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The Amsterdam Preoperative Anxiety and Information

Scale (APAIS)
Nelly Moerman, MD*, Frits S. A. M. van Dam, rhq§, Martin J. Muller, MA& and
Hans Oosting, PhDt
* Department of Anesthesiology and t Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Academic Medical Centre,
University of Amsterdam; $ Department of Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Amsterdam; and
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+j Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

The purpose of the present study was to assess patients’ emerged that 32% of the patients could be considered as
anxiety level and information requirement in the pre- “anxiety cases” and over 80% of patients have a positive
operative phase. During routine preoperative screen- attitude toward receiving information. Moreover, the re-
ing, 320 patients were asked to assess their anxiety and sults demonstrated that 1) women were more anxious
information requirement on a six-item questionnaire, than men; 2) patients with a high information requirement
the Amsterdam Preoperative Anxiety and Information also had a high level of anxiety; 3) patients who had never
Scale (APAIS). Two hundred patients also completed undergone an operation had a higher information re-
Spielberger’s State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI- quirement than those who had. The APAIS can provide
State). Patients were able to complete the questionnaire anesthesiologists with a valid, reliable, and easily applica-
in less than 2 min. On factor analysis, two factors emerged ble instrument for assessing the level of patients’ preoper-
clearly: anxiety and the need for information. The anxiety ative anxiety and their need for information.
scale correlated highly (0.74) with the STAIState. It (Anesth Analg 1996;82:445-51)

nxious patients respond differently than non- Anxiety Inventory (STAI) (13), which has been trans-
anxious patients to anesthesia. The insertion of lated into Dutch and validated by van der Ploeg et al.
an intravenous catheter in the preoperative (14). He also obtained norms for the Dutch population.
phase can be a difficult task as a result of anxiety- The questionnaire consists of two separate, 20-item,
related vasoconstriction (1,2). In anxious patients, self-report rating scales for measuring trait and state
larger doses of anesthetics are required to induce an- anxiety. The trait anxiety is a relatively stable person-
esthesia (3,4) and the anesthesia itself may be associ- ality disposition, while state anxiety is the situation-
ated with autonomic fluctuations (5,6). Although the related anxiety and this may differ depending on the
exact percentage of patients who are anxious preop- stress of the particular moment. The state scale is
eratively is not known, the literature suggests an inci- recommended for measuring patient anxiety in the
dence between 60% and 80% (7-10). Although a sed- preoperative phase (15) and has been used in several
ative drug is often given as premeditation to relieve anesthesiologic studies (16-19). Although this ques-
tionnaire is fairly short, it is still too long for use in
fear and anxiety, anxious patients might also benefit
busy outpatient clinics. Moreover, the questions are
from more attention and information from the anes-
not related to the specific situation with which the
thesiologist. In clinical practice, however, the anesthe-
patient is confronted.
siologist has very little time for preoperative consul-
A second aspect of preoperative care is the patient’s
tation to identify the patients who are anxious and need for information. Several studies (20-22) have
may benefit from extra attention. shown that information given to patients before sur-
There are many instruments for measuring the pa- gery may facilitate recovery. However, some patients
tient’s level of preoperative anxiety (11,12). The instru- like to shut themselves off from information, whereas
ment most commonly used is Spielberger’s State-Trait others want to be informed as fully as possible (23).
These different coping styles are almost never hon-
ored, as it is practically impossible for the anesthesi-
Accepted for publication September 15, 1995. ologist to discriminate between patients who would
Address correspondence to Nelly Moerman, MD, Department of
Anesthesiology, Academic Medical Centre, University of Amster- like to be informed as fully as possible from those who
dam, PO Box 22700,llOO DE Amsterdam, The Netherlands. want to know as little as possible. It would be greatly

01996 by the International Anesthesia Research Society

0003-2999/96/$5.00 Anesth Analg 1996;82:445-51 445

beneficial to clinical practice if anesthesiologists knew Table 1. The Amsterdam Preoperative Anxiety and
whether they were dealing with a patient who wanted Information Scale (APAIS)
more than basic information which is routinely given, 1. I am worried about the anesthetic.
or a patient who would rather not be given any extra 2. The anesthetic is on my mind continually.
information. 3. I would like to know as much as possible about
As we could not find a clinically applicable instru- the anesthetic.
ment in the literature which fulfilled all our require- 4. I am worried about the procedure.
5. The procedure is on my mind continually.
ments, i.e., short, specifically attuned to the preoper-
6. I would like to know as much as possible about
ative situation, and easy to interpret, we decided to the procedure.
develop a new instrument. Our point of reference was
The measure of agreement with these statements should be graded on a
the work of Miller and Mangan (24,25), who studied five-point Likert scale from 1 = not at all to 5 = extremely.
the way patients cope with the stress of a threatening
situation. They differentiated between “monitors” and (laryngectomy, reconstructive and transplantation
“blunters,” defining monitors as people who want to surgery).
know as much as possible and search actively for
information and blunters as those who have no need Statistical Analysis
for information and even try to avoid it. This instru-
Validity. To evaluate the validity of the APAIS (Ta-
ment should make it possible to distinguish anxious
ble 11, we performed several analyses. Attention was
from nonanxious patients and patients who want in-
devoted to some aspects of construct (content) validity
formation from those who do not.
and criterion validity, too.
Construct validity was evaluated by factor analysis.
Methods Factor analysis is a statistical approach to reduce data
A six-item questionnaire, the Amsterdam Preopera- by determining the relationships among variables and
tive Anxiety and Information Scale (APAIS) (Table 1) to determine the underlying structure which is formed
was developed in a previous studyi, covering both the by latent variables known as factors. The relation be-
tween variables and a certain factor is given by the
“monitor” and “blunting” aspects. Four items repre-
sented fear of anesthesia and fear of the surgical pro- so-called factor loadings, which indicate how much
cedure (Cronbach’s cx0.86). Two items represented the weight is assigned to each factor. Variables with high
loadings for a factor are closely related to that partic-
need for information (Cronbach’s (Y0.72). The internal
consistencies of both scales were sufficient for group ular factor. Rotation is the procedure used to make the
factor solution more interpretable (26). The results of
the factor analysis should reflect the concepts we put
During a period of 3 mo, 320 consecutive patients
visiting the anesthesiology outpatient department (pa- into our scales and should thus concur with the results
tients who could not speak Dutch were excluded) of our previous study, i.e., two factors should emerge:
were asked by the nursing staff to fill out this ques- anxiety and a need for information.
tionnaire (Table 1). We noted the age and sex of the As a measure of concurrent validity we determined
patients and whether they had had surgery previ- the correlation of the APAIS with the STAI. We hy-
ously. To ascertain that our instrument really meas- pothesized that the State version of the STAI should
ured anxiety, the last 200 patients were also asked to correlate highly (>0.60) with the anxiety scale of the
fill out the State version of Spielberger’s STAI. This APAIS and should have a low correlation (<0.30) with
questionnaire consists of a 20-item self-report rating the need-for-information scale.
For clinical use it is important to be able to identify
scale for measuring state anxiety. In the latter group
we also examined the kind of procedure involved and those patients who can be considered as “anxiety cas-
es.” For this purpose we used Spielberger’s STAI as
the duration of the operation. We classified the oper-
ations as minor, intermediate, or major. “Minor” was the “gold standard.” Auerbach (27) divided a group of
defined as less invasive surgery of limited duration surgical patients on the basis of their preoperative
(minor orthopedic surgery, diagnostic procedures, ar- score on Spielberger’s trait anxiety scale into a high-
trait-anxiety group and a low-trait-anxiety group. The
throscopies, laparoscopies, inguinal hernia). Opera-
tions classified as “intermediate” had more impact for mean state anxiety score of the high-trait-anxiety
the patient (cholecystectomy, hysterectomy), and “ma- group was 46. We used this score on the state scale as
jor” were extensive operations with a high impact a reference point and considered patients with a score
~46 on the STAI-State as anxiety cases. Furthermore,
this point concurs 2 the 9th decile of a Dutch male
1 Moerman N, Dam van F, Boulogne-Abraham T, Hooff van M. reference group and 2 the 8th decile of a Dutch female
The patient’s need for information in the preoperative period. Pro-
ceedings of the 9th European Congress of Anaesthesiology. Jerusa- reference group (14). We determined for different cut-
lem, Israel, 1994:257. off points on the APAIS anxiety scale the sensitivity

(proportion of correctly identified cases), the specific- Table 2. Patient Characteristicsby Whole Group and
ity (proportion of correctly identified noncases), and Subgroup
the positive predictive value (probability of a high APAIS APAIS + STAI
scale score being a case) in relation to the STAI. (n = 320) (n = 200)
The validity was further evaluated by known-group Sex
comparison in three different ways. 1) We hypothe- Male 121 (37.8%) 85 (42.5%)
sized that women should have a higher score than Female 199 (62.2%) 115 (57.5%)
men on the APAIS anxiety scale. This hypothesis was Mean k SD a e 38.3 IL 13.6 (18-87) 38.8 2 13.9 (18-87)
(yr) (range $
based on data from the literature, where women are
Previous surgery
usually regarded as being more anxious than men Yes 242 (75.6%) 156 (78%)
(7,10,14,19,28). 2) From the work of Miller and Man- No 78 (24.4%) 44 (22%)
gan (24,25) it is known, that high monitors are also Kind of
anxious people. In other words, in a threatening situ-
Minor 145 (72.5%)
ation monitoring is mostly associated with higher anx- Intermediate 42 (21.0%)
iety and arousal than blunting (29). We therefore hy- Major 7 (3.5%)
pothesized that, in our instrument, patients with a AI’AIS = Amsterdam Preoperative Anxiety and Information Scale; STAI
high information requirement should have a higher = Spielberger’s State-Trait Anxiety Inventory.
score on the anxiety scale than patients with a low a Operations were classified for the last 200 patients only; 6 patients were
not operated on.
information requirement. 3) The effect of preanesthetic
information is less valuable for patients who have
previous anesthetic experience than for those who do Table 3. Factor Loadings in a Two-Factor Solution (After
not (30). We therefore hypothesized that patients with Oblique Rotation)
previous experience of anesthesia and surgery should Factor
have a lower information requirement than those who
1 2
had never had surgery. No specific hypothesis was
formulated regarding the difference between men and Anesthesia
women with respect to their information requirement. 1. Worried about 0.83 0.03
Data were analyzed using the SPSS version 4.0. An 2. Thinks about it continually 0.86 -0.04
analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used for group 3. Wishes to know as much as 0.01 0.87
comparison. Student’s t-tests were used to compare Surgery
the mean scale scores for the subgroups at baseline. 4. Worried about 0.81 0.03
Statistical significance was considered at P < 0.05. 5. Thinks about it continually 0.85 -0.02
Reliability. Cronbach’s os were calculated as a meas- 6. Wishes to know as much as -0.01 0.87
ure for internal consistency of the scales. Reliability possible
was considered acceptable when Cronbach’s (YS were Eigenvalue 3.07 1.25
Percent of variance 51.1 20.8
270 (26).

Results Concurrent validity was determined by the correla-

tion with the STAI. The correlation between the anxi-
Of the 322 patients who were asked to participate, 2 ety items of the APAIS and the STAI-State was high
patients refused. Patient characteristics are presented (0.74) and the correlation between the information
in Table 2. Patients had no problem completing the items and the STAI-State was low (0.16).
APAIS and usually did so in less than 2 min. As was
predicted, we found in a factor analysis with oblique Anxiety Scale
rotation (see Table 3) two factors, which explained
72% of the variance: anxiety (questions 1, 2, 4, and 5, The anxiety scale consists of four items (questions 1,2,
Table 1) and the need for information (questions 3 and 4, 5), each of which could be scored from 1 to 5. The
6, Table 1). The correlation between both factors was score of the anxiety scale is the sum of these four
0.31. The following step was to convert the two factors questions, with a scoring range from 4 to 20. There
to scales and calculate Cronbach’s (Yfor the two scales was a highly significant difference (P = <O.OOl) be-
separately. Cronbach’s (Y for the four anxiety items tween men and women. The mean score of men was
(questions 1, 2, 4, 5) was 0.86. Cronbach’s cx for the 7.5 (SD 3.5) and the mean score of women was 9.9
need-for-information items (questions 3 and 6) was (SD 4.5). But an ANOVA indicated an interaction effect
somewhat lower (0.68), as was to be expected with a between previous experience of surgery and gender
scale consisting of only two items, but still sufficient (P = 0.02); t-test for differences between means
for group comparisons. showed that men who had been operated on before

Table 4. The Scores on the Anxiety Scale (Questions 1, 2, 4, 5) for Male and Female Related to Experience of Previous
Surgery (n = 320)
Male* Femalet
Previous surgery Mean” SD II Meana SD n P
Yes 6.8 2.9 98 9.7 4.4 144 <O.OOl
No 10.4 4.5 23 10.6 4.5 55 0.91
a t-test for differences between means.
*I' 5 0.001; tP = 0.23.

had a lower score on the anxiety scale than those Table 5. The Relationship Between the Score on the
without previous experience of surgery. In women Information Scale (Questions 3 and 6) and the Score on
there was no such difference between those who had the Anxiety Scale (Questions 1, 2, 4, 5) (n = 320)
previous experience of surgery and those who had not Score,
(Table 4). anxiety scale
There were no statistically significant relationships
between age, type of operation, and the scores on the Score, information scale n Mean SD

anxiety scale. As the number of patients who under- 24, no/little information requirement 54 7.1 3.6
went major surgery was low, the results regarding the 5-7, average information requirement 127 8.4 3.5
type of operation has to be interpreted with caution. 8-10, high information requirement 139 10.3” 4.8
“Significant difference with both other groups (Tukey HSD procedure
Need-for-Information Scale [P < 0.051).

The need-for-information scale consists of two items

(questions 3 and 6), each of which could be scored what score on the APAIS anxiety scale patients could be
from 1 to 5. The sum of the need-for-information scale considered anxious and would therefore benefit from
is the sum of these two questions, with a scoring range more attention. As mentioned in Methods, we used the
from 2 to 10. ANOVA indicated no interaction effect STAI-State as a “gold standard” and chose the score of 46
between type of operation and gender; only a statisti- as a reference point. Using this reference point, the sen-
cally significant main effect for previous experience of sitivity, specificity, and the predictive value were calcu-
surgery existed (P = 0.002). Patients with previous lated at different cutoff points on the anxiety scale
experience had a lower score (mean 6.6, SD 2.3) on the (APAIS). Table 6 shows that the cutoff point of 11 leads
information scale, than those who had not been oper- to a good balance. Sensitivity and specificity are good
ated on before (mean 7.5, SD 2.2). There were no sta- and the predictive value is 71%. At the score of 11, 37
tistically significant relationships between age, type of patients are misclassified (18 false-positives and 19 false-
operation, and the scores on the information scale. negatives). This means that 9% (n = 18) of the patients
In order to investigate whether there was a relation- are anxious on the anxiety scale (APAIS) but not on the
ship between the patient’s need for information and STAI-State, and 9.5% (n = 19) are not anxious on the
the level of anxiety, we divided patients according to APAIS although they are on the STAI-State. At the cutoff
their score on the information scale into three groups. score of 10 sensitivity increasesbut, becauseof the lower
Patients with a score of 2-4 on the information scale specificity, the predictive value is lower, resulting in a
can be classified as having no or little information higher number of false-positive patients (anxious on the
requirement and can be considered as blunters. Pa- APAIS but not on the STAI) than at the score of 11. At the
tients with a score of 5-7 can be classified as having an scores> 11 sensitivity decreasesand specificity increases.
average information requirement, and those with a The cutoff scores11-13 produce approximately the same
score of 8-10 as having a high information require- amount of misclassified patients (false-positives and
ment. The latter can therefore be considered “moni- false-negatives together), varying from 34 to 39. How-
tors.” Using this three-group classification for the in- ever, an increasing predictive value reduces the number
formation scale, it turned out that in the population of of false-positive patients.
320 patients the percentages of patients with low, me- Using the score of 46 on the STAI-State as a refer-
dium, and high information requirements were 16.9%, ence point, the prevalence of anxiety cases in the pop-
39.7%, and 43.4%, respectively. After correction for sex ulation (n = 200) was 32%.
and experience with previous operations, patients
with a high information requirement turned out to be Discussion
the ones who were most anxious (Table 5).
We also investigated whether we could use the APAIS The purpose of the study was to develop a screening
for detecting “anxiety cases.” We wanted to know at instrument for use in the preoperative period. For this

Table 6. Characteristicsof the Anxiety Scale(APAIS) at Different Cutoff Points with a Score of 46 on the STAI-State as a
ReferencePoint (n = 200)
Cutoff scoreon the anxiety scale
10 11 12 13
Sensitivity 75.0% 70.3% 59.4% 53.1%
Specificity 78.7% 86.8% 90.4% 97.1%
Positive predictive value 62.3% 71.4% 74.5% 89.5%
Patients, n (o/o)
a. True-positive 48 (24) 45 (22.5) 38 (19) 34 (17)
b. False-positive 29 (14.5) 18 (9) 13 (6.5) 4 (2)
c. False-negative 16 (8) 19 (9.5) 26 (13) 30 (15)
d. True-negative 107(53.5) 118(59) 123(61.5) 132 (66)
APAIS = Amsterdam Preoperative Anxiety and Information Scale; STAI = Spielberger’s State-Trait Anxiety Inventory.

reason, a six-item questionnaire was developed: the be answered. Because the APAIS is specifically at-
Amsterdam Preoperative Anxiety and Information tuned to the preoperative situation, patients can com-
Scale (APAIS). The APAIS was easily and very quickly plete it without further explanation.
completed by patients. Two clear factors emerged: The APAIS can be used for clinical practice and for
anxiety and information requirements. The anxiety research purposes. The scores on the anxiety scale of
scale correlated highly with the standard question- the APAIS range from 4 (not anxious) to 20 (highly
naire for measuring anxiety: Spielberger’s STAI-State anxious). The cutoff points chosen depend on the pur-
(0.74). Both the anxiety and the need-for-information pose for which the scale is to be used, i.e., clinical use
scale showed good psychometric properties and were or research purpose. Based on a comparison with the
feasible in clinical practice. According to the literature STAI as a gold standard, it is clear from the results that
we found that 1) women have a higher score on the for clinical practice the cutoff score of 11 produces a
anxiety items than men, and 2) there is a positive good predictive value with an acceptable balance be-
relationship between anxiety and information require- tween false-positive and false-negative patients. So
ment. Patients with a greater need for information far, the score of 11 seems a useful and efficient score
were patients with a higher anxiety level than those for identifying anxious patients in clinical practice. A
with a low information demand. 3) Patients without score of 10 would result in a lower predictive value
previous experience of surgery had a higher informa- and a higher number of false-positive patients (anx-
tion requirement than those who had been operated ious on the APAIS but not on the STAI) than the score
on before. of 11 (14.5% vs 9%). Whether the anesthesiologist will
As already mentioned, there was a difference in accept a score of 10 as an indication for anxiety cases
anxiety levels between men and women. Women and accept a relatively high number of false-positive
scored higher on the anxiety scale than men. It was, patients, or prefers a score of 11 with a relatively low
however, striking that men who had not been oper- number of false-positive patients depends on the
ated on before were just as anxious as women. How- amount of time the anesthesiologist wants to devote to
ever, men who had undergone previous surgery a patient’s preoperative stress and anxiety. With
scored lower on the anxiety scale than men who had scores higher than 11 the predictive value increases
not. In other words men who have been operated on but because of the higher percentage of specificity the
before cope differently with their fear of anesthesia number of false-negative patients (not anxious on the
and surgery than women. This finding warrants fur- APAIS, but anxious on the STAI) also increases. For
ther research. the purposes of clinical practice, it is important to
In contrast to our expectations, it emerged that the identify the patients who are anxious, and a high
questionnaire did not distinguish well between fear of number of false-negative patients is not acceptable. On
anesthesia and fear related to surgery, which means the basis of these results, we recommend for the pur-
that feelings of anxiety in the preoperative period are poses of clinical practice that patients with a score of
diffuse and are not really focused on either surgery or 211 on the anxiety scale should be considered as
anesthesia. In this respect, the STAI-State should be a anxiety cases.Future research should be conducted to
good method for measuring preoperative anxiety, as clarify whether it is useful to distinguish between
noted by Spielberger et al. (15). A great advantage of anxiety casesand nonanxiety cases.
our questionnaire, however, is that it is much shorter. When the list is used for research purposes, the
The anxiety scale of the APAIS consists of only four number of false-positive patients is more important.
questions, while in the STAI-State 20 questions must The score of 11 produces 9% false-positives, that is to

say, 18 patients have a high score on the APAIS, but Academic Medical Centre for their assistance, Marjolein Porsius,
not on the STAI. With a score of 13 the number of research nurse, for collecting the data about the operations, and
Marion Alhadeff for her expertise and support as a translator.
false-positives decreases to 4. If the list is used for
research purposes, where anxiety reduction is an im-
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