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Awareness of Teachers About Erik Erikson’s

Theory of Psychosocial Development

A Research Paper

Presented to

Arch. Maria Liza Tuazon. MA, SpEd, LPT

Childhood and Adolescent Development

Philippine Women’s University-Manila

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for Subject Offering in

English Plus B (Advanced LRSW with Research)

Third Trimester, SY. 2017-2018


Spencer G. Pitoc, BMME Kent Capistrano, BMME

July 2018

-------------------------------------Disclaimer: This paper follows the THESIS format, not the IMRaD one as these students
are expected to follow the thesis format in their actual thesis writing. This paper may not be construed as the best
manuscript; this is only an attempt to immerse them in the real world of academic writing. Thus, students’ performance
herewith, in no way, shall reflect Prof. Munalim’s competence, knowledge, and rudiments of research writing.


We dedicate this study to God who has given us the ability to contribute to

this and to our parents, friends, and relatives who have been supporting us.


We would like to thank the Lord our God for he has been helping and

giving us unfaltering guidance and hope.

Also, to each of our parents who have understood our every late night

stays just to complete this paper.

To each one of us in the group who have helped relentlessly and have

made way to contribute, we would like to acknowledge.

Lastly, to our professor, Sir Lio Munalim, who have given us samples and

helped us complete our study. Thank you for answering our questions tirelessly.

-------------------------------------Disclaimer: This paper follows the THESIS format, not the IMRaD one as these students
are expected to follow the thesis format in their actual thesis writing. This paper may not be construed as the best
manuscript; this is only an attempt to immerse them in the real world of academic writing. Thus, students’ performance
herewith, in no way, shall reflect Prof. Munalim’s competence, knowledge, and rudiments of research writing.

Table of Contents

Title Page i

Dedication ii

Acknowledgement ii

Table of Contents iii-iv


1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 Background of the Study 2

1.3 Research Locale 3

1.4 Statement of the Problem 3

1.5 Hypothesis 4

1.6 Significance 4

1.7 Scope and Limitation 5

1.8 Definition of Terms 5



Research Method 8

Respondents of the Study 8

Data Gathering Procedure 8

Research Instrument 9

Interpretation and Treatment of Data 9

-------------------------------------Disclaimer: This paper follows the THESIS format, not the IMRaD one as these students
are expected to follow the thesis format in their actual thesis writing. This paper may not be construed as the best
manuscript; this is only an attempt to immerse them in the real world of academic writing. Thus, students’ performance
herewith, in no way, shall reflect Prof. Munalim’s competence, knowledge, and rudiments of research writing.




References 20

-------------------------------------Disclaimer: This paper follows the THESIS format, not the IMRaD one as these students
are expected to follow the thesis format in their actual thesis writing. This paper may not be construed as the best
manuscript; this is only an attempt to immerse them in the real world of academic writing. Thus, students’ performance
herewith, in no way, shall reflect Prof. Munalim’s competence, knowledge, and rudiments of research writing.

Chapter 1



Each individual have their own personality, each one is

unique in different ways and perspective; parents, friends,

environment, classmates, teachers, cultural background,

government system and laws, which makes our personality as we

grow up and developed psychologically.

Erik Erikson was a German-American developmental

psychologist and psychoanalyst born June 15, 1902 and died May

12, 1994, proposed a theory of psychological development he

called Psychosocial Development. It emphasizes how the

relationships we have with others influence the development of

our personality. Nowhere is this better seen than in the formation

of our identity, of who we are.

The Theory of Psychosocial Development focuses on

different stages in life and the relationships that people have

with other people in each stage. Erikson’s theory was the first

-------------------------------------Disclaimer: This paper follows the THESIS format, not the IMRaD one as these students
are expected to follow the thesis format in their actual thesis writing. This paper may not be construed as the best
manuscript; this is only an attempt to immerse them in the real world of academic writing. Thus, students’ performance
herewith, in no way, shall reflect Prof. Munalim’s competence, knowledge, and rudiments of research writing.

effort to understand development throughout the life span, from

birth to death.

Each stage contained what Erikson called a Crisis. This

crisis consisted of interaction with other people and through that

interaction, the development of certain attributes, certain

virtues. For instance, the first stage, from birth to 1 year old, is

crisis between Trust and Mistrust. A baby, through the

relationship with his mother and father, learns to trust them and

trust the world around them as long as they are consistently

providing for the child’s needs. However if the child does not

receive the consistent attention that’s needed for their

development, they may learn to mistrust their parents and

mistrust the world. Therefore, every crisis on every stage is very


Every children has their needs that is needed to be filled, if

not, it will affect their view of their self and the world. If so, it will

manifest and will be seen through their attitudes and behaviors.

Children spent most of their time at school, with

classmates and teachers, and what is going inside their home

-------------------------------------Disclaimer: This paper follows the THESIS format, not the IMRaD one as these students
are expected to follow the thesis format in their actual thesis writing. This paper may not be construed as the best
manuscript; this is only an attempt to immerse them in the real world of academic writing. Thus, students’ performance
herewith, in no way, shall reflect Prof. Munalim’s competence, knowledge, and rudiments of research writing.

will also manifests in their attitudes, likes, and dislikes. As

teachers, we can see and experience those attitudes. If

something lacks and not provided at home, it is our duty as their

teacher to provide those, not to replace their family but to pour

out and fill in to the hole in their individuality.

The problem is are we able to identify those children that

has needs and what are their needs? That is the reason why we

must be aware of Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development,

in which it discusses 8 different stages, from birth to death, and

each stage has a crisis. If the crisis is fulfilled, it will lead to a

virtue that they will carry for the rest of their life. But if the crisis

was overfilled or unfulfilled, this will lead to negative attitude

that they will carry for the rest of their life.

If we, educators are aware and we know these stages by

heart, we are able to reach the children’s hearts and soon, we

can feed their minds about the proper information about the

world that they need to know in order to survive this cruel world

of ours.

-------------------------------------Disclaimer: This paper follows the THESIS format, not the IMRaD one as these students
are expected to follow the thesis format in their actual thesis writing. This paper may not be construed as the best
manuscript; this is only an attempt to immerse them in the real world of academic writing. Thus, students’ performance
herewith, in no way, shall reflect Prof. Munalim’s competence, knowledge, and rudiments of research writing.

Right now, we are aware of this theory and other theories

written in the books, but what about after a year, right after we

passed the LET and have our license? 10 years after? What about

other teachers who are currently teaching now? The researchers

want to identify how may of the current teachers from different

levels and different schools, both private and public, knows about

the Erik Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development.

Background of the Study

This research tried to identify Erikson’s different crisis and

effects to the children, by what different teachers see to their

students. Every way teachers handle children under them

positively or negatively. This yields to give recommendations on

how to handle student that has crisis.

The researchers will have different experienced teachers of

different schools, private or public, with no age bracket.

Research Locale

-------------------------------------Disclaimer: This paper follows the THESIS format, not the IMRaD one as these students
are expected to follow the thesis format in their actual thesis writing. This paper may not be construed as the best
manuscript; this is only an attempt to immerse them in the real world of academic writing. Thus, students’ performance
herewith, in no way, shall reflect Prof. Munalim’s competence, knowledge, and rudiments of research writing.

The study was conducted in Philippine Women's University,

which was founded on 1919 by idealist women, and other schools

in Metro Manila, private or public.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to prove the existence of Erikson’s crisis

of different children inside the classroom that will be identified

by the experience of different teachers. Specifically, this study

attempted to answer the following research queries

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Educational Attainment

2. Did you have a student that has the following attitude?

2.1 Impulsive or Compulsive

2.2 Has too much initiative or do not try new things

2.3 Competitive or Inferior

2.4 Know his role or undecided

-------------------------------------Disclaimer: This paper follows the THESIS format, not the IMRaD one as these students
are expected to follow the thesis format in their actual thesis writing. This paper may not be construed as the best
manuscript; this is only an attempt to immerse them in the real world of academic writing. Thus, students’ performance
herewith, in no way, shall reflect Prof. Munalim’s competence, knowledge, and rudiments of research writing.


1. All of the teachers experienced having students that are in


Significance of the Study

Teachers/Educators of different levels. Children spent more

time with classmates and teachers. During elementary, quarter of

their day spent with them, during high school, almost half a day

will be spent with classmates and teachers. Most of the parents,

both mother and father, are working in order to earn money and

support their family, this will reduce their time with their

children, minus the sleeping hours of both parents and the


Parents, both mother and father. Even I mentioned above

that during the school days of children, they spent more time

with classmates and teachers, the children will still go back to

their home with their parents, and they must supply the needs of

-------------------------------------Disclaimer: This paper follows the THESIS format, not the IMRaD one as these students
are expected to follow the thesis format in their actual thesis writing. This paper may not be construed as the best
manuscript; this is only an attempt to immerse them in the real world of academic writing. Thus, students’ performance
herewith, in no way, shall reflect Prof. Munalim’s competence, knowledge, and rudiments of research writing.

their children, in relation of this study, psychologically. For one

reason, they are their offspring.

Scope and Limitations

This research tried to identify Erikson’s different crisis and

effects to the children, by what different teachers see to their

students. Every way teachers handle children under them

positively or negatively. This yields to give recommendations on

how to handle student that has crisis.

Definition of Terms

Developmental Psychology - a scientific approach which

aims to explain growth, change and consistency though the


Inferiority Complex – A belief that you are less worthy or

important than other people.

Psychoanalysis - was founded by Sigmund Freud (1856-

1939). Freud believed that people could be cured by making

conscious their unconscious thoughts and motivations.

-------------------------------------Disclaimer: This paper follows the THESIS format, not the IMRaD one as these students
are expected to follow the thesis format in their actual thesis writing. This paper may not be construed as the best
manuscript; this is only an attempt to immerse them in the real world of academic writing. Thus, students’ performance
herewith, in no way, shall reflect Prof. Munalim’s competence, knowledge, and rudiments of research writing.

Impulsive – Acting without thinking.

Compulsive – Inability to express oneself.

-------------------------------------Disclaimer: This paper follows the THESIS format, not the IMRaD one as these students
are expected to follow the thesis format in their actual thesis writing. This paper may not be construed as the best
manuscript; this is only an attempt to immerse them in the real world of academic writing. Thus, students’ performance
herewith, in no way, shall reflect Prof. Munalim’s competence, knowledge, and rudiments of research writing.

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