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Department of Electrical Engineering, IITM

EE3004: Control Engineering

Class @ ESB 128 : Dr.Ramkrishna Pasumarthy
Assignment 1
Due date: September 03, 2018

• Assignment shall be submitted on the due date. Late submissions will not be entertained. If any
student is unable to submit the assignment due to some reasons, please contact the TA by email
before the deadline.
• Assignments should be done in A4 size papers. Any other format will not be accepted.
• Name and Roll No. along with course no. and assignment no. should be written very clearly at
the top of the first page of the submission.
• If any submission is found to be copied from another both the students will be penalized for the
entire semester. Adopting unfair means is strictly prohibited.

1. For the mechanical system in the figure below:
(a) Write down the mathematical model equations.
(b) Draw the analogous F − V and F − I electrical systems and find their respective mathematical

2. For the rotational mechanical system in the figure below:

(a) Write down the mathematical model equations.
(b) Draw the analogous T − V and T − I electrical systems and find their respective mathematical

3. Consider the following three species (F, S, G) ecosystem:

= F (a − bS) (1)
= S(−c + dF − eG) (2)
= G(−f + gG) (3)
a, b, c, d, e, f, g are positive constants. Describe the role played by each of the species in this ecosys-
tem, with sufficient reasoning. Find the equilibrium point of the ecosystem when all the constants
are equal to one.
sin2 (t)
4. Find the Laplace transform of f (t) = t + te−at sin(at)

5. Solve the following differential equation using Laplace transforms:

y 00 + 3y 0 + 10y = e−t cos(t); y(0) = 0; y 0 (0) = 2
X2 (s)
6. For the mechanical system shown in the figure below, find the transfer function X1 (s) .

VC2 (s)
7. Find the transfer function Vi (s) for the network shown below.

Y (s)
8. Find the transfer function R(s) for the system with the following block diagram using:

(a) Block Diagram Reduction

(b) Signal Flow graph and Mason’s gain formula

C(s) 20s2
9. The transfer function of a closed loop unity feedback system is R(s) = (s+1)(s+3)(s+5) . Find the
response c(t) when r(t) = 1 + 2t + 2 .

10. The impulse response of a system is y(t) = e−3t sin(4t). Find the following factors for the step
response of the same system.
(a) Rise time tr
(b) Peak time tp
(c) Settling time ts (2% tolerance)
(d) Damping factor ζ
(e) Natural frequency ωn
(f) Peak overshoot %Mp

11. The step response of a 1st order system has a settling time (2% tolerance) of 10 seconds. Find its
delay time and rise time.
12. What is the value of K for a unity feedback (negative) system with open loop transfer function
G(s) = s(s+2)(s+3) to get ess = 0.2 when a unit ramp input is applied?

13. In the block diagram shown below, R(s) is the reference input, D(s) is the disturbance input and
Y (s) is the output.

(a) Find h such that for suitable values of K, the steady state error for step reference is zero and
steady state error for a ramp reference is non-zero constant. Assume d(t) = 0.
(b) For the h obtained above, find K such that when d(t) is a unit step and r(t) = 0,
lim y(t) = 0.05
(c) For the K obtained above, find ess when r(t) is a ramp and d(t) = 0
14. Given a simple feedback system with G(s) = s and H(s) = K2 , find K1 and K2 if system gain is
2 and time constant is 0.4 seconds.

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