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The Technical Standards and Safety Authority
Boilers and Pressure Vessels Safety Division
3300 Bloor Street West
14th Floor, Centre Tower
Toronto, Ontario, M8X 2X4

May 2007
Rev. 2

This guide is prepared for the use of TSSA non-nuclear survey team leaders, members
and applicants for TSSA Certificates of Authorization. It is not intended to replace or
interpret the requirements of the CSA B-51 Standard or the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessels Codes, B31.1, B31.3 and B31.5. The checklist does not list all of the detailed
requirements of the CSA B-51 and ASME Codes referenced, but rather lists the
highlights that the applicant is required to include in the written Quality Control (QC)

In addition, to assist the TSSA survey team, this guide is provided to applicants for
TSSA Certificates of Authorization for their use in identifying and verifying the
paragraph(s) where their QC Manual addresses all applicable control requirements of
the CSA Standard and ASME Codes. The QC Manual must contain the description of
the controls necessary for implementing the QC Program but, it is not required to
contain all of the programmatic requirements which will be found in the QC Program,
such as written procedures.

The guide is based upon CSA B-51 and ASME B31.1, B31.3 and B31.5 requirements.
The guide is subject to revision by TSSA based on changes made to CSA B-51 and
ASME Codes, from time to time, or based on feedback received from users.

A survey must cover a QC Manual and its implementation. It is recognized that the
scope of work, QC Manual and Manual implementation will vary from one applicant to
another, therefore, only those activities to be performed under the scope of an
applicant’s TSSA Certificate of Authorization are required to be addressed in the QC
Manual. TSSA survey teams are advised that this guide may not outline all possible
aspects of each survey. The QC Manual need not follow the format of this guide.

Questions of possible need for Interpretation raised by survey team members or the
applicant shall be submitted to the TSSA Chief Inspector for an answer, and when
submitted by the applicant a copy of the inquiry and reply should be provided by the
inquirer to the applicant’s Inspection Agency and any known involved enforcement


Review each checklist item in the checklist against the QC Manual and:

1) Check (√) the applicable column - “Yes”, “No” or “N/A” (Not Applicable)
2) Note the paragraph number in the QC Program Manual which covers the
subject addressed in the column labelled “Quality Program Reference”.

Submit one copy of the completed checklist with one controlled copy of the QC Manual
to TSSA Head Office for review, at least one month prior to the scheduled
implementation review date.

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Company Name:
Reviewed by: Date(s):

Item Quality element and subelements Yes No N/A Quality Program

No. Reference


(a) Is the QC System documented in detail in a QC Manual that

addresses all requirements of the applicable Code Section(s)

(i) a cover sheet that contains the company name and

physical address as it will appear on the requested
certificate of authorization;

Note: The cover sheet may also contain the effective date of
the QC Manual, mailing address, phone number or other
information desired by the certificate holder or applicant.

(ii) a brief description of the products being fabricated and/or

work being accomplished under the Code including
applicability of QC System to shop activities, field activities or

(iii) control features to demonstrate Code compliance;

(iv) Manual revision control system; is the Manual revision by

page or by section, are the controls clearly described;

(v) who is responsible for revising the QC Manual (title of


(vi) who is responsible (title of person) for reviewing ASME

Code Addenda and making any required changes to the
Manual six (6) months from the Addenda issue date;

(vii) provision for review and approval of QC Manual to

maintain it current;

(viii) provision for submittal of QC Manual revisions to TSSA for

acceptance prior to implementation including timely
updating of all copies to reflect approved revisions;

(b) In the case where the QC Manual exists in more than one
language, at least one version is in English and identified as
the authoritative version.

Note: A glossary of terms is desirable from the standpoint of

clarity if abbreviated titles of personnel and control
documents are used throughout the QC Manual. This,
however, is not mandatory.


(a) The authority and responsibility for QC by management is


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Item Quality element and subelements Yes No N/A Quality Program
No. Reference

(b) The authority and responsibility of those in charge of the QC

System are clearly established and documented.

(c) Persons performing QC functions have sufficient and well-defined

responsibility, the authority and the organizational freedom to
identify quality control problems and to initiate, recommend and
provide solutions (including stop work orders if further processing
would result in non-conformance with the applicable Code

(d) A Statement of Policy and Authority must be signed by a senior

company official responsible for Code activities (e.g.President,
Vice President, Plant Manager, etc.).


(a) An organization chart showing the relationship between

management and engineering, purchasing, manufacturing,
production, field assembling, field construction, inspection and
quality control, as applicable, exists and reflects the actual

Note: The purpose of this chart is to identify and associate the

various organizational groups with the particular function for
which they are responsible. The Code does not intend to
encroach on the Certificate Holder’s right to establish and,
from time to time, alter whatever form of organization the
Certificate Holder considers appropriate for Code work.



(a) Procedures exist which assure that the latest applicable drawings,
design calculations, specifications and instructions, required by
the Code, as well as authorized changes, are used for
manufacture, assembly, examination, inspection and testing.
Procedures include provision for:

(i) Review of Customer supplied documents for Code

Compliance including;

who is responsible (title of person) for review and approving

customer’s calculations, specifications and drawings (as
applicable) to ensure Code compliance can be obtained (this
approval must be identified by signature and date);

(ii) the preparation, review, approval and distribution of customer

drawings, calculations, and specifications for manufacture or

(iii) who is responsible (title of person) for the design

calculations, specifications and drawings produced internally;

(iv) who is responsible (title of person) for reviewing and

approving drawings and calculations prepared internally to
ensure Code compliance to the latest Code of Construction
(this approval to be issued by signature and date);

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Item Quality element and subelements Yes No N/A Quality Program

No. Reference
(v) who is responsible for computer aided design calculations
and drawings. How is this verified to ensure that the correct
output has been obtained;

(vi) computer program revisions must be made within 6

months of Code Addenda changes. How is this verified to
ensure that the revised program is giving the correct output;

(vii) who is responsible (title of person) for design registration

with the appropriate provincial authority and filing the
registered designs upon request.


(vii) Who determines which service applies:

- severe cyclic conditions
- normal fluid service
- Category “D” service
- Category “M” service
- Category “K” service

(ix) who ensures branch connections without reinforcement

(weldolets, couplings, etc.) are at least Class 2000 and not
more than NPS 2 or one fourth the normal size of the pipe

Category “M” Service

- single welded slip on flanges shall NOT be used

- expanded joint flanges shall NOT be used

(b) Does the program describe the following controls:

((i) to (ix) are the responsibility of the Certificate Holder)

(i) loads on pipe supporting elements;

(ii) supports, anchors and guides;
(iii) temperature limitations;
(iv) hanger adjustments;
(v) hanger spacing;
(vi) structural attachments;
(vii) requirements for fabricated pipe supports;
(viii) boiler external piping;
(ix) pressure relief piping;

(c) Is non-metallic pipe referenced on the drawing? Have the

following conditions been considered for corrosive or other
specialized applications:

(i) material type and grade;

(ii) decrease in tensile strength at slight increase in temperature;
(iii) effects of toxicity;
(iv) provision of adequate support for flexible pipe

(d) Is there a written procedure for bonding?

(e) Has the procedure been approved by the applicant?

(a) Procedures for material control exist and ensure that the

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Item Quality element and subelements Yes No N/A Quality Program
No. Reference
material received is properly identified and has documentation
including, as applicable, required material certifications or
material test reports, to satisfy Code requirements as ordered.

(b) The Material Control System ensures that only the intended
material is used in Code construction.

(i) Does the program describe the following controls on Material

- ASME Code B31.1, paragraph 124;
- ASME Code B31.3, Chapter III, paragraph 323;
- ASME Code B31.5, Chapter III, paragraph 523.

(c) If substitution of materials is allowed, the applicable procedures

for control of this activity are documented, including designation of
the individual authorized to approve substitutions.

(d) The title of the individual responsible for identifying the need for
material test reports or certificate of compliance is designated.

(e) The title of the individual responsible for performing a receiving

inspection of Code materials is designated.

(f) Information to be provided to the receiving Inspector concerning

the characteristics to be checked is documented.

(g) A procedure exists for handling materials that are found to be

non-conforming at receiving inspection.

(h) If further material testing is required to be performed at

receiving inspection or during manufacturing operations, the
applicable procedures for control of this activity are documented.

(i) Measures are established to assure the proper marking,

handling and storage of materials, including welding materials.

(j) Measures describe transfer of marking of materials to be cut into

two or more pieces.


Category “M” Service

- Blanks or blind flanges shall be identified with material, rating

and size.


(a) Fabrication operations, including examinations test procedures
are described in sufficient detail to determine at what stages
specific inspections are to be performed. Specifically:

(i) provisions for the use of checklists, process sheets,

travellers, etc., for listing of examinations and tests to be
performed and for designation of inspection points;

(ii) such checklists, process sheets, travellers, etc., are made

available to the Inspector prior to the start of fabrication.


Severe Cyclic Conditions

- Requires 100% radiography plus MP or LP of socket welds and
branch connections that are not radiographed.

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Normal Fluid Service

- Visual examination of 5% of each welder’s work and 100%

visual of all longitudinal joints;
- RT of 5% of circ and miter groove welds for each welder;
- RT of circ seams intersecting long seams must include minimum
1½" of long seam.

Category “D” Service

- Visual examinations required to ensure materials, components,

joint preparation, alignment, bonding, brazing, welding, bolting,
threading and supports are per drawing.

Category “M” Service

- Visual examination of all fabrications, threaded and bolted joints

- RT of 20% of all circumferential butt, miter welds, fabricated laps
and branch connections required.

Category “K” Service

- Piping or tubing must pass a longitudinal eddy current or UT

examination in addition to the material specification;
- NDE shall be performed after post weld heat treatment.

(b) Examination reports, test records, and other fabrication

records are available to the Inspector.

(c) Measures provide for transferring markings to assure traceability

is maintained.

(i) if a coded marking system is used, it is documented and

ensures Code compliance.

(d) Measures assure that the Inspector is informed of

approaching inspection points.

(e) Provision is made for repairs to any pressure retaining

material. Are the following code related inspection carried out:
- fit-up inspections of all welded seams;
- fit-up inspections on all nozzles;
- dimensional inspections;
- material inspections.

(f) Measures are established to assure that a final inspection is

performed to assure all specified requirements have been met
prior to signing of Piping Installation Test Data Reports.

(g) Measures are established to provide for the preparation,

certification, and distribution of the applicable Reports.

(h) Measures are established to control field activities, when


(i) Who is responsible (title of person) for the preparation of the

Piping Installation Test Data Report. It will be reviewed for
correctness and signed by the individual (title of person) certifying
the work on behalf of the company?

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No. Reference

2. Who is responsible for contacting the AI. Who will make

available to the AI the latest revised drawings, design
calculations and all job-related documents for review and
designation of Hold Points on the inspection checklist?

(i) Who is responsible (title of person) for the preparation of the

Piping Installation Test Data Report. It will be reviewed for
correctness and signed by the individual (title of person)
certifying the work on behalf of the company?


Note: A non-conformity is any condition which does not comply with

the applicable rules of the Code, QC Manual or other
specified requirements. Non-conformities must be corrected
before the completed component can be considered to
comply with the Code.

(a) Does a procedure exist for the correction of non-conformities.

Where Inspector involvement is required by the Code, the
procedure is agreed upon with the TSSA Inspector. The
procedure provides for:

(i) identifying those responsible for the resolution of non-

(ii) identifying and controlling further processing of non-
conforming items until final disposition;
(iii) documenting the non-conformance and its disposition; and
(iv) informing the TSSA Inspector of non-conforming
(v) is the non-conformance addressed on the inspection
checklist with QC involvement;
(vi) has the final inspection been accepted by the QC Inspector;
(vii) when the disposition is USE AS IS, does the disposition
involve engineering to ensure an engineering evaluation has
been carried out.

(a) Welding conforms to requirements of Section IX and other
Sections of the Code, as applicable to the scope of work.

(b) Those responsible for certifying PQR’s and WPQ’s are identified.

(c) WPS’s are available to the welder in the work area.

(d) Measures assure continued welder qualification on an annual


(e) Those responsible for assuring that only qualified welders are
assigned to perform Code welding are identified.

(f) Measures provide for the storage and conditioning, as required

of covered electrodes.

(g) Measures are established for the control, issuance and return of
welding material.

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(h) Measures are established for removing or inspecting tack welds.

(i) Measures provide for a system to identify work completed by

each welder.

(j) Measures provide for the right of the TSSA Inspector to require
re-qualification of a welder or procedure for cause.

Measures provide for a system to identify work completed by each

welder (e.g. permanent markings on piping, weld maps, etc.)


When welders are qualified by others:

- Who ensures that welders are qualified by bend tests NOT by

- Who ensures that GTAW or SMAW are the only permitted

Category “M” Service

- Split backing rings are NOT permitted.

- Socket weld joints over NPS 2" are NOT permitted
- Soldered and bolted joints are NOT permitted

Category “K” Service

- Backing rings are NOT permitted

- All procedures shall be qualified with impact testing.
- No seal welding is permitted


(a) For B31.1 Piping Systems,

(i) Have the requirements of paragraph 136.4 been

considered for RT, UT, PT, MT and visual examination?

(ii) Have the mandatory minimum requirements of Table 136.4

been addressed?

(iii) Have the requirements of Table 136.4.1 been addressed

(weld imperfections indicated by various types of

(b) For B31.3 Piping Systems,

(i) Have the requirements of paragraph 341.4 (extent of

requirement examination) been addressed in the manual?

Note: The following qualification of personnel for visual

examination shall be addressed:

For B31.1 - Paragraph 136.1 (a) to (e)

For B31.3 - Paragraph 344.2.1

(c) Provisions exist for identifying the appropriate NDE procedures

applicable to the scope of Code work. These provisions assure

(i) NDE personnel are qualified in accordance with the

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Item Quality element and subelements Yes No N/A Quality Program
No. Reference
applicable Code Section requirement;

(ii) NDE (UT, RT, MT and PT) examinations are performed in

accordance with written procedures when required;
(iii) UT reports and RT films, as applicable, are retained in
accordance with the applicable Code requirement;
(iv) NDE equipment is calibrated;
(v) to meet Canadian jurisdictional requirements does the QC
Manual address the requirements for the Qualification and
Certification of Non-Destructive Testing Personnel,
CAN / CGSB - 48.9712.

(d) How is extent of NDE determined based on fluid service?

(e) How is this information transferred to the inspection checklist?

(a) Controls provided to assure that heat treatment as required by the
Code for the scope of Code work is applied.

(b) Measures are established to assure proper placement of

thermocouples and the use of charts.

(c) When heat treatment is subcontracted, measures are established

to assure that procedures are followed and that
heat treatment charts are provided.

(d) Means are provided to ensure that Code heat treatment

requirements are met, (e.g. review of furnace time-
temperature records or other methods as appropriate) and signed
off by QC personnel.


(a) A procedure exists for the calibration of examination, measuring
and test equipment used in fulfilment of applicable Code

(b) Measures are established that assure calibration records are

maintained and that status indicators are used to indicate the
current calibration status of equipment.

(a) Procedures exist for the maintenance of Piping Installation Test
Data Reports, Radiographs and records required by the applicable
Section of the Code.

(a) Forms used to control functions relative to quality are included
within the QC Manual and their use explained in the text of the
QC Manual.

(b) Sample forms are subject to the same revision controls as the
rest of the QC Manual.

(a) A controlled copy of the QC Manual is available to the TSSA
Inspector at the plant or construction site where Code activities
are being carried out.

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(b) The TSSA Inspector has access to all drawings, calculations,

specifications, procedures, process sheets, repair procedures,
records, test results, and any other documents necessary for the

(c) Provisions exist for providing a liaison between the TSSA

Inspector and the Certificate Holder.

(d) Provisions exist for free access for the TSSA Inspector and the
Inspector Supervisor to all areas involving Code activities.


Note: A demonstration or implementation of the QC System during the joint review should include the administrative
functions to support the QC System and the manufacturing, fabrication and testing of product necessary to indicate
knowledge and ability to produce the component/parts covered by the Scope of the system.

The demonstration may be conducted on in-process work, a mock-up to current Code rules, or combination thereof,
and a review of past job documentation. Where Code work is in progress, the demonstration shall include the
administrative and construction functions for the products and orders, which are being processed to meet Code

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