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Research Proposal

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Name MEGANDANA Hikmat Number M
Area : GIS Technology and Watershed Management
Research Topis : Challenges and Opportunities in Ciliwung Watershed Management : A GIS
Technical Approach
General Description of Research :
Indonesia is a tropical state with rainy and dry season. Ciliwung river is one of the
most important river in Java Island. It because Ciliwung watershed flows through two
provinces, West Java and the special region of Jakarta. But Ciliwung watershed was also
one of polluted watershed in Indonesia. Indonesia faces considerable challenges to repair
and subsequently maintain its watershed function with all of the problems such as global
warming, pollutions, land cover changes, and overpopulation. Achieving this objective
has the potential to deliver significant benefits to the people in the future. In
particular, watershed management provides flood control, irrigation, electrical energy,
and clean water supply. Indeed, it has been evident that failure in managing watershed
may cause huge disaster. Therefore, research and activities concerning Watershed
management is of high importance in Indonesia.
Research Aims :
To conduct a critical and comprehensive study and analysis concerning technical or GIS
aspects of watershed management in Indonesia. This research will contribute
significantly to relevant disciplines such as geographic, ecology, agriculture,
hydrology, and forestry.
Methodology :
This research will combine extensive literature study and technical experiments using
geospatial data (maps, satellite images, and field data) to produce a comprehensive thesis
concerning technical or GIS aspects of watershed management. Analysis will be achieved
by comparative studies among the Indonesian cases against relevant state practice.
Fieldwork will be conducted to carry out in-depth interviews and investigation involving
government institution related to watershed management issues in Indonesia such as
Bakosurtanal, Ministry of Forestry, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Environment,
Ministry of Public Works, Provincial Government of West Java, Provincial Government of
special region of Jakarta, and educational institution.
Relevant Research Experience :
My undergraduate final project concerned about GIS technical and watershed management.
In particular, elaborate more about land cover change in watershed with the aspect of
forestry using the geospatial data.
Significance to Indonesia :
There are only few researchers in Indonesia with expertise in technical aspects of the
watershed management. By completing this study and disseminating the results arising from
it, it is hoped that the study will help of expertise in this area. The study I am proposing
has potential of considerable significance to Indonesia in light of the number and scope
of the international challenges it faces.

Graduate school for International Development and Cooperation, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY

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