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GeoJournal 26.

3 311-322 311
9 1992 (March) by Kluwer Academic Publishers

Deforestation of the Amazon -

A Brazilian Perspective

Trapasso, L. Michael, Prof. Dr., Western Kentucky University, Department of

Geography and Geology, Bowling Green, KY 42101, USA

ABSTRACT: During the summer of 1989 this author was afforded the opportunity to live and
study in Brazil under the auspices of the Fulbright-Hays Commission. Study included
extensive travel, visits to universities and research institutes, a lecture series, and interviews
with social and physical scientists concerning many aspects of Brazilian life, culture, history
and geography.
The issue of the deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon was investigated by utilizing all
available resources along with Brazilian media presentations, Brazilian publications, and
personal observations. This research represents "a" Brazilian perspective. It is neither a series
of excurses for the destruction, nor a condonation of the actions that have taken place, but a
series of alternative perceptions as seen from within Bazil.
Addressing ths complex multifaceted issue brings about a number of interesting
perspectives. Those addressed here are: Brazilian government actions, Brazilian research
concerning the Amazon, the Amazon as a frontier, the lure of mineral wealth, the "debt for
nature" question and environmental martyrdom. Though they may be difficult for the reader
to accept, good or bad, there are reasons for the destruction.

Introduction reservoirs (Veja, Staff Writers 1989). Of all the types of

destruction witnessed by this author none was more
The Amazon river with greater than one thousand dramatic than the burning of the rainforest. The Instituto
tributaries meanders some 6,500 km from the Andes and Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) estimates that in
uplands of a half dozen countries to the Atlantic Ocean. 1987 alone 200,000 km 2 were burned (da Cunha 1989).
With an estimated discharge 644 million m3/h (Linden Between June and October 350,000 individual fires were
1989), it is indisputably the largest, most complex river counted. The most devastation occurred on September 9,
system in the world. The rainforest which this river helps to 1988~ a total of 7,603 fires burned in the Amazon (Simons
support contains the most diverse collection of terrestrial 1988).
and aquatic fauna and flora on the planet. In recent years, That there are at least two sides to every issues is the
people all over the world have become aware of the basic premise behind this research. A multifaceted issue
devastation which has taken place. The deforestation of such as deforestation of the Amazon yields a variety of
this wonderous and essential forest occasionally called the perceptions. An important question is, "Why are the
"earth's lung," continues to this day. Brazilians destroying this magnificient and vital work of
Destruction comes to the Amazon in a variety of ways. nature, and why don't they stop?" As an American and a
L u m b e r m e n saw down noble wood trees for sale to other geographer I share this view.
countries, among them the USA and Japan. Huge link During the Summer of 1989, this author was awarded
chains connected between two bulldozers are used to push the opportunity to participate in a Fulbright-Hays summer
down and tear out wide swaths of vegetation (Margolis program. This program afforded participants a chance to
1989). Hundreds of thousand of square kilometers of travel throughout Brazil, visit universities and research
rainforest lie submerged beneath the reservoirs of newly institutes, attend lectures by renown Brazilian social and
built hydroelectric plants. Increases in electrical power physical scientists, and meet and interview experts
usage are considered by Brazilians as a sign of economic concerning many facets of Brazilian culture, history and
and industrial growth (Holtz 1989). At times, interests geography. Since greater than 60% of the Amazon
conflict, for example lumbermen using scuba gear and rainforest lies within national borders of Brazil (Schubart
chain saws will extract submerged noble woods before 1989), this author chose to investigate the Brazilian
they decompose at the bottom of hydroelectric plant attitudes and opinions regarding this complex, and at
312 GeoJournal 26.3/1992

times, emotional issue, of national deforestation. This to patrol the Amazon (Margolis 1989). It has been
article is by no means a defense of Brazilian destructive estimated that it would require 15,000 to 20,000 wardens to
actions, nor is it intended to be a pretentious attempt to properly patrol such an area (Simons 1988). As Dr. Paulo
present "The" Brazilian perspective. This work is merely in- Lopes Viana of the Instituto Brasileiro Do Meio Ambiente
tended to be a compilation of observations gathered from (Brazilian Environmental Institute) explains:
conversations, interviews, lectures, mass media Yes, we have personnel whose job it is to protect the forest
presentations, readings and other experiences of Brazil. but there is so much area assigned to each man! We have
jeeps and other vehicles which could help if we could only
Under such circumstances, this author can only offer "a" afford to buy fuel and spare parts (Viana 1989)
Brazilian perspective as seen through the eyes of an
Since taking office on 15 March 1990, Fernando Collor
informed observer. This research, hopefully, will reveal
de Mello, Brazil's youngest President, has initiated
some of the attitudes which must be dealt with if a viable
significant changes in the nations economic and
solution to the problem of deforestation is to be found. environmental actions. He declared that he would work
While investigating this multifaceted problem several
vigorously to stop the burning of the forest by ranchers and
issues were highlighted, either because of personal interest
settlers, and appointed the nation's foremost
or because the theme was repeated time and again. This
environmental activist Jose' Lutzenberger, to enforce the
work focuses on the following issues: Brazilian
program (Serrill 1990). Collor has been quoted as saying,
government environmental legislation, Brazilian research
"On the question of ecology, we have made a fundamental
concerning the Amazon, the Amazon as the last frontier,
commitment to life ... we have nothing to hide and
the lure of mineral wealth, the "debt for nature" question,
nothing to explain."
and environmental martyrdom. At his inauguration, Collor described the "ecological
Brazilian Government Environmental Legislation imperative" as perhaps the only legitimate restraint on the
free market forces he is trying to unleash to restore
Over the last 25 years the Brazilian government has
economic growth. Collor has abandoned the somewhat
passed legislation to protect the environment. The
hysterical nationalist tone of former President Sarney and
following pieces of legislation are translated and
has established a study group which will analyze "debt for
summarized in Appendix I. They are listed in chronological
nature" swaps (a system of economic manipulations which
order below:
can forgive part of a Third World country's debt in return
September 15, 1965 - The Forestry Code
for a halt to their rainforest destruction).
- Act ~: 4771
In addition, Collor is committed to:
January 3, 1967 - The Fauna Protection Act
- A ban on all exports of unsawn logs;
- Act + 5197
- A".Green Army" of forest rangers;
February 28, 1967 - The Fishing Code Decree
- T h e enforcement of existing legislation on
- Law 9 289
ecological 'crimes' and pesticide abuse;
December 5, 1967 - Indian Protection Act
- Legislation to control noise pollution and trans-
- Act + 5371
port of dangerous cargoes;
October 30, 1973 - National Environmental
- A domestic natural resources tax to be paid by
Development Program
mining and other companies for use of non-
Decree ~ 73.030
renewable resources, and the review of
December 19, 1973 - The Statute of the Indians
government concessions if ecological damage is
- Act + 60001
August 31, 1981 The Natural Environmental Policy
- A detailed study on the environmental impact of
Act - Law ~: 6938
any big industrial or state sector project, and
April 27, 1981 - Ecological Sites Act
- Active dry-season policing of the Amazonia to
- Act + 6902
prevent burning by farmers.
May 16, 1988 Natural Coastal Management Plan
A recent announcement that farming companies will
- Law & 7,661 (Machado 1988)
have to pay capital gains tax should greatly reduce the area
In recent years, numerous references have been made
of the Amazon rainforest cut and burnt (House 1990).
to President Jose Sarney Administration's legislation
According to Thomas Lovejoy, Assistant Secretary for
entitled "Nossa Naturesa" or "Our Nature". The complete
External Affairs of the Smithsonian Institution,
form of this legislation also appears in Appendix I:
October 12, 1988 - Our Nature I believe there may be a change in sentiment among
Brazilian government officials. The new government may
- Decree ~ 96.943 (Sarney 1988) indeed act in behalf of environmental interests. They may
Though these laws were drafted with the best of in- begin dialog on "debt for nature" swaps. (Personal
tentions, the fact remains that they are virtually impossible Communication 1990).
to enforce. At just under 5,000,000 km 2 the Amazon is sub- The enforcement of the aforementioned goals remains
ject to attack from almost any direction for almost any to be seen. This author remains skeptical that such
purpose. The Instituto Brasileiro Desenvolvimento measures will be taken, for Fernando Collor de Metlo is a
Florestal, IBDF, at present has approximately 600 wardens notably affluent man whose family has been among the
GeoJournal 26.3/1992 313

Brazilian elite for generations. Since many who have waterheds. New methodologies specific to such watersheds
profitted most from the destruction of the Amazon are were represented in the area of hydrological management,
among Brazil's wealthy elite, Collor will in essence be monitoring, and design. During the seminar, a specially
betraying his own-economic class should he move to invited group of experts met to develop an action program
enforce these goals. During his first 15 months in office. on the impact changes on the water environment of the
Collor has drawn mixed reviews. He was lauded by Amazon basin. The first international symposium on
environmentalists when he announced a financing environmental studies on tropical rain forest, entitled
program that would allow $100 million of Brazilian debt "Forest 90" was held in Manaus, Brazil October 7-13, 1990.
to be exchanged every year for financing enviromental The sponsorship was shared by 14 Brazilian research
projects. At the same time he has slashed money for institutes, universities, and corporations.
Amazon preservation projects and failed to fulfill promises Research Institutes - The tour of Brazil took place
to demarcate Indian lands. The 1991 Amazon burning during the first appointed presidential administration
season was under way, just as Brazil's environmental following a 20 year military dictatorship. An essential
agency (IBAMA) was paralyzed by a work strike over low question in this author's mind was, "What influence does
pay (New York Times, Staff Writer 1991). In the author's the government exert over national research institutes and
opinion it is difficult to tell how much is smoke and how scientists?" As in many countries, the national government
much is reality. may somewhat control funding and thus curtail or halt
various research endeavors. However, besides the
Brazilian Research Concerning the Amazon monetary control, no other influence or coersion was
observed. In short, well trained scientists use state-of-the-
Symposia - Since this research began, at least four art technology to complete legitimate scientific research
symposia have been hosted by Brazilian organizations and which is reported in an accurate and factual manner.
scientists which are indicative of concern and to some Brazilian scientists are among the first to discuss the
degree a commitment to resolving Amazon basin deforestation issue and criticize the government's actions
problems. This author had the pleasure of attending one or in some cases, lack of action concerning this vital issue.
such symposium during the Fulbright-Hays program. It INPE - Instiuto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais
was entitled Amazonia: Facts Problems and Solutions - (National Space and Relmote Sensing Institute) is located
held between 31 July and 2 August 1989 on the campus of in the community of San Jose Dos Campos about 100 km
the University of S~o Paulo (USP). USP and the National from Sao Paulo. After clearing through security, this
Institute of Space Research (INPE) in San Jose Dos campus-like complex was quite hospitable. It is through
Campos, were the cosponsors of this event. A list of this institute that much of the data concerning the
presentation titles, authors, and authors' affiliations has numbers and areal extent of the rainforest fires are
been translated and is found in Appendix II. Much of the released (da Cunha 1989; Simons 1988). An interesting
data cited in this work was derived from the proceedings of controversy surfaced in the scientific literature concerning
this symposium. the total extent of deforestation. This discrepancy
During the first and second of February 1990, a suggested that Brazilian scientists at INPE were
symposium entitled "Social and Economic Impacts of downplaying the amount of deforestation. The highest
Climate Variability and the Response of the Government estimate of deforestation was made by Mahar (1988) at
of Brazil" was held in Brasilia and was cosponsored by the 11.80/0, dropping to 7.20/0 (Fearnside 1989) and finally down
UN Environment Programme. Fourteen case studies of to the INPE estimates of 5.120/0 (da Cunha 1989). The
social and economic impacts of climate variability in Brazil, lowest value was suspect, until it was realized that this
as well as governmental responses to it, were presented. estimate was based upon a different definition of
The objectives of the conference were to increase Amaz6nia. Fearnside and Mahar are using the Amazon
awareness of the impacts of climate variability, river basin as the total area from which the percentages are
disseminante the findings of these case studies, and calculated. However, Brazilian scientists such as da Cunha
stimulate further studies in the area of climate impacts. and others use the total area of the "Legal Amazon" which
A seminar entitled "Hydrology and Water Management is considerably larger to calculate the percent of
of the Amazon Basin" was held in Manaus, Brazil on 5-9 deforestation (Fig 1 a and b). It may appear as though the
August 1990 and sponsored by the Institute for Superior area entitled the Legal Amazon was designated as such to
Studies of the Amazon and Brazilian Association of belittle the amount of deforestation. In reality however,
Hydraulic Resources. The purpose of this seminar was to the Legal Amazon was defined by a governmental decree
develop the state-of-the-art knowledge on the hydrologic in 1953. Specifically the Legal Amazon includes the states
processes that impact the atmospheric, surface, and of: Acre, Amap~i, Amazonas, Parfi, Rondonia, Roraima
groundwater resources of the Amazon, and methodologies (Northern Region) parts of Tocantins, Goi~is (N of 16~
for the future management of one of the largest river and Mato Grosso (N of 16~ and Maranh~o (W of 44~
systems in the world. Existing methods for hydrologic and (da Cunha 1989).
water management analysis were examined with regard to Joint research effort between INPE and Universidade
their applicability in solving problems of tropical do S~o Paulo (USP) are quite common. This large urban
314 GeoJournal 26.3/!992

Fig 1 a
Map of Brazil showing selected
major cities, states, and highways
cited in this study


AM BR 230 PA



Rio de Janeirc
S~,o Paulo9

campus located in an area of the city known as Cidade Project engineer displayed the newest maps where the
Universitaria has a variety of active departments with state- superposition geology, pedology, geomorphology,
of-the-art equipment. This author toured both the vegetation and climatology were possible - in essence a
Departments of Geography and Meteorology. Several USP GIS strategy without the computer capabilities. The I B G E
Faculty lectured during the Fulbright program. bookstore was where these data could be sold to the public.
Instituto National de Pesquisas Amaz6nias (INPA) in Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente (IBAMA) was
Manaus is located near the center of the Amazon basin. experiencing the same work strike as INPA during myvisit
This complex of buildings is nestled within the rainforest to their Brasilia office. Only department heads were
on the outkirts of the city. The INPA motto is "A Species a available for consultation. Here literature (pamphlets and
Day." Here teams of riverine and terrestrial biologists and posters) concerning the forest fire regulations originate.
ecologists explore the rainforest in search of new Updated maps and landsat satellite studies of s e l e c t e d
identifiable species. Though these scientists are acutely states were also available. This visit made it quite clear that
aware of the deforestation problem, their research focuses this government institute may have the legal right and
upon the species and ecosystems that exists in the expertise to control the problems of deforestation, but
rainforest at the present time. During my visit, INPA was without financial support to enforce the environmental
experiencing a "greve" or work strike. The government had protection laws, IBAMA is essentially powerless.
just cut all salaries back 50%.
Instituto Basileiro de Geographia e Estatisticas (IBGE) The "Debt for Nature" Question
is located within several buildings in Rio de Janeiro. This
institute is responsible for collecting and analyzing a In recent years, a major enticement for overseas groups
variety of data, and creating and updating all maps, to give m o n e y for conservation efforts in developing
almanacs, and yearbooks. While touring the I B G E countries is debt swapping; a financial strategy that sub-
Department of Natural Resources, updating the maps of stantially multiplies a contributor's investment (Sun
the Legal Amazon was in progress. The Legal Amazon 1988). To describe how this process works, the example of a
GeoJournal 26.3/1992 315

Fig 1b
The Legal Amazon





successful swap is used. The efforts of the Fundacion Brazilian perspective; "debt for nature" by any name is
Neotropica (FN) in Costa Rica effectively demontrates the viewed as a gimmick for outside forces (governments or
process. multinational business interests) to gain sovereignty over
Doubting that the country can repay, banks holding the Brazilian territory and as such, is totally unacceptable to
loans sell them at a big discount - for Costa Rica, the going many facets of Brazilian society.
price is 17 cents on the dollar - the buyers then donate Brazilian Government Officials viewed this concept as
them to the Fundacion Neotropica, a Costa Rican unjustified foreign meddling and a blatant effort by
conservation organization which owns the note. In turn, industrial nations to preserve their economic supremacy at
the Costa Rican government's Central Bank issues to the the expense of the developing world (Linden 1989). "Debt
Fundacion and other conservation groups bonds that are for nature" is viewed as a threat to Brazilian sovereignty.
worth 75 cents on the dollar in local currency. This According to former President Jose Sarney, "This is
multiplies the value of the discounted loan about four nothing less than an intervention of foreign powers to
times. The FN can use the bonds as collateral and draw 25% force decisions that are not in Brazil's best interest."
interest on them. In essence, the debt is now free, the Sarney claimed that industrial countries do not want Brazil
initial investment has a 400% return. This translates to to develop its resources because: 1) this would inflate
large quantities of free money to buy land, and equipment, world prices of gold, tin, bauxite, uranium and other
pay personnel and do whatever is necessary to preserve the minerals, and 2) multinational companies want to gain
environment. Debt for nature swaps have been called the control of the Brazilian economy and use environmental
most important tool to achieve conservation (Sun 1988). concerns as an excuse to hold off development. Using
If the system works effectively in other developing Sarney's own words,"Debt for nature is like a Trojan Horse
countries, then why is little or nothing heard about these which hides other interests" (Simons 1989).
efforts in the Brazilian Amazon? This was one of the According to Miguel Trevisan, political columnist for
questions which initiated my interest in this line of the Folha do S~o Paulo (one of Brazil's leading
research. Unfortunately, further investigation led to the newspapers), the Brazilian military views
conclusion that, at present, "debt for nature" swaps are not internationalization of the rainforest as a major threat to
likely to work in Brazil. At least, not in the foreseeable national security, and will fight to protect that security
future. It appears as though no one supports the concept in (Trevisan, Personal Communication 1989). Quoting John
any way. In fact the words "debt for nature" were never Dwyer, Cultural Affairs Officer of the American Embassy
used by any Brazilian. When inquires of my own employed in Brazilia, "Though the Brazilian military is not very
this concept, Brazilians reacted or pretended as if they had formidable on an international scale, it certainly has the
never heard of it before. Though the words "debt for power to take over the country as it did in 1964" (Dwyer,
nature" were never used, the term "Internationalization of Personal Communication 1989). "Needless to say, the
the Rainforest" was constantly used. Herein lies the military is now and will always be a driving force in
316 GeoJournal 26.3/1992

Brazilian political decisions (Trevisan, Personal used in Brazilian mass media) and casts doubts on the
Communication 1989). competence of Brazilian professionals. To reiterate, "debt
"Debt for nature" swaps are, also, unpopular with the for nature" is the "internationalization of the rainforest" in
Brazilian Public. In an 1989 rally/parade in support of an Brazilian perspective, and as such does not appear to be an
Amazon River Hydroelectric Dam Project this author read acceptable option at this time.
several signs on trucks and parade floats stating., "We want
development, not Yankee dollars." The Amazon as the Last Frontier
Veja, a popular magazine, displayed a photograph of a
Brazilian armed with a .45 caliber automatic pistol. He was During the Portuguese conquest and early exploration
quoted as saying, "I will not become a zoo keeper for of the 16th and 17th centuries, fortresses were established
foreign tourists." The Coordinating Body for the well into the interior of the Amazon rainforest. It was
Indigenous Peoples' Organizations of the Amazon basin during this time that alias "Green Hell" was first assigned
(COICA) has taken particular exception to "debt for to the forest. Hostile Indians, malaria, typhoid and yellow
nature" swaps because they allow indigenous land issues to fever plagued the explorers who at times found life in the
be decided without the participation of the local rainforest constant heat and humidity close to imbearable (Machado
peoples (Greenpeace, Staff Writer 1990). In essence, the 1988). During those times and until recently, the most
Brazilian populace is unwilling to be told what to do with common and easiest mode of transportation into the
their country. interior of Amazonia was up river. In spite of possessing
Finally, and much to this author's surprise, Brazilian over 1000 tributaries, even the largest drainage system in
environmental scientists were also against the idea of the world, falls short of reaching countless remote areas.
trading debt for nature. While visiting the Fundaggo S.O.S. This all changed.
Mata Atl~ntica (an environmental foundation whose aim The construction of the Transamazonia Highway which
is to protect the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest), their began in 1970, initally connecting Joao Pessoa in the State
educational director, Marina S. Ugo Santos stated, of Paraiba with Porto Velho in Rondonia with BR 230
(Hummerstone 1972). In essence, this road system was the
We are a third world country, we know that we are a third beginning of the end of the rainforest's protection. The in-
world country.., but we understand our problems and we accessability of the interior had been breached. Now
can best solve them. We only need financial support. hundreds of thousands could reach areas where previously
(Santos, Personal Communication 1989)
only the most intrepid dared to go (Fig la). The most
dramatic destruction highlighted in recent reports by the
While visiting INPA, The Instituto National de
sc,ientific community and the mass media has occurred
Pesquisas de Amazonas in Manaus, riverine biologist
along BR 364 which connects Porto Velho to Rio Branco
Augusto Roberto de Pirraro made a similar comment,
across the State of Rondonia. Having travelled that road,
this author personally witnessed cuttings, burnings and
We live here in the Amazon and we study it every day. No
one knows this rainforest as well as we do. Believe me, we minig operations. An extension of BR 364 through to Peru
know how to correct some of the problems. But we are and extending to the Pacific Ocean (primarily to have
underpaid, understaffed and lack the proper support. direct access to Japanese trade) threatens to repeat in the
(Pirraro, Personal Communication 1989)
State of Acre the destruction of Rondonia. An initial
funding agreement was secured from the World Bank for
As noted previously, the INPA visit was hampered by a
the BR 364 extension (Fig 1 a). However, in light of the
workers strike (a greve), staff wages the Federal
massive deforestation documented to have taken place in
Government had recently cut staff salaries by 50%.
Rondonia and with pressure from multinational protests,
During the question-and-answer period following a
the World Bank has refused further funding , finally ad-
lecture on Ecological and Economical Zoning in the
opting the philosophy that where road systems lead,
Amazon by Aziz Ab' Sabar of the Department of
human activity and deforestation soon follow (Bridges
Geography at the University of Sao Paulo, I asked about
1988 b).
the Debt for Nature issues to which he replied in anger
In Brazil as in many other parts of the world, over-
population is a very serious problem. Population is
This is an issue to which I take personal offense... I have no
intentions of discussing it! (Ab' Saber, Personal increasing faster than the resources needed to sustain it.
Communications 1989) Serious overcrowding plagues major Brazilian cities. This is
evidenced by the widespread "favelas" or slums which
Following the lecture, his temper cooled as quickly as it surround large urban areas. Guided by a local parrish
flared, and he gracefully accepted my apology as we had priest, Father Sedano, a tour of some of the favelas around
coffee together. the outskirts of S~o Paulo revealed a surprising population
Through these four levels of Brazilian reactions, it density. Made from scraps of wood, cardboard, plywood,
becomes apparent that the "debt for nature" swaps bring tin, plastic and any other building materials which may be
about negative emotions. It threatens Brazilian found on the streets, tiny shacks measuring approximately
sovereingty, destroys Brazilian "patrimony" (a word often 2 to 3 m 2 might house a family of 4 or more.
GeoJournal 26.3/1992 317

Living in the favelas, human life is cheap as murder rates Brazilians as containing vast sources of mineral wealth.
rise, but it's still preferable to living on the streets with the This view has been substantiated through time; gold was
increasing number of homeless (Sedano 1989).
first discovered in the 17th century; the first geologic and
mineral survey designated several successful mining areas
When asked about the population of S~o Paulo, Brazil's
in 1855; oil was first drilled in 1917, along with the
largest city, group leader Caio Cardoso responded:
development of early 20th century diamond mines
We really don't know, 13 and a half million at the last census - (Berbert 1989).
but with all the favelas it is impossible to say. The favelas At present, the following mineral resources of the Legal
grow so quickly ... it is also impossible to count for the Amazon have been measured, indicated, or inferred: Iron
homeless on the streets (Cardoso 1989). Ore, 18 billion tons; Cassiterite, 325,000 tons; Manganese
The homeless who are essentially uneducated and Ore, 91 million tons; Bauxite, 2.6 billion tons; Chromium
unskilled are often referred to as "persoas sim terra" or Ore, 114,000 tons; Zirconium Ore, 99 million tons; Copper
people without land. The Amazon has often been referred Ore, 1.2 billion tons; Kaolin, 1 billion tons; Potash, 493
to as "terra sim persoas por persoas sim terra,"land without million tons; Limestone, 4.5 million tons; Diamonds, 4
people for people without land (Margolis 1989). Other million carats (Berbert 1989). Unspecified amounts of
slogans such as "Urn pedicinho de chao para cada Titanium, Nickel, Columbite, Tantalite, Lignite and
Brasileiro" a small piece of land for every Brazilian Uranium in addition to 110 million barrels of Oil (20
(Muggiati 1989) point to differences in population density million barrels of excellent quality), 30 million m 3 of
in an effort to defend Amazon settlement. For example, Methane are considered among Amazonia's resources
former President Jos6 Sarney once stated that the (Schubart 1989). Whether the quantities mentioned above
population density of Europe is 140 people/km 2 as opposed are accurate or mere estimations is irrelevant to the issue
to the Amazon at 2.3 people/km 2 (Schubart 1989). Or, each this author wishes to present here; the importance of such
Indian born today is the master of 6 km 2 of land, more than figures rests in the fact that the Brazilian government and
the amount of land area for people in the other 5 those with the resources to extract those minerals believe
continents (Manchete, Staff Writers 1989). Statements like such quantities exist. Considering the Brazilian debt load
those above highlight this powerful force behind the of approximately $112 billion dollars, the largest in the
unplanned settlement of the Amazon. world (Lazarus 1990), the lure of mineral wealth becomes
The Amazon has also been described as the ,,World's all the stronger.
Granary" by those who believe that farming in a rainforest The savage hunt for mineral wealth is best displayed in
environment is actually feasible (Berbert 1989). Former the Amazon gold rush. The wildcat gold miners or
President Jose Sarney compared the opening of the ,,Garimpeiros", now numbering in excess of 600,000,
Amazon to the settlement of the American West (Bridges constitute the biggest gold rush in history. Beginning in
1988). During the late 1960s and through the 1970s 1980 in an open pit at Serra Pelada, by 1988 140 tons of gold
generous tax credits and subsidies were awarded to were produced amounting to 2 billion dollars, (Bridges
settlers, especially ranchers. Through time $700 million 1988). It is estimated that, 300 to 400 tons still remain
dollars in subsidies were given to 950 settlements; of these (Margolis 1989). Getting started as a Garimpeiro is not very
631 were for ranching projects (Margolis 1989). ,,Colonos" difficult; poor migrants form teams of 4, their initial capital
or colonists (small land holders) were encouraged through and equipment is supplied by a boss or a "Dono" who
the 1970s and into the early 1980s. Theywere awarded small receives 70% of the profit, while the field team divides the
farms and very little money with which to start. Subsistance remaining 30%, (Bridges 1988). Therefore, even the poorest
farming becomes an immediate necessity since perennial men can have a stake in this venture. The gold is extracted
crops (eg coffee) take several years to properly develop. As by high pressure water hoses (which washes away any
a result most farming efforts failed miserably (Bridges vegetation and top soil), and separated out with the use
1986). Through the later 1980s, subsidies for many projects of mercury (1.4 kg of mercury for 1 kg of gold) (Petrere
in the Amazon had been cut. The present government 1989). Mercury pollutes the regional streams which
continues to cut these subsidies (Science, Staff Writer surround the mining operations. These mining camps
1991). Deforestation will continue because two important contain no settlement infrastructures such as potable water
components still remain, first, the highway system is still in lines, sewer lines or power cables. There are no schools in
place and second, the population pressure continues to the area or medical facilities to treat mercury poisoning,
grow. For many,,persoas sire terra" there is little or nothing malaria or the variety of other rainforest related maladies.
to lose in resettlement. Despite the adverse living conditions, a steady output of
gold causes this highly destructive form of mining to
The Lure of Mineral Wealth continue.

Among such nicknames as "Green Hell", "the Earth's Environmental Martyrdom

Lung", and "the Worlds Granary", there exists yet another.
The alias "Eldorado's Wonder" fits best here; at slightly less Long before arriving in Brazil, I had read about Francisco
than 5 million km 2, the legal Amazon is viewed by many "Chico" Mendes, the internationally known environmental
318 GeoJournal 26.3/1992

martyr. From his little-known town in the remote western cutting resources and salaries at the national research
Amazon, Zapuri, Chico Mendes gained world renown for institutes which help to understand and preserve the
his efforts to save the rainforest. Mendes established the rainforest.
National Council of Rubber Tappers and bridged the gap Brazilian research on the Amazon proceeds on many
between the rubber tappers (Seringueiros) and their levels. Despite a lack of monetary support, qualified
archrivals, the Yanomami Indians (DuBois 1989). This new scientists at a variety of universities and research institutes
alliance was of particular annoyance to area developers, carry on valid scientific research. The research findings are
ranchers, and lumbermen. accurately reported with little fear of retribution. Brazilian
Through time, Mendes used Gandhiesque tactics, such scientists are very openminded and welcome opinions and
as human blockades around areas scheduled to be cleared. cooperative research endeavors from international
Such tactics called "empates" made Mendes unpopular colleagues. They simply lack the resources to initiative such
with landowners and local officials. So much so that threats endeavors.
on Mendes' life placed him under police protection. In The lure of mineral wealth is great in Brazil whose
December 22, 1988 he was struck down with a single international debt of 112 billion dollars constitutes one of
shotgun blast as he stepped out of the back-door of his the largest in the world. A variety of valuable mineral
home. At first, his death was just one of an estimated 1,600 resources including oil, methane, and diamonds continues
killings of rural workers in the last decade, but his to be a strong enticement to destroy the rainforest. The
martyrdom has since backfired in those who would destroy largest gold rush in recorded history continues in the
the rainforest for a quick profit. Since his death, the Chico Amazon. The highly motivated, heavily armed wildcat
Mendes story has garnered world attention. His wife miners will hold their claims until the gold output is no
Ilzamar Mendes has recently sold the rights to this story to longer profitable.
film producer David Puttnam. In addition, numerous In this author's experience the "debt for nature"
books, TV documentaries, and magazine articles are in the question brought about a resounding negative response
works (Maier 1990). from all levels of Brazilian society. Government officials
Though people worldwide mourn the loss of this view it as a loss of sovereignty over the nation. The general
environmental champion, nowhere is "Chico" more a populace sees it as others (foreigners) telling them what to
martyr than in Brazil. Chico Mendes is everywhere. His do with their land. The military views it as an invasion of
face and story appear in posters billboard, popular national borders. Lastly, the environmental scientists feel
magazines, and in environmental interest and that with the proper resources, they can handle the
conservation groups' literature (some of these problems that exist. Though foreign scientists are free to
environmental groups are not even involved with the work in Brazil, outside control of the rainforest is not
Amazon Rainforest!). During this author's first evening in welcome.
Brazil, a S~o Paulo television station aired an hour-long For the past two decades, the Amazon has been viewed
special about the life and death of Chico Mendes produced as the last frontier. The population pressures that exist in
by and for Brazilian television. Brazilians, as well as the rest all major urban areas have driven the poor and the
of the world, mourn the loss of this environmental hero, homeless "persfas sim terra" to seek a new life in the
and as a martyr, his memory will haunt those responsible interior. With little or no agricultural training and even less
for his death and the destruction of the rainforest. financial support, these people immediately begin
subsistence "slash and burn" farming. This represents an
immediate and continuous destruction of the rainforest.
Summary and Conclusions The martyrdom of Francisco "Chico" Mendes was felt
by people world-wide, but nowhere was it felt more
This article is an attempt to outline some reasons for strongly than within Brazil. The Brazilian populace, as well
the massive deforestation which has taken place and as foreign influence have used Chico Mendes to bring
continues to occur in the Brazilian Amazon. Though they pressure upon the Brazilian government to take more
may not be justifiable; there are reasons for the environmental action. In the true spirit of martyrdom,
destruction. The following factors are all relevant to this Chico Mendes exerts more influence dead than when he
multifaceted issue. was alive.
When considering the actions for the Brazilian The Brazilian military remains the wildcard in this
government, a dichotomy surfaces. For over 25 years, the multi-sided issue. By shear force, it can take over the
Brazilian government has passed legislation to protect the country and establish a new set of rules. It seems unlikely
environment, flora, fauna, and native Indian populations. at this time that the military will do this. However, it
Other legislation developed environmental and forest appears to this author that some forms of military action
protection agencies. Noble as the legislation may be, there may become essential. For example, breaking the gold rush
is little or no ability to enforce these laws. Thus they are will require strong and violent action. Will the Brazilian
ignored, the other side of this dichotomy shows that the military turn its forces against its own people to protect the
government has subsidized farming, mining and especially environment? This is an interesting question with no clear
ranching operations in the Amazon at the same time answer at the present time.
GeoJournal 26.3/1992 319

I n closing, t h e Brazilian A m a z o n is b e i n g d e s t r o y e d by series o f c o r r u p t g o v e r n m e n t a l a d m i n i s t r a t i o n s d r i v e n by

a v a r i e t y o f causes. C e r t a i n p r e s s u r e s allow t h e s e causes to g r e e d , and an i n c r e a s i n g accessability to t h e r a i n f o r e s t all
exist. U n b r i d l e d p o p u l a t i o n g r o w t h , r u n a w a y inflation, a c o n t r i b u t e to its d e f o r e s t a t i o n .

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(ed.), Proceedings of the Symposium Amaz6nia: Facts, Brasilia 1988.
Problems and Solutions, 31 July to 2 August 1989. Sao Paulo Mahar, D.: Government Policies and Deforestation in Brazil's
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Science Monitor (22 September 1988 a) Moreira, J. R.: Energy Alternatives. In: Berbert, C. (ed.), Proceedings
of the Symposium, Amaz6nia: Facts, Problems and Solutions, 31
Bridges, T.: Will New Roads in Amazon Pave Way for Wealth or July-2 August, S~o Paulo 1989.
Devastation? Christian Science Monitor (26 September 1988 b)
Muggiata, A.: Rond6nia a Tenra Prometida. Manchete 447:58-69
Bridges, T.: Finding Ways to Farm the Amazon and Save It. Christian (1989)
Science Monitor (26 September 1988 c) New York Times, StaffWriters: Brazil Begins Environment, Indian
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(ed.) Proceedings of the Symposium, Amaz6nia: Facts,
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Kirchoff, V.W.J.: Biomass Burning in Amazonia: Production of CO2, Yokomizo, C.: Financial Incentives in the Amazon: Facts, Problems
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APPENDIX I special cases. The act considers as vegetation of permanent

Legal and Institutional Framework preservation that covering the banks of the rivers, the banks of
lagoons, lakes, natural and artificial reservoirs, the water sources, the
top of the mountains and the slopes, the marshes and dunes and
The Forest Code - Act ~ 4771, September 15th 1965 states that the those located over 1900 m. The partial or total suppression of
vegetation covering the national territory is of common interest to vegetation in these areas depends upon previous authorization of
all the country's inhabitants. The property rights over it are limited in Federal Government. Forests included in the Indian's patrimony are
320 GeoJournal 26.3/1992

also creation of national, state and municipal parks, as well as on the proposed solutions for their recovery, to stimulate the active
biological reservations, for the purpose of integral protection of the participation of the population in the preservation of ecology.
flora and fauna, scientific research and leisure. The exploitation of The law creates the National Environmental System, integrated
these areas is strictly forbidden. The private forests are only allowed by the Conselho Nacional do Meio A m b i e n t e - CONAMA (National
to be cut down till the limit of 50% of the total area of the estate Environmental Council), the Special Secretariat of the
located in the Amazon. Enterprises which consume great quantities Environment, sectoral agencies related to preservation of the quality
of forestry resources have to replace the vegetation to the same of life, and state and municipal agencies. CONAMA is a collegiate
amount or their consumption. Penalties are foreseen for those body, composed by high level officers of the Ministries of Justice,
violating the law. Navy, External Relations, Transportation, Agriculture, Education,
The Fauna Protection Act - ~ 5197, January 3, 1967 prohibits Labor, Health, Industry and Commerce, Mines and Energy,
exploitation of the flora and fauna in the National, State and including the National Commission of Nuclear Energy, Planning,
Municipal Biological Reserves, except for research purposes which Science and Technolgy, Agrarian Reform, Culture, Interior, Treasury,
are duly authorized. It disciplines fishery and hunting activities. Armed Forces, representatives of the States and Territories, the
The Decree- Law ~ 289, February 28, 196Z It creates the Brazilian chairpersons of the National Confederation of Workers in
Institute of Forestry Development (IBDF), with the aim to Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, of the Brazilian Foundation
formulate forestry policy, establish guidelines, coordinate and for Nature Conservancy, the chairpersons of two associations for the
implement the necessary measure for rational exploitation of defense of natural resources and pollution control, designated by the
forestry resources, preservation and conservation of the renewable President of the Republic, and five representatives of ONGs, one
natural resources. from each region of the country. The meetings of CONAMA are
Act-&- 5371, December5, 1967. It substitutes the Service of Indian public. It is in charge of advising the President of the Republic in
Protection by the Fundacao Nacional do lndio (FUNAI - National matters concerning the formulation of the Environmental Policy.
Indian Foundation), subordinated to the Ministry of the Interior, The Council creates rules for the implementation of such a policy
and provides for a new structuring of the agency. and decides upon the penalties for the infraction of the law. It can
Decree ~- 73.030, October 30, 1973. It creates the Special determine the loss or restriction of the fiscal benefits accorded by the
Secretariat for the Environment, subordinated to the Ministry of the government to development projects.
Interior, with the aim to examine the implications of national The system would disseminate information on degradation of
development programs and technolgical progress to the ecology. the environment and on the actions taken by CONAMA to protect it.
The Statute of the Indians - A c t ~- 60001, December 19, 1973. It Activities that are effectively or potentially harmful to the
guarantees the permanent use of the land inhabited by Indians to environment would have to be licensed by the State agency
their communities; its aim is to aid the preservation of the Indian integrating the system. The CONAMA would establish the basic
cultures, on the one hand, and provide for the progressive criteria for studies required for the licensing, including the
interaction of Indian communities with the ecompassing society, as environmental diagnosis of the area, the description of the action
well. The agency in charge of implementing the Statute is the proposed and its alternatives, and the identification, analysis and
Fundacao Nacional do Indio, in coordination with the Institute of perspectives of the positive and negative impact of these activities on
Agrarian Reform, the IBDF, the Ministry of Education, Health and the environment. Governmental financing and fiscal incentives
National Defense. would only be accorded after CONAMA's licensing. Fines would be
FUNAI's activities are concentrated in the following: the land imposed upon violators; these fines vary according to the degree of
program, aiming at identifying, delimiting and demarcating the land the violation.
occupied by the Indian communities, and to supervise them so as to Ecological Sites A c t - ~ 6902,Apri127,198L creates the ecological
prevent the invasion by outsiders; - the cultural preservation sites, to be permanently preserved in 90% of its total extent. The
program, aiming at stimulating the research on the communities remainder 10% can be the object of research which would modifiy the
culture, disseminating its results, and at fostering the production of ecology, provided that such a research is duly approved by the
arts and crafts; - the indigenous education program, that provides for competent authority. The Act also creates the Areas of
a bilingual education for those who request it, not only with the aim Environmental Protection in which activities which would
of preserving the community history, culture and ethnic identity, but contaminate water, accelerate erosion or sensibly alter ecology are
also to give them elements for their insertion in a broader social forbidden.
context; - health program, aiming at improving health conditions As it has been shown from the above, the legislation passed from
through systematic immunization of Indian communities, health the mid sixties onwards already shows signs of change in the critical
care under traditional Indian therapy conciliated with western way to consider ecology and the Indians. Restrictions of property
medicine, dental assistance, nutritional balance; productivity rights due to ecological preservation began then to appear, as a
program, aiming at the effective occupation of land, the economic modest sign of introduction of environmental concern in the
self-sufficiency of Indian communities, and the sustained development plans. The recognition of adequate means adopted by
exploitation of natural resources; - environmental management the Indians to deal with the environment and some tropical diseases
program, involving activities for keeping the integrity of the is established as a premise of FUNAI's activities. In the 80's,
ecosystem of Indian lands and at enhancing nonpredatory environment issues came to he treated at the governmental level
techniques used by the Indian communities. with the assistance of unions, NGOs and other bodies of civil society,
The National Environmental Policy Act - ~- 938, August 3L 1981, as a matter of general and public concern. The Amazon basin,
and the Decree ~- 88 35L June 1st, 1983. Their objective is to preserve, consequently seemed to be no longer only a region to be dealt with
improve and recuperate the environmental balance, and ensure the according to the criteria of national security, national integration, or
conditions of socio-economic development. The decree states that it national development. Other very important elements have been
is incumbent to the government the permanent supervision of introduced, such as police power and heavy fines to enforce the law.
natural resources, and the conciliation of economic development The basic premise of the legislation of the 80's is the possibility of
with environmental protection. It creates areas of ecological reconciling environmental balance with development projects.
conservation and preservation. It establishes the means to control However, the socio-economic dynamics of the country and the
activities with technologies for the rational use of natural resources, international debt crisis have shown that the intention of the law and
to disseminate information on the existence of degraded areas and reality are not always the same.
GeoJournal 26.3/1992 321

Our Nature, Decree :~ 96.943, October 12, 1988 Every day, Brazilians are more and more aware of the fact that it
is fundamental to preserve the ecological systems that are vital to
I am establishing the Program called "OUR NATURE" to take food production, health, human survival and development such as
the Government itself, and our people more aware of the grave farming systems, coastal fresh water systems and native forests, in
problem of the environment, particular those which protect river basins or harbor threatened
As an initial step, I have just signed a decree that creates the species.
Program for the Defense of the Legal Amazon Ecosystems Complex, Burning for clearings, cutting down of forests, extensive
with the purpose of establishing conditions for the use and agricultural and livestock projects, large mining operations and
preservation of the environment and renewable natural resources in predatory hunting and fishing are causing the decimation of animal
the Amazon region. and plant species and the destruction of the forest cover in areas
The Program that we are launching today, coordinated by the where they are indispensable to soil protection.
Advisory Secretariat on National Defense, will have the participation Since the beginning of this century, Brazil has been adopting
of all areas of the Federal Government, of the states and farm colonization programs aimed at the settlement of the Humid
municipalities, the scientific community and NGOs. Tropical Zones. The construction of access roads to lands in the
Amazon and farming and livestock activities along the Cuiaba-Porto
Its objectives are:
Velho, Cuiaba-Santarem, Brasilia-Belem and Transamazon
1. To restrict predatory incursion, against the environment and
Highways trace the route of this expansion to the North.
renewable natural resources;
The Legal Amazon, which embraces seventy-five percent of all
2. To structure the environmental protection system;
Brazilian forests and thirty percent of world forests, is beginning to
3. To promote environmental education and public awareness
show the destructive effects of a development policy aimed at
regarding the necessity of conservation of the environment in the
diverting the social pressures of the Northeast and the Center-
Legal Amazon region;
Southern Regions.
4. To regulate rational settlement and exploitation of the Legal
These overall solutions and palliatives impose a high cost upon
Amazon, based on territorial planning;
us today and have definitely convinced us that the establishing of
5. To reclaim the ecosystems complex affected by the action of man;
farming and livestock projects must always be conditioned by
and, rigorous criteria for the preservation of the environment.
6. To protect the indigenous communities and the populations
Fortunately, the heart of the Amazon has not been touched by
involved in the sustained exploitation of natural resources;
the predatory action of man. However, the stigma of environmental
involved in the extraction process.
degradation can be seen over large extents of the states of Tocantins,
Six working groups have been created to study, propose and Mato Grosso, Para, Maranhao.
implement measures designed to protect vegetation; curb Satellites have shown that these senseless blights were caused by
environmental risks derived from inadequate use of chemical the voracious force of large fires and buy the predatory activities of
substances in mining processes; strengthen the governmental gold miners, mostly in the basins of the Madeira, Tapajos, Araguaia-
agencies related to environmental protection; promote Tocantins, Jari and Mucajai rivers. Many of these rivers were
environmental education and public awareness; develop appropriate formerly full offish, but indiscriminate fishing is now threatening the
technologies in the sustained use of natural resources; and regulate natural replenishment of the species.
the occupation and exploitation of the Legal Amazon based on To revert this damage, planning territorial occupation is essential
territorial planning. to promote economic activities according to the specific aptitudes of
One of the major advances of the new Brazilian Construction, areas they are to be carried out as well as the integration of the
from my point of view, is the chapter related to the defense of our exploitation of natural resources with the imperatives of
natural and scenic heritage as well as those referred to the environmental protection.
indigenous communities as well. The idea that the natural wealth of our country is limitless
In this sense, "Our Nature Program" incorporated legal measures distorts reality. The immediate need for effective actions to protect
to put these constitutional provisions into operation. the Amazon Forest, an national heritage, led my administration to
A presidential decree will restrict the granting of fiscal incentives create the Program for the Defense of the Legal Amazon Ecosystems
in the framework of the Amazon Investment Fund - F1NAM to Complex, known simply as the "Our Nature" Program. These actions
projects that affect the environment; it will suspend new livestock are based on the Federal Constitution which imposes upon the
projects having official incentives and credit, as a basis; it will Government the responsibility for ensuring an ecologically balanced
prohibit official incentives and credit for farm and livestock projects environment as a right for all.
in the Atlantic Forest. Our nature of so many resources, of so many sites of
By virtue of a ministerial directive issued today, the Brazilian extraordinary beauty, our forests, our rivers, our fauna, our flora, all
Institute for Forestry Development and the Special Secretariat for of our ecological heritage is an intangible legacy which we have
the Environment must be heard in processes of acquisition of rural inherited and which we cannot allow to deteriorate, to be destroyed.
properties for purpose of agrarian reform, in cases of settlement of We must protect it so that we will not lose it.
farmers, in public land, and in all private colonization projects Government policy, which is the expression of the national
submitted to the Ministry of Agrarian Reform and Development. conscience, demands that the Brazilian Government adopts new
I have directed the National Council on External Trade - measures right now. These measures will coordinate existing
CONCEX, to prepare regulations prohibiting the exportation of instruments, create those which are necessary and set in motion
timber. This is an indispensable measure for the ecological and efforts to defend the ecology and the environment.
economic protection of the Amazon region thus preventing Brazil A different perspective is being adopted towards the effective
from becoming the exclusive world supplier of raw timber. protection of the Amazon ecological system through the integration
There is a growing awareness in Brazilian society, along with of all government sectors and the participation of various segments
worldwide movements, regarding the environment and its of Brazilian society.
preservation. I was surprised and indignant to learn of the numerous Having a million and a half young prepared to enter the labor
fires in the Amazon Forest which destroyed thousands of square market each year, Brazil must expand its economy in an equivalent
kilometers in a few days. technology making it possible to enjoy increasing productivity while
322 GeoJournal 26.3/1992

safeguarding conditions which preserve the life of species in their My administration has demonstrated that it has not spared any
environment. effort in the field of protecting the environment and the indigenous
Multisectorial intervention on the part of the state together with communities:
other government action in the economic, social, cultural and In the period from 1910 to 1983, slightly more than 12 million
political areas can stop predatory activities before ecological hectares of Indian lands were marked off;
imbalance becomes irreversible. During the present administration more than 37 million
The protection of our natural heritage will not only ensure the hectares are in the final phase being delimited;
welfare of Brazilians now, but will also guarentee the survival of In the Amazon region, Indian lands are being surrounded by
future generations. national forests, thus affording these communities the
The human adventure has moved on. It has arrived at our times protection of a belt of green forests around them;
with technological development in the splendor of the industrial age. The Yanomami reservation alone, together with the
Never have so many seen the world change so much in so little time. surrounding forest, has a million 200 thousand hectars,
We have reached the era of a planetary civilization. The whole world which is four times the area of the state of Sergipe;
comes into our homes; science and technology together know no While the United States average about 20 hectars for each
frontiers as they continue along a fascinating road of expansion of Indian, Brazil has set apart more than 200 hectars for each
our knowledge on the Universe. But as we move along this road, we Indian;
realize that we are all prisoners of a small planet which is rocketing We have 29 national parks and 15 biological reserves which
through unknown space at an incredible velocity. total up 11.5 million hectares or 2 percent of our nation's
Man, who considered himself to be the center of creation and territory;
outside the realm of nature, is beginning to doubt his primacy and to Within the past three years we have created the Fernando do
think of the rescue of our planet as the basic condition for his Noronha Park, The Gurupi Biological Reserve in Maranhao
survival. What are development, the immortal soul, or life itself for if Forests in Acre, Rondonia and Amazonas, doubling the area
there is no more room for existence? which existed at the beginning of my administration.
This is the root of all consideration that makes people about The majestic Amazon forest, with its cycles of life, death and
Nature, no longer in terms of its beauty, or the sum of its gifts, or its resurrection, inhabited by countless species of flora and fauna and
exploitation, but rather in the sense that it could lead to an ancestral myths, leads us to conclude that the meaning of the
unthinkable rebellion against man, or an antiexistence process. universe is in the harmony between man and nature itself where we
It is regarding this fundamental point that the new nations had our origin and where we continue to thrive.
cannot wash their hand while witnessing the conflagration. In the I believe the great anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss, who says
contrary, they have an extraordinary authority to stress that if the that we shall only"learn to love and have more respect for natrue and
earth is ailing and beginning to show signs of weakness, it is not the the living beings which inhabit it, as we understand that plants and
developing countries' fault, but that of the super-rich who, in their animals, even the most humble, besides providing man with
rush to exploit, act in a predatory way. substance, have been for him, ever since the beginning, the source of
The fact is that we are continually reminded that we do not reign his most intense austhetic emotions and (...) his first profound
over nature as the absolute monarchs of the past ruled over the speculations".
nations they conquered. In the contrary, our flesh, our blood and our This is an undeniable duty of our generations: to use our
brains are a part of nature. However, man, as the great biologist resources in a manner that is not predatory and to ensure the rights
Konrad Lorenz wrote, "is destroying nature little by little and of our nature, Brazil's nature, the heritage of the Bazilian people.
devastating the biosphere in which he lives and by which he lives". Thank you very much.
The emergence of a critical strain which marked the appearance
of our species, and which distinguishes it from the other species, Jose Sarney
does not mean that humanity is separated itself from nature: this President of Brasil
break has never taken place. (the former President introduced th& particular legislation)

APPENDIX II Jose Roberto Moreira, Institute of Electrotechnology and Energy

and Institute of Physics, University of S~o Paulo (USP)
Proceedings of the Symposium held in S~o Paulo between 31 Sustained Forest Management in Amazonia: Research Versus
July and 2 August entitled, Amazonia: Facts, Problems and Solutions Necessity. Joesio D. E Siqueira, Federal University ofParana' (UFP).
cosponsored by the University of S~o Paulo (USP), Presentation Zoning and Units of Conservation. Maria Teresa Jorgie P~dua,
Titles, Authors and Author's Affiliation and the Brazilian Insitute of President of Pro-Nature Foundation (FUNATURA).
Space Research (INPE). Diagnosis of the Natural Resources of Amazonia. Herbert O. R.
Mineral Exploration in the Amazon. Carlos Oiti Berbert, Schubart, National Insititute for Amazonia Research (INDA).
Director, Geology and Mineralogy Division, National Department of Deforestation Estimates Through Remote Sensing: The State of
Mine Production (ONPM). the Art in the Legal Amazon. Roberto Pereira da Cunha, National
Financiers and Fiscal Incentives in Amazonia. Facts, Problems Institute of Space Research (INPE).
and Solutions. Clando, Yokomizo, IPEA/SEPLAN-PR. Fish Stock Management in Amazonia. Miguel Petrere Jr.,
Animal and Vegetal "Extractivism" (Extractive Exploitation of Department of Ecology, University of S~o Paulo (USP).
Animal and Vegetal Natural Resources in the Amazon).
Jean C,L, Duhois, Brazilian Foundation for Nature Soils, Water and Climate of Amazonia. Eneas Salati et al.,
Conservation (FBCN). University of S~o Paulo (USP).
Biomass Burning in Amazonia: Production of C Q , CO and 02 An Exploration of the Brazilian Hydroelectric Potential as a
and Its Global Impact. Vehicle of National Integration: The Amazon, a Case Study.
Volker W.J.H. Kirchoff, National Institute of Space Studies Antonio Carlos Tatit Holtz, General Secretary of the Ministry of
(INPE). Energy Alternatives, Mines and Energy.

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