not the best... they're just the most decent i c
ome upon.. but then that's just my opinion
[18:44] <JimVinny> xiong girls got nice big boobs
[18:44] <one-fly-cali-gurl> MUAHZ
[18:44] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> yea im leavin twin
[18:44] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6i will.
[18:44] <KnightOfHeaven> if u're leaving..who's gonna keep an eye on chrissy for
[18:44] <one-fly-cali-gurl> omg
[18:44] <DopplerEffect> WHO AM I TOO YOU...........................
[18:44] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> this suc
[18:44] <one-fly-cali-gurl> ewwwww
[18:44] <one-fly-cali-gurl> lolz
[18:44] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[18:44] <gOrgEoUs_916> but u never told me ur name
[18:44] <JimVinny> hahaha
[18:44] <KnightOfHeaven> SHE MIGHT CHEAT ON ME
[18:44] <KnightOfHeaven> dam.....
[18:44] * Guest81890 is now known as sOmE_lAdY
[18:44] <HotFob> who has gOrgEoUs_916 pictures? i want to see how gOrgEoU SHE I
S compared to one-fly-cali-gurl
[18:44] <DopplerEffect> I GOT A BIG HOT DOG.................
[18:44] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> dunno someone
[18:44] <KnightOfHeaven> my name... just knight of heaven
[18:44] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> haha
[18:45] <goodiexiong18> 2 i guess so
[18:45] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6haha.
[18:45] <HotFob> GOTTA live up to yo NICKS!
[18:45] <one-fly-cali-gurl> **** hotfob
[18:45] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> but im outtie here
[18:45] <JimVinny> where u buy hot dog at?
[18:45] <KnightOfHeaven> hey kayla...keep an eye on chrissy
[18:45] <guy_with_a_brain> xiong gurls are hot... but only good in bed!
[18:45] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> hey jmoua kayla
[18:45] <KnightOfHeaven> if she cheats on me...KILL HER!
[18:45] <KnightOfHeaven> IF I CAN'T HAVE HER...NO ONE CAN
[18:45] <KnightOfHeaven> hahahahahahahhaa
[18:45] <one-fly-cali-gurl> sessh........i dont need u comparing me
[18:45] <KnightOfHeaven> lolz
[18:45] <+Kayla> WHAT
[18:45] <KnightOfHeaven> http://members.asianavenue.com/Kn1ghtOfHeaven
[18:45] <DopplerEffect> I GOT A BIG WRENCH
[18:45] <KnightOfHeaven> sign my guest book ladies
[18:45] <KnightOfHeaven> nothing kayla
[18:45] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> tuaggggggggg kayla!!!!
[18:45] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> haha
[18:45] <KnightOfHeaven> kayla..meet my net gf...CHRISSY XIONG
[18:45] <DopplerEffect> I GOT A BIG SCREW DRIVER
[18:45] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6net boifrewn i gotta go anyways...i have to turn in my for
m for my fitness class...
[18:45] <goodiexiong18> 2 guy with brain u noe there hot but
[18:45] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> just gotta say da punk asssss
[18:45] <KnightOfHeaven> chrissy xiong...MEET KAYLA...THE MEANIEST NET GIRL
[18:45] <+Kayla> LOL
[18:45] <goodiexiong18> 2 u ain't gonna be getting one
[18:45] <HotFob> one-fly-cali-gurl wILL you marry me?
[18:45] <DopplerEffect> I GOT A BIG MICROPHONE
[18:45] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6i met kayla hotgirl already
[18:45] <KnightOfHeaven> chrissy- MEET ME BACK IN HERE TONIGHT
[18:45] <gOrgEoUs_916> lolz
[18:45] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> anywasie tell u're sis i said that too
[18:45] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> haha
[18:45] <+Kayla> BYE LEE...
[18:46] <KnightOfHeaven> so we can talk about our relationship
[18:46] <KnightOfHeaven> hahhahahahahaha
[18:46] <KnightOfHeaven> if we have one
[18:46] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6wat time?
[18:46] <DopplerEffect> I GOT A BIG TREE STUMP
[18:46] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> anywasie im outtie dis gay thing
[18:46] <KnightOfHeaven> around..the time that ur cell phone can be free
[18:46] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6my time is pacific time.
[18:46] * @Tommy{away} Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>Asian Dreamers - Baby Girl (º°MªÐë ߥ Tømm¥
[18:46] <ScholarLy> how do u change ur nick?
[18:46] <KnightOfHeaven> i am from cali also
[18:46] <DopplerEffect> I GOT A PHD....PRETTY HUGE DICC
[18:46] <KnightOfHeaven> gesh... u were ignoring my info all this time
[18:46] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6lolz.
[18:46] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> bye people i would say something nicer but i mite get k
ick like last time
[18:46] * Quits: confused_lady (java@148.8.100.OT25=) (QUIT: User exited)
[18:46] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> 1
[18:46] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> 2
[18:46] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[18:46] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> 3
[18:46] <KnightOfHeaven> chrissy- what time can u come back on?
[18:46] <OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe> *poof*
[18:46] * Parts: OnEbOrEdKaLiDuDe (java@
[18:46] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6me?
[18:46] <guy_with_a_brain> kayla...... i think kayla is fuc kable
[18:46] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[18:46] <swEeTy_aNgeL> i know huh
[18:46] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6well doesn't matter...i could come on anytime.
[18:46] <KnightOfHeaven> so u're an addict too uh?>
[18:47] <KnightOfHeaven> hahahahahhaa
[18:47] <swEeTy_aNgeL> how ya change nick hea
[18:47] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6depending whose on it.
[18:47] * Joins: ae_Guy (Hero_In_Ti@=uXuzmm-nk62-igg03.cvip.net)
[18:47] <ScholarLy> gorgeous
[18:47] <KnightOfHeaven> okie addict chrissy....
[18:47] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 1:54 pm...
[18:47] <ScholarLy> will u come on for me
[18:47] <+Kayla> HI KRISSY
[18:47] * Quits: single_female21 (java@=Olxmtc45-773.dsl.tds.net) (QUIT: User ex
[18:47] <one-fly-cali-gurl> hi david
[18:47] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6okies if u say so.
[18:47] <swEeTy_aNgeL> hi ae guy
[18:47] <KnightOfHeaven> meet me back in here around 7-9
[18:47] <gOrgEoUs_916> hi KAYLA
[18:47] <swEeTy_aNgeL> wc in
[18:47] <KnightOfHeaven> if i don't show up...it means... i went out
[18:47] <NeverBluff> one day imma turn into this really cute guy.. and since i'm
already charming.. imma automatically be called "prince charming" :)
[18:47] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[18:47] <KnightOfHeaven> but don't worry...i'll be thinking about u!
[18:47] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6uh huh to cheat on me
[18:47] <ae_Guy> hi sweety
[18:47] <KnightOfHeaven> naw..naw
[18:47] * Quits: mouagurl20 (java@=VYQSE23XP4.ipt.aol.com) (Ping Timeout)
[18:47] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6sure.
[18:47] <KnightOfHeaven> how can i cheat.... when u don't claim me
[18:47] <one-fly-cali-gurl> fine no hi to me
[18:47] <KnightOfHeaven> :)
[18:47] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6i am aren't i
[18:47] <uglee_kid> hi
[18:47] <KnightOfHeaven> but u can't cheat
[18:47] <KnightOfHeaven> cuz i claim u!
[18:47] <gOrgEoUs_916> lmao
[18:47] <ScholarLy> so gorgeous now u're taken
[18:47] <ScholarLy> cyberly
[18:48] <KnightOfHeaven> u don't even claim me...so how can it be cheating?
[18:48] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6yeah knight heaven is my net b/f
[18:48] <gOrgEoUs_916> lolz
[18:48] <HotFob> miss SO FLY CALI GURl......and GORGEOUS......69 later my lovers
[18:48] <HotFob> hahahha
[18:48] <guy_with_a_brain> does porn pop up on your screen too people?
[18:48] * Joins: Guest81300 (java@=3C67-979-76-78.dhcp.crsn.ca.charter.com)
[18:48] * NeverBluff is now known as charm1ng|sad|away
[18:48] <KnightOfHeaven> oh wow...now she claims me?
[18:48] * Joins: Guest79855 (java@=9vMSD-68-21-470-96.wi.res.rr.com)
[18:48] <KnightOfHeaven> i guess i can't cheat
[18:48] <guy_with_a_brain> i have so many porn pop-ups
[18:48] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6haha
[18:48] * Guest81300 is now known as konggy
[18:48] * Guest79855 is now known as Staci_Girl
[18:48] <DopplerEffect> LETS HAVE A COMPETITION
[18:48] <ScholarLy> if he's ur net b/f can i be ur offline bf
[18:48] <Staci_Girl> Hey gen!!!
[18:48] * Joins: Jaacinda (hrnyalex28@=ZKCkkprwn-PPI-qrj8573927.sympatico.ca)
[18:48] <KnightOfHeaven> darn it... and i was gonna go out and meet some girls
[18:48] <Staci_Girl> hi kayla
[18:48] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6lolz
[18:48] <annlee> hi Staci_Girl and wb kongT
[18:48] * sOmE_lAdY is now known as TiMkOj
[18:48] <KnightOfHeaven> oh welps....
[18:48] * Parts: Hmonguy (sid@198.189.14.rD5=)
[18:48] <Staci_Girl> hey ann
[18:48] <DopplerEffect> HOMER
[18:48] <DopplerEffect> LISA
[18:48] * swEeTy_aNgeL away stares @ the room....O_O
[18:48] <DopplerEffect> BART
[18:48] * KnightOfHeaven changes my plan...and decided to stay home to be with c
[18:48] * Joins: MiShA24 (heyyou@=kNs98.187.108.16.ona.wi.charter.com)
[18:48] <DopplerEffect> MO
[18:48] <Staci_Girl> hey sweet angel
[18:48] <one-fly-cali-gurl> marge
[18:48] <DopplerEffect> MAGGIE
[18:48] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[18:48] <JimVinny> staci the hott girl
[18:48] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6knight of heaven someone wants to be my offline b/f
[18:48] <charm1ng|sad|away> hold up.. i want to be on that list too!.. for gOrgE
[18:48] <gOrgEoUs_916> hahaha
[18:48] <Staci_Girl> haah vinny
[18:48] * Joins: Guest81329 (java@=ncivra-61-582-927-74.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net)
[18:48] <one-fly-cali-gurl> moe
[18:48] <DopplerEffect> MOE
[18:48] <KnightOfHeaven> no chrissy
[18:48] <DopplerEffect> BARNEY
[18:49] <KnightOfHeaven> cuz i'm ur off line..and online bf
[18:49] <guy_with_a_brain> i know law......
[18:49] <one-fly-cali-gurl> lennie
[18:49] <ScholarLy> so there's no chance for me
[18:49] <KnightOfHeaven> and ur future hubby
[18:49] <one-fly-cali-gurl> carl
[18:49] <DopplerEffect> MR. BURNZ
[18:49] <one-fly-cali-gurl> mr. burns
[18:49] <one-fly-cali-gurl> smithers
[18:49] <ScholarLy> okay then
[18:49] <DopplerEffect> SMITHERS
[18:49] <guy_with_a_brain> ummm i have the right to bear arms
[18:49] * goodiexiong18 looks at nobody in particular and laughs.
[18:49] * Joins: XPLoSion (VIP@=Brqqsz-60-249-920-37.adsl.iam.net.ma)
[18:49] * ChanServ sets mode: +o XPLoSion
[18:49] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6hahaha well guys gotta talk to my net b.f
[18:49] <gOrgEoUs_916> *winks
[18:49] * KnightOfHeaven grabs chrissy- let's take a walk to remember..and remem
ber these moments
[18:49] * Parts: romeoinlove (java@=2v58-933-366-631.sjvls.org)
[18:49] <DopplerEffect> HMM..
[18:49] * Guest81329 is now known as asian_lady
[18:49] <DopplerEffect> THELMA
[18:49] <JimVinny> wheres my net GF?
[18:49] <asian_lady> hi annlee
[18:49] <guy_with_a_brain> ummm i have the right to ummm have sex
[18:49] * KnightOfHeaven pins chrissy down and tickels her!
[18:49] <one-fly-cali-gurl> right here
[18:49] <one-fly-cali-gurl> lolz
[18:49] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6haha...awww no beach....sad...
[18:49] * Quits: HotFob (hotman@=IhWAO-37-31-827-102.mn.res.rr.com) (QUIT: User
[18:49] <JimVinny> ohhh there she is
[18:49] <ScholarLy> ANY LAW STUDENT IN HERE
[18:49] * KnightOfHeaven watches chrissy giggles...yea.. these are the moments
[18:49] <guy_with_a_brain> ummm i have the right to eat goat
[18:49] <one-fly-cali-gurl> vinny mas....................tsis nco kuv lis
[18:49] <Staci_Girl> how's everyone's day today?
[18:49] <DopplerEffect> HMMMM MAYORS NAME?
[18:49] <guy_with_a_brain> ummm i have the right to raise a pimp farm
[18:49] <one-fly-cali-gurl> vinny honey...how are u today?
[18:49] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6GOOD staci girl
[18:49] <KnightOfHeaven> CHRISSY- u gonna meet me on here tonight?
[18:49] * ScholarLy was kicked by hmong (01× 14(SCHOLARLY(*01!14*01@14*01.14dsl01.14milwwi0
APS14)1st01.14) 01×)
[18:49] * Al3x sets mode: +b *!*@=6wjrln-37-658-306-355.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net
[18:50] * MiShA24 was kicked by hmong (01× 14(MISHA**(*01!14*01@14*01.1418701.1410801.14160
PS14)2nd01.14) 01×)
[18:50] * Al3x sets mode: +b *!*@=kNs98.187.108.16.ona.wi.charter.com
[18:50] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6yeah
[18:50] <JimVinny> imma go talk to my net GF and see is she will let me hit it
[18:50] * TiMmE is now known as TiMkUv
[18:50] <Staci_Girl> that's good gorgous
[18:50] <KnightOfHeaven> u better
[18:50] <gOrgEoUs_916> people r flooding.
[18:50] <JimVinny> ekekkekekekke
[18:50] <KnightOfHeaven> u gonna use the same nick?
[18:50] <charm1ng|sad|away> gOrgEoUs_916 it's ashame you've overlooked me.. i me
an duh... * charm1ng|sad|away * :(
[18:50] <charm1ng|sad|away> lol
[18:50] <goodiexiong18> 2 does anyone noes how to write in hmong???
[18:50] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6of course.
[18:50] <KnightOfHeaven> alright...i'll try to come back and meet u
[18:50] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6unless someone uses it.
[18:50] <KnightOfHeaven> if i don't...then just wait for me...
[18:50] * Al3x sets mode: -b *!*@=6wjrln-37-658-306-355.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net
[18:50] <MOTU_MASTERSNAKE> hi ann lee...
[18:50] <JimVinny> one-fly-cali-gurl so baby.... can i hit it tonite?
[18:50] * Al3x sets mode: -b *!*@=kNs98.187.108.16.ona.wi.charter.com
[18:50] <one-fly-cali-gurl> uh huh
[18:50] <JimVinny> ;)
[18:50] <DopplerEffect> WHOO SAID THIS............
[18:50] * Joins: MiShA24 (heyyou@=kNs98.187.108.16.ona.wi.charter.com)
[18:50] <one-fly-cali-gurl> as soon as u tell me my name
[18:50] * Joins: ScholarLy (scholar@=Pdpssm-88-287-395-560.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.
[18:50] * KnightOfHeaven kisses chrissy softly on the cheeks...farewell my net g
f...i shall miss your sweet smiles
[18:50] * Joins: Guest80657 (java@=GAZBN1W061.ipt.aol.com)
[18:50] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[18:50] * Joins: Guest79209 (java@140.146.79.XK87=)
[18:50] * KnightOfHeaven will quote my azz out....wish me luck on final
[18:50] * Guest79209 is now known as KindHeartGuY
[18:50] <guy_with_a_brain> hmong girls are short... but who can complain... when
hmong girls gives goooooooooooood bjs
[18:50] <MiShA24> sheesh, I won't say hi anymore
[18:51] <JimVinny> dont worry i will scream ur name in bed
[18:51] * ae_Guy is bored
[18:51] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6okies. kisses net b/f on the cheeks
[18:51] <ae_Guy> hi everyone
[18:51] <Staci_Girl> hey ae guy
[18:51] * @Tommy{away} Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>Asian Dreamers - Fixing A Broken H
eart (º°MªÐë ߥ Tømm¥_Håñg°º)
ORE http://members.asianavenue.com/Kn1ghtOfHeaven
[18:51] <swEeTy_aNgeL> hi ae guy
[18:51] * KnightOfHeaven was kicked by hmong (01× 14(KNIGHTOFHEAVEN(*01!14*01@1413901.14182
t01.14) 01×)
[18:51] * XPLoSion sets mode: +b *!*sadgf@139.182.33.*
[18:51] <one-fly-cali-gurl> david.....how come ur not saying hi to me
[18:51] * hmong sets mode: +b *!*@139.182.33.Ch34=
[18:51] <goodiexiong18> 2 sup ae
[18:51] <ae_Guy> hey staci
[18:51] <MoonShineGuy> so misha..who u be
[18:51] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6lala
[18:51] <MOTU_MASTERSNAKE> any ladies care to chat..?
[18:51] <ae_Guy> soo many folks in here
[18:51] <MoonShineGuy> where u frm misha
[18:51] <ae_Guy> sups goodiexiong18
[18:51] <guy_with_a_brain> hmong girls are fat.... but who can complain when hmo
ng girls could give goood humps
[18:51] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6did my net b/f leave already?
[18:51] <charm1ng|sad|away> thats pathetic poor knight
[18:51] * Quits: DopplerEffect (java@=evrqhe-92-23-954-354.rev.o1.com) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
[18:51] <Staci_Girl> hummm
[18:51] <charm1ng|sad|away> i only lived three season
[18:51] <charm1ng|sad|away> :)
[18:51] <SecretAsianMan> hi staci
[18:51] <Staci_Girl> i dont really know anyone in here
[18:51] <goodiexiong18> 2 hmong gurls aren't fat
[18:51] <Staci_Girl> hey vang!
[18:51] * Joins: Guest79625 (java@=mpsjqxfi.winnefox.org)
[18:51] <Staci_Girl> who are u moonshine?
[18:51] <MiShA24> moonshine wi
[18:51] <charm1ng|sad|away> hi gOrgEoUs_916? is it my turn yet?
[18:52] <PHAJEJHMOOB> eh... apple?
[18:52] <ae_Guy> misha reminds me of misha misha you fogot tip... tip please tip
[18:52] <ae_Guy> hahaha
[18:52] <MoonShineGuy> hey misha care to pc me
[18:52] <SecretAsianMan> hi staci
[18:52] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6lolz
[18:52] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 1:54 pm...
[18:52] <one-fly-cali-gurl> no we're not!!!
[18:52] <JimVinny> one-fly-cali-gurl ;D
[18:52] <Staci_Girl> hey vang
[18:52] * hmong sets mode: -b *!*@
[18:52] * XPLoSion sets mode: -b *!*sadgf@139.182.33.*
[18:52] <Staci_Girl> i mean chin
[18:52] * Guest80657 is now known as russ
[18:52] <SecretAsianMan> :(
[18:52] <MiShA24> ae hahaha
[18:52] <Staci_Girl> hehe
[18:52] * Joins: Tubmeej (kevhlub@=nNzfxb-69-23-826-133.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net
[18:52] <Staci_Girl> moonshine who are u?
[18:52] <gOrgEoUs_916> i have to go to turn in my forms but here is my aa page..
.check it out.
[18:52] <PHAJEJHMOOB> apple?
[18:52] <one-fly-cali-gurl> lolz hmong gurls arent fat
[18:52] <Staci_Girl> hey tub meej
[18:52] * Quits: URSWEETGUY (java@=7v46-01-12-20.mpls.qwest.net) (QUIT: User exi
[18:52] <gOrgEoUs_916> http://members.asianavenue.com/jealous1z-NV
[18:52] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[18:52] * Quits: Tubmeej (kevhlub@=nNzfxb-69-23-826-133.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net
) (QUIT: User exited)
[18:52] <guy_with_a_brain> hmong girls are ugly.... but who can complain ... tra
sh bags are created for a reason
[18:52] <goodiexiong18> 2 us gurls are just sexy
[18:52] <Staci_Girl> here's my aa
[18:52] <uglee_kid> nice page
[18:53] <one-fly-cali-gurl> dam guy with a brain
[18:53] <SecretAsianMan> bye kayla
[18:53] <gOrgEoUs_916> http://members.asianavenue.com/jealous1z-NV
[18:53] * Quits: jellorice (plastlk@=fvubxz-49-816-538-24.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.n
et) (QUIT: User exited)
[18:53] <PHAJEJHMOOB> mary?
[18:53] <Staci_Girl> http://members.asianavenue.com/cutie_girl_24
[18:53] <PHAJEJHMOOB> what are you doing?
[18:53] * TiMkOj is now known as TiMbEe
[18:53] <one-fly-cali-gurl> who are u to judge who is pretty and who is cute
[18:53] <PHAJEJHMOOB> hehe
[18:53] <charm1ng|sad|away> gOrgEoUs_916.... i want a girl like you...
[18:53] * Quits: MarriedLadee (NyobZoo@=Cozpmb-26-42-435-921.west.biz.rr.com) (Q
UIT: User exited)
[18:53] * TiMbEe is now known as TiMbEeNaS
[18:53] * Quits: russ (java@=GAZBN1W061.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[18:53] <JimVinny> i am the judge
[18:53] <ScholarLy> is there any such thing as good, decent girl in the net???
[18:53] * Quits: uglee_kid (_JACKASS@=AJRCJ-21-75-13-262.kc.res.rr.com) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[18:53] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6r u sure...my net b.f was mean at first aobut it. lolz
[18:53] <goodiexiong18> 2 nope
[18:53] <charm1ng|sad|away> how do i get to where you are? i'll take the train?
[18:53] <Staci_Girl> awww your so pretty gorgeous!
[18:53] <JimVinny> i am the judge for beauty... send me ur pix
[18:53] <Staci_Girl> what moonshine?
[18:53] <charm1ng|sad|away> girl i aint afraid of your net bf
[18:53] <one-fly-cali-gurl> lolz
[18:53] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6thanks staci girl
[18:53] <Staci_Girl> no pc me
[18:53] <charm1ng|sad|away> imma be your real one
[18:53] <charm1ng|sad|away> if you let
[18:53] <charm1ng|sad|away> :)
[18:54] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6haha
[18:54] * goodiexiong18 is really very bored.
[18:54] <guy_with_a_brain> gorgeous... thats not you... that chick lives in fres
[18:54] <one-fly-cali-gurl> lolz
[18:54] <one-fly-cali-gurl> me??????
[18:54] <gOrgEoUs_916> wow i have three guys...?
[18:54] <Staci_Girl> yes moonshine who are u?
[18:54] * Joins: Guest79642 (java@=MxAEJ5H826.ipt.aol.com)
[18:54] <charm1ng|sad|away> lol no...
[18:54] <swEeTy_aNgeL> hi staci
[18:54] <swEeTy_aNgeL> how r u?
[18:54] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6wat who said i'm fake?
[18:54] <charm1ng|sad|away> yea but im a ptretty good winner
[18:54] <Staci_Girl> hi sweety angel
[18:54] <Staci_Girl> okay are u?
[18:54] <charm1ng|sad|away> you know why?
[18:54] * Guest79642 is now known as russ
[18:54] <charm1ng|sad|away> cause i'm charming.. huh
[18:54] * one-fly-cali-gurl is now known as dragongurl
[18:54] <guy_with_a_brain> gorgeous... thats not you... that chick lives in fres
no.. i know her
[18:54] <dragongurl> errrrrrrrrrrr
[18:54] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6that is the real me BOI u don't know me...but yeah shiet t
alkers say wat they want...
[18:54] <charm1ng|sad|away> lol oh hell no
[18:54] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[18:54] <charm1ng|sad|away> hrms
[18:54] <SecretAsianMan> gOrgEoUs_916, you are pretty
[18:54] <dragongurl> this is so boring
[18:54] <gOrgEoUs_916> lolz
[18:54] * @Tommy{away} Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>Asian Dreamers - I need you (º°MªÐë ߥ Tømm
[18:54] * TiMkUv is now known as TiMpAjHuaB
[18:55] <Staci_Girl> how old are u gorgeous?
[18:55] <charm1ng|sad|away> gOrgEoUs_916 is that you .... *sighs*
[18:55] <ScholarLy> gorgeous indeed but what about the heart
[18:55] <gOrgEoUs_916> i got the proofs u wanna c u can if u want
[18:55] <charm1ng|sad|away> the lies...
[18:55] <PHAJEJHMOOB> oh that's NOU?
[18:55] <PHAJEJHMOOB> hehe
[18:55] <guy_with_a_brain> gorgeous... thats not you... that chick lives in fres
no.. i know her
[18:55] <dragongurl> lolz tou
[18:55] <swEeTy_aNgeL> hi Nou
[18:55] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6 GUY i think ur just saying that cuz u said hmong chicks r
[18:55] <dragongurl> dam quit picking her apart
[18:55] <dragongurl> hi cindy
[18:55] <swEeTy_aNgeL> hi TimKuv
[18:55] <charm1ng|sad|away> gOrgEoUs_916 ok i believe you anyways... so wassup
[18:55] <gOrgEoUs_916> 4*ignores GUY
[18:55] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6thanks chrm1ng
[18:55] <goodiexiong18> 2 u go gurl
[18:55] <MoonShineGuy> where did asean ladie go
[18:55] <jen`sO`thiCk> hi staci
[18:55] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6ummhmm
[18:55] <ScholarLy> what is ur aa again gorgeous?
[18:55] <Staci_Girl> hi jen!
[18:55] <charm1ng|sad|away> dang i have to like wave in front of her to get her
[18:56] <swEeTy_aNgeL> welll
[18:56] <SecretAsianMan> hi jen
[18:56] <swEeTy_aNgeL> laterz yall
[18:56] <charm1ng|sad|away> i might as well cry
[18:56] <swEeTy_aNgeL> gtg
[18:56] <dragongurl> try harder brandon
[18:56] <swEeTy_aNgeL> have fun
[18:56] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6yhhaa charm1ng
[18:56] <swEeTy_aNgeL> take kare
[18:56] <Staci_Girl> What Moon shine!!!!
[18:56] * Quits: ae_Guy (Hero_In_Ti@=uXuzmm-nk62-igg03.cvip.net) (QUIT: User exi
[18:56] * Quits: swEeTy_aNgeL (java@=GOd-05-67-71-45.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[18:56] <SecretAsianMan> gOrgEoUs_916, how old are you?
[18:56] <guy_with_a_brain> that chick is my friend
[18:56] <dragongurl> bye sweety
[18:56] <charm1ng|sad|away> lol try?
[18:56] * Quits: Guest79625 (java@=mpsjqxfi.winnefox.org) (QUIT: User exited)
[18:56] <dragongurl> make it happen
[18:56] <guy_with_a_brain> want to see her real page
[18:56] <Staci_Girl> i said talk to me here moonshine
[18:56] <guy_with_a_brain> hold
[18:56] <dragongurl> im supporting u
[18:56] * Joins: Guest79232 (java@=ySkxtt-81-062-994-9.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net)
[18:56] <charm1ng|sad|away> im not trying.. i understand pretty girls only like
cute guys
[18:56] * Quits: JimVinny (fasdgsg@207.218.44.W4362=) (Ping Timeout)
[18:56] <dragongurl> lolz
[18:56] <Staci_Girl> <<<<<no pc please
[18:56] <charm1ng|sad|away> duh.. like thats not so obvious
[18:56] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6well cute guys dont' want me
[18:56] <dragongurl> not always true
[18:56] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[18:56] <ScholarLy> georgous what is ur aa again
[18:56] <charm1ng|sad|away> oh ok.. then fk em gOrgEoUs_916
[18:56] * Joins: Guest78321 (java@=TVb-59-5-871-685.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[18:56] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6i agree dragon gurl
[18:56] <SecretAsianMan> gOrgEoUs_916, how old are you?
[18:56] <charm1ng|sad|away> hollah at my ugly azz
[18:56] <dragongurl> lolz
[18:56] <charm1ng|sad|away> :)
[18:57] <dragongurl> cute guys are man
[18:57] <dragongurl> mean*
[18:57] * Joins: Tubmeej (kevhlub@=vGxbkn-54-38-725-633.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net
[18:57] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 1:54 pm...
[18:57] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6whew a lot of writings!
[18:57] <dragongurl> think they look good
[18:57] <dragongurl> lolz
[18:57] * Guest79232 is now known as Hmong_Man
[18:57] <charm1ng|sad|away> yea ugly guys got hearts
[18:57] <@hmong> man ya so funny
[18:57] * @hmong back from (autoaway) 30mins idle last type: 4:09 pm back after: 0secs..
[18:57] <jen`sO`thiCk> hi Chin
[18:57] <SecretAsianMan> Hi Jen
[18:57] <@hmong> ya crack me up when im away brandon
[18:57] <dragongurl> gorgeous...whats ur name?
[18:57] <@hmong> sup sam
[18:57] <@hmong> hi jen
[18:57] * Joins: Guest78256 (java@=Ou561.158.33.97.ptr.us.xo.net)
[18:57] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6well u see it doesn't matter the most unattractive person
can even cheat on his beautiful LADY...agree or no?
[18:57] <SecretAsianMan> who's sam?
[18:57] <Staci_Girl> hey bmong
[18:57] <dragongurl> true
[18:57] <charm1ng|sad|away> it says so in the bible "he created mankinds in two
forms.. the uglies, with heart of golds.. and the more attraction, with a pig's
[18:57] <@hmong> u who esle
[18:57] <ScholarLy> true gorgeous
[18:57] <Staci_Girl> yes gorgeous that is true
[18:57] <SecretAsianMan> hmong, who are you?
[18:57] <ScholarLy> but i have never cheated on my exes
[18:57] <ScholarLy> they just left me
[18:58] <@hmong> leo
[18:58] * Guest78321 is now known as highlight_gurl
[18:58] <ScholarLy> for no particular reason beside the one that perhaps the Lor
d has better plan for us
[18:58] <SecretAsianMan> which one?
[18:58] <@hmong> u dont remeber
[18:58] <gOrgEoUs_916> http://members.asianavenue.com/ remember i aint for you g
uys to JUDGE me ok...thanks..
[18:58] <ScholarLy> it's not our fate to be together
[18:58] <MOTU_MASTERSNAKE> gorgeous...if an unattractive man cheats on his lady.
..then he's a fool...
[18:58] <SecretAsianMan> daromeo?
[18:58] <@hmong> gurls got u kuku huh sam?
[18:58] * dragongurl is now known as one-fly-cali-gurl
[18:58] <@hmong> yeah
[18:58] <MOTU_MASTERSNAKE> gorgeous...if an attractive man cheats on his lady...
then he's a fool...
[18:58] <SecretAsianMan> oh ok
[18:58] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6true
[18:58] <Staci_Girl> no pc me i said
[18:58] <SecretAsianMan> sup
[18:58] <MOTU_MASTERSNAKE> either way...they're fools...
[18:58] <Staci_Girl> what's up open wide?
[18:58] <SecretAsianMan> my name is Chin by the way
[18:58] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6yeah
[18:58] <one-fly-cali-gurl> motu..i wish that was true
[18:58] <one-fly-cali-gurl> lolz
[18:58] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[18:58] * @Tommy{away} Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>Asian Dreamers - Walking In The Ra
in (º°MªÐë ߥ Tømm¥_Håñg°º)
[18:58] <@hmong> yeah i know
[18:58] <guy_with_a_brain> gorgeous... look.. http://members.asianavenue.com/ali
yia .... look at the bottom... isnt that you
[18:59] * Joins: siabdub (Chatz@=QPf24.241.226.217.mad.wi.charter.com)
[18:59] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6i was cheated on once...does it make u guys feel like FOOL
S when they do cheat on u?
[18:59] <PHAJEJHMOOB> Nou is too good for me
[18:59] * Guest78256 is now known as StP_RiDaZ
[18:59] <PHAJEJHMOOB> hehe
[18:59] <charm1ng|sad|away> well imma go away.. gOrgEoUs_916 maybe one day, huh?
[18:59] * Joins: Guest78834 (HTML@216.190.22.yA923=)
[18:59] * charm1ng|sad|away walks away...
[18:59] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6dude that is my freakn cousin FOOL
[18:59] <MOTU_MASTERSNAKE> well..i dont know....
[18:59] <@hmong> sup phajej
[18:59] <MOTU_MASTERSNAKE> i have never cheated on anyone...
[18:59] <ScholarLy> oh
[18:59] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6Laughing my a** off at GUY
[18:59] * Quits: utensils (java@=qdeqsm-59-676-00-559.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net) (Q
UIT: User exited)
[18:59] <gOrgEoUs_916> lolz
[18:59] <PHAJEJHMOOB> sup hmong
[18:59] <ScholarLy> my ex fiancee married anotehr guy adn left me behind
[18:59] <guy_with_a_brain> that is you
[18:59] * Joins: Hmonguy (sid@=iNabfzbukm.yosemite.cc.ca.us)
[18:59] * Quits: paperplate (java@=BSizmr.sukut.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[18:59] <highlight_gurl> hi moonshineguy..
[18:59] <SecretAsianMan> guy_with_a_brain, that is not the same girl
[18:59] * Guest78834 is now known as thong_baybee_69
[18:59] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6I was her photographer! man!
[18:59] <SecretAsianMan> dude, your stupid
[19:00] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6thank u she is my beautiful cousin aliyia xiong
[19:00] <Staci_Girl> youre a xiong?
[19:00] <MOTU_MASTERSNAKE> gorgeous....whats your name..?
[19:00] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6thank u thank u imma call her now and tell her.
[19:00] <Staci_Girl> me too!
[19:00] <guy_with_a_brain> look
[19:00] <gOrgEoUs_916> so what is ur name GUY?
[19:00] * TiMpAjHuaB is now known as TiMkUv_thiab_TiMkOj
[19:00] <guy_with_a_brain> at the bottom
[19:00] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6yeah
[19:00] <ScholarLy> georgeous what is ur AA again
[19:00] <one-fly-cali-gurl> p,g
[19:00] <one-fly-cali-gurl> omg
[19:00] <one-fly-cali-gurl> ahaha
[19:00] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[19:00] <guy_with_a_brain> aliyia is my buddy
[19:00] <guy_with_a_brain> lol
[19:01] <gOrgEoUs_916> http://members.asianavenue.com/jealous1z-NV
[19:01] <SecretAsianMan> its not the same girl
[19:01] * Quits: +Juan2bone (java@=Ohdzos-30-954-58-25.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net) (
QUIT: User exited)
[19:01] <guy_with_a_brain> look closely....
[19:01] <thong_baybee_69> ok
[19:01] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6my cousins' eyes r more darker than mine when we color it.
[19:01] <SecretAsianMan> I did
[19:01] * Joins: LUClANA_ (hjaddi@=jZuwckdrukwf224.219-80-70.mc.videotron.ca)
[19:01] <one-fly-cali-gurl> time to go
[19:01] <one-fly-cali-gurl> bye guys
[19:01] <one-fly-cali-gurl> have a good chat.....................................
[19:01] <one-fly-cali-gurl> good night
[19:01] <one-fly-cali-gurl> MUAHZ
[19:01] * Quits: one-fly-cali-gurl (java@=sEJCP771X9.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User ex
[19:01] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6ok ok during sac new years a lot of guys thouhgt we were s
is...but we just call ourselves musketeers
[19:01] <PHAJEJHMOOB> bye nou
[19:01] * Joins: Guest76658 (HTML@216.190.22.yA923=)
[19:01] <gOrgEoUs_916> anybody want proof i have it on msn
[19:01] <guy_with_a_brain> look at the picture with a the title heavenly sent
[19:01] <Staci_Girl> NO pc
[19:01] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6aaaaah but who cares.
[19:02] * Quits: TiMbEeNaS (java@=oVulgjcdkb-wddm7.clients.athenet.net) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[19:02] <StP_RiDaZ> hahahahaha........
[19:02] <guy_with_a_brain> then look to the one on the right
[19:02] <guy_with_a_brain> that is her
[19:02] <PHAJEJHMOOB> Nou... I know.. you hate me
[19:02] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6that's me dodo brain
[19:02] * Quits: siabdub (Chatz@=QPf24.241.226.217.mad.wi.charter.com) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
[19:02] <guy_with_a_brain> no you are not her....
[19:02] * Joins: Guest75110 (java@=kKv-82-8-295-566.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[19:02] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6*chrissy still laughing her *** off
[19:02] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[19:02] <guy_with_a_brain> you just stealing her pictures
[19:02] * Quits: thong_baybee_69 (HTML@216.190.22.yA923=) (Timed Out)
[19:02] * @Tommy{away} Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>Asian Dreamers- Angel from above (º°MªÐë ߥ
[19:02] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6sorrie charm1ng one
[19:02] <guy_with_a_brain> you big meany
[19:03] * Joins: Guest74937 (jAKOBIE@=lmHXI-84-49-49-242.kc.res.rr.com)
[19:03] <guy_with_a_brain> imma go tell her
[19:03] <Guest74937> YES
[19:03] <Guest74937> ****
[19:03] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6go ahead she's my beautiful cousin anyway!
[19:03] <Guest74937> damn
[19:03] <Staci_Girl> whois Guest74937
[19:03] <Guest74937> my nick
[19:03] * Parts: SecretAsianMan (mrchinster@68.23.96.c306=)
[19:03] <Guest74937> how do u change nick
[19:03] <ScholarLy> wowowoowow
[19:03] <Guest74937> jakobie dind't work
[19:03] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6shes the one who asks me to scan her pics...tell her i lov
e her!
[19:03] * Joins: SecretAsianMan (mrchinster@68.23.96.c306=)
[19:03] <ScholarLy> u are indeed gorgeous
[19:03] <Staci_Girl> type /nick
[19:03] <SecretAsianMan> staci
[19:03] <ScholarLy> such nick suits you
[19:03] <Staci_Girl> hey chin
[19:03] <goodiexiong18> 2 so wats happen far
[19:03] <SecretAsianMan> bye
[19:03] <SecretAsianMan> bye kayla
[19:03] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6gUy?
[19:03] <Guest74937> anybody know how to change the nick
[19:03] <Staci_Girl> bye chin
[19:03] * Joins: Guest77103 (java@=Y6kiwpal-
[19:03] <Guest74937> hello
[19:03] * Parts: SecretAsianMan (mrchinster@68.23.96.c306=)
[19:03] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6u talk to her?
[19:03] <guy_with_a_brain> ummm im not going to tell aliyia
[19:04] <Staci_Girl> type that
[19:04] <Staci_Girl> type /nick "nickname"
[19:04] <guy_with_a_brain> im gonna tell her cousin
[19:04] <guy_with_a_brain> that you stealing he rpicture
[19:04] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6well tell her to call and plan a date and time so we 3 can
hang out again.
[19:04] * Guest74937 is now known as jakobie
[19:04] * Guest77103 is now known as hye
[19:04] * Quits: jen`sO`thiCk (java@=fwagal-49-164-55-829.dsl.sktn01.pacbell.net
) (Ping Timeout)
[19:04] * hye is now known as hye97335
[19:04] * Guest75110 is now known as typical`chick
[19:04] <Staci_Girl> teaching what moonshine?
[19:04] <jakobie> ok
[19:04] <jakobie> yes
[19:04] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6lolz
[19:04] <jakobie> it works
[19:04] <jakobie> ahah
[19:04] <jakobie> thanks homie
[19:04] <Staci_Girl> haha
[19:04] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6as long as i know who i am...
[19:04] <guy_with_a_brain> ummm ok
[19:04] <Staci_Girl> welcome homes
[19:04] <guy_with_a_brain> really
[19:04] <jakobie> so
[19:04] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6then it's cool
[19:04] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[19:04] * Parts: Hmonguy (sid@=iNabfzbukm.yosemite.cc.ca.us)
[19:04] <jakobie> how old is everybody
[19:04] <guy_with_a_brain> but too bad... you not her
[19:04] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hi stacie girl
[19:04] <jakobie> are u guys hmong
[19:04] * Quits: asian_lady (java@=ncivra-61-582-927-74.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net)
(QUIT: User exited)
[19:04] <jakobie> or white dudes
[19:04] <Staci_Girl> hi who am i to u
[19:04] * Joins: Asianguy (sid@=iNabfzbukm.yosemite.cc.ca.us)
[19:04] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 im not hmong
[19:04] <Staci_Girl> who are u?
[19:05] <jakobie> 2 oh ok
[19:05] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 these pple are hmong
[19:05] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6ok GUY if it makes u happy...laughin her *** off
[19:05] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 haha
[19:05] <Staci_Girl> okies
[19:05] <PHAJEJHMOOB> sup jakobie
[19:05] <hye97335> 6timothy, I am here,,,mai k...............
[19:05] <jakobie> 2 oh well im hmong green and black
[19:05] <guy_with_a_brain> stop that
[19:05] <jakobie> wassup
[19:05] <jakobie> do i know u
[19:05] <russ> any lady wanna chat
[19:05] * Joins: Guest76923 (java@=Xmiqpx-14-616-98-672.dsl.sktn01.pacbell.net)
[19:05] <goodiexiong18> 2 sup rus
[19:05] <goodiexiong18> 2 russ
[19:05] <PHAJEJHMOOB> hehe
[19:05] <PHAJEJHMOOB> no you don't
[19:05] * Joins: Guest76093 (HTML@216.190.22.yA923=)
[19:05] <Staci_Girl> are u new jakobie?
[19:05] <jakobie> damn there's hella people in hea
[19:05] <russ> sup goodie
[19:05] <Hmong_Man> Any girls in here want to PC me?
[19:05] <goodiexiong18> 2 wat bring u in here
[19:05] <jakobie> i use to come on hea when i was 11 so i know my ways
[19:06] <hye97335> 6timmy r u there,
[19:06] <jakobie> haha
[19:06] <Staci_Girl> dang
[19:06] <russ> wasting tiome b4 work
[19:06] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6dang gurls...there isonly one guy who is like the others o
ut there thinking me and my cousin r the same person!
[19:06] <jakobie> no it was 10
[19:06] <guy_with_a_brain> if you are aliyia's cuzzz.... answer this.... who is
her BF now?
[19:06] <russ> u?
[19:06] <goodiexiong18> 2 hahaa
[19:06] <goodiexiong18> 2 so where do u work
[19:06] <jakobie> im hecka bored
[19:06] <gOrgEoUs_916> L-E-N-G
[19:06] * Joins: Guest75544 (HTML@216.190.22.yA923=)
[19:06] * Al3x sets mode: +b *!*@216.190.22.yA923=
[19:06] * ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@*.lv.lv.cox.net
[19:06] <jakobie> ima go rap in pal talk
[19:06] <jakobie> hah
[19:06] * Quits: Guest76658 (HTML@216.190.22.yA923=) (Timed Out)
[19:06] * Joins: gay_ass (guest@=K2gtna-46-912-30-590.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
[19:06] <russ> at a company
[19:06] <guy_with_a_brain> ok..... where does he live?
[19:06] <jakobie> can we use mic's up in hea
[19:06] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6is that all?
[19:06] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[19:06] <Hmong_Man> Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Any girls in here care to PC
with me?
[19:06] <goodiexiong18> 2 kewl
[19:06] <CrusheR> who's timmy??
[19:06] <russ> in colorado
[19:06] * @Tommy{away} Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>Astroline - Close My Eyes (Dj GRed
dy Break) (º°MªÐë ߥ Tømm¥_Håñg°º)
[19:06] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6s-a-c north
[19:06] <ScholarLy> georgous i think i met u at fresno new year this past year
[19:06] <russ> where you from
[19:06] <guy_with_a_brain> ok... who am i?
[19:07] <jakobie> how come i can't hear any songs?
[19:07] <hye97335> timothy, u silly, it's me mai k....
[19:07] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6oh i dont know u wat's ur name?
[19:07] <ScholarLy> me???
[19:07] <jakobie> oh snap save my aa everybody im a new aa song page homies
[19:07] <jakobie> http://pp.asianavenue.com/jakobie
[19:07] * TiMkUv_thiab_TiMkOj is now known as TiMmYkUv
[19:07] * Al3x sets mode: -b *!*@216.190.22.yA923=
[19:07] <CrusheR> I told U pc me
[19:07] <guy_with_a_brain> call me master
[19:07] <Staci_Girl> thanks jakobie
[19:07] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6f U no one is my master...sorry .....
[19:08] <goodiexiong18> 2 kali
[19:08] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6dang i guess...sheesh....but aliyia is tall.
[19:08] <hye97335> 6i did long ago silly u
[19:08] <Staci_Girl> u look soo young jakobie
[19:08] <ScholarLy> gorgeous how tall r u?
[19:08] <gOrgEoUs_916> 65'3 but in my page i put 5'6
[19:08] <jakobie> forshure
[19:08] <hye97335> get in there now...
[19:08] <jakobie> homie
[19:08] * Quits: Guest76093 (HTML@216.190.22.yA923=) (Timed Out)
[19:08] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[19:08] <jakobie> huh
[19:08] * Quits: hmoob-ca1 (java@=Ko25-955-610-00.stkn.dialup.elite.net) (Ping T
[19:08] <jakobie> im only 16
[19:08] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6taller with heels
[19:08] <jakobie> im not 30 like u guys
[19:08] <guy_with_a_brain> you are not her cousin
[19:08] <jakobie> im sorry
[19:08] <PHAJEJHMOOB> jakobie is just a young GOOK!
[19:08] <gay_ass> gorgeous is the hottest girl in the whole wide world
[19:09] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6not the hottest.
[19:09] <jakobie> im a young pretty boy
[19:09] <jakobie> gosh
[19:09] <guy_with_a_brain> ok... if you are her cousin.... whats her name?
[19:09] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6i thiink i'm cute.
[19:09] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6 blia
[19:09] <jakobie> yeah
[19:09] <jakobie> ok
[19:09] <guy_with_a_brain> how tall is she?
[19:09] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6durrh
[19:09] <gOrgEoUs_916> 5'4 5'5
[19:09] * Quits: hello50443 (java@=5Qusooio-
net) (QUIT: User exited)
[19:09] <jakobie> damn u short
[19:09] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6is that all....?
[19:09] <PHAJEJHMOOB> dang jakobie is being conceited
[19:09] <jakobie> im freaking 5'9
[19:09] <charm1ng|sad|away> theres something bout xiong girls.. i cant explain w
hat it is, but i tell it to yallz like dis, one of em gots me thinking bout them
everynight, when my world goes dark, the thought of her makes things right, and
i'm not just saying this to flatter her in anyways, but she truly is the person
in my heart, throughout night and day
[19:09] * charm1ng|sad|away was kicked by hmong (01× 14(CHARM*NG|SAD|AWAY(*01!14*01@14*01.1
cast01.14net)14BLUR14)1st01.14) 01×)
[19:09] * Tommy{away} sets mode: +b *!*@=soc-05-50-72-40.hsd1.ca.comcast.net
[19:09] <jakobie> huh
[19:09] <jakobie> haha
[19:09] <guy_with_a_brain> ummmm who was her BF?
[19:09] <jakobie> funnie
[19:09] <jakobie> so boring
[19:09] <Staci_Girl> haha
[19:09] <Staci_Girl> dang
[19:09] * Tommy{away} sets mode: -b *!*@=soc-05-50-72-40.hsd1.ca.comcast.net
[19:10] <jakobie> do ya hang out in pal talk
[19:10] <ScholarLy> gorgeous so what kind of guys do u like?
[19:10] <jakobie> i think i know some of ya
[19:10] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6who was?
[19:10] <guy_with_a_brain> yup
[19:10] * Quits: Guest75544 (HTML@216.190.22.yA923=) (Timed Out)
[19:10] <jakobie> so how old are u guys
[19:10] <StP_RiDaZ> hahahahah.............
[19:10] * Joins: charm1ng|sad|away (hmong@=soc-05-50-72-40.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[19:10] <gOrgEoUs_916> well the one of allt ime is the big time player houa yang
[19:10] <jakobie> like what 30
[19:10] <guy_with_a_brain> ok... who is ?
[19:10] <Staci_Girl> old
[19:10] <gay_ass> gorgeous has high standards guys... come with it or don't come
at all
[19:10] <Staci_Girl> 24
[19:10] <jakobie> gosh damn!
[19:10] <jakobie> ya some divocred kats up in hea
[19:10] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6laughs gay_***
[19:10] <charm1ng|sad|away> my bads yallz but bye =)
[19:10] <jakobie> wow
[19:10] <Staci_Girl> bye
[19:10] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[19:10] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6bye charm1ng
[19:10] <guy_with_a_brain> ok... who is her bf now?
[19:10] <PHAJEJHMOOB> jakobie.. . still rappin?
[19:10] <jakobie> i thought my chatting days are over
[19:10] * Joins: Bethy (java@=qdm-61-998-077-399.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
[19:10] <jakobie> yeah foesho
[19:10] <jakobie> man
[19:11] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6l-e-n-g
[19:11] <jakobie> i got a new track
[19:11] * charm1ng|sad|away is now known as charm1ng|away
[19:11] <guy_with_a_brain> huh???
[19:11] <jakobie> i redid hmong hmong girls
[19:11] <jakobie> check it out
[19:11] <PHAJEJHMOOB> send me some song?
[19:11] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6if ur thinking of the Her Yang then they neer dated
[19:11] <guy_with_a_brain> im lost
[19:11] <Staci_Girl> hey bethy!
[19:11] <jakobie> who are u
[19:11] <Bethy> Hi Staci.
[19:11] <jakobie> how do i send it
[19:11] <guy_with_a_brain> i knew that
[19:11] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6cuz i'm her cousin and i know who she dates.
[19:11] <jakobie> are u hmusiq.com member
[19:11] <PHAJEJHMOOB> im the admin of hmonscorner.com
[19:11] <StP_RiDaZ> any ladies wanna conversate?
[19:11] <jakobie> oh
[19:11] <guy_with_a_brain> i used to date blia fool........
[19:11] <jakobie> u are
[19:11] <jakobie> haha
[19:11] * Joins: Guest74488 (java@=57xamffljl.deltacollege.edu)
[19:11] <jakobie> ey
[19:11] <PHAJEJHMOOB> yes
[19:11] <jakobie> i lost my password
[19:11] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6so who r u?
[19:11] <jakobie> it won't let me uplaod
[19:11] <guy_with_a_brain> the fawk you think you are
[19:11] <jakobie> why?
[19:11] <PHAJEJHMOOB> oh
[19:11] * TiMmYkUv is now known as TiM_wB_tXoJ_hMoO
[19:11] * Guest74488 is now known as wussup
[19:11] <jakobie> i can't even uplaod my sexxxcy pics
[19:11] <PHAJEJHMOOB> you need your password
[19:11] <guy_with_a_brain> quit trying to be her you dumb bra
[19:12] * annlee is now known as YogTimLeejTwg
[19:12] <jakobie> oh
[19:12] <PHAJEJHMOOB> yes you can too
[19:12] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6wtf?
[19:12] <jakobie> but yeah
[19:12] * Parts: mysterywoman (mysterywom@=vnMZ0Z6J86.ipt.aol.com)
[19:12] <Staci_Girl> dumb bra that's funny
[19:12] <jakobie> u want my song?
[19:12] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6laughing my *** off!
[19:12] <PHAJEJHMOOB> yes
[19:12] <jakobie> how do i give it to
[19:12] <jakobie> u
[19:12] <PHAJEJHMOOB> send it to me
[19:12] <guy_with_a_brain> stop laughing
[19:12] <assdefer> http://www.hmoobclick.com/ for new aa music codes and love m
usic page...over 10,000 hmong songs and over 40,000 other songs
[19:12] <MiShA24> *yawn*
[19:12] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6fool u don't know who ur taling to shut the F UP
[19:12] <LordVenom> hiya staci
[19:12] <jakobie> it's not done intill a girl kicks my *** at the end
[19:12] <PHAJEJHMOOB> send it to me here
[19:12] <MiShA24> I am TIRED
[19:12] <PHAJEJHMOOB> dcc
[19:12] <jakobie> how
[19:12] <wussup> yo peeps
[19:12] <Staci_Girl> hey lord!
[19:12] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6u can call her now.
[19:12] <Staci_Girl> where did u go?
[19:12] <guy_with_a_brain> she was my williow....
[19:12] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[19:12] <jakobie> ?
[19:12] <guy_with_a_brain> willow
[19:12] <wussup> this **** ish hell gay an!
[19:12] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6she's ur wat willow?
[19:13] <guy_with_a_brain> i will call her
[19:13] <PHAJEJHMOOB> you using script?
[19:13] <gay_ass> gorgeous.. how do i take ur pic off my aa guestbook
[19:13] <guy_with_a_brain> wait no...
[19:13] <jakobie> wow
[19:13] <gay_ass> ppl think im crayz for u
[19:13] <jakobie> so
[19:13] <jakobie> so
[19:13] <wussup> onlie low life ******* like yahs *** in here inshit
[19:13] * @Tommy{away} Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>ATC - I'm In Heaven When You Kiss
Me (º°MªÐë ߥ Tømm¥_Håñg°º)
[19:13] * wussup was kicked by Al3x (4Bad Language Detected Word: onlie low life ******
* like yahs *** in here inshit 4(60 Second Ban) 0,1×X× 4 êåM Fâñ ã§ÿ 0×X×)
[19:13] * Al3x sets mode: +b *!*@=57xamffljl.deltacollege.edu
[19:13] * Tommy{away} sets mode: +b *!*java@=57xamffljl.deltacollege.edu
[19:13] <jakobie> u breaking my heart
[19:13] <jakobie> haha
[19:13] * jakobie was kicked by hmong (01× 14(JAKOBIE(*01!14*01@14*01.14kc01.14res01.14rr01
[19:13] * hmong sets mode: +b *!*@=lmHXI-84-49-49-242.kc.res.rr.com
[19:13] <guy_with_a_brain> i cant no more.....
[19:13] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6u just delete my entry
[19:13] <guy_with_a_brain> we broke up already
[19:13] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6and who r u?
[19:13] <assdefer> http://www.hmoobclick.com/ for new aa music codes and love m
usic page...over 10,000 hmong songs and over 40,000 other songs
[19:13] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6u used to call her?
[19:13] <guy_with_a_brain> you dont need to know....
[19:13] * Quits: LordVenom (Unknown@=4EIAV-86-17-502-244.wi.res.rr.com) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[19:13] <guy_with_a_brain> younot blia
[19:13] * Al3x sets mode: -b *!*@=4Nemtdnrmm.deltacollege.edu
[19:13] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6yeah yeah ur probably one of them losers who claims to dat
e her...
[19:13] * Joins: GQ_Hmong_Guy (j0_h_nny@12.43.23.W694=)
[19:13] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6or calls her out of the blues.
[19:14] <Staci_Girl> hey gq
[19:14] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 ahaha someone is chattin from deltacollege
[19:14] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 hahaha
[19:14] <guy_with_a_brain> lol.... what ever you say you wanna be
[19:14] <ScholarLy> gorgeous can i get to knwo u
[19:14] <ScholarLy> just as a friend
[19:14] * hmong sets mode: -b *!*@=g9UQU-73-56-17-343.kc.res.rr.com
[19:14] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 i wonder who is that person
[19:14] <Who_Am_I_To_You> 4 haha
[19:14] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6if it makes u happy u can call me a fakie
[19:14] <gOrgEoUs_916> lols
[19:14] * Bethy yawns.
[19:14] <Bethy> IT'S SO **** HOT.
[19:14] <guy_with_a_brain> you are
[19:14] <Bethy> And I just spent a lot of money.
[19:14] <gOrgEoUs_916> i;ll call her rightn ow. to come online
[19:14] <guy_with_a_brain> cause i know blia
[19:14] <Staci_Girl> it is bethy
[19:14] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[19:14] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6so u said u know her from willow?
[19:14] * Tommy{away} sets mode: -b *!*java@=TWgrsfvrnk.deltacollege.edu
[19:14] <guy_with_a_brain> huh
[19:14] <Staci_Girl> stp ridaz no pc please
[19:14] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> where all the sexy ladies at??
[19:14] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> where all the sexy ladies at??
[19:14] <guy_with_a_brain> nvm... you dont even know blia
[19:15] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6watever freak i grew up with her
[19:15] <guy_with_a_brain> you just using her picture to get you guys
[19:15] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6lolz
[19:15] <Bethy> Man
[19:15] * Quits: Jaacinda (hrnyalex28@=ZKCkkprwn-PPI-qrj8573927.sympatico.ca) (Q
UIT: User exited)
[19:15] <Bethy> I look so hot right now.
[19:15] <Bethy> hahaha
[19:15] <Bethy> jk
[19:15] <ScholarLy> gorgeous i guess you're too good for me so i wont bother
[19:15] * Joins: Guest73759 (java@134.241.197.FE16=)
[19:15] <Bethy> But I'm bored!
[19:15] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6no it's not that...
[19:15] <ScholarLy> i hoep you find someone who is to your equal
[19:15] <MiShA24> hRmmmmMMMMMMMmmmmmmMMMMMmmmmmmm
[19:15] * Guest73759 is now known as Fine_Boy
[19:15] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6laughs at scholarly
[19:16] <gay_ass> haha
[19:16] <Fine_Boy> Nyob Zoo Ladys
[19:16] <ScholarLy> in the mean time may the Lord watch over you, and bless you
with equal love
[19:16] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6hey GUY she only has 3 exs
[19:16] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[19:16] <gay_ass> scholarly.. she's too good everyone in here.. so don't even bo
[19:16] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6u can't be one of them
[19:16] * Joins: Guest76532 (java@=nsshn-cqcsae.csumb.edu)
[19:16] * Guest76532 is now known as simplymai
[19:16] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6hey gay_***
[19:16] <Fine_Boy> im gay?
[19:16] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6that's not true
[19:16] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[19:16] <ScholarLy> in deed she is
[19:16] <Fine_Boy> 4hahahah
[19:16] * @Tommy{away} Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>ATC - Mistake No 2. Remix (º°MªÐë ߥ Tømm¥_
[19:16] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> where all the sexy ladies at??
[19:16] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6but thanks for ur words scholarly
[19:16] * Quits: StP_RiDaZ (java@=Ou561.158.33.97.ptr.us.xo.net) (Connection res
et by peer)
[19:17] <ScholarLy> even a successful guy like me is not of her equal
[19:17] * Joins: Guest76823 (java@=YvUAY-276-88-77-814.qld.bigpond.net.au)
[19:17] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6this guy in here is saying that i am using my cousin's pic
s to get guys
[19:17] <gOrgEoUs_916> wat a freak
[19:17] * Parts: MiShA24 (heyyou@=kNs98.187.108.16.ona.wi.charter.com)
[19:17] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[19:17] <guy_with_a_brain> you the freak
[19:17] <gay_ass> haha
[19:17] <ScholarLy> an honest, open minded, respectful guy like me is not her ma
[19:17] * Joins: me_gusta_papi (heyyou@=kNs98.187.108.16.ona.wi.charter.com)
[19:17] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6ur the freak she only has 3 exs u can't say ur one of them
[19:17] * Quits: tub_hluas_hmoob (java@205.213.113.ly31=) (QUIT: User exited)
[19:17] <gay_ass> it'll be sad if its ture
[19:17] <gOrgEoUs_916> cuz i know who they R
[19:17] * me_gusta_papi !
[19:17] <guy_with_a_brain> shut up you dumb gook
[19:17] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6ok watever u say...
[19:18] * Parts: Asianguy (sid@=iNabfzbukm.yosemite.cc.ca.us)
[19:18] <guy_with_a_brain> not you gorgeous
[19:18] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6i don't need u to believe me...
[19:18] * Quits: PHAJEJHMOOB (chatzilla@=6tq-07-89-22-246.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (
QUIT: User exited)
[19:18] <me_gusta_papi> hola muchachos calientes!!
[19:18] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6scholarly ur name?
[19:18] <guy_with_a_brain> gorgeous you are a dumb bimbo
[19:18] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6hola bonita
[19:18] <ScholarLy> the name i can only tell u in PC becuse it's a weird name
[19:18] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[19:18] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6who r u calling a bimbo?
[19:18] <@hmong> guy what nationaity r u?
[19:18] <gay_ass> scholarly is married
[19:18] <guy_with_a_brain> you
[19:18] * Quits: GQ_Hmong_Guy (j0_h_nny@12.43.23.W694=) (QUIT: User exited)
[19:18] <me_gusta_papi> buenas noches!
[19:19] <ScholarLy> according to my knowledge, and recollection there's only one
person in this world that has my name and that's me
[19:19] <me_gusta_papi> hola gorgeous
[19:19] <ScholarLy> i hve never been married, or even have a girlfriend!!!!
[19:19] <TiM_wB_tXoJ_hMoO> hmm....
[19:19] <me_gusta_papi> hRMm
[19:19] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6yeah like i said i don't know u and i don't need u to beli
eve me...if one day we meet cuz of blia i'll prove u wrong freak
[19:19] <@hmong> guy_with_a_brain what nationaity r u?
[19:19] <guy_with_a_brain> i am 300% hmong meeka
[19:19] <gay_ass> ok scholarly is a virgin
[19:19] <guy_with_a_brain> ok
[19:19] <@hmong> y u say gooks?
[19:19] <guy_with_a_brain> prove me wrong
[19:19] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6lolz
[19:19] * Joins: BeautiWithin (nearandfar@=ehpsnaom-
[19:19] <goodiexiong18> 2 later peeps
[19:19] * goodiexiong18 smiles at everyone in the room :-)
[19:19] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6bye goidie
[19:19] <guy_with_a_brain> come prove me all wrong when i say i told you
[19:19] * gay_ass is now known as punkass
[19:19] <me_gusta_papi> I need to pee
[19:19] * @Tommy{away} Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>ATC - Mistake Number 2 (º°MªÐë ߥ Tømm¥_Håñ
[19:19] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6lolz
[19:19] * Quits: goodiexiong18 (java@=AYwaha-09-92-135-91.rev.o1.com) (QUIT: Use
r exited)
[19:20] <ScholarLy> just say i'm a guy with standards and morals to abide
[19:20] <guy_with_a_brain> gorgeous....
[19:20] <guy_with_a_brain> just watch
[19:20] * Quits: BeautiWithin (nearandfar@=ehpsnaom-
Level3.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[19:20] <gOrgEoUs_916> why don't u note her and tell her i am a total stranger a
nd for her to come to my house and beat me up cuz she is my own freaken cousin
[19:20] <gOrgEoUs_916> watch wat?
[19:20] <ScholarLy> gorgeous let's pc
[19:20] <ScholarLy> and we can go more in depth
[19:20] <me_gusta_papi> guy_with_a_brain...but does that brain work?
[19:20] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6u pc me
[19:20] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[19:20] <ScholarLy> i did pc u gorgeous
[19:20] <Bethy> caisosjalfjaljfladfa
[19:20] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6thank u gusta
[19:20] <gOrgEoUs_916> it doesn't work
[19:21] <guy_with_a_brain> no... no need to beat you up
[19:21] * Joins: Guest53348 (java@=r7cvsxut-
[19:21] <me_gusta_papi> A GUY WITH MORALS AND STANDARDS?? that's what happens wh
en you become a scholar...you become boring
[19:21] <guy_with_a_brain> you a weirdo anyways
[19:21] <ScholarLy> u need to type in that code
[19:21] <guy_with_a_brain> i'll call her up
[19:21] <guy_with_a_brain> and talk to her
[19:21] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6o tanks.,..i agree.
[19:21] <Staci_Girl> mystery man no pc please
[19:21] * Guest53348 is now known as Love2Hate
[19:21] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6tell her that i am chrissy xiong from sac ok southg
[19:21] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6i go to valley high
[19:21] <ScholarLy> that code /umode -Mm
[19:21] <guy_with_a_brain> hush
[19:21] <ScholarLy> and then pc is enable
[19:21] * Joins: Feisty_Dollie (Dollie_die@=3X8Ybhe978.tnt24.atl4.da.uu.net)
[19:21] <guy_with_a_brain> dont need to advertise yourself now
[19:21] <Bethy> HI TRISHY
[19:21] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6it doesn't work
[19:21] <Bethy> oops
[19:22] * Bethy is now known as Guest53633
[19:22] <Feisty_Dollie> hi bethy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[19:22] <Guest53633> HI TRISH
[19:22] <ScholarLy> it does
[19:22] <Feisty_Dollie> hi bethy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[19:22] * Guest53633 is now known as Bethy
[19:22] <Feisty_Dollie> :D
[19:22] <Bethy> Oh well.
[19:22] <ScholarLy> what is ur email gorgeous?
[19:22] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6loser i wasn't advertising myself..u ain't got no other wo
rds to say so yeah go ahead say that...
[19:22] * Quits: MOTU_MASTERSNAKE (MOTU_MASTE@=wHp-58-618-514-34.hsd1.ca.comcast
.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[19:22] <assdefer> http://www.hmoobclick.com/ for new aa music codes and love m
usic page...over 10,000 hmong songs and over 40,000 other songs
[19:22] <gOrgEoUs_916> lolz
[19:22] <Bethy> HI TRISDHY WISHY
[19:22] <Bethy> -D
[19:22] <guy_with_a_brain> you just watch............
[19:22] <Feisty_Dollie> hi bethy....uh....BETHANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[19:22] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6just tell her...oh wait she goes to ckmcClatchy high
[19:22] <Bethy> lol
[19:22] <Feisty_Dollie> :P
[19:22] * Joins: Guest76516 (java@198.150.183.ur44=)
[19:22] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[19:22] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6graduated midterm and PROUD of her
[19:22] <guy_with_a_brain> imma come over your house and say what now
[19:22] <Feisty_Dollie> nothing rhymes with bethy!
[19:22] <guy_with_a_brain> watch
[19:22] * Quits: Guest76823 (java@=YvUAY-276-88-77-814.qld.bigpond.net.au) (QUIT
: User exited)
[19:22] <punkass> hot girls and guys are ******* and jerks why's that?
[19:22] <Love2Hate> hi elizabeth
[19:22] * me_gusta_papi is now known as MiShA
[19:23] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6ummms go ahead...if ur really her ex./
[19:23] * MiShA is now known as MiShA24
[19:23] <guy_with_a_brain> i will come visit you
[19:23] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6lolz
[19:23] <russ> any lady wanna chat
[19:23] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6okies.
[19:23] <Love2Hate> hi chrissy
[19:23] * Guest76516 is now known as Tusiab
[19:23] <MiShA24> meeting internet guys...scarey
[19:23] <gOrgEoUs_916> i'll show u the proofs
[19:23] <MiShA24> especially if they're hmong
[19:23] <guy_with_a_brain> you be like koj sew
[19:23] <MiShA24> j/k
[19:23] <ScholarLy> gorgeous
[19:23] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6r u houa?
[19:23] <punkass> haha
[19:23] <ScholarLy> what is ur real name
[19:23] <guy_with_a_brain> i'll call aliyia
[19:23] <guy_with_a_brain> i gtg now
[19:23] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6cuz houa knows my brother.
[19:23] * Joins: Guest76781 (java@=lHp-58-601-89-249.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[19:24] <Staci_Girl> brb people
[19:24] * @Tommy{away} Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>ATeens - Dancing Queen (º°MªÐë ߥ Tømm¥_Håñ
[19:24] <Love2Hate> hi
[19:24] <punkass> misha..lets meet?
[19:24] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6wow if u did know where i live how come u never met me?
[19:24] <+Gen[X]> hmm
[19:24] <guy_with_a_brain> i'll call you later christy
[19:24] <+Gen[X]> so wats crackin people
[19:24] <punkass> lets go on a blind date
[19:24] <Staci_Girl> stupid gen!
[19:24] <+Gen[X]> really call me too
[19:24] <MiShA24> punkass..I don't know...I bite
[19:24] <Staci_Girl> j/k
[19:24] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6the name is chrissy not CHRISTY
[19:24] * Guest76923 is now known as bethy-trish\Ks-Shaneequa-mai
[19:24] <MiShA24> punkass you might get scared
[19:24] <bethy-trish\Ks-Shaneequa-mai> oiy!
[19:24] <guy_with_a_brain> i ment chrissy
[19:24] <Staci_Girl> thats pangs line\
[19:24] <+Gen[X]> someone call me
[19:24] <guy_with_a_brain> oops
[19:24] * bethy-trish\Ks-Shaneequa-mai is now known as bethy-trish-Ks-Shaneequa-
[19:24] <Feisty_Dollie> wahhh????
[19:24] <ScholarLy> nice to finally know your real name Chrissy
[19:24] <Feisty_Dollie> :/
[19:24] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[19:24] <bethy-trish-Ks-Shaneequa-mai> ahhhh
[19:24] <+Gen[X]> what line?
[19:24] <Bethy> Yes it does Trish.
[19:24] <Staci_Girl> what's crakin
[19:24] <Feisty_Dollie> what in tarnation?
[19:24] <ScholarLy> for now you can just call me Kou which is part of my full na
[19:24] <guy_with_a_brain> back off chrissy
[19:24] <Feisty_Dollie> what does that mean? :/
[19:24] <+Gen[X]> no way
[19:24] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6back off?
[19:24] <+Gen[X]> she stole it from me
[19:25] <+Gen[X]> back off nigga
[19:25] <guy_with_a_brain> she is mines
[19:25] <Bethy> Sexy Bethy!
[19:25] <Staci_Girl> she always say that to me now
[19:25] <punkass> ok i thought u were supposed to be th eone that get scared?
[19:25] <Bethy> DUH TRISHY WISHY
[19:25] <+Gen[X]> she's been mines
[19:25] <Bethy> hahaha
[19:25] <Bethy> jk
[19:25] * +`simplysweet`bz` How the heck me name get in this?
[19:25] <guy_with_a_brain> lol
[19:25] * Joins: TrinityFemale-away (remember@=LYmjvqcq-
[19:25] * +`simplysweet`bz` How the heck me name get in this?
[19:25] <+Gen[X]> so both of yah move out the way
[19:25] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6huh who is urs?
[19:25] <guy_with_a_brain> i'll call aliyia later
[19:25] <TrinityFemale-away> hehehee
[19:25] <bethy-trish-Ks-Shaneequa-mai> i am a mixture of these HOT ladies
[19:25] <guy_with_a_brain> and i'll get your # from her
[19:25] <MiShA24> punkass..nah, I'm the exception
[19:25] <guy_with_a_brain> lol
[19:25] <bethy-trish-Ks-Shaneequa-mai> <----------
[19:25] <Feisty_Dollie> lol haha but what does trish have to do with bethy being
[19:25] <guy_with_a_brain> she is my good buddy
[19:25] <guy_with_a_brain> lol
[19:25] <+Gen[X]> <----------------------
[19:25] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6go ahead tell her i love her and i wanna hang out this wee
kend...o and tell her it's my cousins first bday
[19:25] * +`simplysweet`bz` Who are you? bethy-trish-Ks-Shaneequa-mai/
[19:25] <Bethy> Oh
[19:25] <Bethy> I was just kidding.
[19:25] <Bethy> IU love you Patricia.
[19:25] * Joins: Guest77319 (java@=4oao696-47.dialip.mich.net)
[19:25] <Bethy> :D
[19:25] <guy_with_a_brain> ok
[19:25] <MiShA24> I like to scare the wee boys
[19:25] <guy_with_a_brain> i'll tell her
[19:25] * +`simplysweet`bz` Who's that, Bethy?
[19:25] <Feisty_Dollie> I love you Bethany!
[19:25] * Tusiab looks at nobody in particular and laughs.
[19:25] <punkass> ok lets meet then
[19:25] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6yeps...tell her it's my uncle cha's baby
[19:25] <Staci_Girl> gen that's a white boi song
[19:25] <TiM_wB_tXoJ_hMoO> trish!!
[19:25] <guy_with_a_brain> i can ask her for your # right?
[19:26] * Feisty_Dollie is now known as Narcissistist_Dollie
[19:26] <+Gen[X]> i know it is
[19:26] * Guest77319 is now known as ^Hot_Guy^
[19:26] <+Gen[X]> slow
[19:26] <Narcissistist_Dollie> huh?
[19:26] <MiShA24> punkass hahah... how old are you?
[19:26] <Narcissistist_Dollie> TIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[19:26] <bethy-trish-Ks-Shaneequa-mai> i am a mixture na ha
[19:26] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6y would u want to call me?
[19:26] <Staci_Girl> um huh
[19:26] <bethy-trish-Ks-Shaneequa-mai> oiy!
[19:26] * TrinityFemale-away wave HOT GUY whoa whoa
[19:26] <guy_with_a_brain> lol
[19:26] <punkass> im 2 yrs older than u
[19:26] * TiM_wB_tXoJ_hMoO is now known as TiM_communism
[19:26] <Narcissistist_Dollie> ohhhhh okay bethy
[19:26] <guy_with_a_brain> i do
[19:26] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6i'm a FAKE
[19:26] <TiM_communism> :)
[19:26] <Narcissistist_Dollie> haha
[19:26] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6lolz
[19:26] <guy_with_a_brain> i'll talk to you later
[19:26] <TiM_communism> hi trishie
[19:26] <+Gen[X]> we know you are fake
[19:26] <+Gen[X]> hmm
[19:26] <Narcissistist_Dollie> tim gay
[19:26] <TiM_communism> where have u been?
[19:26] <guy_with_a_brain> bye nerd
[19:26] <+Gen[X]> where is everyone
[19:26] * ScholarLy was kicked by hmong (01× 14(SCHOLARLY(*01!14*01@14*01.14dsl01.14milwwi0
APS14)1st01.14) 01×)
[19:26] * Al3x sets mode: +b *!*@=Pdpssm-88-287-395-560.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net
[19:26] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6lolz
[19:26] * Quits: openwide (mellow@=HNp-59-545-596-368.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUIT
: User exited)
[19:26] * ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@212.*
[19:26] <+Gen[X]> FAEK
[19:26] <Narcissistist_Dollie> hi TIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[19:26] * +`simplysweet`bz` Originally, koj yog leejtwg nas? bethy-trish-Ks-Shane
[19:26] <+Gen[X]> FAWK*
[19:26] <MiShA24> punkass ****..that's old...I'm looking for someone about 12
[19:26] <+Gen[X]> hmm
[19:26] <Narcissistist_Dollie> I've been working
[19:26] <Love2Hate> chrissy can i call you?
[19:26] <+Gen[X]> weridos
[19:26] <Narcissistist_Dollie> so tired
[19:26] <Narcissistist_Dollie> you?
[19:26] <+Gen[X]> Muahah
[19:26] <MiShA24> punkass..j/k...
[19:26] <+Gen[X]> hahah!
[19:26] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[19:26] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6ok guy watever...first u say imma fake now u say u wanna c
[19:26] <+Gen[X]> omg
[19:26] <Narcissistist_Dollie> how's your summer coming along?
[19:26] <TiM_communism> school
[19:26] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6dang!
[19:26] <guy_with_a_brain> i said back off chrissy
[19:26] <+Gen[X]> say wah!
[19:26] <punkass> haha
[19:26] <MiShA24> hRmMmm
[19:26] <+Gen[X]> whOO whOO
[19:26] <MiShA24> punkass where you from?
[19:26] <TiM_communism> waiting for next week for a date with you
[19:26] <punkass> oh my son is 12.. wanna meet him?
[19:26] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6back off for wat?
[19:26] <TiM_communism> hehehe
[19:26] <TiM_communism> j/k
[19:26] * Al3x sets mode: -b *!*@=9Zbloc-69-064-821-581.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net
[19:26] <guy_with_a_brain> she is mines
[19:26] <Narcissistist_Dollie> lol sillyhead
[19:27] <guy_with_a_brain> lol
[19:27] <guy_with_a_brain> bye
[19:27] <Love2Hate> lol tim communism nice nickname
[19:27] <TiM_communism> so..
[19:27] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6for ur info blia isn't from fresno
[19:27] <Narcissistist_Dollie> sure....but your girl's going to come after me
[19:27] * Quits: guy_with_a_brain (java@=th74-443-76-5.mpls.qwest.net) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
[19:27] * Joins: ScholarLy (scholar@=9Zbloc-69-064-821-581.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.
[19:27] <TiM_communism> hahah u **** rite!
[19:27] <punkass> im from a planet call earth
[19:27] <Narcissistist_Dollie> he stole it from me Love2Hate!
[19:27] <TiM_communism> sure trishie
[19:27] <+Gen[X]> aren't we all punkass
[19:27] <Love2Hate> lol
[19:27] <+Gen[X]> werido
[19:27] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6dang does anybody know that dude guy
[19:27] * Joins: GQ_Hmong_Guy (j0_h_nny@
[19:27] <Narcissistist_Dollie> he did
[19:27] <punkass> what planet are u from?
[19:27] <TiM_communism> so give me the details trish
[19:27] <+Gen[X]> you talk to much... SHUT UP
[19:27] <Narcissistist_Dollie> what details?
[19:27] <TiM_communism> how did HE go?
[19:27] <Staci_Girl> hi gq
[19:27] <TiM_communism> hehehe
[19:27] <Narcissistist_Dollie> there are details involved?
[19:27] <TiM_communism> :D
[19:27] <gOrgEoUs_916> 66well i'm outs
[19:27] <Narcissistist_Dollie> :/
[19:27] <+Gen[X]> guess what
[19:27] <MiShA24> Gen[x] no..that's not true..I'm from mars
[19:27] <Narcissistist_Dollie> lol
[19:27] <+Gen[X]> i bet you are MiShA24
[19:27] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6boy everyone! see you guys laters!
[19:27] * +`simplysweet`bz` Who the heck is that, Bethy?!
[19:27] <ScholarLy> gorgeous what is ur email
[19:27] <+Gen[X]> now shut up
[19:27] <MiShA24> I am
[19:27] * @Tommy{away} Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>Atlantic Starr - Always (º°MªÐë ߥ Tømm¥_Hå
[19:27] <+Gen[X]> you talk to much
[19:27] * Joins: Guest75341 (java@=GpJeoa-1-JAL-2-khcjrmn-34.bytehead.com)
[19:27] <+Gen[X]> lol
[19:27] <TiM_communism> ooooooooooh..
[19:27] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> sup staci
[19:27] <Staci_Girl> bye gorgeous
[19:27] * Joins: LERW (LERW@=8yq-41-102-340-341.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[19:27] <ScholarLy> before U GO GIVE ME UR EMAIL
[19:28] <Staci_Girl> sup
[19:28] * Gen[X] is now known as AsIaN_bOI
[19:28] <TiM_communism> trish are u hung on him or wat?? hahahah..
[19:28] <Bethy> No clue, Shaneequa.
[19:28] <+AsIaN_bOI> hmm
[19:28] <gOrgEoUs_916> 6bye staci!
[19:28] <Bethy> I don't even recognize the IP.
[19:28] * Quits: gOrgEoUs_916 (java@=RwUHH5XX6Y.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[19:28] <simplymai> Hi Bethany Yang.
[19:28] <Narcissistist_Dollie> lol dork!
[19:28] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> so we gonna meet up? haha
[19:28] <TiM_communism> hahaha
[19:28] * Quits: Tusiab (java@198.150.183.ur44=) (QUIT: User exited)
[19:28] <Bethy> Hi Mai Vang.
[19:28] <TiM_communism> hi mai!
[19:28] <MiShA24> here's how my language looks.... U^(*#KJNSD &*YRLKJBNDK C LKS
JHD = which means...believe me or I will blow up earth
[19:28] <+AsIaN_bOI> yeah we are gonna meet up
[19:28] <Narcissistist_Dollie> am I ever hung on anyone?
[19:28] * TrinityFemale-away gen from KC?
[19:28] <+AsIaN_bOI> where at
[19:28] <Narcissistist_Dollie> lol
[19:28] * Joins: JimVinny (fasdgsg@207.218.45.Jy449=)
[19:28] * Quits: LUClANA_ (hjaddi@=jZuwckdrukwf224.219-80-70.mc.videotron.ca) (Q
UIT: User exited)
[19:28] * Fine_Boy slaps typical`chick around with a large trout!
[19:28] <Staci_Girl> ummm no gq
[19:28] <Narcissistist_Dollie> koj mas
[19:28] * Quits: highlight_gurl (java@=TVb-59-5-871-685.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QU
IT: User exited)
[19:28] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> u wanna come by my hotel
[19:28] <punkass> genx.. chill out bro.. its ok to be retarded sometimes haha
[19:28] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> >??
[19:28] * Fine_Boy slaps everyone in the room.
[19:28] <TiM_communism> kuv mas yom?
[19:28] <+AsIaN_bOI> your from WI also
[19:28] <TiM_communism> heheh
[19:28] * Fine_Boy slaps everyone in the room.
[19:28] <TiM_communism> puas qhib na lod?
[19:28] <Staci_Girl> ummm no
[19:28] <+AsIaN_bOI> i am retard bro
[19:28] <simplymai> hi tim whoever you are
[19:28] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[19:28] <JimVinny> today im lookin for new girls
[19:28] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> u won't be disappointed
[19:28] <Narcissistist_Dollie> no......we're too different nas TIM
[19:28] <JimVinny> anyone?
[19:28] * bethy-trish-Ks-Shaneequa-mai fcks ShaneeQua...stop guessin mas
[19:28] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> trust me
[19:28] <Staci_Girl> it's ok
[19:28] <bethy-trish-Ks-Shaneequa-mai> im a mixture
[19:28] * Joins: CuteCaliguy (sid@=zngujrtnzq.yosemite.cc.ca.us)
[19:28] <TiM_communism> <--- BEE mai!!
[19:28] <bethy-trish-Ks-Shaneequa-mai> of HOT chicks
[19:28] <Bethy> Hey Mai!
[19:28] <+AsIaN_bOI> where at in WI are you from MiShA24???
[19:28] <bethy-trish-Ks-Shaneequa-mai> <-----------
[19:28] <simplymai> oh sorry haha
[19:28] <Bethy> I have a present for you.
[19:28] <Bethy> :D
[19:28] <MiShA24> Be retarded sometimes...on my planet, we're retarded ALLLl the
[19:29] <Bethy> You too Trish!
[19:29] <+AsIaN_bOI> lol
[19:29] * ScholarLy is now known as tusraugluagtsotseg
[19:29] <Bethy> http://www.shopinprivate.com/vibconxtremr.html <-- For you girls
[19:29] <+AsIaN_bOI> -----> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v198/Genxintegra/M
[19:29] <Bethy> Cause I love you that much.
[19:29] <simplymai> uh
[19:29] <Narcissistist_Dollie> what it is?
[19:29] <Bethy> :D
[19:29] <punkass> haha
[19:29] * TiM_communism is now known as TiMtRish
[19:29] <simplymai> don't know if I want to look at that
[19:29] <TiMtRish> :D
[19:29] <Narcissistist_Dollie> tell me!
[19:29] <MiShA24> I am from la crosse
[19:29] <TiMtRish> ahhaha
[19:29] <Narcissistist_Dollie> waahhhhh
[19:29] <Narcissistist_Dollie> :/
[19:29] <Bethy> You do!
[19:29] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> any mn chicks in here??
[19:29] <+AsIaN_bOI> ic ic
[19:29] <punkass> this thing is moving too fast
[19:29] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> any mn chicks in here??
[19:29] <simplymai> I'm at work BEthany, will it get me fired?
[19:29] * Narcissistist_Dollie is now known as Timany
[19:29] <simplymai> I'm being serious haha
[19:29] <Bethy> LOL
[19:29] <Timany> waahhhahahaha
[19:29] <Timany> lol
[19:29] <Bethy> LOL
[19:29] <tusraugluagtsotseg> hello
[19:29] <MiShA24> punkass what state you from?
[19:29] <Bethy> HAHAHHA
[19:29] <TiMtRish> hahah
[19:29] <Bethy> No.
[19:29] <Bethy> I would hope not.
[19:29] <Bethy> It's not porno.
[19:29] <simplymai> haha
[19:29] <JimVinny> i havea match.. it will get u fired
[19:29] <Bethy> Ii know that.
[19:29] * Quits: Love2Hate (java@=r7cvsxut-
et) (QUIT: User exited)
[19:29] <TiMtRish> u know u like it trish
[19:29] <russ> any mn lady wanna chat
[19:29] <TiMtRish> ahahah
[19:29] <TrinityFemale-away> hi tusraughluagtsotsseg!!!
[19:29] <Timany> it's a combination of Tim and bethy's nick
[19:29] <Staci_Girl> HI Kayla!
[19:29] <Bethy> I don't want porno on my internet IE.
[19:29] <CuteCaliguy> any cali lady in here? pc me
[19:29] <Bethy> haha Yi,
[19:29] <CuteCaliguy> any cali lady in here? pc me
[19:30] <Bethy> Tim*
[19:30] <Timany> :P
[19:30] <Bethy> Hi Gayla/.
[19:30] <+Kayla> HIHI STACIE
[19:30] <Staci_Girl> hihi hehe
[19:30] <simplymai> Vibrating condom LOL
[19:30] <+Kayla> BRB
[19:30] <Bethy> hahaha
[19:30] <TiMtRish> hahaha
[19:30] <Staci_Girl> okies
[19:30] <TiMtRish> mai u got one omg!
[19:30] <Bethy> HAHAHAHHA
[19:30] * +`simplysweet`bz` Who the fcuk is bethy-trish-Ks-Shaneequa-mai?
[19:30] <MiShA24> I gotta pee
[19:30] <MiShA24> I'mma bounce now
[19:30] <+AsIaN_bOI> ------> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v198/Genxintegra/
[19:30] * Joins: Guest75605 (java@=w0ect-71-628-222-974.dialup.frsnca.pacbell.ne
[19:30] <punkass> cutecaliguy.. u'r soo cooll.. i wanna be just like u when i gr
ow up.. cute living in cali!
[19:30] <MiShA24> miss me
[19:30] * Timany is now known as TIMBETHY
[19:30] * TiMtRish is now known as TiM_pEb
[19:30] <Bethy> Hi Staci, wanna buy me this http://www.shopinprivate.com/vibconx
tremr.html for my birthday?
[19:30] <TIMBETHY> whoah
[19:30] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[19:30] <Bethy> :D
[19:30] <TIMBETHY> I like this one better
[19:30] <TIMBETHY> :P
[19:30] * Joins: sirMcWorm (Evil@=6ec-42-762-839-37.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[19:30] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> u guys even know waht a condom likes like??
[19:30] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> haahah
[19:30] <Bethy> Tim you dork.
[19:30] <TIMBETHY> lol
[19:30] <+AsIaN_bOI> HOLY
[19:30] * Joins: {P]rotecto[R] (tfastness@67.181.148.NP927=)
[19:30] * ChanServ sets mode: +o {P]rotecto[R]
[19:30] <+AsIaN_bOI> that one was scary
[19:30] <tusraugluagtsotseg> kuv yog tus neeg raug luag tso tseg
[19:30] <TIMBETHY> which tim are you talking to?
[19:30] <Staci_Girl> sure bethy
[19:30] <TIMBETHY> :/
[19:30] <tusraugluagtsotseg> ua li puas muaj leej twg yuav hlub
[19:30] <Staci_Girl> so alex can use on u
[19:30] <MiShA24> bye peepo
[19:31] * Quits: MiShA24 (heyyou@=kNs98.187.108.16.ona.wi.charter.com) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
[19:31] <Staci_Girl> hehe j/k
[19:31] * Guest75605 is now known as OneHotHmongBoi
[19:31] <Staci_Girl> sick
[19:31] * Quits: Guest76781 (java@=lHp-58-601-89-249.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[19:31] <TIMBETHY> where is he anyway
[19:31] <Bethy> Ewww.
[19:31] <+AsIaN_bOI> hmm
[19:31] <Staci_Girl> j/k girl
[19:31] <Bethy> I'm talking to ..
[19:31] <Bethy> You Trish.
[19:31] * TiM_pEb is now known as TiMbabiedo||
[19:31] * Joins: Guest77778 (java@=Wtpxfhqy-
[19:31] <punkass> any slow girls wanna go pc?
[19:31] <TIMBETHY> huh?
[19:31] * Quits: GQ_Hmong_Guy (j0_h_nny@ (QUIT: User exited)
[19:31] <TIMBETHY> what about me?
[19:31] <+AsIaN_bOI> where you from Bethy?
[19:31] <TiMbabiedo||> ahhahahahaha
[19:31] * Joins: Guest77661 (java@=y7heenlkrkbof.neighb.org)
[19:31] * AsIaN_bOI is now known as Gen[X]
[19:31] <Bethy> I'm from China.
[19:31] * Guest77661 is now known as hmoobmn
[19:31] * @Tommy{away} Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>Atlantic Starr - Masterpiece (º°MªÐë ߥ Tøm
[19:31] <Staci_Girl> who are u punk azz?
[19:31] <TiMbabiedo||> oooh...
[19:31] <punkass> any slow retarded girls in here? pic me
[19:31] * Guest77778 is now known as Xander
[19:31] <TiMbabiedo||> where is genie at?
[19:31] <CuteCaliguy> any cali lady in here wanna chat? pc me
[19:31] <+Gen[X]> haha
[19:31] * Joins: Blue_Flamez (TFLM@67.181.148.NP927=)
[19:31] <CuteCaliguy> 1
[19:31] <CuteCaliguy> any cali lady in here wanna chat? pc me
[19:31] <Xander> hello hello
[19:32] <TiMbabiedo||> **** i need her to translate japanese for me
[19:32] <punkass> staci im me.. and u are u?
[19:32] <Xander> i lub u tiag tiag
[19:32] <Staci_Girl> staci
[19:32] <Staci_Girl> me
[19:32] <TIMBETHY> huh?
[19:32] <Xander> staci ruam
[19:32] <Blue_Flamez> sups
[19:32] <+Gen[X]> I know Japanese
[19:32] <TIMBETHY> you want to translate her?
[19:32] <TIMBETHY> :/
[19:32] <Staci_Girl> ok xander and u are?
[19:32] <TIMBETHY> ohhhh
[19:32] <TiMbabiedo||> nnnnno
[19:32] <TiMbabiedo||> omg!!!
[19:32] <TIMBETHY> nvm I read it wrong
[19:32] <TIMBETHY> lol
[19:32] <Xander> im ur worst nightmare
[19:32] <bethy-trish-Ks-Shaneequa-mai> hi kong
[19:32] <TiMbabiedo||> trish got a dirty mind
[19:32] <+Gen[X]> hmm
[19:32] <Staci_Girl> okies sure
[19:32] <Blue_Flamez> hi beth
[19:32] * TIMBETHY slaps her forehead*
[19:32] <TIMBETHY> keke
[19:32] <+Gen[X]> anyone wann trade pictures?
[19:32] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[19:32] <TiMbabiedo||> i wouldn't mind translating her either tho
[19:32] <TiMbabiedo||> hehehe
[19:32] <+Gen[X]> im bored
[19:32] <punkass> staci... aka cutiegirl?
[19:32] <TIMBETHY> it wasnt even what you were thinking of!
[19:32] <Staci_Girl> gen i know how u look like punk (haha)
[19:32] * Blue_Flamez -- 12Is 12Tumpin 12Mp3 -- dj_leo_-_my_life.mp3 --128kbps/44.1khz --2:
s --
[19:32] <TiMbabiedo||> sure trish!
[19:32] <Staci_Girl> yes punk?
[19:32] <TIMBETHY> Tim's the one with the dirty mind here!
[19:32] * Fine_Boy is going to be away from the channel.
[19:32] <Staci_Girl> who u be?
[19:32] <TiMbabiedo||> hahaha sure!!!
[19:32] * TIMBETHY nods yes yes
[19:32] * Fine_Boy slaps typical`chick around with a large trout!
[19:33] <TIMBETHY> it is!
[19:33] <TiMbabiedo||> trish has been having wet dreams lately!!
[19:33] <bethy-trish-Ks-Shaneequa-mai> fine boy
[19:33] <TiMbabiedo||> hahaha
[19:33] <TiMbabiedo||> j/k!
[19:33] <bethy-trish-Ks-Shaneequa-mai> wait
[19:33] <punkass> am i right?
[19:33] <bethy-trish-Ks-Shaneequa-mai> how you doin fione boy?
[19:33] * Fine_Boy slaps TiMbabiedo|| around with a large trout!
[19:33] <Staci_Girl> yes why?
[19:33] <TIMBETHY> pssshhhh....Trish never has wet dreams
[19:33] <punkass> ok
[19:33] * TIMBETHY is very asexual
[19:33] <TIMBETHY> :/
[19:33] <TiMbabiedo||> hahahahahahha
[19:33] <Staci_Girl> humm do i know u?
[19:33] * TiMbabiedo|| is now known as TiMxwb
[19:33] <punkass> nope
[19:33] <Staci_Girl> then how u kno wme?
[19:33] <Blue_Flamez> 14-12P12h12a12j12E12j2-15 2 testing  14-12L12a12i12B14-15
[19:33] <punkass> cus i remember u
[19:33] <TiMxwb> trish
[19:33] <Blue_Flamez> 14-12P12h12a12j12E12j2-15 2 hmm. y is the colors on haha  14-12L12a12
[19:33] <TIMBETHY> huh?
[19:34] <Staci_Girl> okies what 's your name?
[19:34] <TIMBETHY> dabtsi os?
[19:34] <Bethy> hi Blue_Flamez
[19:34] <Blue_Flamez> 14-12P12h12a12j12E12j2-15 2 bee.. u bish. send me the pics we took at
ost lake  14-12L12a12i12B14-15
[19:34] <Staci_Girl> hummm
[19:34] <TIMBETHY> yog kuv nyiam nws no, koj hais li cas xwb?
[19:34] <TiMxwb> wats ur sign?
[19:34] <Staci_Girl> well imma go
[19:34] <TIMBETHY> my what?
[19:34] <Staci_Girl> see u peeps
[19:34] <TiMxwb> horoscope stuff
[19:34] <Staci_Girl> bye stephan
[19:34] <TIMBETHY> oh Leo
[19:34] <TIMBETHY> why?
[19:34] <punkass> ok c ya
[19:34] <Staci_Girl> bye bethy
[19:34] * Joins: m3Rc (Chatz@=08l-40-288-121-425.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[19:34] <TIMBETHY> you believe in that stuff too?
[19:34] <Bethy> bye staci
[19:34] <TiMxwb> just wondering
[19:34] <Staci_Girl> bye punk azz whorever u are
[19:34] <TIMBETHY> oh
[19:34] <TIMBETHY> k
[19:34] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[19:34] <TiMxwb> :)
[19:34] <punkass> buhbye
[19:34] <TiMxwb> ooooooh
[19:34] <m3Rc> sup staci
[19:34] <TiMxwb> ask ann
[19:34] <TiMxwb> she has them
[19:34] <Staci_Girl> hey m3rc
[19:34] <Xander> maiko ruam
[19:34] <TiMxwb> im too lazy!!
[19:34] * TrinityFemale-away is now known as Cia_Kuv_Qua_Nrog_Koj
[19:34] <TiMxwb> hahaha
[19:34] <Staci_Girl> what xander
[19:34] <TiMxwb> tell her to forward it to you
[19:34] <Staci_Girl> yes it's u alex
[19:35] <bethy-trish-Ks-Shaneequa-mai> so if you have a minute why dont we go
[19:35] <Staci_Girl> i know it's u
[19:35] <TIMBETHY> koj twb tsis answer kuv li ces kam lia os
[19:35] <Staci_Girl> haahhahah!!!!
[19:35] <Xander> ntsej muag
[19:35] <bethy-trish-Ks-Shaneequa-mai> talk about it somehwere only we know
[19:35] <bethy-trish-Ks-Shaneequa-mai> this can be teh end of everything
[19:35] <Xander> then why am i in chicago?
[19:35] <bethy-trish-Ks-Shaneequa-mai> somewhere only we know
[19:35] <Bethy> I love
[19:35] * Quits: sirMcWorm (Evil@=6ec-42-762-839-37.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[19:35] <bethy-trish-Ks-Shaneequa-mai> somewhere only we know!!!!!!!!!!
[19:35] <Bethy> that song
[19:35] <Bethy> omg
[19:35] <Staci_Girl> yesps
[19:35] * CrusheR is now known as d`12
[19:35] <TiMxwb> trish.....
[19:35] * Quits: Hmong_Man (java@=ySkxtt-81-062-994-9.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net) (Q
UIT: User exited)
[19:35] <bethy-trish-Ks-Shaneequa-mai> bethy..thats y im a part of you
[19:35] <Bethy> hi vic
[19:35] <m3Rc> where are all the girls at
[19:35] <bethy-trish-Ks-Shaneequa-mai> mukas
[19:35] <TiMxwb> this is ur horoscope for today
[19:35] <Staci_Girl> hummm
[19:35] <bethy-trish-Ks-Shaneequa-mai> muaks*
[19:35] <Bethy> lol
[19:35] <Bethy> LOL
[19:35] <bethy-trish-Ks-Shaneequa-mai> hi vic
[19:35] <TiMxwb> "Modesty becomes you. Everyone will be pleased to see the lion
in a more humble and kindly mode."
[19:35] <TiMxwb> so true!!!
[19:35] * Blue_Flamez -- 12Is 12Tumpin 12Mp3 -- dj_sinickal_-_maximum_vital_control.mp3 --1
s/44.1khz --3:52mins --
[19:35] * TIMBETHY turns around with straws up her nose like will smith and says
[19:35] <TIMBETHY> kekeke
[19:35] <Staci_Girl> Bye Fawken ADditcts!
[19:35] * Guest75341 is now known as Motion_Of_Love
[19:36] <Staci_Girl> im OUt
[19:36] <d`12> hi bethy
[19:36] <TiMxwb> its so true trish!
[19:36] <bethy-trish-Ks-Shaneequa-mai> byes stci
[19:36] <bethy-trish-Ks-Shaneequa-mai> staci*
[19:36] <Staci_Girl> bye shan
[19:36] <TiMxwb> u've been more laid back now
[19:36] <TIMBETHY> what?
[19:36] <TiMxwb> :)
[19:36] <TIMBETHY> what is so true?
[19:36] <Staci_Girl> bye d12
[19:36] <TiMxwb> thats a good thing!
[19:36] <Xander> go away maiko
[19:36] * +`simplysweet`bz` who the freak is bethy-trish-Ks-Shaneequa-mai?
[19:36] <m3Rc> any hot girls in here
[19:36] <Bethy> bye staci
[19:36] <d`12> bye
[19:36] <Xander> dont come back
[19:36] <Staci_Girl> anyone see methods today?
[19:36] <bethy-trish-Ks-Shaneequa-mai> hi VIC!
[19:36] <TiMxwb> ur horoschope
[19:36] <Bethy> bye staci
[19:36] <d`12> who wants to talk to meh
[19:36] <TIMBETHY> translate for me...I no longer go to school so I'm just an id
iot now
[19:36] <TiMxwb> hahaha
[19:36] <TIMBETHY> show it to me again?
[19:36] <d`12> hi bethy
[19:36] <Staci_Girl> hey bethy guess who is xander?
[19:36] <TiMxwb> see?
[19:36] * @Tommy{away} Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>Atlantic Starr - Shower Me with Yo
ur Love (º°MªÐë ߥ Tømm¥_Håñg°º)
[19:36] <bethy-trish-Ks-Shaneequa-mai> shaneequa...stop guessing
[19:36] <Bethy> bye staci
[19:36] <TiMxwb> Modesty becomes you. Everyone will be pleased to see the lion i
n a more humble and kindly mode.
[19:36] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[19:36] <Bethy> I don't know
[19:36] <TiMxwb> :)
[19:36] <Staci_Girl> Bethy Guess Who is Xander
[19:36] <bethy-trish-Ks-Shaneequa-mai> kuv yog koj tus ***** nas
[19:36] <Bethy> Hi Vic
[19:36] <m3Rc> what's new here
[19:36] <Motion_Of_Love> hmmmmm
[19:36] <Motion_Of_Love> ello...
[19:36] <Motion_Of_Love> anyone home?..umm
[19:36] <Motion_Of_Love> i guess not
[19:36] <TIMBETHY> I'm the lion?
[19:36] <Xander> methods is dead
[19:36] * Motion_Of_Love was kicked by {P]rotecto[R] (15°«×[ 12text Lines flood15 ]×»° 15¤
astness script v5.1 15 ]×»°)
[19:36] <Bethy> Someone I don't care about
[19:36] <Staci_Girl> what does Xander sound like?
[19:36] <TiMxwb> hahaha
[19:36] <Bethy> hahaa
[19:36] <YogTimLeejTwg> hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii thao
[19:36] <TiMxwb> leo rite?
[19:36] * {P]rotecto[R] sets mode: +b *!*@=GpJeoa-1-JAL-2-khcjrmn-34.bytehead.co
[19:36] * +`simplysweet`bz` Bethy, who the fcuk is bethy-trish-Ks-Shaneequa-mai?
[19:36] * ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@*.ono.com
[19:36] * ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@85.*
[19:36] <bethy-trish-Ks-Shaneequa-mai> haha..motion is so dumb
[19:36] * TIMBETHY nods*
[19:36] <Staci_Girl> dang bethy
[19:36] <d`12> wassup wormz ...
[19:36] <Staci_Girl> haha
[19:36] <Bethy> I don't know Shan
[19:36] <TIMBETHY> oh wait...show it to me one more time
[19:36] <bethy-trish-Ks-Shaneequa-mai> he/she can suck my dick
[19:36] <TIMBETHY> lol
[19:37] * Joins: speechless (_JACKASS@=HKMLB-85-34-62-715.kc.res.rr.com)
[19:37] <Staci_Girl> hummm
[19:37] <TIMBETHY> too lazy to scroll up
[19:37] <Staci_Girl> shiet
[19:37] <TiMxwb> trish there is more
[19:37] <TiMxwb> here
[19:37] <Staci_Girl> fawk
[19:37] * Quits: m3Rc (Chatz@=08l-40-288-121-425.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT: Use
r exited)
[19:37] <TIMBETHY> k
[19:37] <+Gen[X]> HOLY
[19:37] <TiMxwb> Feeling a little thin-skinned? Try not to take everything so pe
rsonally. The bonus of this extra sensitivity is that you can pick up on some su
btleties of the situation that you've been missing.
[19:37] <+Gen[X]> *****
[19:37] * Joins: Miss_Diamond (lka_ke@=ljh70.168.26.35.mad.wi.charter.com)
[19:37] <+Gen[X]> oops
[19:37] <Staci_Girl> fawk
[19:37] * bethy-trish-Ks-Shaneequa-mai is now known as MsFcker
[19:37] <+Gen[X]> wrong screen
[19:37] <TiMxwb> soooooo true!!!
[19:37] * speechless is now known as `JACKASS
[19:37] <Staci_Girl> okay
[19:37] <Staci_Girl> bye gen!
[19:37] <TiMxwb> hehe
[19:37] <+Gen[X]> i wann get laid
[19:37] <TIMBETHY> subtleties of the situation? I dont even have a situation!!!!
[19:37] <Staci_Girl> hey jackazz
[19:37] <punkass> hey diamond
[19:37] <+Gen[X]> Muahah
[19:37] <`JACKASS> 4,1wassup hoes
[19:37] <Staci_Girl> shut the fawk up gen
[19:37] <Xander> get the f out already
[19:37] <TIMBETHY> what have I been missing out on? :/
[19:37] <Staci_Girl> haha
[19:37] <+Gen[X]> wha?
[19:37] <`JACKASS> 4,1hi staci
[19:37] <Staci_Girl> j/k
[19:37] <Xander> u said u were leaving like 1 hour ago
[19:37] <MsFcker> i like to fck HOT chicks...like Bethy...shaneequa...trish..sim
[19:37] <Staci_Girl> i know
[19:37] <MsFcker> you know
[19:37] <Staci_Girl> i am
[19:37] <+Gen[X]> anyone wann have free s3x
[19:38] <Cia_Kuv_Qua_Nrog_Koj> HI JACK ***!
[19:38] <MsFcker> thos chicks
[19:38] <TIMBETHY> I always take things personal...I make it personal
[19:38] <Xander> ahaha
[19:38] <TIMBETHY> :/
[19:38] <MsFcker> ahhh
[19:38] <+Gen[X]> i so need to get laid
[19:38] <TiMxwb> duh trish
[19:38] * Quits: Miss_Diamond (lka_ke@=ljh70.168.26.35.mad.wi.charter.com) (QUIT
: User exited)
[19:38] * MsFcker masturbates
[19:38] <+Gen[X]> It's been awhile
[19:38] <TIMBETHY> lol
[19:38] <MsFcker> fck me
[19:38] <Cia_Kuv_Qua_Nrog_Koj> HEHEHEH jackass r u from SHEBOYGONE?
[19:38] <Staci_Girl> moonshine i dont pc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[19:38] <MsFcker> im horny
[19:38] <`JACKASS> 4,1hi cia
[19:38] <TIMBETHY> but what does that mean??? tell me
[19:38] <`JACKASS> 4,1no im not from sheboygay
[19:38] <+Gen[X]> I haven't gotten laid for the longest
[19:38] <punkass> gex.. go fawk the pillow and jack off
[19:38] <TiMxwb> u've been missin out on meeting new people and friends hanging
out and no work in the way
[19:38] * Joins: Guest72878 (java@=aLo16.183.22.127.fdl.wi.charter.com)
[19:38] <+Gen[X]> someone please Fawk me
[19:38] <+Gen[X]> haha
[19:38] * @Tommy{away} 12Away:4 I am Away 12(Pager:4 on 12Nop:4 on 2) 2[12Time & Date Gone
(4 18:25:33 12)--(4 08/06/2005 12) 2]
[19:38] <Cia_Kuv_Qua_Nrog_Koj> o hehe where r u from?
[19:38] <Staci_Girl> gen weirdo i swear
[19:38] <punkass> it'll feel like a real girl
[19:38] <+Gen[X]> alright i quit
[19:38] <+Gen[X]> ll
[19:38] <Staci_Girl> punk azz who are u?
[19:38] <Xander> tell me why chu have to go and make things so complicated\
[19:38] * Joins: love_is_blind (love@=dJnwg-798-071-134-180.triad.res.rr.com)
[19:38] <+Gen[X]> lol
[19:38] <+Gen[X]> i quit
[19:38] <punkass> haha
[19:38] * {P]rotecto[R] sets mode: +c
[19:38] <@{P]rotecto[R]> +c
[19:38] * Joins: Yangsta_P (yangsta_p@=Yom-35-108-49-5.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[19:38] <Xander> i see the way ur acting like
[19:38] <Xander> ur lol
[19:38] <Staci_Girl> nvm
[19:39] <punkass> its freakin lo staci
[19:39] <+Gen[X]> no more colors text
[19:39] <+Gen[X]> haha
[19:39] <punkass> haha
[19:39] <Staci_Girl> i dont really care anyways
[19:39] <MsFcker> gen we'll see you in a couple mins
[19:39] <TIMBETHY> ohhh....li tawm xwb???!!! I'd care less about meeting new peo
ple and hanging out Tim, it's overrated anyway
[19:39] <MsFcker> you addic
[19:39] <Staci_Girl> lo dork!!!!!
[19:39] <Xander> if you know the rest of the lyrics then ur gay
[19:39] <`JACKASS> dam why you gotta turn off the colors
[19:39] * Quits: ^Hot_Guy^ (java@=4oao696-47.dialip.mich.net) (QUIT: User exited
[19:39] <Staci_Girl> dang
[19:39] <+Gen[X]> who are you
[19:39] <+Gen[X]> hmm
[19:39] <TiMxwb> hahahaha
[19:39] * Joins: m3Rc (Chatz@=k0e-58-757-648-332.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[19:39] <+Gen[X]> stockton?
[19:39] <Staci_Girl> lo always be hiding and shiet
[19:39] <TIMBETHY> lol
[19:39] <TiMxwb> wait till we go hang out
[19:39] <TiMxwb> i told tou to bring u along
[19:39] <Xander> hiding from you
[19:39] <TiMxwb> :)
[19:39] <Staci_Girl> well ima go
[19:39] <Staci_Girl> no pc
[19:39] <Staci_Girl> im going
[19:39] <TIMBETHY> pssshhh puas yog mas
[19:39] <m3Rc> damn
[19:39] <Staci_Girl> BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
[19:39] * Quits: hye97335 (java@=Y6kiwpal-
t) (QUIT: User exited)
[19:39] <Xander> finally
[19:39] <+Kayla> BYE STACIE
[19:39] * Quits: Tubmeej (kevhlub@=vGxbkn-54-38-725-633.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net
) (QUIT: User exited)
[19:39] <Staci_Girl> bye kayla
[19:39] <+Gen[X]> oOO kayla
[19:39] <Staci_Girl> whatever xander
[19:39] <+Gen[X]> you wan do it
[19:39] <+Gen[X]> lol
[19:40] * Quits: m3Rc (Chatz@=k0e-58-757-648-332.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT: Use
r exited)
[19:40] <TIMBETHY> but it's going to have to be during one weekend though, I wor
k full time starting next week
[19:40] <TiMxwb> yog dhau lawm os !
[19:40] <`JACKASS> brb ... pc me someone
[19:40] <`JACKASS> brb ... pc me someone
[19:40] <TiMxwb> of course!
[19:40] <Staci_Girl> i bet u gonna come up here when i leave xander!!!
[19:40] <TIMBETHY> oyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!
[19:40] <Staci_Girl> dang horny azz gen
[19:40] <TiMxwb> haha
[19:40] * Parts: CuteCaliguy (sid@=zngujrtnzq.yosemite.cc.ca.us)
[19:40] <TiMxwb> thats my word... OY!!
[19:40] <+Gen[X]> j/k, gonna eat
[19:40] <Staci_Girl> hummmmmmmmm
[19:40] <+Gen[X]> brb
[19:40] * MsFcker is now known as jen`eat`pho
[19:40] * TIMBETHY is now known as Obessessive_Dollie
[19:40] <Staci_Girl> Bye peeps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
[19:40] <jen`eat`pho> ahh
[19:40] <Staci_Girl> bye jen
[19:40] <Bethy> bye
[19:40] <Bethy> staci
[19:40] <jen`eat`pho> bye staci
[19:40] <Staci_Girl> why am i still here?
[19:40] <Xander> get out
[19:40] <Staci_Girl> bye bethy
[19:40] * Joins: Guest76465 (java@=ty39-689-290-976.mpls.qwest.net)
[19:40] <Obessessive_Dollie> I keep on looking at the nick TIMBETHY and thinking
its you talking to me when it's really me!
[19:40] <Staci_Girl> mean xander
[19:40] <Obessessive_Dollie> :/
[19:40] <Staci_Girl> sheit
[19:40] <Obessessive_Dollie> o__O
[19:40] <TiMxwb> haahha
[19:40] <Xander> i know im mean
[19:40] <Staci_Girl> ok Peace!!!
[19:41] <Obessessive_Dollie> lol shaddup
[19:41] <TiMxwb> trish u know u think about me anywase
[19:41] <TiMxwb> hehe
[19:41] <Xander> wait
[19:41] <Xander> go buy me some beer
[19:41] <Obessessive_Dollie> do not!
[19:41] * Quits: Staci_Girl (java@=9vMSD-68-21-470-96.wi.res.rr.com) (QUIT: User
[19:41] <TiMxwb> hahahahaha
[19:41] * Guest76465 is now known as Grand_Champion_ROM
[19:41] <TiMxwb> well i've been thinking bout u
[19:41] <TiMxwb> heheheh
[19:41] <TiMxwb> :D
[19:41] * Quits: HmoobGreenGuY (plastlk@=Tsh-27-834-89-61.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (
QUIT: User exited)
[19:41] * @Tommy{away} Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>Atlantic Stars - I'll Remember You
(º°MªÐë ߥ Tømm¥_Håñg°º)
[19:41] <Obessessive_Dollie> I'm glad one of us is thinking about the other
[19:41] <TiMxwb> hahaha
[19:41] <Obessessive_Dollie> I think about no one but myself, I'm very selfish
[19:41] * Quits: mobsiab_vimkoj (java@=nNAE2M8589.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exite
[19:41] * Quits: charm1ng|away (hmong@=soc-05-50-72-40.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUI
T: User exited)
[19:41] <TiMxwb> yup just looking after my lido dollie
[19:41] <Yangsta_P> then you're a sith dollie.
[19:41] <TiMxwb> hehehe
[19:42] <Cia_Kuv_Qua_Nrog_Koj> wuddup yangsta
[19:42] <Obessessive_Dollie> sith? what is that?
[19:42] <Obessessive_Dollie> :/
[19:42] <+Gen[X]> who talking **** about me
[19:42] <Yangsta_P> sith are very selfish people.
[19:42] <Xander> got a white friend look like michael jackson got a black friend
thats looks like michael jackson
[19:42] <Obessessive_Dollie> oh...why didn't you say so
[19:42] <+Gen[X]> hmm
[19:42] <+Gen[X]> later gators
[19:42] * Quits: +Gen[X] (Fastness@=Wnubxz-48-855-568-8.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net
) (QUIT: User exited)
[19:42] <Obessessive_Dollie> that's why I said I was Yangsta_P
[19:42] <TiMxwb> ahhaha
[19:42] <TiMxwb> trish is kinda slow bud
[19:42] <Yangsta_P> then the jedi will destroy you dollie.
[19:42] * Obessessive_Dollie nods*
[19:42] * Quits: konggy (java@=3C67-979-76-78.dhcp.crsn.ca.charter.com) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[19:42] <TiMxwb> haha....like the cingular thing
[19:42] <TiMxwb> ahhahahahahahahaha
[19:43] <Obessessive_Dollie> omg....you with all that star wars stuff too!
[19:43] * Quits: Who_Am_I_To_You (java@=BZt-97-96-358-89.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (C
onnection reset by peer)
[19:43] * TiMxwb LMFAO
[19:43] * {P]rotecto[R] sets mode: -b *!*@=3EIoqy-7-KXS-9-vfpyori-76.bytehead.co
[19:43] <Obessessive_Dollie> blah
[19:43] <Obessessive_Dollie> lol shaddup TIM!
[19:43] <TiMxwb> thats so cuuuuuuuuuuuutttttteeee!!!!!!!
[19:43] * {P]rotecto[R] is now known as [P]rotecto[R]
[19:43] <Obessessive_Dollie> is not!
[19:43] <TiMxwb> ahaha..
[19:43] <Obessessive_Dollie> stupid technology
[19:43] <TiMxwb> i can imagine ur cheeks turning red rite now
[19:43] <JimVinny> geezes
[19:43] <TiMxwb> hahaha
[19:43] * Quits: Cia_Kuv_Qua_Nrog_Koj (remember@=LYmjvqcq-
icago1.Level3.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[19:43] <Obessessive_Dollie> I'm still in the 20th century TIM, it's going to ta
ke me a whole century to catch up with the 21st
[19:43] <TiMxwb> hahaha
[19:43] <Obessessive_Dollie> by then, they'll already move on
[19:43] <Obessessive_Dollie> :/
[19:43] <TiMxwb> don't worry
[19:44] <TiMxwb> u got me to update u
[19:44] <Obessessive_Dollie> tnuj aw.....
[19:44] <Obessessive_Dollie> ntuj
[19:44] <TiMxwb> koj thov lub ntuj npaum li cas los yeej tsis pab li os
[19:44] <TiMxwb> :D
[19:44] * Joins: PrinceNotCharming (x_x_x@=eHa-66-56-91-34.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[19:44] <Obessessive_Dollie> you did even tell me....I had to find out myself by
watching the stupid commercial more than a million times
[19:44] <Yangsta_P> wat's wrong with star wars?
[19:44] <TiMxwb> ahahahah
[19:45] <Obessessive_Dollie> and I kept taking out my cell phone to look at it..
.and was like...wtf does it mean dammit!!!
[19:45] <Obessessive_Dollie> lol
[19:45] <Xander> sup masta p
[19:45] <Obessessive_Dollie> nothing Yangsta_P
[19:45] * Joins: m3Rc (Chatz@=xvc-06-210-633-176.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[19:45] <Obessessive_Dollie> whatever floats your boat
[19:45] * TiMxwb falls on the floor laughing hysterically
[19:45] <Yangsta_P> haha..thanks sith.
[19:45] <m3Rc> hey
[19:45] <Obessessive_Dollie> ph
[19:45] <Obessessive_Dollie> lol shaddup TIm
[19:45] <TiMxwb> trish koj mas cute dhau lawm os
[19:45] * Obessessive_Dollie sits in the corner and cries*
[19:45] <TiMxwb> awww....
[19:45] * @Tommy{away} Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>Attomic Kittens - Eternal Flame (º°MªÐë ߥ
[19:45] * Joins: MaiShade (maishade@=Naa-50-04-25-525.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[19:45] * Quits: love_is_blind (love@=dJnwg-798-071-134-180.triad.res.rr.com) (Q
UIT: User exited)
[19:45] * ChanServ sets mode: +o MaiShade
[19:45] <Obessessive_Dollie> Tim phem ua luaj li rau kuv nas
[19:45] <Obessessive_Dollie> :(
[19:45] * Quits: hmoobmn (java@=y7heenlkrkbof.neighb.org) (QUIT: User exited)
[19:45] * TiMxwb gives trishie a single long stem rose
[19:46] <Obessessive_Dollie> am not cute!
[19:46] <TiMxwb> hahaha..
[19:46] <Obessessive_Dollie> argh...I that word!
[19:46] <m3Rc> why you guys be typing in hmong
[19:46] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[19:46] * Obessessive_Dollie kicks TIm*
[19:46] <TiMxwb> hahahaha
[19:46] <TiMxwb> ooooh
[19:46] <m3Rc> nevermind
[19:46] <TiMxwb> kick harder trish
[19:46] <TiMxwb> i like it
[19:46] <TiMxwb> :D
[19:46] <Obessessive_Dollie> ewwww.....and I hate roses!!!!!
[19:46] <Obessessive_Dollie> argh
[19:46] <TiMxwb> hahaha..
[19:46] * Obessessive_Dollie kicks TIM harder!
[19:46] * Quits: simplymai (java@=nsshn-cqcsae.csumb.edu) (QUIT: User exited)
[19:46] <TiMxwb> live with it!
[19:46] <TiMxwb> omg.. its better than sex
[19:46] <TiMxwb> hahaha
[19:46] <Obessessive_Dollie> you're just trying to piss me off
[19:46] * Joins: jAKOBIE_ (JAKOBIE@=wTQZH-73-70-91-710.kc.res.rr.com)
[19:46] <JimVinny> everytime i type the word KAYLA. someone starts chattin with
[19:46] * Parts: +Kayla (java@
[19:46] <TiMxwb> awww trish sorry os...
[19:46] <JimVinny> hehe
[19:46] <Obessessive_Dollie> I would know such a thing tim, only you would
[19:46] <Obessessive_Dollie> :P
[19:46] <TiMxwb> koj chim heev li lod?
[19:46] <Obessessive_Dollie> wouldnt(
[19:47] * jAKOBIE_ is now known as jakobie
[19:47] * Joins: E|ite (Nokia@=Yglmowga-
[19:47] <m3Rc> good for you
[19:47] <Obessessive_Dollie> no sillyhead
[19:47] <JimVinny> hello
[19:47] <jakobie> oh
[19:47] <TiMxwb> okay.. :)
[19:47] <jakobie> ok
[19:47] <Obessessive_Dollie> lol
[19:47] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[19:47] * Quits: tusraugluagtsotseg (scholar@=9Zbloc-69-064-821-581.dsl.milwwi.a
meritech.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[19:47] * jakobie is now known as jAKOBIE
[19:47] <Xander> im going to go watch Ashton kutchers Geek and Hot chick
[19:47] <jAKOBIE> man
[19:47] <Xander> on the WB
[19:47] <jAKOBIE> who kick me out like 30min ago
[19:47] <Xander> peace out
[19:47] * Obessessive_Dollie burps*
[19:47] <jAKOBIE> ya mean!
[19:47] <TiMxwb> excuse u!
[19:47] <jAKOBIE> AHA
[19:47] <Obessessive_Dollie> huh? where?
[19:47] <TiMxwb> hahaha
[19:47] * Obessessive_Dollie looks left and right*
[19:48] <Obessessive_Dollie> :P
[19:48] * TiMxwb is now known as TiMcutieslikeKoJ
[19:48] <jAKOBIE> DAMN
[19:48] <jAKOBIE> COOL
[19:48] * JimVinny is now known as Jim`Eat`World
[19:48] <jAKOBIE> HEA'S A HMONG SONG http://www.freewebtown.com/yeulis/gallery/1
[19:48] * Guest72878 is now known as Sexy-X-Husband
[19:48] <Obessessive_Dollie> :S
[19:48] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> hahah
[19:48] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> trish i can read ur mind
[19:48] <Obessessive_Dollie> tell me what its thinking then?
[19:49] * Sexy-X-Husband any nuns here !
[19:49] * Quits: OneHotHmongBoi (java@=w0ect-71-628-222-974.dialup.frsnca.pacbel
l.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[19:49] <d`12> jakobie aint chu frum kc too
[19:49] <Obessessive_Dollie> because I apparently cant read it
[19:49] <Obessessive_Dollie> :S
[19:49] <Jim`Eat`World> any smart girls wanna have an intelligent conversation?
[19:49] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> trish
[19:49] <Obessessive_Dollie> hav?
[19:49] <jAKOBIE> huh
[19:49] * @Tommy{away} Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>Aventura - Obsession(remix) (º°MªÐë ߥ Tømm
[19:49] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> look at my horoscope
[19:49] * Quits: m3Rc (Chatz@=xvc-06-210-633-176.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT: Use
r exited)
[19:49] <d`12> jakobie aint chu frum kc too
[19:49] <Obessessive_Dollie> k
[19:49] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> Love is all around you. Learn to expand your definiti
on, and you'll find that your life is filled with it.
[19:49] <Yangsta_P> yo jim, there are no smart girls here.
[19:49] <jAKOBIE> im from kc
[19:49] <jAKOBIE> hi
[19:49] <jAKOBIE> 913 word up
[19:49] <jAKOBIE> why do i know u
[19:49] * @hmong is (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm
[19:49] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> here is more
[19:49] <d`12> i knoe u nigga
[19:49] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> Don't be surprised if your concentration is a little
lacking -- you've got matters of the heart on the brain. Think creatively about
jump-starting your romance, or, if you're single, starting something brand new.
[19:49] * jAKOBIE is now known as jakobiez_fan
[19:50] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> hahaha
[19:50] <Obessessive_Dollie> expand your definition? I think your definition is
expanded enough as it is :/
[19:50] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> so me is it not?
[19:50] <jakobiez_fan> who are u
[19:50] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> haha
[19:50] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> omg its so true!!
[19:50] <jakobiez_fan> ?
[19:50] <d`12> dont worrie who i am
[19:50] <Obessessive_Dollie> no...it's not
[19:50] <d`12> but i knoe u though
[19:50] <jakobiez_fan> oh
[19:50] <jakobiez_fan> why do u know me
[19:50] <jakobiez_fan> oh
[19:50] <d`12> i ssaw u around lot of tyme
[19:50] <jakobiez_fan> are we cool
[19:50] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> trish u got no imagination..
[19:50] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> haha
[19:50] <d`12> yea i knoe u knoe
[19:50] <jakobiez_fan> oh
[19:50] <jakobiez_fan> cool
[19:50] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> no wonder u didn't get the cingular thing
[19:50] <jakobiez_fan> cool
[19:50] <d`12> i knoe ur dad fook
[19:50] <jakobiez_fan> are we cool
[19:50] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> :/
[19:50] <jakobiez_fan> or u do'nt know me
[19:50] <jakobiez_fan> damn thats kute
[19:50] <d`12> ur dad name ish nyaj lee hawj
[19:50] * Quits: hlubpuastau_gurl (java@131.128.222.X957=) (Ping Timeout)
[19:50] <jakobiez_fan> wow
[19:50] <jakobiez_fan> u my stalker man
[19:51] <jakobiez_fan> haha
[19:51] <Obessessive_Dollie> you're got something already straight out of one of
those K-dramas, what else kinda romance must you want more?
[19:51] <jakobiez_fan> ur good
[19:51] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> hahaha
[19:51] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> w/e!
[19:51] * Sexy-X-Husband any horny lady wana party !
[19:51] <d`12> nigga i am good
[19:51] <Obessessive_Dollie> huh???????!!!!!!!!!!
[19:51] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> not even close
[19:51] <Obessessive_Dollie> lol
[19:51] * Joins: L8dy (L8dy@=xJUH65W1S9.ipt.aol.com)
[19:51] <jakobiez_fan> haha
[19:51] <jakobiez_fan> foesho
[19:51] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> i wish i was sick!
[19:51] <Obessessive_Dollie> cingular where?
[19:51] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> hahah
[19:51] <jakobiez_fan> keep my name on the downlow
[19:51] * Joins: Guest78168 (java@=u6JCP4022Q.ipt.aol.com)
[19:51] <Obessessive_Dollie> lol
[19:51] <jakobiez_fan> haha
[19:51] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> trish u have a cingular phone?
[19:51] * Guest78168 is now known as Jock_this_Chick
[19:51] * Joins: Pho_King_Awesome (me@=6rh-27-90-22-64.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[19:51] <Obessessive_Dollie> no...verizon
[19:51] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> darn
[19:51] <Pho_King_Awesome> hmm..
[19:51] <jakobiez_fan> do u go to my church?
[19:51] <Pho_King_Awesome> who you obssessive over, Doll?
[19:51] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> me PHO
[19:52] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> hahaha
[19:52] <d`12> yea i used too
[19:52] <Obessessive_Dollie> I keep on forgetting to get that discount verizon d
iscount number at work too dammit
[19:52] * Jock_this_Chick is now known as J`T`C
[19:52] <Obessessive_Dollie> huh.....psssshhh
[19:52] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> haha
[19:52] <Obessessive_Dollie> keep telling yourself that
[19:52] <Obessessive_Dollie> :P
[19:52] <J`T`C> hello victor
[19:52] * Sexy-X-Husband any horny lady wana party !
[19:52] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> trish is obsessive over when she'll kick me
[19:52] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> haha
[19:52] * Obessessive_Dollie is now known as Obssessive_Compulsive
[19:52] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> since she loves the feel of my butt against her feet
[19:52] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> ahhaha
[19:52] <Obssessive_Compulsive> ewwwww
[19:53] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> :S
[19:53] <Obssessive_Compulsive> omg....is that what you call romance tim!
[19:53] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> compulsive?
[19:53] * Quits: J`T`C (java@=u6JCP4022Q.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[19:53] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> calm down trish!
[19:53] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> chill now
[19:53] <Xander> get a room u two
[19:53] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> no need to explode now
[19:53] * @Tommy{away} Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>Avril Lavigne - Complicated (º°MªÐë ߥ Tømm
[19:53] * Joins: Kenneth (HardBod@=Wypgug-72-69-52-222.rev.o1.com)
[19:53] <Xander> we have minors
[19:53] <Xander> <--minor
[19:53] <L8dy> silly
[19:53] <Obssessive_Compulsive> aiyooooo koj nas, I'm not the one who has hormon
es running around loose now
[19:53] <Obssessive_Compulsive> :P
[19:53] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> haha..
[19:54] <Obssessive_Compulsive> lol
[19:54] <Yangsta_P> who here's from Minnesota?
[19:54] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> trish es koj tsis paub tias koj cov hormones tseem sa
b tshaj kuv cov lawm na
[19:54] * Obssessive_Compulsive covers xander's ears when she says that*
[19:54] <Xander> i may never develop sexually normal because of you two
[19:54] <Obssessive_Compulsive> tsis paub es
[19:54] <Obssessive_Compulsive> lol
[19:54] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> hahaha
[19:54] <Kenneth> please exclude me from you minors, i am in my mid to upper 20s
[19:54] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> hmm..
[19:54] <Obssessive_Compulsive> it's okay xander, you're sexually safe with me
[19:54] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[19:54] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> don't worry xander a few porno flicks will do the tri
[19:54] * Joins: Guest75898 (java@=EZ94-350-863-379.sjvls.org)
[19:54] <Xander> I'm getting an erection as we chat
[19:54] * Obssessive_Compulsive kicks TIM*
[19:55] <Obssessive_Compulsive> ewww lol
[19:55] <Kenneth> obsessive thats what all child molesters say
[19:55] <Xander> lol
[19:55] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> trish no matter how hard u tried.. that didn't come o
ut rite
[19:55] <Xander> sike
[19:55] <Obssessive_Compulsive> what?
[19:55] * Quits: Fine_Boy (java@134.241.197.FE16=) (Connection reset by peer)
[19:55] <Obssessive_Compulsive> what did I say?
[19:55] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> ahhaha
[19:55] <Obssessive_Compulsive> I forgots already/
[19:55] <Obssessive_Compulsive> ?
[19:55] <Obssessive_Compulsive> :?
[19:55] <Obssessive_Compulsive> blah!
[19:55] <d`12> jakobie i heard dat u cant rap
[19:55] <Kenneth> 'its okay, you are sexually safe with me'
[19:55] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> "sexually safe with me" ahahhaha
[19:55] <YogTimLeejTwg> Hello Kenneth
[19:55] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> **** that don't sound rite
[19:55] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> ann
[19:55] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> did u send kong the pix
[19:55] <Obssessive_Compulsive> how do you know kenneth? are you one?
[19:55] <YogTimLeejTwg> what dont sound right?
[19:55] <Obssessive_Compulsive> lol
[19:55] <Xander> trish is kinky all the way around
[19:55] <Kenneth> hi yogtimleej
[19:55] <Obssessive_Compulsive> is not!
[19:55] <YogTimLeejTwg> Oh, I'm doing it now
[19:55] <YogTimLeejTwg> hehe
[19:56] <YogTimLeejTwg> I have to go save it first
[19:56] <Kenneth> i am not a child molester
[19:56] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> okay
[19:56] <YogTimLeejTwg> You are Kenneth?
[19:56] <YogTimLeejTwg> *grin*
[19:56] <Obssessive_Compulsive> lol
[19:56] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> ann... trish is sexually safe
[19:56] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> ahahhah
[19:56] * YogTimLeejTwg is now known as annlee
[19:56] <Kenneth> looking at ladies who are between the ages of 18 - 21 make me
feel dirty
[19:56] * Obssessive_Compulsive nods*
[19:56] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> ahahahhaa
[19:56] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> omg...
[19:56] <Xander> trish has got the skills
[19:56] <Obssessive_Compulsive> huh?
[19:56] <Kenneth> hi annlee
[19:56] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> u should see her xander.. when she does the blonde tr
[19:56] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> hehe
[19:56] <Obssessive_Compulsive> oh...I meant that in the most asexual way possib
le TIM
[19:56] <Obssessive_Compulsive> gay
[19:56] <Obssessive_Compulsive> lol
[19:56] * Kenneth gives ann tongue to tongue
[19:57] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> ahahahha
[19:57] <annlee> oh good
[19:57] <Obssessive_Compulsive> blonde!
[19:57] <Kenneth> now ann is over 21, hehe
[19:57] <Obssessive_Compulsive> lol
[19:57] <annlee> keep her safe from you
[19:57] <Kenneth> so that was okay to do
[19:57] <Kenneth> hehe
[19:57] * Obssessive_Compulsive does no blonde trick
[19:57] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> trish is after all.. a doll
[19:57] <annlee> :)
[19:57] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> hahaha
[19:57] <jakobiez_fan> amn
[19:57] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> like she said
[19:57] <jakobiez_fan> wow
[19:57] * Guest75898 is now known as nkaujhmongnplogteb
[19:57] * @Tommy{away} Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>Avril Lavigne - Sk8er Boi (º°MªÐë ߥ Tømm¥_
[19:57] <Obssessive_Compulsive> dolls can be brunettes too!
[19:57] <Kenneth> i'll stop being an easy guy now
[19:57] * jen`eat`pho is now known as jenniferHANG
[19:57] <jakobiez_fan> is there a op up in hea
[19:57] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> a cute doll that lido boys like xander have
[19:57] <annlee> brb
[19:57] * annlee smiles at Kenneth
[19:57] <annlee> whoa
[19:57] <annlee> interesting
[19:57] <annlee> hahah
[19:57] <annlee> lol
[19:57] <annlee> you're in a good mood today
[19:57] <annlee> hahahaha
[19:57] * annlee was kicked by hmong (01× 14(ANNLEE(*01!14*01@14*01.14mpls01.14qwest01.14ne
[19:57] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> hahahha
[19:57] * Tommy{away} sets mode: +b *!*@=rC43-22-5-884.mpls.qwest.net
[19:57] * ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@*.maxonline.com.sg
[19:57] <Yangsta_P> hey obsessive, are you sure you turned off your stove before
you left?
[19:57] <Jim`Eat`World> hi jennyhaam
[19:58] <Obssessive_Compulsive> left? I'm still here?
[19:58] <Obssessive_Compulsive> :/
[19:58] <Kenneth> i am in a good mood today
[19:58] <nkaujhmongnplogteb> nyob zoo os
[19:58] <jenniferHANG> hi vinny
[19:58] * Obssessive_Compulsive runs out of her room*
[19:58] <Kenneth> take advantage of me
[19:58] <Yangsta_P> or did you wash your hands yet? how many times?
[19:58] <jenniferHANG> NOT jenny na ha!
[19:58] * [P]rotecto[R] sets mode: -b *!*@=rC43-22-5-884.mpls.qwest.net
[19:58] <jenniferHANG> oiy
[19:58] <Obssessive_Compulsive> oy!
[19:58] <Obssessive_Compulsive> I'm might be slow and stupid...but I'm no idiot!
[19:58] <Jim`Eat`World> she's jenny from the block
[19:58] <Obssessive_Compulsive> :S
[19:58] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> hahahahah
[19:58] <Jim`Eat`World> she dont block c.ock
[19:58] <Jim`Eat`World> ;)
[19:58] <jenniferHANG> haha
[19:58] <jenniferHANG> so freakin gay
[19:58] <jenniferHANG> lols
[19:58] <@[P]rotecto[R]> jakobiez_fan you need somthing?
[19:58] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> doesn't stupid and idiot go hand in hand?
[19:58] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> :P
[19:58] <Obssessive_Compulsive> why are you laughing? *sniff sniff*
[19:58] <Kenneth> i haven't eaten since 630 am
[19:58] <Obssessive_Compulsive> hi jen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[19:59] <jakobiez_fan> ok
[19:59] <Obssessive_Compulsive> no they do not!!!!!!!
[19:59] <jenniferHANG> damns..this whole time at work im just eating
[19:59] <jenniferHANG> hi Trishhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[19:59] <Obssessive_Compulsive> being an idiot is not something someone can help
....being stupid is
[19:59] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> trish es.. no matter how slow you are.. i'll still be
here.. hehe.. counting the seconds on my watch
[19:59] <TiMcutieslikeKoJ> hahaha
[19:59] <Obssessive_Compulsive> lol raum
[19:59] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[19:59] <Kenneth> where did ann go?
[19:59] <Blue_Flamez> hi jennifer
[20:00] <jenniferHANG> trish..do you have any new pics?
[20:00] <jenniferHANG> hi kong
[20:00] * TiMcutieslikeKoJ is now known as TiMkUv
[20:00] <Obssessive_Compulsive> yes I do jen....
[20:00] <Yangsta_P> hey trish, are you from wi?
[20:00] <jenniferHANG> let i see
[20:00] <Obssessive_Compulsive> wanna see my sorority sisters and me?!
[20:00] <Obssessive_Compulsive> no
[20:00] <Obssessive_Compulsive> :/
[20:00] <jenniferHANG> yeah
[20:00] <jenniferHANG> i awnna
[20:00] <Obssessive_Compulsive> wrong trish you've got buddy
[20:00] <Obssessive_Compulsive> k
[20:00] <Xander> i do trish
[20:00] <TiMkUv> trish
[20:00] <TiMkUv> ur mean
[20:00] <Obssessive_Compulsive> msn?
[20:00] <Obssessive_Compulsive> huh?
[20:00] <jenniferHANG> ummm
[20:00] <jenniferHANG> we can try
[20:00] <Obssessive_Compulsive> mean? I'm not mean
[20:00] <Obssessive_Compulsive> how so?
[20:00] <Obssessive_Compulsive> k
[20:00] <TiMkUv> u got new pics and never sent them to me
[20:00] <TiMkUv> :(
[20:00] <jenniferHANG> hyperjennifer@hotmail.com
[20:00] <Obssessive_Compulsive> Trisha_Lis@hotmail.com
[20:00] <jenniferHANG> oiy
[20:00] <Obssessive_Compulsive> that's because you've never asked
[20:00] * @Tommy{away} Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>Azn Pride - Got Rice ***** (º°MªÐë ߥ Tømm¥
[20:01] <jenniferHANG> ill add
[20:01] <Obssessive_Compulsive> :D
[20:01] <TiMkUv> oy
[20:01] <Xander> trish since you've already taken my sexual innosense might as we
ll show me your nude pix
[20:01] <Obssessive_Compulsive> you dont ask, I dont offer
[20:01] * Joins: ann{`gone`miSsInG} (canihelpyo@=rC43-22-5-884.mpls.qwest.net)
[20:01] <Jim`Eat`World> anyone wanna MSN?
[20:01] * Joins: BluEyUrMyBoY (meISme@=Dgg-28-97-065-97.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
[20:01] <TiMkUv> u have me blocked on ur msn too!
[20:01] <Jim`Eat`World> wb ann
[20:01] <Kenneth> welcome back ann
[20:01] * Quits: E|ite (Nokia@=Yglmowga-
(Ping Timeout)
[20:01] <Kenneth> please behave yourself this time
[20:01] <Obssessive_Compulsive> oy...what part of asexual do you not understand
xander? lol
[20:01] <ann{`gone`miSsInG}> thanks jim
[20:01] <ann{`gone`miSsInG}> Thanks Kenneth, only when you're around
[20:01] <ann{`gone`miSsInG}> :)
[20:01] <Xander> i dont understand "a"
[20:01] <Obssessive_Compulsive> did I?
[20:01] <Xander> haha
[20:01] <Obssessive_Compulsive> lol let me not block you then
[20:01] <Obssessive_Compulsive> hehe
[20:01] * Obssessive_Compulsive runs away*
[20:01] <Kenneth> you used slander?
[20:02] <Obssessive_Compulsive> ohhh that's it then xander
[20:02] <TiMkUv> haha
[20:02] <Jim`Eat`World> jennifer haam is hott and tasty
[20:02] <TiMkUv> trish es..
[20:02] <Obssessive_Compulsive> dabtsi os?
[20:02] <Kenneth> ann have you heard of 'good bye time' blake shelton?
[20:02] <TiMkUv> i'll web cam for you.. with a live strip show too
[20:02] <TiMkUv> hahah
[20:02] <Xander> how old are u trish?
[20:02] <ann{`gone`miSsInG}> No, i havent
[20:02] <ann{`gone`miSsInG}> is it good?
[20:02] <jenniferHANG> vinny...im not jLo
[20:02] <jenniferHANG> im jen haam
[20:02] <Kenneth> very very good
[20:02] * Obssessive_Compulsive turns around with straws up her nose like Will S
mith and says what?
[20:02] * @Tommy{away} Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>Azn Pride - Pikachu Rap (º°MªÐë ߥ Tømm¥_Hå
[20:02] <Obssessive_Compulsive> keke
[20:02] <TiMkUv> hahaha
[20:02] <TiMkUv> trish is corny!!
[20:02] <ann{`gone`miSsInG}> Have you heard of 'maybe" , I dont know who sang it
, it's a guy and a lady
[20:02] * Obssessive_Compulsive is still a minor...jailbait xander
[20:03] <TiMkUv> maybe?
[20:03] <jenniferHANG> maybe is sung by vang and kaoyee
[20:03] <TiMkUv> i do ann
[20:03] <jenniferHANG> right?
[20:03] <Xander> we' have alot in common trish
[20:03] <ann{`gone`miSsInG}> can i get it?
[20:03] <Obssessive_Compulsive> lol Tim
[20:03] <Obssessive_Compulsive> of course
[20:03] * Joins: Guest76307 (java@=Rji-54-98-29-15.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
[20:03] <TiMkUv> wait.. its a hmong song?
[20:03] * Joins: Guest79757 (java@=ahuxhosi-
[20:03] <ann{`gone`miSsInG}> no
[20:03] <TiMkUv> i like corny
[20:03] <ann{`gone`miSsInG}> its a country
[20:03] <Obssessive_Compulsive> I'm glad you think so xander
[20:03] * Xander hopes trish pursues xander *
[20:03] <TiMkUv> a guy and a gurl sings?
[20:03] * Obssessive_Compulsive looks the opposite way*
[20:03] <Obssessive_Compulsive> keke
[20:03] <ann{`gone`miSsInG}> yeah
[20:03] <jakobiez_fan> who's
[20:03] <jakobiez_fan> jlo
[20:03] <Xander> kik
[20:03] <Blue_Flamez> hmm
[20:03] <jakobiez_fan> who's j-lo
[20:03] <jakobiez_fan> oh
[20:03] <TiMkUv> oooh
[20:03] <jakobiez_fan> ok im tripping
[20:03] <Obssessive_Compulsive> lol
[20:03] <TiMkUv> i think i have it
[20:03] <Jim`Eat`World> have u guys heard the song duet by jen haam and mee haam
[20:03] <Xander> ego bruiser
[20:04] <TiMkUv> msn
[20:04] <ann{`gone`miSsInG}> hmo no koj mus ntawd kuv
[20:04] * Joins: cowqow (java@=qdm-61-998-077-399.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
[20:04] <TiMkUv> ill send it
[20:04] <Obssessive_Compulsive> haha xander
[20:04] <cowqow> wtf
[20:04] * Joins: Guest77779 (java@=rgkvai-85-17-428-78.dsl.applwi.ameritech.net)
[20:04] <TiMkUv> trish?
[20:04] * Quits: Bethy (java@=qdm-61-998-077-399.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (Kill by N
ickServ (GHOST command used by cowqow))
[20:04] <Xander> it's quite alright
[20:04] <Obssessive_Compulsive> huh?
[20:04] <Jim`Eat`World> they are good chinese singers
[20:04] <Obssessive_Compulsive> dabtsi os
[20:04] * Guest77779 is now known as gb_gurlos
[20:04] * cowqow is now known as Bethy
[20:04] * Quits: MoonShineGuy (SweetLuvGu@=whb-35-177-330-205.hsd1.mn.comcast.ne
t) (QUIT: User exited)
[20:04] <Pho_King_Awesome> hey Ann
[20:04] <TiMkUv> u haven't unblock yet
[20:04] <Jim`Eat`World> :D
[20:04] <Obssessive_Compulsive> I was just kidding dear
[20:04] <Pho_King_Awesome> did Jazz get married or what? I can't get a reach of
[20:04] <ann{`gone`miSsInG}> yes Jack?
[20:04] <Obssessive_Compulsive> ohhh...I will
[20:04] <gb_gurlos> helloooooooooo
[20:04] <Obssessive_Compulsive> hold on
[20:04] * Joins: Guest80148 (java@=zdtpbqbs-
[20:04] <TiMkUv> :P
[20:04] <Obssessive_Compulsive> I'm trying to multi-task here
[20:04] * @Tommy{away} Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>AZN Rap- One Life One Love- Fr0stt
& Baby T (º°MªÐë ߥ Tømm¥_Håñg°º)
[20:04] <Obssessive_Compulsive> lol
[20:04] <jenniferHANG> hi jack
[20:04] * Quits: Guest79757 (java@=ahuxhosi-
net) (QUIT: User exited)
[20:04] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[20:04] <ann{`gone`miSsInG}> Jazz married? no, wait two more years then she will
[20:04] <ann{`gone`miSsInG}> She never picks up her calls
[20:04] * Quits: punkass (guest@=K2gtna-46-912-30-590.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net) (Q
UIT: User exited)
[20:04] <Obssessive_Compulsive> and apparently am doing a bad job at it
[20:04] <Kenneth> ha asian rap
[20:04] <ann{`gone`miSsInG}> just text msg her
[20:04] <Pho_King_Awesome> hihi jenjen
[20:04] <Xander> trish can i see your soroity sis too?
[20:05] * Joins: simplymai (sdfjasdlfj@=sLrz-fcu7-qvhnvl.csumb.edu)
[20:05] <TiMkUv> hahah
[20:05] <TiMkUv> hi mai!
[20:05] <Kenneth> hi mai
[20:05] <TiMkUv> wb
[20:05] <gb_gurlos> how is everyone doing
[20:05] * Joins: passionfruit (me@=Vj72-054.162.popsite.net)
[20:05] <simplymai> Hi Bee
[20:05] <simplymai> Hi Kenneth
[20:05] <jenniferHANG> hi mai
[20:05] <Obssessive_Compulsive> oyyyy
[20:05] <Kenneth> gbgurlos we are fine, how about you?
[20:05] <Pho_King_Awesome> hi pfruity
[20:05] <TiMkUv> trish?
[20:05] * [P]rotecto[R] sets mode: +u ann{`gone`miSsInG}
[20:05] <TiMkUv> wats wrong hun?
[20:05] <simplymai> Hi JackOPho
[20:05] <Obssessive_Compulsive> but you dont want to see me? just my sister?
[20:05] * [P]rotecto[R] sets mode: +u Blue_Flamez
[20:05] <Obssessive_Compulsive> huh?
[20:05] <Obssessive_Compulsive> nothign
[20:05] <passionfruit> hi jack
[20:05] <jakobiez_fan> how old is everybody up in hea
[20:05] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> hahah, that's your bot????????????????????
[20:05] <Xander> hi mai
[20:05] <passionfruit> :P
[20:05] <-Blue_Flamez> yep
[20:05] <-Blue_Flamez> haha
[20:05] * Xander busts the mack on simplymai *
[20:06] * Quits: mike_v_yaj (java@=OScaxm-19-361-866-91.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
(QUIT: User exited)
[20:06] <Xander> how u doin?
[20:06] <simplymai> Hi Xander
[20:06] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> lolz
[20:06] <Obssessive_Compulsive> psssshhhh
[20:06] * simplymai holds up a cross
[20:06] <simplymai> =]
[20:06] <Obssessive_Compulsive> next!
[20:06] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> some how, i figures it
[20:06] * Guest76307 is now known as swEeTy_aNgeL
[20:06] * Guest80148 is now known as imma_gurl
[20:06] <-Blue_Flamez> :P
[20:06] <simplymai> Well, thanks. How are you?
[20:06] <Kenneth> its almost my birthday again
[20:06] <Jim`Eat`World> aye
[20:06] <TiMkUv> hahaha
[20:06] <Pho_King_Awesome> lalalalalalla
[20:06] <imma_gurl> sorry ... but im a girl
[20:06] <simplymai> It's almost my birthday too!
[20:06] <Pho_King_Awesome> where's my angel tonight?
[20:06] <simplymai> =]
[20:06] <Obssessive_Compulsive> k
[20:06] <Jim`Eat`World> any girls wanna chat?
[20:06] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> ???
[20:06] <TiMkUv> trish!!!!!!!!!
[20:06] <Pho_King_Awesome> hi mai
[20:06] <Obssessive_Compulsive> let me unblock tim first
[20:06] <jenniferHANG> kenneth..you have too many b-days
[20:06] <Obssessive_Compulsive> lol
[20:06] <Pho_King_Awesome> happy bday
[20:06] <jenniferHANG> not cool
[20:06] <Obssessive_Compulsive> I'm doing it right now!
[20:06] <jenniferHANG> i only have one
[20:06] <Obssessive_Compulsive> lol
[20:06] <L8dy> i just had a bday
[20:06] <TiMkUv> send me the pics too
[20:06] * Blue_Flamez is now known as ann-tus-ghetto-hunni
[20:06] * swEeTy_aNgeL is going to be away from the channel.
[20:06] <TiMkUv> hehe
[20:06] <simplymai> Not yet Jack, almost. hehe
[20:06] <Obssessive_Compulsive> omg...happy birthday!
[20:06] <Pho_King_Awesome> eary bday
[20:06] <Xander> june 24th
[20:07] <simplymai> Yes my twin.
[20:07] <Obssessive_Compulsive> and as a b-day present...you get to chat with me
in msn now!
[20:07] <Obssessive_Compulsive> lol j/k
[20:07] <Xander> it's my golden birthday
[20:07] <simplymai> Quit announcing my birthday =/
[20:07] <imma_gurl> Hi JACK
[20:07] <TiMkUv> omg!
[20:07] <Xander> hurray for me
[20:07] <imma_gurl> hehe
[20:07] <Obssessive_Compulsive> lol dag xwb los mas!
[20:07] <Pho_King_Awesome> hi gurl
[20:07] <Kenneth> ann i can play half of the song my immortal on piano now
[20:07] <imma_gurl> how are you doing?
[20:07] <simplymai> That's awesome Kenneth.
[20:07] <Pho_King_Awesome> **** you people.. can't tell who's who now with all t
he name changes!
[20:07] * Quits: gb_gurlos (java@=rgkvai-85-17-428-78.dsl.applwi.ameritech.net)
(QUIT: User exited)
[20:07] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> Oh really?
[20:07] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> I wanna hear it
[20:07] <Obssessive_Compulsive> lol
[20:07] <imma_gurl> ahaha!!
[20:07] <imma_gurl> you know me
[20:07] * Obssessive_Compulsive kick wackyjacky!
[20:07] <-ann-tus-ghetto-hunni> hahaha
[20:07] <-ann-tus-ghetto-hunni> tsk tsk
[20:07] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> hi booboo!
[20:07] <Kenneth> mai it took me almost 2 weeks
[20:07] <TiMkUv> trish u sure are taking ur time
[20:07] <Pho_King_Awesome> seattle?
[20:08] <-ann-tus-ghetto-hunni> hi babiee tu nkeeg
[20:08] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> Hold on I brb!
[20:08] <Pho_King_Awesome> only girl I know in Seattle is LIA
[20:08] <Jim`Eat`World> stop changin nicks
[20:08] * Quits: irresistable_anjo (irresistab@=w1o678834.dynamic.cmich.edu) (QU
IT: User exited)
[20:08] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> koj puas nco kuv nas booboo?
[20:08] <simplymai> I need to take piano lessons.
[20:08] <imma_gurl> hehee
[20:08] <-ann-tus-ghetto-hunni> yea
[20:08] <imma_gurl> nopes!
[20:08] <Obssessive_Compulsive> TIM...I think I blocked it and then deleted it
[20:08] <Pho_King_Awesome> err.. who?
[20:08] <Obssessive_Compulsive> give me your msn addy again?
[20:08] <TiMkUv> dork!
[20:08] <imma_gurl> ahahaha
[20:08] <Obssessive_Compulsive> :/
[20:08] <Kenneth> i'm actually taking a break from piano right now
[20:08] <Obssessive_Compulsive> lol shaddup!
[20:08] * `JACKASS slaps imma_gurl around a bit with a large trout
[20:08] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> npaum li cas?
[20:08] <imma_gurl> 5 hours south
[20:08] * swEeTy_aNgeL hehehe boobooo
[20:08] * Joins: Guest78468 (java@=zHqkoz-42-34-646-48.dsl.applwi.ameritech.net)
[20:08] <Pho_King_Awesome> who's you?
[20:08] <swEeTy_aNgeL> how funnie
[20:08] <-ann-tus-ghetto-hunni> hmm..
[20:08] * @Tommy{away} Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>Azn Rap-Racing Ain't A Thing (º°MªÐë ߥ Tøm
[20:08] <-ann-tus-ghetto-hunni> more than koj ncu kuv
[20:08] * imma_gurl slaps `JACKASS around with a large trout!
[20:08] <-ann-tus-ghetto-hunni> :P
[20:08] <jakobiez_fan> --------------------are there op's up in hea
[20:08] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> whoa!!!!!!!
[20:08] <Kenneth> hi ann's bf
[20:09] <simplymai> I've always wanted to play the piano but my parents never un
derstood. Our university doesn't offer the course.
[20:09] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> and you had to sit and think first
[20:09] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> ahah
[20:09] <imma_gurl> ahahaa
[20:09] <Pho_King_Awesome> oh.. THAT Jack
[20:09] <-ann-tus-ghetto-hunni> haha no i dont
[20:09] <Pho_King_Awesome> bah
[20:09] <imma_gurl> no no no
[20:09] <TiMkUv> ooh
[20:09] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> yeah you did
[20:09] <imma_gurl> pho jack
[20:09] <TiMkUv> i play piano a bit
[20:09] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> lem tiag!
[20:09] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> i brb
[20:09] <-ann-tus-ghetto-hunni> hey bee
[20:09] <Pho_King_Awesome> ******!!!
[20:09] <Pho_King_Awesome> who's you???
[20:09] <TiMkUv> yo?
[20:09] <-ann-tus-ghetto-hunni> somthin's wrong wit my car bee
[20:09] <imma_gurl> you don't know me?
[20:09] <TiMkUv> wat do u mean?
[20:09] <imma_gurl> im hurt!
[20:09] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> I need to save this picture and send it out
[20:09] <Kenneth> mai i might have to open my pc tonight again
[20:09] <Kenneth> hehe
[20:09] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[20:09] <Pho_King_Awesome> nope
[20:09] <swEeTy_aNgeL> hi TimKuv
[20:09] <simplymai> Haha, okay.
[20:09] <imma_gurl> it's AMY dork!!
[20:09] <`JACKASS> I been online for : 37mins 52secs
[20:09] <simplymai> Sounds good.
[20:09] <TiMkUv> hi sweet heart
[20:10] <-ann-tus-ghetto-hunni> somtimes the gas meter goes all the way down low
er than e.. but somtimes it goes back up.. like the gas meter's broken or somthi
n.. think u can fix it?
[20:10] <Pho_King_Awesome> oh..
[20:10] <Pho_King_Awesome> why you got SEATTLE?
[20:10] <jakobiez_fan> i need a job
[20:10] * Joins: gigolow (massivE@=awl-14-01-52-80.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[20:10] <TiMkUv> hmm
[20:10] <imma_gurl> this is the company laptop
[20:10] <imma_gurl> remember
[20:10] <Pho_King_Awesome> so?
[20:10] <simplymai> Hi Douly
[20:10] <Pho_King_Awesome> still should go thorugh your ISP
[20:10] <gigolow> hi maiv
[20:10] * Joins: Guest78290 (Chatz@=FYQS232XQ2.ipt.aol.com)
[20:10] <TiMkUv> best bet.. something is wrong with ur gauges..
[20:10] <imma_gurl> ahaha
[20:10] * `JACKASS slaps d`12 around a bit with a large trout
[20:10] <imma_gurl> i don't know
[20:10] * jakobiez_fan is now known as jAKOBIE_dA_mC
[20:10] <TiMkUv> maybe a chip goin bad?
[20:10] <gigolow> Jennifer Hang sorry about your missed call last nite
[20:10] <-ann-tus-ghetto-hunni> yeah
[20:10] <TiMkUv> need to replace it
[20:10] <-ann-tus-ghetto-hunni> or maybe the wires
[20:10] <gigolow> i was already asleep
[20:10] <imma_gurl> im guessing PSC is from seattle originally
[20:10] <jAKOBIE_dA_mC> how do ya change colors?
[20:10] <TiMkUv> since ur car ain't old...
[20:10] <imma_gurl> don;t know
[20:10] <simplymai> Jez I am so in love with Friends.
[20:11] <TiMkUv> best bet is to find it at the dealer.. expensive
[20:11] <jAKOBIE_dA_mC> damn
[20:11] * Guest78290 is now known as apple_
[20:11] * ann-tus-ghetto-hunni is now known as Blue_Flamez
[20:11] <swEeTy_aNgeL> hi champion RoM
[20:11] * Joins: hoodlum_ch (master@=6rh-27-90-22-64.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[20:11] <swEeTy_aNgeL> who u be?
[20:11] <simplymai> I watch Season 3-9 over and over and over again and I never
get tired. =/
[20:11] <Pho_King_Awesome> *yawn*
[20:11] <jAKOBIE_dA_mC> damn!
[20:11] <simplymai> What is wrong with me.
[20:11] * Jim`Eat`World is now known as Orange_
[20:11] <hoodlum_ch> http://members.asianavenue.com/chumpss
[20:11] <Pho_King_Awesome> Friends.. heh
[20:11] <Orange_> :D
[20:11] <-Blue_Flamez> but i brought mines frm the owner
[20:11] <-Blue_Flamez> haha
[20:11] <Kenneth> jakmc i battle you
[20:11] <TiMkUv> mai.. ur physically fione
[20:11] <TiMkUv> hehe
[20:11] <jAKOBIE_dA_mC> foreal
[20:11] <TiMkUv> hmm
[20:11] * Quits: nkaujhmongnplogteb (java@=EZ94-350-863-379.sjvls.org) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
[20:11] <simplymai> Mai who?
[20:11] <jAKOBIE_dA_mC> u wanna battle foreal
[20:11] * Quits: hoodlum_ch (master@=6rh-27-90-22-64.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[20:11] * Quits: russ (java@=MxAEJ5H826.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[20:11] <-Blue_Flamez> mai is so fine.. she blow my mind
[20:11] <jAKOBIE_dA_mC> im icting
[20:11] <-Blue_Flamez> lol
[20:11] * @Tommy{away} Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>Azn Raps - Tai Mai Shu - Freestyle
Chinese Rap (Asian Pride) (º°MªÐë ߥ Tømm¥_Håñg°º)
[20:11] * Orange_ is now known as Vinner
[20:11] <TiMkUv> well u might have to go to the dealer and order a new one
[20:11] * Xander busts the mack on simplymai *
[20:12] * Joins: LoRGuRLo479 (asdf@=6xs7649.dsl.pgtc.com)
[20:12] <Vinner> hey ann ... did u take any pix?
[20:12] <simplymai> Hi Quey
[20:12] <simplymai> :)
[20:12] <Kenneth> i'll cripple you with my flow, nothing you can do but bow down
[20:12] <swEeTy_aNgeL> im right hea
[20:12] <LoRGuRLo479> hi hi mai
[20:12] <-Blue_Flamez> no hi to me mai?
[20:12] <TiMkUv> unless u can find someone who is selling or parting out thiers
[20:12] <jAKOBIE_dA_mC> damn
[20:12] <-Blue_Flamez> :(
[20:12] <swEeTy_aNgeL> sup
[20:12] <jAKOBIE_dA_mC> im bored
[20:12] <Pho_King_Awesome> oh gawd
[20:12] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> yeah vinny
[20:12] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> wanna see?????????????
[20:12] <Pho_King_Awesome> battle crap
[20:12] <simplymai> Hi Kong.
[20:12] <simplymai> :)
[20:12] * Joins: Guest82832 (java@=TOHIH-49-737-667-61.new.res.rr.com)
[20:12] <Vinner> ann ... yeah
[20:12] <swEeTy_aNgeL> what is ur name n frum championROM?
[20:12] <jAKOBIE_dA_mC> huh
[20:12] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> ahah bee called!
[20:12] <apple_> show me annnnnnnn
[20:12] <LoRGuRLo479> how u doing mai?
[20:12] <jAKOBIE_dA_mC> how u wanna battle on the mic
[20:12] <swEeTy_aNgeL> im hea
[20:12] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> his wife drop me off at home
[20:12] <Xander> anyone wanna sell their ek9?
[20:12] <swEeTy_aNgeL> hi apple
[20:12] <jAKOBIE_dA_mC> man i battle u on hmongavchat site
[20:12] <simplymai> I'm well Quey. Thanks for asking, how are you?
[20:12] <@XPLoSion> Good Night
[20:12] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> and she havent gotten to miltown yet
[20:12] <apple_> hi sweety
[20:12] <simplymai> Did you get up in time this morning Que?
[20:12] * Quits: @XPLoSion (VIP@=Brqqsz-60-249-920-37.adsl.iam.net.ma) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
[20:12] <LoRGuRLo479> i'm tired.. two more days til the weekend :)
[20:13] <Kenneth> jakmc 2 versus 16 bars
[20:13] <jAKOBIE_dA_mC> who the hell am i talking to
[20:13] <Vinner> ann ... must be the traffic
[20:13] <jAKOBIE_dA_mC> are u really a rapper
[20:13] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> booboo show those pic from webcam to apple
[20:13] <jAKOBIE_dA_mC> dude just listen to my battle track
[20:13] <jAKOBIE_dA_mC> hah
[20:13] <LoRGuRLo479> ahah yeah.. but i didnt go to class LOL.. i went and sat a
t the union with my laptop.. and was online.. har har :)
[20:13] <Guest82832> soakin'wet(f)
[20:13] <jAKOBIE_dA_mC> im tired
[20:13] <simplymai> Yeah, just two more days!
[20:13] <Vinner> wis got hit with a tornado
[20:13] <jAKOBIE_dA_mC> but shure
[20:13] <swEeTy_aNgeL> where r u Rom?
[20:13] <simplymai> :)
[20:13] <jAKOBIE_dA_mC> lets go
[20:13] * jAKOBIE_dA_mC was kicked by hmong (01× 14(JAKOBIE_DA_MC(*01!14*01@14*01.14kc01.14
S14)1st01.14) 01×)
[20:13] <Xander> anyone wanna sell their ek9?
[20:13] * hmong sets mode: +b *!*@=wTQZH-73-70-91-710.kc.res.rr.com
[20:13] <simplymai> haha
[20:13] <simplymai> Bad girl!
[20:13] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> brb
[20:13] <LoRGuRLo479> yeps.. i kept thinking today was thursday lol
[20:13] <simplymai> It's okay, I didn't do anything at work today.
[20:13] <simplymai> :/
[20:13] <LoRGuRLo479> haa yeah.. but i didnt out miss on much
[20:13] <Xander> Quey was chatting with me so she skipped class
[20:13] <LoRGuRLo479> haha ic
[20:13] <swEeTy_aNgeL> hello u thea ROM?
[20:13] <Vinner> any eau claire gurls in here?
[20:13] <LoRGuRLo479> LOL sure Xander
[20:13] <LoRGuRLo479> who are u?
[20:13] <Kenneth> so mai, that is the typical day of work for you?
[20:13] * Guest82832 is now known as succubus-goddess
[20:13] <apple_> kong?
[20:14] <simplymai> Kenneth, nah I just had a bad day yesterday.
[20:14] <gigolow> how was Fast Food last nite maiv????
[20:14] * Joins: jellorice (plastlk@=0Sbjlw-86-445-921-16.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.n
[20:14] <Kenneth> hi jello
[20:14] <simplymai> So today I decided I'd be good.
[20:14] <Kenneth> i'm sorry to hear that mai
[20:14] <jellorice> hi hi
[20:14] * hmong sets mode: -b *!*@=7MKTL-49-38-31-458.kc.res.rr.com
[20:14] <jellorice> hi all
[20:14] <gigolow> she smoked huh???!
[20:14] <swEeTy_aNgeL> hi yeng
[20:14] <gigolow> a newport!
[20:14] * Xander busts the mack on Quey *
[20:14] <LoRGuRLo479> ohh have to go play my starwars game brb
[20:14] * Quits: jellorice (plastlk@=0Sbjlw-86-445-921-16.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.n
et) (QUIT: User exited)
[20:14] <-Blue_Flamez> woo
[20:14] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[20:14] * Quits: typical`chick (java@=kKv-82-8-295-566.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUI
T: User exited)
[20:14] <simplymai> I did't have fast food Douly, Yeng called and kept me compan
y while I cooked. I dropped a piece of meat, bent down to get it and the lizard
ran across my hand!
[20:14] <-Blue_Flamez> my car looks tite
[20:14] <apple_> kong?
[20:14] * Guest78468 is now known as lonely_gurlo
[20:14] <simplymai> Yeng heard me freak out.
[20:14] <Kenneth> gigolow you like the tascam x-9
[20:14] <-Blue_Flamez> yeah apple?
[20:14] * Quits: Yangsta_P (yangsta_p@=Yom-35-108-49-5.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUI
T: User exited)
[20:14] <swEeTy_aNgeL> where r u ROM?
[20:14] * Joins: jAkObIE (eMcEe_jAkO@=huHXI-84-49-49-242.kc.res.rr.com)
[20:15] <Xander> anyone wanna sell their ek9?
[20:15] <apple_> kong show me ann n ur piz
[20:15] <Bethy> Did you Mai Vang?
[20:15] <TiMkUv> those all the mixes?
[20:15] <jAkObIE> who keeps ----------------kicking me out
[20:15] <gigolow> never seen it nor used it.
[20:15] <jAkObIE> ------------------plz stop kicking me out i didn't do noting
[20:15] <simplymai> Read it Bethany Yang.
[20:15] <simplymai> =P
[20:15] <gigolow> looks nice tho
[20:15] * Quits: imma_gurl (java@=zdtpbqbs-
) (QUIT: User exited)
[20:15] <-Blue_Flamez> yeah
[20:15] <simplymai> Bethany I can't believe you.
[20:15] <Kenneth> i might get it
[20:15] <-Blue_Flamez> ill show u a pic of my car too apple
[20:15] <apple_> kong email to me
[20:15] <simplymai> =/
[20:15] * @Tommy{away} Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>B2K ft. P. Diddy - Bump, Bump, Bum
p (º°MªÐë ߥ Tømm¥_Håñg°º)
[20:15] <-Blue_Flamez> wat's ur email again?
[20:15] <Kenneth> they are selling it for $500
[20:15] <Bethy> 43 minutes
[20:15] <apple_> applethao05@yahoo.com
[20:15] <swEeTy_aNgeL> guess im talking to myself.....O_^
[20:15] <Bethy> Believe me what?
[20:15] * jAkObIE is now known as jAkObIe_tHA_eMCEE
[20:15] <Bethy> haha
[20:15] <Bethy> Mai
[20:15] * Quits: succubus-goddess (java@=TOHIH-49-737-667-61.new.res.rr.com) (QU
IT: User exited)
[20:15] <jAkObIe_tHA_eMCEE> aite
[20:16] <Kenneth> hi bethy
[20:16] <Bethy> My friend's mom loves me.
[20:16] <swEeTy_aNgeL> ouch!!!!!!!!!!
[20:16] <jAkObIe_tHA_eMCEE> who gon battle me?
[20:16] <gigolow> how does she work??? good. ?
[20:16] <Bethy> She wouldn't stop talking about me.
[20:16] <Bethy> Hi Kenneth.
[20:16] <apple_> kong got it
[20:16] * Joins: Guest84133 (java@=vgNNC-16-737-319-96.new.res.rr.com)
[20:16] <-Blue_Flamez> yeah hold on
[20:16] <Xander> i'll battle you
[20:16] <apple_> k
[20:16] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[20:16] * Guest84133 is now known as succubus-goddess
[20:16] <succubus-goddess> hello kenneth
[20:16] <gigolow> pioneer to me is just user friendly thats why im such a fan of
[20:16] * Xander u start
[20:16] <jAkObIe_tHA_eMCEE> man
[20:16] <Pho_King_Awesome> lalalalalalalala
[20:16] <swEeTy_aNgeL> my feets r sleepy
[20:16] <Kenneth> hi sucgod
[20:16] <Vinner> yo yo yo
[20:16] <jAkObIe_tHA_eMCEE> -----------------plz stop kicking me out i don't do
[20:16] <simplymai> Bethany, at least she didn't see you at new year, introduce
you to someone and then say, "The ones like this are the ones that will give you
nice big babies"
[20:16] <succubus-goddess> how are you
[20:16] <simplymai> Or did she?
[20:16] <simplymai> :/
[20:16] <Pho_King_Awesome> hey
[20:16] <Pho_King_Awesome> that's MY line, Vinny!
[20:16] <Kenneth> i'm sorry, i do not talk to strangers
[20:16] <succubus-goddess> i love ur name...it sounds so Irish
[20:16] * Pho_King_Awesome steals it back from Vinny
[20:16] <Bethy> er...
[20:17] <Bethy> What Mai?
[20:17] <succubus-goddess> haha
[20:17] <Bethy> wtf
[20:17] * Xander are you gonna battle me or what?
[20:17] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[20:17] <Bethy> You just confused me, girl.
[20:17] <succubus-goddess> fine that's good to know
[20:17] <simplymai> Your Mom's friend!
[20:17] <Kenneth> hi mandy
[20:17] <Vinner> lol
[20:17] <Bethy> No
[20:17] <apple_> where is vinny?
[20:17] * Joins: Guest79839 (java@=riSPM37074.ipt.aol.com)
[20:17] <Bethy> My friend's mom!!
[20:17] <Bethy> Dork.
[20:17] <Bethy> My friend from work.
[20:17] <succubus-goddess> kenneth, how old are you
[20:17] <simplymai> Same difference.
[20:17] <Vinner> eh yo eh yo
[20:17] <Kenneth> sucgod please take no offensive of that
[20:17] <Obssessive_Compulsive> jen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
[20:17] <simplymai> Older person who adores you.
[20:17] <simplymai> haha
[20:17] <Bethy> Her parents came to visit her, and she met me for a second.
[20:17] <Obssessive_Compulsive> is she still here/
[20:17] <Bethy> And she wouldn't stop talking about me.
[20:17] <Vinner> thats my line: eh yo, eh yo
[20:17] <simplymai> That's a good thing.
[20:17] <simplymai> Right?
[20:17] <succubus-goddess> hi obsseviecomp
[20:17] <Bethy> hahaha
[20:17] <Bethy> I guess.
[20:17] <succubus-goddess> how are u
[20:17] <Bethy> HAHAHA
[20:17] * Xander it's my turn...
[20:17] <Vinner> eh yo, eh yo APPLE_
[20:17] <succubus-goddess> don't tell me
[20:18] <simplymai> I wanna watch Napolean Dynamite.
[20:18] <succubus-goddess> u
[20:18] <succubus-goddess> are underage
[20:18] <succubus-goddess> it's ok'
[20:18] <succubus-goddess> lol
[20:18] <apple_> hi vinny
[20:18] <apple_> hi bee
[20:18] <simplymai> HI apple
[20:18] <apple_> hi mai
[20:18] * swEeTy_aNgeL is talking to herself...O_O
[20:18] <TiMkUv> hi apple
[20:18] <TiMkUv> no ur not sweet heart
[20:18] <Vinner> APPLE_ are u sweet or sour?
[20:18] * Xander yo yo yo yea what uh huh u suck at rap
[20:18] <Kenneth> now i am bored
[20:18] <Bethy> http://vnboards.ign.com/AC_Friends/b5258/87774367/ <-- Stupid gi
rl pisses me off.
[20:18] <Bethy> Jesus.
[20:18] <`JACKASS> HMM...
[20:18] * Xander i win u lose
[20:18] <Obssessive_Compulsive> jen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[20:18] <LoRGuRLo479> woOhOo i'm good :)
[20:18] <Bethy> Mai, don't be like her.
[20:18] <apple_> sour
[20:18] <Bethy> JEEZ.
[20:18] * Joins: Guest80168 (java@=2k93-433-949-93.stkn.dialup.elite.net)
[20:18] <simplymai> Don't be like who?
[20:18] <jAkObIe_tHA_eMCEE> Ey yo check this, hmongchat place throw ur hands up
yeah yeah check this/ ey yo when spit it's simple, pop u like ur mom's pimples/
i bomb ur whole set with this missle, when u see it's clear as crystal/ i type t
o quick, but when i spit, u'll get it/ u couldn't spit **** even if u literlly
spited ****/ u ain't no mc, u look like a desendant of bee monkey/ fake *** u ai
n't a rapper, u a freaking
[20:18] * jAkObIe_tHA_eMCEE was kicked by [P]rotecto[R] (15°«×[ 12exceeded text15 ]×»° 15¤
astness script v5.1 15 ]×»°)
[20:18] * Tommy{away} sets mode: +b *!*@=huHXI-84-49-49-242.kc.res.rr.com
[20:18] * ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@*.dyn.sprint-hsd.net
[20:18] <Bethy> The stupid girl.
[20:18] * d`12 is now known as crusheR
[20:18] <simplymai> Er, I don't know if I trust that link Bethy.
[20:19] <Vinner> APPLE_ sour tastes good with caramel
[20:19] <Bethy> It's just a board.
[20:19] <Bethy> :p
[20:19] <Bethy> hah
[20:19] <simplymai> The last time I opened a link from you it was at work and it
was of a condom vibrator
[20:19] <simplymai> You sicko.
[20:19] <simplymai> =/
[20:19] <Bethy> LOL
[20:19] <gigolow> napoleon dynamite reminds me so much of High School back in th
e early 90's
[20:19] * Tommy{away} sets mode: -b *!*@=huHXI-84-49-49-242.kc.res.rr.com
[20:19] <Vinner> YOUR a broad?
[20:19] <-Blue_Flamez> ok apple
[20:19] <gigolow> crap im old!!!
[20:19] <Bethy> You know you liked it.
[20:19] <-Blue_Flamez> its sent
[20:19] <Bethy> :p
[20:19] * Guest80168 is now known as mr-smooth
[20:19] <@MaiShade> Tommy{away}?????
[20:19] <Bethy> Hi Doukee.
[20:19] <simplymai> Napolean Dynamite rocks my socks.
[20:19] <apple_> ok ..thanks kong
[20:19] <Bethy> Hi Mai.
[20:19] <Bethy> Hi apple.
[20:19] <gigolow> hi Bethy.
[20:19] <apple_> hi bethy
[20:19] <Pho_King_Awesome> so do I, mai
[20:19] <Kenneth> gigolow, remember? we sat behind jesus in the second grade
[20:19] * @Tommy{away} Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>B44 - Endlessly (º°MªÐë ߥ Tømm¥_Håñg°º)
[20:19] <gigolow> maiv you got some stanky socks
[20:19] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[20:19] <Guest79839> dsfs
[20:19] <simplymai> hahaha
[20:19] <simplymai> Douly
[20:19] * Joins: jakobie (jakobie@=IGGAU-71-36-69-679.kc.res.rr.com)
[20:19] <simplymai> I was thinking about whatI said to you last night at work to
[20:19] <simplymai> And I laughed out loud.
[20:20] * swEeTy_aNgeL run away.....
[20:20] <simplymai> I'm such a weirdo.
[20:20] <gigolow> Kenneth well i wouldnt say jesus but dinosaurs and neanderthaw
s, yes.
[20:20] * jakobie is now known as jAKOBIE
[20:20] * Joins: Guest83389 (java@=beDNF937I1.ipt.aol.com)
[20:20] * Joins: infamous_mike (infamous_m@=nHyuemxv-941-555.imt.uwm.edu)
[20:20] <jAKOBIE> ----------------------sorry i flooded
[20:20] <gigolow> maiv indeed you are.
[20:20] <Kenneth> nanders, hehe
[20:20] <simplymai> =]
[20:20] <Kenneth> sup mike
[20:20] * Quits: crusheR (java@=laRQQ-08-63-267-141.kc.res.rr.com) (QUIT: User e
[20:20] <jAKOBIE> man u can't battle hea this sucks
[20:20] <Kenneth> 90 days over?
[20:20] <apple_> kong wanna see my new piz?
[20:20] <simplymai> apple, show me!
[20:20] * Guest83389 is now known as Ms_XiongGurl_WI
[20:20] <gigolow> <simplymai> what do you guys think i go around F*cking everyth
ing that walks on 2's n 4's???!
[20:20] <apple_> hahah mai
[20:20] <gigolow> <simplymai> what do you guys think i go around F*cking everyth
ing that walks on 2's n 4's???!
[20:20] <Vinner> apple i do
[20:20] <Kenneth> jakmc if only you were a real one
[20:20] <apple_> mai only gor guy...lol
[20:20] <-Blue_Flamez> yeah.. send it apple
[20:20] <simplymai> WHAT!
[20:20] <simplymai> I did not say that!
[20:20] <simplymai> jeezz
[20:20] <jAKOBIE> haha
[20:20] <apple_> *for
[20:20] <jAKOBIE> i am
[20:21] <jAKOBIE> check out my songs
[20:21] <simplymai> Uh, I have to be a guy? Okay I'm a guy.
[20:21] * Joins: reality_gurl (nSeNsItIvE@=hov-35-582-06-08.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[20:21] * ChanServ sets mode: +o reality_gurl
[20:21] <gigolow> well something similiar to that.
[20:21] <Guest79839> any ladies here got big boobs
[20:21] <jAKOBIE> http:pp.asianavenue.com/jakobie
[20:21] <apple_> vinny u didnt show me ur piz
[20:21] <jAKOBIE> ****
[20:21] <simplymai> Anyhow-
[20:21] <Bethy> fck
[20:21] <Bethy> I'm bored
[20:21] <jAKOBIE> http://pp.asianavenue.com/jakobie some of my raps
[20:21] <Kenneth> same here bethy
[20:21] <Ms_XiongGurl_WI> any guys over 24 wanna chat and mature
[20:21] <Vinner> apple hmmmmm
[20:21] * Guest79839 is now known as vbnbnm
[20:21] <Kenneth> i'm picking fights with these kids
[20:21] <jAKOBIE> http://www.soundclick.com/bands/8/jakobieher_music.htm all my
[20:21] <Kenneth> that is how bored i am
[20:22] * Xander jakoble you pop pimples for fun, i was doing shtt when u was sh
tting in pampers.. chigga where u at i thought this was a battle, now u over the
re herding ur cattle.. of unattractive women who has zits on they face ur a disg
race to the human race..
[20:22] <jAKOBIE> im bored too
[20:22] <apple_> vinny show me ur aa
[20:22] <Vinner> ms_xionggurl_wi wanna chat?
[20:22] <jAKOBIE> ey how can u battle without getting kicked out
[20:22] <jAKOBIE> this really gay
[20:22] * Joins: LUClANA_ (hjaddi@=jZuwckdrukwf224.219-80-70.mc.videotron.ca)
[20:22] <Kenneth> when you become a true mc
[20:22] <simplymai> haha poor Bethy and Kenneth.
[20:22] <jAKOBIE> haha
[20:22] <Kenneth> then you wont get kicked out
[20:22] <jAKOBIE> u funnie
[20:22] <@MaiShade> Tommy{away}??? u "there" boi?
[20:22] <-Blue_Flamez> eh jakobie.. u cant beat plucky on raps
[20:22] <-Blue_Flamez> lol
[20:22] <jAKOBIE> im bored
[20:22] * Xander ok cus u had too long of a text bro
[20:22] <jAKOBIE> hell no plucky raped me
[20:22] <Bethy> call me 503.867.5309
[20:22] * Xander limit urself to like 3 lines
[20:22] <jAKOBIE> plucky too good
[20:22] <@MaiShade> hmong <= zai ma?!?!?!?
[20:22] * swEeTy_aNgeL is bored as welll........
[20:22] <jAKOBIE> 7sinz too good
[20:22] <simplymai> Bethy that's not your number.
[20:23] <jAKOBIE> pha is too good
[20:23] * Joins: U_bastard (lka_ke@=wvs00.168.26.35.mad.wi.charter.com)
[20:23] <jAKOBIE> rare is too good
[20:23] <vbnbnm> bethy are you easy
[20:23] <Bethy> yes it is
[20:23] <simplymai> I'm gonna call you.
[20:23] <jAKOBIE> fresco tee is too good
[20:23] <Kenneth> mai you called that number before then?
[20:23] <Bethy> Uh
[20:23] * Xander lol
[20:23] <Grand_Champion_ROM> ddgd
[20:23] <simplymai> Where is my purse!
[20:23] * @Tommy{away} Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>Baby Beesh&Frankie J - Sugar how u
get so fly (º°MªÐë ߥ Tømm¥_Håñg°º)
[20:23] * Xander they suck
[20:23] <Vinner> bethy is easy as 123
[20:23] <Bethy> hahaha
[20:23] <Bethy> Yup Vinny
[20:23] <Kenneth> fresco tee? he is no match for me
[20:23] <vbnbnm> i wonder if bethy got big boobs
[20:23] * Joins: Guest84541 (java@=FfVSS95A99.ipt.aol.com)
[20:23] <Vinner> nope she got small ones
[20:23] <Vinner> how do i know? im her pimp
[20:23] <Bethy> Small as a dog.
[20:23] <infamous_mike> havent heard about fresco in ages
[20:24] <vbnbnm> hmmmm are there pumps for boobs, you know, from a size to b siz
[20:24] <simplymai> Errrr Where's my purse!
[20:24] * Joins: Jimmy_Wang_Yu (ThaiTeb@=7puhpj-12-706-280-833.dsl.chmpil.amerit
[20:24] <@MaiShade> infamous_mike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[20:24] <Bethy> haha Mai
[20:24] * Joins: MetrosexualiciousGuy (none@=Mxcwzk-08-923-057-704.dsl.frsn02.pa
[20:24] <infamous_mike> use to promote him
[20:24] <Bethy> What a liar.
[20:24] <Bethy> omgz
[20:24] <infamous_mike> hiya maishade
[20:24] <jAKOBIE> haha
[20:24] <TiMkUv> ann?
[20:24] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  hello room
[20:24] <jAKOBIE> u talking **** on fresco tee
[20:24] <jAKOBIE> haha
[20:24] <jAKOBIE> lostbreed
[20:24] * Guest84541 is now known as nkaujsosiab
[20:24] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  fresco tee's cool
[20:24] <simplymai> Found it.
[20:24] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[20:24] * Joins: Guest81961 (java@=Xmiqpx-14-616-98-672.dsl.sktn01.pacbell.net)
[20:24] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  howdy bay babe
[20:24] * jAKOBIE is now known as eMcEe_jAkObIe
[20:24] <nkaujsosiab> h
[20:24] <Bethy> wtf mai
[20:24] <eMcEe_jAkObIe> sall good
[20:24] <Bethy> that's my brother's cell
[20:24] <infamous_mike> fresco is cool
[20:24] <U_bastard> hi
[20:24] <-Blue_Flamez> apple...
[20:24] <simplymai> What is?
[20:24] <mr-smooth> nkaujsosiab...nyob zoo os
[20:24] <-Blue_Flamez> did u send the pics?
[20:25] <-Blue_Flamez> apple...
[20:25] <infamous_mike> lst time i did a gig with him was same yrs ago
[20:25] <Bethy> jk
[20:25] <Bethy> :D
[20:25] <nkaujsosiab> puas muaj leej twg kam nrog kuv tham
[20:25] <Grand_Champion_ROM> j tjlklt,tr,
[20:25] <apple_> not yet kong
[20:25] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  infamous mike, aint you the same one who used to
be with maiblia?
[20:25] <simplymai> Bethy, I have your brother's number, if you forgot.
[20:25] <Kenneth> fresco is cool; during the winters only
[20:25] <-Blue_Flamez> ooh ok
[20:25] <simplymai> haha
[20:25] <-Blue_Flamez> got mines yet?
[20:25] <apple_> hold on
[20:25] <Bethy> haha
[20:25] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> okay back
[20:25] <Grand_Champion_ROM> lkjjjkkikkk.g,mk.d,,l,lf/,
[20:25] <Bethy> Anyways.
[20:25] <TiMkUv> ann
[20:25] <Kenneth> hi ann
[20:25] <Bethy> call me 503.867.5309
[20:25] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> i wanna see yours booboo
[20:25] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> hi Kenneth
[20:25] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  runs to call bethy
[20:25] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> yes bee?
[20:25] <-Blue_Flamez> u alrdy got it haha
[20:25] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  bethy that numba better be real
[20:25] * -ann{`gone`miSsInG} went to prepared stuff
[20:25] <simplymai> Bethy that must be the number to someone you don't like, eh
[20:25] <mr-smooth> Bethy....how old are you?
[20:25] * Quits: nkaujsosiab (java@=FfVSS95A99.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[20:25] <Bethy> I'm 14
[20:25] <-Blue_Flamez> iono.. but y bee took the pic of my car so diagonally
[20:26] <Bethy> How old are you OG?
[20:26] <-Blue_Flamez> lol
[20:26] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  hands off fellas, BETHY'S my jailbaiter
[20:26] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> iono
[20:26] <Bethy> haha Mai
[20:26] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> he's right there
[20:26] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> ahah
[20:26] <swEeTy_aNgeL> dang ya r lucky
[20:26] <Bethy> Ever herad of that one song, Mai?
[20:26] <vbnbnm> bethy you are 14, i bet you got like 2 kids huh
[20:26] <simplymai> BEthy!!!!
[20:26] <simplymai> Guess what?
[20:26] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  ann's not gone, she's just missing me
[20:26] <mr-smooth> das right..i'm an OG...give me some respect...haha
[20:26] * swEeTy_aNgeL wish i was back young....O_O
[20:26] <simplymai> I'm missing a digit in your phone number.
[20:26] <simplymai> Dang it!
[20:26] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> hahahaha sure MetrosexualiciousGuy
[20:26] <Bethy> What?
[20:26] <simplymai> 503
[20:26] <Kenneth> anyone want to come over and cook for me?
[20:26] <-Blue_Flamez> no.. ann miss me
[20:26] <Vinner> i miss the good ole days
[20:26] <Bethy> LOOL
[20:26] <simplymai> 275
[20:26] <Bethy> HAHAHAH
[20:26] <Bethy> No it's not Mai
[20:26] <Bethy> 0
[20:26] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  walks across the room in his tight black leather
[20:26] <simplymai> And then just 3 numbers after that?
[20:26] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> i'll cook for you Kenneth
[20:26] <simplymai> :/
[20:26] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  haha
[20:26] <Bethy> 207
[20:26] * Guest81961 is now known as mary_dammit
[20:26] <Bethy> HAHHA
[20:26] * ChanServ sets mode: +v mary_dammit
[20:26] * Xander so is this battle over?
[20:26] * @Tommy{away} Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>Back Street Boys - As Long As You
Love Me (º°MªÐë ߥ Tømm¥_Håñg°º)
[20:26] <Kenneth> i'll even pay cash
[20:27] <Bethy> Mai so funny.
[20:27] <simplymai> ah so it's 207 and then the rest?
[20:27] <-Blue_Flamez> ok.. go cook for them.. :). i got mary to cook for me
[20:27] <simplymai> right?
[20:27] <-Blue_Flamez> ok.. go cook for them.. :). i got mary to cook for me
[20:27] <Bethy> Yeah
[20:27] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  oops dropped something and bends over
[20:27] <+mary_dammit> for soem reason hmongtalk keeps kicking me out now.......
.why??...can some one tell me?
[20:27] <simplymai> Okay
[20:27] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> thats fine kong
[20:27] <eMcEe_jAkObIe> ey man
[20:27] <Bethy> How did you miss the 0?
[20:27] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> :)
[20:27] <eMcEe_jAkObIe> if i text battle
[20:27] <simplymai> I'm gonna call you hahaha
[20:27] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> mary can cook for you
[20:27] <eMcEe_jAkObIe> i get kicked out
[20:27] <eMcEe_jAkObIe> dude
[20:27] <+mary_dammit> for soem reason hmongtalk keeps kicking me out now.......
.why??...can some one tell me?
[20:27] <Obssessive_Compulsive> hi mary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[20:27] <Bethy> SURE MAI
[20:27] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  howdy mary dammity
[20:27] <eMcEe_jAkObIe> i cna't battle like this
[20:27] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> I'll go cook for Kenneth
[20:27] <Bethy> OMGZ
[20:27] <Xander> lol
[20:27] <Kenneth> mary because your not cool like me
[20:27] * Xander just type 3 lines at a time
[20:27] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> hi mary
[20:27] <eMcEe_jAkObIe> ------------------------someone keeps on kicking me out
[20:27] <+mary_dammit> <--good cooker..want some??...NO WAY!
[20:27] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  mary are you jenn, cause whenever she's on you're
not and whenever you're on, she's not
[20:27] <+mary_dammit> ahhaa
[20:27] * Xander 4 is when u get kicked
[20:27] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> MARY!!!!!!!!!!! i'm finally HOME!
[20:27] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> ahh
[20:27] <Kenneth> if anything, i'll have to eat ceral with milk again tnight
[20:27] <-Blue_Flamez> mary.. will u cook fo rme? since ann's cookin for kennet
[20:27] <+mary_dammit> shes on with me too
[20:27] <simplymai> No Bethan I'm not gonna call you.
[20:27] <+mary_dammit> ann!!...hi ann!
[20:27] <Obssessive_Compulsive> aiyooo
[20:27] <+mary_dammit> bout time
[20:27] <Bethy> Good
[20:27] <simplymai> I'll call you another time.
[20:27] <simplymai> haha
[20:27] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  mary either way, i still wanna meet your cousin l
[20:27] <Bethy> cause I need to go poop
[20:27] <Bethy> hgahaha
[20:27] <Kenneth> blue flamez ann wouldnt' cook for me
[20:27] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> hahaha
[20:28] * Obssessive_Compulsive is now known as BaBiE_Do||
[20:28] <-Blue_Flamez> mary.. will u cook for me? since ann's cookin for kennet
[20:28] * Joins: Guest82073 (java@=nPi32.168.28.183.mad.wi.charter.com)
[20:28] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  lyns a real cutie
[20:28] * -ann{`gone`miSsInG} is finally HOME!
[20:28] <+mary_dammit> ok kong...i'll buy you the home trays at the stores
[20:28] * Joins: Guest82519 (java@=qrq-64-574-479-12.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[20:28] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  home from what ANN?
[20:28] <-Blue_Flamez> haha how mean
[20:28] <+mary_dammit> hi kenneth
[20:28] <simplymai> Then ann, you're not "gone missing" anymore
[20:28] * Guest82519 is now known as amanda_hlub
[20:28] <-Blue_Flamez> n i thought u car bout me mary
[20:28] <-Blue_Flamez> :(
[20:28] <+mary_dammit> hi trish!
[20:28] <-Blue_Flamez> care*
[20:28] <+mary_dammit> kong i do..always
[20:28] <+mary_dammit> duh
[20:28] * -ann{`gone`miSsInG} says dayem.. being on the rode for 28 hrs straight
! non-stop accept for gas
[20:28] <-Blue_Flamez> eh mary.. are u home?
[20:28] <BaBiE_Do||> omg...that was so late! it took you 1 minute to notice me
[20:28] <Kenneth> mai desn't that get on your nerves?
[20:28] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  anns where'd ya go?
[20:28] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> hi trish
[20:28] <Vinner> dammm thats lots of driving
[20:29] <+mary_dammit> no
[20:29] <BaBiE_Do||> hi ann!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[20:29] <simplymai> Kenneth: What? The addition to the lias?
[20:29] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> i was in kali
[20:29] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  that's one helluva drive
[20:29] <simplymai> alias*
[20:29] <+mary_dammit> not yet!!..ahHhH!!..im going crazy here
[20:29] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  where in cali, ann?
[20:29] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> northern and central
[20:29] <Kenneth> now, peole with their names here
[20:29] <+mary_dammit> trish...me?...dude like i know
[20:29] <+mary_dammit> oiy
[20:29] <BaBiE_Do||> keke
[20:29] * Joins: sirMcWorm (Evil@=6Ii-58-507-407-85.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[20:29] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[20:29] <+mary_dammit> ann..u like CA?
[20:29] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> i went up to chico
[20:29] <+mary_dammit> hahha
[20:29] <simplymai> Yeah espescially when it's lower and upper case together.
[20:29] <sirMcWorm> yo
[20:29] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> i like kali
[20:29] <simplymai> :/
[20:29] <simplymai> Cali!
[20:29] <simplymai> C!
[20:29] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> my aunt wanted me to live there and not return
[20:29] <simplymai> haha
[20:29] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> ahah
[20:29] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  all the way from MN to Chico ONLY, haha
[20:29] <simplymai> Good gracious.
[20:29] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  wutta waste
[20:29] * Xander wow we got 2 rappers in here
[20:30] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> nah uh MetrosexualiciousGuy
[20:30] <-Blue_Flamez> brb
[20:30] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  you better have gotten laid, ann
[20:30] <+mary_dammit> ann is sooooooooooo not talkative.....i was trying to mac
k on her...but NOoOO
[20:30] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> i was in chico, sac, fresno, and other place
[20:30] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  cause if not.................
[20:30] * Guest82073 is now known as F00L|SHLADiE
[20:30] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> haha mary
[20:30] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> cuz *hem* u know who's there
[20:30] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> ahah
[20:30] <+mary_dammit> hahahhhaha
[20:30] <vbnbnm> are there hot girls on here
[20:30] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  why didn't ya holla at me ann
[20:30] * Xander hi mary
[20:30] <+mary_dammit> UmmMM me?
[20:30] <Vinner> mary tried to mack on me......
[20:30] <simplymai> Kenneth you're not THAT bored.
[20:30] <+mary_dammit> hi xander
[20:30] * @Tommy{away} Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>Back Street Boys - I Want I That W
ay (º°MªÐë ߥ Tømm¥_Håñg°º)
[20:30] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  we could've gotten jiggy wit it in sac and fresno
[20:30] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> hahaha
[20:30] <Vinner> hi mary
[20:30] * Kenneth is now known as AmaruShakur
[20:30] * Parts: apple_ (Chatz@=FYQS232XQ2.ipt.aol.com)
[20:30] <+mary_dammit> hi sexy voice vinny
[20:30] <Vinner> appl dint share her pix
[20:30] <AmaruShakur> i am bored mai
[20:30] * Xander big boobed mary
[20:30] <AmaruShakur> believe me
[20:30] <U_bastard> chat with me
[20:30] <Bethy> call me 503.867.5309
[20:30] <simplymai> Your pc isn't opened! haha
[20:31] <vbnbnm> bethy are you easy
[20:31] <simplymai> Hi Bethy, I hope you sprayed fresh scent.
[20:31] <AmaruShakur> my pc?
[20:31] <+mary_dammit> what?
[20:31] <Bethy> No, I didn't.
[20:31] * swEeTy_aNgeL is bored
[20:31] * AmaruShakur is now known as Kenneth
[20:31] <Bethy> I only have fresh poop scent.
[20:31] * Joins: Guest88392 (java@=JNYFY-06-13-806-35.wi.res.rr.com)
[20:31] <+mary_dammit> me big boobs??...i wish!!..i liek ann's boobs
[20:31] <+mary_dammit> it sexy
[20:31] <+mary_dammit> n big
[20:31] <simplymai> Yeah, your pc.
[20:31] <eMcEe_jAkObIe> oh
[20:31] <Bethy> No
[20:31] <+mary_dammit> ithangs
[20:31] <Bethy> I don't PC
[20:31] <Bethy> Sorry.
[20:31] <Vinner> mary did u touch it?
[20:31] * Xander thanks for telling me
[20:31] <Kenneth> i intend to leave it closed :)
[20:31] <+mary_dammit> no
[20:31] <+mary_dammit> ann wont let me
[20:31] * Xander now i can go molest her boobs
[20:31] <Vinner> :D
[20:31] <Vinner> lols
[20:31] * Parts: U_bastard (lka_ke@=wvs00.168.26.35.mad.wi.charter.com)
[20:31] <simplymai> No, you Bethany hahaha
[20:31] * Joins: Guest88295 (java@=DJsdkg-51-05-958-198.rev.o1.com)
[20:31] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> huh??????????????
[20:31] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  bethy that's the number to the police department
[20:31] <Bethy> No me?
[20:31] <simplymai> I know Kenneth, I went "jdfksjdkljldka"
[20:31] <Vinner> mary u can touch my man boobs
[20:31] * Joins: Guest84201 (java@=RC58-933-366-632.sjvls.org)
[20:31] <Bethy> But honey.
[20:32] <+mary_dammit> haha
[20:32] * Xander jk ann
[20:32] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  haha
[20:32] * Joins: Miss_Diamond (lka_ke@=wvs00.168.26.35.mad.wi.charter.com)
[20:32] <Bethy> Don't lie Kong.
[20:32] <Vinner> lol
[20:32] <Bethy> I think you're Kong.
[20:32] <simplymai> To test how bored you are, not as bored as last time.
[20:32] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> plz molest it
[20:32] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  all i needed was the love you gave
[20:32] <+mary_dammit> vinny..if i was to touch urs..i rather touch mines....DAM
[20:32] <Vinner> lolz
[20:32] * Guest84201 is now known as nkaujhmongnplogteb
[20:32] <Kenneth> mai i'm sorry, not a big fan of s.p.a.m. either
[20:32] <Pho_King_Awesome> ugh
[20:32] <Pho_King_Awesome> tired
[20:32] <Pho_King_Awesome> *POOF*
[20:32] * Quits: Pho_King_Awesome (me@=6rh-27-90-22-64.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUI
T: User exited)
[20:32] * Joins: Guest88990 (java@=i3ctesjl-
[20:32] <simplymai> hahaha
[20:32] <Vinner> urs is big
[20:32] * Xander oh boy
[20:32] <Kenneth> hehe
[20:32] <nkaujhmongnplogteb> nyob zoo os hmoob??
[20:32] * Quits: lonely_gurlo (java@=zHqkoz-42-34-646-48.dsl.applwi.ameritech.ne
t) (QUIT: User exited)
[20:32] <Vinner> ger
[20:32] * Xander bye
[20:32] <Guest88295> jjk
[20:32] * Xander gtg
[20:32] <Guest88295> alalala
[20:32] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  all i needed for another day
[20:32] <simplymai> =P
[20:32] * Quits: Xander (java@=Wtpxfhqy-
(QUIT: User exited)
[20:32] <simplymai> Bye twin!
[20:32] * Joins: pahoua (bl@=hfQLOP0Y37.ipt.aol.com)
[20:32] <eMcEe_jAkObIe> ---------------u guys are sick!
[20:32] <Guest88295> gyz wana chat?? holla
[20:32] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  and all i ever knew.................... only YOU
[20:32] <Kenneth> hi pahoua
[20:32] <nkaujhmongnplogteb> nej puas nyob zoo os
[20:32] <pahoua> hi Kenneth
[20:32] <+mary_dammit> who xander?
[20:33] * Guest88990 is now known as Mo_day
[20:33] <simplymai> He's my twin.
[20:33] <Kenneth> i might just have to get a lover to cure my bordem
[20:33] <Mo_day> hello mah peoples
[20:33] <Vinner> i need a good girl to chat with
[20:33] <simplymai> Go for it Kenneth. Good luck.
[20:33] <Mo_day> wassup vinner
[20:33] <Grand_Champion_ROM> wasup pah oua
[20:33] * pahoua is now known as _pahoua_
[20:33] <Mo_day> ahaha
[20:33] * Guest88295 is now known as hi
[20:33] * -ann{`gone`miSsInG} *
[20:33] <+mary_dammit> hi pahoua
[20:33] <simplymai> Hi Pahoua
[20:33] <Mo_day> i don't know if im a good girl
[20:33] <Bethy> hi pahoua
[20:33] <Kenneth> i was speaking from bordem + desperation
[20:33] <_pahoua_> hi sexy mary
[20:33] <Vinner> hi mo_day
[20:33] <_pahoua_> hi bethy
[20:33] <_pahoua_> hi mai
[20:33] <Kenneth> that was not from my conscious
[20:33] <Vinner> hahaha
[20:33] * +`simplysweet`bz` OMYY... POJDAb!!!
[20:33] <Mo_day> wassup
[20:33] <_pahoua_> who's Grand_Champion_ROM
[20:33] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> damn..sooo many emails!
[20:33] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  hi pahoua
[20:33] * Joins: Guest84992 (Chatz@=IUJC921DY2.ipt.aol.com)
[20:34] <simplymai> Kenneth- wouldnt be a bad thing if it was. It's only human.
[20:34] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  no more bragging about sac
[20:34] * Joins: Guest85339 (java@=i070-954-39-83.dhcp.crsn.ca.charter.com)
[20:34] <_pahoua_> omg! whats with `simplysweet`bz`?
[20:34] <MetrosexualiciousGuy> haha
[20:34] <Mo_day> how's the day going?
[20:34] <_pahoua_> hehe
[20:34] <gigolow> *yawns*
[20:34] * @Tommy{away} Is PlaYinG [[Mp³]] ---:)>Back Street Boys - I Want It That
Way (Remix) (º°MªÐë ߥ Tømm¥_Håñg°º)
[20:34] <_pahoua_> hi MetrosexualiciousGuy
[20:34] * Guest85339 is now known as konggy
[20:34] <+mary_dammit> i love it when people touch my azz
[20:34] <_pahoua_> hi doules
[20:34] * +`simplysweet`bz` Nco koj tassss pojdabbbb
[20:34] <+mary_dammit> vinny?..wanna?
[20:34] <Mo_day> hello gigglow
[20:34] <gigolow> hi pahoua
[20:34] * +`simplysweet`bz` Nyob li cas lawm xwb?
[20:34] <+mary_dammit> hi konggy!
[20:34] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> Hi KONGT
[20:34] <Mo_day> what's your rate?
[20:34] <Vinner> mary what?
[20:34] <Grand_Champion_ROM> where u from pahoua
[20:34] <konggy> sup
[20:34] * hi is now known as ms_yang
[20:34] <konggy> everyone
[20:34] * Joins: Guest89306 (java@=tV83-164-97-378.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com)
[20:34] <_pahoua_> mary you got a sexy a** thats why!
[20:34] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  slaps mary's sexy azz
[20:34] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  hehe
[20:34] <gigolow> Hello Mo_Day you from seattle????
[20:34] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[20:34] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> mary mary mary!1 where's ur co-worker?????????????
[20:34] <+mary_dammit> pahoua..oo stop it..i knwo it already
[20:34] <Mo_day> yeps
[20:34] <_pahoua_> im from errr the other side of the state
[20:34] <+mary_dammit> hahah!!
[20:34] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> wait, today is his day off
[20:34] <Vinner> mary yes pimp me to ur girls
[20:34] <Kenneth> wait, i have half of a pizz left
[20:34] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> hrmm.. nvm
[20:34] <Mo_day> how'd you guess?
[20:34] <infamous_mike> hey whats the link to find out what cell phone compaany
a # is with ? pc me
[20:34] <_pahoua_> hahah mary mas
[20:34] <Kenneth> i'll just eat that instead
[20:34] * Joins: Melissa^ (belgattii@=JG60-475.tr.cgocable.ca)
[20:34] * ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@*.se
[20:34] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@*.cgocable.*
[20:34] * Melissa^ was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk: clone
[20:34] <@MaiShade> hmong <- ..............?!?!?! u there boi?
[20:34] * Joins: SW-Guest7917502 (hC_Java@=Lpclan-13-45-18-77.rev.o1.com)
[20:34] <_pahoua_> mike??
[20:34] <_pahoua_> punk!
[20:34] * -ann{`gone`miSsInG} is hungry!
[20:34] <Mo_day> ahaha
[20:34] <gigolow> Mo_Day who you??? i used to live in seattle
[20:35] <_pahoua_> sheesh dont even say hi!
[20:35] <Kenneth> come over ann
[20:35] <Mo_day> oh yeah
[20:35] <ms_yang> any gyz wana chat??
[20:35] <eMcEe_jAkObIe> damn
[20:35] <Mo_day> when??
[20:35] <infamous_mike> hey whats the link to find out what cell phone compaany
a # is with ? pc me
[20:35] <Mo_day> who are you??
[20:35] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> Okay Kenneth
[20:35] <Kenneth> we can eat to candle lights
[20:35] <eMcEe_jAkObIe> ---------------------------who do ya change ur color?
[20:35] <Mo_day> i might know you
[20:35] <gigolow> back in the early 90's
[20:35] <ms_yang> lalalala
[20:35] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> I came over last week
[20:35] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> :)
[20:35] <_pahoua_> mike you punk!
[20:35] <ms_yang> badabing badaboOm
[20:35] <gigolow> do you know Say Ly?
[20:35] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  gosh 65 whole persons in here
[20:35] <infamous_mike> what ?
[20:35] * +`simplysweet`bz` It's the google site, infamous_mike.
[20:35] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> hah
[20:35] * Quits: Guest89306 (java@=tV83-164-97-378.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com) (QU
IT: User exited)
[20:35] <Mo_day> i was still here in the 90s
[20:35] <gigolow> Boger Vang?
[20:35] * +`simplysweet`bz` Lols. *Lol*
[20:35] <Mo_day> say??
[20:35] <Mo_day> no
[20:35] * Joins: Guest89751 (java@=2tINY-20-98-489-170.kc.res.rr.com)
[20:35] <vbnbnm> hi ms yang, are you fine
[20:35] <Grand_Champion_ROM> / ,,,m ,m nn
[20:35] * simplymai is now known as Mai_away
[20:35] <gigolow> hmmm...
[20:35] <Mo_day> i don't know much Ly's
[20:35] <infamous_mike> yeah
[20:35] * Guest89751 is now known as CrusheR
[20:35] <+mary_dammit> ..
[20:35] * Quits: swEeTy_aNgeL (java@=Rji-54-98-29-15.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[20:35] * Quits: SW-Guest7917502 (hC_Java@=Lpclan-13-45-18-77.rev.o1.com) (QUIT:
User exited)
[20:35] * Bethy is now known as simpIymai
[20:35] <_pahoua_> omg im so lost now!
[20:35] <Grand_Champion_ROM> ,l,,...................../..
[20:35] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  many things are different, birds and bees, flower
s and trees, you and me
[20:35] * Joins: tusraugluagtsotseg (scholar@=bInbca-48-351-308-145.dsl.milwwi.a
[20:35] * simpIymai giggles.
[20:35] <Mai_away> Bethy stop that!
[20:36] <infamous_mike> but there is a certain site where u just type in the fir
st three prefixes
[20:36] * Kenneth is now known as Bethy
[20:36] <Mo_day> who are you giggolow?
[20:36] <infamous_mike> pahoua just pc me
[20:36] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  but it really doesn't matter, it makes us stronge
r, there's more to talk about, we'll be together longer
[20:36] <+mary_dammit> nu huh!
[20:36] <simpIymai> tsk tsk tsk
[20:36] <Grand_Champion_ROM> .....l,,
[20:36] <+mary_dammit> its all the same
[20:36] <Mo_day> and where are you from since you're on in seattle?
[20:36] * Mai_away is now known as simplymai
[20:36] <simpIymai> GHOST
[20:36] <Vinner> simply mai u like it from behind?
[20:36] <simpIymai> GHOST
[20:36] <simpIymai> GHOST
[20:36] * simpIymai was kicked by hmong (01× 14(SIMPIYMAI(*01!14*01@14*01.14hsd101.14or01.1
)1st01.14) 01×)
[20:36] * hmong sets mode: +b *!*@=qdm-61-998-077-399.hsd1.or.comcast.net
[20:36] * Quits: Bethy (HardBod@=Wypgug-72-69-52-222.rev.o1.com) (Kill by NickSe
rv (GHOST command used by simpIymai))
[20:36] * -ann{`gone`miSsInG} drove thru Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, {i think thats h
ow u spell it}, Iowa, and then MN.
[20:36] * Joins: Guest85667 (java@=ZXUGJ-11-91-900-87.wi.res.rr.com)
[20:36] <_pahoua_> why do i have to pc you
[20:36] <_pahoua_> i dont want to!
[20:36] <@MaiShade> Al3x???? U there?
[20:36] <infamous_mike> but there is a certain site where u just type in the fir
st three prefixes
[20:36] <_pahoua_> lolz..cant i just talk on here?
[20:36] * Joins: Kenneth (HardBod@=Wypgug-72-69-52-222.rev.o1.com)
[20:36] <vbnbnm> i want to see a hmong girl with nice boobs
[20:36] <simplymai> WB Kenneth.
[20:36] <Grand_Champion_ROM> ....................................
[20:36] * [P]rotecto[R] sets mode: -b *!*@=qdm-61-998-077-399.hsd1.or.comcast.ne
[20:36] * Joins: Guest85488 (java@=3Mp-22-94-19-528.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[20:36] * Joins: Bethy (java@=qdm-61-998-077-399.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
[20:36] <+mary_dammit> ann..did u sign my page?
[20:36] <Mo_day> i have some nice booobs
[20:36] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  we're from TWO different worlds
[20:36] <_pahoua_> is this the mike i know?
[20:36] <Grand_Champion_ROM> .;kmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmv
[20:36] <Kenneth> thank you mai, bordem
[20:36] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> you have a page?
[20:36] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> ahaha
[20:36] <Bethy> Mean Leo!!!!!!!!!
[20:36] <Grand_Champion_ROM> k,;,klkioof
[20:36] * Joins: mongBIO916 (Chatz@=zMMZH8GL4Q.ipt.aol.com)
[20:36] <gigolow> i used to live near Martin Luther King Ave.
[20:36] <+mary_dammit> yeah
[20:36] * Guest85667 is now known as beautifull
[20:36] <+mary_dammit> ahhaa
[20:37] <Grand_Champion_ROM> kkkkkkkkkk]=hbk
[20:37] <Mo_day> hmmmmm
[20:37] <+mary_dammit> wanna read my stories
[20:37] <Grand_Champion_ROM> i......................
[20:37] <+mary_dammit> ?
[20:37] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> omg!!!!!!!!
[20:37] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> ahah
[20:37] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  ghetto Martin luther kings ave
[20:37] <Grand_Champion_ROM> o90p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
[20:37] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  hehe
[20:37] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> yeah!
[20:37] <ms_yang> blah blah blah
[20:37] <Kenneth> gigolow now lives at KKK avenue
[20:37] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> i'm bored now
[20:37] <ms_yang> blah blah blah
[20:37] <Mo_day> ahaha
[20:37] <Grand_Champion_ROM> ;;;;
[20:37] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> i'll go read and not go eat
[20:37] <_pahoua_> omg people quit it
[20:37] <eMcEe_jAkObIe> -------------------------------can i see the boobs?
[20:37] <Grand_Champion_ROM> mmmmmmbnnbbbbbbbbbbbbn
[20:37] <Mo_day> that's not too far from me
[20:37] <Grand_Champion_ROM> nb
[20:37] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  some black dude got shot 25 times in westside Fre
sno and still lived
[20:37] <+mary_dammit> http://memebers.asianavenue.com/onegurl84
[20:37] <+mary_dammit> haha
[20:37] <_pahoua_> sheeesh!
[20:37] <gigolow> Martin Luther King Ave. & Othello park
[20:37] <Grand_Champion_ROM> ;;.cant heap it that my neice tyoing
[20:37] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> hi chewyZ
[20:37] <+mary_dammit> gemme ur page again ann
[20:37] * Joins: Guest89991 (java@=PN55-49-34-29.mpls.qwest.net)
[20:37] <mongBIO916> HI
[20:37] <tusraugluagtsotseg> puas muaj hluas nkauj paub hais lus hmoob?
[20:37] <Grand_Champion_ROM> m mm
[20:37] * Guest85488 is now known as BoyzNdaHood
[20:37] <gigolow> over by Safeway.
[20:37] <BoyzNdaHood> hi
[20:37] <Grand_Champion_ROM> mjghnnnnnnnnnn
[20:37] <BoyzNdaHood> care to chat
[20:37] <BoyzNdaHood> pick me
[20:37] <Grand_Champion_ROM> nvy
[20:37] * BaBiE_Do|| is now known as tsovtom_npuarog
[20:37] <mongBIO916> KARE TO CHAT
[20:37] <beautifull> wow this has more pplz
[20:37] <Mo_day> hey!! my friend lives close to there
[20:37] * Guest89991 is now known as URSDREAMGUY
[20:37] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  who's chewys
[20:37] <Grand_Champion_ROM> 6gyhhggghhhhh
[20:37] <@MaiShade> gigolow <= by MartinLutherKing ceNTer?
[20:37] <Grand_Champion_ROM> ujhnnh
[20:37] <mongBIO916> PC MEEH
[20:37] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> http://members.asianavenue.com/mistressAnn
[20:37] <gigolow> whose ur friend???
[20:37] <Mo_day> did you know keith?
[20:37] <Grand_Champion_ROM> jjjhhbn nbbhj
[20:37] <gigolow> Maishade no im talking bout seattle
[20:38] <TiMkUv> okay.. see yal!!
[20:38] <gigolow> Keith??/
[20:38] <Kenneth> gigolow does that safeway issue out cards?
[20:38] * _pahoua_ yawns
[20:38] <gigolow> nope.
[20:38] * Joins: Guest89861 (java@=wTAEJ3197Q.ipt.aol.com)
[20:38] <TiMkUv> i got a date with trish.. ahhaha
[20:38] <Mo_day> hmm
[20:38] <@MaiShade> gigolow: oh.. ;o hahaha. ;) nvm then!
[20:38] <Mo_day> ok ok ok
[20:38] <tsovtom_npuarog> :S
[20:38] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> i need to update it
[20:38] <gigolow> Kenneth i couldnt tell you. i used to steal from there only
[20:38] <Mo_day> i don't think i know you then
[20:38] * Joins: aiMee_ (Addicts@=0QMZF2G043.ipt.aol.com)
[20:38] * ChanServ sets mode: +v aiMee_
[20:38] <Mo_day> aahhaa
[20:38] <gigolow> was to poor.
[20:38] <tsovtom_npuarog> where is Trish?
[20:38] <Vinner> ann u got no pic
[20:38] <Kenneth> HA
[20:38] <TiMkUv> hi aimee
[20:38] <TiMkUv> bye aimee
[20:38] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  i thought ann was annie
[20:38] <+mary_dammit> ok
[20:38] <tsovtom_npuarog> hi aimee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[20:38] <+aiMee_> Hi Bee
[20:38] * +`simplysweet`bz` helLOs laFawnDuh
[20:38] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  wrong addict
[20:38] <-ann{`gone`miSsInG}> shhh vinny
[20:38] <+aiMee_> Bye Bee
[20:38] * +`simplysweet`bz` AHahah :d
[20:38] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  hi aims
[20:38] <gigolow> Mo_Day my names Sam Ly.
[20:38] <gigolow> anyways....
[20:38] <+aiMee_> Hi TsovTom?
[20:38] <Mo_day> oh yeah
[20:38] <+aiMee_> Hi Dee
[20:38] <+mary_dammit> hi mike!
[20:38] <Mo_day> nice to meet you sam
[20:38] * Quits: TiMkUv (auser@=iHa-66-9-977-96.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT: User
[20:38] <gigolow> you probably have no idea who i am
[20:38] <Mo_day> ahaha
[20:38] * Bethy is now known as MichaelCrook
[20:38] <simplymai> I could never pull off red lipstick.
[20:38] <Vinner> hi aimee
[20:38] <Mo_day> no i dont
[20:38] * tsovtom_npuarog giggles*
[20:38] <Kenneth> i'm not a big fan of grocery store issuing shopping cards
[20:38] <gigolow> nor do i have any clue who you are
[20:38] <MichaelCrook> Kenneth
[20:38] <_pahoua_> haha doules
[20:38] <MichaelCrook> Sorry.
[20:38] * `JACKASS is now known as `NOBODY
[20:38] <Mo_day> when did you leave seattle?
[20:38] <MichaelCrook> lol
[20:38] <_pahoua_> quit lying
[20:39] <Mo_day> ahahaa
[20:39] <MichaelCrook> Hi Chewie.
[20:39] <+aiMee_> Hi Vinner the Winner
[20:39] <Vinner> hahaha
[20:39] <Kenneth> its invasion of privacy
[20:39] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  i needa crook in my life
[20:39] * Guest89861 is now known as SweetNSexxiee
[20:39] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  runs to beth
[20:39] <gigolow> Mo_Day 94???!
[20:39] * Quits: vbnbnm (java@=riSPM37074.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[20:39] <Mo_day> i should at least have met you
[20:39] <gigolow> i still have relatives there
[20:39] <gigolow> i miss seattle lots.
[20:39] <Mo_day> oh yeah who??
[20:39] <beautifull> im new here
[20:39] * Joins: Guest85547 (java@=Hcr-95-669-86-870.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[20:39] <MichaelCrook> http://tinyurl.com/732ae <-- Dude, hahaha, this idiot is
[20:39] <_pahoua_> blah blah blah
[20:39] * F00L|SHLADiE says: HELLO
[20:39] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[20:39] <Kenneth> hehe pahoua is bored too
[20:39] <gigolow> whats your name???
[20:39] * Joins: Guest85719 (java@=row-39-02-85-21.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
[20:39] <_pahoua_> i am bored
[20:39] <_pahoua_> crappers!
[20:39] <Mo_day> i probably did ... but don't remember the name
[20:39] <Mo_day> im kacy cha
[20:39] <Grand_Champion_ROM> ujhnnh
[20:40] * Quits: tsovtom_npuarog (Dollie_die@=3X8Ybhe978.tnt24.atl4.da.uu.net) (
QUIT: User exited)
[20:40] <Vinner> im cha cha cha
[20:40] <_pahoua_> i havent been on here forever and its still the same as i lef
t it
[20:40] <tusraugluagtsotseg> what's the hardest thing in life to you?
[20:40] <_pahoua_> sheeesh!
[20:40] <Vinner> lol
[20:40] <tusraugluagtsotseg> pahoua where u from
[20:40] <Grand_Champion_ROM> hey there pahoua
[20:40] <eMcEe_jAkObIe> <-----------------------------------in bee monkeys new m
ovie i mean my song
[20:40] <Grand_Champion_ROM> wasup where u from pahoua
[20:40] <beautifull> this place have more pplz
[20:40] <Kenneth> pahoua how have you been?
[20:40] <_pahoua_> im from the other side of the ocean
[20:40] <_pahoua_> yeah yeah wassup
[20:40] <Grand_Champion_ROM> 41111ko
[20:40] <_pahoua_> working!
[20:40] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  pahoua's a fob
[20:40] <_pahoua_> lolz
[20:40] <+mary_dammit> hahhaa
[20:40] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  still claiming lao
[20:40] <+mary_dammit> i liek FOBS
[20:40] <_pahoua_> MetrosexualiciousGuy thats right! i love being a fob
[20:40] <+mary_dammit> like
[20:40] <+mary_dammit> they nice
[20:40] * Parts: Mo_day (java@=i3ctesjl-
[20:40] <+mary_dammit> welp only some
[20:40] <eMcEe_jAkObIe> im htt
[20:40] * Quits: F00L|SHLADiE (java@=nPi32.168.28.183.mad.wi.charter.com) (Conne
ction reset by peer)
[20:40] * Quits: jenniferHANG (java@=Xmiqpx-14-616-98-672.dsl.sktn01.pacbell.net
) (Ping Timeout)
[20:40] <Vinner> chat ppls... im here for ya
[20:40] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  i loves fobs, so gulible
[20:41] <_pahoua_> i like fobs too! they're willing to do anything
[20:41] <tusraugluagtsotseg> which oceanis that??
[20:41] <+mary_dammit> i wanna kill alot of FOBs tho
[20:41] <-Blue_Flamez> mary likes me
[20:41] <Kenneth> pahoua i hear that is a good thing
[20:41] <-Blue_Flamez> :)
[20:41] <eMcEe_jAkObIe> im fob
[20:41] * Quits: Guest85719 (java@=row-39-02-85-21.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[20:41] <tusraugluagtsotseg> i'm a fob
[20:41] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  pahoua, great minds think alike
[20:41] <tusraugluagtsotseg> wanna kill me
[20:41] <eMcEe_jAkObIe> -----------------FOB **** off *****
[20:41] <_pahoua_> Kenneth not if you work two jobs
[20:41] * MetrosexualiciousGuy winks
[20:41] <Vinner> mary u wanna kill ur relatives?
[20:41] <beautifull> whats your name metrosexualiciousGuy
[20:41] <_pahoua_> haha
[20:41] <+mary_dammit> yes kong i liek you ALOT!!!
[20:41] <_pahoua_> but of course!
[20:41] <+mary_dammit> like*
[20:41] * Joins: Guest86099 (java@=2gq50.168.28.183.mad.wi.charter.com)
[20:41] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  hi beautiful
[20:41] <Vinner> haha
[20:41] <+mary_dammit> ERrR!
[20:41] <Kenneth> sorry to hear that pahoua
[20:41] * Joins: E|ite (Nokia@=gsofacfb-
[20:41] <Kenneth> mary you love blue flamez?
[20:41] <beautifull> hello
[20:41] <konggy> who me
[20:41] <konggy> haah
[20:41] * _pahoua_ is so fobby
[20:41] * Joins: Guest86242 (java@=2px-44-76-65-10.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
[20:41] <beautifull> i think so
[20:41] <+mary_dammit> kenneth i love you too..
[20:41] <beautifull> im not sure
[20:41] <_pahoua_> i have no life! all i do is work
[20:41] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  gosh, quit it pahoua, i've already started fallin
[20:41] <+mary_dammit> lol@konggy
[20:41] <+mary_dammit> and you too
[20:41] <_pahoua_> hahaha
[20:41] <_pahoua_> =P
[20:42] <Grand_Champion_ROM> hey wasup beautifull where u from'
[20:42] <E|ite> hi mary
[20:42] <gigolow> pahoua is a fob she lovesssssss Missionary style! just like me
, FOB!
[20:42] <Kenneth> mary, no thank you
[20:42] <+mary_dammit> man!!...im such a player
[20:42] <_pahoua_> haha douly
[20:42] <Kenneth> hehe gigolow
[20:42] * Guest86099 is now known as F00L|SHHONEY
[20:42] <Kenneth> that was so wrong to say
[20:42] * Blue_Flamez was kicked by Al3x (4Excessive Caps (60 Second Ban) 0,1×X× 4 ê åM Fâñ
[20:42] * Al3x sets mode: +b *!*@67.181.148.NP927=
[20:42] <Grand_Champion_ROM> 0
[20:42] * [P]rotecto[R] sets mode: -b *!*@67.181.148.NP927=
[20:42] <eMcEe_jAkObIe> ---Save my aa plz http://www.chat-place.org/hmong.htm
[20:42] * Joins: Blue_Flamez (TFLM@67.181.148.NP927=)
[20:42] <_pahoua_> i just need the fobby hair to go with it!
[20:42] <+mary_dammit> hi DD!
[20:42] <_pahoua_> lolz
[20:42] <tusraugluagtsotseg> i work too
[20:42] <eMcEe_jAkObIe> oh wrong url
[20:42] <beautifull> im form wis
[20:42] <Grand_Champion_ROM> 0
[20:42] * -ann{`gone`miSsInG} roll my eyes
[20:42] <Kenneth> blueflamez mary does like you
[20:42] <tusraugluagtsotseg> i work for those who got broken heart and needs to
[20:42] <+mary_dammit> lol@kong..gay tas!!!!....!!!!..*kicks*
[20:42] <_pahoua_> im from wisconsin too
[20:42] * `NOBODY CARES
[20:42] <Grand_Champion_ROM> how old are you beaityfull
[20:42] <konggy> who me
[20:42] * MichaelCrook yawns.
[20:42] <_pahoua_> arrrghh its so hot!
[20:42] <gigolow> thats why you gotta throw in the knees behind the head combo m
issionary style
[20:42] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  in the army it's against the law UCMJ to have sex
in any other position other than missionary
[20:42] <_pahoua_> hi `NOBODY
[20:43] * Quits: +EcStAcYgUrL (Lala@=Qgu12.196.46.107.shb.wi.charter.com) (Ping
[20:43] <eMcEe_jAkObIe> ----save my aa http://pp.asianavenue.com/jakobie
[20:43] * ann{`gone`miSsInG} is now known as Kenneth`s-GF
[20:43] <Blue_Flamez> fine. i guess u dont love n like me.. u like them other gu
ys more
[20:43] <eMcEe_jAkObIe> man i think ima quit
[20:43] <Kenneth> <mary_dammit> please tell blueflamez that i like him
[20:43] * Kenneth`s-GF is now known as annlee
[20:43] * Quits: Jimmy_Wang_Yu (ThaiTeb@=7puhpj-12-706-280-833.dsl.chmpil.amerit
ech.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[20:43] <_pahoua_> ohh its assxwb!
[20:43] * Guest86242 is now known as swEeTy_aNgeL
[20:43] <+mary_dammit> ok
[20:43] <BoyzNdaHood> hi pahoua
[20:43] <+mary_dammit> kong..blue flames..kenneth likes you
[20:43] <gigolow> pahoua is hotttttttttt!
[20:43] <+mary_dammit> =P
[20:43] <eMcEe_jAkObIe> can anybody spell jakobie in hmong
[20:43] <+mary_dammit> he told me to tell you nas
[20:43] <_pahoua_> ohh hehe
[20:43] * Blue_Flamez is now known as kongO-loves-NouThoj
[20:43] <Grand_Champion_ROM> wasup baby pahoua how old are you
[20:43] <_pahoua_> no im not douly
[20:43] <`NOBODY> DO YOU MISS MY ***
[20:43] * Guest85547 is now known as `miSs-bashful
[20:43] <Kenneth> no, i only like annlee
[20:43] <_pahoua_> im ugly and fobby
[20:43] <_pahoua_> plus im fat ttoo
[20:43] <Kenneth> hi bash
[20:43] * `miSs-bashful *
[20:44] * -annlee *grin*
[20:44] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  pahoua's not douly, she's jus doo doo
[20:44] * Joins: Guest87520 (java@=EHdppo-90-47-005-21.rev.o1.com)
[20:44] <_pahoua_> omg!
[20:44] <-annlee> hi bao
[20:44] * `miSs-bashful *Howdy Kenneth
[20:44] <_pahoua_> ohh no way!
[20:44] <tusraugluagtsotseg> puas muaj leej twg nrog tus neeg raug luag tso tseg
li kuv nod
[20:44] * `miSs-bashful *Howdy ANN!!!!!!!!
[20:44] * Quits: Grand_Champion_ROM (java@=ty39-689-290-976.mpls.qwest.net) (QUI
T: User exited)
[20:44] <-annlee> and i only like kenneth
[20:44] * `miSs-bashful *Are you home already Ann?
[20:44] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  hi bao, don even say hi no mores
[20:44] <-annlee> :)
[20:44] <-annlee> yeah bao
[20:44] <-annlee> today
[20:44] * `miSs-bashful *Howdy Metro Dork
[20:44] <kongO-loves-NouThoj> :)
[20:44] * F00L|SHHONEY says: anyone wannah chat? pc me
[20:44] <MichaelCrook> whoa Mai
[20:44] <gigolow> ugly fob girls get all the attention!
[20:44] <Vinner> i am freakin sweating
[20:44] * Guest87520 is now known as Bernouli
[20:44] <_pahoua_> wtf? doo doo?
[20:44] <_pahoua_> hahha
[20:44] <MichaelCrook> Since when did I have you on my MSN?
[20:44] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[20:44] <gigolow> i love flower girls!
[20:44] <+mary_dammit> TLC?
[20:44] <CrusheR> Pahoua, U R so sexy
[20:44] * Joins: sPaCebOyz (whatislove@=rdJET81J75.ipt.aol.com)
[20:44] <-annlee> hey bao.. tou just call you a liar!
[20:44] <Kenneth> gigolow aren't they all around the age of 13 though?
[20:44] * `miSs-bashful *Are you on the phone with him?
[20:44] * Quits: E|ite (Nokia@=gsofacfb-
(Connection reset by peer)
[20:44] <swEeTy_aNgeL> hi spaceboyz
[20:44] * `miSs-bashful *Howdy spacey
[20:44] <_pahoua_> who's CrusheR
[20:44] <-annlee> yeah
[20:44] <_pahoua_> lolz
[20:44] <+mary_dammit> yayyyyyyyy
[20:44] <Kenneth> i always knew you had a dirty side in you
[20:44] <-annlee> hahah
[20:44] * `miSs-bashful *Oh
[20:45] <+mary_dammit> hi bao bye bao
[20:45] <CrusheR> me
[20:45] <_pahoua_> sheesh i dont know who everyone is no mores
[20:45] * `miSs-bashful *Ha Ha. I'm NOT a liar.
[20:45] <_pahoua_> lolz
[20:45] * `miSs-bashful *Howdy and bye Mary!
[20:45] <sPaCebOyz> hi bash
[20:45] <sPaCebOyz> hi pahoua
[20:45] <+mary_dammit> bye!!!.....time to get off!!!..THANK GODDDDDDDDDDD
[20:45] * `miSs-bashful *Howdy pahoua!
[20:45] * kongO-loves-NouThoj is now known as `Nissan240sx_Drifter-R
[20:45] <_pahoua_> errr who's me?
[20:45] <_pahoua_> lolz
[20:45] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  mary's off for once? no ways
[20:45] <_pahoua_> hi sPaCebOyz??
[20:45] <eMcEe_jAkObIe> i like
[20:45] <CrusheR> crusher
[20:45] <eMcEe_jAkObIe> ice cream
[20:45] <-annlee> he just kidding.. he just wanna kiss azz so you'll go with him
to saigon! ahaha
[20:45] <gigolow> Kenneth from my personal experience of visiting the motherland
. any older than 14 is no good, no good!
[20:45] <gigolow> Kenneth from my personal experience of visiting the motherland
. any older than 14 is no good, no good!
[20:45] * `miSs-bashful *lols@Ann
[20:45] <sirMcWorm> hi
[20:45] <Kenneth> hehe
[20:45] <_pahoua_> errr im not pahoua from fresno!!
[20:45] <+mary_dammit> LOL
[20:45] * `miSs-bashful *Yeah, he's been asking.
[20:45] <simplymai> Douly did I tell you I'm going next year?
[20:45] <sirMcWorm> i'm handsome and single, holla!
[20:45] <`Nissan240sx_Drifter-R> hmm
[20:45] <Kenneth> that was so wrong, flood it also
[20:45] <sirMcWorm> i'm handsome and single, holla!
[20:45] <Kenneth> hehe
[20:45] * Quits: konggy (java@=i070-954-39-83.dhcp.crsn.ca.charter.com) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[20:45] <-annlee> yeah
[20:45] <MichaelCrook> TAKE ME WITH YOU MAI VANG
[20:45] * Quits: +mary_dammit (java@=Xmiqpx-14-616-98-672.dsl.sktn01.pacbell.net
) (QUIT: User exited)
[20:45] * Quits: infamous_mike (infamous_m@=nHyuemxv-941-555.imt.uwm.edu) (QUIT:
User exited)
[20:45] <MichaelCrook> !!!
[20:45] * `miSs-bashful *I was going to go with him yesturday, but something came
[20:46] * _pahoua_ sheesh people are always thinking im pahoua!
[20:46] <Kenneth> you need to quit listening to johhny plastik gigolow
[20:46] <`Nissan240sx_Drifter-R> kenneth.. since ann is ur gf now.. i got nothin
more to say
[20:46] <`Nissan240sx_Drifter-R> :)
[20:46] * `miSs-bashful *He thinks I'm just dissing him
[20:46] <-annlee> cuz he's in need of a friend since i left
[20:46] <simplymai> Um, =/
[20:46] <MichaelCrook> You are pahoua, Pahoua.
[20:46] * `miSs-bashful *But i'm not. :)
[20:46] * Joins: Guest93399 (java@=dKbpdndp-
[20:46] <-annlee> oh wow
[20:46] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  bao's always dissing everyone
[20:46] * Guest93399 is now known as mo_day
[20:46] <-annlee> i have just been pass on to another guy
[20:46] <_pahoua_> no im _pahoua_ not Pahoua
[20:46] <-annlee> hrm
[20:46] <_pahoua_> lolz
[20:46] <eMcEe_jAkObIe> uh
[20:46] <Kenneth> you can say 'annlee will be very difficult, good luck.'
[20:46] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  no surprise i hear about bao dissing someone else
[20:46] <MichaelCrook> I want to be a Mo Day too.
[20:46] * Joins: FeMaLe22 (comefindou@=4LMZH6E911.ipt.aol.com)
[20:46] <_pahoua_> hrmms
[20:46] <eMcEe_jAkObIe> ionno bout
[20:46] <simplymai> Hi Sheri!
[20:46] * Parts: L8dy (L8dy@=xJUH65W1S9.ipt.aol.com)
[20:46] * Joins: Guest89205 (java@=mv977-640-36-994.metrostate.edu)
[20:46] * `miSs-bashful *DorkButt, Noooo. Everyone is always dissing me. :/
[20:46] <mo_day> tsk tsk tsk
[20:46] * `miSs-bashful *Howdy Sherie!
[20:46] * FeMaLe22 hi mai!
[20:46] <-annlee> what????????????
[20:46] <Vinner> haha
[20:46] <eMcEe_jAkObIe>
[20:46] <MichaelCrook> HI SAM
[20:46] * `miSs-bashful *Howdy simplymai!
[20:46] <@[P]rotecto[R]> [17:56] * ann{`gone`miSsInG} is now known as Kenneth`s-
GF[17:56] * ann{`gone`miSsInG} is now known as Kenneth`s-GF[17:56] * ann{`gone`m
iSsInG} is now known as Kenneth`s-GF[17:56] * ann{`gone`miSsInG} is now known as
Kenneth`s-GF[17:56] * ann{`gone`miSsInG} is now known as Kenneth`s-GF[17:56] *
ann{`gone`miSsInG} is now known as Kenneth`s-GF[17:56] * ann{`gone`miSsInG} is n
ow known as Kenneth`s-GF[17:56] * ann{`gone`miSsInG} is now known as K>>
[20:46] * FeMaLe22 hi bao!
[20:46] <Vinner> mo_days are hott
[20:46] <-annlee> I AM NOTTTTTTTTTTTT difficult
[20:46] * Joins: Guest89595 (java@=P1cwzk-08-923-064-679.dsl.frsn02.pacbell.net)
[20:46] <eMcEe_jAkObIe> my song too all u hmong girls
[20:46] <-annlee> brb
[20:46] <mo_day> ahaha
[20:46] <CrusheR> Pahoua, ur too cool
[20:46] <mo_day> i know they are
[20:46] * FeMaLe22 wow.... u guys are on early
[20:47] <mo_day> ahahaha
[20:47] <Kenneth> hi protector
[20:47] <eMcEe_jAkObIe> my love song too all u ladies
[20:47] * FeMaLe22 thought u only came on at nite
[20:47] <FeMaLe22> hehe
[20:47] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  bao being dissed? haha, serves you right, baowy f
or always dissin me
[20:47] <_pahoua_> crusher who are you?
[20:47] <Kenneth> are you male or female?
[20:47] * swEeTy_aNgeL away listen to music.....lalalala
[20:47] <Vinner> mo_days are
[20:47] <gigolow> nah i taught plastik
[20:47] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  what goes around, COMES AROUND
[20:47] <gigolow> maiv you are? cool
[20:47] <gigolow> have fun.
[20:47] <Vinner> mo_days wanna chat?
[20:47] <_pahoua_> errr omg! hehe kc?
[20:47] <Vinner> :D
[20:47] <gigolow> watch out for lizards in laos
[20:47] * FeMaLe22 hi giggie
[20:47] <CrusheR> U wanna PC me??
[20:47] <_pahoua_> lolz..is that who i think it is?
[20:47] <gigolow> hi oopsy daisy
[20:47] <_pahoua_> mama?
[20:47] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  i think the girls will like the lizards in laos
[20:47] <Vinner> mo_days i want koj lub mob pim
[20:47] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  lizards will be like live vibrators
[20:47] <eMcEe_jAkObIe> hmong love song of the year
[20:47] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  haha
[20:47] <MichaelCrook> Vinny, eww.
[20:47] <MichaelCrook> You're gay?
[20:47] * FeMaLe22 =D
[20:47] <MichaelCrook> Mo Day is male.
[20:47] <_pahoua_> what happened to your other nick?
[20:47] <Vinner> hahahaha
[20:47] <MichaelCrook> EWWW
[20:47] * Sexy-X-Husband any horny hmong women here wana party !!!
[20:47] <sPaCebOyz> hi michelle
[20:47] * Quits: +aiMee_ (Addicts@=0QMZF2G043.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[20:47] <Vinner> lolz
[20:48] <mo_day> anything happend during the 10 minutes i was gone??
[20:48] <gigolow> mo_day if you wanted to avoid me. you can politely say so now.
[20:48] <gigolow> mo_day if you wanted to avoid me. you can politely say so now.
[20:48] * annlee is now known as Sweet`Pea
[20:48] <mo_day> ahaha
[20:48] <mo_day> i wasn't!
[20:48] <mo_day> i just lost connection
[20:48] <Kenneth> gigo, they are not so polite now and days
[20:48] * Quits: nkaujhmongnplogteb (java@=RC58-933-366-632.sjvls.org) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
[20:48] <mo_day> ahaha
[20:48] <Vinner> michaeal.... really?
[20:48] <Kenneth> hi sweatpea
[20:48] <MichaelCrook> Yes.
[20:48] <Sexy-X-Husband> annlee your pussy not sweet
[20:48] <sirMcWorm> i'm handsome and single, holla!
[20:48] <sirMcWorm> i'm handsome and single, holla!
[20:48] <_pahoua_> errr.
[20:48] <MichaelCrook> So be gay with me now, Vinny.
[20:48] <gigolow> issa no bigga deal.
[20:48] <mo_day> no we;re not polite at all!
[20:48] <Kenneth> get big sister back on for me please
[20:48] * Joins: So_Cal (..@=rMmmgb-75-748-991-633.snloca.dsl-w.verizon.net)
[20:48] * Sweet`Pea is now known as SweetPea`
[20:48] * `miSs-bashful is now known as `mB
[20:48] <MichaelCrook> Hi Davey.
[20:48] <mo_day> wassup sirMcWorm!
[20:48] * `mB *Ahh. I'm so bored.
[20:48] <eMcEe_jAkObIe> last chance to listen to hmong love song of the year htt
[20:48] <`Nissan240sx_Drifter-R> hey ann.. if u reallie wanna be wit kennet.. go
ahead.. i give u freedom
[20:48] <Vinner> micheal.... no thanks
[20:48] * Guest89205 is now known as lori
[20:48] <lori> hi everyone
[20:48] * `mB *I should just go and take a nap.
[20:48] * `NOBODY slaps `mB around a bit with a large trout
[20:49] <_pahoua_> shoots me too
[20:49] * Sexy-X-Husband any horny hmong women here wana party !!!
[20:49] * Sexy-X-Husband any horny hmong women here wana party !!!
[20:49] * Vinner drops a bar of soap in front of micheal
[20:49] * MichaelCrook shoots Pahoua
[20:49] <swEeTy_aNgeL> hi lori
[20:49] * `mB *Howdy Chewie.
[20:49] <F00L|SHHONEY> lols...emceee
[20:49] <MichaelCrook> So Pahoua!!!
[20:49] <MichaelCrook> Did you find out what you're gonna get Sam?
[20:49] * Quits: LUClANA_ (hjaddi@=jZuwckdrukwf224.219-80-70.mc.videotron.ca) (Q
UIT: User exited)
[20:49] <Sexy-X-Husband> im lookin for nuns also
[20:49] <eMcEe_jAkObIe> lost chance for the tightest hmong love song http://64.6
[20:49] * Parts: simplymai (sdfjasdlfj@=sLrz-fcu7-qvhnvl.csumb.edu)
[20:49] <So_Cal> sup michael... who are u?
[20:49] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[20:49] <swEeTy_aNgeL> who u talking to Bio916?
[20:49] <eMcEe_jAkObIe> what
[20:49] <MichaelCrook> I'm me, Davey.
[20:49] <eMcEe_jAkObIe> man i love that song
[20:49] <_pahoua_> haha he told me he wanted money
[20:49] <Vinner> i think imma go dudes
[20:49] <_pahoua_> lolz
[20:49] <MichaelCrook> HA
[20:49] <MichaelCrook> What a liar.
[20:49] * Guest89595 is now known as Joe-is-in-the-house
[20:49] <MichaelCrook> He wanted this one game.
[20:49] <eMcEe_jAkObIe> ok now is the real last chance for the tightest song htt
[20:49] * F00L|SHHONEY is now known as MICHELLE
[20:49] * MICHELLE is now known as MICHELLE55169
[20:49] <MichaelCrook> But I forgot what it was.
[20:49] <So_Cal> ur davey?
[20:49] <MichaelCrook> And he refused to tell me.
[20:49] <MichaelCrook> Yes I am, Davey.
[20:49] <So_Cal> haha
[20:50] <sirMcWorm> i'm handsome and single, holla!
[20:50] <_pahoua_> wat?
[20:50] <sirMcWorm> i'm handsome and single, holla!
[20:50] <So_Cal> hi davey
[20:50] <_pahoua_> what one game?
[20:50] <Joe-is-in-the-house> hello people!
[20:50] <_pahoua_> he told you and didnt tell me?
[20:50] * BoyzNdaHood is now known as GuyNLove916
[20:50] <GuyNLove916> hi
[20:50] <MichaelCrook> You said no games for him though!!!
[20:50] * MICHELLE55169 is now known as M|CHELLE
[20:50] <_pahoua_> yeah right! he only plays madden!
[20:50] <MichaelCrook> Well, he wouldn't give me the name.
[20:50] <_pahoua_> thats all he plays
[20:50] <MichaelCrook> Cause he said I was just gonna tell you.
[20:50] <MichaelCrook> HAHAHA
[20:50] <_pahoua_> he's lying then
[20:50] <swEeTy_aNgeL> hi GuyLover916
[20:50] * M|CHELLE any guys wannah chat
[20:50] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  hmmm
[20:50] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  michelle
[20:50] <Joe-is-in-the-house> anyone care to chat?
[20:50] <Kenneth> wait, michaelcrook is a lady
[20:50] <_pahoua_> he wants money
[20:50] * Vinner is now known as MichelleCrooks
[20:50] * M|CHELLE hmmss.. HI
[20:50] * Quits: tusraugluagtsotseg (scholar@=bInbca-48-351-308-145.dsl.milwwi.a
meritech.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[20:50] <MichaelCrook> No I'm not.
[20:50] <MichelleCrooks> no i am
[20:50] * MichelleCrooks is now known as MichelleCrook
[20:50] <MichaelCrook> lol
[20:50] <_pahoua_> i offered him all these options and he wanted money
[20:50] <_pahoua_> so im giving him money
[20:50] <MichaelCrook> Stupid Vinny.
[20:51] <CrusheR> Pahoua, may i PC u???
[20:51] <MichaelCrook> How much money?
[20:51] <MichelleCrook> i am all girl baby
[20:51] <Kenneth> i dont know who to believe now
[20:51] * `NOBODY CARES
[20:51] <MichaelCrook> Will you give me money on my birthday too?
[20:51] <_pahoua_> i dunno
[20:51] <_pahoua_> like $200
[20:51] * lori yawms
[20:51] <_pahoua_> bye ***
[20:51] <CrusheR> YYY????
[20:51] <MichaelCrook> Jeez girl.
[20:51] <lori> lol it works
[20:51] <MichaelCrook> fck
[20:51] <MichaelCrook> Give me that much too!!!
[20:51] <`NOBODY> HAHAH
[20:51] <_pahoua_> hahha
[20:51] <Kenneth> all girl? I prefer all lady
[20:51] <MichelleCrook> jeez lou weez
[20:51] <MichaelCrook> I need to pay off my bills.
[20:51] * Quits: sirMcWorm (Evil@=6Ii-58-507-407-85.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[20:51] <_pahoua_> how about all woman!
[20:51] <_pahoua_> haha
[20:51] <MichaelCrook> Bye Chewie!
[20:51] <_pahoua_> sillie
[20:51] * `mB *Bye Chewie! :)
[20:51] * Joins: msLady` (java@=kJrdnf-27-243-788-891.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net)
[20:51] <Joe-is-in-the-house> Geez, why is everyone in here so stuck up?!!
[20:51] <MichelleCrook> im all women and then some
[20:51] <MichaelCrook> Hi Leah!
[20:51] <MichaelCrook> Hey Leah.
[20:51] * Quits: @Tommy{away} (AzNScRipt@=uZelu9789961185ljo.pwayne01.pa.comcast
.net) (Ping Timeout)
[20:51] <_pahoua_> well thats what he is getting
[20:51] <MichaelCrook> Can I ask you something?
[20:51] <msLady`> hi MichaelCrook
[20:51] * Joins: Guest91236 (java@=Rzaay-116-095-092-709.carolina.res.rr.com)
[20:52] <msLady`> sure, go for it.
[20:52] <MichelleCrook> hi leah
[20:52] <Kenneth> "all woman" is a acceptable answer
[20:52] <MichaelCrook> Do you know Alex Xiong from Wisconsin?
[20:52] <msLady`> hi MichelleCrook
[20:52] <`NOBODY> /ME HAS QUIT !!!
[20:52] <`NOBODY> /ME HAS QUIT !!!
[20:52] <_pahoua_> see thats why i dont turn on pc
[20:52] * Quits: `NOBODY (_JACKASS@=HKMLB-85-34-62-715.kc.res.rr.com) (QUIT: Use
r exited)
[20:52] * Guest91236 is now known as Sparkled
[20:52] <msLady`> yeah, Michael, why?
[20:52] <_pahoua_> hah what a dork
[20:52] <MichaelCrook> Did you call him the other night?
[20:52] <msLady`> no
[20:52] <MichaelCrook> Oh.
[20:52] <msLady`> I've never called him before.
[20:52] <MichaelCrook> So it wasn't you.
[20:52] <MichelleCrook> i did
[20:52] <GuyNLove916> hi there lady
[20:52] <MichaelCrook> Hmm...
[20:52] <MichaelCrook> haha
[20:52] <msLady`> I don't even have his number.
[20:52] <MichaelCrook> Ok.
[20:52] * FeMaLe22 MAI what did u do to the lizard?
[20:52] <Kenneth> pahoua your being stuck up like me?
[20:52] <MichaelCrook> Want it?
[20:52] <msLady`> why MichaelCrook?
[20:52] <MichaelCrook> HAHA
[20:52] <msLady`> no thanks.
[20:52] * eMcEe_jAkObIe is now known as jAKoBie_tHA_eMcEe
[20:52] <msLady`> I'm not really interested.
[20:52] <jAKoBie_tHA_eMcEe> pl
[20:52] * Joins: Guest91699 (java@
[20:52] <MichaelCrook> Cause someone named Leah called him.
[20:53] <MichaelCrook> And he doesn't know any Leah.
[20:53] <MichelleCrook> i called that hottie alex xiong
[20:53] <msLady`> oh, it wasn't me.
[20:53] <GuyNLove916> i know
[20:53] * Joins: MOTU_MASTERSNAKE (MOTU_MASTE@=84n-43-028-868-95.hsd1.ca.comcast
[20:53] * swEeTy_aNgeL stares @ the room
[20:53] <MichaelCrook> Amy.
[20:53] <swEeTy_aNgeL> hi MoTu
[20:53] <MichaelCrook> Will you drive Ahleeya up here?
[20:53] * Quits: Guest84992 (Chatz@=IUJC921DY2.ipt.aol.com) (Ping Timeout)
[20:53] <MichaelCrook> So we can go hang out tomorrow?
[20:53] <MichaelCrook> haha
[20:53] <MichelleCrook> hi sweety_angel
[20:53] <MichaelCrook> er
[20:53] * Quits: GuyNLove916 (java@=3Mp-22-94-19-528.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[20:53] <MichaelCrook> Oops, HI CINDY.
[20:53] * Joins: Guest91565 (java@=FSQS34785S.ipt.aol.com)
[20:53] <ms_yang> alalalalala
[20:53] <MichaelCrook> Wrong Oregon girl. haahha
[20:53] <_pahoua_> haha yes
[20:53] <swEeTy_aNgeL> who r u?
[20:53] <ms_yang> any decent gyz wana chat? hola*I
[20:53] <_pahoua_> im fobby and stuck up too
[20:53] <MichaelCrook> I'm me.
[20:53] <MichaelCrook> Me too Pahoua.
[20:53] <mo_day> huh?
[20:53] * Joins: pheej (shoot@=sks94.187.116.79.ona.wi.charter.com)
[20:53] <mo_day> oregon
[20:53] <_pahoua_> lolz
[20:53] <mo_day> who's from oregon?
[20:54] <MichaelCrook> Your mom.
[20:54] <MichelleCrook> im her
[20:54] * Quits: Ms_XiongGurl_WI (java@=beDNF937I1.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exit
[20:54] <_pahoua_> so dont even bother pcing me
[20:54] <MichaelCrook> Oh.
[20:54] <_pahoua_> lolz
[20:54] <pheej> Hi!
[20:54] <MichaelCrook> fkcing Amy.
[20:54] <MichaelCrook> AMY
[20:54] * FeMaLe22 there's actually OREGON PEOPLE?
[20:54] * +`simplysweet`bz` I needa peepee.
[20:54] <mo_day> huh??
[20:54] * FeMaLe22 strange....
[20:54] * Joins: Guest92635 (HTML@=qCSDD-87-1-872-576.qld.bigpond.net.au)
[20:54] <MichelleCrook> im from oregon
[20:54] * swEeTy_aNgeL is lost
[20:54] * +`simplysweet`bz`  FeMaLe22.
[20:54] * Joins: Guest98391 (HTML@=qCSDD-87-1-872-576.qld.bigpond.net.au)
[20:54] * Guest92635 was kicked by [P]rotecto[R] (12»»» clones ««« 15¤ 15°«×[ 12 team fastn
.1 15 ]×»°)
[20:54] * Guest98391 was kicked by [P]rotecto[R] (12»»» clones detected ««« 15¤ 15°«×[ 12 t
script v5.1 15 ]×»°)
[20:54] * +`simplysweet`bz` You addick.
[20:54] * Joins: anita_wong (hui@
[20:54] <MichaelCrook> Will you drive Ahleeya up here to hang out with me?!
[20:54] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@218.*
[20:54] * anita_wong was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk: spa
m host)
[20:54] <mo_day> oh
[20:54] <MichaelCrook> haha
[20:54] * [P]rotecto[R] sets mode: +b *!*@=qCSDD-87-1-872-576.qld.bigpond.net.au
[20:54] <pheej> female22 where you from?
[20:54] * `mB *Howdy Shanee!
[20:54] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[20:54] <jAKoBie_tHA_eMcEe> bye
[20:54] <mo_day> you;re the single mom from last night
[20:54] * FeMaLe22 look who's talking dork
[20:54] <FeMaLe22> hehehe
[20:54] <SweetNSexxiee> hi shaaaaaaa
[20:54] * Quits: jAKoBie_tHA_eMcEe (jakobie@=IGGAU-71-36-69-679.kc.res.rr.com) (
Connection reset by peer)
[20:54] * `mB *I've missed you! :)
[20:54] * +`simplysweet`bz` howDy? baOZer!
[20:54] <MichaelCrook> WHo mo_day?
[20:54] * Parts: MichelleCrook (fasdgsg@207.218.45.Jy449=)
[20:54] <_pahoua_> lolz
[20:54] * +`simplysweet`bz` hellOs SweetNSexxiee!
[20:54] * +`simplysweet`bz` eRmmmMMs.. FeMaLe22....
[20:54] * `mB *:)
[20:54] * FeMaLe22 from the nortwest
[20:54] <So_Cal> cc
[20:54] * +`simplysweet`bz` We're both addicks.. shhh :P
[20:55] <msLady`> MichaelCrook, who are you?
[20:55] * Joins: Clarissa` (khr@202.128.59.C0631=)
[20:55] * +`simplysweet`bz` Quit denying..... Lols.
[20:55] <pheej> and that state is?
[20:55] <pheej> hi Leah
[20:55] <MichaelCrook> Leah, kuv yog ib tus stranger xwb os.
[20:55] * FeMaLe22 hahaha
[20:55] * +`simplysweet`bz` baOzer mE misher u. hoWs u bEen?
[20:55] <msLady`> hi pheej.
[20:55] * FeMaLe22 where r u from pheej?
[20:55] * Joins: infamous_mike (infamous_m@=uVdpxnbr-905-969.imt.uwm.edu)
[20:55] <pheej> wi
[20:55] * +`simplysweet`bz` Oh gahh...I gotta pee so bad...
[20:55] <msLady`> MichaelCrook, stranger? tsis yog pob. ua cas koj paub kuv ma..
[20:55] * `mB *I've been good, Shanee. How have you been? :)
[20:55] <msLady`> pheej = doink?
[20:55] * Quits: Guest91565 (java@=FSQS34785S.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[20:55] <pheej> yes leah dork!
[20:55] * Joins: miss_prensess (dubursuz@201.240.87.B3337=)
[20:55] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@201.240.*
[20:55] * miss_prensess was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk:
spam host)
[20:55] * Joins: Guest98737 (java@=CCMZH20LCV.ipt.aol.com)
[20:55] * FeMaLe22 MICHAELCROOK ur from Oregon?
[20:55] <beautifull> this place is different
[20:55] <msLady`> lol, okay hi ;)
[20:55] <SweetNSexxiee> hi PHENG
[20:55] * Quits: CrusheR (java@=2tINY-20-98-489-170.kc.res.rr.com) (QUIT: User e
[20:55] <pheej> what a DORK leaH!
[20:55] <pheej> hi sweetnsexxiee
[20:55] * +`simplysweet`bz` I'm okay thiab mas, thanks.
[20:55] <msLady`> hehehe..
[20:55] <pheej> who's u?
[20:56] * +`simplysweet`bz` LEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHhh
[20:56] <msLady`> lol
[20:56] <MichaelCrook> Vim kuv paub tagnro cov addicts hauv no, nes.
[20:56] <SweetNSexxiee> its meeeeeeeee pheng
[20:56] <msLady`> Sha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[20:56] * `mB *:D@Shanee
[20:56] <MichaelCrook> No FeMaLe22.
[20:56] <pheej> who is MEEEEEEE
[20:56] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[20:56] <FeMaLe22> o...
[20:56] <swEeTy_aNgeL> hey MichaelCrook WHO R U?
[20:56] * +`simplysweet`bz` Omyyyyy.. I mish you long timeeeeeee Leaaahh
[20:56] * FeMaLe22 i knew that...
[20:56] * Guest98737 is now known as Nice
[20:56] * Nice is now known as Nice144
[20:56] <MichaelCrook> I'm a stranger.
[20:56] * `mB *Spacey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[20:56] * msLady` waves at Sha. I miss you too..
[20:56] <FeMaLe22> haha
[20:56] <SweetNSexxiee> meeeeeeeeeeeee pheng
[20:56] <pheej> hey im 22 now
[20:56] <pheej> im old
[20:56] <Kenneth> well i am 10 times the MC you are
[20:56] <FeMaLe22> o
[20:56] <pheej> mee is WHO dammit
[20:56] * `mB *Spacey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You still owe me your pictures! :/
[20:56] <sPaCebOyz> hi sweety
[20:56] * +`simplysweet`bz` Dee dee zee heev xwsb, baOZer.
[20:56] * +`simplysweet`bz` loSL.
[20:56] <infamous_mike> anyone know the site i can go to to find out what cell c
ompany a number is with.. pc me please
[20:56] <msLady`> how are you doing, Sha?
[20:56] <sPaCebOyz> hi female disser
[20:56] <mr-smooth> SweetNsexy.....where from?
[20:56] <swEeTy_aNgeL> HI SPACEBOYZ
[20:56] * Joins: simplymai (sdfjasdlfj@=sLrz-fcu7-qvhnvl.csumb.edu)
[20:56] <SweetNSexxiee> im not dammit pheng
[20:56] <SweetNSexxiee> im meeeeeeee
[20:56] <sPaCebOyz> who are you?
[20:56] * FeMaLe22 u can do that MIKE?
[20:56] <LoRGuRLo479> wb mai
[20:56] <sPaCebOyz> i dont know you
[20:56] * `mB *lols*
[20:56] <MichaelCrook> Hi Mai Vang.
[20:56] <SweetNSexxiee> hi spaceboy
[20:56] * Nice144 is now known as hi
[20:56] <infamous_mike> yeah
[20:56] <SweetNSexxiee> hi mr smooth
[20:56] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[20:56] <pheej> wat the
[20:57] <Kenneth> hi mai
[20:57] * FeMaLe22 cool...
[20:57] * Joins: NraugHmongLonely (scholar@=zUsykf-02-274-016-944.dsl.milwwi.ame
[20:57] <simplymai> Thanks Quey.
[20:57] * pheej is now known as Punky_Boi
[20:57] <SweetNSexxiee> r u smooth talker mr. smooth?
[20:57] <simplymai> Hi Bethany Yang.
[20:57] <infamous_mike> to see what company the number is with so u can text the
m or whatevers
[20:57] * +`simplysweet`bz` Ommyy..
[20:57] <msLady`> lol.
[20:57] * hi is now known as Sacramento
[20:57] * +`simplysweet`bz` Kuv dee zee tiag triag
[20:57] <MichaelCrook> hah
[20:57] <simplymai> Hi Kenneth.
[20:57] <Sacramento> yeah'
[20:57] * `mB *Shanee,,, mus cha zee mas!
[20:57] * +`simplysweet`bz` Tiag*
[20:57] * `mB *lols
[20:57] <msLady`> hahahha
[20:57] <Punky_Boi> blah blah freaken blaHh
[20:57] <Kenneth> hi mandy
[20:57] <Sacramento> yeah
[20:57] <Sacramento> im sac
[20:57] * Guest91699 is now known as SnowCone
[20:57] * +`simplysweet`bz` hellOoosososoososos.. maI.. *liCks*
[20:57] <Sacramento> f
[20:57] <simplymai> Hi Sha
[20:57] * +`simplysweet`bz` OmY..I feel like a REAL REAL addick..
[20:57] <_pahoua_> freakin~ aye! this movie is taking forever to burn
[20:57] * +`simplysweet`bz` I know basically all the other addicks.
[20:57] * FeMaLe22 raise ur hand if ur from CALIFORNIA!!!!
[20:57] * +`simplysweet`bz` Dee dee heev nas baozer.
[20:57] * msLady` raises her hand :P lol.
[20:57] * simplymai raises her hand
[20:57] * FeMaLe22 raise ur toe if ur from WISCONSIN
[20:58] * FeMaLe22 raise ur ... if ur from MN
[20:58] * msLady` raises her toe
[20:58] <msLady`> lol
[20:58] * MichaelCrook raises her hand too.
[20:58] * `mB *Mus cha zee nas has!
[20:58] <FeMaLe22> haha
[20:58] <FeMaLe22> nerdo
[20:58] <msLady`> :)
[20:58] * So_Cal raises his ...
[20:58] <Punky_Boi> blah
[20:58] <Punky_Boi> so damn hot in hurr
[20:58] <So_Cal> opps... me not from mn
[20:58] * Sacramento is now known as Loukang
[20:58] <SnowCone> raises his Snow Cone nose
[20:58] * Kenneth raises his, nevermind.
[20:58] * +`simplysweet`bz` hehe
[20:58] <NraugHmongLonely> hello
[20:58] <simplymai> Okay I'm so bored I think I'll take a nap.
[20:58] * _pahoua_ yawns
[20:58] * FeMaLe22 lick my toe if ur from milwuakee
[20:58] <@MaiShade> hahaha. SnowCone <=- MightyNICE /nick! ;)
[20:58] <NraugHmongLonely> any ladie care to hcat
[20:58] * +`simplysweet`bz` tijlaug nyob hauv.. restroom lawm nas.. baozer..
[20:58] * +`simplysweet`bz` I dont wanan go to other room.
[20:58] <MichaelCrook> Hi Mai.
[20:58] * +`simplysweet`bz` MAIdork!!!
[20:58] <MichaelCrook> Ok Mai.
[20:58] <MichaelCrook> Have fun Mai.
[20:58] * _pahoua_ okay addicts..have a good night! bye!
[20:58] * FeMaLe22 pick ur nose if ur from OREGON
[20:58] * +`simplysweet`bz` *liCks mAIdorK!
[20:58] * +`simplysweet`bz` laters PojDab!
[20:58] * Punky_Boi is now known as Frm_Wi
[20:58] * `mB *licks* Sherie's toes just for fun. :)
[20:58] * `mB *Ha Ha
[20:58] <simplymai> Yeah fun in my sleep. =]
[20:58] * +`simplysweet`bz` PiCks nose...
[20:58] * Quits: _pahoua_ (bl@=hfQLOP0Y37.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[20:58] <Kenneth> bye pahoua
[20:58] <Frm_Wi> there u go...quit asking questions now
[20:58] * +`simplysweet`bz` NOT from oregon.
[20:59] * FeMaLe22 OoOOoooO *tingles*
[20:59] <SnowCone> Picks nose
[20:59] <Frm_Wi> :P
[20:59] <FeMaLe22> hehe
[20:59] <SnowCone> I'm from Oregon Texas
[20:59] * FeMaLe22 yummy... yellow snowcone
[20:59] <Frm_Wi> do doo do doo do doo
[20:59] * `mB *lols
[20:59] * Quits: Loukang (java@=CCMZH20LCV.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[20:59] <FeMaLe22> there's an OREGON TEXAS?
[20:59] <MichaelCrook> I'm from Oregon Wisoncsin California.
[20:59] <SnowCone> yeap
[20:59] <MichaelCrook> Oh
[20:59] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[20:59] <FeMaLe22> coool!
[20:59] * Joins: Guest94511 (java@=vh85-856-973-348.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com)
[20:59] <SnowCone> lol
[20:59] * +`simplysweet`bz` Lols.
[20:59] <MichaelCrook> SDream of the eye!!!
[20:59] * `mB is now known as `CaliforniaGrown
[20:59] * Kenneth is now known as RearFender
[20:59] <Frm_Wi> typical hmongz!
[20:59] <Frm_Wi> =D
[20:59] * FeMaLe22 I LIVE IN MY OWN WORLD!
[20:59] <SnowCone> it's where all the hicks are
[20:59] <FeMaLe22> brb
[20:59] * `CaliforniaGrown *<<== lives in Sherie's world with her. :)
[20:59] * Joins: Guest2470 (java@=phUHH62YRD.ipt.aol.com)
[20:59] <SnowCone> Dont leave us Female
[21:00] * Guest2470 is now known as Loukang
[21:00] * +`simplysweet`bz`  FeMaLe22, can't.
[21:00] * +`simplysweet`bz` She's an addick, SnowCone.
[21:00] <passionfruit> hi
[21:00] * +`simplysweet`bz` No worries. Lols.
[21:00] <passionfruit> i'm cool
[21:00] <RearFender> female22 I heard they house mentally challanege folks at su
ch homes like yours.
[21:00] <Frm_Wi> blahHh
[21:00] * `CaliforniaGrown *FeMaLe is not really gone.
[21:00] * MichaelCrook is now known as Bethy
[21:00] * Quits: SnowCone (java@ (QUIT: User exited)
[21:00] <passionfruit> i'm cool
[21:00] <passionfruit> ;)
[21:00] * Guest94511 is now known as nrhiavleejmuam
[21:00] * `CaliforniaGrown *She's still paying attention. SHe just wants us to th
ink that she's gone.
[21:00] <Bethy> I'm warm.
[21:00] <beautifull> wow so many pplz on here
[21:00] <SweetNSexxiee> pheng
[21:00] * Quits: Loukang (java@=phUHH62YRD.ipt.aol.com) (Connection reset by pee
[21:00] <SweetNSexxiee> hi BETHY
[21:00] <RearFender> i knew that was bethy because of her speech pattern
[21:00] <Frm_Wi> FJKLDSJF;l
[21:00] <Bethy> HI KAYLLA
[21:00] <Frm_Wi> ding freaken DONG!
[21:01] <swEeTy_aNgeL> HI mel
[21:01] <Bethy> Sure Kenneth.
[21:01] <Bethy> :p
[21:01] <swEeTy_aNgeL> ya hea too
[21:01] <beautifull> hi cindy
[21:01] <Bethy> Could've just checked my IP.
[21:01] <SweetNSexxiee> hi sweety
[21:01] <Bethy> hah
[21:01] <swEeTy_aNgeL> HI SEXXIE
[21:01] <beautifull> tought i try it out
[21:01] <Frm_Wi> blahHhh
[21:01] * Quits: mongBIO916 (Chatz@=zMMZH8GL4Q.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[21:01] * FeMaLe22 is back
[21:01] * Frm_Wi is now known as E_Aw_Bay
[21:01] <Bethy> Oops
[21:01] * FeMaLe22 hi pfruit
[21:01] <Bethy> time to stop talking about FeMaLe22
[21:01] <MOTU_MASTERSNAKE> any ladies care to chat..?
[21:01] * Joins: Guest3920 (java@=n4MZH20LCV.ipt.aol.com)
[21:01] * FeMaLe22 who'scaliforniafrown?
[21:01] * @MaiShade turnS aRouNd "in" a FLaSH & flipS "up" her LiL SkirtTail at
everyONE! ;) *BlushingRedLobster*
[21:01] * Quits: @MaiShade (maishade@=Naa-50-04-25-525.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUI
T: User exited)
[21:01] * E_Aw_Bay *
[21:01] * E_Aw_Bay *
[21:01] * FeMaLe22 who was talking about me?
[21:01] * AnGeL [Squeegi@219.95.196.sP053=] is on IRC (aol)
[21:01] * AnGeL has left IRC
[21:01] <Bethy> haha
[21:01] <Bethy> jk FeMaLe22
[21:01] <Bethy> :p
[21:01] <simplymai> Okay attempt to sleep failed.
[21:02] * `CaliforniaGrown *
[21:02] <MOTU_MASTERSNAKE> female22...are you form cali..?
[21:02] <RearFender> hehe bethy
[21:02] <RearFender> be nicer
[21:02] * Guest3920 is now known as loukang
[21:02] * `CaliforniaGrown *lols@simplymai
[21:02] <Bethy> I am nice.
[21:02] <beautifull> this is better
[21:02] <Bethy> Nicest person here.
[21:02] <E_Aw_Bay> blah im ouTt
[21:02] <simplymai> You wish Bethany.
[21:02] <simplymai> haha
[21:02] <E_Aw_Bay> freaken hmonGz
[21:02] <Bethy> HAH
[21:02] <Bethy> I am.
[21:02] <Bethy> :D
[21:02] * FeMaLe22 was born in raised in california
[21:02] <simplymai> No Iam!
[21:02] <Bethy> 0=)
[21:02] <simplymai> ;)
[21:02] <Bethy> You are iamsam.
[21:02] <Bethy> hahaha
[21:02] <simplymai> haha
[21:02] <E_Aw_Bay> i was born on the mississippi river
[21:02] <MOTU_MASTERSNAKE> where in california are you from..?
[21:02] <Bethy> I was born IN the mississippi river.
[21:02] <Bethy> So beat that!
[21:02] * FeMaLe22 wow.... u misses pee?
[21:03] <E_Aw_Bay> bethy...are you a mermaid?
[21:03] <simplymai> You're a mermaid?
[21:03] <Bethy> Yes.
[21:03] <simplymai> I'm so jealous!
[21:03] <Bethy> :D
[21:03] <E_Aw_Bay> wow...and your hmong?
[21:03] <simplymai> =/
[21:03] <Bethy> I flip flop my tail.
[21:03] <Bethy> WOo.
[21:03] <Bethy> I never siad I was hmong.
[21:03] <Bethy> said*
[21:03] <simplymai> Actually.
[21:03] <E_Aw_Bay> i was asking
[21:03] <Bethy> Jeez. So assuming you guys are.
[21:03] <simplymai> That's a good idea.
[21:03] <simplymai> I'll go to the beach.
[21:03] <Bethy> lol
[21:03] * FeMaLe22 awwww....u guys are lucky.... i just came out of a ******
[21:03] <E_Aw_Bay> bethy dork
[21:03] <gigolow> lifes a *****.
[21:03] <Bethy> Mai
[21:03] <gigolow> go to one!
[21:03] <Bethy> I thought you didn't
[21:03] <Bethy> add periods
[21:03] <E_Aw_Bay> u must know a lot of hmong or something..
[21:03] <Bethy> do your sentences
[21:03] <Bethy> Unless they're long.
[21:03] <gigolow> i always type with periods.
[21:04] <simplymai> Occassionally I forget what I'm doing
[21:04] <simplymai> hahaha
[21:04] <gigolow> exclamation points!
[21:04] <gigolow> question marks?
[21:04] <gigolow> see.
[21:04] <Bethy> haha Mai
[21:04] <Bethy> ahaha
[21:04] <MOTU_MASTERSNAKE> any ladies care to chat..?
[21:04] <gigolow> whose haten on that bethy!?
[21:04] <Bethy> Doukee ruam
[21:04] <E_Aw_Bay> ok have fun you hmongZ
[21:04] <Bethy> Bye
[21:04] * Quits: swEeTy_aNgeL (java@=2px-44-76-65-10.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[21:04] * Joins: Guest98124 (java@=TAyjd-94-852-28-762.dsl.frs2ca.pacbell.net)
[21:04] <Bethy> She gee dua
[21:04] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[21:04] * FeMaLe22 dua = puke?
[21:04] <SweetNSexxiee> bethy
[21:04] <gigolow> She Gee Doua Xiong!
[21:04] <SweetNSexxiee> dorko
[21:04] * msLady` is now known as NwsYogKuv
[21:04] <gigolow> i know her/him/it!
[21:04] <Bethy> lol
[21:04] <SweetNSexxiee> lol
[21:04] <Bethy> What Kayla?
[21:04] * `CaliforniaGrown is now known as `i-miss-TOU
[21:04] <simplymai> Bethany, is that really a website to some girl you don't lik
[21:04] <Bethy> I know a Dou Lee too.
[21:04] * Quits: RearFender (HardBod@=Wypgug-72-69-52-222.rev.o1.com) (Ping Time
[21:05] <E_Aw_Bay> laterz you freaken hmongZ...
[21:05] <E_Aw_Bay> oh i said that already
[21:05] <Bethy> No Mai, it's about a stupid girl whoh lets her boyfriend beat on
[21:05] <NwsYogKuv> bye Doink
[21:05] <E_Aw_Bay> blahH blahHh
[21:05] <SweetNSexxiee> bye pheng
[21:05] <NwsYogKuv> lol
[21:05] <Bethy> And so all that abusive crap.
[21:05] <E_Aw_Bay> muAKerZzz
[21:05] * FeMaLe22 wow..... THERE'S TOO MANY TOU which one do u miss?
[21:05] <Bethy> And she still stays with him.
[21:05] <simplymai> =/
[21:05] <E_Aw_Bay> laterz leah l aterz sns laterz bethy
[21:05] * Quits: E_Aw_Bay (shoot@=sks94.187.116.79.ona.wi.charter.com) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
[21:05] * Joins: Guest97487 (Chatz@=VREDX73378.ipt.aol.com)
[21:05] * `i-miss-TOU *lols@Sherie
[21:05] <-SweetPea`> i miss kong
[21:05] * `i-miss-TOU *I miss ALL Of them. :)
[21:05] <simplymai> Then I shouldn't read.
[21:05] <Bethy> Why?
[21:05] <FeMaLe22> lol
[21:05] <simplymai> I'll be too p'd off.
[21:05] <Bethy> hah
[21:05] <-SweetPea`> now now bao.. his gf is here
[21:05] <Bethy> Well
[21:05] <-SweetPea`> ahah
[21:05] * Parts: Miss_Diamond (lka_ke@=wvs00.168.26.35.mad.wi.charter.com)
[21:05] <simplymai> Honestly.
[21:05] * Joins: Guest97634 (java@=jUJCP77366.ipt.aol.com)
[21:05] <-SweetPea`> dont get them in trouble
[21:05] <simplymai> Very pro-Woman.
[21:05] <Bethy> She said her boyfriend has had sex with her while she passed out
[21:05] <simplymai> :/
[21:05] * `i-miss-TOU *lols@Ann
[21:05] <Bethy> Several times.
[21:05] * FeMaLe22 loves sweetpea flowers........
[21:06] <Bethy> And he's choked her.
[21:06] <-SweetPea`> now now
[21:06] <Bethy> Hit her.
[21:06] <-SweetPea`> :)
[21:06] * Joins: Guest97872 (java@=qWd-05-67-71-45.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
[21:06] <Bethy> And she thinks it's all because of her.
[21:06] * FeMaLe22 bethy r u serious? or is that another song?
[21:06] <Bethy> Her fault that he does this.
[21:06] * Joins: WOMEN-HEA (lka_ke@=wvs00.168.26.35.mad.wi.charter.com)
[21:06] <Bethy> I'm serious.
[21:06] * Joins: Pho_King_Awesome (me@=DBv-52-92-92-86.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[21:06] * Joins: Guest97611 (java@=9czyaczxrm105567.scc.losrios.edu)
[21:06] * FeMaLe22 oh my gosh... that's so sad
[21:06] <SweetNSexxiee> hi jack
[21:06] <FeMaLe22> hi jack!
[21:06] * Guest97634 is now known as Jock_this_Chick
[21:06] <Pho_King_Awesome> hihi
[21:06] * Guest97611 is now known as misshmongusa
[21:06] <Bethy> I want to beat her up for being so stupid.
[21:06] * `i-miss-TOU *Any TOUs in here?
[21:06] <Bethy> But I wanna kill him for being an ***.
[21:06] * `i-miss-TOU !
[21:06] <Bethy> I'm a Tou!!
[21:06] <simplymai> =/
[21:06] * `i-miss-TOU *<<===
[21:06] * FeMaLe22 then u won't be n e better than her bf
[21:06] * `i-miss-TOU *Ha Ha
[21:06] <Bethy> Tou Lee.
[21:06] <SweetNSexxiee> bethy
[21:06] <SweetNSexxiee> such harsh words
[21:06] <Bethy> What Gayla?
[21:07] <Bethy> It's true.
[21:07] * FeMaLe22 Bethy...... call the cops on him
[21:07] <SweetNSexxiee> i siad such harsh words
[21:07] <Pho_King_Awesome> where's my angel?
[21:07] <Bethy> What kind of boyfriend rapes their girlfriend?
[21:07] <SweetNSexxiee> <--------angel
[21:07] <MOTU_MASTERSNAKE> sweetnsexxiee...where are you from..?
[21:07] <FeMaLe22> especially when u see fresh bruises
[21:07] <NraugHmongLonely> i rape mine
[21:07] <SweetNSexxiee> ewwwwwwwwwwwww.......really bethy?
[21:07] <NraugHmongLonely> beause she cheated on me
[21:07] <Bethy> FeMaLe22, I don't know who she is.
[21:07] * FeMaLe22 and that's why ur lonely
[21:07] * sexygirl [javauser@] is on IRC (aol-rose)
[21:07] <Bethy> Some guy posted on a board about his friend.
[21:07] <sPaCebOyz> bethy, can i rape you
[21:07] <FeMaLe22> o.....
[21:07] * Quits: WOMEN-HEA (lka_ke@=wvs00.168.26.35.mad.wi.charter.com) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[21:07] <Bethy> She told him not to tell anyone, but he told us.
[21:07] <beautifull> this is so much better then hmongblog?
[21:07] <Bethy> No.
[21:07] * `i-miss-TOU is now known as `miSs-bashful
[21:08] * `miSs-bashful *I'm soooooooooo bored!
[21:08] <sPaCebOyz> then i'll rape bash
[21:08] * FeMaLe22 duh.. he's retarded.. if he's a true friend... the bf would b
e dead
[21:08] * `miSs-bashful *Hahah Spacey.
[21:08] <SweetNSexxiee> hi bao
[21:08] <Bethy> Oh
[21:08] <Bethy> He WANTS to go kick his ***.
[21:08] * FeMaLe22 pushes spaceboyz.... sorry she's mine
[21:08] <sum`guy727> hb sux
[21:08] * `miSs-bashful *I just might end up raping you instead, Spacey! ;)
[21:08] * `miSs-bashful *Howdy kayla!
[21:08] <Bethy> But he promised her he wouldn't do anything to ruin her ..
[21:08] <Bethy> chances?
[21:08] <Bethy> Or whatever.
[21:08] * `miSs-bashful *lols@Sherie
[21:08] <beautifull> hi ten
[21:08] <SweetNSexxiee> u miss phaj ej lov?
[21:08] <sPaCebOyz> o is that so.........threesomes
[21:08] <Bethy> He doesn't want her to get in more shiet than she is in now.
[21:08] * sexygirl has left IRC
[21:08] * FeMaLe22 she's already ruined if her bf controls her
[21:08] <Bethy> And she's too stupid to see.
[21:08] <Bethy> FeMaLe22, girls are stupid like that.
[21:08] <Bethy> I'm sure if you thought you were in love, you'd be blinded too.
[21:08] * FeMaLe22 i know........ *sighs*
[21:09] <SweetNSexxiee> bethy
[21:09] <Bethy> She's been with him for so long now.
[21:09] <Bethy> WHAT GAYLA?
[21:09] <SweetNSexxiee> IM ONLY BLINDED BY YOU BETHY
[21:09] * Joins: Guest98890 (UnknownGuy@69.241.114.pp2=)
[21:09] <Bethy> No Kayla.
[21:09] <Bethy> haha
[21:09] <Bethy> I know
[21:09] <Bethy> I'm so shiny.
[21:09] <SweetNSexxiee> LOL
[21:09] * FeMaLe22 send them to me... i'll counsel them... turn them into lesbia
ns... and then let them go free n independent
[21:09] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[21:09] <Bethy> My armpit smells.
[21:09] <sPaCebOyz> i know huh, girls are stupid like that.....thank god i'm not
a girl, not a woman yet
[21:09] * `miSs-bashful *Hahaha Sherie.
[21:09] <Bethy> Do you want to smell it too?
[21:09] * Quits: NraugHmongLonely (scholar@=zUsykf-02-274-016-944.dsl.milwwi.ame
ritech.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[21:09] <SweetNSexxiee> EWWWWWWWW
[21:09] <SweetNSexxiee> IM EATING BETHY DORKO
[21:09] * `miSs-bashful *Spacey, you're just a little boy. :P
[21:09] * Guest97487 slaps kayla...i miss u
[21:09] <sum`guy727> beth: only if i can pull the hairs out
[21:09] * FeMaLe22 pinches SPACEBOYZ
[21:09] <SweetNSexxiee> OUCH!! GUEST
[21:09] <sPaCebOyz> thanks my love
[21:09] <Bethy> Ok Tengri. :D
[21:09] <beautifull> who is there
[21:09] * FeMaLe22 i feel sorry for my fiance.....
[21:09] * Joins: Guest6939 (java@=5ep50.112.154.251.stc.mn.charter.com)
[21:09] <SweetNSexxiee> I WOULD MISS U TOO BUT I DUNNO U
[21:09] <sPaCebOyz> i like that female 22
[21:10] <sPaCebOyz> i like that female 22
[21:10] <Bethy> Oh Kayla
[21:10] <SweetNSexxiee> WAT
[21:10] <Bethy> My punani
[21:10] <infamous_mike> anyone know the site i can go to to find out what cell c
ompany a number is with.. pc me please
[21:10] * FeMaLe22 kicks spaceboyz where the sun doesn't shine
[21:10] <Bethy> is very hairy
[21:10] <SweetNSexxiee> EWWWWWW
[21:10] <Bethy> and the pubics are falling out
[21:10] <Bethy> :(
[21:10] <simplymai> Ugh Bethy
[21:10] <FeMaLe22> ewwwie
[21:10] <Bethy> and when I was on my period
[21:10] <simplymai> Stop that.
[21:10] <FeMaLe22> LOL
[21:10] <simplymai> jez
[21:10] <Bethy> I think I had crabs
[21:10] <sPaCebOyz> you should female22, he should be jealous by now
[21:10] <sum`guy727> beth you dont trim your bush?
[21:10] <Bethy> No.
[21:10] <FeMaLe22> lol
[21:10] <Bethy> I don't believ ein trimming.
[21:10] <sum`guy727> Bethy: why not
[21:10] <simplymai> You're so sick hahaha
[21:10] <Bethy> I believe in hairyness.
[21:10] * Guest6939 is now known as BeautifuLLy_Average
[21:10] <Bethy> HAHAH
[21:10] <sPaCebOyz> the sun never shine, know the moon
[21:10] <Bethy> I just wanted to ruin Kayla's food.
[21:10] * `miSs-bashful *Howdy MEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
[21:10] <Bethy> HAHAHAHA
[21:10] <sPaCebOyz> wink
[21:10] <Bethy> Cause Tengri.
[21:10] <sPaCebOyz> hi mee
[21:10] <Bethy> No one to shave it for.
[21:10] <sum`guy727> you know there are so many guys these days that will turn a
girl down if she has pubic hair
[21:10] <SweetNSexxiee> BETHY MEANIE
[21:10] <Bethy> I used to though.
[21:10] * FeMaLe22 hey stop using nair as a soap
[21:10] <BeautifuLLy_Average> Hello Bao!!!!! :D
[21:11] <Bethy> Until I realized there was no one to impress.
[21:11] <BeautifuLLy_Average> Hello sPaCebOyz. *wInkS
[21:11] <sPaCebOyz> miss you
[21:11] * Quits: Jock_this_Chick (java@=jUJCP77366.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exit
[21:11] <Bethy> hahahahahaha Kayla
[21:11] <BeautifuLLy_Average> hah!. I missed your PUNK butt too! :P
[21:11] <BeautifuLLy_Average> Where have you been eh?
[21:11] <SweetNSexxiee> I THREW MY FOOD AWAY BETHY
[21:11] <Bethy> So anyways.
[21:11] <sPaCebOyz> how sweet
[21:11] <Bethy> HAHAHA
[21:11] <Bethy> Whatever Kayla
[21:11] <Bethy> :D
[21:11] <sPaCebOyz> ahhaha
[21:11] <sPaCebOyz> thinking about you
[21:11] <Bethy> But seriously
[21:11] <sPaCebOyz> ?
[21:11] <SweetNSexxiee> TIAG MAS
[21:11] <Bethy> my armpit smells
[21:11] <BeautifuLLy_Average> lol.. Thinking about me?
[21:11] <Bethy> and I just shaved it
[21:11] * Joins: U_bastard_chat_huh (lka_ke@=dRn23.168.26.35.mad.wi.charter.com)
[21:11] <BeautifuLLy_Average> AwW. how sweet of you! :P
[21:11] <Bethy> but
[21:11] * FeMaLe22 can i smell?
[21:11] <sPaCebOyz> yes
[21:11] <BeautifuLLy_Average> *bLahs
[21:11] <Bethy> it feels hairy still
[21:11] <Bethy> cause it grew 1 inch long
[21:12] * `miSs-bashful *Aww@spacey
[21:12] <Bethy> HI MEE
[21:12] <U_bastard_chat_huh> hm
[21:12] * BeautifuLLy_Average is now known as BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]
[21:12] <sPaCebOyz> no blahs, only mauh
[21:12] <Bethy> Yes you can smell
[21:12] * `miSs-bashful *why dont you ever say anything sweet to me?
[21:12] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Hello Bethy! MuakS*
[21:12] * `miSs-bashful *:(
[21:12] * Joins: Crazy_babe (sigghx@=lpzfxb-60-777-61-91.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.ne
[21:12] * `miSs-bashful *HAhahaa
[21:12] * Joins: Guest99965 (java@=Zrpawqbb-
[21:12] <sPaCebOyz> i love you bash
[21:12] * Joins: Guest99975 (java@=cC99-884-604-670.dul.mn.charter.com)
[21:12] * Guest99965 is now known as outrageousChick
[21:12] * FeMaLe22 punches spaceboyz
[21:12] * FeMaLe22 hands bao a rose
[21:12] * BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here] kicks sPaCebOyz...
[21:12] * FeMaLe22 he only said it.. i showed it
[21:12] * Bethy is now known as BethySmellyArmPits
[21:12] <U_bastard_chat_huh> k
[21:12] <sPaCebOyz> thats it female22
[21:12] * `miSs-bashful *Awww
[21:12] <FeMaLe22> what's it?
[21:12] * `miSs-bashful *blushes* You're the best Sherie! :)
[21:12] * FeMaLe22 blushes
[21:12] * Joins: Bachelor510 (Imma_Bache@=ugv-82-7-253-77.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[21:13] * FeMaLe22 wink
[21:13] <sPaCebOyz> here you go bash, a diamond ring
[21:13] <sPaCebOyz> mee dont kick me
[21:13] * `miSs-bashful *Ahh. That's a fake, spacey. o.O
[21:13] <sPaCebOyz> hahaha
[21:13] * Parts: Crazy_babe (sigghx@=lpzfxb-60-777-61-91.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.ne
[21:13] <sPaCebOyz> okie okie, how about a 10 diamond carrot ring?
[21:13] * FeMaLe22 PHSHAHAHAHAH u call that .0000000001 carrot stone a diamon?
[21:13] <Pho_King_Awesome> doobie doobie doo
[21:13] <Pho_King_Awesome> didn't even say hi to me, Mee
[21:13] <BethySmellyArmPits> www.meierandfrank.com
[21:13] * `miSs-bashful *lols@Sherie
[21:13] <loukang> so
[21:14] <loukang> whos out there
[21:14] * `miSs-bashful *Spacey, *siGhs* you make me sad. :(
[21:14] <sum`guy727> space: i used to haev a 4 carrot ring, was made of plastics
[21:14] <BethySmellyArmPits> carrot
[21:14] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[21:14] <BethySmellyArmPits> kekeke
[21:14] * FeMaLe22 hands bao a love letter sealed with a kiss
[21:14] <FeMaLe22> hehehe
[21:14] <sPaCebOyz> mauh mauh mauh
[21:14] <sum`guy727> man i wish i still had taht thing
[21:14] <FeMaLe22> karrot
[21:14] <loukang> any one from sacramento
[21:14] * `miSs-bashful *Awww
[21:14] <FeMaLe22> however u spell it
[21:14] <sum`guy727> imagine giving that to a girl
[21:14] <sPaCebOyz> thats it female22?
[21:14] * FeMaLe22 what's it?
[21:14] * `miSs-bashful *hands* Sherie her heart. :)
[21:14] <sPaCebOyz> kiss bash on the lips......i love you babe
[21:14] * BethySmellyArmPits is now known as GaoSheng
[21:14] * FeMaLe22 on the lips? that's it? PAHAHAHHAA
[21:15] * GaoSheng clears her throat.
[21:15] <GaoSheng> Hello boys.
[21:15] * `miSs-bashful *Hahahah Spacey
[21:15] <GaoSheng> Does anyone care to chat?
[21:15] * Joins: Guest1705 (java@=nowjybgm-
[21:15] <sPaCebOyz> okie okie, where the flower bloom
[21:15] * Joins: The_GOOD_LADY (lka_ke@=dRn23.168.26.35.mad.wi.charter.com)
[21:15] <sPaCebOyz> hahahaahah
[21:15] * FeMaLe22 whispers in bao's ear something sweet... then brushes her lip
s on her earlobe.. n kisses her neck sweetly
[21:15] * `miSs-bashful *eeeks. o.O
[21:15] * Guest99975 is now known as mi55-luckey-MN
[21:15] <mi55-luckey-MN> wfasdf
[21:15] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Oh, sPaCebOyz...you're cheating on me no
w?!? What's up with that?
[21:15] * `miSs-bashful *Hahahaha
[21:15] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> sHoo.!
[21:15] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Forget koj lawm os!
[21:15] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> =(
[21:15] * `miSs-bashful *Aww Sherie. That tickles. :)
[21:15] <nrhiavleejmuam> hi GaoSheng
[21:15] * Joins: Rryan (Chat-place@=rVd-31-715-570-812.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[21:15] * Parts: Guest1705 (java@=nowjybgm-
[21:15] <GaoSheng> Hi nrhiavleejmuam
[21:15] * Joins: Crazy_babe (Crazybabe@=r1nofq-93-960-19-37.dsl.milwwi.ameritech
[21:15] <sPaCebOyz> mee, how are you today
[21:15] * FeMaLe22 =0P @ space
[21:15] <GaoSheng> Are you married, nrhiavleejmuam?
[21:15] * Quits: Rryan (Chat-place@=rVd-31-715-570-812.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Con
nection reset by peer)
[21:15] <sPaCebOyz> thanks
[21:16] <Guest98890> I'm the only married person on here
[21:16] <nrhiavleejmuam> nope...and u GaoSheng
[21:16] <Pho_King_Awesome> *yawn*
[21:16] * `miSs-bashful *I'm married.
[21:16] <Pho_King_Awesome> wow it' shot here..
[21:16] * FeMaLe22 guest ur the only married person who's honest in here
[21:16] <nrhiavleejmuam> where u r from....GaoSheng
[21:16] <GaoSheng> I'm married.
[21:16] <GaoSheng> I'm from CA.
[21:16] * BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here] ignores sPaCebOyz..because he's cheating
on her with `miSs-bashful... and she's sad.. =*(
[21:16] <sPaCebOyz> i'm divorce
[21:16] <GaoSheng> But my husband is leaving me.
[21:16] <Guest98890> I know
[21:16] <loukang> okay
[21:16] <GaoSheng> So I'm gonna be a gofa soo.
[21:16] * FeMaLe22 awwww
[21:16] * Crazy_babe is now known as u_and_me_tonight
[21:16] <GaoSheng> soon
[21:16] <Pho_King_Awesome> you got ME, BA
[21:16] * Quits: Joe-is-in-the-house (java@=P1cwzk-08-923-064-679.dsl.frsn02.pac
bell.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[21:16] <sPaCebOyz> mee, i'll make it up to you
[21:16] <sPaCebOyz> tonight in bed?
[21:16] <Pho_King_Awesome> why you so sad anyway?
[21:16] <nrhiavleejmuam> why...GaoSheng..
[21:16] <Guest98890> So how many divorcees are in here
[21:16] * `miSs-bashful *hands* Mee spacey. Take him away. :)
[21:17] * FeMaLe22 hands average a rose too
[21:17] <GaoSheng> Cause he said I was too fat.
[21:17] <Pho_King_Awesome> i'm 1000000x better than space
[21:17] <nrhiavleejmuam> wanna go chat pc...GaoSheng
[21:17] <sPaCebOyz> how does that sound?
[21:17] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> PSsH! NOPE@sPaCebOyz.
[21:17] <GaoSheng> Do you like fat girls?
[21:17] <GaoSheng> I don't know how to PC.
[21:17] * FeMaLe22 and a box of chocolate
[21:17] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> No, Bao, you can have him I don't want h
im anymore.
[21:17] <u_and_me_tonight> gao sheng...who said that?
[21:17] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> lol
[21:17] <GaoSheng> What is PC?
[21:17] <nrhiavleejmuam> i don't mind..
[21:17] <GaoSheng> I'm new here.
[21:17] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Okay, I'm not here. BYe! :P
[21:17] * `miSs-bashful *<<== been married for 2 years
[21:17] * Quits: passionfruit (me@=Vj72-054.162.popsite.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[21:17] <nrhiavleejmuam> private chat...just double click my name...gaosheng
[21:17] <SweetNSexxiee> GAOSHENG IS NOT NEW
[21:17] <SweetNSexxiee> JUST NEW NICK
[21:17] <U_bastard_chat_huh> hey anyone wanna chat with me....
[21:17] <SweetNSexxiee> LOLZ
[21:17] <sPaCebOyz> where are you going mee?
[21:17] <GaoSheng> Shut up GAYLA
[21:17] <Guest98890> He wants to take you into PC so he can talk dirty
[21:17] <GaoSheng> omg
[21:17] <u_and_me_tonight> lol..sweetnsexxiee
[21:17] <SweetNSexxiee> LOL
[21:17] <GaoSheng> Oh.
[21:17] * FeMaLe22 is married to herself......only i can please myself like no o
ne else
[21:17] <SweetNSexxiee> OHHHHHHHHH
[21:17] <GaoSheng> It won't let me, nrhiavleejmuam.
[21:17] <SweetNSexxiee> HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
[21:17] <u_and_me_tonight> we're all not new here
[21:17] * `miSs-bashful *Hahah Sherie.
[21:17] <SweetNSexxiee> I THINK IT WAS U BEHTY
[21:17] <Pho_King_Awesome> *yawn*
[21:17] <SweetNSexxiee> HAHAHAHHA
[21:18] * `miSs-bashful *I'm new.
[21:18] <SweetNSexxiee> HAHAHHAHAAHA
[21:18] <sPaCebOyz> female22, can i please you?
[21:18] <FeMaLe22> haha
[21:18] <u_and_me_tonight> as a baby's butt
[21:18] * Parts: simplymai (sdfjasdlfj@=sLrz-fcu7-qvhnvl.csumb.edu)
[21:18] <Guest98890> Female22, I'm married to a bunch of imaginary wives.
[21:18] * FeMaLe22 spaceboyz... thats' funny
[21:18] <nrhiavleejmuam> ok.... type /msg my name then talk
[21:18] <u_and_me_tonight> hmm...
[21:18] * FeMaLe22 lol@guest.. mai c n mai lo?
[21:18] <sPaCebOyz> i dont see anyone laughing
[21:18] <GaoSheng> Did you get my message?
[21:18] <FeMaLe22> aww u scared mai away
[21:18] <Guest98890> yeah
[21:18] * `miSs-bashful *laughs@spacey
[21:18] <nrhiavleejmuam> nope...
[21:18] <u_and_me_tonight> did somebody find new friends?
[21:18] <GaoSheng> How come you aren't answering me?
[21:18] * `miSs-bashful *I'm laughing. :)
[21:18] <GaoSheng> Oh.
[21:18] * FeMaLe22 lol
[21:18] <sPaCebOyz> be queeuueue bash
[21:19] <nrhiavleejmuam> i didn't see u message.......gaosheng
[21:19] <GaoSheng> I messaged you three times now.
[21:19] * `miSs-bashful *Aww Spacey, I love you too. :)
[21:19] <beautifull> anyone kare to show me around here. im new
[21:19] <Guest98890> Miss Bashful is married to her so called husband, Dildo Van
[21:19] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[21:19] <SweetNSexxiee> bethy
[21:19] <SweetNSexxiee> oh bethy
[21:19] <GaoSheng> Shut up kayla.
[21:19] <GaoSheng> hahaha
[21:19] <SweetNSexxiee> come out behty
[21:19] <SweetNSexxiee> hahahahaha
[21:19] * FeMaLe22 OoOO SEXY
[21:19] * `miSs-bashful *Hahaha@Guest
[21:19] * FeMaLe22 i'mma name my future son that
[21:19] <u_and_me_tonight> chat with me somebody..for the next minutes until my
pizza is ready
[21:19] * GaoSheng kicks Kayla's butt.
[21:19] <GaoSheng> Kayla, I keep wanting to call you callie.
[21:19] <SweetNSexxiee> hey bethy
[21:19] <GaoSheng> :\
[21:19] * `miSs-bashful *How did you know? :O
[21:19] <u_and_me_tonight> i've got lots of cheese on it
[21:19] <SweetNSexxiee> i actually didnt know it was u
[21:19] <nrhiavleejmuam> gaosheng... /msg my name then talk
[21:19] <SweetNSexxiee> until u let out
[21:19] <SweetNSexxiee> lolz
[21:19] <u_and_me_tonight> and ham..and onions
[21:19] <Guest98890> It's a giving Bao
[21:20] <SweetNSexxiee> me not mob pim
[21:20] <sPaCebOyz> ahhh....so sweet of you bash, dont diss me next time at the
[21:20] * Quits: loukang (java@=n4MZH20LCV.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[21:20] * FeMaLe22 dude... dont' talka bout food.. i'm hungry
[21:20] * `miSs-bashful *Eeks. DO I know you? Ha HA@Guest
[21:20] <GaoSheng> Are you getting my messages, nrhiavleejmuam?
[21:20] * `miSs-bashful *HAhah Spacey. You dissed ME! :(
[21:20] * Quits: mi55-luckey-MN (java@=cC99-884-604-670.dul.mn.charter.com) (QUI
T: User exited)
[21:20] * Quits: outrageousChick (java@=Zrpawqbb-
l3.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[21:20] <GaoSheng> But you look like one, Kayla!!
[21:20] <sPaCebOyz> sure sure
[21:20] <SweetNSexxiee> bethy wehre is my message
[21:20] <GaoSheng> HAHA, jk
[21:20] <u_and_me_tonight> food is a must in this life
[21:20] <sPaCebOyz> hi gaosheng
[21:20] <SweetNSexxiee> lol
[21:20] <nrhiavleejmuam> nope....gaosheng
[21:20] <GaoSheng> Massage me first, then I'll message you Kayla.
[21:20] <GaoSheng> haha
[21:20] <Pho_King_Awesome> oh.. kayla xwb?
[21:20] <SweetNSexxiee> i not mob pim tonite bethy
[21:20] <GaoSheng> hahaha
[21:20] * FeMaLe22 cheesecake.. yumm
[21:20] <SweetNSexxiee> jack......dorko
[21:20] <sPaCebOyz> this is boring
[21:20] <SweetNSexxiee> i said hi to u
[21:20] <nrhiavleejmuam> what city u r from...gaosheng
[21:20] * FeMaLe22 ham n cheese.. yummm
[21:20] <SweetNSexxiee> u ignore me
[21:20] <u_and_me_tonight> cheesecake..is good
[21:20] <GaoSheng> I'm from Thien Hung.
[21:20] * FeMaLe22 cheese n cheese... yummm
[21:20] * Quits: Guest98890 (UnknownGuy@69.241.114.pp2=) (QUIT: User exited)
[21:21] <sPaCebOyz> cheesecake on a bum
[21:21] <SweetNSexxiee> hahahahahah
[21:21] <u_and_me_tonight> hah..but i love ice cream too
[21:21] <Pho_King_Awesome> Mmm.. Thien Hong
[21:21] * Joins: RAdeLLA^29 (carpenter@=f757-481-074-79.user.ono.com)
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[21:21] * RAdeLLA^29 was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk: clo
ne host)
[21:21] * `miSs-bashful *Spacey, YOU're boring. :P
[21:21] <SweetNSexxiee> bethy thien hung? where is that
[21:21] <u_and_me_tonight> lol spaceboy..
[21:21] * FeMaLe22 PHO UMMM YUMMM
[21:21] <sPaCebOyz> thanks bash
[21:21] * FeMaLe22 ouch@bao
[21:21] * Joins: Guest5241 (java@=Kfq12.115.55.243.ona.wi.charter.com)
[21:21] <FeMaLe22> hehe
[21:21] <u_and_me_tonight> i bet u want to be the cheescake
[21:21] <GaoSheng> It's in Laos.
[21:21] <nrhiavleejmuam> i thought u from CA......gaosheng
[21:21] <u_and_me_tonight> ahah.
[21:21] <GaoSheng> No.
[21:21] * Guest5241 is now known as Tampico
[21:21] * Sexy-X-Husband any horny hmong women here wana party !!!
[21:21] * Sexy-X-Husband any horny hmong women here wana party !!!
[21:21] <GaoSheng> I'm from Laos.
[21:21] * `miSs-bashful *cheese cakes at the Cheese Cake Factory in Sac are soooo
oooo freaken good
[21:21] <SweetNSexxiee> hi mob pim!!
[21:21] <nrhiavleejmuam> yeap..right....gaosheng
[21:21] * `miSs-bashful *mMmmm! Someone take me there!
[21:21] * Quits: U_bastard_chat_huh (lka_ke@=dRn23.168.26.35.mad.wi.charter.com)
(QUIT: User exited)
[21:21] * FeMaLe22 awwwwwww
[21:21] * `miSs-bashful *Howdy Tampico
[21:21] * Quits: Clarissa` (khr@202.128.59.C0631=) (QUIT: User exited)
[21:21] <u_and_me_tonight> send me some..then miss bashful
[21:21] <GaoSheng> Hi mob pim!
[21:21] <Tampico> hi bash
[21:21] <sPaCebOyz> cheesecake in miss female22 pants are yummy
[21:21] <GaoSheng> Callie, Kayla said you were a bish.
[21:21] <SweetNSexxiee> hi mob pim!!
[21:21] <sPaCebOyz> cheesecake in miss female22 pants are yummy
[21:21] * FeMaLe22 had some fruitcake thingie at the vietnamese store in sac.. y
[21:21] * Quits: NwsYogKuv (java@=kJrdnf-27-243-788-891.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net
) (QUIT: User exited)
[21:22] <Sexy-X-Husband> everyone here from laos, stupids
[21:22] <GaoSheng> :o
[21:22] * `miSs-bashful *mMmmm
[21:22] <SweetNSexxiee> hahah.......w/e bethy
[21:22] <nrhiavleejmuam> i guess u husband is leaving u too..huh..gaosheng
[21:22] <GaoSheng> hahahaha
[21:22] <Tampico> hahaha
[21:22] <SweetNSexxiee> trying to get me in trouble
[21:22] <Tampico> YOU PIM's
[21:22] <GaoSheng> My husband said I was too fat.
[21:22] <Tampico> lmao
[21:22] * SweetNSexxiee kick bethy kiag
[21:22] * FeMaLe22 eww... closes her tighs tightly.. locks n everything
[21:22] <GaoSheng> So he's gonna leave me.
[21:22] <u_and_me_tonight> gaosheng..just sit on him
[21:22] <nrhiavleejmuam> yeap...rite....gaosheng
[21:22] <u_and_me_tonight> lol
[21:22] * GaoSheng squeezed her head up FeMaLe22's ***.
[21:22] <SweetNSexxiee> fat and smelly arm pits? bethy?
[21:22] <u_and_me_tonight> then he cant go nowhere
[21:22] * `miSs-bashful *lols
[21:22] <GaoSheng> Mmmm.
[21:22] <GaoSheng> Yeah Kayla.
[21:22] <GaoSheng> haha
[21:22] <sPaCebOyz> gaosheng sit on me
[21:22] <SweetNSexxiee> dam
[21:22] <SweetNSexxiee> lol
[21:22] <FeMaLe22> lol@sheng
[21:22] <u_and_me_tonight> lol
[21:22] * FeMaLe22 OooooOoooo n e time sheng
[21:22] <u_and_me_tonight> spaceboys..u in space
[21:23] <u_and_me_tonight> lol
[21:23] * Sexy-X-Husband any horny hmong women here wana party !!!
[21:23] * FeMaLe22 flushes
[21:23] * Sexy-X-Husband any horny hmong women here wana party !!!
[21:23] <u_and_me_tonight> where's the black hole?
[21:23] <GaoSheng> So anyways.
[21:23] <beautifull> lol
[21:23] <GaoSheng> Where are you from, nrhiavleejmuam?
[21:23] * FeMaLe22 looks down
[21:23] <u_and_me_tonight> does it really exist?
[21:23] <sPaCebOyz> in ur crack
[21:23] * `miSs-bashful *Hahaha
[21:23] <Tampico> who's stupipd today
[21:23] <Tampico> lmao
[21:23] <Tampico> kat got MOTW
[21:23] <SweetNSexxiee> the black hole?
[21:23] <Tampico> =D
[21:23] <GaoSheng> Koj nas, Callie.
[21:23] * FeMaLe22 stupipd?
[21:23] <Tampico> i know gaosheng
[21:23] <-SweetPea`> i'm stupid today callie
[21:23] <GaoSheng> Kayla, I'm hungry.
[21:23] <Tampico> besides me.. must be u
[21:23] * `miSs-bashful *yeah.. kat got MOTW!!!!!!!
[21:23] <Tampico> lmao
[21:23] <GaoSheng> I'm getting tired of carrot cake.
[21:23] <u_and_me_tonight> ive got pizza
[21:23] <Tampico> oh really sweetpea.. haha ruam tiag
[21:23] <SweetNSexxiee> im full bethy........and sick now too...
[21:23] <Tampico> =D
[21:23] * `miSs-bashful *i want to be MOTW! Vote for me! :)
[21:23] * `miSs-bashful *lols
[21:23] <Sexy-X-Husband> hmong women got black hole between her legs
[21:23] <GaoSheng> haha, good Kayla
[21:23] <sPaCebOyz> what about spermcake
[21:23] <u_and_me_tonight> lol
[21:24] * FeMaLe22 what' MOTW?
[21:24] <GaoSheng> I make good jizzcake.
[21:24] <FeMaLe22> what's
[21:24] * Joins: Guest16681 (a@=atJP3P83V0.ipt.aol.com)
[21:24] <GaoSheng> And cumcake.
[21:24] <Tampico> spermcake? nasty sheit
[21:24] <Tampico> lmao
[21:24] <Pho_King_Awesome> wtf? she did?
[21:24] * Parts: Guest97487 (Chatz@=VREDX73378.ipt.aol.com)
[21:24] <Tampico> pim cake
[21:24] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[21:24] <Tampico> and qau cake
[21:24] <Tampico> lmao =D
[21:24] <gigolow> I love Tampico!
[21:24] <SweetNSexxiee> hmong got black hole between their butt too!!
[21:24] <Pho_King_Awesome> speak of the devil
[21:24] <GaoSheng> Calliecake.
[21:24] <GaoSheng> hahaha
[21:24] <Tampico> lol.. sure
[21:24] <Tampico> nerds
[21:24] <SweetNSexxiee> oops hmong man
[21:24] <FeMaLe22> ok now.... i said cheesecake.. not salty fake cakes
[21:24] * GaoSheng is now known as MaiHlub
[21:24] <Tampico> i just got done w/ 3 hours of excercise
[21:24] <Sexy-X-Husband> <--- my *** is pink
[21:24] * Joins: Guest16347 (java@=Ijvulzvw-
[21:24] * Joins: Jessica^ (kenedi_199@
[21:24] <Tampico> i feel like i just got fwk haha
[21:24] <Tampico> jk
[21:24] <MaiHlub> hi ne bois care to chat??
[21:24] <SweetNSexxiee> ewwwwwww
[21:25] <sPaCebOyz> cheesecake, dont whip cream but sperm cream
[21:25] * Quits: mr-smooth (java@=2k93-433-949-93.stkn.dialup.elite.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[21:25] * Guest16347 is now known as dis1lady
[21:25] <FeMaLe22> ew
[21:25] <`miSs-bashful> zv bfy wa5v5rhb m,,MHGTR,MC,G
[21:25] <sPaCebOyz> yummy huh ladies
[21:25] <MaiHlub> hi ne bois care to chat??
[21:25] <`miSs-bashful> ?,;'
[21:25] <MaiHlub> hi ne bois care to chat??
[21:25] <SweetNSexxiee> sure bethy lets chat
[21:25] <dis1lady> sup everyone
[21:25] <MaiHlub> hi ne bois care to chat??
[21:25] * `Nissan240sx_Drifter-R is now known as kongO`
[21:25] * FeMaLe22 hands spaceboyz the *** filled doughnut
[21:25] <SweetNSexxiee> sure bethy lets chat
[21:25] <MaiHlub> hi ne bois care to chat??
[21:25] * Sexy-X-Husband any horny hmong women here wana party !!!
[21:25] * Sexy-X-Husband any horny hmong women here wana party !!!
[21:25] * Sexy-X-Husband any horny hmong women here wana party !!!
[21:25] * Sexy-X-Husband was kicked by [P]rotecto[R] (15°«×[ 12text repeat15 ]×»° 15¤ 15°«
ss script v5.1 15 ]×»°)
[21:25] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[21:25] * hmong sets mode: +b *!*@=aLo16.183.22.127.fdl.wi.charter.com
[21:25] <MaiHlub> hi ne bois care to chat??
[21:26] <sPaCebOyz> to place it on female22 yummy yum part
[21:26] * MaiHlub is now known as YummyLady22
[21:26] * FeMaLe22 no.... for u to eat silly
[21:26] <YummyLady22> hi sexy ppl, who wants to chat?
[21:26] <u_and_me_tonight> sexy x husband..what happened to ur wife?
[21:26] <sPaCebOyz> i know, on you right?
[21:26] * Joins: jellorice (plastlk@=Xfgjka-35-156-295-60.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.n
[21:26] * `miSs-bashful *Ann?!?!?!
[21:26] * FeMaLe22 hi jello
[21:26] <YummyLady22> hi jellorice
[21:26] * [P]rotecto[R] sets mode: -b *!*@=sLCLQ-52-7-678-477.qld.bigpond.net.au
[21:26] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[21:26] * [P]rotecto[R] sets mode: -b *!*@=Kzy72.183.22.127.fdl.wi.charter.com
[21:26] <YummyLady22> u want to chat?
[21:26] * FeMaLe22 no.... in u!
[21:26] <sPaCebOyz> its like a body shot
[21:26] * Joins: baby_grl (Chatz@=At79-794-49-30.ca.charter.com)
[21:26] <FeMaLe22> lol
[21:26] <FeMaLe22> ooo i like body shots
[21:26] <jellorice> hi hi all
[21:26] <baby_grl> sups
[21:26] <jellorice> hi FeMaLe22
[21:26] <FeMaLe22> without the doughtnut
[21:26] <jellorice> hi `miSs-bashful
[21:26] * `miSs-bashful *Howdy jellorice :)
[21:26] <jellorice> hi YummyLady22
[21:27] <Tampico> hi YEng
[21:27] <YummyLady22> were r u frum jellorice?
[21:27] <jellorice> and everyone else
[21:27] * Quits: infamous_mike (infamous_m@=uVdpxnbr-905-969.imt.uwm.edu) (QUIT:
User exited)
[21:27] <jellorice> hi Tampico
[21:27] <baby_grl> any kali guys in hurr
[21:27] <Tampico> jellorice is hoTtt =D
[21:27] <jellorice> lol YummyLady22
[21:27] * `miSs-bashful *Jellorice is hot. :)
[21:27] <jellorice> u can ask Tampico
[21:27] <jellorice> lol
[21:27] <jellorice> and `miSs-bashful
[21:27] <jellorice> brb
[21:27] <YummyLady22> but i want to ask u
[21:27] <YummyLady22> o
[21:27] * FeMaLe22 wait a sec.. jello is a girl.. rite?
[21:27] <YummyLady22> yes
[21:27] * `miSs-bashful *lols@Sherie
[21:27] <SweetNSexxiee> yummy....he from jello pudding
[21:27] <YummyLady22> yeng vue is so sexy
[21:27] <SweetNSexxiee> yummy....he from jello pudding
[21:27] * FeMaLe22 scratches her head
[21:27] <YummyLady22> i wanna eat out his pudding
[21:27] <YummyLady22> made of jello
[21:27] <YummyLady22> mmmmm
[21:27] <u_and_me_tonight> wow
[21:27] <SweetNSexxiee> lol
[21:27] <MOTU_MASTERSNAKE> yummylady22...got a picture..?
[21:27] * `miSs-bashful *Ann!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[21:27] <YummyLady22> no snake
[21:28] <u_and_me_tonight> exciting talk
[21:28] <SweetNSexxiee> hahaha
[21:28] * Joins: simplymai (sdfjasdlfj@=sLrz-fcu7-qvhnvl.csumb.edu)
[21:28] * FeMaLe22 seriously... i thought jello was a girl
[21:28] <YummyLady22> hi simplymai
[21:28] * Parts: Guest98124 (java@=TAyjd-94-852-28-762.dsl.frs2ca.pacbell.net)
[21:28] <SweetNSexxiee> hi mai
[21:28] <FeMaLe22> w/b mai we missed u
[21:28] <YummyLady22> were u frum?
[21:28] * `miSs-bashful *W/b simplymai. :D
[21:28] * Joins: SOMEONERETARDED (dd@=bbg555.197.140.67.ip.alltel.net)
[21:28] <simplymai> hi YummyLady22
[21:28] <YummyLady22> jellorice does sound like a girl
[21:28] <YummyLady22> wow
[21:28] <simplymai> Thanks Sheri and Bao
[21:28] * Quits: Marjeta` (iiii@=F4ktktdefkxa212.231-37-24.mc.videotron.ca) (Con
nection reset by peer)
[21:28] <FeMaLe22> o.. ouch
[21:28] <FeMaLe22> hahaha
[21:28] <YummyLady22> someone from canada was in here?
[21:28] <YummyLady22> wow
[21:28] * Joins: Guest19135 (java@=N653-34-287-424.dsl1.elk.ca.frontiernet.net)
[21:28] <simplymai> Hi Yeng, my love haha
[21:28] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@*.frontiernet.net
[21:28] * Guest19135 was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk)
[21:28] <YummyLady22> hahah
[21:28] * Quits: cascadia19 (raaxeeye@=F4ktktdefkxa212.231-37-24.mc.videotron.ca
) (Connection reset by peer)
[21:28] * baby_grl is really very bored.
[21:28] <YummyLady22> neways
[21:28] * FeMaLe22 is going to canada nex week
[21:28] * `miSs-bashful *Yeng is the love of my life. :)
[21:28] <FeMaLe22> next... maybe
[21:28] <YummyLady22> ne hot guys like yeng vue want to chat?
[21:29] * Joins: Guest9535 (java@=vlwnzqescl798563.scc.losrios.edu)
[21:29] * baby_grl smiles at everyone in the room :-)
[21:29] * beautifull is bored
[21:29] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[21:29] * `miSs-bashful *is going to Canada next week with Sherie.
[21:29] * FeMaLe22 smiles back
[21:29] * FeMaLe22 WHoOhOOoooo
[21:29] * Guest9535 is now known as deliciously_69
[21:29] * FeMaLe22 lots of cute asian guys up there
[21:29] <Tampico> canada has a lot of hotties like yeng
[21:29] <Tampico> lmao
[21:29] <Tampico> =D
[21:29] <YummyLady22> ne hot guys like yeng vue want to chat?
[21:29] <SweetNSexxiee> we got kinky names tonite
[21:29] * FeMaLe22 but u gotta come to ORegon first so we can drive
[21:29] * Joins: Mandygirl^ (southwind1@=SNfp-626.balikpapan.indo.net.id)
[21:29] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@*.id
[21:29] * Mandygirl^ was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk: spa
m host)
[21:29] <YummyLady22> were r u frum, FeMaLe22?
[21:29] <simplymai> Hi Callie
[21:29] <sPaCebOyz> hi yummylady22
[21:29] <Tampico> hi mai
[21:30] * FeMaLe22 oregon
[21:30] <YummyLady22> hi sPaCebOyz
[21:30] * Joins: P|nK_Ro|eX (P_nK_Ro_eX@=2Wzy74-88-02-3.ok.ok.cox.net)
[21:30] <YummyLady22> ooh
[21:30] <YummyLady22> no wonder u always jump when I say oregon
[21:30] * FeMaLe22 unfortunately
[21:30] <YummyLady22> ahhaha
[21:30] <YummyLady22> where in oregon?
[21:30] * FeMaLe22 jumps
[21:30] <YummyLady22> hahahaha
[21:30] <YummyLady22> dork
[21:30] <FeMaLe22> =P
[21:30] <YummyLady22> sheri
[21:30] <FeMaLe22> salem
[21:30] <FeMaLe22> u?
[21:30] <YummyLady22> you aren't from salem, are you?
[21:30] <baby_grl> *im going tah party diz weekend yay!!!!!!!1
[21:30] <YummyLady22> omg
[21:30] <YummyLady22> wow
[21:30] * FeMaLe22 yes i am
[21:30] * FeMaLe22 unfortunately
[21:30] <YummyLady22> sheri vang?
[21:30] * FeMaLe22 who r u?
[21:30] <FeMaLe22> hehehe
[21:30] <YummyLady22> doesn't ur mom do the sat. markets?
[21:30] <FeMaLe22> close...
[21:30] <YummyLady22> well
[21:30] <YummyLady22> flowers
[21:30] <YummyLady22> and you help her?
[21:31] <Tampico> hmm
[21:31] <YummyLady22> and you went to n. salem high?
[21:31] <FeMaLe22> sometimes
[21:31] * Joins: MMME1O (icN4Gy2dAr@61.19.198.p1985=)
[21:31] * FeMaLe22 i'mma Thao
[21:31] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@61.19*
[21:31] * MMME1O was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk: clone h
[21:31] <YummyLady22> oh
[21:31] <YummyLady22> haha
[21:31] * FeMaLe22 wow who r u?
[21:31] <YummyLady22> wow
[21:31] <FeMaLe22> hehe
[21:31] <YummyLady22> i used to live in salem
[21:31] <FeMaLe22> YAY a new friend!!!!
[21:31] <FeMaLe22> o...
[21:31] <YummyLady22> i don't know if YOU were the sheri I met though
[21:31] * FeMaLe22 ur one lucky lady
[21:31] * FeMaLe22 maybe... only one sherie that i know of?
[21:31] * baby_grl smiles at everyone in the room :-)
[21:31] <YummyLady22> lol
[21:31] * FeMaLe22 what's your name?
[21:31] <YummyLady22> well, my mom used to do the salem sat. markets
[21:31] <Tampico> fwken IE
[21:31] <Tampico> lmao
[21:31] <sPaCebOyz> hi baby grl
[21:32] <YummyLady22> and she kept tryig to make me hang out with a sheri gurl
[21:32] <baby_grl> shup
[21:32] * FeMaLe22 oh cool
[21:32] <YummyLady22> my name is nou
[21:32] <YummyLady22> and I'm a yang
[21:32] <u_and_me_tonight> hey.....
[21:32] * FeMaLe22 ummm.. really?.....
[21:32] <YummyLady22> yeah
[21:32] * FeMaLe22 OooOoOOOOOOoooooOOH!!!!!
[21:32] <u_and_me_tonight> do u think need to change my nick?
[21:32] <YummyLady22> r u that sheri?!
[21:32] * FeMaLe22 ur mom is a Thao.. rite?
[21:32] <u_and_me_tonight> lol.
[21:32] <YummyLady22> yeah
[21:32] <YummyLady22> sue
[21:32] * FeMaLe22 oh yeah!!!
[21:32] <FeMaLe22> auntie sue
[21:32] <YummyLady22> HAHAHAH
[21:32] <YummyLady22> wow
[21:32] <FeMaLe22> hehehe....
[21:32] <YummyLady22> what a small world
[21:32] <FeMaLe22> it's a small world
[21:32] <FeMaLe22> wow ur 22?
[21:32] <YummyLady22> No
[21:32] <YummyLady22> I'm 18
[21:32] * YummyLady22 is now known as Bethy
[21:32] <Bethy> haha
[21:32] <FeMaLe22> o
[21:32] <FeMaLe22> lol
[21:32] <SweetNSexxiee> and its getting smelly girls
[21:32] <FeMaLe22> i was gonna say...
[21:33] <Bethy> but ****
[21:33] <Bethy> Wow.
[21:33] <Bethy> hahaha
[21:33] <FeMaLe22> where'd u move to?
[21:33] <sPaCebOyz> i'm a loser
[21:33] <Bethy> I'm in Portland now.
[21:33] <Bethy> Going to PCC Sylvania.
[21:33] <FeMaLe22> o....
[21:33] <FeMaLe22> congrats
[21:33] * `miSs-bashful *Spacey, we all know/ :)
[21:33] * Quits: Tampico (java@=Kfq12.115.55.243.ona.wi.charter.com) (QUIT: User
[21:33] * `miSs-bashful *Ha Ha. Kidding. :)
[21:33] <sPaCebOyz> thanks bash
[21:33] <FeMaLe22> should of gone out of state.. Oregon sucks.. i'm dying here
[21:33] <FeMaLe22> hehe
[21:33] <Bethy> Isn't Salem boring?!
[21:33] <Bethy> hahah
[21:33] * `miSs-bashful *Spacey, send me your pic.
[21:33] <Bethy> I love Oregon.
[21:33] <Bethy> I hate Salem though.
[21:33] <sPaCebOyz> where are you from female22
[21:33] * Joins: jackturner (EandJ@=l945-217-92-28.mpls.qwest.net)
[21:33] * Joins: Guest23144 (java@=5X90-449-899-76.stkn.dialup.elite.net)
[21:34] * FeMaLe22 YES!!!!! y do u think i'm on here... so bored that i'm reduce
d to chatting?
[21:34] <FeMaLe22> lol
[21:34] <Bethy> But I love Portland, Beaverton and all those other places.
[21:34] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[21:34] <Bethy> HAHHA Sheri
[21:34] <SweetNSexxiee> space boi u werent paying attention at all
[21:34] * Guest88392 is now known as Cutie_Girl
[21:34] <SweetNSexxiee> space boi u werent paying attention at all
[21:34] * Joins: some_guy (adss@=Yqlaet-6caym6p.cable.mindspring.com)
[21:34] * FeMaLe22 u hate salem??? oh my gosh.. u don't even know.. i was sooooo
ooo depressed here
[21:34] * Guest23144 is now known as hmoob-cali
[21:34] <Cutie_Girl> dang bethy u still here?
[21:34] <SweetNSexxiee> hi cutie gurl
[21:34] <Bethy> Hi Staci.
[21:34] <Bethy> Or Alex.
[21:34] * FeMaLe22 yeah i like it better up there.... portland reminds me of san
[21:34] <Bethy> Or whoever you are.
[21:34] <sPaCebOyz> then tell me sweet n sexxieeie
[21:34] <Cutie_Girl> it'sme
[21:34] <Bethy> hahah
[21:34] * FeMaLe22 i miss home
[21:34] * Joins: toone (pea@202.129.54.vN125=)
[21:34] <sPaCebOyz> hi cutie girl
[21:34] <Cutie_Girl> hey sweet nsex y who are u?
[21:34] <Bethy> Man.
[21:34] <simplymai> Okay I have been signed on too long.
[21:34] <SweetNSexxiee> too lazy space boi
[21:34] <Cutie_Girl> hey space boy
[21:34] <Bethy> You should move away from Salem.
[21:34] <Bethy> It's so ghetto.
[21:34] <SweetNSexxiee> <---kayla xwb os
[21:34] <simplymai> Adios.
[21:34] <Cutie_Girl> <<<no pc please
[21:35] <Bethy> I don't know why Douly likes it. ;)
[21:35] <Cutie_Girl> haha
[21:35] * FeMaLe22 hahahaha still trying
[21:35] * Quits: simplymai (sdfjasdlfj@=sLrz-fcu7-qvhnvl.csumb.edu) (QUIT: User
[21:35] <sPaCebOyz> thanks
[21:35] <Bethy> Oh.
[21:35] <Bethy> Hi Staci.
[21:35] * `miSs-bashful *Howdy Staci. :)
[21:35] * Joins: Guest13434 (java@69.51.77.NQ974=)
[21:35] <Cutie_Girl> howdy miss bashful
[21:35] <Bethy> But yeah.
[21:35] <Cutie_Girl> <<i hate men!!!
[21:35] * Guest13434 is now known as NICEANGEL
[21:35] * FeMaLe22 i work in tigard...and spend most of my weekend in tigard.. i
only sleep here
[21:35] <Bethy> I hate men too.
[21:35] <FeMaLe22> haha
[21:35] <Cutie_Girl> hey nice angel
[21:35] <Bethy> they're fckers.
[21:35] <Bethy> oooh
[21:35] <SweetNSexxiee> stacie........when did u hate men
[21:35] <hmoob-cali> ANY MATURE LADY CARE FOR A CHIT CHAT?
[21:35] <Bethy> OOH
[21:35] * `miSs-bashful *I hate men too.
[21:35] <Cutie_Girl> yes bethy they play too much games
[21:35] <Bethy> Hey!!
[21:35] * `miSs-bashful *:/
[21:35] <Bethy> Come do my a favor.
[21:35] <Cutie_Girl> i always did
[21:35] <Bethy> hahah
[21:35] * Bethy was kicked by hmong (01× 14(BETHY(*01!14*01@14*01.14hsd101.14or01.14comcast
[21:35] * hmong sets mode: +b *!*@=qdm-61-998-077-399.hsd1.or.comcast.net
[21:35] <Cutie_Girl> i just wanna play them
[21:35] * FeMaLe22 gay guys are cool!
[21:35] <Cutie_Girl> and leave them
[21:35] <Cutie_Girl> haha j/k
[21:35] <NICEANGEL> hello
[21:35] <SweetNSexxiee> leo
[21:36] <NICEANGEL> how everyone doing
[21:36] <SweetNSexxiee> meanie
[21:36] <NICEANGEL> how everyone's day
[21:36] <SweetNSexxiee> leo is meanie
[21:36] <SweetNSexxiee> good angel
[21:36] <NICEANGEL> hi to everyone here
[21:36] <hmoob-cali> ANY MATURE LADY CARE FOR A CHIT CHAT?
[21:36] <FeMaLe22> !ping
[21:36] * hmong sets mode: -b *!*@=qdm-61-998-077-399.hsd1.or.comcast.net
[21:36] * Joins: Bethy (java@=qdm-61-998-077-399.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
[21:36] * FeMaLe22 no one really cares in here.... we all lie... n cheat... n cy
ber... freak.. n talk.. n chat
[21:36] <SweetNSexxiee> hi bethy
[21:36] <NICEANGEL> any guy 28-30 care to chat
[21:36] <Bethy> Jeez, anyways. ESPEICLALY YORU BORHTER STACI!!!
[21:37] * Joins: Chick651 (all4chat@=3JQS3CTY3R.ipt.aol.com)
[21:37] * `miSs-bashful *So true, sherie. :)
[21:37] <Bethy> And Sheri!!! Since you work out here.
[21:37] <Cutie_Girl> haha bethy why?
[21:37] <Bethy> Come open an account with me. ;)
[21:37] <Bethy> Cause he's an ***.
[21:37] <Bethy> hahah
[21:37] * `miSs-bashful *But when I say that I love SHERIE, i mean it. :)
[21:37] <FeMaLe22> lol
[21:37] <Cutie_Girl> okies
[21:37] <P|nK_Ro|eX> hi hmongtalkers!
[21:37] <Cutie_Girl> what did he do?
[21:37] <P|nK_Ro|eX> haa
[21:37] <Cutie_Girl> hey rolex!
[21:37] <sPaCebOyz> bash, wat about me?
[21:37] <Bethy> He got drunk.
[21:37] <FeMaLe22> awww *blushes* MUAH BAO!
[21:37] <SweetNSexxiee> stacie u and alex are sis and bro?
[21:37] <Cutie_Girl> yes
[21:37] <SweetNSexxiee> stacie u and alex are sis and bro?
[21:37] <Cutie_Girl> he's my lilo bro
[21:37] * `miSs-bashful *Spacey, Aww. I love you too. ;)
[21:37] <NICEANGEL> look everyone are busy
[21:37] <SweetNSexxiee> o wow
[21:37] <sPaCebOyz> i lovee you tooo bash
[21:37] <sPaCebOyz> i'm crying
[21:37] <sPaCebOyz> i'm cheating on fade
[21:37] <sPaCebOyz> aahhahaha
[21:37] * FeMaLe22 oh my gosh.. over the weekend my fiance's brother n brother i
n law n friends try getting him drunk for his bday.. they all ended up drunk but
[21:37] * Joins: Guest14797 (java@=YN60-242-02-30.gci.net)
[21:38] <Bethy> Where in Tigard do you work?
[21:38] * `miSs-bashful *Oh Spacey.. it's ok.
[21:38] * Guest39076 is now known as ViChai
[21:38] * ViChai is now known as ViChai86900
[21:38] * ViChai86900 is now known as ViChai
[21:38] * ViChai is now known as ViChai65243
[21:38] <SOMEONERETARDED> www.hmongpride.com/cat
[21:38] * FeMaLe22 his brother n bro in law got into a huge fight 2 in the morni
ng......dun think they conosider each other bros n e more
[21:38] <Bethy> Hi ViChai changing nicks.
[21:38] <SOMEONERETARDED> www.hmongpride.com/chat
[21:38] <Pho_King_Awesome> heh
[21:38] * FeMaLe22 right off of I5
[21:38] * Quits: ms_yang (java@=DJsdkg-51-05-958-198.rev.o1.com) (QUIT: User exi
[21:38] <NICEANGEL> it's boring
[21:38] * ViChai65243 is now known as ViChai
[21:38] * ViChai is now known as ViChai78092
[21:38] <SweetNSexxiee> hmongpride is for lilo kids
[21:38] * `miSs-bashful *She's probably cheating on you right now too
[21:38] * FeMaLe22 where ur mom used to work
[21:38] <Pho_King_Awesome> Alcohol, the solution and problem to all of life's pr
[21:38] * `miSs-bashful *lols :)
[21:38] <NICEANGEL> any guy 28-30 care to chat
[21:38] <Cutie_Girl> hey pho
[21:38] <Bethy> Ooh, over there.
[21:38] * Joins: SecretAsianMan (mrchinster@68.23.96.fL70=)
[21:38] <Pho_King_Awesome> gotta love Homer Simpson
[21:38] * FeMaLe22 loL@jack
[21:38] <Cutie_Girl> im hungry
[21:38] <Cutie_Girl> hehe
[21:38] * Quits: Guest14797 (java@=YN60-242-02-30.gci.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[21:38] <Bethy> haha
[21:39] * Quits: toone (pea@202.129.54.vN125=) (Connection Closed)
[21:39] <Bethy> By Tualatin?
[21:39] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[21:39] <NICEANGEL> anyone won't want to chat
[21:39] <FeMaLe22> yeah.. place sucks
[21:39] <FeMaLe22> yeah
[21:39] <Bethy> I loved Tualatin.
[21:39] <Bethy> But work sucks there.
[21:39] <Bethy> LOL
[21:39] <FeMaLe22> hahaha
[21:39] <FeMaLe22> oh yeah
[21:39] * ViChai78092 is now known as ViChai
[21:39] * Quits: Chick651 (all4chat@=3JQS3CTY3R.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[21:39] * ViChai is now known as ViChai46517
[21:39] * FeMaLe22 lets go to jiggles sometime
[21:39] <FeMaLe22> hahahaha
[21:39] * Quits: @ViChai46517 (java@=u218-144-982-58.mpls.qwest.net) (QUIT: User
[21:39] <Pho_King_Awesome> JIGGLES!
[21:39] <Pho_King_Awesome> d00d.. we went there once..
[21:40] * FeMaLe22 heard some Korean stripper knocked out some white chick strip
per there
[21:40] <Pho_King_Awesome> and this girl.. she set her nipples on fire!
[21:40] <FeMaLe22> lol@jack
[21:40] <Bethy> Sherie sherie sherie,come open a Meier and Frank account!!
[21:40] * Joins: ViChai (java@=u218-144-982-58.mpls.qwest.net)
[21:40] <FeMaLe22> what???
[21:40] * ViChai is now known as Guest1842
[21:40] * Guest1842 is now known as ViChai
[21:40] * ChanServ sets mode: +o ViChai
[21:40] <NICEANGEL> i'n bore
[21:40] <FeMaLe22> on fire?
[21:40] <FeMaLe22> lol..
[21:40] <Bethy> haha
[21:40] <Pho_King_Awesome> it was arousing
[21:40] <SOMEONERETARDED> any ladies wanna hear my C@ck?
[21:40] * FeMaLe22 is that where ur working?
[21:40] <some_guy> cool down
[21:40] <Bethy> Yeah.
[21:40] <Pho_King_Awesome> Mmm.. fiery nipples... *droool*
[21:40] <SweetNSexxiee> ewwww jack
[21:40] <NICEANGEL> i'm bored
[21:40] * FeMaLe22 that must have hurt
[21:40] <FeMaLe22> lol
[21:40] <SweetNSexxiee> htat hurt
[21:40] * Parts: SecretAsianMan (mrchinster@68.23.96.fL70=)
[21:40] <some_guy> too many people one fire tonight
[21:40] <Bethy> Set your peenie on fire, some_guy.
[21:40] <SOMEONERETARDED> any ladies wanna hear my C@ck?
[21:41] <SweetNSexxiee> lol
[21:41] * FeMaLe22 she probably had to set her nipples on fire to get rid of the
[21:41] <Bethy> Or set yours, Kayla.
[21:41] <Bethy> lol
[21:41] <Bethy> HAH
[21:41] <SweetNSexxiee> ur c@ck can sing?
[21:41] <SweetNSexxiee> lolz
[21:41] <NICEANGEL> anyone won't want to chat
[21:41] <Bethy> LOL
[21:41] <Bethy> Anyways.
[21:41] <SOMEONERETARDED> hear it when i jack off sns
[21:41] <SweetNSexxiee> i want to see bethy's on fire
[21:41] <NICEANGEL> seem everyone is busy it
[21:41] <Bethy> I want to see Kayla suck my fire.
[21:41] <Bethy> WOOO.
[21:41] <SweetNSexxiee> ewwwwwwww......i wonder what it sings retards
[21:41] <Bethy> I mean.
[21:41] <SweetNSexxiee> lol
[21:41] <some_guy> niceangel..wassup pc me if u desire to chat
[21:41] <SweetNSexxiee> u meant put out ur fire bethy
[21:41] <Bethy> hahah
[21:41] <SweetNSexxiee> hahah
[21:41] <Bethy> I'm cold now Kayla.
[21:41] <Bethy> fkc
[21:41] <SOMEONERETARDED> ificant find no gurls for phonsex i gotta jack off to
[21:41] <Bethy> it's freezing
[21:41] * Quits: LoRGuRLo479 (asdf@=6xs7649.dsl.pgtc.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[21:42] <Cutie_Girl> see u peeps
[21:42] <Cutie_Girl> bye bethy
[21:42] <NICEANGEL> some-guy hi
[21:42] <Bethy> Bye Staci.
[21:42] <Cutie_Girl> bye kayla
[21:42] <SweetNSexxiee> let retard c@ck sing for u behty
[21:42] <Cutie_Girl> bye nice angel
[21:42] <SweetNSexxiee> bye stacie
[21:42] <Bethy> I'd rather have you sing for me Kayla.
[21:42] <Cutie_Girl> take care
[21:42] <Bethy> Hey Kayla.
[21:42] <Bethy> I'm gonna call you now.
[21:42] <SweetNSexxiee> yea
[21:42] <Bethy> So you cans ing forme,o k?
[21:42] <SweetNSexxiee> noooooooooo not yet..
[21:42] * Quits: Cutie_Girl (java@=JNYFY-06-13-806-35.wi.res.rr.com) (QUIT: User
[21:42] <Bethy> Why?
[21:42] <SweetNSexxiee> me got no free minutes
[21:42] <SweetNSexxiee> yet
[21:42] <Bethy> HAH
[21:42] * Joins: E|ite (Nokia@=Ew27-079-79-381.stkn.mdsg-pacwest.com)
[21:42] <Bethy> ok
[21:42] <SweetNSexxiee> lol
[21:42] <Bethy> 7?
[21:42] <SweetNSexxiee> 9
[21:42] <SweetNSexxiee> lolz
[21:42] <Bethy> ahaha
[21:42] <Bethy> ok
[21:42] <Bethy> 9, I'll call
[21:42] <SweetNSexxiee> k
[21:42] <Bethy> and you sing for me
[21:42] <NICEANGEL> i'm very bored
[21:42] <some_guy> if whoever is bore, pc me or take some boring pills eehheehe
[21:43] <SweetNSexxiee> i sing..........barney song for u
[21:43] <Bethy> Ok :D
[21:43] <NICEANGEL> any guy 28-30 care to chat
[21:43] * Joins: tnemaLsni` (Chatz@=Ybz-65-50-68-146.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[21:43] <SweetNSexxiee> some guy give me some
[21:43] <SweetNSexxiee> hi vang
[21:43] <Bethy> give me some too, Kayla
[21:43] * Bethy waits for Kayla to give her some.
[21:43] <some_guy> sweetnsexxiee..sure come over
[21:43] <SweetNSexxiee> u want boring pills?
[21:43] <tnemaLsni`> hi SweetNSexxiee
[21:43] <some_guy> i'll give u some
[21:43] <Bethy> No
[21:43] * Joins: Limus (anonymous@=C0gotq-65-821-25-262.dsl.akrnoh.ameritech.net
[21:44] <Bethy> I don't want pills
[21:44] <Bethy> I want some
[21:44] <Bethy> :p
[21:44] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[21:44] * Joins: NraugHmongLonely (scholar@=midhmi-43-936-635-743.dsl.milwwi.ame
[21:44] <SweetNSexxiee> hahahah
[21:44] <SweetNSexxiee> bethy koj mas
[21:44] <NICEANGEL> any guy 28-30 care to chat
[21:44] <some_guy> bethy i can do anything for u
[21:44] <some_guy> eheheh
[21:44] <SweetNSexxiee> i give u some laughing gas bethy
[21:44] <Bethy> Umm.
[21:44] <Bethy> No thanks.
[21:44] <Bethy> haha, ok Kayla
[21:44] <SweetNSexxiee> ahahaha
[21:44] <Bethy> as long as it's your has
[21:44] <Bethy> gas*
[21:44] <Bethy> from your ***
[21:44] <SweetNSexxiee> hahahahah
[21:44] <Bethy> BWHAHAHA
[21:44] <SweetNSexxiee> ewwwwwwwwwwwww
[21:44] <NICEANGEL> where all the guy at
[21:44] <SweetNSexxiee> bethy i puke everytime i talk with u man
[21:44] <Bethy> :D
[21:44] <SweetNSexxiee> hahahaha
[21:44] <Bethy> Thanks.
[21:45] <SweetNSexxiee> n/p dear
[21:45] <SweetNSexxiee> lolz
[21:45] * Joins: Guest18600 (java@=Hz39-342-402-115.sjvls.org)
[21:45] * Joins: Monkey_kisses (lilsilly_6@=j4p-71-47-18-555.hsd1.mn.comcast.net
[21:45] <some_guy> watever you desire, i'll fullfill them for you
[21:45] <SweetNSexxiee> ok some guy
[21:45] <Bethy> I desire for byou to die
[21:45] <Bethy> so go already
[21:45] <SweetNSexxiee> can u make me rich
[21:45] <Bethy> hahah
[21:45] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Hello Vang! :D
[21:45] <SweetNSexxiee> that is my desire
[21:45] <SweetNSexxiee> hehehe
[21:45] <Bethy> THIS IS MY DESIRE
[21:45] <SweetNSexxiee> wat bethy
[21:45] <Bethy> TO HONOR KAYLA
[21:45] <SweetNSexxiee> lol
[21:45] * Guest18600 is now known as nkaujhmongnplogteb
[21:45] <Bethy> I PISSS ON YOUUUU
[21:45] <SweetNSexxiee> lol
[21:45] <Bethy> oops
[21:45] <NICEANGEL> look everyone is busy
[21:45] <hmoob-cali> ANY MATURE LADY CARE FOR A CHIT CHAT?
[21:45] <SweetNSexxiee> lol
[21:45] <Bethy> man, I can't make it rhyme.
[21:46] <some_guy> kewls
[21:46] <some_guy> yeap i can m ake u rich
[21:46] <SweetNSexxiee> bethy ur bad
[21:46] <Bethy> hahaha
[21:46] <Bethy> At least I wasn't rappin'.
[21:46] <some_guy> i got alot of good ideas what to do with you
[21:46] <Bethy> yo yo yo mama joe
[21:46] <SweetNSexxiee> yeah sure.......no wonder the whole screen stop
[21:46] <Bethy> hoe pole go!
[21:46] <some_guy> no rapping
[21:46] <Bethy> chicka chicka kayla
[21:46] <Bethy> wowowow bow wowow!
[21:46] <SweetNSexxiee> lol
[21:46] <NICEANGEL> any guy 28-30 care to chat
[21:46] <sPaCebOyz> i miss mine baby
[21:46] * SweetNSexxiee checks bethy's head for mal function
[21:46] * tnemaLsni` licks BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]
[21:46] <Bethy> LOL
[21:46] * Joins: SingleChick (all4chat@=ggJE0DWH5F.ipt.aol.com)
[21:46] <some_guy> it's your free will
[21:46] <NICEANGEL> it's boring here
[21:47] * Quits: MetrosexualiciousGuy (none@=Mxcwzk-08-923-057-704.dsl.frsn02.pa
cbell.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[21:47] <some_guy> niceangel..just chat with us
[21:47] * SweetNSexxiee kick vang hard
[21:47] <Bethy> You know I make your *** crack, Kayla.
[21:47] * tnemaLsni` slaps SweetNSexxiee around a bit with a large trout
[21:47] <SweetNSexxiee> yeah u doo bethy
[21:47] <Bethy> hah
[21:47] <NICEANGEL> some_guy thanks
[21:47] <some_guy> i'll keep you entertain, niceangel
[21:47] * SweetNSexxiee jump kick vang
[21:47] * Quits: amanda_hlub (java@=qrq-64-574-479-12.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUIT
: User exited)
[21:47] * Bethy is now known as maihlub
[21:47] <SweetNSexxiee> niceangel wants full attention
[21:47] <maihlub> I want full attention too!!!
[21:47] <maihlub> jeez
[21:47] <some_guy> full attention...hehehehe
[21:47] * Joins: passionfruit (me@=FZ59-569.162.popsite.net)
[21:47] * Quits: `miSs-bashful (java@=Hcr-95-669-86-870.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Pi
ng Timeout)
[21:47] <SweetNSexxiee> full attention
[21:47] <some_guy> maihlub i'll take you too
[21:47] <some_guy> eheheh
[21:48] <SweetNSexxiee> wow
[21:48] <maihlub> ok
[21:48] <maihlub> take kayla three
[21:48] * Joins: gunmetalgrey (hwaudfzbs@219.93.199.gd055=)
[21:48] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@219.93.*
[21:48] * gunmetalgrey was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk: s
pam host)
[21:48] <SweetNSexxiee> some guy u bad bad
[21:48] <NICEANGEL> thanks
[21:48] <NraugHmongLonely> i guess we must have a sexy neck in order to get attr
action huh
[21:48] <some_guy> look like i am the only guy alive
[21:48] * Quits: Sparkled (java@=Rzaay-116-095-092-709.carolina.res.rr.com) (QUI
T: User exited)
[21:48] <maihlub> Kayla wants to be niam yo.
[21:48] <some_guy> yeap i take you all
[21:48] <some_guy> ehehe
[21:48] <SweetNSexxiee> yah nraughmong
[21:48] <maihlub> i have a sexy nic
[21:48] <maihlub> k
[21:48] <SweetNSexxiee> chang ur nick
[21:48] <maihlub> but you can have a neck
[21:48] <maihlub> HAHAHA
[21:48] * BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here] sloBbers all over Vang for licking her.
[21:48] * Joins: Clarissa` (khr@202.128.59.C0631=)
[21:48] <SweetNSexxiee> hahaha
[21:48] * Joins: Guest19818 (java@=xBh-31-008-24-492.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[21:48] <maihlub> hey mee
[21:48] <maihlub> give me your AA
[21:49] <mo_day> tsk tsk tsk
[21:49] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[21:49] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Hey Bethy!
[21:49] <mo_day> wassup peoples
[21:49] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Why?
[21:49] <dis1lady> what
[21:49] <SweetNSexxiee> i want to see too
[21:49] * FeMaLe22 sprays the room with whipped cream
[21:49] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> You've already seen it
[21:49] <dis1lady> me?
[21:49] <maihlub> hi amy
[21:49] <SweetNSexxiee> mee me see
[21:49] * Parts: NICEANGEL (java@69.51.77.NQ974=)
[21:49] <maihlub> no i haven't
[21:49] <maihlub> mee mee mee
[21:49] <maihlub> give it to me
[21:49] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Yes you have! LIAR!
[21:49] <dis1lady> u were the one who snobed me
[21:49] <SweetNSexxiee> hey that rythms
[21:49] <maihlub> hahah
[21:49] <maihlub> no i havent
[21:49] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> lol
[21:49] <SweetNSexxiee> MEE ME SEE
[21:49] <maihlub> KIK
[21:49] <maihlub> lOL
[21:49] <mo_day> hmmm
[21:49] <maihlub> haha
[21:49] <maihlub> ghetto kayla
[21:49] <mo_day> im confused
[21:49] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> NO! Brandon already showed you.
[21:49] <SweetNSexxiee> ALL EE
[21:49] <maihlub> hi amy
[21:49] <some_guy> you all knew each other
[21:49] <SweetNSexxiee> LOLZ
[21:49] <maihlub> no he didn't mee
[21:49] * Joins: Guest20076 (java@=yksdjm-73-46-62-73.rev.o1.com)
[21:49] <maihlub> i saw your aa in my aa
[21:49] <mo_day> is anyone talkin to me in here?
[21:49] <maihlub> hahahaha
[21:49] <maihlub> so give it to me mee
[21:49] <some_guy> i am the only stranger online
[21:49] <SweetNSexxiee> I DIDNT SEE MEE
[21:49] <maihlub> i don't wann alog on aa
[21:49] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> You only get to see it once, that's what
you get for NOT saving me as a FRIEND! :P
[21:49] * Quits: SOMEONERETARDED (dd@=bbg555.197.140.67.ip.alltel.net) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
[21:49] <maihlub> :(
[21:49] <maihlub> sab phem
[21:50] <SweetNSexxiee> MEE MEE SEE
[21:50] <maihlub> pojniam abtsi
[21:50] <mo_day> huh?
[21:50] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> lol
[21:50] <maihlub> oye
[21:50] <SweetNSexxiee> SEE MEE MEE
[21:50] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Bethy ruam
[21:50] <SweetNSexxiee> MEE SEE MEE
[21:50] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> okay. HOld on
[21:50] <maihlub> mee loj!
[21:50] <maihlub> mee mee lub mee loj loj.
[21:50] <SweetNSexxiee> MEE SEE MEE
[21:50] <some_guy> mai txob tu siab tseem muaj kuv na
[21:50] <some_guy> eheh
[21:50] * maihlub giggles
[21:50] <maihlub> hahahah
[21:50] <dis1lady> hey any vue bois in here?
[21:50] <SweetNSexxiee> SEE MEE RUN
[21:50] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Bethy, you mean mis! :P
[21:50] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Nerd!
[21:50] <maihlub> stupid kayla
[21:50] <SweetNSexxiee> RUN MEE RUN
[21:50] <maihlub> HAHAHAH
[21:50] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> And NO, kuv lub mis tsis loj!
[21:50] <maihlub> HAHAHAH
[21:50] <some_guy> dis1lady i am a vuesta
[21:50] <maihlub> txhob dag os!
[21:50] <dis1lady> yeah
[21:50] <maihlub> kuv twb pom lawm nas
[21:50] <some_guy> yeap
[21:50] <maihlub> so so loj loj
[21:50] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Shut up Bethy! :P
[21:51] <SweetNSexxiee> MEE MIS MES
[21:51] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Shh!.
[21:51] <maihlub> hahaha
[21:51] <maihlub> NES NES
[21:51] * Guest20076 is now known as pink_Goggles
[21:51] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Only you're supposed to know that
[21:51] <maihlub> so it's true!!!
[21:51] <SweetNSexxiee> MIS MES MEE
[21:51] <dis1lady> so r u vue boi though
[21:51] * Joins: tW33k3r (Unix@=Y75Reqb44.tnt24.atl4.da.uu.net)
[21:51] <some_guy> yeap i am a vue boi
[21:51] <maihlub> ok
[21:51] <maihlub> give it to me mee
[21:51] <SweetNSexxiee> HI GARY
[21:51] <maihlub> hi tweezer
[21:51] * Quits: lori (java@=mv977-640-36-994.metrostate.edu) (QUIT: User exited
[21:51] <dis1lady> well they r gay
[21:51] <maihlub> oh, so is that his name?
[21:51] * Joins: Guest21708 (java@=s1oysd-14-736-883-22.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net)
[21:51] * Quits: Jessica^ (kenedi_199@ (QUIT: User exited)
[21:51] * Joins: Guest21100 (java@=A9MOD3Y066.ipt.aol.com)
[21:51] <tW33k3r> whasSUP SWEET N SEXXIE
[21:51] * Joins: Jessica^ (kenedi_199@
[21:51] <SweetNSexxiee> YES
[21:51] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Bethy, unlock PC mas..
[21:51] <SweetNSexxiee> HIS NAME IS GARY
[21:51] <tW33k3r> whasSUP maihlub
[21:51] <maihlub> hairy gary
[21:51] <some_guy> gay happinesss eheehe
[21:51] <maihlub> ok
[21:51] <maihlub> pc kuv
[21:51] * Quits: Guest19818 (java@=xBh-31-008-24-492.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[21:52] <maihlub> kuv tsis ruam nas!
[21:52] <SweetNSexxiee> WHAT ABOUT MEE MEE
[21:52] <dis1lady> yeah thats what i meant
[21:52] <tW33k3r> hairy gary..haha
[21:52] <maihlub> ua tsaug
[21:52] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Kayla?
[21:52] <tW33k3r> down there..yeah
[21:52] <tW33k3r> lolz
[21:52] <SweetNSexxiee> YES KAYLA
[21:52] <maihlub> im hairy too tweezer
[21:52] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> oOoOh!
[21:52] * Guest21100 is now known as TubHluasMoob
[21:52] <maihlub> so it's cool
[21:52] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> lol
[21:52] <SweetNSexxiee> I WANT TO SEE MEE
[21:52] * Quits: baby_grl (Chatz@=At79-794-49-30.ca.charter.com) (QUIT: User exi
[21:52] <maihlub> ITS NOT WORKING MEE
[21:52] <SweetNSexxiee> ME SEE MEE PLEEE
[21:52] <maihlub> don't make me moh koj lub mee
[21:52] <maihlub> hahaha
[21:52] <SweetNSexxiee> TY MEE
[21:52] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> lol
[21:52] * Joins: M|SSTHoJ (Fastness@=MVLEG-40-330-378-369.wi.res.rr.com)
[21:52] <Bernouli> beautifully average...............<----- Oxymoron
[21:52] * Joins: Guest22181 (java@=Dfv-58-51-211-511.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[21:52] * M|SSTHoJ says hello alll....
[21:53] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Yes, I am Bernouli! *wiNks
[21:53] * Guest21708 is now known as MaN-SlAyEr
[21:53] <sPaCebOyz> wadddup miss disser thoj
[21:53] * Joins: mengo (mellow@=arl-71-855-569-850.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[21:53] * M|SSTHoJ says hi sPaCebOyz long time no see...
[21:53] * M|SSTHoJ smiles...
[21:53] <Bernouli> your also intellegent to know what oxymoron is.....
[21:53] * M|SSTHoJ says me diss what???
[21:53] <tW33k3r> whasSUP missTHOJ.
[21:53] <SweetNSexxiee> HI MISSTHOJ
[21:53] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> :P
[21:53] * Guest22181 is now known as stpgrl
[21:53] <SweetNSexxiee> HI MENGO
[21:53] * M|SSTHoJ says hi tW33k3r hi SweetNSexxiee
[21:53] * Joins: Mr_Brightside` (lala@=0T8-3zshb512-606.nas22.minneapolis1.mn.us
[21:53] <maihlub> mee
[21:53] <maihlub> ur a liar
[21:53] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Bethy, are you sure it's not working?
[21:53] <maihlub> ur not listening to me
[21:53] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> What?
[21:53] <tW33k3r> who is sweetNsexxie..?
[21:53] <maihlub> :D
[21:53] <maihlub> hahaha
[21:53] * maihlub was kicked by hmong (01× 14(MAIHLUB(*01!14*01@14*01.14hsd101.14or01.14com
[21:53] * Mr_Brightside` is now known as pprkutt
[21:53] * hmong sets mode: +b *!*@=qdm-61-998-077-399.hsd1.or.comcast.net
[21:53] <SweetNSexxiee> GARY
[21:53] <SweetNSexxiee> ITS ME
[21:53] <Bernouli> ARE you fine MIAHLUB
[21:53] <SweetNSexxiee> WORKING LADY
[21:54] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[21:54] <tW33k3r> ohh
[21:54] <tW33k3r> Há Há Há Há Há Há ....!!
[21:54] <tW33k3r> i c
[21:54] <SweetNSexxiee> HEHEHE
[21:54] <tW33k3r> ok then
[21:54] * Joins: Guest23857 (java@=SmQPF-97-89-661-92.wi.res.rr.com)
[21:54] <tW33k3r> so the nick is true then
[21:54] <tW33k3r> Há Há Há Há Há Há ....!!
[21:54] * Guest23857 is now known as AznBoy
[21:54] <SweetNSexxiee> WHAT NICK
[21:54] <SweetNSexxiee> GARY
[21:54] <AznBoy> hihihfife
[21:54] <AznBoy> hi
[21:54] * hmong sets mode: -b *!*@=qdm-61-998-077-399.hsd1.or.comcast.net
[21:54] * Joins: YummyLady22 (java@=qdm-61-998-077-399.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
[21:54] <tW33k3r> yourz..
[21:54] <SweetNSexxiee> OH
[21:54] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> hello Alex!
[21:54] <AznBoy> Meeeeee
[21:54] <SweetNSexxiee> LOL
[21:54] <tW33k3r> sweetN SEXXI..
[21:54] * Quits: KindHeartGuY (java@140.146.79.XK87=) (QUIT: User exited)
[21:54] <AznBoy> sup girl
[21:54] <YummyLady22> wow, mee is so hot
[21:54] <tW33k3r> Há Há Há Há Há Há ....!!
[21:54] <sPaCebOyz> i'm so bored
[21:54] <SweetNSexxiee> HI BETHY
[21:54] <sPaCebOyz> going shopping
[21:54] <AznBoy> Mee so wassup
[21:54] <SweetNSexxiee> LOL
[21:54] <YummyLady22> so is kayla
[21:55] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> YummyLady22?
[21:55] <YummyLady22> wow
[21:55] <FeMaLe22> me2
[21:55] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Who are you?
[21:55] <YummyLady22> haha
[21:55] * Joins: Guest35906 (java@=9aumv-66-95-66-531.twcny.res.rr.com)
[21:55] <SweetNSexxiee> ME WHAT BETHY
[21:55] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Yes Alex?
[21:55] <AznBoy> with your cousin
[21:55] * YummyLady22 kciks kayla ruam
[21:55] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> How are you?
[21:55] <AznBoy> lol
[21:55] * Guest35906 is now known as head-ache
[21:55] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> lol
[21:55] <YummyLady22> shut up
[21:55] * Quits: Guest16681 (a@=atJP3P83V0.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[21:55] <SweetNSexxiee> NO IM NOT A GUY
[21:55] <sPaCebOyz> i like to be the rich and famous
[21:55] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> OH!? I don't know. You noted her didn't
[21:55] <SweetNSexxiee> IMMA GIRL
[21:55] <YummyLady22> SweetNSexxiee IS A GY!!!
[21:55] <YummyLady22> guy!
[21:55] <AznBoy> yea and that's the end of it Mee
[21:55] <SweetNSexxiee> HAHAHAH
[21:55] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[21:55] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> YummyLady22 Bethy?
[21:55] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Really Alex?
[21:55] <SweetNSexxiee> MEE
[21:55] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Hrms*?.
[21:55] <SweetNSexxiee> SEE BETHY
[21:55] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Yes Kayla?
[21:55] <AznBoy> yep
[21:55] <Bernouli> Sweetsexy is a hermaphadite
[21:55] <YummyLady22> huh?
[21:55] <sPaCebOyz> when i dip you dip we dip
[21:55] <SweetNSexxiee> LOL
[21:55] <dis1lady> where is mystery man?????????/
[21:55] <YummyLady22> my name is yummy
[21:55] <YummyLady22> lady
[21:55] <AznBoy> I get the point
[21:55] <SweetNSexxiee> DAM...I AM SO MANY
[21:55] <YummyLady22> 22
[21:55] <AznBoy> lol
[21:55] * Quits: Bernouli (java@=EHdppo-90-47-005-21.rev.o1.com) (QUIT: User exi
[21:55] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Kuv tsis paub es Alex.
[21:56] <SweetNSexxiee> THAT IS NOT ALEX
[21:56] <AznBoy> :(
[21:56] <head-ache> hmmm
[21:56] <some_guy> yummylady22...i hope is not smelling
[21:56] <YummyLady22> NO
[21:56] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Hrms*?
[21:56] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> I saw her earlier and I asked her about
[21:56] <YummyLady22> DONT TALK TO ME STUPID BOYS
[21:56] <AznBoy> really?
[21:56] <YummyLady22> Jeez.
[21:56] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[21:56] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> But um? she said that you and her note o
ne another.
[21:56] <YummyLady22> If I wanted to talk with you, I'd say something.
[21:56] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Yes, she came over earlier.
[21:56] * Quits: dis1lady (java@=Ijvulzvw-
co.com.au) (QUIT: User exited)
[21:56] <AznBoy> she didnt note me
[21:56] <AznBoy> :(
[21:56] <sPaCebOyz> hello
[21:56] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Really?
[21:56] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Poj ruam ntawm.
[21:56] <YummyLady22> hi sPaCebOyz
[21:56] <AznBoy> seriously
[21:56] <AznBoy> lol
[21:56] <sPaCebOyz> may i have your attention
[21:56] <AznBoy> ur funny
[21:57] * YummyLady22 is now known as maihlub
[21:57] <maihlub> shhh
[21:57] <SweetNSexxiee> WHAT SPACEBOY
[21:57] <sPaCebOyz> will the real slim shady, plz stand up
[21:57] <maihlub> don't say it
[21:57] * Quits: E|ite (Nokia@=Ew27-079-79-381.stkn.mdsg-pacwest.com) (Ping Time
[21:57] * maihlub stands up
[21:57] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> She's coming over in a bit, to play poke
r Alex, I'll talk to her. *wiNks
[21:57] <SweetNSexxiee> LOL
[21:57] <head-ache> all rise
[21:57] <AznBoy> you girls play poker?
[21:57] * maihlub rises
[21:57] * SweetNSexxiee RISING
[21:57] <maihlub> haha
[21:57] <maihlub> Kayla ruam
[21:57] <maihlub> hey kayla
[21:57] <AznBoy> wow awesome
[21:57] * SweetNSexxiee PLAYS POKER
[21:57] <maihlub> is PT working?
[21:57] <head-ache> to the mighty and powerful darth vader
[21:57] <maihlub> www.palktalk.com
[21:57] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> uH? For fun. because I"m a broke aRsE Co
llege student.
[21:57] <AznBoy> Mee we should hang out
[21:57] <sPaCebOyz> yes play POK HER
[21:57] * SweetNSexxiee PT WORKING
[21:57] * Joins: _Cindy (hjaddi@=F6ag614.215-51-69.Sogetel.net)
[21:58] <AznBoy> holy sheet KAT is the MOTW on AA
[21:58] <AznBoy> hahaha
[21:58] <maihlub> ... wtf
[21:58] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Yes, come to MN Alex
[21:58] * Quits: head-ache (java@=9aumv-66-95-66-531.twcny.res.rr.com) (Connecti
on reset by peer)
[21:58] <SweetNSexxiee> BETHY
[21:58] <AznBoy> i will MEE
[21:58] <maihlub> ok
[21:58] <some_guy> sweetnsexxi.. let go play poker
[21:58] <SweetNSexxiee> U DELETE PT
[21:58] * Joins: MerLe18 (fyz@=oYxm97.sigma233.maxonline.com.sg)
[21:58] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@*.maxonline.com.sg
[21:58] * MerLe18 was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk: Clone
or Drone host)
[21:58] <maihlub> shhhhhhhhhhh
[21:58] <maihlub> I know
[21:58] <maihlub> I found the java
[21:58] <maihlub> I'm gonna see if I can steal on
[21:58] <sPaCebOyz> beautifully average is a hotty........big time mack mama
[21:58] <AznBoy> i love texas holdem
[21:58] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> When nas Alex?
[21:58] <maihlub> i agree sPaCebOyz!!!
[21:58] <SweetNSexxiee> WHERE U PLAY
[21:58] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> lOl!
[21:58] <some_guy> i am there, too
[21:58] * Quits: NraugHmongLonely (scholar@=midhmi-43-936-635-743.dsl.milwwi.ame
ritech.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[21:58] <SweetNSexxiee> U ARE?
[21:58] <AznBoy> JULY 4th CUSS
[21:58] <hmoob-cali> maihlub.....nyob zoo os
[21:58] <some_guy> which table r u at??
[21:58] <AznBoy> ZZ
[21:58] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Shut up sPaCebOyz and Bethy!
[21:58] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[21:58] <SweetNSexxiee> WHAT IS UR NICK
[21:59] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Ooh!.
[21:59] <maihlub> stop talking to me
[21:59] <some_guy> vwjstunt
[21:59] <maihlub> shut up mee
[21:59] <sPaCebOyz> makes all the guys go blind
[21:59] <maihlub> you know its true
[21:59] <maihlub> omg
[21:59] <maihlub> KAYLA IT WORKS
[21:59] * maihlub was kicked by hmong (01× 14(MAIHLUB(*01!14*01@14*01.14hsd101.14or01.14com
[21:59] * hmong sets mode: +b *!*@=qdm-61-998-077-399.hsd1.or.comcast.net
[21:59] <sPaCebOyz> the looks to kill
[21:59] <AznBoy> OK nevermind Mee, i got her note
[21:59] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Lol@Alex
[21:59] * Joins: allelement (darkhado@=ULwf-stw7-xjjtil.csumb.edu)
[21:59] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> See, maybe you should check it BEFORE sa
ying anything Alex!
[21:59] <AznBoy> lol
[21:59] <sPaCebOyz> where is missthoj, i need to talk to her
[21:59] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Oy! . Be quiet sPaCebOyz
[21:59] <AznBoy> i'm not up to date ok
[21:59] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Yes, I've noticed that Alex.
[21:59] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> :P
[21:59] <sPaCebOyz> i'm in love i'm love
[22:00] * Quits: jackturner (EandJ@=l945-217-92-28.mpls.qwest.net) (QUIT: User e
[22:00] * [P]rotecto[R] sets mode: -b *!*@=qdm-61-998-077-399.hsd1.or.comcast.ne
[22:00] * Joins: Bethy (java@=qdm-61-998-077-399.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
[22:00] <AznBoy> hi bethy
[22:00] <SweetNSexxiee> hi paulie
[22:00] <Bethy> GOD FCK LEO, jeez
[22:00] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> wb Bethy.
[22:00] <SweetNSexxiee> bethy it works??
[22:00] <allelement> hi kayla
[22:00] * [P]rotecto[R] sets mode: +v Bethy
[22:00] <+Bethy> 5th time today I've gotten kicked
[22:00] <+Bethy> lol
[22:00] <SweetNSexxiee> dammit paulie
[22:00] <tW33k3r> gOD..are you sure they is a gOD
[22:00] <tW33k3r> Há Há Há Há Há Há ....!!
[22:00] <tW33k3r> hey bethy.
[22:00] <+Bethy> hi Tweezer
[22:00] <SweetNSexxiee> how u know its me
[22:00] <+Bethy> Hi all
[22:00] <kongO`> its ok bethy.. i gave u voice alrdy.. my bot will protect u
[22:00] <AznBoy> hi bethy
[22:00] <kongO`> lol
[22:00] <+Bethy> And yeah, it works.
[22:00] <+Bethy> hah, better
[22:00] * Joins: Janitor (UnknownGuy@69.241.114.ye5=)
[22:00] <some_guy> sweetnsexx what table r u located??
[22:00] <+Bethy> I type too fast for this room.
[22:00] <+Bethy> Jeez.
[22:00] * kongO` is now known as Boi_in_Blue
[22:00] <some_guy> maybe i could join your table
[22:00] <AznBoy> Mee are you playing poker wiith real money?
[22:00] <sPaCebOyz> i know huh bethy
[22:01] <sPaCebOyz> wanna battle
[22:01] <SweetNSexxiee> hmmmmmmmmm let me see someguy
[22:01] <tW33k3r> you no damage at typin bethy
[22:01] <tW33k3r> Há Há Há Há Há Há ....!!
[22:01] <+Bethy> No thanks. :p
[22:01] <sPaCebOyz> are you sure
[22:01] <+Bethy> Anyways.
[22:01] <sPaCebOyz> one
[22:01] <+Bethy> ...
[22:01] <sPaCebOyz> two
[22:01] <+Bethy> fck, I want to download PT now.
[22:01] <sPaCebOyz> three
[22:01] <sPaCebOyz> alkshf'a
[22:01] <sPaCebOyz> asdhg
[22:01] <sPaCebOyz> asdhg
[22:01] <sPaCebOyz> a[osdgha
[22:01] <+Bethy> But the Hmong room is ghetto.
[22:01] * sPaCebOyz was kicked by [P]rotecto[R] (15°«×[ 12text Lines flood15 ]×»° 15¤ 15°«
ss script v5.1 15 ]×»°)
[22:01] <sPaCebOyz> sd;ghasd
[22:01] * hmong sets mode: +b *!*@=rdJET81J75.ipt.aol.com
[22:01] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> No Alex, I'm a broke aS`s college studen
t, I don't have money to play poker
[22:01] <+Bethy> This white room demo has cool songs playing.
[22:01] * Parts: Monkey_kisses (lilsilly_6@=j4p-71-47-18-555.hsd1.mn.comcast.net
[22:01] * Joins: Jeessica (Peter.Bunz@203.131.94.CV935=)
[22:01] <AznBoy> me too
[22:01] <AznBoy> just bet your clothes
[22:01] <AznBoy> your sexy bra
[22:02] <AznBoy> hehe
[22:02] * Joins: Adelee (mi.bu-@=oP23.210-193-13.adsl.qala.com.sg)
[22:02] <AznBoy> we can play strip poker when i come up
[22:02] * tnemaLsni` is now known as tnemaLsni`theEYE`10
[22:02] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Lol
[22:02] <+Bethy> Anyways.
[22:02] <+Bethy> Kayla.
[22:02] <+Bethy> Go download it for me.
[22:02] <AznBoy> i'll be betting with money though i dont know about you
[22:02] * hmong sets mode: -b *!*@=rdJET81J75.ipt.aol.com
[22:02] <+Bethy> KAYLA, where are you?!
[22:02] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> WhateveR!
[22:02] <Janitor> Broke aS`s students are prone to use other means of finances t
o ensure a fun college life.
[22:02] <AznBoy> lol
[22:02] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> If Mai Vue was there, shOO, you'd be lik
e , MEE, play with money while Mai Vue and I play strip poker.
[22:02] <AznBoy> lol
[22:02] * Joins: Wanniee (ros@60.48.76.K1749=)
[22:02] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@60.48*
[22:02] * Wanniee was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk: clone
[22:03] * Joins: sPaCebOyz (whatislove@=kRJCP67G53.ipt.aol.com)
[22:03] <AznBoy> the both of you can play strip and i'll use money!
[22:03] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> wb sPaCebOyz
[22:03] <pink_Goggles> hi y'all!
[22:03] <sPaCebOyz> hi
[22:03] <AznBoy> i don't mind that geisha outfit either
[22:03] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> No AleX, it doesn't go that way nas!
[22:03] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> lol
[22:03] <pink_Goggles> how y'all doin?
[22:03] <AznBoy> lol
[22:03] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Tell her that!
[22:03] <+Bethy> i'm bored pink_Goggles
[22:03] <+Bethy> and kayla stopped talking
[22:03] <+Bethy> so entertain me please
[22:03] <AznBoy> Oh I will
[22:03] <AznBoy> I'm telling you right now
[22:03] <AznBoy> haha
[22:03] <AznBoy> mee will you be going to the tourny on the 4th?
[22:03] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[22:04] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Um? I'll be in StP by then, so I'd proba
bly more than likely be there.
[22:04] <AznBoy> awesomeness
[22:04] <+Bethy> Mee has to go visit Vang.
[22:04] <SweetNSexxiee> some guy
[22:04] <+Bethy> hah
[22:04] <+Bethy> fcking Kayla ruam
[22:04] <some_guy> yeap
[22:04] <AznBoy> who is vang?
[22:04] <SweetNSexxiee> WAHT BETHY
[22:04] <+Bethy> Koj mus cyber in PT lawm los?
[22:04] <+Bethy> Jeez.
[22:04] <SweetNSexxiee> ME STILL IN POKER NAS
[22:04] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Oh, Bethy, that's BEFORE the tourny! ;P
[22:04] <+Bethy> Tsis answer kuv li nas.
[22:04] <AznBoy> lol
[22:04] <+Bethy> SURE MEE
[22:04] <SweetNSexxiee> KUV PLAY POKER NAS
[22:04] <+Bethy> Oh
[22:04] <some_guy> what table r
[22:04] <+Bethy> WIN ME SOME MONEY
[22:05] <+Bethy> Ok?
[22:05] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> lol
[22:05] * AznBoy is now known as AznBoyNotMan
[22:05] <SweetNSexxiee> 3999148
[22:05] <Boi_in_Blue> bethy.. i wanna cyber wit u
[22:05] <+Bethy> HAH
[22:05] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> I'm going to go visit Vang on Monday. Ri
[22:05] <+Bethy> No.
[22:05] <SweetNSexxiee> THAT IS MY TABLE
[22:05] <Boi_in_Blue> aww
[22:05] <tW33k3r> koj play poker la....strip poke la sweetNsexxie..?
[22:05] <tW33k3r> Há Há Há Há Há Há ....!!
[22:05] <+Bethy> Who are you anyways?
[22:05] <+Bethy> You're not Leo.
[22:05] <AznBoyNotMan> Mee will you take me to mystic lake?
[22:05] <SweetNSexxiee> 3999148
[22:05] <+Bethy> Nor are you Tommy.
[22:05] <Janitor> Hi Bethy. Nyob zoo Kayla.
[22:05] <+Bethy> And you're not Alex.
[22:05] <SweetNSexxiee> NO GARY
[22:05] * Joins: Guest41434 (java@63.231.208.G7598=)
[22:05] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@63.231.*
[22:05] * Guest41434 was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk: spa
m host)
[22:05] <Boi_in_Blue> im konkg.. sheesh u forgot me alrdy?
[22:05] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> I don't know where that is Alex.
[22:05] <SweetNSexxiee> HI DARSHE
[22:05] <AznBoyNotMan> i am alex
[22:05] <+Bethy> Hi Darshe.
[22:05] <Boi_in_Blue> <--- blue_flamez?
[22:05] * BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here] has never gone to a casion before.
[22:05] <+Bethy> Oops.
[22:05] <+Bethy> haha
[22:05] <pprkutt> Dups Kong
[22:05] <+Bethy> I never knew Kong though.
[22:05] <AznBoyNotMan> and you live in MN
[22:05] <AznBoyNotMan> haha
[22:05] <+Bethy> Cause you never talked to me.
[22:05] <Boi_in_Blue> forget u then
[22:05] * Joins: Whitney__ (akrep__@=fD016.Red-81-41-172.pooles.rima-tde.net)
[22:05] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Yes, I know.
[22:05] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@*.rima-tde.net
[22:05] * Whitney__ was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk: spam
[22:05] <Boi_in_Blue> sup shaigus
[22:05] * Joins: simplymai (sdfjasdlfj@=gOcy-ouz2-vqrfzp.csumb.edu)
[22:05] <+Bethy> Hi Mai.
[22:05] * BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here] is not a casino gambler.
[22:05] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> lol
[22:05] * [P]rotecto[R] sets mode: -v Bethy
[22:06] <simplymai> Hi Bethany Yang.
[22:06] <Bethy> hahaha
[22:06] <AznBoyNotMan> but ur a home gamlber
[22:06] <allelement> what up mai
[22:06] <Bethy> Anyways.
[22:06] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Yes , that's correct Alex. :D
[22:06] <simplymai> Hi Paul.
[22:06] <pprkutt> Dups Paulina
[22:06] <Bethy> I'm gonna go.
[22:06] <AznBoyNotMan> lol
[22:06] <allelement> mai.. i burned never land
[22:06] <Bethy> Bye.
[22:06] * Quits: Bethy (java@=qdm-61-998-077-399.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (QUIT: Use
r exited)
[22:06] <allelement> what up shaino
[22:06] <sPaCebOyz> beautifully average is a sexholic
[22:06] <Boi_in_Blue> i guess that's not the bethy that knows me
[22:06] <Boi_in_Blue> :P
[22:06] <pprkutt> oh wait i said dups to ya in hmusiq
[22:06] <pprkutt> i forgot
[22:06] <pprkutt> :/
[22:06] <simplymai> Okay Paul, I'll pick it up over the weekend or tomorrow.
[22:06] <allelement> =P
[22:06] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Yes, that too sPaCebOyz!
[22:06] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> lol
[22:06] * allelement nods
[22:07] <FeMaLe22> hi paul
[22:07] * Joins: Guest41808 (java@=l2613.173.112.231.ptr.us.xo.net)
[22:07] * Joins: Guest29859 (java@
[22:07] * FeMaLe22 scratches her head
[22:07] * Guest29859 is now known as homies
[22:07] <simplymai> Did you notice our ip's?
[22:07] <simplymai> puahahha
[22:07] * simplymai kicks FeMaLe22
[22:07] * Quits: So_Cal (..@=rMmmgb-75-748-991-633.snloca.dsl-w.verizon.net) (Pi
ng Timeout)
[22:07] <simplymai> How are ya Sheri?
[22:07] * Quits: pink_Goggles (java@=yksdjm-73-46-62-73.rev.o1.com) (QUIT: User
[22:07] <allelement> hi female
[22:07] * Quits: passionfruit (me@=FZ59-569.162.popsite.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[22:08] * FeMaLe22 OoO MAI
[22:08] * Quits: Bachelor510 (Imma_Bache@=ugv-82-7-253-77.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (
QUIT: User exited)
[22:08] * Joins: SOMEONERETARDED (dd@=xer295.197.140.67.ip.alltel.net)
[22:08] * FeMaLe22 i'm ok.. bored... n u?
[22:08] <simplymai> why do you /me everything?
[22:08] <simplymai> hehe
[22:08] * FeMaLe22 depressed that she's stuck in Salem
[22:08] <AznBoyNotMan> there's really nothing simple about mai
[22:08] <simplymai> Goodie goodie gum drops.
[22:08] <AznBoyNotMan> she's more complicated than she admits
[22:08] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> ohhh, mee is a sexaholic? i guess its time for me
to make a move on her
[22:08] * homies is now known as homies86679
[22:08] <simplymai> Hi VangLopex
[22:08] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> lol
[22:08] * FeMaLe22 so i can keep track of my sentences n make sure u saw it...ha
[22:08] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> hi mai
[22:08] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Vang, I gave you the chance, you didn't
take it! :P
[22:08] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> whatever mee
[22:08] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[22:08] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> but monday
[22:08] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> :D
[22:09] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> I did too! Quit lying!
[22:09] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> haha!
[22:09] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> better not slap me
[22:09] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Oh, I'll be good. *wINks
[22:09] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> ok
[22:09] * AznBoyNotMan is now known as AznGuy
[22:09] * tnemaLsni`theEYE`10 gets ready for monday
[22:09] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> *bLahs.
[22:09] <SOMEONERETARDED> www.yourmpegs.com
[22:09] <beautifull> hello
[22:09] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> lol@Vang. nerdd.
[22:09] <FeMaLe22> monday?
[22:09] * homies86679 says  looking for hot girls to meet up in mN this july
[22:09] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> But hey Vang, have your sister moved out
[22:09] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> BRB.
[22:09] * FeMaLe22 it's wednsday.. rite?
[22:09] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> u r legally bound to no slapping
[22:09] <AznGuy> Vang are you with Mee?
[22:10] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> yes they did, so u can spend the night
[22:10] * Joins: Guest30992 (java@=BToikc-91-99-456-793.rev.o1.com)
[22:10] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> AznGuy i'm with every girl
[22:10] * Guest30992 is now known as kali_guy
[22:10] * Guest41808 is now known as HeNnEsSy
[22:10] <Pho_King_Awesome> Vang's even with ME
[22:10] <FeMaLe22> lol
[22:10] * FeMaLe22 the eye.. good movie
[22:10] * homies86679 says any hot girls in mN want to meet up with the homies
[22:10] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> tomorrow me and pho are gonna go at it
[22:10] <Pho_King_Awesome> as long as it's a hole, vang's name is on it
[22:10] <tW33k3r> yeah i seen the EYE
[22:10] <AznGuy> lol
[22:10] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> the eye 10 is out
[22:10] * Quits: PrinceNotCharming (x_x_x@=eHa-66-56-91-34.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
(Connection Closed)
[22:10] <tW33k3r> bout the gurl who see'z ghost..
[22:10] <tW33k3r> Há Há Há Há Há Há ....!!
[22:10] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> imma watch it in a bit
[22:10] <tW33k3r> thatz a koOL moive
[22:10] <tW33k3r> Há Há Há Há Há Há ....!!
[22:10] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Alex, no!
[22:10] * FeMaLe22 lol@tweeker
[22:10] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Vang, they've moved already??
[22:10] <AznGuy> lol
[22:10] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> yes mee
[22:10] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Aw, I wanted to see Ash and Tommy!
[22:11] * FeMaLe22 part two sucks
[22:11] * FeMaLe22 doesn't even go with the first one
[22:11] <tW33k3r> oh yeah
[22:11] <tW33k3r> i havent seen it
[22:11] * HeNnEsSy is now known as HeNnEsSy29689
[22:11] <tW33k3r> mind showin it to me..
[22:11] <FeMaLe22> not work it
[22:11] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> he he, well they may come over, dunno
[22:11] <FeMaLe22> no worth it
[22:11] * simplymai is now known as sfjslkfjakfjda
[22:11] <some_guy> sweetnsexxie what's ur nick on poker
[22:11] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Oh! Awesome!
[22:11] * homies86679 says any hot girls in mN want to meet up with the homies
[22:11] <FeMaLe22> not worth it.. can't type
[22:11] * Quits: kali_guy (java@=BToikc-91-99-456-793.rev.o1.com) (QUIT: User ex
[22:11] * sfjslkfjakfjda is now known as sfjslk
[22:11] <tW33k3r> i jux wanna see it..cuz i havent seen part 2
[22:11] <tW33k3r> come on..at least show me
[22:11] <some_guy> i can't find ur talbe.. i need to search for u nick
[22:11] <tW33k3r> Há Há Há Há Há Há ....!!
[22:11] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> part 2 is gay
[22:11] * Joins: Guest31838 (java@=Wupgug-72-69-066-904.rev.o1.com)
[22:11] * Quits: Guest31838 (java@=Wupgug-72-69-066-904.rev.o1.com) (QUIT: User
[22:11] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> i hope part 10 is better
[22:11] * Joins: Guest31863 (java@=5Qng49-735-970-84.ok.ok.cox.net)
[22:11] * Parts: HeNnEsSy29689 (java@=l2613.173.112.231.ptr.us.xo.net)
[22:11] * FeMaLe22 OoOOOOo someone playing games in yahoo??? i wanna play!!!!!!!
[22:11] * Guest31863 is now known as sia_yaj
[22:12] <Pho_King_Awesome> you serious.. they have part 10 already?
[22:12] <FeMaLe22> dang i haven't been in there for a looooong time
[22:12] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> yes
[22:12] <tW33k3r> female22 wanna trade pix?
[22:12] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> its just part 3
[22:12] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> labeled as 10
[22:12] * FeMaLe22 no pix
[22:12] <Pho_King_Awesome> why?
[22:12] <FeMaLe22> eh..... part 3 to the eye?
[22:12] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> duno
[22:12] <tW33k3r> oo i c
[22:12] <FeMaLe22> Japanese can't count
[22:12] <Pho_King_Awesome> did they mess up the roman numerals or what?
[22:12] <tW33k3r> part three..havent even seen part 2 yet..how could they b part
[22:12] <tW33k3r> Há Há Há Há Há Há ....!!
[22:12] * homies86679 says Female, join me in yahoo spades
[22:12] <tW33k3r> ya'll krazy
[22:12] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> the eye is actually chinese/thai
[22:12] <tW33k3r> Há Há Há Há Há Há ....!!
[22:12] * Parts: sia_yaj (java@=5Qng49-735-970-84.ok.ok.cox.net)
[22:13] <FeMaLe22> i meant chinese can't count
[22:13] <FeMaLe22> LOL
[22:13] * FeMaLe22 i dunno i was only reading the subtitles
[22:13] * Joins: Guest32898 (java@=jWhp31-121-541-35.ok.ok.cox.net)
[22:13] <FeMaLe22> hahahaha
[22:13] <tW33k3r> yeah excatlyl
[22:13] * Guest32898 is now known as sia_yaj
[22:13] <sum`guy727> its thai made in hk and not a particularly good moive
[22:13] * beautifull slaps ten
[22:13] * homies86679 says any hot girls in mN want to meet up with the homies
[22:13] * FeMaLe22 the eye was good.... not what i expected.... better
[22:13] <AznGuy> i saw a dumb japanese drama yesterday
[22:13] <sum`guy727> no its base 2
[22:13] <AznGuy> wasted 4 hours of my life
[22:13] * FeMaLe22 dunno how to play spades
[22:13] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[22:13] <sum`guy727> all japanese dramas are dumb
[22:14] * FeMaLe22 bought some dumb japenese movies from the new years.... they
[22:14] <AznGuy> lol
[22:14] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> lol@Alex, it wasn't dumb, if it was dumb
, you wouldn't have sat and watched it for 4 hours!
[22:14] <AznGuy> all asians are dumb period
[22:14] * Joins: Leona25 (oz_@61.94.250.d3377=)
[22:14] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@61.94.*
[22:14] * Leona25 was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk: spam h
[22:14] <AznGuy> lol Mee i had nothing to do
[22:14] * FeMaLe22 aznguy... thanks for being honest aboaut urself
[22:14] * Joins: Guest46216 (java@=YC188.173.112.231.ptr.us.xo.net)
[22:14] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> haha
[22:14] <allelement> i was just about to say that
[22:14] <AznGuy> female22 ur asian too
[22:14] <FeMaLe22> yes, but i didn't say i was dumb
[22:14] <FeMaLe22> =D
[22:14] * Quits: pprkutt (lala@=0T8-3zshb512-606.nas22.minneapolis1.mn.us.da.qwe
st.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[22:14] <AznGuy> i said ur dumb
[22:15] <AznGuy> leanr how to read
[22:15] <AznGuy> and i will learn how to spell
[22:15] <AznGuy> HAHAHAH
[22:15] <FeMaLe22> well, dumb people don't know what they are talking about
[22:15] <FeMaLe22> lol
[22:15] <FeMaLe22> nerd
[22:15] * Parts: SweetNSexxiee (java@=wTAEJ3197Q.ipt.aol.com)
[22:15] <AznGuy> yea when you can laugh at yourself really hard like i have.. th
en people will think ur drunk
[22:15] * FeMaLe22 ok n e one here play literati?
[22:15] * Quits: Clarissa` (khr@202.128.59.C0631=) (QUIT: User exited)
[22:15] <AznGuy> hahaha
[22:15] <FeMaLe22> dork
[22:15] <AznGuy> <---stupid
[22:16] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Hey Alex, you're from Milwaukee right?
[22:16] <AznGuy> im a whales peenis
[22:16] <AznGuy> yea Mee
[22:16] <FeMaLe22> atleast u spelled that correctly.. someone spelled it stupipd
[22:16] <AznGuy> All we do is drink in miltown
[22:16] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Oh, uH? then you know Stephan right?
[22:16] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Yes, so I've heard.
[22:16] <AznGuy> no but my sis knows him
[22:16] * Quits: TubHluasMoob (java@=A9MOD3Y066.ipt.aol.com) (Connection reset b
y peer)
[22:16] * Joins: Guest46369 (java@=SZAEJ41XVT.ipt.aol.com)
[22:16] <BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here]> Oh.
[22:16] * Guest46369 is now known as Khang
[22:16] * M|SSTHoJ says hey people whose from milwaukee.....
[22:16] <AznGuy> hi missthoj
[22:16] * M|SSTHoJ wonders....
[22:16] <AznGuy> ur speaking to me
[22:16] <sum`guy727> if you thought the eye was scary, kill yourself
[22:16] * M|SSTHoJ say shi AznGuy
[22:17] <Khang> who wanna chat
[22:17] * BeautifuLLy_Average[not`here] is now known as BeautifuLLy_Average[no`P
[22:17] * M|SSTHoJ says hi sum`guy727
[22:17] <Khang> any ladies
[22:17] <AznGuy> long time no see nor do missthoj
[22:17] * Joins: GQ_Hmong_Guy (j0_h_nny@12.43.23.F796=)
[22:17] * homies86679 says any hot girls in mN want to meet up with the homies
[22:17] * BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC] coMmits suicide because sum`guy727 told her
to do so.
[22:17] * Joins: Guest46312 (java@=s3NDQ748JI.ipt.aol.com)
[22:17] * M|SSTHoJ says yes AznGuy long time no see
[22:17] * Joins: Guest46305 (java@=wlacu-92-797-649-527.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
[22:17] <AznGuy> lol
[22:17] * Guest46216 is now known as CrAzY
[22:17] * Guest46305 is now known as californiiaaa
[22:17] * CrAzY is now known as CrAzY2805
[22:17] * Khang is really very bored.
[22:17] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> where all the sexy ladies at?
[22:17] * Guest46312 is now known as kutelonelyguy22
[22:18] <AznGuy> Which city are you from Mee?
[22:18] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> Um? Small town xwb os Alex.
[22:18] <sum`guy727> BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]: aaah obedient
[22:18] <kutelonelyguy22> hello
[22:18] * FeMaLe22 n e one heard of HI5?
[22:18] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> You wouldn't know even if I told you.
[22:18] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> lol@sum`guy727
[22:18] <sum`guy727> hi M|SSTHoJ
[22:18] * Quits: Jessica^ (kenedi_199@ (QUIT: User exited)
[22:18] * M|SSTHoJ smiles...
[22:18] <kutelonelyguy22> any ladies care to chat
[22:18] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> where all the ugly chicks at??
[22:18] * BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC] is now known as BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC-d
[22:18] * homies86679 says are there any hot mN girls on tonight?
[22:18] * Quits: mengo (mellow@=arl-71-855-569-850.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (Connect
ion reset by peer)
[22:18] <mo_day> me! me! me!!
[22:18] <mo_day> ahahaa
[22:18] * FeMaLe22 hiding in our caves
[22:18] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[22:18] <AznGuy> i c
[22:18] <AznGuy> boonies
[22:19] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC-dead> Indeed Alex.
[22:19] <kutelonelyguy22> any ladies care to chat
[22:19] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC-dead> *sIghs
[22:19] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> WI got no decent chicks, espeically green bay haha
[22:19] * Pho_King_Awesome hides in the boonies to stalk Mee
[22:19] * Joins: mengo (mellow@=rFd-11-726-806-940.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[22:19] * BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC-dead is now known as BeautifuLLy_Average[no`
[22:19] * homies86679 looking for mN hotties over 21 to hang out with for the 4th
of july
[22:19] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> lol@Jack. Nerd.
[22:19] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> i was there over momerial weekend
[22:19] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> freakin suckkkk
[22:19] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> haha
[22:19] <AznGuy> i watched dance with the stars on tv
[22:19] * homies86679 says are there any hot mN girls on tonight?
[22:19] <AznGuy> it was a waste of my life
[22:19] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> REally Alex!
[22:19] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> When?
[22:19] <AznGuy> did you?
[22:19] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> I wanted to watch that!
[22:19] <AznGuy> about an hour ago
[22:19] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> =(
[22:19] <sum`guy727> if you thought the eye was scary, knee before me and kiss m
y feet
[22:20] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> MAN. I missed it!
[22:20] * FeMaLe22 homies.. give up... no one is answering?
[22:20] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> DamnIT!
[22:20] * Parts: CrAzY2805 (java@=YC188.173.112.231.ptr.us.xo.net)
[22:20] <AznGuy> you didn't miss much mee
[22:20] <AznGuy> it's like american idol
[22:20] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> *sIghs I guess.
[22:20] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> where all the divorced chicks at??
[22:20] <sPaCebOyz> wat did i miss
[22:20] * FeMaLe22 everything
[22:20] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> where all the married chicks at?
[22:20] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> haha
[22:20] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> where all the fat chicks at??
[22:20] <AznGuy> <--married chick\
[22:20] <Pho_King_Awesome> i kinda wanna see the dancing show
[22:20] <AznGuy> <--fat chick
[22:20] * P|nK_Ro|eX douly!!!
[22:20] * P|nK_Ro|eX douly!!!
[22:20] <kutelonelyguy22> hello
[22:20] <gigolow> PINK!
[22:20] <gigolow> u disser!
[22:20] <gigolow> ugh!
[22:21] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> where all the loser chicks at>>
[22:21] * homies86679 looking for mN hotties over 21 to hang out with for the 4th
of july
[22:21] * P|nK_Ro|eX no way!
[22:21] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> where all the fob chicks at??
[22:21] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> Alex, you're 19 right?
[22:21] * P|nK_Ro|eX i didn't even see your butt
[22:21] <AznGuy> yesireee
[22:21] * P|nK_Ro|eX but guess what??!!
[22:21] <AznGuy> how about u?
[22:21] <gigolow> w/e!
[22:21] <sum`guy727> GQ_Hmong_Guy: you need glasses? look around, oh there's on
e P|nK_Ro|eX
[22:21] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> where all the mtt chicks?
[22:21] <gigolow> i was the one fighting outside in the parking lot!
[22:21] <gigolow> jk
[22:21] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> 18
[22:21] * homies86679 where's the mN girls at tonight
[22:21] <gigolow> what...???
[22:21] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> where all the gq chicks at??
[22:21] <gigolow> do tell pink
[22:21] * M|SSTHoJ raises her hands at GQ_Hmong_Guy's comments..
[22:21] <AznGuy> such a young one
[22:21] * M|SSTHoJ giggles
[22:21] * P|nK_Ro|eX i saw everyone except you that night
[22:21] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> Whatever Alex.
[22:21] <AznGuy> im turning 20 in less than 20 days
[22:21] * Quits: _Cindy (hjaddi@=F6ag614.215-51-69.Sogetel.net) (Ping Timeout)
[22:21] * P|nK_Ro|eX weird!
[22:21] <gigolow> Duuuurh!
[22:21] * P|nK_Ro|eX but Baby Anne is coming this Fri!!!
[22:21] <AznGuy> YAY
[22:21] <gigolow> disser!
[22:21] <AznGuy> for me!
[22:21] <gigolow> cool!
[22:21] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> And your point is Alex?
[22:21] * P|nK_Ro|eX wearing my shoes that night.
[22:21] <FeMaLe22> happy early bday
[22:21] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> :P
[22:21] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> j.k
[22:21] * P|nK_Ro|eX dancing my heart out
[22:21] <AznGuy> that im old azz hell
[22:22] * Quits: mengo (mellow@=rFd-11-726-806-940.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (Connect
ion reset by peer)
[22:22] <gigolow> cool!
[22:22] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> spurs baby...nba champpp
[22:22] <FeMaLe22> !ping
[22:22] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> Yes you are! lol
[22:22] <gigolow> im going to gabriel and dresden!
[22:22] * P|nK_Ro|eX i'm so excited.
[22:22] * P|nK_Ro|eX lucky butt.
[22:22] * P|nK_Ro|eX but breaks is better anywaise
[22:22] <P|nK_Ro|eX> haha
[22:22] * Joins: Monkey_kisses (lilsilly_6@=uNe-74-70-23-154.hsd1.mn.comcast.net
[22:22] <gigolow> blah!
[22:22] <AznGuy> you think mai vue will be turned off >?
[22:22] <gigolow> progressive is the best!
[22:22] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> Oh, No, not at all!
[22:22] <gigolow> deep and hard!
[22:22] <hmoob-cali> ANY MATURE LADY CARE FOR A CHIT CHAT?
[22:22] <gigolow> the way i like sex!
[22:22] <gigolow> *wink*
[22:22] <AznGuy> does she likes old dudes
[22:22] <AznGuy> lol
[22:22] <AznGuy> odn't worry, i act like i'm 14 when i'm drunk
[22:22] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> No, it's not that she likes OLD dudes.
[22:23] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> Lol
[22:23] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> When you're drunk?
[22:23] * P|nK_Ro|eX funky w/ bass
[22:23] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> nerD
[22:23] * P|nK_Ro|eX aahhh..
[22:23] * Joins: Guest35411 (java@=U1yole-37-867-04-55.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net)
[22:23] <AznGuy> but i act 21 when i'm normal
[22:23] * P|nK_Ro|eX fl style.
[22:23] * Quits: californiiaaa (java@=wlacu-92-797-649-527.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.ne
t) (QUIT: User exited)
[22:23] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> uM? But 20 will be fine for her.
[22:23] <AznGuy> are you sure?
[22:23] * P|nK_Ro|eX did i tell you..she's my idol!
[22:23] * kutelonelyguy22 is really very bored.
[22:23] * P|nK_Ro|eX lol
[22:23] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> *wiNks. Positive.
[22:23] * P|nK_Ro|eX actually role model..
[22:23] <gigolow> yes you did.
[22:23] <kutelonelyguy22> any ladies care to chat
[22:23] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[22:23] <AznGuy> SA Weet!
[22:23] * Joins: Guest48679 (tubzoohlub@=Puonjp-67-12-918-635.rev.o1.com)
[22:23] <AznGuy> lol
[22:23] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> lol
[22:23] * Quits: homies86679 (java@ (QUIT: User exited)
[22:24] <gigolow> baby anne is hot!
[22:24] * Guest48679 is now known as hi
[22:24] * Joins: Guest35802 (java@=ybSP0C16SS.ipt.aol.com)
[22:24] * P|nK_Ro|eX not as hot as rap..but i like her better.
[22:24] * P|nK_Ro|eX haha.
[22:24] * Guest35802 is now known as waddup
[22:24] <Pho_King_Awesome> hi pinkiwinki
[22:24] <AznGuy> waddup waddup
[22:24] * angel [Guest21168@58.10.247.p284=] is on IRC (aol)
[22:24] * angel has left IRC
[22:24] * Joins: KouA (Spirit@=Zjnqkfou-
[22:24] <gigolow> Miss Lisa is hotter!
[22:25] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[22:25] <sum`guy727> hot girls online?
[22:25] * hi is now known as hi88988
[22:25] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> is black hmong
[22:25] * Joins: Guest48679 (java@=DT419.173.112.231.ptr.us.xo.net)
[22:25] * Joins: openwide (mellow@=dRp-59-545-596-368.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[22:25] * P|nK_Ro|eX hi pho.
[22:25] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> there ain't no hot girls online.periodddddddd
[22:25] * P|nK_Ro|eX no way....rap is the best..
[22:25] * P|nK_Ro|eX miss lisa is next
[22:25] * P|nK_Ro|eX lol
[22:26] * Quits: waddup (java@=ybSP0C16SS.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[22:26] * Joins: SecretAsianMan (mrchinster@
[22:26] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[22:26] * P|nK_Ro|eX no hot girls..no hot guys..except for gigolow
[22:26] * P|nK_Ro|eX =D
[22:26] <gigolow> brunettes are better but blondes do have more fun.
[22:26] <openwide> .
[22:26] <gigolow> please.
[22:26] * openwide is now known as mengo
[22:26] * Quits: sia_yaj (java@=jWhp31-121-541-35.ok.ok.cox.net) (QUIT: User exi
[22:26] * Pho_King_Awesome slaps FeMaLe22 around a bit with a large trout
[22:26] <gigolow> u could get sued for false advertisement. pink!
[22:26] * Joins: Guest36224 (java@=8H40-020-51-20.mpls.qwest.net)
[22:26] * Joins: hoodlum_ch (master@=DBv-52-92-92-86.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[22:26] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> online girls r losers
[22:26] <hoodlum_ch> amen!
[22:26] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> hahah
[22:26] * Guest36224 is now known as NiagneeG
[22:26] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> BET baby
[22:26] <sum`guy727> gigolow: civilily perhaps, those statutes arent enforced
[22:27] * P|nK_Ro|eX nah uh...
[22:27] * Joins: KronicNinjA (kronicboo@=TRmozbiyx-bau-19-729-058-926.directus.n
[22:27] * Joins: Bethy (java@=CVu-92-172-411-357.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
[22:27] <sPaCebOyz> what happen bao
[22:27] <Bethy> Kayla?
[22:27] <sum`guy727> P|nK_Ro|eX dont have anything to sue for except her fischer
price computer
[22:27] <Bethy> Kayla!
[22:27] <SecretAsianMan> hi bethy
[22:27] * P|nK_Ro|eX yeah..it's fisher price..
[22:27] <AznGuy> wb bethy
[22:27] <Bethy> Hi Chin.
[22:27] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> BET comedy..funni assss helll
[22:27] <M|SSTHoJ> i'm rite here
[22:27] <AznGuy> Don't ignore me BETHY
[22:27] <SecretAsianMan> hi bao
[22:27] <M|SSTHoJ> hi Bethy
[22:27] <AznGuy> :(
[22:28] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> where all the mn chicks at?
[22:28] * Guest48679 is now known as HuStLeRs_187
[22:28] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> i'm coming to mn soon
[22:28] * Parts: mo_day (java@=dKbpdndp-
[22:28] <AznGuy> i guess i deserve it
[22:28] <Bethy> Hi Bao.
[22:28] * Quits: Jeessica (Peter.Bunz@203.131.94.CV935=) (QUIT: User exited)
[22:28] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> i need some free assessssssss
[22:28] <SecretAsianMan> hi BAO
[22:28] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> hahaa
[22:28] <some_guy> sex, lies and secret is the nature is my business
[22:28] <Bethy> KAYLA
[22:28] <sum`guy727> P|nK_Ro|eX: you would know how to spell it
[22:28] * P|nK_Ro|eX fisher
[22:28] <Bethy> Is Kayla still in here?
[22:28] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[22:28] * P|nK_Ro|eX lol...hey sum young guy..stfu
[22:28] * P|nK_Ro|eX =D
[22:28] * Quits: Adelee (mi.bu-@=oP23.210-193-13.adsl.qala.com.sg) (QUIT: User e
[22:28] * Joins: Guest37467 (java@=5zUH5S34UY.ipt.aol.com)
[22:28] <MOTU_MASTERSNAKE> hey pink rolex...
[22:28] <hoodlum_ch> http://members.asianavenue.com/chumpss
[22:28] <SecretAsianMan> hey bao
[22:29] * P|nK_Ro|eX hi MOTU_MASTERSNAKE
[22:29] * Guest37467 is now known as KuTe_mAmi
[22:29] * Quits: gigolow (massivE@=awl-14-01-52-80.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[22:29] <SecretAsianMan> bao, you ignoring me?
[22:29] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> hoodlum_ch? Chee?
[22:29] <MOTU_MASTERSNAKE> how you been..?
[22:29] <hoodlum_ch> whose avg?
[22:29] <GQ_Hmong_Guy> fuckk this shitt borin...bed time...peace out all loserss
[22:29] * GQ_Hmong_Guy was kicked by Al3x (4Bad Language Detected Word: fuckk this shit
t borin...bed time...peace out all losersss 4(60 Second Ban) 0,1×X× 4 ê åM Fâñ ã §ÿ 0×X×)
[22:29] * Al3x sets mode: +b *!*@12.43.23.F796=
[22:29] <Khang> hello you
[22:29] * Quits: sfjslk (sdfjasdlfj@=gOcy-ouz2-vqrfzp.csumb.edu) (QUIT: User exi
[22:29] <Khang> h/e/l/l/o/
[22:29] <Bethy> Mee!
[22:29] <P|nK_Ro|eX> not bad and u?
[22:29] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> hoodlum_ch. unlock your PC.
[22:29] <AznGuy> im kayla!
[22:29] <Khang> oh ****
[22:29] <hoodlum_ch> done.
[22:29] <Bethy> Mee, did Kayla leave?
[22:29] * Al3x sets mode: -b *!*@12.43.23.aZ03=
[22:29] <Khang> im lou
[22:29] <AznGuy> Mee tell her im kayla
[22:30] <Khang> ?
[22:30] <KuTe_mAmi> Whaddup peopelz
[22:30] <KuTe_mAmi> whats gewd?
[22:30] <SecretAsianMan> isn't kayla from ca?
[22:30] <KuTe_mAmi> so whatz gewd?
[22:30] <AznGuy> ok my gayazz sis wants the computer
[22:30] <Khang> gewd?
[22:30] <AznGuy> BYE BETHY
[22:30] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> I don't SecretAsianMan! wiNks*
[22:30] <AznGuy> BBL
[22:30] <AznGuy> MUAH
[22:30] <KuTe_mAmi> its mad boring
[22:30] <KuTe_mAmi> ahaha
[22:30] * P|nK_Ro|eX ur small mouth is small.
[22:30] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> Bye Alex!
[22:30] <SecretAsianMan> sure sure
[22:30] <AznGuy> Bye Mee
[22:30] * P|nK_Ro|eX lol.
[22:30] * Bethy kicks BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]
[22:30] <SecretAsianMan> BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC], who are you?
[22:30] <AznGuy> Have fun with poker
[22:30] * Joins: `chick_25 (_chick_25@=xij-37-288-420-825.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[22:30] <KuTe_mAmi> So whea ya frum?
[22:30] * Joins: BaD_B0Yz (jkl@=FmCKX-63-95-524-898.new.res.rr.com)
[22:30] <AznGuy> MUAK BETHY
[22:30] <AznGuy> bye
[22:30] * Quits: AznGuy (java@=SmQPF-97-89-661-92.wi.res.rr.com) (QUIT: User exi
[22:30] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> I'm Mee, who are you SAM?
[22:30] <SecretAsianMan> Chin
[22:30] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> What was that for Bethy?
[22:31] <Bethy> For not answering me
[22:31] <Bethy> !
[22:31] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> mee you're such a flirt, u turn me on
[22:31] <Bethy> Just cause I'm not hot.
[22:31] <Bethy> Jeez
[22:31] * Joins: Guest37753 (java@=vYu-26-54-142-01.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
[22:31] * Joins: Guest51777 (ertg@=bJ35-314-160-428.stkn.mdsg-pacwest.com)
[22:31] * M|SSTHoJ says hi tnemaLsni`theEYE`10 GAY
[22:31] * M|SSTHoJ smiles
[22:31] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> What? What did you ask me nas?
[22:31] <Bethy> hah
[22:31] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> I was away for awhile.
[22:31] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> hi M|SSTHoJ
[22:31] <Bethy> I asked, DID KAYLA LEAVE?
[22:31] <SecretAsianMan> M|SSTHoJ, hello
[22:31] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> Lol@Vang.
[22:31] * M|SSTHoJ says have anyone seen ally or AG?
[22:31] <HuStLeRs_187> ok
[22:31] <HuStLeRs_187> ok
[22:31] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> NO i'm not ! BE quiet Vang.
[22:31] <Pho_King_Awesome> *yawn*
[22:31] <Khang> asgdfhfghjdfgsdf
[22:31] <sPaCebOyz> i miss my babe
[22:31] * Guest37753 is now known as Got_Abz
[22:31] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> Oh! I don't know Bethy, like I said, I was
[22:31] * Joins: RicheLLe28 (mimo@142.169.107.Z1209=)
[22:31] <Pho_King_Awesome> hmmm....
[22:31] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> damn it, next time i hug you mee, imma grope u
[22:31] <Bethy> Dammit.
[22:31] <Got_Abz> HELLO B E A TIFULS!!!!
[22:31] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> Don't PC me NAS GUESt!!!!!
[22:32] <Got_Abz> is KAT HERE?
[22:32] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> lol@vang
[22:32] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> alright Vang. I'm looking forward to that..
[22:32] * Joins: gigolow (massivE@=EFu-20-15-92-09.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[22:32] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> ArGHS!
[22:32] <Got_Abz> hmmmm
[22:32] <Guest51777> i didnt
[22:32] <Guest51777> liar
[22:32] <Pho_King_Awesome> *yawn*
[22:32] <Guest51777> calling out MY name just to get you some fans
[22:32] * Pho_King_Awesome pc mee
[22:32] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> hey you're all witness to that!!
[22:32] <Pho_King_Awesome> PC PC PC PC
[22:32] <Guest51777> shut up nerd
[22:32] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> How do you LOCK your PC?
[22:32] <Got_Abz> who do I know....
[22:32] <Bethy> Mee, HAHAHA
[22:32] <Guest51777> turn the key
[22:32] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> ... /umode +mM
[22:32] * Quits: Guest51777 (ertg@=bJ35-314-160-428.stkn.mdsg-pacwest.com) (QUIT
: User exited)
[22:32] <SecretAsianMan> hahahaha
[22:32] <Bethy> I can't believe you didn't know how.
[22:32] <SecretAsianMan> I pushed her over the edge
[22:32] * mary [tan_dekdee@=Hajn.jb.35.214.revip.asianet.co.th] is on IRC (sexyg
[22:32] <SecretAsianMan> hahaha
[22:33] * mary [tan_dekdee@=Hajn.jb.35.214.revip.asianet.co.th] has left IRC
[22:33] <sum`guy727> BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]: they dotn have keys these days,
you can use bios password
[22:33] <SecretAsianMan> hmmmm
[22:33] <Got_Abz> hmmmm
[22:33] <SecretAsianMan> hmmmm
[22:33] <Bethy> Man
[22:33] <Pho_King_Awesome> awwww
[22:33] <Bethy> Oh well, Kayla's not here.
[22:33] <Bethy> Bye.
[22:33] <Got_Abz> where are those hmong girls at???
[22:33] * Quits: Bethy (java@=CVu-92-172-411-357.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (QUIT: Use
r exited)
[22:33] <Pho_King_Awesome> blocked!
[22:33] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[22:33] * Joins: Guest38314 (java@=vh85-856-973-348.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com)
[22:33] <Khang> im young and dumb and full of ***
[22:33] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> Sorry os Jack.
[22:33] <sum`guy727> Got_Abz: summer school or summer work
[22:33] * beautifull [java@=ZXUGJ-11-91-900-87.wi.res.rr.com] has left IRC
[22:33] * Quits: beautifull (java@=ZXUGJ-11-91-900-87.wi.res.rr.com) (Connection
reset by peer)
[22:33] <SecretAsianMan> Got_Abz, they are everywhere
[22:33] <Got_Abz> hmmmmm
[22:33] <SecretAsianMan> just look around
[22:33] <Pho_King_Awesome> man it's hot
[22:33] <HuStLeRs_187> ok......
[22:33] <Got_Abz> where...
[22:34] * Quits: NiagneeG (java@=8H40-020-51-20.mpls.qwest.net) (QUIT: User exit
[22:34] <Got_Abz> i see all guys talkin to eachother like fags...
[22:34] * Joins: aSoHotGuyNOT (fkdjkj@=viqs113-68.dialip.mich.net)
[22:34] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> Stop it CHIN!
[22:34] <Got_Abz> haha
[22:34] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> ok off to watch my movie
[22:34] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> PUNk!
[22:34] <SecretAsianMan> hahaha
[22:34] <SecretAsianMan> who are yoU?
[22:34] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> What are you watching VANg?
[22:34] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> I'm MEE!
[22:34] <sum`guy727> talking to guys makes you gay?
[22:34] * Quits: BaD_B0Yz (jkl@=FmCKX-63-95-524-898.new.res.rr.com) (QUIT: User
[22:34] <SecretAsianMan> from where?
[22:34] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> MN
[22:34] <Got_Abz> hahha
[22:34] <sum`guy727> well nese flash, have these girls are guys
[22:34] <Got_Abz> gay as heck!!!
[22:34] * Guest38314 is now known as nrhiavleejmuam1
[22:34] * Quits: nrhiavleejmuam (java@=vh85-856-973-348.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com
) (Ping Timeout)
[22:34] <SecretAsianMan> how old?
[22:34] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> 18
[22:34] <Got_Abz> have these girls?
[22:34] * aSoHotGuyNOT is now known as chinesedeliveryguy
[22:34] <Got_Abz> or half?
[22:34] * M|SSTHoJ pc
[22:34] * M|SSTHoJ pc's BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]
[22:34] * M|SSTHoJ giggles
[22:35] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> im watching vang and mee's newporn
[22:35] <Khang> want my buff ***
[22:35] <sum`guy727> half
[22:35] <Got_Abz> mmm I see stpgrl, go after her sum guy
[22:35] <sum`guy727> tnemaLsni`theEYE`10: hmong porn?
[22:35] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> Ooh! VAng! You're suppose to wait for me!
[22:35] <Pho_King_Awesome> *yawn*
[22:35] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> hehehe
[22:35] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> lol
[22:35] <chinesedeliveryguy> tnem..is that the new hmong porn?
[22:35] <Got_Abz> buff? more li ke flab dude
[22:35] * mengo is now known as yoda
[22:35] <sum`guy727> stpgrl makes me think of automobiles
[22:35] * yoda is now known as yoda61678
[22:35] * tnemaLsni`theEYE`10 licks mee
[22:35] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> <--
[22:35] <kutelonelyguy22> any ladies care to chat ?
[22:35] * Pho_King_Awesome licks Vang licking mee
[22:35] <SecretAsianMan> hahaha
[22:35] <Got_Abz> if you aint benchin more than 200lb u ain't shiet
[22:35] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> the eye 10
[22:35] <Khang> call me
[22:35] <Pho_King_Awesome> Mmm.. salty.. *droool*
[22:35] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> lol@Jack
[22:35] <sPaCebOyz> i'm bored
[22:35] <sum`guy727> 200lb you wish
[22:35] * Joins: Guest40367 (java@=FhMSD-68-21-470-96.wi.res.rr.com)
[22:35] <sPaCebOyz> anyone wanna go shopping with me
[22:35] <KuTe_mAmi> WADDUP PEOPLZ
[22:35] <SecretAsianMan> Mee, how are you doing?
[22:36] <M|SSTHoJ> hi SecretAsianMan
[22:36] * Joins: Guest53817 (java@=a8t-71-90-93-25.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[22:36] <KuTe_mAmi> I AM SO FUKKIN BORED
[22:36] <sum`guy727> 200oz more like
[22:36] * Quits: P|nK_Ro|eX (P_nK_Ro_eX@=2Wzy74-88-02-3.ok.ok.cox.net) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
[22:36] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> I'm doing fine Chin, thank you. And yoursel
[22:36] * Guest40367 is now known as Cutie_Girl_NOPC
[22:36] <Got_Abz> 200 is pretty good
[22:36] <SecretAsianMan> hi BAO
[22:36] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> Hei people!
[22:36] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> how's everyone doing?
[22:36] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> hey chin!
[22:36] <kutelonelyguy22> hello Cutie girl
[22:36] <Got_Abz> lets see, an average hmong guy weighs 145 to 150
[22:36] <SecretAsianMan> Mee, I'm doing fine now that your here
[22:36] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> hey space boi
[22:36] <SecretAsianMan> hi Staci
[22:36] * Joins: Guest53931 (java@=Acwtqhsk-
[22:36] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> hey kute
[22:36] <Got_Abz> a bulky but fat hmong boy weighs 170-180
[22:36] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> lol@Chin, is that so eh?
[22:36] <SecretAsianMan> yup
[22:36] <Got_Abz> soooo, 200 lb bench press aint **** to them
[22:36] <kutelonelyguy22> Cutie where are you from
[22:36] <chinesedeliveryguy> cutie girl..age..sex?
[22:36] <sum`guy727> 180 ahah my nutsck weight that much
[22:36] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> i said no pc read my nick
[22:36] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> wi
[22:36] <SecretAsianMan> and too bad I didn't know you a two weeks ago
[22:36] * Quits: misshmongusa (java@=9czyaczxrm105567.scc.losrios.edu) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
[22:37] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> sex is male
[22:37] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> Why's that Chin?
[22:37] <kutelonelyguy22> kool
[22:37] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> YOu were in MN?
[22:37] <MOTU_MASTERSNAKE> kute mami..where are you form..?
[22:37] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> j/k
[22:37] <MOTU_MASTERSNAKE> from*
[22:37] <SecretAsianMan> yeah
[22:37] <SecretAsianMan> too bad
[22:37] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> wi
[22:37] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> Ah. I see
[22:37] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> It's alright, you were probably in StP huh?
[22:37] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> i met u before kute rite?
[22:37] <SecretAsianMan> yup
[22:37] * Quits: Guest53817 (java@=a8t-71-90-93-25.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[22:37] <kutelonelyguy22> Cutie you have a pic to share
[22:37] <SecretAsianMan> where are you?
[22:37] <Got_Abz> hey, I weigh in at 165 and reppin at 185lb
[22:37] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> my aa
[22:37] * Quits: allelement (darkhado@=ULwf-stw7-xjjtil.csumb.edu) (QUIT: User e
[22:37] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> Oh, I'm far from STP
[22:37] <Got_Abz> tonight i should try 210 for 12
[22:37] * Parts: -SweetPea` (canihelpyo@=rC43-22-5-884.mpls.qwest.net)
[22:37] * Guest53931 is now known as Tub_Leej_Txiv
[22:37] <SecretAsianMan> how far?
[22:37] * Joins: MaiShade (maishade@=oyl-43-06-68-704.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[22:37] <chinesedeliveryguy> cutie..put up your aa on here..a lot of us guys wan
t to see it
[22:37] <kutelonelyguy22> whts your aa CUtie
[22:37] * ChanServ sets mode: +o MaiShade
[22:37] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> http://members.asianavenue.com/cutie_girl_24
[22:37] <SecretAsianMan> hi MaiShade
[22:37] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> Um? 3 hours
[22:38] <SecretAsianMan> where exactly are you?
[22:38] <@MaiShade> heya SecretAsianMan. ;)
[22:38] * Joins: annlee (canihelpyo@=rC43-22-5-884.mpls.qwest.net)
[22:38] <Got_Abz> ohhh maishade.. that's familiar!!!
[22:38] <SecretAsianMan> wb annlee
[22:38] <Got_Abz> HI MAISHADE.. you sexy thang!!!!
[22:38] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> Um? Tracy
[22:38] <annlee> hi all
[22:38] <MOTU_MASTERSNAKE> oh my god..ann lee...
[22:38] * Quits: deliciously_69 (java@=vlwnzqescl798563.scc.losrios.edu) (QUIT:
User exited)
[22:38] <@MaiShade> Got_Abz: er...? hahaha.. /whois U?
[22:38] <Pho_King_Awesome> *POOF*
[22:38] * Quits: Pho_King_Awesome (me@=DBv-52-92-92-86.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUI
T: User exited)
[22:38] <annlee> omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nab! hi
[22:38] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> hi Ann
[22:38] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[22:38] <SecretAsianMan> annlee, what happen to sweetpea?
[22:38] <Got_Abz> umm.. someone who hasn't been here in a while!!!! hahaahah
[22:38] <annlee> u hung up on me earlier!
[22:38] <MOTU_MASTERSNAKE> hey got ABZ....are you doing your sets inclined..?
[22:38] <annlee> hi Cutie_Girl_NOPC
[22:38] <Got_Abz> am I scaring you!!!!
[22:38] * Quits: hi88988 (tubzoohlub@=Puonjp-67-12-918-635.rev.o1.com) (Ping Tim
[22:38] * FeMaLe22 is getting her butt kicked in pool
[22:38] <@MaiShade> Got_Abz: such as? ;) whoM?!?!?!
[22:38] * annlee *grin* @ chin
[22:38] <SecretAsianMan> I miss sweetpea
[22:38] * M|SSTHoJ says HI annlee
[22:38] <annlee> hi bao
[22:38] <Got_Abz> i'm doing my sets, incline, decline, dumbbells and barbell
[22:38] <chinesedeliveryguy> got abz...how do yu work out yoru abs??
[22:38] <SecretAsianMan> she is nice
[22:39] <Got_Abz> + cables
[22:39] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> humm
[22:39] <chinesedeliveryguy> i need some abs for july 4th..
[22:39] <Got_Abz> hahha
[22:39] <Got_Abz> too bad,
[22:39] <MOTU_MASTERSNAKE> hey ann lee....
[22:39] <MOTU_MASTERSNAKE> pc me...
[22:39] <chinesedeliveryguy> how do you do dumbbells?
[22:39] <Got_Abz> MAISHADE.. remember??? come on
[22:39] <Got_Abz> keep guessin maishade!!!
[22:39] <sPaCebOyz> female22, can i kick ur butt toooo
[22:39] * annlee ... i needa go work out!
[22:39] <annlee> haha
[22:39] <annlee> ok
[22:39] <@MaiShade> Got_Abz: noperS.. esp under that /nick! ;) hahaha
[22:39] <sum`guy727> a real man lifts weights iwth his wang
[22:39] * Quits: tW33k3r (Unix@=Y75Reqb44.tnt24.atl4.da.uu.net) (Connection rese
t by peer)
[22:39] <Got_Abz> haahhaha
[22:40] <Got_Abz> chinese, just do suicides to kill of that excess fat you have
[22:40] <Got_Abz> then we'll talk
[22:40] <hoodlum_ch> http://members.asianavenue.com/chumpss
[22:40] * Joins: Bethy (java@=4se-69-354-248-419.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
[22:40] * KouA is now known as KooL
[22:40] <Bethy> Is Kayla back yet?
[22:40] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> hi bethy again!
[22:40] * Quits: KooL (Spirit@=Zjnqkfou-
(QUIT: User exited)
[22:40] <Got_Abz> dude... i got pretty big headed now....
[22:40] <sum`guy727> the head represents like 5% of your body weight
[22:40] * Quits: BluEyUrMyBoY (meISme@=Dgg-28-97-065-97.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (QU
IT: User exited)
[22:40] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> wb SeXy aRsE Bethy.
[22:40] <Bethy> Hi Staci.
[22:40] <Got_Abz> whew!!
[22:40] <sum`guy727> so if you lop it off
[22:40] <Bethy> GRR
[22:40] <sum`guy727> bam
[22:40] <KronicNinjA> Tweeker.....where u at man..?
[22:40] <sum`guy727> instant 25 pounds
[22:40] * Joins: albert (Chatz@=MoMZ020267.ipt.aol.com)
[22:40] <@MaiShade> er......... /whois Got_Abz??
[22:41] <Bethy> KAYLA WHERE ARE YOU?
[22:41] <SecretAsianMan> wb bethy
[22:41] <Got_Abz> why do you worry about your head weight????
[22:41] * Joins: Guest42859 (java@=nv98-322-71-48.gci.net)
[22:41] <Khang> what
[22:41] * albert is now known as `albert
[22:41] * Joins: Guest57097 (java@167.83.101.vd59=)
[22:41] <Got_Abz> hahahah stupid!!!
[22:41] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> hi khang
[22:41] <Khang> what did you say
[22:41] <Bethy> Thanks Chin.
[22:41] <Khang> hi
[22:41] <sum`guy727> Got_Abz: lets say i got a big brain and stuff
[22:41] * Guest42859 is now known as flirt
[22:41] <Got_Abz> maishade, keep guessin
[22:41] * Joins: Guest57233 (java@=w3n-29-89-555-98.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[22:41] <@MaiShade> Got_Abz: no thx.. bai! ;)
[22:41] * Guest57233 is now known as fade415
[22:41] <flirt> ?umode -Mm
[22:41] <sum`guy727> come on dotn tell me you never stuck your head on the scale
to weigh your brain?
[22:41] <fade415> wow hi
[22:41] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> do i know u kang?
[22:41] <sPaCebOyz> lates my heros
[22:41] <SecretAsianMan> hi fade
[22:41] <fade415> hi chin
[22:42] * Guest57097 is now known as MFEO
[22:42] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> bye spaceboys
[22:42] <sPaCebOyz> bye missthoj
[22:42] <fade415> hi spacie
[22:42] <Khang> naw you dont
[22:42] <fade415> haha
[22:42] <Got_Abz> yeah okay, sum guy
[22:42] <sPaCebOyz> bye cutie
[22:42] <Khang> 1st time
[22:42] * Joins: tW33k3r (Unix@=KO0Prab03.tnt24.atl4.da.uu.net)
[22:42] <Got_Abz> that's retarded but okay
[22:42] <BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC]> Hello fade! mUakS*
[22:42] <M|SSTHoJ> later sPaCebOyz
[22:42] <SecretAsianMan> fade, kuv nco koj
[22:42] <fade415> hey space
[22:42] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> hey bethy why are u mad?
[22:42] <fade415> hi BA
[22:42] <sPaCebOyz> hi fade my fulltime lover
[22:42] <fade415> haha
[22:42] <sPaCebOyz> i miss you
[22:42] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> oh are u a guy khang?
[22:42] <Bethy> I'm not mad.
[22:42] * M|SSTHoJ says hi fade415
[22:42] <sPaCebOyz> gosh it's been what, 5 years
[22:42] <fade415> u guys gonna laugh at me
[22:42] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> sad?
[22:42] <fade415> hi missthoj
[22:42] <Khang> yes
[22:42] <fade415> hahaha
[22:42] <Got_Abz> where are the girls that are gonna be MN for JUly 4th????
[22:42] <fade415> hold on
[22:42] * Quits: flirt (java@=nv98-322-71-48.gci.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[22:42] * M|SSTHoJ smiles
[22:42] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> from milwaukee?
[22:42] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> khang?
[22:42] <FeMaLe22> n e one here play yahoo games?
[22:42] <Khang> sacramento
[22:42] * Joins: Guest58338 (java@66.127.213.ij761=)
[22:42] <Khang> california
[22:42] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> oh nvm
[22:42] * FeMaLe22 n e one here play yahoo games?
[22:42] <SecretAsianMan> FeMaLe22, I do
[22:42] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> i though i knew u haha
[22:42] <Bethy> ME SHERIE
[22:43] <Bethy> I'll play with you.
[22:43] <Khang> okay
[22:43] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> bethy why u so sad?
[22:43] <Bethy> I'm bored to death.
[22:43] <SecretAsianMan> no I'll play
[22:43] <Bethy> I'm not sad.
[22:43] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> oh
[22:43] * FeMaLe22 care to play some with me??????
[22:43] * Joins: Guest43672 (java@=RzVSY-42-20-772-581.wi.res.rr.com)
[22:43] <Got_Abz> maishade!!!!!!
[22:43] <SecretAsianMan> FeMaLe22, play what?
[22:43] <@MaiShade> Got_Abz: what? ;) hahahha
[22:43] <Bethy> Sherie!!!
[22:43] <Bethy> I'll play.
[22:43] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> anyone got a picture to share?
[22:43] * FeMaLe22 nou won't play or yes u will asiaman?
[22:43] <Got_Abz> hahahhahhaha, slow butt maishade....
[22:43] <sum`guy727> boredom is the brains way of saying "nothing new is happeni
ng up here"
[22:43] <@MaiShade> Got_Abz <- /whois U?
[22:43] <MOTU_MASTERSNAKE> how about msn games female22...?
[22:43] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[22:43] * FeMaLe22 what do u guys play?
[22:43] * FeMaLe22 don't have msn
[22:43] <Got_Abz> female 22 sounds familiar!!!!! hi female!!!!
[22:43] * kutelonelyguy22 is really very bored.
[22:43] <Bethy> I'll play whatever. :p
[22:43] <Khang> i got a pic
[22:43] <sPaCebOyz> going
[22:43] <SecretAsianMan> FeMaLe22, I will play with you
[22:43] <sPaCebOyz> going
[22:43] * Guest58338 is now known as Hmong_Guy
[22:43] <Got_Abz> hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
[22:43] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> i wanna see khang
[22:43] * FeMaLe22 hi abz
[22:43] <Bethy> No Chin!
[22:43] <kutelonelyguy22> any ladies care to chat
[22:43] <Bethy> She's mine!
[22:43] * Joins: Guest43994 (java@=2Gy-17-138-214-32.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[22:43] <Khang> asian avenue
[22:43] * FeMaLe22 haha
[22:43] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> lets see
[22:43] * Guest43994 is now known as gIrLiEe
[22:43] <sPaCebOyz> gone
[22:43] * FeMaLe22 ok what games do u guys play?
[22:44] * Parts: sPaCebOyz (whatislove@=kRJCP67G53.ipt.aol.com)
[22:44] <Bethy> Hi Pang.
[22:44] <Got_Abz> who's your bethy!! hey i remember a bethy!!
[22:44] <Khang> sac_13oi_69
[22:44] <Bethy> I play whatever, Sherie.
[22:44] <Got_Abz> is this the same bethy???
[22:44] <Guest43672> hey how yall nick ur name
[22:44] <SecretAsianMan> FeMaLe22, I play pool or literati
[22:44] <SecretAsianMan> hi Pang
[22:44] * FeMaLe22 ok.. what about u secretasianguy?
[22:44] <Bethy> Guest43672, /nick Nickname.
[22:44] <Khang> cutie girl
[22:44] * FeMaLe22 lets go play literati
[22:44] <gIrLiEe> hi bethy....hi chin
[22:44] <Khang> got it
[22:44] <fade415> THis is how i look behind this monitor screen while chatting o
nline. me without make up LOL http://www.pebhmong.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1251
[22:44] * Quits: annlee (canihelpyo@=rC43-22-5-884.mpls.qwest.net) (QUIT: User e
[22:44] <Bethy> Ok Sherie.
[22:44] <Bethy> :D
[22:44] <Got_Abz> girliee toooooo
[22:44] * Joins: Guest44862 (java@=oYMlqy-1-XLM-6-iayggcc-040.bytehead.com)
[22:44] <fade415> THis is how i look behind this monitor screen while chatting o
nline. me without make up LOL http://www.pebhmong.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1251
[22:44] <Got_Abz> haaahaha
[22:44] <fade415> THis is how i look behind this monitor screen while chatting o
nline. me without make up LOL http://www.pebhmong.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1251
[22:44] <gIrLiEe> huh?
[22:44] <fade415> :D
[22:44] <Got_Abz> OKAY< ANYONE KNOW WHERE KAT is????
[22:44] * Joins: Guest58932 (java@=GPpbw-81-156-980-072.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net)
[22:44] <gIrLiEe> hi got abzzzz
[22:44] <Bethy> http://games.yahoo.com
[22:44] * Guest58932 is now known as blahdude
[22:44] <SecretAsianMan> sherie what room
[22:44] <Bethy> Got_Abz, my mom said, "what do you want?"
[22:45] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> http://members.asianavenue.com/sac_13oi_69
[22:45] <Bethy> my mom aka Kat
[22:45] <sum`guy727> http://webcamsex.yahoo.com
[22:45] <gIrLiEe> dude im so tired
[22:45] <KuTe_mAmi> waddupzzz
[22:45] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> hold up
[22:45] * Parts: `albert (Chatz@=MoMZ020267.ipt.aol.com)
[22:45] <fade415> THis is how i look behind this monitor screen while chatting o
nline. me without make up LOL http://www.pebhmong.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1251
79&start=15 :D:D
[22:45] * FeMaLe22 pick one
[22:45] <FeMaLe22> i'm loading
[22:45] * Bethy is now known as yDsleaxi
[22:45] * Guest43672 is now known as azan_bad_boi
[22:45] <Got_Abz> ohhh... tell your mom I said, I want your daughter please.. I
'll give you five bucks when I;m done
[22:45] <Got_Abz> hahaha
[22:45] <kutelonelyguy22> any ladies care to chat ??
[22:45] <Got_Abz> :P
[22:45] <azan_bad_boi> hey yall
[22:45] <azan_bad_boi> ahhahahha
[22:45] <yDsleaxi> Uh..
[22:45] <SecretAsianMan> sherie what room?
[22:45] <yDsleaxi> You're gay!
[22:45] <gIrLiEe> wow...bethy is only worth 5 bucks?
[22:45] <azan_bad_boi> who me
[22:45] * M|SSTHoJ says any one seen AG or ALLY?
[22:45] <gIrLiEe> dude...when is my turn huh???
[22:46] <yDsleaxi> I'm a 2 cent wh o r e, Pang
[22:46] * FeMaLe22 PROSE
[22:46] <Khang> cutie girl what you doing
[22:46] * Guest44862 is now known as Join_The_Navy
[22:46] <Got_Abz> oyy, I was kidding, dont get tooo upset from my dry jokes
[22:46] <gIrLiEe> ooh in that case...come here wh ore
[22:46] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> thanks khang
[22:46] <yDsleaxi> lol Pang
[22:46] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> here's mine
[22:46] <gIrLiEe> i got ur two cents
[22:46] <azan_bad_boi> http://members.asianavenue.com/sexy_azan_guy
[22:46] <Khang> okay
[22:46] <gigolow> hi girliee
[22:46] * Quits: MOTU_MASTERSNAKE (MOTU_MASTE@=84n-43-028-868-95.hsd1.ca.comcast
.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[22:46] * Quits: MFEO (java@167.83.101.vd59=) (QUIT: User exited)
[22:46] <Got_Abz> what's that??
[22:46] * FeMaLe22 YAHOO GAME LITERATI open to n e one who can spell..... room P
[22:46] <blahdude> cutie girl y r u posting a guy's aa page?
[22:46] <Khang> you like my
[22:46] <Got_Abz> sexy azan guy looks gay!!!!
[22:46] <gigolow> hey vang. can you send me Photoshop ???
[22:46] <gigolow> hey vang. can you send me Photoshop ???
[22:46] <yDsleaxi> Sherie, what's your Yahoo name?
[22:46] <azan_bad_boi> y thank u
[22:46] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> http://members.asianavenue.com/cutie_girl_24
[22:46] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> so i can clik on it blahdude
[22:46] * FeMaLe22 BETHY ----> PROSE
[22:46] <yDsleaxi> I know.
[22:47] <fade415> THis is how i look behind this monitor screen while chatting o
nline. me without make up LOL http://www.pebhmong.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1251
79&start=15 :D:D
[22:47] <yDsleaxi> But what's your Yahoo name!!
[22:47] <SecretAsianMan> sherie, what's your sn?
[22:47] <Got_Abz> why the heck do you have sasha singleton on your page?? she's
too much EYE CANDY FOR YOU!!!!
[22:47] * FeMaLe22 Oopsy_143
[22:47] <Got_Abz> hahaha
[22:47] <yDsleaxi> So I know what table.
[22:47] <fade415> hi gigolow :D
[22:47] * Joins: atlanta_guy (xxMiSsxIoN@=Chr32.95.102.166.ip.alltel.net)
[22:47] <azan_bad_boi> so who wanna hollar
[22:47] <fade415> This is how FADE looks like behind this monitor screen while c
hatting online. me without make up LOL http://www.pebhmong.com/forum/viewtopic.p
hp?t=125179&start=15 :D:D
[22:47] <gIrLiEe> bethy...whose got abz?
[22:47] <Khang> hold up
[22:47] <yDsleaxi> I do'nt know.
[22:47] <yDsleaxi> Some idiot.
[22:47] <gigolow> hi fade415.
[22:47] <FeMaLe22> hahahaa i'm coming... loading
[22:47] <gIrLiEe> hahhaha
[22:47] <gIrLiEe> i agree..
[22:47] * Quits: BeautifuLLy_Average[no`PC] (java@=5ep50.112.154.251.stc.mn.char
ter.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[22:47] <gigolow> you owe me ur phone #
[22:47] <Got_Abz> cutie girl, how was the LADIES CLUB????
[22:47] * FeMaLe22 Oopsy_143
[22:47] <gigolow> *ahem*
[22:47] <gIrLiEe> some stupid idiot
[22:47] <sum`guy727> this is how a man looks before spending time in jail: (.) t
his is after (0)
[22:47] <gIrLiEe> hi douly!!!!
[22:47] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> it was fun
[22:48] <Got_Abz> stupid????
[22:48] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> they have thongs on
[22:48] <gigolow> oh now she says hi!
[22:48] <gigolow> gay.
[22:48] <Got_Abz> girlie..... tsk tsk
[22:48] * Quits: Join_The_Navy (java@=oYMlqy-1-XLM-6-iayggcc-040.bytehead.com) (
QUIT: User exited)
[22:48] <SecretAsianMan> sherie i don't see you
[22:48] <gIrLiEe> huh? who me?
[22:48] * FeMaLe22 one of u guys make a room yet?
[22:48] <gigolow> duuurh
[22:48] <gigolow> who else.
[22:48] <gIrLiEe> i was waitin for u douly
[22:48] <yDsleaxi> Oh
[22:48] * FeMaLe22 i'm not in yet
[22:48] * Quits: yoda61678 (mellow@=dRp-59-545-596-368.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUI
T: User exited)
[22:48] <SecretAsianMan> i did
[22:48] <yDsleaxi> I was waiting for you to make it, Sherie.
[22:48] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[22:48] * Joins: Guest60829 (java@=SZAEJ41XVT.ipt.aol.com)
[22:48] <Got_Abz> if you want me to. I can make you feel cheap as heII
[22:48] <yDsleaxi> HAHA
[22:48] <gigolow> oh please! scroll back up!
[22:48] <gIrLiEe> ooh
[22:48] * Joins: Guest45806 (java@=u1Olbj-6-DJX-0-tdupafo-690.bytehead.com)
[22:48] <Got_Abz> I can have you eatin at the palm of my hand, and all your litt
le girlfriends tooo, girlie
[22:48] <gIrLiEe> well..the screen was moving to fast
[22:48] <gIrLiEe> :D
[22:48] <FeMaLe22> i'm in
[22:48] * kutelonelyguy22 is really very bored.
[22:48] <Got_Abz> :P
[22:48] * Joins: Guest60988 (java@=aLfosjcq-
[22:48] * FeMaLe22 invite me
[22:48] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
[22:48] * Joins: romeothug (java@69.105.150.QE737=)
[22:48] * ChanServ sets mode: +o romeothug
[22:48] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> i'm scurred!!
[22:49] * Joins: Guest45906 (java@=vh85-856-973-348.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com)
[22:49] <gIrLiEe> the palm of ur dirty old nasty hands?
[22:49] <azan_bad_boi> so wwho is from wisconsin
[22:49] <gIrLiEe> please....
[22:49] <Got_Abz> MAISHADE... OH MAISHADE!!!!
[22:49] * Guest45806 is now known as God_Of_Love
[22:49] <@MaiShade> waht Got_Abz?? Mai <= doNOT "chat" with ppL Mai duNNo?!?!? ;
[22:49] <Got_Abz> still, you're going to be kneeling down.. and pouring out your
[22:49] <Got_Abz> haha
[22:49] <Got_Abz> if I wanted to
[22:49] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> who are u got abz
[22:49] <yDsleaxi> X(
[22:49] <God_Of_Love> hmmmmm
[22:49] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> azan i am
[22:49] * Quits: Guest60829 (java@=SZAEJ41XVT.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[22:49] <yDsleaxi> CHIN!!
[22:49] * fade415 is now known as Who_Am_I_To_You
[22:49] * Quits: nrhiavleejmuam1 (java@=vh85-856-973-348.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.co
m) (Ping Timeout)
[22:49] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> are u from milwaukee?
[22:49] <yDsleaxi> I bet you made a 2 person room only.
[22:49] <Got_Abz> how was the ladies club, cutie girl???
[22:49] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> hi fade
[22:49] <gIrLiEe> whatever.....
[22:49] * Guest45906 is now known as nrhiavleejmuam
[22:49] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> it was fun
[22:49] <Who_Am_I_To_You> hi cutie
[22:49] <Got_Abz> hahahah girlie
[22:50] <azan_bad_boi> yes represent miltown ahahah
[22:50] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> me too
[22:50] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> haha
[22:50] <yDsleaxi> Man, he's always trying to get with the asian girls. :(
[22:50] * Quits: Guest60988 (java@=aLfosjcq-
et) (QUIT: User exited)
[22:50] <Got_Abz> miltown sucks A$$
[22:50] * Quits: blahdude (java@=GPpbw-81-156-980-072.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net) (Q
UIT: User exited)
[22:50] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> humm\
[22:50] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> sure got abz
[22:50] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> it does
[22:50] * Joins: ^Marianne15 (HATAYLI@=lmJZA-Xrnpxmn-ulf163141.sympatico.ca)
[22:50] * Joins: Guest60390 (java@=IEsiqwdc-
[22:50] <gIrLiEe> mil town.....hrMm..
[22:50] <Got_Abz> see, someone validates that
[22:50] <Khang> okay
[22:50] <HuStLeRs_187> hahah
[22:50] <gIrLiEe> who are u?
[22:50] <HuStLeRs_187> hahaha
[22:50] <Khang> cutie
[22:50] <HuStLeRs_187> haha
[22:50] <HuStLeRs_187> haha
[22:50] <yDsleaxi> fck that
[22:50] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> yes khang
[22:50] <yDsleaxi> Be a hater Chin.
[22:50] <azan_bad_boi> MILTOWN HERE
[22:50] <yDsleaxi> Forget you.
[22:50] <Khang> okay
[22:50] <Got_Abz> I am not a miltown, old fashioned hmong boy okay??
[22:50] <Khang> i saw it
[22:50] <Got_Abz> get it straight, you ladies
[22:50] <Khang> i look good huh
[22:50] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> oh
[22:50] <Khang> buff ***
[22:50] * Quits: Guest60390 (java@=IEsiqwdc-
et) (QUIT: User exited)
[22:51] <Got_Abz> MAISHADE... where the heck are you????
[22:51] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> yes u are buff
[22:51] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> hehe
[22:51] <Khang> yeah
[22:51] <HuStLeRs_187> haha
[22:51] <HuStLeRs_187> haha
[22:51] <@MaiShade> Got_Abz: WHO the "heck" is U?!?!?! :P
[22:51] <Khang> like my as
[22:51] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> me too (hehe)
[22:51] <kutelonelyguy22> any ladies care to chat ?
[22:51] * Joins: MoonShineGuy (SweetLuvGu@=Mvb-35-177-330-205.hsd1.mn.comcast.ne
[22:51] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> okies
[22:51] <HuStLeRs_187> haha
[22:51] <HuStLeRs_187> haha
[22:51] <Khang> naw
[22:51] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> hey moon shine
[22:51] <@MaiShade> waht Got_Abz?? Mai <= doNOT "chat" with ppL Mai duNNo?!?!? ;
[22:51] <Got_Abz> khang, do a barbell shoulder press at 135lb
[22:51] <Khang> you look very mature
[22:51] <HuStLeRs_187> some ill stuff.........
[22:51] <Khang> haha
[22:51] <gIrLiEe> i dont recognize his typing or the way he chats...who is he??
[22:51] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> thanks!
[22:51] <Got_Abz> you ain't buff
[22:51] * Quits: kutelonelyguy22 (java@=s3NDQ748JI.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exit
[22:51] <Got_Abz> if you aren't eatin right, it ain't tight
[22:51] * Joins: annlee (canihelpyo@=3927-02-6-287.mpls.qwest.net)
[22:51] <yDsleaxi> ugh
[22:51] <yDsleaxi> I'm so bored.
[22:52] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> hey ann again
[22:52] <yDsleaxi> Pangie!
[22:52] <FeMaLe22> bethy where'd u go?
[22:52] <yDsleaxi> I'm dead bored.
[22:52] <@MaiShade> Got_Abz: WHO the "heck" is U?!?!?! :P
[22:52] <@MaiShade> Got_Abz: WHO the "heck" is U?!?!?! :P
[22:52] * Joins: Guest60596 (java@=xSUHH527UB.ipt.aol.com)
[22:52] <@MaiShade> Got_Abz: WHO the "heck" is U?!?!?! :P
[22:52] <Khang> yeah
[22:52] * FeMaLe22 bethy where'd u go?
[22:52] <yDsleaxi> Kam liam os Sherie.
[22:52] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> yeaps
[22:52] <@MaiShade> waht Got_Abz?? Mai <= doNOT "chat" with ppL Mai duNNo?!?!? ;
[22:52] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> WTF that was scary!!!!!!!!
[22:52] * M|SSTHoJ says hi yDsleaxi
[22:52] <@MaiShade> waht Got_Abz?? Mai <= doNOT "chat" with ppL Mai duNNo?!?!? ;
[22:52] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> WTF that was scary!!!!!!!!
[22:52] <Khang> but ill put blows on you
[22:52] <@MaiShade> waht Got_Abz?? Mai <= doNOT "chat" with ppL Mai duNNo?!?!? ;
[22:52] <Got_Abz> MAISHADE... OH MAISHADE....
[22:52] <tnemaLsni`theEYE`10> WTF that was scary!!!!!!!!
[22:52] <FeMaLe22> awww
[22:52] <yDsleaxi> Chin ZEEZ EE DZU
[22:52] * tnemaLsni`theEYE`10 was kicked by hmong (01× 14(TNEMALSNI`THEEYE`**(*01!14*01@14*
comcast01.14net)14REPEAT14)1st01.14) 01×)
[22:52] * hmong sets mode: +b *!*@=Ybz-65-50-68-146.hsd1.mn.comcast.net
[22:52] <yDsleaxi> So I quit.
[22:52] <FeMaLe22> ok then
[22:52] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> sure
[22:52] <hoodlum_ch> http://members.asianavenue.com/chumpss
[22:52] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> for sho
[22:52] <Got_Abz> hahaahah maishade os!!! you're such a dork, fool!!!!
[22:52] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> okies
[22:52] * Quits: Guest60596 (java@=xSUHH527UB.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[22:52] <SecretAsianMan> what bethy?
[22:52] * Quits: RicheLLe28 (mimo@142.169.107.Z1209=) (Ping Timeout)
[22:52] <yDsleaxi> Nothing.
[22:52] <Got_Abz> dont be kickin me out too!!!! cuz ya'll be shady like that
[22:52] <@MaiShade> Got_Abz: welp.. GOing to sleep now. stay unKNOWN.. and "stop
" tyPing Mai name. ;)
[22:52] <gIrLiEe> hi cheE!!!
[22:52] <FeMaLe22> he made a room n everything
[22:52] <FeMaLe22> hehe
[22:52] <yDsleaxi> He made it for two.
[22:52] <SecretAsianMan> you coming?
[22:52] <Got_Abz> oy...
[22:52] <yDsleaxi> So pfft.
[22:52] <yDsleaxi> No.
[22:52] <Khang> hi'
[22:52] <@MaiShade> Got_Abz: welp.. GOing to sleep now. stay unKNOWN.. and "stop
" tyPing Mai name. ;)
[22:52] * Joins: Guest60528 (java@=hfQLQ074GG.ipt.aol.com)
[22:52] <@MaiShade> Got_Abz: welp.. GOing to sleep now. stay unKNOWN.. and "stop
" tyPing Mai name. ;)
[22:52] <@MaiShade> Got_Abz: welp.. GOing to sleep now. stay unKNOWN.. and "stop
" tyPing Mai name. ;)
[22:52] <yDsleaxi> Go ahead.
[22:52] <FeMaLe22> no
[22:52] <yDsleaxi> You two can play.
[22:52] * yDsleaxi was kicked by hmong (01× 14(YDSLEAXI(*01!14*01@14*01.14hsd101.14or01.14c
4) 01×)
[22:52] <FeMaLe22> he made it for 3
[22:52] * hmong sets mode: +b *!*@=4se-69-354-248-419.hsd1.or.comcast.net
[22:52] <sum`guy727> man igot gas
[22:53] <FeMaLe22> don't leave me... he might rape me!!!!!
[22:53] <FeMaLe22> haha jk
[22:53] <SecretAsianMan> hahaha :P
[22:53] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> hi chee
[22:53] * Guest60528 is now known as kuteloveableguy22
[22:53] * Joins: Mr`Lewis (java@=uuJERH7K5F.ipt.aol.com)
[22:53] <Khang> rally
[22:53] <kuteloveableguy22> sup peeps
[22:53] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[22:53] <Khang> really
[22:53] * Joins: Kenneth (HardBod@=Ivomtq-04-39-98-38.rev.o1.com)
[22:53] <Got_Abz> maishade??
[22:53] <hoodlum_ch> * * * HMONG ORGY 2005 * * * Sponsored by Wa Meng Supermarke
t and ZOO NYOB Productions. Please visit our site @ http://members.asianavenue.c
om/chumpss for more info.
[22:53] <kuteloveableguy22> sup ladies
[22:53] <annlee> wb Kenneth
[22:53] <Who_Am_I_To_You> This is how FADE looks like behind this monitor screen
while chatting online. me without make up LOL http://www.pebhmong.com/forum/vie
wtopic.php?t=125179&start=15 :D:D
[22:53] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> sup keneth
[22:53] <@MaiShade> Got_Abz: what..............?!?!?!?!?!?!??! unLess Mai knowS
"who" u R.. there's NO point in tyPing to Mai. ;P
[22:53] <@MaiShade> Got_Abz: what..............?!?!?!?!?!?!??! unLess Mai knowS
"who" u R.. there's NO point in tyPing to Mai. ;P
[22:53] <@MaiShade> Got_Abz: what..............?!?!?!?!?!?!??! unLess Mai knowS
"who" u R.. there's NO point in tyPing to Mai. ;P
[22:53] <@MaiShade> Got_Abz: what..............?!?!?!?!?!?!??! unLess Mai knowS
"who" u R.. there's NO point in tyPing to Mai. ;P
[22:53] * hmong sets mode: -b *!*@=4se-69-354-248-419.hsd1.or.comcast.net
[22:53] <Kenneth> hi people
[22:53] * Joins: Yangsta_P (yangsta_p@=vdl-01-767-84-3.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[22:54] <Got_Abz> how do I turn on pm's???
[22:54] <Got_Abz> this stupid hmong crap is confusing
[22:54] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> it didnt work girl
[22:54] * Joins: LadyNC (forevakia@=pPake-789-924-595-413.triad.res.rr.com)
[22:54] <@MaiShade> Got_Abz: type /umode -Mm
[22:54] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> Hey yangsta p
[22:54] <Who_Am_I_To_You> This is how FADE looks like behind this monitor screen
while chatting online. LOL http://www.pebhmong.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=125179
&start=15 :D:D
[22:54] <Got_Abz> ohh okay
[22:54] * Joins: Bethy (java@=4se-69-354-248-419.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
[22:54] <@MaiShade> Got_Abz: type /umode -Mm
[22:54] <Got_Abz> so they added another m to the Mm
[22:54] <Bethy> wtf was that ????
[22:54] <azan_bad_boi> HEY WHO WANNA HOLLAR
[22:54] <Got_Abz> i see
[22:54] <Bethy> Jeez
[22:54] * @MaiShade smileS kindLY at Got_Abz. ;)
[22:54] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> bethy where did u go?
[22:54] <hoodlum_ch> * * * HMONG ORGY 2005 * * * Sponsored by Wa Meng Supermarke
t and ZOO NYOB Productions. Please visit our site @ http://members.asianavenue.c
om/chumpss for more info.
[22:54] <Khang> okay
[22:54] <Bethy> Why is everyone hating on me today?!
[22:54] <Bethy> my god
[22:54] * Joins: Guest47597 (java@=41dqkewj-
[22:54] * Quits: God_Of_Love (java@=u1Olbj-6-DJX-0-tdupafo-690.bytehead.com) (QU
IT: User exited)
[22:54] * Quits: ^Marianne15 (HATAYLI@=lmJZA-Xrnpxmn-ulf163141.sympatico.ca) (Co
nnection reset by peer)
[22:54] <Got_Abz> okay sweet
[22:54] <Got_Abz> send me a pm maishade
[22:54] <Got_Abz> and I'll tell you
[22:54] <Got_Abz> haha
[22:54] <Kenneth> piano break again
[22:54] <HuStLeRs_187> haha
[22:54] <HuStLeRs_187> haha
[22:54] * Joins: muajmoot (jmuajmoo@=imjojuok-
[22:54] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> i tried to go on like i never knew you........incomple
[22:55] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[22:55] <Bethy> lol
[22:55] <Got_Abz> haaha
[22:55] <Bethy> You finally got it, Staci?
[22:55] <Bethy> Isn't it a good song?
[22:55] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> got what?
[22:55] * Quits: KuTe_mAmi (java@=5zUH5S34UY.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[22:55] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> yes it is!
[22:55] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> i hate men
[22:55] <Khang> got balls
[22:55] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> hehe j/k
[22:55] <Bethy> I hate men too.
[22:55] <gIrLiEe> http://www.bmezine.com/news/pubring/20050401.html this is nast
y....couple biting they fingers off
[22:55] <Bethy> Hey Pang.
[22:55] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> eww girl
[22:55] <Bethy> I have a gift for you!
[22:55] <gIrLiEe> wassup
[22:55] <Bethy> Hold on
[22:55] <LadyNC> haha
[22:55] <Bethy> let me find it
[22:55] <gIrLiEe> nah its kewl
[22:55] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> baby my baby
[22:55] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[22:55] <gIrLiEe> i dont want it
[22:55] * Quits: Guest35411 (java@=U1yole-37-867-04-55.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net) (Q
UIT: User exited)
[22:55] <gIrLiEe> nah its kewl
[22:55] <Khang> what
[22:55] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> mandy never talks!!!
[22:55] <Got_Abz> MAISHADE.. oh maishade
[22:55] <Bethy> Ye syou do Pang
[22:55] <Khang> whos out there
[22:56] <gIrLiEe> okay...hurry
[22:56] <Got_Abz> bethy, and girlie, and that cutie girl..
[22:56] <gIrLiEe> im gettin sleepy
[22:56] <Khang> in honest girls out there
[22:56] * Joins: PeeOnMee (23@=ncuptl-88-602-90-17.ny325.east.verizon.net)
[22:56] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> i try to go on like i never knew u
[22:56] <Got_Abz> they must be a trio...
[22:56] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> what ab?
[22:56] <Bethy> http://www.shopinprivate.com/vibconxtremr.html FOR YOU PANGIE
[22:56] <Bethy> Cause I know how you like that kind of stuff.
[22:56] <Bethy> :p
[22:56] <Got_Abz> these abz, trick!!
[22:56] <hoodlum_ch> thats crazy pang
[22:56] <azan_bad_boi> SO WHO IS FROM MILTOWN AGAIN
[22:56] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> sure conceited
[22:56] <Got_Abz> hahaahah
[22:56] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> me azan stupido
[22:56] * Guest47597 is now known as for_ur_desires
[22:56] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> hehe j/k
[22:56] <gIrLiEe> awe...thats madd cute
[22:56] <gIrLiEe> ima get one
[22:56] <gIrLiEe> :D
[22:56] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> madd?
[22:56] <Bethy> I know Pang. :D
[22:56] <gIrLiEe> thanxs bethy..
[22:56] <azan_bad_boi> OOOOHHHHHHHHHH AHAHAHA
[22:56] <Bethy> I knew you'd love it.
[22:56] <Got_Abz> hella funny, cutie
[22:56] <Khang> say what
[22:56] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> haha
[22:56] * Quits: chinesedeliveryguy (fkdjkj@=viqs113-68.dialip.mich.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[22:56] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> thanks abz
[22:57] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> muah abz
[22:57] <gIrLiEe> i kno huh chee...thatss madd crazy
[22:57] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> muah muah muah
[22:57] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> Incomplete!
[22:57] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> what bad boi
[22:57] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> i said no pc me
[22:57] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> yes i am
[22:57] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> why?
[22:57] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> are u?
[22:57] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> do i know u?
[22:57] <hoodlum_ch> i was like WTF?
[22:57] * Joins: `muGGa`fuGGa` (blah@=lpIAV-45-079-020-034.wi.res.rr.com)
[22:57] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> what's your name?
[22:57] <gIrLiEe> madd nasty
[22:57] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> j/k
[22:57] <hoodlum_ch> LOL
[22:57] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> so what's your name bad boi?
[22:57] <hoodlum_ch> caught me off guard
[22:57] <gIrLiEe> shOO...ima love u...but i aint ganna eat ur finger..
[22:58] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> me is staci
[22:58] * Bethy sighs.
[22:58] <Bethy> Pang es/.
[22:58] <gIrLiEe> nasty!!!
[22:58] <hoodlum_ch> LOL
[22:58] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> what's wrong bethy?
[22:58] <`muGGa`fuGGa`> sup everyone
[22:58] <Khang> betty
[22:58] <`muGGa`fuGGa`> afk!
[22:58] <Bethy> Nothing.
[22:58] <hoodlum_ch> crazy white folks
[22:58] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> We belong together!
[22:58] <`muGGa`fuGGa`> off to dota
[22:58] <azan_bad_boi> PAGE ME THAN ILL TELL U
[22:58] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> hey mugga!
[22:58] <Bethy> I'm not Betty
[22:58] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[22:58] <Bethy> Get it right.
[22:58] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> catch any fishes mugga
[22:58] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> fine azan
[22:58] <`muGGa`fuGGa`> nope
[22:58] <gIrLiEe> i kno...havent u notice only WHITE ppl do crazy stuff
[22:58] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> sure bethy
[22:58] <`muGGa`fuGGa`> no more fishys
[22:58] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> awww
[22:58] <Khang> sorry
[22:58] <Got_Abz> okay I'm back....
[22:58] * Joins: TiMkUV (auser@=SWc-51-7-876-46.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[22:58] * Joins: Guest47804 (java@=ddpkf-dsaz-
[22:58] <hoodlum_ch> lol
[22:58] * Joins: Nraug_TuajLig (a@=nGkvo-58-34-78-22.dc.res.rr.com)
[22:58] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> where u go abz?
[22:58] <Kenneth> for no reason, i am trying to find christmas love songs
[22:58] <gIrLiEe> bethy...wats wrong babe?
[22:58] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> go work out haha
[22:58] <Khang> im lue khang
[22:58] <hoodlum_ch> xcept chai
[22:59] <hoodlum_ch> FREE CHAI!
[22:59] <gIrLiEe> hahahhahaha
[22:59] <Got_Abz> yeah, i'm about to actually
[22:59] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> so late boi
[22:59] <hoodlum_ch> im raising money for chai vangs bail
[22:59] <Janitor> I'm Chao Khang.
[22:59] <Got_Abz> so what???
[22:59] <hoodlum_ch> 2.5 mil
[22:59] * Guest47804 is now known as ManwithAbrokenHeart
[22:59] <Janitor> Hi Pang.
[22:59] <sum`guy727> hoodlum_ch: how muich you got saved up?
[22:59] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> uh huh
[22:59] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> huh huh
[22:59] <hoodlum_ch> i got $476 so far
[22:59] <Got_Abz> i just took my LGLUTAMINE 30 minutes ago
[22:59] <HuStLeRs_187> haha
[22:59] <gIrLiEe> hi janitor??
[22:59] <HuStLeRs_187> haha
[22:59] <gIrLiEe> hahhaha
[22:59] <Got_Abz> i need to
[22:59] <sum`guy727> $76 damn
[22:59] <Bethy> Pangie es.
[22:59] <Bethy> Kuv xav quaj xwb os.
[22:59] <gIrLiEe> wat?
[22:59] <Khang> yeah khang people
[22:59] * Quits: @hLub (java@=u218-144-982-58.mpls.qwest.net) (Connection reset
by peer)
[22:59] * Quits: @ViChai (java@=u218-144-982-58.mpls.qwest.net) (Connection rese
t by peer)
[22:59] <hoodlum_ch> i am accepting doantions
[22:59] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> who are u bethy?
[22:59] <gIrLiEe> quaj???
[22:59] <sum`guy727> Got_Abz: l-glutamine is killed by stomach acid, the secret
is to take it sublingually
[22:59] <gIrLiEe> whats that?
[22:59] * Bethy cries.
[22:59] <Janitor> Yeah, us Khangs rule.
[22:59] * Joins: Guest22403 (java@=Dh25-886-621-090.mpls.qwest.net)
[22:59] <Bethy> That's what.
[22:59] <gIrLiEe> awe....
[22:59] <PeeOnMee> hi Ann Lee
[22:59] <Janitor> lol
[23:00] <hoodlum_ch> we have a provate sponsor who will match what i raise
[23:00] <gIrLiEe> why?
[23:00] * Quits: Hmong_Guy (java@66.127.213.ij761=) (Connection reset by peer)
[23:00] <gIrLiEe> whats wrong?
[23:00] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> hi pee!
[23:00] <Bethy> Kuv tsis paub es.
[23:00] * Guest22403 is now known as Night_Lady
[23:00] <hmoob-cali> ANY MATURE LADY CARE FOR A CHIT CHAT?
[23:00] <Bethy> Just feel like it.
[23:00] <annlee> hiiiiiiiiii kao
[23:00] * Nraug_TuajLig is now known as Nraug_Sweet
[23:00] * M|SSTHoJ says hi PeeOnMee long time no see
[23:00] <gIrLiEe> awe...poor baby...
[23:00] <annlee> how are you?
[23:00] * M|SSTHoJ says hi Nraug_Sweet
[23:00] * M|SSTHoJ says hi annlee
[23:00] <gIrLiEe> its okay...I STILL LOVE U
[23:00] <Janitor> Hi Ann.
[23:00] <PeeOnMee> hi Miss Thoj
[23:00] * M|SSTHoJ says hi gIrLiEe
[23:00] <Bethy> I knows.
[23:00] <annlee> hi bao
[23:00] <PeeOnMee> hi Cutie Girl
[23:00] <Bethy> That's why I came to you.
[23:00] <hoodlum_ch> * * * HMONG ORGY 2005 * * * Sponsored by Wa Meng Supermarke
t and ZOO NYOB Productions. Please visit our site @ http://members.asianavenue.c
om/chumpss for more info.
[23:00] <annlee> hi jamie
[23:00] <muajmoot> nyob zoo nkauj hmong nplogteb
[23:00] <Janitor> Hi Missthoj
[23:00] * M|SSTHoJ says hi everyone..
[23:00] <gIrLiEe> hi missthoj
[23:00] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> hehe
[23:00] * M|SSTHoJ says hi Janitor
[23:00] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> so boring here
[23:00] * Cutie_Girl_NOPC slaps azan_bad_boi around with a large trout!
[23:00] <hoodlum_ch> i get mad hits i swear lol
[23:00] * Cutie_Girl_NOPC slaps everyone in the room.
[23:00] <PeeOnMee> hey there Ann. Welcome. I'm fine, thanks. And you?
[23:00] <Kenneth> cuteigirlnopc same here
[23:00] * Cutie_Girl_NOPC bounces around the channel.
[23:00] * M|SSTHoJ says whats up tpday people....
[23:00] <Got_Abz> i know, sum guy
[23:00] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> yeaps kenneth
[23:00] <Got_Abz> i think i would know dont'chu think?
[23:00] * M|SSTHoJ says hi Kenneth
[23:00] * gIrLiEe gives bethys a big wet kiss....*MuAKs* its okay baby...im here
... :D
[23:01] <annlee> hey kao, thanks, i'm well..
[23:01] <Janitor> Bao, where have you been hiding?
[23:01] <Kenneth> hi missthoj
[23:01] <Bethy> Pang, I wish Peggy was here.
[23:01] * M|SSTHoJ has not been hidin
[23:01] <gIrLiEe> where is that girl?
[23:01] <Bethy> Or not.
[23:01] * M|SSTHoJ says where have you been jamie?
[23:01] <sum`guy727> Got_Abz: maybe, maybe not
[23:01] <Bethy> She's in love now.
[23:01] <PeeOnMee> Ann Lee how was San Diego?
[23:01] * Quits: stpgrl (java@=Dfv-58-51-211-511.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUIT: Use
r exited)
[23:01] <Bethy> Man.
[23:01] <gIrLiEe> i havent seen her in such a long time..
[23:01] * Joins: Guest63869 (java@
[23:01] <Got_Abz> i ran out of Glutamine and I'm only taking my protein suppleme
[23:01] <annlee> i didnt make it down there
[23:01] <Bethy> lol
[23:01] <gIrLiEe> call her than
[23:01] <annlee> it was too late
[23:01] <Got_Abz> i mixed them
[23:01] <Bethy> Kuv tsis paub nws tus number nas.
[23:01] <Janitor> no where Bao. How's life?
[23:01] <Bethy> Plus, she's got a boy.
[23:01] <sum`guy727> supplements are a ripoff
[23:01] <Bethy> She's happy.
[23:01] <hoodlum_ch> gosh i have been on here for a while
[23:01] <Nraug_Sweet> where is all the nice girl at now?
[23:01] * Guest63869 is now known as Hmong_Guy
[23:01] <Who_Am_I_To_You> This is how FADE looks like behind this monitor screen
. LOL http://www.pebhmong.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=125179&start=15 :D:D
[23:01] <gIrLiEe> awe.....
[23:01] * Joins: Guest49120 (java@=mcd-29-900-0-755.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[23:01] <Who_Am_I_To_You> hi nraug sweet
[23:01] * M|SSTHoJ says it's goin jux a little sick and you Janitor
[23:01] <sum`guy727> protien powder is good iwith a few scoops of ice cream
[23:01] <Got_Abz> watch me pop my chest... like I popped my right shoulder
[23:02] <gIrLiEe> brb
[23:02] <sum`guy727> Got_Abz: decline to incline
[23:02] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> fade that aint working again!
[23:02] <Got_Abz> i gotta hit up my abz tonight too
[23:02] <Janitor> Aww, take better care of yourself Bao.
[23:02] <Got_Abz> SO GIRLs!!! I wont be back til 130 or 2am!!!!
[23:02] <Bethy> Don't leave me Pang!!
[23:02] * Guest49120 is now known as Few_Cutiest_GuyOnline
[23:02] * M|SSTHoJ says i can but i cant help it that your not here....
[23:02] <Nraug_Sweet> <-------------so bring tonight
[23:02] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> hey cutiest guy
[23:02] <gIrLiEe> k...
[23:02] <gIrLiEe> im back
[23:02] <gIrLiEe> :D
[23:02] <Cutie_Girl_NOPC> we can be cute together
[23:02] <hoodlum_ch> w/b pang
[23:02] <Janitor> Bao, how's your game going?
[23:03] * M|SSTHoJ has no game
[23:03] <Janitor> Are you still breaking hearts?
[23:03] <hoodlum_ch> yo this new song is tite
[23:03] * M|SSTHoJ lols
[23:03] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[23:03] <annlee> jamie jamie jamie
[23:03] * M|SSTHoJ does not break any hearts
[23:03] <Nraug_Sweet> who am i ,,,, Hi
[23:03] <hoodlum_ch> hey ann
[23:03] * M|SSTHoJ says jamie your the heart breaker
[23:03] <gIrLiEe> dude im soo bored
[23:03] * M|SSTHoJ says tsk tsk
[23:03] * Joins: Guest63411 (java@=Szwhfvh5.milwaukee.k12.wi.us)
[23:03] <annlee> hi chumps! how are you?
[23:03] <Janitor> Abtsi nas Ann.
[23:03] <gIrLiEe> jamies in here?
[23:03] <hoodlum_ch> wuts up with u pang?
[23:03] <gIrLiEe> where at?
[23:03] <annlee> jamie jamie jamie..why u hidin?
[23:03] <gIrLiEe> nothing...just tired
[23:03] * Guest63411 is now known as NkaujSiabDub
[23:03] * Cutie_Girl_NOPC is now known as Staci_Girl
[23:03] <hoodlum_ch> me too
[23:03] <Got_Abz> sum guy.. i know you know me a bit too!!!
[23:03] <Got_Abz> hahaha
[23:03] <M|SSTHoJ> jamie is hidin from me annlee
[23:03] <hoodlum_ch> i work tomorrow at 7
[23:03] <gIrLiEe> JAMIE!!!!!!!!
[23:03] <hoodlum_ch> :(
[23:03] * Joins: DDaaaZZZ (blah@=FJ94-760.dial.connexus.net.au)
[23:03] <Staci_Girl> okies i am back
[23:03] * M|SSTHoJ giglges...
[23:03] <Got_Abz> i chatted with you for a bit a while back
[23:03] <Who_Am_I_To_You> This is how FADE looks like behind this monitor screen
. LOL http://www.pebhmong.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=125179&start=15 :D:D
[23:03] <hoodlum_ch> wuts up aannn?
[23:04] <gIrLiEe> i work at 5:30
[23:04] <Who_Am_I_To_You> hi daz. are u in the state?
[23:04] <Staci_Girl> dont work girl
[23:04] <Nraug_Sweet> its so boring
[23:04] <muajmoot> hi nkaujhmongnplog
[23:04] <hoodlum_ch> damnnnnnnnn
[23:04] * M|SSTHoJ says ok peoeple imma get goin so talk to you latyers
[23:04] <gIrLiEe> **** i hate werk
[23:04] <hoodlum_ch> 530?
[23:04] <gIrLiEe> urg!!!!
[23:04] * FeMaLe22 needs glasses
[23:04] <Who_Am_I_To_You> i can't find thomas, daz
[23:04] <hoodlum_ch> that sux dude!
[23:04] <Khang> i work at 5
[23:04] <gIrLiEe> i kno
[23:04] <DDaaaZZZ> sup Who_Am_I_To_You na im back in aust already
[23:04] <Staci_Girl> no pc me please
[23:04] * M|SSTHoJ says hi DDaaaZZZ
[23:04] * hoodlum_ch gets pang a large coffee
[23:04] <Who_Am_I_To_You> fawkin liar
[23:04] * Quits: Mr`Lewis (java@=uuJERH7K5F.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[23:04] * M|SSTHoJ says laters alll
[23:04] <Who_Am_I_To_You> haha
[23:04] <annlee> hi chumps.. how u doin?
[23:04] <DDaaaZZZ> Who_Am_I_To_You wells u should of gave hom ur number
[23:04] <hoodlum_ch> im alrite
[23:04] <DDaaaZZZ> sup M|SSTHoJ
[23:04] * M|SSTHoJ says laters jamie
[23:04] <Who_Am_I_To_You> i know
[23:04] <hoodlum_ch> working hard
[23:04] <Janitor> Bye Bao
[23:04] <hoodlum_ch> u?
[23:04] * M|SSTHoJ says laters DDaaaZZZ
[23:04] * Quits: some_guy (adss@=Yqlaet-6caym6p.cable.mindspring.com) (Connectio
n reset by peer)
[23:04] <Who_Am_I_To_You> i regreted
[23:04] <Who_Am_I_To_You> :(
[23:04] <sum`guy727> i dont need to lift weights, i gain muscle just breathing t
he air
[23:04] * M|SSTHoJ says muahz take care of yourself for me jamie muhaz
[23:04] <hoodlum_ch> <--drinks too much coffee
[23:04] <Nraug_Sweet> any girl here left over want to chat holla me...
[23:04] <Got_Abz> hahahahah
[23:04] * M|SSTHoJ says laters sum`guy727 and annlee muahz
[23:04] <Got_Abz> it's all good
[23:04] * Quits: nkaujhmongnplogteb (java@=Hz39-342-402-115.sjvls.org) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
[23:04] * Quits: M|SSTHoJ (Fastness@=MVLEG-40-330-378-369.wi.res.rr.com) (QUIT:
User exited)
[23:04] <gIrLiEe> chee: its so hard for me ta stay up...i'll go through four cup
s of coffee and still be tired
[23:05] <Janitor> aww
[23:05] * Quits: muajmoot (jmuajmoo@=imjojuok-
.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[23:05] <Got_Abz> but if you're in the marines.. you'll need to get off your fat
[23:05] <hoodlum_ch> 4 real?
[23:05] <Who_Am_I_To_You> This is how FADE looks like behind this monitor screen
. LOL http://www.pebhmong.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=125179&start=15 :D:D
[23:05] <gIrLiEe> yea
[23:05] <hoodlum_ch> u need some Crunk Juice
[23:05] <hoodlum_ch> hehehe
[23:05] <Staci_Girl> http://members.asianvenue.com/sexy_azan_guy
[23:05] <Khang> be a supervisor like me then
[23:05] <Khang> ha
[23:05] <sum`guy727> gIrLiEe: cause yoru kidneys are dying
[23:05] <gIrLiEe> crunk?
[23:05] <Got_Abz> you need some VIAGRA JUICE HOODLUM
[23:05] <sum`guy727> marines
[23:05] <hoodlum_ch> Cialis
[23:05] <Kenneth> so yesterday, i threw up alot and my nose was bleeding at the
same time
[23:05] <Who_Am_I_To_You> where is thomas urban?!?
[23:05] <sum`guy727> f*ck that im a one man army
[23:05] <Janitor> Ann, how's California?
[23:05] <sum`guy727> i'll take em on with my bare hands
[23:05] <hoodlum_ch> pang: i fond that gingko biloba helps
[23:05] * FeMaLe22 r u pregnant Kenneth?
[23:05] <gIrLiEe> huh?
[23:05] <DDaaaZZZ> hmmmmz
[23:05] <Kenneth> getting older sure beats anything else than this
[23:05] <Got_Abz> what? like a brick wall, sumguy?
[23:05] <gIrLiEe> really?
[23:05] <annlee> I got home at 2 pm earlier
[23:05] <Kenneth> yes female22, a guy like me is pregnate
[23:05] <hoodlum_ch> yeah
[23:06] * Joins: Cynthiaa (devit@=bXSQiUxppa-557-7-4-965.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr)
[23:06] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@*.fr
[23:06] * Cynthiaa was kicked by ChanServ (You are banned from #hmongtalk: spam
[23:06] <Janitor> Ann's probably macking on six different Californians right now
[23:06] <Kenneth> she has to marry me now
[23:06] <Who_Am_I_To_You> sfds
[23:06] <gIrLiEe> have u tried it?
[23:06] <hoodlum_ch> AND it improves concentration
[23:06] * Parts: `chick_25 (_chick_25@=xij-37-288-420-825.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[23:06] <Janitor> oh..welcome back
[23:06] <annlee> I was on the rode for 28 hrs
[23:06] <Khang> supervisor baby
[23:06] <Who_Am_I_To_You> sfs
[23:06] <hoodlum_ch> yeah im on ti still
[23:06] <Got_Abz> maishade!!!!
[23:06] <hoodlum_ch> just a day
[23:06] <PeeOnMee> coolness
[23:06] <hoodlum_ch> vitamin
[23:06] * FeMaLe22 yeah... how much does a guy like u price range from?
[23:06] <Who_Am_I_To_You> hi pee
[23:06] <annlee> We started out on Monday midnight
[23:06] <annlee> and fianlly got here
[23:06] <gIrLiEe> does it really werk?
[23:06] <Got_Abz> hey female22
[23:06] <DDaaaZZZ> hey fade.. did tom call u?
[23:06] <hoodlum_ch> depends...on u
[23:06] <FeMaLe22> sup abz?
[23:06] <Janitor> wow
[23:06] <Got_Abz> are you still 22? you've been 22 for a long time!!!!
[23:06] <Who_Am_I_To_You> no. i odnt have his number
[23:06] <Got_Abz> hahah
[23:06] <Janitor> I bet it was a long drive.
[23:06] <sum`guy727> Got_Abz: brick walls are weak actually no tensile strength
[23:06] * FeMaLe22 naw ah.. not long enough
[23:06] <Janitor> Glad to have you back home.
[23:06] <Kenneth> a guy like me can be in the range of 10,000 to 15,000 dollars
[23:06] <DDaaaZZZ> fade.. and u didnt give him urs rite?
[23:06] <annlee> yeah its a long one
[23:06] <PeeOnMee> hi WHO AM I TO YOU whomever you are.
[23:06] <kuteloveableguy22> hello Female 22
[23:06] <hoodlum_ch> its not a significant benefit....but i can feel it
[23:06] <gIrLiEe> wow...im stupid so its not like its ganna help me improve my c
oncetration anywaise
[23:06] <gIrLiEe> hahhahaha
[23:06] <Who_Am_I_To_You> no i didn't dazz
[23:06] <annlee> thats the last time i'll ever do that again
[23:07] * FeMaLe22 hi.... bye going back to my game
[23:07] <Who_Am_I_To_You> hmmmms
[23:07] <tW33k3r> chia?
[23:07] <annlee> i couldn't wait to get home
[23:07] <hoodlum_ch> :P hehe
[23:07] <Staci_Girl> http://members.asianavenue.com/sexy_azan_guy
[23:07] <annlee> but i had a good time
[23:07] <DDaaaZZZ> fade hahaha.. i see him on msn here n there... want me to pas
s on a msg?
[23:07] <hoodlum_ch> whose the lucky man nowadays pang?
[23:07] <Who_Am_I_To_You> sure
[23:07] <annlee> spending times with loved ones
[23:07] <Got_Abz> okay sumguy, you have the brains, but you cant even through a
[23:07] * Quits: gigolow (massivE@=EFu-20-15-92-09.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[23:07] <Got_Abz> it's cool
[23:07] <gIrLiEe> same dude
[23:07] <Nraug_Sweet> any Wausau lady here want to chat?
[23:07] <Got_Abz> hahah
[23:07] <gIrLiEe> :)
[23:07] <DDaaaZZZ> and the msg would be?
[23:07] <hoodlum_ch> wow its ben a while then
[23:07] <Who_Am_I_To_You> if u see ihm.. tell him to come on ht so i can give hi
m my number
[23:07] <hoodlum_ch> thats great!
[23:07] <Who_Am_I_To_You> :D
[23:07] <Got_Abz> wausau is a sh^tty town
[23:07] <gIrLiEe> almost 3 yrs
[23:07] * Quits: Few_Cutiest_GuyOnline (java@=mcd-29-900-0-755.hsd1.ca.comcast.n
et) (QUIT: User exited)
[23:07] <sum`guy727> Got_Abz: i've broken rocks
[23:07] * Joins: jAKObiE (jakobie@=Q8QZH-73-70-91-710.kc.res.rr.com)
[23:07] <hoodlum_ch> wausau sux
[23:07] <DDaaaZZZ> hahah or u could just give it to me and ill pass it onto him?
[23:07] <jAKObiE> wow
[23:07] <Who_Am_I_To_You> and i want to hang out with him b4 he leaves to midwes
[23:07] <hoodlum_ch> but i can sure get rid of yayo :P
[23:07] <Got_Abz> yes I said WAUSAU is a sh*tty town
[23:07] <sum`guy727> just dont use knuckles on rocks
[23:07] <Who_Am_I_To_You> lol daz
[23:07] <jAKObiE> my tummy hurts
[23:08] <Who_Am_I_To_You> hahah
[23:08] <jAKObiE> oh
[23:08] <hoodlum_ch> 3 yrs?
[23:08] <Got_Abz> hahahahaah sumguy
[23:08] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[23:08] <DDaaaZZZ> dont worry.. ill delete it after i pass it on ;)
[23:08] <hoodlum_ch> damnnn...wuts ur secret?
[23:08] <gIrLiEe> yup..
[23:08] <Who_Am_I_To_You> sure :D
[23:08] <gIrLiEe> trust..
[23:08] <gIrLiEe> :D
[23:08] <hoodlum_ch> haha
[23:08] <PeeOnMee> hm
[23:08] <hoodlum_ch> im working on that 1
[23:08] * jAKObiE is now known as jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe
[23:08] <Got_Abz> well alright you little HOODLUMS!!!! I gotta get to the gym..
I'll try and swing by later
[23:08] * Quits: Yangsta_P (yangsta_p@=vdl-01-767-84-3.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUI
T: User exited)
[23:08] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> damn
[23:08] <gIrLiEe> hahhaah
[23:08] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> wassup everyboyd
[23:08] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> how you doing
[23:08] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> ?
[23:08] <Got_Abz> Maishade, I'm comin for ya!!!
[23:08] * Quits: Khang (java@=SZAEJ41XVT.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User exited)
[23:08] <Got_Abz> girlie, i'mma have you eatin stilll
[23:08] <Nraug_Sweet> Boring ua luaj li ces nej mam nyob nawb mog,, ntshe mus pw
yuav zoo dua lawm os ..
[23:08] <gIrLiEe> got abz.....?? whose that?
[23:08] <Got_Abz> cutie, you stink like poo
[23:09] <hoodlum_ch> but damn 3 yrs
[23:09] <Got_Abz> and...
[23:09] <Got_Abz> where's that other girl...
[23:09] <hoodlum_ch> thats a mighty long time
[23:09] <hoodlum_ch> thts some GOOD TRUST lol
[23:09] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> oh
[23:09] <NkaujSiabDub> nyob zoo kuv tus nus nraug sweet
[23:09] <gIrLiEe> i kno...
[23:09] <Nraug_Sweet> good night every one
[23:09] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> this is so sweet i remember when i use to chat
like that
[23:09] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> i miss my internet girlfriend
[23:09] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> gosh
[23:09] <Who_Am_I_To_You> night nraug sweet
[23:09] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> so freaking sweet
[23:09] * Joins: Guest51241 (java@=NwUHF7YU3Z.ipt.aol.com)
[23:09] * Quits: Kenneth (HardBod@=Ivomtq-04-39-98-38.rev.o1.com) (Ping Timeout)
[23:09] <Nraug_Sweet> Hey,, nkaujsiabdub,,, cas koj siab dub ua luaj li os
[23:09] <Who_Am_I_To_You> i want an internet bf
[23:09] <hoodlum_ch> well im out
[23:09] <Got_Abz> bye ppl
[23:09] <hoodlum_ch> latr all
[23:09] <Got_Abz> see ya sum guy
[23:09] * Quits: hoodlum_ch (master@=DBv-52-92-92-86.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[23:09] <gIrLiEe> me tOo..
[23:09] <gIrLiEe> bye chee
[23:09] <Got_Abz> bye ladies
[23:09] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> i want a internet hater
[23:09] <gIrLiEe> night bethy..
[23:09] <NkaujSiabDub> vim koj tsis kam hlub ne
[23:09] <Who_Am_I_To_You> i want an internet bf
[23:09] <Who_Am_I_To_You> i want an internet bf
[23:09] <sum`guy727> word Got_Abz
[23:10] <gIrLiEe> night git abz
[23:10] <Got_Abz> maishade, shush your face, geezz!!!
[23:10] <Staci_Girl> i hate internet bf
[23:10] <gIrLiEe> got**
[23:10] <gIrLiEe> hahahaha
[23:10] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> foeshizzzle
[23:10] <gIrLiEe> night ppl
[23:10] <@MaiShade> Got_Abz: then stop tyPing to Mai!!! just preTend u doNOT kno
w Mai. ;P
[23:10] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> nite
[23:10] <@MaiShade> Got_Abz: then stop tyPing to Mai!!! just preTend u doNOT kno
w Mai. ;P
[23:10] <Janitor> G`nite Pang.
[23:10] <@MaiShade> Got_Abz: then stop tyPing to Mai!!! just preTend u doNOT kno
w Mai. ;P
[23:10] <@MaiShade> Got_Abz: then stop tyPing to Mai!!! just preTend u doNOT kno
w Mai. ;P
[23:10] <Bethy> Night Pang.
[23:10] <Nraug_Sweet> nkaujsiabdub,,, puas kam kuv kho koj lub siab kom dawb na l
[23:10] <Got_Abz> hahaahahahah
[23:10] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> ey
[23:10] <@MaiShade> for Mai duNNo Got_Abz..... ;P
[23:10] <@MaiShade> for Mai duNNo Got_Abz..... ;P
[23:10] <@MaiShade> for Mai duNNo Got_Abz..... ;P
[23:10] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> how do ya change ur colors?
[23:10] <Who_Am_I_To_You> i also want an internet gay guy too
[23:10] * Quits: gIrLiEe (java@=2Gy-17-138-214-32.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
[23:10] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> haha
[23:10] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> i want a internet dogg
[23:10] <NkaujSiabDub> thov kho ma
[23:10] <NkaujSiabDub> kuv xav tias yog koj kho
[23:10] <Got_Abz> why are you talkin like some william shakespeare???
[23:10] <Who_Am_I_To_You> i also want an internet gay guy too
[23:10] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> i want a internet hoe
[23:10] * Guest51241 is now known as nkaujtusiab
[23:10] <nkaujtusiab> hi
[23:10] <NkaujSiabDub> kuv yuav siab zoo heev li thiab yuav qab zib li koj no
[23:10] <SOMEONERETARDED> \http://www.moviepitstop.com/
[23:10] <Who_Am_I_To_You> i want an internet pimp
[23:10] <SOMEONERETARDED> http://www.moviepitstop.com/
[23:10] <Who_Am_I_To_You> i want an internet player
[23:11] <nkaujtusiab> puas kam nrog nkauj tu siab tham os
[23:11] <Got_Abz> i think it's gay when girls are goodie 2 shoes
[23:11] * Joins: hmoobmn (Chatz@=HN087-241-734-746.dialup.infinetivity.com)
[23:11] <Who_Am_I_To_You> i want an internet slu.t
[23:11] <Got_Abz> or talk like they have lisp
[23:11] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> i want a internet gun
[23:11] <Who_Am_I_To_You> haha
[23:11] <DDaaaZZZ> u know wat u guys need.. its what they call a LIFE
[23:11] <DDaaaZZZ> ;P
[23:11] <Janitor> Bethy's the biggest Internet player here.
[23:11] * Got_Abz was kicked by MaiShade (14ban reason:4 then "go" work OUT! repea
[23:11] * MaiShade sets mode: +b *!*@=vYu-26-54-142-01.hsd1.mi.comcast.net
[23:11] <Who_Am_I_To_You> i want an internet dildo
[23:11] <Nraug_Sweet> hehehehehe,, koj mas cas yuav hais tau ntxim hlub ua luaj l
i os kuv me babe aw,,,,,,,,,
[23:11] <Who_Am_I_To_You> :D
[23:11] <Bethy> Don't talk about me like that pleaes Darshe.
[23:11] <Bethy> I'm getting tire dof that shiet.
[23:11] * MaiShade sets mode: +imRd
[23:11] * MaiShade sets mode: -imd
[23:11] <NkaujSiabDub> lod ntxim ma vim xav kom qab zib li koj na kuv me nus zoo
[23:11] * MaiShade sets mode: -b *!*@=jAx-62-47-348-88.hsd1.mi.comcast.net
[23:11] <Staci_Girl> d
[23:11] <DDaaaZZZ> ai.. mai putting her foot down ;P haha
[23:12] * Joins: Guest66467 (java@221.132.42.XP647=)
[23:12] * Joins: MiSsMaRy (BrIngEmOut@=c4ZBN81BUG.ipt.aol.com)
[23:12] <Staci_Girl> what happend
[23:12] <Staci_Girl> i couldnt talk
[23:12] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> man this suck porn don' teven turn me on anymo
[23:12] * Joins: Guest66975 (java@=uwe-93-442-28-063.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[23:12] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> ****
[23:12] <Staci_Girl> sorry no pc...i couldnt talk...what's wrong
[23:12] * Joins: Guest66738 (java@=qe05-397-805-460.sjvls.org)
[23:12] <Staci_Girl> sure man i am
[23:12] <sum`guy727> jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe: dont watch it too much
[23:12] <Staci_Girl> okies no more games
[23:12] <@MaiShade> MightyDAZ: no.. jsut can't STaND stuPid ppL 'who' waNNa stay
aNoNyMous.. but then type to otherS like they know THEM. ;P *MightyBlah*
[23:12] <Staci_Girl> i gotta go
[23:12] <Staci_Girl> bye peeps
[23:12] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> i try not too
[23:12] <Staci_Girl> bye darshe
[23:12] <Bethy> I agree mai.
[23:12] <Staci_Girl> bye bethy
[23:12] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> but i gotta work on my music
[23:12] * Quits: Guest66467 (java@221.132.42.XP647=) (QUIT: User exited)
[23:12] <Bethy> Bye Staci.
[23:12] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> so yeah
[23:12] <Staci_Girl> bye bye
[23:12] <Staci_Girl> hihi
[23:12] <Who_Am_I_To_You> i want an internet *****
[23:12] * Guest66738 is now known as Nkaujhmongnplogteb
[23:12] <DDaaaZZZ> haha
[23:13] * kuteloveableguy22 is really very bored.
[23:13] <azan_bad_boi> yea girl if yall wanna talk to me than add me on ur hotma
il ok azan_bad_boi@hotmail.com
[23:13] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> only sometimes like every 15min
[23:13] <@MaiShade> Bethy <= aGREEs "with" Mai LOTs it seemS! ;) hahahaha..
[23:13] <Staci_Girl> okies i will
[23:13] * Quits: for_ur_desires (java@=41dqkewj-
el3.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[23:13] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[23:13] <Staci_Girl> i have to go nice to meet u azan
[23:13] <kuteloveableguy22> any ladies care to chat
[23:13] <Bethy> Cause I'm just pissed at people right now
[23:13] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> me
[23:13] <Staci_Girl> what's wrong bethy?
[23:13] <azan_bad_boi> ok staci
[23:13] <sum`guy727> MaiShade: what about people with spys that tell rumors that
arent true like some people that will go unammed (*cough* myra)
[23:13] <Bethy> Nothing
[23:13] <@MaiShade> Bethy: oh.. so U oNLy aGREE with Mai "when" u pissED then. ;
) hahahaha
[23:13] <Staci_Girl> tell me?
[23:13] <Staci_Girl> tell me?
[23:13] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> im only 16 is there any girls up in hea that a
re 16 or younger that want to pc this dude
[23:13] <Bethy> hahah Mai
[23:13] <Who_Am_I_To_You> hahah sum
[23:13] <azan_bad_boi> go take ur baby nap hahahhaa
[23:13] <@MaiShade> sum`guy727: er.. h uh? ;) what about them? ;)
[23:13] <Staci_Girl> i am
[23:13] <Staci_Girl> haha
[23:13] <sum`guy727> MaiShade: oh there around...
[23:13] * Joins: Guest66919 (java@=eQavro-55-232-44-670.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net
[23:13] <Staci_Girl> where's darshe bethy?
[23:13] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> i hate when u **** and it burns!!!
[23:13] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> damn
[23:13] * Quits: Nkaujhmongnplogteb (java@=qe05-397-805-460.sjvls.org) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
[23:13] <Bethy> I don't know.
[23:14] <azan_bad_boi> i mean ur beauty nape
[23:14] * Guest66919 is now known as ximblue_
[23:14] * Guest97872 is now known as mostfinest
[23:14] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> holla front!
[23:14] <azan_bad_boi> ahahahha
[23:14] <Who_Am_I_To_You> hi ximblue
[23:14] <@MaiShade> oKi sum`guy727 ;)
[23:14] <Staci_Girl> oh never met that player
[23:14] <NkaujSiabDub> kuvtus nus nraug sweet
[23:14] <NkaujSiabDub> koj mus lawm lod
[23:14] * Joins: Guest67506 (java@=c212-483-694-273.sjvls.org)
[23:14] <azan_bad_boi> me i gotta take my handsome nape ahaha
[23:14] * Joins: Guest53337 (java@=Wpdvlzxy-
[23:14] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> hA!
[23:14] <Staci_Girl> yeps me too
[23:14] * Guest67506 is now known as hlubkoj
[23:14] <Bethy> UGHHHHH
[23:14] <Bethy> Man.
[23:14] <Staci_Girl> bethy what's up girl?
[23:14] <Bethy> Pang left me.
[23:14] <Staci_Girl> dang
[23:14] <Bethy> Kayla's gone.
[23:14] <ximblue_> fck u whoamitou
[23:14] <Staci_Girl> awww
[23:14] <Bethy> BLAH!!!
[23:14] * Guest53337 is now known as for_ur_desires
[23:14] <Staci_Girl> hey ximblue
[23:14] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> damn
[23:14] <Bethy> I thought you were leaving, Staci? hah
[23:14] <Staci_Girl> Well Bey Peeps!!!!
[23:14] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> there's hella peeps up in hea
[23:14] <Bethy> What an addict.
[23:14] <HuStLeRs_187> haha
[23:14] <ximblue_> hi staci
[23:15] <Bethy> tsk tsk
[23:15] * Joins: Guest54099 (java@=S3zrqg-90-536-494-49.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net
[23:15] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> man this chat place ain't for me
[23:15] <Staci_Girl> PEACE!!!
[23:15] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> i get no girls
[23:15] <Bethy> lol
[23:15] * Quits: Staci_Girl (java@=FhMSD-68-21-470-96.wi.res.rr.com) (QUIT: User
[23:15] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> im going to hp
[23:15] <Who_Am_I_To_You> fawk me, ximblue? when honey?
[23:15] <Who_Am_I_To_You> :D
[23:15] * Joins: gigolow (massivE@=kJp-71-47-24-88.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[23:15] * @MaiShade turnS aRouNd "in" a FLaSH & flipS "up" her LiL SkirtTail at
everyONE! ;) *BlushingRedLobster*
[23:15] * Quits: @MaiShade (maishade@=oyl-43-06-68-704.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUI
T: User exited)
[23:15] <azan_bad_boi> well later yall
[23:15] <Who_Am_I_To_You> hi gigolow :D
[23:15] * Guest54099 is now known as z00-nkauj-hmoob
[23:15] <z00-nkauj-hmoob> HELLO ROOM!!...
[23:15] <gigolow> hi who am i to you???
[23:15] <gigolow> whoever you are.
[23:15] <z00-nkauj-hmoob> HI EVERYONE................
[23:15] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> what the flip is going on?
[23:15] <Who_Am_I_To_You> haha
[23:15] <ximblue_> hehe
[23:15] <Who_Am_I_To_You> fancy stuff?
[23:16] * Quits: azan_bad_boi (java@=RzVSY-42-20-772-581.wi.res.rr.com) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[23:16] <Who_Am_I_To_You> haha
[23:16] * kuteloveableguy22 is really very bored.
[23:16] <Who_Am_I_To_You> :D
[23:16] * Joins: Guest53805 (java@=7uXQY-10-07-306-56.wi.res.rr.com)
[23:16] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> man im out
[23:16] <z00-nkauj-hmoob> ugH* i'm bored
[23:16] <z00-nkauj-hmoob> ehe
[23:16] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> wow
[23:16] <gigolow> wi?
[23:16] <Who_Am_I_To_You> huh?
[23:16] <jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe> http://pp.asianavenue.com/jakobie
[23:16] <Who_Am_I_To_You> haha
[23:16] * Quits: jAKOBIE_tHA_hAPPY_eMcEe (jakobie@=Q8QZH-73-70-91-710.kc.res.rr.
com) (QUIT: User exited)
[23:16] <z00-nkauj-hmoob> and here is worst..well bai-bye everyone....
[23:16] * Quits: z00-nkauj-hmoob (java@=S3zrqg-90-536-494-49.dsl.milwwi.ameritec
h.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[23:16] * Guest53805 is now known as Beautifull
[23:16] * Beautifull [java@=7uXQY-10-07-306-56.wi.res.rr.com] is on IRC
[23:17] <Who_Am_I_To_You> This is how FADE looks like behind this monitor screen
. LOL http://www.pebhmong.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=125179&start=15 :D:D
[23:17] <Who_Am_I_To_You> hello?
[23:17] <Who_Am_I_To_You> hello?
[23:17] <Beautifull> hello
[23:17] <Who_Am_I_To_You> hello?
[23:18] * kuteloveableguy22 is really very bored.
[23:18] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[23:18] <Beautifull> lol
[23:18] * Quits: MaN-SlAyEr (java@=s1oysd-14-736-883-22.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net)
(QUIT: User exited)
[23:18] <ximblue_> whoamitou, oh ur one of those peep first plays it hard about
a pix and then when do give in , gives someone elses pix ...
[23:18] <kuteloveableguy22> any ladies care to chat
[23:18] * Joins: Guest53990 (java@=QDk-44-55-13-93.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[23:18] <Who_Am_I_To_You> hahah ximblue..
[23:18] * Who_Am_I_To_You dies laughing
[23:18] <Who_Am_I_To_You> that is FADE
[23:18] <Who_Am_I_To_You> haha
[23:18] * Joins: Guest68585 (java@=NfJJM-72-20-883-70.wi.res.rr.com)
[23:19] * Guest68585 is now known as AznGuy
[23:19] <NkaujSiabDub> Mam nyob nej
[23:19] <Who_Am_I_To_You> hi azngay
[23:19] <Beautifull> bye pplz
[23:19] * Guest53990 is now known as SILVERDRAGON
[23:19] <Who_Am_I_To_You> This is how FADE looks like behind this monitor screen
. LOL http://www.pebhmong.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=125179&start=15 :D:D
[23:19] <MiSsMaRy> eh... mostfinest.. whea u frum???????????
[23:19] * Beautifull [java@=7uXQY-10-07-306-56.wi.res.rr.com] has left IRC
[23:19] * Quits: Beautifull (java@=7uXQY-10-07-306-56.wi.res.rr.com) (QUIT: User
[23:19] * Quits: SILVERDRAGON (java@=QDk-44-55-13-93.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[23:19] <AznGuy> what it is hoe
[23:19] * MiSsMaRy MostFinest... whea u frum????
[23:19] * Quits: The_GOOD_LADY (lka_ke@=dRn23.168.26.35.mad.wi.charter.com) (QUI
T: User exited)
[23:19] * Janitor is now known as Yoshino
[23:19] * Quits: mostfinest (java@=qWd-05-67-71-45.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[23:20] <AznGuy> i'm so depressed
[23:20] <Who_Am_I_To_You> why azn?
[23:20] <Who_Am_I_To_You> girl problem?
[23:20] <Who_Am_I_To_You> :D
[23:20] <AznGuy> none of your business
[23:20] * Joins: beemonkey (dr_tom@=6MXAX-00-08-88-510.kc.res.rr.com)
[23:20] * Quits: URSDREAMGUY (java@=PN55-49-34-29.mpls.qwest.net) (QUIT: User ex
[23:20] <Who_Am_I_To_You> haha then dont bring it in here
[23:20] <beemonkey> ok
[23:20] <AznGuy> i am depressed
[23:20] <beemonkey> hAhA!
[23:20] <Who_Am_I_To_You> go hang urself
[23:20] <AznGuy> i will
[23:20] <beemonkey> im depresssed too
[23:20] <AznGuy> and come haunt you
[23:20] <Who_Am_I_To_You> when?
[23:20] <ximblue_> aznguy did ya boys make u iron their clothes again
[23:20] <beemonkey> have ya seen that new hmong movie
[23:20] <DDaaaZZZ> man if u come on here looking for sympty.. uve come to the wr
ong place ;P
[23:20] <Who_Am_I_To_You> ahhaa
[23:21] <beemonkey> zeb & sua
[23:21] <AznGuy> hahaha
[23:21] <Who_Am_I_To_You> lol daz
[23:21] <AznGuy> ok stfu
[23:21] <beemonkey> huh
[23:21] <beemonkey> shoot
[23:21] <beemonkey> im bored
[23:21] <AznGuy> me too
[23:21] <AznGuy> im out
[23:21] <AznGuy> lataz
[23:21] * beemonkey is now known as Chai_Vang
[23:21] <Chai_Vang> later
[23:21] <Bethy> Chai Vang is dead.
[23:21] <AznGuy> chai fawken vang
[23:21] <Chai_Vang> **** u
[23:21] <Chai_Vang> his my uncle
[23:21] <Who_Am_I_To_You> This is how FADE looks like behind this monitor screen
. LOL http://www.pebhmong.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=125179&start=15 <---azn.. th
is will solve ur problem after u looked at fade
[23:21] <Chai_Vang> i love him
[23:21] <AznGuy> i hope u rot
[23:21] <Chai_Vang> haha
[23:22] <Chai_Vang> for what
[23:22] <tW33k3r> chai is my name..but not the last name
[23:22] <tW33k3r> Há Há Há Há Há Há ....!!
[23:22] <Chai_Vang> i did it in proctection
[23:22] <Chai_Vang> man
[23:22] <Chai_Vang> they called me a chink
[23:22] <Chai_Vang> they stole my wallet
[23:22] <DDaaaZZZ> fade that website doesnt even work
[23:22] <AznGuy> fade ur so full of it
[23:22] <Chai_Vang> i had 50dolla in it
[23:22] <Who_Am_I_To_You> really?
[23:22] <Who_Am_I_To_You> haha
[23:22] <Chai_Vang> no lie
[23:22] <Chai_Vang> man
[23:22] <Chai_Vang> no lie
[23:22] <AznGuy> find something useful to do fade
[23:22] * Joins: KnightOfHeaven (sadgf@=xwezp-20-93-156-0.dc.res.rr.com)
[23:22] <ximblue_> im scared to look at fade because her upper body is the only
thing i've seen ...
[23:22] <ximblue_> hehe
[23:22] <Chai_Vang> ****
[23:22] <Who_Am_I_To_You> haha
[23:22] <KnightOfHeaven> uumm...
[23:22] <DDaaaZZZ> hahah
[23:22] <AznGuy> stop tricking these boys online they dont know better
[23:22] * Quits: hmoob-cali (java@=5X90-449-899-76.stkn.dialup.elite.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[23:22] * KnightOfHeaven waves hello to all of the net addicts and freaks...
[23:22] * Guest66975 is now known as TaoLady
[23:22] * Chai_Vang is now known as Dr_tomz_Son
[23:23] <Dr_tomz_Son> aite
[23:23] <Dr_tomz_Son> what
[23:23] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[23:23] <Dr_tomz_Son> man
[23:23] <Dr_tomz_Son> i do'nt kare
[23:23] * Quits: SOMEONERETARDED (dd@=xer295.197.140.67.ip.alltel.net) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
[23:23] <DDaaaZZZ> i dont know wat to believe about fade now.. the pic she sends
and the numbers she gives out.. there all lies!!!! lies i tell u..lies!!! haha
[23:23] <Who_Am_I_To_You> This is how FADE looks like behind this monitor screen
. LOL http://www.pebhmong.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=125179&start=15 <---azn.. th
is will solve ur problem after u looked at fade
[23:23] <Who_Am_I_To_You> it does work
[23:23] <Who_Am_I_To_You> haha daz
[23:23] <AznGuy> i already know how u look
[23:23] <Dr_tomz_Son> haha
[23:23] <Dr_tomz_Son> ya FOB"S
[23:23] <Dr_tomz_Son> crack me up
[23:23] * Joins: cHicKa_aLLySa (TFastness@=1inz61-879-9-588.nc.hr.cox.net)
[23:23] <AznGuy> hi ally
[23:23] <Who_Am_I_To_You> hi my ladee
[23:23] * Dr_tomz_Son is now known as lue_yaj
[23:23] <lue_yaj> haha
[23:23] <DDaaaZZZ> it says the post no longer exist
[23:23] <cHicKa_aLLySa> Hi Alex
[23:23] <DDaaaZZZ> sup ally
[23:24] <AznGuy> long time no see nor do
[23:24] <cHicKa_aLLySa> Hi my girlee
[23:24] <Bethy> Bao was looking for you Ally.
[23:24] <Who_Am_I_To_You> lue?
[23:24] <lue_yaj> yea plz buy my new cd
[23:24] * Quits: LERW (LERW@=8yq-41-102-340-341.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT: User
[23:24] <cHicKa_aLLySa> Hey disser
[23:24] <Who_Am_I_To_You> luj yaj not lue
[23:24] <cHicKa_aLLySa> Bao who?
[23:24] <gigolow> highhhhhhhhhh allysa
[23:24] <lue_yaj> plz buy my new movie
[23:24] <Bethy> Bao Miss
[23:24] <Bethy> Something
[23:24] <cHicKa_aLLySa> Miss Thoj?
[23:24] <Bethy> MissThoj
[23:24] <Bethy> haha
[23:24] <Bethy> Yeah.
[23:24] <DDaaaZZZ> whos disser? thats to general a name
[23:24] <cHicKa_aLLySa> Oh okay
[23:24] <AznGuy> me too
[23:24] * lue_yaj is now known as GeneralVangPao
[23:24] <tW33k3r> whasSUP ally..!
[23:24] <GeneralVangPao> Man ya know what
[23:24] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[23:24] <GeneralVangPao> i got sued
[23:24] <cHicKa_aLLySa> You should know who you are ....
[23:24] <cHicKa_aLLySa> Hi Gary
[23:24] * Joins: Guest70497 (java@=Zb99-89-76-76.mpls.qwest.net)
[23:24] <GeneralVangPao> i mean ur leader me
[23:24] <GeneralVangPao> i got freaking sued
[23:24] <GeneralVangPao> that sucks
[23:24] * [P]rotecto[R] sets mode: -R
[23:24] <@[P]rotecto[R]> -r
[23:24] <GeneralVangPao> NO MORE JULY 4TH
[23:24] <Boi_in_Blue> !voice ally gay tshaj blerz
[23:24] <GeneralVangPao> OK
[23:24] <GeneralVangPao> I GOT SUED
[23:25] * [P]rotecto[R] sets mode: +v cHicKa_aLLySa
[23:25] <+cHicKa_aLLySa> Hi Kong gay tshaj kuv
[23:25] <+cHicKa_aLLySa> Thanks. :)
[23:25] <Yoshino> Hi Dancing Queen.
[23:25] <+cHicKa_aLLySa> Hi Dancing King.
[23:25] * GeneralVangPao is a computer geek :-)
[23:25] <Who_Am_I_To_You> hmmms
[23:25] * GeneralVangPao was kicked by [P]rotecto[R] (12»»» Ctcp ««« 15¤ 15°«×[ 12 team fas
v5.1 15 ]×»°)
[23:25] * Al3x sets mode: +b *!*@=6MXAX-00-08-88-510.kc.res.rr.com
[23:25] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[23:25] * Quits: LadyNC (forevakia@=pPake-789-924-595-413.triad.res.rr.com) (QUI
T: User exited)
[23:25] <Who_Am_I_To_You> this is sooooooo boring
[23:25] * Bethy is now known as yDsleaxi
[23:25] <Yoshino> Kiddo, kuv sorry nas. Kuv tsis mean to upset koj.
[23:25] <yDsleaxi> It wasn't you Darshe.
[23:26] <yDsleaxi> I was already.
[23:26] * Guest70497 is now known as URSWEETGUY
[23:26] <ximblue_> whoamitou, who areu ?
[23:26] * hmong sets mode: -b *!*@=VmSSG-55-52-73-314.kc.res.rr.com
[23:26] * Joins: FantasyGuY (redhawk@=1if933-157-731-483.dialup.umn.edu)
[23:26] <ximblue_> please not the run arouhnd
[23:26] <Yoshino> Koj yog cutie Kiddo xwb. Zoo siab.
[23:26] <AznGuy> bethy why are you ignoring me?
[23:26] <+cHicKa_aLLySa> Hi Jason
[23:26] <ximblue_> whoamitou, who areu ?
[23:27] <AznGuy> it hurts
[23:27] <Who_Am_I_To_You> ximblue, its me FADE
[23:27] <Who_Am_I_To_You> :p
[23:27] <Who_Am_I_To_You> azn, ur arse hurt?
[23:27] <Yoshino> Hi Fade.
[23:27] <AznGuy> shutup fade
[23:27] <KnightOfHeaven> http://members.asianavenue.com/Kn1ghtOfHeaven
[23:27] <Who_Am_I_To_You> hi yoshino?
[23:27] <KnightOfHeaven> sign my guest book addicts
[23:27] <AznGuy> mind your own business
[23:27] <Who_Am_I_To_You> haha
[23:27] <ximblue_> :) babe dont ever play with me again
[23:27] <Who_Am_I_To_You> u r my business as of right now :)
[23:27] <Yoshino> Yog kuv xwb nas Fade. Chao Khang nas.
[23:28] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[23:28] <Who_Am_I_To_You> me or who, ximblue?
[23:28] * Joins: S|nfu|sweet|e (Java@=CRAEH76VV3.ipt.aol.com)
[23:28] <Who_Am_I_To_You> hahah oh chao khang?
[23:28] <Who_Am_I_To_You> lee's cousin?
[23:28] <ximblue_> yes u fade
[23:28] <Who_Am_I_To_You> hahhaa
[23:28] <Yoshino> yeah
[23:28] <Who_Am_I_To_You> me?
[23:28] <Who_Am_I_To_You> haa
[23:28] <Yoshino> lol
[23:28] <Yoshino> who's Le
[23:28] <Yoshino> e
[23:28] <Who_Am_I_To_You> lee khang aka mzlele
[23:28] <ximblue_> fade u were hiding ffrom me
[23:28] <Yoshino> oh yeah
[23:28] <Yoshino> lol
[23:28] * Joins: MOTU_MASTERSNAKE (MOTU_MASTE@=ooe-04-174-466-11.hsd1.ca.comcast
[23:29] <Who_Am_I_To_You> she relates to everyone on the net who has a lastname
started with K
[23:29] <Who_Am_I_To_You> hahha
[23:29] <Yoshino> That's me.
[23:29] <Yoshino> Is she hot?
[23:29] <Who_Am_I_To_You> im not hiding ximblue. this is my nick when im bored o
r when chatters bored me :D
[23:29] <Who_Am_I_To_You> oh she is HOT
[23:29] <AznGuy> fade is MTT
[23:29] <Yoshino> darn...she's my cousin though. Oh well.
[23:29] <AznGuy> she called me once and claimed to be leah
[23:29] <Who_Am_I_To_You> thanks azn :)
[23:29] <Who_Am_I_To_You> wat?
[23:29] <Who_Am_I_To_You> i never called u azn
[23:29] <Who_Am_I_To_You> fawk
[23:30] * Quits: FantasyGuY (redhawk@=1if933-157-731-483.dialup.umn.edu) (QUIT:
User exited)
[23:30] <AznGuy> :p
[23:30] <+cHicKa_aLLySa> Hi Snake
[23:30] <MOTU_MASTERSNAKE> hi ally...
[23:30] * Quits: kuteloveableguy22 (java@=hfQLQ074GG.ipt.aol.com) (QUIT: User ex
[23:30] <Who_Am_I_To_You> haha
[23:30] <ximblue_> mtt fade, perfect to be the mother of my child
[23:30] <KnightOfHeaven> http://members.asianavenue.com/Kn1ghtOfHeaven
[23:30] <Who_Am_I_To_You> aww
[23:30] <KnightOfHeaven> SIGN MY GUEST BOOK
[23:30] <Who_Am_I_To_You> :)
[23:31] <ximblue_> hehe
[23:31] <KnightOfHeaven> http://members.asianavenue.com/Kn1ghtOfHeaven
[23:31] <Who_Am_I_To_You> btw, i am already a singlemom :)
[23:31] * Quits: Night_Lady (java@=Dh25-886-621-090.mpls.qwest.net) (QUIT: User
[23:31] * yDsleaxi is now known as FckingBimbosDIE
[23:31] <HuStLeRs_187> http://members.asianavenue.com/hustlers_187
[23:31] <DDaaaZZZ> do ur children need a new daddy ;)
[23:31] <Who_Am_I_To_You> daz, yeah :D
[23:31] <ximblue_> whoami, are u really a single mom ..?
[23:32] * DDaaaZZZ points to one of the other guys ;P haha
[23:32] * Joins: SOUPER-MAN (yoyo@=92udg-55-968-19-56.twcny.res.rr.com)
[23:32] <Who_Am_I_To_You> hahaha daz, so u dont want to be my kids dad?
[23:32] <Who_Am_I_To_You> ximblue, uh huh :)
[23:32] * Parts: SOUPER-MAN (yoyo@=92udg-55-968-19-56.twcny.res.rr.com)
[23:32] <DDaaaZZZ> fade lets make our own kids.. then ill be the daddy
[23:32] <AznGuy> man this is boring
[23:32] * FeMaLe22 what does 187 stand for?
[23:32] <AznGuy> how do you fawkers do it
[23:32] <FckingBimbosDIE> Who won Sherie?
[23:32] <AznGuy> 187 means bow down
[23:32] <Who_Am_I_To_You> daz, two kids are enough for me to handle
[23:32] * Joins: JonSaysNoToFatChicks (liljon@=HUs-21-875-66-52.hsd1.ca.comcast.
[23:32] <DDaaaZZZ> 187 stands for the number before 188 and after 186
[23:32] * FeMaLe22 i'm loosing
[23:33] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[23:33] <AznGuy> sup monkey
[23:33] * FeMaLe22 lol@dazzz
[23:33] <AznGuy> not really
[23:33] <DDaaaZZZ> fade.. 2 kids.. boy and a girl?
[23:33] * Joins: jakobie (Chatz@=FrSSG-55-52-73-314.kc.res.rr.com)
[23:33] <Who_Am_I_To_You> both boys
[23:33] * FeMaLe22 how does 187 stand for bow down?
[23:33] <ximblue_> whoami, if i can have u , i'd called your kids daddy
[23:33] <ximblue_> hehe
[23:33] <AznGuy> lol
[23:33] <AznGuy> if u dont know it just do it
[23:33] <Who_Am_I_To_You> lol ximblue
[23:33] <DDaaaZZZ> ohhh damn ur gonna have a hand full when they get older
[23:33] * Joins: Guest59073 (java@=IP42-360-54-860.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com)
[23:33] <jakobie> -------------------------man who the **** kick me out
[23:33] <Who_Am_I_To_You> i know daz
[23:33] <jakobie> **** aint' even funnie
[23:34] <jakobie> who kick me out
[23:34] <jakobie> that sucks
[23:34] <DDaaaZZZ> since we cant hook up fade.. ill let ur boys mack on my girls
[23:34] <FckingBimbosDIE> Man Sherie.
[23:34] <FckingBimbosDIE> Don't lose!
[23:34] <KronicNinjA> SO MANY NET FREAKS...
[23:34] <KronicNinjA> HAHA
[23:34] <HuStLeRs_187> boring me here
[23:34] * Joins: Guest72983 (java@=ewq82.115.55.243.ona.wi.charter.com)
[23:34] <Who_Am_I_To_You> daz, sure then we'll become the in laws
[23:34] <jakobie> yeah
[23:34] <Who_Am_I_To_You> wats ur last name, daz? :D
[23:34] <Who_Am_I_To_You> thoj?
[23:34] <jakobie> net losers?
[23:34] <Who_Am_I_To_You> meet the THAO
[23:34] <Who_Am_I_To_You> :D
[23:34] <tW33k3r> Há Há Há Há Há Há ....!!
[23:34] <ximblue_> whoami, will we meet each other by this year ..?
[23:34] <DDaaaZZZ> hahaha
[23:34] <KronicNinjA> YEAH YOU R A NET LOSER..
[23:34] <tW33k3r> who am i to you..you are a dick sukin son of a biatch..!!
[23:34] <tW33k3r> Há Há Há Há Há Há ....!!
[23:35] * Quits: u_and_me_tonight (Crazybabe@=r1nofq-93-960-19-37.dsl.milwwi.ame
ritech.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[23:35] * Joins: Guest59661 (java@=GOSRU76OE4.ipt.aol.com)
[23:35] <Who_Am_I_To_You> ximblue. yeah we will
[23:35] <Who_Am_I_To_You> :)
[23:35] * Quits: Guest59073 (java@=IP42-360-54-860.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com) (QU
IT: User exited)
[23:35] <KronicNinjA> SO MANY NET FREAKS...
[23:35] <Who_Am_I_To_You> jsut cross ur fingers
[23:35] <tW33k3r> dam rite..
[23:35] <gigolow> hi sinsul
[23:35] * Parts: HuStLeRs_187 (java@=DT419.173.112.231.ptr.us.xo.net)
[23:35] <Who_Am_I_To_You> u might get to meet my kids
[23:35] <gigolow> hi sinful
[23:35] * Joins: Guest59586 (java@=Ogeexe-69-866-10-67.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net)
[23:35] <tW33k3r> oh yeah.your kidz can suck a dick and die..!!
[23:35] <tW33k3r> baitch..!
[23:35] <KronicNinjA> haha
[23:35] * Joins: Guest59341 (java@=Willqr-08-71-249-648.rev.o1.com)
[23:35] * AznGuy is really very bored.
[23:35] <KronicNinjA> so since u got kids r u a MILF....??
[23:35] <KronicNinjA> so since u got kids r u a MILF....??
[23:36] * Guest59586 is now known as hi
[23:36] * FeMaLe22 is catching up
[23:36] <FeMaLe22> yay
[23:36] <Who_Am_I_To_You> kronicninja, yes i am a MILF
[23:36] <ximblue_> okay ya';ll ill be back in a bit
[23:36] * Quits: Limus (anonymous@=C0gotq-65-821-25-262.dsl.akrnoh.ameritech.net
) (QUIT: User exited)
[23:36] * AznGuy bounces around the channel.
[23:36] <gigolow> got milf???!
[23:36] * Quits: Boi_in_Blue (TFLM@67.181.148.NP927=) (QUIT: User exited)
[23:36] <Who_Am_I_To_You> hurry back ximblue
[23:36] <tW33k3r> are you sure your a MILF..
[23:36] * Quits: atlanta_guy (xxMiSsxIoN@=Chr32.95.102.166.ip.alltel.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[23:36] * AznGuy slaps everyone in the room.
[23:36] <KronicNinjA> Wow....I LIKE TO SEE HOW THIS MILF LOOKS LIKE..
[23:36] <tW33k3r> so momma you lyke to FUK..!!?
[23:36] <tW33k3r> Há Há Há Há Há Há ....!!
[23:36] * Quits: @[P]rotecto[R] (tfastness@67.181.148.NP927=) (QUIT: User exited
[23:36] * Guest59341 is now known as ADICCKS
[23:36] <Who_Am_I_To_You> hahahah
[23:37] * Quits: ximblue_ (java@=eQavro-55-232-44-670.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net)
(QUIT: User exited)
[23:37] <jakobie> any 16 yearold girl wanna holla or younger holla side or front
my way!!!!!
[23:37] * hi is now known as hi37347
[23:37] * ADICCKS <--- ALLY
[23:37] <`muGGa`fuGGa`> eh jakobie
[23:37] * Joins: Guest75168 (java@=uwe-93-442-28-063.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[23:37] <`muGGa`fuGGa`> thats a tight mix
[23:37] <`muGGa`fuGGa`> on your page
[23:37] <`muGGa`fuGGa`> lol
[23:37] <`muGGa`fuGGa`> its hilarous man
[23:37] <+cHicKa_aLLySa> LoL@THomas
[23:37] <`muGGa`fuGGa`> tight too
[23:37] * Guest75168 is now known as LAdyk
[23:37] * Joins: Just_Dollie (Dollie_die@=ip7Spbg761.tnt11.tco2.da.uu.net)
[23:37] * ADICCKS hi ALLY
[23:37] * Joins: Guest75178 (java@=QA9Czay253.tnt24.atl4.da.uu.net)
[23:37] <TiMkUV> trish!!
[23:37] <+cHicKa_aLLySa> I miss you too Thomas
[23:37] <TiMkUV> u on again?
[23:37] <jakobie> oh
[23:37] <+cHicKa_aLLySa> Hi Trish baby!
[23:37] <TiMkUV> :P
[23:37] <jakobie> do u like it
[23:37] <Just_Dollie> omg
[23:38] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[23:38] * Just_Dollie hides*
[23:38] * TiMkUV is shocked
[23:38] <Just_Dollie> hi ally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[23:38] * Quits: LAdyk (java@=uwe-93-442-28-063.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUIT: User
[23:38] <Just_Dollie> keke
[23:38] <jakobie> what about my asianavenue?
[23:38] * Joins: Guest75076 (java@=uwe-93-442-28-063.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[23:38] <KronicNinjA> so wassup WHERE DID DA MILF GO..??
[23:38] <tW33k3r> who am i to you..gota pix milf?
[23:38] * let [java@=Ieyxio-25e2lya.cable.mindspring.com] is on IRC (~let)
[23:38] <Who_Am_I_To_You> http://www.leiliyang.com
[23:38] <Just_Dollie> I couldn't sleep okay!
[23:38] <Just_Dollie> :/
[23:38] * Guest75076 is now known as sdf
[23:38] * Quits: hlubkoj (java@=c212-483-694-273.sjvls.org) (QUIT: User exited)
[23:38] * Guest75178 is now known as MFEO
[23:38] <TiMkUV> u know u missed me hahaha
[23:38] <TiMkUV> j/k
[23:38] <sdf> TaoLady
[23:38] <Just_Dollie> or maybe I just lied so you'll talk to her
[23:38] <Just_Dollie> pssshhh
[23:38] <KronicNinjA> SO R U MARRIED MILF..??
[23:38] <TiMkUV> hmm must be
[23:38] * ADICCKS hey JAKOBIE you made that one MIX?????????
[23:38] * TiMkUV hurt...
[23:38] <jakobie> i love u
[23:38] <jakobie> yeah
[23:38] <tW33k3r> thankz milf..
[23:38] <Who_Am_I_To_You> divorced
[23:38] * Quits: sdf (java@=uwe-93-442-28-063.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUIT: User e
[23:38] <Just_Dollie> if I did then I would have stayed on the phone with you
[23:38] <jakobie> i did
[23:38] <Just_Dollie> :/
[23:39] <jakobie> do u like it
[23:39] <Who_Am_I_To_You> :D
[23:39] <Just_Dollie> but I didnt so I had to let you go
[23:39] <Just_Dollie> lol
[23:39] <tW33k3r> so ifyou divored..can i holla
[23:39] <KronicNinjA> WTF.....
[23:39] <tW33k3r> Há Há Há Há Há Há ....!!
[23:39] * Quits: TaoLady (java@=uwe-93-442-28-063.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (Ping Tim
[23:39] <jakobie> thats a sample the real one is on my soundclick
[23:39] * ADICCKS it's cool bro funny though
[23:39] <Who_Am_I_To_You> yes?
[23:39] <KronicNinjA> TWEEKER...
[23:39] * AznGuy is now known as Someone2Love
[23:39] * Joins: Guest75792 (java@=uwe-93-442-28-063.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[23:39] <KronicNinjA> THA AINT HER MAN..
[23:39] <jakobie> go hear the real one
[23:39] <tW33k3r> Há Há Há Há Há Há ....!!
[23:39] <jakobie> it's funnier
[23:39] <tW33k3r> lolz..!!!
[23:39] * Guest75792 is now known as TaoLAdy
[23:39] * Joins: sPaCebOyz (whatislove@=YwMZH953FR.ipt.aol.com)
[23:39] <KronicNinjA> MILF THA AINT U..
[23:39] <jakobie> i threw up blood listening to it
[23:39] * let has left IRC
[23:39] <tW33k3r> you lie..!!
[23:39] <Who_Am_I_To_You> hi spacie
[23:39] <tW33k3r> thatz fake
[23:39] <tW33k3r> Há Há Há Há Há Há ....!!
[23:39] * ADICCKS you got more i'm putting a colabaration together
[23:39] <TiMkUV> kuv mam li mus os
[23:39] <sPaCebOyz> hi love
[23:39] * Joins: midnightghost (Chatz@=hLpwywv7862-sz-cyc-gcrv3.cpinternet.com)
[23:39] * Quits: MOTU_MASTERSNAKE (MOTU_MASTE@=ooe-04-174-466-11.hsd1.ca.comcast
.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[23:39] <TiMkUV> bye koj nawb
[23:39] * FeMaLe22 is loosing bad
[23:39] <FeMaLe22> haha
[23:39] <jakobie> forela
[23:39] <FckingBimbosDIE> See Sherie.
[23:39] <jakobie> do u rap
[23:39] * Joins: Guest75735 (java@=FfVSU54APV.ipt.aol.com)
[23:39] <FckingBimbosDIE> I told you toplay agisnt me.
[23:39] <FckingBimbosDIE> against
[23:39] * ADICCKS everyday
[23:39] <Just_Dollie> okay
[23:39] <jakobie> yo pc me
[23:40] <Just_Dollie> bye!
[23:40] * Guest75735 is now known as Hey-Do-I-Know-You
[23:40] <FckingBimbosDIE> Hi Trish.
[23:40] <jakobie> im not gay but pc me
[23:40] <jakobie> well talk
[23:40] <FckingBimbosDIE> Bye Tirhs.
[23:40] <FckingBimbosDIE> trish
[23:40] <tW33k3r> areyou sure thatz you MILF?
[23:40] * Quits: Hmong_Guy (java@ (Connection reset by peer)
[23:40] * Quits: TiMkUV (auser@=SWc-51-7-876-46.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT: User
[23:40] <KronicNinjA> TWEEKER THA AINT HER HUH..
[23:40] <Just_Dollie> hi FckingBimbosDIE!
[23:40] * FckingBimbosDIE is now known as I-Hate-Hmong-Bimbos
[23:40] <Hey-Do-I-Know-You> any s...lutty chicks in here
[23:40] <I-Hate-Hmong-Bimbos> Hi Patricia Lee.
[23:40] <Just_Dollie> bye
[23:40] <Hey-Do-I-Know-You> pc me.
[23:40] <Hey-Do-I-Know-You> thanx.
[23:40] <Just_Dollie> uh
[23:40] <Just_Dollie> okay
[23:40] * ADICCKS same here bro just making some mixes for my colaboration
[23:40] <Yoshino> What does MILF mean
[23:40] * Quits: URSWEETGUY (java@=Zb99-89-76-76.mpls.qwest.net) (QUIT: User exi
[23:40] <jakobie> oh
[23:40] <jakobie> need to ****
[23:41] <KronicNinjA> MILF MEANS....MOTHER I LIKE 2 FUK........
[23:41] <Just_Dollie> hi bethany I forgot your last name bethany!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[23:41] <Just_Dollie> lol
[23:41] <Yoshino> lol
[23:41] <I-Hate-Hmong-Bimbos> hehe
[23:41] <Yoshino> wow
[23:41] <I-Hate-Hmong-Bimbos> Patricia Lee!!
[23:41] <I-Hate-Hmong-Bimbos> Kuv yog Hmoob Yaj nas.
[23:41] <midnightghost> hey...any guys care to chat?????
[23:41] <I-Hate-Hmong-Bimbos> Bahno.
[23:41] * Quits: Guest72983 (java@=ewq82.115.55.243.ona.wi.charter.com) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[23:41] <I-Hate-Hmong-Bimbos> Bahnah.
[23:41] <Just_Dollie> I think its yang though
[23:41] <Just_Dollie> :/
[23:41] * Joins: Pho_King_Awesome (me@=yrl-61-80-52-19.hsd1.mn.comcast.net)
[23:41] <I-Hate-Hmong-Bimbos> Tsis paub no pho nrog nampan.
[23:41] * Joins: Guest76284 (java@=n9MO070422.ipt.aol.com)
[23:41] <I-Hate-Hmong-Bimbos> -n
[23:41] <Hey-Do-I-Know-You> any bad girls..in here...
[23:41] <Hey-Do-I-Know-You> wild girls..
[23:41] * Quits: for_ur_desires (java@=Wpdvlzxy-
el3.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[23:41] <tW33k3r> she a porn star..
[23:41] <Hey-Do-I-Know-You> naughty girls...
[23:41] <KronicNinjA> HEY MILF WHERE DID U GO..
[23:41] <Hey-Do-I-Know-You> pc me..
[23:41] <Hey-Do-I-Know-You> thanx..
[23:41] <jakobie> damn thats a hoochie name
[23:41] <tW33k3r> no wounder your devorived
[23:41] <KronicNinjA> WHO AM I TO YOU IS A PORN STAR..
[23:41] <KronicNinjA> HAHA
[23:41] <jakobie> http://www.soundclick.com/bands/8/jakobieher_music.htm
[23:42] <tW33k3r> that milf..
[23:42] <tW33k3r> Há Há Há Há Há Há ....!!
[23:42] * Quits: Pho_King_Awesome (me@=yrl-61-80-52-19.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUI
T: User exited)
[23:42] <tW33k3r> she suk dick..
[23:42] <tW33k3r> Há Há Há Há Há Há ....!!
[23:42] * Guest76284 is now known as KINKYGUY24
[23:42] <jakobie> be my porn star
[23:42] <sPaCebOyz> coming to meet you
[23:42] <sPaCebOyz> tell you i'm sorry
[23:42] <tW33k3r> hey MILF..?
[23:42] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[23:43] <I-Hate-Hmong-Bimbos> Man Trish.
[23:43] * Joins: Guest75995 (java@=EKFBB223J1.ipt.aol.com)
[23:43] * Guest75995 is now known as gOrgEoUs_916
[23:43] * Joins: Guest61233 (java@=7Z88-77-364-074.mpls.qwest.net)
[23:43] <Just_Dollie> huh?
[23:43] <Just_Dollie> waht?
[23:43] <Just_Dollie> blah
[23:43] * Joins: Bethy (java@=4se-69-354-248-419.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
[23:43] * Joins: Guest76246 (java@=0t188.173.112.231.ptr.us.xo.net)
[23:44] <Bethy> fawk
[23:44] <Hey-Do-I-Know-You> any fat chicks in here
[23:44] <Hey-Do-I-Know-You> pc me..
[23:44] <Hey-Do-I-Know-You> thanx..
[23:44] * Guest61233 is now known as mn_chicka
[23:44] <Someone2Love> jakobie u got some wierd shht
[23:44] <Bethy> Oh well.
[23:44] <Hey-Do-I-Know-You> these days..it's very hot..
[23:44] * Joins: Just_that_Guy (Just_that_@=Ppfpvh-69-011-991-681.lsanca.dsl-w.v
[23:44] <Hey-Do-I-Know-You> do need an umbrella for shades..
[23:44] <Just_Dollie> if that's bethy...then who's I-Hate-Hmong-Bimbos?!
[23:44] * Just_Dollie scratches her head*
[23:44] <Bethy> That's me.
[23:44] <jakobie> u know u like it
[23:44] <jakobie> -----------------u know u like it
[23:44] <Bethy> Stupid internet lost my connection.
[23:44] * Quits: mn_chicka (java@=7Z88-77-364-074.mpls.qwest.net) (QUIT: User ex
[23:44] <Bethy> Watch, she's gonna ping out.
[23:44] * Joins: RUam (auser@=Tmi-84-8-715-51.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[23:44] <jakobie> ------------------------cause i like it
[23:44] <jakobie> haha
[23:45] <Someone2Love> jakobie.. ur beginning phone sex is wierd
[23:45] <RUam> KOJ RUAM!
[23:45] <RUam> :P
[23:45] <jakobie> -----------------haha i love it
[23:45] * Quits: I-Hate-Hmong-Bimbos (java@=4se-69-354-248-419.hsd1.or.comcast.n
et) (Ping Timeout)
[23:45] <jakobie> ------------------it was a intro for a battle track i was like
[23:45] <jakobie> --------------------i was like getting yeah
[23:45] <Just_Dollie> uh...........okay
[23:45] <Just_Dollie> shhhHH
[23:45] <Just_Dollie> dont jinx my dialup
[23:45] <Someone2Love> i see
[23:45] <jakobie> ------------he's hott
[23:45] <Someone2Love> i was confused at first
[23:45] <Bethy> See?
[23:45] * Quits: Hey-Do-I-Know-You (java@=FfVSU54APV.ipt.aol.com) (Connection re
set by peer)
[23:45] <jakobie> -----------the battle was tight i think
[23:45] <Bethy> LOL
[23:45] * Guest76246 is now known as MiLiTaRy_MiNdEd_LuNaTiC
[23:46] <jakobie> ----------------this is gay im the only rapper in chat rooms
[23:46] <RUam> trishie ruam
[23:46] <RUam> haha..
[23:46] <RUam> :D
[23:46] <Someone2Love> jakobie is the next jin
[23:46] <Someone2Love> hmong jin
[23:46] <jakobie> ------im a disgrace to freaking hip hop
[23:46] <jakobie> ----------------no jin quit
[23:46] <tW33k3r> who am i to you..you still fukin..?
[23:46] <Someone2Love> jin quit?
[23:46] <jakobie> --------------------he quit last week
[23:46] <Someone2Love> haha
[23:46] <jakobie> ---------------yeah it's on his site
[23:46] <Just_Dollie> aiyooo
[23:46] <Just_Dollie> ping!
[23:46] <Someone2Love> why did he quit?
[23:46] <jakobie> --------------he made his last song i quit
[23:46] <Just_Dollie> dabtsi nas? :/
[23:46] <KronicNinjA> WHO AM I TO YOU...WASSUP.....WHERE U AT...
[23:46] <Bethy> No Trish!
[23:46] <jakobie> ------------something about his sales and haters ionno
[23:46] * Just_Dollie cries* stupid technology
[23:46] <Someone2Love> so he really quit
[23:47] <jakobie> ---------see u have to know this stuff man if ur a hiphop guy
[23:47] <jakobie> oh yeah ur not
[23:47] <jakobie> huh
[23:47] <jakobie> but yeah ---------u like the tracks
[23:47] <Someone2Love> well 2pac said he died but still coming up with albums
[23:47] <jakobie> ---------------u like hmong girls?
[23:47] * Joins: Tou (vangforeve@=9E3-9mvpd201-844.nas20.minneapolis1.mn.us.da.q
[23:47] <Someone2Love> jin will be back
[23:47] <jakobie> ------------------it was his underground tracks
[23:47] <jakobie> -------------jin hell yeah he well be back and better
[23:47] <Just_Dollie> built to make your life easier in principal, in practice,
it sucks ***
[23:47] <RUam> haha
[23:47] <RUam> ruam
[23:47] <Someone2Love> Jin made some weak tracks
[23:47] <Someone2Love> thats why i didnt buy it
[23:47] <jakobie> -----------i know
[23:47] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[23:48] <Just_Dollie> ruam is not my name, it's yours
[23:48] <Just_Dollie> :P
[23:48] <jakobie> ------------mines was better
[23:48] <Someone2Love> yea yours was
[23:48] <Someone2Love> forizzle
[23:48] * Someone2Love is now known as AznGuy
[23:48] <AznGuy> how many tracks u got?
[23:48] <jakobie> --------------haha no jin is the ****
[23:48] * RUam is now known as Batman
[23:48] <jakobie> alot
[23:48] <jakobie> ---------- http://www.soundclick.com/bands/8/jakobieher_music.
[23:48] <jakobie> check it out
[23:48] <AznGuy> your titles are wierd.. i thought they were battles.
[23:48] <jakobie> ---------- im like the only fob rapper in chat rooms
[23:48] * Batman is now known as Joker
[23:48] * Joker is now known as Joker73546
[23:48] <jakobie> ------------------yeah they are battles
[23:48] <Bethy> www.battlefaeries.com
[23:48] * Joker73546 is now known as Penguin
[23:49] <AznGuy> LMAO ur rap theme is chatting?
[23:49] * Quits: KronicNinjA (kronicboo@=TRmozbiyx-bau-19-729-058-926.directus.n
et) (Ping Timeout)
[23:49] * Penguin is now known as Dorkydork
[23:49] <AznGuy> that is hilarious
[23:49] <jakobie> ------------------thats my intro
[23:49] <Just_Dollie> :/
[23:49] * LuvlyLisa [lonesomeli@] is on IRC (mzlelefriend)
[23:49] <jakobie> -------------everybody those a intro 1 or two tracks
[23:49] * Just_Dollie scratches her head...leeg twg nes
[23:49] <AznGuy> you got computer noises in the background
[23:49] <Bethy> FCK
[23:49] <jakobie> u think thats funnie listen to this dudes intro
[23:49] <Bethy> FKC FKC KFC
[23:49] <jakobie> hold up
[23:49] * Quits: MFEO (java@=QA9Czay253.tnt24.atl4.da.uu.net) (QUIT: User exited
[23:49] * Joins: LuvlyLisa (lonesomeli@
[23:49] <midnightghost> hey any guys care to chat??????
[23:49] <jakobie> just listen
[23:49] <AznGuy> which dude?
[23:49] <Dorkydork> hi liz!
[23:49] <Bethy> Patricia.
[23:49] <Bethy> UGH
[23:49] <LuvlyLisa> hey gig
[23:49] * Bethy is now known as GaoSheng
[23:50] * Joins: Guest98093 (java@=DjFB92U166.ipt.aol.com)
[23:50] * FeMaLe22 bethy.. i'm ''slow.... just realized we're cousins.. *duher*
[23:50] <LuvlyLisa> u talking to me dorky?
[23:50] <AznGuy> hahaha
[23:50] <Just_Dollie> Bethany.
[23:50] <Dorkydork> yes liz
[23:50] <GaoSheng> Are we?
[23:50] * Joins: Guest62148 (java@=MLdn-20-885-797-268.idcnet.com)
[23:50] <Just_Dollie> blah
[23:50] * GaoSheng is now known as Bethy
[23:50] <Dorkydork> hows the weather?
[23:50] <Bethy> hah
[23:50] <LuvlyLisa> ...sorry...hi
[23:50] <AznGuy> your track is homo
[23:50] * Guest62148 is now known as MissMeena
[23:50] <FeMaLe22> hahaha
[23:50] <Bethy> I didn't know that, FeMaLe22.
[23:50] <Just_Dollie> wahhhhh....
[23:50] <Bethy> How so?
[23:50] * FeMaLe22 through ur mom
[23:50] <jakobie> -----------haha i love it
[23:50] <Bethy> Is my mom really related by blood?
[23:50] <Dorkydork> trish don't cry
[23:50] <jakobie> --------------------did u get to the phone call?
[23:50] <Bethy> Or just by titles?
[23:50] * Guest59661 is now known as mobsiab_vimkoj
[23:50] * Joins: Guest62873 (java@=LO39-676-65-1.mpls.qwest.net)
[23:50] <AznGuy> how many tracks u got homie?
[23:50] <tW33k3r> bye bethy
[23:50] <Bethy> Bye gary.
[23:50] <tW33k3r> peace the fuk out..!!!!!!!!!
[23:50] * Quits: tW33k3r (Unix@=KO0Prab03.tnt24.atl4.da.uu.net) (QUIT: User exit
[23:50] <AznGuy> i think so bro
[23:50] * Guest98093 is now known as Tsimnuj
[23:51] <Bethy> Sherrrrrrieeee.
[23:51] * FeMaLe22 titles/ in laws/ something like that
[23:51] <AznGuy> im a lil confused cause yea
[23:51] * Joins: Guest77378 (java@=D6wmew-58-399-818-20.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net)
[23:51] <AznGuy> my first time on that website
[23:51] * Quits: Guest62873 (java@=LO39-676-65-1.mpls.qwest.net) (QUIT: User exi
[23:51] * Just_Dollie cries harder*
[23:51] <LuvlyLisa> can't stay here long..
[23:51] * Bethy cries with Trish.
[23:51] <LuvlyLisa> just checking in... lol
[23:51] <Bethy> I know Trish.
[23:51] <Tsimnuj> Hi cov me leej muam aw
[23:51] <Bethy> I can feel it too.
[23:51] <AznGuy> so you listen to rare and them nigs?
[23:51] <gigolow> can you feel this c=8
[23:51] <jakobie> yeah
[23:51] <AznGuy> i saw rare in GB
[23:51] <MissMeena> hi ht friends.
[23:51] <jakobie> i know rare
[23:51] <jakobie> 7sinz
[23:51] * Quits: Nraug_Sweet (a@=nGkvo-58-34-78-22.dc.res.rr.com) (QUIT: User ex
[23:51] <jakobie> plucky
[23:51] <Bethy> Sorry, tabsis peb tsis nyiam FOBS os Tsimnuj.
[23:51] <jakobie> elfy
[23:51] * Just_Dollie hits bethy on the head to make her cry harder*
[23:51] <jakobie> moejoe
[23:51] <jakobie> lostbreed
[23:51] <AznGuy> why dont u make an album?
[23:51] <jakobie> and yeah
[23:52] * Bethy cries harder but not cause of Trish.
[23:52] <jakobie> -------------------im poor
[23:52] * Guest77378 is now known as Bootifull_gurl
[23:52] * Quits: gigolow (massivE@=kJp-71-47-24-88.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) (QUIT: U
ser exited)
[23:52] * Joins: SweetNSexxiee (java@=wTAEJ3197Q.ipt.aol.com)
[23:52] <Bootifull_gurl> heylo everyone
[23:52] <AznGuy> so i can bootleg off the kazaa
[23:52] <Just_Dollie> lol bethy...so mean
[23:52] <Bethy> I am not.
[23:52] <Tsimnuj> what's fobs?
[23:52] <Bethy> FOB is what you are.
[23:52] <Bethy> Trish.
[23:52] <Bethy> Ugh
[23:52] <Bootifull_gurl> any guy wanna chat
[23:52] <jakobie> ey yo
[23:52] <Bethy> Kuv chim chim siab li os.
[23:52] <AznGuy> dont tell ur boys that i bootlegged their albums off the net ai
[23:52] <Just_Dollie> ua cas nas?
[23:52] <Bethy> mthrfckrs little girls
[23:52] <AznGuy> im still cool
[23:52] <jakobie> -----------------listen to this one
[23:52] <jakobie> http://www.soundclick.com/bands/0/plucky_music.htm
[23:52] <Bethy> Start shiet up.
[23:52] * Joins: atlanta_guy (xxMiSsxIoN@=sFw74.200.39.162.ip.alltel.net)
[23:52] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[23:52] <jakobie> battle with nzone
[23:52] <AznGuy> whicih one?
[23:52] <Bethy> I'm so tired of this.
[23:52] <jakobie> this one is funny
[23:53] <AznGuy> aight
[23:53] * Dorkydork is now known as ur_lido_boi
[23:53] <midnightghost> hey any guys care to chat???
[23:53] * atlanta_guy is now known as XavKissKoj
[23:53] <Tsimnuj> Iam not fobs
[23:53] * Joins: tonylver (Tony@=aH5-7uhso518-63.nas8.minneapolis1.mn.us.da.qwes
[23:53] * Joins: Guest64397 (java@69.212.204.Uk924=)
[23:53] <Bethy> Yes you are.
[23:53] <AznGuy> i dont see that one
[23:53] <jakobie> aite
[23:53] <jakobie> http://fileserv6.soundclick.com/fastkG/HiD/plucky+vsnzone.mp3
[23:53] * paige [user@218.111.34.KN83=] is on IRC
[23:53] * let [Deluuhof@=Vsgz.ja.250.59.revip.asianet.co.th] is on IRC (~let)
[23:53] <jakobie> click that
[23:53] * let [Deluuhof@=Vsgz.ja.250.59.revip.asianet.co.th] has left IRC
[23:53] <Tsimnuj> why you must say that?
[23:53] <AznGuy> aight thanks
[23:53] <jakobie> -----------------this one is hulla funnie battle intro http://
[23:53] * paige has left IRC
[23:53] <Bethy> TRISH!!!!!!
[23:53] <AznGuy> i got it
[23:53] * Guest64397 is now known as manty_gurl
[23:54] <jakobie> can u hear it
[23:54] * Quits: DaVoId (Gizm0@=tlo-42-211-729-896.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Connect
ion Closed)
[23:54] <Who_Am_I_To_You> hi manty girl
[23:54] <manty_gurl> HEY LOSERS!
[23:54] <@romeothug> sup bethy
[23:54] <AznGuy> yea
[23:54] <ur_lido_boi> hi manty!
[23:54] <Bethy> Hi Chao.
[23:54] <manty_gurl> HEY!
[23:54] <manty_gurl> hows you all doin eh?
[23:54] <jakobie> but yeah it's this http://fileserv6.soundclick.com/fastkG/HiD/
[23:54] * Parts: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[23:54] <Tsimnuj> you don't know who am I?
[23:54] * Joins: MetrosexualiciousGuy (none@=dYbljl-65-927-446-467.dsl.frsn02.pa
[23:54] <Bethy> You're on early, Chao.
[23:54] * Quits: ur_lido_boi (auser@=Tmi-84-8-715-51.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (QUIT:
User exited)
[23:54] * LuvlyLisa has left IRC
[23:54] * LuvlyLisa is now known as luvlylisa[away]
[23:54] * Quits: tonylver (Tony@=aH5-7uhso518-63.nas8.minneapolis1.mn.us.da.qwes
t.net) (QUIT: User exited)
[23:54] <@romeothug> got off early
[23:54] <@romeothug> it was slow
[23:54] <Who_Am_I_To_You> hi lisa
[23:54] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  hello room
[23:54] <Bethy> I see.
[23:54] <AznGuy> you got jumped by a fob
[23:54] <AznGuy> hahahaha
[23:54] <luvlylisa[away]> sorry bbl addicts
[23:55] <AznGuy> that is funny
[23:55] * Joins: DaVoID (Gizm0@=bhs-77-083-174-200.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
[23:55] <manty_gurl> ..
[23:55] <manty_gurl> OIY!
[23:55] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  how's the room doing
[23:55] * Joins: E_Aw_Bay (shoot@=O7c09.187.116.79.ona.wi.charter.com)
[23:55] <jakobie> haha
[23:55] <AznGuy> i dont get you rappers and your intros
[23:55] * manty_gurl goes and sits in her apple tree...
[23:55] * MetrosexualiciousGuy  hey linda was that really your number that you ga
ve out last night
[23:55] <jakobie> no that was my boy plucky's intro
[23:55] <E_Aw_Bay> wow damn people
[23:55] * Joins: Mandy (Mandy@oper.webchat.org)
[23:55] <XavKissKoj> any ladies kare to chat pc me........???
[23:55] <E_Aw_Bay> don't you people ever sleep!
[23:55] <AznGuy> thats cool
[23:55] * Quits: Just_Dollie (Dollie_die@=ip7Spbg761.tnt11.tco2.da.uu.net) (Ping
[23:55] <jakobie> ----------we goof around in battles to win when the vote
[23:55] <Bethy> Don't you, E_Aw_Bay?
[23:55] <Tsimnuj> Bethy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ua li cas koj hais li kod rau kuv ma!
[23:55] <jakobie> ----------its to see which one was better
[23:55] <E_Aw_Bay> yeah i do..
[23:55] <jakobie> ----------------i love that intro dude
[23:55] <E_Aw_Bay> i just came on to say goodnight!
[23:55] <E_Aw_Bay> ;)
[23:56] <Bethy> Ok
[23:56] <AznGuy> u know frisco tee ?
[23:56] <Bethy> Oh.
[23:56] <Bethy> Who the hell are you, Tsimnuj?
[23:56] * Joins: Guest63713 (java@=RIx17.113.254.140.ona.wi.charter.com)
[23:56] * Joins: Guest78016 (java@=zK1-5daal543-663.nas8.minneapolis1.mn.us.da.q
[23:56] <Who_Am_I_To_You> everyone knows frisco tee?
[23:56] <Who_Am_I_To_You> ;d
[23:56] <AznGuy> shutup fade
[23:56] <Who_Am_I_To_You> u shut up
[23:56] <AznGuy> kidding
[23:56] <Tsimnuj> ua li cas hos lam yuav chim siab ua dog ua dig li kod ma los?
[23:56] <jakobie> yeah
[23:56] <jakobie> i know fresco tee
[23:56] <E_Aw_Bay> goodnight you damn HMONGZ!
[23:56] <Who_Am_I_To_You> :D
[23:56] <jakobie> -----------he ignores me on msn
[23:56] <AznGuy> lol
[23:56] <E_Aw_Bay> muAKErZz
[23:56] <Who_Am_I_To_You> lol jako
[23:56] <jakobie> he does
[23:56] <Who_Am_I_To_You> haha
[23:56] <Who_Am_I_To_You> he doesn't like U
[23:56] <jakobie> but rare they don't ignore me
[23:56] <jakobie> i think so
[23:56] <AznGuy> i hear another album coming up.. fresco ignores me on msn
[23:57] <Who_Am_I_To_You> hmmms
[23:57] <jakobie> i know his girlfirends bro named chadi
[23:57] * Quits: E_Aw_Bay (shoot@=O7c09.187.116.79.ona.wi.charter.com) (QUIT: Us
er exited)
[23:57] <Bethy> Vim sawvdaws xav piss kuv off nas.
[23:57] * Guest78016 is now known as kenny
[23:57] <jakobie> yeah
[23:57] <jakobie> ahha wanna peep it
[23:57] <jakobie> i heard it
[23:57] <jakobie> they old school
[23:57] <AznGuy> i know sounders
[23:57] <Bethy> Anyways.
[23:57] <Bethy> Who are you?
[23:57] <AznGuy> i guess im cool too
[23:57] <Tsimnuj> Tsis txhob chim siab nawd
[23:57] <jakobie> i only like the song on my soundclick that they made
[23:57] * Joins: slhioelk (slhioelk@=42khm-26-778-698-998.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net
[23:57] <jakobie> the you'll be on the list and l o s t and stuff
[23:57] * @hmong -a (autoaway) 30mins idle lasted type: 4:32 pm...
[23:58] <AznGuy> where u from jakobie
[23:58] * kenny is now known as sexylover
[23:58] * Guest63713 is now known as EatingPaper
[23:58] <jakobie> aznguy do u rap
[23:58] <jakobie> the 91peb
[23:58] <jakobie> Kc
[23:58] <Tsimnuj> cia kuv ua koj zoo phooj ywg os
[23:58] <jakobie> 66106
[23:58] <jakobie> my area code
[23:58] <jakobie> i gotta repp
[23:58] <jakobie> haha
[23:58] <AznGuy> no i dont do that gabngsta rap
[23:58] <jakobie> haha
[23:58] <jakobie> no rap about life
[23:58] <Bethy> I told you Tsimnuj, peb tsis nyiam FOBs nas.
[23:58] <jakobie> and my *******
[23:58] <Bethy> So stop talking in Hmong.
[23:58] <Bethy> Jeez.
[23:58] <jakobie> and my internet ******* who break my heart
[23:58] * Joins: Guest78898 (java@=RKx-06-561-39-323.chcgilgm.dynamic.covad.net)
[23:58] <AznGuy> well
[23:58] <AznGuy> lol
[23:58] <AznGuy> u funny
[23:58] * MiSsMaRy wassup slhioelk... haha
[23:58] * Guest78898 is now known as PajHavZoov
[23:58] <XavKissKoj> any ladies kare to chat pc me........???
[23:58] <jakobie> i guess
[23:58] <Tsimnuj> I nerver FOB
[23:59] <jakobie> i guess im the only fob in hea
[23:59] <Bethy> Then shut up.
[23:59] <AznGuy> a hmong fob like me wont make it in the rap game
[23:59] <midnightghost> hey any guys care to chat????
[23:59] <Bethy> http://vnboards.ign.com
[23:59] <jakobie> oh
[23:59] <Tsimnuj> Iam a nice guy
[23:59] <jakobie> ------------u think i will
[23:59] <AznGuy> more then me
[23:59] <XavKissKoj> any ladies kare to chat pc me........???
[23:59] <jakobie> -----------haha!
[23:59] <AznGuy> cus u know all them rappas
[23:59] <jakobie> -----------trying to make a track with the big boys
[23:59] <Bethy> Koj yog ib tus neeg ruam rau kuv xwb
Session Close: Thu Jun 09 00:00:00 2005

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