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Republic vs Quintero-Hamano Leouel Santos vs CA

GR No. 149498, May 20, 2004 GR No. 112019, January 4, 1995

FACTS: Lolita Quintero-Hamano filed a complaint in 1996 for declaration of FACTS: Leouel, a First Lieutenant in the Philippine Army, met Julia in Iloilo.
nullity of her marriage with Toshio Hamano, a Japanese national, on the The two got married in 1986 before a municipal trial court followed shortly
ground of psychological incapacity. She and Toshio started a common-law thereafter, by a church wedding. The couple lived with Julia’s parents at the
relationship in Japan and lived in the Philippines for a month. Thereafter, J. Bedia Compound. Julia gave birth to a baby boy in 1987 and was named
Toshio went back to Japan and stayed there for half of 1987. Lolita then as Leouel Santos Jr. Occasionally, the couple will quarrel over a number of
gave birth on November 16, 1987. things aside from the interference of Julia’s parents into their family affairs.

In 1988, Lolita and Toshio got married in MTC-Bacoor, Cavite. After a month Julia left in 1988 to work in US as a nurse despite Leouel’s pleas to dissuade
of their marriage, Toshio returned to Japan and promised to return by her. Seven months after her departure, she called her husband and
Christmas to celebrate the holidays with his family. Toshio sent money for promised to return home upon the expiration of her contract in July 1989 but
two months and after that he stopped giving financial support. She wrote she never did. Leouel got a chance to visit US where he underwent a
him several times but never respondent. In 1991, she learned from her training program under AFP, he desperately tried to locate or somehow get
friend that Toshio visited the country but did not bother to see her nor their in touch with Julia but all his efforts were of no avail.
Leouel filed a complaint to have their marriage declared void under Article 36
Toshio was no longer residing at his given address thus summons issued to of the Family Code. He argued that failure of Julia to return home or to
him remained unserved. Consequently, in 1996, Lolita filed an ex parte communicate with him for more than 5 years are circumstances that show
motion for leave to effect service of summons by publication. The motion her being psychologically incapacitated to enter into married life.
was granted and the summons, accompanied by a copy of the petition, was
published in a newspaper of general circulation giving Toshio 15 days to file ISSUE: Whether their marriage can be considered void under Article 36 of
his answer. Toshio filed to respond after the lapse of 60 days from the Family Code.
publication, thus, Lolita filed a motion to refer the case to the prosecutor for
investigation. HELD: The intendment of the law has been to confine the meaning of
psychological incapacity to the most serious cases of personal disorders
ISSUE: Whether Toshio was psychologically incapacitated to perform his clearly demonstrative of an utter insensitivity or inability to give meaning and
marital obligation. significance to the marriage. This condition must exist at the time the
marriage is celebrated.
HELD: The Court is mindful of the 1987 Constitution to protect and
strengthen the family as basic autonomous social institution and marriage as Undeniably and understandably, Leouel stands aggrieved, even desperate,
the foundation of the family. Thus, any doubt should be resolved in favor of in his present situation. Regrettably, neither law nor society itself can always
the validity of the marriage. provide all the specific answers to every individual problem. Wherefore, his
petition was denied.
Toshio’s act of abandonment was doubtlessly irresponsible but it was never
alleged nor proven to be due to some kind of psychological illness. Although
as rule, actual medical examinations are not needed, it would have greatly
helped Lolita had she presented evidence that medically or clinically
identified Toshio’s illness. This could have been done through an expert
witness. It is essential that a person show incapability of doing marital
obligation due to some psychological, not physical illness. Hence, Toshio
was not considered as psychologically incapacitated.
Choa vs. Choa David Dedel vs Court of Appeals & Sharon Corpuz-Dedel
GR No. 1473376, November 26, 2002 Art 46 compared with PI

FACTS: In 1966, David and Sharon married each other. They’ve had four children
since then. David then found out that Sharon is irresponsible as a wife and
Leni Choa and Alfonso Choa got married in 1981. They have 2 children as a mother because during the marriage Sharon had extra-marital affairs
namely Cheryl Lynne and Albryan. In 1993, Alfonso filed an annulment of with various other guys particularly with one Mustafa Ibrahim, a Jordanian,
his marriage to Leni. Afterwards, he filed an amended complaint for the with whom she had 2 children. She even married Ibrahim. David averred that
declaration of nullity of their marriage based on psychological incapacity. Sharon is psychologically incapacitated and David submitted the findings of
The case went to trial and the trial court further held that Alfonso presented Dr. Dayan which shows that Sharon is indeed psychologically incapacitated.
quantum evidence that Leni needs to controvert for the dismissal of the case. Dr. Dayan declared that Sharon was suffering from Anti-Social Personality
Disorder exhibited by her blatant display of infidelity; that she committed
Alfonso claimed that Leni charged him with perjury, concubinage and several indiscretions and had no capacity for remorse, even bringing with her
deportation which shows latter’s psychological incapacity because according the two children of Mustafa Ibrahim to live with petitioner. Such immaturity
to him it clearly showed that his wife not only wanted him behind bars but and irresponsibility in handling the marriage like her repeated acts of infidelity
also to banish outside the country. and abandonment of her family are indications of Anti-Social Personality
Disorder amounting to psychological incapacity to perform the essential
ISSUE: Whether or not Alfonso Chua presented quantum evidence for the obligations of marriage.
declaration of nullity of his marriage with Leni on the ground of psychological
incapacity. ISSUE: Whether or not PI has been proven.

HELD: The court held that documents presented by Alfonso during the trial of HELD: PI is not proven in court in this case. The evidence is not sufficient. PI
the case do not in any way show the alleged psychological incapacity of his is intended to the most serious cases of personality disorders which make
wife. The evidence was insufficient and shows grave abuse of discretion one be incapable of performing the essential marital obligations. Sharon’s
bordering on absurdity. Alfonso testified and complained about three sexual infidelity does not constitute PI nor does it constitute the other forms
aspects of Leni’s personality namely lack of attention to children, immaturity, of psychoses which if existing at the inception of marriage, like the state of a
and lack of an intention of procreative sexuality and none of these three, party being of unsound mind or concealment of drug addiction, habitual
singly or collectively, constitutes psychological incapacity. alcoholism, homosexuality or lesbianism, merely renders the marriage
contract voidable pursuant to Article 46, Family Code. If drug addiction,
Psychological incapacity must be characterized by gravity, juridical habitual alcoholism, lesbianism or homosexuality should occur only during
antecedence, and incurability. It must be more than just a difficulty, a refusal the marriage, they become mere grounds for legal separation under Article
or a neglect in the performance of marital obligations. A mere showing of 55 of the Family Code. These provisions, however, do not necessarily
irreconcilable differences and conflicting personalities does not constitute preclude the possibility of these various circumstances being themselves,
psychological incapacity. depending on the degree and severity of the disorder, indicia of
psychological incapacity. Sexual infidelity is not one of those contemplated in
Furthermore, the testimonial evidence from other witnesses failed to identify law. Until further statutory or jurisprudential parameters are set or
and prove root cause of the alleged psychological incapacity. It just established, SI cannot be appreciated in favor of the dissolution of marriage.
established that the spouses had an incompatibility or a defect that could
possibly be treated or alleviated through psychotherapy. The totality of
evidence presented was completely insufficient to sustain a finding of
psychological incapacity more so without any medical, psychiatric or
psychological examination.
Republic of the Philippines vs Rodolfo De Gracia Valerio Kalaw vs Ma. Elena Fernandez (2015)

G.R. No. 171557 – Civil Law – Persons and Family Relations – Family Code G.R. No. 166357 – Civil Law – Persons and Family Relations – Family Code – Article
36; Psychological Incapacity – Gambling in the Presence of One’s Children --
– Article 36; Psychological Incapacity – Personal Evaluation by Psychologist
Testimonies of Expert Witnesses as Evaluated by the Trial Court Must Be Given Due
– Need for Independent Evidence to Prove Psychological Incapacity
Consideration -- Burden of Proof in Proving Psychological Incapacity Does Not Solely
In 1969, Rodolfo De Gracia and Natividad Rosalem married each other.
Lie on Plaintiff
Their first child was born in the same year. In 1972, they begot a second In 1994, Valerio “Tyrone” Kalaw filed a petition to have his marriage with Ma. Elena
child. However, after giving birth, Natividad left their conjugal home, even Fernandez be annulled on the ground that Elena is psychologically incapacitated. The
selling said house, and then had an affair with an engineer. She bore a child RTC, after hearing the expert witnesses testify in court, eventually granted the petition,
with the said engineer. In 1991, she left the engineer and cohabited with but on appeal, the Court of Appeals reversed the said decision. Tyrone appealed to

another man. the Supreme Court. In September 2011, the Supreme Court affirmed the decision of
the CA. Tyrone filed a motion for reconsideration.
In 1998, Rodolfo filed a petition to have their marriage be declared void on
ISSUE: Whether or not the September 2011 decision (657 SCRA 822) should be
the ground that Natividad is psychologically incapacitated. Rodolfo engaged
the services of Dr. Cheryl Zalsos to evaluate both parties. In court, Zalsos
HELD: Yes. Trial court’s findings of facts should be given due weightx
testified that both parties are psychologically incapacitated; that Rodolfo
The SC ruled that it misappreciated the findings made by the RTC when the SC
failed to perform his obligations as a husband, adding too that he sired a son reviewed the case in September 2011. The SC ruled that the findings and evaluation
with another woman; that Natividad lacked the willful cooperation of being a by the RTC as the trial court deserved credence because it was in the better position
wife and a mother to her two daughters; that both suffered from “utter to view and examine the demeanor of the witnesses while they were testifying. The

emotional immaturity which is unusual and unacceptable behavior position and role of the trial judge in the appreciation of the evidence showing the
psychological incapacity were not to be downplayed but should be accorded due
considered as deviant from persons who abide by established norms of
importance and respect. Therefore, it was not proper for the SC to brush aside the
conduct”; that the mental condition of both parties already existed at the time
opinions tendered by Dr. Cristina Gates, a psychologist, and Fr. Gerard Healy on the
of the celebration of marriage, although it only manifested after.
ground that their conclusions were solely based on the Tyrone’s version of the events.
The RTC gave weight to Zalsos testimony hence the marriage was declared
The conclusions reached by the two expert witnesses because they were largely
void. The Court of Appeals affirmed the decision. drawn from the case records and affidavits, and should not anymore be disputed after
ISSUE: Whether or not psychological incapacity was proven in this case. the RTC itself had accepted the veracity of the Tyrone’s factual premises.
HELD: No. The evidence presented failed to support a finding of Respondent could also establish the psychological incapacity of the plaintiff spouse

psychological incapacity. The psychiatric evaluation report of Dr. Zalsos does The plaintiff in an annulment case under Article 36 carries the burden to prove the
nullity of the marriage, however, the respondent, as the defendant spouse, could also
not explain in reasonable detail how Natividad’s condition could be
establish the psychological incapacity of the plaintiff spouse if the respondent raised
characterized as grave, deeply-rooted, and incurable within the parameters
the matter in her/his answer. The courts are justified in declaring a marriage null and
of psychological incapacity jurisprudence (Molina Guidelines).
void under Article 36 of the Family Code regardless of whether it is the petitioner or the
The Supreme Court also ruled: Although expert opinions furnished by respondent who imputes the psychological incapacity to the other as long as the
psychologists regarding the psychological temperament of parties are usually imputation is fully substantiated with proof. Indeed, psychological incapacity may exist
given considerable weight by the courts, the existence of psychological in one party alone or in both of them, and if psychological incapacity of either or both is
incapacity must still be proven by independent evidence. established, the marriage has to be deemed null and void.

Elena’s excessive mahjong sessions is indicative of her psychological incapacity
1. It is interesting to note that the SC only discussed the insufficiency of
evidence as regards Natividad’s psychological incapacity but did not delve
In the September 2011 ruling, the SC noted that all the children of Tyrone and Elena
on the findings of the psychologist as to Rodolfo’s.
testified that although their parents have differences, both took good care of them.
2. In previous cases, i.e., Marcos vs Marcos, the SC noted that though
However, upon closer look at the testimonies of the children, it was shown that Elena
personal evaluation by a psychologist of the spouse sought to be declared was too addicted to mahjong that she would even bring her children to her mahjong
psychologically incapacitated is not mandatorily required, such personal sessions which were so frequent and would last from early in the afternoon to past
examination must be had if there are no other independent evidence midnight. The fact that the Elena brought her children with her to her mahjong

presented – especially if the only basis is the statements of the petitioning sessions did not only point to her neglect of parental duties, but also manifested her
tendency to expose them to a culture of gambling. Her willfully exposing her children to
spouse and/or his/her witnesses (Ochosa vs Alano). But in this case, even
the culture of gambling on every occasion of her mahjong sessions was a very grave
though the spouse sought to be declared psychologically incapacitated was
and serious act of subordinating their needs for parenting to the gratification of her own
personally examined by the psychologist, the SC still ruled that other
personal and escapist desires. This revealed her wanton disregard for her children’s
independent evidence must still be presented. moral and mental development.
ABUNADO vs. PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES 2004 Mar 30, G.R. Morigo vs. People
No. 159218 YNARES-SANTIAGO, J. GR No. 145226, February 6, 2004

Facts: On September 18, 1967, petitioner Salvador married Narcisa FACTS: Lucio Morigo and Lucia Barrete were boardmates in Bohol.
Arceño. In 1988 Narcisa left for Japan to work but returned to the They lost contacts for a while but after receiving a card from Barrete
Philippines in 1992 when she learned that her husband was having and various exchanges of letters, they became sweethearts. They
an extra-marital affair and has left their home. Narcisa found got married in 1990. Barrete went back to Canada for work and in
Salvador in Quezon City cohabiting with Fe Corazon Plato. She also 1991 she filed petition for divorce in Ontario Canada, which was
discovered that on January 10, 1989 Salvador contracted a second granted. In 1992, Morigo married Lumbago. He subsequently filed a
marriage with Zenaida Biñas. On January 19, 1995, an annulment complaint for judicial declaration of nullity on the ground that there
case was filed by Salvador against Narcisa. On May 18, 1995, a case was no marriage ceremony. Morigo was then charged with bigamy
for bigamy was filed by Narcisa against Salvador and Zenaida. On and moved for a suspension of arraignment since the civil case
May 18, 2001, the trial court convicted petitioner Salvador Abunado pending posed a prejudicial question in the bigamy case. Morigo
of bigamy. On appeal, the Court of Appeals affirmed with modification pleaded not guilty claiming that his marriage with Barrete was void ab
the decision of the trial court. initio. Petitioner contented he contracted second marriage in good
Issue: Whether or not the petition for annulment is a prejudicial
question to the proceedings in the bigamy case. ISSUE: Whether Morigo must have filed declaration for the nullity of
his marriage with Barrete before his second marriage in order to be
Held: No. The subsequent judicial declaration of the nullity of the first free from the bigamy case.
marriage was immaterial because prior to the declaration of nullity,
the crime had already been consummated. Petitioner’s assertion HELD: Morigo’s marriage with Barrete is void ab initio considering
would only delay the prosecution of bigamy cases considering that an that there was no actual marriage ceremony performed between
accused could simply file a petition to declare his previous marriage them by a solemnizing officer instead they just merely signed a
void and invoke the pendency of that action as a prejudicial question marriage contract. The petitioner does not need to file declaration of
in the criminal case. The outcome of the civil case for annulment of the nullity of his marriage when he contracted his second marriage
petitioner’s marriage to Narcisa had no bearing upon the with Lumbago. Hence, he did not commit bigamy and is acquitted in
determination of petitioner’s innocence or guilt in the criminal case for the case filed.
bigamy. All that is required for the charge of bigamy to prosper is that
the first marriage be subsisting at the time the second marriage is
contracted. A marriage, even one which is void or voidable, shall be
deemed valid until declared otherwise in a judicial proceeding. In this
case, even if petitioner eventually obtained a declaration that his first
marriage was void ab initio, the point is both the first and the second
marriage were subsisting before the first marriage was annulled. The
petition is denied.
Wiegel vs Sempio-Dy Domingo vs. CA
143 SCRA 449 226 SCRA 572

FACTS: Karl Wiegel was married to Lilia Wiegel on July 1978. Lilia FACTS: Soledad Domingo, married with Roberto Domingo in 1976,
was married with a certain Eduardo Maxion in 1972. Karl then filed a filed a petition for the declaration of nullity of marriage and separation
petition in the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court for the of property. She did not know that Domingo had been previously
declaration of nullity of his marriage with Lilia on the ground of latter’s married to Emerlinda dela Paz in 1969. She came to know the
former marriage. Having been allegedly force to enter into a marital previous marriage when the latter filed a suit of bigamy against her.
union, she contents that the first marriage is null and void. Lilia Furthermore, when she came home from Saudi during her one-
likewise alleged that Karl was married to another woman before their month leave from work, she discovered that Roberto cohabited with
marriage. another woman and had been disposing some of her properties
which is administered by Roberto. The latter claims that because
ISSUE: Whether Karl’s marriage with Lilia is void. their marriage was void ab initio, the declaration of such voidance is
unnecessary and superfluous. On the other hand, Soledad insists
HELD: It was not necessary for Lilia to prove that her first marriage the declaration of the nullity of marriage not for the purpose of
was vitiated with force because it will not be void but merely voidable. remarriage, but in order to provide a basis for the separation and
Such marriage is valid until annulled. Since no annulment has yet distribution of properties acquired during the marriage.
been made, it is clear that when she married Karl, she is still validly
married to her first husband. Consequently, her marriage to Karl is ISSUE: Whether or not a petition for judicial declaration should only
void. Likewise, there is no need of introducing evidence on the prior be filed for purposes of remarriage.
marriage of Karl for then such marriage though void still needs a
judicial declaration before he can remarry. Accordingly, Karl and HELD: The declaration of the nullity of marriage is indeed required for
Lilia’s marriage are regarded void under the law. purposed of remarriage. However, it is also necessary for the
protection of the subsequent spouse who believed in good faith that
his or her partner was not lawfully married marries the same. With
this, the said person is freed from being charged with bigamy.

When a marriage is declared void ab initio, law states that final

judgment shall provide for the liquidation, partition and distribution of
the properties of the spouses, the custody and support of the
common children and the delivery of their presumptive legitimes,
unless such matters had been adjudicated in previous judicial
proceedings. Soledad’s prayer for separation of property will simply
be the necessary consequence of the judicial declaration of absolute
nullity of their marriage. Hence, the petitioner’s suggestion that for
their properties be separated, an ordinary civil action has to be
instituted for that purpose is baseless. The Family Code has clearly
provided the effects of the declaration of nullity of marriage, one of
which is the separation of property according to the regime of
property relations governing them.
Valdes vs. RTC People vs. Aragon
260 SCRA 221 100 Phil 1033

FACTS: Antonio Valdez and Consuelo Gomez were married in 1971 FACTS: Proceso Rosima contracted marriage with Gorrea. While
and begotten 5 children. Valdez filed a petition in 1992 for a his marriage with the latter subsist, he contracted a canonical
declaration of nullity of their marriage pursuant to Article 36 of the marriage with Faicol. Gorrea is staying in Cebu while Faicol is in
Family Code, which was granted hence, marriage is null and void on Iloilo. He was a traveling salesman thus, he commuted between
the ground of their mutual psychological incapacity. Stella and Iloilo and Cebu. When Gorrea died, he brought Faicol to Cebu where
Joaquin are placed under the custody of their mother while the other the latter worked as teacher-nurse. She later on suffered injuries in
3 siblings are free to choose which they prefer. her eyes caused by physical maltreatment of Rosima and was sent to
Iloilo to undergo treatment. While she was in Iloilo, Rosima
Gomez sought a clarification of that portion in the decision regarding contracted a third marriage with Maglasang. CFI-Cebu found him
the procedure for the liquidation of common property in “unions guilty of bigamy.
without marriage”. During the hearing on the motion, the children
filed a joint affidavit expressing desire to stay with their father. ISSUE: Whether or not the third marriage is null and void.

ISSUE: Whether or not the property regime should be based on co- HELD: The action was instituted upon the complaint of the second
ownership. wife whose marriage with Rosima was not renewed after the death of
the first wife and before the third marriage was entered into. Hence,
HELD: The Supreme Court ruled that in a void marriage, regardless the last marriage was a valid one and prosecution against Rosima for
of the cause thereof, the property relations of the parties are contracting marriage cannot prosper.
governed by the rules on co-ownership. Any property acquired
during the union is prima facie presumed to have been obtained
through their joint efforts. A party who did not participate in the
acquisition of the property shall be considered as having contributed
thereto jointly if said party’s efforts consisted in the care and
maintenance of the family.
Mercado vs. Tan Republic vs. Nolasco
337 SCRA 122 220 SCRA 20

FACTS: Dr. Vicent Mercado was previously married with Thelma FACTS: Gregorio Nolasco is a seaman. He met Janet Parker, a
Oliva in 1976 before he contracted marriage with Consuelo Tan in British, in bar in England. After that, Janet started living with Nolasco
1991 which the latter claims she did not know. Tan filed bigamy in his ship for six months. It lasted until the contract of Nolasco
against Mercado and after a month the latter filed an action for expired then he brought her to his hometown in Antique. They got
declaration of nullity of marriage against Oliva. The decision in 1993 married in January 1982. Due to another contract, Nolasco left the
declared marriage between Mercado and Oliva null and void. province. In 1983, Nolasco received a letter from his mother
informing him that his son had been born but 15 days after, Janet
ISSUE: Whether Mercado committed bigamy in spite of filing the left. Nolasco went home and cut short his contract to find Janet’s
declaration of nullity of the former marriage. whereabouts. He did so by securing another seaman’s contract
going to London. He wrote several letters to the bar where they first
HELD: A judicial declaration of nullity of a previous marriage is met but it was all returned. Gregorio petitioned in 1988 for a
necessary before a subsequent one can be legally contracted. One declaration of presumptive death of Janet.
who enters into a subsequent marriage without first obtaining
such judicial declaration is guilty of bigamy. This principle applies ISSUE: Whether or not Nolasco had a well-founded belief that his
even if the earlier union is characterized by statute as “void.” wife, Janet, is already dead?

In the case at bar, Mercado only filed the declaration of nullity of his HELD: The Supreme Court ruled that Nolasco’s efforts to locate
marriage with Oliva right after Tan filed bigamy case. Hence, by Janet were not persistent to show that he has a well-founded belief
then, the crime had already been consummated. He contracted that his wife was already dead because instead of seeking
second marriage without the judicial declaration of the nullity. The assistance of local authorities and the British Embassy, he even
fact that the first marriage is void from the beginning is not a defense secured another contract. More so, while he was in London, he did
in a bigamy charge. not even try to solicit help of the authorities to find his wife.
Lukban vs Republic Armas vs. Calisterio
L-8492, February 29, 1956 GR No. 136467, April 6, 2000

FACTS: Lourdes Lukban and Francisco Chuidian got married in FACTS: Teodorico Calisterio, husband of Marietta Calisterio, the
1933 and after a violent quarrel he left Lukban and has not been respondent, died intestate in April 1992 leaving several parcel of land
heard of since then. She diligently looked for him asking the parents estimated value of P604,750.00. He was the second husband of
and friends but no one knew his whereabouts. She believes that Marietta who was previously married with William Bounds in January
husband is already dead since he was absent for more than 20 years 1946. The latter disappeared without a trace in February 1947. 11
and because she intends to marry again, she desires to have her civil years later from the disappearance of Bounds, Marietta and
status put in order to be relieved on any liability under the law. Teodorico were married in May 1958 without Marietta securing a
court declaration of Bounds’ presumptive death.
ISSUE: Whether Lukban needs to secure declaration of presumptive
death before she can remarry. Antonia Armas y Calisterio, surviving sister of Teodorico filed a
petition claiming to be the sole surviving heir of the latter and that
HELD: The court ruled that Lukban does not need to secure marriage between Marietta and his brother being allegedly bigamous
declaration of presumptive death of her husband because Civil Code is thereby null and void. She prayed that her son Sinfroniano be
prevails during their marriage in 1933. It provides that “for the appointed as administrator, without bond, of the estate of the
purposes of the civil marriage law, it is not necessary to have the deceased and inheritance be adjudicated to her after all the
former spouse judicially declared an absentee. The declaration of obligations of the estate would have been settled.
absence made in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code
has for its sole purpose to enable the taking of the necessary ISSUE: Whether Marrieta and Teodorico’s marriage was void due to
precautions for the administration of the estate of the absentee. For the absence of the declaration of presumptive death.
the celebration of civil marriage, however, the law only requires that
the former spouse has been absent for seven consecutive years at HELD: The marriage between the respondent and the deceased was
the time of the second marriage, that the spouse present does not solemnized in May 1958 where the law in force at that time was the
know his or her former spouse to be living, that each former spouse Civil Code and not the Family Code which only took effect in August
is generally reputed to be dead and the spouse present so believes 1988. Article 256 of the Family Code itself limit its retroactive
at the time of the celebration of the marriage. governance only to cases where it thereby would not prejudice or
impair vested or acquired rights in accordance with the Civil Code or
other laws. Since Civil Code provides that declaration of presumptive
death is not essential before contracting marriage where at least 7
consecutive years of absence of the spouse is enough to remarry
then Marrieta’s marriage with Teodorico is valid and therefore she
has a right can claim portion of the estate.
Anaya vs. Palaroan Buccat v Buccat (1941)
36 SCRA 97 Buccat v. Mangonon de Buccat
April 25, 1941
FACTS: Aurora Anaya and Fernando Palaroan were married in Appeal from a decision of the Court of First Instance of Baguio.
1953. Palaroan filed an action for annulment of the marriage in 1954
on the ground that his consent was obtained through force and Facts: Godofredo Buccat and Luida Mangonon de Buccat met in
intimidation. The complaint was dismissed and upheld the validity of March 1938, became engaged in September, and got married in Nov
the marriage and granting Aurora’s counterclaim. While the amount 26. On Feb 23, 1939 (89 days after getting married) Luida, who was
of counterclaim was being negotiated, Fernando divulged to her that 9 months pregnant, gave birth to a son. After knowing this,
several months prior to their marriage, he had pre-marital relationship Godofredo left Luida and never returned to married life with her.
with a close relative of his. According to her, the non-divulgement to On March 23, 1939, he filed for an annulment of their marriage on the
her of such pre-marital secret constituted fraud in obtaining her grounds that when he agreed to married Luida, she assured him that
consent. She prayed for the annulment of her marriage with she was a virgin. The Lower court decided in favor of Luida.
Fernando on such ground.
Issue: Should the annulment for Godofredo Buccat’s marriage be
ISSUE: Whether or not the concealment to a wife by her husband of granted on the grounds that Luida concealed her pregnancy
his pre-marital relationship with another woman is a ground for before the marriage?
annulment of marriage.
Held: No. Clear and authentic proof is needed in order to nullify a
HELD: The concealment of a husband’s pre-marital relationship with marriage, a sacred institution in which the State is interested and
another woman was not one of those enumerated that would where society rests.
constitute fraud as ground for annulment and it is further excluded by In this case, the court did not find any proof that there was
the last paragraph providing that “no other misrepresentation or concealment of pregnancy constituting fraud as a ground for
deceit as to.. chastity” shall give ground for an action to annul a annulment. It was unlikely that Godofredo, a first-year law student,
marriage. Hence, the case at bar does not constitute fraud and did not suspect anything about Luida’s condition considering that she
therefore would not warrant an annulment of marriage. was in an advanced stage of pregnancy (highly developed
physical manifestation, ie. enlarged stomach) when they got married.

Decision: SC affirmed the lower court’s decision. Costs to plaintiff-

Aquino vs. Delizo Menciano vs. Neri San Jose
Facts: Matilde Menciano, in her and her children s behalf, filed a motion for declaration of
109 Phil 21
heirs, alleging that she is the widow of the deceased Faustino Neri San Jose, to whom she
was married on September 28, 1944 before Rev. Father Isaias Edralin, S.J.; that they lived
FACTS: Fernando Aquino filed a complaint in September 1955 on together before the said marriage, hence, Carlo Magno Neri was born on March 9, 1940, the
child having enjoyed the status of a recognized natural child; that their second child Faustino
the ground of fraud against Conchita Delizo that at the date of her
Neri, Jr., was born on April 25, 1945 and was legitimized by the subsequent matrimony of
marriage with the former on December 1954, concealed the fact that his parents, thus he is a legitimate child in lawful wedlock. On the other hand, on an
she was pregnant by another man and sometime in April 1955 or amended answer, Paz Neri San Jose (the executrix of the deceased) and Rodolfo Pelaez
(designated universal heir in the will of the deceased dated December 19, 1940), denied the
about 4 months after their marriage, gave birth to a child. During the
substantial allegations of Menciano s motion for declaration of heirs and further alleged that
trial, Provincial Fiscal Jose Goco represent the state in the the deceased was suffering from senile dementia from 1943 which became worse a year
proceedings to prevent collusion. Only Aquino testified and the only later; that the marriage between Menciano and the deceased was in violation of the legal
provisions and requisites because of the latters age, sickness, and bombardment; that
documentary evidence presented was the marriage contract between
Menciano took advantage of the deceaseds condition, forced the latter to marry her by
the parties. Delizo did not appear nor presented any evidence. means of deceit and threat; and that the deceased was congenitally sterile and impotent.
Moreover, the defendants also filed a counterclaim for the sum of 286,000 in cash, for jewels
and certain properties which, as presumed, were retained and illegally disposed of by
CFI-Rizal dismissed petitioner’s complaint for annulment of marriage,
Matilde Menciano.
which was affirmed by CA thus a petition for certiorari to review the Issue:(1) Was the marriage between the deceased Faustino Neri San Jose and Matilde
decisions. Menciano valid?
(2)Are the children Faustino Neri, Jr. and Carlo Magno Neri the legitimate children of the
deceased Faustino Neri San Jose and Matilde Menciano?
ISSUE: Whether or not concealment of pregnancy as alleged by (3)Did Matilde Menciano have in her possession and illegally disposed of the cash, jewels,
Aquino does not constitute such fraud as would annul a marriage. and certain properties aforementioned?
Decision: (1)Yes. The marriage between the two is evidenced by: the 2 applications for a
marriage license, dated September 28, 1944, the first one, signed by the deceased to marry
HELD: The concealment by the wife of the fact that at the time of the Menciano and the other one, signed by Menciano to marry the deceased; the certificate
marriage, she was pregnant by a man other than her husband for immediate issuance of marriage license applied for, signed by the Acting Local Civil
Registrar and the deceased and Menciano; the marriage contract signed by the deceased
constitutes fraud and is a ground for annulment of marriage. Delizo
and Menciano as contracting parties, Rev. Isaias Edralin as solemnizing officer, and the
was allegedly to be only more than four months pregnant at the time witnesses L. B. Castaños and Samson Pañgan. The 4 documents are official and
of her marriage. At this stage, it is hard to say that her pregnancy public; there validity can be successfully assailed only by strong, clear, and convincing oral
testimony. In this case, the oral evidence presented by the defendants is not convincing so
was readily apparent especially since she was “naturally plump” or
as to declare the said marriage invalid. A mere glance at the signatures of
fat. It is only on the 6th month of pregnancy that the enlargement of the deceased in the aforesaid documents will convince anyone that they could not have
the woman’s abdomen reaches a height above the umbilicus, making been written by a man who is almost unconscious and physically and intellectually
incapacitated, as the defendants witnesses represent him to have been. Also, the tests
the roundness of the abdomen more general and apparent.
pertaining to testamentary capacity were applied to show the capacity to contract marriage
of the deceased. Although the said doctrine relates to testamentary capacity, there is no
In the following circumstances, the court remanded the case for new reason why is should not be applied to the capacity to contract marriage,
which requires the same mental condition. Thus, the court did not err in declaring valid the
trial and decision complained is set aside.
marriage of the deceased and Menciano. (2)Yes. Faustino Neri, Jr. is a legitimate child of
the deceased and Menciano. The requisite for potency being met, the necessary conclusion
is that the child Faustino Neri, Jr., is conclusively presumed to be the legitimate son of the
deceased with Menciano in lawful wedlock. No. The court declared that Carlo Magno Neri
has not been acknowledged as a natural child and, consequently, cannot be legitimized by
the subsequent marriage of his
parents. (3)No. After a careful and exhaustive review of evidence, the trial court correctly
reached the conclusion that such allegation has not been substantiated. The testimonies of
mother and son- Paz Neri San Jose and Rodolfo Pelaez regarding the sum of money are
contradictory. Moreover, Clotilde Galarrita de Labitads testimony is unbelievable. With
regard to the jewels, no satisfactory evidence was presented to prove that Menciano
misappropriated them.
Jimenez vs. Canizares De Ocampo vs. Florenciano
L-12790, August 31, 1960 107 Phil 35

FACTS: Joel Jimenez, the petitioner, filed a petition for the FACTS: Jose de Ocampo and Serafina Florenciano were married in
annulment of his marriage with Remedios Canizares on the ground 1938. They begot several children who are not living with plaintiff. In
that the orifice of her genitals or vagina was too small to allow the March 1951, latter discovered on several occasions that his wife was
penetration of a male organ for copulation. It has existed at the time betraying his trust by maintaining illicit relations with Jose
of the marriage and continues to exist that led him to leave the Arcalas. Having found out, he sent the wife to Manila in June 1951 to
conjugal home two nights and one day after the marriage. The court study beauty culture where she stayed for one year. Again plaintiff
summoned and gave a copy to the wife but the latter did not file any discovered that the wife was going out with several other man other
answer. The wife was ordered to submit herself to physical than Arcalas. In 1952, when the wife finished her studies, she left
examination and to file a medical certificate within 10 days. She was plaintiff and since then they had lived separately. In June 1955,
given another 5 days to comply or else it will be deemed lack of plaintiff surprised his wife in the act of having illicit relations with
interest on her part and therefore rendering judgment in favor of the Nelson Orzame. He signified his intention of filing a petition for legal
petitioner. separation to which defendant manifested conformity provided she is
not charged with adultery in a criminal action. Accordingly, Ocampo
ISSUE: Whether or not the marriage can be annulled with only the filed a petition for legal separation in 1955.
testimony of the husband.
ISSUE: Whether the confession made by Florenciano constitutes the
HELD: The wife who was claimed to be impotent by her husband did confession of judgment disallowed by the Family Code.
not avail of the opportunity to defend herself and as such, claim
cannot be convincingly be concluded. It is a well-known fact that HELD: Florenciano’s admission to the investigating fiscal that she
women in this country are shy and bashful and would not readily and committed adultery, in the existence of evidence of adultery other
unhesitatingly submit to a physical examination unless compelled by than such confession, is not the confession of judgment disallowed
competent authority. Such physical examination in this case is not by Article 48 of the Family Code. What is prohibited is a confession
self-incriminating. She is not charged with any offense and likewise of judgment, a confession done in court or through a
is not compelled to be a witness against herself. Impotence being an pleading. Where there is evidence of the adultery independent of the
abnormal condition should not be presumed. The case was defendant’s statement agreeing to the legal separation, the decree of
remanded to trial court. separation should be granted since it would not be based on the
confession but upon the evidence presented by the plaintiff. What
the law prohibits is a judgment based exclusively on defendant’s
confession. The petition should be granted based on the second
adultery, which has not yet prescribed.
Lapuz-Sy vs. Eufemio Gandionco vs Penaranda
GR No. 72984, November 27, 1987
FACTS: Carmen Lapuz-Sy filed a petition for legal separation against
Eufemio Eufemio on August 1953. They were married civilly on September FACTS: Private respondent, Teresita Gandionco, filed a complaint against
21, 1934 and canonically after nine days. They had lived together as herein petitioner, Froilan Gandionco for legal separation on the ground of
husband and wife continuously without any children until 1943 when her concubinage as a civil case. Teresita also filed a criminal complaint of
husband abandoned her. They acquired properties during their concubinage against her husband. She likewise filed an application for the
marriage. Petitioner then discovered that her husband cohabited with a provisional remedy of support pendent elite which was approved and ordered
Chinese woman named Go Hiok on or about 1949. She prayed for the by the respondent judge. Petitioner moved to suspend the action for legal
issuance of a decree of legal separation, which among others, would order separation and the incidents consequent thereto such as the support for
that the defendant Eufemio should be deprived of his share of the conjugal pendent elite, in view of the criminal case for concubinage filed against
partnership profits. him. He contends that the civil action for legal separation is inextricably tied
with the criminal action thus, all proceedings related to legal separation will
Eufemio counterclaimed for the declaration of nullity of his marriage with have to be suspended and await the conviction or acquittal of the criminal
Lapuz-Sy on the ground of his prior and subsisting marriage with Go case.
Hiok. Trial proceeded and the parties adduced their respective
evidence. However, before the trial could be completed, respondent already ISSUE: Whether or not a civil case for legal separation can proceed pending
scheduled to present surrebuttal evidence, petitioner died in a vehicular the resolution of the criminal case for concubinage.
accident on May 1969. Her counsel duly notified the court of her
death. Eufemio moved to dismiss the petition for legal separation on June HELD: Supreme Court ruled that the contentions of the petitioner were
1969 on the grounds that the said petition was filed beyond the one-year incorrect. A civil action for legal separation on the ground of concubinage
period provided in Article 102 of the Civil Code and that the death of Carmen may proceed ahead of, or simultaneously with, a criminal action for
abated the action for legal separation. Petitioner’s counsel moved to concubinage, because said civil action is not one to enforce the civil liability
substitute the deceased Carmen by her father, Macario Lapuz. arising from the offense, even if both the civil and criminal actions arise from
or are related to the same offense. Such civil action is one intended to
ISSUE: Whether the death of the plaintiff, before final decree in an action for obtain the right to live separately, with the legal consequences thereof
legal separation, abate the action and will it also apply if the action involved including the dissolution of the conjugal partnership of gains, custody of the
property rights. children, support and disqualifications from inheriting from the innocent
spouse. Decree of legal separation may be issued upon proof by
HELD: An action for legal separation is abated by the death of the plaintiff, preponderance of evidence, where no criminal proceeding or conviction is
even if property rights are involved. These rights are mere effects of decree necessary.
of separation, their source being the decree itself; without the decree such
rights do not come into existence, so that before the finality of a decree, Furthermore, the support pendente lite, as a remedy, can be availed of in an
these claims are merely rights in expectation. If death supervenes during the action for legal separation, and granted at the discretion of the judge. If in
pendency of the action, no decree can be forthcoming, death producing a case, the petitioner finds the amount of support pendente lite ordered as too
more radical and definitive separation; and the expected consequential rights onerous, he can always file a motion to modify or reduce the same.
and claims would necessarily remain unborn.
The petition of Eufemio for declaration of nullity is moot and academic and
there could be no further interest in continuing the same after her demise,
that automatically dissolved the questioned union. Any property rights
acquired by either party as a result of Article 144 of the Civil Code of the
Philippines 6 could be resolved and determined in a proper action for
partition by either the appellee or by the heirs of the appellant.
Bugayong vs. Ginez Pacete vs Carriaga

GR No. 10033, December 28, 1956

FACTS: Concepcion Alanis filed a complaint on October 1979, for the Declaration of
Nullity of Marriage between her erstwhile husband Enrico Pacete and one Clarita de la
FACTS: Benjamin Bugayong, a serviceman in the US Navy was married with
Concepcion, as well as for legal separation between her and Pacete, accounting and
Leonila Ginez on August 1949 at Pangasinan while on furlough
separation of property. She averred in her complaint that she was married to Pacete
leave. Immediately after the marriage, they lived with the sisters of on April 1938 and they had a child named Consuelo; that Pacete subsequently
Bugayong in said municipality before he went back to duty. The couple contracted a second marriage with Clarita de la Concepcion and that she learned of
came to an agreement that Ginez would stay with his sisters who later such marriage only on August 1979. Reconciliation between her and Pacete was
moved in Manila. On or about July 1951, she left the dwelling of the sisters- impossible since he evidently preferred to continue living with Clarita.

in-law and informed her husband by letter that she had gone to Pangasinan
The defendants were each served with summons. They filed an extension within which
to reside with her mother and later on moved to Dagupan to study in a local
to file an answer, which the court partly granted. Due to unwanted misunderstanding,
particularly in communication, the defendants failed to file an answer on the date set
by the court. Thereafter, the plaintiff filed a motion to declare the defendants in default,
Petitioner then began receiving letters from Valeriana Polangco, (plaintiff’s
which the court forthwith granted. The court received plaintiffs’ evidence during the
sister-in-law) and some from anonymous writers, which were not produced at hearings held on February 15, 20, 21, and 22, 1980. After trial, the court rendered a
the hearing, informing him of alleged acts of infidelity of his wife. He decision in favor of the plaintiff on March 17,1980.
admitted that his wife informed him by letter that a certain Eliong kissed
her. All these communications, prompted him in October 1951 to seek the ISSUE: Whether or not the RTC gravely abused its discretion in denying petitioner’s
motion for extension of time to file their answer, in declaring petitioners in default and
advice of the Navy Chaplain who asked him to consult with the navy legal
in rendering its decision on March 17, 1980 which decreed the legal separation of
Pacete and Alanis and held to be null and void the marriage of Pacete to Clarita.

In August 1952, Bugayong went to Pangasinan and looked for his wife. They
HELD: The Civil Code provides that “no decree of legal separation shall be
met in the house of the defendant’s godmother. They proceeded to the promulgated upon a stipulation of facts or by confession of judgment. In case of non-
house of Pedro, cousin of the plaintiff where they stayed for 1 day and 1 appearance of the defendant, the court shall order the prosecuting attorney to inquire
night as husband and wife. The next day, they slept together in their own whether or not collusion between parties exists. If there is no collusion, the prosecuting

house. He tried to verify with Leonila the truth on the information he received attorney shall intervene for the State in order to take care that the evidence for the
plaintiff is not fabricated.”
but instead of answering, she merely packed up and left which he took as a
confirmation of the acts of infidelity. He then filed a complaint for legal
The above stated provision calling for the intervention of the state attorneys in case of
uncontested proceedings for legal separation (and of annulment of marriages, under
Article 88) is to emphasize that marriage is more than a mere contract.
ISSUE: Whether there was condonation between Bugayong and Ginez that
may serve as a ground for dismissal of the action. Article 103 of the Civil Code, now Article 58 of the Family Code, further mandates that
an action for legal separation must “in no case be tried before six months shall have

HELD: Condonation is the forgiveness of a marital offense constituting a elapsed since the filing of the petition,” obviously in order to provide the parties a
“cooling-off” period. In this interim, the court should take steps toward getting the
ground for legal separation. A single voluntary act of marital intercourse
parties to reconcile.
between the parties ordinarily is sufficient to constitute condonation and
where the parties live in the same house, it is presumed that they live on
The significance of the above substantive provisions of the law is further or
terms of matrimonial cohabitation.
underscored by the inclusion of a provision in Rule 18 of the Rules of Court which
provides that no defaults in actions for annulments of marriage or for legal
Furthermore, Art. 100 of the Civil Code states that the legal separation may separation. Therefore, “if the defendant in an action for annulment of marriage or for
be claimed only by the innocent spouse, provided there has been no legal separation fails to answer, the court shall order the prosecuting attorney to

condonation of or consent to the adultery or concubinage. investigate whether or not a collusion between the parties exists, and if there is no
collusion, to intervene for the State in order to see to it that the evidence submitted is
not fabricated.”
Macadangdang vs CA
GR No. 38287, October 23, 1981

FACTS: Respondent Filomena Gaviana Macadangdang and petitioner Antonio

Macadangdang were married in 1946 after having lived together for two years and had
6 children. They started a buy and sell business and sari-sari store in Davao
City. Through hard work and good fortune, their business grew and expanded into
merchandising, trucking, transportation, rice and corn mill business, abaca stripping,
real estate etc. Their relationship became complicated and both indulged in
extramarital relations. Married life became intolerable so they separated in 1965 when
private respondent left for Cebu for good. When she returned in Davao in 1971, she
learned of the illicit affairs of her estranged husband. She then decided to take the
initial action. In April 1971, she instituted a complaint for legal separation.

ISSUE: Whether or not the death of a spouse after a final decree of legal separation
has effect on the legal separation.

HELD: The death of a spouse after a final decree of legal separation has no effect on
the legal separation. When the decree itself is issued, the finality of the separation is
complete after the lapse of the period to appeal the decision to a higher court even if
the effects, such as the liquidation of the property, have not yet been commenced nor

The law clearly spells out the effect of a final decree of legal separation on the
conjugal property. Therefore, upon the liquidation and distribution conformably with the
effects of such final decree, the law on intestate succession should take over the
disposition of whatever remaining properties have been allocated to the deceased

Such dissolution and liquidation are necessary consequences of the final decree.
Article 106 of the Civil Code, now Article 63 of the Family Code provides the effects of
the decree of legal separation. These legal effects ipso facto or automatically follows,
as an inevitable incident of the judgment decreeing legal separation, for the purpose of
determining the share of each spouse in the conjugal assets.
Sin vs Sin
Sin vs. Sin
GR No. 137590, March 26, 2001


Florence, the petitioner, was married with Philipp, a Portuguese citizen in January
1987. Florence filed in September 1994, a complaint for the declaration of nullity of
their marriage. Trial ensued and the parties presented their respective documentary
and testimonial evidence. In June 1995, trial court dismissed Florence’s petition and
throughout its trial, the State did not participate in the proceedings. While Fiscal
Jabson filed with the trial court a manifestation dated November 1994 stating that he
found no collusion between the parties, he did not actively participated therein. Other
than having appearance at certain hearings, nothing more was heard of him.

ISSUE: Whether the declaration of nullity may be declared even with the absence of
the participation of the State in the proceedings.


Article 48 of the Family Code states that “in all cases of annulment or declaration of
absolute nullity of marriage, the Court shall order the prosecuting attorney or fiscal
assigned to it to appear on behalf of the state to take steps to prevent collusion
between the parties and to take care that evidence is not fabricated or
suppressed. The trial court should have ordered the prosecuting attorney or fiscal and
the Solicitor-General to appear as counsel for the state. No decision shall be handed
down unless the Solicitor General issues a certification briefly stating his reasons for
his agreement or opposition as the case may be, to the petition. The records are
bereft of an evidence that the State participated in the prosecution of the case thus,
the case is remanded for proper trial.

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