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Battery compatibility with Sigfox technology

Application note

Battery compatibility with Sigfox technology

Revision history

Date Author(s) Reviewer(s)

0.0 April 20th 2017 Ludovic Lesur

0.1 May 31th 2017 Loïc Hubert

Loïc Hubert,
0.2 July 07th 2017
Camille Ceuleneer

1.0 September 14th 2017 Nicolas Chalbos


SIGFOX. BERTAUX Lionel. Battery Information – Application note. Rev: 1.0. 03/30/2015.

WATCH BATTERIES USA. A comparison of the voltage discharge charactistics of different cell types.
[Online]. Available at:

SAFT. Primary Lithium battery LSH20. Product datasheet [Online]. Available at:

WIKIPEDIA. Comparison of commercial battery types. [Online]. Available at:

ELECTROPAEDIA. Battery Comparison Chart [Online]. Available at:

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Battery compatibility with Sigfox technology

1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2 Accumulator parameters ................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Nominal voltage .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Internal resistor and self-discharge........................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Capacity ........................................................................................................................................................................ 6
2.4 Maximum continuous current ................................................................................................................................... 6
2.5 Maximum pulse current ............................................................................................................................................. 6
2.6 Discharging curve ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.7 Ageing and number of charge cycles ....................................................................................................................... 8
2.8 Mass density ................................................................................................................................................................ 8
2.9 Energy density ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
2.10 Storage and operating temperatures ...................................................................................................................... 9
3 Choice of a suitable battery for a Sigfox device ............................................................................................................ 10
3.1 Simplified consumption model ................................................................................................................................ 10
3.2 Primary or secondary ?............................................................................................................................................. 11
3.3 Nominal voltage selection ........................................................................................................................................ 11
3.4 Capacity sizing .......................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.5 Internal resistor check............................................................................................................................................... 12
3.6 Maximum continuous current sizing ..................................................................................................................... 12
3.7 Maximum pulse current sizing ............................................................................................................................... 12
4 Operating time of an existing Sigfox application ......................................................................................................... 13
5 Calculation examples ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
5.1 ETSI uplink-only application ................................................................................................................................... 14
5.1.1 Worst case sizing ............................................................................................................................................... 14
5.1.2 Nominal case sizing .......................................................................................................................................... 14
5.2 ETSI uplink-downlink application.......................................................................................................................... 15
5.2.1 Worst case sizing ............................................................................................................................................... 15
5.2.2 Nominal case sizing .......................................................................................................................................... 16
5.3 FCC uplink-only application ................................................................................................................................... 17
5.3.1 Worst case sizing ............................................................................................................................................... 17
5.3.2 Nominal case sizing .......................................................................................................................................... 18
5.4 FCC uplink-downlink application .......................................................................................................................... 18
5.4.1 Worst case sizing ............................................................................................................................................... 19
5.4.2 Nominal case sizing .......................................................................................................................................... 19
6 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................................................... 21
7 Saft references.................................................................................................................................................................... 22
7.1 Primary batteries ....................................................................................................................................................... 22
7.2 Secondary batteries ................................................................................................................................................... 22

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Battery compatibility with Sigfox technology

1 Introduction
Developing the Internet of Things with a low power technology takes all its interest in designing self-
sufficient in energy devices, that can communicate for several years without regular maintenance. That
is why Sigfox connected devices are often powered by a primary or a secondary cell, whose electrical
sizing is critical for the proper functioning and the sustainability of the device.

Despite the very low consumption required by Sigfox communication, not all the batteries are
compatible with the implemented technology. This document aims at listing and describing the main
selection criteria of an accumulator (primary or secondary cell) for designing a Sigfox connected device.

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2 Accumulator parameters
Accumulators can be split in two families: primary cells, which can’t be recharged, and secondary cells
which are rechargeable. Both have shared electrical parameters, listed in the following table.

Parameter Symbol Unit

Nominal voltage 𝑈𝑛𝑜𝑚 𝑉
Internal series resistor 𝑅𝑖𝑛𝑡 Ω
Internal parallel resistor 𝑅𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 Ω
Self-discharge rate 𝑎 %/𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟
Capacity 𝐶 𝐴. ℎ
Maximum continuous current 𝐼𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡 𝐴
Maximum pulse current 𝐼𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑠𝑒 𝐴
Mass density 𝜌𝑚 𝑊. ℎ. 𝑘𝑔−1
Energy density 𝜌𝑒 𝑊. ℎ. 𝐿−1
Minimum operating temperature 𝑇𝑚𝑖𝑛 °𝐶
Maximum operating temperature 𝑇𝑚𝑎𝑥 °𝐶

Secondary batteries have additional parameters given as follow.

Parameter Symbol Unit

Number of charge and discharge cycles 𝑁𝑐ℎ
Charge voltage 𝑈𝑐ℎ 𝑉
Charge current 𝐼𝑐ℎ 𝐴
Ageing rate 𝑏 %/𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟

2.1 Nominal voltage

Nominal voltage is the potential difference observed at the terminals of a battery, generated by
electrochemical reaction. However, as explained thereafter, the exploitable supply voltage is lower, and
depends on the required current and the internal resistor of the battery.

Batteries are generally composed of one or several elementary cells, thus nominal voltage is sometimes
given per cell. Several cells in series yield a higher voltage (a multiple of the base nominal voltage),
while several cells in parallel provide a greater current capability. To describe that associations, the
xSyP notation is often used, where x is the number cells in series and y the number of cells in parallel.
As shown in the following table, to each chemical technology corresponds a specific nominal voltage
per elementary cell.

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Battery compatibility with Sigfox technology

Family Technology Chemical composition 𝑼𝒏𝒐𝒎 (𝑽)

Alkaline Zn-MnO2 1.5
Primary Lithium-Manganese-Dioxide Li-MnO2 3.0
Lithium-Thionyl-Chloride Li-SOCl2 3.6
Nickel-Metal-Hybrid Ni-MH 1.2
Lead-Acid Pb-SO4 2.1
Lithium-Ion Cobalt-Oxide Li-CoO2 3.7
Lithium-Ion Iron-Phosphate Li-FePO4 3.2
Lithium-Ion Manganese-Oxide Li-Mn2O4 3.9
Lithium-Ion Sulfur Li2S8 2.1
Nickel-Cadmium Ni-Cd 1.2
Lithium-Polymer (Li-Po) 3.7

2.2 Internal resistor and self-discharge

Like any non-ideal voltage source, an accumulator has a series and a parallel parasitic resistors, as
schematised in the figure below.

The internal resistor in series 𝑅𝑖𝑛𝑡 (also known as DCR or ESR) characterises the voltage drop as a
function of the output current. The higher is the internal resistor, the most impacted is the voltage when
high current is required, indeed 𝑉𝑐𝑐 = 𝑈𝑛𝑜𝑚 − 𝑅𝑖𝑛𝑡 𝐼𝑜𝑢𝑡 . The internal resistor is a crucial parameter
because it will set the supply voltage exploitable by the electronic circuitry. If 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑥 is the maximum
output current required by the application, the supply voltage will never drop under:

𝑉𝑐𝑐(min) = 𝑈𝑛𝑜𝑚 − 𝑅𝑖𝑛𝑡 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑥 [1]

Notice that 𝑈𝑛𝑜𝑚 is not a constant, and decrease with time according to a specific discharging curve (cf.
section 2.6). In the previous formula, the designer has to select the minimum value 𝑈𝑛𝑜𝑚(𝑚𝑖𝑛) for which
the hardware must keep working.

The parallel resistor 𝑅𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 causes self-discharge of the battery: a small current is continuously supplied
by the accumulator even if it remains in open-circuit. The smaller is 𝑅𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 , the higher is the parasitic
current 𝐼𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 and the faster is self-discharge. Self-discharge is expressed as a percentage 𝑎 of the initial
capacity lost per year:

𝑎 𝑎𝐶
𝐶 = 𝐼𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 ×365×24 ⇒ 𝐼𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 = [2]
100 876000

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2.3 Capacity

Capacity describes the battery performance and allows the designer to estimate its operating time
depending on the required power. Capacity is expressed in 𝐴. ℎ or 𝑚𝐴. ℎ (1 𝐴. ℎ = 1000 𝑚𝐴. ℎ). 1 𝐴. ℎ
means providing a 1 𝐴 continuous current for an hour. Since this relation is proportional, we can
determine any parameter using the other two. An accumulator with a capacity of 𝐶, which provides a
continuous current 𝐼 will operate for a time 𝑡𝑓 :

𝐶 = 𝐼×𝑡𝑓 [3]

The discharge current of a battery (in other words, the current it provides for a given application), is
sometimes expressed relatively to its capacity. For instance, a 1 𝐴. ℎ battery delivering 500 𝑚𝐴 is
working at 0.5 𝐶.

2.4 Maximum continuous current

It is the maximum output current that the battery can continuously provide without damage.

2.5 Maximum pulse current

It is the maximum output current that the battery can provide for a short time without damage.

2.6 Discharging curve

Primary and secondary cells present different discharging curves depending on their technology.
Discharge is measured by observing the voltage drop as a function of capacity loss. The graph below
shows the discharging curve of some frequent technologies (for a given temperature).

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The designer must consider the shape of those curves. For example, if the voltage decreases quickly
under the nominal voltage whereas the battery still has electrical energy, a DC-DC converter should be
added to the electronic circuit to boost the output voltage and use the accumulator over a larger period.

For a given battery, the discharging curve also depends on the temperature and the current it provides.
The following figures illustrate those characteristics for the Saft LSH20 reference.

Therefore capacity also depends on discharge current and temperature, as shown in the graph below
(Saft LSH20 datasheet continued).

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2.7 Ageing and number of charge cycles

The capacity of a secondary battery decreases with time: every time the accumulator is charged and
discharged, its capacity decreases. Therefore, secondary batteries are designed for a specific number of
charge and discharges cycles. Generally ageing is not quantified in the datasheets, but we will consider
a capacity loss 𝑏 expressed as self-discharge, in percentage per year.

Technology Number of charge cycles range

Nickel-Metal-Hybrid 1500
Lead-Acid 500 → 800
Lithium-Ion Cobalt-Oxide 1200
Lithium-Ion Iron-Phosphate 1000 → 2000
Lithium-Ion Manganese-Oxide 1200
Lithium-Ion Sulfur
Nickel-Cadmium 2000
Lithium-Polymer (Li-Po)

2.8 Mass density

For an accumulator, mass density is the ratio between the energy it can provide and its weight,
expressed in 𝑊. ℎ. 𝑘𝑔−1 . For a given energy capability, the higher is the mass density, the lighter is the

Technology Mass density (𝑾. 𝒉. 𝒌𝒈−𝟏 )

Alkaline 85 → 190
Lithium-Manganese-Dioxide 150 → 330
Lithium-Thionyl-Chloride 700
Nickel-Metal-Hybrid 30 → 80
Lead-Acid 30 → 40
Lithium-Ion Cobalt-Oxide 90 → 140
Lithium-Ion Iron-Phosphate 90 → 130
Lithium-Ion Manganese-Oxide 160
Lithium-Ion Sulfur 300
Nickel-Cadmium 40 → 60
Lithium-Polymer (Li-Po)

2.9 Energy density

Like mass density, energy density is the ratio between energy capability and the volume of the battery,
expressed in 𝑊. ℎ. 𝐿−1 . For a given energy capability, the higher is the energy density, the smaller is the

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Technology Energy density (𝑾. 𝒉. 𝑳−𝟏 )

Alkaline 250 → 430
Lithium-Manganese-Dioxide 300 → 710
Lithium-Thionyl-Chloride 1200
Nickel-Metal-Hybrid 140 → 300
Lead-Acid 60 → 75
Lithium-Ion Cobalt-Oxide 220 → 350
Lithium-Ion Iron-Phosphate 350
Lithium-Ion Manganese-Oxide 270
Lithium-Ion Sulfur 400
Nickel-Cadmium 50 → 150
Lithium-Polymer (Li-Po)

2.10 Storage and operating temperatures

Like any electronic component, an accumulator has specific storage and operating temperature ranges,
which can be critical for some outdoor applications.

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3 Choice of a suitable battery for a Sigfox device

3.1 Simplified consumption model

As an initial approach, the current consumption of a Sigfox device can be considered as a continuous
applicative current, plus current pulses caused by frame emission (uplink messages) and reception
(downlink messages). Thus, we can define a consumption profile according to the following input


Parameter Description Unit

𝒕𝑻𝑿 Maximum duration of frame emission (1 message = 3 frames) 𝑠
𝑵𝑻𝑿 Maximum number of daily TX messages 𝑚𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑎𝑔𝑒/𝑑𝑎𝑦
𝑰𝑻𝑿 Value of the current peak required to send a frame 𝐴
𝑵𝒓𝒆𝒑 Number of TX frame repetitions per message (default 𝑁𝑟𝑒𝑝 = 3) 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛/𝑚𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑎𝑔𝑒


Parameter Description Unit

𝒕𝑹𝑿 Maximum duration of frame reception 𝑠
𝑵𝑹𝑿 Maximum number of daily RX frames 𝑚𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑎𝑔𝑒/𝑑𝑎𝑦
𝑰𝑹𝑿 Value of the current peak required to receive a frame 𝐴


Parameter Description Unit

𝑰𝒂𝒑𝒑 Value of the applicative continuous current 𝐴
𝑵𝒂𝒖𝒕 Number of days of autonomy 𝑑𝑎𝑦

The graph below exemplifies this consumption model with 𝑁𝑟𝑒𝑝 = 3, 𝑁𝑇𝑋 = 4 and 𝑁𝑅𝑋 = 1:

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3.2 Primary or secondary ?

The first choice of the device maker is the family of the battery. It depends on the environment: if the
device can have periodic access to an energy source, or can be easily recharged through an external
connection (like an USB cable), a secondary battery can be selected. However, charging a battery
requires some additional electronic components in order to regulate charge current and charge voltage.
Many integrated circuits exist, but the more integrated they are, the more expensive they will be.

On the contrary, if the device must be autonomous during several years without any intervention, a
primary battery should be chosen.

3.3 Nominal voltage selection

Nominal voltage must be chosen in accordance to the electronic components employed, especially the
active ones. It needs to be included in all the operating voltage ranges of the integrated circuits.

If we deal with a secondary battery, a charge circuit is needed to control charge voltage and current.
The charge voltage is always higher than the nominal voltage. Thus, either the electronic circuitry must
be isolated of the charge voltage, or integrated circuits should withstand the charge voltage.

3.4 Capacity sizing

From the previous graph, the formula below gives the main criteria to choose the capacity and the self-
discharge rate of a battery for a desired operating time:

𝐶 > 𝑁𝑎𝑢𝑡 (24(𝐼𝑎𝑝𝑝 + 𝐼𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 ) + 𝑁𝑟𝑒𝑝 𝑁𝑇𝑋 𝐼𝑇𝑋 + 𝑁𝑅𝑋 𝐼𝑅𝑋 ) [4]
3600 3600

By replacing 𝐼𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 with equation [2] and using an equality, the criteria leads us to the minimum capacity
required for a Sigfox application:

𝑡𝑇𝑋 𝑡
(24 𝐼𝑎𝑝𝑝 + 𝑁𝑟𝑒𝑝 𝑁𝑇𝑋 𝐼𝑇𝑋 + 𝑁𝑅𝑋 𝐼𝑅𝑋 𝑅𝑋 ) 𝑁𝑎𝑢𝑡
𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 3600 3600 [5]
24 𝑎 𝑁𝑎𝑢𝑡

For a secondary battery, we can consider charge cycles and ageing by introducing a coefficient 𝑥 =
𝑓(𝑁𝑐ℎ ): when a secondary battery is subject to charge and discharge cycles, the capacity at full charge
goes gradually down. In this case, the previous 𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛 corresponds to the effective capacity of the battery
after 𝑁𝑎𝑢𝑡 operating days. Even if ageing is not a linear phenomenon, the loss can be estimated and
averaged by a linear decrease and its coefficient 𝑏, as illustrated in the graph below. The minimum
capacity of the new battery is thus:

1 36500 𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛
𝐶𝑠𝑒𝑐 = [6]
𝑁𝑐ℎ 36500 − 𝑏 𝑁𝑎𝑢𝑡

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3.5 Internal resistor check

Internal resistor has an impact on the available supply voltage when a high current peak is needed. The
worst case is the TX current. The designer has to check that the power supply never fall below the
minimum operating voltage of all the integrated circuits used in the device, in order to avoid an
hardware reset at each frame sending. If 𝑚 is the lowest minimum operating voltage among all the
active components, the requirement is:

𝑈𝑛𝑜𝑚 − 𝑚
𝑉𝑐𝑐(𝑚𝑖𝑛) > 𝑚 ⇒ 𝑅𝑖𝑛𝑡 < [7]
𝑚𝑎𝑥(𝐼𝑇𝑋 , 𝐼𝑅𝑋 )

3.6 Maximum continuous current sizing

The battery must withstand the continuous applicative current:

𝐼𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡 > 𝐼𝑎𝑝𝑝 [8]

3.7 Maximum pulse current sizing

The battery must withstand the maximum current required by the application, which is the TX current
in most cases:

𝐼𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑠𝑒 > 𝑚𝑎𝑥(𝐼𝑇𝑋 , 𝐼𝑅𝑋 ) [9]

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4 Operating time of an existing Sigfox application

By inverting equations [5], we can approximate the operating time of a given primary battery powering
a Sigfox device, with a capacity 𝐶 and a self-discharge rate 𝑎 (assuming the accumulator is suitable for
the application):

𝑁𝑎𝑢𝑡 = [10]
𝑎𝐶 𝑡 𝑡
24 (𝐼𝑎𝑝𝑝 + ) + 𝑁𝑟𝑒𝑝 𝑁𝑇𝑋 𝐼𝑇𝑋 𝑇𝑋 + 𝑁𝑅𝑋 𝐼𝑅𝑋 𝑅𝑋
876000 3600 3600

For a secondary battery, inverting equation [6] leads to a second order polynomial equation, whose
solution is difficult to express. However, we can ignore ageing phenomena to simplify the formula:

𝐶 𝑁𝑐ℎ
𝑁𝑎𝑢𝑡 = [11]
𝑎 𝐶 𝑁𝑐ℎ 𝑡 𝑡
24 (𝐼𝑎𝑝𝑝 + ) + 𝑁𝑟𝑒𝑝 𝑁𝑇𝑋 𝐼𝑇𝑋 𝑇𝑋 + 𝑁𝑅𝑋 𝐼𝑅𝑋 𝑅𝑋
876000 3600 3600

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5 Calculation examples

5.1 ETSI uplink-only application

The following table gives example statistics of a European (RC1 zone) uplink-only application.

Parameter Value Unit

𝑵𝑻𝑿 10 𝑚𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑎𝑔𝑒/𝑑𝑎𝑦
𝑵𝑹𝑿 0 𝑚𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑎𝑔𝑒/𝑑𝑎𝑦
𝑰𝒂𝒑𝒑 10 𝜇𝐴
𝑵𝒂𝒖𝒕 365 𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠

Next subsections aim at sizing a battery for this example application (that means determining the
required capacity), using two different approaches.

5.1.1 Worst case sizing

The first approach is to consider the worst values regarding the battery consumption: maximum
currents (non-optimized transceiver) and maximum message length (12 bytes payloads, causing
maximum frame durations). The following table gives usual values for Sigfox technology.

Parameter Value Unit

𝒕𝑻𝑿 2.08 𝑠
𝑰𝑻𝑿 50 𝑚𝐴

For a self-discharge rate 𝑎 = 1 %/𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟 (typical self-discharge rate for a Saft lithium battery for
instance), the minimum required capacity for a primary battery is:

𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 408 𝑚𝐴. ℎ

The battery must comply with the following values:

Parameter Required value

𝑪 > 408 𝑚𝐴. ℎ
𝑰𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕 > 10 𝜇𝐴
𝑰𝒑𝒖𝒍𝒔𝒆 > 50 𝑚𝐴

Note: if 𝑡𝑇𝑋 is too long to be considered as a pulse (depending on the battery), the continuous current
requirement becomes 𝐼𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡 > 50 𝑚𝐴.

5.1.2 Nominal case sizing

The second approach is to consider more flexible values, taking into account payload length (for
example 2 bytes instead of 12) and the use of low-power transceivers. The following table gives example
values for Sigfox technology.

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Parameter Value Unit

𝒕𝑻𝑿 1.28 𝑠
𝑰𝑻𝑿 25 𝑚𝐴

For a self-discharge rate 𝑎 = 1 %/𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟 (typical self-discharge rate for a Saft lithium battery for
instance), the minimum required capacity for a primary battery is:

𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 108 𝑚𝐴. ℎ

The battery must comply with the following values:

Parameter Required value

𝑪 > 108 𝑚𝐴. ℎ
𝑰𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕 > 10 𝜇𝐴
𝑰𝒑𝒖𝒍𝒔𝒆 > 25 𝑚𝐴

Note: if 𝑡𝑇𝑋 is too long to be considered as a pulse (depending on the battery), the continuous current
requirement becomes 𝐼𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡 > 25 𝑚𝐴.

5.2 ETSI uplink-downlink application

The following table gives example statistics of a European (RC1 zone) application using both uplink
and downlink.

Parameter Value Unit

𝑵𝑻𝑿 10 𝑚𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑎𝑔𝑒/𝑑𝑎𝑦
𝑵𝑹𝑿 1 𝑚𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑎𝑔𝑒/𝑑𝑎𝑦
𝑰𝒂𝒑𝒑 10 𝜇𝐴
𝑵𝒂𝒖𝒕 365 𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠

Next subsections aim at sizing a battery for this example application (that means determining the
required capacity), using two different approaches.

5.2.1 Worst case sizing

The first approach is to consider the worst values regarding the battery consumption: maximum
currents (non-optimized transceiver), maximum message length (12 bytes payloads, causing maximum
frame durations) and maximum listening time for the downlink frame. The following table gives usual
values for Sigfox technology.

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Parameter Value Unit

𝒕𝑻𝑿 2.08 𝑠
𝑰𝑻𝑿 50 𝑚𝐴
𝒕𝑹𝑿 25 𝑠
𝑰𝑹𝑿 20 𝑚𝐴

For a self-discharge rate 𝑎 = 1 %/𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟 (typical self-discharge rate for a Saft lithium battery for
instance), the minimum required capacity for a primary battery is:

𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 459 𝑚𝐴. ℎ

The battery must comply with the following values:

Parameter Required value

𝑪 > 459 𝑚𝐴. ℎ
𝑰𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕 > 20 𝑚𝐴
𝑰𝒑𝒖𝒍𝒔𝒆 > 50 𝑚𝐴

Note: In case of downlink, the battery must withstand 𝐼𝑅𝑋 as a continuous current because the listening
time can’t be considered as a pulse. Moreover, if 𝑡𝑇𝑋 is too long to be considered as a pulse (depending
on the battery), the continuous current requirement becomes 𝐼𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡 > 50 𝑚𝐴.

5.2.2 Nominal case sizing

The second approach is to consider more flexible values, taking into account payload length (for
example 2 bytes instead of 12), the average performances of the network, and the use of low-power
transceivers. The following table gives example values for Sigfox technology.

Parameter Value Unit

𝒕𝑻𝑿 1.28 𝑠
𝑰𝑻𝑿 25 𝑚𝐴
𝒕𝑹𝑿 12.5 𝑠
𝑰𝑹𝑿 10 𝑚𝐴

For a self-discharge rate 𝑎 = 1 %/𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟 (typical self-discharge rate for a Saft lithium battery for
instance), the minimum required capacity for a primary battery is:

𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 121 𝑚𝐴. ℎ

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The battery must comply with the following values:

Parameter Required value

𝑪 > 121 𝑚𝐴. ℎ
𝑰𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕 > 10 𝑚𝐴
𝑰𝒑𝒖𝒍𝒔𝒆 > 25 𝑚𝐴

Note: In case of downlink, the battery must withstand 𝐼𝑅𝑋 as a continuous current because the listening
time can’t be considered as a pulse. Moreover, if 𝑡𝑇𝑋 is too long to be considered as a pulse (depending
on the battery), the continuous current requirement becomes 𝐼𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡 > 25 𝑚𝐴.

5.3 FCC uplink-only application

The following table gives example statistics of an FCC (RC2 zone) uplink-only application.

Parameter Value Unit

𝑵𝑻𝑿 10 𝑚𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑎𝑔𝑒/𝑑𝑎𝑦
𝑵𝑹𝑿 0 𝑚𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑎𝑔𝑒/𝑑𝑎𝑦
𝑰𝒂𝒑𝒑 10 𝜇𝐴
𝑵𝒂𝒖𝒕 365 𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠

Next subsections aim at sizing a battery for this example application (that means determining the
required capacity), using two different approaches.

5.3.1 Worst case sizing

The first approach is to consider the worst values regarding the battery consumption: maximum
currents (non-optimized transceiver) and maximum message length (12 bytes payloads, causing
maximum frame durations). The following table gives usual values for Sigfox technology.

Parameter Value Unit

𝒕𝑻𝑿 347 𝑚𝑠
𝑰𝑻𝑿 220 𝑚𝐴

For a self-discharge rate 𝑎 = 1 %/𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟 (typical self-discharge rate for a Saft lithium battery for
instance), the minimum required capacity for a primary battery is:

𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 323 𝑚𝐴. ℎ

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The battery must comply with the following values:

Parameter Required value

𝑪 > 323 𝑚𝐴. ℎ
𝑰𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕 > 10 𝜇𝐴
𝑰𝒑𝒖𝒍𝒔𝒆 > 220 𝑚𝐴

Note: if 𝑡𝑇𝑋 is too long to be considered as a pulse (depending on the battery), the continuous current
requirement becomes 𝐼𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡 > 220 𝑚𝐴.

5.3.2 Nominal case sizing

The second approach is to consider more flexible values, taking into account payload length (for
example 2 bytes instead of 12) and the use of low-power transceivers. The following table gives example
values for Sigfox technology.

Parameter Value Unit

𝒕𝑻𝑿 214 𝑚𝑠
𝑰𝑻𝑿 180 𝑚𝐴

For a self-discharge rate 𝑎 = 1 %/𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟 (typical self-discharge rate for a Saft lithium battery for
instance), the minimum required capacity for a primary battery is:

𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 112 𝑚𝐴. ℎ

The battery must comply with the following values:

Parameter Required value

𝑪 > 112 𝑚𝐴. ℎ
𝑰𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕 > 10 𝜇𝐴
𝑰𝒑𝒖𝒍𝒔𝒆 > 180 𝑚𝐴

Note: if 𝑡𝑇𝑋 is too long to be considered as a pulse (depending on the battery), the continuous current
requirement becomes 𝐼𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡 > 180 𝑚𝐴.

5.4 FCC uplink-downlink application

The following table gives example statistics of an FCC (RC2 zone) application using both uplink and

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Parameter Value Unit

𝑵𝑻𝑿 10 𝑚𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑎𝑔𝑒/𝑑𝑎𝑦
𝑵𝑹𝑿 1 𝑚𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑎𝑔𝑒/𝑑𝑎𝑦
𝑰𝒂𝒑𝒑 10 𝜇𝐴
𝑵𝒂𝒖𝒕 365 𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠

Next subsections aim at sizing a battery for this example application (that means determining the
required capacity), using two different approaches.

5.4.1 Worst case sizing

The first approach is to consider the worst values regarding the battery consumption: maximum
currents (non-optimized transceiver), maximum message length (12 bytes payloads, causing maximum
frame durations) and maximum listening time for the downlink frame. The following table gives usual
values for Sigfox technology.

Parameter Value Unit

𝒕𝑻𝑿 347 𝑚𝑠
𝑰𝑻𝑿 220 𝑚𝐴
𝒕𝑹𝑿 25 𝑠
𝑰𝑹𝑿 20 𝑚𝐴

For a self-discharge rate 𝑎 = 1 %/𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟 (typical self-discharge rate for a Saft lithium battery for
instance), the minimum required capacity for a primary battery is:

𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 374 𝑚𝐴. ℎ

The battery must comply with the following values:

Parameter Required value

𝑪 > 374 𝑚𝐴. ℎ
𝑰𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕 > 20 𝑚𝐴
𝑰𝒑𝒖𝒍𝒔𝒆 > 220 𝑚𝐴

Note: In case of downlink, the battery must withstand 𝐼𝑅𝑋 as a continuous current because the listening
time can’t be considered as a pulse. Moreover, if 𝑡𝑇𝑋 is too long to be considered as a pulse (depending
on the battery), the continuous current requirement becomes 𝐼𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡 > 220 𝑚𝐴.

5.4.2 Nominal case sizing

The second approach is to consider more flexible values, taking into account payload length (for
example 2 bytes instead of 12), the average performances of the network, and the use of low-power
transceivers. The following table gives example values for Sigfox technology.

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Parameter Value Unit

𝒕𝑻𝑿 214 𝑚𝑠
𝑰𝑻𝑿 180 𝑚𝐴
𝒕𝑹𝑿 12.5 𝑠
𝑰𝑹𝑿 15 𝑚𝐴

For a self-discharge rate 𝑎 = 1 %/𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟 (typical self-discharge rate for a Saft lithium battery for
instance), the minimum required capacity for a primary battery is:

𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 131 𝑚𝐴. ℎ

The battery must comply with the following values:

Parameter Required value

𝑪 > 131 𝑚𝐴. ℎ
𝑰𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕 > 15 𝑚𝐴
𝑰𝒑𝒖𝒍𝒔𝒆 > 180 𝑚𝐴

Note: In case of downlink, the battery must withstand 𝐼𝑅𝑋 as a continuous current because the listening
time can’t be considered as a pulse. Moreover, if 𝑡𝑇𝑋 is too long to be considered as a pulse (depending
on the battery), the continuous current requirement becomes 𝐼𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡 > 180 𝑚𝐴.

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6 Conclusion
The following list recaps the main criteria to choose a battery for designing a Sigfox device:

• Primary or secondary cell.

• Technology.
• Nominal voltage.
• Internal resistor.
• Maximum continuous and pulse currents.
• Capacity (regarding self-discharge, ageing, and application requirements).
• Operating temperatures.

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7 Saft references
The following tables list some references of Saft primary and secondary batteries.

7.1 Primary batteries

Référence Technologie Package U (V) C (mAh) I cont (mA) I max (mA) T min (°C) T max (°C) Poids (g)
G04/3 Li-SO2 1/2AA 2,8 450 250 400 -60 70 8
LM17130 Li-MnO2 1/3A 3 500 300 400 -40 70 8
G32/3 Li-SO2 2/3AA 2,8 800 750 1200 -60 70 12
G06/2 Li-SO2 AA 2,8 950 500 800 -60 70 15
LO34SX Li-SO2 1/3C 2,8 1000 500 1000 -40 70 16
LS14250 Li-SOCl2 1/2AA 3,6 1200 35 100 -60 85 8,9
G36/2 Li-SO2 A 2,8 1700 1500 2500 -60 70 18
LS17330 Li-SOCl2 2/3A 3,6 2100 25 120 -60 85 14,4
L035SX Li-SO2 2/3C 2,8 2200 2000 5000 -60 70 30
LS14500 Li-SOCl2 AA 3,6 2600 50 250 -60 85 16,7
LM17500 Li-MnO2 A 3 3000 1500 2000 -40 85 28
M51 Li-MnO2 2/3C 3 3200 1000 2500 -40 72 38
G52/3 Li-SO2 C 2,8 3200 2500 5000 -60 70 47
LO40SX Li-SO2 2/3D 2,8 3500 2000 5000 -60 70 40
LS17500 Li-SOCl2 A 3,6 3600 100 250 -60 85 21,9
LSH14-Light Li-SOCl2 C 3,6 3600 1300 2000 -60 85 51
LO29SHX Li-SO2 C 2,8 3750 2500 6000 -60 70 40
M52HR Li-MnO2 C 3 4800 2000 5000 -40 72 59
LO43SHX Li-SO2 5/4D 2,8 5000 2500 10000 -60 70 53
G54/3 Li-SO2 5/4C 2,8 5000 2500 5000 -60 70 58
M52 Li-MnO2 C 3 5600 2000 4000 -40 72 58
M52EX Li-MnO2 C 3 5600 2000 4000 -40 72 58
LO30SHX Li-SO2 D 2,8 5750 3000 10000 -60 70 63
LSH14 Li-SOCl2 C 3,6 5800 1300 2000 -60 85 51
M56 Li-MnO2 5/4C 3 6700 2500 6000 -40 72 70
LM26500 Li-MnO2 C 3 7400 2000 4000 -40 85 61
LO26SHX Li-SO2 D 2,8 7500 4000 15000 -60 70 85
LS26500 Li-SOCl2 C 3,6 7700 150 300 -60 85 48
LO26SX Li-SO2 D 2,8 7750 2500 5000 -60 70 85
G26 Li-SO2 D 2,8 7750 2500 5000 -60 70 85
LO25SX Li-SO2 D 2,8 8000 2500 10000 -60 70 96
LO26SXC Li-SO2 D 2,8 9200 2500 10000 -60 70 85
M19 Li-MnO2 D 3 10300 3000 7500 -40 72 105
M19HR Li-MnO2 DD 3 10300 4000 10000 -40 72 107
LSH20-HTS Li-SOCl2 D 3,6 11000 1000 3000 -60 85 100
M20HR Li-MnO2 DD 3 11500 4000 10000 -40 72 117
LO39SHX Li-SO2 F 2,8 11500 3000 60000 -60 70 125
M20EX Li-MnO2 DD 3 12400 3500 8000 -40 72 115
M20 Li-MnO2 D 3 12600 3500 8000 -40 72 117
LSH20 Li-SOCl2 D 3,6 13000 1800 4000 -60 85 100
LM33600 Li-MnO2 DD 3 13400 4000 8000 -40 85 113
LSH20-150 Li-SOCl2 D 3,6 14000 300 500 -40 150 104,5
G22/6 Li-SO2 DD 2,8 16500 3000 10000 -60 70 175
LS33600 Li-SOCl2 D 3,6 17000 150 300 -60 85 90
M24HR Li-MnO2 DD 3 20000 6000 12000 -40 72 201
G62/1 Li-SO2 DD 2,8 24000 8000 12000 -60 70 300
M62 Li-MnO2 DD 3 33000 6000 12000 -40 72 355

7.2 Secondary batteries

Référence Technologie Package U (V) C (mAh) I cont (mA) I max (mA) I charge (mA) Nb cycles T min (°C) T max (°C) Poids (g)
VL25500-125 Li-ion C 3,6 2000 1000 1500 500 30 0 125 59
MP144350 Li-ion 3,75 2600 5000 10000 2600 500 -20 60 68
MP174565XTD Li-ion 3,65 4000 8000 16000 4000 1500 -30 85 97
VL32600-125 Li-ion D 3,6 4500 2300 2400 900 30 0 125 139
MP174565 Li-ion 3,75 4800 10000 20000 5000 600 -20 60 103
VL34570 Li-ion D 3,7 5400 11000 21000 5400 500 -20 60 125
MP176065XTD Li-ion 3,65 5600 11000 22000 5600 1500 -30 85 136
MP176065XC Li-ion 3,65 6400 13000 26000 6500 450 -30 60 134
MP176065 Li-ion 3,75 6800 14000 30000 7000 600 -20 60 143

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