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A 55-year-old male carne to FR with right upper quadrant abdommal pain,

febris and

jaundiCC dark yellowish urine. What ‘s the antimicrobial of choice for the

A. Amoxycilhn

B. Ampicillin

C. Arnikacin

D. (‘iprofloxacin

E.Gentam yc in

104. Seorang pria 66 tahun mengeluh sering huang air kecil. Pada pemenksaan
colok duhur

teraba pembesaran prostat yang menvebabkan obstruksi uretra pars prostatika.


bagian prostat manakah yang mengalami hipertrofi path kasus ini’

A. Lateral

B. Median

C. Anterior

D. Posterior

E. Glandula prostate

105. A 42-year-old woman said that she had varicose vein both of her call
Duplex ultrasound

scan showed a reflux at the saphenofemoral juction only and dilatation of


vein, no deep vein thrombus evidence. In which CEAP classification did she


B.C2 Es As Pr

C.C2 Ep As,p Pr

D. C3 Ep As Po,r


106. Pasien laki-laki 40 tahun datang ke poli bedah dengan keluhan diare yang
disertai nyeri
hilang timbul perut kiri bawah. Pasien didiagnosis dengan kecurigaan kolitis

dengan diagnosis banding penyakit Chorn s dan divertikulitis. Apakab kuman


yang paling banyak ditemukan disini?

A. E ccli

13. ClostridlUm

C. Proteus mirabilis

D. Staphylococcus

E Bacteroides fragilis

107. A 68-year-Old woman with rheumatoid arthritis, who has been taking
nonsteroidal anti-

inflammatorY drugs (NSAIDS) for the past 10 years comp1atIS of burning epsthC

pain that is relieved by antacids, but worsened with food. Her doctor d
onunues *e

nsaids and starts her on cimetidifle Which of the following is truc regatthng

pharmaCO10gi blockade of histamine H2 receptors in the pstric mucosa’

A. It Inhibits both gastrifl and acetylChO1iflmedu1t secretion of acìt

B. It inhibits gastrininduc but not mealstimulated secretion of acid

C. It has no effect on either gastrininduced or mea1.StimUlat sectetiOfl of


D. It prevents activation of adenyl cyclase

E.It causeS an increase in potassium t1’

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