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Webber Middle School

Work Habits Grading Rubric

4 3 2 1
Consistently Frequently Sometimes Never/Rarely
Indicators exceeds meets meets meets
expectations expectations expectations expectations

I am consistently I am frequently I am sometimes I am never or

prepared. I am prepared. I am prepared. I am rarely prepared. I
early or on- time to early or on- time to sometimes tardy to am late to class
I am Prepared class. I consistently class. I frequently class. I sometimes often. I never or
bring needed bring needed bring needed rarely bring needed
materials to class materials to class materials to class materials to class
and am ready to and am ready to and sometimes and am never or
work. work. ready to work. rarely ready to
I consistently stay I frequently stay I sometimes stay I never or rarely
focused on the task focused on the task focused on the task focus on the task
I Demonstrate and what needs to and what needs to and what needs to and what needs to
Positive be done. be done. I am self- be done. I am be done. I rarely
classroom I am self-directed. directed. I sometimes self- have a positive
I consistently have frequently have a directed and attitude.
behavior a positive attitude. positive attitude. sometimes have a
positive attitude.
I consistently I frequently I sometimes I never or rarely
participate. I share participate. I participate. I participate. I never
information or share information share information or rarely share
ideas when or ideas when or ideas ideas.
I Participate
participating in participating in inconsistently when In groups, I rely on
discussions or discussions or participating in the work of others.
groups. I am a groups. discussion or
definite leader. I am often a groups.
I am consistently I am frequently I am sometimes I am never or
productive. I am productive. I am productive. I am rarely productive. I
punctual or early punctual in turning sometimes am not punctual in
turning in in assignments. I punctual in turning turning in
I am
assignments. I meet the stated in assignments. I assignments. I
Productive exceed stated assignment sometimes meet never or rarely
assignment requirements. stated assignment meet the stated
requirements. requirements. assignment

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