TGC 128 Course Notification

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Ney Cae ar ras ee md cre eet es Eyes) 41. Applications are invited from unmarried Male Engineering Graduates for 126th Technic Graduates Course (commencing in Jan 2018 at Indian Miltary Academy (IMA), Dehradun) for [Permanent commission in the indian Army. 2. Eligibility (2) Nationality. A candidate must be unmarried male and must ether be :() A otizen of tna or (i) A subject of Bhutan, or (i) A subject of Nepal, or (v) 8 Tibetan refugee who came ‘over io India before the 1st of January 1962 with the intenton of permanent eeting In india °F (v) a person of Indian origin who has migrated fom Pakistan, Burma, Sd Lanka and East Atican countries of Kenya, Uganda, the Unted Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi Zare ‘and Ethopia and Vietnam withthe intention of permanently setting in India. Provided that & Candidate belonging to categores (i), (s), (v) and (¥) above shal be a person in whose favour 2 carticate of eligiiity has boon iscued by Government of India. Certfoate of eli wl however not be necessary in the case of candidates who are Gorkha subjects of Nepal. A Candidate in wnose case a certifcate of eigiby is necessary, wil alach such certfcate alongwith the appicaton (6) Age Limit 20 to 27 years as on 01 Jan 2019, (Candidates born between 02 Jan 62 and of Jan 98, both datos Inclusive). NOTE. The date of bith entered inthe Matriculation or an equivalent examination certificate ‘only accepted by this office. No other document relating t0 age will be accepted and no ‘subsequent request forts chango wil be considered or grantee, © jonal_Quati F Applying. Candidates who have passed the requisite Engineering Degree course or inthe final yesr of Engineering Dagres course are eligible to ‘apply. The candidate studying inthe final year of Engg degree couree shouldbe able fo submit proof of passing by 01 Jan 2019 end produce the Engg Degree Certicate within 12 weeks from the date of commencement of raining at IMA. Such candidates will be inducted on ‘Additional Bond Basis for rocovery ofthe cost of training at IMA as notified from tine to te ‘28 wel as stipend and pay & allowances paid, in case they fl to produce the requisite Degree. Caricate within the specties time. IMPORTANT NOTE. Candidates must note that for Induction to Pre Commission Training Academy, affer final selection, the minimum educational qualification le passing BEIS.TecR degree in the Engincering streams as notified below. Therefore, to become eligible for induction into T6C-128 course at IMA, Dehradun, candidates studying In final year of {engineoring must ensure that he submits the proof of his passing Engg degree exam by O1 dan 2019 to Directorate General of Recruiting, falling which hie candidature wil be 3. Vacancies. Candidates must note that only the Engineering streams and their acceptable ‘equivalent streams, stricly as nolied in the table below, wil bo accepted. Candidates wih degrees in any otter engineering streams) are not eligible to apely. Variation between the nomenclature of Engineering stream as given on the degree parchment / marksheet and that submitted by the Candidate nhs enine appicaton vil resuin cancellation of candidature, — Engineering Streams Equivalent Stream (AICTE Approved] —[ Vacs] 70 fear | Gwil Engineering, Civi Engineering (Strucura Engineering ), Svuctural Engineering costs ‘Architecture Engineering oF lectanical ‘Mechanical Engineering , Mechanical 04 op oo ~~ [iechatroniesy Engineonng Mechanical & ‘Automation Engineering ectical Elecrical& Electronics Electreal Engneering Electrical Engneerhg | 05 (Electronics & Power), Bower System Engineering , Electrical & Electronics Engineering Tompuler Se & Engineonng / Computer [Computer Engineering Computer Science, oy [Technology Info Tech M.Sc (Computer | Computer Sclnce Enginearing, Computer ) Science & Engineering, Informstion Scence & Engineering ecironics & Telecommrunicaton! Blectronies & Telocommunicaton Enainearing | OT [Tetecommuniation/ Electronics 8 “Telecommunication Engineering Electronics & ‘ammunication! Satelite Communication | Cormmunication Enginesting , Electonics & Electical Communication ‘Engineering jeckones Power Electonics & Drives 02 Metaurgicl Metallurgical Engineering. Wetalurgy & Maieral | 02 Technology, Metallurgy & Material Engineering ‘Metallurgy & Engineering & Material Science, Metallurgy and Explosives Electronics & Insitumeniaton’ | Applied Electronics & rmaniaton Instrumentation Engineenng , Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering ; Electronics & Instrumentation & Control Engineering , Instrumentation 8 Control Engineering, Insirurtertation Tecnology. ico Elscionies and Wievowave oF Total a0 NOTE1. These vacancies are tentative and may be changed depending on ‘organizational requirements. NOTE. "Recommended candidates of T6C-128 whose merit is not within the number of allotted vacancies of respective Engineoring streams, may be offered to join SSC{T) course (spr 2018), subject to meeting all other eligibility conditions. 4 Type ot Commission, (2) Gram ion. Selected candidates will be granted Shot Service Commision on probation inthe rank of Lt from the data of commencement oft coutse othe {ate of reporting at IMA, whichever is later and willbe entitled to ful pay and allowances ‘admissible to Lt during raining period. Pay & allowances wil be pad afer successful ‘completion of raining (©) Penman Jon. On successful completion of taining cadets wil be ‘ranted Permanent Commission inthe Army in the rank of Lt (©) Ante Date Seniority. One year ante date seniority fom the date of commission wi be granted o Enginearing Graduates of TSC Entry. 5. Training. Duration of training is one year atthe Inckan Miltary Acedemy, Dehradun (a) Selected candidates will be detailed for training at Indian Miltary Academy, Denradun secording to thet postion inthe final order of merit up tothe number of vacancies avaiable in each steam, subject 19 meeting al elgltyerteria, (bo), Candates must undertake not fo marry unt they complete thew full talning. A Candie who marries subsequent to the date of his application, though successful at the Senice Selection Board interview or medical examination wil not be elgie for training. A ‘candidate who martes during this perod, shal be discharged and wil be table to refund al ‘expenditure incurred on him by the Government. oo (©) Cost of Training. The entire cost of raining is at Government expense. In case the GC is witdrawn from taining academy due to reasons not beyond his contol, he vil be able to refund cost of taining @ Rs, 10247/ per woek (or 96 notified from tme to time) forthe period of his slay at Indian Miltary Academy 5 The final allocation of Arms/Services will be made prior to passing out of gentleman cadets ‘fom IMA. 7 2 criteria ture, @ Bs Heri. Rank Promotion Critera Leutenant ‘On Commission. ‘Captain ‘On completion of 2 Vis Major ‘On competion of 06 Vrs Li Coonel ‘On completion of 13 Y's ‘Gotan (TS [On completion of 28 Vie ‘Colonel ‘On selection bass subject o Tullman of [Brgadier — requisite service conditions. Major General Li General HAG Seale HAG + Scale ("Aamissbie to 75 of tata sirength of Lt Generals) YCOASIArmy Garkt Gon (NFSG) COAS ©) Bay Rank [hevel —~T(Pay in Ray Tiutenant Level 10_—[86,100- 1,77 500 Coptain Level 108 [61 300-1 $3,800 Major z Levelt —[69.400-2.07200 Lieutenant Colona Level 1211 21,200:2, 12.400 [Coonet Levers —11'30.800-2.18 600 Brigadier ‘Level 13A —[1:30,600-2,17 800 Major General Level 14 [1.44 200-2 1.200 Lieutenant General HAG Seale ‘Level 15 —|1,82,200-224,100 Lieutenant General HAG +Scale evel 18} 2.05.400-2 24.400 ‘VCOASIATmy Caiieuinant General | Level 7 | 2,25. 0000fied) (NFSG) ‘GOAS [hevel18 12.50 000rfuea} (2), Miltary Service Pay MSP). MSP to the offcers from the rank of Lt to Brg RS. 18.500r-p:m fred © Ew Trainin ‘Sipend To, Genilemen Cadets during the enive duration of Re $6,100% pm" 1 traning in Service Academy Le. uring traning period at MA. “On successful commissioning, the pay in the Pay Matrix of the Officer Commissioned shall be fixed in first Cell of Level 10 and the period of training shallnotbe treated as commissioned service and atrears on account of Y yr pe admissible allowances, as applicable, for the training period shall be paid to cadets. (©) Qualification Grant. © Qualification Grant Final order on the issue is yet to be issued by the Govt Hence the information wl be provided afer receipt of Govt order on the sue, (Flying allowance. The Army Aviators (Plots) serving in the Army Aviation Corps are ented fo fying allowance as under = Tevet 10 (Other Attowances. @) | Deariass Alowarce | Admissible at the same rates and under the same Condition as are applicable to the civiian personnel fem time to tine (@) | Kitmaitonance ace | Subsumed into the newiy proposed Dress Aowancs Te Fs. 20,0000-per year Re, 75,000 pm ted {@ Depending upon rank and area of posting, officer posted to Field Areas wil be eli {or the folowing Fie Area alles Rank [Lever HAFA Fa Area Allee | Mod Fa {Re Per month) | (Rs. Per month) | Area Alice (Re. Per month) ioutarant | Covet 0 and | 76000 T0800 6300 ‘and above | above a (*) High Altitude Allowance. Rank Lever ‘CATA CATAL (Rs. Permonth) | (Rs. Per month) Teeterant and | Covel Tend above | 3400 5300 above. (0 Slachen Allowance Siachen Allowance willbe Rs. 42,500V- per month 0, Uniform allowance. Subsumed info the newly proposed Dress Alowance ie, Higher TPTA Cities (Rs. Per month) Fs. 7200-04 thereon Rs, 3500+DA thereon Note Wigher pt cities (UA). Hyderabad, Patna, Delhi, Ahmadabad, Surat, Bengeluru, Kochi, Kozhikode, Indore, Greater Mumbai, Nagpur, Pune, Japur, Cheanal Coimbatore, Ghaziabad, Kanpur, Lucknow, Kolkata, (i) The allowance shal not be admissible to those service personnel who have been Provided wth the facty of Government anspor. (2) Officers in Pay Level 14 and above, who are ented to use official car, wil have {he anon to wal fii car faci to draw the TPT tthe rat of Ra. 15:750¢DA per mont {09 Te alowance wi not be asmsse forthe calendar mort) whl covered by oy Y (0) _ Physically disabled service personnel will continue to be paid at double rate, subject o-a minimum of Rs. 2,260 + DA. (0. Ghildren Education Allowance, Rs. 2260/- per month per chid for two eldest ‘Surviving chiléren only. CEA is admissible from Nursery to 12" Classes. ()__ Reimbursement should be done just once a year, after completion ofthe financial Year (which for most schools cencides wih the Academic year) (i) Certicate from the head of instution where the ward of government employee ‘Studies should be suticent fortis purpose. The certleate should conf thatthe CMG ‘studi in the school during the previous academic year Note, In the case of allowances specific to Defence Forces, the rates of these allowances ‘would be enhanced by 25% automaticaly each time the Dearness Alowance payaole on te ‘vse pay band goes up by 80% (Geller re 16/2017/D(PaySerices) dated 18 Sep 047). 8. Army Group Insurance Fund (AGIF), ‘The Gentlemen Casets of IMA when in receipt of stipend are insured for Rs 75 ac wef OT Oct 2016. Those who get medicaly boarded out of ‘Academy on account of disabilly, the dsabity cover provided for 100% cisabity wil be Re 26 lac, which is proportionaly reduced up to Rs & la for 20% disability. However, for less than 20% disability. only an Ex-Grata grant of Fis 50,0001 for frst wo years of aning and Rs 1 lac dunng the last year of traning will be paid. Disability due to alcchotsm, drug {2dlaion and due to the diseases of pre-enroiment origin wil ot qualy for cisacity Benet ‘and €x-Gratia grant. In addtion, Gertieman Cadets withdrawn on discpinary grounds, expelled as an undesirable or voluntary leaving the Academy wil also not be elgibi for ‘sail benef and Ex-Gratia, Subecition atthe rate of Rs 5,000- will have to be pald in ‘advance on monthy basis by the Gentleman Cadets to become member under the main AGI ‘Scheme 9s applicable to reguiar Army Officers, The subscription for the relegated period would also be recovered al the same rate 9. HOWTO APPLY: {2} _ Applications wil only be aocepted online on website “www folnindlanarmy nisin’. Click ‘on ‘Officer Entry Apply/Login’ and then cick ‘Registration’ Fi the online reqitraton form after reading the insituctions carefull. After geting registered, click on “Apply Online” under Dashboard. & page ‘Officers Selection ~ Eligbty wil open. Thon clk “Apply” shown against ‘Technical Graduate Course, A page ‘Application Form’ wil open. Read the metuctions carey and cick ‘Continue’ to fil details as required under various segments. Persone information Communication details, Education details and detalls of previous SSB. "Save & Continue’ each time before you goto the next segment. After ling detais onthe last segment you wil move to ‘2 page ‘Summary of your information’ wherein you can check and eal the enti already made ‘Then cick on ‘Submit Now only after carefull ascertaining that te correct detas have been file in. After submiting, cick on “PDF” and take two copies ofthe application form having Ral [No and other details generated by the system. ‘CANDIDATES ARE ADVISED TO READ THE NOTIFICATION CAREFULLY ANE APPLICATION FORM TO AVOID MISTAKES, AND THEREBY RLECTION OF {EN FLL UP ONLINE 1CATION. Important Note 1, Detaits once submitted in online application will NOT be changed under any conaltion, and NO representation in this regard shall be entertained. re 2. CGPAIGrades must be converted Into Marks/ Percentage as per the formula adopted by the concerned University for filing "Marks obtained in Graduation in ‘ontine appin. Any discrepancy observed af any stage of selection process will lead to cancellation of candidature. ow hb 10 (©) Following documents are to be carried to the Selection Centre by the candidate:- (One copy ofthe Print out of application duly signed and affixed wih self alested ‘Photograph, {W)_ Sel attested copy of Maticulation or equivalent certificate issued by the concered ‘Board of education. In which dato of bith is reflected for proof of gate of bth (Ramet cardMarksheel/TransferfLeaving Cerificate etc. are NOT acceptable for proof of date of bia, (i) Self atested copy of 12" Class Certificate & Marksheet (i) Set atested copy of Engineering Degree/Provilonal Degree, ()_Selfatiested copy of Mark sheets ofall Semesters. Revised mark sheets issued by 2 ‘Board University after last date of receipiapplcaton wll not be accepted fr this coure. ()Cortficate issued by the Controler of Examination Registra! Dean ofthe concemed University regarding formula for conversation of CGPAY Grades into marks folowed by the University, (i) A Comiicate issued by the controler of ExanvReglstra/Dean of the concemed Unversity or Prinepal of the college regarding cumulative percentage of marks Upto (6° semester of Engg Degree course. (vi) Certificate from the PrncipalHead of the Institution stating thatthe candidate is in final year and his result wil be declared by 1" of the month of commencement oF Course \fortnal yeer appearing candidates). () Declaration by the candidate of nal year Engg degree course tht he wil submit the proof of passing by 1" ofthe month of commencement of course to Rig Ot, failing which his candature willbe canceles. (©) All certiticates in original, Cxginals will be returned alter verication at the Service ‘Selection Boa tet. (@) Any candidate who does not carry the above documents forthe SSB interview, his ‘candidature wil be cancelled and he wil be returned. (e) The second copy ofthe printout of online application Is to be retained by the candidate for his reference. There s no need to send any hard copy to DG Recrulting. (f) Candidates must submit only one online application, Receipt of multiple applications from the same candidate will ruitin cancellation of candidature, and NO representation will be entertained in this regard. ‘Selection Procedure. The selection procedure Is as folows:- (2) Short ists Integrated HO of MoD(Amy) reserves the right fo Shomtist appicatons and tof cutoft percentage of marke for each. Engineesing scpinelstream without assigning any reason. After shorlsting of applications, the {centre allotment will be intimated to the candidate via thelr omall.Aftor allotment of Selection Contre, candidates will have to log in to the website and select thelr SSB dates on a first come first served basis, upto specified dato as willbe intimated on the ‘wobsite wow (©) _ Only shortisted eligible candidates depending on the culo percentage wil be intervened at one of the Selecton Centres va. Allahabad (UP). Bhopal (MP), Bangalore (Kemataka) and Kapurthals (Punjab) by Psychologist, Group Testing Officer and interviewing (Office. Call Up liter for SSB interview wil be Issued by respective Selection Centres through anaidate's registered email id end SMS only. Allotment of Selection Centre is at the discretion of DG Rig, IHO MoD (Aimy) and NO request Tor changes are entertained in this regard (€)___ Candidates wit be put through two stage selection procedure at the SSB. Those ‘who clear Stage | will go to Stage I, Those who fall In Stage | wil be returned on the ‘Same day. Duration of SSB interviews is five days, and detals of the same are available at & go offical website of Ote Gen of Rig wun This wil be folowed by a ‘medical examination of the cancidatos who get recommended afer Stage (8) __Candidstes recommended by the SSB and deciared medically ft wil be issued joining letter for training in the order of mer, depending on the number of vacancies avaiable, subject to meeting al elgiity ertora 11. Physical Standard (2) Helaht & Weignt The minimum acceptable height and weight for men is 157.5 oms With correlated weight. In case of candidates belonging othe North East and Ply areas ke Gorknas, Nepalese, Assamese and Garhmals, the height wll be relaxed by 5 cms and weight commensurate with reduced height, In case of candidates from Lakshadveep, the minimum ‘acceptable height can be reduced by 2 em. (>) agg TO P3SS ft a.candidate must be in good physical and mental health fee from any ddisabily (6) Permanent Body Tattoos For tatioo policy, please vist our website ‘mun joinganarmy ne in (2). Prospactve candidates are edvsed to exercise and keep themselves physically fi In order to avoid any injury due othe rigorous physieal traning at Inlan Miltary Academy, In ‘order tobe able to adjust tothe regime atthe Training Academy the candidates are advised 10 achieve folowing standards before joining IMA. I aly selacted (a) Running 2-4Km in 1S ‘minites(b) Push ups ~ 13 Nos (c Sit ups ~ 25 Nos (4) Chin upa ~ 6 Nos (e) Rope cimbing — 3-4 meters 12, Medical Examination. A candidate recommended by the Services Selection Board wil Lndergo a medical examination by a Board of Service Medical officers. Only those candidates wil be admited tot who are declared 'FIT by the Medical Board. The provestings of the Mecical Board are confemtal and wil not be divulged to anyone. Honever, candidates declared Unfit by the Special Medical Board (SMB) wil be intimated by the President of SMB. The procedure for request for Appeal Mecical Board (AME) will also Be intimated to the candidates. Unfit ‘candidates should report for AMB within @ maximum period of 42 days ftom the vate of SMB Candidates declared untt by AMB willbe intimated by the President, AMB about procedure to ‘2ppeal against decision of AM. Candidates must also note that Review Medical Board (RM) wi be granted atthe discretion of OGAFMS baced on the mer of the case and that RMB is NOT 2 ‘ight. Candidates wil be considered medicaly ft only on receipt of the approved. Medical ‘documenis from Directorate General Maciel Service, Note 1. Candidates ae advised in ther own interest o undergo a preiminary medical check up for wax in ears, DNS, defective colour vison, over weightiunder weigh, ples, tonsils and varicocele before reporting fr the SSB interview. ‘Note 2 Direciorate General of Recruting has no role to play in any Medical Boards and procedure ‘vised bythe medical authorities willbe sty adhered, 13. Change Of interview Dates, Request for change of SSB Interview datelcenter will NOT be entertalned of replied. 14 ‘Traveling Aw Candidates appearing for SSB interview forthe first time for a particular type of commission shall be entitled for ACI Ter to and for Railay fare ‘0 Bus fare including reservation cum sieeper charges within the Indian ime. Candisates who we Pb , ‘apply again for the same type of commission wil NOT be entitod to traveling allowance on any subsequent cecasion. For any querycarfcation regarding admissibiiy or payment of Traveling ‘Alowence, the candidates may drecly approach the concemed Selection Centre. 15, _MERITLIST, ITS TO BE NOTED THAT MERE QUALIFYING AT THE SSB INTERVIEW DOES NOT CONFIRM FINAL SELECTION. MERIT LIST WILL BE PREPARED ENGINEERING STREAMISUBJECT WISE ON THE BASIS OF THE MARKS OBTAINED GY THE CANDIDATE ‘AT SSB INTERVIEW. HIGHER EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS, PREVIOUS PERFORMANCES, NCC BACKGROUND, ETC HAVE NO ROLE TO PLAY. THOSE IN THE MERIT LIST AND WHO COME WITHIN THE STIPULATED STREAM WISE VACANCIES, AND ARE MEDICALLY FIT ARE ISSUED JOINING LETTERS FOR PRE-COMMISSIONING "TRAINING AT IMA DEHRADUN, 16, On joining the Army, some of personal restrictions in service will be imposed in accordance with Arcie 33 0f the Constitution of India as promulgated inthe Army Aet and Army Rules fom timate tie. ‘Note 1. Any ambiguityfalse information/conceaiment of information detected in the Certfictes/documents/ online application will result in cancellation of the candidature at “any stage of selection process, ‘Note 2, For all queries regarding allotment of centres, date of interview, merit list, joining Instructions and any other relevant information please” visk™ our website Queries will be replied ONLY through ‘Feedbaci/ Query option {available on the website Note 3. Please read the Notification, Joining Instructions, and other instructions uploaded ‘on the website thoroughly before submission of queries in Feedback/Query’ on the website. Note 4. Queries received three working days or lees, prior to closing of online application, may not be replied. ‘ONLINE APPLICATION WILL OPEN AT 1200 HR ON 17 APR 2018 AND WILL BE CLOSED AT 1200 HR ON 16 MAY 2018 veo

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