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A Summer Internship Project Report on


Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of

Masters In Business Administration – Marketing

Vishal Kasaudhan

Roll No. 180013200088

Under the guidance of

Dr. Saurav Banarjee

A study conducted for

Tata Motors Ltd


Institute Of Management Science

University Of Lucknow


Learning is a continuous process; the more you learn the more is there to learn. In this
learning process we meet several individuals, and each and every person helps us to learn
something, which all pile up together and become an experience.
I got to learn a lot during my Internship Project. At this moment of substantial enhancement
of my knowledge, I find no word to express my gratitude towards those who helped me
directly or indirectly in making this report successfully. I am thankful for the assistance
received from various individuals, specially the respondents who supported me by
answering the questions without any hesitation. They have truly been sportive, and without
their co-operation this was not possible. Therefore I want to thank them a lot.
I would like to thank his excellence Pankaj Gogiya(Manager CVBU) who guided as an
Internship Guide and encouraged to successfully understand and implementing the various
concepts involve in the project report.
I would like to thank Tata Motors (Lucknow), MGS Auto Fab Pvt Ltd (Lucknow) and all of
its employees who helped me to achieve success in this project in every possible manner.
To being with I feel to express my deep gratitude and sincere thanks to my Academic
project guide Dr. Saurav Banarjeefor his priceless and valuable guidance, encouragement
for completion of work.

Vishal Kasaudhan

Certificate from college

This is to certify that Mr.VISHAL KASAUDHAN is a bonafide student of this Institute and
has successfully completed his project entitled MARKET ANALYSIS OF SCV
fulfillment of course Masters In Business Administration (Marketing) from Institute Of
Management Science, University Of Lucknow

Certificate from company

Executive summary

TATA MOTORS is India’s foremost vehicle manufacturer with a countrywide network of

factories and marketing offices. TATA MOTORS has made significant contributions to the
nation building process by way of quality products, services and sharing expertise. Its
commitment to sustainable development, its high ethical standards in business dealings and
its on-going efforts in community welfare programmers have won it acclaim as a responsible
corporate citizen. TATA MOTOR’s brand name is synonymous with vehicle and enjoys a
high level of equity in the Indian market. It is the only vehicle company that figures in the
list of Consumer Super Brands of India.

Tata Motors Limited has pioneered the production of commercial and passenger vehicle in
India since 1954 and 1991 respectively and today it is India’s largest passenger and
commercial vehicle manufacturing company. Tata Motors has a domestic market share of
68% in MCV/HCV segment, 64% in the LCV segment and 32% in the multi –utility
segment. Its product development capabilities, scales and low import content give it cost
advantages and its wide distribution network gives it a competitive advantage. TATA
MOTORS has been exporting its products since 1969 and currently exports about tenth of its
out-put in over 50 Countries. The company intends that the exports should account for 20%
of its automobile sales. Though commencing operation a modest way Tata Motors has
grown consistently by upgrading its technology and developing its human resources and
today it holds the coveted position of being a premier company in the Indian private sector
in terms of sales, gross profit. Capital employed, dividend paid and net worth besides being
acclaimed and respected for social conscience.
The objective of the project is to know the preference of the consumer’s when buying a Scv
vehicle, To gather descriptive information about the usage of the vehicle, To get feedback
about the vehicle from the existing users, To check the awareness among the user and non-
users about new features of TATA ACE GOLD, To find out the problems faced by the Scv
vehicle owner’s and promote Tata ACE GOLD

The project was divide into two parts,
1) Survey of the SCV cargo vehicle
2) Promotion of Tata ACE GOLD

Keeping the above objectives in mind a set of questionnaire was made and feedbacks were
collected by visiting the existing customers in the market and its competitors as well.For
research, we applied random sampling; the area was East and West Lucknow. There were 97
respondents (10 respondents are existing customers and 87 respondents are from
competitors). Both primary and secondary data were collected and survey method was used
for collection of the data.

By this research, I came to know that company’s brand name, its stylish appearance and
comfort level playing vital role in the promotion of TATA ACE-GOLD by spreading word
of mouth publicity. TATA MOTORS manufactured TATA ACE-GOLD to overtake the
market of SCV vehicles. The product is a success in all the markets of India, except some
areas of east. It is so because of the bad road conditions. TATA ACE-GOLD is facing tough
competition from the market leader Ashok Leyland. There are other players also in the
market who plays a vital role in competition, like, Maruti suzuki and Mahindra.

Table of Contents

SN Contents Pg. No

1 Introduction 12-13

2 Industry / Company overview 14-35

Review of Literature/ Theoretical

3 36-48

4 Objectives 49-50

5 Research Methodology 51-56

Data Analysis , Results and

6 57-87

7 Observation and findings 88-89

7 Conclusions 90-91

8 Limitations of the project 92

9 Recommendations 93-94

10 95-101

List of tables
Tables Pg No
1 Ownership 58
2 Use of vehicle 59
3 Vehicle owned 60
4 Important attributes 61
5 Duration 62
6 Trips 63
7 Distance covered 64
8 Loading 65
9 Earning 66
10 Vehicle preferred while buying 67
11 Where vehicle get serviced 68
12 Service expenses 69
13 Mileage 70
14 Rating for the vehicle 71
15 Awareness of Tata ACE GOLD 72
16 Want to buy Tata ACE GOLD 73
17 Ownership 74
18 Purpose of purchasing 75
19 Prior vehicle owned 76
20 Vehicle financed 77

List of figure
SN Figures Pg No
1 Ownership 58
2 Use of vehicle 59
3 Vehicle owned 60
4 Important attributes 61
5 Duration 62
6 Trips 63
7 Distance covered 64
8 Loading 65
9 Earning 66
10 Vehicle preferred while buying 67
11 Where vehicle get serviced 68
12 Service expenses 69
13 Mileage 70
14 Rating for the vehicle 71
15 Awareness of Tata ACE GOLD 72
16 Want to buy Tata ACE GOLD 73
17 Ownership 74
18 Purpose of purchasing 75
19 Prior vehicle owned 76
20 Vehicle financed 77

List of Tables
SN Table Pg No
1 Duration of Tata ACE GOLD 78
2 Travelling route 79
3 Distance covered by Tata ACE 80
4 Mileage of Tata ACE GOLD 81
5 Loading per trip 82
6 Earning 83
7 Rating of Tata ACE GOLD 84
8 Issue came across while using Tata 85
9 Recommended to others 86

List of figures
SN Figure Pg No
1 Duration of Tata ACE GOLD 78
2 Travelling route 79
3 Distance covered by Tata ACE 80
4 Mileage of Tata ACE GOLD 81
5 Loading per trip 82
6 Earning 83
7 Rating of Tata ACE GOLD 84
8 Issue came across while using Tata 85
9 Recommended to others 86

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SN Figure Pg No
1 CV Commercial vehicle
2 HCV Heavy commercial vehicle
3 SCV Small commercial vehicle
4 LCV Light commercial vehicle
5 ICV Intermediate commercial vehicle
6 SCVC Small commercial vehicle cargo
7 SCVP Small commercial vehicle passenger
8 CVBU Commercial vehicle business unit
9 PCBU Passenger car business unit
10 CAGR Compound annual growth rate
11 MNC Multinational company
12 R&D Research and development

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Chapter 1

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(1.1) the Project:-
SCV segment is the fastest growing segment in the country as well as around the world.
There are two types of SCV, CARGO & PASSENGER. The vehicles which are used for
transporting goods and commodities are called cargo and the vehicles which carry
passengers is called passenger vehicle. Cargo and passenger both are available in three
wheelers as well as four wheelers in the market. Customers choose vehicle according to their
needs. There are number of companies who manufacture SCV like Tata, Ashok Leyland,
Mahindra and Force. However, this SCV segment with four wheelers was first introduced in
the Indian market by Tata Motors. Now, Tata Motors has launched a product called ACE
GOLD . SCV VEHICLE give good scope of business in cities area because government is
restricting entry of large truck in cities area. So, TATA have grand launch of SCV to
increase the business opportunities in urban area.

(1.2) Purpose of the project:-

The main motive of any business is to earn profit as much as possible and this can be
possible only if the product manufactured by the company is completely sold in the market
and the company is able to gain the total profit. This research is important because it help to
know the feedback of the customers. It will also help the company to understand the
consumer buying behavior and the main factors which forces the customer to select a
particular vehicle brand which will further help the company to know their short comings if
they have to increase the sale of their vehicle.

(1.3) Scope of the project

This research has been confined to Lucknow, Malihabad, Banthara,. Dubagga (cargo)
below 1 ton capacity was considered as competitors during the survey.
Time frame of the project
The study was done from1 june-15 july. Timing was 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

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Chapter 2
Industry / Company Profile

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(2.1.1)About the industry
The Indian automotive industry has emerged as a 'sunrise sector' in the Indian economy.
India is emerging as one of the world's fastest growing passenger car markets and second
largest two wheeler manufacturer. It is also home for the largest motor cycle manufacturer
and fifth largest commercial vehicle manufacturer.
India is emerging as an export hub for sports utility vehicles (SUVs). The global automobile
majors are looking to leverage India's cost-competitive manufacturing practices and are
assessing opportunities to export SUVs to Europe, South Africa and Southeast Asia. India
can emerge as a supply hub to feed the world demand for SUVs.
India also has the largest base to export compact cars to Europe. Moreover, hybrid and
electronic vehicles are new developments on the automobile canvas and India is one of the
key markets for them. Global and Indian manufacturers are focusing their efforts to develop
innovative products, technologies and supply chains.
The automotive plants of global automakers in India rank among the top across the world in
terms of their productivity and quality. Top auto multinational companies (MNCs) like
Hyundai, Toyota and Suzuki rank their Indian production facilities right on top of their
global pecking order.

(2.1.2)Key statistics
The amount of cumulative foreign direct investment (FDI) inflow into the automobile
industry during April 2000 to January 2013 was worth US$ 7,653 million, amounting to 4
per cent of the total FDI inflows (in terms of US$), as per data published by Department of
Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), Ministry of Commerce.
The Indian small and light commercial vehicle segment is expected to more than double by
2015-16 and grow at 18.5 per cent compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for the next five
years, according to a report titled, 'Strategic Assessment of Small and Light Commercial
Vehicles Market in India' by Frost & Sullivan.
The light commercial vehicles (LCV) market - both passenger and goods carrier is estimated
to register a sales growth of around 20 per cent during FY 2012-FY 2015, as per a RNCOS
report titled, "India LCV Market Outlook".

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India is the world's second-largest heavy commercial vehicle market. The RNCOS report,
"India MCV and HCV Market Outlook", observed that infrastructure boom and emergence
of hub and spoke model, among other factors have given a new dimension to the medium
and heavy goods carrier commercial vehicles' sector in India. It is anticipated that the sales
of medium and heavy commercial (M&HC) goods carriers will increase at a CAGR of more
than 10.5 per cent during 2011-12 to 2014-15.
In another RNCOS research report, "Indian Automobile Sector Analysis", the production of
passenger vehicle is forecast to grow at a CAGR of around 11 per cent from 2009-10 to
2012-13, and domestic volume sales at a CAGR growth of around 12 per cent.

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(2.1.4)Indian Automobile Industry SWOT Analysis

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• Domestic market is large
• Government provides monetary assistance for
Strengths manufacturing units
• Reduced Labour cost

• Infrastructural setbacks
• Low productivity
• Too many taxes levied by government
Weakness increase the cost of production
• Low investments in Research and

• Reduction in Excise duty

Opportunities • Rural demand is rising
• Income level is at a constant increase

• Increasing rates of interest

Threats • Too much competition
• Rising cost of raw materials

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(2.2.1)About the company

To be passionate in anticipating and providing the best vehicles and experiences that excite
our customers globally.

Most admired by our customers, employees, business partners and shareholders for the
experience and value they enjoy from being with us.

 Accountability
 Customer and product focus
 Excellence
 Speed

 Inclusion
 Integrity
 Accountability
 Innovation
 Concern for the environment
 Passion for excellence
 Agility

(2.2.2)History of TATA Group/TATA Motors

TATA GROUP Founded by Jamsedji Tata in 1868, the Tata Group’s early years were
inspired by the spirit of nationalism. The Group pioneered several industries of national
importance in India: steel, power, hospitality and airlines. In more recent times, the Tata
Group’s pioneering spirit has been showcased by companies like Tata Consultancy Services,
India’s first software company, which pioneered the international delivery model, and Tata
Motors, which made India’s first indigenously developed car, the Indica, in 1998 and
recently unveiled the world’s lowest-cost car, the Tata Nano, for commercial launch by end

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of 2008. In terms of market capitalization and revenues, Tata Group is the largest private
corporate group in India and has been recognized as one of the most respected groups in the
world. It has interests in steel, automobiles, information technology, communication, power,
tea and hospitality. The Tata Group has operations in more than 85 countries across six
continents and its companies export products and services to 80 nations. In the past few
years, the TATA group has led the growing appetite among Indian companies to acquire
businesses overseas in Europe, the United States, Australia and Africa - some even several
times larger - in a bid to consolidate operations and emerge as the new age multinationals.
“The TATA group is 11th most reputable company in the world according to Forbes”.
Established in 1945, Tata Motors' presence cuts across the length and breadth of India. Over
7.5 million Tata vehicles ply on Indian roads, since the first rolled out in 1954. The
company's manufacturing base in India is spread across Jamshedpur (Jharkhand), Pune
(Maharashtra), Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh), Pantnagar (Uttarakhand), Sanand (Gujarat) and
Dharwad (Karnataka). Following a strategic alliance with Fiat in 2005, it has set up an
industrial joint venture with Fiat Group Automobiles at Ranjangaon (Maharashtra) to
produce both Fiat and Tata cars and Fiat power trains. The company's dealership, sales,
services and spare parts network comprises over 3,500 touch points.

Tata Motors, also listed in the New York Stock Exchange (September 2004), has emerged as
an international automobile company. Through subsidiaries and associate companies, Tata
Motors has operations in the UK, South Korea, Thailand, Spain, South Africa and Indonesia.
Among them is Jaguar Land Rover, acquired in 2008. In 2004, it acquired the Daewoo
Commercial Vehicles Company, South Korea's second largest truck maker. The rechristened
Tata Daewoo Commercial Vehicles Company has launched several new products in the
Korean market, while also exporting these products to several international markets. Today
two-thirds of heavy commercial vehicle exports out of South Korea are from Tata Daewoo.
In 2005, Tata Motors acquired a 21% stake in Hispano Carrocera, a reputed Spanish bus and
coach manufacturer, and subsequently the remaining stake in 2009. Hispano's presence is
being expanded in other markets. In 2006, Tata Motors formed a 51:49 joint venture with
the Brazil-based, Marcopolo, a global leader in body-building for buses and coaches to
manufacture fully-built buses and coaches for India - the plant is located in Dharwad. In
2006, Tata Motors entered into joint venture with Thonburi Automotive Assembly Plant

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Company of Thailand to manufacture and market the company's Scv vehicles in Thailand,
and entered the market in 2008. Tata Motors (SA) (Proprietary) Ltd., Tata Motors' joint
venture with Tata Africa Holding (Pty) Ltd. set up in 2011, has an assembly plant in
Rosslyn, north of Pretoria. The plant can assemble, semi knocked down (SKD) kits, light,
medium and heavy commercial vehicles ranging from 4 tons to 50 tons.

Tata Motors is also expanding its international footprint, established through exports since
1961. The company's commercial and passenger vehicles are already being marketed in
several countries in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, South East Asia, South Asia, South
America, CIS and Russia. It has franchisee/joint venture assembly operations in Bangladesh,
Ukraine, and Senegal.

The foundation of the company's growth over the last 68 years is a deep understanding of
economic stimuli and customer needs, and the ability to translate them into customer-desired
offerings through leading edge R&D. With over 4,500 engineers, scientists and technicians
the company's Engineering Research Centre, established in 1966, has enabled pioneering
technologies and products. The company today has R&D centres in Pune, Lucknow,
jamshedpur, Dharwad in India, and in South Korea, Spain, and the UK.

It was Tata Motors, which launched the first indigenously developed Light Commercial
Vehicle in 1986. In 2005, Tata Motors created a new segment by launching the Tata Ace,
India's first indigenously developed mini-truck. In 2009, the company launched its globally
benchmarked Prima range of trucks and in 2012 the Ultra range of international standard
light commercial vehicles. In their power, speed, carrying capacity, operating economy and
trims, they will introduce new benchmarks in India and match the best in the world in
performance at a lower life-cycle cost.

Tata Motors also introduced India's first Sports Utility Vehicle in 1991 and, in 1998, the
Tata Indica, India's first fully indigenous passenger car.

In January 2008, Tata Motors unveiled its People's Car, the Tata Nano. The Tata Nano has
been subsequently launched, as planned, in India in March 2009, and subsequently in 2011
in Nepal and Sri Lanka. A development, which signifies a first for the global automobile
industry, the Nano brings the joy of a car within the reach of thousands of families.

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(2.2.3)At home in the world
Anchored in India and committed to its traditional values of leadership with trust, the Tata
group is spreading its footprint globally through excellence and innovation. Each operating
company in the group develops its international business as an integral element in an overall
strategy, depending on the competitive dynamics of the industry in which it operates.
Exports from India remain the cornerstone of the Tata group’s international business, but
different Tata companies are increasingly investing in assets overseas through Greenfield
projects (such as in South Africa, Bangladesh and Iran), joint ventures (in South Africa,
Morocco and China) and acquisitions.

(2.2.4)Priority markets
While individual Tata companies have differing geographical imperatives, the Tata group is
focusing on a clutch of priority countries, which are expected to be of strategic importance
in the years ahead. The regions are North America, UK, China, the Netherlands, Germany,
South Africa, and members of the Gulf Cooperation Council, Brazil, Vietnam, Thailand and
Sri Lanka.
Ratan Tata, Chairman, Tata Sons, sums up the Tata group’s efforts to internationalize its
operations thus: “I hope that a hundred years from now we will spread our wings far beyond
India, that we become a global group, operating in many countries, an Indian business
conglomerate that is at home in the world, carrying the same sense of trust that we do
The Tata name has been respected in India for 140 years for its adherence to strong values
and business ethics. The Group’s 27 publicly listed enterprises have a combined market
capitalization of some $60 billion, among the highest among Indian business houses, and a
shareholder base of 3.2 million.
In tandem with the increasing international footprint of its companies, the Group is also
gaining international recognition. Brand Finance, a UK-based consultancy firm, recently
valued the Tata brand at $11.4 billion and ranked it 57th amongst the Top 100 brands in the
Business week ranked the Group sixth amongst the World’s Most Innovative Companies.

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And the Reputation Institute, USA, recently rated it as the World’s Sixth Most Reputed
The Tata Group has always believed in returning wealth to the society it serves. Two thirds
of the equity of Tata Sons, the Tata Group’s promoter company, is held by philanthropic
trusts, which have created national institutions in science and technology, medical research,
social studies and the performing arts. The trusts also provide aid and assistance to NGOs in
the areas of education, healthcare and livelihoods. Tata companies also extend social welfare
activities to communities around their industrial units.


“Tata motors is committed towards maximizing customer satisfaction and strive to achieve
the goal of excellence by continual improvement by ongoing design and development of sale
of reliable, safe, cost effective, quality product and service of international standard by using
environment sustainable technologies for improving levels of efficiency and productivity
within its plants and ancillaries”

Mr. Cyrus Mistri, Chairman

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India’s 1st Largest

Automobiles company,
exporter and R&D

India’s 2nd Target Private

sector co.

Globally 5th Largest Bus &

truck manufacture

Tata Motors have two business unit – the passenger car business unit (PCBU) and
commercial vehicles business unit (CVBU).Tata Motors is a part of the Tata Group manages
its share-holding through Tata Sons. The company expanded its operations to commercial
vehicle sector in 1954 after forming a joint venture with Daimler-Benz AG of Germany.
Despite the success of its commercial vehicles, Tata realized his company had to diversify
and he began to look at other products. Based on consumer demand, he decided that building
a small car would be the most practical new venture. So in 1998 it launched Tata Indica,
India's first fully indigenous passenger car. Designed to be inexpensive and simple to build
and maintain, the Indica became a hit in the Indian market. It was also exported to Europe,
especially the UK. Tata acquired Spanish bus and coach manufacturer Hispano Carrocera in
2009. In 2006 it formed a joint venture with Marco polo S.A.of Brazil and introduced low-
floor buses in the Indian Market under the name Tata Marco polo Bus. Recently, it has
acquired British Jaguar Land Rover (JLR), which includes the Daimler and Lanchester
brand names.

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Tata Motors Limited is India's largest automobile company, with consolidated revenues of
INR 1, 88,818 crores (USD 34.7 billion) in 2012-13. It is the leader in commercial vehicles
in each segment, and among the top in passenger vehicles with winning products in the
compact, midsize car and utility vehicle segments. It is also the world's fourth largest truck
and bus manufacturer.Established in 1945, Tata Motors' presence cuts across the length and
breadth of India. Over 7.5 million Tata vehicles ply on Indian roads, since the first rolled out
in 1954. The company's manufacturing base in India is spread across jamshedpur
(Jharkhand), Pune (Maharashtra), Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh), Pantnagar (Uttarakhand),
Sanand (Gujarat) and Dharwad (Karnataka). Following a strategic alliance with Fiat in 2005,
it has set up an industrial joint venture with Fiat Group Automobiles at Ranjangaon
(Maharashtra) to produce both Fiat and Tata cars and Fiat powertrains.
Tata Motors is also expanding its international footprint, established through exports since
1961. The company's commercial and passenger vehicles are already being marketed in
several countries in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, South East Asia, South Asia, South
America, CIS and Russia. It has franchisee/joint venture assembly operations in Bangladesh,
Ukraine, and Senegal. Tata Motors is committed to improving the quality of life of
communities by working on four thrust areas - employability, education, health and
environment. The activities touch the lives of more than a million citizens. The company's
support on education and employability is focused on youth and women. They range from
schools to technical education institutes to actual facilitation of income generation. In health,
the company's intervention is in both preventive and curative health care.


Tata Motors has been aggressively acquiring foreign brands to increase its global presence.
Tata Motors has operations in the UK, South Korea, Thailand and Spain. Among them is
Jaguar Land Rover, a business comprising the two iconic British brands that was acquired in
2008. Tata Motors has also acquired from Ford the rights of Rover. In 2004, it acquired the
Daewoo Commercial Vehicles Company, South Korea’s second largest truck maker. The
rechristened Tata Daewoo Commercial Vehicles Company has launched several new
products in the Korean market, while also exporting these products to several international

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markets. Today two-thirds of heavy commercial vehicle exports out of South Korea are from
Tata Daewoo.
In 2005, Tata Motors acquired a 21% stake in Hispano Carrocera, a reputed Spanish bus and
coach manufacturer, giving it controlling rights of the company. Hispano’s presence is being
expanded in other markets. On Tata's journey to make an international foot print, it
continued its expansion through the introduction of new products into the market range of
buses (Star bus & Globus) as well as trucks (Novus). These models were jointly developed
with its subsidiaries Tata Daewoo and Hispano Carrocera.
In May, 2009 Tata unveiled the Tata World Truck range jointly developed with Tata
Daewoo. They will debut in South Korea, South Africa, the SAARC countries and the
Middle-East by the end of 2009. In 2006, it formed a joint venture with the Brazil-based
Marcopolo, a global leader in bodybuilding for buses and coaches to manufacture fully-built
buses and coaches for India and select international markets. Tata Motors has expanded its
production and assembly operations to several other countries including South Korea,
Thailand, South Africa and Argentina and is planning to set up plants in Turkey, Indonesia
and Eastern Europe. Tata also franchisee/joint venture assembly operations in Kenya,
Bangladesh, Ukraine, Russia and Senegal. Tata has dealerships in 26 countries across 4

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The popular myth that Tata Motors have some distinct advantages in comparison to other
multi-national competitors especially a cost advantage as labor costs are not true as Tata
Motors has 8-9 percent of sales as compared similar percent for most multinational
companies. Also employee productivity in Tata Motors is less than 1/3rd (in $million sales /
employee) than Toyota. Another advantage in the increasing demand in its own backyard,
India due to infrastructure developments and rising GDP. India remains one of the few
developing auto markets where domestic brands have managed to keep a large presence,
Tata and fellow compatriots account for more than 60% of the passenger vehicle sales and
95% of commercial vehicle sales. There are also favorable Government policies and
regulations in place in order to help boost the auto industry. However, Tata has not been
able to capitalize on its global presence. Tata relies heavily on its sales in India and has not
yet managed to create a foothold in international markets even though it has a number of
well reputed subsidiaries. However, Tata Nano may boost its international presence, at least
in developing economies.
Though it has an advantage in India, thanks to low costs and government policies it soon
faces stiff competition from it multinational competitors all eyeing for a share in the ever
growing Indian auto sector. Earlier, a policy required majority-owned subsidiaries of foreign
car firms to invest at least $50 million in equity if they wished to set up manufacturing
projects in India and mere car assembling operations were not welcomed. An Indian cabinet
panel has since announced a new automobile policy that sets fresh investment guidelines for
foreign firms wishing to manufacture vehicles in the country. Investments in making auto
parts by a foreign vehicle maker will also be considered a part of the minimum foreign
investment made by it in an auto-making subsidiary in India. The move is aimed at helping
India emerge as a hub for global manufacturing and sourcing for auto parts. The policies
adopted by Government will increase competition in domestic market, motivate many
foreign commercial vehicle manufactures to set up shops in India, whom will make India as
a production hub and export to nearest market. Thus Tata Motors will have to face tough
competition in near future, which might affect its growth negatively.
Currently, the presence of Suzuki through its subsidiary, Maruti Suzuki in the Indian market
may also be alarming. Maruti has aggressively launched family cars to undermine the Tata

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models. Tata has continued to be strong in the MUV and SUV sector due to lack of
competition and correct pricing. However, Tata now faces stiff competition from fellow
compatriot Mahindra Group as well as multinational brand like Toyota and Chevrolet. In
addition, the growing presence of fellow Indian competitors, Mahindra and Force Motors
not only in the Indian but also in the Global market may affect Tata's sales. Mahindra and
Force have formed joint ventures with Renault and MAN respectively. Mahindra has also
formed a 51:49 JV called Mahindra Navistar with ITEC, USA (parent Navistar
International), to manufacture commercial vehicles and to bolster its position in the CV
business Ashok Leyland, which is the second largest commercial manufacturer in India has
remained Tata's biggest competitor in the Indian heavy commercial vehicle market and with
its acquisition of Czech Republic-based Avia it may manage to increase its presence in
neighboring markets such as Sri Lanka, Nepal where Tata Motors has a monopoly. To
counter the growth of these various companies Tata has come up with revised or new
models like Indica Vista, Indigo Vista, Xenon, Tata World Truck and an aggressive
marketing policy.


Mr. Ratan Tata’s vision and ambition drove Tata Motors from being just the truck
manufacturer to a successful world class car manufacturer. Let us just have a quick look at
some memorable achievements of Tata Motors under the leadership of Mr. Ratan Tata.
 1991 – Tata Motors launched its first passenger vehicle called Tata Sierra SUV.
 1992 – The company introduced a station wagon named Tata Estate (inspired from
Mercedes T-series car).
 1994 – Tata Sumo was launched, even on-sale now.
 1998 – Tata Motor’s history as a big milestone because the company launched 2
products, the Tata Indica and the Tata Safari in the same year.
 2002 – The sedan version of Indica was launched christened ‘Tata Indigo’.
 2004 – The station wagon based on Indigo sedan was launched called ‘Tata Indigo
Marina’. And the first global automobile acquisition was made by Tata Motors of
Daewoo Commercial Vehicle Company of South Korea.

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 2005 – Tata Motors launched an all-new segment of the Light Commercial Vehicle
with a sub 1.0-tonner Tata Ace mini truck.
 2007 – The stretched wheelbase version of Indigo was launched named ‘Indigo XL’
(the XL here refers to Extra Large).
 2008 – Shorter version of Indigo was introduced named ‘Indigo CS’ (the CS here
refers to Compact Sedan). Also the next-generation Indica was launched called
‘Indica Vista’. The most prestigious acquisition made by Tata Motors was of the
iconic auto brands – Jaguar & Land Rover from Ford.
 2009 – Next-generation Indigo or sedan version of Indica Vista was introduced,
called ‘Indigo Manza’. However, the biggest outcome of Ratan Tata’s most
ambitious project, the Tata Nano was unveiled. And the company acquired, a fully
built European bus manufacturer Hispano Carrocera SA in phased manner.
 2010 – The most refined and most advanced Tata product ever, the Tata Aria was

In recent times, Ratan Tata has supported projects like Tata Pixel, Vista and Manza hybrid.
Besides these, he has actively supported the research of cars that run on Alternative fuels,
such as Air and Water (H2O). All the mentioned vehicles are under development.


29 | P a g e
2.2.10)The product LOB (line of business) is demonstrated below:





HCV - heavy commercial vehicles

LCV- light commercial vehicles

ICV- intermediate commercial vehicle

SCVC - small commercial vehicles cargo

SCVP - small commercial vehicles passenger

30 | P a g e

Trucks Buses LCV SCV-P SCV-C





2516 Telco Line

3015 207Ex

3118 207RX

3516 XENON



31 | P a g e
As shown above Tata Motors is manufacturing as two different units:
1. CVBU : (commercial vehicle business unit) The CVBU has plants located in :
 Lucknow
 Pune
 Pantnagar
 Dharwaad
 jamshedpur
 Gujarat (anand)

2. PVBU:(passenger vehicle business unit) The PVBU has its plant located in Pune as well as

In the state of Utter Pradesh Tata Motors Ltd deals with 5 Tata Motors authorized dealers at
this time:
1. Mgs Motors ltd, malihabd
2. Mgs auto fab pvt ltd, khurram nagar.
3. Mgs motor sales pvt ltd,Dubbagga
4. Mgs auto fab pvt ltd, Banthara
5. Mgs motors sales pvt ltd, transport nagar

At present Tata Motors has around 600 dealers operating in entire India with 12000 service
stations TASS (Tata authorized service stations) and 10000 company trained mechanics.

(2.2.11)Subsidiary companies

 These are the various subsidiaries of Tata motors

 Jaguar land rover
 Tata marcopolo motors
 Tata Daewoo
 Hispano carrocera
 Tata motors (Thailand)
 Telcon

32 | P a g e
 Tata motors European technical centre
 Tata technologies
 TAL manufacturing solution
 HV Transmission and HVAxles
 Tata auto camp
 TML distribution co.





33 | P a g e

(2.5)Competitors in commercial vehicle category are

 Mahindra and Mahindra

 Force
 Ashok Leyland
 Maruti Suzuki

(2.6)Joint Venture Brands

 VE Commercial Vehicles Limited - VE Commercial Vehicles limited - A JV between Volvo

Groups &Eicher Motors Limited.
 Ashok Leyland - originally a JV between Ashok Motors and Leyland Motors, now 51%
owned by Hinduja Group
 Swaraj Mazda - originally a JV between Punjab Tractors and Mazda, now 53.5% owned by
Sumitomo Group
 Kamaz Vectra - A JV between Russia's KaMAZ and the Vectra Group

34 | P a g e
35 | P a g e


In 2005 Tata Motors pioneered the small commercial vehicle industry with the
launch of Tata Ace. Since then, Tata Ace has been providing significant
economic and social benefits to all its customers and the entire ecosystem itself.
Chotta Haathi as it is popularly known, the Tata Ace has helped over 20 Lakh
customers become successful entrepreneurs and is the largest selling CV brand
in India.

The first version of Tata Ace started the evolution of the Small Commercial
Vehicle segment, revolutionizing the last mile distribution in the country and
very soon became a legend in the Commercial Vehicle Industry. The equity of
the legendary Tata Ace is unparalleled and it enjoys a strong emotional connect
with the customers. The legendary Tata Ace is now back as Tata Ace Gold.

The Tata Ace Gold comes with the popular legendary front fascia, steering
wheel with improved ergonomics and a utilitarian dashboard, wh ile carrying
forward the DNA of the proven aggregates of Ace HT. All the unique benefits
and advantages of the most versatile Small Commercial Vehicle continue to
provide the best operating economics and highest earning capacity for its
customers. The Tata Ace Gold is aggressively priced making it even more
attractive proposition for its customers.

The Tata ACE GOLD is a micro-truck launched in May 2017 by Tata Motors in India. It is
in competition with the prevalent SCV goods carriers from Maruti Suzuki Auto, Ashok
Leyland, Mahindra and Force Motors. The new vehicle was positively received by the
users. The initial sales figures are motivating. The ACE GOLD has yet again created another
historical event in the commercial vehicle industry. TATA ACE GOLD is produced in
Pantngar plant of Tata Motors.

Tata ACE GOLD is marketed as a micro truck in India. Priced between at Rs.3.75lakhs INR,
One of the ideas that prompted the launch of this vehicle was to develop more opportunities
of self-employment in the country. Moreover there was a need for an efficient last mile

36 | P a g e
vehicle, TATA has found the gap in the market and released ACE GOLD. The 702cc
engine delivers a power of 15.43 hp at 3200 gives a tough competition to Ashok Leyland's
DOST. It has a permissible loading capacity of 710 kg. It also has a modern cabin compared
to its rivals. It is best suited for use by villagers in carrying goods over short distances.

(3.4) 4 P’s of TATA ACE GOLD


 Being 4 wheeler; gives higher status

 Safer and comfortable than Rivals.

 Capacity of carrying the load up-to 710kgs.

 Easy to travel in rural areas.

 Innovative 2 cylinder radiator diesel engine

 All weather protection

 4 wheel stability with load.


The company targeted customers who were willing to pay higher price for extra value
provided to them and also vehicle is designed to reduce the operating cost.
TATA ACE GOLD is a winning concept with 4 wheeler functionality


37 | P a g e
Availability of the product at right place and at right time
City, Small Town, Villages and Urban belts in India


 Communication Channels:

 Print Media- The “Kamyabi ka l,Aaj Aur kal” Advertisement.

 Public Relations – Generated a lot of Positive Press in the Launch Period and also by
gaining International Awards.

 Television – 1st SCV Brand used extensive ad on T.V. Ads Communicating new
opportunities that Ace Present.


Geographic segmentation:

 Rural areas-Rural villages with population of over 10000.

 Urban areas-Semi-urban areas, small towns with population between 20000-50000.

Demographic segmentation:

 Age- 20 to 34, 35 to 49 years.

 Gender-male.

 Occupation-

 First time SCV purchasers

 Farmers

 Small trade

38 | P a g e
Behavioral segmentation:

 Benefits- 4wheeler benefits i.e. comfort, style, safety.

 User status-1st time 4 wheeler users


 Four wheeled goods carriers from Maruti Suzuki , Ashok Leyland, mahindra and force
motors. The company majorly aims to convert three wheeler user to four wheeler.

 To develop more opportunities of self-employment in the country.

 Vehicle that could take light loads over short distance.

 Suited for use by villagers in carrying goods over short distance and long distance.


Positioning statements:

 A product for all your needs in lesser price

 feel good about the job

 Trustworthiness of ace

 Transportation at the last mile


39 | P a g e





There are various activities organized by TATA MOTORS for the promotion
of their products(vehicles).Few of the promotional activities done by them for


*Loan mela
*On road show
*Newspapers Ads
*Sales promotion


40 | P a g e
Tata motors follow a strategically based customer acquisition sales process. During this
acquisition process customer is looked forward in following stages:
Customer Acquisition Process/Sales Planning Process
Enquiry/Contact Quotation Advance Payment Vehicle Delivery

C0 C1 C2 C3
Prospect Customers

There are 4 steps in which Tata Motors CVBU categorize their customers in the short term
C0 - These are interested Customers.
C1 - These are those customers who have received Quotation/ Performa Invoice.
C2 - The customers who have made down payment fall into this category.
C3 - Customers to whom Delivery of vehicle is made against DD/ Cheque/ RO.

The Customer Acquisition process establishes how CVBU tracks Customers (including
customers such as new, potential, repeat, competition, lost customers). This helps CVBU to
track performance against the sales target set on virtually on daily basis, and helps Tata
Motors to achieve those targets. Thus CVBU uses information gathered in L&L approaches
both for Short term and Long term in order to retain customer focused in their actions and to
continuously satisfy the changing needs of the customers.

41 | P a g e
42 | P a g e
Chapter 4
Objective and Scope of the Project

43 | P a g e

 To study the preference of the consumers when buying SCV(cargo).

 To analyze the different attributes of the vehicle.

 To get feedback about TATA ACE GOLD from the existing users.

 To check the awareness among the user and non-users about TATA ACE GOLD.

 To find out the problem faced by the vehicle

44 | P a g e
Chapter 5
Research Methodology

45 | P a g e
Research Methodology

(5.1) Research

Research is the search for and retrieval of existing, discovery or creation of new information
or knowledge for a specific purpose. Research has many category from medical research to
literary research. Consumer Marketing Research is a form of applied sociology which
concentrates on understanding the behavior, whims and preferences, of consumers in a
market- based economy.
The field of consumer marketing research as a statistical science was pioneered by Arthur
Nielsen with the founding of the A Nielsen Company in 1923. In any marketing research
defining the problem is the most important problem in a very and precise manner. So that
the researcher understood the area of study involved Research is process of systematic and
in depth study or search for any particular topic, subject or area of investigation backed by
collection, compilation, presentation and interpretation of relative details of data. It is a
careful search or enquiry into any subject matter which is an endeavor to discover or find
out valuable facts which would be useful for further application or utilization. Research
methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be understood as
a science of studying how research is done systematically. In it we study the various steps
that are generally adopted by a research in studying his research problem along with the
logic behind them. It is necessary for the researcher to know not only the research method
but also the methodology. Statistical investigation require systematic collection of data, so
that all relevant groups are represented in the data. To determine the customer preference,
for example, the researcher might study 200 customers in a certain geographical area. It
must be ascertained that the group contains people representing variables such as income
level, race, education and neighborhood.

46 | P a g e
(5.2)Research design
Descriptive and Exploratory research design was used to conduct this research. Descriptive
research design helps to know the perception of influences during the purchase of a
particular brand of vehicle. And it is also important to explore the various factors which can
attract them during the purchase of vehicle.

(5.3)Research tools and techniques

Communication approach was basically structured questioning, that is personal interview
with the help of printed questionnaires. To serve the purposes, two types of Questionnaire
was made , one for the existing customers of TATA ACE-ZIP and the other for its
competitors users like Ashok Leyland, Mahindra, to gain maximum relevant information
within minimum time.

(5.4)Source of data
As for the data it was essential to depend upon both primary and secondary.

(5.4.1)Primary data
Primary data is collected for the first time in keeping with the specific data requirement of
research study. They are essentially field data collected by using an appropriate survey
technique. When a field study covers the entire population, the resultant census-based data
may be termed as primary population; the sample-based data may be named as primary
sample data. There are several methods of collection primary data, particularly in surveys
and descriptive researches.
a) Preparing of Questionnaire:-
The quality and quantity of information collected through a questionnaire depends to large
extend on how best the questionnaires is prepared and designed. Well thought-out and
objectively stated questions are more effective in fetching quick response. All these come
from experience in conducting research. Questionnaires include both CLOSED as well as
OPEN ENDED questions

47 | P a g e
b) Observation:-
This method implies the collection of information by way of own observation without
interviewing respondents. The observation method is the most commonly used method
especially in studies relating to behavioral sciences. In a way we all observe things around
us, but this sort of observation is not scientific observation. Observation become a scientific
tool and the method of data collection for the research.
C) Interaction With consumers:
Personal interviewing is the most frequent used technique having its own merits and
demerits. One of the chief merits is that it facilities better response. The quality of answers is
likely to be more reliable and objective. For, it offers the quality of answers is likely to be
more reliable and objective. For, it offers the interviewer an opportunity to make
clarification and do necessary explanation to the respondents wherever needed. A small set
of question was made for interacting to the consumers

(5.4.2)Secondary data
These data area complied at different levels by governments at the center and those of the
state, including government departments and other agencies entrusted with the data
completion as their specific task. At another level, there are a host of individual public and
private organization, companies, and firms which also keep generating huge data. This is
done primarily for purpose of monitoring internal functioning. Secondary data like, history
of TATA MOTORS, physical and political descriptions of Lucknow, etc. have been
collected from the following sources.
 Magazines
 Company websites
 Reports
(5.5)Sampling plan
A sampling plan is a detailed outline of which measurements will be taken at what times, on
which material, in what manner, and by whom. Sampling plans should be designed in such a
way that the resulting data will contain a representative sample of the parameters of interest
and allow for all questions, as stated in the goals, to be answered.

48 | P a g e
(5.5.1) Convenience Sampling:-
Convenience sampling, as name implies is based on the convenience of the researcher who
is to select a sample. Convenience sampling is one in which the researcher select the most
accessible population members. Respondents in the sample are included in it merely on
account of their being available on the spot where the survey is in progress. In this
researcher may stand at a certain prominent point and interview all those or selected people
who pass through that area.
These types of samples are used primarily for reasons of convenience.
It is often used for new product formulations or to provide
Gross-sensory evaluations by using employees, studentsetc.

(5.6)Method of research
(5.6.1)Descriptive Research method:-
Descriptive research, also known as statistical research, describes data and characteristics
about the population or phenomenon being studied. However, it does not answer questions
about eg: how/when/why the characteristics occurred, which is done under analytic research.

(5.7)Sample design

The way of selecting a sample is known as sample design. It is definite plan for obtaining
sample from given population. It refers to the procedure or technique adopted in selecting
items for the sample. Type of design is Non Probability.

(5.8)Sampling frame-Lucknow,, Malihabad, Banthara,. Dubagga, Transport nagar

(5.9)Tool used for survey- The observations and feedback were recorded using
structured questionnaires.

(5.10)Sample Size-Total sample size was 97. It was divided into two segments, 10
respondents from Tata ACE GOLD and 87 respondents from scv cargo

(5.11)Target group-The existing Tata ACE GOLD and scv cargo driver

49 | P a g e
(5.12)Sampling method- Non probability convenience sampling

(5.13)Analysis of data -
 The analysis of data requires number of closely related operations such as tabulation and
drawing statistical inferences.
 The raw data is then classified into some purposeful and usable categories.
 The raw data was carefully analysed and the response were recorded in the form of a spread
 The analysis was done with the help of different mathematical tools using excel package.
 The final data was represented in a tabular format and the analysed output was presented in
the form of different graphs.
 After every graph the key findings for the respective question are given

50 | P a g e
Chapter 6
Data Analysis and Interpretation

51 | P a g e


Table no. (6.1):- Ownership

No. of
Parameter percentage
SR. no. respondent
6 7%
1 owner
42 48%
2 Driver
Owner cum
39 45%
3 driver

Figure no. (6.1):- Ownership




48% 45%

Owner Driver Owner cum driver

Interpretation: As per the survey conducted, the above graph shows that 7% of the
respondent were owners, 48% were driver and 45% were owning their own vehicle and
running on their own. Which also states that feedback comes from 93% of the total, who
actually drives.

52 | P a g e
2) Vehicle owned

Table no. (6.2):- vehicle owned

No. of
Parameter percentage
SR. no. respondent
13 15%
62 71%

Figure no. (6.2):- vehicle owned

15% 14%

Interpretation: The above graph shows that as per the survey done in different areas,
Ashok Leyland users were 71%, Maruti Suzuki 15% and Mahindra 14%. This shows that
Ashok Leyland is leading the market.

53 | P a g e
3)Use of Vehicle

Table no. (6.3):- use of vehicle

No. of
Parameter percentage
SR. no. respondent
Market Load
65 75%
1 Operator
22 25%
2 Captive

Figure no. (6.3):- use of vehicle



Interpretation: According to the survey conducted, we found that 75% were market load
operator and 25% were of captive segment. Which means while entering the commercial
segment “TATA ACE GOLD” would have to focus more on Market load operator, which
has a major demand.

54 | P a g e
4)What are the attributes important for you, when making decision of buying a

Table no. (6.4):- Important attributes

No. of
SR. Parameter percentage
1 capacity 82 94%
2 brand 53 61%
3 design 40 46%
4 safety 56 64%
5 Low maintenance 81 93%
6 price 76 87%
7 engine 69 79%
8 Easy finance 33 38%
9 Pick up 75 86%
10 Referred by someone 31 36%

Figure no. (6.4):- Important attributes

50 94% 93%
40 87% 79% 86%
30 61% 64%
20 46% 38% 36%

Interpretation: As per the graph, the most important attributes seen while buying a SCV is
capacity of the vehicle, low maintenance, price, Scv and engine of the vehicle. Other
attributes doesn’t attract much to the buying decision of the SCV customers.

55 | P a g e
5) How long have you been using this vehicle?

Table no. (6.5):- Duration

No. of
Parameter percentage
SR. no. respondent
8 9%
1 year
15 17%
2 years
13 15%
3 Years
4 19 22%
5 7 8%
6 10 11%
7 2 2%
8 5 6%
9 8 9%

Figure no. (6.5):- Duration




10 22%
17% 15%
5 9% 11% 9%
8% 6%
0-1 year 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9
years years years years years years years years

Interpretation: As per the graph, most of the vehicles were 3-4 years old. From last few
years the sales is decline of 3 wheeler (cargo). This graph also states the long lasting
durability of the market, as 9% of the total vehicle in the market come to the bucket of 8-9

56 | P a g e
6) Tripsper Day?

Table no. (6.6):- Trips

No. of
Parameter percentage
SR. no. respondent
1 1 1 1%
2 2 2 3%
3 3 24 28%
4 4 39 45%
5 5 17 20%
6 6 1 1%
7 7 0 0%
8 8 1 1%
9 9 0 0%
10 10 1 1%

Figure no. (6.6):- Trips




30 28%




5 3%
1% 1% 0 1% 0 1%
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Interpretation: The above graph shows that, according to the survey, most respondents take
4 trips per day. Making the most of the commercial vehicle, users believe in making
optimum utilization as 93% of people make 3-5 trips a day. Being 4 trips a day most
economic as 45% of the total users following the same.

57 | P a g e
7) Distance covered per day (kilometers)?

Table no. (6.7):- Distance covered

No. of
Parameter percentage
SR. no. respondent
1 10-20 2 2%
2 20-30 5 6%
3 30-40 8 9%
4 40-50 21 24%
5 50above 51 59%

Figure no. (6.7):- Distance covered





10 6%
10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50 above

Interpretation: the above graph shows that 59% people cover a distance of 50kms and
above. This being the most economical to the users and giving the maximum productivity
out of the SCV. People intend to cover more distance. Giving them the maximum monetary

58 | P a g e
8) Load per Trip (kilos)?

Table no. (6.8):- Loading

No. of
Parameter percentage
SR. no. respondent
1 0-300 0 0%
2 300-600 2 3%
3 600-900 16 27%
4 900-1200 34 58%
5 1200-1500 7 12%
6 1500above 0 0%

Figure no. (6.8):- Loading


60 58%



30 27%

0 0
0-300 300-600 600-900 900-1200 1200-1500 1500 above

Interpretation:As per the survey, users seem to be making optimum utilization of their
vehicle by carrying a load of 900 – 1200 Kgs. As it was learnt that carriage has a direct
impact to the mileage of the vehicle. And being this the most productive having major
monetary benefit this is been preferred by most of the users as 58% of the total agrees to the
same. Point noted here was this is the legal violation of the commercial vehicle as only 600
kgs are allowed in SCV.

59 | P a g e
9) Earning per trip?

Table no. (6.9):-Earning

No. of
Parameter percentage
SR. no. respondent
1 0-200 23 26%
2 200-300 60 69%
3 300-400 4 5%
4 400-500 0 0%
5 500above 0 0%

Figure no. (6.9):-Earning

30 26%

10 5%
0 0
0-200 200-300 300-400 400-500 500+

Interpretation: It was known after the survey that users tend to make average 200 – 300
INR a day per trip. As 69% users are falling in this range.

60 | P a g e
10) Vehicles preferred while buying?

Table no. (6.10):- Vehicle preferred while buying

No. of
Parameter percentage
SR. no. respondent
1 Tata 10 11%
2 mahindra 13 15%
3 58 67%
4 11 13%

Figure no. (6.10):- Vehicle preferred while buying






11% 15% 13%
Tata Mahindra Piaggio Bajaj

Interpretation: As per the market survey done portrayed above in graph, it was known 67%
of total users preferred buying “Ashok Leyland” being the majority in the market whereas
others remaining in the minority having almost the same shares in the market. It was also
learnt that “Ashok Leyland” has a minimal maintenance cost compared to others.

61 | P a g e
11) Where do you get your vehicle serviced?

Table no. (6.11):-where you get vehicle serviced

No. of
Parameter percentage
SR. no. respondent
29 33%
1 centre
58 67%
2 mechanic

Figure no. (6.11):-where you get vehicle serviced


Interpretation: It was known per survey that users preferred having serviced their vehicle
with the local mechanic. Almost 67% of users were preferring the same after completion of
their free service structure. This carries various following factors to it.
 Less Time Consuming
 Cheap
 Mobility
 Relationship

62 | P a g e
12) Charges bared per service?

Table no. (6.12):- Service expenses

No. of
Parameter percentage
SR. no. respondent
Free 9 10%
2 1000-2000 60 69%
3 2000-3000 18 21%
4 3000-4000 0 0%
5 4000above 0 0%

Figure no. (6.12):- Service expenses







10 21%
10% 0 0
free 1000-2000 2000-3000 3000-4000 4000+

Interpretation: As per survey 69 % of users are incurring cost of 1000 – 2000 INR for
servicing their vehicles. One of the major factor noted for high cost of service was, users
carrying more load and the roads not being proper.

63 | P a g e
13) Mileage of the vehicle?

Table no. (6.13):-Mileage

No. of
Parameter percentage
SR. no. respondent
1 0-1 0 0%
2 10-20 13 15%
3 20-25 55 64%
4 25-30 18 21%

Figure no. (6.13):-Mileage





30 64%


10 21%
0-10 10-20 20-25 25-30

Interpretation: Being “Mileage” one of the important factor, it was known that vehicles
have a 20-25 Kms. 64% of the total agreeing to same. The carriage of load had a direct
impact on the mileage of the vehicle.

64 | P a g e
14) Are you satisfied with this vehicle? (Rate between 1-5, 5 being the best)

Table no. (6.14):-Rating for the vehicle

Parameter Response
SR no.
Loading Capacity 4.12
Mileage 4.01
Suspension 3.56
Engine 4.29
Comfort 3.24
Safety 3.24
Scv 4.18
Price 4.14

Figure no. (6.14):-Rating for the vehicle

Price 4.14
Pickup 4.18
Saftey 3.24
Comfort 3.24
Engine 4.29
Suspension 3.56
Mileage 4.01
Loading Capacity 4.12

0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00

Interpretation: Per Survey, Users are majorly satisfied with the Engine, Price, Loading
Capacity and Mileage. It was learnt Users were more delighted to the mentioned factors,
while showing a satisfactory gesture to the other factors also.

65 | P a g e
15) Do you know about Tata ACE GOLD?

Table no. (6.15):- Awareness of Tata ACE GOLD

No. of
Parameter Percentage
SR. no. respondent
Yes 40 46%
47 54%
2 no

Figure no. (6.15):- Awareness of Tata ACE GOLD


Interpretation: It was known per survey that more than half of the people were lacking
awareness about “TATA ACE GOLD”. Also its capacity to carry load has also been the
major constraint to the known users to which they termed as “unpopular”. Which itself
indicates lack of promotion of the brand.

66 | P a g e
16) Want to buy TATA ACE GOLD

Figure no. (6.16):- Want to buy

37% know and want to

know but dont
want to buy

Figure no. (6.16.1):- Want to buy

don’t know but
want to buy
don’t know and
don’t want to buy

67 | P a g e

1) Ownership

Table no. (6.17):- Ownership

No. of
Parameter Percentage
SR. no. respondent
Owner 1 10%
Driver 5 50%
5 40%
3 cum driver

Figure no. (6.17):- Ownership




20 40%

1 2 3

Interpretation: As per the survey with TATA ACE GOLD vehicle users, majority were
self-drivers comprising 90% of the total. We could understand by this the major feedback
would be coming from the actual users in the market.

68 | P a g e
2)Purpose for purchasing TATA ACE GOLD?

Table no. (6.18):- Purpose for purchasing

No. of
SR. no. parameter respondent
1 Design 8 80%
2 Pick up 9 90%
3 Speed 8 80%
4 Comfort 7 70%
5 Price 5 50%
6 Durability 7 70%
7 Body 1 10%
8 Long distance 1 10%
9 Low maintenance 9 90%
10 Mileage 1 10%

Figure no. (6.18):- Purpose for purchasing

40 80% 90% 80% 90% 90%
30 70% 70%
20 50%
10 10% 10% 10%

Interpretation:The above graphical data representation shows major factors affecting the
users make buy this product. Majorly it was known Pick-up, Engine and Low Maintenance
of the product matters.

69 | P a g e
3) Prior vehicle owned?

Table no. (6.19):- Prior vehicle owned

No. of
SR. no. Parameter respondent

ASHOK 4 40%

MARUTI 2 20%
4 TATA 1 10%

5 NO 2 20%

Figure no. (6.19):- Prior vehicle owned

20 40%
10 20% 20%
5 10% 10%
piaggio bajaj mahindra tata no

Interpretation:Users was majorly using vehicle of “Ashok Leyland” prior to buying Tata
ACE GOLD, known during the survey. It was also understood that major attraction towards
TATA ACE GOLD was it’s engine, comfort and low maintenance to drive.

70 | P a g e
4) Vehicle Financed

Table no. (6.20):- Vehicle financed

Parameter No. of respondent Percentage
SR no.
yes 10 100%
no 0 0%

Figure no. (6.20):- Vehicle financed


Interpretation: Per the survey it was identified, that all the users financed their vehicle
while purchasing the same. It was learnt the major reason for financing was, majority of the
users were from a low financial background and trying to generate self-employment.
Financing was the most convenient option to them.

71 | P a g e
5) How long you have been using our vehicle?

Table no. (6.21):- Duration of the vehicle

No. of
Parameter Percentage
SR no. respondent
6 60%
1 Months
4 40%
2 months
0 0%
3 Months
06-12 0
4 months

Figure no. (6.21):- Duration of the vehicle





30 60%

20 40%

0 0
0-6 months 06-12 12-18 18-24

Interpretation:Since the product is new to the market, most of the users lies in the bucket
of 0-06 months old covering up to 60% of the total. But the figures shows the demand for
this product has started to increase, which is well represented in the graph through upward
force of the bar.

72 | P a g e
6) Travelling Route

a) Within city b) Inter-city

Table no. (6.22):-Travelling route

No. of
SR no. parameter percentage

1 City 5 50%

2 Inter-city 5 50%

Figure no. (6.22):-Travelling route

50% 50%

Interpretation: Surprisingly half of the total surveyed users are making trips within city and
the other half making inter-city. It was also noted there were not much difference in riding
within city and inter-city, as their target for the running of distance of specific distance were
covered up.

73 | P a g e
7) Distance covered per day?

Table no. (6.23):- Distance covered by Tata ACE GOLD

SR Parameter No. of respondent Percentage

10-20 0 0%
20-30 0 0%
30-40 0 0%
40-50 1 10%
50above 9 90%

Figure no. (6.23):- Distance covered by Tata ACE GOLD

10 0 0 0 10%
10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50 above

Interpretation: Per the survey, users seem to be making optimum utilization of their
vehicle by covering more than 50 kms a day as 90% falling in this bucket. This had the
major monetary benefit as well as giving maximum comfort for long distance users.

74 | P a g e
8) Mileage of the vehicle?

Table no. (6.24):- Mileage of Tata ACE GOLD

No. of
SR. no. parameter respondent

0-10 0 0%

10-20 2 20%

20-25 8 80%

4 25-30 0 0%

Figure no. (6.24):- Mileage of Tata ACE GOLD






40 80%



10 20%
0 0
0-10 10-20 20-25 25-30

75 | P a g e
Interpretation: Being “Mileage” one of the important factor, it was known that vehicles
have a 20-25 Kms. 80% of the total agreeing to same. Being four wheeler, it was competing
with other tree wheeler SCV giving almost same mileage.

9) Loading per Trip?

Table no. (6.25):- Loading per trip

No. of respondent percentage
SR. no. parameter
1 Below 600 0 0%
2 600-800 4 40%
3 800-1000 4 40%
4 1000-1200 1 10%
5 1200-1400 1 10%
6 1400above 0 0%

Figure no. (6.25):-Loading per trip






20 40% 40%



5 10% 10%
0 0
below 600 600-800 800-1000 1000-1200 1200-1400 1400above

76 | P a g e
Interpretation: It was understood after the survey stated above in the graph most of the
users are using the capacity to 600-800 and 800-1000 Kgs. It was also learnt being four
wheeler also it has a loading hindrance with comparison to three wheeler SCV. This had
remained a major drawback for the product in this market segment area.

10) Earning per trip?

Table no. (6.26):- Earning

No. of
SR. no. Parameter respondent
0-100 0 0%
100-200 2 20%
200-300 8 80%
4 300-400 0 0%

5 400above 0 0%

Figure no. (6.26):- Earning






40 80%



10 20%
0 0 0
0-100 100-200 200-300 300-400 400+

77 | P a g e
Interpretation: It was known after the survey that users tend to make average 200 – 300
INR a day per trip. As 80% users were falling in this range. While conducting survey it was
understood this was the most optimum earning capacity.

11) Rate the vehicle on the following parameters?

Table no. (6.27):- Rating of the Tata ACE GOLD

SR no. Parameter Response
1 price 4.3
2 mileage 3.8
3 brand 3.9
4 cost 3
5 safety 4.8
6 comfort 4.8
7 payload 3.1
8 suspension 2.4
9 engine 3.1

Figure no. (6.27):- Rating of the Tata ACE GOLD


price mileage brand cost safety comfort payload suspension engine

78 | P a g e
Interpretation:It was identified after the survey that users prefer this vehicle majorly for
Safety, Comfort and price. While others factors also plays an important role but above being
the most preferred while rating the product.

12) What are the issues you came across while using the vehicle?

Table no. (6.28):- Issues came across while using Tata ACE GOLD
SR. no. Parameter No. of respondent percentage

Maintenance 0 0%
Suspension 9 90%
Availability of
0 0%
3 spare parts
4 Engine 4 40%

5 tires 7 70%

6 others 5 50%

Figure no. (6.28):- Issues came across while using Tata ACE GOLD

20 40%
10 0 0
maintenance suspension availability of engine tires others
spare parts

79 | P a g e
Interpretation:After the survey on the problems faced by the users it was understood, this
vehicle has a suspension and tires issue. The two issues stated has been the major issues
among the users. It seems they have to work broadly in these areas, as this could have a
direct impact over sales.

13) Would you like to recommend this vehicle to others? (Yes/no)

Table no. (6.29):- Recommend to others

No. of
SR no. Parameter percentage
Yes 5 50%
No 5 50%

Figure no. (6.29):- Recommend to others

50% 50%

Interpretation: As per the survey half of the user were referring for Tata ACE GOLD
whereas half of the users were not referring for Tata ACE GOLD. Considering the other

80 | P a g e
maintenance factors like suspension and tires, the other half didn’t showed much confidence
on the product.


Dhananjay Nayak 9931181964 Parkash Kumar 9905750700
Short route Short route
Legal Loading Capacity 600Kg Legal Loading Capacity 565kg
Actual Load being carried 800Kg Actual Load being carried 1000Kg
Avg Speed (km/hr) 25 Avg Speed (km/hr) 25
One side Distance 25 One side Distance 15
No of return trips per day 3 No of return trips per day 3
Total Distance per day 75 Total Distance per day 45
Fare one side/person (Rs) 300 Fare one side/person (Rs) 250

Total Earnings per day 900 Total Earnings per day 750

On Road Price 239378 On Road Price 184200

Registration 4500 Registration 3270
Insurance 18200 Insurance 6100
Ex-Showroom Price 216678 Ex-Showroom Price 174830
Funding = 90% 195010.2 Funding = 90% 157347
Rate of Interest (Flat) 8.50% Rate of Interest (Flat) 11.50%
Tenure of Loan 3 Tenure of Loan 3
EMI 6798 EMI 5879
Fixed Cost per day 227 Fixed Cost per day 196

Fuel Mileage 25 Fuel Mileage 30

Fuel Price 52.3 Fuel Price 52.3
Fuel Cost/ km 2.09 Fuel Cost/ km 1.74
Tyre Life 36000 Tyre Life 28000
Cost of one Tyre 2500 Cost of one Tyre 2100
No. of Tyres 4 No. of Tyres 4
Tyre Cost per km 0.28 Tyre Cost per km 0.30
Maintenance/ km 0.10 Maintenance/ km 0.10
Variable cost per day 185 Variable cost per day 96

81 | P a g e
Total Cost per day 412 Total Cost per day 292
Profit per day 488 Profit per day 458

Profit per month 12204 Profit per month 11440

Yearly profit as % of value 75% Yearly profit as % of value 87%

Chapter 7
Observation and Findings

82 | P a g e

 “TATA ACE GOLD” would have to focus more on Market load operator, which has
a major demand.
 The most important attributes seen while buying a SCV is capacity of the vehicle,
low maintenance, price, Scv and engine of the vehicle
 Making the most of the commercial vehicle, users believe in making optimum
utilization as 93% of people make 3-5 trips a day
 Vehicle by carrying a load of 900 – 1200 KgsPoint noted here was this is the legal
violation of the commercial vehicle as only 600 kgs are allowed in SCV
 “Ashok Leyland” being the majority in the market whereas others remaining in the
minority having almost the same shares in the market.
 Survey 69 % of users ofthree wheeler are incurring cost of 1000 – 2000 INR for
servicing their vehicles. One of the major factor noted for high cost of service was,
users carrying more load and the roads not being proper.
 More than half of the people were lacking awareness about “TATA ACE GOLD”
 Major attraction towards TATA ACE GOLD was its engine, comfort and low
maintenance to drive.
 It was learnt the major reason for financing was, majority of the users were from a
low financial background and trying to generate self-employment. Financing was the
most convenient option to them
 Tata ACE GOLD being a four wheeler, it was competing with other tree wheeler
SCV giving almost same mileage
 Tata ACE GOLD being a four wheeler, it has a loading hindrance with comparison
to three wheeler SCV
 Tata ACE GOLD has a suspension and tires issue. The two issues stated has been the
major issues and could have a direct impact over sales.

83 | P a g e
Chapter 8
Conclusion and Limitations

84 | P a g e

Tata ACE GOLD competition lies with 3 wheeler SCV (Small Commercial Vehicle),
competing with Maruti Suzuki , Ashok Leyland and Mahindra. It was learnt Ashok Leyland
is leading the SCV market of 3 wheeler. Three Wheeler vehicle has a passing to carry 550
kg, though illicitly they carry 1000 – 1200 kg. While Tata ACE GOLD allows to carry 600,
but confines the carriage to 1000 kg because of suspension. Which also makes it ostracized
among other SCV’s. Main intention of TATA ACE GOLD is to provide comfort and safety
in long route, which lacks in other 3 wheeler vehicles. Though this feature is of not much
attraction, especially among rural users, as they are more inclined towards carriage of
vehicle which is confining to the popularity of Tata ACE GOLD. While mileage being the
important attributes, it has been reasonably good.

The Awareness of Tata ACE GOLD has been relatively low, among the rural market. “Word
of mouth Equity,” is also not good in the market, especially the current users are also not
satisfied and they do not wish to refer to other buyers. It has been identified the product
needs more branding, cognizance in the rural areas. Proper promotion of the product and
advertising its dominant advantages which could influence the market, is highly desired.

85 | P a g e
Limitations of the project

 This research was limited to a particular area i.e. east singbhum and west Lucknow
 There was time constraint as this research was to be completed within a specified period of
 During personal interview some of the customer was not available so the visit was done 2-3
times and it takes more time to complete this project.
 In case of telephonic conversation most of the customer cannot contacted because of
changed phone number, network problem or some of the customer mobile is switch off etc.

86 | P a g e
87 | P a g e
Chapter 10

88 | P a g e


Owner Driver Owner cum Driver

Vehicle Name: ______________________________________

Use of the vehicle: ___________________________________

Q1) what are the attributes important for you, when making decision of buying a SCV?

a) Capacity f) Price

b) Brand g) Engine

c) Design h) Easy Finance

d) Safety I) Scv

e) Low Maintenance j) Referred by Someone

Q2) how long have you been using this vehicle?

Year(s):_________ Month(s):__________ Date of purchase:


Q3) How many trip per day?

Q4) Loading capacity? __________________

Q5) Distance covered per day (In Km)?

a) 10-20 b) 20-30 c) 30-40 d) 40-50 e) 50 above

Q6) Earning per trip?

a) Below 200 b) 200-300 c) 300-400 d) 400-500

e) Above 500

89 | P a g e
Q7) which all vehicles did you preferred while buying this?

a) Maruti Suzuki

b) Mahindra

c) Ashok Leyland

d) Others (Specify_____________________________)

Q8) where do you get your vehicle serviced?

a) Service center b) Local mechanic

Q9) Charges bared per service?

a) 1000-2000 b) 2000-3000 c) 3000-4000 d) above 4000

Q10) Mileage of the vehicle?

a) Less than 10 b) 10-20 c) 20-25 d) 25 – 30

Q11) Are you satisfied with this vehicle? (Rate between 1-5, 5 being the best)

a) Loading capacity e) Comfort

b) Mileage f) Safety

c) Suspension g) Scv

d) Engine h) Price

Q12) Do you know about TATA ACE GOLD? (Yes/No)

Q13) Do you know about the features of TATA ACE GOLD which make it best in the

a) Engine (water cooled, more Scv, more trips)

b) Bigger loading area (Higher payload capacity)

c) All weather protection

d) Steel body

90 | P a g e
e) Small turning radius

f) Comfort (steering wheel, sliding seats, wide windscreen, and big cabin)

g) Safety (seatbelt, locker, front collision protection, four bolt wheel)

H) 1 year or 36000 km warranty

Q14) if we provide you 4W micro-truck at the price auto, will you prefer it?

a) Yes b) no





Phone Number:-______________

Signature of Respondent

91 | P a g e
TATA ACE GOLD feedback

Owner Driver Owner cum Driver




Phone Number:-______________

Q1) Purpose for purchasing TATA ACE GOLD

a) Design

b) Pick up

c) Speed

d) Comfort

e) Reasonable price

f) Durability

g) Strong body

H) Suitable for long distance

I) Low maintenance cost

j) Engine

k) Low fuel consumption

Q2) Prior vehicle ownership: ________________________________

Q3) is your vehicle financed

a) Yes b) no

Q4) How long you have been using our vehicle?

Year(s): _______ Month(s): _______ Date of purchase: __________________

Q5) Purpose of use: ___________________________________________

92 | P a g e
Q6) Travelling route?

a) Within city b) Inter-city

Q7) Distance covered per day (In Km)?

a) 10-20 b) 20-30 c) 30-40 d) 40-50 e) 50 above

Q8) No. of trips per day:

Q9) Loading capacity? ________________________

Q10) Mileage of the vehicle?

a) Below 10 b) 10-20 c) 20-25 d) 25-30

Q11) Earning per trip (Rs)?

a) Below 200 b) 200-300 c) 300-400 d) above 500

Rate the vehicle on the following parameters?

poor Average good Very good excellent










93 | P a g e
Q13) what are the issues you came across while using the vehicle?

a) Maintenance b) Suspension

c) Availability of spare parts d) Engine

e) Tires f) Others: _________________________

Q14) if it was not ACE which would be your next alternative option:

Q15) would you like to recommend this vehicle to others? (Yes/no)



Signature of Respondent

94 | P a g e
Chapter 10

95 | P a g e

 Websites

 Online Report
 Indian Three-Wheeler Industry: Overview by ICRA Research

 Magazine
 4P Business & Marketing
 Business World

96 | P a g e

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