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verbo ingles Participio Pasado Part. pres.

Español Tercera persona Pasado Futuro
tiempo presente Forma ing.
Accept aceptar accepts accepted will accept accepted accepting
Achieve lograr achieves achieved will achieve achieved achieving
Act actuar acts acted will act acted acting
Add agregar adds added Will add added adding
Admit admitir admits admitted Will admit admitted admitting
Agree acordar agrees agreed will agree agreed agreeing
Allow permitir allows allowed Will allow allowed allowing
Announce anunciar announces announced will announce announced announcing
Annoy irritar annoys annoyed will annoy annoyed annoying
Answer contestar answers answered will answer answered answering
Appear aparecer appears appeared will appear appeared appearing
Argue discutir argues argued will argue argued arguing
Ask preguntar asks asked Will ask asked asking
Assume asumir assumes assumed will assume assumed assuming
Attack atacar attacks attacked will attack attacked attacking
Attend asistir a attends attended will attend attended attending
Avoid evitar avoids avoided will avoid avoided avoiding
Be ser is Was/were Will be been being
Beat golpear beats beat will beat beaten beating
Become convertirse becomes became Will become become becoming
Begin comenzar begins began will begin begun beginning
Believe creer believes believed will believe believed believing
Bend doblar bends bent will bend bent bending
Bite morder bites bit Will bite bitten biting
Bleed sangrar bleeds bled will bleed bled bleeding
Blow soplar blows blew Will blow blown blowing
Bother molestar bothers bothered will bother bothered bothering
Break romper breaks broke will break broken breaking
Bring traer brings brought will bring brought bringing
Build construir builds built will build built building
Burn Quemar bums burned Will bum burned burning
Burst reventar bursts burst will burst burst bursting
Buy comprar buys bought Will buy bought buying
Cal llamar calls called Will call called calling
Cancel cancelar cancels cancelled will cancel cancelled cancelling
Care preocuparse cares cared will care cared caring
Carry cargar carries carried will carry carried carrying
Catch cachar catches caught will catch caught catching
Cause causar causes caused Will cause caused causing
Change cambiar changes changed will change changed changing
Choose escoger chooses chose will choose chosen choosing
Clap aplaudir c1aps clapped Will clap clapped clapping
Close cerrar closes closed Will close closed closing
Come venir Comes came Will come come coming
Commit cometer commits committed Will commit committed committing
Compare comparar compares compared Will compare compared comparing
Connect conectar connects connected will connect connected connecting
Consider considerar considers considered will consider considered considering
Contain contener contains contained will contain contained containing
Continue continuar continues continued will continue continued continuing
Control controlar controls controlled will control controlled controlling
Cost costar Costs cost will cost cost costing
Cover cubrir Covers covered will cover covered covering
Create crear creates created will create created creating
Cry llorar cries cried will cry cried crying
Cut cortar cuts cut will cut cut cutting
Dare atreverse dares/dare dared will dare dared daring
Decide decidir decides decided will decide decided deciding
Describe describir describes described will describe described describing
Design diseñar designs designed will design designed designing
Dial marcar (tel.) dials dialed Will dial dialed dialing
Dig excavar digs dug Will dig dug digging
discover descubrir discovers discovered will discover discovered discovering
discuss discutir discusses discussed will discuss discussed discussing
do hacer does did Will do done doing
Draw dibujar draws drew Will draw drawn drawing
dream soñar dreams dreamed Will dream dreamed dreaming
Drink beber drinks drank Will drink drunk drinking
Drive conducir drives drove Will drive driven driving
Drop dejar caer drops dropped will drop dropped dropping
Earn ganarse Earns earned Will earn earned earning
Eat comer eats ate will eat eaten eating
Enjoy disfrutar enjoys enjoyed will enjoy enjoyed enjoying
Enter entrar enters entered Will enter entered entering
Excuse disculpar excuses excused will excuse excused excusing
Expect esperar expects expected will expect expected expecting
Explain explicar explains explained will explain explained explaining
Express expresar expresses expressed will express expressed expressing
Face enfrentar faces faced Will face faced facing
Fail fracasar fails failed Will fail failed failing
Fall caer Falls tell Will fall fallen falling
Feed alimentar feeds fed Will feed fed feeding
Feel sentir feels fell Will feel felt feeling
Fight pelear fought Will fight fought fighting
Fill llenar fills felt Will fill filled filling
Find encontrar finds found Will find found finding
Finish terminar finishes finished Will finish finished finishing
Fly volar Flies flew will fly flown flying
Follow seguir follows followed Will follow followed following
Forbid prohibir forbids forbade Will forbid forbidden fobiding
Force forzar forces forced Will force forced forcing
Forget olvidar forgets forgot Will forget forgotten forgetting
Forgive disculpar forgives forgave will forgive forgiven forgiving
Fry freír fries fried will fry fried frying
Get conseguir gets got Will get gotten getting
Give dar gives gave Will give given giving
Go ir goes went Will go gone going
Grow crecer Grows grew Will grow grown growing
Guess adivinar guesses guessed will guess guessed guessing
Handle encargarse de handles handled will handle handled handling
Hang colgar hangs hung will hang hung hanging
Hate odiar Hates hated will hate hated hating
Have tener has had will have had having
Hear oír Hears heard will hear heard hearing
Help ayudar Helps helped will help helped helping
Hide esconder Hides hid will hide hidden hiding
Hit golpear hits Hit Will hit hit hitting
Hold sostener Holds held will hold held holding
Hope esperar hopes hoped will hope hoped hoping
Hug abrazar hugs hugged will hug hugged hugging
Hurt lastimar hurts hurt will hurt hurt hurting
Imagine imaginar imagines imagined will imagine imagined imagining
Improve mejorar improves improved will improve improved improving
Include incluir includes included Will include included including
Increase aumentar increases increased will increase increased increasing
Join unir joins joined Will join joined joining
Keep guardar/cumplir keeps kept will keep kept keeping
Knock golpear knocks knocked will knock knocked knocking
Know saber knows knew Will know known knowing
Lay poner lays laid Will lay laid laying
Learn aprender learns learned Will learn learned learning
Leave dejar leaves left Will leave left leaving
Lend prestar lends lent Will lend lent lending
Let permitir lets let Will let let letting
Lie mentir lies lied Will lie lied lying
Lie acostar Lies lay Will lie lain lying
Light prender Lights Lighted / lit Will light lighted lighting
Like gustar likes liked Will like liked liking
Listen escuchar listens listened Will listen listened listening
Live vivir lives lived Will live lived living
Look ver looks looked Will look looked looking
Lose perder loses lost Will lose lost losing
Love amar loves loved Will love loved loving
Make hacer makes made Will make made making
Mark marcar marks marked will mark marked marking
Marry casarse marries married will marry married marrying
Mean significar means meant Will mean meant meaning
Measure medir measures measured will measure measured measuring
Meet conocer meets met Will meet met meeting
Move mover Moves moved will move moved moving
Need necesitar needs needed will need needed needing
Note anotar notes noted will noted noted noting
Notice notar notices noticed will notice noticed noticing
Observed observar observes observed will observe observed observing
Obtain obtener obtains obtained will obtain obtained obtaining
Offer ofrecer offers offered Will offer offered offering
Open abrir opens opened will open opened opening
Operate operar operates operated will operate operated operating
Order ordenar/pedir orders ordered Will order ordered ordering
Overtake rebasar overtakes overtook will overtake overtaken overtaking
Pass pasar passes passed will pass passed passing
Pat acariciar pats patted will pat paned paning
Pay pagar pays paid will pay paid paying
Permit permitir permits permitted will permit permitted permitting
Place colocar places placed will place placed placing
Plan planear plans planned will plan planned planning
Play jugar plays played will play played playing
Plug enchufar plugs plugged will plug plugged plugging
Point apuntar points pointed Will point pointed pointing
Pray rezar prays prayed Will pray prayed praying
Prefer preferir prefers preferred Will prefer preferred preferring
Prepare preparar prepares prepared will prepare prepared preparing
Present presentar presents presented will present presented presenting
Prevent prevenir prevents prevented will prevent prevented preventing
Proceed proceder proceeds proceeded will proceed proceeded proceeding
Produce producir produces produced will produce produced producing
Program programar programs programmed Will program programmed programming
Prove demostrar proves proved will prove proved proving
Pull jalar pulls pulled will pull pulled pulling
Put poner puts put will put put putting
Raise elevar raises raised will raise raised raising
Reach alcanzar reaches reached Will reach reached reaching
React reaccionar reacts reacted will react reacted reacting
Read leer reads read will read read reading
Receive recibir receives received will receive received receiving
Recognize reconocer recognizes recognized will recognize recognized recognizing
Reduce reducir reduces reduced will reduce reduced reducing
Regret lamentar regrets regretted will regret regretted regretting
Remember recordar remembers remembered Will remember remembered remembering
Rent rentar rents rented will rent rented renting
Reply responder replies replied will reply replied replying
Report reportar reports reported will report reported reporting
Represent representar represents represented will represent represented representing
Rescue rescatar rescues rescued will rescue rescued rescuing
Rest descansar rests rested will rest rested resting
Return regresar returns returned Will return returned returning
Ride montar rides rode will ride ridden riding
Ring sonar rings rang will ring rung ringing
Rise subida rises rose will rise risen rising
Rob robar robs robbed will rob robbed robbing
Rub frotar rubs rubbed will rub rubbed rubbing
Run correr runs ran will run run running
Save salvar/ahorrar saves saved will save saved saving
Say decir says said Will say said saying
Scare asustar scares scared will scare scared scaring
Sea ver sees saw will see seen seeing
Seem parecer seems seemed will seem seemed seeming
Sell vende sells sold will sell sold selling
Send enviar sends sent will send sent sending
Serve servir serves served will serve served serving
Shake sacudir shakes shook will shake shaken shaking
Shape moldear shapes shaped will shape shaped shaping
Shave rasurar shaves shaved will shave shaved shaving
Shine brillar shines shone will shine shone shining
Shoot disparar shoots shot will shoot shot shooting
Shop comprar shops shopped will shop shopped shopping
Show mostrar shows showed will show shown showing
Shrink encoger shrinks shrank will shrink shrunk shrinking
Shut cerrar shuts shut will shut shut shutting
Sing cantar shines sang Will sing sung singing
Sit sentar sits sat Will sit sat sitting
Sleep dormir sleeps slept will sleep slept sleeping
Slip deslizar slips slipped Will slip slipped slipping
Smell oler smells smelled will smell smelled smelling
Smile sonreír smiles smiled Will smile smiled smiling
Sound sonar sounds sounded will sound sounded sounding
Speak hablar speaks spoke will speak spoken speaking
Spell deletrear spells spelled Will spell spelled spelling
Spend gastar spends spent will spend spent spending
Spill derramar spills spilled will spill spilled spilling
Split dividir/partir splits split Will split split splitting
Stand poner de pie stands stood will stand stood standing
Stare mirar stares stared will stare stared staring
Start comenzar starts started will start started starting
Stay Quedarse stays stayed will stay stayed staying
Steal robar steals stole Will steal stolen stealing
Step pisar steps stepped Will step stepped sleeping
Stick pegar sticks stuck will stick stuck sticking
Sting picar(insocto) stings stung Will sting stung stinging
Stink apestar stinks stank Will stink stunk slinking
Stop detener/parar stops stopped Will stop stopped slopping
Strike golpear strikes struck Will strike struck striking
Stroke acariciar strokes stroked will stroke stroked stroking
Study estudiar studies studied will study studied studying
Suggest sugerir suggests suggested will suggest suggested suggesting
Support apoyar supports supported will support supported supporting
Suppose suponer supposes supposed will suppose supposed supposing
Surprise sorprondor surprises surprised will surprise surprised surprising
Swear jurar swears swore will swear sworn swearing
Sweat sudar sweats sweated will sweat sweated sweating
Sweep barrer swoops swept will sweep swept sweeping
Swim nadar swims swam Will swim swum swimming
Swing columpiar swings swung will swing swung swinging
Take tomar/llevarse takes took will take taken taking
Talk hablar talks talked will talk talked talking
Teach enseñar teaches taught will teach taught teaching
Tear romper/rasgar tears tore will tear tom tearing
Tell decir tells told Will tell told telling
Think pensar thinks thought Will think though thinking
Throw lanzar throws threw Will throw thrown throwing
Tie amarrar ties tied Will tie tied tying
Treat tratar/convidar treats treated Will treat treated treating
Try probar/tratar tries tried will try tried trying
Turn voltear turns turned Will turn turned turning
Understand comprender understands understood will understand understood understanding
Use usar uses used will use used using
Visit visitar visits visited Will visit visited visiting
Wait esperar waits waited Will wait waited waiting
Wake despertar wakes woke will wake waked waking
Walk caminar walks walked Will walk walked walking
Want Querer wants wanted Will want wanted wanting
Watch ver/mirar watches watched will watch watched watching
Wear calzar/ponerse wears wore Will wear Worm wearing
Win ganar, wins won Will win won winning
Wind dar cuerda winds wound will wind wound winding
Wish desear wishes wished will wish wished wishing
Work trabajar works worked will work worked working
Worry preocuparse worries worried will worry worried worrying
Wound herir/1astimar wounds wounded will wound wounded wounding
Wrap envolver wraps wrapped will wrap wrapped wrapping
Write escribir writes Wrote Will write written writing

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