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- Ahmad Dwi Kurnioawan (170210303020)

- Vivi Ratna Ayuningrum (170210303022)
- Vilda Eka Febianti (170210303023)

Global Warming

Global warming is measurable increase the average temperature of earth’s atmosphere oceans,
and landmasses. Scientists believe earth’s is currenly facing a period of rapid warming brought
on by rising levels of heat-trapping gasses, know as greenhouse gasses, in the atmosphere.
Greenhouse gasses occur naturally and without them, the planet would be too cold to sustain
life as we know it

How does the process of global warming work? All object emit radiation because of their
temperature. The sun, or any object at a temperature of 6000 K, emits most of its energy in the
visible spectrum. The earth, or any oject at 285 K, emits most of its energy in the infrared part
of the spectrum. Some gases in the atmosphere are called “greenhouse gases”. These are gases,
like water vapor and carbon dioxide, that are transparent to visible light, but absorb infrared
light. When visible light from the sun hits the earth, it passes through the atmosphere, hits the
earth, and warms the earth. The earth emits is in the infrared, and some of that is absorbed by
the green house gases in the atmosphere instead of going back out into space. When that
happens, the atmosphere gets warmer – and the planetas a whole gets warmer, too. We human
used to burn wood for fuel. When we burned wood, the carbondioxide we were releasing was
the same carbon dioxide that trees extracted from the air when they were growing; so the net
effect was zero: as long as we planted a new tree to replace the old one, no “extra” carbon
dioxide was emitted into the atmosphere.

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