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Opening :

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. How are you today? I wish you all still in blessing God.
Firstly, let’s thanks to God Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa who gives us opportunity to gather on
this meeting today which must be has much advantages for our knowledge or even inspiring us.
Now I am Andre Krisnandha as President stating that the meeting today is opened (while
knocking the table three times) and please welcome our toastmaster today Miss Padmayunita

Ending :

Thanks a lot. Well good member, good time, good place and good progress for today. I hope it
will be better in every single meeting, very proud to be gathered with you all here. That was
great performance. I had already told the purpose of being this topic today “Medication
Administration Safety” in the opening session before. Now I’d like to hear your comment,
suggestion, or any else which has purpose to make the next meeting will be more and more
attractive and meaningful. Is there any somebody wants to ask or comment something?

Well, so let me close this meeting today with the topic “Medication Administration Safety” with
a great result (knocking the table three times).

1. Thank you Miss Toast Master for the time given to me. Good morning everybody. My name
is Ari Purnamawati and I’m as a timer. My responsibilities are taking notes of the time and
giving signal anybody who speaks over than the decisions time. Now I’d like to read the
rules :
a) I’ll give opportunity to the Speaker to present the theme for about ten minutes.
b) I’ll give opportunity to the Table Topic Speaker for about fifteen minutes.
c) I’ll give opportunity to the Speech Evaluator for about five minutes.
d) I’ll give opportunity to the Grammarian for about seven minutes.
e) I’ll give opportunity to the Ah-Counter for five minutes.
f) I’ll give opportunity to the Timer for five minutes.

I have the rule, if the time is up I’m knocking the table three times and if the time run out two
minutes I’m knocking the table twice. Ok that’s the rule, thank you. Time I return to Miss Toast

2. Alright, I’m the last here who give a report about how long each person presented the
presentation today.
a) First, the president had spent time for …. It started from … up to ….
b) Table topic had spent time for about ….
c) First speaker has spent time for about ….
d) Second speaker has spent time for about ….
e) Third speaker has spent time for about …..
f) Fourth speaker has spent time for about …..
g) The Ah-counter has spent time for about …..
h) Grammarian has spent time for about …..
i) Speech evaluator has spent time for about ….

Those all my report, thank you for your attention, Time I return to Miss Toast Master.

Thank you Miss Toast Master. My name is Rai. I’m as Ah-Counter. So it’s clear that my duty is
counting the pause filler such ‘ah’, ‘ehm’, ‘eah’, ‘uh’, ‘oh’, not counting your owes and also
repetition words.

Now, I want to report my observation about how many time leader, moderator, speaker, speech
evaluator and grammarian said ‘ah’, ‘ehm’, ‘eah’, ‘uh’, ‘oh’. There is no mistake from leader,
moderator, speaker, speech evaluator and grammarian. I think that’s all thank you for your
attention and the time return to Miss Toast Master.

1. Thank you, Miss Toast Master for welcoming. Good morning everybody. I’m Dayu Apsari
as Table Topic Speaker. My duty the purpose of the topic today and giving some question to
all are the member here.
The Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) first Quality Chasm report, To Err Is Human: Building a
Safer Health System, stated that medication-related errors (a subset of medical error) were a
significant cause of morbidity and mortality; they accounted “for one out of every 131
outpatient deaths, and one out of 854 inpatient deaths”. Medication errors were estimated to
account for more than 7,000 deaths annually. Building on this work and previous IOM
reports, the IOM put forth a report in 2007 on medication safety, Preventing Medication
Errors. This report emphasized the importance of severely reducing medication errors,
improving communication with patients, continually monitoring for errors, providing
clinicians with decision-support and information tools, and improving and standardizing
medication labeling and drug-related information.

2. Thank you for the time that you given to me. Before I start giving questions for you, can you
tell me how many information that you have got from the presentation today, and what are
they? Alright, that’s good. Now are you ready to answer my question?
a. What is the medication error?
b. What the strategies to improve medication administration safety?

That is all from me, time return to Miss Toast Master.


1. Hello everyone. My name is Elfirasani, from my physically and my name, you must be know
where I come from. I’m speech evaluator today and my duty is looking for your
mispronunciation and diction. So please take care of your mouth, ups sorry I mean your
speech because I’m gonna catch you. Thank you.
2. The speaker explain about “Medication Administration Safety”.

She look relax and mastering the subject which was spoken.
The speaker was too late to explain the topic
She has good eye contact with participant and good articulation

Speaker 1 she/he said ………… it should be “…………….”

Speaker 2 she/he said ………… it should be “…………….”

Okay thanks for your attention and the time return to Miss Toast Master.

1. What’s up guys. I’m Sutarini as Grammarian today and my duty are ; First, count the
grammatical mistakes, incomplete sentence, and also malapropism and the Second I’ll give
the word of today.
The grammatical mistake, for example : She buy a book yesterday morning, but it should be
“She bought a book yesterday morning”.
Incomplete sentence, for example : She eat a bananas every morning, it should be “She eats a
banana every morning”.
Malapropism, for example : Good punctuation means not to be late, so it should not
“punctuation” but “punctuality”.
And the last is the word of the day session. I’ll tell the word of the day in the next session.
Thank you.
2. Thank you. Well let me read my report today.
Firstly to the second speaker said “There was 10 studies that assessed the association of
human factors with MAEs”. The sentence is wrong to use ‘was’ it should be ‘were’, because
the word ‘10 studies’ is plural and must be use to be ‘were’ not ‘was’.
Secondly to the fourth speaker said “Some of the strategies addressed the thorough of error
reporting, some…” The word ‘thorough’ should be ‘thoroughness’ because in sentence the
word ‘thorough’ as adjective is not right to use. It must be use word as adverb become
That’s all about my report, I return back to Miss Toast Master.

1. Thank you Mr/Mr Toast Master for the time given to me. Alright, my name is Julianita and
I’m as a first speaker. Today nice to meet you all and I hope topic today is useful for us
because the topic is important for us as a nurse in dealing with patient. What is the topic
today? Let see it, thank you. Time I return to Miss Toast Master.
2. Okay thank you Miss Toast Master for the time given to me. Now I will presenting our topic
today. The topic today is “Medication Administration Safety”. Now I explain about
Medication of Error are any preventable event that may cause or lead to inappropriate
medication use or patient harm while the medication is in the control of the health care
professional, patient, or consumer. Leape and colleagues reported more than 15 types of
medication errors: wrong dose, wrong choice, wrong drug, known allergy, missed dose,
wrong time, wrong frequency, wrong technique, drug interaction, wrong route, extra dose,
failure to act on test, equipment failure, inadequate monitoring, preparation error, and other.
Of the 130 errors for physicians, the majority were wrong dose, wrong choice of drug, and
known allergy. Among the 126 nursing administration errors, the majority were associated
with wrong dose, wrong technique, and wrong drug. Each type of error was found to occur at
various stages, though some more often during the ordering and administration stages.
Okay that’s from me, now will continue by the second speaker, thank you. Time I return to
Miss Toast Master.

1. Thank you Miss Toast Master. Alright, my name is Aryya Astawa and I’m a second speaker,
nice to meet you all. Time I return to Miss Toast Master.
3. Thank you like what just Miss Toast Master has told you that the topic today is “Medication
Administration Safety”. Now I explain about Effect of Human Factor on Medication
Administration Error. There are a wide range of system-related human factors that can
impact medication administration. These factors include characteristics of individual
providers (example, training, fatigue levels), the nature of the clinical work (example, need
for attention to detail, time pressures), equipment and technology interfaces (example,
confusing or straight-forward to operate), the design of the physical environment (example,
designing rooms to reduce spread of infection and patient falls), and even macro-level factors
external to the institution (example, evidence base for safe practices, public awareness of
patient safety concerns). There was 10 studies that assessed the association of human factors
with MAEs. Four major themes emerged in the review: fatigue, cognitive abilities,
experience, and skills.
Okay that’s from me, now will continue by the third speaker, thank you. Time I return to
Miss Toast Master .

1. Thank you Miss Toast Master. Alright, my name is Dwi Apriani and I’m a third speaker, nice
to meet you all. Time I return to Miss Toast Master.
2. Thank you like what just Miss Toast Master has told you that the topic today is “Medication
Administration Safety”. Now I explain about Strategies to Improve Medication
Administration Safety are Nurses Education and Training. Educational strategies aimed to
improve medication safety and avert unnecessary medication errors. One randomized
controlled study used an interactive CD-ROM education program to improve the use of safe
medication practices and decrease the rate of MAEs. Direct observation of medication
administration was used to assess the impact. After the training, nurses’ use of safe
administration practices increased, but preparation errors did not decrease. There were too
few actual medication errors to analyze pre-post differences. Another approach used an 11
module Web-based educational strategy to improve drug safety with a small sample of
nurses. Direct observation of medication administration was used to determine the outcome.
After using these modules, rates of nonintravenous MAEs decreased from 6.1 percent to 4.1
percent. Rates of errors in intravenous drug administration did not decline as expected.
Dennison reported the results of a medication safety training program for nurses. Knowledge
scores improved in this pre-post test study, but there was no significant change in safety
climate scores, labeling of intravenous infusion setups, or the number of self-reported errors.
Okay that’s from me, now will continue by the fourth speaker, thank you. Time I return to
Miss Toast Master .

1. Thank you Miss Toast Master. Alright, my name is Mega Ratnasari and I’m a fourth speaker.
Time I return to Miss Toast Master.
2. Thank you like what just Miss Toast Master has told you that the topic today is “Medication
Administration Safety”. Now I explain about Strategies to Improve Medication
Administration Safety is System Change. Several attempts to change the system have been
tested. Some of the strategies addressed the thorough of error reporting, some the processes
and events surrounding medication administration, and some focused directly on reducing
errors. Using a hospital wide performance improvement project that emphasized system
factors, not individual blame, error reporting increased from a rate of 14.3 percent to 72.5
percent. To address intravenous infusion problems, a medication safety education program
and medication calculation worksheets were introduced, followed by ongoing Plan-Do-
Study-Act cycles. Multiple system changes were also used to improve safety of intravenous
drug infusion. These included removing 90 to 95 percent of potassium chloride ampoules
from the bedside; developing preprinted labels for five common drug infusions; removing
four-channel infusion pumps the unit and replacing them with double-channel infusion
pumps with a simple interface design; standardizing administration of drugs given by bolus
dose using a syringe pump; decreasing missed doses of immunosupression drugs for
transplant patients from 25 percent to 9 percent by incorporating them into the main drug
chart; implementing standardized prefilter and heparin-lock central venous catheters and
heparin infusions into ICU protocol; redesigning drug infusion administration practices
throughout the hospital; eliminating burettes for IV drug infusion; preparing standardized
drug infusions for 36 drugs; and providing Intranet-based up-to-date drug information.
Okay that’s from me, time I return to Miss Toast Master .

1. Give applause for our honorable President, Mr Andre. Ladies and gentlemen, before we
begin the meeting, there is an aphorism says “We cannot knowing and caring each other by
seeing the cover”. So it’s time for introducing and telling the rules, my name is Padmayunita
as Toast Master and next starts from the Timer. Give applause for our Timer.
2. Give applause for our Timer. That’s great time management. Now please welcome our lovely
First Speaker.
3. Alright, give more applause for our lovely First Speaker. Next I would like to invite Second
Speaker, for Second Speaker the floor is yours.
4. Alright, give more applause for our lovely Second Speaker. Next I would like to invite Third
Speaker, for Third Speaker the floor is yours.
5. Alright, give more applause for our lovely Third Speaker. Next I would like to invite Fourth
Speaker, for Fourth Speaker the floor is yours.
6. Alright, give more applause for Fourth Speaker. Ehm, you must be curious about the topic
today but yeah, actually I know it well. Alright now we’re going to call our Table Topic
Speaker today.
7. Well the next, please welcome to our Speech Evaluator, the floor is yours.
8. OMG, let’s take care of our mouth, before she/he catch us. Harrrr.. that’s sound so terrible. I
hope God bless me always from her/his claws. Anyway, now let’s take a look at our
Grammarian, give applause.
9. Now, we’re going to the next person, please welcome to our Ah-Counter today time is yours
10. Give applause for Ah-Counter.
 Alright now please welcome our first speaker today, time is yours.
 Give applause for our first speaker, now I would like to invite the second speaker. For
the second speaker, the floor is yours.
 Give applause for our first speaker, now I would like to invite the third speaker. For
the third speaker, the floor is yours.
 Give applause for our first speaker, now I would like to invite the fourth speaker. For
the fourth speaker, the floor is yours.
11. Alright, good explanation. Then it’s time for table topic speaker to give some questions for
us. Now please welcome to the table topic speaker, Miss Dayu Apsari
12. Give applause for our table topic speaker. Fortunately, you can answer all question well.
Next is speech evaluator, Miss Elfirasani, time and place is yours.
13. Good evaluation. Thank you Miss Elfira, that must be useful for us. And the next is
grammarian. Please welcome to Miss Sutarini.
14. Give applause for our grammarian. That must be very useful knowledge for us. Then let me
invite Ah-Counter, for the ah-counter time is yours.
15. Give applause to our ah-counter for her/his observation. Now please welcome our timer, time
is yours.
16. Thank you for our timer. Well finally we arrived at the end of discussion. Thank you so
much for all your participation in Toast Master today. I’m sorry if I made some mistakes
during this toast master. This is the last session which will be closed by our President today,
give applause to Mr. Andre, time and place is yours.

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