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Local Environment

The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability

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Is ‘sustainable city’ an Oxymoron?

William E. Rees

To cite this article: William E. Rees (1997) Is ‘sustainable city’ an Oxymoron?, Local
Environment, 2:3, 303-310, DOI: 10.1080/13549839708725535

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Local Environment, Vol. 2, No. 3, 1997


Is 'Sustainable City' an Oxymoron?


Introduction and Purpose olution sweeping the world has effectively

confined discussion in the policy mainstream to
There is general scientific and even political
variations on the theme of 'sustainability-
agreement that present global development
through-growth'. By this model, apparently
trends are unsustainable. Since the publication
shared by most government and business leadr
of the so-called Brundtland Report a decade
ers, an expanding and increasingly unfettered
ago (WCED, 1987), there can hardly be a
marketplace will sort everything out unaided.
politician or business leader anywhere who has
The so-called 'environmental crisis' is thus a
not proclaimed the need for society to make the
passing concern. We have been swayed by the
'paradigm shift' to a more environmentally
near-doctrinaire belief of economics that, stim-
benign, economically viable and socially equi-
ulated by rising prices, human ingenuity and
table development path. Sustainable develop-
technology will be able to substitute for de-
ment, sustainability, sustainable community,
pleted resources. Meanwhile, privatising nature,
sustainable city and like concepts have become
'getting the prices right' and 'internalising the
the specific concern of innumerable govern-
externalities' will eliminate pollution concerns.
ment task forces and NGOs in various countries
With no serious ecological constraints on the
around the world. Indeed, it has become com-
economy, the shortest route to sustainability is
monplace to hear lively discussion of any of
to maintain the focus on GDP growth.2
these topics at dinner parties among the better
informed almost anywhere. Despite the two Habitat conferences (Van-
Despite this increase in the level of rhetoric couver in 1976 and Istanbul in 1996) cities—
there is as yet no coherent vision of just how particularly northern high-income cities—have
'sustainability' would translate into practice also been given short shrift in the mainstream
(see, for example Richardson, 1996). Worse, sustainability debate. The World Conservation
the empirical evidence suggests that in the past Strategy of 1980, which apparently first ex-
few decades the world has become progres- plicitly used the term 'sustainable develop-
sively less sustainable, a process that has ar- ment', gave no special attention to accelerating
guably accelerated since publication of the urbanisation. The Brundtland Report did dis-
Brundtland report. Since 1950, real income per cuss global urbanisation, but the main emphasis
capita has more than quadrupled, yet income was on the "urban crisis in developing coun-
equity has steadily worsened, (both between tries" (WCED, 1987, p. 8).
North and South and within countries),1 a bil- This relative neglect of cities is difficult to
lion people still live in abject poverty, fish and reconcile with physical reality. Cities are rap-
grain production per capita may have peaked, idly becoming the principal human habitat. Up
and global ecological change is upon us. to 80% of the populations of industrialised
One reason for the latter is quite simple. (high-income) countries live in cities and it is
Although environmental concerns were a major said that half of humanity will be urbanised by
catalyst for the sustainable development debate, the end of the century. Moreover, if the wealth-
they seem largely to have been sidelined in iest 25% of the human population consume
recent years. The neoconservative political rev- 80% of the world's economic output, then

William E. Rees, PhD, University of British Columbia, School of Community and Regional Planning,
6333 Memorial Road, Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6T 1Z2. Tel: (604) 822-2937. Fax: (604) 822-3787.

1354-9839/97/030303-08 © 1997 Carfax Publishing Ltd.

W. E. Rees

approximately 64% of economic production/ Urbanisation thus reinforces the Cartesian dual-
consumption and pollution is associated with ism that permeates industrial society, creating a
cities in rich countries and only 12% with cities mental barrier between people and the rest of
in the developing world. In short, half the nature. The denizens of our modern cities rarely
people and three-quarters of the world's en- think of themselves as ecological beings.
vironmental problems reside in cities, and rich In an effort to overcome this cultural bias, I
cities, mainly in the developed North, impose adopt an explicitly ecological perspective in
by far the greater load on the ecosphere and this paper. After all, 'the city' is a physical
global commons. manifestation of human (bio)ecology. Human
In this paper I revisit both the environmental ecology starts from the premise that people are
side of sustainability and the urban question. an integral component of the ecosystem(s) that
The major purpose is to enhance current under- sustain them. From this perspective, we would
standing of the ecological impacts of cities and study humans much the same way we would
the role they might play in the quest for sus- any other plant or animal species. The import-
tainability. My starting premise is that much of ant question is: what are the critical material
what passes as policy for urban sustainability at relationships between people and the other
present reflects a superficial understanding of components of their supportive ecosystems? In
the human ecological niche and the role of short, understanding human ecology requires
cities in it. More broadly, I hope to show that measurement of the material, energy and infor-
the prevailing growth-bound international de- mation flows between the human sub-system
velopment model ignores biophysical factors, and the rest of nature. What important func-
the inclusion of which would invalidate the tional and structural relationships are revealed
model's current policy prescriptions. by these flows?

The Human Ecology of Cities Economic Production is Consumption

Just what is a city? Most people think of 'the Economists and ecologists would agree that
city' as a concentration of people in an area human beings function as consumer organisms
dominated by buildings, streets and other hu- in both the economy and the ecosphere. In fact,
man-made artefacts (this is the architect's in today's increasingly market-based society
'built environment'); some may think of it first people are as likely to be called 'consumers' as
as a political entity with a defined boundary they are citizens, even when the context is
containing the area over which the municipal a non-economic one. Ecologists would actu-
government has jurisdiction; the artistically ally refer to people as macro-consumers with
inclined might see the city mainly as a con- reference to their place in the global food
centration of cultural, social and educational web. In general, macro-consumers are large
facilities that would simply not be possible in organisms, mainly animals, that depend on
a smaller settlement; and, finally, the econom- other organisms, either green plants or other
ically minded see the city as a node of intense animals, which they consume directly to satisfy
exchange among individuals and firms and as their metabolic needs. There is of course one
the engine of economic production and major material difference between humans and
growth. Indeed, Jane Jocobs (1984) famously other macro-consumers. In addition to our bio-
described cities as the basis for the "wealth of logical metabolism, the human enterprise is
nations". characterised by an industrial metabolism. All
Cities are all of these things, of course, but the artefacts of industrial culture—buildings,
the description remains incomplete. The city is equipment, infrastructure, tools and toys (the
also an ecological entity. This fact is generally human-made 'capital' of economists)—are "the
ignored, perhaps because it is obscured by the exosomatic equivalent of organs" and, like bod-
very process of urbanisation itself. Living in the ily organs, require continuous flows of energy
city distances people both spatially and psycho- and material to and from 'the environment' for
logically from the land that supports them. their production and operation (Sterrer, 1993).


Economists and ecologists also both see hu- modynamic equilibrium. (This is a state in
mans as producers. However, there is a funda- which "nothing happens or can happen"
mental difference between production in nature [Ayres, 1994].) However, open systems, like
and production in the economy. In nature, cities, can maintain themselves and grow by
green plants are the factories. Using the sim- importing high-grade energy and material from
plest of low-grade inorganic chemicals (mainly their host environments and by exporting en-
water, carbon dioxide and a few mineral nutri- tropy (degraded energy and material) back into
ents) and an extra-terrestrial source of relatively those environments.3 Our cities can produce
low-grade energy, light from the sun, plants 'the wealth of nations' only by consuming the
assemble the high-grade fats, carbohydrates, products and services of the ecosphere. This
proteins and nucleic acids upon which most interpretation shows that in thermodynamic and
other life forms and the functioning of the spatial terms, cities are nodes of intense ma-
ecosphere are dependent. Because they are es- terial consumption and waste discharge within
sentially self-feeding and use only dispersed a diffuse and increasingly global human
(high entropy) substances for their growth and ecosystem.
maintenance, green plants are called primary
By contrast, human beings and their econom-
ies are strictly secondary producers. As noted, The Ecological Footprints of Cities
the production and maintenance of our bodies, If cities are the nodes of consumption in a
our human-made capital, and all the products of spreading human net, just how much produc-
human factories require enormous inputs of tive land/water (ecosystem) area is required for
high-grade energy and material resources from the corresponding production? My students and
the rest of the ecosphere. That is, all economic I have developed an approach to answering this
output requires the consumption of a vastly question. Many of the resource and waste flows
larger quantity of available energy and material necessary to sustain urban populations are pro-
first produced by nature. As little as 1% or 2% duced by natural and domesticated land and
of the material extracted for the economic pro- water ecosystems. It is therefore possible to
duction process actually winds up in the final estimate the ecosystems area required to pro-
product (Hawken, 1997), and 100% of the en- duce sustainably the quantity of any resource or
ergy and material involved is ultimately dissi- ecological service used by a defined population
pated back into the ecosphere as waste. Such and specified technology. The sum of such
flows through the economy are unidirectional calculations for all significant consumption
and irreversible (Figure 1). items would provide a conservative area-based
estimate of the land/water area effectively
appropriated by that population. We call this
Cities and the Second Law
aggregate area the population's true 'ecological
Because the economic process is a secondary footprint (EF)': the total area of productive land
process, the entire human enterprise in all its and water required on a continuous basis to
diversity and complexity is a dependent sub- produce the resources consumed, and to assim-
system of the ecosphere. The structural hier- ilate the wastes produced, by that population,
archy implicit in this relationship is critically wherever on Earth the land is located.
important to urban sustainability in light of We should note that the ecological footprint
modern interpretations of the second law of of a city/country is, in effect, a solar collector.
thermodynamics (see Table 1 for a detailed It is the photosynthetic surface needed continu-
explanation). ously to recharge the city's ecological batteries.
The second law states that all complex, self- Cities are entropy generators (Figure 1 and
organising systems are subject to forces of Table 1). The ecosystems 'appropriated' by the
spontaneous disintegration. That is, any isolated eco-footprint replace the low entropy biomass
system becomes increasingly unstructured and energy and material necessarily dissipated by
disordered in an inexorable slide toward ther- the city in the normal course of life.

W. E. Rees

Source of Resources, Sink for Wastes


\ \ ") II 1
..-•••' ^-rtWSTE)--'

^ . Goods and Services -—.—:r

- " " ^ $ ^ ^ ^ ^

'^Spending on G o o d s ^ v
and Services \^

I Y » Y

^^lages, Salaries, e t g x ^ /

^ $ ^ ^ /

Labour and Investment

FIGURE 1. The linear throughput of energy/matter. Note: Economic output is measured by the 'circular
flows of exchange value' (lower part of diagram). However, conventional monetary accounting is
blind to the linear throughput of available energy and matter (upper part of diagram) which makes
economic activity possible and connects the economy to the ecosphere.

Our results show that the citizens of high- area of 114 km2 (11 400 ha). With a per capita
income countries typically use the output of land consumption rate of at least 4.3 ha, Van-
between three and seven hectares of ecologi- couver's residents require (conservatively) 2
cally productive land per capita.4 It is a simple million ha of land to support current consump-
step from there to estimate the true ecological tion levels. However, the area of the city is only
footprint of a whole city, region or country 11400 ha. This means that the city's popu-
(for details see Rees, 1992, 1996; Rees & lation uses the productive output of a land area
Wackernagel, 1994; Wackernagel & Rees, nearly 180 times larger than its political area to
1995). maintain its consumer lifestyle. If we add the
For example, the Canadian city of Vancou- aggregate marine footprint associated with
ver had a 1991 population of 472 000 and an seafood consumption (0.7 ha capita), the total


TABLE 1. The second law, cities and the ecosphere

• The second law of thermodynamics states that the 'entropy' of any isolated system spontaneously
increases. That is, concentrations of material are dispersed, available energy is dissipated, gradients
disappear, and structural order and integrity break down. Eventually, no point in the system can
be distinguished from any other
• Open systems are subject to the same forces of entropic decay as isolated systems. However ...
• Complex self-organising, self-producing systems can maintain or increase their internal order by
importing available energy/matter (essergy) from their host environments and exporting degraded
energy matter back into them. That is...
• Complex systems develop and grow "at the expense of increasing the disorder [entropy] at higher
levels in the systems hierarchy" (Schneider & Kay, 1994, abstract and p. 2)
• Systems that maintain themselves in dynamic non-equilibrium through the continuous dissipation
of essergy extracted from their host systems are called 'dissipative structures'
• Cities are prime examples of highly-ordered, far-from-equilibrium dissipative structures. As major
components of the human economy, they are also sub-systems of the materially closed ecosphere.
In thermodynamic terms, cities (indeed, the entire human enterprise), exist in a quasi-parasitic
relationship to the rest of nature
• It follows that with continuous population and material growth of urban economies, a point will
be reached when the disordering of the ecosphere (e.g. biodiversity loss, ecosystems collapse,
climate change, toxic contamination, ozone depletion, etc.) becomes unsustainable, perhaps

becomes 2.4 million ha or over 200 times the trade and current account surpluses are running
size of the city. massive 'ecological deficits' with the rest of the
These results are fairly typical. The UK's world and imposing a massive burden on the
International Institute of Environment and De- global commons (Rees, 1996).
velopment estimates that London's ecological
footprint for just food, forest products and car-
Cities and Sustainability
bon assimilation to be 120 times the surface
area of the city proper (IIED, 1995). (By this These studies reveal several dimensions of the
measure, and assuming the British landscape sustainability crisis that are transparent to con-
could produce suitable substitutes for the cur- ventional perceptions and analyses. First they
rent array of imports, the entire productive land show that as a result of enormous technology-
base of Great Britain would be taken up to induced increases in energy and material con-
supply London alone.) Similarly, Carl Folke sumption per capita, and growing dependence
and his team at Stockholm University report on trade, the ecological locations of urban
that the aggregate consumption of wood, paper, regions no longer coincide with their geo-
fibre and food (including seafood) by the inhab- graphic locations. Without taking anything
itants of 29 cities in the Baltic Sea drainage away from cities as economic engines and cul-
basin appropriates an ecosystem area 200 times tural hotbeds, we must recognise that they also
larger that the cities themselves (this study did resemble entropic black holes, sweeping up the
not include an energy component) (Folke et al., output of areas of the ecosphere vastly larger
1995). than themselves. In this respect, cities are the
In light of these data, it will come as no human equivalent of cattle feedlots. Perhaps the
surprise that most high-income countries in most important insight from this result is that
Europe have ecological footprints several times no city or urban region can be sustainable on
larger than their domestic territories (Wacker- its own. 'Sustainable city'—at least as we
nagel & Rees, 1995). Even those countries with presently define cities—is an oxymoron.

W. E. Rees

Regardless of local land use and environmental sense? If the answer is 'no', or even a cautious
policies, a prerequisite for sustainable cities is 'possibly not', circumstances may already war-
the sustainability of the global hinterland. rant consideration of the potential benefits of
Second, our ecological analysis poses several greater ecological independence and intra-
challenges to the conventional 'sustainability- regional self-reliance.5 At least there should be
through-growth' approach. Mainstream analysts a restoration of balance between the forces of
believe that technology frees humans from eco- local cohesion and globalisation. The increase
logical constraints and that trade increases local in welfare from enhanced food security, im-
carrying capacity. By contrast, eco-footprinting proved environmental quality and increased lo-
suggests that while technological gains have ex- cal control will offset any loss in gross
panded the scope and efficiency with which we economic product.
exploit nature, the material effect has been steady To reduce their dependence on external
increases in gross material consumption (in part flows, urban regions may choose to implement
because efficiency gains lead to rising incomes policies to rehabilitate their own natural capital
and falling prices). Meanwhile, trade may appear stocks and to promote the use of local fisheries,
to increase carrying capacity but actually only forests, agricultural land, etc. In this context,
shuffles it around. Food and fibre imports, for we should remember that cities as presently
example, may sustain Europe's inflated popu- conceived are incomplete systems, typically oc-
lation, but the corresponding exports reduce car- cupying less than 1% of the ecosystem area
rying capacity somewhere else (both by reducing upon which they draw. Should we not be recon-
local food supplies and through accelerated soil sidering how we define city systems, both con-
erosion, chemical contamination of soil and wa- ceptually and in spatial terms? Perhaps it is
ter, and trade-related nutrient loss). In fact, "by time to think of cities as whole systems—as
encouraging all regions to exceed local limits, by such, they comprise not just the node of con-
reducing the perceived risk attached to local centrated activity as presently conceived, but
natural capital depletion, and by simultaneously also the entire supportive hinterland.
exposing regional surpluses to global demand, Short of so great a conceptual leap, there is
uncontrolled trade accelerates natural capital de- much that can be done incrementally to in-
pletion, reducing global carrying capacity and crease the sustainability of our cities. For exam-
increasing the risk to everyone" (Rees, 1994, ple, in the domain of land-use planning,
p. 43). Thus even as GDP goes up, general long- planners and politicians should find ways to:
term welfare declines.
• integrate planning for city size/form, urban
density and settlement (nodal) patterns in
ways that minimise the energy, material and
Toward Urban Sustainability
land use requirements of cities and their
Self-reliance, once a noble virtue, has become inhabitants;
anathema to the free-trading world of today. • capitalise on the multifunctionality of green
However, in an era of real or incipient ecologi- areas (e.g. aesthetic, carbon sink, climate
cal change, it may be time to reconsider our modification, food production, functions)
development values. Cities are increasingly both within and outside the city;
vulnerable to the potentially disastrous conse- • integrate open-space planning with other
quences of over-consumption and global eco- policies to increase local self-reliance in re-
logical mismanagement. How economically spect of food production, forest products,
and socially secure can a city of 10 million be water supply, carbon sinks, etc. For example,
if distant sources of food, water, energy or domestic waste systems should be designed
other critical resources are threatened by accel- to enable the recycling of compost back onto
erating ecospheric change, increasing compe- regional agricultural and forest lands;
tition and dwindling supplies? Does any • protect the integrity and productivity of local
development pattern that increases inter- ecosystems to reduce the ecological load
regional dependence on vital but vulnerable imposed on distant systems and the global
resource flows make ecological or geopolitical common pool;


• strive for zero-impact development. The de- individual resides. This means that efforts to
struction of ecosystems and related biophysi- green our cities may gain more from attention
cal services due to urban growth in one area to changing personal consumption patterns than
should be compensated for by equivalent from the prevailing focus on city-level fac-
ecosystem rehabilitation in another. tors—post-consumer waste management, public
infrastructure, urban greenways, etc. In short,
Land use aside, ecological footprint analysis we should focus less on trying to fix our cities
supports other studies that suggest that we must and more on fixing ourselves. The best-
reduce resource use and environmental impact designed and most sensitively administered city
per unit consumption in high-income countries cannot be sustainable if its inhabitants live
by up to 90% by 2040 if we are "to meet the unsustainable lifestyles.
needs of a growing world population fairly
within the planet's ecological means" (BCSD,
1993; see also Ekins & Jacobs, 1994). Fortu- Notes
nately, the sheer concentration of population
and consumption gives cities considerable 1. The top 20% of income earners took home 60
leverage in reducing the ecological footprints of times the income of the bottom 20% in the early
their citizens. The agglomeration economies 1990s. This gap had more than doubled in 30 years
(UNDP, 1994).
and economies of scale characteristic of cities
2. This conventional growth model actually betrays
reduce the per capita requirements for and costs
economic theory by confusing the maximisation of
of water and sewer systems, waste collection, production with the maximisation of general wel-
and related infrastructure; create opportunities fare.
for recycling, reuse and remanufacturing un- 3. This means, in effect, that every sub-system in a
available to smaller communities; enable such given hierarchy exists in a potentially parasitic
energy savings strategies as co-generation and relationship with the next level up in that hier-
district heating, and reduce the need for energy- archy. If a sub-system grows without check, it will
intensive travel in private cars while facilitating reach a point at which its own vitality is purchased
walking, cycling and public transit (Mitlin & at the expense of the vitality of its host. (This may
Satterthwaite, 1994). Walker & Rees (1997) be a sufficient physical explanation for the onset of
global ecological change.)
show that the housing and transportation
4. These data reflect the growing ecological inequity
choices made by urban dwellers can
between rich and poor. There are only about 1.5-
significantly influence their per capita ecologi- 1.7 ha of ecological productive land per capita on
cal footprints. Earth.
5. This will be difficult for some major city regions.
An alternative (or supplement) is to consider
Epilogue more formal and fair long-term relationships
(e.g., international treaties) between the consumer
The human ecological approach offers one final regions and producer territories to help ensure
lesson for consideration by the eco-cities move- reliable supplies of biophysical goods and ser-
ment. The ecological footprint of any high- vices.
income city is attributable largely to final
demand, i.e. to personal consumption by its
inhabitants. In short, much of the ecological References
impact that can be traced to cities has little to
do with the structure, infrastructure, form, or Ayres, R. U. (1994) Information, Entropy and Prog-
other inherent properties of cities per se. ress: a new evolutionary paradigm (Woodbury,
NY, AIP Press).
Rather, it is a reflection of individual values
BCSD (1993) Getting Eco-Efficient, report of the
and behaviour and would occur whatever the
BCSD First Antwerp Eco-Efficiency Workshop,
settlement pattern. For example, if an individ- November 1993 (Geneva, Business Council for
ual's fixed consumption appropriates the con- Sustainable Development).
tinuous output of 3 ha of land scattered about Ekins, P. & Jacobs, M. (1994) Are environmental
the globe it does not much matter where that sustainability and economic growth compatible?,

W. E. Rees
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