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Theor Appl Climatol (2012) 107:73–85

DOI 10.1007/s00704-011-0465-1


Extreme climatic events in the Amazon basin

Climatological and hydrological context of recent floods

Jose Antonio Marengo & Javier Tomasella &

Wagner R. Soares & Lincoln M. Alves & Carlos A. Nobre

Received: 16 December 2010 / Accepted: 25 May 2011 / Published online: 7 June 2011
# Springer-Verlag 2011

Abstract During 2009 the Amazon basin was hit by a heavy 1 Introduction
flooding with a magnitude and duration few times observed in
several decades. Torrential rain in northern and eastern The Amazon River, with a length of 6,992.15 km from its
Amazonia during the austral summer of 2008–2009 swelled source in the Peruvian Andes to its mouth in the Atlantic
the Amazon River and its tributaries. By July 2009, water Ocean (Martini et al. 2008), is the longest of the world. Its
levels of the Rio Negro, a major Amazon tributary, reached at drainage area covers about 6,200,000 km2, almost 5% of all
Manaus harbor a new record, the highest mark of the last continental masses. With an average discharge of
107 years. During the 2008–2009 hydrological year, the rainy 209,000 m3 s−1 and a sediment load of 3 million tons near
season on northern and northwestern Amazonia started its mouth (Molinier et al. 1996), the Amazon is one of the
prematurely, and was followed by a longer-than-normal rainy most impressive hydrological basins of the world. At its
season. An anomalously southward migration of the ITCZ widest point, the Amazon River can be 11 km wide during
during May–June 2009, due to the warmer than normal the dry season, while during the rainy season can be up to
surface waters in the tropical South Atlantic, was responsible 40 km wide.
for abundant rainfall in large regions of eastern Amazonia and During 2005, vast areas of the mighty Amazon River
Northeast Brazil from May to July 2009. We also compared were hammered by a historic drought, which destroyed
the flood of 2009 with other major events recorded in 1989 trees, severely impacted the livelihoods of riverine pop-
and 1999. The hydrological consequences of this pattern were ulations, and provided scientists a rare opportunity to
earlier than normal floods in Amazon northern tributaries, investigate the world’s largest rainforest in extreme distress
which peak discharges at their confluences with the main stem (see reviews by Tomasella et al. 2010; Marengo et al.
almost coincided with the peaks of southern tributaries. Since 2008a, b). In contrast, during 2009 the Amazon basin was
the time displacement of the contribution to the main stem of hit by a heavy flooding, which resulted in water levels and
northern and southern Amazon tributaries is fundamental for river discharges with a magnitude and duration few times
damping flood waves in the main stem, the simultaneous observed in several decades. Torrential rains in northern and
combinations of peak discharges of tributaries resulted in an eastern Amazonia from November 2008 to March 2009
extreme flood. swelled the Amazon River and its tributaries, including the
Rio Negro on which Manaus locates (Marengo 2010). In
2010, a drought has struck again (Marengo et al. 2011),
reinforcing the hypothesis that such extremes may become
more frequent and intense in a future climate change (Cox
J. A. Marengo (*) : J. Tomasella : W. R. Soares : L. M. Alves : et al. 2008).
C. A. Nobre The Amazon flood-pulse, related to the strong seasonality
Centro de Ciência do Sistema Terrestre/Instituto of the basin rainfall regimes, divides the main stem hydrolog-
Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais CCST/INPE,
ical year in a period of low water levels known as the terrestrial
Rodovia Dutra km 39,
12630–000 Cachoeira Paulista, São Paulo, Brazil phase, which is followed by a period of high water known as
e-mail: jose.marengo@inpe.br the aquatic phase (Junk et al. 1989). The flood-pulse triggers
74 J.A. Marengo et al.

crucial ecological processes of the floodplain systems such as The flood of 2009 occurred during a season wherein
trees growth rates, modulates key biogeochemical cycles, and warming in the tropical South Atlantic and cooling La Niña
determines the pace of socioeconomic activities of the local conditions in the equatorial Pacific were present, and these
population (e.g., fishery, timber extraction, agriculture, large-scale patterns were responsible for changes in the
transportation, human health) (Schöngart and Junk 2007). large-scale circulation, leading to extreme rainfall during
The contrasting seasonal hydrological stages of the the austral summer and autumn of 2008–2009.
Amazon Basin are also affected by interannual and long- The present study focuses on the observational large-
term variability of both the tropical Pacific and northern scale atmospheric characteristics in the Amazon region
Atlantic Tropical Oceans (Ropelewski and Halpert 1987, during the hydrological year 2008–2009, which resulted in
1989; Aceituno 1988; Nobre et al. 1989; Marengo 1992, the most extensive flood episode in recent Amazon
2004; Moron et al. 1995; De Souza and Ambrizzi 2002; hydrologic history. Based on the classification of major
Ronchail et al. 2002, 2005; Espinoza et al. 2009, among floods in Amazonia of CPRM (2009) at the Manaus harbor,
others). Rainfall reductions and droughts in Amazonia have this study investigated the flood of 2009 in comparison
been associated with El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) with two previous flood events in the recent past: 1989 and
events, and with sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies 1999. We use river data from the Amazon River and the Rio
in the tropical Atlantic as well (Richey et al. 1989; Uvo et Negro to verify the coherence of rainfall anomalies patterns
al. 1998; De Souza and Ambrizzi 2002; De Souza et al. and river flow extreme discharges.
2005; Marengo et al. 2008a, b). On the other hand, excess
rainfall occurs during La Niña in the north and northeast of
the Amazon region (Marengo 1992; Poveda and Mesa 2 Data and methodology
1993; Ronchail et al. 2002; Espinoza et al. 2009).
The 2009 flooding came just 4 years after a severe 2.1 Precipitation
drought stranded river boats, isolated communities, and
contributed to massive forest fires (Brown et al. 2006; The Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC)
Aragão et al. 2007; Marengo et al. 2008a, b; Zeng et al. (orias.dwd.de/GPCC/) gauge-based gridded precipitation
2008; Cox et al. 2008; Tomasella et al. 2010; Tomasella et data set is available for global land surface only. Data was
al., The droughts of 1997 and 2005 in Amazonia: quality-controlled in relation to outliers and homogeneity
hydrological, ecological and human impacts in the main (both test and removal); while interpolation and gridding
stem floodplain, 2010, unpublished), and 1 year before was done as thoroughly as possible to obtain optimal results
another extreme drought in 2010 (CPRM 2009; Lewis et al. (Rudolf et al. 1994, 2005; Beck et al. 2005). The GPCC
2011; Marengo et al. 2011). According to the CPRM-SGB- data sets are available in the spatial resolutions of 1.0°
Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Minerais/Serviço latitude by 1.0° longitude, as mean monthly precipitation
Geológico do Brasil (Mineral Resources Research Company/ totals, anomalies, and percentages of the long-term mean
Brazilian Geological Survey), the rise of the Amazon Rivers (LTM) for 1951–2000.
started to intensify since March 2009. By July 2009, the water Other rainfall analyses used on this study include: (a) the
level of the Rio Negro at Manaus harbor reached 29.75 m, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Climate
highest mark in 107 years of stage data available. The five Prediction Center (NOAA/CPC) rainfall data set, that is
previous record highs observed in Manaus were: 1953 part of the CPC Unified Precipitation Products Suite (Silva
(29.69 m), 1976 (29.61 m), 1989 (29.42 m), 1922 (29.35 m) et al. 2007; Shi et al. 2000; www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/
and 1999 (29.30 m) (CPRM 2009). Discharges of the products/precip/realtime/retro.shtml); (b) the Climate Pre-
Amazon River at Óbidos reached 814 cm in 26 May 2009, diction Center-Merged Analysis of Precipitation (CMAP)
which was higher than the previous record of 810 cm (Xie and Arkin 1997); (c) the Chen et al. (2002) dataset
measured in 31 May 2006. derived from rain gauge observations collected in the
The main characteristics of the 2009 flood were its intensity Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN), version
(abundant rainfall early in the austral summer and high river 2, (d) the Climate Anomaly Monitoring System (CAMS)
levels during autumn, in many cases higher than previous datasets; (e) and daily gauge observations from the National
stage records at several Amazon tributaries), and the geo- Institute of Meteorology (INMET) and the Brazilian
graphical extension of the phenomena. Various reports from National Water Agency (ANA).
the meteorological services of Peru (www.senamhi.gob.pe),
Colombia (www.ideam.gob.co), the Brazilian National Water 2.2 River data
Agency (www.ana.gov), and the Geological Survey of
Brazil-CPRM (www.cprm.gov.br/) indicated that the flood Main stem river discharge and levels data sets from gauging
affected a large region of the Amazon basin. sites in the Brazilian Amazonia were provided by the ANA.
Extreme climatic events in the Amazon basin 75

To characterize the incremental discharge during the floods temperature derived from Geostationary Operational Envi-
events, stations located in the main stem were selected ronmental Satellites (GOES).
(Table 1). All river data (both water levels and streamflow) A statistical analysis of those three extremes events was
since 1978 are available, with the exception of the levels of carried out using the historical rank rainfall method, applied
the Rio Negro at Manaus, which have been available since to monthly mean precipitation values of the GPCC database
1903. Discharge data is presented on the “hydrological for the period 1978–2009. The rank was calculated via
year” base, which is defined to begin in November and computing monthly rainfall amounts in millimeters for each
conclude in October the following year. Further details basin grid box; the resulting rainfall amounts of each grid
about the hydrological stations can be found in the work of box were ranked in increasing order, and the maximum
(J. Tomasella, Personal communication). values in each grid box were highlighted. The ranking map
of a certain year indicates in which grid box of the Amazon
2.3 Large-scale circulation and SST data fields Basin monthly rainfall amounts were maximum for the
period 1978–2009. Maps were produced for the three
Circulation fields were extracted from the National hydrological years under study.
Center for Environmental Predictions/National Center
for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) global rean-
alyses (Kalnay et al. 1996), with a resolution of 2.5° 3 Results and discussions
latitude/longitude grid that are available from 1958 to the
present. SST data are derived by the NOAA Optimum 3.1 Large-scale patterns of the ocean and atmospheric
Interpolation (OI) Version 2 using both in situ and satellite patterns during 1989, 1999 and 2009 flood events
data from November 1981 to the present (Reynolds et al.
2002). The circulation field anomalies were calculated Large-scale circulation patterns during the austral summer and
from the 1971 to 2000 LTM. autumn of the hydrological years 1998–1989, 1989–1999 and
2008–2009 are shown in Fig. 1a–f. This figure should be
2.4 Analyses analyzed together with rainfall anomalies from November–
April 1988–1989, 1998–1999 and 2008–2009 (Figs. 2, 3 and
Seasonal large-scale fields were analyzed for the 1988– 4) and with the mean ITCZ position in the 3 years from
1989, 1998–1999 and 2008–2009 hydrological years, Fig. 5. A close examination of these figures shows that the
including 850-hPa low lever circulation fields from the 2008–2009 austral summer period is dominated by La Niña.
NCEP/NCAR reanalyses. Together with monthly rainfall Various studies (see Zeng et al. 2008; Espinoza et al. 2009
anomaly maps from GPCC rainfall, they provide an and references quoted therein) suggest that cold SST
integrated picture of the climatic situation during these anomalies in the eastern Pacific toward the end of the year
flood events. Time series of rainfall anomalies in Central are generally associated with a wetter Amazon: Rainier
Amazonia from various data sets were also constructed for conditions and flood events in 1908, 1976, 1989, and 2009
January–March (peak of the rainy season) for the last were associated with La Niña event. However, the 1922 and
30 years. Seasonal Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) 1953 floods were not, indicating that sometimes Amazon
position was identified using minimum outgoing longwave floods are not associated to cooler than normal SST in the
radiation (OLR) values from NCEP/NCAR data sets tropical Pacific, as described below.
(Kalnay et al. 1996) and from thermal infrared brightness In 1989 and 1999 floods, cooling in the central
equatorial Pacific was about 2–3°C in summer, while in
2009 the cooling was barely below 1°C. In the austral
Table 1 Geographical locations of the main-stem river discharge summer of 2008–2009, warm surface waters were detected
stations used to characterize the floods, including the drainage area off the east coast of Venezuela, a feature that was not
Station River Latitude Longitude Station drainage noticed in the other wet years in Amazonia. This warming
(S) (W) area (1,000 km2) intensified and expanded by the fall of 2009. Since the
meridional tropical Atlantic SST gradient influences the
São Paulo de Solimões −3.45 −68.75 990,781 ITCZ migration and consequently rainfall in Amazonia
Itapéua Solimões −4.05 −63.03 1,769,000 (Marengo 1992; Ronchail et al. 2002), large positive SST
Manacapuru Solimões −3.31 −60.48 2,147,736 anomalies in the tropical South Atlantic, especially in late
Jatuarana Amazonas −3.05 −59.12 2,854,286
summer and autumn, were responsible for the abundant
Óbidos Amazonas −1.95 −55.51 4,680,000
rainfall that generated the 2009 flood.
Therefore, the hydrological years of 1988–1989 and 1998–
Source: Tomasella et al. (2010a) 1999 coincided with strong La Nina events, when significant
76 J.A. Marengo et al.

Fig. 1 Seasonal SST anomalies (°C), 850 hPa level pressure anomalies and 2008–2009. SST and circulation anomalies correspond to 1979–2009
(hPa), and low-level (850 hPa) moisture flux anomalies in South America long-term mean (LTM). The vector at the bottom-right side of the panel
during summer (DJF) and autumn (MAM) in 1988–1989, 1998–1999 shows the scale of the moisture flux (g kg−1 m s−1)

cooling in the central equatorial Pacific during the austral Changes in the low-level atmospheric circulation are
summer and autumn was observed: during La Niña of 1988– consistent with the notion of a warmer tropical North
1989, cooling started in June 1988 (−0.7°C) and reached the Atlantic and above-normal moisture transport into northern
maximum by January 1989 (−1.7°C); whereas in 1998–1999, and western Amazonia during early summer. In addition,
cooling started in July 1998 (−0.5°C) immediately after the El circulation and sea level pressure anomalies show a low-
Niño 1998, and reached a maximum of −1.4°C in December level cyclonic anomaly at around 12°S, suggesting an
1998 and January 1999 and lasted until June 2000. On the intensification of the Chaco thermal low by about 1 hPa
other hand, in 2008–2009, La Niña started relatively late mostly during austral summer and fall. This favors an
(NOAA, www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov), by November 2008 acceleration of the trade winds and moisture transport from
(−0.3°C), and the most intense cooling in the central Pacific off the coast of Venezuela–Guiana into western Amazonia.
occurred in January 2009 (−0.8°C). The increased moisture fuels organized convection, and
In addition, during the austral summer, the tropical thus favors intense rainfall over the eastern section of
North Atlantic off the coast of Venezuela and Guiana was Amazonia during austral summer.
about +1.5°C warmer than normal. In the tropical South Moreover, warmer-than-normal SST in the Tropical
Atlantic, warming during the austral summer and autumn South Atlantic Ocean induced an anomalously southward
reached a maximum of +0.4°C during November 1988, and position of the ITCZ that occurred from December 2008 to
maintained this warming until February 1989. During 1998– March 2009, and remained about 5° to the south of its
1999, warming started to increase in September 1998 (+0.7°C) climatological position (Fig. 5). Although in normal years
and reached a maximum of +1.5°C by January 1999. In the ITCZ moves northward by April, it remained in its
comparison, by September 2008, warming in the tropical southern position through May–June 2009, causing abun-
South Atlantic was about +1.1°C. Meanwhile, during austral dant rainfall in eastern Amazonia–Northeast Brazil during
summer warming was strong over the tropical Atlantic off the that period. In 1988 and 1989, the ITCZ was slightly to the
coast of Africa, and then started to get warm again from May south of its climatological position over the tropical
to July 2009 (about +1.5°C). Atlantic, but not as southward as in 2009 especially near
Extreme climatic events in the Amazon basin 77

Fig. 2 Seasonal rainfall anomaly maps for the 1988–1989 hydrological year (November–October) based on GPCC data. Anomalies based on the
1951–2000 LTM are in millimeters

the South American continent. Thus, while La Niña has Peruvian Amazon to the mouth of the Amazon River was
been considered a major factor in the 1989 and 1999 flood wetter than normal, contrasting with negative rainfall
events, La Niña was weaker and began later during the anomalies in southern Amazonia between 10° and 15°S.
2009 flood, and the most important factor responsible for Consistent with the circulation anomalies, above average
the heavy rainfall in Amazonia was the warmer-than- rainfall was observed over the northern Amazon Basin in
normal SSTs in the tropical Atlantic off the coasts of the summer of 2009, with excesses larger than 200 mm
Venezuela–Guiana during austral summer, and on the over the climatology. Heavy rain began to fall over northern
tropical South Atlantic during autumn. and northwestern Amazonia in November and December
An analysis of the GPCC monthly rainfall anomaly maps 2008, becoming more abundant over northern and central
from Figs. 2, 3 and 4 shows that rainfall in central Amazonia in January 2009, when rainfall was about
Amazonia during the austral summer season in 2008– 150 mm above normal. With the tropical South Atlantic
2009 was somewhat different to the other wet years. In about 2°C warmer than normal (Fig. 1) during autumn and
1988–1989 most of Amazonia was wetter than normal, at the beginning of austral winter, the ITCZ remained fairly
whereas in 1998–1999 rainfall was above normal in stationary over eastern Amazonia and northeastern Brazil
northern, central and western Amazonia while southern (Fig. 5) instead of migrating northward over French
Amazonia was drier than normal in the summer. During Guiana, Suriname, and Guyana, producing heavy rainfall
fall, the entire region between 0° and 10°S from the during a climatologically dry season.
78 J.A. Marengo et al.

Fig. 3 Seasonal rainfall anomaly maps for the 1998–1999 hydrological year (November–October) based on GPCC data. Anomalies based on the
1951–2000 LTM are in millimeters

3.2 Interannual rainfall variability in Amazonia rainfall well above the climatological normal during the peak
during the floods of 1989, 1999 and 2009 season (January through March). Moreover, in 1989 and
1999, positive rainfall anomalies persisted during austral
Figure 6 highlights the 1989, 1999 and 2009 flood events, and autumn and winter. During the 2008–2009 floods, however,
indicates that rainfall was well below normal during 1980; rainfall was above normal only from November 2008
during the El Niño related events of 1983, 1991 and 1998; through April 2009.
and with a minimum for the whole period during the drought Ranking maps of extreme monthly rainfall amount in the
of 2005. On the contrary, rainfall was well above normal Amazon basin for the period 1978–2009 are shown in Fig. 8
during the La Niña events in 1989, 1999 and in 2009, with the for the hydrological years 1988/1989 (orange), 1998/1999
highest positive anomalies in 1989 and 1999. A preliminary (red) and 2008/2009 (blue). As can be seen in the figure, grid
analysis indicates that rainfall anomalies during the 2009 boxes for the 2009 event (indicated by blue color) show that
flood were not as high as those associated to the other two rainfall was highest (for the period 1978–2009) in north and
flood events. Indeed, although rainfall was well above normal eastern Amazonia in December 2008. It is interesting to note
in few areas of the Amazon basin, the spatial coverage was that in all three events, the wettest months do not exhibit an
lower compared with the 1988 and 1999 floods. organized spatial pattern, since rainfall was maxima in
Figure 7 shows the annual rainfall cycle from November isolated areas of Amazonia. From the meteorological point
to October for the LTM of the period 1978–2009 and for the of view, the 2009 event was more extreme as compared
three flood events analyzed. In fact, all three cases show to1989 or 1999 during austral summer.
Extreme climatic events in the Amazon basin 79

Fig. 4 Seasonal rainfall anomaly maps for the 2008–2009 hydrological year (November–October) based on GPCC data. Anomalies based on the
1951–2000 LTM are in millimeters

3.3 Hydrological analysis of the floods of 1989, 1999 the time of contribution of main-stem tributaries is extremely
and 2009 important for shaping main-stem flood waves. In this section,
we will briefly analyze the main hydrological aspects that
Figure 6 suggests that the magnitude of annual rainfall defined the extreme characteristic of the three floods, while
anomalies during the 1989 flood were the greatest of the in a forthcoming paper we will present an in deep discussion
three events, followed by the 1999, and finally rainfall of all hydrological aspects of the three events.
anomalies during 2009. Statistical data from the Manaus The Amazon Basin can be divided in three main regions:
Harbor (CPRM 2009), on the other hand, indicates that the the main-stem river, which flows west to east in the
floods of 1989, 1999, and 2009 ranked fourth, sixth and Brazilian territory; the northern tributaries (such as the
first, respectively, of the last 107 years. Therefore, it is Rio Negro); and the southern tributaries (such as the
interesting to analyze why the flood of 2009, which was Madeira River). Since rainfall regimes are different in the
associated to the lowest annual positive rainfall anomalies northern and southern part of the basin, the onset of the wet
of the three events, was responsible for the largest flood of season varies across latitudes, and hence the contribution
the century; while the flood of 1989, related to the highest time of the tributaries to the river main stem. Further details
rainfall anomalies as shown in Fig. 6, resulted in the lowest regarding the hydrological regime of the Amazon Basin are
flood of all three analyzed events. summarized by Tomasella et al. (2010).
In a recent paper, Tomasella et al. (2010) compared the Figure 9 shows river discharges for the 1989, 1999 and
drought of 1997 and 2005 in Amazonia and concluded that 2009 events at São Paulo Olivença Station (listed in
80 J.A. Marengo et al.

Fig. 5 Seasonal migration of

the Intertropical Convergence
Zone (ITCZ) axis for
December–May during the
three flood case studies:
red line 2009, blue line
1999, green line 1989, over
the Tropical Atlantic. Black
line indicates the climatological
position during 1980–2009,
determined using OLR values

Table 1), located in the upper Amazon; incremental expect during June when the highest discharges were
discharges in the Middle Amazon Basin between the recorded in 1999. Indeed, during the 2009 flood, discharges
stations of Itapéua, Manacapuru, Jatuarana and Óbidos; were above the mean from the beginning of the year,
and finally river discharges in the station of Óbidos, in the indicating that the Andean sub-catchments contributions
lower Amazon. It also includes the LTM discharges of the were higher in the most recent event.
period 1978–2009. The hydrological analysis is comple- As shown in Figs. 2, 3 and 4, positive rainfall anomalies
mented by monthly rainfall anomalies maps presented in were observed in most of northwestern and western
Figs. 2, 3 and 4 for the 1988–1989, 1998–1999 and 2008– Amazonia from December 2008 through March 2009.
2009 hydrological years. During the flood of 1999, positive rainfall in that part of
River records showed that the discharges in São Paulo de the basin occurred for a shorter period, between January
Olivença were above the mean most of the time during the though February 1999; whilst during the 1989 event,
three events. The flood of 1989 showed the lowest generalized higher than normal rainfall appeared only in
discharges at the high water season, while the flood of January 1989 and spatially constrained to the west of
2009, on the other hand, presented the highest discharges, Amazonia. Therefore, during 2009 positive rainfall anoma-

Fig. 6 Time series of rainfall

indices for north-central Amazo-
nia during the peak season
NDJFM from 1978 to 2009.
Rainfall datasets are from Chen et
al. (2002), CAMS OPI (Xie and
Arkin 1997), NCEP CPC
NOAA, and the indices were
derived from INMET and ANA
rainfall stations, and are pre-
sented as anomalies from the
LTM, whose period depend on
the data set considered. Anoma-
lies are in mm day−1
Extreme climatic events in the Amazon basin 81

Fig. 7 Annual cycle of rainfall

during three wet years in
Amazonia (same domain as in
Fig. 6) for 1988–1989
(orange), 1998–1999 (red) and
2008–2009 (blue), compared to
the 1978–2009 LTM (black).
Rainfall values are derived from
the CPCC dataset

lies in northwestern and western Amazonia were verified Between São Paulo de Olivença and Itapéua, the main-
on a larger area and persisted for a longer period compared stem river received the contribution of the Japurá River,
to the other events, which provides an explanation for the which drains the Colombian Andes, and the Juruá River,
observed hydrological behavior at São Paulo de Olivença which drains the southwestern part of the Basin. Figure 9
Station. indicates that both the floods of 1999 and 2009 have a

Fig. 8 Maps of historical rank rainfall monthly mean values in rainfall values for each grid box. Color scale highlights the grid box for
Amazonia for the period 1978–2009 derived from the CPCC dataset. three flood case studies: 1988/1989, 1998/1999 and 2008/2009
Extremes events (highest) are defined as the maximum total monthly
82 J.A. Marengo et al.

Fig. 9 Incremental discharges along the river main-stem during the 1988–1989, 1998–1999 and 2008–2009 hydrological years. Station locations
are listed in Table 1

similar behavior during high water; however, water dis- mean during the high water season, probably related to
charges at recession were lower during both events significant negative rainfall anomalies in Central Amazonia
compared to the flood of 1989. Since this part of the river during November and December 1998 and March 1999
receives contributions of both hemispheres, the signal on (Fig. 2). In the case of the 1989 flood, on the other hand,
discharges is a mixed and difficult to interpret for the three rainfall anomalies in Central Amazonia were positive in
events. November and December 1998, and February 1999;
Between Itapéua and Manacapuru, where the main however, they were negative on January and March 1999
tributary is the Purus River, which drains southwestern (Fig. 3), which explains why discharges of the Rio Negro
areas of Amazonia, the flood of 2009 presented the were above the LTM but not as significantly as in the 2009
highest river discharges at high waters of all events. In high water period.
agreement with this behavior, rainfall maps indicate that As previously noted, most of the wet season of 2009,
positive rainfall anomalies were generalized in the Purus December 2008 through March 2009, higher-than-normal
drainage area from December 2008 through April 2009 rainfall rates affected the Rio Negro drainage basins (Figs. 4
(Fig. 4); meanwhile, in 1999 this region was affected by and 9). Most importantly, the peak of the rainy season in
higher-than-normal rainfall only in January, February and most of the northern part of the catchment lasts from
April 1999. February through March (Marengo 1992), and Fig. 4
Between Manacapuru and Jatuarana, where the main indicates that in 2009 the wet season began earlier than
contributor is the Rio Negro, large difference between all normal, which explains why the peak discharges between
three events can be seen: remarkably higher-than-normal Mancapuru and Jatuarana occurred in June (Fig. 9),
discharges where recorded from March through August 2 months earlier than in normal years.
2009; discharges were also higher than normal through all Between Jatuarana and Óbidos, the main contributor to
1989, although slightly above the mean. During 1999, on the main stem is the Madeira River, the most important
the other hand, discharges were surprisingly below the among the southern tributaries, highest discharges among
Extreme climatic events in the Amazon basin 83

the three events occurred during the event of 1989, why the flood of 2009 peaked in Óbidos in May 2009, a
followed by the 2009 flood. Since most of the catchment month earlier than in normal years and in the same month
area of the Madeira River is located in Bolivian Amazonia, with the Madeira river peak. During the 1989 and 1999
this behavior was caused by rainier-than-normal conditions floods, the peak at Óbidos occurred between the peaks
that were verified particularly between December, January observed in the Madeira and Negro, which indicates a
and April 1989. During the 2009 flood, positive rainfall condition closer to that in “normal years.”
anomalies were recorded in December 2008 and between
February and April 2009, late in the austral wet season,
which explains why the peak discharge of the Madeira 4 Conclusions
during 2009 occurred in July, a month later than in normal
years. In the case of the 1999 flood, positive rainfall The record-breaking flood of 2009 made international news
anomalies in the Bolivian Amazonia can be seen observed and severely affected floodplain population livelihood. The
in January and March 1999. Figures 2, 3 and 4 indicates Associated Press reported on 9 May 9 2009: “Floods and
that rainfall in the Madeira Basin were exceptionally high mudslides from months of heavy rains in northern Brazil
during April 1989, March 1999, and December 2008. have driven more than 186,000 from their homes, killed at
Finally, Fig. 9 indicates that, among the three events, the least 19 people and cut off shipments from a huge Amazon
peak discharges in Óbidos station during 2009 occurred in iron mine, according to officials. Television footage showed
May 2009, a month before the usual peak discharges the rooftops of houses poking out of inundated towns and
occurred during the other two events and in normal years. people using boats to move around in their cities.
In normal years, the Madeira River peaks 2–3 month earlier Mudslides swamped homes and forced residents to move
than the Rio Negro, and this time displacement is crucial in with relatives and pack into emergency shelters. At least
for damping main-stem flood waves (Meade et al. 1991) seven states, most in the Amazon region, have been
because the Rio Negro is still rising while the Madeira is affected by the rains, which have battered the region for
already receding. Moreover, Tomasella et al. (2010) have several months, regional civil defense departments said.”
shown that a premature reduction of river discharges of The La Niña event in 2008–2009 did not have a strong
northern tributaries during the 2005 drought, which put “in impact on rainfall as in 1988–1989 or 1998–1999, since it
phase” the recession of northern and southern tributaries, was relatively weak and started later compared to 1988–
was directly responsible for a rapid decline of main-stem 1989 and 1998–1999. The main characteristic of the 2008–
river water levels, producing an abrupt recession which 2009 hydrological year was a premature onset of the rainy
culminated at the end of October 2005. season on northern and northwestern Amazonia, and a
It is clear from the analysis in Fig. 9 that an equivalent longer rainy season compared to the other two case studies.
behavior was also verified during the 2009 flood. In this This was due to the combinations of several meteorological
case, the premature onset of the wet season in Northern and factors: (i) enhanced moisture transport from the tropical
western Amazonia caused earlier-than-normal peak dis- North Atlantic off the coast of Venezuela–Guiana into
charges in northern tributaries, in particular, the Rio Negro western Amazonia by summer of 2008–2009; (ii) a more
basin. Previous studies (Marengo et al. 2001) showed that intense Chaco low during summer of 2008–2009 that
the onset of the rainy season in central Amazon begins in favored the enhanced trades winds and moisture transport
the middle of December. Liebmann and Marengo (2001) into western Amazonia; (iii) an anomalously southward
showed that lower-than-normal SST in the eastern equato- migration of the ITCZ during May–June 2009, due to the
rial Pacific are associated with an early onset of the rainy warmer-than-normal surface waters in the tropical South
season in eastern and central Amazonia. Figures 4 and Atlantic, which was responsible for the abundant rainfall in
8 show that rainfall in November 2008 was well above large regions of eastern Amazonia and Northeast Brazil
normal, suggesting that the onset of the rainy season was from May to July 2009.
1 month earlier than in “climatological normal years,” The hydrological consequences of this pattern occurred
consistent with the development of La Niña. Moreover, the earlier than in normal floods in Amazon northern tributar-
onset of the rainy season in 1988–1989 was also about 1– ies, in which peak discharges at their confluences with the
2 months earlier than the climatology in central Amazonia, main stem almost coincided with the peaks of southern
although with less intensity than in 2008–2009. tributaries. In contrast to what occurred during normal
Therefore, the peak of the flood wave of northern years, when the time displacement of peak discharges
tributaries during 2009 were in phase with the peak between northern and southern tributaries attenuate the
discharges of southern tributaries such as the Madeira main-stem flood waves, the superposition of tributaries
River, maximizing the effect of the floods coming from the flood waves during the flood of 2009 produced an
northern and southern Amazon Basin. Indeed, this explains exceptional significant flood in the main stem. During the
84 J.A. Marengo et al.

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