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motivating people and rasinig public awareness

giving incentives such as a decrease in the amount tv comercials and celebrity endorsement are
of tax paid by a house needed

netherland has been recycling its waste product for long

lower use of their natural resources less pollution is produced

in netherland they have done it by advertising in national broadcasting channels

it is functional there, hence, it would be functional
it is essentioal to raise public awareness
in other parts of the world

Motivating the dwellers as well as raising public

awareness are known to be two of the most functional
measures. Incentives such as a cut-down in the amount of
tax paid by a house from one side, and advertising
through TV commercials and celebrity endorsement from
the other side can bring about desired results. Netherland,
as a salient example, has long been recycling its waste.
This, has directly led to lower consumption of their
natural resources as well as a reduction in the amount of
co2 emissions. Unless for the indispensable role of
governmental incentives on tax and their national
broadcasting channels` advertisements, the ambitious goal
would have never been achieved. If Netherland`s model
were found functional, it would yield result in other parts
of the globe as well. Hence, such attempts would be

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