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0,5 0,25 0

1. Is the topic innovative in its field or area of knowledge?

2. Is the selected content precise, complete and coherent?
3. Is the content original? (That is, there is not any plagiarism) 1
4. Does the student show maturity and a good command of the subjects
covered in the final project?
5. Does the student put into practice search, retrieval, analysis and
information processing skills?
6. Is the applied methodology adequate to the type of project carried?
7. Are the key reference works and important bibliography correctly
managed and used to support the project in a relevant an adequate way?
8. Are the results coherent with the chosen type of Final Project?
9. Is the content of each section relevant to the section?
10. Are the aims stated in the project reached at the end?
SCORE: ---/5,0
1. Content

2. Structure, format and language

0,5 0,25 0
1. Is the information well-structured, clear and specific to the type of
project completed? (Additional information must be located in the
2. Is the project written in an adequate style, and free of grammar or
spelling mistakes?
3. Is the structure adequate to the type of project?
4. Does the work have the required length?
5. Does the project follow presentation standards?
6. Does the project follow the correct citation style?
SCORE: ---/3,0

1 If this criterium does not obtain any point, the FP supervisor must tell the program coordinator, the FP
will be failed automatically and the student will have to start over a new project. That is, present a new
research proposal and go through all the stages of the FP.

3. Oral Defense (Viva)

Does the student… 0,5 0,25 0

1. ...Show a good knowledge of the work, both in the presentation and
materials used for the presentation?2
2. ...Communicate clearly?
2. ...Provide solid arguments to support their presentation?
4. ...Show a good command of the topics covered in the project?
SCORE: ---/2,0

4. Other comments




2 If the Oral Defense tribunal detect that the student is not the author of the final project, they must
inform the program coordinator, the FP will be failed automatically and the student will have to start over
a new project with a different research proposal.

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