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UAL Level 3 Diploma in Music Performance and Production

The EP Project Units 5 and 6

Unit 5 Music Production in Context

Unit 6 Music Performance in Context

Hand Out Date: 8th January 2019

Hand In Date: 8th March 2019

The Brief:

Develop Music Technology skills by completing a number of industry

related tasks, reflecting on industry practices, and implementing new
found theories.

Task 1 – Songs and Song Structure

Task 2 – Your EP

Task 3 – Roles and Procedures

Miskin Music Technology 2018/19 1

UAL Level 3 Diploma in Music Performance and Production

Task 1 – Songs and Song Structures

Your group will analyse the make up of songs, starting with the
structure and arrangement and then the musical and sonic textures
found within. There are two Logic projects to complete, and an audio
Logic Project 1: Song Structure
Listen to examples of music and then determine the different sections of at
least 3 songs. Label them correctly.
Logic Project 2: The Listening Project
Correctly identify a number of different instruments, from classical to
traditional rock instrumentation, in a number of recorded productions.
Mini Desert Island Discs
Select 3 songs that you would take to a desert island and, by using technical
and musical language, discuss the elements of each that you appreciate.

Task 2 – Your EP Project

You must create an EP that consists of 4 songs. This is not a composing
project but you are encouraged to use originality. Although the 4 songs
should have a loose theme, each should be unique.
One song must be ‘acoustic’, that is to say does not contain any MIDI
One song must be comprised of only MIDI instruments (except for vocals).
One song must use at least one musical ‘sample’ which can be looped to form
the base or a hook in a song.
One song must be a combination of multi-track recordings and MIDI.

Task 3 – Planning, Roles and Procedures

Develop a WIX site on which you must present any planning and
research, discuss equipment used and different roles explored, and an
evaluation of the project.

Miskin Music Technology 2018/19 2

UAL Level 3 Diploma in Music Performance and Production

Learning Outcomes

Unit 5 Music Production in Context:

L.O.1: Be able to analyse and research a production design brief in a music performance.

1.1 Analyse the requirements and parameters of a production design brief in music

1.2 Apply research activities to support solutions to a production design brief in music

L.O.2: Be able to use an integrated approach to production design problem solving in music

2.1 Demonstrate the ability to plan, organise and present solutions to a production design
brief in music performance.

2.2 Apply practical skills, understanding and methods to solve production design problems
in music performance.

L.O.3: Be able to evaluate solutions to a production design brief in music performance.

3.1 Analyse effectiveness of solutions to a production design brief in music performance.

Unit 6 Music Performance in Context:

L.O.1: Be able to analyse and research a music performance brief.

1.1 Analyse the requirements and parameters of a performance brief.

1.2 Apply research activities to support solutions to a performance brief in music.

L.O.2: Be able to use an integrated approach to performance problem solving in music.

2.1 Demonstrate the ability to plan, organise and present solutions to a performance
problem in music.

2.2 Apply practical skills, understanding and methods to solve performance problems in

L.O.3: Be able to evaluate solutions to a music performance brief.

3.1 Analyse effectiveness of solutions to a music brief.

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