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TOTAL FINA ELF SAFETY FEEDBACK DGEPISE & NOTICE 16-2002 DGEP/TDOIPIC THE HAZARDS OF PRESSURE TESTING Why this subject ? During hydrotesting and pressure testing operations incidents sometimes happen. This Safety Feedback Notice provides some typical examples which can be used as an aid in highlighting the hazards and dangers involved are what are often seen as routine operations. Details of the 5 incidents Details of the 5 incidents sal vessel Hydro-test of a new vel The root cause of the incident is not fully known but there was some thought that hydro- testing with "very coli” water was @ contributing factor. Fortunately no injuries occurred. 2, Filling of a vertical tank ‘The filing of the tank was made with water from a fire hydrant. The top of tank blew off because the - ~ relief valve could not displace the air fast enough for the volume of water that was being pumped in. Fortunately no injury happened, but an operator was on top of the tank ¢ few seconds before. or rth information please contact Jean-Marc PECQUOIS 33 (0)5 5983 46 5 BB fean-mare DGEPISE 16/2002 October 2002 Page 1/4 TOTAL FINA ELF SAFETY FEEDBACK DGEPISE & NOTICE 16-2002 DGEP/TDOIPJC Emptying of a vertical tank The collapse of this tank happened while it was being emptied. A plastic sheet protecting the root was trapped in the vent; hence a vacuum was caused. ‘The plastic sheet on top of the tank There was no injury. tt should be noted that this type of incident is not that unusual. Sphere collapse The accident happened during the filling of a 2000 m’ LPG sphere. Its legs collapsed. One person was killed and one serious) injured. At the time of the accident, the sphere was approximately 80% full of fresh water. The vessels last hydrotest was 10 years ago and the last inspection of its legs was 5 years ‘ago. Severe corrosion of the legs under the conerete fire protection was the main cause. The corrosion occurred due to water ingress. between the concrete and the steel legs. The water protective cap located over the concrete was not sufficient to keep the water out. After the accident, it was verified that the steel legs had thickness reductions of up to mm, with pitting holes of up to 10cm”. After analysis and tests, it has been found that the following factors caused the collapse: ‘+ Water caps over the fire-proofing concrete were of poor design thereby letting a water penetrate between the steel beams and the concrete. For furter information please contact Jean-Marc PECQUOIS + 23 (0)5 50 83 45 5D £5 jean-mare DGEPISE 16/2002 Ociober 2002 Page 2/4 TOTAL FINA ELF SAFETY FEEDBACK DGEPISE & NOTICE 16-2002 DGEP/TDO/PIC Vertical cracks in the concrete let water in, Repairs had been done to the concrete, but with poor workmanship. The new concrete had not adhered to the old concrete, again letting water in. ‘The deluge system had been tested with salt water, increasing the possibility of corrosion. 5. Emptying of a gear box To speed up the removal of 2501 of oil from a gear-box, the gauge hole was plugged and the breather was connected to the 6 bar air network. ‘The gear box exploded, and threw missiles around seriously damaging surroun: and structure, Fortunately there was no injury. Breather connected to air compressor SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS For each case the specific recommendation are generally obvious incident : Water temperature is critical when hydro testing. TFE specification (6S. PW 211) states that both metal and water temperature during pressure testing shall be maintained at least at 16°C or at least 10°C above the impact test temperature of the metal. 2" and 3 incidents : venting systems shall be inspected and checked before filling and emptying operations. 4" incident : Is a maintenance problem ? Before testing an old vessel, a complete inspection must be performed visually and with NDT. This inspection shall include the vessel, nozzles, appurtenances, and supporting structures. 5" incident : obviously a gear-box is not a pressure vessel, but productivity may lead toa risky attitude. - For further information plaase contact Joan-Mare PECQUOIS ® + 33 (0)5 59 89 45.60 {3 jean-mare DGEPISE 16/2002 October 2002 Page 3/4 TOTAL FINA ELF SAFETY FEEDBACK DOGEPISE & NOTICE 16-2002 DGEP/TDOIPJC RECOMMENDED ACTIONS FOR PRESSURE TESTING Tests may be a routine operation pressure for you, however, do not forget that in fact pressurisation is energy storage. Its instantaneous release works as a bomb and may cause severe damage to persons and equipment. & ‘As for most of the operations, good preparation is essential to avoid incidents. It is recommended to use the following check list > A detailed check list procedure must be prepared as per the standards and specifications. It must cover the testing operation from filling up to emptying the vessel. > Good co-ordination is essential to avoid performing the hydro-test at the same time as other operations. A work permit procedure / Job Hazard Analysis should be used, > The equipment should be in good condition and adequately maintained and certified, > Testing equipment must be as far as practicable from the recording and pumping station, > Testing equipment (even if brand new) must be checked, > The test area must be roped off, > During the test, from filling up until the end of depressurisation, all non-essential people ‘must be out of the test area, > The test crew must attend a toolbox talk, > All people must wear their appropriate PPE, > Inspection for leaks shall be performed at least 15mn after the test pressure has been reached and only by designated personnel, > Never tamper with, or tighten any fitings (Le. connections, bolts, hoses and the like) while under pressure or during pressure-up stages, &* Also do not forget that as pipeline pigging is similar fo pressure testing. As a minimum the seme checklist should be used. 4 For furthor information ploaso contact Joan-Mare PECQUOIS + 38 (0) 60 83 45 6D BB jean-mare DGEPISE 16/2002 October 2002 Pago 4/4 (3) analysis result TER The ratio of the maximum stress value for 45 and 90 degrees was as follows, 45 RISKU 00 F Teo CK SUSRAWHBOLL (45.790) A RORE Ofee Header Branch Railo of the maximum stress value (45.790) Size (D)_| Thick Gam size (a) Thick. (mm) in-plane ou-plane a 10" 13 065 O86 a0 353 065 oe 11.91 20" Tia ort are i 782 0.79 ore 1 638 0.83 oat 30° 30" 72.70 067 O88 a 358 065 OTT 12.70 1e 782 a4 0.80 107 635 085 0.88 2 20° 75.08 088 7.00 ie 11.18 062 a78 15.09 10 ‘827 080 oat e 744 1.00 114 b= 1 ie TE OaT 085 7.92 7 e 6.38 O67 o78 (Ahandliig of SIF for 45 degrees Tee, 45 Tee IH SE DRE ROM Y IRL Based on the above result, in case that header size is equivelent to the branch size, the maximum stress value which occurs in 45 degrees Tee is almost fess than 90 degrees Tee. Therefore, as the safer side, SIF 0f.45 degrees Tee used as same as that of 90 degrees Tee EROBRELY, BRSLUREOY AMB-OBS, 45 & Teo CEC SHAGHWIEL ALO BICSUYT 00 KLYHECCEOT, RAVE LTEARPRBUS 90 KE RM-OWBEBVSCEETS. row Bane ENGINEERING GUIDE TEG1=1313-014 Toxo Ewcmvesnanc Cox, PIPING FLEXIBILITY DESIGN x OE ISSUED | DEC.25,'00 PAGE 1 OF 14 REV. DATE, DESCRIPTION 0 DECES,0O |G) BORE TES H-156E "Design Instruction for Piping Flexibility Analysis") i404 Be apt [SARL CLEATS B AN CHICO E M2 37218 TEM-2016 "Piping iit ”: I= Ltt. mem weienttcr,| MbllyAnavss"eSHE LTEG EL caiatlcteme (@) tence - Ria RE-RERHIN-F he Re (a) tie EE-RERHI-7 em At rarsi4eee TECHNICAL BASIC COURSE (PIPING DESIGN) Structure Stronger Support Required->Civil BQ : UP Request for verification of equipment nozzles : If not strong enough to endure piping load, equipment nozzle to be reinforced->Mech BQ : UP 3. Interfaces in Engineering Activities Refer to 4, Type of Support Refer to & a) "ANCHOR : fixing pipe on support structure b) ‘GUIDE : restraint piping movement perpendicular to axial direction c) "RESTING : just sitting on supporting structure d) ‘DIRECTIONAL STOR: restraint axial piping displacement e) SPRING : piping support for vertical load that allow the displacement of piping system 1) “HANGER: hanging the piping from support structure 5. Category of Load Refer to 6. Evaluation of Load on Equipment Nozzles Refer to 7. Evaluation of Piping [Stress| Refer to .& , 7A Primary Stresses (Stress due to External Load) PRIMARY STRESSES are caused by loads which may lead to'Unaééeptably large deformations or rapture, Example of Loadings which cause primary stresses are; © {SUSTAINED Inads of pressure ad weight ECCASIONAL loads of earthquake and wind 7.DISecondaty Stress (Stress due to Piping Displacement) SECONDARY STRESSES are caused by loads which are cyctic and lead to fatigue failure, Examples of loadings which cause secondary stresses are; H © THERMAL EXPANSION (Startup-shutdown) loads © {LGad8 daised by Vibration % 8. Evaluation for Others © Displacement of Piping System (Interferences, Dropping off etc.) Page 2/3 ATAY GAwADE TECHNICAL BASIC COURSE (PIPING DESIGN) PIPING FLEXIBILITY DESIGN AND PIPING SUPPORT DESIGN Oct 18, 2005 / K, Muraoka ( ing) Reference Document : TEG 1-113-014 PIPING FLEXIBILITY DESIGN (under 2005 ) updating for bilingual translation as of Oct 18, 1. What is the “Piping Flexibility Analysis? Piping Flexibility Analysis: Verification process for piping configuration in standpoint of mechanical strength check chek Pir Routi ne. Piping Str a ing Rout = Ping Sess Pe | << te => [verifies (Tenistvey) = Suppo Suture Sanath + Equipment Nozzles =__Diepracomnont ete U Piping Support location ~ Locetion = Function 2. Purpose of Piping Flexibility Analysis & Support Design 1) To verify the reacting stress in piping due to”static 1oad’ would Tiét bo more’than the allowabley Valle.§ 2) To verify thevreacting stress in piping clue to!cyelie toad or displacement would not be more than) ‘he allowable, and iat be falledi(fatigie fracture), 3) To verify the’ reacting ‘stress in piping due’ to: dvnainie “l6ad ‘or displacement would not cause “detrimental:stress of vibration 7 4) To'Verify the failure'of piping’ supports from overstress would not be occurred 5) To véiifythe leakage af joint Would not be occurred, 6) To verify the load! actina ‘on connected equipment Would’ not cause’ detrimental stresses: of distortion. To satisfy these requirements, only manageable factors in piping design are - © Piping Arrangement (fo be more flexible, increase number of elbows) >Piping BQ:UP © Allocation of Piping Support : Restraint Piping Movement->More Forces acting on Support Page 1/3 TECHNICAL BASIC COURSE (PIPING DESIGN) © Leakage at Flange Joint © Support Strength Ete. 9. Software to be used (CAESAR I!) End Page 3/3, ‘sBuymeig 1eIe0 Hodang (Guyreig Burdig / Bg oyjowlos} uo) Supyieyy poddng| Hoddng ediq 104 uogongsuy UBiseq}: yous e1eq voddng Bundg| dio 1esse] SEeeesISeraapem op oneETS| (12 MLH / Bunejoy / [esse) peo] epzon ena 1007 20 seunjoniig quowdinb: syoeiedtal STE Ote NGS) SATE Gt spueiel soesedie Urey Guidig duo, YO / e108 oB:e1- #0 48410 0 yndNO b-juewyoeny aBeyg ubjsaq Buidig Anoy ubiseq Buldig py roan (1%) wi Bad Baral aT ‘ot v7 zi v7 (A) c- rewpauy Toei) == wo Wa noma [aoe HONE 30S. (¢ snot_[sena aT Te spe ES] stHels ere | BR [or - [elle ea ean loca zs] on i (Wi) soot 3s Or (HL) AME ROUEN Se ess/e-05/¢8 0) aay zal sacs au | wvoraaloe | aya ew 20 [guesses] FOE | | ne] SC tert = : ana a 00 —aee- waamaomsl | fs k te Fa I aaa awe ung SAIUMSSTEL THONMAY OW TELM Tae tare ‘haig WOILASA 803 JOHNS 3aIND TAAL (aneyTD)asaTIN DNldid WINOZRIGH 804 3DHS 3oIND SAAL (anVIO)OSTTIN ‘waar [77 ‘ . Boe ltt exes, B ee if : CW = : | da 2 0) Ako IONE BY (a) NONE NOUN | RUE a ae | aa wen sv ate} tor mae ; foot Tau em ort) a ‘goa a0) r | Sa furor [CR AER ET ae vA . Sanat Sia = A [ ea mera ened wren : ead i esia sae ih TEL SaaS ae fans ass] : Pa ara sr PO 8 sagt ae, ame 12 srraaStioraenernt” —samafihcasate ne diene” aE RT See oe me ee re meee Sharer v7 anor) ze noe si tea EEO seme ara AD (Bk Te Ts WY Nera SNOT TERT WOLVTHISN PE Mm. a ENT : i | ss ; jane | i = ae \ + 1-0¥=20-2ul-I-a-0e-tish SPC cap f= oS 2-8-8 TR rsserey ‘on sna] eyunyue iboats devas De] He 26e\—Gd-Ge_ ws] va fanv lor fava faa ooo wa] SO aT “ah woo Fa) wumanias |%) amaaente 35 #2008" Tore euwic0 - oT WaT . ee (vom sasenio mata -Zofhon arses nas ontsatchgeen bod eer oF SSirvamwbelste-y sha vane a seentn on) wis] veo olliialiSts eon of FE Snaswane not ‘W) e-k sr AE maa fs] » poy MNEE Sea oer Ta v7 asa cxsroyse Ts (sen Rae] sea (A ‘py eum ator bananas wtiee| sro eitinlifie oxox, B [77 23 fisun sia wna a rooster aL JOSE pein 155 “Los oka ata ote he oy re tis GAR STE) serene MEIER [77 su] a[ or | (Gdle'SNI 10H 404) Gamer x | (wate a ut Lm Te TEN TODO oe BVEo ES TS OEE caer fl 1 ose iE peers a cr (nona 0 64) te | vo ne re (np wo sev ma website) fore DOL T DLR) SECURITY LEVEL2 1-1313-014 ENGINEERING GUIDE FOR PROCESS PLANT DESIGN OF PIPING, INSULATION, AND PAINTING PIPING FLEXIBILITY DESIGN Under vpoletin? as of Ou (4 /200h @G Toyo ENGINEERING CORPORATION TOKYO JAPAN SECURITY LEVEL 2 El |G GUIDI sea @ eae NGINEERIN iE TEG Toyo Encrnzeaine Corr, PIPING FLEXIBILITY DESIGN 1-1313-014 IssuEp | JULY.15, "00 [PASE 18 OF 36 3 ASME B314 (9104.8.1) OCIS, 1RGAOMBE LTATORMAMWICSA BAT LS. 7 PD, 0.751 /ix?+ My?+ Mz? $1.05, Sion oe a Zz i: stress intensification factor(The product 0.75i shall never be taken as less than 1.0) Pe Bech PBBRCO.75i2 1) ‘Sn : basic material allowance stress al maximum temperature SHRRRE CST SRANS ED All moment components including torsion components are considered by multiplying the coefficient (0.75) in Consideration of the effect of SIF for primary and sécondary stress. In addition, different from ASME B31.3, SIF does not distinguish SIF of in-plane from that of out-plane. TRIBAL 2RG AIRS S SIF OMPREBRLT 0.75 CUS AMEMTTHY, OYSAHK: COTA Y HMB SRELTVS. His, ASME 831.3 E1kBL SIF IS BulaaELN, b. Evaluation of occasional stresses SMARICNT SHE ‘Stress produced by occasional loads, such as earthquake and wind loads are regarded as primary stresses and added to longitudinal stress St for evaluation. Please note that, occasional loads such as and earthquake loading need not be considered as acting concurrently, and shall be evaluated by adding individual toad separately to longitudinal stress. ASME B31.1 regulates the following formula for primary stress due to occasional loads, WR, AYOMMARICLUEC SGA, REACH L THAMES JICMA THES» » CASRNT SIEM AMC 5 LA SDB RMR LO SISMA CHMBE1T 5. ASME 831.1 TikstICk DTRESHTUS,, sin 2B2, (27 Z Ma: resultant moment loading on cross section due to weight and other sustained loads (mm-N) ‘Ms: resultant moment loading on cross section due to occasional loads such as thrusts from relief / safety valve loads, from pressure and flow transients, and earthquake (mr-N) ke: coefficient for occasional loads Sh : basic material allowable stress al maximum temperature (Nim rf) i ASME 831.37 302.24 describes coefficient K as shown below.” BE, KICMLTIRFOKSICBAS (ASME B31.3“ 302.2498) , + For occasional fluctuations caused by pressure and temperature, EASLUBES S—BMBRBICN LTS, No more than 50 hr at one time and no more than 500 hr/yr. IBSEY OARS OMA, FMS 0 OFFLINE : No more than 10 hr at one time and no more than 100 hriyr. TBS Y ORAM OMIM, Fh 1 0 OFMUAD * When the occasional fluciuations is self-controlled by pressure relieving etc. . RHC MEAMEG ICS Y BEM SBSH LTS, No more than SOhr at one time and no more than S0Ohniyr 2 ket sa goe 7 SECURITY LEVEL 2 aie @ ea ENGINEERING GUIDE TEG ‘Toyo Bneimzrninc Corp, PIPING FLEXIBILITY DESIGN 1-1313-014 issuep | vuLy.15, ‘00 | [PAGE 19 OF 36 Sk Y OBAMAS OMUAT, FAS 0 OFMLAMR 1.2 + For occasional loads, such as wind or earthquake during other operations; k=1.33 TORORRMIAT SA, HRS O RMR SIA Lis, et 33 NOTE “ ASME B31.1/ | 104.8.2 describes allowable stress for occasional loads as follows. 2 ASME B31.1/9]104.8.2 Cit, MATBICMT SHBG LLTUFOKIICMESHTUS, + for occasional loads acting no more than 8 hr at one time and no more than 800 hniyear_: k=1,15 SAEEO 1 DOASMA, 6 BRATS, SERA 600 BEL * for occasional loads acting no more than { hr at one time and no more than 80 hr/year_: DUBBO 1 DOr AISA, 1 RELATE, 4M eo SRILA k=1.20 ©. Evaluation of secondary stresses 2RGACHT SME Secondary stress, which occurs by restraining the displacement from thermal, expansion and contraction of piping, does not relate to destruction of material directly if the stress is within twice the yield stress value. Therefore, the evaluation of the secondary stress is carried out by providing limitation for the fatigue fracture caused by repetition. Secondary stress is evaluated by displacement stress range calculated by difference caused in piping system by between the maximum displacement condition and installed condition. The computed displacement stress range(SE), secondary stress, shall not exceed the allowable displacement stress range(SA) described by following formula, RGORMBH k SBMEWRTSTLICK YES 2 RGIS, BRAD LEE CME DTN (SEMIS ORAS BU, RYURLICK SRBMMICNT SPURL VESTS, 4H HOARE LTS, BARRE LIL OIC URES EMG HORI CHET 3S . 2RGAOPBIK& YMBRIAE CSHAEABA (SE) Ik, TORIC L IRE SHRED IOS (SA) @BATIRESEL. SESSA =F (1.°258.+ 0. 258,) Sc : basic allowable stress at minimum metal temperature expected during the displacement cyclic under analysis (Nim rt) {5 stress-range reduction factors, Cycle,N Factor, t 7000 and tess 7 = ‘Over 7,000 to 44,000 08 i: ‘Over 14,000 t0 22,000 0.8 ‘Over 22,000 to 45,000 o7 ‘Over 45,000 100,000 0.6) ‘Over 400,000 to 200,000) 05 ‘Giver 200,000 te 700,000. 0.4 ‘Over 700,000 to 2,000,000, 03 Itis possible to add (Sh-SL) of primary stress to above formula for evaluation, However, usually it shall not be used in consideration of safety design. (ASME 831.3” 9 02.3.5(0)-(1b)) TREADS SRB (S,—S) SSG ESIMA THT SC CSTE CHAM, ERR SMERTRALGUCE ETS (ASMEBI1.3/ $ 302.3.5(0)-(1b)z) 6 Computed displacement stress range SE is as following formula. 728, HEGAMM (SE) RIK TRDS. sisicoe 2 SECURITY LEVEL ENGINEERING GUIDE TEG ‘Toyo Encimzrninc Core. PIPING FLEXIBILITY DESIGN 1-1313-014 issue0 [ JULY. [PAGE 20 OF 36} se Sb? + 48t* Stress by axial and shear force need not be included to the computed stresses range because the stress Is negligible compared with resultant bending stress(Sb) and torsion stress(Sa) BASEUUAMAISE SHALE, BIFE-AL bE (Sb), BUYE-AYK (St) CKSGAIC HATHACESREICMNSLOT, HHGAMRKRSEE, d, Evaluation for equipment nozzies ME LICHT SME Allowable external forée on-nozzle differs depending on equipment type. In addition, philosophy and of allowable external force differs depending on applicable code, and there are also cases, which vendor standard to be applied. Therefore, itis necessary to confirm which value of allowable external force shall be applied for evaluation. The table 2.2.2 shows classificalion of equipment nozzles and main applicable standards. BROS FIZEYENERO/ ACH SHBAAVRS. Fhe, BHSH SME TES RECMBEREDY, 1-H-ORMABRENSBALHSOT, EOMEHBEELTALSO PEBMIS LTH BENDS. WHR/ ALOMMEEUMBMBER 2.2.2 ELS, Table 2.2.2 Ba Sea Classification Main applicable standards VESSEL ‘ASME Sec. DIV.2, WRC 107 G1) CENTRIFUGAL PUMP ‘API610 APPENDIX F (K 2) CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSOR API617 APPENDIX" STEAM TURBINE NEMA SM-23 Part 8 "AIR-COOLED HEAT EXCHANGER | APIG81 4.1.10 (KS) TANK ‘APIG5O APPENDIX P (4) FIRED HEATER ‘API 560 SECTION 5 NOTES (1) In actual evaluation, equipment Design Division instruction memo No.245° Allowable Piping Load for.Static Equipment Nozzle” based on ASME Sec.\lf DIV.2 and WRC 107 shall be used in ‘conjunction with the simply evaluation method, c . RUROALHIE, ASME SeoWll DIV.2 2 LUWRO 107 ER —ZICMRERRGEHS THEME tate BIL YRS 7 Yay AE No.245" Allowable Piping Load for Static Equipment Nozzle" BHERL HATS. (2) For Non-API pumps, such ag ANSI and ISO pumnps, ‘allowable values differ form API pumps so that it shall be confirmed with vendor for allowable values. : APLIRY TOUR (ANSI KY, ISO IS) MRAEA SRE, HOS AASMR BkbCIF-A\ORBADRE BS. SECURITY LEVEL 2 NGINEERING GUIDE roo BD sxomn ee TEG Tovo Encmnenina Corr, PIPING FLEXIBILITY DESIGN 1-1313-014 00) PAGE 21 OF 36 1S8UED | JULY. (3) 1.33 times API 661 allowable value is required to a vendor as TEC standard because the allowable value for the nozzles mentioned in AP| 661 (1992 edition and later) is very small.-In case that the computed value exceeds the allowable value and Up to 1.66 times API 661 allowable valve, it shall be confirmed with echnical department. J AMC SHBEMFBINE oH, APL 661(1992 FAERIE) TRY SAT S RU © 1.33 FOUBMHE TEC MRE LTAUF-IRERLTNS, CA EBA SBSABAT 1.68 FE TSRBRMICMRT SCL. (4) Spring rate, which defines flexibly around nozzle, is necessary for comprehensive analysis. Therefore, it shall be ebtainad from mectianical denerimert SAMAATICIS 7 ALAMO FLEXIBILITY SRST SCHABNGRE BSI BBE BRORREBT STE, . Evaluation for displacement BORICAT ONE There is no specific requirement for pipe displacement. However, the following points shall be considered. RSOSHRINT SEROMA, UTORCISARMBECHS. + Note that excessive restraint for displacement of piping produces detrimental stress and reaction force to the piping system HBLBMOWRE, RERCHSEGHSLURAEE CSO TRETS, Note the interference between adjacent other pipes and structures BES SORBOA hI IF~—LOFBICRETS. I there is branch, consider the effect from relative thermal displacement between main and branch lines SREMD SBS, BELORNNLMBHICS SBBEAET 3, Consider pipe displacement to prevent support from dropping off. Consider OFF-SET the support location if necessary. : REOBWIZLSIN— hOMBIEETS. BEI CK ME @ OFF-SET FERRIS, + Limitations of the displacement by installation of the guide, stopper and anchor In the actual operation, there are some cases that pipe movement does not 25 designed due to friction or coristruction problems. Therefore, when piping system is long and has excessive flexiblty, the displacement shall be restricted by installing guide, stopper, or anchor etc at the point where does not produce excessive stress and reaction force. RERICSWTS, MRL LOMBIC SY BARBY ICRC SUL RAHA SHSOT, ROWAN FLEXIBILITY AUBAICA SIC, BALA AOR IMO CAE TS CME At KOA bYNS, FUD—-SERIBREMIT 3, {. Evaluation for leakage at fiange connection . DILURORNICNT OH ASME B31.3 does not describe the evaluation method of flange leakage. Therefore, the force (tension) and momient at a flange are converted into the equivalent pressure, and added to design pressure for evaluation. (See ASME Sectionlll /NC-3658, KELLOGG Handbook“Para 2.11). The evaluation for leakage at a flange connection is carried out by following procedure. DY TACORAING SEMARIE ASME 831.3 OPIKIERAMICRM EN TELE FEL LTPSY OMICS Force (313RY) RU Moment E4BSEAIARELT. MEE DIMA STE CHESTS CLLTS. “(ASME Section /NC-3058, KELLOGG Handbook “3.1178, $I) WEOFRTCIS YVR CORNICAT SHH ETS» so1ntedee SECURITY LEVEL 2 NGINEERING GU! ono BD swom ENG IDE Eee aeiette ‘Toyo Enaivzrrinc Coar. PIPING FLEXIBILITY DESIGN 1-1313-014 ISSUED JULY.15, '60 [PASE 22 OF 36 @ Flange subjected to analysis is selected based on the foldwing ofiteria, ( See ASME B18.5Para2.4.2) WRORMICEYNRERSIFVVSMETS (ASME B16. 2.4.2 18M) « + 150 Ib Flange above! 200°C + above 300 Ib flange : above 400°C @ Equivalent pressure (Pe) is calculated by using extemal force on a flange A DSULBISRY S5th (SR) EY, BAIED (Pe) E5RdS. | 1600. ar + i ii M Pe= + aa zoe a G tee Go iG M_ : bending moment. @BLPE—>%27 b (kgf » m) : F Load (tension) ATE GIRY) (kod 6 Pe ; equivalent pressure #8242) (kgf“om*) wverage diameter of gasket face contacting with flange F | HAT y HEMMO FE (om) @ It shall be confirmed that calculated flange design pressure P’, which is calculated by adding equivalent pressure Pe to design intemal pressure P, satisfies P-T Rating in ASME B16.5, or satisfies the stress calculation in ASME Sec. Division 1 - Appendix2. "? REAEPICMAEDP)EMALLOPIETS VUORHEDEL, PA ASME BIS ISMESA TUS P-T Rating ISH SH, Efl&. ASME Soc.\ll Division 1- Appendix2 OM ARNEL LT DSC EEMBTS™ . NOTE P'=P+Pe CAESAR has the function to convert.the force and moment to the equivalent pressure according to above @, compares it with the P-T rating in ASME 816.5, and evaluates stress according to ASME Sec. Division 1 -Appendix2. (Main menu —> Analysis + Flanges) ; CAESARE Cit, LE@QOBAAICH DT Force RU Moment #49 AIL, ASME B16.5 IZ&IF P-T Rating & DLL & U ASME Sec. Vil Division 1 -Appendix2 {= HE DIGARBETSCLACES (Main Menu — Analysis + Flanges) . 9. Evaluation for support strength OR HERIOT SHE . ‘Support strength is determined base on the support material end shape. Support strength can be found ‘out by using pre-calculated materials standard ar cafoulating the strength individually. (Gee TEG1-1314-001) Support shall be designed in order for reaction force not to exceed above mentioned suppor strength, In addition, appropriate loading dala shall be given to,relevant departments when structures, which are not scope of the piping department are used as supports. OK }OMR, RAF SARELUTOBRICAY RES. MRLLTH BADLDERVSD, SKIAODMICHRT SCL THA LOMRERH SHAT] S (HABE TEC1-1314-001 SM). St AICHE CORAM A SOBEMA CUA IRHETI. Ek, RERRUNOGMES Re hELTRAT SRS (S99, Kye OY y FH) (I BICRALTE SIRF sitiadee NE LOADING DATA & 5-2. 3686 be SECURITY LEVEL 2 G oxo @ AeA ENGINEERING GUIDE i TEG Toyo Bnciwreninc Corr. PIPING FLEXIBILITY DESIGN 1-1313-014 ISSUED | JULY.15, 00 | [PAGE 28 OF 38 j (4) Reporting The following documents shall be prepared if analysis result needs to be submitted to owrier by requirement(APPENDIX 3) SRBRICLIURARORWALEEBS, UTOLOEEEDL: a. List Isome Calculation method of displacement for equipment nozzle Evaluation result of extemal force on equipment nozzle Hanget table . Calculation result HR - DISPLACEMENT REPORT (OPE., SUS.) = RESTRAINT REPORT (OPE., SUS., EXP.) - STRESS SUMMALY (SUS., EXP.) K— he fEARy S(APPENDIX 3). 2.4 Countermesure BR If there are problems in the analysis work, by using the following procedure, countermeasures shall be discussed, For changes at final stage of design, method to minimize the impact on cost and schedule shell be considered. ARISE CAME ORBAISIL, WT OMB CARERS EBETRA hBLUAT Fa —NAOMBAWEWHREBA SKIL (1) change of support ORS HEE (2 change of piping route ab RR (3) verification to the vendor ALFANO bo BB, MHA CORMIET EFS. 2.4.4 change of support planning Hk hRIORE ia First, the change of support location shall be considered, and then, the function of guides and directional slop shall be added if necessary. However, the change and addition of support type, which affects cost (e,9 new adaptation of spring suppor), shall be avoided as much as possible. Countermeasure such as adding reinforcements to the support shall be considered, When support strength against reaction force becomes problems, the following figures show the examples of changing support planning. GR- MIBOLBERRL, BUIGCTHT ROT LIL ATA by PS OMREBMLTH Cs | RIV VF ORMRAG EAA CBB ES ASL IGOR $9 4 PORBSLUEMIETS BEGMUSLIITS. he, RACK SHR HOBRMGBL TOBE, MIMS K SAME SRCAMBNETS. YR-HHMORBHAATICRT. SECURITY LEVEL 2 I IDE Gone: o aaa ENGINEERING GU TEG Toro Encineeaine Cone. PIPING FLEXIBILITY DESIGN 1-1313-014 ISSUED | JULY.15,* 09 | PAGE 24 OF 36 a. Change in support location (exceeds primary stress by floating of the resting support) PH MIBORE (LAF 4 VIPR- RESLAYIEL S 1 DA 1-) < a == b. Change in support type (exceeds fixed-end force by thrust) HRS IORM RELGLLSREMRAT —/N—) kl 4h Resting Spring . Addition of support (exceeds primary stress by shortage of support) OR hOBM CHR PARCELS RG AA— A) —_ 2.4.2 change in piping route IL FORE Changing a piping route (re-consideration of piping configuration) shall be considered only if change irr support cannot give the piping system enough flexibility or change causes big cost impact. Change in single piping system shell be carried out carefully considering the relation with other piping. In the review, first, 10 expand the pipe length shall be considered to increase the flexibility by making pipe length longer (loop and expansion of offset). Secondary, bends such as elbows shall be added if necessary. When . changes in routes are carried out, the following points shall,be considered. ORS ROB CET FLEXIBILITY SALIBA DAZ LADBEMAS CU SBA, bORE (BRINT SIAN) £15. HOTTY LOMRLHSOT, MAS 1 ORBIT SE BPS, ANCHO, RELSESETCL (W-IPFIL I bOWAB) TC FLEXIBILITY Hit FOLER- BRL, BRIG CMY RAMU KSICTS, L-bORBETIM, UFORCOWTEBTS. + Absorption of the thermal expar and contraction by piping configuration - SRC £ SRR OMN * + Absorption of thermal expansion and contraction with expansion joint LIANDY BYRD ZORA K SMO BR + Reduction of fixed end reaction force by cold spring A-WER FUL ZORA e SHRERAOER : 8 SECURITY LEVEL2 i q nitnans @ er ENGINEERING GUIDE TEG ‘Tovo Exonvzenina Corr. PIPING FLEXIBILITY DESIGN 1-1313-014 ISSUED | JULY.15, "00 | PAGE 25 OF 36 (1) Absorption of the thermal expansion and contraction by piping configuration BOPRICE SEMPROBR : Piping thermal expansion and contraction can be absorbed by configuration piping flexibility using the bending points. In case of increasing the piping flexibilty by changing the piping configuration, this method ‘shall be used unless there are special requirements. As the representative shapes, there are L- BEND, Z-BEND, and LOOP(below figures). By increasing the bending or expanding pipe span, it increases flexibilty in piping system. The following points shall be considered for the re-consideration. BAY MSEMALT, BPS SAL FLEXIBILITY DY RMBIESRMT So WL— hOB RICKY FLEXIBILITY S287 98S, (RDTRAMMUIRY COAREROS, RRATIARIS, L—-BEND, Z BEND, LOOP (FE) at&Y, Baty MOT MANY EIRYT < CET FLEXIBILITY S189 EMTES, BHICHKOTUTORICEETS, + check the pressure loss of the piging system because pipe route becomes longer Jb PARC RSD, EARNED ERTS + Try to group the loops as much as possible not to waste the space when loops are installed in several lines. BROT VIE FERRETS, AA-AMBBIESTULS TE SHUI TTS, + minimize the bends to save the cost SAPPY FIRS, CH BEAU IED CTS, 77 \ a ie wa ss -L: BEND. 2: BEND. Loop (2) Absorption of thermal expansion and contraction with expansion joint EO ANYY BY AOAC LSRMBOBM Usage of an expansion joint shall be considered when oblaining flexibilty in piping by re-routing or adding loops is difficult to lack of space (See EJMA “Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association for detail). There are two kinds of expansion joint. One is the axial line type which is installed in straight pipe and absorbs the axial expansion and contraction. The other is the hinged type which absorbs the expansion and Gonduction of direction perpendicular to the axis. Both types need not be wide space to be instatled compared with pipe loops. However, 2 joint needs the perfodical inspection because ‘possibility to leak is high due to structural weakness, in.addition to that, because there may be possibility to produce hindrance for long continuous operation, it shall be thoroughly considered for restriction of usage considering process fluld characteristic and process operational point of view. The following points shall be considered for usage of expansion joints. 5 REBMSOMMI:t URED SALE TIT FLENIBILITY £830 LAAMEBA, 19K YY ay RO-AOBMEBNTS (LIRNT Ya YAO AOAC SEMIS TIS, EJMA “Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association” 22982 £) . EGANVYALAO-AOSA Fils, WHEY HY TRABOMERL Ce SHRBE I BAAROMSERINT S SBP Y, UTNE — ISIC TALI AEBEE LAA Yo bho. LALGAS, MENICBULORDORRENS <( EMHGREMDECHY, EM MREELAMMMSHSTHMS SH, FOLARRLRUAMAPERLORBMS ETH BAT Ble: Sh, RBM OUSMTORICEST 3, + fixed end reaction force which occurred at both the ends of expansion joint normally An-AOMMICS CSHERRD SECURITY LEVEL 2 INEERI aan @ fase ENGI ING GUIDE TEG ‘Toyo Encwesrinc Coxe. PIPING FLEXIBILITY DESIGN 1-1313-014 [ISSUED | JULY.15, "00 AGE 26 OF 36 | + proper support selection for allowing expansion joint to function properly EVAR Y ay RO~ KEE BIAS E SEHOT A F a. Fixed end reaction force Fixed end subject to thrust force due to the internal pressure and spring reaction force() due to the expansion and contraction shall be given enough strength. The calculation formula for the fixed end reaction force which occurred by single expansion jointis following formula, AO-AOMMITENECS SHH EMMIS A SILRAMERT SOT, THER OMBBICIET HBB S, UPICMAOKO-ZAICKYSCSRERRA (F) ONHRERT, reaction force acting on the fixed end ARIRINET S RD thrust force by internal pressure WEIS S18 (= A*P) effective cross-section area of the expansion joint SO-AOA MR P: intemal pressure PAE Fx: spring reaction force Ita ( = k*O ) k=. spring constant spring of expansion joint SO —Zoidiae se & = the amount of expansion and contraction of expansion joint AO- 20 bE Fert ee F b. Type and support planning for expansion joint AD-XOS AF EDA PE The proper support shall be installed for the expansion joint to work properly. Table 2.4.2 describes the representative types and installation examples, if expansion joint. AO AMEMISHMTS £5 IBMT FEET S. RAMUAD- ASTI CREMER 24 ZIRT SECURITY LEVEL 2 INEERING GUIDE somo BD seraw SN NE ereeee TEG Toro Bwaiwzsnna Con? PIPING FLEXIBILITY DESIGN 1-1318-014 ISSUED | JULY.15,°00 PAGE 27 OF 36 Table. 2.4.2 c. ae seLTURA RI nae ae Seucase Direction to absorb). Examples of installation | oo it ornal a * displacement: " be pressure est aan sntctve | LI | atten ° 7 wa |. L ap | i-th Axial direction eo” 8 | Univer MIKA E 2 Lateral direction raat lace a | eis waa sete ine] Pressure Sat | Ania rection : Typ} balanced Type BRK GAA) coy [SEI ‘Angular a wings deplooemert (one direction) |Join faxett (245A) s + | gute | ‘Angular : Tye| Gimbal displacoment i 7 (Al direction) 2 NOTE ©? — incase that expansion joints can absorb the axial displacement =o PARORMBPRAHSRS sae (@)Reduction of fixed end reaction force with cold spring . BAIL EAPULFICE SOEMRNOHEI Cold spring is the function to reduce the fixed end reaction force during initial operation by making the pipe short (long) in advance and connecting piping compulsory. However, even. if the operational Inaximum stress valueis reduced, stress occurs at instalation is acting on opposite direction, and stress range between stress at shut down and stress at operation dots not change. therefore, it does nol ease thermal stress caused by repeated cycles of operation and shutdown." In addition, cold spring shall not be used except for the special case because the accuracy in ‘construction and its management are needed. RSLHSMCHGS (VK) Mee LBAIATIC PEMECFSCEMTHS, LPLUNS, Bt AZ OGAEECSO CHRPORAGAE HEF LTS, PLBCOBDE (GAM Poul, YE LBS SRG AORA EBSEUO, Fk, BICLTHEORUIS ) LBREBRE RSI, BUGBAER SAILS. AP SCLCLY, OMNI CSHRRR eae SECURITY LEVEL 2 IN 0) ioe ENGINEERING GUIDE TEG “Foro Bwomvssnuns Cone PIPING FLEXIBILITY DESIGN 1-1313.014 ISSUED | JULY.15,' 00 PAGE 28 OF 36 NOTE Secondary stress calculation with CAESARIL shall be carried out without considering cold spring effect. =o CAESAR CO 2 RUGDH SUBIC — IL KATY LI OMRERLTHI« NOTE ® Considering the accuracy in construction, ASME B31.3 describes that the calculation of reaction Panel conected by multiplying the factor of two-third fo the effect of cold spring. The facor 2, _ is the valve based on experience because all length produced for ‘cold spring can not be guaranteed to be efficient to reduce reaction force. EO — BTOMBICHLT ASME B313 Clk, ROE BEF SICAL EATY YFODRE ae OBMEAITCHIELTINS (28 EAI KATY VFORBERIECEENE E kB 88M). 2.4.3. Verificaiton to the vendor AY F—AORR When external force on equipment nozzle exceeds the allowable vaive, if either changing ‘support or piping Hone esemat solve the problem oF it gives large impact to the design, iis possible to check with vendor {Through mechanical department for confimation of extemal force for individusl hoze. It Is desirable to A een 28 possible because there may be margin for regulated value in the code and standard, oF it can be solved by adding reinforcement. . SH) XVICHDSADMESMEERA THY, MOH PEE ORS TAME LS, RHCSAURBES ALS EBS, BRR EBL CAL TAM AISNY SEORZET SE ERAMRCHS, BBE COMRBLNT SREB NS ORE PHBE EY AMCESTE RHI, CE SEU RUGMICMIRT SC EMBELL YS 3, Concept for the modeling of piping system +‘ REROETY TINT BEAD Usually, comprehensive analysis by piping depariment carried out fe the neat analysis by as the first approximation (oeam structure model). Material mechanical treats piping as continue structure, and by aehoving restrcied points (such as equipment nozzles, supports end etc) and allowing piping to move freely, calculates the siress required to deform the piping and the stress required to deform piping same ‘amount to opposite direction. We, MSR Cin SEMI, ETE VRE SV MEE TY) LUT RUM CHS. PU HASANIS ARIE Y ORME LCR, SRA (BRET IL, HoH ES) EmUROCRERER HICLEBORMEBAESEORUES CEE SOIBERNERD SMILIES D- 3.1 Basic concept of modeling EF MCOSARE Consider linear mode! which has rigidity a the midpoint of pipe cross section (See below Faute), : ones reat ok nave cimersional information such as areas end volumes, and have only iglely for each shape of cross section as aiirbution. Each component of piping is assumed as uniform one and the partial discontinuous plane is not considered. HRERSREMBOP BIE, HSMESH BBE (FH) KHSE BAS. COBB E Ups TRA EH OTS Sy, SRBMRICNT SOMO SRIEE LTH DTS. BEDS. BeBe AEA, MAST MMBILS RENE. . SECURITY LEVEL 2 soev0 @ Pat ENGINEERING GUIDE TEG ‘Toyo Excineeninc Corr. PIPING FLEXIBILITY DESIGN 4-1313-014 ISSUED | JULY.18, "00 PAGE 29 OF 36 In beam structure model, the calculation for straight portion pipe is carried out based on the following assumptions. (LYRBEF UTS, ESHA LUFOMEB SW THHET OTH Se ~The shape of eross section shall nat under the condition of extemal force and moment are acting. WABEUT— Ay PAUP LIGRET, HVDTARIRE BCS Be ~the external force and the moment act on the center of as subjected portion. AHBEUE— AY blk, HRAMLOPVIEAL HBT Se Note that the effect of deformation the shape al bending and branch points is large and is not negligible. rele deve. result calculated in the beam siructure is corrected by multiplying Stress Intensification Factor and Flexibility Factor: sees MAK YASS USSURABIEH LTT GAPE) CL ORENAE CMTE BUTE. fe aE CRIDP-SLRASSLICH L-CHRR (Stress Intensification Factor 8 KU Flexibilty Factor Epnececit RBREME LTS. 3.2 Limitation of application for the analysis model BRET LOMA in the near analysis by the beam strunture madel, there are calculation limitations in the folowing cases. UME FIVE SOMA Clk, LPO RIC DSHELORAM SS. «Larger pipe diameter becomes and thinner wallthickness becomes, greater the difference between ger Pe lual condition becomes, ASME B31.3 indicates thal the coverage of Stress Infensificaion Factor which ean be corrected and Flexibility Factoris defined as D/T100 Ona MeN Int SIEEROR LORNAS (13S (ASME B1.9. Clik Stress Intensification Factor #5 & U Floxbity Factor O#iREEE D/TS100 ELTHS) » = Local stress al discontinuous plane (e.g. wall thickness is not uniform resulted by corrosion or installation of support) can neither calculate-nor evaluated. eee MORRIS LI RIA E> TU SSSGOTEATICAT SRBS AO. HSLUPGMT EEL. oa Plastic deformation and ereep at high temperature cannot be evaluated. BERBPERTOD V-TENRTSCEMTE TS + Compressive stress (ouckling) cannot be evaluated. compressive stress (buckling) IF STRMHS LAU. if abobe listed cases ; become big problems, nonlinear analysis shal be carried out according if necessary. BE, LRORMKS (MBE CORBI, RICE USERS EAT > THT Bo SECURITY LEVEL 2 NEERING GU aera @ Baca ENGINEERING GUIDE TEG ‘Toyo Encinzermee Cor, PIPING FLEXIBILITY DESIGN 4-1313-014 ISSUED | JULY. 15, ' 00 PAGE 30 OF 96 3.3. Modeling, method of each item BUT 1 FLOETY LIAR (1) Piping components REBR Piping components such as valves and flanges, which has information of only face-to-face. cimension ered comeee can be analyzed es rigid model and the mass Is considered as concentrated load in calculation. Niece af the bolts/nuls and gaskets are added to the flange mass. Basically, It's preferred that al he Components are incorporated into the analysis model, However, TEC standerd of the madeling Is follows. KLISISLISOREBAE, BMTREREMRE LTH Fo RETIE LURMET . RRERPMELTS. DIVURRL hth, BAT ROMRLIAS. BM isl SismeMee PUCHAAOS LAE LOM, TEC BRE LTE PUD FICHT SRREUTE tS. in case of 300 Ib and under : 8" and larger Incase of 600 band over: 4" and larger “This standard is defined by considering the effect of concentrated load for the analysis in general. In Tas thatthe effect of concentrated load can not be ignored (e.g. major piping around rotating machine caer ing with double. block valve et), concentrated load is necessary to be Included in anelysis even if itis not applicable for TEC standard of modeling mentioned above. ~ ORMRARSORMICA LAPHBICL SRBESALTRHIO THY, WIM) EO EERECFIVIDY 7 AUISCLY TOVSEMB CE BUBAL LS, BBATHOTLER FEBRUHS. (2) Branch aR When analyzing the piping system with'the branch, in general, iis preferred to model whole Systcrn. Fee ree he TEC standard, If branch pipe size is less than one-third of header pipe size, i is aoare eng io include branch In the system for analysis. For other branch lines, stress evaluation at branch area shall be carried out considering the.displacement of the header pipe. BEMESORERORMEA IMIS, BAVICMSRETT YY TF SCE AWE LUM, TEC HF BOUT, BED 1 ZICHL 1 CRMORERSBLTSEL, KEL, BEMAORENSA ba BAEORSI, RANCH CLE TIUCADE MET DEAS 3, THUAORBC OUTS BEORURELSL CARMOOAE NE BINA F- = @) 45 degreesrbranch 45 BES _ Sires intensification factor for branch making other that @0 degrees is not defined under the code and Sietdard, butt shall be treated as same as the 9O"branch. However, regarding with fo the junction by ‘welding otc, surface is assumed to be smooth finish without notches. OO" RAOMICNT SSARP RBIS CAMEL ESATA, 90" LAFEL HS. KEL, BEMFORSMC BTS, ORESMEVA Le ATLL TERRE T Be (4) Expansion bellows EPAKUY AAD RX Modeling of expansion bellows shall be carried out generally by obtaining following valve (K,0) from vendor. PO RADY SYAD- LORE Vth, BMBLKORI (k, D) VENDOR HEAFLTAM ETD. SECURITY LEVEL 2 INEERI E oe @ ett ENGINEERING GUID! TEG ‘Toyo Encieznins Corr. PIPING FLEXIBILITY DESIGN 1-1313-014 ISSUED | JULY.15, "00 ; PAGE 31 OF 36 2, Elasticity of bellows portion An-ABBOWE (Unial snes, Transverse sifiness, Torsional stiffness, Bending stiffness) input spring reaction forco(K) of each displacement direction, SERAMLHT SLVR W EADT Se b. Effective diemeter of the beliows AD-AORIME Effective diameter of the bellows shal be used to calculate thrust force caused by intemal pressue- {See right figure : D) DE KSHASHRT Fl nat coeee L, fe 1S (HH: D) 6 i jo F F Axial Transverse. Bending. k=Fidx keFidy k=M/deg k=M/ deg (6) Equipment Nozzle aE “ Equipment nozzle is modeled as the fixed point with the displacement. Displacement of the nozzle Shall be mput by obtaining from vendor or by calculating from below simplified method BRREROBEAL UTETY ITB. / AL OBMRIER IY — DOMMES yrAnte BD, SEVFOSRIS EL VMBMISRH SC EMTS Se - OS XV ASE IESR ue “For each nozzle; the displacement is calculated by multiplying the'clistance from fixed paint '@ we rotate ty the coeficient of thermal expansion. Foy ezch equipment, i shal be Kept clear thet where Tred point are decided and what value is uilized as the coefficient of thermal expansion. S/ AUCH, BEADS OR MREME DN CEMRERET BEC LISET I SALUTE, EOMERBRABE UCBU CHER ERE LEAR LTH C- «in case that there Is temperature gradient inside the equipment, displacement of equipment nozzle is Tueateted by considering, the mean temperature between nozzles. Therefore, if rots detailed Gisplacement is tequred to calculate, the temperature disribution shell be confined with mechanical department. BRONDCRRARMASBAICH, / AMMOFHELEAE LCM RMISHRE TOS. 0K EVRREBORERD SLES ORACLE, BESTE CCT «please note that In this simplified method to calculate Aazzle displacement, correction in expansion by the rgidty diference between the shell and the tube for the fixed tube sheet type heat exchanger is. rot considered.

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