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ISSUE: 20180901- Re: Bankruptcy conduct of governance

As a CONSTITUTIONALIST my concern is the true meaning and application of the constitution.

* Gerrit, are you referring just to politicians of other systems also regarding bankruptcy conduct?
**#** INSPECTOR-RIKATI®, I will set out below it isn’t just the politicians, albeit they
might be more than likely why others are acting likewise. While Jenny Mackling appears to retire
it shows that Bill Shorten isn’t particularly considering to improve the standard of governing
such as to get a person like me to take over if so elected but simply to get someone else in who
will in my view unlikely improve anything. So, as a so called alternative Prime Minister he
seems to me not to show one bit of interest to stop the rot.
* Didn’t you stand as an INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE against Jenny Macklin in Jagajaga?
**#** That is right and this is why it would have been a golden opportunity for Bill Shorten to
show he desires to be a proper alternative leader who will insist all matters be dealt with
according to the true meaning and application of the constitution.
* But you are not and never were a member of the ALP, where you?
**#** I never was but was in the 1980 assisting in ALP elections to run the how to vote cards to
be recycled, etc, as the local president of the ALP branch went on holidays and so I simply took
over and reportedly got the highest margin of any candidate for Theo who then was the
successful candidate.
* What else is in your attention?
**#** I on Friday at about 3pmstarting my car heard over the radio that there was an accident at
the corner of Rosanna Road and Lower Plenty Road. Where I had to pass through to unload the
trailer and then return the same to Bunnings. Well, waiting before the overhead train line where
someone had a truck with a light pointing to change lane, where in fact the entire road was
blocked of on both sides because someone moved a crane across the road. What kind of
governance is this where on each side a truck shows an arrow instead of a stop sign? Then the
truck was parked in a holding bay as we could move through. Yet, less than 2 kilometres down
the road, more likely 1kilometer there was this accident, down about 100 metres from that
intersection is another intersection of Lower Plenty Road with Greensborough road. And well
that was blocked partly by a semi-trailer who wanted to move towards Rosanna Road but the
traffic was all banked-up. Instead of having the 2 trucks with the light sign parked they could
have been used in Greensborough Road and Lower Plenty Road to redirect traffic. So, you got
kilometres of traffic backed up and not a single police officer bothering to address this issue.
Neither VicRoad to come to assist with traffic management. I understand VicRoads is using
billions of dollars but cannot assist in such situation? Come on. What I view is missing is a
central coordination where if there is a major accident then the police notifies VicRoads who
then will dispatch trucks with signs in lights that will advise drivers to detour through certain
alternative roads and so avoid traffic banking up. The cost to commerce is horrendous when you
consider trucks being stuck when this can be easily resolved. Traffic coming down the Ring
p1 1-9-2018 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
Road could have been diverted around Yallemby. Those drivers wanting to go to Preston or the
City could have been diverted at the traffic lights prior to the Greensborough/Lower Plenty Road
junction. Those who desired to go to. Those wanting to go local could have been detoured to the
left and by this would about totally avoided the banking up of motor vehicles. Recognizing that
some long trucks cannot go through narrow streets they could have been exempted and allowed
through the one lane that was left open for traffic. Wed had a total shambles in traffic
management. Anyhow as I reside nearby the scene of the accident and in total the trip of 8
kilometers tookme18 minutes to get home despite the delay at Rosanna overhead rail then surely
I didn’t do bad. I unloaded the trailer and then headed back to Preston to return the trailer.
Obviously I was not going to travel via Lower Plenty road and so went via Banyule Road then
left into Rosanna Road that was nearly clear of any traffic towards Bell Street but on the other
side the traffic was banked-up towards the Rosanna Road /Lower Plenty Road intersection, this
even so there was no obstruction at that intersection for them. Anyhow I made the trip via Bell
Street, adding less then 2kilometresto the return trip in about 15 Minutes at about 3.45Pm.
What I proved was that I could manage in peak hour traffic at my leisure to do the return trip in
about 15 minutes doing 10 kilometres. Now, what my view is that the Police should inform
central command there is a major accident, if it wasn’t already alerted, and to setup diversions for
traffic management, perhaps using VicRoads also for this. We now have that the police cannot
even manage traffic management!
* Well perhaps this was a once off?
**#** Actually around 2000I was heading home when just before the intersection with Rosanna
Road a vehicle in Lower Plenty road was on fire in the middle of the road. I simply parked my
car behind the burning vehicle and switched on my indicators and then walked back and
commenced to redirect the traffic.
*.Did you?
**#** Yes, and when a police officer arrived on his motor bike he parked it next to me and let
me to continue redirecting the traffic. He joined then the other police officers in attendance. I
remained to redirect the traffic until the body of the woman was removed who apparently had
dies in the car fire. A police woman then asked me if I worked for the local Banyule City Council
but I made known I was a mere passer-by motorist.
Then a few years later driving in Sydney Road Brunswick I saw a woman lying across the road
in front of the tram and so pulled over and as it was near the intersection commenced to direct
the traffic. On that occasions also a police officer parked his motorbike next to me and left me
directing traffic. Trucks were trying to get on the wrong side of the tram while opposing trams
wanted to get through. And the risk of any truck or other vehicle running over the woman’s head
was an issue to me. Also pedestrians had to be managed. So, I was making sure that it was
organized. After the ambulance arrived one police officer then went behind the tram (where the
woman was injured) and waiting for me to signal when he could let traffic around the wrong side
of the tram to pass. So I was in charge and the police officer was waiting my instruction. After it
was all over a police woman asked my name so she could thank Moreland Council for my
assistance as a council worker. I explained I was a passing motorist.
I have found that often there is a total lack of organization by the police to deal with traffic build
up after an accident. So we got police with all kinds of weapons running around. We got police
with cameras but just plain traffic duty they cannot manage. There should be a system in place
that when any serious accident occurs immediately Police central organizes for traffic to be
appropriately diverted. If I in peak hour traffic can manage 10 kilometres in 15 minutes and
without any rush then that underlines that if the police manage appropriately they could
considerably avoid traffic build up.

p2 1-9-2018 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
*. Something else about parliamentarian Smith or whatever his surname spelling might be about
the drug centre in Richmond?
**#** I didn’t hear what he stated but understand from Olga that he has an issue with the
methadone centre. The news reported that some 8,000 visits were made and about 250 had been
saved from overdoses. Moment, they overdoses at those injecting rooms. Surely you cannot
claim to save lives when you let them in the first place overdose in those injecting rooms. What
appears to me to be is the State is assisting people to overdose and then claim it is saving lives.
Well, how on earth do they know if a person coming to inject themselves actually have not just
been injecting themselves and now pursue another free fix that could actually kill them? The
claim to provide people with so called safe injection rooms to avoid them to commit crimes and
die hardly to me is any excuse. Are we then providing rapist with free sex with prostitutes as to
safeguard others? Are we going to provide free assistance for smokers of cigarettes to get of the
smoking habit? So, here you got people who commit crimes by using illegal drugs and then
reward them with free injection rooms to overdose. And if they committed crimes against
innocent victims then you have those innocent victims who are taxpayers pay for the criminal to
get free service while the victims are ignored. This even so those victims might have been
hardworking taxpayers who spend perhaps decades to save up for a motor vehicle to be their
pride and glory and well the State will provide the criminals with taxpayers funded free service
and ignore the honest taxpayer victim.
*.Something else, what about the issue of confession, etc.
**#** I am and never followed Catholic Religion and so confession is what I know of movies.
As I understand it the priest is not to know the identity of the confessor. A confessor can simply
fabricate some story and well the priest will take it as real and tell the person to perhaps say 3
Hail Mary’s or so.I since 1982 have been having a special lifeline service under the motto MAY
JUSTICE ALWAYS PREVAIL®. When Jeff Kennett was Premier I understood from someone
wanting to cause mass murder in the courts and so \notified the Premier urging the installation of
metal detectors. I never ever revealed the identity of any person, this because if I did I would lose
the source. I have been shown by people how to strategy place detonators at a building to bring it
down, etc. Again, confidentiality was why people confided in me. And well Jeff Kennet to his
credit then had metal detectors installed. With the 2016 Bourke Street mass-murder I had months
earlier notified all members of Federal and State Parliaments about the risk specifically
mentioning Bourke Street Mall, and urged bollards to be used that could be lowered when a tram
was to pass through. Well they ignored me and 6 people subsequently died. After that politicians
who could have easily prevented those deaths then were falling over each other to pretend they
cared for the victims. In my view the keeping of secrecy of a confession cannot be ignored. It
might be the only opportunity anyone to hear and even prevent a serious crime to be committed.
No matter the scandal about priest and other clergy I do view that in regard of a confession
secrecy should not be disturbed. I know too well from people that when they have problems they
gave me the understanding they cannot consult a doctor or other professional as they might
report this person rather than to seek to assist the person. I have been dealing with people
contemplating mass-murder but was able to guide them and decades later they contact me
thanking me for having been there when they needed someone to talk to who could understand
their position as could assist. If we were to strip clergy of the right to keep secret confessions
then will this also apply to lawyers when they are in court defending a rapist/murderer but pursue
a not guilty pleas even so their client admitted to it to them? Again, I have often been dealing
with people who could find no other person to confine in and was able to avoid
suicides/murders/mass-murders. I had this person who made known he wanted to kill his
youngest child as he held his wife lived in an immoral household. Decades later he thanked me
for being there when he needed a person as he admitted his then intentions were because of his
religious views but now he was living precisely in the kind of situation he had condemned than
p3 1-9-2018 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
of his wife. I often out of the blue get people contacting me sometimes decades later for having
been there in time of need.
*.Surely you would have made a lot of monies from them?
**#** Actually, it was a free service without government and/or business financial support.
*.Do I get it from this that you view politicians are all about gaining powers but not about
**#** That is basically were we are. They are legislating as if there is no tomorrow but
governance itself is lacking big time. Surely, as I showed the police no longer seem to be able to
competently manage traffic. When governance at the top in Government is failing then you can
expect it will go down the same with others. We constantly have more and more legislation and
yet more crime. When police themselves are involved in drug dealing, rapes, murders, armed
hold-ups, etc, then this underlines how governance is failing. When I grew up the police only had
a baton and boy as an about 10 year old I got hit as I happen to come in an area (to walk to the
cinema) where police on horseback commenced to disperse some protesters. The more weapons
you give to the police the more violent criminals will become. We now in Victoria got laws
dealing with attacking police but somehow the same is not applicable when police themselves
assault some person. People lost respect for the rorting politicians and well crime increases.
No amount of legislation will resolve crime. It is proper governance that will rather be more
likely reduce crime.
*.Would this include better controls as to immigration?
**#** That too. After all when you have people coming in who do not respect the western type
of culture that exist in Australia then you are asking for problems. Likewise when you have
immigrants coming in who are having honest intentions but the Federal Government has
absolutely no system in place to ensure they are placed in locations most suitable for them to be
and obtain work then surely you are asking for problems. If for example you have rice farmers
coming in then they might be better off to be located in a country area where they might adapt to
farming kind of lifestyle then to just dump them in ghettos in the city where they used their own
language without any need to communicate in English. You might even hold it is a form of
torture to deny a person to be placed where this person could most likely be employed and so is
bound as life of struggle. The Federal Government should ensure that where it allows
immigration then the immigrants are appropriately placed and not just dumped for the States to
sort out.
*.I assume it is all basically about power struggle by politicians and not about governance?
**#** That is correct. They have thought bubbles without any proper conception what it would
be in real applications. We had the then Premier of Victoria selling of the SEC (State Electrical
commission) claiming people would be better off. Well going from the cheapest in the world to
about the dearest just show the failure of governance. I filed a complaint about an intersection
where I was waiting before red-light and while no one was entering the intersection the red-light
cameras nevertheless went off. I duly reported this failure. I did receive a reply that all camera
recordings are reviewed. Nothing about doing something about the cameras who malfunction.
Anyhow it is a Commonwealth legislative power and so speed cameras not certified by the
Commonwealth cannot be validly used. But politicians do not give a hood about that. Well
unless they themselves are caught and then they will create a spat ab out it. As with the privacy
issue. If it happens to them then suddenly it must be addressed but when it is against an ordinary
citizen then they do not care less.
*.So they should be less prolific in legislating and more attend to governance itself?
p4 1-9-2018 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
**#** That is correct. When police cannot even manage simple traffic issues then surely we have
a problem.
*.To your understanding were there on Friday many police officers at the scene of the accident at
**#** I was driving but it appeared at least 5 of them were there. There might have been more.
But I view that the police central should be advised when there is a serious accident that causes a
huge obstacle for other road users and it then should organize detours to reduce the volume of
traffic along the accident scene.
*. Any comments about Western Australia to leave a person’s biological sex of the birth
**#** In my view the inmates are running the asylum. Genetically you are either a male or a
female. If a person is born with sex organs not appropriately formed then test the person but to
hold that a person can choose his sexuality is utter and sheer nonsense. We have those
snowflakes who are dictating this nonsense and politicians are willing to go along with it just so
they can get more votes and perhaps into power. My late brother had fathered 3 children and then
became “it”, I am told had a sex change. His children somehow always had the belief that I was
their father, which I didn’t know about until a few years ago after my late brother’s death. I then
explained to them that I never had a sexual relationship with their mother and so couldn’t be their
father. They are in the 50s but still suffering as result of their father having gone nuts. It is cruel
for the children.
*.If just politicians understood the harm inflicted upon children such as your cousins.
**#** It is all about governance but again they appear to do the talk but not the walk and in the
process we end up with all that nonsense, and many end up being unduly harmed. People then
end up considering committing suicide/murder or even mass-murder and most of it as I view it
can be avoided. Therefore appropriate governance is what is missing.
This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.
Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)
MAY JUSTICE ALWAYS PREVAIL® (Our name is our motto!)

p5 1-9-2018 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://

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