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V1 V1 Meaning V1+込む

to jump
飛ぶ 飛び込む
to jump, to leap, to bounce
跳ねる 跳ね込む
to run
走る 走り込む
to swim
泳ぐ 泳ぎ込む
to run, to dash, to gallop
駆ける 駆け込む
to wander around, to roam
彷徨う 彷徨い込む
to get/be lost, to lose one's way, to stray
迷う 迷い込む
to escape
逃げる 逃げ込む
to fall down
倒れる 倒れ込む
to sit
座る 座り込む
to carry
運ぶ 運び込む
to throw
投げる 投げ込む
to throw
放る 放り込む
to hit
打つ (うつ) 打ち込む
to shoot, to fire
撃つ 撃ち込む
to shake; wave; swing; sway, to sprinkle, to attach
kana to kanji, to give up something, to get rid of 振り込む
to kick
蹴る 蹴り込む/蹴込む
to pour
流す 流し込む
to flow, to run, to stream, to pour
流れる 流れ込む
avalanche/snowslide happens
雪崩れる 雪崩れ込む
to drag (the pond), to dredge, to clean out (ditch,
rice bowloff,
etc) 浚い込む
to carry to snatch, to sweep away, to sweep
along, to kidnap 攫い込む
to scoop, to spoon
掬う 掬い込む
to twist, to wrench, to screw
捩じる/捻じる 捩じ込む/捻じ込
to twist, to wrench, to turn, to switch
捻る 捻り込む
to push
押す 押し込む
to hold, to hold steady, to cover
押さえる 押さえ込む
to suppress, to put down, to control
抑える 抑え込む
to chase
追う 追い込む
to call
呼ぶ 呼び込む
to pull, to draw
引く 引き込む
to pull, to draw
引く 引っ込む
to pull, to (strongly) draw
引っ張る 引っ張り込む
to drag, to trail
引きずる 引きずり込む
to step
踏む 踏み込む
to rub, to scrub, to scratch
擦る (する/こする/ 擦り込む
to print
刷る 刷り込む
to knit
編む 編み込む
to sew, to stitch, to thread/weave one's way
through (the crowd), in the intervals of (one's 縫い込む
to assemble
組む 組み込む
to fold
折る 折り込む
to hide (oneself)
忍ぶ 忍び込む
to break, to snap, to cut
切れる 切れ込む
to break, to snap, to be folded, to be bent
折れる 折れ込む
to eat
食う 食い込む
to eat, to devour, to get
食らう 食らい込む
to look, to peep
覗く 覗き込む
to shave, to shave off
剃る 剃り込む
to blow, to puff, to play (a wind instrument)
吹く 吹き込む
to write
書く 書き込む
to draw, to paint
描く(かく/えがく) 描き込む
to draw, to paint
描く(かく) 描き込む
to paint (with paint), to color (with color
pencils/crayons), to spread (butter/jam), 塗り込む
to cut/chop into small pieces, to curve, to to
inscribe, to engrave 刻み込む
to cast, to mint
鋳る 鋳込む
to shoot, to hit
射る 射込む
to scratch
掻く 掻い込む
to scratch
掻く 掻き込む/掻っ込
to lay, to spread, to cover, to pave
敷く 敷き込む
to shine (sun), to clear up (weather)
照る 照り込む
to send
送る 送り込む
to act violently, wildly, or rowdily
暴れる 暴れ込む
to leap
躍る 躍り込む
to say, to speak (polite/modest expression)
申す 申し込む
to pay
払う 払い込む
to shout, to yell
怒鳴る 怒鳴り込む
to hit, to strike, to knock, to beat, to punch, to slap
殴る 殴り込む
to step
踏む 踏み込む
to break, to smash, to divide
割る 割り込む
to be with, to be accompanied by
連れる 連れ込む
to ask, to invite
誘う 誘い込む
to beckon, to invite, to ask, to call something in, to
employ, 招き込む
to catch,totocause,
fish, tototempt
bring something about, to
釣る 釣り込む
to round, to roll, to make a ball
丸める 丸め込む
to weave
織る 織り込む
to turn over (pages), to pull in/out (shutters), to
reel in, to shuffle (cards) 繰り込む
to assemble
組む 組み込む
to draw (liquid), to pump, to ladle, to scoop up, to
consider 汲み込む
to chase
追う 追い込む
to put together, to join/combine/unite, to fit, to
match, to set, to adjust 合わせ込む
to shoulder, to carry something/someone on
one's shoulder, 担ぎ込む
to enter, go in to deceive
入る 入り込む
to borrow, to rent, to owe (money)
借りる 借り込む
to be on a photo
(something is in your photo) 写り込む
to be on a video
(something is in your video) 映り込む
to get in, ride
乗る 乗り込む
to dive, to get in
潜る (もぐる) 潜り込む
to go/pass through, to go/pass under
潜る (くぐる) 潜り込む
to blind-stitch (a hem), to whip
絎ける 絎け込む
to live
住む 住み込む
to stay
泊まる 泊まり込む
屈む (かがむ/こごむ) to bend down, to lean forward, to crouch 屈み込む
to bend down, to lean forward, to crouch
しゃがむ しゃがみ込む
to sit down on the floor, to be exhausted
へたる へたり込む
to go in, to enter (house, place)
上がる 上がり込む
to roll, to fall down, to tumble
転がる 転がり込む
to roll
転げる 転げ込む
to fall
落ちる 落ち込む
to be depressed/dejected, to be discouraged, to
be in low spirits 悄気げ込む
to get depressed
滅入る 滅入り込む
to sink
沈む 沈み込む
to sink something, to submerge something
沈める 沈め込む
to be narrow in the middle, to have a slender
waist 括れ込む
to sink in, to become hollow/sunken, to cave in
窪む 窪み込む
to be dented, to cave in, to feel depressed
凹む 凹み込む
to shine, to come/get into (light), to break
through the clouds 差し込む/射し込
to stab, to thrust, to(sunlight),
stick to put oil
刺す 刺し込む
to insert, to put into
挿す 挿し込む
to stab, to thrust, to stick, to prick, to pare, to
gore, to to
pierce 突き込む
to stab, thrust, to stick, to prick, to pare, to
gore, to pierce 突っ込む
to be buried
埋まる 埋まり込む
to be buried (in a bunch of stuff)
埋もれる 埋もれ込む
to drop, to lose, to throw/cast
落とす 落とし込む
to put in, to insert
入れる 入れ込む
to hold something in/between one's mouth
咥える 咥え込む
to plant
植える 植え込む
to pack, to fill, to cram
詰める 詰め込む
to pile up, to heap up, to stack up, to lay, to load
積む 積み込む
to put away, to store
仕舞う 仕舞い込む
to hide, to conceal
隠す 隠し込む
to enclose, to surround, to fence
囲う 囲い込む
to bury (in dirt etc)
埋める(うめる) 埋め込む
to bury (one's face) in, to fill/pack into
埋める(うずめる) 埋め込む
to cut
切る 切り込む
to hollow out, to gouge out, (idiomatic) acute,
heartbreaking, get to the heart/core/point 抉り込む
to pour
注ぐ(そそぐ) 注ぎ込む
to pour
注ぐ(つぐ) 注ぎ込む
to take a photo (something will be in your photo)
写す 写し込む
to record a video (something will be in your
video) 映し込む
to cover
覆う 覆い込む
to cover, to put something over/on
被せる 被せ込む
to wrap
包む(つつむ/くるむ) 包み込む
to talk, to tell
話す 話し込む
to tell, to talk
語る 語り込む
to talk, to chat
喋る 喋り込む
to talk/speak, to negotiate, to bargain
談じる 談じ込む
to hear, to listen to, to ask
聞く 聞き込む
to squat down
しゃがむ しゃがみ込む
to sleep, to fall asleep
眠る 眠り込む
to sleep, to fall asleep
寝る 寝込む
to cough
咳く 咳込む
to hurry, to rush
急く 急き込む
to become silent/quiet
黙る 黙り込む
to cover, to block, to get depressed
塞ぐ 塞ぎ込む
to sink
沈む 沈み込む
to get weak, to be troubled, to be at a loss
弱る 弱り込む
to grow old, to age
老いる 老い込む
to grow old, to age
老ける 老け込む
to go bald
禿げる 禿げ込む
to fall, to scatter, to flutter (petals/leaves)
散る 散り込む
to dance, to flutter about (petals, leaves,
butterfly), 舞い込む
to become to whirl, to
haggard, tofly (birds,gaunt
become butterfly), to
やつれる やつれ込む
to dress up
めかす めかし込む
to dress oneself up, to dress/be dressed
stylishly/smartly 洒落込む
to be cold
冷える 冷え込む
to die (plants), to wither
枯れる 枯れ込む
rust, get/become rusty, to gather rust
錆びる 錆び込む
to love, to be in love, to fall in love
惚れる 惚れ込む
to have trouble/difficulty, to have a hard time, to
be troubled 困り込む
to think, to imagine
思う 思い込む
to think
考える 考え込む
to take a fighting stance, to be tensed, to be posed
構える 構え込む
be very keen/eager/enthusiastic (often too
much) 気負い込む
to decide, to determine
決める 決め込む
to see, to look, to watch, to judge, to look
on/regard, 見込む
to believe to allow, to estimate
信じる 信じ込む
to hit, to guess correctly, to win a draw/lottery
当てる 当て込む
to use
使う 使い込む
to buy
買う 買い込む
to do
する 仕込む
to hold in one's arms/under one's arm, to hold in
one's hands, to have 抱え込む
to have, to bear, to cherish, to hold/nestle
(something) inon,
one's arms 抱き込む
to wear, to put to get dressed
着る 着込む
to put on one's back/shoulder, to bear (some
burden) 背負い込む
to sweep
掃く 掃き込む
to wash
洗う 洗い込む
to polish, to scrub, to scrape, to burnish, to grind,
to 磨き込む
to shine,
boil, totosimmer
clean, to brush
煮る 煮込む
to boil, to boil/cook rice, to burn, to make a fire, to
light a fire to trick 炊き込む
to deceive,
騙す 騙し込む
to fall/drop below (something)
割る 割り込む
to cut, to mow, to clip, to trim, to reap/gather
刈る 刈り込む
to shave, to plane, to sharpen, to cut, to cut down,
to 削り込む
to reduce
carve, to chisel, to inscribe, to engrave
彫る 彫り込む
to shave, to shave off
剃る 剃り込む
to work out, to train
鍛える 鍛え込む
to remember, to memorize
覚える 覚え込む
to sing
歌う 歌い込む
to play (piano, guitar)
弾く 弾き込む
to read
読む 読み込む
to recite (a poem), to make (a
poem/tanka/haiku) 詠み込む
to listen
聴く 聴き込む
to wipe
拭く 拭き込む
to teach
教える 教え込む
to hit
叩く (たたく) 叩き込む
to slap, to dust (down/off)
叩く (はたく) 叩き込む
to hit, to give a talk, to give/make a speech
打つ (ぶつ) 打ち込む/打っ込
to ask
頼む 頼み込む
to pray
拝む 拝み込む
to sell
売る 売り込む
to wear (pants, skirt, shoes, socks)
履く 履き込む
to look down, to hang/droop one's head
俯く 俯き込む
to become/get damp, to dampen, to be lame, to be
gloomy, to be a wet blanket 湿気込む
to be stormy, to become rough
時化る 時化込む
to squeeze, to wring, to twist, to press, to extort
絞る 絞り込む
to soak, to smart (pain), to sting (pain), to feel
something strongly 染み込む
to run (paint, ink), to(the feeling
spread, to is soaking
ooze in your
(blood), to
sweat too much 滲み込む
to close (by twisting)
締める 締め込む
to file, to bind
綴じる 綴じ込む
to be irritated, to be impatient
焦れる 焦れ込む
to suck, to breathe in, to inhale, to smoke, to suck
up, to soak up, to absorb 吸い込む
to make (paper)
漉く 漉き込む
to sip, to slurp, to sniff
啜る 啜り込む
to slide, to glide, to skim, to skate, to ski
滑る 滑り込む
to slip off, to slant, to turn aside, to deviate
ずれる ずれ込む
to attack
攻める 攻め込む
to lose, to be beaten, to be defeated
負ける 負け込む
unknown unknown
to roll up, to tuck up, to hold up
たくる たくし込む
to pilfer
がめる がめ込む
(Hakata dialect) to collect/gather many things
がめくる がめくり込む
to save up, to store up, to accumulate
蓄える 蓄え込む
to save up, to store up, to accumulate
貯める 貯め込む
to pull in, to haul in (a rope/string or something
you can(up),
pull),toto search (one's memory for) 手繰り込む
to fold shut, to close
畳む 畳み込む
to build, to put up, to construct
建てる 建て込む
to hang, to suspend, to swing, to string
吊る 吊り込む
to stand, to raise, to make plans
立てる 立て込む
to eat
食べる 食べ込む
to store, to hoard, to save
溜める 溜め込む
to fit (on, into), to button up, to put on (gloves, a
ring, 嵌め込む
to fit,atobracelet,
fall into,atowatch), to take
be caught someone
in, to get into,in,
hooked 嵌まり込む
to take (someone) in (with sweet talk), to tempt,
to 誑し込む
to seduce
hang, to dangle, to droop, to drip, to trickle, to
give 垂れ込む
to beaflooded,
lesson, totoset an example (in water), to be
be submerged
pickled, to steep,
be in water (bath) to pickle 漬かり込む
to soak, to to marinate,
漬ける 漬け込む
to dip, to soak, to bathe
浸す 浸し込む
to be flooded, to be lost/deep (in something), to
give 浸り込む
to falloneself
on one's face, toto
のめる のめり込む
to decrease, to decline, to lower
減る (める) 減り込む (めりこ
to put, to fix, to attach
付ける 付け込む
to melt, to dissolve, to thaw, to fuse, to liquefy
溶かす 溶かし込む
to dissolve, to mix, to beat (an egg)
溶く 溶き込む
to melt, to dissolve, to thaw, to fuse, to be
liquefied 溶け込む
to take, to get, to fetch
取る 取り込む
to cry
泣く 泣き込む
to grip, to clasp, to grasp, to seize, to clutch, to
hold, to take hold 握り込む
to move a little by of
little by using your knees
down on your knees on the floor) 躙り込む
to creep,sitting
to crawl
這う 這い込む
to crawl
這いずる 這いずり込む
to knead, to polish (writing), to work out (a
plan/idea), to elaborate 練り込む
to drink, to take
飲む 飲み込む
to put/sandwich (between) something, to nip, to
cut in, to 挟み込む
to put, to interrupt
stick, to paste
貼る 貼り込む
to keep a close watch on, to bet money on
(gamble) 張り込む
to silence, to shut up, to suppress, to stop
封じる 封じ込む
to close
閉じる 閉じ込む
to contain, to include
含む 含み込む
to rain, to snow, to fall
降る 降り込む
to touch, to feel, to refer, to mention, to touch (on
something) 触れ込む
to dig, to excavate, to trench, to mine, to drill
掘る 掘り込む
to bend, to curve, to turn, to wind, to twist, to
crook, totomake awry, to warp 曲がり込む
to bend, curve, to twist
曲げる 曲げ込む
to wrap, to bandage, to wind (up), to roll (up), to
coil (up)to be beguiled, to mingle with, to 巻き込む
to betodiverted,
be lost (in) 紛れ込む
to mix
混ざる 混ざり込む
to mix (with), to mingle (with), to blend (with)
混じる 混じり込む
to mix, to blend, to mingle, to compound, to dilute,
to 混ぜ込む
to adulterate,
be turned up, to stir
to be blown inside out (umbrella)
捲れる (まくれる/め 捲れ込む
to roll up, to tuck up, to hold up
捲る(まくる/めくる) 捲り込む
to dedicate, to enshrine, to deify, to worship
祭る/祀る 祭り込む/祀り込
to dust, to sprinkle, to coat
まぶす まぶし込む
to turn, to revolve, to rotate, to spin
回す 回し込む
to turn (round/around), to revolve, to rotate, to
spin 回り込む
to have, to hold, to possess
持つ 持ち込む
to tangle, to get tangled/entangled, to get
confused, totogetknead,
complicated 縺れ込む
to massage, to rub (down)
揉む 揉み込む
to heap, to pile, to serve (in a bowl/on a plate)
盛る 盛り込む
to become haggard (from lack of sleep), to
become gaunt/emaciated (from illness) 窶れ込む
to stumble, to stagger
蹌踉ける 蹌踉け込む
to plow (a field)
鋤く 鋤き込む
to be completed, to succeed, to be made, to
become, to consist 成り込む
to measure, to takeof, to be made uptoof,
(temperature), to be
計る 計り込む
to weigh
量る 量り込む
V1+込む Meaning
to jump in/into
to jump in/into, to leap in/into, to bounce in/into
to run in/into, to run a lot, to go for a hard
training run
to swim in/into, to swim a lot, to go for a hard
training swim
to dash in/into
to wander into, to roam into
to get/be lost and go into some place
to escape in/into
to fall down in, to fall down (for a long time), to
to sit in, to sit down (for a long time), to crouch
to carry in/into
to throw in/into, to throw a lot, to do a hard
to throwthrow (baseball
something in/intopitcher)
to drive in/into, to hammer in/into, to hit in/into,
to smash in/into,totofire
shoot in/into, slam, to input, to apply
to pay/deposit money into bank account, to get
rid of a something
to kick mah-jong tile,
into,totoswing (bat/kendomany
kick something sword)
to pour asin/into
a hard training
to flow/pour/crowd/stream into
to be surged/rushed into, to crowd into
to dredge something into something, to clean
to sweep away up and put the into,
something thingto
you got into
someone, to carry off all (awards), to steal (the
to scoop or to spoon and pour it into something
to thrust (into), to twist into, to wrench into, to
strongly protest
to twist into, to wrench into, to twist a lot
to push in/into, to jam in/into
to hold steady, to hold very steady (by force)
to suppress well, to put down, to control well (by
to chase into, to drive into
to call in/into (a place)
to pull in/into, to draw in/into, to attract, to
to retire, to withdraw, to sink, to stay indoors
to pull in/into, to draw/pull/drag in/into
to drag into, to trail into
to step in/into
to rub in/into
to print something into something, to imprint
to weave within (hair, fabric, etc.)
to sew into, to stitch into, to thread/weave one's
way through (the crowd)
to build in
to fold in/into
to sneak into somewhere
to cut inward (sharply)
to be folded, to be bent inward quite a lot
to cut into, to run over/into, to stretch on/into, to
eat into
to be thrown in jail, to be locked up, to be put
to looktointo,
be sent up, to
to peep be saddled/burdened with
to shave the corners of one's forehead towards
the top and
to blow backtooftell
in/into, your head (usually
somebody to makethat
information a
they aren’t
to write in, supposed to know
to fill out/in, or fake
to write a lot,information,
to write
until you are
to draw in, paint in happy about it
to draw in, paint in, to draw/paint thoroughly
with a lot(with
to paint of details,
color (withovercolorand over
to cut/chop into small to spread
and put themtointo
something, to
to cast into (mold) curve/inscribe/engrave deeply
to shoot into (object)
to have/hold (something) a lot under your arms,
to scoop
bolt down, (water)to shovel (something) into, to eat
to lay into/under something, to lay entirely
to shine in (usually sunlight)
to send in/into
to enter (a place) suddenly and violently
to leap into (a place), to enter vigorously/bravely
to apply to
to pay to, to deposit to
to storm into (a place) in a rage, to go to (a place)
to protest violently place)
raid (someone/a
to step in/into, to break in/into, to raid
to cut in, to interrupt
to take/bring (to a hotel, into a room, into a car)
to lureforcefully)
in/into, to tempt in/into
to beckon in, to invite in, to ask in, to call
something in, to employ
to carry away/charm in, to cause,
(someone) (withto an
to wheedle,story etc.)
to sweet-talk, to con, to persuade, to
win over
to weave into something, to put (an idea) in/into,
to incorporate
march/swarm (a suggestion) in/intoto, to add to,
in/into, to transfer
to pull/haul in (rope), to add to (the
include in(schedule/itinerary)
to draw/pump/ladle/scoop up (liquid) and pour
(something) to consider someone's
into, to drive feelings
to puttotogether,
force (somebody) to do (something)
to join/combine/unite, to fit, to
match, to set, to adjust perfectly, to calibrate
to carry something/someone on one's shoulder
to gosomewhere,
in deep, to get to deceive someone
in, to sneak in completely
to borrow/rent a lot, to borrow money a lot until
to be max
on a photo (though you didn’t want the thing
to be there,
be on video for(though
exampleyou a crime
want athe ghost)
to be there, for example a crime scene,
to get in/into (a vehicle) speedily or forcibly, to a ghost)
to dive into (a place)
in deep, to getabruptly or forcibly
into, to sneak into, to
to go under something by bending your body (and
into somewhere)
to blind-stitch (a hem), to whip very
to live in (though the place doesn’t belong to you),
to staytoinlive somewhere
(though the placefor doesn’t
work orbelong
trainingto you,
or even though you don’t have to)
to bend down further, to lean forward further
to bend down further, to lean forward further (for
be exhausted and sit down (for a while)
to go in/into (though it’s intruding)
to roll into something, to fall into something, to
tumble intosomething
to roll into something, to move into someone's
to sink, to drop, to fall in/into (deeper), to get
to be depressed/dejected, to be discouraged, to
be in low
to get spirits aa lot
depressed lot
to sink (deeper)
to sink something, to submerge something
to be very(by force)in the middle, to have a very
to sink in, waist
to become hollow/sunken, to cave in a
to be dented, to cave in, to feel depressed a lot
to shine into, to come/get into (light), to break
to stab, to the clouds
thrust, toand
sticklight up, to put oil into
to insert, to put into deeply/forcefully/quickly
to stab, to thrust, to stick, to prick, to pare, to
to dashto (into),
pierce todeeply
rush (into), to run/go (into), to
crash (into), to plunge
to be buried deeply (and (into), to putis(something)
the thing difficult to
dig out)
to be buried deeply in a bunch of stuff (and the
to dropis into
difficult to dig out
something, to or find)
take down in notes
(meeting minutes, etc.), to
to put in, to incorporate into, to beapply concepts/ideas
about, to be into
to hold something deep in the mouth, to hold
something in/between
to plant (properly, very one's
well) mouth and put it in
to pack, cram in (forcefully)
to load
to store (with a lot of stuff, securely)
to hide or to conceal very well/deeply
to enclose, to surround, to fence, to impound very
well/perfectly and not allow the thing to leave
to bury in (deeply)
to bury (one's face) in a lot/completely, to bury
to cut deeply, in (something)
to gash (to cut somore
that itdeeply,
won't but
be not
to deeplythingshollowcompletely),(idiomatic)
out, to deeply gouge out, to
to pour intovery heartbreaking/acute, to get to
to pour (money/time/effort) into, to pour
to take a photo and put intosomething
somethingin many times
the photo
to record a video (for and
example a flower, dates)
put something in the video
intentionally (for
to cover up entirely example a flower, dates)
to cover/put something over/on and wrap or half
to wrap (inupcases where you need extra work to put
to talk for a long time, to be absorbed in talking,
to have
talk fora deep
a long discussion
time, to be absorbed in talking,
to have a deep discussion
to talk/chat for a long time, to be absorbed in
to complain strongly, to negotiate strongly, to
to ask aroundstrongly,
some strongly
information, to ask a
lot of questions and get information,
to squat down (for a long time), to crouch to listen to
to fall asleep, to fall into a deep sleep, to sleep for
atolong time to be confined to one’s bed (by
fall asleep,
to cough for a long time, to cough badly
to rush impatiently
to become silent/quiet suddenly and/or for a
to get depressed, to feel low/down
to sink, to get depressed
to get very weak, to be troubled a lot, to be at a
to agefora alot
to age a lot
to go very bald
to fall/scatter/flutter into something, to
to come fluttering (into),a lot (not many petals
to receive/get (aor
to become very haggard, unexpectedly
to become very gaunt
to dress up a lot, to be dressed to kill, to be dolled
to dress up a lot, to be dressed to kill, to be dolled
to betovery
dresscoldvery stylishly/smartly
to completely die and be dried up
to get rusty a lot
to fall in love a lot, to fall for, to be crazy about
to have trouble/difficulty a lot and not knowing
to getto do
something in one’s head, to believe, to be
convinced (and usually
to think deeply, to brood, the
toassumption is not to
reflect, to meditate,
be lost/absorbed/deep
to take a fighting stance,intothought
be tensed, to be posed
very strongly/intensely
to be extremely keen/eager/enthusiastic (often
too much)
to take something for granted, to assume, to jump
to aexpect,
conclusion, to maketouprely/count
to anticipate, one's mind, onto decide
something, to trust,
to firmly believe, to take something
to assume, to not doubt intofor a
to count on, to expect (and usually the
to use well, to is use
too much)
for a long time, to use up (or to
use something quite
to lay in, to stock up (by a lot, though usually you are
to prepare, to stock up, to train, to teach
somebody until they
to hold something master
tightly theholding
(like thing being
a rugby
ball), to take something on (usually
to win/bring (somebody) over/around, to a lot ofinvolve
(someone) in
to wear something under something, to pile on
one's clothes, to wrap
to be saddled, to be burdened up, to be bundled up, to
to sweep very well and/or for a long while, to
to washveryverywell
and/oryou for
areahappy, to sweep
long while, to wash
something until you are happy
to polish, to scrub, to scrape, to burnish, to grind,
to shine, to clean,totoboil,
boil together, brush very to
to stew, well and/orvery
simmer for a
to put and/or for a long
something in rice time,
whento boil, simmer,
you make rice,orto
make fire stronger
to deceive completely
to fall/drop below (something) a lot
to cut, to shear, to trim, to prune, to mow (usually
good amount
to shave, of trees,
to plane, plants ortohairs,
to sharpen, cut, toand
cutto a
or to reduce
to carve, quite to
to chisel, a lot, to shave/plane
inscribe, to engrave something
or until you are happy about it
to shave a good amount of hair, to shave a
to work out a lot, perfectly
to train hard
to memorize hard
to sing a lot, to practice singing vigorously
to play a lot, to practice playing (piano, guitar)
to read a lot, to read thoroughly, to read
something until you
to put (something suchperfectly understand
as kigo/name) intoit,a to
to listen a lot, to listen to music until you become
to wipefamiliar withwhile,
for a long it to wipe very thoroughly,
until you are happy
to teach somebody something until you think it's
to drum sometimes forcefully into one’s head
(an idea/knowledge)
to slapthey
(the it, to smash(sumo
opponent) something into, to
to throw something into somewhere, to throw in
to ask over and over again, very earnestly
to pray over and over again, to ask over and over
to sell very earnestly very hard, to push or
(a thing/idea)
promote hard, to push
to wear something overyourself
and over toagain,
be popular
or until it
is worn out or until it fits you and
to look down deeper; to hang/droop one's head becomes
to become/get damp a lot, to be gloomy a lot
to stay home because you don't have money, to
to squeeze enter a love hotel
something intoorsomething,
a pink house to
concentrate more on something,
to soak into/through, to permeate, to to
affect (someone), to steep
to run/spread/ooze and soak in into/through
to close tightly (by twisting)
to file/bind something between other things
to be irritated, to be impatient a lot
to suck up in, to breath in, to inhale in, to soak up
to add well
more fibers when making paper to make
some patterns/designs
to sip in, to slurp in (imagine more noodles
to slide intoin your mouth with
something, strongerinto/to
to get/come force than
to be put off,justto bein delayed
to invade, to penetrate into, to attack
to lose a lot, to lose often, to be beaten a lot, to be
defeated big time place (slang for yakuza/young
to raid someone/a
to tuck your shirt into your pants or skirt
to pilfer a lot, (Hakata dialect) to collect/gather
(Hakata things
dialect) to collect/gather a huge amount
of things
to save up, to store up, to accumulate a lot
to save up, to store up, to accumulate a lot
to pull/haul in and bring something towards you
to fold up and put it in, to fold up very well, to
to be built aitlotin mind,
(packed to buildings),
ask questions one after
to install
(doors/windows etc.)
to install (fittings/fixtures/doors/windows)
to be crowded, to be busy (your schedule is
to eat well, to eat a lot
to store up, to hoard, to save up, to salt away, to
to fit something (complaints/bad feelings)
in, to put something in, to take
someone in very well, to set somebody
to fit perfectly, to fall into something and upstack,
very to
be totally caught into something,
to take (someone) in completely (with sweet to get into
to tip to
police)to seduce
off (to the suspect's
whereabouts), to inform
to be absorbed in (something) very well (and you
can't get out easily),very
to marinate/pickle to bewell/for
involveda long
in (something)
to dip/soak/bathe something in/into something
to be flooded,to dip/soak/bathe
to be lost/deepvery well/for a to
in something, while
to falloneself
on one'sover to and
face something,
buryingto be face in
to sink in, to(for example
stick in falling face-first on a
to take advantage of
to melt/dissolve/thaw/fuse/liquefy something
into the other
to dissolve liquid into the other liquid, to mix
to melt intowith something
something, else,
to fit, to beat(oneself)
to adapt egg and to
to take something in, to be busy, to be in
to rush intotosomewhere
win over, towhile
import (data)
crying, to cry and
ask someone
to grip, over
to clasp, to and over
grasp, to again
seize, to clutch, to
to movetake holdbyoflittle
little veryusing
tightlyyour knees (kneeling
on the floor) and go into somewhere
to creep or to crawl into somewhere
to crawl into somewhere
to knead, to polish (writing), to work out (a
to swallow, to to gulp,
elaborate very well or
to understand, tountil
grasp, you
to are
take in
to put/sandwich (between) something very
to put in, to paste incut
to nip in, to in,example
(for to interrupt
ads, pictures or
video pasted on a blog)
to keep a (very close) watch (on), to keep
to shut down,place) undertowatch,
to contain, to give
shut (up) (in), to
confine (in)
to shut (up) (in), to lock up (in), to confine (in)
to contain, to include (emphasizes something is
to come into (snow, rain etc.), to rain into, to fall
to advertise something extensively
to dig deeply
to bend, to curve, to turn, to wind, to twist, to
to bend, totomake awry,
curve, to warp
to twist (inward)
(inward) a lot/as
a lot, to put
something in pawn
to catch in something rolling (a roller, a
to mingle with to involve in to be very lost in
very well,
to mix in
to mix (with), to mingle (with), to blend (with)
very well
to mix/blend/mingle something into something,
to stir very well
to be turned up inside
to roll up, to tuck up, to hold up (and to put the
part you rolled up inward to tuck in)
to enshrine
to sprinkle and mix it in, to coat in
to turn/spin something into something
to go around to, to move in front of something
to bring (into), to smuggle (into)
to tangle, to get tangled/entangled, to get
to massage, totogetknead,
complicated a lot, tovery
to rub (down) go into extra
well, to
rub in
to incorporate, to include
to become haggard (from lack of sleep), to
to stumble veryin,gaunt/emaciated
to stagger in (from illness)
to plow a field by adding fertilizer, manure, or
(shogi) to enter a promotion zone while being
to measuretosomething
a higher ranked
and put piece
it in something
to weigh something and put it in something

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