4th Quarter English 1 Exam Grade 12

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Al-Shamelah International Schools 2016-2017

Creating a caring and secure environment where all the students are developed to reach their
fullest potential.

Al Shamelah International School

(English 1)
Grade (12)
4 Quarter Exam

 Time: 60/120 minutes

 Name: …………………………………………………………………. 25
 Student number: …………………………………………………

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 TOTAL

 Teacher's Signature: ………………………………………….

 Revised by: …………………………………………………….

A Place a colon wherever a colon is needed in the following sentences.
(.5 point each)

1. There’s a show about the Cuban revolution on TV tonight at 9 00.

2. Have you ever heard of the book Eat That Frog! Get More of the Important Things Done Today.

3. The following should be on the desk of every manager pens, note pads, a calendar, a journal, a
rolodex, a telephone, and a computer.

4. I began my message to the senator with “Dear Mr. Senator the issue of poverty in our city is
no longer acceptable we have to . . .”

5. In the Quran, the story of Moses, Bani Israel, and the calf appears in 2 49 – 74.

B Underline the words that should be italicized.

(.5 point each)

1. I read The Autobiography of Malcolm X when I was in high school.

2. The Raven is probably the most popular poem ever written by Edgar Allan Poe .

3. I was reading The Florida Times while drinking my coffee.

4. My children are obsessed by Battlefield 4.

5. The Great Debate was an interesting and educational film.

6. The Iliad by Homer is one of the most famous epic poems today.

7. One of the most famous Shakespeare plays is Romeo and Juliet.

8. When I was a child, I enjoyed reading Garfield in the Sunday comics section of the paper.

9. The Mona Lisa is one of the widely known paintings in the world.

10. Leading up the list of horror films coming out this year is It, which is based on a book by
Stephen King.

C Add quotation marks in the following sentences where they are required.
(1 point each)

1. How many of you asked the teacher, have studied a foreign language

2. We should have started studying for the exam earlier said Ahmed, we only have three more
days to prepare

3. I read a nice article on line called How to Choose a Career and I found it quite informative.

4. What do Southerners mean when they say they are fixing to do something?

5. Alice whispered, thank you for lending me the article Is There Life on Other Planets?

D Add apostrophes in the following sentences where they are required.

(.5 point each)

1. I retrieved my books from Ahmeds care before he left for Salehs house.

2. Im a bit intrigued at Zaids ability to write.

3. There are four 5s in Ahmeds phone number.

4. The number of MBAs obtained by American students has skyrocketed in recent years.

5. It must have been in 96 when I graduated high school.

6. There 4 is in the word Mississippi.

7. Ahmeds house has been destroyed by his cat and its toys.

8. The students books are quite expensive this year.

9. Zaids and her father passed away yesterday.

10. Salehs and Johns cars are in the parking lot.

E Essay (Persuasive) (5 points)

Do you believe a college education is necessary to be successful in life? Why/why not?

Support your argument in a very academic and logical fashion.




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