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vena Entrance & exit WE EXIST TO SECURE THE Paracel BLESSINGS OF LIBERTY as hasbeen eres Titi] ie tral re Sun., July 28, 2019 unt Sat., August 3, 2019 Lakeside Christian Camp & Conference Center 195 Cloverdale Se. Ptsield, MA For Moe formation and Applicaton, cal or vist our webste Phone (704) 288-7270 NC E-mail Helle veron@greicom | ‘WE FIND HOPE THROUGH HISTORY... "The foundation of America is one based on individual liberty. The Constitution was wait ten to ensure that the God rights of an individual could not be trampled by the wiles ofa fickle majority. This was ac: ‘complished by reducing the scope of the pow ex of government and distributing that power ven, unalienable with checks and balances. Establishing sound ‘money and free enterprise created the greatest expansion of wealth and progress in recorded history. "The 20th and 2st centuries have scen a ‘growth in collectivist philosophies which sub>- ject the individual 10 utilitarian policies pro rmoted as “for the greater good” and tend to ‘concentrate power. These philosophies are op- posed to the American ideal ‘We teach the principles and tactics by which others consolidate such power. We expose their violations of law, and offer solutions to estore lawful government (ur camp inspires our youth to seek truth and a greater devotion to freedom under God. STAMINA and AGILITY FROM RECREATION... Throughout the week we have 20 - 25 cass sessions and a field trip wan historical site sich as the Lexington Green, Concord Bride (left) of, the Boston Tea Party Most. We enjoy our natural surroundings all day from flag raising asthe sun rises lover the treetops, through nd mountain hikes "Ws one week out of the year where Tn surrounded by intelligent people. T wouldn't want to miss "My parents met at Camp, and Tye made some realy good friends since Tve been ‘coming here!” "Thank you for helping me learn so much in such a short time. I want to be ‘ counselor when T'm old enough!" "Tye been to a lot of camps all over the United States of America, and Ihave to say that the food here is way better than. any other camp Tve been to!” "We need a twoweek camp! I learn so much here compared t0 public school. We encourage campers to join in inteligent discussion, write articles and do arowork for the paper, and take lots of pictures for treasured memories We publish a daily paper which features articles and artwork of campers. The paper alo features results of our daily cabin inepections, which is a part of the foc tidiness and creative Aecorations Judges give their scores along with humorous barbs, 50 campers look forwaed to reading and responding .!

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