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Ace: Spell your name and surname.

King: How old are you?

Queen: What’s your mother’s/ father’s name?

Jack: Have you got any brothers or sisters? How old are they?

Ten: How many people are there in this room?

Nine: who lives with you in your house?

Eight: Do you live in a flat or house?

Seven: what’s your favourite colour?

Six: what’s your favourite animal?

Five: what’s your favourite sport?

Four: how many rooms are there in your house?

Three: is there a bed in your room?

Two: is there a computer in your kitchen? Where is it?

ACE: When is your birthday?

King: What day is it today?

Queen: what’s today’s date?

Jack: When is your mother’s birthday? And your father’s?

Ten: How many pencils are there in your pencil case?

Nine: is your t-shirt blue?

Eight: are you wearing blue socks?

Seven: where’s the rubber?


Six: Have you got any pets? Can you describe it?

Five: how many chairs are there in the classroom?

Four: Who’s your best friend?

Three: Is this pen mine?

Two: Where exactly is the whiteboard?

Ace: Describe your mother

King: Describe your father

Queen: Describe your best friend

Jack: Describe your bedroom

Ten: What’s your favourite game?

Nine: Can you play any musical instrument? Which?

Eight: Do you play any sports? Which?

Seven: What’s your favourite TV programme?

Six: Give your teacher a green pencil/colour/ marker..

Five: Stand up and point to the window

Four: Touch your nose with your left hand

Three: Stand up and point to something blue.

Two: What do you do after school?

Ace: Where are you from?

King: Where do you come from?

Queen: Where were you born?

Jack: Has your mother/father got a car? What colour is it?


Ten: Do you like playing computer games?

Nine: Ask your teacher a question

Eight: Where is the park?

Seven: Which floor do you live on?

Six: Has your house got a garden/ terrace/ balcony?

Five: Describe yourself

Four: Can you swim?

Three: How many languages can you speak?

Two: How do you come to school?

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