Neanderthals Burial

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The Palaeolithic Origins of Human Burial, by Paul Pettitt, 2010. London:

Routledge; ISBN 978-0-415-35489-9 hardback £70.00 & US\$115; ISBN
978-0-415-35490-5 paperback £22.99 & US\$35.95; xi + 307 pp., 77 gs., 9

April Nowell

Cambridge Archaeological Journal / Volume 22 / Issue 02 / June 2012, pp 298 - 299

DOI: 10.1017/S0959774312000327, Published online: 23 May 2012

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How to cite this article:

April Nowell (2012). Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 22, pp 298-299 doi:10.1017/S0959774312000327

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relation to flow and I have found since reading this book what Pettitt terms the ‘Cronos Compulsion’ (‘the urge … to
that ‘flow’ appears to have potential in myriad further dismember, injure or consume parts of the bodies of one’s
circumstances in archaeology — and to think through an conspecifics’, p. 9) are clearly meaningful and vary according
archaeology of flow as one way of approaching the material to situation, audience and individual idiosyncrasies. This
is probably not a bad thing. is an important chapter because it lays the foundation for
interpreting the hominin finds in subsequent chapters of
Paul Rainbird this book. I find Pettitt persuasive when he argues that the
Honorary Fellow, Exeter University complexity of behaviours exhibited by non-human primates
Murtwell Barn could, over time, among our ancestors, have become codi-
Diptford fied, ritualized and taken on symbolic meaning that they
Devon lacked in the non-human primate context.
TQ9 7NQ In Chapter 3 Pettitt explores the transition from
UK morbidity to actual mortuary behaviour in Pliocene aus-
Email: tralopithecines and in hominins of the Lower and Middle
Pleistocene. At 15 pages this is one of the shortest chapters
and with good reason as the evidence is more fragmentary.
For many researchers, it may be a stretch to describe the
The Palaeolithic Origins of Human Burial, by Paul Pettitt, well-known Australopithecus afarensis site AL-333 as an early
2010. London: Routledge; ISBN 978-0-415-35489-9 example of ‘structured abandonment’. Pettitt may be on
hardback £70.00 &US$115; ISBN 978-0-415-35490-5 surer ground when he interprets the evidence for soft tissue
paperback £22.99 & US$35.95; processing at the pre-Neanderthal site of Gran Dolina within
xi + 307 pp., 77 figs., 9 tables the framework of an elaborated Cronos compulsion. Seen
in this way, the distinction between nutritional and ritual
April Nowell cannibalism becomes less important.
In Chapter 3 and more fully in Chapter 4 Pettitt traces
‘At what point in human behavioural evolution did the development of funerary caching and the emergence
responses to death become culturally meaningful?’ asks of the earliest burials amongst early Homo sapiens. Funer-
Pettitt (p. 2) in his recent book The Palaeolithic Origins of ary caching is described as the deliberate deposition of
Human Burial. In it, he traces the origins and development of a corpse or parts of corpse in a specific location without
human mortuary practices throughout the Pleistocene. This any modification of that location. Examples can include
is an absorbing and intriguing read that I found difficult to the back of a cave, a pit dug for another purpose but then
put down. At 307 pages, it is densely packed with data and reappropriated or any natural depression or fissure. Pettit
includes an extensive bibliography as well as detailed inven- distinguishes this from structured abandonment because
tories of the hominin skeletal remains whose preservation is the ‘place is given meaning beyond prosaic concerns such as
likely the result of some kind of mortuary behaviour. In the corpse protection (p. 9)’. Funerary caching is an important
short time it took me to read this volume I had the occasion concept because it can be seen as the basis for a symbolic
to recommend it to a colleague who was looking for a recent transition of landscape — over time there can be ‘places for
review of Palaeolithic burials, draw on it to update a guest the dead’ and ‘places for the living’. Sites such as Atapuerca
lecture I give on Gravettian burials for a class in mortuary are discussed within this context.
archaeology, suggest it to a graduate student as background The fifth chapter is devoted to Neanderthals. While he
reading for her MA thesis and refer to it in a book chapter I rejects Robert Gargett’s (1989; 1999) extreme thesis that there
was writing on Neanderthal symbol use. It is clear that this are no Neanderthal burials, he emphasizes that it is an over-
volume fills a true void in the literature and will remain an generalization to say that Neanderthals ‘bury their dead’.
important resource for students and professionals in the It is more correct, he argues, to say that some Neanderthals
field for years to come. in some places and at some times bury their dead. He also
The book is divided into eight chapters. The first is describes other aspects of mortuary behaviour engaged in
an introduction which outlines the volume and defines the by Neanderthals.
terms and concepts that will be used throughout the book. The sixth and longest chapter of the book focuses
The second chapter traces the roots of hominin funerary primarily on Gravettian burials. Like Riel-Salvatore and
behaviour in the behavioural repertoire of non-human Clark (2001), Pettitt characterizes the Gravettian as a true
primates. Pettitt focuses on behaviours associated primarily break with what came before. While other mortuary beha­
with chimpanzees and while it is largely anecdotal evidence viours continue to be elaborated upon Pettitt describes the
it is clear that there is a larger variety of behaviours associ- emergence of ritualized burials — particularly the often
ated with the treatment of dead conspecifics than is gener- spectacularly furnished single, double and triple burials of
ally acknowledged. These behaviours, including ‘curation’ children and adolescents.
(the carrying around of a corpse in its entirety or in pieces), Chapter 7, titled ‘From Fragmentation to Collectivity’
morbidity (a keen interest in the injured or deceased) and looks at the circulation of human relics (isolated body parts),
and the incidence of burials and the emergence of true cem-
CAJ 22:2, 298–9 © 2012 McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research
eteries (places of multiple burial that are dedicated primarily


or entirely to the dead) in the late Upper Palaeolithic and Archaeomalacology Revisited: Non-dietary Use of Molluscs
Epipalaeolithic. Finally, Chapter 8 provides a short summary in Archaeological Settings, edited by Canan Çakırlar, 2011.
of the arguments presented in this volume, the data used to Oxford: Oxbow Books; ISBN 978-1-84217-436-4 paperback
support them and the implications of mortuary behaviour £30.00 & US$60.00; xviii + 95 pp., 55 figs., 13 tables
for the debate on hominin symbolic capacity.
Overall, Pettitt takes a pragmatic approach to inter- Marcello A. Mannino
preting the data presented in this book and mostly avoids
overextending himself. Even still, readers likely will not Archaeomalacology Revisited is a collection of papers on stud-
agree with everything. I personally have difficulty with ies of marine shells recovered from archaeological sites and
Pettitt’s insistence in the reality of an inverse relationship used for non-dietary purposes by humans living in the past.
between male Gravettian burials and female Gravettian Archaeomalacology is the study of molluscs (terrestrial,
figurines. Nonetheless, the only true shortcoming of this freshwater and marine) from archaeological sites and is
book is that Pettitt often fails to contextualize the mortuary considered a sub-discipline of archaeozoology. Shells of
practices that he describes in such detail. For example, for molluscs can inform us about a variety of aspects of our
those without a background in Palaeolithic archaeology, past, including the environment, subsistence and symbolic
the richness and unusual composition of Gravettian burial behaviours (Claassen 1998). In the last ten years or so, the
practices seem to develop out of nowhere — Pettit, of course, study of shell artefacts and, in particular, of ornaments, has
makes links to Middle and early Upper Palaeolithic funer- allowed us to gain information on the evolution of human
ary caching and Cronos compulsions as discussed above behaviour and ethno-linguistic diversity from the remotest
but without knowing that the Gravettian is often described periods of their use for these purposes, which approximately
as the ‘Golden Age’ of the Palaeolithic these practices seem coincide with the transition from the Middle to the Upper
even more unusual. It is important to contextualize these Palaeolithic (d’Errico & Stringer 2011).
burials practices within the broader framework of other The ten articles published in this small book were
developments happening at this time such as textile dying presented at two sessions of the ICAZ (International Council
and weaving, ceramic technologies including the construc- for Archaeozoology) meeting, which took place in Mexico
tion of kilns, portable art including personal adornment City five years ago, and cover different time periods start-
(although Pettitt does discuss Gravettian figurines), increases ing from prehistory. Many archaeomalacological papers
in population, increasing sedentism, changes in subsistence presented at the meeting are not included in this volume,
practices, and the development of large centres especially in which focuses heavily on the New World and, particularly,
Eastern Europe where many of the more spectacular burials on pre-Columbian Mexico, a temporal and geographic bias
come from. All the evidence suggests that Gravettian people which would not in itself be limiting. A definite limitation
were living in complex social worlds and it is likely that of the book, however, is that it does not offer a complete pic-
their mortuary practices were intertwined with these other ture of the range of methods available for the study of shell
socially construed practices and values. artefacts. The impression that emerges by taking the articles
Bottom line — who should read this book? Archaeolo- at face value is that SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy)
gists (particularly of the Palaeolithic period) and human is the main (and virtually only!) analytical tool important
palaeontologists interested in mortuary archaeology. It is for the study of shell ornaments. This is not so, as a more
suitable for professionals, graduate students and advanced careful evaluation of the relevant literature would imme-
undergraduates. diately demonstrate (Claassen 1998). For instance, none of
the studies makes use of geochemical methods, which are
April Nowell increasingly being adopted to determine the provenance
Department of Anthropology of ornamental shells (e.g. Eerkens et al. 2005; Vanhaeren et
University of Victoria al. 2004). In addition, many aspects of the non-dietary use
PO Box 3050, STN CSC of molluscs, such as their utilization as tools, as sources of
Victoria, BC raw materials and dyes (Thomas & Mannino 2001), are not
V8W 3P5 covered in the book. In fact, with the exception of a single
Canada interesting article on the use of shell waste for lime produc-
Email: tion (Carannante), all the other studies focus on the use of
shells as ornaments.
In the introductory chapter, Çakırlar heralds the
Gargett, R., 1989. Grave shortcomings: the evidence for Neandertal present trend in archaeomalacology, which is witnessing
burial. Current Anthropology 30, 157–90. an increase in the ‘dichotomy in scholarly focus’ (p. vi)
Gargett, R., 1999. Middle Paleolithic burial is not a dead issue: between researchers that study molluscs to reconstruct
the view from Qafseh, Saint-Césaire, Kebara, Amud and their role in past human subsistence and those that study
Dederiyeh. Journal of Human Evolution 37, 27–90. shells primarily for their use as artefacts, as a positive
Riel-Salvatore, J. & G.A. Clark, 2001. Grave markers: middle and development. I concur with the view that every aspect of
early Upper Paleolithic burials and the use of chronotypol-
ogy in contemporary Paleolithic research. Current Anthropo­
logy 42(4), 449–79. CAJ 22:2, 299–300 © 2012 McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research


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