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version 10 AUG 2018 A




1. Preparation. Download to your personal computer: (1) Digiwage Windows wallet then encrypt with
a passphrase and backup; (2) Putty software used to connect to the VPS
2. Prepare Your personal computer Windows wallet by: 6
a. Sending 12000 Digiwage coins to one or more new masternode wallet addresses then
waiting for at least one confirmation on the sent coins transactions
b. Open Debug Console then masternode genkey to receive a genkey for each masternode.
Type masternode outputs to receive the transaction hash and its corresponding index, for 8
each masternode. Save information for copying later.
c. Open masternode configuration file in a text editor then add in the new labels for each
masternode, its IP address (if available), its genkey and its transaction hash with index.
d. Exit your personal computer digiwage wallet then restart. Unlock your wallet. In Debug
Console, startmasternode alias false MN1(your masternode label(s)) and read the 10
response that says successfully started your masternode.
e. Go to the Masternodes tab in your wallet to confirm that your masternode(s) are shown
(May say enabled, or missing, as the wallet situation varies so not to worry).
3. Register, purchase, and setup a VPS (Virtual Private Server) service on 13
a. Go to then register and add your billing information 13
b. Select Deploy a new server, choose close location to you or your internet service provider
location (VPN), select operating system Ubuntu 16.04, select server specifications (1 GIG
RAM, 25 GIG hard drive, 1000 GIG bandwidth, $5 per month), enable IPv6, type a name
for your server such as Digiwage Masternode VPS. Launch it.
c. After deploy process finishes setting up, then select Manage server. Copy the information
to a safe place for future reference (username root, root password, IP4 address, name of 15
d. On the menu, choose Settings>>IPv6 then select the link for “configuration examples”
then scroll down to the Ubuntu 16.XX example. Then copy the information for future 16
pasting (text editor like notepad is fine).
e. Download Putty then run it. Paste the IP4 address into Putty and type a label, such as
Vultr Digiwage Masternode VPS, then save this connection setup, then connect.
f. Login as root, using your username as root and the root password copied previously. 20
g. Paste the command to update security items then type reboot to reboot the server. 21
h. Wait a minute or two for the server to reboot, then login as root again. Edit the network
configuration file by replacing the contents with the Ubuntu 16.04 configuration
example, then copy and paste the final portion for each additional masternode. Replace
the final digit in the IPv6 to match your masternode number (e.g., MN1 will have an IPv6
address ending in the number 1, MN2’s IPv6 ends in a two). And, if you feel motivated,
then add in several more for future installations of digiwage masternodes (e.g., You are



setting up 3 masternodes now, but you think you may add two more in the future, so add
the IPv6 addresses for them now to save you time in your future setups, and note that
there is no reasonable limitation on IPv6 addresses so add as many as you desire). Save
the network configuration file then reboot the server.
4. Setup server users, download and install digiwage masternode VPS programs, copy digiwage
programs to each user, assign program ownership to users, then edit each user’s masternode
configuration file for the proper IPv6 address, rpcport, and recommended rpcuser with
rpcpassword, and enter the individual masternode genkey.
a. Adduser for each masternode. We use the example username of digiwagemn1,
digiwagemn2, …
b. Add a long and cryptic password for each user then enter blanks for every remaining
question then click Y for yes to finish the setup. Save all usernames and passwords in a
safe place and remember to backup usernames and other vital information in a place
other than your computer hard drive (that can potentially break one day).
c. Assign root permissions to each username added. 30
d. Switch from root username to the first masternode username, digiwagemn1. Download
the installation program from github, adjust permissions, then run it. Copy and paste the
masternode one genkey when prompted for it. Later in the installation process, when 31
asked a question about the installation, answer Y for yes. Then, then the install program
will complete.
e. Importantly, scroll up the Putty terminal screen and locate the recommended
rpcusername with corresponding rpcpassword then copy and paste for future use.
f. Change to the digiwagemn1 directory for the configuration file and change contents as
needed. cd /home/digiwagemn1/.digiwage then nano digiwage.conf then change rpcport
to 46101 (where the final 1 in this number represents masternode 1), change
maxconnections to 300, change externalip to your IPv6 address and replace the final digit 33
with “1” and add square brackets to encase the whole IPv6 address. Add a line for
bind=[put same address as externalip here] then add a line port=46003. Save using <ctrl>
x, then hit Y for yes, the <enter> to save with the file as named.
g. Copy all digiwage programs and configuration files to each username, then provide
ownership permissions, then edit each digiwage.conf file. Do this by typing:
sudo su
cp -R /home/digiwagemn1/digiwage /home/digiwagemn2/digiwage
cp -R /home/digiwagemn1/.digiwage /home/digiwagemn2/.digiwage 34
chown -R digiwagemn2:digiwagemn2 /home/digiwagemn2
cd /home/digiwagemn2/.digiwage
nano digiwage.conf

h. Start all masternodes, with a delay of about a minute or two between starting (in my
experience this works, otherwise, may have too much memory needed to intial startups). 36
If not already logged in as digiwagemn1 (type whoami command to see your username),

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then type digiwaged to start the masternode programs. Next, wait two minutes then
login as digiwagemn2 then type digiwaged, and repeat for all masternodes.
5. In personal computer Digiwage Windows wallet, complete masternode configuration setup,
perform digiwage.conf setup, then start all masternodes again.
a. Start the Digiwage Windows wallet on your personal computer. Select
Tools>>Masternode Configuration File. Change the masternode IP addresses to your 37
masternode IPv6 addresses. Exit the program.
b. Using a Windows explorer locate your wallet folder. Usually stored in C:\users\[your
username that you login to Windows with]/Appdata/Roaming/digiwage. Note that
Appdata is a hidden folder so make sure your computer shows hidden folders so that you
can see it to get to the necessary digiwage wallet folder.
c. In the digiwage wallet folder, locate the file named digiwage.conf. Edit it. Copy and paste
the rpcuser and rpcpassword that you copied previously. Save the file.
d. Start your personal computer Digiwage Windows wallet. Under settings, unlock your
wallet. Go to Debug Console. Type startmasternode alias false MN1. See that your 38
masternode starts successfully. Repeat for each masternode .
6. Examine masternode status to ensure all are working properly. Any of the following can be
performed individually or in any order.
a. Go to the masternodes tab in the personal computer Digiwage Windows wallet. See their
status. Wait more than one hour (at least 65 minutes), then leave the wallet on to
complete synchronization, then wait a few more minutes (five minutes is sufficient), then 39
check to see that all masternodes are showing ENABLED status. If not, then restart them
or review the instructions to find out where the problem is.
b. In the Digiwage Windows wallet, receiving addresses. For the masternode in question,
select its row, then right click to copy the masternode address. In a browser, go to
39 then paste in the address to see the status of the masternode (e.g.,
c. In the Digiwage Windows wallet, under options, click the check mark next to coin control.
Save changes. Go the Send tab. Press the Inputs button then see that all your masternode 40
labels are shown with locks next to a coin count of 12000.
d. In the Digiwage Windows wallet, go to Debug Console then type masternode outputs.
Copy the transaction hash for the masternode in question. In a browser, go to the
Digiwage block explorer ( ) then paste in that transaction and 42
search it. See that it holds 12000 digiwage coins and its index location (typically zero for
the first row or one for the second row location in the transaction outputs).
e. Using Putty, login to the vultr Digiwage Masternode VPS as digiwagemn(masternode
number in question), then type digiwage-cli masternode status. If there is a problem then
stop the process (may be stopped already) by typing digiwage-cli stop. Wait two minutes 42
for the process to fully stop, then check the configuratio file to confirm its contents cd
/home/digiwagemn1/.digiwage, then nano digiwage.conf. After exiting then start the

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digiwage masternode program by typing digiwaged. Logout. Repeat as needed

f. Optional typically. But doesn’t hurt anything to do it. Manually open your personal
computer’s firewall to accept incoming and outgoing traffic on the IPv6 addresses. See 43
Norton Security example.
g. Using Putty, login to the vultr Digiwage Masternode VPS as root. Type ps -aux and count
the number of digiwaged processes running, should be the same as your masternode
count. Type free -h to see memory utilization in RAM and your 4 GIG swap file (setup
during the install script process). Type df to see hard disk utilization and free space.
h. See the list of commands for use on the VPS. Login as a masternode user, such as
digiwagemn1. Try each command.
i. For severe problems, such as the masternode shows missing after several hours, time and
time again, then use the backed up wallet folder and replace the configuration files.
j. Again, for severe problems, where you are absolutely sure that all configuration
information is correct but the local wallet masternode entry goes missing time and time
again, then add a new user then copy fresh programs and setup the configuration on the
VPS then start the masternode.
k. Fix the problem where the masternode staking shows a receiving address rather than the
receiving label. In the personal computer Digiwage Windows wallet, go to File>>Receiving
addresses. Note down which masternodes are missing from the list. Login to your VPS as a
missing masternode user (e.g., digiwagemn5), then type digiwage-cli masternode status. 56
See the rewards address. Back in the personal computer Digiwage Windows wallet, go to
the Transactions tab right click and edit the label to that masternode (e.g., MN5). Repeat
these steps as needed, until all transactions have masternode labels.
7. Appendixes 62
a. Appendix A, masternode.conf file format for the personal computer Digiwage wallet 62
b. Appendix B, example configuration files on the VPS. Shows digiwagemn1’s digiwage.conf
file contents, along with four additional masternode .conf contents.
c. Appendix C, common VPS commands for masternodes. Includes starting the masternode,
stopping it, and seeing its current activity.
d. Appendix D, local wallet command examples. Shows how to start one or all masternodes
in the Debug Console of the personal computer Digiwage Windows wallet.
e. Appendix E, coin control in Windows wallet. Shows how to enable the function of coin
control in the personal computer Digiwage Windows wallet, and how to check each 68
masternode for a full set of 12000 locked coins.
f. Appendix F, Steps to add a single (or multiple) masternodes after completing these
instructions. In other words, you have already setup three or so masternodes using these
instructions, and now want to add more masternodes to the current setup. These are the

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g. Appendix G, examining deployed server capacity. Shows how to measure server capacity
from the VPS command line and at the vultr account console.
h. Appendix H, increasing coin value over the long-term by promoting widespread digiwage
adoption, via the stakecube faucet: In other words, setting up your personal wallet to
multisend rewards whereby the percentage you set get split to the digiwage faucet in
addition to your own wallet.

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This Digiwage guide for multiple masternodes provides an example using as the VPS (Virtual
Private Server) provider with a cold wallet masternode architecture. This is a step-by-step guide that
enables its readers to implement a Linux VPS for multiple masternodes, with little to no prior linux

To complete these instructions effectively, you will need:

- A digiwage wallet on your computer with at least 12000 Wage available for every masternode.
Digiwage wallet download:
After installation, encrypt the wallet with a passphrase. Store the passphrase in a safe place(s)
and backup the wallet onto a different drive that your personal computer’s hard drive, so that
you do not loose all of your wallet’s money in case there are difficulties.

Step 1: Prepare your wallet

1. Open your digiwage wallet where you have your WAGE coins
2. Go to file>>receiving addresses>>+New to create a new address


3. Type in a label for your masternode, such as MN1 (case sensitive) then click the
OK button

4. See your label and new address in your receiving addresses list. Right click on
the MN1 row then select copy address.

5. Hit the close button to exit. Then choose Send from the menu and paste your
address into the address field then hit the tab button. Enter 12000 into the Amount

6. Click the Send button at the bottom left of the screen, then enter in your
passphrase to unlock your encrypted wallet. If your wallet is not encrypted then
you are encouraged to encrypt it with a passphrase then backup (right now).

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Then, confirm that you really want to send 12000 coins to yourself (yes, your own wallet, for safekeeping
while as a masternode).
Next, wait for at least one confirmation before proceeding. You can view the transaction confirmation
count either in the menu tab named Overview or in the tab named Transactions. You can also see the
very small fee you just paid, colored in red.

7. After getting at least one confirmation, then select Tools>>Debug Console, and
type on the command line, masternode outputs. Copy the transaction hash and
the number (zero or one) into a text editor such as notepad

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Next, type masternode genkey on the command line, then copy the genkey hash into notepad or a text
editor for later reference. Note, that the transaction numbers are in a random order, so do not correlate
with the order that you created the receiving addresses. For example, the transaction address order may
change each time you add a receiving address, so it may be MN2 then MN1, and later MN3 then MN1
then MN2.

8. Go to Tools >> Open Masternode Configuration File (masternode.conf), and open

with Notepad.

9. Using one line per masternode, use the following format:

10. Alias IP:Port Privkey TxHash OutputIndex

11. As "Alias", enter "MN1" (do not use spaces and special characters)

12. As "IP:Port", enter "YOUREXTERNALIP:PORT" (your external white IP and port for

masternode), such as 123.456.789:48882

13. As "Privkey", enter the masternode private key you generated with "masternode


14. As "TxHash", enter the masternode tx from "masternode outputs" command

15. As "OutputIndex", enter the tx index from "masternode outputs" command

16. Now you can File >> Save and exit out.

17. Repeat the process from step 2 for MN2 through MN5, while renaming MN1 to MN2

then MN3 then MN4 and finally MN5

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Next, exit the digiwage wallet program, so that it can read your masternode configuration changes, upon
startup. After exiting, restart the wallet program then start the masternodes in your wallet. However,
you must wait until the wallet is fully synchronized. Do not attempt to start the masternodes without the
wallet completing its 100% syncrhonization.

After synchronization is completed then, Select Tools>>Debug Console.

If your wallet is not unlocked, then select Settings>>Unlock wallet and type your passphrase.

Then, in the debug console started each masternode

Startmasternode alias false MN1

Startmasternode alias false MN2

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Startmasternode alias false MN3

Startmasternode alias false MN4

Startmasternode alias false MN5

Go to menu item Masternodes and see that all are “ENABLED” though the times may not be correct and
there is missing information, as we are still setting up. If not “ENABLED” then you can exit the wallet then
start again and wait for synchronization to complete, then go to the Masternodes tab and see that your
masternodes appear enabled. Also, note that after synchronization is complete, that the masternodes
will continue to update. And, sometimes the rows for each of your masternodes show incomplete
information (even after it displayed correctly previously in the wallet). If incorrect and missing
information is appearing later on when you run the wallet, then keep the wallet on for five minutes then
see the information will be updated, before trying to correct a problem, because your wallet is
communicating with the blockchain and your VPS and updating while the wallet program is running.

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Note: There is a 60-65 minute timer in the local windows wallet system that seeks the corresponding VPS
masternode. If, in the event that there is a problem on the VPS and after 60-65 minutes the local windows
wallet has not detected the VPS masternode, then the status will change to missing. Therefore, it is
advised for you to start your local wallet after two hours or more and let it run for several minutes after
full synchronization, then see the status under “My Masternodes” and take appropriate action, such as
stop then start the process on the VPS, or double-check that you completed all the necessary steps.

Note: Perform the wallet setup first, then setup the vultr account.

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Next, it is time to create the VPS, or virtual private server. We use in this example, though many
other providers offer a very similar service, and alternatively, you can utilize their service and apply these
1. Go to and create an account, or login to your existing account.

2. Select Launch a new server.

3. Select the location nearest you, in the world.

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4. Select Ubuntu, then 16.04 version from the dropdown list.

5. Server size is 1024 MB RAM (1 GIG RAM) and 25 GIG hard drive and 1000 GIG

6. In additional features, select Enable IPv6

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Name the VPS, with the name of your choice. Then, press the Deploy now to
launch the VPS with the configuration that you have selected.

7. After the new VPS is deployed (may take several minutes to initialize and resize)
then press the Manage button.

8. Save your account information in a safe place on your computer:

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9. Press Settings, so that we can setup the IPV6 next.

10. Select IPv6

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11. Select Vultr examples that use your launched VPS setup.

12. Scroll down the page to ubuntu 16 operating system, then copy the configuration

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13. Copy the main IP, or IPv4 address

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Downloading putty then running it.

1. Paste the IP address into it for the connection then add in the name of your VPS
server and press save then connect.

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2. Hit yes for the first-time message

3. Login as root and paste in password (copy in Windows, then right-click mouse
button to paste in Ubuntu).

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4. Copy and paste this command (right mouse click to paste in ubuntu). This will
update security only.

apt-get -s dist-upgrade | grep "^Inst" | grep -i securi | awk -F " " {'print $2'} | xargs apt-
get install

5. After a few minutes it will finish.

6. Type “reboot” then hit enter so that the server will reboot and complete installation
of the security patches. Then, login.

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7. Wait about two minutes then, using putty, login as root again.

8. See that most security updates show installed. Actually, they are all installed.

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9. Type:

nano /etc/network/interfaces

then see the editor

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10. Next, delete the code as shown (use arrow keys and delete key is one

11. Copy code that you saved previously.

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12. Next, we will make up all the IPv6 addresses that we will need for our
digiwage masternodes. We need one address per masternode.

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13. So, copy this section and past it again, for five masternodes. Do not worry, if you
are setting up for less than five digiwage masternodes, you can setup for five now,
in case you want to add more later. To copy, use your mouse to highlight, then hit
<ctrl> <c>. Then, position the cursor where you want then right click the mouse
button to paste.

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14. Setup the VPS for five IPv6 addresses. Change the last character/number in your
IPv6 address to the number 1, then 2 for the next one, three for the third, four for
the fourth, and five for the fifth.

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15. Save the file

16. Type reboot to finalize the IPv6 setup.

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17. Next, login as root and add ubuntu users for each masternode. Again, if you are
making less than five masternodes, you can still setup for five now, in case you
need them in the future.


adduser digiwagemn1

Then, provide a long password and save the username and password in a safe place on your computer.
For the remaining questions, leave answers blank by hitting enter, then finish with “y” for yes, that all
information is correct.

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18. Then type (note: You can use the up-arrow key to see the prior commands that you
typed in. This is useful because you can hit the up-arrow key once, then backspace
and change the number from adduser digiwagemn1 to adduser digiwagemn2).

adduser digiwagemn2

adduser digiwagemn3

adduser digiwagemn4

adduser digiwagemn5

Provide admin permissions to each new user.

19. Type

usermod -aG sudo digiwagemn1

usermod -aG sudo digiwagemn2

usermod -aG sudo digiwagemn3

usermod –aG sudo digiwagemn4

usermod -aG sudo digiwagemn5

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20. Now, change users as follows.

sudo su digiwagemn1

cd ~/


You should see the same information as below.

21. Type

sudo chmod +x

then paste your masternode 1 genkey, from your digiwage wallet.

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22. After pasting then wait several minutes for the installation process to complete,
and answer “y” to the final question as shown below:


23. After the process completes, then scroll up the screen and locate the rpcuser and
rpcpassword recommended for your installation (unique and generated for your
masternode configuration). Save them to notepad for now, or another text editor,
to copy later on into the configuration file.

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Type cd/home/


cd digiwagemn1

cd .digiwage

nano digiwage.conf

Do the following

1. Replace the rpcuser and rpcpassword lines with the one that you copied earler.
Save them also for your personal computer Windows wallet
2. Change rpcport to 46101 (where the last digit is 1 for masternode 1).
3. Change maxconnections to 300
4. Change externalip to the first masternodes IPv6. Place adress inside square
5. Add in a line port=46003
6. Add in line bind=[your masternode IPv6 address]. Place address inside square

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Below is an example of the completed file. Be sure to put in your own IPv6 and not the one shown.

Save with <ctrl><x> then “y” for yes, then <enter> at the filename.


sudo su

cp -R /home/digiwagemn1/digiwage /home/digiwagemn2/digiwage

cp -R /home/digiwagemn1/digiwage /home/digiwagemn3/digiwage

cp -R /home/digiwagemn1/digiwage /home/digiwagemn4/digiwage

cp -R /home/digiwagemn1/digiwage /home/digiwagemn5/digiwage

And also type, note the “.” Before digiwage

cp -R /home/digiwagemn1/.digiwage /home/digiwagemn2/.digiwage

cp -R /home/digiwagemn1/.digiwage /home/digiwagemn3/.digiwage

cp -R /home/digiwagemn1/.digiwage /home/digiwagemn4/.digiwage

cp -R /home/digiwagemn1/.digiwage /home/digiwagemn5/.digiwage

Next, change ownerships

chown -R digiwagemn2:digiwagemn2 /home/digiwagemn2

chown -R digiwagemn3:digiwagemn3 /home/digiwagemn3

chown -R digiwagemn4:digiwagemn4 /home/digiwagemn4

chown -R digiwagemn5:digiwagemn5 /home/digiwagemn5

Next, setup each digiwage.conf file for each of the remaining

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cd /home/digiwagemn2/.digiwage

nano digiwage.conf

Increment rpcport by 1

Increment the IPv6 addresses by 1

Paste in the proper genkey

Save by <ctrl>x “y” then <enter>

cd /home/digiwagemn3/.digiwage

nano digiwage.conf

Make configuration file changes for masternodes 3, 4, and 5

24. Logout of Putty

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Next, begin the blockchain for each masternode that is ready to be activated now.

1. Login as digiwagemn1
2. Type


For each masternode that you would like active now, at this time, do the following. In other words, if you
have three masternodes, then only run these commands for the first three digiwagemn users. If all five,
then run all five. This process starts the VPS running the digiwage blockchain for the masternodes.

Wait a minute or two then login as digiwagemn2, then type


Wait a minute or two then login as digiwagemn3, then type digiwaged

Wait a minute or two then login as digiwagemn4, then type digiwaged

Wait a minute or two then login as digiwagemn5, then type digiwaged

Note: Masternode rewards typically require 2 days and 4 hours for the first reward after starting the
masternode for the first time using the digiwaged command, then about 17 hours for subsequent rewards.

Note: If you already completed these instructions previously, and are adding one or more additional
masternodes, then it is suggested that you copy the final .digiwage configurations to the new ones for
changes (in order to maintain consistent numbering for the rpcport)

cp -R /home/digiwagemn5/.digiwage /home/digiwagemn6/.digiwage
In addition, if stop all processes prior to rebooting by:
digiwage-cli stop # login to each user then type this command prior to reboot

Note also, that you can stop the masternodes then restart within an hour and it will not affect
masternode minting. However, if the VPS has the digiwaged process stopped for a longer period of time,
then the masternode(s) will need to be started again in the Windows wallet and that means waiting about
44 hours for the first masternode rewards.

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3. In your Windows wallet, setup the IPv6 addresses, along with the other necessary
information. Detailed information follows:

4. Quit the wallet on your personal computer then:

Using your text editor, modify your digiwage.conf file.


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5. Copy and paste the rpcuser and rpcpassword file. Make your file have the same
IP and same rpcport as shown here:

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Next, start your personal computer Windows wallet.

Then, check the My Masternodes for status on your masternodes. Please wait an hour or two then start
the wallet again, and after it completes synchronization, and after several minutes beyond that (about
five minutes), then check to make sure all masternodes are enabled and showing their addresses. If not,
go back and check your work per these instructions.

You can check status of your VPS.

1. Start your personal computer Windows wallet

2. Go to receiving addresses
3. Copy one masternode receiving address to check status

4. On a browser go to
5. Paste your masternode address
6. See the results

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7. Start your personal computer Windows wallet.

8. Go to Send, then press the Inputs button to see coin control. See that masternode
1 has 12000 coins locked for masternode purposes.

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9. Copy the transaction id and check on the Digiwage blockexplorer.

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10. Go to for the digiwage block explorer. Paste in the

transaction hash to search

11. Using putty, login as digiwagemn1 to check the masternode status.

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In this example, we will show opening a firewall using Norton Antivirus. This is sometimes necessary, but
not all the time, as the digiwage personal computer Windows wallet may already be a “trusted” program.
However, below are instructions to manually open a firewall for the wallet.

1. First, open Norton by double clicking on its icon.

2. Select Firewall

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3. Open Traffic Rules

4. Select Add to create a new firewall rule set.

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5. Select Allow connections then press Next.

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For severe problems, such as the started masternode shows missing after two hours, and everything
seems correct and you tried several times and got the same result, and are absolutely sure that the setup
is correct. The solution shown below is to use your backup personal computer Digiwage Windows wallet,
and prior to starting the wallet, copy the current masternode.conf and digiwage.conf overtop the backup
wallet files, then start the wallet.

Step 1: Locate your personal computer digiwage wallet configuration folder and rename
it (to rename back to its original name in case this procedure fails to solve the issue.).

The copy your known, good backup that is the complete Digiwage folder to the location where the one is
that you just renamed to Digiwage_old.

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Start your wallet then see the results. Note that you may need to unlock it then start the masternodes,
then wait two hours, then open the wallet again, let fully synchronize, then wait five minutes to see the
results. If still bad, then use wallet repair to rescan the blockchain.

If the masternode is still missing, and you are absolutely sure that all information is correct, then on the
VPS, stop the masternode then add a new user and copy the programs then configure the masternode
then start it.

For example, if masternode 4 is bad then.

Login as digiwagemn4.

Type digiwage-cli stop

Logout then login as root.

Adduser digiwagemn44

Enter a password, and blanks for the remaining fields, then Y for yes the information is correct.

cp -R /home/digiwagemn3/digiwage /home/digiwagemn44/digiwage

cp -R /home/digiwagemn3/.digiwage /home/digiwagemn44/.digiwage

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chown -R digiwagemn44:digiwagemn44 /home/digiwagemn44

cd /home/digiwagemn44/.digiwage

nano digiwage.conf

Change rpcport from 46003 to 46004

For the externalip variable, replace the final digit of the IPv6 to 4

For the bind variable, replace the final digit of the IPv6 to 4

Replace the genkey variable with the genkey for masternode four

<ctrl><x> then “Y” for yes to save the file then <enter> to save the file as it is named.


Wait two minutes then:

Digiwage-cli masternode status

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Fix the problem where the masternode staking shows a receiving address rather
than the receiving label. In the personal computer Digiwage Windows wallet,
go to File>>Receiving addresses. Note down which masternodes are missing
from the list. Login to your VPS as a missing masternode user (e.g.,
digiwagemn5), then type digiwage-cli masternode status. See the rewards
address. Back in the personal computer Digiwage Windows wallet, go to the
Transactions tab. Locate the same address in one of your recent rewards
transactions. Right click and edit the label to that masternode (e.g., MN5).
Repeat these steps as needed, until all transactions have masternode labels.

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Appendix A
Description : Local masternode.conf using any setup

Use : Single / Multiple Masternodes



MN1 123.456.789:48882 my_first_privkey firsttxhash 1

MN2 123.456.789:48881 my_second_privkey secondtxhash 0

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Appendix B
Example configuration files on VPS.
MN1 in username digiwagemn1. File location is /home/digiwagemn1/.digiwage. File is digiwage.conf







MN2 in username digiwagemn2. File location is /home/digiwagemn2/.digiwage. File is digiwage.conf






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MN3 in username digiwagemn3. File location is /home/digiwagemn3/.digiwage. File is digiwage.conf





MN4 in username digiwagemn4. File location is /home/digiwagemn4/.digiwage. File is digiwage.conf





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MN5 in username digiwagemn5. File location is /home/digiwagemn5/.digiwage. File is digiwage.conf




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Appendix C
Common Commands for Multiple Masternodes

Login username digiwagemn1

Login username digiwagemn2

Login username digiwagemn1

digiwage-cli stop

Login username digiwagemn2

digiwage-cli stop
Block Information
digiwage-cli getmininginfo
Masternode information
Digiwage-cli masternode status

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Appendix D
Local Wallet Commands
startmasternode all lockwallet

startmasternode alias lockwallet alias_of_your_mn

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Appendix E
Coin Control in Windows Wallet
Go to Settings>>Options, then, on the pop-up window, select the wallet tab. Enable coin control by
checking the box.

Then, select the Send from the Windows wallet main menu, and press the inputs button:

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See how coin control has locked your coins for each masternode.

If you decide to spend the coins from a masternode, then unlock the unspent coins and spend them. It is
not necessary to make additional changes, such as stopping the VPS program for that masternode
(digiwage-cli stop for user digiwagemn6), nor changing the Windows wallet masternode configuration file
(putting a “#” in the left-most position in that line, such as #MN6 etc etc). However, you can make these
changes if preferred.

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Appendix F
To add an additional masternode (uses vultr example, and adding masternode number 7).
Step 1: Prepare your wallet

1. Open your digiwage wallet where you have your WAGE coins
2. Go to file>>receiving addresses>>+New to create a new address

3. Type in a label for your masternode, such as MN1 (case sensitive) then click the
OK button

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4. See your label and new address in your receiving addresses list. Right click on
the MN1 row then select copy address.

5. Hit the close button to exit. Then choose Send from the menu and paste your
address into the address filed then hit the tab button. Enter 12000 into the Amount

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6. Click the Send button at the bottom left of the screen, then enter in your
passphrase to unlock your encrypted wallet. If your wallet is not encrypted then
you are encouraged to encrypt it with a passphrase then backup (right now).

Then, confirm that you really want to send 12000 coins to yourself (yes, your own wallet, for safekeeping
while as a masternode).
7. Next, wait for at least one confirmation before proceeding. You can view the
transaction confirmation count either in the menu tab named Overview or in the
tab named Transactions. You can also see the very small fee you just paid, colored
in red.

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After getting at least one confirmation, then select Tools>>Debug Console, and type on the command
line, masternode outputs. Copy the transaction hash and the number (zero or one) into a text editor such
as notepad

Next, type masternode genkey on the command line, then copy the genkey hash into notepad or a text
editor for later reference. Note, that the transaction numbers are in a random order, so do not correlate
with the order that you created the receiving addresses. For example, the transaction address order may
change each time you add a receiving address, so it may be MN2 then MN1, and later MN3 then MN1
then MN2.
1. Go to Tools >> Open Masternode Configuration File (masternode.conf), and open
with Notepad.
2. Using one line per masternode, use the following format:
3. Alias IP:Port Privkey TxHash OutputIndex
4. As "Alias", enter "MN1" (do not use spaces and special characters)
5. As "IP:Port", enter "YOUREXTERNALIP:PORT" (your external white IP and port for
6. masternode), such as 123.456.789:48882
7. As "Privkey", enter the masternode private key you generated with "masternode
8. As "TxHash", enter the masternode tx from "masternode outputs" command
9. As "OutputIndex", enter the tx index from "masternode outputs" command
10. Now you can File >> Save and exit out.

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8. Repeat the process from step 2 for MN2 through MN5, while renaming MN1 to MN2
then MN3 then MN4 and finally MN5

Next, exit the digiwage wallet program, so that it can read your masternode configuration changes, upon
startup. After exiting, restart the wallet program then start the masternodes in your wallet. However,
you must wait until the wallet is fully synchronized. Do not attempt to start the masternodes without the
wallet completing its 100% syncrhonization.

After synchronization is completed then, Select Tools>>Debug Console.

If your wallet is not unlocked, then select Settings>>Unlock wallet and type your passphrase.

Then, in the debug console started each masternode

Startmasternode alias false MN1

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Startmasternode alias false MN7

Next, using Putty, login to vultr as root.


nano /etc/network/interfaces

then see the editor


adduser digiwagemn7

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Then, provide a long password and save the username and password in a safe place on your computer.
For the remaining questions, leave answers blank by hitting enter, then finish with “y” for yes, that all
information is correct.

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usermod -aG sudo digiwagemn7

Then copy files from the previous masternode to the new masternode

cp -R /home/digiwagemn6/digiwage /home/digiwagemn7/digiwage

And also type, note the “.” Before digiwage

cp -R /home/digiwagemn6/.digiwage /home/digiwagemn7/.digiwage

Next, change ownerships

chown -R digiwagemn7:digiwagemn7 /home/digiwagemn7

Configure to the new masternode IPv6, genkey, and increment rpcport

cd /home/digiwagemn7/.digiwage

nano digiwage.conf

Next, login as each individual masternode user, stop the digiwage masternode process, then login as root
and reboot the server. Then login as each user and start the digiwage masternodedes for each user.

Login as digiwagemn1


Digiwage-cli stop

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Login as digiwagemn2, type digiwage-cli stop, logout

Login as digiwagemn3, type digiwage-cli stop, logout

Login as digiwagemn4, type digiwage-cli stop, logout

Login as digiwagemn5, type digiwage-cli stop, logout

Login as digiwagemn6, type digiwage-cli stop, logout

Login as root, type reboot

Login as digiwagemn1, type digiwaged, logout and wait 2 minutes, then

Login as digiwagemn2, type digiwaged, logout and wait 2 minutes, then

Login as digiwagemn3, type digiwaged, logout and wait 2 minutes, then

Login as digiwagemn4, type digiwaged, logout and wait 2 minutes, then

Login as digiwagemn5, type digiwaged, logout and wait 2 minutes, then

Login as digiwagemn6, type digiwaged, logout and wait 2 minutes, then

Login as digiwagemn7, type digiwaged, logout

Type ps-aux. Count the digiwage processes to confirm that you have the same count as your masternodes.

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Appendix G
How many masternodes can I run on that Vultr server? Or, how is my resource utilization.

Using Putty, login as root to your vultr server.

To see (confirm) your masternodes running type

ps - aux

To see memory utilization and capacity type

free -h

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To see hard disk utilization and capacity type:


In summary, by the measure of memory and disk space, there is ample space for additional masternodes. server with specs.

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Appendix H
As a masternode owner, receiving rewards on a regular basis, you can indirectly (over the long term),
increase the market value of your coins. By sending a portion of your masternode earnings to the digiwage
faucet, you enable new entrants to digiwage to receive small amounts of digiwage coins. And, over time
these new digiwage owners will likely learn about the benefits of digiwage and its attributes then get
motivated to get more, either by purchasing them on an exchange, or earning them through the digiwage
freelance services program.

The instructions below show how to setup your personal computer digiwage Windows wallet to send a
portion of your earnings to the stakecube hosted digiwage faucet.

1. Open your personal computer digiwage Windows wallet. Under the Settings
dropdown menu, choose Multisend.

2. The popup shows the instructions for multisend. These instructions state,
“Multisend allows you to automatically send up to 100% of your stake or
masternode reward to a list of other digiwage addresses after it matures.
To Add: Enter a percentage to give and Digiwage address to add to the Multisend
To Delete: Enter the address to delete then press delete.
Multisend will not be activated unless you have clicked Activate.”
– Digiwage wallet

So, in summary, there are two steps to perform: (1) Add the digiwage faucet
address with your percentage to give (2) Activate it.

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3. After selecting the Add button, the following information is added to the popup.
Confirm that it is correct then select Activate. Be sure, that the digiwage faucet
address is correct. Do not trust this pdf as it can be tampered with, so confirm with
stakecube or a reliable digiwage source.

4. See MultiSend Activated notification, then you are done.

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