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Basic electric


By: Davyd Yalansky

electromotive force or
potential difference
expressed in volts.
strength of an
electric current in
OHM - the SI unit of
electrical resistance,
expressing the resistance in
a circuit transmitting a
current of one ampere when
subjected to a potential
difference of one volt.
Ohm's law. [ōmz] A law
relating the voltage difference
between two points, the
electric current flowing
between them, and the
resistance of the path of the
current. Mathematically, the
law states that V = IR, where
V is the voltage difference, I
is the current in amperes, and
R is the resistance in ohms.
An electric current - is a flow of
electric charge. In electric circuits this
charge is often carried by moving
electrons in a wire. It can also be carried
by ions in an electrolyte, or by both ions
and electrons such as in an ionised gas
ALTERNATING CURRENT - an electric current that reverses its
direction many times a second at regular intervals, typically used
in power supplies.
electric current flowing in
one direction only
ELECTRIC CIRCUIT - An electric circuit
is a path in which electrons from a
voltage or current source flow. The point
where those electrons enter an electrical
circuit is called the "source" of electrons.
The point where the electrons leave an
electrical circuit is called the "return" or
"earth ground".
series circuit - is a closed
circuit in which the current follows one
path, as opposed to a parallel circuit
where the circuit is divided into two or
more paths. In a series circuit, the current
through each load is the same and the
total voltage across the circuit is the sum
of the voltages across each load.
A parallel circuit is a closed circuit in
which the current divides into two or more
paths before recombining to complete the
circuit. Each load connected in a separate
path receives the full circuitvoltage, and
the total circuit current is equal to the sum
of the individual branch currents.
CONDUCTOR - In physics and electrical
engineering, a conductor is an object or type
of material that allows the flow of an electrical
current in one or more directions. Materials
made of metal are common electrical
RESISTOR - a device having a designed
resistance to the passage of an electric
INSULATOR - a substance or
device that does not readily conduct
WATT - the SI unit of power, equivalent to
one joule per second, corresponding to the
power in an electric circuit in which the
potential difference is one volt and the current
one ampere.
BATTERY - a container consisting of one
or more cells, in which chemical energy is
converted into electricity and used as a
source of power.

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