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An abortion is a procedure to end a pregnancy.

It uses medicine or surgery to remove

the embryo or fetus and placenta from the uterus. The procedure is done by a licensed
health care professional. There are two types of abortion treatment, 'Medical' and
'Surgical' abortion:

1. Medical abortion:

The abortion pill Some women feel that a medical abortion is a more natural process.
There are two types of medical abortion:

a) Abortion pill (also known as early medical abortion) up to 10 weeks

 Involves taking medication to cause an early miscarriage (women experience

cramping, pain and heavy bleeding).
 after 9 weeks gestation 2 visits to the clinic will be needed (the visits may be on
the same day or up to 3 days apart). Check the details when you book.
 No surgery or anaesthetic.

b) Abortion pill from 10 weeks up to 24 weeks

 Involves taking medication to cause the womb to contract and push out the
 2 visits to the clinic are needed.
 Sometimes an overnight stay is needed on the 2nd visit – check when you book.

2. Surgical abortion :

Surgical abortion involves a quick, minor operation. There are two types of surgical

a) Vacuum aspiration up to 15 weeks

 Removes the pregnancy by gentle suction.

 Up to 14 weeks of pregnancy this can be done with local anaesthetic. The
quicker recovery time for this option means you can leave the clinic unattended
and drive sooner.
 Up to 15 weeks it can be done with sedation (relaxed and sleepy).
 One visit to the clinic and you go home the same day

b) Dilatation and evacuation between 15 and 24 weeks

 Carried out with general anaesthetic.

 The pregnancy is removed using narrow forceps passed through the neck of the
womb and some gentle suction.
 One visit to the clinic and you go home the same day.

The decision to end a pregnancy is very personal. Pregnancy has a different

significance depending on (a) a woman’s age; (b) the locale where she lives; (c)
her socioeconomic status; (d) cultural background; and (e) period in time
(Solinger, 2005). For instance, a very young woman might decide she is not prepared to
have a child; whereas, an older woman who has finished school and has a secure
job and income might decide otherwise.

Abortion Cons

-Having an abortion done always carries the risk of not being able to become pregnant
ever again in life.

-Abortion can also lead to serious health complications, and in some cases the worst
case scenario can be death.

-It often leads to unwanted memories, which can result into great stress and depression.
Some women experience a feeling of guilt, which lasts for their whole lifetime. In short,
abortion can turn out to be a lifetime worth of burden.

-Abortion is never a mere personal choice but a grave offense against God and His
Abortion Pro

-In some cases, medical emergencies compel a woman to resort to this action. There is a
possibility that her own life might be at risk, if she delivers the child.

-A baby with severe disabilities may have a very poor quality of life that also brings
trauma to the parents who have to watch it suffer. It may be kinder for that child not to
be born

though many people argue about abortion, abortion remains a debate that must be
resolved by doing a lot of consideration. But the choice should not be left up to them
after the embryo has developed to a stage where it gets the human traits. They should
only be allowed to do abortion in the first ten to twelve weeks of pregnancy and doctors
should not allow them to do abortion if the fetus is in the later stages of development.
This should be the law in all states and it should be put into effect everywhere at once.

Raquel Lopez. 2012. Perspectives on Abortion: Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, and What Lies in
between. Diakses pada 19 November 2016, dari:

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