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Nervous System of Fish

The nervous system of a fish differs only slightly from any vertebrate, due to its adaptation to its
underwater habitat. Without the adapted nervous system that the fish possesses, survival in an
underwater habitat would not be possible.

The nervous system of a fish and all other vertebrates consists of two systems:

1. The cerebrospinal system and

2. The autonomic system.

1. The cerebrospinal system is divided into two divisions:

A. The central division: consisting of the brain and spinal cord and
B.The peripheral division: consisting of both the cranial and spinal nerves and the specialized
sensing organs such as the eyes and ears.

2. The autonomic nervous system consists of ganglia, fibers, and of both the sympathetic and
parasympathetic parts.
Autonomic nervous system is generally less prominent in fish then the cerebrospinal system. This
system does not possess many typical functions of a nervous system, and is placed under this
category mainly because its parts are closely connected to either the brain or spinal cord. This
system is composed of parasympathetic and sympathetic parts, used to activate and inactivate
muscles of different parts of body systems. Ganglia, the main component of this system, contain
fibers used to connect the nervous system to the muscles of the body.

Central nervous system of fish

Fish typically have quite small brains relative to body size when compared with other vertebrates.
However, some fish have relatively large brains, most notably sharks.
The brain is divided into several regions. At the front are the olfactory lobes, a pair of structure the
receive and process signals from the nostrils via the two olfactory nerves. The olfactory lobes are
very large in fishes that hunt primarily by smell, such as hagfish, sharks, and catfish. Behind the
olfactory lobes is the two-lobed telencephalon, the equivalent structure to the cerebrum in higher
vertebrates. In fishes the telencephalon is concerned mostly with olfaction. Together these structures
form the forebrain.

Connecting the forebrain to the midbrain is the diencephalon (in the adjacent diagram, this structure
is below the optic lobes and consequently not visible). The diencephalon performs a number of
functions associated with hormones and homeostasis.[16] The pineal body lies just above the
diencephalon. This structure performs many different functions including detecting light,
maintaining cardiac rhythms, and controlling colour changes.

The midbrain or mesencephalon contains the two optic lobes. These are very large in species that
hunt by sight, such as rainbow trout and cichlids.

The hindbrain or metencephalon is particularly involved in swimming and balance. The cerebellum
is a single-lobed structure that is usually very large, typically the biggest part of the brain. Hagfish
and lampreys have relatively small cerebellums, but at the other extreme the cerebellums of
mormyrids are massively developed and apparently involved in their electrical sense.

The brain stem or myelencephalon is the most posterior part of the brain. As well as controlling the
functions of some of the muscles and body organs, in bony fish at least the brain stem is also
concerned with respiration and osmoregulation.

Fig.Dorsal view of the brain of the rainbow trout

Cranial nerves of fishes and their Functions

Olfactory Nerve: Connection: nasal mucosa and brain. Function: Special sensory, carries
smell impulses.
Optic Nerve: Connection: eye for visions and ocular reflexes. Function: Special sensory,
carries visual impulses.
Oculomotor Nerve: intrinsic and extrinsic ocular muscles
Trochlear Nerve: superior oblique muscles of the eye
Trigeminla Nerve: sensation to face and motor fibers to muscles
Abducent Nerve: lateral rectus muscles of eyeball
Facial Nerve: superficial muscles of the face and taste fibers
Auditory Nerve: vestibular sensory in ear
Glossopharyngeal Nerve: tongue, mouth, and body
Vagus: esophagus, stomach, larynx, trachea, and lungs


Fish hear, see, taste, touch, smell and even sense electricity in different and more acute ways than
humans. Fish can sense light, chemicals, vibrations and even electricity, and they have developed
senses that humans to not yet possess.

Within vertebrates, the eye seems to be the most constant feature. The eye is used in conjugation
with the other senses to find food, shelter, mates, and to avoid predators. The eye of a fish contains a
retina, an optic nerve, a lens, a cornea, an iris and three pairs of oculomotor muscles. The eye of a
fish is generally soft. However, there are many adaptive changes due to slight changes in habitat,
such as depth. Many fish can see in color and in both air and water. The size of a fish's eye varies
according to the depth and quantity of light present. Generally the size of the eye of a fish increases
with depth as the quantity of light present decreases. Some fish contain even a Tapetum Lucidum;
an eye structure composed of glowing guanine crystals that amplify light. At the end of the photic
zone, eye size drops off due to complete lack of light. The eye of the fish has evolved to be
completely sphere as to enable vision underwater due to higher refractive index. Fish do not have
the capabilities to dilate or contract their pupils as the lens bulges through the iris due to the fact that
fish focus by moving the lens in and out instead of stretching. Fish, aside from several species of
sharks, do not posses eyelids. A nictitating membrane cleans the surface of the cornea, and an
adipose layer composed of fat protects the eyeball.


Though hidden, fish do posses ears and a system of touch. These ears are located within their bodies
along with a lateral line system that helps them feel. The internal ears are used to sense sound
vibration transmitted from the water to the fish's body and into its ear. Though fish lack an outer ear
and a cochlea, the inner ear is still used to sense balance. This fluid-filled inner ear is a very delicate
organ divided into two sections: the parasuperior (top half) and the utriculus (lower half). The
parasuperior is responsible for balance. Divided into three semicircular canals, the fish uses the
fluid and sensory hairs to detect rotation and acceleration. The utriculus contains two relatively
large stone-like structures called otoliths, which vibrate with sound waves, stimulating
interpretation of these waves.

Fish touch using a technique similar to that of the technique used for hearing. Fish possess
neuromast; clusters of hairs linked to a thick fluid called the cupala. Many of these neuromast come
in direct contact with the water allowing the fish to detect objects moving in the water a short
distance away. Not all neuromast however come in contact with the water. Some are arranged
linearly to form lateral lines to give the fish an actual sense of touch.


Fish use chemoreception to smell and taste as humans do. In many fish, these senses are even
further developed than those of humans, and many species are dependant on the to detect prey. Most
fish have two nostrils, one on either side of their head not attached to the throat, but contain an
olfactory organ used to detect chemicals. The size of this organ is normally proportional to the fish's
sense of smell; the larger the nostril the better the sense of smell. Many higher species of fish, such
as sharks, can sense chemicals in the water with a concentration as low as one part per billion!
Most fish also possess the ability to taste. As humans do, fish possess taste buds. However, fish
possess many more, those of which are much more accurate. Taste buds line not only the tongue,
but the entire mouth as well. Some species of fish, such as the catfish, possess special structures
called barbels. These barbels are whiskers that have taste structures allowing fish the dig for food,
tasting it before it even reaches their mouths.

Fish have developed a sixth sense to aid them in detecting electrical potential or voltage. To do this,
fish use canals filled with a gel containing sensory cells. These canals combine to make up the
electroreceptive system called the Ampullae of Lorenzin. These sensors are extremely sensitive in
higher species of fish. Some fish may even sense the heartbeat of another fish up to 500 miles away!
Sharks use this technique to detect prey, as well as to sense the earth's magnetic field for navigation.

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